1 minute read
Your Revision Guide and Workbook
This Revision Guide will support you in preparing for the exam for Unit R032 Principles of care in health and social care settings. This is the externally assessed unit of your course. The Revision Guide contains two types of pages as shown below:
• content pages which help you revise the content you need to know • workbook pages with practice exam-style questions to help you prepare for your exam.

Activities Activities to help you revise topics, test your knowledge and practise questions.
Revision summary the key points you need to remember. Use these page references to move easily between the linked Revision Guide and Workbook pages. What you need to know summarises key things you need to know for the topic.DRAFT Workbook pages match the Revision Guide pages.
Practice short- and longanswer questions to help you prepare for the exam. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Some answers have been started for you.