95 minute read
Setting up for success
Our aim is to support better learning in the classroom with resources that allow for increased learner autonomy while supporting teachers to facilitate learner learning. Through an active learning approach of enquiry-led tasks, open-ended questions and opportunities to externalise thinking in a variety of ways, learners will develop analysis, evaluation and problem-solving skills. Some ideas to consider to encourage an active learning environment are as follows: • Set up seating to make group work easy. • Create classroom routines to help learners to transition between different types of activity efficiently, e.g. move from pair work to listening to the teacher to independent work. • Source mini-whiteboards, which allow you to get feedback from all learners rapidly. • Start a portfolio for each learner, keeping key pieces of work to show progress at parent–teacher days. • Have a display area with learner work and vocab flashcards.
Planning for active learning
We recommend the following approach to planning:
4 Planning learning intentions and success criteria: these are the most important feature of the lesson. Teachers and learners need to know where they are going in order to plan a route to get there.
Introducing the lesson: include a ‘hook’ or starter to engage learners using imaginative strategies. This should be an activity where all learners are active from the start of the lesson.
Managing activities: during the lesson, try to: give clear instructions, with modelling and written support; coordinate logical and orderly transitions between activities; make sure that learning is active and all learners are engaged ; create opportunities for discussion around key concepts.
Assessment for Learning and differentiation: use a wide range of Assessment for Learning techniques and adapt activities to a wide range of abilities. Address misconceptions at appropriate points and give meaningful oral and written feedback which learners can act on.
5 Plenary and reflection: at the end of each activity and at the end of each lesson, try to: ask learners to reflect on what they have learnt compared to the beginning of the lesson; build on and extend this learning.
To help planning using this approach, a blank Lesson plan template is available to download from Cambridge GO (as part of this Teacher's Resource). We offer a range of Professional Development support to help you teach Cambridge Primary Mathematics with confidence and skill. For details, visit cambridge.org/education
1 Story time
Unit plan
1.1 What makes a story a story? Approximate number of learning hours 1
1.2 Extend your reading range 0.75
1.3 Read and present an extract 0.75
1.4 Check your understanding 1
1.5 Work with verbs and tenses 1
1.6 Explore beginnings 1 Outline of learning content
Use specialised story vocabulary Talk about and compare stories Summarise and retell a favourite story
Discuss and compare features of stories based on personal response Choose a book for a partner Start a reading log Skim read an extract to establish the main point Discuss the features of the text Present an extract reading aloud in groups Understand main idea of the extract Identify relevant detail Relate the story to personal experience Complete the reading log for the text
Revise verb tenses Explore and understand tenses in narrative and dialogue Explore more powerful verbs and their impact Explore the beginning of the story Express a viewpoint about a character Create a story map to describe the characters, setting and plot Write a story beginning Resources
Learner’s Book 1.1
Workbook 1.1
Learner’s Book 1.2
Workbook 1.2
Worksheets 4.1, 4.9 and 4.10
Learner’s Book 1.3
Workbook 1.3
Learner’s Book 1.4
Workbook 1.4
Worksheet 4.1
Learner’s Book 1.5
Workbook 1.5
Language worksheet 1B
Learner’s Book 1.6
Workbook 1.6
1.7 Character and setting Approximate number of learning hours 1
1.8 Create mind pictures 1
1.9 Find out more about the story 1
1.10 Practise using punctuation to read for meaning 1
1.11 Write a story starter competition entry 1
1.12 Write a story introduction 1
Cross-unit resources
Diagnostic check Learner’s Book Check your progress Unit 1 Differentiated worksheet pack Unit 1 End-of-unit test Outline of learning content Resources
Explore how character and setting are developed Recognise how paragraphs organise writing and sequence ideas Choose powerful verbs to create impact Identify key words and phrases Explain how characters and settings are developed Link a setting to personal experience Explore a writer’s choice of words Explore visual clues Read a book description Answer questions using evidence from the text
Use commas to make the meaning of sentences clearer Use punctuation to help read for meaning Practise reading aloud fluently and confidently Read, respond to and develop fantasy story starters Invent a fantasy story starter Design and fill in an entry form Write a story beginning Give feedback on ideas Proofread, revise and edit work Present a story beginning at a festival Learner’s Book 1.7
Workbook 1.7
Learner’s Book 1.8
Workbook 1.8
Worksheet 4.11
Learner’s Book 1.9
Workbook 1.9
Language worksheet 1A
Learner’s Book 1.10
Workbook 1.10
Worksheet 4.2, 4.3 and 4.12
Learner’s Book 1.11
Workbook 1.11
Worksheet 4.2
Learner’s Book 1.12
Workbook 1.12
Worksheet 4.13
Make sure you can confidently use appropriate vocabulary to talk about children’s fiction. Stimulate learners’ interest in different fiction genres by displaying a range of books for them to explore. Direct learners to different genres of fiction in the school or class library. Encourage learners to use book covers to help choose books to read. Encourage learners to try new genres, not just their usual favourites.
Active learning • Use books as a tool to encourage active learning about learners’ preferences and reading abilities. What characters, genres, humour, animals, etc. do they enjoy? The more they listen to each other, the deeper their understanding and confidence will become. • Ensure the classroom is well resourced with books, or organise regular library visits. • Have regular sessions where learners show, describe and report on what they are reading.
Would they recommend the book? To whom?
Why? • Active discussion about books will increase learners’ confidence in using specialised ‘story’ vocabulary. • Encourage reluctant readers to discuss their reading. Guide them towards books they may enjoy. Sit with them as they explore the covers and decide whether to read a book. • Have they enjoyed other books by the same author? Draw learners out slowly until they feel confident to choose and express their preferences. • Set up differentiated or mixed-ability book clubs within the class. Both arrangements benefit active learning. • Let learners talk about and recommend books within book club sessions. They can design book review sheets, or you can provide a selection of differentiated book review sheets. • Reading aloud to each other extracts they have enjoyed provides practice at reading aloud for meaning. • Challenge learners, particularly confident, fast readers, to choose genres they would not normally read to extend their range. Remind them that it is fine not to like a book, but they should be able to express what they did not like about it and use this to inform future choices. • Learners will set up their own reading log in this unit. Explain that this is not just a record of what they have read, but also their responses to it. Encourage them to comment on and compare things they have read, to develop their tastes and preferences. Reflect at the end of the unit on whether the learners have grown in confidence and skills at managing their reading, and how you can help them maintain this momentum throughout the year.
Cambridge Reading Adventures
Learners may be interested in reading a historical story with some similar themes to When the Sea Turned to Silver. One example is Tamerlane and the Boy by Tom
Learning objectives
Learners need to be familiar with and confident using the appropriate vocabulary to talk about stories and books.
Model how to use the vocabulary when asking questions and responding to learners in class.
If you use the appropriate vocabulary, learners will quickly begin to use it to build their knowledge of how stories work from introduction to conclusion. Starter idea Understand ‘story talk’ (15 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; notebooks to use as personal wordbooks Description: Let partners or groups match the key words with definitions, and then pull together a class discussion. Learners should be familiar with the terms but may need to revise them. Remind learners to use these terms when discussing stories. and Tony Bradman (Level 4 Voyagers). In this book, as villages are sacked by the great warlord Tamerlane,
1.1 What makes a story a story?
a boy has to try to save his sister. 4Ri.02, 4Ri.03, 4Ri.07, 4Ri.16, 4Ra.01, 4Ra.03, 4Wv.01, 4Wv.06, 4SLm.01, 4SLm.03, 4SLm.05, 4SLs.01
Learning intentions
Use specialised story vocabulary.
Discuss themes and features of texts.
Retell a story.
Compare stories. Success criteria
Learners can use story vocabulary to discuss stories.
Learners can talk about and compare themes and features of stories.
Learners can recount the main points of a story to an
audience. Discuss other meanings of the ‘story talk’ words in other contexts (e.g. the setting Sun or a plot of land ) to enhance their vocabulary and understanding of words with multiple meanings. Give each learner a notebook to use as a personal wordbook. Encourage them to create different sections (e.g. spellings they need to learn; spelling rules and examples; new words with definitions; specialist topic words; aspirational or interesting words they would like to use in their own writing; and word banks of interesting synonyms for common words). Some learners may need support with new words and definitions. Give them example sentences to show how the words are used in context. Support active learning by encouraging learners to use their wordbooks independently and self-select words they need to learn or want to use again.
Answers: The writer of a story, play or poem – author A person, animal or fictional being in a story – character The ending of the story – conclusion Text taken from a story – extract A synonym for ‘story’ – tale Stories about events that have not really happened –
The beginning of the story – introduction The storyline or sequence of events that make up a story, play or novel – plot The solving of a problem – resolution The place or places where a story takes place – setting A real or imaginary account of an event, or series of events – story The type of story – genre
Main teaching ideas
1 Talk about stories (10 minutes) Learning intentions: Discuss and analyse stories they have been told. Find synonyms for story and discuss shades of meaning. Resources: Workbook activities, board Description: Write synonyms for story on the board. Use an online thesaurus or ask learners to look in their own ones. Encourage learners to use the synonyms in sentences to explore the shades of meaning. Point out that synonyms can have slight differences of meaning or nuances (e.g. yarn implies an oral tale and possibly exaggeration (spin a yarn)). Invite personal responses and build a discussion before separating into groups. Explain that stories learners recall can be fiction, fact, or based on fact with invented details added for interest. Encourage use of the word genre. Use the Workbook activities to reinforce use of story terminology. Explore the significance of where learners heard the stories and who told them: stories can teach something, reinforce a place within a culture, religion or family, or simply entertain. Remind learners about good manners in discussion, taking turns and listening as well as talking.
a Examples: tale, yarn, legend, myth, fable, anecdote, account, recount, narrative, chronicle b–c Learner’s own answers
Differentiation ideas: Keep the learners in mixedability groups, particularly as confident writers and readers may not necessarily be confident speakers. The mixed abilities enable learners to support each other in different ways. Retell a story (15 minutes) Learning intentions: To retell and summarise a story in an engaging way for an audience. Compare and comment on each other’s story. Resources: Notebooks Description: Tell the class a favourite story of your own, or a traditional story appropriate to your region. Oral storytelling traditions include Greek and Roman myths, regional legends and tales, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, folklore, religious stories and epics (e.g. the Ramayana), stories about fantastical creatures or places (e.g. Big Foot, Atlantis, El Dorado and Shangri-La), and even proverbs and sayings within fables. Allow free choice of partners. Encourage ‘story talk’ words and pointing words (e.g. first, second, finally). Explain that summarising means recounting the main events without all the details. Set a threeminute time limit for each story. Discuss oral storytelling, which is important in many cultures, and how oral stories have many versions and can change over time (e.g. in the story of Hercules there are different accounts of how he overcame the snakes sent to kill him as a baby). Explore how stories are changed from books into films. Have learners ever been surprised or disappointed by a film based on a book?
a–d Learner’s own answers. Make sure learners include the genre, setting, characters and plot. Encourage use of specific terminology.
Differentiation ideas: Negotiate with some learners on their choice of partner and then target specific pairs with support, listening in to their discussion and recount, adding ideas of your own.
Assessment ideas: Use the session to informally assess the learners’ competence with story terminology and their ability to express personal preferences. Take note of those who are reluctant for further individual encouragement.
Plenary idea
What’s your story? (5 minutes) Resources: A couple of short stories to tell the learners Description: At the end of the session, bring the learners together and share one or two short stories of your own. Ask if your story is a tale, anecdote, fable or other type of story. Survey the learners to find out what genre of stories they told each other, and which is the most popular genre. If time, invite volunteers to share their stories with the class. Ask learners to reflect on whether they know what they like to read. What would help them make better choices about which books to read in future?
Assessment ideas: Informally assess the learners’ confidence with story terminology. Take note of learners who are reluctant to express their reading preferences.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.1. Ask them to get as far as they can. Extend selected learners by encouraging them to complete Activity 5.
In Activity 1, remind learners how to complete a reading log. In Activity 4, discuss what genres the cover illustrations suggest. In Activity 5, explain that Pliny was a historical figure who lived in Ancient Rome.
Answers for Workbook 1.1
2 3
5 Date: Learner’s own answers. Title: The Pliny Adventures; Author: BC Loveit; Publisher: Scroll Publishing Faiek, Jehan, Pliny, Madame Histoire Should identify Faiek, Jehan and Pliny because the three of them go on the adventures. Learner’s own answers. Likely choices: adventure, mystery, historical, imaginary world, fantasy. Learner’s own answers. Make sure learners express an opinion backed with reasons.
1.2 Extend your reading range
Learning objectives 4Rs.01, 4Ri.02, 4Ri.03, 4Ri.16 4Ra.01, 4Ra.02, 4Ra.03, 4Wv.06 4Wc.08, 4SLm.03 4SLs.01, 4SLg.02 Learning intentions
Discuss and compare features of stories based on personal response.
Choose a book for a partner.
Start a reading log. Success criteria
Learners can talk about what they enjoy in a book.
Learners can discuss character and setting, and link it to their experience. Learners can use a reading log as a record of their reading with their comments.
In this session, learners continue to use story terminology and consolidate their understanding. Only two words are defined. Spud is an informal word for potato. Find out if learners know any other informal words for potatoes used in their region (e.g. tatties or taters). Reinforce learners’ understanding of quirky by discussing quirky characters in books they have read.
Starter idea
Explore your independent reader (10 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; independent readers Description: This session sets the groundwork for extending learners’ range of reading throughout the year. It gets them to look afresh at their independent reading books and gain a deeper understanding of their reading habits and preferences.
Main teaching ideas
1 What features do you like? (10 minutes) Learning intentions: Analyse and compare features of different genres of books. Express personal preferences. Resources: Independent readers; access to school or class library; Worksheet 4.9 Extend your reading Description: Being able to express personal preferences is important for extending individual reading range. Being comfortable that there is no ‘right’ answer is important for reflecting background, and expressing individuality, cultural perspective and creative selfexpression. Encourage learners to remain open to new genres. Getting hooked on a particular author or series can make it hard to move on. Model how to reflect on reading preferences by expressing your own preferences – books you enjoyed at their age and those you enjoy now. Revise genre vocabulary (e.g. adventure, comics, fables, fantasy, historical fiction, legends, mystery, myths, science fiction, short stories, stories from
other countries or cultures, traditional tales, true-tolife stories). Explore how books can cross genres (e.g. both adventure and fantasy).
a–d Learner’s own answers
Differentiation ideas: Use Worksheet 4.9 Extend your reading to challenge learners to read beyond their normal reading patterns. Suggest books to get them going and support them in making further choices.
Choose a book for your partner (10 minutes) Learning intentions: Explore personal preferences in books. Challenge learners to read new genres. Resources: Access to school or class library Description: Partners share their sentences from Activity 1 and say what they have read recently. Explain they should choose a book for their partner that is a different genre from their partner’s usual preference, but still contains something they like (e.g. an adventure story with animal characters). They can discuss the books as they choose them. Hold the session in the library, with the school librarian guiding learners, if one is available. Ask pairs to share what they chose for each other and whether they think they would enjoy the choice.
a–e Learner’s own answers
Differentiation ideas: Work with selected pairs to help them choose books for each other, especially if they are still following a reading scheme. 3
Model how to ask what they like and how to choose a book with at least one feature their partner might enjoy.
Start a reading log (10 minutes) Learning intention: Start a reading log to record reading and reflections. Resources: Notebooks that can be used for reading logs or Worksheet 4.1 Reading log; Worksheet 4.10 Book review Description: Introduce Worksheet 4.1 Reading log as a moment of reflection after each reading session. Learners use the comment section to note favourite characters or reflections on whether they enjoyed it. Alternatively, learners can copy the Worksheet 4.1 Reading log format into a notebook to keep as a reading log. Ensure learners understand what is required in each column as they fill in details of their readers. Book reviews: peer-group book reviews help learners extend their reading range, but reviewing every book can be off-putting. Learners could fill in Worksheet 4.10 Book review for books they particularly enjoyed or did not enjoy. Ensure learners understand that book length does not correspond to difficulty. They should reflect on whether they understood the words and sentences and could follow the story easily. ICT opportunity: research websites that review books for this age group (e.g. visit the Lovereading4kids website) and develop your own resource of reviews. Some websites let you download extracts that you could display and discuss in class. Differentiation ideas: Challenge stronger readers to read a different genre of book or a new author. Suggest books for less confident readers and their partners to ensure a good match.
Assessment ideas: If your school has a formal reading programme, familiarise yourself with where learners are in the scheme. Listen to each learner read to you individually. Use the learners’ reading logs to assess their level and choices of reading. Learners choose a book they would not normally choose to read. Learners find out more about what sort of books they enjoy.
Plenary idea
My commitment (5 minutes) Resources: Notebooks or reading logs Description: Invite volunteers to share with the class what they have learned about their reading. Share again what you enjoy and look for when choosing a book to read. Tell them about a book you unexpectedly enjoyed. Ask the learners to write a commitment in their notebooks or reading logs outlining their reading plans. For example, they could plan to read a different genre, further books by the same author or try other books in the same genre as their current book. They could also commit to reading more regularly or to finish a book within a certain time. Writing down their commitment will help make it a reality. Ask the learners to reflect on whether they have learned anything new about their reading habits and preferences. What would help them make better choices about books to read?
Assessment ideas: Ask learners to share their commitments and discuss their plans. This will allow you to assess which learners are confident about taking control of their reading development and which learners will need more support.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete Workbook activities for 1.2. They may not manage all of them. Negotiate with learners, if necessary, which ones they do. Ask learners to spend an extra 5–10 minutes on independent reading each evening.
Recap the terms fact and fiction. Can learners provide examples of each? Partners can discuss their sentences to check they agree. Challenge learners to change their factual sentences into fictional ones (e.g. There are six dragon eggs in the box) and vice versa. Remind learners to use story terminology in their sentences as well as evidence from the book cover. Remind learners to use evidence to back up their ideas.
Answers for Workbook
2 3 4 a fiction b fact c fiction d fact e fact f fiction Learner’s own answers Learner’s own answers Fiction – because the events are impossible in real life. Insist on at least two examples from the cover.
1.3 Read and present an extract
Learning objectives 4Rw.01, 4Rg.01, 4Rg.03, 4Ri.02, 4Ri.03, 4Ri.10, 4Ri.13, 4Ra.01, 4SLm.04, 4SLg.01, 4SLp.02, 4SLp.03, 4SLp.04, 4SLr.01 Learning intentions
Skim read an extract to establish the main point.
Discuss the features of the text.
Present an extract reading aloud in groups. Success criteria
Learners can skim read an extract using key words and phrases to establish the main point. Learners can talk about character, setting and plot. Learners can read aloud fluently and confidently using punctuation and other strategies to decode unfamiliar words.
The extract is a mixture of narrative and dialogue. The dialogue contains informal expressions and words (kid, spud ) as well as some figurative expressions. Support learners by explaining the figurative phrases (e.g. steer clear of or she’s a total nut). Point out that some words have more than one meaning (e.g. expression: ‘the look on a face’ or ‘the way someone speaks or reads’). When the learners first skim read the extract, suggest they identify unfamiliar words and try to work out the meaning from the context. They can use a dictionary to check. Discuss in what contexts the word churning is most often used – milk can be churned into butter and cement can be churned. Ask the learners if they can empathise with how Will’s stomach must have felt.
Common misconception
Misconception Books are always narrated in the third person. How to identify How to overcome
Ask who is doing the narrating. Point out the language of the narrative allows readers to share Will’s thoughts as it is written in first-person narrative. Encourage them to notice the first-person pronouns (us, my, I).
Starter idea
Explore the title of The Legend of Spud Murphy (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter Description: Direct learners to 1.2, where spud is defined as an informal name for potato, to identify whether Spud is a real name or nickname. Discuss reasons for nicknames (e.g. traditional or regional diminutives, something a younger sibling called them, a personal attribute).
Ask learners what a legend is. Then ask the characteristics of a story that is a legend – they have already learned about myths and legends. Discuss legends as stories from a long time ago, often with a hero having superhuman qualities. If they identify a legend as a person, ask them to think of examples of modern-day legends. Suggest some modern ‘legends’ from your region (e.g. Mahatma Gandhi in India or Nelson Mandela in South Africa). How many of the learners’ ‘legends’ are associated with films, TV or sport? Differentiate being a legend for being famous and being a legend because of achievements.
• It means they are famous for something they have done and the sort of person they are. • Learner’s own answers. Steer them away from celebrities.
Main teaching ideas
1 Prepare to read aloud (20 minutes) Learning intentions: Use keywords and phrases to establish the main point. Differentiate between narrative and dialogue. Resources: The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in Activity 1 Description: Set the context by explaining that it is the school holidays and Mum is trying to think of activities to keep the boys occupied. Organise learners into groups of four to fit the extract: Mum, Dad, Marty and Will (Will and the narrator are the same, but allow learners to work this out for themselves). Remind them that when skimming for key words and phrases, they do not need to read every word; scanning is reading for specific information. They are looking for characters, setting and what’s going on. Encourage predictions, building on discussions about genre in the previous session. Read the Language focus box to remind learners of the difference between narrative and dialogue. Not every bit of dialogue includes who said it. Learners know there is a new speaker from the new line. They must use context to identify the speaker. Reinforce the difference between narrative and dialogue. A story can be told entirely in narrative; a story told entirely in dialogue is effectively a play. Use the Workbook activities for additional practice. Discuss the characteristics of an outside narrator versus a character relating the story, without focusing too heavily on technical terminology. Third-person narrator: the story is recounted from the outside looking in. First-person narrator: a character narrates the story and is part of the action. The reader understands the story from the character’s perspective. Learners are not yet expected to punctuate dialogue completely, but they need to read it and identify when a character speaks. Point out examples in the extract of continuing speech (e.g. lines 19–21) and new lines indicating a new speaker (e.g. lines 8 and 9).
a The family are discussing a holiday activity.
Dad suggests the library; Mum supports the idea. Both Marty and Will are horrified. They aren’t keen on the librarian who allegedly shoots children with her spud gun. b The setting can be established from the illustration – sitting around the breakfast table. c Spud Murphy will be a main character (as will
Marty and Will) and extraordinary in some way. The name’s silliness should indicate a humorous book. It is likely to be about the
‘legend’ associated with the character. d Will narrates the story – he refers to himself as ‘I’. e Four people speak: Mum, Dad, Marty and Will (also the narrator).
Differentiation ideas: Carefully choose groups, either of mixed or similar ability. Groups of similar ability will allow you to spend time supporting certain groups with careful questioning as they skim read the extract.
2 Read the extract aloud and present your performance (20 minutes) Learning intentions: Use punctuation and grammar to read aloud fluently and accurately. Work in a group to prepare a presentation. Use body language and gesture to support reading. Resources: The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in Activity 1 Description: Discuss what each character is like and how they might speak. Will – the narrator; ready to give his opinions. The reader must note when he is speaking or narrating. Marty – Will’s brother; often does silly things. Mum – amused by the boys’ reluctance to join the library but shocked at their ideas about Mrs (Spud) Murphy; convinced it is a ploy not to do any reading. Dad – thoughtful; on Mum’s side. Encourage learners to use different strategies to help them understand unfamiliar words, especially context. Support groups to allocate roles appropriately (e.g. not giving narrative part to weakest reader). Demonstrate how to read each character. Model using body language, punctuation and verb clues (e.g. question mark, exclamation mark, begged, whispered, asked) to add expression. How could Will show when he’s speaking or narrating? (e.g. He could face the audience when narrating and face the characters when speaking.) Allow practice time, and then let groups present their reading to another group or the class. Differentiation ideas: Extend the discussion on narrative versus dialogue. How are plays different from novels? What is lost if there is no narrative? Can they suggest a way around it? Assessment ideas: Assess learners’ ability to add expression, follow speech marks and respond to punctuation. Learners perform a reading so that everyone can hear and enjoy it. Learners prepare their own part and work out what expression to add. Learners practise together and give each other feedback on how to improve.
Plenary idea
Present (5 minutes) Resources: The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in Session 1.3 Activity 1 Description: When groups have finished their presentations, come together and invite one or two groups to perform their reading to the class. Invite feedback, focusing on what they enjoyed as well as areas for improvement. Remind them to consider if they can hear and see the performance – the body language, expression and gesture to accompany the reading. Ask: Did the readers bring the characters to life and sound authentic? Ask learners to reflect on their performances. Did they say their parts on time? Did the reading flow? Could they pronounce all the words? Ask them to note areas for improvement. Assessment ideas: Although you will not hear everyone’s performance, note how well the learners read aloud and get into character. Are they reading for an audience or are they just reading aloud?
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.3. Mark them in class. Ensure more confident learners also complete Activity 3 and check their sentences with a partner. Suggest learners choose a passage of their own from their independent reader to practise reading aloud. Invite volunteers to read their passage in class or listen to individually.
Recap the Language focus box before learners embark on the activities. The activities practise differentiating between narrative and dialogue. They also revise basic punctuation to show dialogue as opposed to narrative. They move from identifying spoken words to adding correct punctuation and starting new lines.
Answers for Workbook
2 a
a b ‘Please hang up your satchels neatly,’ reminded the sports teacher. The girls told their mum what had happened at school. ‘It was hilarious,’ they said. ‘I’d like to help you,’ the teacher said, ‘but you must explain it to me.’ ‘You must be quiet in the library,’ explained the librarian, ‘because people are trying to read.’ ‘No!’ said Chumi firmly to the dog. ‘You are not allowed on the sofa. It’s for people not dogs.’ ‘What have you got for lunch?’ asked Zed. ‘I really enjoy sports day every year,’ I told my grandmother. 3 c The principal announced, ‘The school will be collecting plastic to make eco bricks this term.’ d ‘Give that to me,’ she said. ‘It is mine.’ e ‘It feels like ages until the holidays,’ moaned
Lindiwe. ‘I wish they were next week.’ ‘Do we really have to go, Mum?’ asked Marty and Will in unison. ‘Yes. It will be good for you,’ said Mum. ‘I am not going to change my mind.’ ‘In that case,’ grumbled Will, ‘I had better wear protective clothing. I don’t want to be caught out by that spud gun.’ ‘Nor me!’ laughed Marty. ‘I’m super scared of Spud Murphy!’
1.4 Check your understanding
Learning objectives 4Rv.07, 4Ri.06, 4Ri.08, 4Ri.09, 4Ri.11, 4Ri.14, 4Ri.15, 4Wg.01, 4Wp.01, 4SLs.01 Learning intentions
Understand main idea of the extract.
Identify relevant detail.
Relate the story to personal experience. Complete reading logs for the text. Success criteria
Learners can establish the main points in an extract.
Learners can identify relevant details in the text to support their answers.
Learners can relate the story to their personal experience. Learners can complete their reading log to record their reflections on the extract.
Learners should be confident with the language as they have worked extensively with the text in the previous session. Check they can differentiate between literal and figurative expressions. Mrs Murphy is not literally a nut. It is an informal and figurative
Starter idea
What did you find out about The Legend of Spud Murphy? (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in 1.3 Activity 1 Description: Allow learners a few minutes to discuss what they already know with a partner. Although the book’s title contains Spud Murphy and she is described in the extract, learners may not identify her as a main character as she has not yet appeared. They should, however, infer that she is a main character. She is the antagonist or the supposed ‘enemy’ character, while Marty and Will are the protagonists, the characters followed and supported by the reader. They have escapades that involve outwitting Spud Murphy. Share answers about having such a conversation as this family had at breakfast.
1 Spud Murphy is the main character (the antagonist) – the legend is about her and she is described, but Marty and Will are also main characters (the protagonists). 2 Learner’s own answers
Main teaching ideas
1 Answer the questions (25 minutes) Learning intentions: Answer questions using evidence from the text. Infer information about characters and express a personal response. Resources: The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in 1.3 Activity 1; notebooks meaning of nut – mad. Some learners may need extra support with the figurative expressions in the extract. Remind learners that summarising means not including every detail – just the key points.
Description: Set your expectations and prepare learners by discussing the questions first. Help them identify relevant detail and model answering to demonstrate understanding. After the discussion, allow time to read the questions and re-read the extract. Remind learners to use full sentences for their answers and check carefully for grammar, spelling and end-of-sentence punctuation. Encourage partners to compare answers and clarify differences. This will help them become independent learners who can use a range of strategies to review their work. When everyone has finished, discuss answers with the class to help with the self-evaluation. Selfevaluation is more valuable if learners have an immediate idea if their answers are on track. Encourage the learners to reflect on their own answers directly after discussing the answers.
a Mum wants the boys to join the library as an educational hobby during the holidays. b The boys went to art classes that ended when
Marty became ill from drinking paintbrush water. c The library is Dad’s idea. d Will’s stomach is churning because he’s terrified of going to the library. e It’s educational and Mum thinks Marty and
Will cannot get into trouble reading a book. f She means he dreams about riding horses rather than actually doing so.
h i
Grown-ups only think about what they see – they don’t look deeper to what is really going on. Spud Murphy is the librarian (Mrs Murphy). She is completely mad. A ‘total nut’ is a figurative expression. Mum thinks Mrs Murphy is ‘a lovely old lady’. Will believes she does not show her true self to grown-ups and that she hates children. She used to be an army tracker of children from enemy countries. He believes she shoots children with her spud gun if they are noisy in the library. Learner’s own answers on which view is more likely – encourage reasons. Learner’s own answers; must indicate a personal response.
Differentiation ideas: Some learners could answer the questions in note form. It will demonstrate understanding without pressurising them over the grammar and punctuation.
Complete your reading log (10 minutes) Learning intention: Reflect on and develop preferences about books. Resources: Reading logs or Worksheet 4.1 Reading log Description: Revise how to fill in the reading log, referring to the example in the Learner’s Book, on page 13, or Worksheet 4.1 Reading log. Encourage learners to write whether they would enjoy reading the rest of the book and why. Differentiation ideas: Give some learners specific questions to answer in their reading log rather than allowing free reflection (e.g. Have you enjoyed the start of this story? Why did you enjoy / not enjoy it? What would you have preferred in a story beginning? Would you enjoy reading more of this book? Why?).
Assessment ideas: Assess how well learners make connections among what they read, their understanding of this story and features of stories. After partners have swapped answers, ask them to review answers using the Reflection box. Allow them to make changes afterwards. If needed for assessment portfolios, learners could use paper rather than notebooks.
Plenary idea
Share my log (5 minutes) Resources: Reading logs Description: After learners have finished their reading logs, invite volunteers to share what they have written. Find out if there is consensus on the book’s genre and whether it would be a popular read. Ask about their reasons for wanting or not wanting to read it and tie them to their predictions of what sort of story it might be. Encourage predictions about what may happen in the book. Who will be triumphant – Marty and Will or Spud Murphy? Will the story make learners laugh or keep them on the edge of their seats? Encourage learners to reflect on why they would or would not enjoy reading the rest of The Legend of Spud Murphy. What appealed or what did not? What would made it more appealing? Assessment ideas: Use the final discussion to assess learners’ grasp of the book’s genre and how they relate it to their personal preferences. Predicting if they might enjoy a book is an important skill to nurture and develop.
• They will work with homophones and near homophones. Activity 3 is more challenging and extends learners because they have to work with the sounds to find the alternatively spelled words without context. • Remind them to use dictionaries to help. • Recap noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Point out the spelling of nouns that end in -ice and related verbs that end in -ise, with slightly different pronunciation. • Encourage learners to note the different letter patterns making the same sound. Suggest they write some of the pairs into their wordbook. • In Activity 2, learners analyse the word class of the homophone pairs. Discuss how many are the same or different word classes.
In Activity 3, learners use only sounds (letter combinations). They can use dictionaries to help. Their knowledge of how to make different vowel sounds will be important. Go through the crossword with the whole class even if not everyone has completed it. They will benefit from revising which letter combinations make the same sound.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.4. Go through them in class in the next session.
Answers for Workbook
1 practise–practice, bored–board, device–devise, advise–advice, eight–ate, allowed–aloud, daze–days 2
3 Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs practice practise eight aloud device devise bored advice advise board ate daze allowed days eight
Note that eight is in two columns.
Across Down
5 wear–where 1 paced–paste 8 stare–stair 2 guest–guessed 9 sure–shore 3 course–coarse 10 hole–whole 4 bury–berry 6 hear–here 7 one–won 8 cereal–serial
1.5 Work with verbs and tenses
Learning objectives 4Rv.03, 4Rv.05, 4Rv.06, 4Rg.09, 4Ww.03, 4Ww.07, 4Wv.02, 4Wv.04, 4Wv.06, 4Wg.06, 4Wg.07 Learning intentions
Revise verb tenses.
Explore and understand tenses in narrative and dialogue.
Explore more powerful verbs and their impact. Success criteria
Learners can understand and can use different verb tenses.
Learners can see how tenses are used differently in narrative and dialogue.
Learners can choose more powerful verbs to give writing impact.
Make sure learners are familiar with the language of tenses – past, present and future. It should be revision from prior learning. This session focuses on the simple past for both regular and irregular verbs. The session explores the effects created by using synonym verbs. Encourage discussion on why you might choose one word or another and their impact on your writing. This will encourage learners to focus on their own word choices. In Activity 4e, some learners may need support with begged and its synonyms. This is a vocabulary-building activity, so talk about the meanings of the verbs in the box and give examples of using them.
Common misconception
Misconception All verbs add –ed to the root verb to form the past tense. How to identify Talk about the difference between regular and irregular verbs, asking for examples of verbs in the past tense. This shows some add –ed but others change the word form completely. How to overcome
Practice is critical for overcoming this issue. Helping learners identify spelling rules will activate their awareness of what happens to root verbs in the past tense. Both the Learner’s Book activities and the Workbook provide plenty of practice.
Starter idea
Discuss tenses (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter Description: This is a quick activity to revise past, present and future tenses, and the related terminology. Allow partners to explain the difference between the verb forms I laughed, I laugh and I will laugh and explore the other verbs provided in the same way. Invite pairs to share their discussions. Point out that different pronouns require different suffixes, but only in the present tense.
1–2 Laughed – past tense; laugh – present tense; will laugh – future tense. Do the same with all the verbs: smiled, smile, will smile, etc. 3 In the present tense, when he, she or it is used, the suffix –s is added to the root verb.
Main teaching ideas
1 Work with verb tenses (10 minutes) Learning intention: Revise the past, present and future tenses. Description: Revise verbs and what they do, especially to be and to have. Read the first paragraph of the Spud Murphy extract in 1.3 together, identifying the verbs. Use the Language focus box to revise the tenses. Ask questions (e.g. What did you eat yesterday? You can go home this afternoon and there is no school! What will you do?) and discuss the tense learners use naturally in their answers. Learners are likely to be familiar with the past tense as a story tense. Encourage them to notice it more consciously and remember it as the narrative tense.
a tries/tells tried/told
d reminds/informs/alerts reminded/informed/alerted Possible synonyms for’ ‘tell’: express, speak, say, state, inform, disclose, communicate, voice, articulate. tells implies Mum might not have known what happened; reminds implies she may have forgotten; informs implies something formal; alerts adds a hint of danger.
Differentiation ideas: Pair less confident and more confident learners who can model how to use the different verbs and tenses.
Form the past tense (15 minutes) Learning intention: Learn how to form past tense for regular verbs. Description: Learners should be familiar with adding the suffix -ed to regular verbs. Revise this structure and reinforce the use of past tense in narrative. Three spelling rules for past tense are revised. Write a few more examples on the board (e.g. share, hop, cry). Ask a volunteer to put them into the past tense. Develop the rules together before answering Question c, then allow the learners to test the rules. Write the spelling rules on large cards for display in the classroom. Also display each verb with its irregular past tense partner (read–read, say–said, think–thought, find–found, is–was, has–had ). In Question f, learners match verbs with irregular past tense forms. Supplement this by discussing further irregular past tense forms: dig–dug, wear–wore, sting–stung, grow–grew, feel–felt, buy–bought, drink–drank, pay–paid, get–got. Most learners will know the irregular forms and use them automatically. Learners could write the examples of irregular verbs in Question f in their wordbooks on a special page for irregular verbs. This is a good time to check learners can identify all forms (present and past) of to be and to have. Spelling link: There are more activities on root words and the -y rule in the Spelling section on page 276 of the Learner’s Book. 3
a joined, marched, played, asked, cooked, whispered b loved, arrived, hoped, decided tried, worried, spied clapped, sagged, planned c In a, when the root verb ends in e, only d is added. In tried, worried, spied the y changed to i before adding ed. In clapped, sagged, planned the final consonant is doubled. d hoped, cried, died, fried, carried, hated, studied, stored. e Will’s stomach churned as he visualised
Mrs Murphy in his mind. Her image glared at him, spud gun at the ready. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Mum never changed her mind however much he tried to make her. f say–said, think–thought, find–found, is–was, have–had g Learner’s own answers
Differentiation ideas:
• Work through the paragraph with learners who may need more support before they write it, to ensure they suggest the correct verb and the past-tense form. • Learners can do the Workbook activities to practise working with tenses.
Explore verb tenses in narrative and dialogue (10 minutes) Learning intention: Explore and understand tenses in narrative and dialogue. Description: This activity helps learners notice the variety of tenses used in stories and dialogue. Use questions to help learners differentiate between past and present tense. Ask: How do you feel – hot, cold or just right? This should prompt responses like: I feel . . . I am . . . Then ask: How did you feel yesterday? This should prompt responses in the past tense. Learners should be familiar with identifying dialogue from having read the extract aloud. They should notice a variety of tenses including the present (e.g. You are not . . . it is perfect).
Make learners aware that narrative and dialogue differ. Dialogue reflects how we talk in a variety of tenses; narrative usually reflects how we report events that have already happened.
a Mostly present tense, but spoken descriptions of past events are in the past. It depends on the suffix added or a different past tense form. It is also in the context. b Past tense (e.g. tried, said, was, added ). c Answers may vary but are likely to recognise that narrative is mostly in the past tense; dialogue is mostly (but not always) in the present tense.
Differentiation ideas: Work with small groups to read and discuss dialogue tenses. Point out verbs that are part of the narrative, and use questions to elicit what tense they are in and how they differ from the dialogue verb tenses.
Choose more powerful verbs for dialogue (10 minutes) Learning intention: Explore the impact of using more powerful verbs. Description: Organise learners into mixed-ability groups so able readers can model appropriate expression. This should be a fun activity – encourage exaggerated expressions to match the verbs. Finish by asking learners to suggest which of the verbs might apply to Mum’s mood by the end of the extract: chuckled, laughed (My mother thought this was all very funny). Challenge: Ask the learners to suggest a more powerful alternative for said or asked wherever they are used.
a Learner’s own answers. They should notice the verb encourages them to speak in a particular way to reflect the mood it implies. b Learner’s own discussion c Any of the verbs except laughed and chuckled; said is ineffective because it is neutral, but it is not inappropriate. Differentiation ideas: Work with learners struggling to recognise verbs. Identify verbs in their readers, a paragraph at a time.
Some learners may need support to differentiate between action verbs and the verbs to be and to have. This can be especially challenging where perfect or continuous (progressive) tenses take to be and to have as the auxiliary verbs.
Help the same learners identify the verb tenses, focusing on action verbs first. Ask: Has the action already taken place? Is it happening now or will it happen in the future?
Encourage learners who find it difficult to remember irregular spellings to write challenging words in their wordbooks as words to learn. Suggest they use pencil so they can erase each word when they are more confident of its spelling.
Extend some learners into monitoring the tenses used in their independent readers. Assessment ideas: Use the cloze passage in Activity 2e to assess whether learners are following past tense spelling rules. Check whether learners used irregular past tense forms accurately in Activity 2f. Language worksheet 1B Vocabulary building focuses on choosing words for impact – verbs, adverbs and more interesting synonyms. Use it to assess learners’ understanding of more powerful words and using a thesaurus. It extends their vocabulary so encourage them to note new words or words they would like to use again in their wordbooks.
Plenary idea
Verb quiz (5 minutes) Resources: Bank of verbs – regular and irregular, some past and some present tense – written on (large) slips of paper Description: Hold up each verb in turn. Learners must write the verb in the tense you call out. Go through the answers on the board for learners to check their spellings as well as the verb form. Ask learners to reflect on the verb tense activities. Which tense is used for narrative? How can they tell? What would help them feel more confident about using verb tenses correctly? Assessment ideas: Do an informal survey of how many learners got the verb tenses right and how many got
them wrong in the quiz by a show of hands. Then ask them to put up fingers to show how confident they feel about working with present and past tense – five fingers for very confident and one for needing more help.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.5. Monitor how far they get by going through the activities in class.
1 Read through the Language focus box to remind the learners about specific tenses. 2 Initially, learners complete straightforward cloze sentences. Then they must recognise the correct past tense form – point out that the past-and present-tense forms of the verbs remain the same. Ask if they can think of any other verbs like this. 3 Finally, learners must complete the missing tenses in the grid and work with the irregular verb to have, which is a useful verb for forming tenses.
Answers for Workbook
2 a b c d e a e
worried, had told, kept went, said Past: had, had, had saw, shot wore, wrote hit b hurt let f set c g shut spread d h split
4 Simple past Present Future awoke awake will awake broke break will break froze freeze will freeze grew grow will grow sang sing will sing
Present: have, have, has burst.
1.6 Explore beginnings
Learning objectives 4Rs.01, 4Ri.07, 4Ri.08, 4Ri.10, 4Ri.17, 4Ra.02, 4Ra.03, 4Ws.01, 4Wc.01, 4Wc.02, 4Wc.04, 4Wc.05, 4SLg.03 Learning intentions
Explore the beginning of the story.
Express a viewpoint about a character.
Create a story map to describe the characters, setting and plot. Write a story beginning. Success criteria
Learners can discuss and talk about the features in the start of a story.
Learners can give opinions and views on characters.
Learners can draw up a story map to describe plot, characters and setting.
Learners can write an interesting story beginning that fits knowledge of the plot so far.
Learners are working with the same vocabulary set as for the earlier extract, so they should feel confident with the language. Point out that if you are hooked on something like a book, author or television series, it means your attention is caught.
Starter idea
Explore beginnings (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; independent readers Description: Organise learners into groups to read out the first few paragraphs of their readers to the rest of the group. In turn, the groups can discuss how each book starts, giving their opinions. Learners identify key characters and at least the initial setting. They should also pick up on clues about the book’s genre.
Main teaching ideas
1 Explore the beginning of Spud Murphy (10 minutes) Learning intention: Explore, analyse and talk about the beginning of the novel. You are not physically hooked/caught like a fish. Remind the learners that this is called ‘figurative language’ – it isn’t using words literally according to their dictionary meaning.
Resources: The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in 1.3 Activity 1 Description: Allow time for groups to summarise their ideas about the opening. Remind them that ‘predicting’ is not the same as ‘guessing’. They should use clues from the text to help them predict. Prompt them to use their knowledge of story structure and features when giving their viewpoint on whether Spud Murphy will be more like Marty and Will say or like Mum says. Offer your ideas to model how to summarise.
a Learners may note some or all of the following: tried to save us hints at disaster, but the next sentence shows that it is not serious, only being forced to do an educational hobby. This suggests unexpected adventures and laughs ahead. b Marty, Will and Mrs Murphy. The setting is the library since the book is the legend of the librarian, Mrs Murphy. c-e Learner’s own answers. Make sure learners give reasons to back up their opinion.
Differentiation ideas: Pair less able with more able learners, who could act as scribe and suggest improvements (e.g. in tense). Extend some learners into writing out their summaries before sharing them with the class.
Create a story map (15 minutes) Learning intention: Use keywords and phrases to make notes. Resources: The Legend of Spud Murphy extract in 1.3 Activity 1 Description: Only key words and short phrases should be used. Prompt appropriate words by asking questions (e.g. What do you think Will is like? What does he enjoy? Do you think he exaggerates? Where else might the action take place?). (There is more work on mind maps in Unit 2.) The story map does not need detail – just what learners have established on plot, characters and setting. Invite learners to share their story maps and build a group map as a model for mind-mapping. Use the opportunity to identify adjectives, nouns and verbs on the story map.
Learner’s own answers 3
Differentiation ideas: Allow some learners to work in pairs to create their story map so they benefit from sharing ideas. They can then both use their story map to write their own beginning.
Write a beginning (20 minutes) Learning intention: Write a different beginning. Resources: Notebooks Description: Explain that learners should use their story map to guide them to an alternative idea for how the story could have started. Use questions to encourage creative thinking. What other hobby could they have tried? Could Marty and Will suggest the library as a good idea? Ask learners to write a first draft. They can choose whether or not to include dialogue. Encourage learners to think of an attentiongrabbing first sentence, and to make their beginnings lively and interesting. When they exchange beginnings with a partner, remind them to note what they liked and enjoyed as well as possible improvements.
Learner’s own writing
Differentiation ideas: Some learners can write the first paragraph; others can write several paragraphs as a story beginning. Extend some learners into not only proofreading their work but also using a thesaurus or dictionary to select words to improve their writing. Assessment ideas: Assess whether learners can make links between what they read, their knowledge of stories in general and the predictions they make. Learners summarise on a story map what we know about the characters, setting and plot. Learners can only use key words and phrases.
Plenary idea
Share the beginning (5–10 minutes) Resources: The story beginnings learners wrote in the previous activity Description: When learners have finished improving their beginnings, invite volunteers to read out their beginnings. Celebrate their creativity and compare the ways that, as writers, they have chosen to begin the story. Listen to as many learners as possible. If necessary, listen to some in subsequent sessions. Ask learners to reflect on how they can improve their beginnings after listening to the other beginnings. Assessment ideas: Use learners’ story beginnings to assess their knowledge of the features of a story beginning.
Homework ideas
Learners can do the Workbook activities for 1.6. Selected learners can extend themselves by planning and writing another story beginning in Activities 2 and 3.
Learners can check the introductions of different books if they are unsure of any points. Encourage learners to give evidence and reasons for their opinions. Invite volunteers to read the excerpt out loud. Briefly discuss what they can infer from what the characters say. Encourage learners to imagine what happened and what it must have been like, using evidence in the text. Learners could role-play the scene they plan on the mind map. Remind learners of the key features of the story beginnings and encourage them to focus on an
Answers for Workbook
1 2
attention-grabbing first sentence.
Statements a and c should be ticked. Can accept e. Largely Learner’s own answers. Main characters: Marty and Will; setting: art classroom; what happens: Marty drinks the paintbrush water and is sick. Learner’s own writing.
1.7 Character and setting
Learning objectives 4Rw.01, 4Rv.01, 4Rv.03, 4Rg.01, 4Rs.03, 4Rs.04, 4Ri.02, 4Ri.03, 4Ri.08, 4Ri.13, 4Ra.01, 4Wv.04, 4Wv.06 Learning intentions
Explore how character and setting are developed.
Recognise how paragraphs organise writing and sequence ideas.
Choose powerful verbs to create impact. Success criteria
Learners can use details to explain how characters and settings are developed. Learners can understand how paragraphs are used to organise and sequence ideas. Learners can choose more powerful verbs to create impact.
The extract may contain unfamiliar vocabulary beyond the defined words. Encourage the use of context and dictionaries for decoding words. The story is set in a mythical place in China some time in the past, although it is unspecific as to when or where. It has a historical setting; however, the language is not old-fashioned because the author is modern. There may be unfamiliar names or descriptions because of the cultural understanding of what brings winter. Encourage learners to find synonyms for other words too (e.g. synonyms for brown to describe the village). It will help learners to become more at ease with using a thesaurus.
Common misconception
Misconception Paragraphs are to make texts easier to read by breaking up the text. How to identify Ask the learners the purpose of paragraphs and why they start new ones when writing. How to overcome
Build their answers into a discussion and use the paragraph key to help the learners see why paragraphs are used (to structure content). They also gain practice in Activity 2.
Starter idea
Focus on paragraphs (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter Description: Ask learners what a paragraph is. They have worked with paragraphs previously and are likely to explain it as a block of text. Draw out their definition of a paragraph encouraging the term sentences. Remind them that a sentence contains a verb and a subject, and makes sense on its own. A sentence encapsulates one idea whereas a paragraph develops that idea adding detail. Ask why writers start new paragraphs. Learners at this stage often start new paragraphs when one seems long enough, rather than to mark a new thought, change in direction, new topic or new speaker. Informally assess their grasp of the purpose of paragraphs.
Main teaching ideas
1 Read an extract from a historical fantasy story (15 minutes)
Learning intentions:
• Read an extract for enjoyment. • Scan for specific details. Resources: When the Sea Turned to Silver extract in the Learner’s Book on page 26 in 1.7 Activity 1 Description: This is a challenging text because of the figurative descriptions. Encourage learners to enjoy the language without worrying too much about whether they understand each word or expression. Recap that skimming means quickly reading a text for key words to give the main idea. Scanning requires closer reading to find specific information. Suggest that learners read the extract aloud to each other and then scan it silently to find the information. Learners should quickly identify the main character and scan to find out about her. Explain that learners should begin with the broad setting of the time of year before focusing on the village and then Pinmei’s hut. If necessary, prompt learners to think about the name of the place – it isn’t mentioned but learners could find in the extract the mountainous region, the type of place (a village), location (beneath/on the mountain) and what the weather is like (cold). It could be anywhere, but clues in the text (the name Pinmei, Amah for grandmother, rice bowl, City of Bright Moonlight) suggest that the setting is China or another country in that region.
Ask learners to share ideas about when the story takes place. It does not start with Once upon a time or A long time ago; the start locates it out of time – When the sea turned to silver. This could be a figurative description (e.g. of the sea freezing) or a mythical happening, but these words give it a mysterious, fantasy feel right from the start. The fantasy novel is full of figurative imagery. Encourage learners to enjoy the imagery and mind pictures but not to feel they need to understand every association. They should close their eyes and try to visualise the scenes without needing to explain them.
a Pinmei, a young girl b A mountainous village with a hut up the mountainside c In an unclear time
Differentiation ideas: Pair readers so that the more confident readers can take on more of the reading. Encourage the learner not reading to follow the text closely as it is read out.
Paragraphs organise ideas (10 minutes) Learning intention: Sequence events according to paragraph organisation. Resources: When the Sea Turned to Silver extract in the Learner’s Book on page 26 in 1.7 Activity 1 Description: Remind learners that paragraphs should expand on one idea with detail. Learners consider reasons for starting a new paragraph, which are similar for fiction and nonfiction (different action, time, place or thought) except that dialogue requires new paragraphs in fiction. When learners organise paragraph ideas, show that some ideas span several paragraphs if there is dialogue. While they sequence the paragraph ideas, encourage learners to refer to the text so they can see how the points are linked and follow on one from each other. 3
a The scene is set as winter.
The village and villagers are described.
Amah is introduced and why people visit her.
Pinmei realises winter has been long this year
Pinmei teases her grandmother.
Clues about Pinmei’s character are given. b Link the main ideas to reasons why the new paragraphs were started: change of topic/event.
Differentiation ideas: Allow learners to exchange their orders before finalising. They can discuss differences and negotiate a shared answer.
Explore descriptive verbs (15 minutes) Learning intention: Explore the impact of powerful verbs in writing. Resources: Thesauruses and dictionaries Description: Ask learners to write each underlined verb on a separate line, in alphabetical order. Even if learners know their meanings, let them focus on the reading words in context. Allow learners to use dictionaries when pairing verbs and their meanings in Question c. Recap the meaning of synonym and remind learners that a thesaurus gives synonyms and sometimes an antonym, but not a word’s definition. Model trying thesaurus words in context as not all words are necessarily appropriate. Invite volunteers to read out one or more of their verbs in context after they have compared their choices, and comment on the effect.
a chilled, freeze, grabbed, grinned, pierced, scurry, shattered, taunt b Learner’s own answers. They should use context clues to make sensible deductions. c chilled – froze; pierced – cut through sharply; shattered – destroyed; scurry – move in a rushed way; grabbed – took hold roughly; taunt – mock gently; grinned – smiled widely; freeze – get stuck. d–g Learner’s own answers. Context is very important in all these answers.
Differentiation ideas: Allow learners to work in pairs. Monitor whether everyone can use a dictionary and thesaurus. Encourage learners who are unconfident with a thesaurus to form a small group and show them how to search. Note learners struggling with alphabetical order. Provide an alphabet strip to fold into their notebooks. Assessment ideas: Take note of the learners who can choose interesting verb synonyms to fit the context. Identify whether consolidation work is needed.
Plenary idea
Pinmei verbs (5 minutes) Resources: Thesaurus Description: Write Pinmei’s name in the middle of the board and invite learners to write down interesting verbs to describe her. Based on the text, ask how she moves, speaks, listens and thinks about herself. Then ask learners to imagine her doing things that fit her personality and to give interesting verbs for those (e.g. alternatives for laughs, listens and helps). Share verbs as a class to build a profile on the board. Assessment ideas: Organise learners into groups to share and comment on each other’s verbs. Can they suggest improvements?
Geography: Search for images of different settings (e.g. mountainous areas, villages up mountains) and weather conditions (snow, ice, hail, windy or wild conditions, storms). Learners can identify features in the images as a basis for describing a setting.
Homework ideas
The learners can do the Workbook activities linked to 1.7. Consider which learners should complete Activity 3, which requires them to analyse their independent readers.
Go through Activities 1 and 2 in class and invite volunteers who completed Activity 3 to share their findings. 1 This activity encourages learners to reflect on why writers start new paragraphs. Learners’ stories often end up as a single paragraph unless they make a conscious effort to write in paragraphs. 2 This activity requires the learners to classify the phrases describing character and setting.
Some are from the text; some are inferred from the text. 3 This activity extends learners into thinking beyond paragraphs as distinct units into thinking of whole chapters as coherent episodes in a story.
Answers for Workbook
1 All five boxes should be ticked.
2 Setting Character like sharp needles like the tail of a disappearing mouse up to the mountain unable to gasp for air screaming and as if stung struggling hearty laughs and shy as a little mouse stomping boots bursting it into in her throat darkness rough stone hut alone with Amah trapped in a bowl of ice 3 Learner’s own answers based on their independent readers.
1.8 Create mind pictures
Learning objectives 4Rv.03, 4Rv.05, 4Rv.06, 4Ri.06, 4Ri.08, 4Ri.11, 4Ra.02, 4Ra.04, 4Wc.01, 4Wc.02, 4Wc.03, 4Wc.04, 4Wc.08, 4Wp.02, 4SLg.03, 4SLg.04 Learning intentions
Identify key words and phrases.
Explain how characters and settings are developed.
Link a setting to personal experience.
Explore a writer’s choice of words. Success criteria
Learners can find relevant words and phrases that build up character and setting.
Learners can compare a setting to their own experience. Learners can understand why writers choose particular words.
Learners have already worked with the language in the extract and so should feel confident. The initial activity requires learners to discuss word classes and which ones are useful for finding key words and phrases. Learners should be familiar with regular word classes: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Check they know the other word classes: connectives, prepositions, pronouns and definite and indefinite articles. Ask learners for examples of connectives, especially when they comprise more than one word – and prepositions. Explain that prepositions always appear before the noun they modify to show position. Pronouns stand in for nouns. The and a/an are special words. Give examples so that learners understand the difference, e.g.
put the book on a table (any table) or put the book on the table (specific table). You do not need to do a full grammar session. You can refer to the reference section in the
Starter idea
Identify key words and phrases (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; reference section in the Learner’s Book on word classes/parts of speech, page 285 Description: Check that learners are familiar the words in the boxes. Ask for examples of each word class and explain briefly any that the learners are less clear on. Use the reference section at the back of the Learner’s Book on page 285 to provide more background information. Explore ideas for the most important word classes for key words and phrases.
Main teaching ideas
1 Read the extract and scan for details (30 minutes) Learning intention: Scan for detail. Resources: When the Sea Turned to Silver extract in 1.7 in the Learner’s Book on page 26 Activity 1 Description: This activity, although it looks short, should take most of the session. Recap that scanning means reading to locate specific information; close reading allows learners to begin inferring meaning, motive and message from the text as a whole. Learners refer to the text in 1.7 and 1.8. Encourage lists, mind maps or other methods to note down information. Learners can use colours to highlight and organise the information. Remind them to use key words rather than copying whole sentences from the text. Ask learners how Pinmei’s life might have been different if she had had a brother or sister – would she have been so interested in Amah’s stories? Emphasise that learners are developing their skills by reading as writers, noticing how successful authors build character profiles and establish settings using detail and careful word choice. Learner’s Book on page 285 where more information is given on word classes. The main point of the activity is to focus on nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs as potential key words and phrases.
The text contains two similes as examples of figurative language. Remind learners of the figurative language work done on The Legend of Spud Murphy. In Unit 3 they will pin down like descriptions as similes. Use the Workbook activities for additional practice on building a profile of Pinmei.
a Learner’s own reading. b Learner’s own answers. Check learners are using nouns and verbs especially as key words followed by adjectives and adverbs. c ‘like sharp needles’ – a simile although learners have not yet learned the term d Pinmei’s braid – ‘like the tail of a disappearing mouse’ e Learner’s own suggestions. f She believes that although Pinmei seems shy and timid to others, when the time is right she will do something. She will find the courage to do what is needed even if she is unsure of herself.
Differentiation ideas: Discuss the questions with groups of learners before they write their answers.
Think about the setting (15 minutes) Learning intentions: Represent visually a mind picture built up from key words and phrases. Link a character or setting to personal experience. Resources: A4 plain paper (or notebooks); coloured pencils Description: Learners complete the activity on their own, except when they discuss and compare the setting to where they live to consolidate their ideas before drawing and writing. Learners can draw the village on A4 paper, exploring ways to depict the harsh weather conditions. Alternatively, allow learners to draw
what they think the inside of Amah’s hut is like with all her embroidery threads and materials – warm and cosy compared with outside. Encourage learners to make comparisons using similes – The village is like . . . Where I live is like . . . When they write about whether they would like to live where Pinmei lives, encourage learners to look for positives as well as negatives about her life. The village is not named so suggest they invent a suitable name to refer to it. Remind learners to write neatly on the A4 paper so a display can be made.
Learner’s own discussions, paragraphs and drawing.
Differentiation ideas: Allow selected learners to do a joint activity with one drawing and one writing – but helping each other. Extend learners by asking them to exchange paragraphs and drawings with a partner and suggest changes to improve their work. Assessment ideas: The pictures, mind map and sentences on paper could be retained for portfolio purposes as a record of learners’ understanding of how to identify and use detail to build characters and settings. Negotiate appropriate criteria according to your learners’ differentiated needs using Worksheet 4.11 Describing Pinmei’s village. Suggestions: • I have to build a profile of Fruitless Mountain
Village. • I have to use the editing checklist to edit my work.
Plenary idea
Is it like here? (5 minutes) Resources: Maps and photographs of the local area; illustrations and paragraphs learners completed in Activity 2 Description: Celebrate their illustrations and paragraphs. Do a class comparison of the village and the area surrounding your school. Use maps and photographs to illustrate your local area. Encourage words like rural and urban. Make a wall display supplemented by maps and photographs of your school area. Invite some learners to read out their paragraphs. Finish by surveying the class to find out if anyone would like to live where Pinmei does. Assessment ideas: Informally assess, through their illustrations and paragraphs, whether learners have appropriately interpreted the detail they gathered from the extract. Note which learners can express a personal response and imagine themselves in Pinmei’s position. Use questions to support learners struggling to express themselves.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.8 to provide more practice on building a character profile. Go through the answers in class, inviting learners to read out their responses to Activities 2 and 3.
The When the Sea Turned to Silver extracts are provided in 1.9 of the Workbook, but learners could also answer the questions by referring to their own list of key words and phrases. Activities 2 and 3 extend learners beyond explicit information into drawing inferences about Pinmei’s character. In Activity 3, they respond personally to Pinmei’s character and link her to their own experience. This may be challenging for boys as they may see her as less likely to be a friend, especially if they are in a boys’ school. Approach this sensitively. At this age, learners often prefer same-sex friends.
Answers for Workbook
1 Name:
Place where she lives:
Who is in her family: How long she has lived there:
What she enjoys: Pinmei
Small village stretching up the mountainside, no specific place but the impression of China only Amah, her grandmother Unknown
Listening to Amah’s stories. vocabulary carries over from the extract in 1.8, but Starter idea Explore visual clues on book covers (15 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; cover image of When the Sea Turned to Silver by Grace Lin – available online 2–3 Learner’s own answers. Look for empathy and links to own experience.
1.9 Find out more about the story
Learning objectives 4Rs.01, 4Ri.02, 4Ri.03, 4Ri.06, 4Ri.07, 4Ri.08, 4Ri.11, 4Ri.14, 4Ri.15, 4Ra.01, 4Wc.06, 4Wp.02, 4SLm.03 Learning intentions
Explore visual clues.
Read a book description.
Answer questions using evidence from the text. Success criteria
Learners can use visual clues to infer information.
Learners can read a book description with understanding. Learners can use evidence from the text to answer
Learners read a book description to expand their knowledge of When the Sea Turned to Silver. Some
questions. some learners may need support with some of the vocabulary beyond the glossed words.
Description: Display the book cover you sourced and ask whether it matches what they read in the previous session – asking for reasons. Ask what else they find out from the cover relating to character, setting, time or context. Most covers show an element of fantasy, myth or fable and the book set out of time – often more historical than modern in appearance.
Discuss how book covers affect how we choose a book. Compare the picture you sourced to the covers in the Learner’s Book. In pairs, ask partners to describe each one and whether it tells them anything new or confirms their earlier ideas. Encourage learners to describe factually before making inferences to prevent them rushing to judgements about preferences. Reinforce the methodology – facts before analysis (facts – what they see; analysis – how the details match the story content as far as they know it). Learners then choose which one best matches their impression of the story so far. Remind pairs that they do not have to agree, just explain their view and respect each other’s views. Invite pairs to share opinions and have a fun vote to see which would win the best cover prize. Discuss the saying ‘Never judge a book by its cover’
Main teaching ideas
1 Find out more about the story (15 minutes) Learning intention: Identify key words and phrases to establish the main points. Resources: When the Sea Turned to Silver book description in 1.9 Activity 1 Description: Follow school guidelines about independent research for book reviews, but, as a general principle, encourage learners to look up their books on the internet on reputable sites or under supervision. Encourage learners to read book reviews in newspapers, magazines and online. Reviews by similar-age learners help learners selecting books by extending their reading range independently. There are many good independent bookseller sites; guide learners to relevant retailers in your region. Many books and authors also have their own websites. Remind learners to use key words in the plot notes. Discuss how stories work – beginning, a problem for the hero/protagonist, build up to a climax and a final resolution. Ask what the problem or complication might be and where the climax might come. 2
Learner’s own answers
Differentiation ideas: Allow learners to work in pairs to identify key words. Remind them they are not using full sentences or copying exactly from the text.
Answer questions on the text (10 minutes) Learning intention: Answer questions using evidence from the text. Resources: When the Sea Turned to Silver book description in the Learner’s Book in 1.9 Activity 1 on page 26 Description: When learners identify the tense, discuss that plot summaries and book descriptions often use majority present tense in contrast to past tense narrative as a feature. This activity is mainly about selecting relevant details to form opinions. It involves inferring information from the book description and building on prior knowledge from the extract. The aim is for learners to discuss their ideas rather than write them down. It is time-consuming and frustrating for learners to focus on everything all the time; in this case, grammar and punctuation are secondary – meaning and understanding are more important. Use the Workbook activities to practise finding relevant information to answer questions.
a Mostly present tense (two future tense verbs) b Title: the sea does not turn to silver. Text:
Luminous Stone that Lights the Night, Sea
King’s palace at Sea Bottom, mysterious Lady
Meng, sea dragon horse, Black Tortoise of
Winter, Tiger Emperor. c Learner’s own answers but probably yes, she will find it, but it may not be the answer – the plot needs a complication or problem. d Learner’s own answers but they should identify
Defeating the Tiger Emperor to save Amah and the world as the main idea.
Learner’s own answers which should include things like, the setting is not real, it is set out of time, unlikely or impossible events and so on.
Differentiation ideas: Organise selected learners into small groups to support them in their discussions. Use questions to guide them like: What could not happen in the real world ? Some learners may need more practice before being able to identify hidden or implicit meaning. Use encouraging win–win questions. Win–win questions give the learner little choice but the required answer because the questions are so targeted (e.g. Do you think Pinmei will fight the Tiger Emperor physically, or find a way to outsmart him?). Assess learners’ abilities using the differentiated worksheets to identify key words and phrases to establish the main points. They have worked with key words and phrases on two extracts. This activity allows them to demonstrate their skills at different levels working on a passage providing more information on When the Sea Turned to Silver plot.
Complete your reading log (5 minutes) Learning intentions: Express a personal response to a text. Compare features of texts. Resources: Reading logs Description: Keep the momentum going on the reading log. Once again, encourage learners to say if they would enjoy reading the rest of the book. Do a straw poll on who would read it to establish the class’s preferences. This will inform your choice of class novel and recommendations during the year. Ask learners to recall their opinions of the Spud Murphy extract – they can refer to their reading log notes. Ask them to record similarities or differences they notice, such as main characters, setting, genre, humour and so on. Differentiation ideas: Monitor learners who find it difficult to express their opinions on paper. Sit with them and talk about their responses before they begin to write. Assessment ideas: Take note of learners who would benefit from more support to draw conclusions for further consolidation. Use the differentiated worksheets and Language worksheet 1A Skills development for more formal assessment. Language worksheet 1A Skills development should be done after the learners have read and worked on When the Sea Turned to Silver book description. It contains lower- and higher-order questions with a focus on close reading and understanding words in context. Use it to assess how well learners identify relevant information to answer questions and how well they use context to understand.
Plenary idea
Compare books (5 minutes) Resources: Reading logs and extracts from The Legend of Spud Murphy in 1.3 Activity 1 and When the Sea Turned to Silver in 1.7 Activity 1 Description: After learners have completed their logs, initiate a class discussion to compare the two texts. The protagonist in Spud Murphy is a boy (and his brother) and Pinmei the protagonist in When the Sea Turned to Silver is a girl. Spud Murphy is in a modern everyday setting whereas When the Sea Turned to Silver is set out of time in a fantasy place. Spud Murphy is about brothers having to do an ordinary activity in their school holidays whereas When the Sea Turned to Silver is a fantasy story with a girl setting out on a quest seeking to save her family and village, and requiring special gifts and characters to help her. Encourage learners to reflect on which of the two books they would prefer to read and why. Ask how they compare to their own favourite reading genres. Assessment ideas: Use the class discussion to assess the learners’ ability to compare features and themes of texts. If they need further support with the comparison, this will inform further input on and practice at comparing texts.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.9. All learners should complete at least Activities 1 and 2. Encourage learners to extend themselves by completing Activity 3, which requires more inference and personal response. Go through the answers in class.
Remind learners to look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary. Check learners’ answers to Activity 2 – they do not need to write in full sentences. After learners complete Activity 3, discuss their responses to these open questions with the class and compare ideas.
Answers for Workbook
1 2
4 Reread the extract. a The sea turned to silver (froze?) and the cold chilled the light of the sun. b Enthusiastic and robust. c The Black Tortoise of Winter. d The tortoise was being forced to earth, screaming and struggling, which explained the fierce and wild weather. e The snow was like sharp needles flying at the mountain. All are true except iii (Amah only pretends she is upset), and possibly iv (accept either ticked or not ticked because Amah thinks it’s a royal gift and Pinmei does not – or at least teases Amah that it isn’t). a–e Learner’s own answers. Look for answers backed by detail from the text.
Learning objectives 4Rg.01, 4Rg.02, 4Wg.02, 4SLp.01, 4SLp.02, 4SLr.01 Learning intentions
Use commas to make the meaning of sentences clearer.
Use punctuation to help read for meaning
Practise reading aloud fluently and confidently Success criteria
Learners can use commas to clarify meaning in sentences.
Learners can use punctuation to help read for meaning. Learners can use a range of strategies to read fluently and confidently.
The learners are well-supported having familiarised themselves with the vocabulary in the extract and book description.
Starter idea
Talk about commas (15 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter Description: Organise the learners into small groups to discuss what commas do in writing. Ask them to list the uses giving two or three examples for each use. Learners can then skim through their independent readers for commas, identifying their purpose. They should check their list to see if they need to add anything. Discuss their findings and build up a class list for how commas are used in writing.
Main teaching ideas
1 Read aloud using punctuation (20 minutes) Learning intentions: Notice how commas can change the meaning of sentences. Add necessary punctuation to enable fluent reading aloud. Resources: Worksheet 4.12 Reading for meaning; a paragraph containing commas to read out Description: Reading for meaning both silently and aloud is extremely important; while the processes are different, the need to find meaning through sentences and punctuation is the same. Sentences in Question a change in meaning, depending on the punctuation. This is a fun, warm-up activity to engage learners in looking at punctuation as a tool to help them understand or make meaning in text. Before the next activity, read out a passage of your choice to the learners. If possible, give each learner a copy or project onto a screen or board. Highlight the commas and show how you pause at the commas to create meaning. Ask learners to write out the paragraph to read aloud in their notebooks, adding in the missing punctuation they used to help them read it aloud fluently. 2
1 a The first pair has opposite meanings: Do not stop and Do stop. In I like cooking my friends . . . the friends are being cooked. In I like cooking, my friends . . . the cooking is being liked. In I need silver, paper and glue . . . all three items are needed for the project: silver, paper and glue. In I need silver paper and glue . . . only two items are required for the project – silver paper and glue. b Pinmei knows every one of her grandmother’s tales. In fact, she finds out that she’s a storyteller herself. Everyone is keen to hear her stories. Slowly, she understands that stories are the way to achieve immortality, whether it’s the stories of Nuwa, the Red Stone, the Green Tiger or the Ginseng Boy; her stories bring joy, peace and knowledge to all who hear them. c Commas are used to create a pause to help understanding and to separate items in a list.
Differentiation ideas: As an extension or for further practice, use Worksheet 4.12 Reading for meaning with the paragraph printed for the learners so they can mark where to place the commas, capital letters, full stops, question marks, etc.
Practise reading aloud (15 minutes) Learning intention: Use punctuation to read aloud for meaning, fluently and confidently. Resources: Worksheet 4.12 Reading for meaning Description: Allow learners time to explore reading the paragraphs to themselves and then practise reading them aloud to each other, focusing on reading for meaning by pausing at the commas. Remind learners to follow the text while they read each other the paragraphs so they can follow the comma pauses and give each other feedback.
While learners read the extract to themselves, select individuals and listen to them reading, paying attention to the punctuation. This activity is not just about reading aloud but about reading for meaning. Careless reading leads to comprehension problems. Encourage the learners to reflect on their partner’s feedback and to think how they can improve their reading-aloud skills and fluency. Differentiation ideas: Allow some learners to read the first paragraph only from Worksheet 4.12 Reading for meaning. They can use colours or highlighters to mark where to pause or add expression. The reading for meaning activities can be repeated for different passages and at different levels for different-level readers. Encourage stronger readers to extend themselves into reading more challenging texts and spend time listening to other readers. Hearing learners read aloud is an important teaching tool. Assessment ideas: Make informal notes on the class’s reading-aloud ability. Negotiate appropriate criteria according to your learners’ differentiated needs, using Worksheet 4.2 General assessment sheet. Here are some suggestions: • We have to read the passage closely and decide where to add punctuation to create meaning. • We have to give each other feedback on how well we made sense of the paragraph using punctuation. Alternatively, use Worksheet 4.3 How are your reading-aloud skills?
Plenary idea
Reading unseen (5 minutes) Resources: Extracts from books printed out (or marked in books if no copies are possible) Description: Learners have read both silently and aloud using punctuation to create meaning. Challenge them with an unseen passage. Select several extracts from books at appropriate levels for different reading abilities. Make several copies if possible so that each member of the class has a copy. Organise learners into reading ability groups. Give everyone a few minutes to read the extract and then ask volunteers from each group to read the passage aloud. Encourage groups to give each other feedback on the fluency and whether meaning was clear. Bring the class together and invite volunteers to read aloud from each of the extracts. Encourage the learners to reflect on their reading aloud. If they stumble, where do they stumble? What could they pay more attention to? Does adding expression as well as the punctuation help fluency? Assessment ideas: Assess reading-aloud skills. Move around groups while they read, noting fluency and use of punctuation.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.10. Extend certain learners by encouraging them to complete Activities 3 and 4. Go through the activities in class. Encourage learners to practise reading aloud to a family member or caregiver at home each evening, asking for feedback.
This activity provides practice on commas and meaning of sentences for learners to discuss. The learners add punctuation to separate list items. Remind them that no comma is added before and or or. Encourage learners to read the passage aloud to hear the natural breaks and to identify where punctuation is needed. Discuss how punctuation affects meaning (e.g. compare gasped, frantically scanning . . . and gasped frantically, scanning . . . ). Ask: What did he do in a frantic way?
Answers for Workbook
1 In the first sentence four things are enjoyed, in the second sentence, five things are enjoyed because fudge and cake are separated by a comma.
3 a She collected feathers, shells, pebbles and seaweed on the beach. b Mohammed decided to tie his shoelaces, put on his cap, grab his ball and go outside to play. c Shanaaz did her homework, not that she wanted to. d Patience wondered whether she would get clothes, movie tickets, jewellery or a trip out for her birthday. Suggested answer: The sand dunes shimmered in the early morning sunlight. Slowly and tentatively, a boy of about 4 ten years, unfurled his body, rubbing grit and dust from his eyes. He blinked as if unused to sunlight, shading his eyes with his arm. “Where are you?” he gasped, frantically scanning the horizon. Suddenly, he grinned, clapping his delicate green hands together in delight and darted off in the direction of his gaze. or “Where are you?” he gasped frantically, scanning the horizon. Suddenly, he grinned, clapping his delicate green hands together in delight and darted off in the direction of his gaze. Learner’s own reading aloud.
1.11 Write a story starter competition entry
Learning objectives 4Rs.02, 4Rs.04, 4Ra.02, 4Wv.03, 4Wc.05, 4Wc.08, 4Wc.09, 4Wp.02, 4SLm.03, 4SLr.01 Learning intentions
Read, respond to and develop fantasy story starters.
Invent a fantasy story starter.
Design and fill an entry form. Success criteria
Learners can read and develop fantasy story starters.
Learners can invent my own fantasy story starter.
Learners can design and fill in an entry form according to criteria.
Some learners may need support with some of the listening activity words, especially since they will not see them written down and have time to decode them. Provide them with a glossary at your discretion in advance (e.g. habits, universe, quest, determination, courage). Check that learners are familiar with the words in boxes in Question 1d. Discuss the shades of meaning and nuance attached to each word. Encourage learners to use the words in sentences to demonstrate their understanding. Give examples of your own.
Common misconception
Misconception The start of a fiction story is usually the same, like once upon a time or long, long ago. How to identify Ask learners how stories begin and note how many suggest a formulaic beginning. How to overcome
Explain that certain types of stories suit formulaic beginnings, like fairy tales, myths or legends, or stories that are set out of time. Get learners to look at their independent readers to find out how many have a formulaic first sentence – it is likely to be few or none. Make learners more aware of how fiction stories begin by focusing on the first sentence of any fiction books they come across or read.
Starter idea
Listen to authors discussing fantasy fiction (10 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; Audio track 1.1 Speaker 1 (female): When I plan a fantasy novel, I start with the characters. I like to have a mix of ordinary human characters and animals or creatures, sometimes imaginary, that often have special powers. My animals act and speak like people so my readers can relate to them, but I also try to give them unusual features, ways of speaking or habits – like a dragon who can’t fly or breathe fire, or a fish that can grant wishes but only if you ask nicely. After the characters, I work on the setting. Some part of the story will always take place in an imaginary location or in another world or universe. Sometimes the characters reach that place only after great effort, a test or by chance. The important thing is that the fantasy setting is not like real life. Speaker 2 (male): Fantasy stories have other features too. For example, they involve situations not possible in our realistic world, with lots of unexpected events. They are usually full of action and often follow a pattern of a hero on a quest or challenge, sometimes with a battle of good versus evil. Setbacks are overcome by determination, courage and even kindness. Many fantasy stories are written in third-person narrative, but sometimes they are first-person so you can share the main character’s or hero’s thoughts. Description: Read the questions with the learners before playing the audio so they know what to listen out for. Tell learners to listen carefully the first time just to hear the information as a whole. Consider stopping the audio at various points and discussing what learners have listened to. Make links between what the speakers say and what learners have encountered in the fantasy story, When the Sea Turned to Silver and any other fantasy novels they have read. Encourage them to compare it to their own writing experience. Play the audio once more and ask them to jot down notes as they locate the relevant detail. Learners can then use their notes to answer the questions in discussion either as a class or in groups. If they work in groups, make time for groups to share their answers.
1 She starts with the characters. 2 So the readers can relate to the animal characters. 3 It is important that a fantasy setting is not like real life. 4 Impossible situations, twists and turns, action, hero on quest pattern, good versus evil, setbacks to be overcome.
You can share the narrator character’s thoughts.
Main teaching ideas
1 Read fantasy story starters in a group (15 minutes) Learning intentions: Continue a story from a starter. Write a story starter. Resources: Slips of paper Description: Learners can let their imagination loose in this fun activity. Use one of the story starter sentences or develop your own with the class.
Check the class can identify the unlikely/fantasy element. Then, each learner adds a sentence to create a sequence of events. It does not matter if the story becomes a bit silly as this brainstorming is just to stimulate ideas; the story will not be developed beyond the introduction. Allow five minutes for groups to brainstorm – the time pressure will help creativity and add energy. Learners write their sentences on a slip of paper to give to another group. Ask one or two confident groups to do a live creative session with each adding a sentence. You may prefer to put the story starters in a hat and invite volunteers to add sentences as they are pulled out. Use the adjectives in the boxes in a fun way to demonstrate degrees of intensity and to familiarise learners with the vocabulary. Brainstorm other words including a few they may not know (e.g. mundane, dreary, run-of-the-mill, electrifying, etc). Encourage them to suggest where they fit on the interesting scale. Read out the first sentence of several books for the class to rate, or learners could read out and rate the first sentences of their readers. Before learners evaluate each other's story starters, ask what they think 'page turning' means. Would it be good to be 'page turning' or not? It is a figurative expression but with quite a literal basis.
a–c Learner’s own answers and story starters. d Suggested order as follows, but accept others if the grading is roughly right. Nuance is difficult and readers attach their own interpretations to words. deadly boring dull ordinary interesting intriguing absorbing gripping enthralling
Differentiation ideas: Organise learners into smaller and larger groups for this activity, with more confident learners in larger groups. Work with smaller groups and join in their sessions by adding a sentence of your own. 2 Enter the competition (20 minutes) Learning intentions: Design an entry form. Make notes for a story introduction. Resources: A4 paper for the entry forms; coloured pencils Description: Encourage learners to enjoy designing the form, but the main point is to make notes for a creative story starter linked to a character and a setting. Remind learners to use key words and phrases, not full sentences. They can use illustrations, which can be used in later activities. Writers write best about what they know because they can visualise it. Model what you might include for a story set in the classroom, using key words and phrases related to what you see, hear, smell, touch. Use the story starters in Activity 1 to recap how small details set the mood (e.g. shrieked, mused ). Encourage learners to try ideas on a partner – some may prefer to keep their ideas as a surprise. The forms will make an enjoyable display and allow learners to see how others approach the same activity. Give each form an excitement rating from the more encouraging end of the ratings chart.
Learner’s own answers
Differentiation ideas: Provide learners with a format for an entry form so they can focus on their story starter notes. Allow some learners to use a story starter from Activity 1. They can give more detail on the character and setting. Assessment ideas: Assess how well learners plan and use original ideas. Check that they included something unlikely or impossible in real life in their story starters and entry form. Use Worksheet 4.2 General assessment sheet to find appropriate criteria with the learners. Here are some suggestions: We have to design our own form for the competition.
We have to include key words and phrases on a main character and the setting. We have to include adjectives, adverbs and verbs to show the mood of our fantasy story idea. We have to write a gripping sentence that includes something unlikely or impossible in real life.
Plenary idea
Develop a plot (5 minutes) Resources: A story starter entry form or your own ‘entry form’ Description: Use one of the learners’ entry forms or an entry form you create. Read out or display the entry form by putting the key details on the board with the attention-grabbing first sentence. As a class, develop the plot for a story based on the entry form details. Invite suggestions for what could happen in the story. Ask questions to elicit ideas. What happens to the characters? Where do they go? Whom do they meet? What complication or problem could come up? What happens in the climax? How does the situation get resolved? Slowly build up a plot timeline using the most creative ideas, but also show how the ideas need to link in a logical sequence according to the pattern of a story. Ask learners to reflect on how the plot was built up from the initial entry form details. They can reflect on how there is no one way a story can go. How might they develop their own stories from their entry forms? Assessment ideas: Assess learners’ understanding of story pattern and plot characteristics to inform future work on the ‘story recipe’.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activities for 1.11. They can have fun at home creating imaginative story starters with family members or a caregiver. Workbook Activities 2 and 3 could also be used as extension activities in class.
Go through Activity 1 together in class (most are straightforward but Question g may require discussion) and share ideas from Activities 2 and 3. 1 The learners reflect on the options based on what they would expect or hope to find in an attention-grabbing story starter. 2 Remind learners to write sentences that include a subject and a verb. Encourage them to use adjectives and adverbs to add interest. Discuss different ways of starting sentences (e.g. with a noun or an adverb). 3 Learners extend their creativity – remind them that it’s only the first paragraph. They do not have to develop the rest of the story.
Answers for Workbook
1 All boxes should be ticked except d and j. g may or may not be ticked, depending on how learners view a formulaic start. There is no intrinsic problem with a formulaic start as long as it moves rapidly into something more interesting. Accept answers with good reasons. 2–3 Learner’s own answers and story starter. Look for fantasy elements.
1.12 Write a story introduction
Learning objectives 4Ra.03, 4Ra.04, 4Ww.09, 4Wv.03, 4Wv.04, 4Wv.06, 4Wg.02, 4Wg.04, 4Wg.06, 4Ws.02, 4Wc.02, 4Wc.05, 4Wc.08, 4Wc.09, 4Wp.03, 4Wp.04, 4Wp.05, 4SLm.04, 4SLm.05, 4SLr.01 Learning intentions
Write three-to-four paragraphs of a fantasy story beginning.
Give each other feedback on ideas.
Present and illustrate their beginning at a festival.
Revise draft for spelling, punctuation, grammar and more descriptive verbs.
Use peer-group review on drafts. Success criteria
Learners can write two to three paragraphs of a fantasy story beginning.
Learners can give feedback to partners on ideas and each other’s drafts.
Learners can revise and make changes to their story draft.
Learners can present their work neatly and creatively on paper and orally.
Learners should not find the language challenging as no new texts are introduced. Go through the glossed words and ensure learners understand the
Starter idea
Talk about what you enjoy in a book (5 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book Starter; independent readers Description: Open by talking about what makes learners want to read on once they have started a book. It is one thing to select a book based on the cover, or recommendation from a teacher or peers, but it is another to start the book and want to carry on reading it. Ask learners to reflect on the books they are reading. Are they reading them because they have started them or been told to read them, or are they enjoying the start and feel intrigued to see where it goes? Find out if recommendations from peers help them read on past a beginning they are not enjoying? Has a book definitions so they can understand the words in context.
ever turned out differently to how they anticipated at the beginning? Gather learners’ thoughts and decide if it is worth reading beyond a beginning they find unappealing, or is the beginning essential to get them hooked?
Main teaching ideas
1 Write a draft with more details (30 minutes) Learning intentions: Write three-to-four paragraphs of a fantasy story introduction. Use peer-group review on drafts. Revise and proofread drafts. Resources: Competition entries from 1.1
Description: Encourage learners to use a planning diagram (e.g. a mind map, table or paper divided into blocks). Remind learners to include a strong opening sentence (topic sentence). Set a limited time for the activity. They don’t have to write the entire story, so it doesn’t matter if they can’t think how it will end. If learners have gone off their competition entry idea, allow them to start afresh. Remind learners to use neat, joined-up handwriting so their partner can easily read their ideas. Each learner should suggest at least two ideas for how their partner could make their introduction more effective (e.g. content, action, choice of powerful verb or adjective to intensify the description or mood). Learners must check that their partner included a fantasy element. Discuss TV programmes where each episode ends with a cliffhanger that draws viewers back for the next episode. Explain that before wide publication of books, many novels were published in instalments, and used the cliffhanger technique to increase ongoing sales (e.g. many Charles Dickens books). Decide what grammar and punctuation aspects you want learners to focus on (e.g. speech marks for dialogue, commas). Discuss possible formats for presenting their introduction to the publisher (e.g. storyboard or slideshow presentation, including illustrations). If time is short, suggest that the introductions will only be read aloud and therefore the learners will only need to ensure their punctuation is sufficient for them to read aloud expressively. Consider learners writing/presenting their story introductions in a slideshow presentation. Differentiation ideas: Some learners may need more time for writing. Try to find time to allow them to finish developing their story introductions. Extend some learners into using electronic presentation and proofreading tools. 2 Celebrate your success (15 minutes) Learning intention: Present a story beginning. Resources: Learners’ story beginnings from Activity 1 Description: Make this a fun session. Celebrate all the work learners have done in the unit. They have revised story features (character and setting) and story structure, they have looked at mood and how writers build up profiles and settings from detail. Now they need to feel it is worthwhile being a writer. Create a festival atmosphere. Choose a special location and even invite another class, if possible, to share the occasion. Allow time to suggest story continuation plots and alternative ideas for endings for some of the stories. Differentiation ideas: Don’t pressurise learners to present their introductions in front of the entire class if they don’t feel confident. Allow some learners to present their introductions in small groups. Assessment ideas: Use Worksheet 4.13 Assessment sheet – Fantasy Fiction entry to get learners to assess themselves on writing and presenting their story starter. Check what is required in the success criteria and discuss the completed sheets with each learner. Focus on what they did well and areas for improvement. Negotiate whether you agree with their assessment.
Plenary idea
Book talk (5 minutes) Description: Talk about book reviews and completing their reading logs. Learners’ reading logs help them to manage their reading development whereas book reviews help others select books based on peer recommendation. Remind learners they do not always have to write a positive review of a book. Ask what they find helpful in a book review (e.g. title and author (other books by the same author), plot summary, main characters, setting, genre, reading level, comment and rating). Build a book review form on the board with the class and undertake to print some out for the learners to complete once they have finished an independent reader.
Make space available in your class library or book area for the book reviews to be available for the learners to browse when choosing their next book. Encourage learners to reflect on how they choose books and whether they could improve their strategies to choose more successfully according to their preferences, as well as to try out new genres and authors. Assessment ideas: While building the book review form, note the learners’ confidence levels at talking about what they look for in a book, the features and different genres. Assess their ability to make informed choices about reading, using a variety of strategies from reviewing a book’s cover to recommendations from peers or a teacher.
Homework ideas
Learners can complete the Workbook activity for 1.12. If any learners need more time to finish their writing, they can continue at home. Some learners may want to continue their stories beyond the beginning.
When the learners have completed the Workbook activity on plural spelling patterns, where they work through and test various spelling rules, they should apply their knowledge to their story introduction, check carefully and correct any errors in their work.
Answers for Workbook
For nouns ending in –s, –sh, –ch, the rule is to add –es; for nouns ending in a consonant + –y, the rule is that –y changes to –ies; for nouns ending in a vowel + –y, the rule is just add –s. The rest of the question is open.
2 3 4 5 Most writers use the [introduction] to introduce the story’s main [characters] and the [setting]. Usually the beginning of a story will give you an idea of what [genre] the [author] has chosen for the story, like [fantasy], adventure or true-to-life. The [plot] is what happens in a [fiction] story – the main events leading up to what is hopefully an exciting or satisfying [conclusion]. managed tried crumbled entered carried munched smiled saw had was thought came blew flew felt gave Learner’s own answers. Make sure the verb fits the context. I like mango, ice-cream, jelly and sherbet. I like mango ice-cream, jelly and sherbet.
This work should be done in pairs or small groups. Group learners of similar ability, bearing in mind that creativity and being artistic do not always go hand in hand with strong reading and writing skills. Each pair or group must choose one of their story beginnings to advertise at the festival. They will not have done formal work on advertisements and persuasive writing yet, but they will have prior experience. Bring in a selection of advertisements for books or films. Discuss the purpose of advertisements – to sell you or persuade you to do something. Do not go into as much detail as you would in a unit on advertising and persuasive writing. In this unit, price isn’t a selling feature because the aim is to make somebody read the story. Provide large A1 or A2 sheets of card. Creative layout and design can be a big feature. It would be useful if learners had access to computers and printing if they want to take a multimedia approach. Encourage learners to start with the title as it is a good way to brainstorm ideas before beginning the book description. The description does not need to be detailed – a few plot details without spoiling the climax. Once they have their first draft, remind learners to focus on descriptive words for impact and the importance of proofreading carefully. Discuss how bad it would be to see a spelling mistake on an advertisement. Now they can work on the design, although they may find it easier and more productive to have one person work on the description and one person on the design. Have as many resources available as possible, including IT. Potentially, learners could do some of this work in art classes if you can liaise with the school’s art teacher. The poster display is an important part of the project as showcasing their work allows learners to feel proud of what they have done and they can enjoy and compare posters done by their peers. As a project extension, if any of the learners are excited by their story. Suggest that they write the whole story to share with the class.