How to use this Teacher’s Resource
This Teacher’s Resource contains both general guidance and teaching notes that help you to deliver 1 CELLS the content in our Cambridge resources. There are teaching notes for each unit of the Learner’s Book. Each set of teaching notes contains the following features to help you deliver the unit.
1 Cells
At the start of each unit there is a Unit plan, which summarises the topics covered in the unit, including the number of learning hours recommended for the topic, an outline of the learning content and the Cambridge resources that can be used to deliver the topic.
Unit plan Topic
Learning hours
Learning content
1.1 Plant cells
Structure of plant cells; functions of their different parts; strengths and limitations of models; using a microscope.
Learner’s Book: Questions 1–2
Think like a scientist: Making a model of a plant cell Think like a scientist: Looking at plant cells through a microscope Workbook: Exercise 1.1A, Structure of a plant cell
• This is likely to be the first time that learners have studied animal and plant cells, although learners will have heard about cells and will have some awareness
Working 1.2 Animal in groups 2.5-4 Structure of animal cells; cells comparison plant Many activities in this unit, such asofmaking and animal cells; further a model of a cell, benefit from being consideration of use of models; further practice in using Reflecting the Learner’s Book, eacha microscope. unit consists of topic.
Exercise 1.1C, Different plant cells of them. The diagrams in the Learner’s
BookResource: show all Worksheet of the parts of aPlant cell cell that Teacher’s 1.1A, learners are required to know. Making a structure and function model of a cell will
Worksheet 1.1B, Plant cell structure and function Worksheet 1.1C, Plant cell structure and function Template 1: Assessment sheet for Think like a scientist: Looking at plant cells through a microscope
undertaken group work. Learner’s Book:asQuestions 1–2 Expecting
learners to work together to complete a
Think a scientist:them Looking task like encourages to at animal cells through a microscope Activity: Building up pictures of plant and animal cells
multiple sections. A section covers a learning
Workbook: Exercise 1.2 (stepped), How to use a microscope
Teacher’s Resource: Worksheet 1.2A, Comparing plant and animal cells
Curriculum reference
Worksheet 1.2B, Comparing plant and animal cells Learning intentions Success criteria
7Bs.01 Understand that all
• Begin to learn about • State that all living Learner’s Book: Questions 1–4 organisms are cells.
1.3 2-3 Concept of relationship organisms are made ofbetween cells. structure cells.and Specialised cells function; examples of specialised plant and animal cells.
Exercise 1.1B, Drawing and labelling a plant cell
Worksheet 1.2C, Comparing plant and animal cells: Activity: Structure and function in animal cells Activity: Structure and function in plant cells Workbook: Exercise 1.3 (stepped), How cells are specialised for their functions Teacher’s Resource: Worksheet 1.3, Specialised cells
Original material © Cambridge University Press 2020. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.