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How to use this Teacher’s Resource
This Teacher’s Resource contains both general guidance and teaching notes that help you to deliver the content in our Cambridge Primary English resources. Some of the material is provided as downloadable files, available on Cambridge GO. (For more information about how to access and use your digital resource, please see inside front cover.) See the Contents page for details of all the material available to you, both in this book and through Cambridge GO.
Teaching notes This book provides teaching notes for each unit of the Learner’s Book and Workbook. Each set of teaching notes contains the following features to help you deliver the unit. 1 Friends and families The Unit plan summarises the topics covered in the unit, including the number of learning hours recommended for the topic, an outline of the learning content and the Cambridge resources that can be used to deliver the topic. Unit plan
Topic Approximate number of learning hours Outline of learning content Resources
1.1 Friends at 2+ Learners read a poem about what Learner’s Book Session 1.1 school humans are made of. They listen to a story about a ‘Show and Tell’ day and Workbook Session 1.1 answer questions about it. Finally, Differentiation worksheets 1A–C they plan their own ‘Show and Tell’ The Background knowledge feature explains prior knowledge required to access the unit and gives BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE presentation. Audio track 01 1.2 A family 1.5 Learners read part 1 of a story about Learner’s Book Session 1.2 suggestions for addressing any gaps in your learners’ prior knowledge. It is helpful to be familiar with the following subject knowledge for this unit: adventure a family adventure. They answer comprehension questions, and Workbook Session 1.2 Learners’ prior knowledge can be informally assessed through the Getting started feature in the Learner’s Book. • ways to present personal information, talk about feelings, understand humour, talk about friend and family relationships, and describe explore words and phrases – including those with prefixes and suffixes. Language worksheet 1.1 1.3 Retelling 2+ Learners recall part 1 of the story Learner’s Book Session 1.3 and acting what characters say and doand tell part 2 using a sequence of pictures. They sequence the whole Workbook Session 1.3 The Teaching skills focus feature covers a teaching skill and suggests how to implement it in the unit. TEACHING SKILLS FOCUS story and act it in groups. Worksheets 1.2 and 1.3 1.4 Describing 2.5 Learners listen to a list poem and Learner’s Book Session 1.4 what characters do Metacognition describes the processes involved when learners plan, monitor, evaluate and make changes answer questions about it. They explore vocabulary, spelling and the Workbook Session 1.4 to their own learning behaviours and become self-use of the comma in a list. They write Worksheet 1.4 their own lists. regulating learners. To use this, you could:
1.5 Challenges and excuses 2 Learners talk about challenges before listening to and then silently reading this first story about brothers. They answer questions, explore word and phrase meanings and identify verb endings –ed and –ing. Learner’s Book Session 1.5
Reflecting the Learner’s Book, each unit consists of multiple sections. A section covers a learning topic. At the start of each section, the Learning plan table includes the learning objectives, learning intentions and success criteria that are covered in the section. It can be helpful to share learning intentions and success criteria with your learners at the start of a lesson so that they can begin to take responsibility for their own learning
Learning objectives 2Rw.05, 2Rw.06, 2Rv.01, Learning intentions
To listen and respond to questions about a story. Success criteria
Learners can listen and respond to questions about a story.
There are often common misconceptions associated with particular learning topics. These are listed, along with suggestions for identifying evidence of the misconceptions in your class and suggestions for how to overcome them.
Misconception Fiction stories about information are not stories. How to identify Ask learners if the story book, The Show and Tell Day is fiction or non-fiction. How to overcome
Discuss that it is a story book about information – but it is still a story. Share some non-fiction books to accompany the fiction content, e.g. photo books with information about shells and stones, origami and kites.
For each topic, there is a selection of starter ideas, main teaching ideas and plenary ideas. You can pick out individual ideas and mix and match them depending on the needs of your class. The activities include suggestions for how they can be differentiated or used for assessment. Homework ideas are also provided.
Starter idea
About me (10–15 minutes) Resources: Learner’s Book, Session 1.1, Getting started; further pictures or photos of different family groupings Description: Ask learners to talk about their friends and families. Be sensitive to different learners’ family situations. Ask them to work with a partner to explore and talk about the big picture noticeboard in Learner’s Book, Session 1.1.
Main teaching ideas
1 Listening to The Show and Tell Day (15–30 minutes) Learning intention: to listen to a story and answer questions about it Resources: Learner’s Book, Session 1.1, Activity 1; Workbook 1.1; Worksheet 1.1; Audio track 01: The Show and Tell Day Description: Tell learners they are going to hear a story about a ‘Show and Tell’ day. (Explain the term ‘show and tell’ if learners don’t know it.)
The Language support feature contains suggestions for how to support learners with English as an additional language. The vocabulary terms and definitions from the Learner’s Book are also collected here. LANGUAGE SUPPORT
Learners will benefit from reading the Cambridge Reading Adventures book, The Show and Tell Day and matching the ‘Show and Tell’ objects to each character. This may be achieved by making simple character puppets for story retelling.
The Cross-curricular links feature provides suggestions for linking to other subject areas. CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS
Science: Learners explore sources of power. Explain how a torch works or set up a simple battery circuit.
Digital resources to download
This Teacher’s Resource includes a range of digital materials that you can download from Cambridge GO. (For more information about how to access and use your digital resource, please see inside front cover.) This icon indicates material that is available from Cambridge GO. Helpful documents for planning include: • Letter for parents – Introducing the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary resources: a template letter for parents, introducing the Cambridge Primary English resources. • Lesson plan template: a Word document that you can use for planning your lessons. • Curriculum framework correlation: a table showing how the Cambridge Primary English resources map to the Cambridge Primary English curriculum framework. • Scheme of work: a suggested scheme of work that you can use to plan teaching throughout the year. Each unit includes: • Differentiated worksheets: these worksheets are provided in variations that cater for different abilities. Worksheets labelled ‘A’ are intended to support less confident learners, while worksheets labelled ‘C’ are designed to challenge more confident learners. Answer sheets are provided. • Language worksheets: these worksheets provide language support. Answers sheets are provided. Additionally, the Teacher’s Resource includes: • Diagnostic check and answers: a test to use at the beginning of the year to discover the level that learners are working at. The results of this test can inform your planning. • Answers to Learner’s Book questions
• Answers to Workbook questions • Glossary
In addition, you can find more detailed information about teaching approaches. Audio is available for download from Cambridge GO (as part of this Teacher’s Resource and as part of the digital resources for the Learner’s Book and Workbook).
UNIT 1: Friends and families
Name Date
UNIT 1: Friends and families Name Date Worksheet 1.4 Retelling The Pudding Like a Night on the Sea Match the captions with the pictures. Retell the whole story. 1 UNIT 1: Friends and families Name Date Worksheet 1.2: Retelling Power Cut Read the captions for the story. Cut out the boxes and order them correctly. Stick them on a piece of paper in the correct order. Illustrate each part of the story. Worksheet 1.5: Changing the story Imagine you and a younger brother or sister do something like Julian and Huey.Plan your own story about what youdoand what troubleyou get in to. Use the chart tohelpyou. The Pudding Like a Night on the Sea Your story Characters: Father, Julian, Huey Characters: you and ayounger brother or sister. Names: It was an evening just like any other in the Chen family apartment. Suddenly, the lights went off. It t Setting: at home in the kitchen Setting: UNIT 1: Friends and families Name ___________________________________ Date ______________ Worksheet 1.3: Speech bubbles for role play: Amy had a good idea to use the light from her tablet. Ben had a good idea to eat the ice cream cake before it melted. Father was cooking for mother. Power Cut, Part 2 Cut out each speechbubblefor part 2 of Power Cut. Makeyour own speechbubbles like this for part 1 of the story. 2 Are you cooking or making something? What? Use the speechbubbles to act out Power Cut. Later, the power came back on. Then the problem was how to tell Grandma that they had eaten her cake. 1 I haveanidea. This tablet UNIT 1: Friends and families Cambridge Primary English - Budgell & Ruttle © Cambridge University Press 2021 Cambridge Primary English - Budgell & Ruttle © Cambridge University Press 2021 1 Mr Chen found his torch, but it was only a small beam. The apartment got hot and the fridge and freezer stopped working too. Grandma’s ice cream cake was going to melt. Then the torch went out. Cambridge Primary English - Budgell & Ruttle © Cambridge University Press 2021 1 2 light will last for a few hours. Luckily, I charged it up this morning. And I canfix the problem of the melting cake! Name Date Worksheet 1.1: Listening framework for The Show and Tell Day Listen to the story. Answer the questions. 1 Why is this a special day? 2 What does each person in the story ‘show and tell’? Draw and write your answer.

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Cambridge Primary English - Budgell & Ruttle © Cambridge University Press 2021 Zara
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Cambridge Primary English - Budgell & Ruttle © Cambridge University Press 2021