Cambridge Primary Mathematics Games Book 1

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Mathematics Games Book

Cherri Moseley and Janet Rees

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Contents Measure

Number Race to school


Shoes and feet (1)


Dice grid


Shoes and feet (2)


Playing with 10 (1): Making 10


Shoes and feet (3)


Playing with 10 (2): Take away from 10


Collecting water (1 to 3)


Rocket launch


What’s on the menu?


Count out


What’s for dinner today?




Dinner time Mr Wolf? (1)


Snakes and ladders


Recognising and counting coins (1)


The slipper game


Recognising and counting coins (2)




Money snakes and ladders (1 to 3)


Adding games (1 to 3)



Subtraction game


2D shapes (1 and 2)


Lily pads


Shape bingo


Stack the shoe boxes!


3D Shapes (1)


Tens game


3D Shapes (2)


Race to the middle


3D Shapes (3)


Feed the birds


Shape robot


Halves game


Handling data

Sharing game


Sort the bugs (1 to 4)


More bugs (1 to 4)


Yet more bugs! (1 to 3)


Introduction This Games Book consolidates and reinforces mathematical learning for Stage 1 learners (usually 5–6 years). It can be used as an independent resource for anyone wanting to encourage mathematical learning in children, or as a supplementary part of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics series.

Cambridge Primary Maths brings together the world-class Cambridge Primary mathematics curriculum from Cambridge International Examinations, high-quality publishing from Cambridge University Press and expertise in engaging online enrichment materials for the mathematics curriculum from NRICH.

If used as part of the series alongside the Teacher’s Resource 1 (9781107656833), then you will often be going directly to a specific game and page number according to the reference in the ‘More activities’ section in the Teacher’s Resource and will therefore already be familiar with the learning outcome of the game. If you are using the book as an independent resource, you can use the Objective map on the CD-ROM to help you determine what game you might want to play according to what learning outcome you are after, or you can simply read the ‘Maths focus’ at the start of each game to decide if it’s appropriate.

Teachers have access to an online tool that maps resources and links to materials offered through the primary mathematics curriculum, NRICH and Cambridge Primary mathematics textbooks and e-books. These resources include engaging online activities, best-practice guidance and examples of Cambridge Primary Maths in action.

The games are grouped by strand, i.e. ‘Number’, ‘Geometry’, ‘Measure’ and ‘Handling data’ so that an independent user can easily navigate the pool of games. For those of you using this book alongside the Teacher’s Resource 5, you will find that the games within a strand are ordered according to the order in which they are referenced in the Teacher’s Resource 1 (if you grouped all chapters of a given strand together). Please note that the Games Book on its own does not cover all of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework for Stage 1. All games boards, game cards and record sheets provided within the printed book are also available on the CD-ROM for quick printing if preferred. Some games boards and resources will also be provided as Word documents so that you can adapt them as required. The CD-ROM also provides child-friendly instructions for each game, which can be displayed at the front of the class or sent home with the games for independent play. Nets for making dice, spinners and other useful mathematical resources are also provided as printable PDFs on the CD-ROM. This publication is part of the Cambridge Primary Maths project. Cambridge Primary Maths is an innovative combination of curriculum and resources designed to support teachers and learners to succeed in primary mathematics through best-practice international maths teaching and a problem-solving approach.

The Cambridge curriculum is dedicated to helping schools develop learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged. It is designed to give learners the skills to problem solve effectively, apply mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the subject. The Cambridge Primary Maths textbooks provide best-in-class support for this problem-solving approach, based on pedagogical practice found in successful schools across the world. The engaging NRICH online resources help develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. To get involved visit www.cie. The benefits of being part of Cambridge Primary Maths are: • the opportunity to explore a maths curriculum founded on the values of the University of Cambridge and best practice in schools • access to an innovative package of online and print resources that can help bring the Cambridge Primary mathematics curriculum to life in the classroom. This series is arranged to ensure that the curriculum is covered whilst allowing teachers to use a flexible approach. The Scheme of Work for Stage 1 has been followed, though not in the same order and there will be some deviations. The components are: • Teacher’s Resource 1 ISBN: 9781107656833 (printed book and CD-ROM). • Learner’s Book 1 ISBN: 9781107631311 (printed book) • Games Book 1 ISBN: 9781107646407 (printed book and CD-ROM). For associated NRICH activities, please visit the Cambridge Primary Maths project at

Race to school

Dice grid

Maths focus: counting on correctly.

Maths focus: matching count with the correct numeral.

A game for up to four players

A game for two players

You will need: • A 1–6 dice (CD-ROM). • Game board (page 2). • Counters for each player.

You will need: • A 1–6 spot dice (CD-ROM). • Game board for each player (page 3). • Counters for each player.

How to play

How to play

1. Players start with one counter on their home (these are on the left of the board).

1. Players take turns to roll a spot dice. They count the spots shown then place a counter on one of the matching numerals on their dice grid.

2. They take turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the path leading from their home. They have to stay on the path from their home, which is indicated by a shape. 3. The winner is the player who reaches school first. This simple track game encourages the players to count on the correct number of steps. Both spot dice and numeral dice are useful. On a spot dice, players can count the spots if they need to, or recognise the pattern. On a numeral dice, players need to recognise the numeral. The first track is suitable for less confident learners as the track is shorter.

2. If all copies of that numeral are covered, they must miss a turn. 3. The winner is the first player to get a row of counters from one side of the grid to the other, or from top to bottom. Challenge For a more challenging game, both players play on the same grid, each using different coloured counters. Alternatively, use a 1–9 spinner (CD-ROM) and make a grid with the numbers 1–9 on it. If the spinner lands on a zero, the player misses a turn.

Challenge For a more challenging game, each player has two counters on their home space and must get both to school, rolling a dice and moving one of their counters the matching number of spaces.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Cambridge Primary Mathematics Games Book 1: Number


Original material Š Cambridge University Press 2014

Race to school – Game board





































Dice grid – Game board

Original material Š Cambridge University Press 2014

Playing with 10 (1): Making 10

Playing with 10 (2): Take away from 10

Maths focus: recognising the number pairs to 10.

Maths focus: taking away small numbers from 10 to reach zero.

A game for two players

A game for two players

You will need: • Game board (page 5). • Ten counters or small objects. • A 1–6 dice (CD-ROM).

You will need: • Game board (page 5). • Ten counters or small objects for each player, 20 in total. • A 1–3 dice or a spinner (CD-ROM).

How to play

How to play

1. Place ten counters or small objects in the grey oval in the centre of the games board. Each player uses one of the ten frames as their base board.

1. Each player starts with ten counters or small objects on their ten frame.

2. Player 1 roles the dice and places that many counters from the grey oval onto their Ten frame. Player 2 then does the same. If there are not enough counters left in the grey oval for the player to take, they must take some from the other player. 3. Player 1 then looks at how many counters they have, and announces how many more they need to make 10. They roll the dice and if that number is rolled, they automatically win the game. If they do not roll the required number then play passes to Player 2, who announces how many more they need to make 10 and rolls the dice. 4. Play continues this way, with each learner announcing how many more they need to make 10 and then rolling the dice, until one of them makes 10. The first player to make 10 is the winner.


Cambridge Primary Mathematics Games Book 1: Number © Cambridge University Press 2014

2. They take turns to roll a dice or spin a spinner to get a number. They remove that many items from their frame, placing them on the grey oval (at the top for player one and at the bottom for player two). Players can only remove the amount shown on the dice. 3. Players look at their ten frame and the counters on it to work out a subtraction calculation. ‘10 take away the number of blank spaces on the frame [counters left in the ten frame]. They record their take away and results on a separate piece of paper. 4. The first player to remove all ten of their items is the winner. Challenge As per the challenge for ‘Making 10’ but this time the first learner to shout the missing number to make 10, gets to remove that many counters from their ten frame. The winner is the first player to remove all ten counters from their frame.

Playing with 10 – Game board

Original material Š Cambridge University Press 2014

Rocket launch

Count out

Maths focus: practising adding two small numbers.

Maths focus: making and counting two–digit numbers.

A game for two players

A game for one or two players

You will need: • Two 1–6 dice (CD-ROM). • Game board for each player (page 7). How to play 1. Players take turns to roll two dice and use their number pairs to find the total. They colour the matching total on their rocket. 2. The player who completes their rocket first is the winner; gets to ‘launch’ their rocket with a loud countdown and ‘Blast off!’

You will need: • Game board (page 8). • Game cards (page 9). • 50 counting objects such as counters, cubes or other objects that will fit in the numbered squares of the board. How to play 1. Shuffle the decade cards (10, 20, 30 and 40), and place them face down in the placeholder on the game board. Shuffle the digit cards (1–9) and place them face down in the second placeholder. 2. The player turns over the top decade card and the top digit card. They name the number made by the two cards and locate it on the 1–50 grid. They then place a single counter (or cube or other counting object) on each numbered square, up to and including the identified number. 3. The player must then count the objects, starting from one and finishing with the made number. Where there are two players, the players take it in turns to make a number and count it on the 1–50 grid. Please note that less confident players might struggle with numbers over 20. If that is the case, remove the decade cards over 20 from the game and restrict them to using only numbers up to 20 on the game board.


Cambridge Primary Mathematics Games Book 1: Number © Cambridge University Press 2014

Rocket launch – Game board














Original material Š Cambridge University Press 2014

Decade cards











11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Single digit cards

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Original material Š Cambridge University Press 2014

Count out – Game board

Count out – Game cards

10 20 30 40 20 1








9 10 Original material Š Cambridge University Press 2014

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