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How to use this book

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Throughout this book, you will notice lots of different features that will help your learning. These are explained below.

Learning Intentions

These set the scene for each exercise and indicate the important concepts.

Key Words

Definitions for useful vocabulary are given in bold throughout each chapter. You will also find definitions for these words in the Glossary at the back of this book.


These help you to practise skills that are important for studying Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics.

There are two types of exercise:

• Exercises which let you practice the mathematical skills you have learned.

• Exercises which bring together all the mathematical concepts in a chapter, pushing your skills further.

Worked Example

Wherever you need to know how to use a formula to carry out a calculation, there are worked examples boxes to show you how to do this.


This feature highlights key concepts from the corresponding chapter in the coursebook.


This feature contains key equations or formulae that you will need to know.


There is a summary of key points at the end of each chapter.

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