Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Primary

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Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

This document has been developed to show you the different ways you can transition between Cambridge Early Years and Cambridge Primary.

Cambridge Early Years 3 (EY3) and Cambridge Primary Stage 1 are both designed to transition to Cambridge Primary Stage 2. You do not need to teach both EY3 and Primary Stage 1.

Cambridge Early Years

Cambridge Primary

You can choose whether to use EY3 or Stage 1 for ages 5 to 6 depending on your individual context and requirements, including the language profile of your children.

The content for ages 5 to 6 in EY3 and Stage 1 is similar in scope. However, the curriculum wording is different to reflect differences in approach in Cambridge Early Years and Primary.

What is the difference between Cambridge Early Years 3 and Primary Stage 1?

The table below shows the different approaches:


is designed for a play-based approach and observational assessment

Primary Stage 1

is designed for more formal primary teaching, learning and assessment approaches builds on EY1 and EY2 learning generally does not assume specific early years learning is designed for holistic teaching and learning that brings together different curriculum areas is designed for subject-based teaching and learning

Below is an example of how the wording of the same curriculum expectations differs in EY3 and Primary Stage 1 Mathematics.


3Mn.03 Recognise and use ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th, for example, ‘What is the tiger’s position in the line?… Which toy is in front of tiger?… What is its position in the line?’.

3Mn.04 Count up to at least 20 items (e.g. all of the 2D shapes in a collection with fewer than 5 sides); recognise that the number of counted objects remains the same when the objects are rearranged.

Primary Stage 1

1Np.04 Recognise and use the ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th.

1Np.01 Understand that zero represents none of something.

1Nc.01 Count objects from 0 to 20, recognising conservation of number and one-to-one correspondence.

Reasons for differences between EY3 and Primary Stage 1

EY3 provides an example to clarify the learning statement and how it can be developed during play.

The concept of zero is covered in EY1 so children should have secure understanding before EY3. It is not included in EY3.

EY3 includes an example that links with learning about shape to support a holistic approach. It also avoids technical terms that may be confusing for teachers less familiar with subject-specific content.

Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

Progression grids

Our School Support Hub has detailed progression grids to show how each early years learning statement progresses into primary. Below is an example highlighting the equivalence between EY3 and Primary Stage 1.

EY1 (ages 3 to 4)

1Mn.04 Begin to use ordinal numbers from 1st to at least 3rd in practical contexts, for example, toys or people in a line, running races.

EY2 (ages 4 to 5)

2Mn.04 Use ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th in practical contexts, for example, to talk about a sequence of events or activities.

Listen and observe


EY3 (ages 5 to 6)

3Mn.03 Recognise and use ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th, for example, ‘What is the tiger’s position in the line?… Which toy is in front of tiger?… What is its position in the line?’.


Primary Stage 1 (ages 5 to 6)

1Np.04 Recognise and use the ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th.

Primary Stage 2 (ages 5 to 7)

2Np.04 Recognise and use ordinal numbers.

WEEk 1: Mathematics

Transitioning from EY2 to Primary Stage 1

• If children seem unsure how to respond appropriately using simple words during simple conversations, ask them simple ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ questions first, for example, Is your building big/red?, before encouraging them to expand on their responses, for example, Ahh, so your building is small. (Yes, small.)


As discussed, one way to move between Cambridge Early Years and Primary is to transition from EY2 to Primary Stage 1. Below we show how this works using our teaching resources. A focus of the EY2 Mathematics curriculum area is developing a secure understanding of numbers to 10. In Primary Stage 1, children extend their understanding to numbers to 20. Here are examples of how our teaching resources support this progression of learning.

Cambridge Early Years Teaching Resource 2

• If children are confident in answering simple questions during their play, invite them to describe their design to their classmates. Prompt them with more questions as they describe.

• When children are, for example, playing with building bricks or stickers, join them and ask what they can make with 10 bricks or stickers. Then draw attention to the different arrangements that the items can be placed in, for example, ten items can be placed in one line, two lines (as two rows of five), as a star and so on. When children rearrange their items ask them to count and confirm they still have the same number of items.

Safety tip

The Cambridge Early Years Teaching Resource 2 extends children’s EY1 understanding of numbers to 5 to numbers to 10. The ideas for activities and opportunities to develop the curriculum learning statements include guidance on:

Learner’s Book links

• ESL Communication and Language 2A page 27

• ESL Communication and Language 2A page 28.

• providing opportunities for children to explore mathematical concepts freely during play


Week 1: Counting up to 10 things

In Mathematics this week, we will count items up to ten – both those items that can be seen and touched and things that cannot be touched (e.g. sounds or actions). Children will learn that the number of items in a group remains the same even if we rearrange them or count in a different order. We will also explore counting out ten items from a larger collection.

Continuous provision and guided play

• Art area: Provide stickers so that children can make patterns with up to 10 stickers. (You might want to ensure the stickers are kept in a designated area away from the paints used in the ESL Communication and Language Art area.)

• Whole setting:

• Keep up the washing line displaying the numerals 0 to 10 in order for the rest of the term.

• Find a space to create an ‘All about 10’ display or area, where children can bring examples of 10 items/photographs/drawings, etc.

Choose a suitable and safe place to attach the washing line, so that children will not run into it when playing. Keep string/ cords out of reach of children to prevent strangling hazards and use child-safe pegs. However, place the line so that children can reach it and access it from both sides (so it is not against a wall).

Spontaneous teachable moments

When asking children to tidy up, move items, pass you items, or hand out items, always try to include a number within this instruction, for example, Please pass me two cups Please put away the four pencils.

Activity Outline of learning content

1 Counting 10 objects Begin to extend touch counting items to up to 10 items.

2 Counting in context Continue to learn how to count out 10 items, sometimes from a larger group.

3 Action counting Begin to extend counting things that cannot be touched up to 10 things.

Activity 1: Counting 10 objects

Learning statements

• 2Mn.05 Count up to at least 10 items (e.g. all the toy animals with two legs from a collection), including counting out or taking a specified number of objects from a larger collection.

• 2Mn.01 Say the number names zero to at least ten, in order, forwards and backwards.

Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary continued

Transitioning from EY2 to Primary Stage 1 continued

• identifying and providing for children who are ready for extra challenge to deepen their understanding and apply their learning in new contexts

BLOCk 2: Home and buildings


Multiple collections of 10 items (objects or cut-out pictures), at least enough for one set per child plus a set for you; washing line with numerals 0 to 10 in order (for support).

Safety tip

Ensure that objects used for counting are not choking hazards.

Key vocabulary

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, how many?, count

Activity guidance

• Give each child five items and ask them to explain how to count them. If necessary, remind children that it is helpful to touch each item as we count, because this helps us keep track of which items we have counted and the items we still need to count.

• supporting children to understand and use mathematical language in English confidently

• Agree that we all have five items, reminding children that the last number word said is also how many we have altogether.

• Now get 10 items and put them in a line. Model how to count all 10 items using the same strategy as before (touch each item as you count), encouraging children to count along with you. Ask children how many items we have; agree we have 10 items because, again, the last number word said is also how many we have altogether.

• Give each child their own set of 10 items to count.

• Have children take turns to count their set of items, placing them in a line before they start counting. Each time ask How many do you have? and confirm they have 10 items.

• When all children have counted their items, ask each child to mix up their items and count them again. If they want to, they can arrange their items in a different way, leave them in a pile, or put them in a line. Then ask Do you still have 10 items? and take or discuss suggestions.

• Confirm that the arrangement does not matter, they still have 10 items.

Listen and observe


• Work with a small group counting and rearranging 7 items before moving on to 8, then 9 then 10 items.

• identifying and supporting children’s difficulties


• Use the class puppet to count a number of items incorrectly (e.g. by missing out a number name or object, counting an object twice or not using the last number said as the total). Can children spot, explain and correct the mistake?

Learner’s Book link

• Mathematics 2A pages 18–19.

Activity 2: Counting in context

Learning statements

• 2Mn.05 Count up to at least 10 items (e.g. all the toy animals with two legs from a collection), including counting out or taking a specified number of objects from a larger collection.

• 2Mn.01 Say the number names zero to at least ten, in order, forwards and backwards.


Containers of more than 10 themed items (objects or cut-out pictures) and matching counting mats (e.g. sea creatures and a blue counting mat, farm animals and a green mat, space objects and a dark coloured counting mat, etc.); Mathematics Activity sheet 0 to 10 numeral cards; washing line with numerals 0 to 10 in order (for support).

Prepare: Large numeral cards for 6 to 10 from Mathematics Activity sheet 0 to 10 numeral cards.

Key vocabulary

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, how many?, count

Activity guidance

• Give each child one of the containers of (more than 10) themed items and matching counting mat.

• Shuffle the numeral cards (Mathematics Activity sheet, turn over the top one and ask children to count out that many of their items from their container onto their counting mat. Encourage children to count and check each other’s items, then confirm that we all have X items. Ask children to return their items to their container.

Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

Transitioning from EY2 to Primary Stage 1 continued

Cambridge Primary Stage 1 Teacher’s Resource

The Cambridge Primary Stage 1 Teacher’s Resources revisits numbers to 10 before extending learning to numbers to 20. This accommodates children who are transitioning from EY2 and also children who are new to the Cambridge Pathway.

You can use a few activities to assess each child’s understanding. If this shows that children’s understanding of numbers to 10 is secure, you can then skip ahead to activities that develop numbers to 20.


1 Numbers to 10 Unit plan

Learner’s Book Section 1.1

Workbook Section 1.1

Resource sheet 1A

Resource sheet 1B

Resource sheet 1D

Resource sheet 1E

Resource sheet 1F

Resource sheet 1G

Resource sheet 1H

Resource sheet 1I

Resource sheet 1J

Worksheet 1A

Worksheet 1B

Worksheet 1C

If your assessment identifies some children who need support, you can use more activities to further develop their understanding before moving on to numbers to 20.

The ‘Let’s investigate’ activities for numbers to 10 in the Learner’s Book also help you to develop children’s skills in thinking and working mathematically.

Language worksheet 1A

Language worksheet 1B

Additional teaching ideas for Section 1.1 1.2 Say, read and write numbers to 10 4

Using number rhymes to help recall and use the correct order of the number words.

Learner’s Book Section 1.2

Workbook Section 1.2

9 Numbers to 20

Resource sheet 1C

Resource sheet 1D

Resource sheet 1M

Additional teaching ideas for Section 1.2

Digital Classroom: Interactive number track

• Recite, read and write number names and numbers between zero and 20.

• Recognise that the numbers 11 to 19 are made up of a ten and some ones, with 20 being the same as two tens.

• Estimate the number of objects or people (up to 20) and check by counting.

• Compare and order quantities and numbers between zero and 20.

Learner’s Book Section 9.2

Workbook Section 9.2

Resource sheet 1G

Resource sheet 9D

Resource sheet 9E

Resource sheet 9F

Additional teaching ideas for Section 9.2

Language worksheet 9B

Resource sheet 9B


Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

Transitioning from EY2 to Primary Stage 1 continued

Supporting progression

To support the progression of learning from EY2, the Cambridge Primary Stage 1 Teacher’s Resource includes guidance on:

• supporting children to understand and use a wider range of mathematical language in English confidently


Learning a new word or phrase in mathematics is just the same as learning a new word when speaking or writing. Draw learners’ attention to the word and explain its meaning. Say it and write it, or point out the written word. Then model its use and encourage learners to use it appropriately. Reading a word is usually easier than writing it at first. Provide learners with a copy of the word for them to copy when writing, but gradually remove this support.

Common misconceptions


It is important that learners experience counting a given set and also count out a quantity from a larger set. Engage learners by bringing in a parcel addressed to the class. Pass the parcel around, allowing learners to shake it and guess what might be inside. The parcel could contain new classroom resources, things for your current topic or something else. There should be 20 or fewer objects of any particular kind, for example 15 glue sticks, 12 rulers, 18 erasers and so on. Ask learners to work in pairs, counting the objects and recording how many there are on a whiteboard. Supply ten frames, number tracks and place value cards for support. As you move around the room, check that learners are recording the numbers correctly. When each pair have checked several sets, call the learners together. Produce a packing list and ask learners to tell you how many there were of each item. Invite one pair to check a set if more than one number is offered. You could continue the parcel theme in a further session, this time asking learners to place a specified quantity in a box or envelope. Learners could label the packages with sticky notes and ask another pair to check.

Learners miscount because they do not arrange objects in a row or pattern and therefore include the same object twice or miss it altogether.

learners small collections to count.

• identifying and addressing children’s misconceptions

• identifying and providing for children who need extra support, or are ready for extra challenge to deepen their understanding including differentiated worksheets

• developing children’s skills in thinking and working mathematically in a structured way, including through ‘Let’s investigate’ activities and more extended projects in the Learner’s Book

tens and some ones strips or place value cards them record the matching number.

To challenge confident learners, give them a list objects to collect. This could be a recipe for school a list of resources for each table for a following or something else that will engage the learners.

Plenary idea

Estimate: a sensible guess, using what you know

How many?: a question asking you to find out the number of objects

Picture estimating and counting (10 minutes)

Row: a set of objects or pictures arranged in a line

Set: a collection of objects that have something that is the same

Subitise (or subitize): know how many without counting due to familiar pattern layouts

Resources: Whiteboard, mini whiteboards and cloned (repeatedly copied) small pictures relevant your topic or the learners’ interests, Resource Number line to 20.

Total: how many there are altogether


Encourage learners to touch and move each object as they count it. This could be counting from one container to another. Slowing down and exaggerating the movement should help. Then encourage learners to arrange objects in a row, on a ten frame or in another pattern to support counting.

If learners re-count the objects when asked ‘Are you sure?’, they need to see the objects on ten frames or next to a number track so that they have a visual check of their count.

Learners do not recognise that the last number said is the total. When asked how many, they count again.

Starter idea

When you ask learners to get you four of something and they present a different quantity.

What is inside? (10 minutes + 10 minutes Getting started exercise)

Revisit this session several times to give learners lots of opportunities to count given sets and count out quantities from a given set. Scenarios could include collecting resources for an activity, checking packs of resources or similar, collecting specific amounts from the counting corner (as in Unit 1) on to a paper plate labelled with a number and drawing of the object and other counting activities linked to your current topic.

Resources: Box or gift bag with some objects inside. No more than 5 of any set, for example 1 key, 2 pencils, 3 large buttons, 4 small toys and 5 bricks. Alternatively, link the objects to your current topic.

Prepare some whiteboard slides or printouts simple pictures, arranged randomly. First, show one of the pictures they will see several of. Then learners the slide with several copies of the picture count of 3 seconds, to prevent them counting. to record their estimates on their mini whiteboards and show you.

Practise counting, including placing objects in a row alongside a number track. Focus on the last object, saying, for example, ‘1, 2, 3, 4. That’s 4 altogether,’ with finger resting on the last object or the number on the number track.

Scan the estimates and tell learners the most number. Display the slide again and ask one learner to come and count the pictures. Encourage them rearrange the pictures to support counting or each one as they count. Compare the count with the estimates.

Ask a learner to find all the buttons (for example), show the class and then count them together. Repeat for the other objects. Focus on giving the learners who found the diagnostic check difficult plenty of counting practice. As objects are counted, make a list on the board to remind yourself what was in the box. When all objects are counted, read the list together.

Look out for learners who recognise the numbers and those who find this difficult. Ask questions such as ‘How many buttons are there?’ to assess recognition of numbers to 5.

After this activity, learners could try Learner’s Book Exercise 9.2 questions 1, 2 and 3 and Workbook Exercise 9.2 questions 1, 2, 6 and 11.

Description: During this activity, give learners the opportunity to talk about their own experiences of numbers. Support learners to recognise when a number has been used for counting and when it is just a label.

Repeat with a different pair of slides. Move on slide with two different but linked sets of pictures together, for example sandcastles and flags, children and sweets or mugs and biscuits. Ask learners estimates of each set and think about whether has more or fewer than the other or are they same as they record estimates of each set.

9 Numbers

Tell the learners that you found this box (or bag) but you cannot remember what is in it. Tip the objects out onto a tray and ask learners to help you to put them into groups and count them.

Answers: Learners accurately count sets of objects and can count out a required amount.

After this activity, ask the learners to complete the Getting started exercise in the Learner’s Book. This will allow you to see if there is anything further that needs revising before you start the rest of the unit.

Use the paired sets to compare the numbers, and what that means. If there are 8 children and 12 sweets, 8 is fewer than 12, 12 is greater than 8. There are more sweets than children, so each child can have a sweet. Revisit this plenary several times to practise estimating and comparing both amounts and numbers.

Differentiation ideas:

To support learners who find it difficult to keep track of their count, encourage learners to match objects to a number track. Remind them to place them alongside the track so they can still see the numbers. Learners could also place objects on ten frames, filling one ten frame before moving on to a second. After filling a ten frame, the rest of the objects could be set out in a second ten frame or in a domino layout. Learners could use their

Assessment ideas: Look out for learners who find it difficult to compare the two quantities. Give them model sentences and a number line for support.

Ask learners how they feel about estimating. Are they finding it easier as they see more collections of objects?

Are their estimates getting closer to the actual number? Do learners accept that an estimate is a number near to the count and does not need to be the same as the count?

Guidance on selected Thinking and Working Mathematically questions

Learner’s Book Section 9.2 Let’s investigate Learners initially choose three numbers from 11 to 20 and order them. They are specialising, choosing from a limited range and looking for some kind of link or pattern, which may lead to a conjecture.

Learners then compare the ordered sets of numbers with the number line. Learners may recognise that the numbers also appear on the number line in order, from smallest to greatest.

This may lead the learners to make a conjecture. Learners can then choose further sets of numbers to find out if their conjecture is always true. They may choose several examples to convince themselves that their conjecture will always be true.

Engaging in this simple investigation, learners likely to be specialising, generalising, conjecturing and convincing.

Compare estimates to find out if learners think fewer flags, sweets or biscuits. Ask learners to whether there is enough for every sandcastle flag, every child to have a sweet or if people could a drink and a biscuit. Ask learners to think about they could find out.

Agree that it would be useful to sort the pictures two sets and count them.


• Use images that are relevant to your current topic or to the learners’ interests. This to show that counting, comparing, ordering and estimating are number skills that will use again and again in all areas of curriculum and in everyday life.

To find out which of the paired sets is smaller, could pair a flag with a sandcastle, a sweet with child or a biscuit with a mug. As they check their estimates and predictions, they will also be comparing the quantities..

• Draw learners’ attention to number lines the classroom and playground. These may be curved or straight, with some or all numbers on. Measuring instruments such rulers, metre sticks and so on are likely

Homework ideas

1 Ask learners to look out for number lines Remind learners that these could be straight curved lines and with all or just some numbers on. Measuring instruments such as tape measures, clocks and thermometers are possible sources.

2 Provide learners with a piece of paper. Ask to draw an empty number line, marking 0 beginning and 20 at the end, then 10 halfway Learners can then choose one or two other to mark on the number line. Learners could several lines so that they have estimated the of all numbers to 20.



from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

Transitioning from EY3 to Primary Stage 2

Another way to move between Cambridge Early Years and Primary is to transition from EY3 to Primary Stage 2. Below we show how this works using our teaching resources.

One focus of the Cambridge Early Years 3 Mathematics curriculum area is developing a secure understanding of numbers to 20. In Cambridge Primary Stage 2, children extend their understanding to numbers to 100. Here are examples of how our teaching resources support this progression of learning.

Cambridge Early Years Teaching Resource 3

The Cambridge Early Years Teaching Resource 3 extends children’s EY2 understanding of numbers to 10 to numbers to 20. Activities and opportunities to develop the curriculum learning statements include guidance on:

• providing opportunities for children to explore mathematical concepts freely during play


Week 2: Counting up to 20 objects

In Mathematics this week, we will focus on counting up to at least 20 objects and understanding that rearranging the objects in a group does not affect the total.

Continuous provision and guided play

• Whole setting: Display and share questions, such as What can you make with 20 bricks/stickers/etc.?, as children play in different parts of the early years setting. Join children who are playing and ask them how many bricks/stickers they have used so far, working with them to count.

• NEW All about 20 area: Set up an interactive ‘All about 20’ display area for this week, where children can bring real examples, photographs or drawings of collections of 20 items. Provide some interesting sets of 20 objects for children to count and a washing line with the numbers 0–20 pegged on in order. Occasionally swap two numbers on the washing line or duplicate a number for children to notice and correct.

Safety tip

Choose a suitable and safe place to attach washing lines, so that children will not run into them when playing. Keep string/cords out of reach of children to prevent strangling hazards and use child-safe pegs. However, place the lines so that children can reach it and access it from both sides (so it is not against the wall).

Spontaneous teachable moments

Ask children to support you when counting out or putting away objects (up to 20) for activities or daily routines (e.g., books, snacks, paintbrushes). Take opportunities to ask children for a specific number of objects, for example, Can you get me 18 pencils please?

• supporting children to understand and use mathematical language in English confidently

Activity Outline of learning content

1 Counting 20 objects Begin to learn to count up to 20 items and understand that the total remains the same even when objects are rearranged.

2 Matching Continue to read numerals up to 20 and count that many items out of a set.

3 Collection hunt Practise counting up to 20 objects in pairs as part of a game.

Activity 1: Counting 20 objects

Learning statements

• 3Mn.04 Count up to at least 20 items (e.g., all of the 2D shapes in a collection with fewer than 5 sides); recognise that the number of counted objects remains the same when the objects are rearranged.

• 3Mn.01 Recognise and apply number patterns in whole numbers in the range 0 to at least 20, including counting on in 1s.


Containers of 10 themed items (e.g., 10 sea creatures, 10 farm animals); containers of 20 themed items.

Key vocabulary count, how many?, altogether, total

Activity guidance

• Give each pair of children a container of 10 items; ask them to count out the items and confirm they have 10, then collect the items and containers.

• Hold up a container of 20 items and tell children you have not yet counted how many items you have in your container. Shake the container so children can hear there are lots of items in it.

• Count 10 items out of your container placing them in a line as you count, with children counting along with you. Pause when you get to 10 and check that children agree you have 10 items so far.

WEEk 2: Mathematics

Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

Transitioning from EY3 to Primary Stage 2

• Shake your container again to indicate you still have more items to count. Invite a child to continue counting out your items, starting a second line underneath the existing line of 10 items, so that when the counting is finished, there are two rows of 10 items. Support continuing the count, 11, 12, etc.

• When 20 is reached, ask How many are there altogether? Confirm it is 20. Shake the container so children can hear you have no more items left to count.

• Explain that we can also say The total number of items is 20 The word total shows that we have finished our counting.

• Now give each pair of children a container of 20 items and, without specifying how the items should be arranged, ask each pair in turn to count their set of items aloud. Ask each pair How many do you have altogether? or What is the total number of objects you have?

• Now ask each pair to gather up their 20 items, mix them up and count again, but this time arranging them in a different way than previously. Ask if they still have 20 items.

• Ask each pair to mix up their 20 items again and ask, without them counting, if they think they still have 20 items. Confirm that the arrangement does not matter and they still have 20 items.

Listen and observe


• Extend gradually from 10 items increasing the number of items as they gain confidence until they can confidently count 20 items. Check that children use one number name for each item and are not tripped up by multi-syllabic number names.


• Choose a number of items (between 12 and 20) and challenge children to count the items several times, setting them out in a different arrangement each time.

Learner’s Book link

• Mathematics 3A page 6.

• identifying and supporting children’s difficulties

Activity 2: Matching

Learning statements

• 3Mn.04 Count up to at least 20 items (e.g., all of the 2D shapes in a collection with fewer than 5 sides); recognise that the number of counted objects remains the same when the objects are rearranged.

• 3Mn.06 Read and write numerals 0 to at least 20.

• 3Mn.01 Recognise and apply number patterns in whole numbers in the range 0 to at least 20, including counting on in 1s.


Containers of more than 20 themed items and matching counting mats (for example, sea creatures and a blue counting mat, farm animals and a green mat, space objects and a dark coloured counting mat, etc.); Mathematics Activity sheet 0 to 20 numeral cards. Prepare: Large numeral cards 11 to 20 (created using Mathematics Activity sheet 0 to 20 numeral cards).

Key vocabulary count, how many?, altogether, total

Activity guidance

• Give each child one of the containers of themed items and matching counting mat.

• Shuffle the numeral cards, turn over the top one and ask children to count out that many of their items from their container onto their counting mat. Confirm that we all have X items. Ask children to look at each other’s arrangements and check that they recognise that they all have the same number of objects but they have arranged them in different ways.

• Ask children to return their items to their container. Turn over the next numeral card and repeat three or four more times.

• Now ask questions such as How many shall we count now?, Would you like to count 13 or 17? and Choose some items to put on your mat and we’ll say how many you have.

• identifying and providing for children who are ready for extra challenge to deepen their understanding and apply their learning in new contexts

BLOCk 1: Places near and far

Transitioning from EY3 to Primary Stage 2

Cambridge Primary Stage 2 Teacher’s Resource

The Cambridge Primary Stage 2 Teacher’s Resource extends children’s EY3 understanding of numbers to 20 to numbers to 100.

1 Numbers to 100 Unit plan

Cross-unit resources

Diagnostic check and mark scheme

Here is an example of a diagnostic check in the Teacher’s Resource, and a ‘Getting Started’ page in the learner’s resource. These can assess children’s prior understanding (especially children who are new to the Cambridge Pathway) and inform next steps.

Resource sheet 1B

Resource sheet 1C

Resource sheet 1D

Resource sheet 1K

Resource sheet 1L


Resource sheet 1M




Learner’s Book Check your progress

Digital Classroom: Unit 1 video: Numbers all around you: 20–100

Digital Classroom: Digital manipulative: Interactive 100 square

Digital Classroom: Unit 1 activity

Worksheet 1A Worksheet 1B Worksheet 1C

Language worksheet 1A

Language worksheet 1B

Thinking and Working Mathematically questions in Unit 1

Characterising, Classifying Conjecturing, Convincing, Characterising, Classifying Specialising, Generalising Specialising, Generalising, Characterising, Classifying Characterising, Classifying Generalising, Convincing, Characterising, Classifying, Conjecturing

Characterising, Classifying Characterising, Classifying Characterising, Classifying Convincing, Critiquing, Improving

At the end of this unit, consider which manipulatives were regularly used by the learners.

• Should you consider changing some of these?

Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

• Have you organised the classroom so that learners have access to these resources whenever they are doing any mathematics and perhaps at other times too?

Transitioning from EY3 to Primary Stage 2 continued

• Could your classroom now be considered an active learning environment?

• If colleagues came into your classroom, could they tell that learners were engaged in mathematics?

Supporting progression To support the progression of learning from EY3, the Cambridge Primary Stage 2 Teacher’s Resource includes guidance on:

• supporting children to understand and use a wider range of mathematical language in English confidently

than’, ‘the same’, ‘odd’ and ‘even’ helps learners to develop deep understanding. Learners should use a wide range of materials to explore numbers and their characteristics. Manipulatives could include everything used in Stage 1 and other manipulatives which clearly show base 10, for example, Dienes blocks. Use different objects to represent 1 and 10 or 10 of the 1 representation to represent 10 to prevent misconceptions from developing. These could link with the current topic. Set aside one session for learners to play with any new manipulatives before expecting them to use these to support their learning. Work alongside the learners, making suggestions but not doing it for the learner.

1.1 Numbers to 100






• Recite, read and write number names and whole numbers (from 0 to 100).

• Understand and explain that the value of each digit in a 2-digit number is determined by its position in that number, recognising zero as a place holder.

• Compose, decompose and regroup 2-digit numbers, using tens and ones.

• Count on and count back in ones, twos, fives or tens, starting from any number (from 0 to 100).


Model the correct use of mathematical language yourself. Refer to a digit within a 2-digit number as a digit. Calling it a number can confuse learners. Use row and column to describe the layout of the 100 square. When learners make a model of a number, whatever they use, they are making a representation of the number.

• identifying and addressing children’s misconceptions

Column: arrangement of shapes or numbers, one below another, sometimes in a grid

Digit: the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are digits. The position of a digit gives its value.

Common misconceptions

Learners may confuse the order of the tens numbers.

Learners may confuse the value of each digit.

Learners may not recognise 0 as a place holder, leaving it out of the number.

Starter idea

• Learners can recite, read and write numbers from 0 to 100.

• Learners recognise the value of each digit in a 2-digit number, including 0 as a place holder.

• Learners can compose, decompose and regroup 2-digit numbers using tens and ones.

• Learners can count on and back in ones and tens from any number from 0 to 100.

For example, in the 2-digit number 42, the 2 has a value of 2 ones, and the 4 has a value of 4 tens.

Place holder: 0 is used as a place holder in numbers such as 40. The 4 has a value of 4 tens. Without the 0, it would become 4, which has a value of 4 ones.

Representation: a picture or model of something

Row: an arrangement of shapes or numbers side by side, sometimes in a grid

Tens numbers: numbers with tens but no ones, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

Ask learners to count on in ones from 45 (or a similar number) into the next ten.

Ask learners which is the greater number, 42 or 27.

Ask learners to tell you what they know about a number with no ones in the ones place, such as 30.

What do you know about number 17?

(10 minutes + 10 minutes Getting started exercise)

Resources: Mini whiteboards and pens; place value cards to 20 (Resource sheet 1A); ten frames (Resource sheet 1E) and counting objects; 0–20 number line (Resource sheet 1B).

Description: Ask learners to work in pairs to record a list of what they know about 17. Challenge the class to collect at least 17 different ideas about 17. Learners could use any of the resources for support.

After 5 minutes, share ideas. Record these around the number 17, for example, 17 = 10 + 7, odd number,

Count in tens from 10 to 100 to recall the order. Use a 100 square or number line for support when counting in ones or tens.

Use place value cards to reinforce the value of each digit.

Model 30 with base 10 equipment or sticks of 10 cubes. Compare representations of 30 and 3 to see the importance of 0 as a place holder.

After this activity, learners should complete the Getting started exercise in the Learner’s Book. This will allow you to see if there is anything further that needs revising before you start the rest of the unit.

Main teaching idea

To 100 (40 minutes)

Learning intentions: Learners recite and read numbers from 0 to 100. Learners begin to recognise the value of each digit in a 2-digit number, including 0 as a place holder. They compose and decompose 2-digit numbers using tens and ones.

Resources: A set of large place value cards (Resource sheet 1D enlarged); a set of place value cards for each pair of learners (Resource sheet 1D); large 100 square

Transitioning from Cambridge Early Years to Cambridge Primary

Transitioning from EY3 to Primary Stage 2 continued

multimedia enhancement. Give each pair of learners a set of place value cards. Explain how to set out the cards to make it easier to take a card from each column to make a 2-digit number.

• identifying and providing for children who need extra support, or are ready for extra challenge to deepen their understanding and apply their learning in new contexts

• using a range of ideas and resources, including differentiated worksheets

• developing children’s skills in thinking and working mathematically in a structured way, including through ‘Let’s investigate’ activities and more extended projects in the Learner’s Book

Find out more

• Ask learners to count along the tens cards as one ten, two tens, three tens and so on to ten tens, 100. Repeat the count as 10, 20, 30, …, 100 to practise the number names thirty, forty, …, one hundred.

• Ask one learner in each pair to pick up the 10 card. They then make 11 by picking up the 1 card and placing it with the 10. The learner replaces the 1 and picks up the 2 to make 12, all the way up to 19 as the class counts aloud at a matching pace.

• Explain that when we count on from 20, we say the whole numbers by saying the parts shown on the cards: twenty-one, twenty-two and so on. At each new tens number, we repeat the pattern. Ask the second learner to pick up the 20 and make 21, then 22, all the way up to 29 as the class counts. Learners swap roles at each new tens number. Count to 100 together in this way.

• Display a 100 square and give learners 5 to 10 minutes to talk to their partner about what they notice. Share ideas.

• Ask learners to use their place value cards to make a number such as 34. Then discuss which card they would change to make the other numbers in that row on the 100 square. Focus on keeping the same tens number but changing the ones number. Make a different number and ask learners which card they would change to make the other numbers in that

column. Focus on keeping the same ones number but changing the tens number.

• Revisit this session. You may need to focus on batches of 20 to 30 numbers to clarify the value of the digits. After this activity, learners could try Learner’s Book Exercise 1.1 questions 1, 2 and 3, Workbook Exercise 1.1 questions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.

Differentiation ideas: To support learners who find this difficult, slow the count or repeat with a small group. To challenge confident learners, ask them to look for patterns. Challenge them to explain the pattern they have noticed.

Plenary idea

Missing numbers (10 minutes)

Resources: Large 100 square; card squares to cover a selection of numbers.

Description: Cover single numbers, L shapes, diagonals and other interesting shapes within the 100 square. Include crosses after working through 1 fewer, 1 more; 10 fewer, 10 more in the Additional teaching ideas for Section 1.1. Learners work in pairs, choosing a shape to complete. Share ideas and check. Revisit this activity in future plenaries to consolidate understanding, moving on to separate jigsaw pieces of the 100 square in a range of shapes instead of covering numbers on the 100 square.

Use the differentiated worksheets to give learners further practice.

Assessment ideas: Listen to learners’ reasons for their answers. Do they talk about the tens and ones digits? Ask questions such as, ‘What makes you think that?’ or ‘Is that always true?’ to prompt learners to explain further. Carefully target your questions and requests for explanations to ensure you have detailed formative assessment to use to support planning the next steps. More teaching ideas are available to download from Cambridge GO (as part of this Teacher’s Resource).


on selected Thinking and Working Mathematically questions

Learner’s Book Section 1.1, Let’s investigate after question 3

The questions prompt learners to look for similarities and differences in the rows of a 100 square. Ask learners to make an initial conjecture (TWM.03) and then check whether or not their conjecture is true by looking at

We hope this document has been a useful tool to help you explore transitioning between Cambridge Early Years and Cambridge Primary.

To see more of our resource samples, explore our Cambridge Early Years teaching resources and learner’s books on our website at

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