Affect + Appreciation Apprecia
Campbell University School oof Pharmacy 2008-2009 An Annual Report
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From the Dean I am honored to present Campbell University School of Pharmacy’s 2008-2009 annual report. In this year’s report we are providing evidence of how our programs are affecting the future of health care and showing our appreciation to investors, alumni, friends and corporate partners who make this possible. For more than 20 years, the School of Pharmacy has been a place of innovation, creativity and excellence in pharmacy education. The stories in this report will provide examples of how your gifts are making a lasting impact on the people and programs at our school. Your continued support keeps the door of receiving a pharmacy education open to students from all socioeconomic backgrounds and allows us to find new ways to meet the changing academic and professional needs of our students and faculty. Throughout this past year the school has observed the rapid change of the health care environment. Changes in the way health care is delivered, the increasing importance of appropriate use of medications, and the emphasis on prevention of disease and wellness have shaped our evolving curriculum. We are modernizing our program in order to pioneer the transformation
of the pharmacist’s role from a traditional dispenser of medicines to a direct provider of patient care. Our students are being educated to become experts in patient-specific drug therapies and prepared to be agents of change within the field of pharmacy seeking to apply their knowledge to improve the lives of the patients they serve. All of our effort is the byproduct of the incredible commitment and dedication from the Campbell University administration, the School of Pharmacy administrative team, faculty, staff, students and our supporters. The gifts we received have afforded us the resources needed to maintain the school’s leadership role in pharmacy education, outreach, and practice and guarantee an outstanding education to twenty-first century students. We are fortunate to have a strong school supported by the financial and creative investments of our alumni, friends and corporate partners. We are grateful for your involvement— it is a critical part of our success. With your partnership, our school remains committed to extending the scope of the profession and preparing tomorrow’s leaders to best serve the needs of North Carolina and the nation. With sincere appreciation,
Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D. Dean and Professor
2008-2009 Annual Report 3
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CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Dr. Jerry M. Wallace Dr. M. Dwaine Greene Mr. James O. Roberts Dr. Dennis N. Bazemore Dr. Jack Britt Dr. John T. Roberson
President Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Vice President, Business and Treasurer Vice President, Student Life Vice President, Institutional Advancement Vice President, Marketing and Planning
SCHOOL OF PHARMACY ADMINISTRATION Dr. Ronald W. Maddox Dr. Robert B. Greenwood Dr. W. Mark Moore Mrs. Jodi S. Peeler Dr. Larry N. Swanson Dr. Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr. Dr. William J. Taylor, Jr.
Dean Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Admissions Assistant Dean, External Relations Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair, Department of Clinical Research
MISSION STATEMENT Campbell University School of Pharmacy was established in 1986 as the first new school of pharmacy to open in the United States since 1951. The primary mission of Campbell University School of Pharmacy is: To educate students in a Christian environment to become pharmacists or pharmacy-related professionals who will meet existing and future health care needs and who will provide leadership to their profession and to organizations that represent pharmacy.
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DEAN’S BOARD OF ADVISORS Michele A. Belsey, R.Ph. Rite Aid Corporation Allison C. Cobb, Pharm.D. ’92 FamilyCare Pharmacy Stephen W. Greene, R.Ph. CVS/pharmacy Mark J. Gregory, R.Ph. Kerr Drug H. Lamar Hardman, R.Ph. Harris Teeter, Inc. Ed Herring, Jr., Pharm.D. ’95 Medical Village Pharmacy D.C. Huffman, Jr., Ph.D. American College of Apothecaries Jimmy S. Jackson, R.Ph., D.Sc. Spoke Consulting, Inc.
W. Whitaker Moose, Sr., R.Ph., D.Sc. Moose Drugs Michael Nnadi, Pharm.D., M.H.S. Forsyth Medical Center Walton P. O’Neal, III, Pharm.D. ’96 O’Neal’s Family Pharmacy Edith A. Rosato, R.Ph., IOM NACDS Foundation Henry L. Smith, R.Ph. Carolina Medical Products Ronald E. Smith, Jr., Pharm.D. ’98, M.B.A. Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.C. Ben L. Thankachan, R.Ph. Wal-Mart
Mark Lloyd Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Wesley V. Waters, III, Pharm.D. ’02 Sam’s Drug Store of Lumberton
E. Lazelle Marks, R.Ph. Medical Center Pharmacy
Jack G. Watts, R.Ph., D.Sc. Campbell University Trustee
Clement E. Medley First Federal Bank
Josiah R. Whitehead, M.B.A., D.Sc. Campbell University School of Pharmacy
David S. Moody, Jr., R.Ph. Mutual Wholesale Drug
Beth Williams, Pharm.D. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
2008-2009 Annual Report 5
Affecting lives through patient care
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t was during his first year of pharmacy school when Brian Rodgers, 2010 doctor of pharmacy candidate, realized what he was learning was going to one day directly affect the life of a patient. “It wasn’t just us, as students, sitting in the classroom; it was us learning how to take blood pressure, how to properly get a finger-stick blood glucose measurement, and how to measure blood cholesterol levels in a hands-on environment,” he remembers. Now as a fourth year student, Rodgers is learning how to effectively interview a patient and give a proper consultation during his clinical rotations. “I think pharmacists are a great asset to the health care team because they are very accessible to the general public,” says Rodgers. “This puts them in a good position to offer diabetes, blood pressure, or cholesterol counseling. Even if it is nothing more than suggesting the patient contacts a physician regarding test results or symptoms, the patient still benefits.”
Rodgers decided to earn his doctor of pharmacy degree at Campbell University School of Pharmacy because he absolutely loves the retail pharmacy environment where customers have open access to many types of medicines and supplements. He feels being a pharmacist in this setting will allow him to help guide patients away from things that may interact negatively with one another or inappropriate medicines for their symptomology. Even now as a pharmacy student, Rodgers notices when a patient’s medicines are being refilled and when to address cerns. “Sometimes the patient is any concerns. oo much too often or not refilling taking too ely fashion. These are variables in a timely n affect the treatment of their that can ve morbidities. Amazingly, a respective minder of when to refill and how little reminder erly take a medication can make to properly a world of difference in an individual’s ing,” he says. well-being,”
As for future career goals, Rodgers plans to practice in a retail setting following graduation because of the high level of patient access and interaction. He enjoys counseling customers on medicines and hopes to make a positive difference in compliance, “there is so much room for improvement in the retail setting. Individuals are picking up medications without proper direction as to how to take it or what not to take with it. I want to lower this number and increase the number of patients that are being properly counseled.”
avan Spips arrived at Campbell University School of Pharmacy focusing only on his career aspirations. His plan was to earn his master’s of science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSPS) in order to take the next step toward his ultimate goal of completing a Ph.D. His frame of mind quickly changed when he realized he is not only earning a degree but also learning how to contribute to the health care profession. “When I first entered the field of pharmacy I was only looking at it as my career objective,” says Spips. “While at Campbell, I noticed how the faculty devoted their time to train students to help us understand the value of the profession and it dawned on me, what I was learning would affect people’s lives, not just my personal goals.” During his first semester in a pharmacokinetics course, Spips received an assignment to evaluate discrete sets of patient data and then modulate a drug treatment based on that data. “That was the moment I realized I was contributing
Affecting lives through patient care
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to the health care profession by developing a safe and effective drug,” he says. “It has been quite an experience for me and I look forward to being able to serve patients who are in need.” The MSPS program has an extensive curriculum concentrating on various disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences providing students with an applied and practical understanding of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Spips feels the program provides a platform for students to actively indulge themselves into drug research in order to learn how to develop an effective medication for patients. Looking into his future, Spips still has the same career goal of earning his Ph.D. but he is also driven by his interest to help patients through his research. After graduating from Campbell, he plans to apply to an extensive cancer research or neuropharmacology Ph.D. program because many commonly found diseases are associated with one of these two areas.
or Amanda Ferguson, the School of Pharmacy’s Pharm.D./MSCR joint degree program is a perfect fit. She can enjoy clinical interaction with patients through her Pharm.D. degree and enhance her ability to provide quality care by interpreting clinical trials with her master’s of science in Clinical Research (MSCR) degree. The MSCR program teaches the process of evaluating therapeutic options for individual patients. By understanding and interpreting clinical trials the best drug regimen is indentified for specific individuals and their unique situation. “By understanding this process and being able to participate in it, I will be able to offer health care providers in-depth data on how to treat their patients,” says Ferguson. “I think it will be rewarding to provide up-to-date, comprehensive information pertaining to an individual’s current disease state. I hope to be able to help guide therapy in a way that provides the best possible care for each patient.”
Ferguson feels Campbell strongly emnical phasizes the importance of using clinical sed research in determining evidence-based tice medicine and following current practice guidelines. Through this training shee is ing confident that understanding and being able to perform clinical research will be valuable to the care she provides as a pharmacist in the future. As her graduation approaches in May ing 2010, Ferguson is interested in pursuing la career in post-approval drug surveiltting lance, “I want to work in a clinical setting where I am able to monitor patients in mes order to optimize their health outcomes through evidence-based therapeutic decisions and assist in removing barriers to correct their medication compliance.””
2008-2009 Annual Report 9
Affecting future health care professionals
ames Chamberlain, 2013 doctor of pharmacy candidate, was in the midst of earning his bachelor’s degree at a college in Florida when he decided to attend Campbell University to pursue a career in pharmacy. “One of my professors, Dr. Fitzgerald, had completed her pharmacy degree at Campbell,” says Chamberlain. “I loved her classes; they were so relevant because she was able to incorporate clinical illustrations into her lectures. When I ultimately decided I wanted to be a pharmacist, my first choice was Campbell because it was evident the program had prepared her so well.” Tracy Fitzgerald is a 1997 graduate from Campbell’s doctor of pharmacy program. Chamberlain feels a career in pharmacy will be rewarding because of the various avenues available to serve others, “I want to help others. Earning my pharmacy degree will allow me to provide assistance to people in need during some discouraging times in their lives. I want to bring hope to the sick as other health care professionals have done for my family. Working in health care is the perfect area for me to give back to my community.” As a first year pharmacy student, Chamberlain looks forward to being in an academically challenging environment with professors who want their students to succeed and feels confident he will be well prepared for any area of practice through his training at the School of Pharmacy. At this point he is excited to learn about the different opportunities the profession offers; his particular interests are in research, academia and providing direct patient care. Following graduation, Chamberlain’s dream is to work overseas as a missionary. He wants to focus on educating local health care professionals, hoping to have a long-term affect on improving patient care, “by sharing clinical knowledge with practitioners, the care they provide to patients will continue to improve even after I have left.”
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MEET THE CLASS OF 2013 Applicants Students Enrolled Age Range Average GPA Female/Male Average PCAT Scores Biology Chemistry Composite Residence In-State Out-of-State Race American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino White Highest Level of Education 64-97 credit hours 98 or more credit hours Associate’s Degree Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Juris Doctorate
1,744 108 19-48 3.45 73%/27% 71% 63% 65% 87% 13% 1% 6.5% 6.5% 1% 85% 27% 24% 2% 2% 44% 1%
2008-2009 Annual Report 11
Affecting future health care professionals
2009 DEGREE RECIPIENTS Master of Science in Clinical Research Purvi Ravindra Bhakta Benjamin Henry Edwards Amanda Hall Lewis Jennifer Suggs Marshburn Renea Oquendo Sarah Diane Prodan Tiffany Bridget Fassnacht Register Ebony Sheree Scales Lavina Julian Sequira Diti Tushar Shah William Thomas Simmons Paige Ward Strickland Ijeoma Agnes Uwakwe Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Sejala A. Patel Doctor of Pharmacy Marlena Louise AbernethyPage Justin Edward Adams Rebecca Marie Allen Jordon Thomas Baker Allison Courtney Waters Baynor Katie Louise Bickley Heather Stroud Bowers Trisha Alexis Bowery Jessica Leigh Brooks Jessica Leigh Brown Merideth Frances Brown Steven Eugene Brown
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Thora Ann Brown Alison Beth Buck Ralph Robert Bunting David Jonas Burton Paul Christopher Butts Christina Lynn Candeloro Macelynn Karen Cartrette Shannon Elizabeth Cozort James Edmund Culp Kammy Denee Cunningham Juliane Danielczyk Ana Dates Shannon Leigh Davis Whitney Suzanne Deason Nancy Francesca Di Maio Crystal Nicole Dowless Julie Ann Dunn Benjamin Henry Edwards Christopher Bryan Edwards Sean Gregory Evans Ahunna Eberechi Freeman Laurel Dell Gentry Gwen Madayag Gitana Cristina Nelson Goslee Sejal A. Patel Tim Hatley Amanda Louise Hawks Jancy LaDane Hewett Robert Sean Hickman Laura Michelle Honeycutt April Lynn James Amber Lachelle Johnson YoRonda Arteciah Jones Fotene L. Kaltsounis
Nabil Abdul Rahman Kamas Colvin Eugene Killian Justin Andrew Koteff Tyler James Laws Amanda Hall Lewis Amanda Lucas Lipscomb Kelly Fowler Lovett Andrea Colby Luebchow Elham Erfani Mali William Paul Martin Joshua Aaron McDuffie Lori Bryan McLaurin Amy Rebecca Murray Justin Lee Nierengarten Joseph Thomas O’Shaughnessy Nicole Renee Panosh Sweta Patel Dimple Anilkumar Patel Jai Maheshkumar Patel Jason Christopher Perry Carisa Nichole Peterson Sarah Susanne Potter Charlie William Powell David Thomas Price April Matthews Procita Sheen X. Ramirez Tiffany Bridget Fassnacht Register Cory Paul Rose Lindsay Sampson Crystal Gayle Scarpena Megan McBee Schrock
Brittany Moody Serafini Diti Tushar Shah Elizabeth Susan Smith Ellyn Renee Smith Jennifer Clontz Spidel Benjamin Lake Stanley Brandy Wright Stevens Paige Ward Strickland Courtney Barefoot Thomas Matthew Floyd Thornbrough Jeffrey Marshall Tingen Scott Christopher Troutman Bryan Leo Turner Ijeoma Agnes Uwakwe Heather Renee Vick Travis Wayne Wallace Renee Elizabeth Webb Stephanie Lynn Weiss Chrisantos Ndubi Wekheye Laurie Marie Whalin Eleanor Virginia White Nicole Renee Whittenburg Sarah Danielle Wylie Jin-Kyung Lisa Yang Annie Yee
Practice Area Retail/Chain
Ambulatory Care
Hospital Administration
Ambulatory Care
Residence After Graduation
Long Term Care
North Carolina
< $69,999
South Carolina
Preparation Area
No Response
Biomedical Sciences
Clinical Therapies
Clinical Skills
2008-2009 Annual Report 13
Affecting future health care professionals
Physician Assistant program added to the School of Pharmacy’s academic offerings
ampbell University School of Pharmacy announced the addition of a master of Physician Assistant studies (M.P.A.S.) degree to its academic offerings in October 2008. The program was approved to address the shortage of primary care physicians in North Carolina. According to the American Academy of Physician Assistants, the Physician Assistant (PA) profession emerged in the mid-1960’s to alleviate a problem of physician mal-distribution and to increase the public’s access to quality health care. Physician assistants (PAs) are licensed to practice medicine with physician supervision. They perform a comprehensive range of medical duties from basic primary care to high-technology procedures and are virtually found in every medical and surgical specialty. In some rural areas where physicians are in short supply, PAs serve as the primary providers of health care, conferring with their supervising physicians as needed and as required by law. With fewer medical students pursuing careers in primary care medicine and a rapidly growing population, the American Academy of Family Physicians anticipates nearly all 50 states will have a shortage of primary care physicians by 2020. “Traditional physicians may spend up to ten years in medical school. By establishing a PA program, we have an opportunity to meet immediate health care needs in a more rapid fashion,” says Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., dean of the School of Pharmacy. “Our objective through all our programs, including the PA program, is to promote, support and expand the institutional capacity to 14 Affect +
meet health related needs of our citizens.” The School of Pharmacy is slated to begin accepting applications for the PA program in the fall of 2010 with the first classes starting in the fall of 2011. In order to prepare for the charter class, Thomas P. Colletti, M.P.A.S., PA-C, was appointed the director and associate professor of the PA program in May 2009. He will work directly with Dean Maddox to develop a successful program. Colletti has served the past 30 years as an active educator, clinician and researcher. He is a graduate of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) PA Program located in New York City; he also completed a M.P.A.S. degree from the University of Nebraska. His roles as an assistant director of the PA program at Methodist University and as the PA academic coordinator at Duke University Medical Center have equipped him with the knowledge and aptitude to lead the program at Campbell. “I find the art of medicine very stimulating and I want to pass on my experience to a new generation of PAs,” says Colletti. “Being a medical educator will allow me to impact health care on a larger scale, sending out new PAs to provide service to many different communities. In the end it is all about providing excellent medical care to our patients.” Colletti admits the accreditation process will be a huge undertaking. Campbell will follow the Accreditation Review Committee for Physician Assistants (ARC-PA) standards; this procedure will include submitting a formal application and developing a self-study to demonstrate the col-
lege’s preparation and qualifications to launch a successful PA program. Colletti is honored Campbell has placed the responsibility of launching the program in his hands. He is excited to be associated with such a prestigious university and vows to focus on building an outstanding educational opportunity for students and hopes to graduate highly skilled PAs who will exemplify Campbell’s ideals and uphold its reputation. “Health care continues to change before our eyes,” says Colletti. “The current emphasis on health care reform proposed by the new administration includes a renewed emphasis on wellness, prevention, primary care, and the medical home concept. PAs are uniquely prepared and situated to contribute to this need and I see this current era as a new challenge for the PA profession and my goal is to prepare our students to respond to this call.” The two year program has a projected enrollment of 32 students per class. The program’s curriculum will be divided into two phases: didactic training in classrooms, laboratories and clinical facilities followed by clinical rotations. Students will be exposed to clinical experience in emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, geriatrics, internal medicine, obstetrics-gynecology, pediatrics and psychiatry.
Pictured above, Thomas P. Colletti, M.P.A.S., PA-C, director and associate professor of the Physician Assistant program and Dean Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., discuss future plans for the new Physician Assistant program at Campbell University School of Pharmacy.
2008-2009 Annual Report 15
Affecting compassion in local communities
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harmacy students in the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) chapter at Campbell University are learning the importance of service as they reach out to their community. “We believe it is important to begin fostering strong and lasting relationships with our community so we may demonstrate all of the services our profession is able to provide,” says SNPhA President Tony Shelton, 2012 Pharm.D. candidate. “Too many people do not realize pharmacists can give immunizations, screen for diabetes and high cholesterol, or monitor blood pressure. By reaching out to our community and providing these crucial services, we hope to engender a sense of respect and trust that will positively impact the future of pharmacy and have a dramatic effect on the improvement of health care in the community at large.” SNPhA is a national student organization charging its chapters to help their community by providing education and services that focus on five key initiatives: chronic kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, stroke, immunizations, and legislation/voting. During the past year, the chapter at the School of Pharmacy served their community by completing each initiative. The group helped with voter registration for the 2008 presidential election, administered flu shots in local pharmacies and at the North Carolina State Fair, gave blood pressure screenings at various health fairs and senior centers, performed diabetes testing at local churches, and hosted the first HIV testing day at Campbell University. “Being pharmacy students, it is easy for us to become bogged down with studying and isolate ourselves from our surroundings,” says Shelton. “But to do so would be an injustice to ourselves as future pharmacists and to our community which can benefit greatly from the
services we are able to provide. Our SNPhA chapter feels an obligation to give back to the community by using our clinical skills and health knowledge to educate and treat the everyday people who sustain us and make our lives possible.” In addition to developing their skills as future pharmacists, volunteering in the community has allowed SNPhA members meet face-to-face with and help countless people in need. “It truly is an incredible experience to sit down with an older man and discuss how his diet and exercise habits are affecting his blood pressure, or to convince a woman of the importance of getting a flu shot. This kind of personal relationship with patients is what makes pharmacists so unique and special,” says Shelton. During SNPhA’s national conference on July 17-20, 2009, Campbell’s chapter was recognized with numerous awards and took a national office. Tina Lee, 2011 Pharm.D. candidate, was appointed as Region II Facilitator; she will serve as a liaison between the national headquarters and 16 chapters in the southeast region. Campbell’s chapter received second place for the National Chapter of Excellence award and a trophy for their community service activities completed throughout the 2008-2009 academic year. As for next year, SNPhA is hoping to double its efforts by providing more services and reaching out to more people in the community. They are currently preparing a Hispanic Community Outreach program that will focus on the importance of immunizations and look to expand their HIV testing day.
2008-2009 Annual Report 17
Student organizations at Campbell University School of Pharmacy completed the following activities during the 2008-2009 academic year.
Affecting compassion in local communities
Student Government Pharmacy Student Executive Board
International Society for Pharmaceutical
Activities: Apothecary Ball, Back to
School Social, PSEB/CPFI Auction Charity
Activities: Carolina South Atlantic (CASA)
Fundraiser, Relay for Life, Spring Social,
Chapter annual planning meeting, CASA
Talent Show Charity Fundraiser, Tour de
officer training meeting, CASA student
activity meeting, CASA Technology Show,
Conference: North Carolina Association of
Monthly meetings with guest speakers, Toys
Pharmacists (NCAP) Leadership Conference
for Tots Conferences: ISPE Annual meeting in
Professional Organizations
November 2008 in Orlando, FL, ISPE South
American Association of Pharmaceutical
2009 in Raleigh, NC
Recognition: Krishna Cherukuri, MSPS
Activities: Hosted guest speakers from
candidate, won ISPE CASA poster
pharmaceutical industry, North Carolina
competition and a trip to attend the 2009
Pharmaceutical discussion group meetings,
ISPE Annual meeting in November 2009 in
Relay for Life
San Diego, CA
American Society of Consultant
National Community Pharmacists
Activities: Hosted guest speakers from
Activities: Annual Halloween and Easter
pharmacy profession, Nursing home
candy bag fundraisers, Mutual Wholesale
manicures and bingo, Provided Easter cards
Drug Company Tour, Participation in
to nursing home residents, Reverse trick-or-
legislative action on community pharmacy
treat, Toured Continuing Care RX facility,
issues through pharmacist,
Toured Dunn Rehab Center
Operation Christmas Child, Provided
Conference: NCAP Chronic Care Forum
immunizations at the NC State Fair, Seminars
on antibiotic resistance during Get Smart
East Student Leadership Forum in February
about Antibiotics Week American Pharmacists Association-
Conference: 2008 NCPA 110th Annual
Academy of Student Pharmacists
Convention and Trade Exposition
Activities: Coordinated School of Pharmacy Health Fair, Heartburn awareness program,
Student National Pharmaceutical
Participated in three health fairs/screenings,
Pharm.D. fitness challenge, Prepared diabetes
Activities: Hosted clothing and accessories
kits and donated to elementary schools in
drive for Harnett CARES and North Raleigh
Harnett County, NC
Ministries, Hosted free HIV testing day,
Conferences: American Pharmacists
Hosted multicultural dinner to promote
Association (APhA) Annual Meeting and
diversity on campus, Hosted pageant on
Exposition, Region III APhA-ASP Midyear
campus to raise money for individuals with
Regional Meeting
HIV, Hosted Pennies War to raise money for
Recognition: APhA Certificate of Recognition
breast cancer research, Helped with voter
for Operation Diabetes
registration and absentee ballots, Operation Inasmuch, Ovarian Cancer Walk, Provided
18 Affect +
blood pressure screenings on MLK Day,
Pharmacy Legislative Interest Group
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Delta
Participated in several red bag day events,
Activities: Helped with voter registration
Lambda Chapter
Provided diabetes and blood pressure
and absentee ballots, Pharmacy Day in the
Activities: Adopt-a-Highway, Annual Brie
screenings at local churches, Provided
Legislation, School of Pharmacy Health Fair
Anne Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Golf
immunizations and blood pressure screenings at local pharmacies, Provided immunizations at the NC State Fair, Relay for Life, School of Pharmacy Health Fair, Tour de Cure Conferences: 2008 SNPhA Regional Meeting in Atlanta, GA, 2009 SNPhA National
Phi Lambda Sigma, Alpha Zeta Chapter Activities: Annual Initiation Ceremony, First Year Student Leadership Boot Camp, Leadership Development Program Conference: Phi Lambda Sigma House of
Meeting in Chicago, IL
Delegates at the APhA Annual Meeting and
Recognitions: 2nd Place National Chapter
Award, Outstanding SNPhA Region II participation and achievement, Outstanding community service, Outstanding participation in Chronic Kidney Disease initiative, Outstanding participation in HIV/AIDS
Rho Chi Honor Society, Gamma Iota Chapter Activities: Annual initiation ceremony, Organized pharmacy tutoring program
participation in Operation Immunization
Park benefitting Reynolds scholarship, Annual Cadet Ball, Holiday parties at Nursing Homes, Operation Inasmuch, Relay for Life, School of Pharmacy Health Fair, Step out for Diabetes, Supporter to the Autism Society of North Carolina, Tour de Cure, Walk MS Conferences: 2009 Grand Council Convention in August 2009 at Clearwater Beach, FL, Hosted Province III Fall Conclave, Province III Spring Assembly in March 2009 Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Beta Kappa Chapter
initiative, Outstanding participation in Legislation initiative, Outstanding
Tournament & Kappa Psi Cookout in the
Activities: 2008 Fall Founders Day Banquet, 2009 Spring Formal, Adopt-A-Highway,
initiative, Outstanding participation in Power
Kappa Epsilon Pharmaceutical Fraternity,
Balloon animal ministry, Fall Back on
to End Stroke initiative
Alpha Rho Chapter
CU for CE, Juvenile Diabetes Easter egg
Activities: Adopt-A-Highway, Bake Sales
hunt, Harnett Manor nursing home visits,
Student Society of Health-System
to raise funds for various causes, Collected
Cinderella Project, Operation Inasmuch,
Yoplait lids for Susan G. Komen Foundation,
Phi Delta Chi (PDC) Beta Omega Chapter’s
Activities: Bake sales, Clinical Skills
Founder’s Day Celebration Dinner and
Initiation at Wingate University School of
Competition, CV and Resume Workshop,
Awards Banquet, Fundraiser for Women’s
Pharmacy, PDC Gamma Gamma Chapter’s
Health-System Dinner Series, Resident
Shelter in Lillington, NC, Gail Parkins
Initiation at University of Appalachia College
Presentations, Relay for Life, School of
Ovarian Cancer Walk, Go Red for Women
of Pharmacy, St. Jude Children’s Research
Pharmacy Health Fair, T-shirt fundraiser
Heart Disease Awareness in February, Passed
Hospital letter writing campaign, Step Out for
Conference: 2008 American Society of
out information for Breast Cancer Awareness
Diabetes, Tour de Cure, Vial for Life
Health-System Pharmacists Midyear
Month, Relay for Life, School of Pharmacy
Powder Puff Football Tournament, Supported
Recognition: 2008-2009 Recognized Student
various events for the first year pharmacy
student orientation, Teenagers as Parents
Christian Pharmacists Fellowship
meetings and childcare services, Teacher
Academic/Leadership Organizations
appreciation breakfast at the School of
Pharmacy Alumni Student Association
Conference: Kappa Epsilon 47th National
Activities: Alumni Luncheons, CU @ Dinner,
Activities: Chili Cook-off, Dessert Bake-off, Nursing homes visits, Operation Christmas Child, Relay for Life prayer drive, School of Pharmacy Easter Service, Supported a local
CU Basketball Game and Football Game with
church for medication/medical assistance
Pharmacy Alumni Association, Golf Clinic,
programs, Supported five students traveling to
School of Pharmacy Health Fair, Student
three countries for medical mission trips
Career Development Workshop
Conference: CPFI Student Retreat in Palm Beach, FL
2008-2009 Annual Report 19
he would consider interviewing n 1994, King Faisal Specialist more candidates. Hospital & Research Centre in “It was an honor for the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was searchschool to receive a phone call ing for an innovative program to Affecting from an alumnus who spoke so develop their pharmacist’s clinihumanity highly about the program and cal skills and to enhance patient around the recommended it to his colinteraction. To establish such a world leagues in Saudi Arabia,” said program, King Faisal contacted Maddox. “This relationship Campbell University School of is worth our effort when I see Pharmacy. The school accepted Campbell not only impacting the joint venture with the hope primary health care in our nation of further advancement in health but also internationally.” care. This connection with Saudi Arabia has blosThe door was opened for more pharmacists from somed with time and allowed the school to promote Saudi Arabia to attend Campbell. Qualified candidates the roles of pharmacists and improve public health were interviewed and six pharmacists who practice in abroad. a range of areas from hospital to the Saudi Arabia Food “After being approached with this unique op& Drug Administration were accepted into the final portunity, I felt this is one way the school can make three years of pharmacy school. a difference,” said Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., dean of Nabil Kamas, Pharm.D. ’09, was the first of these the School of Pharmacy. “As a nation, we are a leader six pharmacists to graduate from the program. Folin health care; an advantage of being a leader is sharlowing his graduation in May 2009, he returned to ing our knowledge in order to invest in the lives of Saudi Arabia to practice at Saad Specialist Hospipatients. Helping to make a significant difference by tal. Before arriving at Campbell in 2006, Kamas had training international pharmacists in order to affect practiced hospital pharmacy since the early 1990’s and patient outcomes is one way to do this.” decided to apply in order to enhance his pharmacy Between 1998 and 2002, 15 pharmacists from Saudi training. “I knew I was going to benefit and gain a lot Arabia earned their doctor of pharmacy degree from of knowledge but I learned much more than I anticiCampbell, and then returned to their native country pated and not only in the clinical aspect of pharmacy; to further develop clinical pharmacy programming I learned how the patient comes first, how to deal and to serve in leadership positions in the profession. with resistant patients, and resistant medical team After a change in the administration at King Faisal, members.” the relationship was hindered and applicants were no Kamas feels his time at Campbell had a clear longer sent to Campbell. positive impact on his skills. He believes few schools Three years ago, Maddox received a phone call can match the expertise of the faculty who are both from Adbulsalam Al-Asseri, Pharm.D. ’99, director of nationally and internationally experts in their field. “I pharmacy at Saad Specialist Hospital in Al-Khobar, learned the best techniques and methods to practice Saudi Arabia. Al-Asseri spoke with him about the evidence based medicine,” he says. “I can clearly see difference Campbell’s education had made in the the effect this education has on my practice. I am now way they practice pharmacy and the quality of health applying what I learned and the medical team in Saudi care they are able to provide in Saudi Arabia. He was Arabia is impressed by my knowledge and experipersistent that more pharmacists from his country needed to be trained at Campbell and asked Maddox if ence. Training at different sites during my rotations
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Current students from Saudi Arabia earning their doctor of pharmacy degree at Campbell University School of Pharmacy. Once they complete their degree they plan to return to their native country to practice pharmacy and implement their education into the health care system. From left, Rayd Almehizia, Abdulaali Al-Mutairi, Sahal Khoshhal and Mohammed Barasain. Abdulaziz Al Draihm is not pictured.
at Campbell has allowed me to be viewed as an expert and a teacher. I am part of the medical team and my voice and comments are heard.” Through his experience at Campbell, Kamas has his mind set n Saudi on a new career goal: to establish a residency program in esidency Arabia. He wants to use what he learned to develop a residency ity and that would teach and train students with the same quality ol of principles that were evident during his time at the School Pharmacy. culty, “Campbell is a great school; a great campus, great faculty, ays and great atmosphere can only spawn great students,” says Kamas. “As a Muslim, the wonderful Christian values I felt being incorporated into every aspect of interaction truly made me mmon feel at home, and made me realize how much more in common cere we have than differences. I would like to convey my sincere thanks to each and every faculty and staff member at thee School of Pharmacy.” rtunity The School of Pharmacy is appreciative for the opportunity on of to train international students and help a new generation urther leaders in Saudi Arabia use progressive approaches to further improve health care.
“I learned the best techniques and methods to practice evidence based medicine during my time at Campbell; I can clearly see the effect this education has on my practice. I am now applying what I learned and the medical team in Saudi Arabia is impressed by my knowledge and experience.” Nabil Kamas, Pharm.D. ’09 2008-2009 Annual Report 21
he Pharmacy Readiness & Enrichment Program (PREP) at Campbell University School of Pharmacy influences diversity in the pharmacy profession because of its inherent design,” explains Bev Louden, 2013 doctor of pharmacy candidate. “Not only does the program welcome students from all backgrounds, it promotes a sense of unity and family. I can personally say that it has been a life changing experience for me and for other students who participated in the program.” At a glance, the week long program prepares students for the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT), introduces them to various career opportunities in the pharmacy profession and engages them with mentors as they interact with faculty, staff and current pharmacy students. Looking more in depth, it inspires individuals with minority and/or disadvantaged backgrounds to consider a career opportunity they might not have done otherwise. Louden attended PREP in May 2008 to learn more about the profession and was pleased to find the various avenues of pharmacy she could pursue, “because of PREP, I decided to not only follow my dream of becoming a pharmacist but chose a clinical research pathway as well by earning a master’s of science in Clinical Research.” PREP exposed Louden to pharmacists
who practice non-traditional roles and allowed her to see how pharmacists truly make a difference in the lives of patients. Campbell faculty members who spoke during the program stand out to her as role models for their work in the profession. “No matter what role I will assume in the future, whether it’s on the frontline in disaster preparedness efforts like Dr. Amanda Fuller or monitoring INR Coumadin response rates like Dr. Kim Lewis and Dr. Catherine Lewis, I am certain that I will be able to thoroughly take care of my patients and help my community,” she says. Because of her experiences at PREP, Louden participated in the program as a counselor in May 2009 before entering the School of Pharmacy this past fall. She wanted to help other students have the same experience she had through PREP, “I have seen how the program inspires the hearts and minds of minority students, and changes their focus toward pharmacy school. I wanted to be a part of this and help others find their future career path.” With three years of pharmacy school ahead of her, Louden is uncertain about the area of pharmacy she will pursue but has an interest in community pharmacy, industry, and long-term care. Whichever field she chooses, she is excited and passionate about the road before her.
Affecting diversity in the profession of pharmacy
Affecting diversity in the profession of pharmacy
s one of the few institutions in the nation with a college level program dedicated to advancing diversity in the profession of pharmacy, Campbell University School of Pharmacy remains committed to its effort to produce a diverse student pharmacist population and to prepare graduates to be culturally sensitive clinical providers. This past year, the school continued to focus on the Pharmacy Readiness & Enrichment Program (PREP) to address the shortage of underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities in the field of pharmacy in North Carolina. In May 2009, the School of Pharmacy hosted its fourth PREP session. The program prepares students for the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) by offering a week of preparation courses. These classes are separated by lunch programs exposing participants to pharmacy and pharmacy-related educational degrees. In the evenings, students attend dinner programs centered on career opportunities in the pharmacy profession and participate in personal development activities which include time management, studying, interviewing and leadership skills. Students are also mentored daily by faculty, staff and current pharmacy
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students, who serve as counselors. The recruitment program for PREP included over 40 campus visits to colleges and universities throughout North Carolina and was promoted at health fairs, open houses, on-site visits, graduate/professional school fairs, speaking engagements, advisor development workshops, online portals, phone conferences and advisement appointments. The goal was to identify at least 75 candidates for the PREP summer session with the intention to accept 50 participants into the program. Recruitment efforts produced 107 prospects and 66 students of diverse ethnicities matriculated from 29 different institutions into the May 2009 program. At the end of the 2009 PREP session, a three-month study plan was devised for each participant by their counselor and each student received access to online instructional materials for the PCAT. All participants were expected to take the PCAT in June 2009, August 2009, October 2009 or January 2010. The program covered the expense of one examination. The results of all PCAT diagnostic testing will be in a forthcoming report. Of the 2009 PREP participants, 59% applied to a graduate or professional
school and 69% of those applicants were admitted. Thirty-six percent of the 2009 PREP participants were accepted into the masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of science in Clinical Research program at Campbell University. Furthermore, the School of Pharmacy accepted 15% underrepresented minority students into the 2013 doctor of pharmacy class and 35% of these students were participants of past PREP programs. The school expects the rate of matriculation into graduate or professional programs to increase in the future as additional 2009 PREP participants complete their undergraduate degree and have the opportunity to apply to post-graduate programs. Overall the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s initiative has been successful in affecting diversity in the work place and the profession of pharmacy. Achievements at the institution include the progress of the Diversity Board of Advisors, the incorporation of cultural sensitivity and competency training for faculty, staff and students and the recruitment and activities of PREP.
DIVERSITY BOARD OF ADVISORS The mission of the Diversity Board of Advisors is to advise the dean and administration of Campbell University School of Pharmacy on strategies for recruitment, development and enrichment of a diverse faculty, staff and student body.
Violette O. Ajiboye, Pharm.D. ’07, M.B.A. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Vanessa Barnes Greene County Schools Demetria N. Boutte, Pharm.D. ’08, M.S.C.R. ’04 Duke University Medical Center Robert Bridges, Ed.D. Education Initiatives, Inc.
Sylvia T. Johnson, M.S. University of North Carolina Pembroke
James E. Raynor, Jr., Ph.D. Fayetteville State University
Kimberly P. Lewis, Pharm.D. Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Jermaine Smith, R.Ph. Rite Aid Corporation
Bronson L. Lowery, 2012 Pharm.D. Candidate Campbell University School of Pharmacy
William J. Taylor, Jr., Pharm.D. Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Charles E. McClinton, Sr., Ph.D. North Carolina Central University
Howard Brooks HealthKeeperz
W. Mark Moore, Pharm.D. ’00, M.S.C.R. ’07, M.B.A. Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Annette G. Bullard, Pharm.D. ’96 Southeastern Regional Medical Center
Gabrielle F. Morgan, M.B.A. Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Ronnie Chapman, Pharm.D. Chapmanetics Consultants
Michael Nnadi, Pharm.D., M.H.S. Novant Health
Letitia Cornish Winton-Salem State University, School of Health Sciences
Jodi S. Peeler, M.B.A., CFRE Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Brenda D. Jamerson, Pharm.D. Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Timothy T. Thompson, Pharm.D. ’00 Naval Hospital Pensacola Mary L. Townsend, Pharm.D. Campbell University School of Pharmacy Donald Wells Don Wells Consulting, Inc. Josiah R. Whitehead, D. Sc., M.B.A. Campbell University School of Pharmacy Vince Williams, Pharm.D. Wal-Mart Pharmacy Stephen M. Wing CVS/Caremark
Kimberly R. Powers, C.Ph.T. Harris Teeter
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or Terri Hamrick, Ph.D., assistant professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, becoming a professor was not her intention but instead it was her interests that led her, one by one, to a faculty position at Campbell. Initially Hamrick went to graduate school because she loved science. She enjoyed working in the lab and developing experiments that helped her address a question or problem. Her interest was in microbes that affect human health and the questions she asked revolved around how microbes interact with the body in the face of the immune system. While in graduate school, she had the opportunity to teach a few undergraduate courses, as well as present her work to others. Through these experiences, she realized that she enjoys helping others learn. Following graduation, Hamrick found herself looking for a position that gave her an opportunity to complete research, teach and focus her attention on issues related to human health.. To her surprise she found a perfect fit in a faculty position at Campbell University School of Pharmacy. This role ideally melds together all her interests into one position. Hamrick admits when she first started at Campbell she didn’t know much about the role a pharmacist plays in the health care field. “That first year was a year of great learning forr me,” she says. “As I looked at the health care profession and the opportunity for a pharmacist to truly affect the health of his or her clients, I came to realize what a difference a pharmacist can make. I tell my students each semester that they are the most accessible health care professional to the public, and I truly believe that.” As a faculty member, Hamrick has developed the drive to become an educator. She is motivated by her ongoing opportunity to play a significant role in helping to develop professionalss who will make a difference in the lives of many as they offer their expertise to consumers, patients, and health care practitioners. Additionally, she enjoys mentoring students in the areaa of basic science research and the interaction between Listeria and the mammalian host. “Our students are smart, dedicated, and motivated to make a difference in the lives of the people they are serving,” she says. “I have complete confidence that they are saving lives and improving the quality of life for so many, and it is exciting to be a part of their education.”
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Affecting lives through education
PHARMACY PRACTICE Connie L. Barnes, Director of Drug Information Center and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1990); R.Ph., NC Tara L. Bell, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Biology, Saint Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College-University of Notre Dame (1995); Pharm.D., University of Michigan (1999); R.Ph., NC, SC J. Andrew Bowman, Director of Continuing Education and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1993); R.Ph., NC, VA James A. Boyd, Director of Pharm.D./ M.B.A. Program and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of Nebraska Medical Center (1977); Pharm.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center (1980); M.B.A., University of Nebraska at Lincoln (1987); R.Ph., NC, NE Robert M. Cisneros, Jr., Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, Northeast Louisiana University (1974); M.S., Hospital Pharmacy, Auburn University (1976); M.B.A., University of Alabama in Birmingham (1998); Ph.D., Pharmacy Care Systems, Auburn University (2003); R.Ph, AL, LA
Stephen H. Fuller, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Chemistry, Wake Forest University (1981); B.S., Pharmacy, Medical College of Virginia (1985); Pharm.D., Medical College of Virginia (1988); R.Ph., NC
D. Byron May, Vice-Chair for Curriculum and Faculty Development and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Clemson University (1983); Pharm.D., University of Florida at Gainesville (1988); R.Ph., NC
Kathey B. Fulton, Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1994); R.Ph., NC
Sarah E. McBane, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Guilford College (1998); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2003); R.Ph., NC
Casey K. Gardner, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (2004); R.Ph., NC James B. Groce, III, Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.A., Zoology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1980); B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1983); Pharm.D., Campbell University (1993); R.Ph., NC Ted E. Hancock, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Computer Science, Purdue University (1990); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2007) Charles Herring, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1992); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1994); R.Ph., NC
Valerie B. Clinard, Associate Director of Drug Information Center and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000); R.Ph., NC
Cynthia J. Johnston, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of Connecticut (1977); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000); R.Ph., NC
April A. Cooper, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1991); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1993); R.Ph., NC
Catherine D. Lewis, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., West Virginia University (2002); R.Ph., NC, WV, KY
Steven M. Davis, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of Florida at Gainesville (1988); R.Ph., NC Richard H. Drew, Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island (1980); M.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1989); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1999); R.Ph., NC
Kimberly P. Lewis, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Biology, Tougaloo College (2001); Pharm.D., University of Tennessee (2006); R.Ph., MS, NC, OH Ronald W. Maddox, Dean and Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, Auburn University (1969); Pharm.D., University of Tennessee (1973); R.Ph., NC, AL, GA
W. Mark Moore, Associate Dean for Admissions & Student Affairs and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1994); M.B.A., Pharm.D., Campbell University (2000); M.S., Clinical Research, Campbell University (2007); R.Ph., NC Andrew J. Muzyk, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Mercer University (2004); R.Ph., NC Ann Marie Nye, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Medical College of Virginia (2001); R.Ph., NC Amber M. Peoples, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2005); R.Ph., NC Roy A. Pleasants, Jr., Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1977); Pharm.D., Medical University of South Carolina-Charleston (1983); R.Ph., NC Melanie W. Pound, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (2001); R.Ph., NC Penny S. Shelton, Vice-Chair for Experiential Programs and Continuing Education and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1991); R.Ph., NC Jennifer D. Smith, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Biology, East Carolina University (1998); Pharm.D., Campbell University (2002); R.Ph., NC
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Gilbert A. Steiner, Director of Wellness Institute and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Pharmacy, Pharm.D., Wayne State University (1975); R.Ph., NC, MI Larry N. Swanson, Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of Southern California (1969); R.Ph., NC, CA, NV Tina H. Thornhill, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1991); R.Ph., NC Mary L. Townsend, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Mercer University (1999); R.Ph., NC Dustin T. Wilson, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Health Sciences, East Tennessee State University (2003); Pharm.D., Campbell University (2007); R.Ph., NC
PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES S. Thomas Abraham, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Chemistry, Mars Hill College (1987); Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences/Pharmacology, East Tennessee State University (1994) Michael L. Adams, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharm.D.,
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Campbell University (1996); Ph.D., Medicinal Chemistry, University of Washington (2003); R.Ph., NC Antoine Al-Achi, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Pharmacy, Damascus University (1978); M.Pharm., Hospital Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences (1981); M.S., Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Northeastern University (1988); Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences/Pharmaceutics, Northeastern University (1988); CT (ASCLP) Timothy J. Bloom, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.A., Zoology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1985); Ph.D., Pharmacology, University of Washington (1996) Christopher Breivogel, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Biochemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1992); Ph.D., Pharmacology, Wake Forest University (1998) Brad N. Chazotte, Research Associate Professor; B.S., Bucknell University (1976); Ph.D., Chemistry, Northern Illinois University (1981) Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., Executive Director of CUPSI, Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences;
Affecting lives through education
B.S., Pharmacy, Albany College of Pharmacy, Union University (1967); Ph.D., Pharmacology, University of Rochester (1972); R.Ph., NC Michael A. Gallagher, Pharmaceutical Sciences Instructor/Lab Manager Biochemistry/Analytical Chemistry; B.S., Biochemistry, Pennsylvania State University (1989) Robert L. Garrett, Jr., Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Biology, Harding University (1977); Ph.D., Pharmacology, Northeast Louisiana University College of Pharmacy (1986) Robert B. Greenwood, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1971); Ph.D., Pharmaceutics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1980); R.Ph., NC
Mali R. Gupta, Associate Director of CUPSI and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Pharmacy, Gujarat University, (1969); M.S., Industrial Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (1971); Ph.D., Industrial Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (1973)
Qinfeng Liu, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Fine Organic Chemistry, East China University of Sciences and Technology (1993); M.S., Fine Organic Chemistry, East China University of Sciences and Technology (1996); Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, University of Toledo (2005)
Terri S. Hamrick, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.A., Biology and Religion Studies, University of Virginia (1985); Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1996)
George Nemecz, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Chemistry, M.S., Chemistry, University of Szeged (1978); Ph.D., Biochemical Sciences, University of Szeged (1981)
Thomas J. Holmes, Jr., Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Pharmacy, Duquesne University (1971); Ph.D., Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan (1975) James L. Junker, Director of Science Education Outreach and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Biology, Muhlenburg College (1974); Ph.D., Pathology, Duke University (1980)
I. Daniel Shin, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.A., Korea University (1976); M.S., Western Illinois University (1988); Ph.D., North Carolina State University (1992) William C. Stagner, Director of CUPSI and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Pharmacy, University of Iowa (1973); M.S., Pharmaceutics, University of Iowa (1977); Ph.D., Pharmaceutics, University of Iowa (1979)
Amanda F. Fuller, Visiting Associate Professor; Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2003); R.Ph., NC Melissa A. Holland, Assistant Professor of Clinical Research; B.S., Biology, Pennsylvania State University (1998); M.S., Clinical Research, Pharm.D., Campbell University (2007); R.Ph., NC, MD Brenda D. Jamerson, Director of Clinical Research Center and Associate Professor of Clinical Research; B.S., Pharmacy, St. Louis College of Pharmacy (1983); Pharm.D., Ohio State University (1986); R.Ph., IL Mary Margaret Johnson, Director of Academic Affairs for Department of Clinical Research and Assistant Professor of Clinical Research; M.B.A., Pharm.D., Campbell University (2005); M.S., Clinical Research, Campbell University (2007); R.Ph., NC Melissa D. Johnson, Associate Professor of Clinical Research; B.S., University of Georgia (1992); Pharm.D., Campbell University (1997); M.H.S., Clinical Research, Duke (2007); R.Ph., NC
CLINICAL RESEARCH Jena T. Kelly, Program Administrator of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs and Instructor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S., Business, Campbell University (1990); M.B.A., Fayetteville State University (1996)
Ronnie Chapman, Visiting Associate Professor; B.S., Biology, High Point College (1983); Pharm.D., Mercer University (1988); R.Ph., NC, GA
Robert J. Schmid, Director of Distance Education LEARN Technology Center and Assistant Professor of Clinical Research; B.A., Business Management, North Carolina State University (1995); M.S., Clinical Research, Campbell University (2004)
2008-2009 Annual Report 29
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Wendy G. Stough, Associate Professor of Clinical Research; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1995); R.Ph., NC Khanh Tran Tseng, Assistant Professor of Clinical Research; B.A., Psychology, John Hopkins University (1999); M.S., Public Health, Emory University (2001); Ph.D., Integrated Biomedical Sciences, Ohio State University (2008) William J. Taylor, Jr., Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Clinical Research; B.S., Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1972); Pharm.D., University of Tennessee (1976); R.Ph., AZ, NC
ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS Office of the Dean Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D., Dean & Professor Thomas P. Colletti, M.P.A.S., PA-C, Physician Assistant Program Director Anna Fitzgerald, M.Ed., Physician Assistant Program Coordinator Janet L. Fields, Administrative Assistant to the Dean Josiah R. Whitehead, D.Sc., M.B.A., Special Consultant to the Dean Academic Affairs Robert B. Greenwood, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Wesley D. Rich, Ph.D., M.Ed., Director of Assessment Phyllis C. Strickland, Administrative Assistant Admissions & Student Affairs W. Mark Moore, Pharm.D., M.B.A., M.S., Clinical Research, Associate Dean, Admissions & Student Affairs Gabrielle F. Morgan, M.B.A., Director, Admissions & Student Affairs Jenny Sloop Johnson, M.Ed., Student Affairs Coordinator Lindsay D. Blackmon, Admissions Coordinator Abbie M. Usina, Admissions Counselor Brenda F. Blackman, Pre-Pharmacy Coordinator Kimberly J. Dunn, M.S., Coordinator, Academic Support Services
Alumni Relations & Advancement Jodi S. Peeler, M.B.A., CFRE, Assistant Dean, External Affairs Andrea P. Pacheco, Associate Director, Alumni Relations Jessica I. Joyner, Coordinator, Development & Special Projects Clinical Research William J. Taylor, Jr., Pharm.D., Chair, Department of Clinical Research Mary Margaret Johnson, Pharm.D., M.B.A., M.S., Clinical Research, Director, Academic Affairs Robert J. Schmid, M.S., Clinical Research, Director of Distance Education LEARN Technology Center Sheryl A. Jensen, Program Manager Abby M. Littlefield, M.Ed., Coordinator, Master of Science Program Sarah L. Hammond, Coordinator, Bachelor of Science Program Jamila B. Ollison, Program Coordinator Assistant Adam Tate, Broadcast Technician Russell Reeve, Statistician Pharmaceutical Sciences Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., Ph.D., Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Executive Director, CUPSI Thomas J. Holmes, Jr., Ph.D., Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs William C. Stagner, Ph.D., Director, CUPSI Mali R. Gupta, Ph.D., Associate Director, CUPSI James L. Junker, Ph.D., Director, Science Education Outreach Emily Bloom, Associate Director, Science Education Outreach Paul Johnson, Manager, Quality Control & Analytical Development of CUPSI Scott Staton, Manager, Formulation and Operations of CUPSI Jena T. Kelly, Program Administrator, Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs Crystal D. Dark, Office Manager Frank D. Long, Instructor Heather P. Matthews, Microbiology Analyst Ian Nguyen, Formulation Associate, CUPSI Chad I. Moody, Research Technician Kristal S. Troy, Research Technician Casey Langdon, Lab Technician
Affecting lives through education
Pharmacy Practice Larry N. Swanson, Pharm.D., Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice D. Byron May, Pharm.D., Vice-Chair for Curriculum and Faculty Development Penny S. Shelton, Pharm.D., Vice-Chair for Experiential Programs and Continuing Education Lisa T. West, Administrative Assistant J. Andrew Bowman, Pharm.D., Director, Continuing Education Samantha Clinton, Coordinator, Continuing Education Connie L. Barnes, Pharm.D., Director, Drug Information Center Valerie B. Clinard, Pharm.D., Associate Director, Drug Information Center Kathy D. Monaghan, Administrative Assistant Jean A. White, Coordinator, Experiential Programs Gilbert A. Steiner, Pharm.D., Director, Wellness Institute James A. Boyd, Pharm.D., M.B.A., Director, Pharm.D./M.B.A. Program
2008-2009 Annual Report 31
Affecting traditions at Campbell University School of Pharmacy
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lumni at the School of Pharmacy are effective contributors to the tradition of excellence at Campbell because they know firsthand the value of their education. “Campbell has a reputation for providing a quality pharmacy education and as alumni we should do everything possible to continue that reputation,” says Trish Carroll, Pharm.D. ’04. “The School of Pharmacy has grown by leaps and bounds the last couple of years providing students with more resources than I could have ever imagined. As a result, Campbell is att attracting a higher level of applicants and is better prepari our profession. ing students to excel in With the addition of the new Physician Assistant program, op opportunities for students will contin continue to grow. All of these advances take time and money in order to be successful success and as alumni, we should take pr pride in our school and contribute th through whatever means possible.” Carroll gives back to Campbell financially and by volunteering on
the Pharmacy Alumni Association (PAA) Board of Directors as the fundraising chair. She was interested in serving in this position because she wanted to have an impact on current students as well as alumni. This past year, Carroll played a role in helping the PAA establish its first endowed scholarship for students at the School of Pharmacy. As chair of the fundraising committee, she led the efforts to plan the school’s annual golf classic raising more than $15,500. With this money, the association chose to create a scholarship to benefit student leaders at the school. “I made the motion to use the proceeds from our annual golf tournament to establish a scholarship for our students,” says Carroll. “It was an honor to be a part of this.” Supporting scholarships is something Carroll has been passionate about since graduating from the School of Pharmacy. As a student, she struggled with paying tuition and had to work full-time. Knowing she would not have had the opportunities that she has today if it weren’t for the alumni who attended before her, she is in turn giving back to the school in order to make an impact on someone else’s future.
2008-2009 Annual Report 33
Affecting traditions at Campbell University School of Pharmacy
Reaching out, giving back and remaining faithful. The Pharmacy Alumni Association (PAA) is on a mission to preserve the traditions at the School of Pharmacy. Each year, the association offers various types of programming to reach out to alumni and supporters of the School of Pharmacy. One avenue is through Campbell Comments, a quarterly newsletter supported by the PAA, informing readers of the institutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s achievements, challenges, people and programs. Annual reunion events, homecoming activities, continuing education symposiums and receptions at professional pharmaceutical conferences hosted by the association reconnect alumni and promote the quality and pride of the school.
The association gives back through its volunteer efforts and financial support. The foundation of the PAA is laid by the time and dedication of alumni volunteers who serve on the PAA Board of Directors, the governing body of the organization. The PAA invests in further advancement of the school through supporting student programs and scholarships. Whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s involvement with the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA), or providing a presentation during various on-campus speaking engagements at student organization meetings, guest lectures in class, the White Coat Ceremony, Convocation or Graduation, a member of the PAA is in attendance to support the school, the association and the profession of pharmacy. This past year, the association made a commitment to establish an endowed scholarship to recognize and support student leaders at the School of Pharmacy with the proceeds from the 8th Annual Pharmacy Alumni & Friends Golf Classic. Through membership, events and volunteer opportunities, the PAA provides an outlet for alumni to always have a place within the School of Pharmacy. It is said time and time again; you attend the school as a student and leave as a member of the Campbell Pharmacy family. This further proves the School of Pharmacy is more than just four years of school; it is a lifetime of pride and tradition.
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PHARMACY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Pharmacy Alumni Association Board of Directors is the governing body of the Pharmacy Alumni Association serving as the alumni voice in regard to the organization’s benefits, services and programming.
2008 2009 BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Heather S. Massengill, Pharm.D. ’00 President
Michelle S. Turner, Pharm.D. ’04 Reunion Co-Chair
Jennifer L. Burch, Pharm.D. ’93 Member at Large
Dina H. Adams, Pharm.D. ’96 President-Elect
Casey L. Johnson, Pharm.D. ’05 Young Alumni Representative
J. Craig Fogle, Pharm.D. ’95 Member at Large
Amanda M. Greenwood, Pharm.D. ’02 Past President
Merritt E. Roane, Pharm.D. ’08 Recent Graduate Representative
Mike L. Griffin, Pharm.D. ’97 Member at Large
Andrea C. Markham, Pharm.D. ’94 Secretary
Cheri D. Janning, M.S., Clinical Research ’05 Clinical Research Representative
Jason B. Cain, Pharm.D. ’03 Member at Large
Kenzie E. Irvine, Pharm.D. ’07 Events Chair
Nicole T. Anders, M.S., Pharmaceutical Sciences ’08 Pharmaceutical Sciences Representative
Trish B. Carroll, Pharm.D. ’04 Fundraising Chair
Sarah M. Shelton, 2011 Pharm.D. Candidate Student Liaison
Mary H. Parker, Pharm.D. ’98 Membership Chair
ADMINISTRATIVE MEMBERS Jodi S. Peeler, M.B.A., CFRE Assistant Dean, External Relations Andrea P. Pacheco Associate Director, Alumni Relations
Ronnie D. Strickland, Pharm.D. ’92 Member at Large
Holly M. Mantooth, Pharm.D. ’94 Reunion Co-Chair
PHARMACY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PROFILE Total Members: 399 Lifetime Members: 27/Honorary Members: 6/Friends of the Association: 15
1990 1991
11% 20%
1993 1994
1996 1997 1998
19% 14% 15% 31%
2000 17%
2002 2003
29% 30%
2006 2007
29% 51%
2008 2009
22% 6% Clinical Research 3% Pharmaceutical Sciences 24% Overall
2008-2009 Annual Report 35
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Appreciation Highlights from 2008-2009
Diversity Initiative Fourth Pharmacy Readiness & Enrichment Program (PREP) held in May 2009. PREP participation grew from 35 students to 66 in 2009. Faculty and staff workshops and intensive surveys were conducted in an on-going effort to increase diversity within the school.
Development Admissions: 2013 Doctor of Pharmacy Class 1,744 applicants, 108 enrolled in class of 2013 87% in-state, 13% out-of-state
Pharmacy Alumni Association Maintained 24% membership from the entire alumni body Annual School of Pharmacy Alumni & Friends Golf Classic raised more than $15,500; the Pharmacy Alumni Association established an endowed scholarship with the proceeds.
Class of 2009 School of Pharmacyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s twentieth graduation ceremony was held on May 8, 2009 for the first time in the new John W. Pope, Jr. Convocation Center. Ninety-five Pharm.D., 13 M.S. in Clinical Research, and 1 M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences degrees were conferred by the School of Pharmacy in May 2009. Highest areas of employment (doctor of pharmacy graduates): 32% retail, 24% residency, and 15% hospital Twenty-three doctor of pharmacy graduates to complete residency training; greatest percentage (24%) of residents to date Doctor of pharmacy graduates achieved 100% passage rate on the NAPLEX exam.
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Alumni gave more than $159,000 in monetary gifts to the School of Pharmacy. 2008 phone-a-thon raised nearly $5,000 to benefit the Pharmacy Annual Fund. The Prescription for Our Future: 25th Anniversary Campaign was launched in June 2009 with a goal of raising $2.5 M in endowment monies. Employee giving continues to increase with 83% of faculty/ staff contributing; a 7% increase from the previous year. The Pharmacy Practice Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation rate was 100%. The Pharmacy Advancement Advisory Council (PAAC) was established to assist the school in the development of external funding.
Faculty Steve Fuller, Pharm.D., associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, completed the Academic Leaders Fellowship Program through the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Kathey Fulton, Pharm.D., clinical associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, was recognized as the Most Outstanding Allied Health Professional Employee of the Year by Pitt County Memorial Hospital.
Programming Jennifer Schuh, Pharm.D., assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice, was selected to attend the Dietary Research Practicum held at the National Institutes of Health. William Taylor, Pharm.D., chair of Clinical Research, was appointed to the Board of Directors for the Brightwater Life Sciences Park.
Grants Mark Moore, Pharm.D., M.B.A., M.S., Clinical Research, associate dean of Admissions and Student Affairs, William Taylor, Pharm.D., chair of Clinical Research, and Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., dean of the School of Pharmacy, received $262,000 in extramural funds from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health for the continuation of the Initiative for the Advancement of Underrepresented Minorities in Pharmacy. Mark Moore, Pharm.D., M.B.A., M.S., Clincial Research, associate dean of Admissions and Student Affairs, and Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., dean of the School of Pharmacy, received a $2,200 grant from The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc., to benefit student leaders in the doctor of pharmacy program. Qinfeng Liu, Ph.D., assistant professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Katie Cindric, bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of science in Pharmaceutical Sciences candidate, received $5,000 from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center for the Undergraduate Biotechnology Research Fellowships Program. Brenda Jamerson, Pharm.D., associate professor of Clinical Research, received a $33,600 North Carolina Biotechnology grant to fund the development of an educational course for the biotech community in North Carolina at the School of Pharmacy Center for Clinical Research.
Announcement of the establishment of a Physician Assistant program to begin in 2011; Tom Colletti, M.P.A.S., P-AC, was appointed director of the program. Established a new cooperative BS/MS degree program in Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences in partnership with North Carolina State University Expanded geographic area for experiential programs to include Wilmington, N.C. The School of Pharmacy piloted Starfish, an academic/early alert system to identify students with academic performance issues, in the Clinical Research Department. Implemented RxOutcomes as the portfolio manager for doctor of pharmacy students
Scholarships Five new scholarship endowments were established, at a minimum of $25,000, in support of the 25th Anniversary Campaign goal. 2009 doctor of pharmacy class pledged more than $30,000 to create an endowed scholarship in honor of Thomas Holmes, Ph.D., director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs. Fifty-three percent of pharmacy students received a scholarship to assist with tuition. More than $644,500 was awarded in scholarship monies to students.
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s a member of the Pharmacy Advancement Advisory Council (PAAC), David Moody is able to walk alongside the School of Pharmacy by affecting the future of pharmacy in a positive way. PAAC consists of both pharmacy and non-pharmacy related members, bringing a broad spectrum of ideas to the table, working toward the common goal of achieving recognition and funding for the school. “I consider it an honor to sit on both the Dean’s Board of Advisors and the Pharmacy Advancement Advisory Council at Campbell University. I believe that we should give back and show our appreciation to those who have helped us become who we are,” says Moody. As Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mutual Wholesale Drug Company, Moody has a wealth of experience in which he uses to advise the school and assist in development efforts. As a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he spent twenty years in retail before selling his store, Crabtree Pharmacy, and establishing his career at Mutual Drug. He began by working with the innovative generics program Carolina Allied Pharmaceutical Services (C.A.P.S.) to provide drugs to independent pharmacies and their customers at a reasonable cost. After becoming CEO in 2000, Moody has been involved with the lobbying efforts in the state and federal
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legislature on behalf of Mutual Drug members. “Since I spent so much time behind the counter, I know what pharmacists face,” he says. “For the pharmacy profession to be successful and profitable, we must continually look ahead at new avenues whether it is better pricing, legislation, or the introduction of new programs.” Moody has brought his knowledge of the industry into his long-time relationship with Campbell University. “I believe in supporting the School of Pharmacy because of the education the herefore practice in students receive and therefore te, and across the their communities, state, nation. By supporting the school through cription for Our initiatives like The Prescription Future: 25th Anniversary Campaign, students nity to further their are given the opportunity education, because of scholarships, at a wise may not be time when they otherwise able to.” Moody believes thee establishment of the PAAC is a proactive move toward a bright future not only for the school and its students, but for the profession of pharmacy.
Campbell’s Pharmacy Programs
PHARMACY ADVANCEMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL R. Terry Bass, CFP Capital Investment Brokerage, Inc. Ed Herring, Jr., Pharm.D., ’95 Medical Village Pharmacy Jimmy S. Jackson, R.Ph., D.Sc. Spoke Consulting, Inc. LeAnne D. Kennedy, Pharm.D., ’93 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center David S. Moody, Jr., R.Ph. Mutual Wholesale Drug
INITIATIVES The Pharmacy Advancement Advisory Council (PAAC) was established in the fall of 2008 to aid the school in its efforts to fundraise for programming, scholarships, and building needs. PAAC members represent a variety of occupations and have a strong background in leadership and achievement in their respective fields. The council meets quarterly under the direction of the Pharmacy Advancement Office and has worked closely with development efforts such as: The Prescription for Our Future: 25th Anniversary Campaign Annual Fund Phone-a-thon Identifying supporters Enhancing current programs Marketing Publications
Judith M. Orser WakeMed Health & Hospitals Edward R. Thomas, IV, R.Ph., Pharm.D. ’97 Seashore Drugs G. Eric Williams, P.E. HDR Engineering
The Prescription for Our Future: 25th Anniversary Campaign is a celebration of the School of Pharmacy’s 25th anniversary educating pharmacy and health care professionals in 2011. The campaign’s goals are to raise $2.5 million to support the future of pharmacy education, establish 25 new scholarships or professorships and share 25 memories to honor the school’s history.
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ennie Hartman Hewitt, 2010 doctor of pharmacy candidate, became interested in pharmacy while visiting her grandparents at a young age. Her grandfather had a complex medication regimen, and his pharmacist stopped by to deliver his prescriptions and took the time to explain how to take each one of them as well as their side effects. After watching this Campbell pharmacist interact with her grandfather and realizing how knowledgeable he was, she began to focus her career path on pharmacy so she could care for others in this manner. Hewitt attended Campbell University for her pre-pharmacy studies and entered pharmacy school in 2006. Because of her high achievements and pharmacy involvement, she received the Dean’s Scholarship during her first year of school and has been awarded the Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. and Pharmacy Alumni Scholarships as well. The scholarships she received have relieved some of the tuition costs and have minimized the amount of loans she will need to repay post graduation. “In addition to helping me financially, receiving these scholarships makes me feel like someone is recognizing my hard work. These awards have given me moti-
vation to do well in my classes because I want to make sure my scholarship donors realize how much I appreciate their help,” says Hewitt. “I will be forever grateful to the School of Pharmacy for the wonderful education I have received. Now as I begin interacting with patients, I realize how valuable my education from Campbell is and know all of my time studying is going to pay off. We have excellent professors who work hard to make sure that we understand how to best care for our patients. From anatomy to pharmacology to kinetics to therapeutics, all of it ties together to make medication decisions that affect patient outcomes. It isn’t until you go on rotation that you begin to see these concepts unite. We are very lucky to have such a great education.” As Hewitt moves forward toward a vibrant career, she has not only learned how pharmacists can play a crucial role in helping patients understand their medications, but she has seen how stepping out as a leader and donor can benefit students for a lifetime. She hopes to leave a legacy of involvement and leadership at the school, but most importantly wants to say thank you to those who invested in her education.
those who believe in education
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ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Raenell B. & Claude S. Abernethy Scholarship Amanda Pollard
Gary Dunham Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Jonathon Pouliot
Janice & Alexander Alexander Pharmacy Scholarship Renee Webb
Margaret D. & Ryland P. Edwards Scholarship Helen Stevens
Newman D. & Helen M. Buck Pharmacy Scholarship Joseph Williams
Lucille L. Ellis Family Pharmacy Scholarship Kwame Osafo
Major Sam Byrd Pharmacy Scholarship Medora Decotau
M. Keith Fearing, Jr. & Don K. Richie Pharmacy Scholarship Sarah Wylie
Verda Harris & A. Hartwell Campbell Scholarship Heather Sykes Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alonzo Family Pharmacy Scholarship Christine Cook
Howard Q. & Mescal S. Ferguson Pharmacy Scholarships Christine Cho, Toshica Conyers, Marie Davies, Hillery McKnight, Ugonwa Onubogu, Anthony Shelton
Dr. G. Fred Hale Memorial Pharmacy Scholarships Ian Alcancia, Lindsey Tuck Brown, Megan Bryant, Wesley Dulaney, Aaron Dunets, Gwen Gitana, Sophia Maedjaja, Timothy Stebbins, Jr., Scott Troutman Brian P. Harrington Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Yoronda Jones Blanton A. Hartness Pharmacy Scholarship Heather Rhodes Rebekah Lynn Heldreth Pharmacy Scholarship Joshua Beach Jessica Ann Kalinowski Pharmacy Scholarship Ashley Clark
Mae I. Danner Pharmacy Scholarships Jenna Little, Geoffrey Shiver
Lewis M. Fetterman, Jr. Memorial Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship/ Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Scholarship Nicholas Lemister
Susie A. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Colvin Killian
Furman Family Pharmacy Scholarship Amber Johnson
Russell Mantooth & Holly McReynolds Families Memorial Scholarships Lauren Hinson, Rebecca Shorter
Gary Dunham, Pharm.D. Kappa Psi Pharmacy Scholarship Katherine Serzan
GSK Women in Science Pharmacy Scholarships Cynthia Boulton, Aimee Macon
Marshbanks Memorial Scholarships Brian Waldron, Mindy Wassum, Vanessa Williams
Edna E. Danner Pharmacy Scholarships Dianna Lee, Amber Rayfield
Ronald W. & Suzan Maddox Pharmacy Scholarship Ahunna Freeman
2008-2009 Annual Report 41
SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON Campbell University School of Pharmacy hosted its first scholarship luncheon on February 21, 2009. During the event, scholarship recipients were announced and students were able to share a meal with and express their gratitude to donors for supporting their educational and personal goals of becoming a pharmacist. The school will continue this tradition by hosting another scholarship luncheon on February 20, 2010. All endowed and annual scholarship recipients and donors for the 2009-2010 academic year will be recognized. For more information about establishing an endowed or annual scholarship, please contact the OďŹ&#x192;ce of Alumni Relations and Advancement at 1-800-760-9734 ext 1313.
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those who believe in education
ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS CONTINUED Mast Drug Pharmacy Scholarship Dana McLeod Samuel & Helen Mennear Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Tiffaney Stewart W. Whitaker & Dorothy R. Moose Scholarship Lauren Hooker Oley Family Pharmacy Scholarship Amanda Zomp
Jack G. & Eloise Harrington Watts Pharmacy Scholarships Jessica Brown, Jancey Hewett, Amanda Lewis, Jeffrey Tingen E. Carlyle & Rose R. West Pharmacy Scholarships Holly McDanel, Rachel Younger Robert F. Whaley Pharmacy Scholarship Elizabeth Malcolm
Pharmacy Practice Program Scholarships Merideth Brown, Lindsay Sampson
Joe & Ina Whitehead Pharmacy Scholarships Kira Ferguson, Ryan Mejia, Brian Rodgers, Ijeoma Uwakwe
Rite Aid Corporation Pharmacy Scholarship Ruchit Marfatia
Mildred H. & Norman A. Wiggins Pharmacy Scholarships Megan Lockamy, Lauren Sinclair
Ralph P. Rogers, Jr. Pharmacy Scholarships Leigh Ann McStoots, Roger Reeder
Kitty & Leon Rumley Pharmacy Scholarship Joyce Ferido School of Pharmacy Alumni Scholarships Trisha Bowery, Elizabeth Coble,Crystal Dowless, Jennie Hartman, Brandy Stevens, Elizabeth Westbrook, Lisa Yang Elgie Lee May & Lonnie Dalton Small Pharmacy Scholarship Dana Fasanella Henry & Tracey Smith Pharmacy Scholarships Eric Embury, Allison Fonvielle Letizia Antonietta Thrift Scholarships Stephanie Bryant, Shannon Hawkes, Tina Lee, Jennifer Reardon
Bladen County Pharmacy Scholarship Tiffany Register Brie Anne Reynolds Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Memorial Scholarship Helen Stevens CVS Pharmacy Scholarships Dustin Edge, Ahunna Freeman, Andrea Luebchow, Ashley Mielke, Mallary Wood Florence Rogers Charitable Trust Scholarships Justin Adams, Courtney Barefoot, Tomas Delgado, Dustin Edge, Karyn Fabo, Heather Kennedy, Maegan Lee, Bronson Lowery, Dawn Maynard, Marie McBryde, Lori McLaurin, Dana McLeod, Brian Moore, Kristy Smith. Jamie Sykes, Joseph Williams, Amanda Zomp
2008-2009 Annual Report 43
those who believe in education
ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS CONTINUED National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Scholarships Sophia Maedjaja, Holly McDanel North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Members Scholarship Joshua Stallings North Carolina Mutual Wholesale Drug Company Scholarship Virginia White Southeast Chapter of Parenteral Drug Association Scholarship Demtzom Berhe Pharmacist Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship Jennifer Reardon Ransdell Family Fund Scholarships Charlotte Johnson, Ellyn Smith, Timothy Stebbins, Virginia White Richard M. Isaac Memorial Scholarship Amber Johnson Rite Aid Pharmacy Scholarships Justin Adams, Merideth Brown, Toshica Conyers, Elham Erfani, Lauren Hooker, Hillery McKnight, Beth McStoots, Leigh Ann McStoots, Amy Murray, William Nolin, Jonathon Pouliot, Amanda Rouse, Kelli Selfe, Helen Stevens, David Thomas, Hong Tran, Mindy Wassum, Elizabeth Westbrook, Laurie Whalin, Amanda Zomp
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Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarships Lindsey Hassell, Whitney Williams
Yates Family Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Katie Cournoyer
SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Scholarships Nicol Brown, Stephanie Bryant, Edmund Culp, Joyce Ferido, Jennie Hartman, Shannon Hawkes, Cristin Leary, Megan Lockamy, Dawn Maynard, Mary McClain, Emily Parker, Amanda Pollard, Sheen Ramirez, Lindsay Sampson, Crystal Scarpena, Katherine Serzan, Rebecca Shorter, Heather Sykes, Jeffrey Tingen, Brian Waldron, Vanessa Williams, Sarah Wylie, Rachel Younger Wake County Pharmaceutical Association Scholarship Ahunna Freeman Walgreens Pharmacy Scholarships Trisha Bowery, Nancy Di Maio, Crystal Dowless, Timothy Ellmers, Sharon Jones, Colvin Killian, Scott Phillips, Sarah Shelton, Ijeoma Uwakwe, Lisa Yang Wal-Mart Pharmacy Scholarships Jancy Hewett, Maegan Lee, Tina Lee Whaley Family Foundation, Inc. Scholarships Adam Dixon, Heather Rhodes
2008 Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Who Award Recipients Zach Anderson, Lindsey Tuck Brown, Megan Bryant, Christine Cook, Bethany Davidson, Crystal Dowless, Dana Fasanella, Joyce Ferido, Deryck Hill, Ross Jones, Hillery McKnight, Ashley Mielke, Mindy Powell, Theo Precup, Angela Rooks, Amanda Rouse, Valerie Rydberg, Rebecca Shorter, Rick Smith, Heather Sykes, Dipen Vyas, Laurie Whalin, Amanda Zomp Air Force Scholarship Recipients Benjamin Crandall, Rick Smith
2009 DOCTOR OF PHARMACY SENIOR AWARDS Academy of Student Pharmacists Senior Recognition Certificate Lisa Yang
Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Excellence in Pharmacy Award Laura Honeycutt
TEVA Pharmaceuticals USA Outstanding Student Award Laurie Whalin
Campbell University School of Pharmacy Alumni Association Senior Award Crystal Dowless
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Recognition Award Scott Troutman
U.S. Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award Lisa Yang
Eli Lilly and Company Pharmacy Achievement Award Merideth Brown
Perrigo Award Trisha Bowery
Wolters Kluwer Facts and Comparison Award for Excellence in Clinical Communication Kammy Cunningham
Gerald M. Stahl Pharmacy Practice Faculty Award Lindsay Sampson GlaxoSmithKline Patient Care Award Christina Candeloro
Pharmacists Mutual Book Award Jeffrey Tingen Roche Laboratories Pharmacy Communications Award Jessica Brown
Pharmacy Practice Christian Citizenship Award Amber Johnson
2008-2009 Annual Report 45
uss and Holly Mantooth have dedicated their time and resources to advancing Campbell University School of Pharmacy. Russ, a graduate from the class of 1992, and Holly, a member of the class of 1994, take pleasure in staying involved with the school that gave them their education and brought them together. Natives of the Tennessee and Virginia areas, the Mantooth’s were encouraged by their parents and family friends to move to North Carolina to attend Campbell University for pharmacy school, at a time when the program was in its beginning stages. Both were attracted to Campbell’s small town atmosphere and student professor ratio. “We believe Campbell provided a very good education which we have benefited from greatly in our hospital pharmacy careers,” they remarked. “Some of the school’s strengths are providing dedicated paid preceptors who have ample time to spend with students and example clinical situations which ensure each student has a deep understanding of practice, instead of just a good memory of the material.” The Mantooth’s enjoyed their experiences at Campbell and wanted to focus on giving back to the institution. Both Russ and Holly have donated their time by serving on the Pharmacy Alumni Association Board of Directors as well as giving guest lectures and attending School of Pharmacy events. Not only have they offered their time, but they have invested in the school monetarily by naming a professional association room for students in Maddox Hall and creating the Russell Mantooth & Holly McReynolds Families Memorial Scholarship. “We did not receive scholarships while we were in school, as they were hard to come by, but we understand
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the importance of them. The cost of education continues to rise and we have been fortunate due to the opportunities our education has awarded us, so we decided to provide a scholarship for students that need help financially,” they said. “We believe in giving a percentage of what we have been blessed with. Our parents always set an example by giving time and money to charities, and this is our way of doing the same. We do not see philanthropy as a grand gesture, just a way to help make a difference. Giving to the school isn’t only helping the program and students, its advancing the great profession we are a part of as well.”
Appreciating the benevolence of donors
ampbell University School of Pharmacy gratefully acknowledges the alumni, corporations, foundations and friends who contributed to the institution this year. The generosity of our donors enhances the overall success of our programs, students, and faculty at the School of Pharmacy. The following gifts were received between June 1, 2008 and May 31, 2009. The School of Pharmacy strives to accurately recognize its benefactors. In the event of an omission or error, please contact the Pharmacy Advancement Office at (800) 760-9734, ext. 1313. All donors are invited to participate at the appropriate giving level; every gift counts and the school appreciates your continued support. School of Pharmacy alumni donors are indicated with their year of graduation behind their name.
PLATINUM SOCIETY ($100,000 or more annually) Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc.
DEAN’S SOCIETY ($10,000-$99,999 annually) Capital Community Foundation The Dickson Foundation, Inc. Drs. Emanuel & Pamela Diliberto Family Care Pharmacy, Inc. Florence Rogers Trust Mr. James C. & Mrs. Dolores Furman GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Harris Teeter Mr. Dan M. & Mrs. Alisa P. Hayes Kerr Drug, Inc. Merrill Lynch Mutual Wholesale Drug Company Mr. Anthony & Mrs. Julie Oley Mr. Bobby L. Ransdell, Sr. Stedman Drug Center Walgreens Dr. Trey Waters (Pharm.D. ‘02) Dr. Jack G. & Mrs. Eloise H. Watts Dr. Josiah R. & Mrs. Ina M. Whitehead
MORTAR & PESTLE SOCIETY ($5,000- $9,999 annually) Drs. Michael L. (Pharm.D. ‘96) & Dina H. Adams (Pharm.D. ‘96) Mr. Eugene G. Anderson Ms. Genese F. Anderson Cardinal Health Foundation Chocowinity Pharmacy, Inc Drs. H. Carter (Pharm.D. ‘92) & Allison C. Cobb (Pharm.D. ‘92) CVS Corporation Family Med Pharmacy First Federal Bank Drs. George & Terri Hamrick Mr. E. Lazelle & Mrs. Judy R. Marks Dr. Neal (Pharm.D. ‘96) & Mrs. Helene O’Neal Rite Aid Corporation Dr. Joey L. Smith (Pharm.D. ‘99) Drs. Ron E. (Pharm.D. ‘98) & Lora Beth Smith (Pharm.D. ‘98) Wal-Mart
APOTHECARY SOCIETY ($1,000- $4,999 annually) AmerisourceBergen Services Corporation Drs. Jim E. (Pharm.D. ‘98) & Anne Marie P. Beaty (Pharm.D. ‘00) Mr. John M. & Mrs. Emmagene Bowman Dr. J. Andrew Bowman (Pharm.D. ‘93) Mr. & Mrs. Ervin M. Carroll, Jr. Caudill Family Foundation, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Mrs. Lib S. Fearing Drs. Corey D. (Pharm.D. ‘95) & Ashley R. Furman (Pharm.D. ‘96)
Dr. Evan G. Gliptis (Pharm.D. ‘96) & Mrs. Suzanne Spence Dr. Amanda M. Greenwood (Pharm.D. ‘02) Dr. Robert B. & Mrs. Diane Greenwood Dr. Ed (Pharm.D. ‘95) & Mrs. Carla Herring Dr. R. Scott Holuby (Pharm.D. ‘03) J. M. Smith Corporation Dr. James L. Junker Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Delta Lambda Chapter Dr. Elton W. Long (Pharm.D. ‘90) Dr. Ronald W. & Mrs. Suzan R. Maddox Drs. Russell B. (Pharm.D. ‘92) & Holly M. (Pharm.D. ’94)Mantooth Drs. George P. & Andrea C. Markham (Pharm.D. ‘94) Mast Operations LLC-CH Drs. Byron May & Diana M. Maravich-May (Pharm.D. ‘90) Medical Village Pharmacy Mr. David S. & Mrs. Dianne Moody Dr. W. Mark Moore (Pharm.D. ‘00, M.S.C.R. ‘07) Dr. W. Whitaker & Mrs. Dorothy Moose NACDS Education Foundation N.C. Baptist Foundation Drs. A. Leroy & Sara Parker Dr. Jeff R. (Pharm.D. ‘90) & Mrs. Kelly Pendergrass Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2009 Mr. Andrew & Dr. Traci B. Pierce (Pharm.D. ‘99) Southeast Chapter of PDA Dr. William C. Stagner T.A. Loving Company Dr. William J. & Mrs. Lynne Taylor Thutt Enterprises, Inc. VIP Computer Systems, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Wendy’s International, Inc. Yadkin Valley Bank Dr. J. Mark & Mrs. Foy Yates
Rx FRIENDS SOCIETY ($500- $999 annually) Mr. William K. & Dr. Patsy B. Barnhill (Pharm.D. ‘99) Dr. W. Eddie Cash, Jr. (Pharm.D. ‘94) Mr. Robert B. & Mrs. Janice C. Cashion Mr. John A. & Dr. Melinda C. Childress (Pharm.D. ‘05) Drs. Eric B. (Pharm.D. ‘07) & Juliane Danielczyk (Pharm.D. ‘09) Mr. Rocky W. David Dr. Richard P. D’Elia Mrs. Joni Fay Fetterman GlaxoSmithKline Dr. James B. (Pharm.D. ‘93) & Mrs. Sarah Groce Mr. Larry D. & Dr. Lynn G. Henson (Pharm.D. ‘90) Dr. Brenda D. Jamerson Johnson & Johnson Family Companies Mr. Joseph F. & Mrs. Lorraine Lellyo
2008-2009 Annual Report 47
Drs. T. Jeremy (Pharm.D. ‘00) & Heather S. Massengill (Pharm.D. ‘00) Mr. Harold C. & Mrs. Doris U. Mattraw Parata Systems Drs. C. Chance (Pharm.D. ‘94) & Julianna F. Parrish (Pharm.D. ‘97) Drs. Bobby S. (Pharm.D. ‘02) & Brooke K. Rawls (Pharm.D. ‘02) Realo Discount Drug Stores of Eastern NC Dr. I. Daniel Shin Mr. John N. & Mrs. Kay G. Stacy Mr. J. Scott Staton Tar Heel Drug Wake County Medical Center Pharmacy Wyeth
CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE SOCIETY ($250- $499 annually) Dr. Heather E. Abernathy (Pharm.D. ‘08) Drs. David L. (Pharm.D. ‘01) & Rebecca M. Arnold (Pharm.D. ‘01) Mr. Maynard S. & Dr. Connie L. Barnes (Pharm.D. ‘90) Dr. Eric R. Beyersdorf (Pharm.D. ‘05) Dr. Timothy J. & Mrs. Emily M. Bloom Dr. Demetria N. Boutte (Pharm.D. ‘08, M.S.C.R. ‘04) Dr. Jennifer L. Burch (Pharm.D. ‘93) Dr. Paul C. Butts (Pharm.D. ‘09) Dr. Jason B. Cain (Pharm.D. ‘03) Mr. William T. Caldwell Mr. Richard F. Cardin Dr. Trish B. Carroll (Pharm.D. ‘04) Carroll Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Rodney & Dr. Michelle M. Cline (Pharm.D. ‘01) Columbus Foundation Dr. Nancy F. Di Maio (Pharm.D. ‘09) Dr. Jeffrey E. (Pharm.D. ‘05) & Mrs. Kim V. Eudy Dr. Stephen H. Fuller Mr. Joseph M. & Dr. Tanya G. Giles (Pharm.D. ‘92) Mr. Joe & Mrs. Janet Goswick Ms. Danielle Hatch Dr. Dustin S. Herrell (Pharm.D. ‘07)
Dr. Judy C. Herrin (Pharm.D. ‘99) Ms. Amy C. Holland Drs. Thomas J. & Alyce Holmes Drs. Brian L. (Pharm.D. ‘92) & Amy T. Jenkins (Pharm.D. ‘93) Dr. Lauren M. Jolley (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Stephanie M. Kendrick (Pharm.D. ‘99) Mr. Gary W. & Dr. LeAnne D. Kennedy (Pharm.D. ‘93) Dr. P. Tyler Labauch (Pharm.D. ‘07) Dr. Catherine D. Lewis Dr. Geraldine S. Maraj-Mahabir (Pharm.D. ‘00) Mr. Joe C. Miller Dr. Justin L. Nierengarten (Pharm.D. ‘09) Drs. Daniel D. (Pharm.D. ‘00) & Janice M. Patriss (Pharm.D. ‘01) Col. William W. Pickard Ms. Brenda E. Pittman Mr. Kenny & Dr. Debra J. Pittman (Pharm.D. ‘92) Mr. Chris Holmes & Dr. Kimberly R. Poinsett Holmes (Pharm.D. ‘91) Dr. Miranda B. Poplin (Pharm.D. ’08) Mr. David M. & Dr. Melanie W. Pound (Pharm.D. ‘01) Dr. Sheen X. Ramirez (Pharm.D. ‘09) Mr. Timothy S. & Dr. Amy H. Sessions (Pharm.D. ‘98) Dr. Penny S. Shelton (Pharm.D. ‘91) Dr. Carolyn H. Smoak (Pharm.D. ‘95) Dr. Kelly D. Spoon (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. R. Dale St. Clair, Jr. (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Benjamin L. Stanley (Pharm.D. ‘09) Drs. David W. (Pharm.D. ‘03) & Hillary L. Stewart (Pharm.D. ‘04) Dr. Ronnie D. (Pharm.D. ‘92) & Mrs. Mary Donna Strickland Dr. Paul D. (Pharm.D. ‘92) & Mrs. Beth Stroud Mr. Barry & Dr. Tina H. Thornhill (Pharm.D. ‘91) Total Vein Care, PLLC Dr. Kathryn A. Trivette (Pharm.D. ‘06) Mr. Jason & Dr. Michelle S. Turner (Pharm.D. ‘04) Wachovia Bank of North Carolina Dr. Renee E. Webb (Pharm.D. ‘09) Dr. Patricia D. Wilder (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Beth Williams Dr. Hazel E. Williams (Pharm.D. ‘97)
PHARMACY SUPPORTERS ($249 or less annually) Dr. S. Thomas Abraham Mr. Lawrence E. & Mrs. E. Constance Ackert Mr. J. Randy & Mrs. Debra W. Adcock Dr. Antoine & Mrs. Pam Al-Achi Mr. Thomas R. & Mrs. Anna A. Allen Mr. Stanley L. Allen Maj. Thomas P. & Dr. Claudia H. Amidon (Pharm.D. ‘92) Dr. Adrienne D. Anderson (Pharm.D. ‘90) Dr. Jennifer Lazo Anderson (Pharm.D. ‘04) Appalachian Family Practice Dr. Samantha T. Arrington (Pharm.D. ‘08) Ms. Laurel Ashworth-Neill Mr. James L. & Mrs. Barbara M. Avant Mr. Wynne Ayers Dr. R. Eric Baker (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Catherine L. Ballard (Pharm.D. ‘93) Dr. Sarah M. Ballew Bank of America Foundation, Inc. Mr. Andrew Barrett Ms. Carol H. Barstow Mr. Jeremy S. & Dr. Melissa P. Bass (Pharm.D. ‘99) Ms. Virginia M. Belding Dr. Tara B. Bell Dr. Amy T. Bennett (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Robert G. & Elizabeth E. Berger Mr. Charles H. & Mrs. Ann M. Blackburn Ms. Lindsay D. Blackmon Dr. Courtney B. Blackwell (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Kennedy P. Blount (Pharm.D. ‘01) Mr. John A. & Mrs. Carrie Boerio Boone Crisis Pregnancy Center Mr. Ben G. Bosworth Dr. Heather S. Bowers (Pharm.D. ‘09) Dr. James A. Boyd Dr. Jennifer M. Boyd (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Richard J. & Mrs. Susan Boylan Dr. Rebecca M. Brady (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Paul E. & Mrs. Wanda J. Branch Dr. Ashley L. Branham (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Keith T. (Pharm.D. ‘94) & Mrs. Karen J. Breedlove Dr. Christopher S. Breivogel Dr. Jack & Mrs. Jane E. Britt Dr. Matthew Jay Brown (Pharm.D. ‘08)
Other 8%
Pharmacy Alumni 19%
the benevolence of donors
Pharmacy Parents 4% Trustees/PBA’s 3%
SOURCES OF GIFTS Campbell University School of Pharmacy is thankful for the contributions received from various partners during the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
48 Affect +
Employees 8%
Foundations 39% Corporations 19%
Ms. Barbara J. Buchanan Dr. Stephanie M. Buckner (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Wheeler C. Burns (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. F. Eugene & Mrs. Shirley O. Butts Dr. Dustan P. Byrd (Pharm.D. ‘08, M.S.C.R. ‘08) Drs. Brad S. (Pharm.D. ‘97) & Laura I. Campbell (Pharm.D. ‘97) Mr. Joel R. & Mrs. Robin R. Campbell Dr. Wynter L. Campbell (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Sterling C. & Mrs. Lois E. Carroll Dr. Anissa P. Cavaliere (Pharm.D. ‘93) Mr. Bobby W. & Mrs. Anita T. Cavenaugh Dr. Laura E. Caviness (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Brad N. Chazotte Dr. Robert M. Cisneros, Jr. Dr. Johnanna O. Clark (Pharm.D. ‘99) Ms. Teresa G. Clark Dr. Valerie B. Clinard CMA Builders, LLC Dr. April A. Cooper Ms. Mae V. Councill Mr. W. Grover & Mrs. Ruby S. Creech Dr. Anita Kristine Curvin (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Terry & Mrs. Susan F. Danner Ms. Crystal D. Dark (B.S.P.S. ‘05) Dr. Ryan C. David (Pharm.D. ‘08) David Patrick Moses, Architect PLLC Ms. Catherine E. Davis Ms. Joyce Davis Dr. Steven M. Davis Dr. Christopher R. Dennis (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Crystal N. Dowless (Pharm.D. ‘09) Dr. Richard H. Drew Mr. Ron & Mrs. Susan C. Dubberly Ms. Mary U. Dufresne Mrs. Kimberly J. Dunn Mr. Harvey R. & Mrs. Susan S. Durham Drs. Michael C. (Pharm.D. ‘02) & Lisa E. Edgerton (Pharm.D. ‘02) Mr. John H. & Mrs. Virginia B. Edmisten Dr. Brenda S. Ellis (Pharm.D. ‘97) Dr. Sarah L. Erbaugh (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Nancy J. Etheredge (Pharm.D. ‘00) Dr. Kathryn C. Farmer (Pharm.D. ‘00) Dr. Jennifer M. Fedyna (Pharm.D. ‘08) First Citizens Bank & Trust-Smithfield Dr. Tracy L. Fitzgerald (Pharm.D. ‘97) Drs. J. Craig (Pharm.D. ‘95) & Sara M. Fogle (Pharm.D. ‘95)
Mr. George M. & Mrs. Cynthia P. Fox Ms. Jamie L. Foy Frank Lee Insurance Agency Ms. Frances S. Fulmer Dr. Kathey M. Fulton (Pharm.D. ‘94) Dr. Thomas H. (Pharm.D. ‘91) & Mrs. Renee M. Furman Mr. Michael A. Gallagher Dr. Casey K. Gardner (Pharm.D. ‘04) Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garrett, Jr. Mr. Ryan G. Garrett Mr. Mark S. & Dr. Holly D. Gentry (Pharm.D. ‘03) Mr. Brandon S. & Dr. Niki D. Goad (Pharm.D. ‘02) Dr. Meagan W. Godwin (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. G. Perry & Mrs. Derenda G. Greene Dr. Windy R. Griffin (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. William G. & Mrs. Rose E. Guthrie Mr. James & Mrs. Ruth F. Guyker Dr. Wendy Z. Hagwood (Pharm.D. ‘05) Drs. Mike L. (Pharm.D. ‘04) & Teresa C. Hamilton (Pharm.D. ‘97) Dr. Sharon F. Haney (Pharm.D. ‘99) Ms. Kate M. Hardin Mrs. Ruth Hardwick Ms. Dorothy G. Harrington Mr. Roger & Mrs. Linda Harwood Dr. Zack C. Hayes (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Alan & Mrs. Kathleen Heckman Mr. Michael E. Heldreth Dr. Charles Herring Mr. W. Lee & Mrs. Carol H. Hinshaw Mr. Brad A. & Dr. Carol B. Hoffman (Pharm.D. ‘05) Dr. Crystal A. Howard (Pharm.D. ‘08) Drs. John T. (Pharm.D. ‘05) & Ashley D. Huff (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Larry V. & Mrs. Kim V. Hughes Ms. Mary I. Hutchens Dr. Kenzie E. Irvine (Pharm.D. ‘07) Dr. Emera P. Jackson (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Casey L. Johnson (Pharm.D. ‘05) Dr. G. Lloyd Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Jenny Sloop Johnson Dr. Lois T. Johnson (Pharm.D. ‘91) Mr. Brandon S. & Dr. Mary Margaret Johnson (Pharm.D. ‘05, M.S.C.R. ‘07) Mr. Paul R. Johnson
Johnston Memorial Hospital Dr. Crystal E. Jones (Pharm.D. ‘00) Dr. Dan & Mrs. Temple Jones Mr. Daniel L. & Mrs. Jessica I. Joyner Dr. Oxana A. Kamneva (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Douglas L. Kauffman Mr. Larry G. & Mrs. Ann W. Keeter Mr. Graeme M. Keith Drs. Brian E. (Pharm.D. ‘08) & Summer C. Kloster (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Jennifer C. Knowles (Pharm.D. ‘08) Drs. Chris R. (Pharm.D. ‘97) & Molly M. Knowles (Pharm.D. ‘98) Dr. Jeanette M. Kreutzer (Pharm.D. ‘05) Ms. Barbara Lawrence Mr. Ben T. & Mrs. Megan C. Lawson Dr. Kimberly P. Lewis Ms. Lea A. Lilie Lillington Veterinary Hospital Dr. Mary Beth Linstra (Pharm.D. ‘02) Mrs. Abby M. Littlefield Mr. Craig T. & Mrs. Mitzi G. C. Lynch Dr. Melissa M. Manning (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Caroline A. Marks (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. James P. Marsh Jr. Ms. Rebecca M. Marsh Dr. Tracy L. Mathena (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mrs. Diamond J. Matthews Dr. Sarah E. McBane Judge Edward H. & Mrs. Ann B. McCormick Dr. Amy S. McDonald (Pharm.D. ‘00) Mrs. Amber L. McIntyre Dr. William D. McKelvey (Pharm.D. ‘94) Mr. Miles D. & Mrs. Mary L. McKnight Ms. Vicki Medlin Mr. Thomas & Dr. Susan M. Miller (Pharm.D. ‘98) Dr. Jennifer M. Montgomery (Pharm.D. ‘06) Mr. Steven R. Moore Mrs. Gabrielle F. Morgan Dr. Andrew Muzyk Dr. Leslie J. Myers (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Kimberly L. Nealy (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. George Nemecz Mr. Wayne L. & Mrs. Rachel P. Newell Mr. Truyen N. Nguyen Mr. James R. & Mrs. Sue A. Noles Mr. Frank & Mrs. Audrey Northup Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Industries, Inc
$1,041,388 63.04%
The following are the top five classes with the greatest percentage of alumni giving to Campbell University School of Pharmacy during the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
TOTAL GIVING AMOUNTS A comparison of total gifts donated to Campbell University School of Pharmacy from the past five fiscal years.
14.94% 11.27%
2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
2008-2009 Annual Report 49
Appreciating the benevolence of donors
Dr. Ann Marie Nye Mr. O. Bradley McDonald & Mrs. Judith M. Orser Ms. Andrea P. Pacheco Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein LLP Dr. Jason L. (Pharm.D. ‘01) & Mrs. Amy B. Patterson Mr. John M. & Mrs. Phyllis T. Payne Mr. Jeff K. & Mrs. Nicole H. Peeler Mr. Jonathan A. & Mrs. Jodi S. Peeler Dr. Amber Peoples Dr. David G. Peterson (Pharm.D. ‘05) Mr. Ranny & Mrs. Anna W. Phillips Dr. Roy A. Pleasants, Jr. Poinsett Publication, Inc. Mr. Kirby C. & Mrs. Judy S. Pollard Mr. Scott D. & Mrs. Jamie L. Pope Mr. Michael & Mrs. Erin Pratt Mr. Dale W. Presnell Dr. Diane T. Prince (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Bill & Mrs. Margaret Randall Dr. Travis S. Reynolds (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Robert H. & Mrs. Beth Ritter RMD Pharmacy Services, Inc. Dr. Catherine S. Roach (Pharm.D. ‘90) Dr. Merritt P. Roane (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Tina R. Royston (Pharm.D. ‘92) Capt. Melinda D. Sams (Pharm.D. ‘03) Dr. Monica Sandoval (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Jennifer L. Schuh Dr. Angela E. Scott (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mrs. Clara M. Scott Dr. Mary Beth Scott (Pharm.D. ‘08, M.S.C.R. ‘08) ScriptPro Mr. Jeffrey M. Serzan
Mr. J. Kenneth & Mrs. Carolyn S. Shull Dr. Darrin R. Sismour (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Vickie T. Sitaras (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. April M. Sloan (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Ronald H. & Pamela J. Small Mr. Roger & Dr. Angela R. Smith (Pharm.D. ‘95) Dr. Brandon Drew Smith (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Matthew & Dr. Jennifer D. Smith (Pharm.D. ‘02) Mr. John T. & Dr. Susan H. Smith (Pharm.D. ‘95) Dr. Tammy J. Smith (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Brian P. Snyder (Pharm.D. ‘08) Ms. Rita L. Soronen Mr. Charles C. Speer Spoke Consulting, Inc. Drs. Doug L. (Pharm.D. ‘01) & Lori M. St. John (Pharm.D. ‘01) Dr. Christopher R. Stein (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Gilbert A. Steiner Dr. Darren E. Stevens (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Terry K. Stewart Ms. Terry H. Stier Ms. Elizabeth L. Stima Mrs. Phyllis C. Strickland Dr. James R. (Pharm.D. ‘91) & Mrs. Pamela K. Sugg Surry Insurance Dr. Ryan S. Swanson (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Nikki B. Syed (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Charlie L. & Mrs. Dorothy S. Sykes Dr. Cherish N. Tart (Pharm.D. ‘08) Ms. Gail E. Taylor Dr. Jessica S. Taylor-Johnson (Pharm.D. ‘07) Dr. Daniel W. Teat Mr. Phil Templeton Ms. Jean A. Thill Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Thornbrough Dr. Mary L. Townsend
Produced by Campbell University School of Pharmacy Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Editor & Design/Andrea P. Pacheco Assistant Editors/Jessica I. Joyner and Jodi S. Peeler Contributors/Office of Pharmacy Admissions and Pharmacy Student Organization Officers Printing/Theo Davis Printing Photography/Amber Benson, Bennett Scarborough and Doug Smith
50 Affect +
Tripark Advertising Mr. H. S. & Mrs. Brenda E. Troutman Dr. Al E. (Pharm.D. ‘03) & Mrs. Dana C. Tunnell Dr. J. Nashea Turner (Pharm.D. ‘08) Dr. Kristine F. Vaden (Pharm.D. ‘08) Ms. Belinda G. Vandiford Dr. Jill A. Varner (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. O.B. & Mrs. Betty M. Wallace Dr. Travis W. (Pharm.D. ‘09) & Mrs. Cassie T. Wallace Mr. Ted J. & Mrs. Terri B. Waller Ms. Wanda Walraven Dr. Gail J. Warner (Pharm.D. ‘08) Mr. Terry M. & Dr. Autumn S. Wells (Pharm.D. ‘03) Wendelta, Inc. Wendy’s Sechrist Food Systems, Inc. Mrs. Lisa T. West Ms. Pamela B. Westbrook Ms. Anna M. Whiddon Dr. E. Virginia White (Pharm.D. ‘09) Mrs. Jean A. White Ms. Elizabeth E. Wickham Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Gerry Wilcox Dr. Jerry W. Wilkes Jr. (Pharm.D. ‘97) Mr. G. Eric & Mrs. Regina C. Williams Mr. Wade F. Wilmoth Ms. Ann L. Wilson Dr. Dustin T. Wilson (Pharm.D. ‘07) Mr. Paul C. & Dr. Tonya L. Worley (Pharm.D. ‘92) Dr. Betsy R. Wright (Pharm.D. ‘08) Ms. Lorraine Yaccarino Dr. Douglas M. (Pharm.D. ‘90) & Mrs. Nancy W. Yoder Dr. Christine Y. Zhao (Pharm.D. ‘08)
nce there was a tree. And this tree exemplified intelligence, integrity, generosity and love to the 2009 doctor of pharmacy class at Campbell University in a way that inspired and challenged each of them to strive to be the best. In honor of this “tree” and its legacy, the Dr. Thomas J. Holmes, Jr. Class of 2009 Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship Fund was established. The 2009 Campbell University doctor of pharmacy class revealed their class gift during the school’s graduation ceremony on May 8, 2009. They collectively chose to honor of Thomas Holmes, Ph.D., director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs, by creating an endowed scholarship and pledging $30,800 to the fund. “Dr. Holmes has been an instrumental figure in the development and preparation of the Pharm.D. Class of 2009 as future pharmacists,” said Justin Adams, president of the class. “Over the last four years, he has continuously worked to meet the innumerable individual student needs, as well as the needs of our class, the program and university, and pro-
fession of pharmacy as a whole. As a class, we wish to recognize his selfless commitment to the students and our School of Pharmacy. Our hope is that our gift will be a testament to his efforts to current and future Campbell University School of Pharmacy ‘family’ members. He never offered us less than his utmost, and for that we are forever grateful.” In addition to the scholarship, the class presented Holmes with the book titled The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein because they believe the story accurately describes his attitude of service. Members of the class individually signed the book, thanking him for all he has done during their time at Campbell. “I never imagined that any pharmacy class would honor me in this way. Thank you for your generosity in linking my name with your endowed scholarship,” says Holmes. “I wish you all success in your chosen profession that I have loved for a long time. There is much to receive from the profession of pharmacy, and it is returned manifold according to how much you give. As you move forward in life I hope that you will have the opportunities that I have had to grow, to share, and to help those around you. Please stay open to the possibilities and I promise to do so as well.”
Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506
Affect + Appreciation
Campbell University School of Pharmacy 2008-2009 Annual Report