2011-2012 annual report
Campbell University Administration Jerry M. Wallace, EdD, ThM, MS M. Dwaine Greene, PhD, MA James O. Roberts, MPA John T. Roberson, EdD, MDiv Jack Britt, EdD, MS Dennis N. Bazemore, DMin, MDiv Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Britt J. Davis, MPA
President Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Vice President, Business and Treasurer Vice President, Enrollment Management Senior Vice President, Institutional Advancement Vice President, Student Life Vice President, Health Programs Vice President, Institutional Advancement
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Administration Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Robert B. Greenwood, PhD W. Mark Moore, PharmD, MBA, MS Wesley D. Rich, PhD, MEd D. Byron May, PharmD Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., PhD William W. Pickard, MS Thomas P. Colletti, MPAS, PA-C Tina Tseng, PhD, MSPH Gregory S. Dedrick, PT, ScD
Dean Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Associate Dean, Admissions and Student Affairs Assistant Dean, Administration Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair, Department of Clinical Research Chair, Department of Physician Assistant Practice Chair, Department of Public Health Director, Physical Therapy Program
Mission The mission of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) is to educate students in a Christian environment to be health care professionals who will function effectively as a part of an interdisciplinary team of health care providers to meet existing and future health care needs and who will provide leadership to their profession and professional organizations.
Dean’s Message
hat a notable year! We celebrated our 25th anniversary, won the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s national challenge, welcomed our inaugural physician assistant class, and announced two new programs: public health and physical therapy. I am delighted with the success of our 25th Anniversary Campaign—a scholarship campaign created to honor the College’s history and address future needs—that closed on May 31, 2012. We accomplished our goal of establishing 25 new endowed scholarships. I am thankful for the generous donors who invested in the future of our great College through this campaign. I share this list of highlights in appreciation of our alumni and friends’ continued support and partnership. You’ve been a part of our success and growth, many for over 25 years, and Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences would not be where it is today without your committed assistance. More than any other time in its history, Campbell University is uniquely positioned to move to the next level in health education. And I think it is important to note that the School of Pharmacy’s successful twenty-five year history laid a strong foundation for this growth. This past year, we made a significant step by partnering with the Harnett Health System. The University’s Infirmary transitioned to a Health Center, which is being developed in collaboration with Harnett Health. The new Health Center equips Campbell to train pharmacy, PA, future osteopathic medicine, and future physical therapy students in medical teams. Working with patients at the facility will be very beneficial in terms of how we can tie interprofessional training into students’ learning process and offer the community more access to primary care. The Health Center will continue to provide care to students, and for the first time, offer services to faculty, staff and members of the community. The pharmacy in the facility will open this December, and our faculty and students will start providing care to all University students and employees by early January 2013. This is a tremendous benefit for the pharmacy program and University employees. With the anticipated shortage of health care providers, there will be an even greater need for pharmacists to provide enhanced care to patients. Through our growth, we are gaining more opportunities to engage pharmacy students with appropriate clinical training so they will be confident in providing greater patient-centered pharmacy care. Interprofessional training is also important for the College’s PA, public health and future physical therapy students. To make a real impact in the practice and policies of health care, disciplines must be integrated. This new partnership with Harnett Health allows us to work together as a team, which is the best way to influence change in the delivery of health care.
Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Vice President for Health Programs Dean, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Growth of programs The announcement of two new academic programs in fall 2011 is evidence of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ ambition to train qualified health care professionals to help meet anticipated shortages. The Doctor of Physical Therapy program, the College’s second doctorate degree, is projected to begin in January 2014. The new Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) program started this fall with 16 students in the charter class. Public Health Program The public health program is a two-year degree designed to provide students with a solid foundation in health care research and outcomes evaluation. The program focuses on the promotion of health and prevention of disease, rural health care research, community outreach, and service learning opportunities. Campbell is an ideal setting for the program’s focus on rural health. Faculty and students work closely with Harnett County’s health department and health systems to evaluate local health disparities. The public health program also partners with the College’s pharmacy and PA programs to conduct collaborative research and implement community programs. Three new dual degrees will be offered with the public health program next fall: • Doctor of Pharmacy/MS in Public Health • PA Program/MS in Public Health • Juris Doctor/MS in Public Health
Physical Therapy Program Campbell is in a unique position to influence physical therapy retention rates in rural North Carolina, providing necessary health care access to those in low income regions. That’s one of the objectives of the new program: to turn out graduates who are competent and passionate about rural practice opportunities. The program is slated to start classes in January 2014 if pre-accreditation status is granted from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education.
New Campus Health Center to offer Interprofessional Training Opportunities Through a new collaboration with the Harnett Health System, Campbell’s Infirmary transitioned to a Health Center this past year. The growth brings new interprofessional education opportunities for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Students will shadow physicians and pharmacists at the facility, and work together in collaborative teams.
“The opportunity to lead and build something that will leave a lasting impression on the local community is unique.” - Founding Physical Therapy Director Greg Dedrick Dedrick joined the College in July 2012. He is responsible for the development of the program, including recruiting faculty and obtaining accreditation.
Electronic records system through Harnett Health 8 exam rooms, a triage station, and work station Full-service pharmacy and consultation room Conference room, three offices and two reception areas
Physician Assistant Program The College’s inaugural physician assistant class finished their first year of training in July. With the 13-month didactic phase complete, the students embarked on 15 months of clinical rotations after a three week break in August. The second PA class arrived this fall, enrolling over 70 students in the combined first and second years.
25th Anniversary
Anniversary Gala - The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences concluded a year-long celebration with the 25th Anniversary Gala on April 28, 2012 at Artspace in Raleigh. During the event, the Alumni Association honored Dean Ron Maddox and his wife Suzan for their dedication and service to the College over the past quarter century.
Celebrating the Campaign’s Success The College accomplished its goal of establishing 25 new endowed scholarships over the Anniversary Campaign’s threeyear span. Ending in May 2012, CPHS celebrates the campaign’s success and thanks the generous benefactors who invested in the future of the College.
new scholarships established
million raised to support scholarships
Goal Accomplished: 25 New Endowed Scholarships 1. 25th Anniversary Scholarship Endowment 2. Jim & Anne Marie Beaty Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 3. O’Neal Family Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 4. Dr. Thomas J. Holmes, Jr. Class of 2009 Scholarship 5. CPHS Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship 6. Hayes Family/Stedman Drug Scholarship Endowment 7. Seaburg-Massengill Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 8. Cashion-Childress Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 9. Ed & Carla Herring Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 10. Large-Wells Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 11. Ronnie Scott Holuby Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 12. H. Carter & Allison C. Cobb Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 13. Brie Reynolds/Class of 2010 Drug Information Center Endowment 14. Mitchell W. Watts Family Foundation Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship
15. Jimmie Gray Johnson Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 16. Moving Forward, Giving Back CPHS Pre-Pharmacy Club Endowment 17. Wayne Neal Memorial Community Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship 18. May Family Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 19. Greenwood Family Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 20. Carroll Family Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship 21. Stuart Surles Endowed Physician Assistant Scholarship 22. Crow Family Endowed Physician Assistant Scholarship 23. Carlton & Lynell Martin Endowed Physician Assistant Scholarship 24. Lacy S. & Mary E. Collier Endowed Physician Assistant Scholarship 25. Charles & Bonnie Wiggs Endowed Physician Assistant Scholarship
Committed to Students Patient-centered and people focused, 1992 pharmacy grads Carter and Allison Cobb established one of the 25 new scholarships to support pharmacy students from western North Carolina. The couple owns two pharmacies in that part of the state, FamilyMed Pharmacy in Stanley and FamilyMed of Maiden, in Maiden. The parents of two enjoy their work in independent pharmacy because it allows them to serve their community. A majority of the high school students that worked for them have gone on to pursue a career in health care, with three employees earning pharmacy degrees at Campbell.
memories shared to celebrate the College’s history
“A lot of our employees start working for us during high school, so we’ve always encouraged them to continue their education. That’s a huge reason why we created a scholarship. We also love pharmacy and Campbell, and have a passion to help people.” - Carter and Allison Cobb, both 1992 PharmD graduates
Paying it forward When Bobby Ransdell wanted to help medically underserved communities in rural North Carolina, he decided to support Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in an effort to provide long-term assistance to those areas. He met with Dean Ronald Maddox to discuss the shortage of health care professionals in the state, “I was amazed to learn that Harnett County is an underserved area, because I look at some of the areas that are east and west of here, and if we are underserved, what kind of a predicament are they in?” He responded with several large gifts to establish a mobile clinic initiative and a scholarship fund, in hopes of supporting students who will make a difference in rural areas through their future practice.
ansdell grew up only 15 miles north of Campbell University during the 1940’s in then Varina. His parents, J.C. and Mary Ransdell, were positive role models in his life through their loving support, strong work ethic and generosity to others. Ransdell’s father made a huge impression on him while dealing with a life-long hearing impairment. J.C. didn’t allow his loss of hearing to affect him negatively, but instead he always focused on the positive. After graduating from high school, Ransdell served in the Navy for two years. He was assigned to a ship in Norfolk, Va., working as a crew member on seaplanes. During this time he developed a love for airplanes. (He has since become a private pilot, flying planes for the past 45 years.) “We used to go out on 12 hour runs, flying about 50 feet off the Atlantic Ocean,” Ransdell explained. “We’d find submarines within three miles of port entrances.” After his service in the military, Ransdell returned to North Carolina to work on his family’s farm near Willow Springs. He held
a couple jobs before joining Southern Seeds, and later became a partner. Southern Seeds distributes seeds, chemicals and fencing products to cities, states, federal governments, golf courses and general contracts. In 1997, Ransdell and his brother Jimmy established Circle R Management to manage timber, farmland, forestry and real estate. A successful life-long career, Ransdell attributes all of his achievements to his wife Jackie, employees, three children, five grandchildren and parents. In 2000, Ransdell’s father passed away. In memory of his philanthropic heart, the family formed the Ransdell Family Charitable Trust. “My parents were always giving back as best they could,” Ransdell said. “They weren’t always financially able to do that, but my dad worked very hard, and was very fortunate. I think that we should use some of their resources to support others in the community.” Ransdell’s passion for medically underserved areas developed overtime while traveling throughout rural North Carolina. He
Scholarship Luncheon One of Bobby Ransdell’s favorite parts of interacting with Campbell students is the College’s annual Scholarship Luncheon, when donors have the opportunity to meet their scholarship recipients. Above left, Mr. Ransdell is pictured with his first two PA scholarship recipients. Above right, he speaks with one of his pharmacy recipients during the luncheon held in 2010.
saw the need first-hand as he spoke with families that were driving 50 miles to a pharmacy or to see a physician, and decided to offer support through his family’s fund. Knowing these counties had limited resources, Ransdell turned to Campbell University in search of a solution. A mobile clinic initiative was the first idea developed with the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Ransdell created a fund to support traveling clinics in crucial areas of medical need. The plan was devised for students and faculty from the pharmacy and PA programs at Campbell to provide various primary care services at local community centers and churches in underserved areas. The clinics will provide access to much needed care, give students valuable experience and connect them with the communities. Through Ransdell’s support, the College is planning its first mobile clinic this spring. Plans are in progress to include students from the physical therapy and osteopathic medicine programs in the future. The next area of need Ransdell targeted was scholarships. His first pharmacy scholarship was created in 2007, and the first PA scholarship was established in 2011. This past year Ransdell extended his family’s scholarships through 2030, and created the first two scholarships for physical therapy students. In a continuous effort to focus on underserved areas, Ransdell’s scholarship recipients are encouraged to practice in a rural setting for three years after graduation. “If students are looking at it from a monetary standpoint, they
won’t go to underserved areas because the resources are just not there,” Ransdell said. “If they’re looking at it from a viewpoint of giving back, and I think that is a goal of a lot of our students, they will make a difference in those areas.” Ransdell has further committed to Campbell University by serving on the Board of Trustees, Physician Assistant Program Board of Advisors, and the selection committee for the founding physical therapy director. His service is out of a genuine interest to support students, “I think the students that come here have a unique opportunity and we as trustees have a unique opportunity in interacting and encouraging them in every manner possible.” He feels Campbell asks a lot of its students, because they will be asked to do a lot when they graduate. He’s sees their potential, and knows that with a little encouragement, combined with a solid education and personal initiative, they will be very successful. “To see the opportunity that is exposed to the students here, and how committed they are to their education, if I can be just a tad of support, it is very rewarding to help them take advantage of it,” Ransdell said. Believing students can also be underserved if they don’t have the financial resources to progress any further, he hopes his investment in them will pay it forward to others in the communities of North Carolina.
“To see the opportunity that is exposed to the students here, and how committed they are to their education, if I can be just a tad of support, it is very rewarding to help them take advantage of it.” - Bobby Ransdell, Member, Campbell University Board of Trustees
Scholarships “It was really an honor to receive a scholarship, and I was just so appreciative. I know with the economy, finances are tight for everyone. To know that individuals are still dedicated to the College, students and education, it means a lot and eases the financial burden.� Melissa Cook Davis, second-year PA student Ransdell Family Fund Scholarship Recipient
Annual Scholarships CPHS Alumni Association Scholarship Richard DeBenedetto, Karyn Fabo, Morgan Surles CVS Pharmacy Scholarship Heather Armstrong, Nidhi Chokshi, Amanda Griffith, Jagruti Patel, Sapana Patel Ed and Carla Herring Scholarship Mary Cates Houston Brie Anne Reynolds Memorial Delta Lambda Chapter of Kappa Psi Scholarship Esther Yi Kerr Drug Scholarship Marshal Carter National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Scholarship Carolyn Hey
Mutual Wholesale Drug Company Scholarship Courtney Kivett Wayne Neal Memorial Community Pharmacy Annual Scholarship James McNeill Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship Bobby Pruitt The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Kenneth Alexander, Lauren Annas, Marcia Blackmon, Phillip Carlisle, James Chamberlain, Stephanie Cook, Julie Dattero, Marie Davies, Erin Dickert, Karyn Fabo, Mary Fitts, Katie Huddleston, Brad Hughes, Kristina Jones, Travis Jones, Amanda Leister, Jayme Lentz, Desirae Lindquist, Steven Miller, Leslie Norris, Courtney Proctor, Melissa Smisor, James Thomas, Jeremy Whidbee
was the average scholarship award per student
new scholarships established in support of the 25th Anniversary Campaign
physician assistant students received inaugural scholarships
Samuel Tate Powell Memorial Scholarship Mindy Church
Verda Harris & A. Hartwell Campbell Scholarship Tracy Perry
Ransdell Family Fund Scholarship Melissa Cook Davis, Ashley Green, Danielle Justice, Phillip Mills, Clayton Moore, Lauren Turner, Danielle Woodard
Cashion-Childress Pharmacy Scholarship Erin Daves
Rite Aid Scholarship Kymberly Causby, Lauren Lee, Maresa Like-Mathews, Stephanie Ring, Melissa Turner Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarship Matthew Robinson Bill & Lynne Taylor Scholarship Jennifer Turner Walgreens Diversity Scholarship Jeremy Whidbee Wal-Mart Pharmacy Scholarship Yuliya Chernous, Mallory Lambeth, Sean Morrow, Ami Patel, Carl Teachey Whaley Family Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Meredith Mahaffee
Endowed Scholarships Raenell B. & Claude S. Abernethy Scholarship Monica Rai Janice & Alexander Alexander Pharmacy Scholarship Carrie Trogdon Newman D. & Helen M. Buck Pharmacy Scholarship Jessica Hostetter Major Sam Byrd Pharmacy Scholarship Chelsie Sanders
Catalent Pharma Solutions Mark Davidson Scholarship Lara Kelly Crowe Family Physician Assistant Scholarship Caitlyn Warren D’Alonzo Family Pharmacy Scholarship Eliana Kurzum Susie A. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Chris Williams Mae I. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Morgan Costner Edna E. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Chuemee Thao Gary Dunham Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Beth Migliaccio Gary Dunham, PharmD Kappa Psi Pharmacy Scholarship Katie Huddleston Margaret D. & Ryland P. Edwards Scholarship Maria Sadler Lucille L. Ellis Family Pharmacy Scholarship Amber Schilling M. Keith Fearing, Jr. & Don K. Richie Pharmacy Scholarship Ashley Ward Howard Q. & Mescal S. Ferguson Pharmacy Scholarship Janna Currie, Matthew Desmarais
More about Melissa After graduation, Melissa is interested in pursuing a career in internal medicine. Before arriving at Campbell, she worked as a dietician at Betsy Johnson Regional Hospital in Dunn, NC.
Lewis M. Fetterman, Jr. Memorial Pharmaceutical Sciences Endowed Scholarship Brandie Platt Thomas H. Furman Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship William Criswell GSK Women in Science Pharmacy Scholarship Keri Dollarhite Dr. G. Fred Hale Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Heather Folz, Brooke Miller, Michele Simmons, Susan Wiggins Brian P. Harrington Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Richard DeBenedetto Blanton A. Hartness Pharmacy Scholarship Timothy Carlisle
“Receiving a scholarship was very important to me because the financial assistance lifted a heavy burden off my shoulders. I am able to focus more on my school work, interact more with my professors and my peers, and give 110% to everything that I do.� Jeremy Whidbee, third-year pharmacy student The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. & Walgreens Diversity Scholarship Recipient
Rebekah Lynn Heldreth Pharmacy Scholarship Rachel Booker Jessica Ann Kalinowski Pharmacy Scholarship Caroline Huff Ronald W. & Suzan Maddox Pharmacy Scholarship Savannah McNeill Russell Mantooth & Holly McReynolds Families Memorial Scholarship Nydia Mancini Marks Family Pharmacy Scholarship Morgan Surles Marshbanks Memorial Scholarship Allison Gilmore, Samuel Testerman
doctor of physical therapy scholarship established
of pharmacy students received a scholarship
scholarship gifts awarded to CPHS students, totaling nearly $800,000
Mast Drug Pharmacy Scholarship Erica Dellinger Samuel & Helen Mennear Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Anna Phu W. Whitaker & Dorothy R. Moose Scholarship Charles Carter O’Neal Family Pharmacy Scholarship Brian Garris Oley Family Pharmacy Scholarship Paras Naik A. Leroy & Sara Kanoy Parker Scholarship Roger Pritchard
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Endowed Scholarship Stephanie Cook Pharmacy Alumni Scholarship Marie Davies, Erin Dickert, Melissa Smisor Rite Aid Pharmacy Endowment Scholarship Wendy Shoffner Ralph P. Rogers, Jr. Pharmacy Scholarship Phillip Mills Kitty & Leon Rumley Pharmacy Scholarship Amber Haislip Elgie Lee May & Lonnie Dalton Small Pharmacy Scholarship Anthony Shelton Henry & Tracey Smith Pharmacy Scholarship Emily Proctor Lloyd S. Surles Physician Assistant Scholarship Laura Dail Letizia Antonietta Thrift Scholarship Scott Hockaday, Lauren Norris Jack G. & Eloise Harrington Watts Pharmacy Scholarship Brittany Brown, Jennifer Godwin E. Carlyle & Rose R. West Pharmacy Scholarship Lydia McAlister Robert F. Whaley Pharmacy Scholarship Hunter Ingoe Joe & Ina Whitehead Pharmacy Scholarship Dexter Peele Mildred H. & Norman A. Wiggins Pharmacy Scholarship Emily Bradham 25th Anniversary Pharmacy Scholarship Anthony Shelton
More about Jeremy A native of Scotland Neck, NC, Jeremy is interested in pursuing a residency in either hospital pharmacy or academia after he graduates.
Reunion 2011 - The Alumni Association honored the pharmacy classes of 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006 during their milestone reunion event on Oct. 22, 2011. Over 50 alumni and guests dined at the Chateau Bellevie, in Fuquay Varina, NC, and enjoyed reminiscing and reconnecting.
Alumni Association The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences has always been a family. The Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement strives to keep it that way. With hundreds of active members, the Alumni Association provides the opportunity to connect, support, and belong.
“The Alumni Association has kept me involved and helped me see how important it is to stay connected, as it is really the only way to truly understand how the school is growing and helping so many students.” -LeAnne Kennedy, PharmD ’93 Kennedy received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the CPHS Alumni Association during the College’s 25th Anniversary Gala in April 2012.
Events & Activities Serving and engaging alumni is the Association’s main goal, and a key approach is through relevant and fun programming. Over 2,100 alumni and guests attended 17 events hosted or sponsored by the organization, with record attendance at three of those events. The Association hosted 10 new events during the 2011-2012 academic year.
have graduated from the College
Engaging Future Alumni The future of CPHS is bright, and the Alumni Association knows outstanding students are a key to that future. The organization held eight events specifically designed to engage students, raised over $14,200 for scholarships, and awarded six student scholarships. The Association also supports the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association which boasts 126 members from the pharmacy student body.
Alumni Association members
alumni membership, which is double the national average of 10%
alumni serve on the Board of Directors
Honor Roll of Donors
Thank you for your generosity. Through gifts large and small, all of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ donors make a significant impact at the institution. The tremendous commitment of alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends helps advance the College’s mission of educating the next generation of leaders in health care. It is with great appreciation that CPHS recognizes the donors who made a gift to the College during the 2011-2012 fiscal year (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012). The College strives to accurately recognize its benefactors. In the event of an omission or error, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement at 1-800-760-9734, ext. 1837. In honor of the College’s 25th Anniversary, the pictures throughout this section celebrate the wonderful students, faculty and alumni who’ve helped make the College a successful institution and connected community over the past quarter century. Pictured above, 1992 pharmacy class officers Cecil Davis, Christie Heath, Jeannie Bierce and Craig Nybakken pose outside the Leslie Campbell Science Building.
40% Alumni
Corporate Partners
Platinum Society $100,000+ Capital Community Foundation Felburn Foundation Leon Levine Foundation Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert L. Ransdell, Sr.
Founder’s Society
Dr. Ronnie S. Holuby ‘03 Dr. Jeremy Massengill ‘00 and Dr. Heather S. Massengill ‘00 Stedman Drug Center Walmart Dr. Mitchell W. Watts Dr. Mark & Mrs. Foy Yates
Apothecary Society $1,000-$4,999
$25,000-$99,999 Dr. Robert & Mrs. Diane Greenwood Mr. Brandon Johnson and Dr. Mary Margaret Johnson ‘05, ‘07 Dr. Byron May and Dr. Diana M. Maravich-May ‘90 R.A. Bryan Foundation, Inc. Rite Aid Corporation Capt. David R. Talbott and Mrs. Danielle C. Talbott ‘06 Drs. Ray & Tina Tseng
Dean’s Society $10,000-24,999 Clarence E. Roberts Estate Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Crow The Dickson Foundation, Inc. Family Care Pharmacy, Inc. Florence Rogers Trust Mr. & Mrs. Dexter E. Floyd Harris Teeter Dr. James E. Herring, Jr. ‘95 and Mrs. Carla Herring Medical Village Pharmacy Merrill Lynch Mutual Wholesale Drug Triangle Community Foundation Walgreens Dr. & Mrs. Jack G. Watts
Mortar & Pestle Society $5,000-$9,999 Anderco Rentals Mr. Eugene G. Anderson Dr. Alan J. Carroll ‘05 and Mrs. Carolyn S. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Carroll, Jr. Carroll Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Cashion Cashion Family Foundation, Inc. CVS Corporation Mrs. Mary S. Fearing Floyd Foundation, Inc. Trust GlaxoSmithKline Drs. George & Terri Hamrick Dan & Alisa Hayes
Baldwin Woods Pharmacy Mr. Bob and Mrs. Patricia Barker Dr. James E. Beaty ‘98 and Dr. Anne Marie P. Beaty ‘00 Bob Barker Company, Inc. Dr. J. Andrew Bowman ‘93 and Mrs. Sarah H. Bowman Mr. Ronny Buchanan Dr. Rhonda F. Caldwell ‘91 and Mr. Chuck Caldwell Dr. Eric B. Danielczyk ‘07 and Dr. Juliane Danielczyk ‘09 Mr. Thomas P. Davis Mrs. Joni F. Fetterman Mr. & Mrs. Willis H. Gregory Harnett Health System Dr. Elizabeth T. Houston ‘94 Dr. Cynthia J. Johnston Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Kerr Drug, Inc. Dr. Elton W. Long Jr. ‘90 and Mrs. Tonette M. Long Dr. Ronald and Ms. Suzan Maddox Mast Operations LLC-CH Medicine Park Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Clement E. Medley Dr. & Mrs. David S. Moody, Jr. Dr. Whitaker and Mrs. Dorothy Moose Moose Drug Company N.C. Baptist Foundation NACDS Education Foundation North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Pharmfusion Consulting, LLC Phi Delta Chi Fraternity Seashore Discount Drugs, Inc. Dr. Ronald E. Smith, II ‘98 and Dr. Lora Beth Shelton-Smith ‘98 Surry Drug Company Dr. & Mrs. William J. Taylor Mr. Tom Thutt Thutt Enterprises, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Turner VIP Computer Systems, Inc. Whaley Family Foundation, Inc. George Womble Womble Rental Management
Student Leadership Our students have excelled in the classroom, clinical rotations and at professional conferences, claiming numerous national awards over the past 25 years. Our graduates continue to build a legacy as successful leaders, innovators and contributors to the pharmacy profession.
Benefactors $500-$999 Dr. Michael L. Adams ‘96 and Dr. Dina H. Adams ‘96 Mr. Mark A. Anderson ‘01 and Dr. Siriprawn A. Anderson ‘01 Dr. David L. Arnold ‘01 and Dr. Rebecca M. Arnold ‘01 Bailey Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Maynard and Dr. Connie L. Barnes ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Bridges Dr. Wade H. Brown ‘07 and Dr. Paige Brown ‘06 Mr. Jerry Bullins Carrboro Family Pharmacy, Inc. Dr. Robert M. Cisneros, Jr. Dr. Henry C. Cobb ‘92 and Dr. Allison C. Cobb ‘92 Mr. David M. Coniglio Mr. & Mrs. W. Grover Creech Dr. Richard P. D’Elia
Dr. James W. Deming ‘98 and Mrs. Connie Deming Drugco Discount Pharmacy J M Smith Corporation Johnson’s Family Pharmacy Dr. Ross Jones ‘11 Dr. Stephen E. Kearney, Jr. ‘94 and Mrs. Lori U. Kearney Mr. Gary and Dr. LeAnne D. Kennedy ‘93 Dr. Qinfeng Liu Neil Medical Group New Town Center Pharmacy, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Mr. Michael Payne Mrs. Faye Powell Realo Discount Drug Stores, Inc. Dr. Pamela S. Shelton ‘91 Dr. Michael S. Smith ‘02 and Mrs. Ashley M. Smith Dr. Amanda G. Soles ‘02 and Mr. Jason Soles Dr. William C. Stagner
of the College’s faculty and staff contributed to the employee giving campaign
of the CPHS Administration and Physician Assistant Program supported the campaign
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Campbell University’s Kappa Psi Chapter, Delta Lambda, hosts a casino night during the fall semester in 1990 to recruit new members.
Tom Stanley & Julianne Hall Ms. Elizabeth L. Stima T.A. Loving Company Vidant Health Dr. Joseph E. Williams ‘11 Dr. Sarah D. Wylie ‘09 Dr. James M. Zboyovski ‘06 and Dr. Stephanie W. Zboyovski ‘06
Circle of Friends $250-$499 Dr. Wendy A. Alvanos ‘11 Dr. Allen D. Antworth ‘11 Dr. Rebecca L. Arneson ‘11 Dr. Jarrett L. Barnett ‘11 and Ms. Jamie M. Barnett ‘09, ‘12 Dr. Dawn M. Battise ‘11 Ms. Valbona Berisha ‘11 Mrs. Brenda F. Blackman Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Bloom Dr. Heather S. Bowers ‘09 Dr. Christopher S. Breivogel Dr. Stephanie A. Bryant ‘11 Dr. Meredith W. Buck ‘11 Dr. Kelly L. Carter ‘11 Dr. Christine Cho ‘11 Clinic Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. David and Ms. Debrah Cook Drs. Emanuel & Pamela Diliberto Dr. Adam P. Dixon ‘11 Dr. Aaron J. Dunets ‘10 Kimberly F. Dunn Dr. Steven T. Evans ‘11 Dr. Crystal N. Everett ‘11 Dr. Kira N. Ferguson ‘11 Dr. Leigh L. Foushee ‘00 and Mr. Eugene E. Foushee Dr. & Mrs. Mali Ram Gupta Dr. Scott A. Hall ‘92 Dr. Gina A. Harrell ‘05 Dr. Lindsey M Hassell ‘11 Dr. Emily R. Hiatt ‘11 Holiday Inn Resort - Wrightsville Beach Drs. Thomas & Alyce Holmes Dr. Jamie L. Hull ‘11 Dr. Stephanie M. Kendrick ‘99 Dr. Christopher T. King ‘90 and Mrs. Leanna B. King Dr. Lori E. Kiser ‘06 Franklin & Ronda Lacher Dr. Tina C. Lee ‘11 Dr. Elizabeth A. Malcolm ‘11 Dr. Mary M. McClain ‘11 Dr. Holly M. McDanel ‘11 Dr. Beth A. McStoots ‘10 Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Elizabeth Milton North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Dr. Kimberly L. Nealy ‘08
Dr. Emily K. Parker ‘11 Dr. Jeffrey R. Pendergrass ‘90 and Mrs. Kelly Pendergrass Dr. Brandon A. Petro ‘11 Dr. James R. Pierce Jr. ‘11 Dr. Amanda P. Pollard ‘11 Mr. David M. Pound and Dr. Melanie W. Pound ‘01 Dr. Keri L. Privette ‘11 Dr. Robert S. Rawls ‘02 and Dr. Brooke K. Rawls ‘02 Mr. Buddy Ritch Dr. Sarah C. Roberts ‘11 Dr. Amanda H. Rouse ‘11 Dr. Valerie L. Rydberg ‘11 Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Merrill Gordon Sawyer ‘07 Dr. Daniel B. Seavers ‘96 Dr. Pamela C. Hurdle ‘11 and David L. Settle Dr. Leighcraft A. Shakes ‘11 Dr. I. Daniel Shin Dr. Rebecca R. Shorter ‘11 Dr. Kelly R. Jones ‘11 Southeastern Interiors Dr. Melissa A. Spurling ‘11 Dr. Charles J. Stallings ‘11 Dr. Benjamin L. Stanley ‘09 and Dr. Jill A. Stanley ‘08 Mr. Jeffrey S. Staton Dr. Christina P. Stier ‘11 TDM Farms, Inc. Dr. Zinash H. Tesfaye ‘11 Mr. Barry W. and Dr. Tina H. Thornhill ‘91 Dr. Ijeoma A. Uwakwe ‘09 and Mr. Evan Uwakwe Dr. Mindy D. Wallace ‘11 Wells Fargo Foundation Rev. & Mrs. Denton White Dr. Caroline M. Wilby-Snarr ‘11 Dr. Whitney N. Williams ‘11 Dr. Nichole R. Wilson ‘11
Supporters Up to $249 Dr. Marlena L. Abernethy ‘09 Dr. Sonny T. Abraham Dr. Justin E. Adams ‘09 and Mrs. Bliss B. Adams Dr. Antoine J. and Mrs. Pam C. Al-Achi Maj. Thomas P. and Dr. Claudia H. Amidon ‘92 Dr. Zachary L. Anderson ‘10 Mr. Hal Averette Dr. Roger E. Baker ‘08 Dr. Ira R. Barefoot ‘99 and Mrs. Melissa A. Barefoot Barnes & Noble
Student Life Professional organizations, pharmacy fraternities and the University’s intramural programs play a large role in the student experience at CPHS. There are now over 20 student organizations within the College offering opportunities for professional development, community service and lots of fun.
Preceptors of the year Dr. Steve Fuller, Dr. Tina Thornhill ‘91, and Dr. Jay Groce ‘93 were named precepters of the year by the pharmacy class of 1999. Mr. Andrew Barrett Dr. Allison C. Baynor ‘09 Dr. Amy T. Bennett ‘08 and Dennis Bennett Dr. Mona Benrashid ‘10 Dr. Trisha A. Bowery ‘09 Dr. James A. Boyd Dr. Jennifer M. Boyd ‘08 Brame Huie Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Dustin S. and Dr. Ashley L. Branham ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. Hewitt A. Brown, Jr. Dr. Lindsey T. Brown ‘10 and Mr. Edgar T. Brown Dr. Matthew Jay Brown ‘08 and Mrs. Annie V. Brown Dr. Merideth F. Brown ‘09 Dr. Steven E. Brown ‘09 Dr. Tammy S. Bullock ‘96 Dr. Ralph R. Bunting ‘09 Dr. David J. Burton ‘09 Dr. Wynter L. Campbell ‘08
Dr. Christina L. Candeloro ‘09 Dr. Jamie S Carter ‘11 Dr. Laura E. Caviness ‘08 Dr. Ronnie Chapman Chapmanetics Consulting, LLC Dr. Brad N. Chazotte Dr. Elizabeth A. Coble ‘10 Mr. Thomas P. Colletti Ms. Christy A. Connolly Ms. Letitia C. Cornish Mr. James W. Costner Dr. Shannon E. Cozort ‘09 Ms. Ramona T. Daniels Ms. Crystal D. Dark ‘05 Dr. Ana Dates ‘09 Dr. Steven M. Davis Dr. Shannon L. Davis-Viall ‘09 Dr. Meghan C. Dawes ‘12 Dr. Whitney S. Deason ‘09 Dr. Christopher R. Dennis ‘08 Ms. Laurie D. Depew Dr. Richard H. Drew
was pledged by the Doctor of Pharmacy class of 2012 to update the CVS Study Lab Proceeds will purchase new computers and furniture for current and future students
Dr. Wesley R. Dulaney ‘10 Dr. Julie A. Dunn ‘09 Mrs. Sybil Evans Mr. Lewis M. Fetterman III Mrs. Anna Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. C. Ashley Folsom Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Fuller Dr. Stephanie B. Garner ‘08 Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garrett Mrs. Laura R. Gerstner Dr. Meagan W. Godwin ‘08 Granite Insurance Agency Ms. Liza M. Greene Dr. Windy R. Griffin ‘08 Dr. James B. Groce ‘93 and Mrs. Sarah Groce Mr. Mark O. Harrell and Dr. Charlotte F. Harrell ‘10 Dr. Alvin H. Hartness Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hemminger Dr. Jennie H. Hewitt ‘10 Dr. Robert S. Hickman ‘09 Dr. John T. Huff ‘05 and Dr. Ashley D. Huff ‘08 Mr. Greg Hughes Hughes Automotive IMS Health Dr. Emera P. Jackson ‘08 Dr. & Mrs. David N. Johnson Dr. James E. Johnson Dr. Oxana A. Kamneva ‘08 Mr. Casey Knowles and Dr. Jennifer Knowles ‘08 Mr. Richard K. Koepcke Dr. Tyler J. Laws ‘09 Mr. Tommy G. Lewis II Dr. Charlotte J. Locklear ‘10 Dr. Jeffrey J. Luce ‘97 and Mrs. Rhonda Luce Dr. Andrea L. Luebchow ‘09 Luihn Four, Inc. Dr. Jon Marks and Dr. Caroline A. Marks ‘08 Mr. Timothy J. Marks Mrs. Brynn N. Mason Dr. Tracy L. Mathena ‘08 Mrs. Mary L. McKnight Dr. Robert B. McMahan ‘00 Mr. Neil and Mrs. Cynthia L. McPhail McPhail’s Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Peter J. Millen and Dr. Jessica B. Millen ‘09 Mr. Lee and Ms. Gabrielle Morgan NC MedAssist Dr. George Nemecz
Dr. W. Matthew Nolin ‘10 Mrs. Dawn E. Phillips Col. William W. Pickard Dr. Jonathon D. Pouliot ‘10 Dr. Charlie W. Powell ‘09 Ms. Andrea J. Pratt Prescott’s Pharmacies Prevo Drugs, Inc. Dr. Diane T. Prince ‘08 and Mr. Richard Prince Dr. Bridget Register ‘09 Mr. Benny Ridout Mr. William J. Roberts Mrs. Robyn W. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Rogers Dr. Cory P. Rose ‘09 Dr. Lindsay Sampson ‘09 Dr. Monica Sandoval ‘08 and Mr. Christopher L. Oxendine Mr. Robert J. Schmid ‘04 Mr. John E. Scott Dr. Darrin R. Sismour ‘08 Dr. Jennifer D. Smith ‘02 and Mr. Matthew Smith Dr. Brian P. Snyder ‘08 Dr. Jennifer C. Spidel ‘09 Spoke Consulting, Inc. Mr. Marion O. Staley ‘95 Ms. Melissa L. Stancil Dr. Gilbert A. Steiner Dr. Christopher W. Stewart Marshall and Jan Stewart Mrs. Kristen A. Stiltner Sun Trust Bank Dr. & Mrs. Robert Supernaw Dr. & Mrs. Larry N. Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Travis J. Taylor Dr. Jessica S. Taylor-Johnson ‘07 Thomas Drug Store of Dunn Dr. Jeffrey M. Tingen ‘09 Tri-Pharm, Inc. Tri-State Distribution, Inc. Dr. Bryan L. Turner ‘09 Mr. Talbert L. Waldrop Dr. Travis W. Wallace ‘09 and Mrs. Catherine T. Wallace Dr. E. Virginia White ‘09 Dr. Josiah and Mrs. Ina Whitehead Ms. Leah B. Whitt Mr. Bradley D. and Dr. Nicole R. Whittenburg ‘09 Ms. Elizabeth E. Wickham ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Williamson Dr. Dustin T. Wilson ‘07 Dr. J. Nashea Young ‘08
Graduation Over 2,000 students graduated from the College in the first 25 years. During this time, pharmacy graduates have maintained an impressive 98% passage rate on the NAPLEX board exam.
Board of Advisors Valerie Barlow, PharmD, MBA WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Mark Lloyd Physicians Pharmacy Alliance
Jeffrey R. Pendergrass, PharmD '90 Cardinal Health
Michele A. Belsey, RPh Rite Aid Corporation
E. Lazelle Marks, RPh Medical Center Pharmacy
April G. Pope, MPAS, PA-C Benson Area Medical Center
Kenneth Bryan, MPH Harnett Health System
Brad Marshburn, PharmD ’99 Walgreens
Henry L. Smith, RPh Carolina Medical Products
Paul W. Bush, PharmD, MBA Duke University Medical Center
Clement E. Medley First Federal Bank
Ronald E. Smith, Jr., PharmD '98, MBA ’98 Physicians Pharmacy Alliance
Allison C. Cobb, PharmD ’92 FamilyMed Pharmacy
David S. Moody, Jr., DSc, RPh Mutual Wholesale Drug
Stephen W. Greene, RPh CVS/Pharmacy
Joseph S. Moose, PharmD ’90 Moose Professional Pharmacy
Mark J. Gregory, RPh Kerr Drug
Michael Nnadi, PharmD, MHS Forsyth Medical Center
James E. Herring, Jr., PharmD ’95 Medical Village Pharmacy
Anthony Oley Family Care Pharmacy
Josiah R. Whitehead, DSc, MBA Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Jimmy S. Jackson, DSc, RPh Spoke Consulting, Inc.
Walton P. O’Neal III, PharmD ‘96 O’Neal’s Drug Store
Beth Williams, PharmD Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Wesley V. Waters III, PharmD ’02 Specialty Pharmacies of North Carolina Jack G. Watts, DSc, RPh Campbell University Trustee
Ways to Give Stocks or Bonds Making a gift of appreciated securities can save money in capital gains and other taxes. Bequests By including the College in your will, you can create a meaningful legacy while also reducing inheritance taxes. Your will can designate specific gifts of cash, property or a percentage of your estate. Life Income Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are examples of gifts that produce benefits for you in the form of tax savings and provide income for life. Lead Trusts Your property or assets can remain in your family, while the income from them supports the College for a period of time. A lead trust also reduces your taxes. Matching Gifts Many employers will agree to match charitable gifts to institutions of higher learning by employees. A matching gift will maximize your gift to CPHS. For more information please contact: Rich Koepcke Director of Development richk@campbell.edu 910-893-1837
Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 www.campbell.edu/cphs 1-800-760-9734 ext. 1837