CPHS Annual Report 2013-2014

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents


A Message from the Dean



Editor & Design: Leah B. Whitt Assistant Editor: Leigh Liles Foushee Printing: Theo Davis Printing

Academic Programs


A Glance Back: 2013-2014


Meet the New Dean


Alumni Association


Degree Recipients


Scholarship Recipients


Honor Roll of Donors


Faculty & Staff

Photography: Chip Henderson, Rebecca Mill, Bennett Scarborough, & Story Photographers

Ways to Contribute

Note: All monetary data and information presented in this 2013-2014 report reflects the June 1, 2013 - May 31, 2014 fiscal year unless otherwise noted.

Campbell University is an equal opportunity employer. www.campbell.edu/employment




Produced by Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement


A Message from the Dean I am honored to present Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health

Sciences’ 2013-2014 Annual Report. What a year it has been! We received approval to enroll students in our new undergraduate nursing program, welcomed our first class of student physical therapists, and selected a new dean to take over the College upon my retirement; Dr. Michael Adams, a graduate of our program here at Campbell University, as well as his wife, Dina. I actually taught them during the early days of the School. I will vouch for Dr. Adams doing a superb job. Previously he was Assistant Dean for Inter-Professional Education and is a team player in every sense of the word. It has been my pleasure to work with Dr. Adams since he joined our faculty. We wish to convey our gratitude to the family of students, faculty, alumni, friends, and corporate partners we have formed over the past 30 years. A university is made up of a very large number of people working toward a goal of educational excellence. We are indeed fortunate to have a mighty team. Since announcing my retirement in February, I have been asked many times about my career and lessons learned over the years. The things that stand out are the relationships I have formed during every stage of my professional life. After serving two years in the United States Army to meet an ROTC requirement, I spent a year working in a retail pharmacy, and then into academics when I accepted positions at Mercer University and then Campbell University. One particular memory will shed light on why I think working relationships are so important. When my son, Peyton, was christened, the former and current deans of Mercer’s pharmacy school attended the service. Not only were they in attendance, but my manager from the retail pharmacy I had previously worked in traveled from Florida to attend as he was Peyton’s Godfather. I remember thinking what a rarity it was to have all of my employers attend such a meaningful event in my life. That day resonated with me and helped mold the way I led Campbell through the creation of the pharmacy and health sciences programs. It is easy to get caught up in the accomplishments of an academic year, but it will never be about just one year. Achievements can be broken down into increments of time, but I like to view them as a culmination of hard work, dedication, enthusiasm, and relationships. The programs we have announced and launched this year are based on what we have accomplished long before now. Without our history and previous accomplishments, we would not have had the extremely positive reception these programs have enjoyed. I thank you for your continued support of the work we are doing in health care education at the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences will continue to be in my daily thoughts and prayers. I know we have a very strong foundation on which to continue to build and a fine dean to lead the way. I would ask that you give Dr. Adams the same support you have given me. Good Luck!

Ron Maddox Vice President for Health Programs Dean, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences


Administration for Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace, EdD, ThM, MS Mark L. Hammond, PhD James O. Roberts, MPA Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Britt J. Davis, DPA Dennis N. Bazemore, DMin, MDiv

President Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Vice President, Business and Treasurer Vice President, Health Programs Vice President, Institutional Advancement Vice President, Student Life

Administration for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Michael L. Adams, PharmD, PhD Robert B. Greenwood, PhD W. Mark Moore, PharmD, MBA, MS Wesley D. Rich, PhD, MEd, MA Betty Lynne Johnson, MEd, PA-C

Dean Incoming Dean, effective January 2015 Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Associate Dean, Admissions and Student Affairs Associate Dean, Administration Assistant Dean, Interprofessional Education

William W. Pickard, MS Chair, Department of Clinical Research Nancy Duffy, DSN Director, Nursing Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., PhD Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences D. Byron May, PharmD Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Gregory S. Dedrick, PT, ScD Director, Physical Therapy Thomas P. Colletti, DHSc,MPAS, PA-C Chair & Director, Department of Physician Assistant Practice Wesley D. Rich, PhD, Med, MA Chair, Department of Public Health

Mission Statement The mission of Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is to educate students in a Christian environment to be health care professionals who will function effectively as a part of an interdisciplinary team of health care providers to meet existing and future health care needs and who will provide leadership to their profession and professional organizations.


Department Chairs for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences


Board of Advisors Valerie Barlow, PharmD, MBA WakeMed Health & Hospitals

David S. Moody, Jr., RPh Mutual Wholesale Drug

Cornelius L. Best, MS, PMP Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.

Joseph S. Moose, PharmD ’90 Moose Professional Pharmacy

Kenneth Bryan Harnett Health System Paul W. Bush, PharmD, MBA, FASHP Duke University Medical Center Allison C. Cobb, PharmD ’92 FamilyCare Pharmacy Stephen W. Greene, RPh CVS/Pharmacy Mark J. Gregory, RPh Ateb, Inc. James E. Herring, Jr., PharmD ’95 Medical Village Pharmacy Jimmy S. Jackson, RPh, DSc Spoke Consulting, Inc. Mark Lloyd Physicians Pharmacy Alliance


Michael Nnadi, PharmD, MHS Forsyth Medical Center Anthony Oley Family Care Pharmacy Walton P. O’Neal III, PharmD ’96 O’Neal’s Drug Store Jeffrey R. Pendergrass, PharmD ’90 Cardinal Health Henry L. Smith, RPh Carolina Medical Products Ronald E. Smith, Jr., PharmD ’98, MBA ’98 Physicians Pharmacy Alliance Wesley V. Waters, III, PharmD ’02 Specialty Pharmacies of North Carolina Jack G. Watts, RPh, DSc Campbell University Trustee

E. Lazelle Marks, RPh Medical Center Pharmacy

Josiah R. Whitehead, DSc, MBA Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Brad Marshburn, PharmD ’99 Walgreens

Beth Williams, PharmD Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Doctorate Programs Pharmacy Physical Therapy

Graduate Programs Clinical Research Pharmaceutical Sciences Physician Assistant Practice Public Health

Undergraduate Programs Clinical Research General Sciences Nursing Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dual Degree Programs Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Business Administration Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Clinical Research Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Public Health Master of Physician Assistant Practice & Master of Science in Public Health Master of Science in Clinical Research & Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Public Health & Master of Business Administration Juris Doctor & Master of Science in Public Health


Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) was founded in 1986 as the School of Pharmacy and has since grown into a nationally recognized pharmacy and health sciences education institution. Since its inception, graduates of the prestigious Doctor of Pharmacy program have maintained a 98 percent passage rate on the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination with ten classes accomplishing a first-time passage rate of 100 percent. In addition to the pharmacy program, CPHS offers a second doctorate degree, four master of science degrees, four undergraduate programs and eight dual degree programs, which allow students to earn multiple advanced degrees simultaneously. Throughout its 28 year history, the College has been led by its founding dean, Dr. Ronald W. Maddox. In February, Maddox announced he would be retiring and the search for his successor began immediately. In May, President Jerry Wallace announced that Dr. Michael L. Adams, a 1996 graduate of the pharmacy program, would take over as dean of CPHS effective January 1, 2015.


Exciting things are happening at the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences around the clock! From new programs to perfect passage rates, there are hundreds of newsworthy moments throughout the academic year. We have selected some of our favorite moments during 2013-2014 to share with you.

September The Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2013 became the tenth class in the College’s history to post a perfect first-time passage rate on the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX). The graduating pharmacy classes have maintained a 98.5% passage rate on the NAPLEX, a percentage well above both the national and state averages.

December The Doctor of Physical Therapy program received positive Candidate for Accreditation status from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Threapy Education (CAPTE). This accreditation achievement marked the official start of the three-year program and allowed students to formally enroll in the program. The 34 members of the inaugural Master of Physician Assistant Practice class made Campbell history as they walked across the stage in Turner Auditorium on December 14, 2013 and received their diplomas. Students from this class created the Wallace Student Society, a PA student organization dedicated to philanthropy and community service, and established the Physician Assistant Alumni Endowed Scholarship fund. Two students from the charter class of the Master of Science in Public Health program graduated a semester ahead of their peers. Rebekah West and Kristina Wolfe took on extra work over the course of a year and a half to graduate ahead of schedule. Both students accepted full-time public health positions immediately following graduation.


January The Doctor of Physical Therapy program held its first classes on January 6. The College’s student body grew by 40 eager student physical therapists. The class was welcomed by Campbell University President Jerry Wallace as well as a convocation program where Ben F. Massey, Jr., Executive Director of the North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy, shared advice for making the most out of their education. Campbell University received Initial Approval Status from the North Carolina Board of Nursing enabling the university to enroll its first cohort of nursing students for the fall semester of 2014. Campbell nursing students will receive two years of general education followed by clinical rotations beginning in the fall of 2016. The N.C. Board of Nursing will re-survey Campbell’s nursing program in the spring of 2018, when the first nursing students are expected to graduate. At that time, the university is a candidate to receive full approval status.

February Dr. Ronald Maddox announced his retirement after 29 years as Dean of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Maddox came to Campbell in 1985 to establish the Campbell University School of Pharmacy and has led the program to overwhelming success and expansion over the course of nearly 3 decades. His retirement begins January 1, 2015.


Dr. Wesley V. Waters III received the 2014 M. Keith Fearing, Jr. Community Pharmacy Practice Award, which is awarded annually by the College for outstanding contributions to the pharmacy profession and community.

May Campbell University announced the appointment of Dr. Michael L. Adams as the second dean of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Adams, a 1996 alumnus of the Doctor of Pharmacy program, will assume his duties as dean in 2015. The Class of 2014 became the 25th class to graduate from the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Graduation exercises were held on Friday, May 9, where 191 degrees were conferred.


Dr. Josiah Whitehead was installed as an honorary lifetime member of the Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ Alumni Association. The honorary lifetime membership was designed to recognize individuals who did not attend Campbell University but have adopted the College as their own through uncommon and outstanding service, substantial and continuing commitment, and loyalty. The honorary membership is the highest honor a non-CPHS alumnus can receive from the Association.



Michael L. Adams, PharmD, PhD

A native of Grifton, North Carolina, Adams is a 1996 doctor of pharmacy summa cum laude graduate of Campbell University’s then School of Pharmacy. After pharmacy school, Adams completed his doctor of philosophy in Medicinal Chemistry in 2003 at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy in Seattle, Washington. Upon completion of his graduate work, Adams went on to complete a post-doctoral fellowship in the Molecular and Cellular Toxicology Section of the Laboratory of Molecular Immunology with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Adams returned to Buies Creek in 2005 when he accepted a position with Campbell as an assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences. In 2009, he became the College’s director of Science Education Outreach and served in that position through 2012, when he was named assistant dean for graduate and interprofessional education. Adams received the 2011 Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence and has been named Professor of the Year by second-year student pharmacists for nine consecutive years. His professional affiliations include the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists (2009-present), the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (2005-present), the American Chemical Society (2005-present), the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (2003-present), and the Society of Toxicology, Mechanisms Specialty Section (1996-present). He is also a member of the Gamma Iota Chapter of the Rho Chi Society and the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. Dean Adams is married to Dr. Dina Hall Adams, a 1996 doctor of pharmacy graduate of Campbell University. He is the proud father of one daughter, Halle.


Michael L. Adams will assume the role of dean at Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences on January 1, 2015. Dean Adams will serve as the College’s second dean, succeeding founding dean Dr. Ronald W. Maddox (1986-2014).


Letter from the Director With an active member base of nearly 500 alumni and friends, representing

approximately 16% of all College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences and School of Pharmacy graduates, the Alumni Association creates meaningful ways for alumni and friends to be involved in professional development, networking, fundraising and leadership. Our purpose is to promote the interests of CPHS alumni and to foster a collaborative affiliation while promoting fellowship among pharmacists and healthcare professionals who attended CPHS. This year, the 13th Annual CPHS Alumni & Friends Golf Classic held in April generated more than $15,000 for the CPHS Alumni Association Endowed and Direct Aid Scholarships. The growth and success of the golf classic through players, sponsors, and donors allows the Association to provide more support to more students each year. In addition to the financial support for doctor of pharmacy students, we held a student scholarship competition for the other programs and provided two additional awards. In total, eight students received scholarships and awards directly from the Alumni Association this year. Membership in the Association is growing. In December 2013, more than half of the charter physician assistant class joined. We had strong member retention and new growth from all of our programs. Our greatest membership accomplishment this year was a 33% increase in the number of Lifetime Members. This level of commitment provides sustainable support to the Association and includes additional benefits to members. The funds collected from member dues allow us to host receptions at several state/national meetings, sponsor graduation events to welcome our newest alumni, and provide student morale boosters throughout the year. The Association hosted a wide variety of events this past year. In all, we held 15 major events and numerous smaller ones, in 6 different cities/towns, and welcomed nearly 1400 total attendees. Events included two continuing education seminars, a family weekend at Great Wolf Lodge, several CU@Dinner events connecting students and alumni, homecoming and reunion, multiple game watch events to support our Camels, and many more. Our favorite signature event is homecoming, which seems to get bigger and better each year. In 2013, we held the first Greek Alumni Headcount, won by Kappa Psi, which helped bring record numbers to our tailgate. We continue to refine homecoming to make it fun for all of our attendees from the very young to the young at heart! In addition to all of these events, we conducted several road trips to the eastern, southern and western parts of North Carolina and visited alumni at work to deliver doughnuts and CPHS goodies. We enjoy seeing and meeting you everywhere we go – it is the best part of our job! Please connect with us through social media, events, email (cphsalumni@ campbell.edu), and bookmark our website (www.cphsalumni.campbell.edu). Support the Association through involvement in events and activities, as well as serving on the board of directors and giving. Finally, we want you to belong to the Association; consider becoming a member of the Association or renewing your membership at a higher level. Sincerely,

Leigh Liles Foushee, PharmD ’00, CDE Director of Alumni Relations “I feel very fortunate to have attended a doctor of pharmacy program like Campbell’s that really places an emphasis on alumni involvement with current students. Our alumni are the most caring people you will find - they support the students financially through dedicated scholarships, emotionally through exam breaks and luncheons, as well as professionally through CV development and networking. All of these aspects of our alumni are why I will always be Campbell Proud!” -Desirae Lindquist, PharmD ’14, CPHS Alumni Association Senior Award Recipient


The CPHS Alumni Association is governed by its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is formed by alumni to serve the Association, represent the members of the Association and guide its future direction. The Board of Directors serving during the 2013-2014 academic year are as follows: Jennifer Adcock, PharmD ’10 Tanya Brewer, PharmD ’97 Erica Dellinger, PharmD ’13 Brittani Ezuma, MSCR ’12 LeAnne Kennedy, PharmD ’93 Drew Kessell, PharmD ’07, MBA ’07 Melissa Landers, PharmD ’01 Heather Powell, Student Pharmacist ’16 Jamie Harding, MPAP ’13 Bobby Rawls, PharmD ’02 Gina Tandarich, PharmD ’05 Cathy Teat, PharmD ’99 Tara Torrence, PharmD ’98 Virginia White, PharmD ’09, MBA ’09 Joe Williams, PharmD ’11 Ramya Yadavalli, MPSP ’12

Mary Margaret Johnson, PharmD ’05, Past President MBA ’05, MSCR ’07 Paige Brown, PharmD ’06 President Erin Bastidas, PharmD ’00 President-Elect

Upcoming Events The Alumni Association believes in providing fun and relevant programming for the alumni community. Keep your eyes and ears open for details about exciting upcoming events in 2015. Scheduled events will include a spring and fall continuing education event. Both will be tied to a Fighting Camels athletic event. In addition to CE events, the Association will be planning a family friendly event for March as well as the annual Homecoming Tailgate in October.

Save the Date & Register Online! February 21, 2015 – 2015 Alumni & Friends Basketball Game Watch April 10, 2015 – 14th Annual CPHS Alumni & Friends Golf Classic

Pictured opposite page, top to bottom: Leigh Liles Foushee, PharmD ’00, Director of Alumni Relations, Alumni & Students at a CU @ Dinner event in Wilmington, The Kessell family at the 2014 Basketball Game Watch, Students at the 2013 NCAP Reception, CPHS Faculty at the 13th Annual Golf Classic


Board of Directors


Degree Recipients Over the course of the academic year, 248 degrees were conferred during two graduation seasons including: 103 Doctor of Pharmacy degrees, 34 Master of Physician Assistant Practice degrees, 35 Master of Science in Clinical Research degrees, 19 Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences degrees, 11 Master of Science in Public Health degrees, 25 Bachelor of Science in Clinical Research degrees, 10 Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences degrees, and 11 Bachelor of Science in General Sciences degrees.

Doctor of Pharmacy Grishma Nihar Ajmera Gillian Marion Mobayode Akiwumi Kenneth Aaron Alexander Mohammed Fawzi Al-Otoum Donna Lynn Barfield Rebecca Barwick Emily Anne Bradham Phillip Scott Carlisle Timothy Ross Carlisle Bobby Eugene Carroll Jr. David H. Chandonnet Ashley Tyler Citron Amanda Lynne Coker Morgan Spenser Costner William Noland Criswell II Julie Catherine Dattero Rosana Datti Erin Alyse Daves Alyssa Hicks Davis Matthew David Desmarais Girish M. Dighe Rodney Carlton Floyd Heather Nicole Folz Helene Azimbi Fonebi Jaime Lynn Frahm Andrea Louise Gallman Brian Timothy Garris Jennifer Leigh Gates Luke Gooden Andrew Gosnell Justin C. Greene Rebekah Ann Gruver Jill Paige Hagwood Amber Rene’ Haislip Brittany Lawhorn Hamilton Norris Clark Hatcher IV Scott Monroe Hockaday James Phillip Honeycutt III Sache Chate’ Hood Mary Cates Springs Houston


Mallory Diane Lambeth Howard Katie Leigh Huddleston Caroline Anne Huff Travis M. Jones Kari Kabot Melissa Jane Kiser Rachel Renee Krueger Sonie Maya Lama Lauren Michelle Lee Rachel Lee Alexandra Kathleen LeMere Debbie Diann Liang Desirae Elizabeth Lindquist Warren Carter Long Brent Matthew Longmire Joice Lubbers Robbie Lynn Massengill Keeli Shae’ Michael Brooke Marie Miller Sean Patrick Morrow Jami Lynne Moss Hazel Danielle Neal Uduak Celestine Ntuen Amber Christen Ollie Johnathan Adam Owen Brandon Scott Paramore Charles Chihun Park Ami D. Patel Jagruti Hirabhai Patel Kunal Laljibhai Patel Rishit D Patel Veena Patel Tyler Bradshaw Patterson Shannan Renee Postell Roger Iain Pritchard Emily M. Proctor Stephanie Ann Ring Katie Amelia Ringley Brian A. Riviere Matthew Ryan Robinson Maresa Rose Roney Courtney Leigh Schammel

Skyler William Semmes Melanie O’Neal Sessoms Candace Dixon Severt Jessica Rinette Shaver Jesse McGregor Shaw Wendy Draper Shoffner Mohanish Shrestha Danya Imad Sinno Marcus Daniel Stanaland II Carl Burk Teachey James Leroy Thomas Carrie Leigh Trogdon Jeremy Gordon Tucker Jennifer Lynn Vickery Jonathan Scott Walker Matthew William Walker Sydnee Angela Wheeler Jeremy Lionel Whidbee Brandy Michelle Whitley Susan Ann Wiggins Kristen Alease Womble

Master of Science in Clinical Research Grishma Nihar Ajmera Alexandria Nicole Anderson Susan Elizabeth Brown Bonomolo Kristen Nicole Cosentino Krystle Michelle Davis Girish M. Dighe Candace Michelle Dixon Brittany Lawhorn Hamilton Patrick Michael Hardesty Ojerie Ashley Henderson Sache Chate’ Hood Mallory Diane Lambeth Howard Katie Leigh Huddleston Hellyn M. Jennings Tenicia ShaRhonda Johnson Sonie Maya Lama Rachel Lee

Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Abhiruchi Agrawal Swanalika Avula Vaishnavi Surendra Dodwadkar Swathi Gunuganti Ankita Vijaylakshami Gupta Bhavyasri Kakarala Joseph Paul Kancharla Aishwarya Kelenjoor Udupa

Pratibha Chowdary Koneru Aditi Arvind Kotasthane Dilip Kulkarni Saikishore Meruva Lindsey N. Muller Ramya Patibandla Pranshu Shrivastava Venkata Vallabhaneni Rishitha Veeramachaneni Pravallika Vinnakota Sneha Sree Yeleti

Master of Physician Assistant Practice Michael Albright Kristine Ashton Victoria Barden Allison Beam Paul Becton Christine Benedict Claudia Beneville Laura Blanchard Benjamin Boles Sarah Brainerd Kallie Britton Samantha Bullard Kelley Bump

Caitlyn Coates Melissa Davis Jennifer Fowler


Alexandra Kathleen LeMere LauraRuth Bode McQuiston Jami Lynne Moss Cayla Noel Noble Ashley Green Nordan Jagruti Hirabhai Patel Shannan Renee Postell Christine Emily Psaltis Cynthia Elaine Robinson Danya Imad Sinno Marissa Ashley Slutsky Morgan Nicole Thompson Kierra Chinae Marie Tunstall Joel Cannon Waters BriAnn Rashel Weaver Stacie Nicole Wehling Sydnee Angela Wheeler Jeffrey Wojtowicz Tramaine O’Bryan Young


Tiffany Gann Ryan Hamlin Jamie Harding Richard Hopper Jacqueline Hudson Terra Lawson Charmeen Mack Jamie Martin Ashley Nordan Jonathan Ray Kayla Raynor Jessica Robbins Heather Robinson Kaitlyn Schmid Ashley Stell Andrita Stokes Erica Walder Brittany Lowry West

Master of Science in Public Health Jonathan Quinn Bridges Erin Nicole Byrd Candis Marie Cook Kayla Ylasha Cunningham Victoria K. Ellis Alexandria Nicole Gregory Maegen Claire Hellberg Jessica Dawn Morrell James Cody Oxendine Rebekah West Kristina Wolfe

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Research Charity Amenya Andrew Irvin Currin Precious Yaba Dadzie Unoma Jane Dike Bretinsa LaShea Harris Christina Marie Kelly Meredith Paige Locklear Amber Makayla Long Sarah Logan Mayo


Isabel Alexandra Moya Chelsea Nicole Noble Kasey D. Reynolds Daniel Ethan Roper Rameet Sirpal Martha Caroline Stephenson Christian Rachelle Stewart BriAnn Rashel Weaver

Bachelor of Science in General Sciences Evagelos George Anagnostopoulos Ashlee Hannah Baucom Phillip James DeVillier Sarah Lynn Eggers Rola Jawdat Habib Ethan Steve Meadows Allison Raines Nicholson Ameriah Laila Sanchez Jessi Nichole Sauls Priyanka Singh Courtney Paige White

Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Atinuke Adepeju Adesina Rachel Lindsey Baksa Brittany Nicole Collins Melissa Hernandez Courtney Nicole Huffman Jennifer Leigh Hughes Taylor Nicole McDaniel Heather Nhu Thuy Nguyen-Huynh Leslie Downing Phillips Brandon M. Threadgill


Scholarships Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is grateful for the financial assistance made available to students each year through our endowed and annual scholarships. Through the generosity of the College’s supporters, over $910,000 was awarded to 219 students during this academic year. Nine new scholarships were established over the course of the 2013-2014 academic year. Four of those scholarships were endowed to assist student pharmacists, two scholarships were established to benefit student physician assistants, two scholarships were established to benefit student physical therapists, and one scholarship was established to benefit students enrolled in our new nursing program. In addition to the generosity of our donors, the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences achieved a 90% participation rate in this year’s Campbell University Employee Giving Campaign. Faculty and staff are encouraged to designate their gift to the College or any other program at the University. Please note: Annual Scholarships are funded through gifts given to the College each year. Endowed Scholarships are permanent funds that accrue interest. The interest that is generated each year by those permanent funds provides the scholarship(s) awarded by the endowment.

Annual Scholarships Alpha Rho Chapter of Kappa Epsilon Scholarship Maresa Roney Beta Kappa Chapter of Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Dr. Penny S. Shelton Scholarship Suzanne Carol Shearin Campagna Family Dual Physician Assistant and Public Health Scholarship Laurin Alexis Cahill Angela Cheung

Medley Family Annual Scholarship Emily Anne Bradham National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Scholarship Emily Proctor

Physician Assistant Annual Faculty Scholarship Amy Elizabeth Reightler

Department of Clinical Research Faculty Scholarship Avery Belton Doctor of Physical Therapy Musculoskeletal Practice Scholarship Elizabeth Wickham Ed & Carla Herring Scholarship Ashley Colavito

Carroll Pharmacy Annual Scholarship Scott Monroe Hockaday

Large-Wells Direct Aid Scholarship Stephanie Ring

CPHS Alumni Association Scholarship Alexa Laurel Carda Brooke Marie Miller Pranshu Shrivastava

Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship Clayton Britt Nance II The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Kenneth Alexander Phillip Carlisle Julie Dattero Mark Eugene Deaver Erin Dickert Brian Timothy Garris Allison Marie Gilmore Aurelia Nicoletta Gross Rebekah Anne Gruver Travis Jones Nikolaus James Lawson Desirae Lindquist Ashley Nicole McCallister Brooke Marie Miller Sean Patrick Morrow Barry Parker Haley Elizabeth Parker Stephanie Ring Jordan Marie Stackle Chuemee Yang Thao James Thomes Jeremy Whidbee

The Campbell University College of Pharmacy Scholarship (funded by the former NCPhA Women’s Auxiliary) Katherine Rose Cook

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Pharmacy Student Scholarship Amanda Goodman


CVS Pharmacy Scholarship Mark Vernon Anderson Kymberly Lyne Causby Brennan Andrew Kroll Rachel Warren

Kerr Drug Scholarship Whitney Shannon Weeks

May Family Annual Scholarship Jessica Amber Humenik

North Carolina Mutual Wholesale Drug Company Scholarship Bunni Newbold

Samuel Tate Powell Memorial Scholarship Kayla Megan Wiese Ransdell Family Fund Scholarship Elise Caceres-Mason Alexandria Covington Tizita Belachew Mengistu Hazel Danielle Neal Allison Raines Nicholson Jeremy Peterson Lauren Brooke Turner Phillip Wongsavan Vang Sarah Vick Elizabeth Wickham

Rite Aid Scholarship Anna Elizabeth Capps Kylie Carpenter April Dawn Johnson Sara Elizabeth Langston Lara Rajic Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarship Susan Anne Wiggins Bill & Lynne Taylor Scholarship Katherine Rose Cook Mallory Diane Howard Matthew Ryan Tucker Memorial Scholarship Mary Hannah Ross Walgreens Diversity Scholarship Rola Jawdat Habib Walgreens Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Award MiJung Kim Wal-Mart Pharmacy Scholarship Joseph Michael Arminger Lauren Danielle Marshall Eric Terry Schuh


Physician Assistant Direct Aid Scholarship Crystal Ann Fischer Tiana Jansen Sarah Rose Mastronardi Alexa Laurel Carda Kondie Lee Lykins Regina Gurley Rahul Desai Sunny Noel Sawyer


Endowed Scholarships 25th Anniversary Pharmacy Scholarship Shannon Gunn

Cashion-Childress Pharmacy Scholarship Courtney Nicole Kivett

Susie A. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Juliana Elizabeth Lipetzky

Raenell B. & Claude S. Abernethy Scholarship Elizabeth Migliaccio

Catalent Pharm Solutions Mark Davidson Scholarship Jennifer Hughes

Janice & Alexander Alexander Pharmacy Scholarship Mallory Muller

H. Carter & Allison Cobb Pharmacy Scholarship Taylor Middleton Wolfe

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Endowed Scholarship Matthew Ryan Robinson

Brie Anne Reynolds Memorial Delta Lambda Chapter of Kappa Psi Scholarship Tyler Austin Cahoon

Lacy S. & Mart E. Collier Physician Assistant Scholarship Eric Dustin Morgan

Newman D. & Helen M. Buck Pharmacy Scholarship Timothy Ross Carlisle Major Sam Byrd Pharmacy Scholarship Kathryn Elizabeth Reece Verda Harris & A. Hartwell Campbell Scholarship Magen Rene Cross Campbell University Pharmacy Alumni Association Scholarship Jeffrey Todd Shearin


Crowe Family Physician Assistant Scholarship Richard Alexander Harris D’Alonzo Family Pharmacy Scholarship Jordan Marie Ballou Edna E. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Isaac Yang Mae I. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Barry Alexander Stevenson

Gary Dunham Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Dexter Lamont Peele Gary Dunham, Pharm.D. Kappa Psi Pharmacy Scholarship Dexter Lamont Peele Margaret D. & Ryland P. Edwards Scholarship Trusha Chature Dhanani Lucille L. Ellis Family Pharmacy Scholarship Alexander John Flowers M. Keith Fearing, Jr. & Don K. Richie Pharmacy Scholarship Shannon Marie Eidsness

Howard Q. & Mescal S. Ferguson Pharmacy Scholarship Sara Leanner Vaughn Peter Keddis Maresa Roney Emily Kristin Mantovani Lewis M. Fetterman, Jr. Memorial Pharmaceutical Sciences Endowed Scholarship Courtney Huffman

Marshbanks Memorial Scholarship Valerie Renee Barnett Elizabeth Anne Price Carlton & Lynell Martin Physician Assistant Scholarship Regina Everett Gurly

Robert G. Shelton Pharmacy Scholarship Amanda Dawn Griffith Elgie Lee May & Lonnie Dalton Small Pharmacy Scholarship Carolyn Burnham

Mast Drug Pharmacy Scholarship Mary Hannah Ross

Henry & Tracey Smith Pharmacy Scholarship Lauren Lurz

Thomas H. Furman Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Christy Rose Westbrook

Samuel & Helen Mennear Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Brooke Kopelakis

Lloyd S. Surles Physician Assistant Scholarship Melissa Cook Davis

Dr. G. Fred Hale Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Constantine William Stefanadis Mallory Clancy Muller Rebecca Carol Webb Carly Ann Cawrse

W. Whitaker & Dorothy R. Moose Scholarship Bunni Newbold

Letizia Antonietta Thrift Scholarship Carolyn Burnham Jacob Matthew Hyde

Brian P. Harrington Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Ashley Ann Holombo Blanton A. Hartness Pharmacy Scholarship Morgan Spenser Costner Rebekah Lynn Heldreth Pharmacy Scholarship Jordan Marie Chamberlain Dr. Thomas J. Holmes Class of 2009 Pharmacy Scholarship Matthew Ryan Robinson Jessica Ann Kalinowski Pharmacy Scholarship Shelby Eloise Reich Ronald W. & Suzan Maddox Pharmacy Scholarship Tracy Dail Perry Russell Mantooth & Holly McReynolds Families Memorial Scholarship Emily Katherine Fretz Marks Family Pharmacy Scholarship Heather Nicole Folz

North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Women in Science Scholarship Brittany Collins Oley Family Pharmacy Scholarship Jacob Matthew Hyde

Jack G. & Eloise Harrington Watts Pharmacy Scholarship Andrew Tyler Wright Stephen Luke Van Ausdall

O’Neal Family Pharmacy Scholarship Kaitlyn Corey

Wayne Neal Memorial Community Scholarship Thomas Scott Harrell

A. Leroy & Sara Kanoy Parker Scholarship Sarah Elizabeth Waldrop

E. Carlyle & Rose R. West Pharmacy Scholarship Thitinan Sraubol

Pharmacy Practice Program Scholarship Justin Greene

Robert F. Whaley Pharmacy Scholarship Chantelle Hoilett

Pharmacy Alumni Scholarship Peter Keddis Constantine William Stefanadis Clayton Britt Nance II

Joe & Ina Whitehead Pharmacy Scholarship Kenneth Alexander

Rite Aid Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship Christopher Ryan Powell Ralph P. Rogers, Jr. Pharmacy Scholarship James Bradford McNeill

Mildred H. & Norman A. Wiggins Pharmacy Scholarship Andrew Tyler Wright Yates Family Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Leslie Phillips

Kitty & Leon Rumley Pharmacy Scholarship Yazmin Maya-Perez



Through gifts large and small, all of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ donors make a significant impact at the institution. The tremendous commitment of alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends helps advance the College’s mission of educating the next generation of leaders in health care. It is with great appreciation that CPHS recognizes the donors who made a gift to the College during the 2013-2014 fiscal year ( June 1, 2012-May 31, 2013). Campbell Univeristy alumni donors are indicated with their year of graduation behind their name. The College strives to accurately recognize its benefactors. In the event of an omission or error, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement at 1-800-760-9734, ext. 1837.

Platinum Society ($100,000+)

Dean’s Society ($10,000-$24,999)

Dr. S. T. Cathy ’91 Mary E. Collier Estate Pharmacy Network Foundation STC Property Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whiteman, Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Cashion Dr. Corey D. Furman ’95 & Dr. Ashley R. Furman ’96 Harris Teeter Mr. Vance B. Neal ’63 & Mrs. Dolores Neal Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stoot Capt. David R. Talbott & Mrs. Danielle C. Talbott ’06 Mr. Frederick L. Taylor II ’92 & Mrs. Melissa Taylor The Dickson Foundation, Inc. Walgreens Dr. & Mrs. Jack G. Watts

Founder’s Society ($25,000-$99,999) Mr. Ernest J. Alphin & Mrs. Teresa M. Alphin ’78 Capital Community Foundation College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2013 College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Crow Drs. Joseph & Leah Devlin Fidelity Bank Mr. Glenn T. Infinger ’74 & Mrs. Anne S. Infinger Phi Delta Chi Fraternity R.A. Bryan Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert L. Ransdell, Sr. Raymond James Charitable Endowment Rite Aid Corporation Mr. Henry L. Smith ’67 & Mrs. Tracey Smith Mr. L. Stuart Surles ’77 Dr. William T. Symonds III ’91 & Dr. Melissa L. Symonds ’91 Symonds Family Foundation Triangle Community Foundation

Mortar & Pestle Society ($5,000-$9,999) Mr. Eugene G. Anderson Cashion Family Foundation, Inc Devlin Properties LLC Robert & Diane Greenwood Ms. Gloria J. Gulledge ’67, ’79 Dan & Alisa Hayes Dr. James E. Herring, Jr. ’95 & Mrs. Carla Herring Dr. Ronnie S. Holuby ’03 Medical Village Pharmacy Stedman Drug Center


Thank you for your generosity.


Apothecary Society ($1,000-$4,999) Dr. Michael L. Adams ’96 & Dr. Dina H. Adams ’96 Alpha Rho Chapter of Kappa Epsilon Dr. James E. Beaty ’98 & Dr. Anne Marie P. Beaty ’00 Mr. George Buchanan & Mrs. Judy Buchanan ’96 Dr. Alan J. Carroll ’05 Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Carroll, Jr. Mr. John A. Childress & Dr. Melinda C. Childress ’05, ’05 CVS Corporation Dr. Richard A. DeBenedetto ’12 Dr. Gregory S. Dedrick Dr. Nancy D. Duffy Mr. H. Hendricks Edgerton Eli Lilly and Company Mrs. Mary S. Fearing Mrs. Joni F. Fetterman Dr. James B. Groce III ’93 & Mrs. Sarah Groce Harnett Health System, Inc. John Hiester Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Dr. David N. Johnson ’79 & Mrs. Betty L. Johnson ’79, ’86 Dr. Cynthia J. Johnston Dr. Elton W. Long, Jr. ’90 & Mrs. Tonette M. Long Dr. Ronald W. Maddox & Mrs. Suzan R. Maddox ’01 Mr. E. Lazelle Marks ’62 & Mrs. Judy R. Marks Dr. Bradford L. Marshburn ’99 & Mrs. Laura Marshburn Dr. Jeremy Massengill ’00 & Dr. Heather S. Massengill ’99,’00 Mast Operations, LLC Mr. & Mrs. James C. Matthews Dr. D. Byron May & Dr. Diana Maravich-May ’86, ’90 Mr. J. David McGirt ’67 & Mrs. Nancy C. McGirt ’84 Dr. David S. Moody, Jr. ’10 & Mrs. Dianne Moody Dr. W. Whitaker Moose, Sr. ’99 & Mrs. Dorothy Moose Mr. Alton W. Myrick ’71 & Mrs. Carolyn Myrick


National Community Pharmacists NC Baptist Foundation NC Mutual Wholesale Drug NC Pharmaceutical Association Novant Health Mr. & Mrs. DeLeon Parker, Sr. Pharmacists Mutual Ins., Co. Pharmfusion Consulting, LLC COL William W. Pickard Mrs. Faye Powell Dr. & Mrs. William J. Taylor Mr. Tom Thutt Thutt Enterprises, Inc. Drs. Ray & Tina Tseng VIP Computer Systems, Inc. Dr. Jerry M. Wallace & Mrs. Betty B. Wallace ’72 Walmart Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Womble

Mr. Maynard S. Barnes & Dr. Connie L. Barnes ’90 Mr. Gary W. Kennedy ’91 & Dr. LeAnne D. Kennedy ’93 Dr. & Mrs. Mali Ram Gupta Dr. William C. Stagner Dr. Bob Barker, Sr. ’65 & Dr. Patricia Barker Bob Barker Company, Inc. Mr. William K. Barnhi ll & Dr. Patsy B. Barnhill ’97, ’99 Dr. Jamie N. Brown ’06 Samantha A. Bullard ’13 Dr. Richard P. D’Elia Delta Air Lines Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. Justin C. Greene ’14 Dr. Timothy M. Hinson ’92 Hospitality Ventures Management Jobson Publishing L.L.C. Dr. Stephen E. Kearney, Jr. ’94 & Mrs. Lori U. Kearney Ms. Ashley P. Maddox ’98, ’01 Neil Medical Group Ashley G. Nordan ’13 Mr. Buddy Ritch Mr. & Mrs. George Tucker, Jr.

Benefactors ($500-$999) Mr. Lerone Arrington & Dr. Samantha T. Arrington ’08 Dr. Christopher M. Brennick ’10 Mr. Matthew Clements & Dr. Jennifer N. Clements ’06 Dr. Michael R. Lacher ’08 Dr. Qinfeng Liu Dr. Tanya C. Salter ’07, ’07 Dr. J. Andrew Bowman ’93 & Mrs. Sarah H. Bowman ’07 Dr. Alvin H. Hartness Dr. Marcus D. Stanaland ’11, ’14, ’14 Dr. David L. Arnold ’01 & Dr. Rebecca M. Arnold ’01 Dr. Clark Hatcher ’14 Mr. Michael Payne Dr. H. Scott Brewer ’95 & Dr. Tanya B. Brewer ’97 Dr. Melissa A. Johnson ’01 Dr. Thomas P. Colletti Guilford County Society of Pharmacists Physicians Pharmacy Alliance Realo Discount Drug Stores of Eastern NC Mrs. Brenda F. Blackman Mr. Mark A. Anderson ’01 & Dr. Siriprawn A. Anderson ’01

Circle of Friends ($250-$499)

Dr. Grishma N. Ajmera ’08, ’14 Dr. Gillian M. Akiwumi ’14 Dr. Kenneth A. Alexander ’14, ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Allsbrook Dr. Theodore C. Awa ’14 Dr. Alison L. Baker ’05 Mr. Justin N. Barfield & Dr. Donna L. Barfield ’14 Dr. Janna C. Beavers ’13 Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Bloom Dr. Emily A. Bradham ’14 Dr. Christopher S. Breivogel Dr. Laura Steedly Bridges ’13 Dr. Maggie S. Brintle ’13 Dr. Rachel B. Britt ’09, ’13 Dr. Jay Brown ’08 & Mrs. Annie V. Brown Dr. Amity J. Bunkofske ’13 Dr. Phillip S. Carlisle ’14 Dr. Ross Carlisle ’14 Dr. Bobby E. Carroll ’14, ’14

Dr. Brittany B. Carswel ’13 Dr. Joshua M. Caviness ’13 Dr. James M. Chamberlain ’13 Dr. Jennifer L. Clark ’13 Dr. Morgan S. Costner ’14 Dr. William N. Criswell, II ’14 Mr. Andrew T. Darkow Dr. Julie C. Dattero ’14 Dr. Rosana Datti ’14 Dr. Erin A. Daves ’14, ’14 Dr. Alyssa N. Davis ’14 Dr. Erica N. Dellinger ’13 Dr. Matthew D. Desmarais ’14 Dr. Girish M. Dighe ’14 Dr. Crystal N. Everett ’10, ’11 Dr. Ashley N. Everette ’13 Mr. Lewis M. Fetterman III Dr. Mary G Fitts ’13 Dr. John P Fontenelle ’13 Dr. Jaime L. Frahm ’10, ’14 Dr. Frank B. Fuller III ’13 Dr. Stephen H. Fuller Dr. Ginger Price Gamble ’13 Dr. Kimberly M. Garland ’13 Dr. Brian T. Garris ’14 & Dr. Rebekah A. Garris ’14 Dr. Andrew G. Gosnell ’14 Dr. Jill P. Hagwood ’14 Dr. Amber R. Haislip ’14 Dr. Jonathan L. Harward ’13 Dr. Hunter T. Hobgood ’13 Dr. Scott M. Hockaday ’14 Dr. Christopher B. Holloman ’05 & Mrs. Shana L. Holloman Dr. Thomas J. Holmes, Jr. Dr. Mallory L. Howard ’14 Dr. Caroline A. Huff ’14 Dr. John B. Hughes ’13 Dr. Brittany N. Johnson ’13 Dr. Travis M. Jones ’14 Dr. Kari A. Kabot ’14 Dr. Andrew C. Kessell ’07, ’07 & Dr. Laura O. Kessell ’06 Dr. Lori E. Kiser ’06 Dr. Melissa J. Kiser ’08, ’10, ’14 Dr. Andrea L. Konieczki ’10 Dr. Janine M. Kushner ’00 Franklin & Ronda Lacher Dr. Sonie M. Lama ’14 Dr. Lan T. Le ’13, ’13 Dr. Lauren M. Lee ’14

Dr. Debbie D. Liang ’14 Dr. Desirae E. Lindquist ’14 Dr. Jamie Kegley Longmire ’13 Dr. Brent M. Longmire ’14 Mr. & Mrs. James D. McNeill Dr. Keeli S. Michael ’14, ’14, ’14 Dr. Elizabeth L. Migliaccio ’13 Dr. Brooke M. Miller ’14 Dr. Meghan S. Mohe ’13 Dr. Danya S. Moore ’14 Morgan Stanley Dr. Sean P. Morrow ’14 Dr. Jami L. Moss ’09, ’14 Dr. Andrea H. Murray ’13 Mylan Inc. Dr. Hazel D. Neal ’14, ’14 Omega Phi Alpha Dr. Johnathan A. Owen ’14 Dr. Charles C. Park ’14 Dr. Kunal L. Patel ’10, ’14, ’14 Dr. Rishit D. Patel ’14 Dr. Veena Patel ’10, ’14 Dr. Ami D. Patel ’14 Dr. Jagruti H. Patel ’14, ’14 Dr. Tyler B. Patterson ’10, ’14 Dr. Megan K Poston ’13 Mr. David M. Pound ’93, ’91 & Dr. Melanie W. Pound ’01 Dr. Roger I. Pritchard ’14 Dr. Emily M. Proctor ’14, ’14 Dr. Robert S. Rawls ’02 & Dr. Brooke K. Rawls ’02 1ST LT. Jessica L. Robbins ’13 Mr. William J. Roberts Dr. Matthew R. Robinson ’14 Dr. Chelsie L Sanders ’13 Dr. Courtney Schammel ’10, ’14 Dr. Skyler W. Semmes ’14 Dr. Charles T. Shaw ’09, ’13 Dr. I. Daniel Shin Mrs. Wendy D. Shoffner ’04, ’14 Dr. Michele H Simmons ’13 Dr. Ashley B. Spell ’08, ’13 Tom Stanley & Julianne Hall Dr. Casey J. Staton ’13, ’13 Mr. Jeffrey S. Staton Dr. Gilbert A. Steiner Dr. Jeremy M. Stultz ’08, ’13 Dr. Brittany R. Sykes ’10, ’13 TE Connectivity


Dr. Roderick D. Teat ’98 & Dr. Cathy A. Teat ’99 Mr. Neil A. Thaggard Dr. James L. Thomas ’14 Mr. Samuel L. Thomason Mr. Barry W. Thornhill & Dr. Tina H. Thornhill ’91 Dr. Lani S. True ’13, ’13 Dr. Jeremy G. Tucker ’14 Dr. Alexander E. Tunnell ’03 & Dr. Dana L. Tunnell Dr. Melissa B. Turner ’13 Mr. Evan Uwakwe & Dr. Ijeoma A. Uwakwe ’09, ’09 Dr. Matthew W. Walker ’14 Dr. Bobbi Jo Walston ’13 Wells Fargo Foundation Dr. Kayla P. Westra ’13, ’13 Dr. Jeremy L. Whidbee ’14 Rev. & Mrs. Denton White Dr. Susan A. Wiggins ’14, ’14 Dr. Mallorie S. Willis ’08, ’13 Dr. Kristen A. Womble ’14


Supporters (Up to $249) Dr. Marlena L. Abernethy ’09, ’09 Dr. Sonny T. Abraham Dr. Antoine J. Al-Achi & Mrs. Pam C. Al-Achi ’91 Mrs. Susan G. Autry Dr. Heather L. Bailey ’12, ’12 Ms. Crystal M. Baker Barefoot & Associates, Inc. Barnes Lube Express Mr. Chris Bass & Dr. Elizabeth M. Bass ’99 Dr. Jonathan M. Beam ‘13 & Allison M. Beam ’09, ’13 Ms. Tara B. Bell Christine E. Benedict ’13 Dr. Claudia D. Beneville ’13 Laura D. Blanchard ’13 Dr. Heather S. Bowers ’09 Dr. James A. Boyd Dr. Jennifer M. Boyd ’08 Dr. & Mrs. Jack Britt

Dr. Wade H. Brown ’07, ’07 & Dr. Paige Brown ’06 Mr. Edgar T. Brown & Dr. Lindsey T. Brown ’10 Buies Creek Graduate Kappa Psi Dr. Tammy S. Bullock ’96 Kelley A. Bump ’13 Dr. Ronnie Chapman Dr. Brad N. Chazotte Dr. Christine Cho ’11 Nga Phuong Chung-Nguyen ’96 Dr. Robert M. Cisneros, Jr. Dr. Valerie B. Clinard Ms. Samantha Clinton Dr. David M. Coniglio Dr. April A. Cooper Mrs. Elaine C. Cromartie Ms. Ramona T. Daniels Ms. Crystal D. Dark ’05 Melissa C. Davis ’13 Dr. Steven M. Davis Mr. Roger L. Dean ’64 Mr. Peter Delamater

Drs. Emanuel & Pamela Diliberto Dr. Richard H. Drew Ms. Kimberly F. Dunn Mrs. Rachel F. Ennis Dr. Dana R. Fasanella ’10 Dr. Tiffany B Fassnacht ’09, ’09 Mr. Peter A. Fenn Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fickes First Federal Bank Mr. Eugene E. Foushee & Dr. Leigh L. Foushee ’00 Mr. Clint E. Fuller ’05, ’07 Mr. Michael A. Gallagher Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garrett Genetic Counseling Graduate Program Mrs. Laura R. Gerstner Ms. Janice M. Gilchrist Dr. David Gittelman GlaxoSmithKline Ms. Audrey A. Gould Mrs. Michelle D. Green Mr. Billy M. Greene, ’00 & Mrs. Liza M. Greene ’03 Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Hacker Ms. Lindsey Haire Mr. Ernest D. Hamilton ’10, ’11 & Mrs. Julie E. Smith-Hamilton ’96 Drs. George & Terri Hamrick Dr. Ted E. Hancock Jamie C. Harding ’13 Mr. Mark O. Harrell & Dr. Charlotte F. Harrell ’10 Mr. Thomas G. Harris Dr. Rahul V. Haware Mr. Earl Hemminger & Mrs. Donna B. Hemminger ’78 Dr. Charles Herring Mr. Lester Hodges Dr. Melissa A. Holland ’07, ’07 J. M. Smith Corporation Mrs. Jeanette S. James ’69 Ms. Sheryl A Jensen ’14 Mr. Michael Jiroutek Dr. Amber L. Johnson ’09 Dr. Joel L. Johnson ’95 Mrs. Leigh Johnson Mr. Mark A. Johnson & Dr. Melissa D. Johnson ’97 Dr. Douglas W. Powell Mr. Paul R. Johnson Dr. Steven W. Johnson Ms. Shannon H. Johnson Mr. Dwight W. Johnson Mr. Anthony C. Jones

Dr. Kimberly E. Kelly Ms. Stephanie W. Knight Mr. Richard K. Koepcke Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Kraus Mr. Thomas T. Lanier, Jr. ’70 & Mrs. Joan S. Lanier ’70, ’80 Dr. Tyler J. Laws ’09 Mr. Tommy G. Lewis, II Dr. Catherine D. Lewis Dr. Kimberly P. Lewis Mrs. Susan K. Litton ’87 Dr. Charlotte J. Locklear ’10 Dr. Andrea L. Luebchow ’09 Charmeen E. Mack ’10, ’13 Dr. Elizabeth A. Malcolm ’11 Dr. Tracy L. Mathena ’08 Dr. Amber McLendon Mr. Telford A Miller Mr. Howard A. Mills & Dr. Elizabeth P. Mills ’98 Mr. Lee E. Morgan & Mrs. Gabrielle F. Morgan ’01, ’12 Dr. Jason M Moss Dr. Andrew J. Muzyk Ms. Melanie F. Myers Mr. Jesse C. Neighbors ’05 & Ms. Dawn S. Neighbors ’13 Dr. George Nemecz Dr. W. Matthew Nolin ’10 NCSU TRIO Programs Dr. Sidonie Nupa Dr. Ann M. Nye Mr. Christopher L. Oxendine & Dr. Monica Sandoval ’08 Dr. Scott L. Perkins Pooly, Inc. Dr. Jonathon D. Pouliot ’10 Ms. Andrea J. Pratt ’05 Kayla B. Raynor ’11, ’13 Ms. Gloria L. Rendon ‘13 Dr. Wesley D. Rich ’01 & Mrs. Laura T. Rich ’02 Mrs. Pamela S. Roberts Mr. Albert C. Robinson ’03 Heather A. Robinson ’13 Mrs. Robyn W. Rogers Dr. Kathey F. Rumley ’94 Kaitlyn A. Schmid ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Wesley B. Senti Mr. Bailis Y. Shamun ’68 & Mrs. Sylvia Shamun Dr. Heidi Shearin Dr. Anthony C. Shelton ’12 Dr. Pamela S. Shelton ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shrieves

Dr. Caroline Preas Siemer ’12 Ms. Courtney N. Simpson Mr. Matthew Smith & Dr. Jennifer D. Smith ’02 Mr. Ed Smoot & Mrs. Julia L. Smoot ’77 Ms. Wilda A. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. John N. Stacy Dr. Christopher W. Stewart Mrs. Kristen A. Stiltner Mr. & Mrs. Gary Strickland Dr. Beth S. Sutton Triangle Compounding Pharmacy Tri-State Distribution, Inc. Dr. Mary L. Townsend Rev. William C. Turner ’10 Mr. Holt Walker & Dr. Suzanne T. Walker ’00 Dr. Mindy D. Wallace ’06, ’11 Ms. Alice M. Webb Brittany L. West ’13 Ms. Lisa T West Ms. Lisa P. Williams Dr. Christopher L. Williams ’12 Mr. Ricky Williams Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Willis Dr. Dustin T. Wilson ’07, ’07 Dr. Sarah D. Wylie ’09 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Yeager Ms. Mary L. Zellers


Faculty S. Thomas Abraham, PhD Michael L. Adams, PharmD, PhD Antoine Al-Achi, MS Pharm, MS, PhD Asima Ali, PharmD Casey Baldwin, PharmD Connie L. Barnes, PharmD Tara L. Bell, PharmD Timothy J. Bloom, PhD J. Andrew Bowman, PharmD James A. Boyd, PharmD, MBA Christopher S. Breivogel, PhD K. Paige Dickens Brown, PharmD Ronnie Chapman, PharmD Brad N. Chazotte, PhD Robert M. Cisneros, MS Pharm, MBA, PhD Valerie B. Clinard, PharmD Thomas Colletti, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C David Coniglio, EdD, PA-C April A. Cooper, PharmD Steven M. Davis, PharmD Gregory S. Dedrick, PT, ScD Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., PhD V. Paul DiMondi, PharmD Richard Drew, PharmD, MS Pharm Nancy D. Duffy, DNP, RN Peter A. Fenn, MPAS, PA-C Leigh Liles Foushee, PharmD Stephen H. Fuller, PharmD Kathey Fulton-Rumley, PharmD Michael A. Gallagher, MA Robert L. Garrett, Jr., PhD Laura R. Gerstner, MHA, MSHS, PA-C Michelle Green, tDPT, MSPT Liza Greene, MMS, PA-C Robert B. Greenwood, PhD James B. Groce III, PharmD Mali Gupta, MS Pharm, PhD Julianne M. Hall, PhD Terri S. Hamrick, PhD Ted Hancock, PharmD Rahul V. Haware, PhD Charles Herring, PharmD Tim Hinson, PharmD Melissa Holland, PharmD, MSCR Michael R. Jiroutek, DrPH, MS Betty Lynne W. Johnson, MEd, PA-C Melissa D. Johnson, PharmD, MHS Steven W. Johnson, PharmD Cynthia Johnston, PharmD Kimberly E. Kelly, PharmD Catherine Lewis, PharmD Kimberly P. Lewis, PharmD Qinfeng Liu, MS, PhD Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD


Timothy Marks, MMB D. Byron May, PharmD Amber N McLendon, PharmD Beth Mills, PharmD W. Mark Moore, PharmD, MSCR, MBA Jason Moss, PharmD Andrew J. Muzyk, PharmD George Nemecz, MS, PhD Sidonie Nupa, PharmD, RN Ann Marie Nye, PharmD Scott Perkins, PharmD William Pickard, MS Pharm April Pope, MPAS, PA-C Melanie W. Pound, PharmD Douglas W. Powell, PhD Wesley D. Rich, MA, MEd, PhD Scot Sawyer, PT, DPT Heidi L. Shearin, PT, DPT I. Daniel Shin, MS, PhD Jennifer D. Smith, PharmD William C. Stagner, MS, PhD Christopher Stewart, MD Beth Sutton, PhD William J. Taylor, Jr., PharmD Tina H. Thornhill, PharmD David R. Tillman, MEd, PhD Mary L. Townsend, PharmD Dustin Wilson, PharmD Brett Windsor, PT, MPA C. Brock Woodis, PharmD

Administrative Departments Office of the Dean

Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement

Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD, Vice President of Health Programs and Dean, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Wesley Rich, PhD, Associate Dean for Administration Pam Roberts, Assistant to the Vice President of Health Programs and Dean Lee Holquist, Assistant to the Dean’s Office

Leigh L. Foushee, PharmD, Director of Alumni Relations Rich Koepcke, Director of Development Leah B. Whitt, MBA, Director of Communications

W. Mark Moore, PharmD, MBA, MS, Associate Dean, Admissions & Student Affairs Brenda Blackman, Director of Pre-Pharmacy Advisement & Retention Kimberly Dunn, MS, Regional Director Lindsey Haire, Senior Admissions Coordinator Rodney Hipwell, Admissions Counselor Stephanie Knight, Admissions Coordinator Christy McCormick, Student Affairs Coordinator Shari McGuire, MEd, Senior Admissions Counselor Steph Olson, MS, Coordinator of Academic Support Phyllis Strickland, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Whitted, MDiv, Admissions Coordinator

Office of Academic Affairs Robert B. Greenwood, PhD, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Kim East, Academic Affairs & Graduate Programs Coordinator

Office of Graduate & Interprofessional Education Betty Lynne Johnson, MEd, Assistant Dean, Graduate & Interprofessional Education Emily Bloom, Director of Interprofessional Education & Outreach

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., PhD, Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Executive Director, Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center Tim Bloom, PhD, Vice Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences Crystal Dark, Office & Business Manager Michael Gallagher, MA, Associate Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Mali R. Gupta, PhD, Director, Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center Paul Johnson, Manager, QC/Analytical R&D,Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center Timothy Marks, MS, Program Administrator Chad Moody, Research Technician II Shraddha Shapariya, MS, Graduate Student Relations Coordinator I. Daniel Shin, PhD, Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Scott Staton, Manager, Formulation & Operations, Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center


Office of Admissions & Student Affairs

Department of Clinical Research William W. Pickard, MS, RPh, Chair of Clinical Research Kayla Clark, Departmental Assistant Sheryl Jensen, Program Manager Julie Smith-Hamilton, Departmental Program Coordinator


Department of Pharmacy Practice

Department of Physical Therapy

D. Byron May, PharmD, Chair of Pharmacy Practice Connie L. Barnes, PharmD, Executive Vice-Chair of Pharmacy Practice and Co-Director of Drug Information Center J. Andrew Bowman, PharmD, Director of Continuing Education James Boyd, PharmD, MBA, Director, Dual PharmD/MBA Program Paige Brown, PharmD, Director of Experiential Programs Valerie B. Clinard, PharmD, Vice Chair, Experiential Education Samantha Clinton, Continuing Education Coordinator Richard Drew, PharmD, Vice-Chair of Research & Scholarship Steve Fuller, PharmD, Vice-Chair of Faculty Development & Leadership Kathy Monaghan, Program Manager, Drug Information Center Lisa West, Office Manager Jean A. White, Program Manager, Experiential Programs

Gregory Dedrick, PT, ScD, Program Director Rachel Ennis, Administrative Assistant Heidi Shearin, PT, DPT, Director of Clinical Education Kate Thomas, Administrative Assistant

Department of Physician Assistant Practice Thomas Colletti, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C, Chair & Program Director David Coniglio, EdD,MPA, PA-C, Academic Coordinator Laura Gerstner, MSHS, MHA, PA-C, Director of Clinical Education Betty Lynne Johnson, MEd, PA-C, Director of Pre-Clinical Education Shannon Johnson, Clinical Education Specialist Charlotte Paolini, DO, Medical Director April Pope, MPAS, PA-C, Clinical Coordinator Robyn Rogers, Medical Education Specialist Kristin Stiltner, MBA, Program Manager

Department of Public Health Wesley Rich, PhD, Chair of Public Health Christie Burley, MDiv, MTS, MBA, Program Manager

Ways to Contribute Stocks or Bonds Making a gift of appreciated securities can save money in capital gains and other taxes. Bequests By including the College in your will, you can create a meaningful legacy while also reducing inheritance taxes. Your will can designate specific gifts of cash, property or a percentage of your estate. Life Income Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are examples of gifts that produce benefits for you in the form of tax savings and provide income for life.


Lead Trusts Your property or assets can remain in your family, while the income from them supports the College for a period of time. A lead trust also reduces your taxes. Matching Gifts Many employers will agree to match charitable gifts to institutions of higher learning by employees. A matching gift will maximize your gift to CPHS. For more information, please contact: Rich Koepcke | Director of Advancement richk@campbell.edu 910.893.1837


Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 www.campbell.edu/cphs 1-800-760-9734 ext. 1837


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