Annual Report 2012-2013
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
13 New Initiatives
A Message from the Dean
14 Alumni
About Us
3 4
Administration & Mission Board of Advisors
Academic Programs
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Overview Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences Clinical Research Physician Assistant Practice Public Health Physical Therapy Nursing
14 15
Alumni Outreach Engaging Future Alumni, Events & Activities
16 Scholarships 16 18
Annual Scholarship Recipients Endowed Scholarship Recipients
21 Honor Roll of Donors 25 Ways to Contribute
Note: All monetary data and information presented in this 2012-2013 report reflects the June 1, 2012 - May 30, 2013 fiscal year unless otherwise noted.
Table of Contents | 1
A Message from the Dean
It is my pleasure to present to you the 2012-2013 annual report for Campbell University’s
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, and what a year it has been! Things are changing rapidly in Buies Creek and I am proud to say that the pharmacy and health sciences programs are driving that change. With the current changes in healthcare, I believe that we need to be proactive, more than ever, in the way we educate and train our students. Being proactive comes with a lot of changes and challenges, but we are not sitting back and waiting to be told what to do. It is the tradition of our program to go out, do what needs to be done, and do it well. This year we launched a new interprofessional education initiative that encourages both students and faculty members to work collaboratively to provide the most effective and efficient method of care and education possible. We received a positive accreditation status for our Doctor of Physical Therapy program to accept students, and we are looking forward to seeing those students in January. The Board of Trustees approved a bachelor of science in nursing program that will fall under the health sciences umbrella. Much work has already begun on that undertaking thanks to our newly hired director of nursing, Dr. Nancy Duffy. We are in the process of offering an online-exclusive master of science in clinical research degree. Several faculty members have been placed at various medical institutions in the area, including Forsyth Medical Center, the Harnett Health System and WakeMed. At the heart of this change is the doctor of pharmacy program. The opportunities our health sciences programs have been given are due mostly to the success of the pharmacy program. In our 26 year history, we have built an impeccable reputation that has paved the way for programs like our master of physician assistant practice which will be graduating its first class within the next few weeks. This reputation for excellence in healthcare was further solidified when we received news that our latest class of pharmacists received a perfect passage rate on the National Board of Pharmacy exam. We are proud of all students, from the members of the charter class to the students sitting in our classrooms now. It is my hope that you are proud of the direction the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is going and that you are encouraged to continue supporting our mission to educate and train the future leaders of healthcare.
Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Vice President for Health Programs Dean, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
2 | A Message from the Dean
Administration for Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace, EdD, ThM, MS Dennis N. Bazemore, DMin, MDiv Jack Britt, EdD, MS Britt J. Davis, PhD, MPA Mark L. Hammond, PhD Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD James O. Roberts, MPA
About Us
President Vice President for Student Life Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement Vice President for Institutional Advancement Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Vice President for Health Programs Vice President for Business & Treasurer
Administration for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Robert B. Greenwood, PhD W. Mark Moore, PharmD, MBA, MS Wesley D. Rich, PhD, MEd Michael L. Adams, PharmD, PhD
Dean Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Associate Dean for Admissions & Student Affairs Assistant Dean for Administration Assistant Dean for Graduate & Interprofessional Affairs
Department Chairs for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Thomas P. Colletti, MPAS, PA-C Gregory S. Dedrick, ScD, MPT Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr. , PhD Nancy Duffy, DNP D. Byron May, PharmD William W. Pickard, MS Tina Tseng, PhD, MSPH
Chair & Director, Department of Physician Assistant Practice Director, Department of Physical Therapy Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Director, Nursing Program (proposed) Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Clinical Research Chair, Department of Public Health
Mission Statement The mission of Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is to educate students in a Christian environment to be health care professionals who will function effectively as a part of an interdisciplinary team of health care providers to meet existing and future health care needs and who will provide leadership to their profession and professional organizations.
About Us | 3
Board of Advisors Valerie Barlow, PharmD, MBA
Brad Marshburn, PharmD ’99
Michele A. Belsey, RPh
Clement E. Medley
Cornelius L. Best, MS, PMP
David S. Moody, Jr., DSc, RPh
WakeMed Health & Hospitals Rite Aid Corporation
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.
Kenneth Bryan, MPH Harnett Health System
Paul W. Bush, PharmD, MBA Duke University Medical Center
Allison C. Cobb, PharmD ’92 Campbell University Trustee FamilyMed Pharmacy
Stephen W. Greene, RPh CVS/Pharmacy
Mark J. Gregory, RPh Kerr Drug
James E. Herring, Jr., PharmD ’95 Medical Village Pharmacy
Jimmy S. Jackson, DSc, RPh
First Federal Bank
Mutual Wholesale Drug
Joseph S. Moose, PharmD ’90 Moose Professional Pharmacy
Michael Nnadi, PharmD, MHS Novant Health
Anthony Oley
Family Care Pharmacy
Walton P. O’Neal III, PharmD ’96 O’Neal’s Drug Store
Jeffrey R. Pendergrass, PharmD ’90 Cardinal Health
Henry L. Smith, RPh
Carolina Medical Products
Ronald E. Smith, Jr., PharmD ’98, MBA ’98 Biologics, Inc.
Campbell University Trustee Spoke Consulting, Inc.
Wesley V. Waters III, PharmD ’02
Mark Lloyd
Jack G. Watts, DSc, RPh
E. Lazelle Marks, RPh
Josiah R. Whitehead, DSc, MBA
Medical Center Pharmacy
4 | About Us
Specialty Pharmacies of North Carolina Campbell University Trustee
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Academic Programs The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences was founded in 1986 as the School of Pharmacy and has since grown into a nationally recognized pharmacy and health sciences education institution. The College transformed in 2009 with the addition of the physician assistant practice program which seated its first class in 2011. After opening its first health sciences program, the College grew again to offer a master of science degree in public health and a doctor of physical therapy. The next phase in the continued growth and advancement of the College is the proposed bachelor of science in nursing program which is currently being developed and undergoing the accreditation process. The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences has been under the leadership of Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD, since its creation.
Master of Science Programs Clinical Research Pharmaceutical Sciences Physician Assistant Practice Public Health
Doctorate Programs Pharmacy Physical Therapy
Dual Degree Programs
Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Business Administration Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Clinical Research Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Public Health Master of Physician Assistant Practice & Master of Science in Public Health Juris Doctor & Master of Science in Public Health
Academic Programs | 5
Academic Programs: Pharmacy The heart and soul of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is the impressive doctor of pharmacy program. With over 2,000 alumni who are actively contributing to the pharmacy profession, the program’s reputation is irrefutable. The four year program is the College’s oldest program and prepares students to become registered pharmacists. The program educates students in counseling patients on medication use, promoting public health, managing medication distribution, managing pharmacy practice, and providing patients with the best drug therapy for their needs. With hundreds of preceptors scattered across the state, the pharmacy program has the largest cohort within the College. The Department of Pharmacy Practice has faculty members positioned from Wilmington to Winston-Salem and everywhere in between. Just this year, the department strategically placed new faculty members at Forsyth Medical Center, Harnett Health System, and WakeMed to encourage those institutions to Average Passage Rates of the begin and/or continue to train students from National Board of Pharmacy Exam our various academic programs.
The success of our students is unmatched. The Class of 2013 achieved a perfect first-time passage rate on the National Board of Pharmacy exam surpassing the national and state averages. This class also outperformed the national average match rate of 63% with a 76% match rate for first year residency programs.
Passage Rate (in percent)
101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94
National Average
Class of 2017 Profile:
State Average
Entry Level of Education
107 students accepted out of 1,134 applicants average overall grade point average: 3.46 average science grade point average: 3.33
5% 27%
64-97 Credit Hours 98+ Credit Hours
States represented in the class: California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
6 | Academic Programs
Associate’s Degree 48%
Bachelor of Arts/Science 17% 3%
Academic Programs: Pharmaceutical Sciences The pharmaceutical sciences program is thriving and currently offers both bachelor of science and master of science degrees. The bachelor of science degree offers extensive coverage of disciplines involved in the discovery, development and manufacturing of drug products, while the master of science degree offers five specialized tracks: bioprocessing & biotechnology, industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacology, and a multidisciplinary option that allows students to combine multiple tracks at once. Students conduct research and complete lab-based courses in on-campus facilities that have the same innovative technology and equipment used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The department of pharmaceutical sciences is known for its work outside of the classroom with its management of the Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center (PERC). PERC houses Centers of Excellence for Preformulation, Analytical Research & Development, and Formulation Development. It also functions to develop advanced academic and research programs. Graduate students in the pharmaceutical sciences program are able to engage in innovative and challenging research with state-of-the-art instrumentation.
7 20 4
students engaged in client projects (PERC)
msps research projects performed throughout the year
workshops held on sterile compounding, half of which were for board of pharmacy investigators
of bsps graduates placed for jobs immediately following graduation
$256,861 received by the department in grant funding from the NC Biotechnology Center since 2010
Dr. Rahul Haware joined the pharmaceutical
sciences faculty in May 2013. He has studied in India where he received his bachelor of science in pharmacy and master of science in pharmacy, Germany and Sweden where he received his master of science in molecular biology, and Norway where he received his doctor of philosophy in pharmaceutics. His research interest in pharmaceutical material science along with his broad educational background make him a welcomed addition to the department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Academic Programs | 7
Academic Programs: Clinical Research The department of clinical research, like pharmaceutical sciences, offers both bachelor of science and master of science degrees. The bachelor of science program provides students with the knowledge and experiential training for diverse careres as clinical researchers in contract research organizations, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, or academia. The master of science program is designed to expand students understanding of clinical research, drug development and epidemiology. The program focuses on contemporary clinical research geared toward the development of new and improved therapies and diagnostics. The department of clinical research is leading the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences into the field of online education. With a directive from university administration, Colonel Bill Pickard and his faculty are paving the way for Campbell University’s future of online post-graduate degrees. The flexible online program is being designed to meet the growing demand for working adults interested in the program. The first two classes were launched summer 2013, and the remaining curriculum will be transition by fall 2014. Beth Sutton and Melissa Johnson, faculty of the clinical research program, are currently enrolled in a year and a half-long certificate program specializing in online education. This certificate program will provide our faculty with the specialized knowledge and skills to apply to online education that will help the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences set the standard for online education at a graduate level.
Colonel William Pickard was awarded the 2013
Next-Generation Lifetime Achievement Award by Pharmacy Times in honor of his passion for providing lifesaving medications throughout his 37 year career. COL Pickard’s career spans multiple field in pharmacy, including research, military, education and law enforcement. He currently serves as chair of the department of clinical research.
8 | Academic Programs
Academic Programs: Physician Assistant Practice The Physician Assistant program is designed to develop compassionate, competent health care providers. It focuses on an evidence-based, patient centered, clinically practical curriculum which will prepare students for the opportunity to enter one of the fastest growing health care professions in the nation. The program achieved a milestone in the summer of 2013 by enrolling its third class of students and officially meeting capacity. The program will graduate its first class of physician assistants in December 2013. The Physician Assistant program underwent a comprehensive review by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) in fall 2013 and expect results from this review in spring 2014.
Highlights from the PA Program: Inaugural class will graduate December 2013 Seated its third class and met full program capacity
Relocated to and became the first program to utilize the Leon Levine Hall of Medical Sciences Students raised $5,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern North Carolina
Participated in the first annual Give Harnett Kids a Smile event in Lillington, North Carolina
Student Experiences: Ryan Hamlin Yosemite Medical Clinic
“ was fortunate enough to represent the PA program at the Yosemite Medical Clinic in the spectacular Yosemite National Park. During this medical rotation, I lived in the park with responsibilities of working with the clinic’s staff as well as the search and rescue (SAR) team. We provided medical care to visitors of the park at the clinic and in unique wilderness situations throughout the park. I was able to see first-hand the dedication and hard work involved in helping people in the medical clinic and out on SAR missions that were meticulously coordinated with all the services of the park that includes volunteers, EMS, Park Rangers, medical clinic, and if needed aerial helicopter involvement. It was a great experience that I will remember for a lifetime.� Pictured: Hamlin (right) after a search and rescue mission hike on the infamous 16 mile Half-Dome Summit
Academic Programs | 9
Academic Programs: Public Health The master of science in public health degree provides students with a solid foundation in health care research and outcomes evaluation. The program focuses on the promotion of health and prevention of disease, rural health care research, community outreach and service learning opportunities. This program seated its first class fall 2012, and since then it has been rooted in community involvement and service. The students of the program are continuously serving the community through education outreach programs like health education fairs held at the migrant farmworkers clinic at Benson Area Medical Center. Current students have also gotten involved through a partnership with the Harnett County Department of Health. Students performed a community health assessment for the entire county and found a need for education on cardiovascular disease as well as cancer.
Give Harnett Kids a Smile
This year the program brought to fruition the idea of Give Harnett Kids a Smile, which provided free dental exams, cleanings, sealants and fluoride treatments to children who do not have dental insurance or receive Medicaid funding. Area dentists, volunteers, and students from the public health and physician assistant program came together for this one-day event in February 2013. The second annual Give Harnett Kids a Smile event is in the planning stages and preparations are being made to extend the concept into other counties that show a need.
Dual Degrees
The master of science of public health degree is a unique degree that complements many professions, and that is why the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences offers three dual degree programs involving public health. Most recently, the College initiated a dual physician assistant and public health degree which allows physician assistant students to add an extra year of study to their coursework to fulfill requirements for both programs. Students were enrolled in the curriculum this fall.
Public Health Association
The Campbell University Public Health Association (pictured below) is a student organization that promotes health awareness. The association is extremely active and sponsors events like SISTA in the Park and community health forums in the surrounding counties of Campbell University. This year the association held the inaugural Dash for the ’Stache, the hairest 5K on campus, to raise awareness for men’s health.
Upcoming Initiatives Give Harnett Kids a Smile 2014 Harvest to Health - a focus study on bringing more nutritious and fresh foods to the underserved population Give Lee Kids a Smile 2014 Study Abroad trips to Costa Rica and Honduras Emergency Preparedness seminars and training
10 | Academic Programs
Academic Programs: Physical Therapy The doctor of physical therapy program is the latest program to achieve accreditation and will be enrolling students in January 2014. The program was announced in the fall of 2011 to meet anticipated shortages in the health care industry. It is a three year program focused on developing graduates who are capable of practicing independently and as part of a comprehensive interprofessional health care team. The program’s curriculum centers on the patient and clinical practice in rural health care. It utilizes integrated, interdisciplinary education to prepare students to enter in the world of health care with a doctor of physical therapy and the eligibility to become a candidate for initial licensure in the 53 jurisdictions recognized by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. Effective November 6 2013, Campbell University’s doctor of physical therapy program has been granted Candidate for Accreditation status by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria,VA, 22314; phone: 703-706-3245; email: Candidate for Accreditation is a pre-accreditation status of affiliation with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education that indicates that the program may matriculate students in technical/professional courses and that the program is progressing toward accreditation. Candidate for Accreditation is not an accreditation status nor does it assure eventual accreditation.
Academic Programs | 11
Academic Programs: Nursing (proposed) At its spring 2013 meeting, the Campbell University Board of Trustees approved the development of a bachelor of science in nursing degree. It is the fifth major health sciences program launched or announced by Campbell in the last three years, following the physician assistant practice program, the master of science in public health program, the school of osteopathic medicine and the doctor of physical therapy program. Upon approval of the North Carolina Board of Nursing, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, the program anticipates an opening date of fall 2014. As with its predecessors, the nursing program will help fill a growing need in North Carolina. The current statewide and nationwide shortage of nurses — coupled with recommendations from the National Institute of Medicine that more nurses be trained at the baccalaureate level — means the overall projected need for degreed nurses will increase by 28 percent over the next decade. Undergraduate degrees at Campbell University require a minimum of 128 credit hours and can be awarded in four years. Students will take basic sciences and general core requirements in the first two years (the pre-nursing sequence) and professional nursing courses with clinical and laboratory components in the third and fourth years contingent upon the North Carolina Board of Nursing approval. Nancy Duffy, DSN, was recently appointed director of the proposed nursing program and is tasked with developing the program, hiring faculty and submitting the appropriate documentation and applications for program approval. That documentation was submitted in fall 2013 with the hopes of receiving a response in January or May of 2014.
Dr. Nancy Duffy joins the CPHS family as the
director of the proposed nursing program. Duffy received her bachelor of science in nursing from Bradley University, her master of science in nursing in adult health from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and her doctor of nursing practice from Rush University.
12 | Academic Programs
New Initiatives: Interprofessional Education The latest initiative for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is to increase interprofessional collaboration and is doing so through the creation of the interprofessional education program (IPE). The goal of IPE is to improve patient care through interprofessional practice and training and will be accomplished through multiple programs that aim to develop the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice identified and published by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative. The mission of the IPE program is to train students to function effectively as a member of an interprofessional health care team in a patient-centered medical home. The students who are primarily involved in the activities come from our physician assistant, pharmacy and public health programs and students from Campbell’s school of osteopathic medicine. Michael Adams, a 1996 graduate of the doctor of pharmacy program, was named the first assistant dean of graduate and interprofessional education in January 2013. He is responsible for developing the IPE program to integrate a team-based training component into the College’s current academic programs. In his role, he plans and organizes events where students from various programs work together in collaborative teams to discuss patientrelated scenarios and interact with simulated patients. The program has held 3 events since its inception and is planning for more throughout 2014.
The benefits of interprofessional practice are intuitive within the health care profession. If
we expect our students to practice collaboratively, then we need to be intentional about training them this way and I think Campbell is taking the right steps to incorporate an interprofessional training model. -Michael Adams, Assistant Dean of Graduate & Interprofessional Education
In January 2013, the Campbell University Health Center Pharmacy began serving our campus community. It is licensed by the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy and operates under a limited services permit. The pharmacy provides prescription services to faculty, staff and students of the university who are insured under a Campbell University policy. The mission of the pharmacy is to provide optimal pharmacy services to the students and employees by working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to achieve the College’s education and scholarly goals. The pharmacy is managed by J. Andrew Bowman, a 1993 graduate of the doctor of pharmacy program, who also serves as Director of Continuing Education and Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences.
New Initiatives | 13
Alumni Alumni Outreach: New Faces. New Traditions.
The past twelve months have brought a lot of change for the Office of Alumni Relations. Leigh Foushee, a 2000 graduate of the doctor of pharmacy program, joined the team in February as director of alumni relations. She has been working non-stop since arriving on campus and has initiated many new traditions and events for the Alumni Association.
New Traditions
Wall of Fame – a set of canvases that hang in the Alumni Office which alumni sign when they visit Buies Creek
Graduation Brunch – a celebratory affair for graduates on the morning of graduation featuring a buffet of comfort foods and networking opportunities with alumni board members CPHS on the Road – road trips to see alumni in their working environments and bring them CU goodies and snacks
Post-test Glucose Replenishment – offering support and candy to students after major milestone tests (Top 100, Top 300 and every major Therapeutics exam)
14 | Alumni
As a student, it really means a lot to leave a difficult exam and have a Campbell pharmacy graduate
smiling and offering you encouragement and candy to keep you going. It’s the little things that count and the Alumni Association is constantly showing us that they care through gestures like this. -Clay Nance, 2015 student pharmacist
Engaging Future Alumni The future of CPHS is bright and the Alumni Association provides many opportunities for our outstanding students. Over 120 students are members of the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA), and the Association sponsors at least 10 events each year specifically designed to engage students. Scholarship is also a major component of how the Association caters to students. Over $15,000 was raised in the past year for the Endowed Alumni Scholarship fund and 7 scholarships, totaling $10,825, were awarded this year.
Events & Activities
Serving and engaging alumni is our main goal and a major way we see to accomplish this goal is through relevant and fun programming. Throughout the past year, 1,968 alumni and guests attended 17 events sponsored by the Alumni Association. These events included our signature Homecoming Tailgate, basketball game watches, and new events like Phind Your Inner Artist (a social painting hour) and the Pullen Park Phamily Picnic. The Alumni Association also held receptions at the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists convention in Raleigh and the ASHP Midyear meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.
ur visit by Leigh & Leah was such an encouragement! Usually when I am called to the consultation window, I expect to find someone who needs something from me: information, assistance, a signature, etc. This time, I met the two of them and they were so excited to bring us delicious treats & CU goodies. So fun! -Holly Gentry, PharmD ’03
Upcoming Activities
February 1 – 2014 Alumni & Friends Basketball Game Watch | Buies Creek, NC February 28 – Phind Your Inner Artist | Concord, NC March 1 & 2 – Family Weekend & CE at Great Wolf Lodge | Concord, NC April 11 – 13th Annual CPHS Alumni & Friends Golf Classic | Buies Creek, NC
ASSOCIATION Wall of Fame signatures. Pictured top to bottom: Tomas Delgado ’10, Ron & Lora Smith ’98, Ijeoma Uwakwe ’09, Frank Debrah ’12, Ally Duke ’12, Abby Whitt Chaney ’12, Al Nobles ’91 Alumni | 15
Each year hundreds of thousands of dollars are awarded to students of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. This year we awarded over $916,000 to 181 students, increasing the average award per student to $5,063. Four annual scholarships and three endowed scholarships were created to benefit students of the pharmacy, physical therapy, and physician assistant programs. While the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences could not exist without its generous donors and benefactors, 90% of the faculty and staff of the College provided monetary donations in support of the Employee Giving Campaign.
Annual Scholarships Beta Kappa Chapter of Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Dr. Penny S. Shelton Scholarship Erin Dickert Carroll Pharmacy Annual Scholarship Hazel Danielle Neal CPHS Alumni Association Scholarship Brooke Marie Miller Jagruti Patel Sarah Elizabeth Waldrop CVS Pharmacy Scholarship Kayla Ginn Savannah McNeill Rebecca Opoku Elizabeth Price Shelby Zimmerman Ed & Carla Herring Scholarship Ryan Gerrit Wheeler Brie Anne Reynolds Memorial Delta Lambda Chapter of Kappa Psi Scholarship Sean Patrick Morrow Kerr Drug Scholarship Dexter Lamont Peele Large-Wells Direct Aid Scholarship Stephanie Ring
16 | Scholarships
May Family Annual Scholarship Krystian Young Medley Family Annual Scholarship Emily Anne Bradham National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Scholarship Thomas Scott Harrell The Campbell University Pharmacy School Scholarship Eric Carter North Carolina Mutual Wholesale Drug Company Scholarship Lauren Brooke Turner Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship Michele Hodges Simmons The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Kenneth Alexander Lauren Annas Marcia Blackmon Phillip Carlisle James Chamberlain Stephanie Cook Julie Dattero Mark Eugene Deaver Erin Dickert Mary Grace Fitts Brian Timothy Garris
Katie Huddleston John Hughes Travis Jones Amanda Leister Desirae Lindquist Brooke Marie Miller Steven Miller Haley Elizabeth Parker Courtney Proctor Stephanie Ring Melissa Smisor James Thomes Jeremy Whidbee Pharmfusion Professional Development Scholarship Jennifer Clark Mallory Howard Sarai Ibrahim Amanda Leister Debbie Liang Brooke Miller Jagruti Patel Veena Patel Michele Hodges Simmons Chuemee Thao Bobbi Jo Walston Julia Zhu Physician Assistant Annual Faculty Scholarship John Nealey Samuel Tate Powell Memorial Scholarship Kymberly Causby
Ransdell Family Fund Scholarship Elise Caceres Melissa Cook Erica Dellinger Alexandra Frye Ashley Green Hazel Justice Tizita Mengistu Lauren Turner Danielle Woodard Rite Aid Scholarship Allison Gilmore Justin Greene Clayton Nance Manali Patel Rachel Warren
Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarship Alyssa Hicks Bill & Lynne Taylor Scholarship Janna Currie Beavers Walgreens Diversity Scholarship Peter Keddis Walgreens Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Award Tizita Mengistu
Wayne Neal Direct Aid Scholarship Justin Sparrow Whaley Family Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Magen Cross Yates Family Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Heather Nguyen-Huynh
Wal-Mart Pharmacy Scholarship Frank Fuller, Lauren Marshall Sean Morrow
Scholarships | 17
Endowed Scholarships 25th Anniversary Pharmacy Scholarship Shannon Gunn
Susie A. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Tracy Perry
Raenell B. & Claude S. Abernethy Scholarship Elizabeth Migliaccio
Mae I. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Chuemee Thao
Janice & Alexander Alexander Pharmacy Scholarship Mallory Muller
Edna E. Danner Pharmacy Scholarship Cameron Lanier
Newman D. & Helen M. Buck Pharmacy Scholarship Rebekah Anderson
Gary Dunham Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Jessica Hostetter
Major Sam Byrd Pharmacy Scholarship Christy Westbrook
Gary Dunham, Pharm.D. Kappa Psi Pharmacy Scholarship Amanda Griffith
Verda Harris & A. Hartwell Campbell Scholarship Rebekah Gruver
Margaret D. & Ryland P. Edwards Scholarship Barry Parker
Cashion-Childress Pharmacy Scholarship Erin Daves
Lucille L. Ellis Family Pharmacy Scholarship Nydia Mancini
Catalent Pharm Solutions Mark Davidson Scholarship Camille Bernasconi
M. Keith Fearing, Jr. & Don K. Richie Pharmacy Scholarship Morgan Costner
H. Carter & Allison Cobb Pharmacy Scholarship Heather Armstrong
Howard Q. & Mescal S. Ferguson Pharmacy Scholarship Stephanie Cook Jeremy Whidbee
Lacy S. & Mart E. Collier Physician Assistant Scholarship Thomas Notto Crowe Family Physician Assistant Scholarship Kelley Bump D’Alonzo Family Pharmacy Scholarship Jessica Hartung
18 | Scholarships
Lewis M. Fetterman, Jr. Memorial Pharmaceutical Sciences Endowed Scholarship Carson Cameron Thomas H. Furman Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Matthew Robinson
Dr. G. Fred Hale Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Rebecca Arnold Erika Collins Heather Folz Jeffrey Shearin Brian P. Harrington Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Jennifer Godwin Blanton A. Hartness Pharmacy Scholarship Ashley McCallister Rebekah Lynn Heldreth Pharmacy Scholarship Frank Fuller Jessica Ann Kalinowski Pharmacy Scholarship Haley Parker Ronald W. & Suzan Maddox Pharmacy Scholarship Brennan Kroll Russell Mantooth & Holly McReynolds Families Memorial Scholarship John Norris Marks Family Pharmacy Scholarship Bobby Pruitt Marshbanks Memorial Scholarship Heather Allen Dylan Hubers Carlton & Lynell Martin Physician Assistant Scholarship Christine Benedict
20 | Scholarships
Mast Drug Pharmacy Scholarship Erica Thomas
Rite Aid Pharmacy Endowment Scholarship Christopher Powell
Samuel & Helen Mennear Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Reid Soule
Ralph P. Rogers, Jr. Pharmacy Scholarship Emily Proctor
W. Whitaker & Dorothy R. Moose Scholarship Amber Schilling O’Neal Family Pharmacy Scholarship Lauren Fisher Oley Family Pharmacy Scholarship Bunni Newbold A. Leroy & Sara Kanoy Parker Scholarship Sarah Elizabeth Waldrop Pharmacy Alumni Scholarship Heather Folz Clayton Nance Melissa Smisor
20 | Scholarships
Kitty & Leon Rumley Pharmacy Scholarship James McNeill Robert G. Shelton Pharmacy Scholarship Amanda Griffith Elgie Lee May & Lonnie Dalton Small Pharmacy Scholarship Rebecca Webb Henry & Tracey Smith Pharmacy Scholarship Courtney Auburn Benton Lloyd S. Surles Physician Assistant Scholarship Esther Rochelle Murray
Letizia Antonietta Thrift Scholarship Tizita Mengistu Lindsay Michelle Thompson Jack G. & Eloise Harrington Watts Pharmacy Scholarship Sara Elizabeth Langston Sara Leanner Vaughn E. Carlyle & Rose E. West Pharmacy Scholarship Juliana Lipetzky Robert F. Whaley Pharmacy Scholarship Elizabeth Migliaccio Joe & Ina Whitehead Pharmacy Scholarship Priyanka Singh Mildred H. & Norman A. Wiggins Pharmacy Scholarship Jessica Claire Bowen
Honor Roll of Donors
Through gifts large and small, all of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ donors make a significant impact at the institution. The tremendous commitment of alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends helps advance the College’s mission of educating the next generation of leaders in health care. Thank you for your generosity. It is with great appreciation that CPHS recognizes the donors who made a gift to the College during the 2012-2013 fiscal year ( June 1, 2012-May 31, 2013). The College strives to accurately recognize its benefactors. In the event of an omission or error, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement at 1-800-760-9734, ext. 1837.
Platinum Society ($100,000+) The Leon Levine Foundation Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert L. Ransdell, Sr.
Founder’s Society ($25,000 - $99,999)
Alpha Rho Chapter of Kappa Epsilon R. A. Bryan Foundation, Inc. Capital Community Foundation Carroll Pharmacy, Inc. Dr. Alan J. Carroll ’05 & Mrs. Carolyn S. Carroll Mr. E. M. Carroll, Jr. & Mrs. Theresa K. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Crow Mr. Robert B. Hall, Sr. & Mrs. Hope F. Hall ’44 Clarence E. Roberts Estate Triangle Community Foundation
Dean’s Society ($10,000-$24,999)
Capital Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Cashion Cedarfield Corporation The Dickson Foundation, Inc. Harris Teeter Dr. James E. Herring, Jr. ’95 & Mrs. Carla Herring Kerr Drug, Inc. Carlie C. McLamb Trust Mr. & Mrs. Carlie C. McLamb Drs. Ray & Tina Tseng Walgreens Dr. Jack & Mrs. Eloise Watts Dr. Mitchell W. Watts ’09 Mitchell & Linda Watts Family Foundation
Mortar & Pestle Society ($5,000-$9,999)
Cashion Family Foundation, Inc CVS Corporation Mr. Eugene G. Anderson Family Drug, Inc. Mrs. Mary S. Fearing Dan & Alisa Hayes Dr. Ronnie S. Holuby ’03 Dr. Jeremy Massengill ’00 & Dr. Heather S. Massengill ’00,’99 Medical Village Pharmacy Stedman Drug Center Mr. Terry M. Wells & Dr. Autumn S. Wells ’03
Apothecary Society ($1,000-$4,999)
Dr. James E. Beaty ’98 & Dr. Anne Marie P. Beaty ’00 Dr. J. Andrew Bowman ’93 & Mrs. Sarah H. Bowman ‘07 J. Boyd & Associates Mr. Ronny Buchanan Ms. Lara Campagna Mr. John A. Childress & Dr. Melinda C. Childress ’05, ’05 Dr. David M. Coniglio Mrs. Joni F. Fetterman GlaxoSmithKline Robert & Diane Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. Willis H. Gregory Dr. James B. Groce III ’93 & Mrs. Sarah Groce Dr. & Mrs. David N. Johnson Dr. Cynthia J Johnston Dr. Qinfeng Liu Dr. Elton W. Long, Jr. ’90 & Mrs. Tonette M. Long
Dr. Ronald W. Maddox & Mrs. Suzan R. Maddox ’01 Mast Operations, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Clement E. Medley Dr. David S. Moody, Jr. ’10 & Mrs. Dianne Moody Dr. W. Whitaker Moose, Sr. ’99 & Mrs. Dorothy Moose NACDS Education Foundation NC Baptist Foundation NC Mutual Wholesale Drug NC Pharmaceutical Association Novant Health Pharmacists Mutual Ins., Co. Pharmfusion Consulting, LLC Mr. David M. Pound ’91, ’93 & Dr. Melanie W. Pound ‘01 Rite Aid Corporation Florence Rogers Charitable Trust Dr. Pamela S. Shelton ’91 Mr. Andrew B. Snellings Tom Stanley & Julianne Hall Dr. Gilbert A. Steiner Dr. William J. Taylor & Mrs. Lynne Taylor Mr. Barry W. Thornhill & Dr. Tina H. Thornhill ’91 Mr. Tom Thutt Thutt Enterprises, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Turner VIP Computer Systems, Inc. Walmart Rev. & Mrs. Denton White
Benefactors ($500-$999)
Dr. Michael L. Adams ’96 & Dr. Dina H. Adams ’96 Mr. Mark A. Anderson ’01 & Dr. Siriprawn A. Anderson ’01
Honor Roll of Donors | 21
Mr. Lerone Arrington & Dr. Samantha T. Arrington ’08 Mr. Maynard S. Barnes & Dr. Connie L. Barnes ’90 Dr. Michael F. Cabaj ’11 Dr. Robert M. Cisneros, Jr. Dr. Eric B. Danielczyk ’07, ’07 & Dr. Juliane Danielczyk ’09 Dr. Richard P. D’Elia Dr. James W. Deming ’98 & Mrs. Connie Deming Mr. Brent Dickson Mr. Landy Dunham & Dr. Kaye M. Dunham ’03 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. Alvin H. Hartness Dr. Timothy M. Hinson ’92 Dr. Thomas J. Holmes, Jr. Dr. Stephen E. Kearney, Jr. ’94 & Mrs. Lori U. Kearney Mr. Gary W. Kennedy ’91 & Dr. LeAnne D. Kennedy ’93 Dr. Lori E. Kiser ’06 Mr. E. Lazelle Marks ’62 & Mrs. Judy R. Marks Mr. & Mrs. James D. McNeill Neil Medical Group Newton Grove Drug Company, Inc. Mr. Michael Payne Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Physicians Pharmacy Alliance COL William W. Pickard Dr. William C. Stagner Vidant Health
Circle of Friends ($250 - $499)
Dr. David L. Arnold ’01 & Dr. Rebecca M. Arnold ’01 Dr. Catherine L. Ballard ’93 Mr. John Benish & Dr. Michelle M. Benish ’93 Mrs. Brenda F. Blackman Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Bloom Mr. Philip Brady & Dr. Rebecca M. Brady ’08
22 | Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. Christopher S. Breivogel Dr. Trish Brennan ’04 Mr. David C. Catalano, R.P.H. Dr. Brad N. Chazotte Dr. David M. Coniglio Dr. Tracy A. Crews ’93, ’96 Dr. Richard A. DeBenedetto ’12 Dr. John M. Dischert ’08 & Mrs. Lana T Dischert Mr. Lewis M. Fetterman, III Mr. Eugene E. Foushee & Dr. Leigh L. Foushee ’00 Mr. Michael A. Gallagher Dr. Ted E. Hancock Dr. Laura M. Honeycutt ’09 Mr. Brian Johnson & Dr. Betsy R. Wright ’08 Dr. Stephanie M. Kendrick ’99 Dr. Andrew C. Kessell ’07, ’07 & Dr. Laura O. Kessell ’06 Franklin & Ronda Lacher Dr. Kimberly P. Lewis Drs. D. Byron May & Diana M. Maravich-May ’86, ’90 Dr. Leah H. Mitchell ’12 Dr. Cherish T. Naylor ’08 Dr. Robert S. Rawls ’02 & Dr. Brooke K. Rawls ’02 Mr. Buddy Ritch Dr. Kathey F. Rumley ’94 Dr. Daniel B. Seavers ’96 Mr. Jeffrey S. Staton Dr. Christopher W. Stewart Dr. Christina P. Stier ’11 Mr. Evan Uwakwe & Dr. Ijeoma A. Uwakwe ’09, ’09 Ms. Elizabeth E. Wickham ’05 Dr. Christopher L. Williams ’12 Dr. Joseph E. Williams ’11, ’11
Supporters (Up to $249)
Dr. Marlena L. Abernethy ’09, ’09 Dr. Sonny T. Abraham Dr. Antoine J. Al-Achi & Mrs. Pam C. Al-Achi ’91 Maj. Thomas P. Amidon ’92 & Dr. Claudia H. Amidon ’92
Dr. Roger E. Baker ’08 Baldwin Woods Pharmacy Dr. Perry W. Barbee, Jr. ’02 & Dr. Amanda G. Barbee ’01 Bob Barker Company, Inc. Dr. Bob Barker, Sr. ’65 & Dr. Patricia Barker Barnes Lube Express Dr. Jarrett L. Barnett ’11 & Mrs. Jamie M. Barnett ’09, ’12 Dr. Joshua D. Beach ’12 Dr. Samuel J. Beavers ’12 Dr. Tara B. Bell Mr. Dennis Bennet & Dr. Amy T. Bennett ’08 Dr. Heather S. Bowers ’09 Dr. James A. Boyd Mr. Dustin S. Branham & Dr. Ashley L. Branham ’08 Dr. Keith T. Breedlove ’94 & Mrs. Karen J. Breedlove ’92 Dr. & Mrs. Jack Britt Dr. Dallas R. Brooks ’12 Dr. Steven E. Brown ’09, ’09 Dr. Wade H. Brown ’07, ’07 & Dr. Paige Dickens Brown ’06 Mr. Edgar T. Brown & Dr. Lindsey T. Brown ’10 Dr. Dustin E. Bryan ’12 Buddy’s Jewelry Buies Creek Graduate Kappa Psi Dr. Tammy S. Bullock ’96 Dr. Jacqueline B. Bumpass ’12, ’12 Dr. Haley D. Burnette ’10, ’12 Dr. Wynter L. Campbell ’08 Dr. Laura E. Caviness ’08 Dr. Ronnie Chapman Dr. Michael F. Chicella ’96 & Mrs. Becky B. Chicella Dr. Ashley L. Clark ’12 Dr. Valerie B. Clinard Dr. Stephanie B. Coats ’11 Dr. Mark R. Colbert ’12 Mr. Thomas P. Colletti Dr. April A. Cooper Dr. Katherine S. Copeland ’10
County Seat Sports Grille Creedmoor Drug Company Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Culler Ms. Ramona T. Daniels Ms. Crystal D. Dark ’05 Dr. Ryan C. David ’08 Dr. Steven M. Davis Dr. Shannon L. Davis-Viall ’09 Dr. Meghan C. Dawes ’12 Dr. Leah M. Delvin Dr. Christopher R. Dennis ’08 Drs. Emanuel & Pamela Diliberto Ms. Corina F. Dowd Dr. Richard H. Drew Mr. Jim L. Duke & Mrs. Irma C. Duke ’02 Dr. Allyson K. Duke ’12 Dr. Wesley R. Dulaney ’10 Ms. Kimberly F. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. David G. Elliott Ms. Rachel F. Ennis Dr. Sarah L. Erbaugh ’08 Dr. Dana R. Fasanella ’10 Mr. Clifford Feather & Dr. Laura T. Feather ’93 Dr. Jennifer M. Fedyna ’08 First Bank - Angier First Federal Bank Mr. Robert L. Fowler, Jr. Dr. Stephen H. Fuller Dr. Stephanie B. Garner ’08 Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garrett Mr. Aaron D. Gauger Mrs. Laura R. Gerstner Ms. Jeanette Gilbert Ms. Priscilla C. Gill ’10 Dr. Meagan W. Godwin ’08 Granite Insurance Agency Dr. Windy R. Griffin ’91, ’04, ’08 Dr. Kimberly A. Gwinn ’94 Mr. Ernest D. Hamilton ’10, ’11 & Mrs. Julie E. Smith-Hamilton ’96 Drs. George & Terri Hamrick Mr. John Haney & Dr. Sharon F. Haney ’95, ’99 Mr. Mark O. Harrell & Dr. Charlotte F. Harrell ’10
Dr. Rahul V. Haware Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hemminger Dr. Charles Herring Dr. Judy C. Herrin ’99 Dr. Sara A. Hester ’12 Dr. Jennie H. Hewitt ’10 Dr. Brandon M. Hey ’12, ’12 & Dr. Carolyn A. Hey ’12 Dr. John H. Higgins ’90 & Mrs. Stephanie Higgins Dr. Melissa A. Holland ’07, ’07 Ms. Lois J. Hupfeld Impresa, LLC Dr. Emera P. Jackson ’08 Ms. Sheryl A Jensen Dr. James E. Johnson Dr. Joel L. Johnson ’95 & Mrs. Leigh Johnson Mr. Mark Johnson & Dr. Melissa D. Johnson ’97 Mr. Randy Johnson & Dr. Casey L. Johnson ’05 Mr. Brandon Johnson ’08 & Dr. Mary M. Johnson ’05, ’05, ’07 Mr. Paul R. Johnson Dr. Ross Jones ’11 Ms. Shannon H. Johnson Dr. Jae Young Kim ’12 Mr. Richard K. Koepcke Mr. Thomas T. Lanier, Jr. ’70 & Mrs. Joan S. Lanier ’70, ’80 Dr. Tyler J. Laws ’09 Dr. Travis K Ledford ’12 Dr. Jason D. Lewis ’00, ’04 Mr. Tommy G. Lewis, II Dr. Charlotte J. Locklear ’10 Dr. Peter L. Jean Louis ’12 Dr. Lindsey R. Lowry ’12 Dr. Andrea L. Luebchow ’09 Luihn Four, Inc. Dr. Elizabeth A. Malcolm ’11 Mr. Art Malloy & Dr. Vickie M. Malloy ’91 Dr. Ruchit M. Marfatia ’12 Dr. Jon Marks & Dr. Caroline A. Marks ’08 Mr. Timothy J. Marks
Mr. William E. Martin ’68 Dr. Bret T. Mathis ’12 Dr. Danielle L Maynard ’12 Dr. Anna W. McCalla ’12 Ms. Sabrina A. McLean Ms. Eva L. McLean Ms. Markita S. McLean Ms. Day H. McLaughlin Dr. Robert B. McMahan ’99, ’00 Mr. Neil McPhail & Mrs. Cynthia L. McPhail ’79 McPhail’s Pharmacy, Inc. Dr. Ryan E. Mejia ’12 Dr. Phillip R. Mills ’12 Mr. Howard A. Mills & Dr. Elizabeth P. Mills ’98 Dr. Noma S. Mouna ’12 Dr. Rick L. Mullins ’98 & Mrs. Jillian Mullins Dr. Andrew J. Muzyk Mr. Chadwick Myers & Dr. Leslie J. Myers ’08 Myers Discount Pharmacy & Gift Dr. Paras J. Naik ’11, ’12 Dr. George Nemecz Dr. W. Matthew Nolin ’10 Dr. Leslie A. Norris ’12 Dr. Ann M. Nye Dr. Endurance O. Onori ’96 Dr. Christopher C. Parrish ’94 & Dr. Julianna F. Parrish ’97 Ms. Dawn E. Phillips ’13 Mr. John Pledger & Dr. Melissa M. Pledger ’08 Mr. William R. Pope ’55 & Mrs. Sybil Pope Dr. Lauren B. Potts ’12 Dr. Jonathon D. Pouliot ’10 Mr. Richard Prince & Dr. Diane T. Prince ’08 Mr. David J. Ramsaur ’87 & Mrs. Pattie Ramsaur Ms. Lois J. Ramsaur Realo Discount Drug Stores Dr. Wesley D. Rich ’01 & Mrs. Laura T. Rich ’02 Dr. Jamie E. Rickards ’12, ’12
Honor Roll of Donors | 23
Mr. William J. Roberts Mrs. Pamela S. Roberts Dr. Sabrina S. Rodriguez ’07, ’07 Dr. & Mrs. William F. Sayers Mr. Robert J. Schmid ’04 Mr. Zebulon R. Scott & Dr. Angela E. Scott ’08 Mr. David L. Settle & Dr. Pamela H. Settle ’11, ’11 Dr. Mary B. Seymour ’04 Sherry’s Bakery Dr. I. Daniel Shin Dr. Caroline Preas Siemer ’12 Dr. Darrin R. Sismour ’08 Dr. Vasiliki T. Sitaras ’08 Dr. Femila Skaria ’99, ’00 Mr. Loren Smith & Dr. Tammy J. Smith ’08 Mr. Matthew Smith & Dr. Jennifer D. Smith ’02 Dr. Ellyn R. Smith ’09
24 | Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. Jennifer O. Smith ’12 Dr. Michael S. Smith ’02 & Mrs. Ashley M. Smith Dr. Kristen L Snodgrass ’12 Dr. Brian P. Snyder ’08 Dr. Jennifer C. Spidel ’09 Dr. Benjamin L. Stanley ’09 & Dr. Jill A. Stanley ’08 Mr. Corey S. Staton ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Strickland Dr. Morgan F. Surles ’09, ’12 Dr. Beth S. Sutton Swift Creek Nursery, Inc. Thomas Drug Store | Dunn Mr. Darin K. Thornburgh & Dr. Kimberly L. Thornburgh ’93 Dr. Mary L. Townsend Tri-State Distribution, Inc. Dr. Scott C. Troutman ’09 & Mrs. Erin K. Troutman Mr. James M. Van Dorn
Mr. Talbert L. Waldrop Dr. Mindy D. Wallace ’06, ’11 Dr. Daniel W. Waller ’12 Dr. Ashley E. Ward ’12 Ms. Alice M. Webb Dr. Lauren M. Weeks ’12 Dr. Abby D. Whitt ’12, ’12 Ms. Leah B. Whitt ’11 Ms. Elizabeth A. Wilkie ’13 Mr. Edward B. Williams, Jr. ’71 Dr. Dustin T. Wilson ’07, ’07 Dr. C. Brock Woodis Dr. Sarah D. Wylie ’09 Dr. J. Nashea Young ’08 Dr. Christine Y. Zhao ’08
Ways to Contribute Stocks or Bonds Making a gift of appreciated securities can save money in capital gains and other taxes. Bequests By including the College in your will, you can create a meaningful legacy while also reducing inheritance taxes.Your will can designate specific gifts of cash, property or a percentage of your estate. Life Income Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are examples of gifts that produce benefits for you in the form of tax savings and provide income for life.
Lead Trusts Your property or assets can remain in your family, while the income from them supports the College for a period of time. A lead trust also reduces your taxes. Matching Gifts Many employers will agree to match charitable gifts to institutions of higher learning by employees. A matching gift will maximize your gift to CPHS. For more information, please contact: Rich Koepcke | Director of Advancement 910.893.1837
Ways to Contribute | 25
Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506 1-800-760-9734 ext. 1837