Campbell Comments Fall 2013

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Fall 2013

Campbell Comments For Alumni, Students & Friends of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Working Together: Interprofessional Education

Inside this Issue Message from the Dean College News Student News Alumni Profile Alumni Association Update Class Notes Upcoming Events

IPE FIRST YEAR SEMINAR - Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences held its inagurual first-year IPE event August 14. Left top: Students participate in an icebreaker session at the beginning of the program. Right top: Students attend CU @ Family Game Night hosted by the Alumni Association. Bottom: Eugene Maynard, Ken Bryan, and John Rouse lead a panel discussion to wrap up the event.


Another academic year is upon us and new and exciting things are happening all over campus. We hosted our inaugural interprofessional event for first-year students from our pharmacy, physician assistant, and public health programs, along with the School of Medicine during the first week of classes. This event offered students an opportunity to train together in order to prepare them to work together in the future. Looking at pharmacy as a profession, we are expanding the opportunities for pharmacists through immunizations. At Campbell, we are growing our curriculum to address the latest legislative changes. We have also implemented software which will allow our students to become accustomed to taking computerized exams so they will be adequately prepared for national exams at the end of their fourth year.

I remember telling our charter

pharmacy class that there were many times at the beginning of our program where I was the only person in the room from Campbell University. Look how times have changed.

I recently had a conversation with a colleague, and he told me about a trip to Pennsylvania where he was having trouble with his medication. After stopping in a local pharmacy, he was excited to learn that a Campbell University pharmacist was there to help him and knew everything would be sorted out thoroughly and efficiently. I am fully reassured to know that we have graduates throughout the country from coast to coast. We currently have faculty and students in over 15 health systems across the state, and I have heard comments from our hospital partners about the phenomenal work of our students. It is encouraging to see our students working so hard to contribute to the healthcare field. Thank you for wearing our Campbell orange patches well. I remember telling our charter pharmacy class that there were many times at the beginning of our program where I was the only person in the room from Campbell University. Look how times have changed. Now we are a significant player in the health sciences industry, and I am so proud of all that we have accomplished. Campbell University is the place to be now more than ever. I hope you will consider coming back to campus at Homecoming to see how much we have grown and to learn more about our achievements.


Ronald W. Maddox, PharmD Vice President for Health Programs Dean, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences


Campbell Comments

fall 2013


Physical Therapy Update A little over a year ago, Campbell University’s founding physical therapy director stepped foot on campus to start his new job. Dr. Greg Dedrick and his wife had made the big decision to relocate their family from Texas to North Carolina in hopes of building a doctor of physical therapy program that would have a lasting impact on the community. “It’s been a lot of fun working with everyone,” Dedrick said. “The support that I have received from not only administration but also faculty in other programs has been phenomenal. It just goes with the culture at Campbell as everybody’s very positive and wants to see others be successful.” First on the agenda was the accreditation process. Campbell’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program received approval from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to continue its national accreditation process. Dedrick submitted the application with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) this spring, and a CAPTE site reviewer visited campus in July. “The site visit was very positive,”

Dedrick said. “We’ll receive a decision in early November about whether or not we will be granted candidacy status.” Pending accreditation approval, classes for the new program are expected to begin in January. Dedrick says he expects a class of between 32 and 40 students in the charter group. If successful in the accreditation process, the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree will be the fourth major health sciences program launched by Campbell in the last three years. The Physician Assistant program welcomed its first class in 2011, the Master of Science in Public Health degree was launched in 2012, and the School of Osteopathic Medicine opened this fall. “It’s exciting to be a part of the growth at Campbell,” said Dedrick. “If we receive a positive response, from the accreditation body we’re looking forward to working in the new anatomy lab and simulation center at the med school, as well as the interprofessional education opportunities that would be offered to our program.” This summer, the program moved into its new home at Carrie Rich Hall. The facility includes two large classrooms, four video practice examination rooms, and faculty offices. Renovations are underway on a 2,000 square foot primary teaching lab, a hospital staging area and a dressing room

with lockers. Over the course of the year, Dedrick has hired five faculty and one staff member. He is currently searching for his final faculty hire. The anticipated program has had success with open houses with plans to schedule more through October. At this point, over half of the class has confirmed their deposits. The program even has one student scholarship with a second one in the process. Now that some of the big steps are out of the way, Dedrick is starting to focus more of his efforts on faculty development, and figuring out how students will register for courses and order books. “For me, building the program over the past year, has been enjoyable in the sense that no day is the same,” Dedrick said. “What keeps me going is the thought of our future students who will go through the curriculum we’ve developed. We’re hoping for a positive accreditation decision and looking forward to getting started.”

Pictured: newly rennovated space for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program in Carrie Rich Memorial Hall



The Classes of 2015, 2017 receive white coats The start of every journey begins with a single step. For the first-year physician assistant students and future pharmacists at Campbell University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, their journey starts with a pristine white coat. The College held two ceremonies celebrating the start of the first-years’ academic careers in health sciences on August 23. The first ceremony honored 44 physician assistant students while a second ceremony honored 108 doctor of pharmacy candidates. Both ceremonies were held on Campbell’s main campus in Buies Creek, N.C. “The white coat formally recognizes and symbolizes professionalism, integrity, high moral values, high standards, empathy, compassion and humanism,” said Ronald Maddox, vice president for health programs and dean of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, who brought greetings on behalf of the university at both ceremonies. The physician assistant Class of 2015 was addressed by Dr. Charlotte Paolini, medical director for the department of physician assistant practice, who gave a brief history of the white coat and jokingly referred to her white coat as a PCP – personal clothing protector. She shared that there are 5 prescriptions to a successful medical career, “Stay teachable. Don’t expect truth from information. Remain humble. Study God’s opinion. Don’t neglect education of the heart.” In closing, Paolini congratulated the students on their successful entry into the program and advised them, “Do not let school interfere with your education.” After the students received their coats, Andrew Nida, Wallace Student Society President and member of the Class of 2014, welcomed the new students. “You are joining a group of students who will push you and guide you to be the very best. You will learn to be Campbell proud and you will learn to be involved.”

The afternoon closed with the PharmD white coat ceremony which also included recognition of the dean’s academic scholarship recipients. While addressing the PharmD Class of 2017, Dr. Paige Brown, assistant professor and president of the College’s Alumni Association – recalled attending her own white coat ceremony at Campbell University and the lessons her first white coat taught her. “This clean white coat represents much about you as you begin the process of becoming a pharmacist. Your mind is open to experience all of the critically important lessons of your professors. It is a blank slate, waiting to gain information and proper attitudes.” Although the programs had two separate ceremonies, the overwhelming theme of both was interprofessionalism and how essential it is to today’s health care industry.

While the white coat ceremonies celebrated the achievements of the first-year students, the Class of 2017 memorialized one of their own at their ceremony. Matthew Ryan Tucker, an incoming first-year pharmacy student, tragically lost his life in an automobile accident before the start of the academic year. A seat was left open in his memory and his white coat was accepted by his family.


Campbell Comments

fall 2013


CONVOCATION - Ron Smith, PharmD ‘98, addresses the student body of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences at the 28th annual Convocation ceremony on August 16.

Smith encourages students to make a differenrence Ron Smith, chief operating officer of Biologics and Campbell pharmacy grad, welcomed new and returning students to Buies Creek at the College’s annual Convocation ceremony today. Smith reflected on the first Convocation ceremony he attended at Campbell nearly twenty years ago. He still remembered the advice that Dr. Jack Watts gave to his incoming class, the class of 1998. Watts shared that they were entering healthcare at a wonderful time, that Campbell would equip them to be leaders in their industry, and they were there to make a difference in people’s lives. Considered by many as the “grandfather of pharmacy in North Carolina” and a long-time advocate of Campbell’s health programs, Watts’ words were relevant then and still impactful today. “Whether you are training in public health, pharmacy, medicine or clinical research, we need you,” Smith said.“The world needs you right now, more than ever!” Smith mentioned several statistics that validate the need for health professionals in our country – over 50% of Americans have one chronic disease that requires treatment, and over 25% of Americans have two chronic diseases. He also mentioned that the health sciences industry was making immeasurable advancements in furthering medicine by approving 90 new medications in the past three years alone. He even commented on the Affordable Care Act slated to be implemented in January 2014, “I personally believe that this act provides for each of us an incredible opportunity to improve the delivery of care and the health of patients – to make a difference in people’s lives!” Smith commended the classes on their dedication to being accepted into the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, but warned that their hard work has only just begun. He encouraged them to remember that at the end of the day, healthcare is personal. Hard work, trusting and empathetic relationships, and effective communication are the keys to making a difference.

CONVOCATION - Top: President Jerry Wallace brings greetings on behalf of the university. Bottom: students attend Convocation.



Campbell launches interprofessional education program for health sciences students


ore than 300 first-year health sciences students at Campbell received a head start on teamwork as they embarked on the University’s first interprofessional education (IPE) seminar today. IPE is a growing training model at universities across the nation developed to prepare students for the emerging patient centered medical homes where health care professionals work in teams on complex issues to provide better outcomes for patients. At Campbell, students in the osteopathic medicine, PA, pharmacy and public health programs will take part in the new IPE module. Throughout their education, they will learn with, from, and about each other’s professions to develop a collaborative mindset in hopes of improving patient care. “IPE is critical in addressing some of the key challenges currently facing the health care sector, including the escalating demand for services and workforce shortages,” said Dr. Ronald Maddox, vice president of health programs at Campbell University. Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education Michael Adams, said the new program recognizes the need to change the way health professionals are educated in order to meet changes in health care. He noted the recent expansion of health degrees at Campbell helps the IPE model capitalize on this type of training. During the first IPE session, students from different health disciplines worked in small groups to discuss professional development topics including the dos and don’ts of social media. The program ended with a panel discussion on challenges in rural health led by Harnett County Health Director John Rouse, Harnett Health System’s President and CEO Ken Bryan, the Medical Director at Benson Area Medical Center Eugene Maynard. “Our main goal for the activity was to create an environment that encouraged active communication between our students,” Adams said. “We also wanted to get them thinking about the context of rural practice since it’s also a similar focus for our health sciences programs.” Following the introductory seminar, Adams plans to incorporate more interactive activities into the IPE module including interdisciplinary case studies and having students work together with standardized patients in simulation labs. Campbell’s developing IPE program aims to ensure students understand their profession is not an isolated area of knowledge and skills, but that they have an important role to play as part of a healthcare team to ensure the delivery of safe and quality patient care. Medicine, PA, pharmacy and public health students will be key players in the program with plans to bring on students from physical therapy and nursing as developing programs are approved through accreditation. Down the road there are possibilities to


Campbell Comments

fall 2013

Top: Students discuss interprofessionalism at the first-year IPE event Bottom: Students socialize over a game of Operation at CU @ Family Game Night

include students from other programs at Campbell like social work, exercise science and divinity. “I look forward to watching our students learn about the other professions and make those personal connections,” Adams said. “I think that is one of the things that will help us drive the change of health care.” CU @ FAMILY GAME NIGHT: The Alumni Association sponsored a social event after the IPE session on August 14. The night included dinner and various board and lawn games while encouraging students to continue to build interprofessional relationships with their peers. CU @ Family Game Night will become a signature event for the Association.


Students in the Community

Public Health students get active in Harnett County The students of the Master of Science in Public Health program partnered with the Harnett Department of Public Health for the second year with SISTA in the Park. SISTA in the Park promotes healthy lifestyles by providing health exhibits and free HIV-testing to the community. CPHS Public Health students provided a personal hygiene table for kids, focusing on hand washing and oral hygiene.

Students & faculty participated in a AACRF fund-raising 5K race on August 24 in Dunn, N.C. The event raised money for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, a rare form of cancer.

CPHS hosted a Great Strides walk on September 7 to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The event raised over $750.

PA sponsors Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina The students of the Master of Physician Assistant Program hosted the 2nd Annual Physician Assistant Program Charity Golf Tournament on August 24 at Keith Hills Country Club in Lillington, N.C. The students, faculty, staff, golfers, and sponsors raised $5,000 for Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina. This event has raised $10,000 in its first two years.



Ashley Branham: a quick climb; a rising standout; a star in the making


n the five years since graduating from pharmacy school, Ashley Branham has been recognized as an Outstanding Adherence Educator by the National Community Pharmacists Association, Community Care Pharmacist of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists and received honorable mentions in two national pharmacy award programs. Adding to that list, Branham played an integral role in house bill 832 which passed through the North Carolina legislature this summer to expand pharmacists’ immunization authority. Modestly, Branham points the accomplishments to her colleagues at Moose Pharmacy in Concord, N.C, where she practices as the director of clinical services. “I have a really, really awesome team,” she said. “They are the people who inspire me to raise the bar a little higher each day. My leadership promotes forward thinking, and is always willing to take risks for the betterment of pharmacy practice which is where my energy and drive starts.” She’s been at Moose Pharmacy since graduating in 2008 from Campbell University. Branham spent her first two years there as a resident which she says provided her with a solid foundation in community pharmacy, and the confidence to work with patients. Branham’s interest in immunizations developed during her PGY1 residency because she saw the clinical service as an opportunity to build stronger relationships with patients. “I found that time very valuable for a community pharmacist,” Branham said. “When patients were waiting the extra 10 minutes after receiving an immunization, I could usually talk with them about their medications, identify discrepancies and find out why they weren’t taking them properly.” In 2009, Branham was asked to co-chair a new immunization task force with the


Campbell Comments

fall 2013

North Carolina Association of Pharmacists. At the time she was starting her PGY2 residency with Moose Pharmacy and UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and was very interested in being an advocate for her profession. The group started by exploring other states authority to administer vaccines, and found most states were much more progressive. Branham and her co-chair, Ryan Swanson, PharmD ’08, led the task force in developing a survey to gather feedback from pharmacists in North Carolina. The survey revealed that the majority of pharmacists were interested in expanding their immunization role. Using the results, the task force began to work closely with NCAP’s lobbyist Evelyn Hawthorne and from there the momentum started to increase. After four years of dedicated work and collaborative efforts with the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, house bill 832 was presented to the general assembly in June; lawmakers approved the bill with no oppositions. Governor Pat McCrory gave the final stamp of approval when he signed the bill on July 3. “There were so many people involved in making sure this was successful, and it’s really exciting to be a part of something

“We were granted a wonderful gift this past year in the form of a highly energetic, brilliant, passionate pharmacist who has touched many of our patient’s lives. She has transformed the role of a pharmacist into that of a friend, provider, confidant, and advocate. She is an incredible source of answers to difficult clinical questions for our physicians and a tireless resource for our patients challenging psychosocial and insurance dilemmas. You just don’t meet people like Dr. Branham every day, but when you are lucky enough to have her running on your team, you are deeply grateful each and every day as we are at Cabarrus Family Medicine in Kannapolis.” - Robert Levy, MD


Left top: Tasha Michaels, chair of the NCAP Community Care Practice Forum, presents Ashley with the 2013 Community Care Pharmacist Award. Right top: Governor Pat McCory signs house bill 832. Right bottom: Cabarrus Family Medicine, Diabetes Care Team.

that impacts pharmacy across the state,” Branham said. Starting in October, pharmacists will be able to administer more vaccinations without a prescription, as long as the patient is a candidate for the immunization and age 18 and older. The expanded list of vaccines will offer prevention against hepatitis B, pneumococcal, tetanus and zoster. Pharmacists will continue to provide influenza vaccines to individuals age 14 and older. Part of the bill equips pharmacists to record the patient’s receipt of a vaccine on the immunization registry which is a key technological advance since a provider in any area of the state will be able to view whether or not the patient has received the vaccine. Branham sees this as another step toward the evolving role of the community pharmacist, and believes interprofessional health care is key to further growth. “I think we have to interact with each other,” she said. “At Moose Pharmacy we have two pharmacists, myself included, who are embedded in a family practice. It’s brought a lot more interest from local providers who are having us come in as consultants to help with different drug therapy problems for their patients.” One and a half days a week, Branham practices as a clinical pharmacist at Cabarrus Family Medicine in Kannapolis, N.C. She meets with patients on a consistent basis to manage hypertension, anticoagulation and diabetes. In her role she has a lot of interaction with the providers, and

she is able to recommend new therapies and medication adjustments. When dealing with complex health issues, a collaborative team works together to offer better outcomes for patients. Branham consults with the provider as well as a behaviorist, nutritionist and a care manager. While she admits there are challenges for community pharmacy with the different types of health care models that are emerging, Branham has seen some beneficial growth and hopes to continue to find solutions that will give her patients the best care. At least for now the only thing standing between her and the new immunization bill is the countdown to October 1. “It’s really exciting; I am ready to jump in now,” Branham said.

On the Spot

QUICK FACTS ABOUT ASHLEY Finalist in the Parata/Pharmacy Times Next Generation Pharmacist Rising Star of the Year Category (2010) Recognized as the APhA Immunization Champion Honorable Mention in the Individual Practice Category (2011) Recognized as the NCPA Outstanding Adherence Educator (2012) Ashley’s father is a family practice physician. When she was young, she would often visit the pharmacy connected to his practice. As a child, she found the opportunity to work with patients on the medicine side of things intriguing. After earning her bachelor’s degree from the University of Kentucky, Ashley wanted to attend a pharmacy school with a smaller campus environment. Her interview team at Campbell was led by Dean Maddox. It was an appealing characteristic that he took the time to interview candidates, and to get to know prospective students. During her P2 year, Ashley remembers her class would share boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. Each day someone would bring in a box, and it would be passed down the rows during lecture. One of the most challenging but fun activities Ashley remembers from school was developing a business plan for a new pharmacy in Dr. Boyd’s class. It’s a skill that she uses every day in her practice. Ashley is the 2014 president-elect for NCAP. Ashley’s 2008 PharmD class will celebrate their milestone reunion year this fall, along with the classes of 1993, 1998 and 2003. Visit for more details.



Five Minutes with... the Alumni Association President The best thing about working at Campbell University is... watching students matriculate through the same curriculum I experienced and watching them transform from students to pharmacists. Plus, I work with awesome people and that’s never a bad thing. My favorite memory from pharmacy school Christmas, Chris Evans (PharmD ’06) and I decided I needed Christmas decorations for my apartment. We went to Walmart in Erwin and purchased a six foot Christmas tree. After stuffing it into the back seat of my Mustang, Chris had no choice but to ride the whole way back to campus half leaning into the dashboard and half hanging out of the window. Being an active alumnus is important get to give back to students, watch them grow professionally, and provide a networking system to help launch them into the world of pharmacy. It’s also a great way to reconnect with classmates and bond with other Campbell grads. My goals for the Alumni Association this year grow membership, expand the offering of events and programs throughout North Carolina, and provide a wider array of continuing education and professional development programs for our alumni. My favorite Alumni Association event is...Homecoming. Unless I get to golf on the same team as Leigh at the golf tournament.

Paige Dickens Brown, PharmD ’06 Clinical Assistant Professor Director of Experiential Education President, CPHS Alumni Association

Hometown: Garysburg, North Carolina Family: Wade Brown, PharmD ’07 – the pair met in pharmacy school Hobbies: Decorating, Golf, Fine Dining, Zumba On her iPod: Billy Ocean, Eric Church, Huey Lewis & the News Favorite TV show: The Big Bang Theory, Master Chef, Person of Interest Did you know? Paige is a lefty, an advocate of Diet Sun Drop, recently elected to the NCAP Board of Directors, and proud to claim friends in Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Psi, and Phi Delta Chi.

2013-14 Board of Directors The 2013-14 Alumni Association Board of Directors held their first meeting of the academic year on August 22. This year’s board consists of (from left to right) first row: Jennifer Adcock, PharmD ’10, Erin Bastidas, PharmD ’00, Tara Torrence, PharmD ’98, Paige Brown, PharmD ’06, Virginia White, PharmD ’09, MBA ’09, Melissa Landers, PharmD ’01, Ramya Yadavalli, MSPS ’12. Second row: Mary Margaret Johnson, PharmD ’05, MBA ’05, MSCR ’07, Erica Dellinger, PharmD ’13, Tanya Brewer, PharmD ’97, Cathy Teat, PharmD ’99, Leigh Foushee, PharmD ’00, LeAnne Kennedy, PharmD ’93, Brittani Ezuma, MSCR ’12. Not pictured: Drew Kessell, PharmD ’07, MBA ’07, Bobby Rawls, PharmD ’02, Joe Williams, PharmD ’11, Clay Nance, 2015 PharmD Candidate.


Campbell Comments

fall 2013


Class Notes BABY CAMELS Laura Williford Owens, PharmD ’03, husband Shawn and big brother Zachary are excited to announce the birth of Abigail Brooke Owens. She was born on June 24, 2013 at 9:38am weighing 8 pounds and 19.5

Shraddha Shapariya, MSPS ’11 and Sameer Shapariya were blessed with the birth of their little girl on July 5th. Veera Ahana Shapariya was 20 inches long and weighed 7 lbs.

inches long.

Veera Ahana Shapariya

ANNOUNCEMENTS Abigail Brooke Owens

Kristina Jones Price, PharmD ’12, MSCR ’12, MBA ’12, and husband Jeremy are proud to announce the births of Elyza Margaret, born on July 3 at 9:45 pm and Eli Maddox, born on July 4 at 1:15 am. Elyza weighed 4 lbs 6 oz (16.5 in) and Eli weighed 5 lbs 2 oz (18.5 in).

Ashley Branham, PharmD ’08, BCACP was recently named the 2013 Community Care Pharmacist of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists and was highlighted in the APhA’s June 2013 Pharmacy Today magazine. She discusses her experience working at Cabarrus Family Medicine, a NCQA-approved medical home. Ashley is the Director of Clinical Services at Moose Pharmacy in Concord, NC. Ashley Branham, PharmD ’08, BCACP, Paige Brown, PharmD ’06, Rich DeBenedetto, PharmD ’12, Jennie Hewitt, PharmD ’10, and Debra Pittman, PharmD ’92, were recently named to the NCAP Board of Directors.

Eli Maddox & Elyza Margaret Price

Ashley Branham, Rich DeBenedetto, & Paige Brown

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WELCOMES PA STUDENT TO THE FAMILY With over 10% of our graduates finding their spouse in pharmacy school, the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Alumni Association is no stranger to couples who strive for greatness, personally and professionally. This spring the Alumni Association stumbled upon a new kind of power couple– the PharmD/PA duo of Jonathan and Allison Beam. Jonathan graduated with his Doctor of Pharmacy degree in May 2013 and currently works as a pharmacist for Target in Wake Forest. Allison is a member of the inaugural PA class and will graduate with her Master of Physician Assistant Practice degree in December. She is the Association’s first physician assistant member to matriculate through Campbell’s PA program. “I am honored to be the first PA member of the Alumni Association and I can’t wait until December when I will officially be a CPHS graduate,” Beam said. The couple resides in the Raleigh area with their two dogs, Angus and Ava. When not studying or working, they enjoy going to Carolina Panthers games.


Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506

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HOMECOMING 2013 October 26 CPHS ALUMNI SCHEDULE 2:00 p.m. - Homecoming Parade 2:15 p.m. - Tailgate Opens* 2:30 p.m. - Greek Headcount 4:00 p.m. - Game Watch 8:00 p.m. - Reunion* Classes of ’93, ’98, ’03, &’08 *Registration required For more details & to register online, visit: FEATURING: Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Chi - Celebrating 25 years on campus Join your brothers for fun & fellowship before the alumni tailgate! KAPPA EPSILON Pre-tailgate Social Hour 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Maddox Hall | Room 130

KAPPA PSI 25th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Kappa Psi House 143 Marshbanks Street

PHI DELTA CHI Pre-parade Social 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Maddox Hall | Room 117

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