Campbell Comments Summer 2008

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Su m m e r 2008

CAMPBELL COMMENTS For Alumni, Students & Friends of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Campbell University School of Pharmacy holds spring 2008 graduation exercises

Pharmacist and community leader, Josiah Whitehead, delivers the keynote speech during the hooding ceremony.


Andrakeia Shipman receives her doctor of

o now here you are, you’ve successfully pharmacy hood from Dr. Bob Cisneros, assiscompleted one of the most difficult tant professor of Pharmacy Practice. curriculums in all academia. You’re prepared to take your place in one of the most respected ahead. He told the graduates about his family’s professions in the land,” Josiah Whitehead, favorite tradition initiated by his wife, Ina, pharmacist and community leader, tells the called the “Ain’t you Somethin” award. This School of Pharmacy class of 2008. award is given at family gatherings by saying Graduation ceremonies were held on May 11- ‘Well, ain’t you somethin’ to those who had an 12, 2008 in Buies Creek, N.C. recognizing the important accomplishment or recognition such master’s and doctoral degree candidates from as making a soccer goal, loosing all their front Campbell University School of Pharmacy. Dr. teeth, or graduating from school. Ronald Maddox, dean of the school, presided, “Pharmacy is a profession filled with congratulating the class for their hard work and opportunities for receiving limitless ‘Ain’t dedication to the program. you Somethin’ awards with a rich legacy of pharmacists having done so,” explained Hooding & Recognition Ceremony Whitehead. Pharmacists such as Joseph P. Remington, the father of pharmacy; Henry On Sunday, May 11, 2008, Dean Maddox Wellcome, co-founder of Burroughs Wellcome; introduced the hooding ceremony keynote Hubert Horatio Humphrey, 38th Vice President speaker, Josiah Whitehead, M.B.A., who was of the United States of America; John named the 1999 North Carolina Pharmacist of Pemberton, inventor of Coca-Cola ®; and the Year by the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Ronald Maddox, founding dean of Campbell Association. University School of Pharmacy; would all Whitehead took the stage with a lighthearted qualify for this award because of their unique message encouraging the graduates that their accomplishments. time at Campbell prepared them for what lies

Whitehead concluded by reminding the class of 2008 they had been provided with the proper tools to succeed once they walk out the doors of the School of Pharmacy. They know how to deal with patients competently and compassionately, they know the importance of professional organizations and the significance of their participation in them, and they know it is important to remain involved with the School of Pharmacy through support of the Alumni Association. “You are ready and for that I would like to say to the class of 2008, well aint’ you somethin!” exclaimed Whitehead. Whitehead graduated from Butler University in Indianapolis with a B.S. in Pharmacy and earned a M.B.A. from Xavier University in Cincinnati. He rose through the ranks to become vice president of Corporate Affairs for Burroughs Wellcome Pharmaceutical Company. Whitehead is a fellow of the American College of Apothecaries and a member of numerous professional organizations, including the National Community Pharmacists Association, American Pharmaceutical Association, (continued next page)

In this Issue: 2

2008 Graduation


Message from the Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement


Faculty Focus: Dr. Connie Lee Barnes (‘90)


Alumni Profile: Dr. Wesley Lindsay (‘01)


Donor Profile: Kappa Psi


School of Pharmacy News


Pharmaceutical Sciences Update


Alumni Events


Message from the Pharmacy Alumni President


Class Notes


Upcoming Alumni Events

North Carolina Association of Pharmacists, National Pharmaceutical Council (former board member) and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association State Government Affairs Committee. A community activist, Whitehead has served as president of the Poe Center for Health Education, chairman of the North Carolina Public Television Foundation, member of the WakeMed Foundation, member of the board of trustees for Exploris Museum, member of the State Advisory Board for the American Cancer Society and many other organizations. He served as assistant dean for External Relations at the School of Pharmacy from 1996-2007 and is the current chair of the School of Pharmacy Board of Advisors for Diversity Enrichment at Campbell. He and his wife, Ina, have three children and nine grandchildren.

Chris Dennis, president of the 2008 pharmacy class, marches with his classmates to the graduation ceremony.

School of Pharmacy Graduation Commencement Campbell University School of Pharmacy conferred ninety-one Doctor of Pharmacy, two Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences and sixteen Master of Science in Clinical Research degrees on Monday, May 12, 2008. The Doctor of Pharmacy class president, Christopher Dennis, spoke to the assembled guests on behalf of the class of 2008. “I am sure that each of us could freely attest there have been times that it seemed as though this day would never come; yet, somehow today, the last four years feel like a blur. Four years ago we received our clean, white coats and proceeded on a path that would forever change us. These changes occurred both in the classroom, as well as in our development as people and as future pharmacists. Those coats are no longer clean and white and we appear before you today in full graduation attire as a symbol of our readiness for the world that awaits us,” says Dennis. In addition to the presentation of diplomas to the class of 2008, Josiah Whitehead, the keynote speaker at the pharmacy hooding service, received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Campbell University for his contributions to the community and practice of pharmacy. The class of 2008 congratulated him in unison by shouting, “Well, ain’t you somethin!”

The 2008 doctor of pharmacy class recites the Pharmacist’s Oath.

Josiah Whitehead receives an honorary doctor of Science degree from Campbell University.

The 2008 Doctor of Pharmacy class establishes an endowed scholarship The 2008 Doctor of Pharmacy class created an endowed scholarship which they presented as their class gift to Campbell University School of Pharmacy. Members of the class individually pledged $25,420 and contributed $2,150 bringing the total endowed scholarship to more than $27,500. This is the first time in School of Pharmacy history that a class has established an endowment as their class gift. More than 92 percent of the students graduating from the Doctor of Pharmacy program this year contributed to the endowment. The class of 2008 is dedicated to completing their pledge and is passionate about establishing a scholarship endowment which will serve as a lasting memory of their class. The endowment was created because the class is appreciative of Campbell University School of Pharmacy for the quality of education it provided, and the superior pharmacy graduates it produces. The class of 2008 wants to bestow a class gift in perpetuity that remains constant throughout the history of the school, touching countless pharmacy students. This endowment will provide financial assistance to students, just as the class of 2008 was invested in by generous donors. Congratulations to the Doctor of Pharmacy class of 2008 and thank you for your continued support of Campbell University School of Pharmacy. 2

Campbell Comments

summer 2008

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Message from the Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement

With all of that, this issue reminds me of the impact of relationships and their meaning on our experiences each year at Campbell University School of Pharmacy. These relationships create meaning and hope; they formulate memories and legacies. The connections we make everyday construct our life. They bring us laughter and tears; education and Dear Pharmacy Alumni & Friends: success. It is the bond we build from these relationships which are the foundation for our appreciation of the School of Pharmacy. As I sit to ponder the focus of this column It is about the students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and relationships to each of you for this edition of Campbell made with each, but more importantly it is about our relationship with Comments, I begin reflecting on this past Campbell University. Whether through our education, employment academic year. Our office unofficially deems or teachings, we do what we do because of Campbell. There are so this annual summer edition “the graduation many instances where an alumnus tells me a story of a faculty member issue,” which highlights the graduation who helped shape who they are today or who, without a certain faculty ceremonies for each respective year. Not only member’s help, would not have made it through pharmacy school—or does the issue feature some of the exciting for some, even been accepted into pharmacy school. Faculty, staff elements our students, alumni and faculty and administrators come and go and our relationships with each are have been a part of; to us it also signifies both the ending and genesis of significant, but Campbell University is permanent. Many of our another year. relationships would not exist without one important factor in the I think about the ending of the class of 2008’s reign as the “upper equation, Campbell University. class” and the legacy they leave behind (and they are leaving quite Ultimately, my point is this…I know so many of us place such a legacy with a commitment of a $25,000 endowed scholarship significance on our relationships with individuals and in no way am in honor of their class); as well as the beginning of a new legacy I discounting those relationships, but what I am emphasizing is that yet to be determined for the entering P1’s. I remember the faculty the real passion is for the university. Whether by donating through accomplishments; Dr. Bob Cisneros, Dr. Tim Bloom and many others; monetary contributions, volunteering or simply recommending Campbell and those faculty/staff who have left our program for great opportunities to a neighbor or friend, we give back because of the magnitude of our or to enjoy the benefits of retirement, Mrs. Betty Wallace. I am saddened relationship with this institution. We believe in this school because of its to remember the faculty member, Dr. Lewis Fetterman, Jr., and student, commitment to all of us, as students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. Brie Anne Reynolds, who were taken from us prematurely in automobile I feel this issue of Campbell Comments not only demonstrates accidents; as well as the recent loss of 1991 alumnus, Robyn Stone the value of relationships, but it confirms the sheer significance and Tilley to breast cancer. I think about alumni who have changed positions foundation of those relationships within our School of Pharmacy. I or have moved to new areas of the country, Scott Holuby (’03) leaving see these relations emphasized through the faculty member tutoring North Carolina and heading to Hawaii. the struggling student, the establishment of scholarship in memory of an individual or in honor of an education, and an alumnus hiring their fellow CU graduate. If You Were Named in a Malpractice Lawsuit Today, of this would not exist if it were not for Campbell University. Would Your Employer-Sponsored Liability Coverage AsAllI refl ect on the past academic year, I remember the successes and Protect Your Best Interests? difficulties, the consistency and changes. I think about our Campbell University School of Pharmacy family and I am proud to be a member of Probably not. In fact, it’s likely that t You may not be provided coverage this great lineage. I hope you are just as proud! your workplace plan is meant to for lost wage reimbursement, costs serve as a group policy that covers all employees mentioned in a lawsuit with limits that put your best interests at risk. Here’s why: t Policy limits may not be high enough to protect you and all of your coworkers named in a lawsuit.


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Campbell Comments

summer 2008

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With CU Pride,

Jodi S. Peeler, MBA Assistant Dean, External Relations Campbell Comments is published four times a year for alumni, students and friends of Campbell University School of Pharmacy under the direction of the Alumni & Advancement Office. Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D. Dean Heather Massengill ’00, Pharm.D., M.B.A. President, Pharmacy Alumni Board of Directors Jodi S. Peeler, M.B.A. Assistant Dean, External Relations Andrea P. Pacheco Editor & Designer, Campbell Comments Associate Director of Alumni Relations Jessica M. Joyner Coordinator for Development and Special Projects Contributors: Mike Gallagher, PharmSci affinity manager; Thomas Holmes, Jr., Ph.D., professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Amber D. Nelson, Photographics and The Parish Group

Cape Fear Valley is looking for a Pharmacist to join our team. Exciting changes are happening at Cape Fear Valley. This Fall, we’ll open Valley Pavilion, a six-story patient tower with 130 hospital beds and a 76-bed Emergency Department, which will be 33 percent larger than our current facility. This $150 million investment will help keep Cape Fear Valley at the forefront of care. New opportunities, excellent benefits and professional development are just a few things you can expect when you choose a health career with Cape Fear Valley. So, if you’re ready for a change, then we’re ready for you. Apply online at EEO/AAP Employer


Perspectives on Drug Information in Academia Faculty Focus Dr. Connie Barnes

Dr. Connie Barnes ’90, director of Drug Information at Campbell University School of Pharmacy, assists P4 students in answering drug inquiries.

As a member of the charter class, Dr. Connie Lee Barnes was one of the first students to rotate through the Drug Information Center (DIC) at Campbell University School of Pharmacy. At the time, she never dreamed of making a career in drug information (DI) at Campbell. Twenty-one years later, more than 756 students and 16 residents have been trained in drug information under Barnes’ leadership. The pharmacy student who learned to love the excitement of investigating drug inquiries has made her home at Campbell helping to create many “firsts” in the school’s successful history. Parallel to the establishment of the School of Pharmacy in 1986, the doors to the DIC were opened in 1987 to serve health professionals throughout the state as well as provide a training ground for pharmacy students. “Looking back during my rotation through the DIC, one of my assignments was to help produce the first Campbell Comments to promote the DIC through providing drug update information. Tommy Roberts ’90, and I wrote a brief overview of a new product on the market which was lovastatin,” she explains. The Role of the Drug Information Center at Campbell Barnes graduated from the School of Pharmacy with the charter class in 1990 and completed the first residency in drug information at Campbell one year later. In 1991 she was hired as the assistant director of DI and later accepted the role of director in 1992 where she remains today continuing the operation and supervision of the center and training students and postgraduates with drug information skills. Initially, the DI rotation was created for second year pharmacy students to serve a two 6

Campbell Comments

summer 2008

week rotation. In the mid-nineties, the center began to grow in its volume of calls and at the same time received more complex inquiries. The model of the rotation was restructured into a one month session requiring the experience of fourth year students. With individuals having extensive amounts of information at their fingertips, many may ask what purpose the DIC has in the present day. While the number of inquiries has declined in the recent years, the complexity of the questions has increased. “When the DIC opened we only had one computer with limited resources. Today we have multiple resources with the invention of the internet, online resources and PDAs. Students are able to answer simple questions because they have something at their fingertips with a database to search quickly for a specific dose or to see if a drug causes an adverse reaction,” explains Barnes. With the complexity of questions the time component to answering inquiries has increased. “We are receiving calls from professionals who don’t have the time to exhaustively search their resources. They request our help to make sure they confidently have an answer that reflects the scientific literature,” says Barnes. To date, the DIC has received more than 59,660 inquiries averaging 250 calls a month as it continues to serve patients indirectly in North Carolina and throughout the United States. Drug Information Residency Program As the first resident to receive postgraduate training in the DIC and serving as the director, Barnes took on an intricate role to accredit the first American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) residency at Campbell in

1992. This program was the first DI residency in the United States receiving accreditation in an academic setting where previous residencies of this type were completed in a hospital. “At the time, Campbell was truly thinking outside of the box to create a unique experience for postgraduate training,” explains Barnes. “These residents have played a major role through allowing me the opportunity for involvement in their postgraduate education. They have always brought something different to the table based on their experience. Not only did they play a major role in the center by doing a good job for us making our program look first-rate, but they continue to play a unique role in our curriculum as many of our residents in the local area have become DI preceptors. It is exciting to see them stay involved with the school.” Life is not a dress rehearsal “What greater gift can we, as teachers, offer than to instruct our future pharmacists in a Christian environment? I am blessed to have the best of both worlds here at Campbell.” Barnes continued by explaining the words written by Rose Tramain, “Life is not a dress rehearsal.” “I thought of this quote because we should all try to be our best and do our best everyday for the reason that you can’t ever capture those moments back,” she said. Filled with emotion, Barnes continued to express her passion for teaching, “I can’t imagine ever thinking that success is measured by your status or title. It’s measured by the lives that you have impacted and it all comes back to trying your best along the way. What better way can you impact the lives of others than teaching?” This dedication to the students at the School of Pharmacy is evident through her continued commitment and involvement in their training for more than a decade. Barnes was recognized as the Distinguished Young Pharmacist for North Carolina in 1994, Preceptor of the Year for the southeast region at CUSOP in 1999 and 2002, and the Dean’s Teaching of Excellence Award in 2001. She is active with the Benson Baptist Church serving two four year terms as a deacon in addition to teaching Sunday school to young adults for more than ten years. She currently serves as a board member on the Benson Foundation for the Arts. She has held positions on the advisory board for the Benson Elementary School and served as president of the PTO for Benson Middle School. She and her husband, Scott, reside in Benson, N.C. with their fourteen year old daughter, Morgan.

Alumni Profile Dr. Wesley Lindsey Wesley Lindsey graduated from the School of Pharmacy in 2001 and then completed the Drug Information (DI) residency at Campbell one year later. Following his time at Campbell, Wesley has continued his professional career in DI holding the position of director of DI and assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice at the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy at Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) as well as his current title, clinical assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice in the Harrison School of Pharmacy Drug Information and Learning Resource Center at Auburn University. The alumni office decided to catch up with Wesley, to find out where life had taken him since leaving the creek and to hear about his experiences in DI. When did you first become interested in drug information? After completing the DI didactic course, I really had no idea what was involved in a DI practice. I had my clinical rotation in DI early during my P4 sequence, I really enjoyed the detective aspect of the practice, the academic setting really appealed to me, and as I continued through my fourth year rotations, I witnessed how valuable the skills and services of DI specialists were and I wanted to continue in the practice. What was your experience like completing the DI residency at Campbell? I could not imagine a better residency fit for me. During my P4 year I did an academic pharmacy rotation with Dr. Dan Teat, former faculty member, and I was able to experience what faculty actually did for a month. After this opportunity I was very interested in academic positions in DI practice as a career. The Campbell residency really appealed to me for numerous reasons: the area and the practice site were familiar to me, it was in a school of pharmacy with an academic focus, and there was a notable emphasis on teaching. After working in numerous academic settings can you compare and contrast your work in drug information? The basic DI responsibilities at each of these locations are similar: responding to drug information questions primarily from healthcare practitioners. However, each practice setting was unique in my experience: Campbell: This was by far the busiest DI center. During my residency we were averaging about 300 calls per month if I remember correctly. There were typically four students to supervise and it was a challenge to get through any student presentation due to the number of calls we received. PBA: This was a new school (only 1 year old) when I arrived so there was no drug information practice and it was my responsibility to develop one for the school. This was a very rewarding challenge as I teamed with Dr. Marvin Pankaskie to design and complete a DI Center and promote the service to healthcare professionals in south Florida. The program was still new when I left receiving 15-20 calls per month. Auburn: Auburn is a more established center that receives approximately 30-35 calls per month but we also provide other services as well. The director, Bernie Olin, produces a weekly newsletter with

Wesley ’01, and his wife, Christy (Fattibene) Lindsey, a 2002 graduate from CUSOP, reside in Auburn, Ala. with their son, Karl Edwin who was born in 2007. Christy is currently a pharmacist with Walgreens.

a monthly special edition produced by the P4 students. We develop antibiograms for hospitals, serve as a training site for pharmacy practice residents, and have bid for opportunities to develop drug reviews for the Alabama State Medicaid Board. What is a typical day like at the Auburn Drug Information and Learning Resource Center? Part of the reason that I love this practice is because there is no typical day! Our DI requests seem to come in bunches so one day might be spent entirely responding to questions or assisting P4 students with their research. Other days are spent doing our own literature searches or teaching classes, and lastly some days are spent rushing from one meeting to the next and wondering how lunch will fit into the schedule! What advice would you offer to students interested in a career in drug information? Many students really have no idea what a DI specialist does or what opportunities are available. You can work in hospitals large and small, academic DI centers, medical publishing, government agencies, pharmaceutical industries, pharmacy organizations such as ASHP, and others. If you enjoy detective work in a pharmacy setting, DI is a great career to explore. How has drug information changed over the years? How we access information has certainly changed. During my school and residency experience many of the online resources were in their infancy so we still relied heavily on microfilm or print resources. Today, our resources are accessed almost exclusively online and most students I encounter have never touched a microfilm or microfiche reader. The nature of our DI requests has also changed. Since pharmacies now have online databases to provide general information, the questions we receive typically require some analysis of primary literature to adequately respond. Is there an interesting request from a healthcare professional that sticks out in your mind? One in particular because we get it 1-2 times every year: Why can a patient with a peanut allergy not use Combivent®? The answer is due to a soya based lecithin in the preparation. It is structurally similar to peanuts and can trigger an allergic reaction. Do you have a favorite memory of CUSOP? There are too many to list: meeting my wife (Christy Fattibene, class of 2002); walking away from a Dr. Al-Achi statistics exam completely exhausted and humbled; walking out of my NAPLEX exam thinking, “That wasn’t nearly as bad as a Dr. Al-Achi statistics exam.”


Donor Profile

Leaving a Legacy Kappa Psi recently established an endowed scholarship in memory of their fallen brother, Brie Anne Reynolds.

Members of the Delta Lambda Chapter of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity present the first installment toward the endowed scholarship to Dean Ronald Maddox.


he Campbell University School of Pharmacy chapter of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity created a scholarship endowment pledging $25,000 in loving memory of their fallen brother, Brie Anne Reynolds, who was tragically killed in a car accident in August 2007. Brie was preparing for her second year in pharmacy school with plans to graduate in 2010. Brie grew up in Marion, Va. and was known for her outgoing personality and love of life. Her Kappa Psi brothers and classmates remembered Brie not only as outgoing but as involved, spontaneous, open minded, optimistic, modest, and dependable. She lived life to the fullest and never met a stranger. Bethany Davidson, 2011 Pharm.D. candidate, grew up with Brie and looked forward to attending pharmacy school together. “Brie brought so much joy to my life every day. She was spontaneous and always there for me like a sister throughout life. Brie taught me so many characteristics that I will share with others,” said Davidson. “Brie Anne was always going out of her way to ensure that all of her friends’ quality of life was as fruitful and fun-filled as possible,” said Zach Anderson, 2010 Pharm.D. candidate. Davidson and Anderson together with their classmates and brothers, created the endowed scholarship in memory of Brie as a way to keep her memory alive throughout the existence of Campbell University. Katherine Serzan, 2010 Pharm.D. Candidate and Kappa Psi Chapter Regent, and Dr. Michael Adams ‘96, assistant professor of


Campbell Comments

summer 2008

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chapter Grand Council Deputy, signed the scholarship endowment on behalf of Kappa Psi in February 2008. More than 25 of Brie’s Kappa Psi brothers and friends watched in support as the document was signed, leaving her legacy at Campbell University. Kappa Psi not only established a scholarship endowment but they also created a direct aid scholarship named in Brie’s memory which awards one $1,000 scholarship annually for the next five years. This scholarship is awarded to a Kappa Psi brother and Doctor of Pharmacy student who models Brie’s characteristics and outlook on life. The 2008-2009 recipient was Helen Stevens, 2010 Pharm.D. candidate, selected by the School of Pharmacy scholarship committee. On April 5, 2008 at the School of Pharmacy Parents’ Day, Helen was recognized as the first recipient of the Brie Anne Reynolds Memorial Kappa Psi Direct Aid Scholarship. Brie’s family was present for the occasion and celebrated the memorial of their daughter in awarding the scholarship to Brie’s classmate and brother. Brie’s memory is sure to live on in the students of Campbell University School of Pharmacy due to the efforts of the Delta Lambda Chapter of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity and her many friends that continue to miss her daily. For more information about the scholarship endowment in memory of Brie Anne Reynolds, please contact Jessica Joyner, coordinator for Development and Special Projects, at

Congratulations, Campbell University Graduates We look forward to being a part of your future success. WakeMed Health & Hospitals offers pharmacy services for inpatient and outpatient populations at our Raleigh Campus and at WakeMed Cary Hospital. Our 100-member department serves both our central and satellite pharmacies, providing information and guidance to patients and caregivers. We offer an extensive training program designed to equip new staff members with the skills necessary to practice in a regional tertiary care center.

We have supplemental work opportunities for: Alumni as Pharmacists Students as Pharmacy Technicians WakeMed Health & Hospitals is an 870-bed system with a Level 1 Trauma Center. We have more than 7,000 employees and 1,000 affiliated physicians and we are the recipient of the 2007 Triangle Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” award. Visit and apply to the position and of your choice 9


School of Pharmacy News CU @ Dinner

CU @ Dinner is serving up good food and conversation between pharmacy alumni and students. Based on a simple idea, the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA) created a program to help alumni and students make connections with one another at the dinner table. PASA hosted its second CU @ Dinner program on March 12, 2008 in Maddox Hall inviting eight alumni to share about their career paths and success stories in the pharmacy profession with more than 50 students. The evening consisted of networking rotations during and after the meal to provide students with a unique and personalized experience. “It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet and visit with alumni from the School of Pharmacy during the event. Although we hear about the different areas of practice in class, I enjoyed asking professionals questions in smaller groups for additional career advice,” explains Jennifer Reardon, president of PASA. “What better pharmacists to learn from than the alumni of our school?” With the success of this event, PASA plans to continue organizing the CU @ Dinner program to build and strengthen the Campbell Pharmacy community, where students and alumni come to the event as strangers and leave as friends. For more information on this program, please contact

Scott Holuby ’03, ambulatory clinical pharmacist at Womack Army Medical Center, answers questions about ambulatory care.

Students enjoy hearing information about pediatrics from Kathy Riley ’90, staff pharmacist at UNC Health Care-NC Children's Hospital.

Dean’s Award for Professionalism

Amanda Hawks (2009 Pharm.D. candidate) and Bryan Snyder (’08) were the inaugural recipients of the Dean’s Award for Professionalism at the School of Pharmacy. This award was established in 2008 to promote outstanding performance in pharmacy practice by students in the doctor of pharmacy program. The students were chosen based on their professional characteristics displayed in a work environment. They both received a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Dean and a $100 check.

2008 RXportfolios National Achievement Award Jonathan Pouliot (2010 Pharm.D. candidate) was selected as a recipient of the 2008 RXportfolios National Achievement Award based on his exceptional RXporfolio submission and outstanding academic achievements. An RXportfolio is an electronic pharmacy portfolio created during students first year in school. Jonathan’s portfolio was selected from more than 3,000 entries by a committee consisting of pharmacy industry professionals. Award criteria were based on content, quality of writing and overall achievements professionally displayed. 10

Campbell Comments

summer 2008

Relay for Life Relay for Life of Harnett County collaborated with Campbell University to hold the second annual mini-Relay at the Buies Creek campus on March 28, 2008. The student organizations from the School of Pharmacy joined forces to raise nearly $4,200 receiving the Top Fundraising Team award from more than 40 teams made up of Campbell University student clubs, organizations, dorms, athletics, academics and departments. The pharmacy organizations who participated include Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Chi, Pharmacy Alumni Student Association, Kappa Epsilon, Academy of Managed Care Pharmacists, Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists and Academy of Student Pharmacists. Together the entire university raised more than $31,000 towards the fight against cancer.

Health Fair Prepares Future Pharmacists Campbell University School of Pharmacy held its annual Health Fair on March 25, 2008 in the Fellowship Commons located in front of Maddox Hall. The fair included more than 15 exhibits and screening stations run by pharmacy students. Each booth addressed a specific health issue, ranging from substance abuse to heartburn. The exhibits were designed to inform people about the issues, and provide pharmacy students the experience of interacting with customers. Various student, university and community organizations also participated including: APhA-ASP, SSHP, Kappa Epsilon, Healthy Camels, BCBSNC, and Mutual Drug Company. In addition, the American Red Cross held a blood drive as part of the event. Many students, faculty and staff participated and were able to benefit from the health information and screenings provided.

Taking a Break from the Books CCS Medical is a multi-location Healthcare Service and Products company. We are a national leader in the distribution of medical supplies and pharmaceutical products for patients with chronic medical conditions. We service patients across the country through mail-service delivery of products directly to patients’ homes. We are currently seeking a Staff Pharmacist for our Roanoke, Virginia location, to perform general pharmacist duties, including but not limited to: • •

Members from the class of 2011 took advantage of their break from pharmacy school on Good Friday, March 21, 2008 by taking a trip to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Va. The group of 38 students, family and friends enjoyed their day at the park together.

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Pharmaceutical Sciences Update

Congratulations to the 2008 Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduates Fifteen students graduated from the Pharmaceutical Sciences program on May 12, 2008.

Kristal Troy receives her MSPS hood from Dr. Holmes, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

BSPS class of 2008 back left, Kit Yam, Qiyong Xian, Jeremy Stultz, Mallorie Sanders, Richard Reyf, and Brandi Prime. Front left, Nisha Patel, Divyesh Patel, Ashley McMenamy, Matthew Crouch, Charli Britt, and Justin Blackwelder. Not pictured Amanda Misenhiemer.

Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences graduates, Kristal Troy and Nicole Anders.

Dean Maddox congratulates Matthew Crouch, ’08 BSPS, during the hooding ceremony.


All PS graduates are reminded to take a minute and update their contact information with Mike Gallagher, PharmSci affinity manager. Send updates to

School of Pharmacy Parent’s Day 2008

Held on April 5, 2008, Parent’s Day was a time to celebrate the student’s achievements from the past school year. Four students enrolled in the BS Pharmaceutical Sciences were recognized by their faculty. Not pictured is Lam Nguyen who received the Southeast Chapter of Parenteral Drug Association Scholarship.

Mallorie Sanders (center) receives the Cardinal Healthcare Mark D. Davison Memorial Scholarship.


Campbell Comments

summer 2008

Qiyong Xian is awarded the Yates Family Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship.

Jeremy Stultz is the recipient of the Samuel & Helen Mennear Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship.

Alumni Events 2008 Pharmacy Alumni & Friends

Golf Classic From left: Tommy Roberts ’90, Scott Phillips (2010 Pharm.D. candidate), Todd King ’90, and Jeff Pendergrass ’90

The 2008 Pharmacy Alumni & Friends Golf Classic was held on April 11, 2008 at Keith Hills Country Club. The tournament raised more than $14,500 to benefit the Pharmacy Alumni Association, providing scholarships and additional pharmacy building campaign needs. Thanks to everyone who supported this event.

From left: Ronnie Strickland ’92, Brian Jenkins ’92, Jerry Haynes ’93, and Hilton Ritter (2011 Pharm.D. candidate)

Meet in the Middle 5th Annual Alumni Weekend

Pharmacy alumni "met in the middle" to attend the 5th Annual Alumni Weekend on April 25-27, 2008 in Greensboro, N.C. Held at the O. Henry Hotel, this year’s event was packed full of receptions, ceremonies and of course a CE seminar bringing together more than 60 alumni, family and faculty. Memories featuring the 15th, 10th and 5th year reunion classes of 1993, 1998 and 2003 were shared during the ceremony on Saturday evening. This annual event was created by the Pharmacy Alumni Board of Directors to serve as a time for all alumni of Campbell University School of Pharmacy to reconnect with each other and their alma mater.

From left, Holly Davis Gentry, Samuel Childress and Autumn Wells, all from the class of 2003, pose for a photo together.

Front left: Angie Owens (’94) and Jennifer Burch (’93). Back left: Andy Bowman (’93), Laura Feather (’93), LeAnne Kennedy ('93), Beth Treadway (’93), Michelle Jordan (’93), William Wood (’93)

Members from the class of 1998 enjoy the opportunity to reconnect with each other. Front left: Christie Jones, Nita Johnston, Kristy Lucas and Amy Sessions. Back left: Darrell Haymore, Tom Oppelt, Brian Howell, Mary Parker and Leigh Warrick.

Classmates Kimberly Crow (’02), Jennifer (’02) and Ken (’02) Taylor, Amanda Greenwood (’02) and Tara Cox (’02) exchanged smiles and good cheer with each other.


Message from the Pharmacy Alumni President

Greetings Fellow Alumni, I want to begin by acknowledging the outstanding contributions of Amanda Greenwood (’02) in leading the association last year. During her term as president, the doors of the new pharmacy building were opened, the Alumni Association sponsored a donor recognition gala, the board voted to invite friends of the school to join the association and most recently streamlined its structure. I couldn’t think of anyone more appropriate to lead the association during this time of change given her long family history with the school. This is a new year and I look forward to continuing to build on the great leadership of the Alumni Association! With that said, the goal of any alumni association is growth. Current membership in the association is 26% which is great considering our young tenure as an organization. Even among top ranked large university alumni associations, membership ranges from 15-20%. But we constantly strive to get more of you involved. Growth can come from two places, new graduates and recruitment of current graduates who are not already members. This past May our alumni body grew by about 100 pharmacists with the addition of the graduating class of 2008, reaching the milestone of more than 1,500 graduates from the School of Pharmacy. We welcome the class of 2008 to the alumni family and congratulate you on a tremendous achievement. You will find that as you enter the world of pharmacy, many alumni before you have made a great reputation for Campbell University School of Pharmacy. I encourage each of you to stay connected with the friends you have made and to the school that has provided you an outstanding education. Membership in the Alumni Association is just one way to stay connected.

In addition to new graduates, we realized as an organization that we were not including everyone who had received degrees from the School of Pharmacy. There are approximately 150 graduates who have earned a MS in Clinical Research or MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the School of Pharmacy. As part of the Campbell Pharmacy family, current alumni who have received their Master’s in both of these programs are invited to join the association! As part of restructuring the board, we will also be looking for an alumnus from each of these programs to serve as a representative on the Alumni Board of Directors. As a fellow alumnus, I invite you to come back to the creek to experience some of the events this fall. Many of you may not be familiar with the White Coat Ceremony. This special ceremony, which will be held on August 10, 2008, welcomes first year pharmacy students into the pharmacy profession with an “official robing” of each student by faculty and alumni. The inaugural event was held in 2002 and is becoming a new and exciting tradition for both students and alumni. The newly established Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA) is continuing to host various events providing the opportunity for students to meet and network with you, our alumni, to learn about our career paths and success stories. If you are interested in participating in PASA sponsored events please contact the alumni office. We also invite you to attend other upcoming alumni events including the Orange & Black Day at the Durham Bulls on August 23 and Alumni at the NASCAR Race in Richmond on September 6-7. In addition, please be on the lookout for other regionally based events. If you have any suggestions on how the Alumni Association can better serve you, ideas on activities of interest to you or your family, or are interested in serving on a committee please do not hesitate to contact me at or 919-550-9091 or the alumni office. Sincerely,

Heather S. Massengill, ’00 President, Pharmacy Alumni Board of Directors

Get involved, volunteer for the Pharmacy Alumni Association! The Pharmacy Alumni Association offers many volunteer opportunities that invite you to stay connected, engaged and involved with the School of Pharmacy. By giving your time as a Campbell Pharmacy alumnus, you make tremendous contributions to your alma mater and fellow alumni. Volunteer Opportunities Events Committee: Coordinates overall execution of various alumni events that allow CUSOP alumni to keep in touch with each other and their alma mater.


Campbell Comments

summer 2008

Fundraising Committee: Determines ideas for fundraising opportunities and events, as well as participates in the organization and execution of these events whenever possible. Membership Committee: Responsible for expanding the number of CUSOP alumni who are a part of the Alumni Association and strives to maximize involvement in, and support of the association from its current members. Pharmacy Alumni Student Association: Host a group of pharmacy students for a casual dinner, share your experiences in the pharmacy

profession, and get to know your pharmacy family a little better. Reunion Committee: Plans and organizes the annual alumni weekend activities for the current year’s reunion classes, currently recruiting members from the classes of 1994, 1999 and 2004. Contact Andrea Pacheco, Associate Director of Alumni Relations 910-814-4788

Class Notes Post your announcements online at

Baby Camels Cathy Hooks Allen (’97), and husband Cory, announce the birth of their sons, Michael and Daniel, born February 14, 2008. Michael weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. and was 18 3/4 inches long. Daniel weighed 4 lbs., 13 oz. and was 19 inches long. The boys have two big sisters, Hannah (5) and Grace (3). Sara Elliot Biever (’03), and husband Rick, celebrated the birth of their son, Nathan, in February 2008. Casey Stiles Climer (’03) announces the birth of her son, Caleb, in March 2008. Amanda Barrier Cole (’03), and husband Nick, welcomed their son, Ethan Tyler, in early 2008. Kimberly Smith Gardner (’03), and husband Keith, are the proud parents of Abigail Lauren born on March 25, 2008. Abigail weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz.

Announcements Joe Moose (’90) was recognized as the Community Care Pharmacist of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists in April 2008. Scott Holuby (’03) recently accepted a position at the University of Hawaii-Hilo as an assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice and will start in June 2008. He will reside in Hilo, Hawaii.

Dr. Robert Greenwood was promoted to the position of associate dean of Academic Affairs. Dr. Larry Swanson, chair of Pharmacy Practice, was recognized by the Pharmacy Practice department through naming a brick in the Maddox Hall brick campaign in his honor for being a mentor and excellent leader to the department.

In Memoriam Robyn Stone Tilley (’91) passed away on May 27, 2008 after an eight year battle with breast cancer. She is survived by her husband Tim and two sons, Jake and Triston.

Faculty Laurels



Dr. Richard Drew, professor of Pharmacy Practice, received the 2008 Dean’s Excellence in Research Award from Campbell University School of Pharmacy. Dr. Steve Fuller, associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, has been named a Fellow of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Academic Leadership program.

Membership makes a difference. Join Today!

To advertise in Campbell Comments contact:

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Upcoming Alumni Events Visit or call (910) 814-4788 for more information on prices or registration. AUGUST

Orange & Black Day at the Durham Bulls Durham, NC August 23, 2008 7 p.m.


Pharmacy Alumni at the Race Chevy Rock & Roll 400 Richmond, Va. September 6-7, 2008

Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506


Fall Back on CU for CE October 18, 2008 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Maddox Hall Buies Creek, NC Earn up to 6 hours of Live CE CUSOP Alumni & Friends Reception at NCAP October 27, 2008 5-7 p.m. Sheraton Imperial Durham, NC


CUSOP Alumni & Friends Reception at ASHP Midyear Orlando, Fla. Details TBA

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