2010 winter issue of Campbell Comments

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Winter 2010

Campbell Comments For Alumni, Students & Friends of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Campbell pharmacy students coordinate campus flu clinics Inside this Issue Message from the Dean College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences News Faculty News Alumni Events Donor Highlight: Jack Watts The Prescription for Our Future: 25th Anniversary Campaign Student News

Ruchit Marfatia, 2012 student pharmacist, administers an immunization at the Campbell University flu clinic.

Alumni Focus: Jimmie Pope, Pharm.D. ’93 Message from the CPHS Alumni President Class Notes Upcoming Events


tudent pharmacists at Campbell University coordinated nine flu clinics on campus this fall. Nearly 500 immunizations were given to pharmacy students, Campbell employees and their dependents. “This is the first year our students participated in the University’s flu clinics,” says Gil Steiner, Pharm.D., associate professor of Pharmacy Practice. “It was a great opportunity for them to gain hands-on training and play a role in meeting the health needs of our Campbell community.” The clinics were organized by the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter at the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) under the leadership of 2012 Student Pharmacist, Kristen Snodgrass. Students coordinated schedules, administered immunizations and developed a system

to inform physicians of their patient’s vaccination. Almost 40 students volunteered to provide flu shots with the supervision of six faculty members. Nine clinics were held throughout October and November. In North Carolina, students who complete the APhA Immunization Certificate can administer flu immunizations under the supervision of a pharmacist who is also certified. Three years ago, the certificate program was added to the curriculum for first year pharmacy students. “Completing the certificate during the first year of school allows our students to gain more experience with patients before they go on rotations during their fourth year,” says Valerie Clinard, Pharm.D., assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice. “The clinics were a success and we look forward to working with our students again next year.”

Dean’s Message Dean’s Board of Advisors


n October the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) hosted the Dean’s Board of Advisors meeting. This is an annual activity where we collect suggestions and feedback about our programming from experienced professionals in pharmacy and other industries. I am thankful to the members who serve on this board. In order for us to continually improve, I believe it is important to ask the opinions of others and I always find their input very valuable. One of the topics we discussed was the certificate programs our students should complete in order to be leading practitioners in the future. As you look at medication therapy management (MTM) services and other therapeutic regimens, pharmacists are continuing to play a larger role in helping patients control different disease states. Currently, our pharmacy students complete the immunization certificate during the first year of school. This initiative has been beneficial to our students, allowing them to provide immunizations while working at a pharmacy, during rotations and volunteering at flu clinics. It opened the door for them to coordinate Campbell University’s flu clinic this year, where they administered immunizations to almost 500 employees and students. The board suggested that we prepare our students to further assist the diabetic population. This is a growing need, so we will consider the possibility of adding the diabetic certification to our curriculum. A highlight for the board is always the discussion with our student panel. Six pharmacy students attended this year’s meeting to provide their thoughts on the education they are receiving at CPHS. They expressed an interest to gain more exposure to the variety of disease states, MTM services and certifications. I know the students also enjoyed their interactions with the board. I received several thank you letters from them, sharing how much it meant to attend. After the students answered the board’s questions, they were given the chance to ask a few of their own. They were interested in hearing about the possibilities of opening a drug store. Dave Moody, R.Ph., with Mutual Wholesale Drug, shared his insight with the students and also Trey Waters, Pharm.D. ’02, who recently opened his sixth store. Clem Medley, with First Federal Bank, mentioned several items about the loan process and the importance of creating a business plan. Overall the meeting was a success and I will take the board’s feedback into perspective as I lead CPHS into the new year. In closing, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday season. Sincerely,

Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D. Vice President for Health Programs Dean, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences 2

Campbell Comments

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Michele Belsey, R.Ph. Rite Aid Corporation

Whit Moose, R.Ph., D.Sc. Moose Drugs

Paul Bush, Pharm.D., MBA, FASHP Duke University Medical Center

Michael Nnadi, Pharm.D., M.H.S. Novant Health

Allison Cobb, Pharm.D. ’92 FamilyCare Pharmacy Steve Greene, R.Ph. CVS/pharmacy Mark Gregory, R.Ph. Kerr Drug Ed Herring, Pharm.D. ’95 Medical Village Pharmacy Jimmy Jackson, R.Ph., D.Sc. Spoke Consulting, Inc. Mark Lloyd Novartis Pharmaceuticals Lazelle Marks, R.Ph. Medical Center Pharmacy Clem Medley First Federal Bank Dave Moody, R.Ph., D.Sc. Mutual Wholesale Drug

Neal O’Neal, Pharm.D. ’96 O’Neal’s Drug Store Edith Rosato, R.Ph., IOM NACDS Foundation Henry Smith, R.Ph. Carolina Medical Products Ron Smith, Pharm.D. ’98, M.B.A. Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Trey Waters, Pharm.D. ’02 Sam’s Drug Store of Lumberton Jack Watts, R.Ph., D.Sc. Campbell University Trustee Joe Whitehead, D.Sc., M.B.A. CPHS Beth Williams, Pharm.D. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

The CPHS Dean’s Board of Advisors met Oct. 2627 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center in Durham. The annual meeting covered new programming, accreditation, strategic planning and service learning. Thank you to the board for their dedication to advancing the mission of the college.

Teaching MTM beyond the classroom

Lauren Weeks, 2012 student pharmacist, interviews a patient at Tom Jones Drug in Garner for the MTM elective.


ith the increasing need for accessible primary care services, the integration of medication therapy management (MTM) is becoming vital to improve patient outcomes. To ensure this need is met in the future, the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) is teaching students this model of comprehensive pharmacy services with practical application through patient interaction. “We can teach students the entire MTM process in the classroom but what helps them apply this type of practice is working with the actual patient,” says Penny Shelton, Pharm.D., associate professor of Pharmacy Practice and instructor of the MTM elective. During the course, students interview patients and present the cases to faculty evaluators, who help them understand what issues need to be addressed. After receiving faculty approval, recommendations are sent to the patient’s doctor, and students meet with the patient a second time to provide the medication action plan. Throughout the process, students and faculty maintain appropriate documentation at the pharmacy. This semester, the interviews were conducted at Tom Jones Drug in Garner, N.C. “When our students interview patients, all aspects of their classroom training come together. I see the light bulb turn on,” says Shelton. “They apply their drug knowledge while assimilating and analyzing a problem list. They gain experience communicating sensitive issues with the patient and learn the importance of proper documentation.” Caroline Preas, 2012 student pharmacist, is one of the 16 students who completed the elective this semester, “This course enhanced my patient counseling skills. Each experience is unique and no two patients are alike.” In the current curriculum, students do not have indepth contact with patients until their fourth year during rotations. The purpose of the MTM elective is to move

patient interaction into the third year, to help solidify what students learn in the classroom and inspire them to incorporate MTM services into their future practice. Shelton believes pharmacists are the most qualified health professionals to evaluate medication outcomes and the course instills this responsibility in students. She hopes their future practice will expand beyond the traditional drug dispensing role and change the public’s perception of the services pharmacists are able to provide. “MTM services are one of the numerous ways pharmacists can make a positive impact on their patient’s health” says Paige Brown, Pharm.D., assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice and faculty evaluator for the elective. “The MTM elective gives students the tools and selfassurance to practice this level of care throughout their career.” This semester each student interviewed, assessed and provided follow-up care for two patients in the community. Most of the patients had numerous medical conditions; they were seeing multiple physicians and taking on average 12 different medications. Students addressed tangible side effects, therapeutic duplications, excessive and suboptimal dosages, untreated conditions and the need for preventative therapies. They also made cost savings recommendations. “I learned how beneficial MTM is to the patient and how influential the pharmacist’s role can be in serving as a liaison between medication management and the patient’s well-being,” says Preas. “We don’t know what health care reform is going to look like but I believe pharmacists are part of the solution to improve the quality of care and decrease costs through effective medication therapy and disease management outcomes,” says Shelton. “By teaching our students proactive patient care, we are helping to ensure pharmacists will be capable of meeting future health care challenges.”

Penny Shelton, Pharm.D., associate Professor of Pharmacy practice, provides feedback to students after their interview with a patient.



College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences News

CPHS outshines national and state averages on pharmacy board exams Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) exceeded the national and state averages on both the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE). A total of 94 graduates took the exams between May 1 and August 31. CPHS achieved an average NAPLEX score of 96.81 percent, compared to the national average of 92.39 percent and state average of 94.21 percent. On the MPJE, CPHS attained a 98.23 percent, higher than the national average of 95.5 percent and state average of 97.45 percent. “This is a tremendous achievement for our recent graduates as well as a testament to the commitment of our faculty and staff to provide an exemplary educational program,” said Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., vice president of Health Programs and dean of CPHS.

Science Education Outreach The Science Education Outreach program at CPHS sponsored two events in October to foster the growth of science education in local area middle and high school programs. A grant writing workshop was offered on Oct. 21 for Harnett County science teachers providing information on how to research, develop and write grants for academic programs. Patty Faulkner, director of Grants Research and Development at Campbell University, discussed basic mistakes in grant writing, provided writing exercises and shared information on researching organizations for future funding. On Oct. 28, high school students participated in a forensic activity funded by the Burroughs Wellcome Student Science Enrichment Fund. The activity was designed to teach students to recover a body, determine the race, gender, height and age of the victim and observe how long the victim had been deceased.

Grant Writing Workshop

Forensic Activity

CPHS celebrates National PA Week

Thomas Colletti, MPAS, PA-C, director of the Physician Assistant Program, speaks with a student about the new PA program during the National PA Week reception.


Campbell Comments

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CPHS celebrated National Physician Assistant (PA) week with a reception on Oct. 6, calling attention to the importance of the profession and promoting its new academic program. “National PA week is a great opportunity to endorse the PA profession, especially in light of health care reform and the emphasis on primary care medicine,” says Thomas Colletti, MPAS, PA-C, director of the Physician Assistant Program. “PAs are primary care trained and through the launch of our program at CPHS we are committed to placing graduates in this area of need.” With PA classes beginning in the fall of 2011, CPHS introduced the program to PAs and other members of the community during the reception. Students visited with faculty to learn more about career opportunities and admissions requirements. “National PA Week is held annually on Oct. 6-12 because it commemorates the anniversary of the first PA class, which graduated from Duke University,” says Colletti. “Oct. 6 is also Dr. Eugene Stead’s birthday, who was the founder of the PA concept at Duke in the mid 1960s.”

Career Day 2010 Campbell’s PA Program moves closer to accreditation The Physician Assistant (PA) Program at CPHS moved one step closer to accreditation following a provisional site visit on Oct. 21-22. The visit was conducted by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). “The PA Program faculty and staff did a superb job preparing for the site visit,” says Program Director Tom Colletti, MPAS, PA-C. “The evaluators were impressed by the excellent organization of curricular materials and the attention to detail in substantiating our compliance with their standards.” ARC-PA is the national accrediting agency that defines the standards for PA education. During the visit, the evaluation team gathered evidence to verify Campbell’s self-study is thorough and accurate. “Instructors, preceptors, and senior administration attended the site visit meetings and demonstrated significant commitment to our PA program,” says Colletti. “I am appreciative of all who were involved, and for their skills and diligence. Now I look forward to preparing the best PA clinicians to improve health care in our community and the nation, while representing the Campbell tradition.” CPHS will actively move forward with preparations for the inaugural PA class next fall while waiting to receive the accreditation results in March 2011. Next on the agenda is reviewing applications, interviewing students, and providing provisional acceptances until the ARC-PA report is released. Students will then receive an official offer of acceptance into the program. Renovations on the program’s facility, Carrie Rich Memorial, are scheduled for completion in January 2011. The PA Program Department is organizing exam rooms and classrooms, developing class schedules and arranging training materials including plastinated cadavers for the anatomy lab.

First year pharmacy students, Jay Patel and Veena Patel, introduce themselves to Bruce Bauer with Pharmacists Mutual Companies.

The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ annual Career Day was held on Nov. 12 at the John W. Pope, Jr. Convocation Center. Employers from 44 companies interviewed and visited with students enrolled in the Pharmacy, Clinical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences programs.

Clark Hatcher, 2014 student pharmacist, visits with Melody Joyner from CVS/ pharmacy.

COL Bill Pickard, R.Ph., speaks with a group of students about career opportunities at Womack Army Medical Center in Fayetteville.



Faculty News

in high-risk patients: managing costs through prevention” at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 2010 Educational Meeting in St. Louis, Mo. on Oct. 14. He also co-presented the poster “Likelihood of inadequate antimicrobial treatment for catheter-related and primary bacteremia” at the American College of Clinical Pharmacists Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas on Oct. 17-20.

Laura Gerstner, MSHS, PA-C, pictured with Charlie Yang, M.D., and one of their patients following her knee replacement while volunteering in Panama City, Panama.

David Coniglio, MPA, PA-C, academic coordinator for the Physician Assistant Program, presented two papers, “The attitudes toward and perceived benefits of a clinical doctoral degree among physician assistant students” and “Factors influencing physician assistant student selection of educational programs” at the Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum on Oct. 23 in Baltimore, Md. Richard Drew, Pharm.D., professor of Pharmacy Practice, provided a poster presentation titled, “Antifungal prophylaxis

Laura Gerstner, MSHS, PA-C, clinical coordinator for the Physician Assistant Program, traveled to Panama City, Panama with a medical group to participate in Operation Walk on Nov. 10-17. The team performed 76 total hip and knee replacements. Terri Hamrick, Ph.D., was promoted to Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Catherine Lewis, Pharm.D., assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice, organized the team “Camels against Cancer” for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Raleigh on Oct. 2. The team raised $2,085 for breast cancer research and patient support. Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., vice president of Health Programs and dean of CPHS,

participated on the NCAP Immunization Task Force providing a group presentation to the North Carolina Legislature Joint Health Oversight Committee and Public Health Study Commission on Oct. 12. NCAP seeks to pass legislation that allows pharmacists to immunize persons under the age of 18 and expand the types of vaccinations that can be administered. Jennifer Mando-Vandrick, Pharm.D., was named the 2010 CPHS preceptor of the year. She precepts students at Duke University Hospital in emergency medicine. Andrew Muzyk, Pharm.D., assistant professor of Pharmacy Practice, presented “Treatment of ADHD: focus on adult ADHD” at Fall Back on CU for CE on Oct. 16. Ann Marie Nye, Pharm.D., was promoted to Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at CPHS. She was also promoted to Affiliate Associate Professor with the Department of Family Medicine at East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine. Jennifer Smith, Pharm.D., was promoted to Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice. She also presented “Diabetes mellitus– practical information for the practicing pharmacist” at Fall Back on CU for CE on Oct. 16.

2010 Don Blanton Award Recipient Mary Margaret Johnson, Pharm.D., MBA, MCSR, interim chair of Clinical Research, received the Don Blanton Award during the 2010 North Carolina Association of Pharmacists (NCAP) Annual Convention. The award is presented annually to the pharmacist who made the largest contribution to the advancement of pharmacy in North Carolina during the year. Johnson was recognized for her leadership with the North Carolina Pharmacist Immunization Training Program, certifying 600 pharmacist vaccinators in North Carolina to assist with the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign. Pictured left, Fred Eckel, executive director of NCAP, presents Mary Margaret Johnson with the 2010 Don Blanton Award.


Campbell Comments

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Alumni Events

Fall Back on CU for CE On Oct. 16, CPHS graduates gathered to earn six live credits of continuing education in Buies Creek. Topics included diabetes, emergency pharmacy preparedness and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Thank you to Phi Delta Chi for sponsoring a portion of this event.

CPHS Alumni Tailgate & Football Game Watch The alumni association hosted a tailgate and football game watch at Campbell University’s homecoming on Oct. 30. Alumni, faculty, staff and students enjoyed cheering on the Fighting Camels.

Angela Lewis, Pharm.D. ’94, and Susan Hester Smith, Pharm.D. ’95, reconnect during the event.

Dan Patriss, Pharm.D. '00, Janice Patriss, Pharm.D. '01, Amanda Greenwood Soles, Pharm.D. '02, Marydeth Judge, Pharm.D. '95, Jeff Pendergrass, Pharm.D. '90, and Andy Bowman, Pharm.D. '93

Gaylord meets a real camel.

CPHS Alumni Reception at NCAP The CPHS Alumni Association hosted a reception at the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Annual Convention on Oct. 25 in Durham at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center. Steve Kearney, Pharm.D. ’94 and president of the CPHS alumni association, speaks with 2012 student pharmacists Brock Bumpass and Amanda Chason.

Morgan Norris, Pharm.D. ’10, Jennifer Smith, Pharm.D. ’02, associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, and Emily Prohaska, CPHS resident, visit during the reception.

Crystal Dowless, Pharm.D. ’09, and Garrett Tolley show their CU pride at the tailgate.

Ron Maddox, vice president of Health Programs and dean of CPHS, spends time with Julianna Parrish, Pharm.D. ’97, at the game.



Donor Highlight

The Watts Way Dispensing medicine and advice for more than 50 years


et involved!” Jack Watts exclaimed to the student body at the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ (CPHS) 25th Convocation Ceremony this past August. “You are the future of pharmacy, don’t just sit back and let the state legislature change the profession for you.” Watts has shared this motivating message with Campbell pharmacy students since the inception of the school in 1985, attending all 25 convocation ceremonies and 21 graduation commencements on the platform, advocating for their leadership in the profession. “I believe in the young people that Campbell graduates,” he says explaining his commitment to attend the ceremonies for the past 25 years. “Pharmacy has been my life, I want to see it have a good future and the only way to advance our profession is through the next generation of pharmacists.” Speaking from experience, Watts has been a significant figure in the pharmacy profession throughout the state of North Carolina and a leader in his community for more than 50 years. Often comical during his speeches at CPHS, mentioning his hometown of Tabor City and reminding everyone that he attended “the real Carolina,” his dedication and passion for getting involved is displayed through his years of service. After graduating from the University of South Carolina in 1955, Watts worked as a sales representative at Eli Lilly and Company for 31 years before retiring. Although he stopped working, he did not give up his community involvement. Within the pharmacy profession, his short list of accomplishments includes serving as president of the North 8

Campbell Comments

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Carolina Pharmaceutical Association for two terms and being recognized as Pharmacist of the Year in 1986. He was an elected member of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy for 13 years. Watts was named South Carolina College of Pharmacy Man of the Year in 1982 and served as president of the South Carolina College of Pharmacy Alumni Association for 44 years. He has also served as president of the Alamance County Pharmaceutical Association. An advocate for education, Watts was a member of the Burlington City School Board for 28 years. He was also chairman of the Alamance-Burlington City School Board, president of the North Carolina School Boards Association, and a member of the Campbell University Board of Trustees for 20 years. Watts was instrumental in the establishment of the pharmacy program at Campbell, serving on the institution’s Founders Committee, and the Dean’s Board of Advisors for the past 24 years. He and his wife, Eloise, are committed donors to the college. This past year they supported the 25th Anniversary Campaign by increasing the amount of their endowed scholarship. “When I was in college, I needed help,” says Watts. “I had to work and go to school at the same time which wasn’t easy. I know the students at Campbell need financial assistance and I am glad to help them pursue their dreams of becoming pharmacists with our scholarship.” “Jack has made a tremendous impact on community pharmacy practice and the profession of pharmacy,” says Ronald Maddox, Pharm.D., dean of CPHS. “We are thankful for his continued participation at our college. He is a role model to our students and his message for active involvement inspires them to take on leadership roles.” Watts was recently in a pharmacy where the pharmacist recognized him because she was a Campbell graduate. She immediately came around the counter and hugged him. “She told me that she remembered what I said to her class, to get involved.” says Watts with a big smile on his face. “I appreciate her recognizing me. That makes it all worthwhile.”

Above: Watts while attending pharmacy school at the University of South Carolina. Left: Jack and Eloise Watts

25 most memorable moments at CPHS In no particular order, here are the next four of the college’s top 25 memories:


The Pharmacy Student Executive Board (PSEB) serves as the governing body for students at CPHS. Executive PSEB officers and student organization leaders attend monthly meetings to discuss student initiatives and determine funding requests for individuals involvement in regional and national meetings.


Dan Teat, Pharm.D., former assistant dean for Admissions, was one of the first faculty members hired at the School of Pharmacy. During his 16 year tenure, his outgoing personality left an impression on students as he encouraged them to strive academically for acceptance into the program. If he gave a student a nickname, it would stick with them past graduation.


The Top 300 Examination is completed every fall by P-3 students. Known for giving them anxiety when preparing for the exam, thoroughly learning common prescription medications has successfully trained students for their P-3 and P-4 years and the NAPLEX exam. Initially, the test was a top 200 exam with multiple choice questions. The “fill-in-the-blank” exam covering the top 300 drugs started around 1994.


The Drug Information Center (DIC) was established in 1988 under the direction of the late Connie McKenzie, former faculty member. Located in the Carrie Rich Memorial Library until June 2010, the DIC serves as a training site for Campbell pharmacy students. The DIC recently relocated with the University library to Wiggins Hall. Connie Barnes, Pharm.D. ’90, has served as the center’s director since 1992.

Dear alumni and friends, As the new Director of Development for the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS), allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rich Koepcke (cup-key) and I am excited to be a part of the Campbell family. I graduated from the University of South Carolina, yes the other Carolina, (BA Political Science/ Business Administration minor) and began my fundraising career in 2002. My arrival at Campbell comes after years of service as a fundraising consultant working with non-profit organizations in the strategy, management, and direction of capital campaigns. Originally from Charlotte, I moved to Charleston, SC in the late 1970’s, which seems so long ago now. While Buies Creek is new to me, this area of North Carolina is not. Angier was home to my great grandparents and I used to visit them often for family holidays. In fact, I still have extended family in the area, so in many ways this is kind of a family homecoming. And that is exactly what Campbell represents to me…family. So, I encourage you to remember your CPHS family this holiday season and please get involved. If you would like to consider making a gift or if you know someone who may be interested in supporting the college, please feel free to call me directly. Your support of CPHS will allow us to continue to attract the best students and faculty, and to produce outstanding graduates for years to come. I welcome an opportunity to work together for the benefit of the college and look forward to meeting you soon. With regards,

Rich Koepcke, Director of Development Office: 910-893-1837 Cell: 919-539-4088

Support the future of CPHS by making a gift today! Phone: (800) 760-9734 ext. 1837 Email: cphsdonations@campbell.edu



Student News

Operation Christmas Child

Are you smarter than a pharmacy student?

Faculty members Dr. Adams, Dr. Abraham, Dr. Steiner, Dr. Hall, Dr. Johnston and Dr. Lewis helped students prepare for finals by participating in a pharmacy review game.

Pharmacy students packed toys, schools supplies and other items into shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child on Nov. 10. More than 70 gifts were donated to Samaritan’s Purse to provide Christmas gifts to child in need.

NCAP Student Conference More than 25 Campbell pharmacy students attended the seventh annual North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Student Leaders Conference on Sept. 25 at First Health Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst. The conference assembled student leaders from all three pharmacy schools in North Carolina. Heidi Ecker, director of Government Affairs and Grassroots Programs at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, and Patti Manolakis, Pharm.D., independent consultant and president of PMM Consulting, discussed the importance of becoming knowledgeable, proactive, and involved in pharmacy issues. Following the presentations, an interactive discussion panel was held providing the opportunity for students to interact.


Campbell Comments

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CPHS students challenged faculty members in a pharmacy game night on Nov. 16. The event was coordinated by the Inter-Fraternal Council to review for final exams and raise money for all three fraternities. Student teams competed against each other in order to play the faculty during the final round. Although the students were competitive, the faculty were the top winners of the evening.

ISPE student chapter

The International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) chapter at CPHS was busy with a variety of events this semester. Monthly meetings featured Mark Yates from Pfizer, Tom Stanley from GSK, Nathan Reese from Novozymes, and a mock interview session with several industry professionals. Fundraising events included Krispy Kreme donut sales and a rice cook-off to benefit Relay for Life.

Leadership Lecture Series

First year pharmacy students Morgan Costner and Matthew Walker provide information about Meals on Wheels during the Community Service Fair.

Community Service Fair

First year pharmacy students displayed information about volunteer opportunities in the local area during the Community Service Fair on Nov. 17 at Maddox Hall. Following the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy guidelines, students are required to complete 80 hours of community service while in school (a minimum of 10 hours per year). Twenty of those hours are considered service learning projects, where specific pharmacy objectives are met while volunteering. To help students learn more about community services opportunities, P1’s researched and presented information about various service agencies during the annual fair.

Jim Beaty, Pharm.D. ’98, Carolyn Hey, President of PLS, and Drew Kessell, Pharm.D. ’07

Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) hosted a Leadership Lecture Series this fall, exposing students to the importance of leadership. Kaye Dunham, Pharm.D. ’03, spoke to the group in September and Jim Beaty, Pharm.D. ’98, and Drew Kessell, Pharm.D. ’07, gave a presentation in October. Two more lectures are scheduled for the spring semester.

CPHS Talent Show

Recognitions Cho Christine and Emily Caveness, both 2011 student pharmacists, presented a poster titled, “Prescribing trends of intermediate and longacting insulins from 2002 to 2007” in December at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. The poster was prepared with Wesley Rich, Ph.D. assistant professor of Clinical Research, and Melissa Holland, Pharm.D., assistant professor of Clinical Research. Class of 2010 MSCR graduates, Kelly Ewing, Laurie Powers, and Lindsay McGill, presented a poster at the Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting in October at San Diego, Calif. titled, "The association of serum vitamin C with obesity in a pediatric population." Marie Davies, 2012 student pharmacist, was selected as a recipient of the 2010 RXportfolios National Achievement Award. The award criteria consisted of content, quality of writing and overall achievements professionally displayed within an individual’s electronic RXportfolio. Davies’ portfolio was selected from more than 9,000 entries by a committee of pharmacy industry professionals.

Kappa Psi brothers dance for charity during the Talent Show at CPHS.

CPHS hosted a talent show on Oct. 20 raising almost $1,700 to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Carter Long, 2013 student pharmacist, and Brent Darden, 2012 student pharmacist, received first place for their Kung Fu Hillbilly impersonation and second place was awarded to Noma Mouna, 2012 student pharmacist, who sang, "I Could Have Danced all Night." cphsalumni.campbell.edu


Alumni Focus

Leap of Faith Jimmie Pope, Pharm.D. ’93, and his family are serving their first term as missionaries in Kenya, meeting the spiritual and medical needs of impoverished children.


he airplane continued its steady descent over Kenya as it advanced toward the runway lights of the Nairobi airport. Abruptly the plane’s wheels touched ground and the passengers were pulled forward in their seats as the aircraft tugged to a stop. Surprisingly, Jimmie Pope, Pharm.D. ’93, felt a sense of calmness flow through his body. He and his family finally made it. They were moving half way across the world to live and work as missionaries in Kenya. Five years earlier, Jimmie’s wife, Angie, told him that she felt a calling from God for their family to move to Africa for missions work. Jimmie sat on the end of the bed with his jaw dropped as he listened to her. After three months of continuous prayer, Jimmie felt the Lord laying the same call on his heart that Angie shared with him. Without any previous experience in missions work, Jimmie, Angie and their four children began preparing for their move to Africa. Since arriving in Kenya in 2006, the Pope family has been actively involved in children’s ministries, medical clinics and a child support and feeding program organized by People to People Ministries. “More than 65% of children in Kenya are orphans or live without an operational or functional mother and father,” says Jimmie. “This is why the majority of our time is focused on helping impoverished children both spiritually and physically.” Jimmie and Angie serve as regional coordinators for People to People Ministries. They are responsible for dispersing the money raised through the program to provide food and other basic needs for sponsored children in Eastern Africa. When they arrived, 80 children were receiving help through the ministry; the program has now grown to support more than 400 children. “We work closely with each child to discover their personal needs,” says Jimmie. “We buy food for them or deliver blankets to their house. If a child needs assistance with school, we have a national worker that goes into the school system and pays the enrollment fee so the child can attend classes.” Angie is an elementary school chaplain at Rosslyn Academy, located in Nairobi, where she also teaches a Christian character


Campbell Comments

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traits class. On Sundays, she ministers at the Hosanna Children’s Home leading children’s ministry and Sunday school teacher’s training seminars. Jimmie focuses on the People to People program and practices pharmacy in the community. He has earned the nickname “Doc Pope” because many of the locals come to him for medical advice. He volunteers at hospitals as a consultant and visits pharmacies to learn more about the culture and how medicine is practiced in Kenya. He coordinates mobile clinics with medical mission teams from the United States and serves as a preceptor for Campbell University student pharmacists, providing a unique opportunity for clinical training in a third world country. The Popes also organize children’s ministry and mobile clinic trips. They offer this type of outreach as often as possible, but because of limited resources, it usually occurs on a quarterly basis. When mission teams and pharmacy students come to Kenya, this type of outreach is planned for groups to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide medical help in rural villages. Typically the ministry is held three to four days at a time. The team packs tables, chairs, medical supplies and ministry materials into a trailer and travels to a village. The ministry is always organized through a local church to strengthen the team’s outreach to the rural community. The children’s ministry is held the first few days and then the mobile clinic is set-up for the remainder of the time. They usually have 35 to 135 people come through the clinic each day, the largest clinic to date assisted 700 people in one day. The clinic is organized into separate triage, clinical and pharmacy areas. Starting in triage, patients have their temperature and blood pressure measured and the interpreter asks for their chief complaint in Swahili. When Campbell students are on rotation with the team, they interact with the patients in the clinical area. “This is a really great experience for students,” says Jimmie. “They don’t have a lot of practice using their clinical training so this is an opportunity to teach them how to look through the patient’s history and examine

Jimmie and his wife Angie with their children Taylor (19), Gabriel (15), Logan (12), MaKayla (11), Alex Benjamin (4) and Makena Ruth (2)

Above: Pharmacy students assist Angie with the children’s ministry at the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. Left: April Procita, Pharm.D. ’09, helps one of the patients at a mobile clinic.

all aspects of their health in order to find the best treatment.” During their first clinic Jimmie can usually see the students’ apprehension on their faces, “One student even said to me, I have never done this before, and I don’t think I can do this.” He told her to just start asking questions. A common complaint in the Kenyan culture is, “my blood is boiling.” The interpreter doesn’t understand how to explain what the patient actually means in English so he will continue to repeat the confusing message to the student. Then it clicks, the patient has a fever. After more questions, the student finds out the patient has a huge gash on her leg hidden under her dress. The student will disinfect and bandage the wound, select a pre-packaged medication from the supplies and instruct her on how to take the drug. During the rotation, Jimmie will coordinate three to five trips for the students to get hands-on experience with both the clinic and children’s ministry. Students help prepare for the clinics by prepackaging medicine. They tour local hospitals and pharmacies to gain exposure to the cultural differences. Students also take a few days to visit a safari and other tourism sites in the area. “We try to give students an experience they will never forget,” says Jimmie. “When they arrive, I always tell them they will either love it or hate it and the majority of students want to come back.” The Popes have hosted three groups from Campbell, a total of ten students since 2007. The rotation was prompted by the college’s Pharmacy Christian Missions elective which explores the planning, preparation and execution of short term medical mission trips. Students who complete the elective are encouraged to travel abroad on rotation to a third world country to experience what they’ve learned firsthand. “When I was contacted by Campbell to serve as a preceptor, I was very honored,” says Jimmie. “It is a privilege for me and my family to share our experiences in Kenya with students and expose them to both our medical and spiritual ministries.” The Popes will finish their first term as missionaries in May 2011. They have experienced both joy and heartache in Kenya but fully believe God has guided every step of their path.

The family’s next term will begin in September 2011. Their oldest daughter Taylor (19), who started her first year of college at Campbell University this fall, will remain in North Carolina for school. The rest of the family will return to Africa after a three month furlough over the summer. This includes Gabriel (15), Logan (12), MaKayla (11), Alex Benjamin (4) and Makena Ruth (2). Jimmie will focus on a new medical project during the next term, establishing permanent clinics. The idea is to teach the rural communities how to make the sites self-sufficient. After a training period, the locals will understand how to charge for the medications and use the profit to purchase more drugs. Once a working model is established, his goal is to set-up five to 10 clinics within the next 10 years. This would not only benefit the communities but he would use the clinics as rotation sites for students. “I am thankful to Campbell for the opportunity to train students not only in pharmacy but also in the spiritual side of our ministry,” says Jimmie. “I hope it continues to happen and that we always have a place for them.”

Jimmie cares for a local child, Joseph, who suffered from an enlarged heart.



Message from the CPHS Alumni President

As hard as it is to believe, another year is coming to an end. During this time, we usually reflect on the past 12 months and plan for the next. Often when I think of the past year, I realize how fortunate I am to be able to serve others in the profession of pharmacy and I hope you are grateful for this too. The basis of our service and the skills we acquired are a result of the exceptional education we received at Campbell. I hope will you take the time, in the next few weeks, to think about what that means to you and to let us know how we can serve you as YOUR Alumni Association. Thanks for all you do and for the many lives you change every day! I want to extend my welcome from the Alumni Association to Rich Koepcke, the new Director of Development. He has extensive experience with fundraising and campaign leadership and he will be a great asset in helping the college complete the 25th Anniversary Campaign. By the way, contributing to the campaign is an excellent opportunity to support the future of CPHS. Your donation also provides you with a last minute tax deduction. For more information, visit our website at www.cphsalumni.campbell.edu or if you would like to contact Rich directly, feel free to send him an email at richk@campbell.edu. This past semester, I had the opportunity to speak to the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA). What a great group of student leaders. We discussed networking and the opportunities the pharmacy

profession has to offer. We also talked about the tremendous resource that we have in connecting with Campbell alumni. I encouraged the students to reach out to alumni to network and gain from our experiences. My discussion with PASA really parallels our new tag line: Connect. Support. Belong. I hope all of you find a way to Connect and Support the growth of our students so they feel like they Belong to the Campbell family and their profession. I hope you will take the opportunity to connect with your alma mater by attending an alumni event this spring. The association is hosting a basketball game watch on Saturday, January 22. To register online or find details regarding other events, visit www.cphsalumni. campbell.edu. Finally, I would like to bring your attention to a great way to recognize a fellow alumnus and let them know that we are proud they Belong to the Campbell family. We are accepting nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award through January 14. CPHS graduates are doing exceptional work and we want to celebrate their accomplishments. Nominations forms are available on our website. We look forward to announcing the recipient during the college’s graduation in May. Have a great holiday season and I look forward to unimaginable possibilities in the new year. I encourage you all to connect, support and belong.

Stephen E. Kearney, Jr., PharmD ’94 President, Alumni Association Board of Directors Connect. Support. Belong.


Campbell Comments

winter 2010

Campbell Comments is published four times a year for alumni, students and friends of Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) under the direction of the Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement. Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D. Vice President of Health Programs Dean of CPHS Stephen E. Kearney, Pharm.D. ’94 President, Alumni Association Board of Directors Andrea J. Pratt Editor and Designer, Campbell Comments Director of Communications Jessica I. Joyner Director of Alumni Relations Rich K. Koepcke Director of Development

Class Notes

Baby Camels


Corey Goodwin, Pharm.D. ’04, and Megan Goodwin, Pharm.D. ’05, are the proud parents of Caroline Grace, born July 26, 2010. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Katherine Serzan, Pharm.D. ’10, and Mark Copeland, Pharm.D., were married on May 1, 2010. The couple resides in Elizabeth City, N.C.

Melinda Cashion Childress, Pharm.D. ’05, and her husband John, welcomed a new addition to their family, Addison Makayla on Aug. 3, 2010. Addison weighed 6 pounds and was 19.1 inches long.

Jeff Stokes and Ginger Watlington, class of 2010 doctor of pharmacy graduates, were married on Sept. 25, 2010 and now reside in Mocksville, N.C.

In Memoriam Laura Casteel, Pharm.D. ’04, passed away at her home in Roanoke, Va. on Nov. 6, 2010.


Ethan Lee Isley

Lee and Kelly Isley, class of 2006 doctor of pharmacy graduates, announce the birth of their son, Ethan Lee on Aug. 24, 2010. Ethan weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces and was 22 inches long. Leslie Williamson Myers, Pharm.D. ’08, and her husband Chad, are the proud parents of a baby boy. Nolan Wayne was born on Nov. 3, 2010. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 inches long.

Andy Bowman, Pharm.D. ’93, has been elected to serve as chairman of the Board of Directors at Cape Fear Christian Academy in Erwin, N.C. for the 2010-2011 academic year. He was a board member during 20092010. Neal O’Neal, Pharm.D. ’96, was appointed to the Campbell University Presidential Board of Advisors. Susan Miller, Pharm.D. ’98, was elected as a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. She was inducted at a special ceremony in October.

Faith Jones, Pharm.D. ’03, was named Walmart Regional Pharmacist of the Year for her exceptional service and leadership. Faith currently works at Walmart in the Raleigh area. Kristy Liddic Weise, Pharm.D. ’03, received the CVS Paragon Award for both her district and region. The award is the highest honor an employee can receive in the organization and is based on professionalism and dedication to the mission of CVS and patient care. Ashley Branham, Pharm.D. ’08, was recognized as one of Pharmacy Times’ Rising Stars of the Year for her work advancing the role of the pharmacist in her Concord, N.C. community. Monica Sandoval, Pharm.D. ’08, received the CVS Paragon Award for District 1. The award is the highest honor an employee can receive in the organization and is based on professionalism and dedication to the mission of CVS and patient care. The North Carolina Board of Pharmacy presented an honorary pharmacist license to the family of the late Brian Rodgers on Nov. 16. Rodgers was a 2010 doctor of pharmacy graduate who passed away in September after a battle with Leukemia.

Connect. Support. Belong. Join Today. A LU M NI

Join the Alumni Association or renew your annual membership online today by visiting www.cphsalumni.campbell.edu. Your commitment to the college makes a difference!

ASSOCIATION cphsalumni.campbell.edu


Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506

Upcoming Alumni Association Events

For more details visit www.cphsalumni.campbell.edu

JANUARY Distinguished Alumni Award Deadline January 14, 2011 Nomination forms available online.

CU Basketball Game Watch CU vs. Stetson University January 22, 2011 3:15 p.m. John W. Pope, Jr. Convocation Center Buies Creek, NC

APRIL 10th Annual Pharmacy Alumni & Friends Golf Classic April 15, 2011 Keith Hills Country Club Buies Creek, NC

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