The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

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The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

2007-2008 Annual Report

Campbell University Administration Dr. Jerry M. Wallace Dr. M. Dwaine Greene Mr. James O. Roberts Dr. Dennis N. Bazemore Dr. Jack Britt Dr. John T. Roberson

President Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Vice President, Business and Treasurer Vice President, Student Life Vice President, Institutional Advancement Vice President, Marketing and Planning

School of Pharmacy Administration Dr. Ronald W. Maddox Dr. Robert B. Greenwood Dr. W. Mark Moore Mrs. Jodi S. Peeler Dr. Larry N. Swanson Dr. Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr. Dr. J. Rick Turner

Dean Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Admissions Assistant Dean, External Relations Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair, Department of Clinical Research

Mission Statement Campbell University School of Pharmacy was established in 1986 as the first new school of pharmacy to open in the United States since 1951. The primary mission of Campbell University School of Pharmacy is: To educate students in a Christian environment to become pharmacists or pharmacy-related professionals who will meet existing and future health care needs and who will provide leadership to their profession and to organizations that represent pharmacy.


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

“It is the people behind Campbell University School of Pharmacy—our motivated students, talented faculty, preceptors and staff, devoted alumni, dedicated volunteers, and generous donors—who help to make the school a vibrant and successful organization.” -Dean Ronald W. Maddox

Table of Contents 4 6 8 14 24 28 32 36 40

2007-2008 Annual Report

Message from the Dean Dean’s Board of Advisors Academic Programs Admissions and Student Affairs New Building Update Alumni Relations Diversity Initiative Faculty & Administrative Departments Honor Roll of Donors


MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN “It is the people behind Campbell University School of Pharmacy—our motivated students, talented faculty, preceptors and staff, devoted alumni, dedicated volunteers, and generous donors—who help to make the school a vibrant and successful organization.” Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D. Dean and Professor

I invite you to share in the success of Campbell

appreciation to The Pharmacy Network Foundation,

University School of Pharmacy’s remarkable twenty-

Inc. for naming the new building in my honor. My

second year since its inception in 1986. As you read

hope is that Maddox Hall can serve as a vehicle to

through the following pages, I hope you will see our

help the School of Pharmacy sustain its foundation of

achievements collected throughout this report are

excellence in providing students with an exceptional

a result of who we are, as well as what we do. It is

Christian education.

the people behind Campbell University School of

the institution, we generate the ideas and energy

preceptors and staff, devoted alumni, dedicated

which continue to propel the School of Pharmacy and

volunteers, and generous donors—who help to make

the development of pharmacy education forward.

the school a vibrant and successful organization. This

Therefore, it is most appropriate the theme of this

report showcases the individuals who are connected

year’s annual report recognize the culmination of

to the institution and more importantly celebrates the

commitment many of you share with our school.

bond built from these relationships which serve as

The faces included in this report merely represent a

the foundation for our appreciation of the School of

small fraction of the diverse group who compose the

Pharmacy. Many of our relationships would not exist

framework of our pharmacy program. In appreciation

without one important factor, Campbell University.

for believing in our program, I wish to demonstrate

This past year has been remarkable because of the


Drawing on our collective talents and loyalty to

Pharmacy—our motivated students, talented faculty,

to you that we are working harder than ever, with the

passion of those who stand behind the school. The

help of your efforts, to advance the school’s mission.

school’s 98% top ranking on first-time performance

This commitment is demonstrated by fostering

on national board exams would not have been

leadership, advancing knowledge, promoting

maintained without the commitment of our faculty,

virtue and embracing change. We actively seek

preceptors and staff and the determination of our

students who best personify our core values of

graduates. Without this dedication, the doors to

integrity, caring, excellence, learning and service.

Maddox Hall would not have opened in the fall of 2007

We take great pride in sustaining a high quality and

to educate the next generation of compassionate,

progressive curriculum to meet the expanding needs

well-trained Campbell pharmacists. Certainly, at this

of our students. The school focuses on providing

point, I would be amiss not to express my sincere

outstanding learning experiences to our students

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

in research opportunities, clinical experiences and service learning. Thus, the themes of service to others and finding God in all things are inherent in each of our programs. The faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy illustrate innovation, professionalism, ethical behavior, leadership and scholarship; encourage diversity of both faculty and students; and support the varied needs of student learners, preparing them for the continuance of life-long education. I trust in the faces we share with you today, but more importantly I believe in the faces of tomorrow—our future, our students. On behalf of the School of Pharmacy, I thank you for your ongoing support that has helped make this past year possible. With sincere appreciation,

Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D. Dean and Professor Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Dean’s Board of Advisors


“Communication is good medicine. Serving on the Dean’s Board of Advisors provides a communication forum to understand the direction of Campbell University School of Pharmacy and also to keep the school informed of those issues and trends affecting the practicing community. Health care is on the verge of some fundamental changes. Pharmacists and pharmaceuticals have the potential of playing an important role in those changes. Schools of pharmacy need to prepare pharmacy professionals to immediately plug into those roles and responsibilities.” Mark J. Gregory, R.Ph. Member, Dean’s Board of Advisors


David C. Catalano, R.Ph., Walgreens

W. Whitaker Moose, Sr., R.Ph., D.Sc., Moose Drugs

Allison Clippard Cobb, Pharm.D. ’92, FamilyMed Pharmacy

Michael Nnadi, M.H.S., Pharm.D., Novant Health

Stephen Dedrick, R.Ph., M.S., D.Sc., Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Edith A. Rosato, R.Ph., NACDS Foundation

Stephen W. Greene, R.Ph., CVS/pharmacy

Jay D. Schwartz, R.Ph., GlaxoSmithKline

Mark J. Gregory, R.Ph., Kerr Drug

Henry L. Smith, R.Ph., Carolina Medical Products

H. Lamar Hardman, R.Ph., Harris Teeter, Inc.

Ronald E. Smith, Jr., Pharm.D. ’98, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC

Ed Herring, Jr., Pharm.D. ’95, Medical Village Pharmacy

Ben Thankachan, R.Ph., Wal-Mart

D.C. Huffman, Jr., Ph.D., American College of Apothecaries

Wesley V.A. Waters, III, Pharm.D. ’02, Sam’s Drugstore of Lumberton

Jimmy S. Jackson, R.Ph., Spoke Consulting, Inc.

Jack G. Watts, R.Ph., D.Sc., Campbell University Trustee

Mark Lloyd, Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Bill Whigham, Pharm.D., Accredo Health Group

E. Lazelle Marks, R.Ph., Medical Center Pharmacy

Josiah R. Whitehead, D.Sc., M.B.A., Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Clement E. Medley, First Federal Bank

Beth Williams, Pharm.D., Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Vice President of Pharmacy and Government Relations, Kerr Drug

A Glance at 2007-2008 Admissions: Class of 2012 • •

2,442 applicants, 108 accepted into the class of 2012 66% in state, 33% out of state, 1% international

Class of 2008 • •

91 doctor of pharmacy students graduated in May 2008 Areas of employment: 50% retail, 20% residency, 15% hospital, 6% independent, 9% other

Maddox Hall • •

New building was dedicated on October 3, 2007 42,000 square-feet of teaching space plus new classrooms, breakout rooms, a conference room, faculty offices, and laboratories

Pharmacy Readiness and Enrichment Program (PREP) • • •

Held 3rd PREP on campus in May 2008 Participation increased to 56 students To date: 26 participants applied to pharmacy school, 4 were accepted

Scholarships • • • •

The 2008 doctor of pharmacy class created an endowed scholarship pledging more than $28,000 as their class gift. Increased direct aid scholarship monies given to students by nearly $30,000 Nearly $20,000 increased endowed scholarship monies awarded to students Approximately 40% of the school’s student body received a scholarship which assisted with their tuition.

Drs. Maddox, Moore, and Taylor received a $306,549 grant from the U.S. Department of Education and a $275,000 grant from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services for the advancement of underrepresented minority pharmacists. Drs. Shin and Fetterman received a $225,000 equipment grant from the NC Biotechnology Center. Drs. Swanson and Steiner received a $27,526 grant from the Community Pharmacy Foundation to implement “A Collaboration of Community Pharmacists with School Nurses to Improve the Care of Students with Diabetes.” In recognition of his research, Dr. Timothy Bloom received a $125,000 National Institute of Health grant.


• • •

Faculty • • • • • •

The School of Pharmacy’s Experiential Training Program was enhanced by the addition of Dr. Amber Peoples at the Glenaire Continuing Care Retirement Community in Cary, N.C. Dr. James Boyd entered into an agreement to provide financial analysis services to a group of independent pharmacists associated with the National Community Pharmacists Association. Dr. Steve Fuller received the 2008 Distinguished Pharmacy Alumnus Award from the Pharmacy Division of the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Penny Shelton was elected president of the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists. Dr. Rick Turner published two books New Product Development: Design, Methodology, and Analysis and Introduction to Statistics in Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials. Dr. Wendy Stough authored six articles in leading referred medical journals.

Programming • •

Beginning with the first year of pharmacy school, service learning is being integrated into the school’s curriculum. The school entered into an agreement with Winston-Salem State University to teach pharmacology to their graduate nursing students.

Employee Giving Campaign • •

Increased School of Pharmacy faculty/staff giving from 69% last year to 76% this year Increased 7% of overall faculty/staff contributions to Campbell University

Alumni Association • •

Contributed more than $250,000 to name the student commons area, located inside Maddox Hall, in honor of Mrs. Betty Wallace The annual Alumni & Friends Golf Classic raised more than $15,000 to benefit scholarships and additional building needs.

Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA) • •

Launched in January 2008 as the first student alumni association at Campbell University Membership includes 30% of the on-campus pharmacy student body

Academic Programs



“Having studied political science as an undergraduate, my time in Washington really enlightened me about the inner workings of a congressional office. I enjoyed the experience of answering constituent mail concerning health care issues, meeting with constituents and health care organizations about upcoming health related bills, and communicating to Congressman Bob Etheridge’s assistants about the value of clinical pharmacist practitioners in North Carolina as well as electronic prescribing. I intend to transition into an administrative position during my professional career, where I’m confident my time and experience in Washington will prove to be invaluable.” Jonathan Dubyk, Pharm.D. ’08 Intern, Congressman Bob Etheridge’s Office “While working to garner support in Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s office for a bill that would increase reimbursement rates for North Carolina clinical pharmacist practitioners, it was so encouraging to see both the fervor North Carolina pharmacists have From left, Jonathan Dubyk, Pharm.D. ’08 and Ryan Swanson, Pharm.D. ’08, completed a two month legislative rotation working with congressional representatives from North Carolina.

The Positive Snowball Effect of Mentoring

for their profession and the readiness with which they responded. When pharmacists heard about the need for support on this bill, they didn’t hesitate to flood our office to express their desire to see this bill

Junior faculty members, Dr. Melanie Pound and Dr. Mary Townsend, both assistant

passed. As someone who will have the privilege of

professors in Pharmacy Practice, have taken on careers in the demanding academic

representing these pharmacists next year while com-

environment at the School of Pharmacy. Although overwhelming at times, both

pleting a one-year executive residency with the North

Pound and Townsend have settled into their positions with the support and

Carolina Association of Pharmacists, it is exciting to

guidance of Dr. Richard Drew, professor of Pharmacy Practice, and Dr. Byron May,

think of what we will be able to accomplish.”

associate professor of Pharmacy Practice. Drew and May are serving as their mentors to help them achieve their goals and realize success sooner than they may have on their own. Their mentoring relationships began when Pound and Townsend completed the Specialty Residency in Adult Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases with an emphasis on Academic Training sponsored by Campbell University School of Pharmacy and the Division of Infectious Disease at Duke University Medical Center and Health System under the co-directorship of Drew and May. “It is a real honor to be able to give back by helping younger faculty,” says May, who received the 2003 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. “I try to share as 8

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Ryan Swanson, Pharm.D. ’08 Intern, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s Office

much as I can from my own experiences and those of my mentors

During the past two years Townsend has tried to think of creative

who have helped make it possible for me to remain at Campbell,

ways to encourage fourth year students on her rotation to become

teaching for almost 20 years. Continuing to work with Mary and

more involved and include them in her research. “I feel like it is

Melanie as faculty members in any way I can and witnessing their

time to give back to the program that I benefited from. Occasionally

success is just icing on the cake.”

we have students who have a slight interest in becoming a faculty

“It is important that you have someone who is willing to look out

member but they just need to be pushed in the right direction. It

for you as a mentor and help you grow as a person,” says Townsend.

is really important and fulfilling to me to be a faculty member who

“I can’t imagine going straight from a residency into a teaching

takes an interest in students and encourages them by explaining this

position without that support, it would be overwhelming in the

is something they can do,” she says. “This past year, I had a student

sense that you feel like you don’t have all the tools needed to do the

help me write one of the papers on HIV drug interactions. I think it

job the way that it should be done.”

was beneficial for him because it helped him realize how much work

The advice and support of knowledgeable mentors can be important to faculty members during the beginning of their profession. Those fortunate enough to have a mentor often enjoy

goes into a research article and he was also able to include the work on his CV.” “Mary just told you that she has learned how to be a mentor,” says

success earlier in their career. Pound and Townsend are ideal

Drew. “She has now turned it around and has created opportunities

examples of this positive influence accelerating their production of

that benefit her students. She basically explained what mentorship

work in pharmacy and medical literature.

is and she has obviously become one.”

Both Pound and Townsend have had excellent years in research

Pound agrees with Townsend’s thoughts on helping students,

and other scholarly activity production with each of them refereeing

“The hospital where I practice just acquired its first resident this

seven articles that were published this past year in addition to their

year and I was asked to serve on her research committee. Although I

teaching and patient care assignments. Much of this output can

never thought I would be on a research committee, it was great to be

be attributed to the excellent mentoring work of Drew, with two of

involved with her work,” she says.

these articles being co-authored by all three faculty members. “These ladies have a special skill set,” explains Drew, who is a

May mentioned a quote that he had recently seen in an article, “Like learning, mentoring is a lifelong process; and if successful, the

nationally recognized expert in infectious disease pharmacotherapy

process will eventually come full circle.” He feels this cycle of mentor

with more than 60 refereed publications and the recipient of the

– mentee – mentor is essential for academic pharmacy practice. “At

2008 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research. “First of all they have

least at Campbell I believe we are seeing this transition first hand as

been trained in infectious diseases and second, they have been tried

our current/former mentees are developing into the future mentors

and true in terms of their writing ability which is not an assumed

of tomorrow,” he says.

skill. Trying to make three voices sound like one is a real difficult

“Mary and Melanie have learned how to extend their collaborative

thing to do, regardless of how scientific the article is, you still have

relationships,” says Drew. “I think this is a snowball effect. In the

three different voices and three writing styles and ultimately it has

future, Mary and Melanie will turn it around and be identified as

to read as though one person wrote it. I think we’re able to do this

faculty mentors to people who are coming on as faculty fresh out of

because we have an established working relationship.”

school because now they know the system. I see this process as a

Pound admits she wasn’t always interested in working with

snowball effect, and in this case the snowball effect is good.”

scholarly activities, “When I used to think of research, it was a very scary thing. Richard has taught me that even small studies may not be life changing but they still have an impact in the profession.” “It was something that I was uncertain about as well, until working at Duke and seeing what a lot of the pharmacists are doing in research,” explains Townsend. “It was very impressive and it made me want to be involved.” As a junior faculty member, taking the first step to becoming a recognized expert in a specialized area can be difficult without the and is asked to write papers,” says Townsend. “I feel it was an honor that he would ask us to be involved and have the opportunity to be exposed.” “I agree,” remarks Pound. “Richard is always looking out for us when writing opportunities become available and he always tries to help us, where the opportunities may not be accessible otherwise.”

From left, Drs. Richard Drew, Mary Townsend and Melanie Pound discuss their article on tigecycline.

2007-2008 Annual Report

help of an experienced professional. “Richard has the connections


Academic Programs

Clinical Research


“The master’s of science in clinical research degree program at Campbell University School of Pharmacy has been ideal for me; industry focused and conveniently located near the Research Triangle Park (RTP) on the Campbell RTP campus in Morrisville, N.C. It has proved to be invaluable in my transition from clinical medicine to clinical research.” Richard Oh, M.D., 2009 MSCR Candidate Senior Director of Medical and Scientific Services, Quintiles Global CRO

Turner Contributes to the School of Pharmacy through his Passion for Writing Serving as chair of the Clinical Research Department

for me my writing and teaching are inextricably linked together, both of them complementarily and synergistically feed off each other.” Turner and Durham are working on the final

at Campbell University School of Pharmacy, Dr. J. Rick

stages of their current book titled, Integrated Cardiac

Turner has taken on a unique role in the program

Safety: Assessment Methodologies for Noncardiac

by not only providing his leadership and teaching

Drugs in Discovery, Development, and Postmarketing

expertise but also through his interest in writing.

Surveillance, scheduled to be published in November

As evidence of this enthusiasm, Turner has published three books in the last three years. The

2008 by John Wiley & Sons. This book addresses the serious nature of

curriculum in the Clinical Research Department

cardiovascular adverse drug reactions that make

currently employs two of these books as teaching

the assessment of a drug’s cardiac safety profile a

materials plus an additional book written by Turner

high priority during both development and post-

prior to his time at Campbell. One of the books

approval monitoring. Integrated Cardiac Safety

represents joint scholarship between faculty in the

provides necessary guidance and methodology

department, being co-authored with Todd Durham,

for professionals assessing cardiac safety of drugs

adjunct professor at the School of Pharmacy. This

throughout all stages of the drug’s life: from discovery

book is currently the textbook for the Experimental

and development through postmarketing research.

Design and Biostatistics course in the master’s program. “What this actually does for me is it combines two

After reviewing the pre-publication, Peter Pitts, president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest and former associate commissioner at the

things I really enjoy, one is writing and the other is

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), remarked, “At

teaching,” says Turner. “My writing helps me become a

a moment in health care history when public policy

better teacher because of all the information I acquire

and the practice of medicine are on a collision course

through the research needed to complete a book and

and meta-analysis madness threatens to derail 21st

teaching helps me write because a lot of students

century drug development, Turner and Durham strive

will ask questions that I haven’t thought about, so

to return us to the right path, the critical path, brightly lit by practical advice and sound science. This is a


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

timely and important book.”

program tripled, growing from 12 to 36 graduates.

As a hot topic in drug development and drug

The department provides live broadcast media

therapy, Turner plans to develop a proposal for an

between the Research Triangle Park and Buies Creek

integrated cardiac safety elective in the doctor of

campuses through the LEARN Technology Center.

pharmacy program at the School of Pharmacy. This

Core courses are recorded and maintained as a DVD

subject is not currently available in the elective

lending library for students to check out and review.

coursework and would provide students with a

Bob Schmid, assistant professor, and Adam Tate,

detailed understanding of cardiac adverse drug

broadcast technician, have excelled in successfully


coordinating this program.

Turner’s contribution through his writing does not

Schmid and Tate have completed an extensive

stop there; as a result of his research for his current

investigation of online media-capture systems

book, he has been invited to participate in the Cardiac

concluding that the Accordent Technologies system

Safety Research Consortium, a national organization

will be the most cost effective and educationally

sponsored by the FDA, Duke University Clinical

robust platform to advance the distance education

Research Institute, and numerous pharmaceutical

needs for the School of Pharmacy. They have

companies. The purpose of the consortium is to bring

submitted a federal grant requesting primary funding

together experts from government, academia, and

to support the transition from the school’s current

pharmaceutical sponsors to address cardiac safety,

operational system to make this the standard platform

one of the most important topics in contemporary

for all the pharmacy programs at Campbell.

drug development and drug therapy. In addition, Turner’s scholarship and writing

Turner is appreciative of the faculty, staff and adjunct professors who have helped make the 2007-

enables him to provide presentations in the area

2008 academic year a success for the Clinical Research

of cardiac safety. He has been invited to speak at

Department. The majority of professors who teach

numerous national and international conferences and

in the curriculum are individuals from the industry

meetings throughout the year. The connections made

and the program benefits from their expertise in the

during these events helps to raise visibility of the

pharmaceutical world.

School of Pharmacy at Campbell as well as allow him the opportunity to meet leaders in the industry. “As a result of my writing and lectures on cardiac safety, I have been able to expand the school’s horizons. I have also met some key individuals in the pharmaceutical field including representatives from the FDA and Health Canada,” says Turner. “This interaction has enhanced my understanding of up-todate issues in the profession, enabling me to provide students with pertinent information.” Turner has invited several guest speakers from world leading Research Department at Campbell offering students invaluable experiences. Throughout the past year, the Clinical Research Department has seen a dramatic increase in the enrollment of students in the bachelor’s degree program. The number of students graduating in the

Dr. Turner lectures at the Campbell University Research Triangle Park campus.

2007-2008 Annual Report

research organizations to lecture in the Clinical


Academic Programs

Pharmaceutical Sciences


“The pharmaceutical sciences program has been very challenging, but in the end it was worth the hard work. I now realize each class served a purpose to provide me with the knowledge needed for a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry. Completing my internship at Gilead has been very rewarding; I feel like I am contributing to a lengthy process with many steps and people involved, but through that one contributing step I am helping to place a drug into the market. By analyzing the compound of interest in the body, we are helping determine the safety and efficacy of a drug. I have completed a degree that I couldn’t be From left, Keshia Jones, Catalent Human Resources, Mallorie Sanders, BSPS ’08, and Dr. Tom Holmes, director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs. Sanders receives the Mark D. Davison Memorial Cardinal Healthcare Scholarship.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute qualifies as a GMP Manufacturing Facility The Campbell University Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute (CUPSI) recently qualified for the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements regulated through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. With CUPSI’s dedication dating back to November 2001, the qualification process has been a lengthy progression taken in small steps that could have only been accelerated by significant monetary investment. Dr. William Stagner, director of CUPSI and professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Dr. Mali Gupta, associate director of CUSPI and associate professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, were hired in 2005 to initiate the qualification of the institute. When they arrived at Campbell the process was already underway as some of the standard operating procedures were written, so they began in earnest to qualify the 7,000 square-foot pharmacy research facility and building systems which house CUPSI. To date, two out of three areas in the facility have qualified for GMP compliance, opening a floodgate of opportunity for CUPSI. Organized like a small company in order to maintain GMP regulations, CUPSI has three areas in the facility including several laboratory suites and two GMP areas broken down into sterile and non-sterile sections, with the laboratory suites and non-sterile area being qualified for GMP. “Being qualified allows us to make clinical supplies for human clinical studies which means at CUPSI we are now able to make oral liquids, tablets and capsules and topical creams and ointments,” says Stagner. Over the past three years, the institute’s services have been promoted to various 12

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

more proud of and feel blessed to have studied under the late Dr. Fetterman, assistant professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, during my time at Campbell. He definitely made a big impact on my life and I am grateful to have had the privilege to endure his classes. Although difficult at the time, the coursework has been beneficial during my internship. He will be greatly missed by the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department.” Mallorie Sanders, BSPS ’08 Recipient, Mark D. Davison Memorial Cardinal Healthcare Scholarship

organizations which are now paying off. The recent qualification

capsules and topical preparations such as creams, ointments,

of the non-sterile area has increased CUPSI’s capabilities and three

liposome and sterile products. Projects are also assigned to teach

proposals for clinical supplies have been signed this year with

students how to formulate various dosage forms with specific

additional projects in the discussion phase. These projects mark a

product attributes.

huge milestone for the School of Pharmacy because the first clinical

Shadow programs have been implemented for the doctor of

materials were made at CUPSI during the completion of these jobs in

pharmacy program at the institute as well as internships for the

the fall of 2008.

BSPS students. The facility is open for tours during summer camps

In addition to the GMP side, the non-GMP area is also utilized in the institute. Non-GMP, in other words, does not have the documentation associated with the manufacturing procedures. In

held at the school and will be used to complete research projects for the master’s program in the future. With more than 8,200 square feet of additional laboratory space

this area scientific information is still available but with lower costs

available in the newly opened Maddox Hall, the Pharmaceutical

because the records do not need to be maintained. For example,

Sciences Department looks forward to growing the BSPS and

the pharmaceutical analysis lab located in the non-GMP area

MSPS programs at the School of Pharmacy. This past year the GMP

provides services to compounding pharmacists. Analyses are run to

qualification helped to achieve one more goal in the institute’s

determine whether or not products have been made according to the

mission with the hope of improving the overall education process for

particular specifications. Sterility and endotoxin tests are also run

students in the program.

for sterile products. CUPSI provides the unique opportunity to teach students product

“Our next step is to continue with the qualification efforts for the final section in CUPSI, the sterile manufacturing area. Once this is

design by using industrial type equipment and processes in a real

complete, our capabilities to serve clients will expand once again

world GMP environment. “There are less than a handful of facilities

and it is our hope that the business will continue to significantly

like this in the nation and Campbell is the only school to incorporate

increase. This final qualification will go hand-in-hand with our

GMP requirements in the educational experience,” says Stagner.

efforts to advance the students education in pharmaceutical sciences

“To have something like this sitting in our back yard most people

at Campbell,” says Gupta.

don’t understand how unique our situation is and I think it should

“The vision of CUPSI has three missions: to provide an area for

be credited to Dr. Maddox, dean of the School of Pharmacy, and Dr.

teaching and research; to develop a client base with revenue income

Diliberto, chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences, for having the vision to

to support the school and greater university; and to offer a service

go this route because it is not easy, it is hard work but very unique.

to the community through increasing economic development in the

And now other universities are coming to us to use the facility.”

area,” says Stagner. “It is exciting to be a part of CUPSI’s milestone

The Industrial Pharmacy course in the bachelor’s of science

and contribute to the vision one step at a time.”

in pharmaceutical sciences (BSPS) degree program utilizes the institute to teach students about product attribute testing in order to understand how attributes are related to how a tablet is produced. During the lab work, tablets are made in a controlled environment on a tablet press with the assistance of Scott Staton, manufacturing unit formulation and operations manager at CUPSI. Students are shown how to change the settings on the machine to increase or decrease the weight and hardness of a tablet. Tablets are Students run tests to see how fast tablets disintegrate, how fast the drug dissolves from tablets, how hard the tablets are as well as tests to examine durability. Students in the master’s of science in pharmaceutical sciences (MSPS) program are also taught in the facility during the advanced topics course where they use the equipment to make tablets and

Dr. Gupta and Dr. Stagner work with students in the GMP area of CUPSI.

2007-2008 Annual Report

then distributed to students to perform product attribute testing.


Admissions & Student Affairs

Student Organizations


“Being president of the Pharmacy Student Executive Board (PSEB) has been an opportunity for me to be able to give back to Campbell University School of Pharmacy. As a liaison between the pharmacy school administration and fellow students, I have been able to usher the concerns of students to the administration, as well as provide new ideas to help better the school. Serving as PSEB president and participating in other organizations has afforded me many enjoyable learning experiences that have taught me more about the pharmacy profession, expanded my network of pharmacy professionals, and helped me grow as

Student Government Pharmacy Student Executive Board Activities: American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life; American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure; Apothecary Ball; Back to School Social; PSEB Auction Charity Fundraiser; Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child; Spring Social; Talent Show Charity Fundraiser Conferences: North Carolina Association of Pharmacists (NCAP) Leadership Conference

Professional Organizations Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Activities: Christmas gift fundraiser for military families in need at Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fundraiser for Urban Missions in Durham, N.C.; Hosted round table discussions with industry leaders; Trip to Salix Pharmaceuticals in RTP, N.C. Conferences: 20th Annual AMCP Meeting American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Activities: Christmas card and toiletry items drive for Harnett County, N.C. nursing homes; Hosted guest speakers in geriatric pharmacy; Nursing home bingo game; Provided Easter gifts to nursing home residents Conferences: NCAP Chronic Care Forum Meeting American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists Recognition: American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Certificate of Recognition for Participation in Operation Diabetes Activities: American Diabetes Association’s Step Out for Diabetes; Coordinated CUSOP’s annual student health fair; Participated in three health fairs/screenings; Pharm.D. Fitness Challenge; Prepared diabetes kits and donated to elementary schools in Harnett County, N.C. Conferences: APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition; Region III APhA-ASP Midyear Meeting International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering Activities: GSK Zebulon plant tour; Introduced ISPE to students during BSPS Orientation; ISPE CASA EPA tour; Toys for Tots Conferences: ISPE Annual Meeting; ISPE CASA Career Fair; ISPE CASA Chapter Annual Planning Meeting; ISPE CASA Chapter Meeting; ISPE CASA Student Development Meeting; ISPE Southeast Student Leadership Forum; ISPE CASA Technology Show


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

an individual.” Lauren Hooker, 2010 Pharm.D. Candidate President, Pharmacy Student Executive Board

National Community Pharmacists Association Activities: Participation in legislative action on community pharmacy issues through pharmacist; Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Student National Pharmaceutical Association Recognition: 2007 National Recognition of Outstanding Professional Service Activities; Member Courtney Blackwell served as SNPhA National Vice-President; Third Place in National Chapter Excellence Award Activities: 2007 Pharmacy Readiness Enrichment Program (PREP) camp; 2007 SciPharm Summer Camp; “Ask the Student Pharmacists” health fair at Upper Church of God, Raleigh, N.C.; Back to school first aid kit drive for Buies Creek Elementary School; Educational bulletin: Stroke/Heart; Harnett Cares; Holiday Hearts; Hospice home visits; Hunger Relief Day: NC State Fair Ground; Ovarian Cancer Walk; Prepharmacy membership recruitment; “Remember the Ribbon” HIV/AIDs Awareness donation to local HIV/AIDS support group; UNC-Greensboro’s HIV/AIDS Awareness; Walk for Diabetes Conferences: 2007 SNPhA National convention; 2008 SNPhA Regional Meeting Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists Activities: Clinical Skills Competition; CUSOP Health Fair; Resident Presentations Conferences: 2007 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Conference

Academic/Leadership Organizations

Relay for Life; School art supply drive for Lillington-Shaw Elementary Conferences: Kappa Epsilon National Convention Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Delta Lambda Chapter Recognition: 2008 Province III Chapter of the Year Activities: Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up; American Diabetes Association’s Step Out for Diabetes and Tour de Cure; Annual Golf Tournament; Autism Society of North Carolina Supporter; Brookfield Nursing Home Halloween Bingo and Valentine’s Day Dance; Cadet Ball Formal; Established the Brie Anne Reynolds Memorial Kappa Psi Scholarship Endowment; Relay for Life Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Beta Kappa Chapter Activities: 2007 Fall Founders Day Ball; 2008 Spring Formal; Adopt-A-Highway; American Diabetes Association’s Step Out for Diabetes and Tour de Cure; Cinderella Project; Phi Delta Chi (PDC) Beta Omega’s Initiation at Wingate University School of Pharmacy; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital letter writing campaign; Vial for Life Conferences: PDC Annual Business Retreat; PDC Regional Conference

Fellowship Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International Activities: 3rd Annual Bake-Off; 3rd Annual Chili-Cook Off; CUSOP Easter Service; Samaritan’s Purse Operation

Pharmacy Alumni Student Association Activities: CU @ Dinner; CU Basketball Game with Alumni Association; PASA Golf Clinic; Relay for Life Pharmacy Legislative Interest Group Activities: Assisted with P-1 Orientation; Collected signatures for a petition to make an ovarian cancer stamp; Contacted legislators on government issues; Ovarian Cancer Walk Phi Lambda Sigma, Alpha Zeta Chapter Activities: First Year Student Leadership Boot Camp; Christmas Ornament Fundraiser Conferences: Phi Lambda Sigma House of Delegates at the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition

Fraternities Kappa Epsilon Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Alpha Rho Chapter Activities: Breast cancer awareness table at CUSOP Health Fair; Coins for Callie; Collected Yoplait lids for breast cancer; Founder’s Day Formal; Ovarian Cancer Awareness Walk;

Joyce Ferido, 2011 Pharm.D. candidate, participates in the Campbell University School of Pharmacy Health Fair.

2007-2008 Annual Report

Rho Chi Honor Society, Gamma Iota Chapter Activities: Annual initiation ceremony; Organized and launched pharmacy tutoring program

SNPhA receives the 2007 National Recognition of Outstanding Professional Service Activities.


Admissions & Student Affairs

Meet the Class of 2012

Future Pharmacist

“Attending Campbell as an undergraduate student was not an accident but a fulfillment of my career goals as a person with passion for pharmacy. With the combined undergraduate and graduate courses in pharmaceutical sciences and industrial pharmacy respectively, I have confidence that Campbell University School of Pharmacy will provide me the best pharmacy education I can find in the country. Additionally, the School of Pharmacy’s excellent academic record solidifies my decision to earn my doctor of pharmacy degree at Campbell. Throughout the course of my studies at Camp-

Applicants Students Average Age Average Overall GPA Average PCAT Scores Biology Chemistry Composite


2,442 108 24 3.45

but have people—people who are ready to listen and help. The student-teacher ratio at Campbell gives students the opportunity to learn and grow. All of these outstanding features make Campbell

70% 67% 71%

a place worth obtaining my Pharm.D. degree.” Frank Debrah, 2012 Pharm.D. Candidate

Gender Female Male

61% 39%

Race American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino White Other

5% 8% 1% 2% 82% 2%

Highest Level of Education 64-97 credit hours 98 or more credit hours Associate’s Degree Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

24% 14% 3% 9% 50%

State of Residence In-state Out of State International

66% 33% 1%

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

bell, I have learned that students are not alone

Career Day Campbell University School of Pharmacy attracted representatives from fifty top pharmaceutical companies to attend its annual Career Day on October 5, 2007 at the Hilton North Raleigh. Employers took advantage of the opportunity to meet with students in the pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and clinical research degree programs at the School of Pharmacy. During the event, employers conducted onsite interviews and provided presentations to prospective employees. A survey was conducted by the Office of Student Affairs to evaluate the employer’s opinions regarding the preparedness of fourth year pharmacy students for employment and the value of attending the event. Out of the fifty employers, twenty-eight completed the survey resulting in a 56% response rate. Compared to previous Career Day events, returning respondents ranked their experience during the October 2007 event at 3.9 on a five point scale. Results indicated that Campbell graduates need additional training in business management. Employers also specified that P-4 students needed to attain an understanding of the residency requirements necessary for a career in a clinical position. Overall, employers rated the quality of Campbell pharmacy students above average when compared to other pharmacists describing them as being “very well-rounded with well-developed communication skills.” An additional survey was completed by students who attended the event. Results from the survey indicated their experience was ranked at 4.3 on a five point scale. Students explain this positive response is due to meeting “top ranked professionals and pharmacy directors.” They were also impressed by the diversity of opportunities available to them at the event. Students pointed toward the interview experience, both formal and informational, as an extremely valuable portion of the day for their future careers as pharmacists.

EVALUATION RESULTS>> Overall Quality of Campbell Graduates as Compared to Other Graduates Excellent Above Average Average

37% 58% 5%

Value of Career Day in Recruitment Process for Employers Extremely Valuable Valuable Slightly Valuable

38% 54% 8%

Attended Career Day in the Past? Yes No

74% 26%

Areas of Practice Represented Hospital/Institution 30% Chain Drugstore 24% Contract Research Organization 8% Consulting 6% Independent Community Pharmacy 6% Research-based Pharmaceutical Co. 6% Biotechnology Company 4% Industry 2% Residency/Fellowship 2% Other 12%

Admissions & Student Affairs

Scholarship & Award Recipients


“I have been partial to independent community pharmacies since I began working at one when I was 16 and have earned great respect for independent pharmacists, seeing them go above and beyond what is required of them. When I heard about the Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarship, I thought it was perfect for me. I had the privilege of meeting Dan and Alisa Hayes, who established the scholarship, and the opportunity to get to know a little about them as well as to thank them in person for their generosity. I am so very thankful for benevolent people like

Endowed Scholarships Raenell B. & Claude S. Abernethy Scholarship Gwen Gitana

the Hayes who are giving their time and money to help pharmacy students, like me, to be able to accomplish our goals and hopes of making a difference in the world, possibly through independent

Janice & Alexander Alexander Pharmacy Scholarship Elham Erfani

community pharmacy.”

Newman D. & Helen M. Buck Scholarship Miranda Booth

Whitney Williams, 2011 Pharm.D. Candidate

Major Sam Byrd Scholarship Carissa Blackmon

Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarship

Verda & A. Hartwell Campbell Scholarship Sarah Potter D’Alonzo Family Scholarship Tracy Looney Edna E. Danner Scholarships Heather Abernathy, Tammy Smith Mae I. Danner Scholarships Lindsay Sampson, Brandy Stevens Susie A. Danner Scholarship Ryan Swanson Gary Dunham, Pharm.D. Kappa Psi Scholarship Andrew Foster Gary Dunham, Pharm.D. Memorial Scholarship Meredith Briley Lucille L. Ellis Family Scholarship Laurie Whalin


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Recipient, Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor

M. Keith Fearing, Jr. & Don K. Richie Scholarship Gail Warner

Katherine F. & J. Leon Rumley Scholarship Shannon Cozort

Howard Q. & Mescal S. Ferguson Scholarships Roger Baker, Christopher Dennis, Meghan Kamrada, Travis Reynolds, Darren Stevens, Jerry Williamson

School of Pharmacy Alumni Scholarships Laura Caviness, Justin Daniel, Brian Hankins, Lindsay Jones, Melissa Manning, Betsy Wright

Furman Family Scholarship Kristine Vaden

Elgie Lee May & Lonnie Dalton Small Scholarship Jessica Brown

G. Fred Hale Memorial Scholarships Stephanie Buckner, Anita Curvin, Jennifer Meadors, Kimberly Nealy, Diane Prince, Trisha Reaves, Christopher Stein, Cherish Tart, Amy Tromans

Henry & Tracey Smith Pharmacy Scholarships Steven Brown, Crystal Scarpena

Brian P. Harrington Memorial Scholarship Meagan Godwin Blanton A. Hartness Scholarship Merideth Brown Rebekah Lynn Heldreth Memorial Scholarship Rebecca Brady Jessica Ann Kalinowski Memorial Scholarship Stephanie Weiss Ronald W. & Suzan Maddox Pharmacy Scholarship Margarita Nelson Russell Mantooth & Holly McReynolds Families Memorial Scholarships Trisha Bowery, Amber Johnson

Letizia Antonietta Thrift Scholarships Shannon Davis, John Deason, Cory Rose, Leslie Williamson Jack G. & Eloise Harrington Watts Scholarships Lauren Morton, Merritt Phelps, Dale St. Clair, Christine Zhao E. Carlyle & Rose R. West Scholarships Wynter Campbell, Pascale Sleiman Robert F. Whaley Pharmacy Scholarships Marlena Abernethy-Page, Diti Shah Josiah & Ina Whitehead Scholarships Kira Ferguson, Blake Reaves, Brian Rodgers, Ijeoma Uwakwe Mildred Harmon & Norman Adrian Wiggins Scholarships Jeffrey Rushing, Nashea Turner

Marshbanks Memorial Scholarships Dawn Brisson, Kammy Cunningham, Laura Honeycutt, Sarah Wylie Mast Drug Scholarship Zachary Hayes Samuel & Helen Mennear Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Jeremy Stultz William Whitaker & Dorothy R. Moose Scholarship Scott Troutman Oley Family Scholarship Renee Webb

Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Scholarships Lipika Chablani, Elizabeth Coble, Steven Gerfin Ralph P. Rogers, Jr. Scholarships Courtney Councill, Michelle Spain

Lib Fearing presents the M. Keith Fearing, Jr. & Don K. Richie Scholarship to Gail Warner, Pharm.D. ’08. 2007-2008 Annual Report

Pharmacy Practice Program Scholarships Ashley Wellman-Huff, Emera Jackson

From left, Brian Rodgers, 2010 Pharm.D. candidate, and Ijeoma Uwakwe, 2009 Pharm.D. candidate, with her husband, Joe and Ina Whitehead and Tom Holmes, director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs. Rodgers and Uwakwe were two out of four recipients who received the Josiah and Ina Whitehead Scholarship.


Admissions & Student Affairs

Scholarship & Award Recipients (Continued)


“I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the generous gift awarded to me by Rite Aid Pharmacy. I firmly believe involvement in student organizations is an essential aspect to our educational experience here at the School of Pharmacy. This belief led me to run for president of the Campbell chapter of the American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP). My experiences in APhA-ASP as well as other student organizations have been invaluable to me as I continue my educational and professional development in the field of pharmacy. I would like to again thank everyone at Rite Aid

Annual Scholarships

Pharmacy for their gift and more importantly for

Bladen County Pharmacy Scholarship Tiffany Register

their continuing commitment to student leaders,

Mark D. Davison Memorial Cardinal Healthcare Scholarship Mallorie Sanders


CVS/pharmacy Scholarships Dustin Edge, Andrea Lamper, Ashley Mielke, Ahunna Onwuzurike, Mallary Wood Richard M. Isaac Memorial Scholarship Amber Johnson National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Scholarships Sophia Maedjaja, Holly McDanel North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Members Scholarship Josh Stallings North Carolina Mutual Wholesale Drug Company Scholarship Virginia White Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship Jennifer Reardon The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. Scholarships Nicol Brown, Stephanie Bryant, Benjamin Crandall, Edmund Culp, Joyce Ferido, Jennie Hartman, Shannon Hawkes, Cristin Leary, Megan Lockamy, Dawn Maynard, Mary McClain, Emily Parker, Amanda Pollard, Sheen Ramirez, Lindsay Sampson, Crystal Scarpena, Rebecca Shorter, Katherine Serzan, Heather Sykes, Jeffrey Tingen, Brian Waldron, Vanessa Williams, Sarah Wylie, Rachel Younger Samuel Tate Powell Memorial Scholarship April Sloan Ransdell Family Fund Scholarships Charlotte Johnson, Diane Prince, Ellyn Smith, Timothy Stebbins, Cherish Tart, Virginia White


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

student organizations, and the pharmacy profes-

Jonathon D. Pouliot, 2010 Pharm.D. Candidate Recipient, Rite Aid Pharmacy Scholarship

Brie Anne Reynolds Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Memorial Scholarship Helen Stevens Rite Aid Pharmacy Scholarships Justin Adams, Merideth Brown, Toshica Conyers, Elham Erfani, Lauren Hooker, Hillery McKnight, Beth McStoots, Leigh Ann McStoots, Amy Murray, Matt Nolin, Jonathon Pouliot, David Price, Amanda Rouse, Kelli Selfe, Helen Stevens, Hong Ngoc Tran, Mindy Wassum, Elizabeth Westbrook, Laurie Whalin, Amanda Zomp Florence Rogers Charitable Trust Scholarships Justin Adams, Courtney Barefoot, Tomas Delgado, Dustin Edge, Karyn Fabo, Heather Kennedy, Maegan Lee, Bronson Lowery, Dawn Maynard, Marie McBryde, Lori McLaurin, Dana McLeod, Brian Moore, Kristy Smith, Jamie Sykes, Joe Williams, Amanda Zomp Stedman Drug/Good Neighbor Independent Community Pharmacy Scholarships Lindsey Hassell, Michael Lacher, April Sloan, Whitney Williams Wake County Pharmaceutical Association Scholarship Ahunna Onwuzurike Walgreens Pharmacy Scholarships Trisha Bowery, Nancy Di Maio, Crystal Dowless, Timothy Ellmers, Ross Jones, Colvin Killian, Scott Phillips, Sarah Shelton, Ijeoma Uwakwe, Lisa Yang Wal-Mart Pharmacy Scholarships Jancy Hewitt, Maegan Lee, Tina Lee Whaley Family Foundation, Inc. Scholarships Adam Dixon, Heather Rhodes Yates Family Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship Qiyang Xian

Special Recognitions 2007 Extraordinary Intern Award for CVS/pharmacy Jeffrey Tingen 2007 Pruitt-Schutte Student Business Plan Competitions Justin Adams, Chris Brennick, PJ Martin, Joe O’Shaughnessy, Jai Patel, Travis Wallace Campbell University School of Pharmacy Patient Counseling Competition Amanda Lucas Gertrude Clinton Health Career Scholarship Katherine Serzan Gene L. (Skipper) Crow Foundation Scholarship Justin Daniel

WakeMed Health and Hospitals Pharmacy Scholars Program Laura Caviness Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Carissa Blackmon, Trisha Bowery, Meredith Brewer, Jessica Brown, Stephanie Carroll, Elizabeth Coble, Kammy Cunningham, Jennie Hartman, Laura Honeycutt, Lauren Hooker, Karla Hudson, April James, Amber Johnson, YoRonda Jones, Meghan Kamrada, Summer Kloster, Maegan Lee, Tina Lee, Josh McDuffie, Leigh Ann McStoots, Nicole Panosh, Sapana Patel, Sarah Potter, Jonathon Pouliot, Diane Prince, Jennifer Reardon, Heather Rhodes, Lindsay Sampson, Katherine Serzan, Danielle Shannon, Ellyn Smith, Michelle Spain, Josh Stallings, Heather Vick, Elizabeth Westbrook, Joe Williams, Lisa Yang

2008 Senior Awards Academy of Student Pharmacists Senior Recognition Certificate Wheeler C. Burns American Pharmacists Association Professionalism Award Ryan S. Swanson Campbell University Pharmacy Alumni Association Senior Award Leslie J. Williamson Eli Lilly & Company Pharmacy Achievement Award Christopher R. Dennis GlaxoSmithKline Patient Care Award Christopher R. Stein Van B. & Allene J. Hix Christian Citizenship Award Jennifer M. Cavenaugh Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Excellence in Pharmacy Award Roger Dale St. Clair Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Recognition Award Diane T. Prince Perrigo Award Blake Reaves Pharmacists Mutual Book Award Lindsay K. Jones Roche Laboratories Pharmacy Communications Award Oxana A. Kamneva Gerald M. Stahl Pharmacy Practice Faculty Award Matthew Jay Brown TEVA Pharmaceuticals USA Outstanding Student Award Meagan W. Godwin

Health Focus of Southwest Virginia Scholarship Amanda Rouse

U.S. Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award Summer C. Kloster

National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Pharmacy Student Scholarships Katherine Serzan, Brian Waldron

Wolters Kluwer Health’s Facts and Comparison Award for Excellence in Clinical Communication Gail J. Warner

Southeast Chapter of Parenteral Drug Association Scholarship Lam Nguyen U.S. Public Health Service Graduating Senior Award Andrea Locklear

2007-2008 Annual Report

National Community Service Foundation Association Award Jeffrey Tingen


Admissions & Student Affairs

2008 Degree Recipients


“I completed my bachelor’s and master’s degree in clinical research at Campbell and worked in the pharmaceutical industry before returning to Campbell University School of Pharmacy to obtain my doctor of pharmacy degree. One of the primary reasons I chose to continue my education and obtain a Pharm.D. was to further my knowledge about medications, patient care, and drug development with the ultimate goal of taking on additional leadership roles within the clinical research field. Upon graduation, I started my post Pharm.D. career at Duke in the Department of Pharmacy’s Investigation Drug Service. The School of Pharmacy Master of Science in Clinical Research Patricia L. Avissar Dustan Phillip McNeil Byrd Jimmie Sterling Cochran III Katherine Diane Douglas Melanie Elizabeth Fontaine Robert Muraguri Gitonga Michael Paul Karg Donna Marie McElcar David Brian Mozingo Alvita Desamae Nichols Uchechukwu Chukwudifu Okam April Dawn Pridgen Mary Elizabeth Scott Ebonie Polite Toure Ijeoma A. Uwakwe June Anderson Walker Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Nicole Thomas Anders Kristal Samone Troy Doctor of Pharmacy Heather Erin Abernathy Amanda Dianne Andrews Samantha Turia Arrington Roger Eric Baker Courtney Blair Blackwell Miranda Elizabeth Booth Demetria Nicole Boutte Rebecca Miller Brady Ashley Roe Branham Meredith Brewer Briley Dawn Leannette Brisson Matthew Jay Brown Stephanie Melinda Buckner


Wheeler Carol Burns Dustan Phillip McNeil Byrd Wynter Lee Campbell Jennifer Marie Cavenaugh Laura Eileen Caviness Courtney Elizabeth Councill Anita Kristine Curvin Justin Lawrence Daniel Ryan Christopher David John William Deason, III Christopher Richard Dennis Lara Jill Denton John Michael Dischert Jonathan Clay Dubyk Sarah Lizabeth Erbaugh Andrew Jennings Foster Gretta Suzanne French Meagan Wright Godwin Windy R. Griffin Brian Andrew Hankins Zachary Clay Hayes Crystal Ann Howard Ashley Dyonne Huff Emera Porter Jackson Lindsay Kathleen Jones Oxana Alex Kamneva Meghan Elizabeth Kamrada Brian Edward Kloster Summer Cherice Kloster Michael Robert Lacher Tracy Lynn Looney Melissa Marie Manning Caroline Ammons Marks Jennifer Lynn Meadors Monika Anne Mendlik Lauren Beth Morton Kimberly Lovin Nealy Thomas Anthony Pasquariello Merritt Elizabeth Phelps

April Dawn Pridgen Diane Taylor Prince Blake Reaves II Trisha Lou Reaves Travis Scott Reynolds Amy Leggett Richmond Jeffrey David Rushing Monica Sandoval Mary Elizabeth Scott Charles Merritt Shanlever Andrakeia Shipman Darrin Regis Sismour Vasiliki Terry Sitaras Pascale Natalie Sleiman April Michelle Sloan Brandon Drew Smith Tammy Jane Smith Brian Paul Snyder Michelle Hall Spain Kelly Denise Spoon Roger Dale St.Clair, Jr. Nicola Clare Steele Christopher Richard Stein Darren Edward Stevens Ryan Samuel Swanson Nikhat B. Syed Cherish Nicole Tart Amy Lynn Tromans Jacqueline Nashea Turner Kristine Frances Vaden Jill Ann Varner Phong Thanh Vu Gail Jeanette Warner Angela Elizabeth Weathers Patricia Drolet Wilder Jerry Thomas Williamson Leslie Jean Williamson Betsy Rae Wright Christine Yanchun Zhao

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

at Campbell definitely provided me with the proper tools to excel in this role. At Duke, I use the skill sets I learned from both the clinical research and pharmacy program every day. My job is one of the best ways to combine and use the knowledge obtained from both programs. There is not a better place I could have chosen to start my professional career; Duke is immersed in research activities and it is definitely a place where miracles happen every day.” Demetria Boutte, BSCR ’00, MSCR ’04, Pharm.D. ’08 Clinical Research Pharmacist, Duke University Medical Center


Residence After Graduation

Residency Breakdown



North Carolina


















South Carolina


Ambulatory Care





Ambulatory Care






Preparation Area





Biomedical Sciences















Clinical Therapies





Clinical Skills















< 69,999














No Response




No Response


No Response







100% 100% 100% 100% 8%





90% 100%




New Building Update

New Pharmacy Building Dedicated to Dean Ronald Maddox


“Campbell University educates pharmacists with a good knowledge in community and retail practice which parallels with the mission of The Pharmacy Network Foundation. It was Dean Maddox’s dream and vision to start a pharmacy school at Campbell. When dedicated individuals have a dream of this magnitude and they maintain their focus and faith, great things happen. The Foundation board is honored to have been a prominent force in the initial funding for Maddox Hall. We chose to name the building in honor of Dean Maddox; he earned and deserves this recognition. We are pleased to have been involved in Like a proud parent, Dr. Ronald Maddox, dean of the Campbell University School

Campbell University School of Pharmacy history.”

of Pharmacy, looked on as the school’s new 42,000 square-foot pharmacy teaching facility, Ronald W. Maddox Hall, was dedicated in his honor on October 3, 2007. “Today is a recognition and celebration of Dean Ronald Maddox’s success and hard work,” said Campbell University President Jerry Wallace during the ceremony.

Mitchell W. Watts Donor, Maddox Hall President, The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc.

“Maddox Hall is deservingly-named and will ever be a visible testimony to this outstanding leader.” As its founding dean, Maddox played an integral role in the growth of the school,

Dr. Maddox expressed his future goals for the School of Pharmacy as he wishes to remain vigilant

from its establishment in 1986 with only 54 students to its current enrollment

by employing student-focused faculty and staff,

of more than 400 students in the School of Pharmacy and over 1,000 students

providing better physical facilities and training sites

in pharmacy related programs at Campbell. He has overseen the development

and utilizing state-of-the art technology.

of the pharmacy school’s comprehensive degree program—including bachelor’s

“As we move forward, it is my hope that Maddox

and master’s degrees in pharmaceutical sciences and clinical research and the

Hall will serve as a vehicle to sustain Dr. Wiggins’

doctor of pharmacy degree. In addition, he has witnessed the school’s phenomenal

vision for Campbell University School of Pharmacy,”

performance on both state and national exams—an overall 99 percent passage rate

he said. “We must continue to place our primary focus

on all state board exams and a 98 percent passage rate on the national exam far

on the development of service oriented community

exceeding his expectations.

pharmacists in the Christian environment.”

Speaking to an audience of approximately 300 people, Dr. Maddox thanked God,

Maddox Hall is located between the Leslie

his family, the Pharmacy Network Foundation Board of Directors, donors, alumni,

Campbell Science Hall and Carter Gymnasium

faculty, administration, students and the pharmacy community for the honor.

on the Buies Creek campus. The doors to this

“I am pleased to have the new teaching facility named in my honor,” he said.

facility were opened in the fall of 2007 featuring

“However, I believe everything that has been accomplished during my tenure

classrooms; a student commons area; breakout

has been a team effort. I have attempted to implement what I believe has been

rooms; administrative and alumni suites; two 3,534

God’s plan for the school with the total love and support of my wife, Suzan, and

square-foot lecture halls; faculty offices; a professional

my children, the university administration, faculty, staff and students, and an

association room; and more than 6,000 square-feet of

exceptional North Carolina pharmacy community.”

laboratory space and lab preparation areas.


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

An Abundance of Thanks Campbell University School of Pharmacy extends an abundance of thanks and appreciation to everyone who supported Maddox Hall. This accomplishment is a result of the people who stand behind Campbell University School of Pharmacy—alumni, faculty, staff, students, friends and the North Carolina pharmacy community—and its commitment to educate compassionate, well-trained pharmacists and pharmacy-related professionals in a Christian environment.

Although there are far too many to name, the collaborative efforts of our donors advocacy and support made our dream a reality and advanced the ongoing development of pharmacy education for the next generation of pharmacists.

The new pharmacy building was dedicated in honor of Dr. Ronald Maddox, founding dean of Campbell University School of Pharmacy.

The doors to this facility were opened in the fall of 2007 featuring classrooms; a student commons area; breakout rooms; administrative and alumni suites; two 3,534 square-foot lecture halls; faculty offices; a professional association room; and more than 6,000 square-feet of laboratory space and lab preparation areas.

More than 300 students, alumni, faculty, donors and friends of the Campbell University School of Pharmacy attended the dedication in honor of Dr. Ronald Maddox located inside the building’s new lecture hall. 2007-2008 Annual Report

The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. named Maddox Hall in honor of Dr. Ronald Maddox.



The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Pharmacy School Thanks Donors, Alumni and Friends at Black Tie Gala Campbell University School of Pharmacy held a night to remember during the Alumni & Friends Recognition Gala on October 13, 2007. The event was hosted by the Pharmacy Alumni Association to thank donors who contributed to the Ronald W. Maddox Hall and Betty M. Wallace Student Commons. A dinner and silent auction were held in the building’s two large classrooms and commons area, and a slide presentation highlighted the school’s history and achievements. The recognition ceremony was held in the James Edward Herring, Sr. Lecture Hall honoring donors who named a room in the new building. Dean Ronald Maddox recognized The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc. for its generous donation to the school. “I am very touched and humbled by the honor that the Pharmacy Network Foundation has bestowed upon me by naming this new building in my honor,” said Maddox. “My hope is that Maddox Hall can serve as a vehicle to help Campbell University School of Pharmacy sustain its foundation of excellence in providing students with an exceptional Christian education.” Mrs. Betty Wallace, former administrative assistant to Dean Maddox, was also recognized for her contribution and commitment to the pharmacy program. The Betty M. Wallace Student Commons area in the new building was named in her honor by the Pharmacy Alumni Association. “It has been an amazing journey,” she said. “It’s

been a joy, and it’s such a warm feeling to see these young men and women come into the School of Pharmacy and leave as professionals.” More than 1,500 students have graduated from the Pharm.D. program. “This evening was a celebration of those who helped make Maddox Hall a reality. Without their support this amazing new facility would not have been possible,” said Jodi Peeler, assistant dean of External Relations. “Campbell University School of Pharmacy is one large family; we are thankful to those family members who joined us for this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.”

Alumni Relations


“It is an honor to serve on the School of Pharmacy Alumni Association Board of Directors and to represent the class of 1993 as well as the alumni body from the school. I chose to serve on the board so that my voice could still be heard at the school and in order to help develop the Alumni Association into a successful organization. It has been a wonderful experience! I served on the reunion committee for the “Meet in the Middle” alumni weekend held in April. It was a great event to catch up with many of my former classmates during our 15 year reunion!” Jennifer Burch, Pharm.D. ’93 Member, Pharmacy Alumni Association Board of Directors When reviewing the achievements of Campbell University School of Pharmacy throughout this past

Additional investments in pharmacy education

academic year, it is important to recognize the efforts

have been provided by alumni through contributions

and involvement of the school’s alumni community.

to annual scholarships, endowments as well as the

Alumni have played a vital role in the program’s

curriculum. Gifts of annual and endowed scholarships

success by participating in the Pharmacy Alumni

help make an education possible for pharmacy

Association and through their financial contributions

students at Campbell. More important, the investment

supporting various initiatives including the pharmacy

of an endowed scholarship continues to provide

building campaign, endowments and scholarships.

student funding throughout the lifetime of the school.

By contributing more than 55% of the total number

Alumni have even played a unique role in the school’s

of gifts donated to the building campaign, the alumni

curriculum. Through their support a missions elective

of the School of Pharmacy made a huge impact in the

was established providing a multi-cultural experience

history of their alma mater helping to open the doors

for students serving as pharmacists on mission trips.

to Maddox Hall in the fall of 2007. In addition, the

During these trips throughout the world, students

Pharmacy Alumni Association accomplished its goal of

have the opportunity to become aware of diverse

a $250,000 pledge to name the student commons area

cultures and learn how to competently care for

located inside the new building in honor of Mrs. Betty

patients with different backgrounds.

M. Wallace, former administrative assistant to Dean


Betty M. Wallace Student Commons.

The Pharmacy Alumni Association has continued

Maddox. This was possible through the generous

to serve as a link to the school by providing members

donations of alumni, faculty, parents, students and

with resources, programming and a strong connection

friends of the school. In appreciation of their support,

to their alma mater. Governed by the Pharmacy

the association and the School of Pharmacy hosted the

Alumni Board of Directors, the organization plans

Alumni & Friends Recognition Gala in October 2007 to

and executes its mission to support the academic

thank donors who contributed to Maddox Hall and the

excellence and traditions of the school.

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

the association hosted the first legacy luncheon in August 2007 for the incoming pharmacy class of 2011. This event celebrated the family ties within the School of Pharmacy, honoring students with immediate relatives who completed the pharmacy program at Campbell. As school resumed in fall 2007, the Pharmacy Alumni Association welcomed students back to campus by hosting a game watch at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park in Durham, N.C. Pharmacy students were invited to attend the game at no cost to mark the beginning of a new school year and have the opportunity to meet and visit with alumni. To further invest in the lives of students, the association supported the launch of the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA) in January 2008. This organization facilitates an active relationship between alumni and students to enhance their professional development and prepare them to


In spirit of the Campbell Pharmacy family tradition,

The Pharmacy Alumni Board of Directors is the governing body of the Pharmacy Alumni Association serving as the alumni voice in regard to the organization’s benefits, activities and School of Pharmacy events.

2007-2008 Board Representatives Annie P. Poolos, Pharm.D. ’90 Lois T. Johnson, Pharm.D. ’91 Ronnie D. Strickland, Pharm.D. ’92 Jennifer L. Burch, Pharm.D. ’93 Holly M. Mantooth, Pharm.D. ’94 Ed Herring, Jr., Pharm.D. ’95 Dina H. Adams, Pharm.D. ’96 Mike L. Griffin, Pharm.D. ’97 Mary H. Parker, Pharm.D. ’98 Stephanie M. Kendrick, Pharm.D. ’99 Heather S. Massengill, Pharm.D. ’00 Janice M. Patriss, Pharm.D. ’01 Amanda M. Greenwood, President, Pharm.D. ’02 Rebekah A. Grube, Pharm.D. ’03 Michelle S. Turner, Pharm.D. ’04 Mary Margaret Johnson, Pharm.D. ’05 Pamela C. Rich, Pharm.D. ’06 Kenzie E. Irvine, Pharm.D. ’07 Joe E. Williams, Student Liaison, 2011 Pharm.D. Candidate

serve as future alumni leaders. The association also

Administrative Members

honored its fourth recipient, Leslie Williamson, with

Jodi S. Peeler, Assistant Dean, External Relations Andrea P. Pacheco, Associate Director, Alumni Relations

the Pharmacy Alumni Association Senior Award. Annual alumni events were held throughout the

Alumni Association Profile

year to reunite classmates. The association headed back to the speedway for its annual NASCAR trip held at the Subway 500 in Martinsville, Va. Fall Back on

Total Members: 393 Lifetime Members: 24

Membership by Class

CU for CE was hosted in the newly opened Maddox



Hall and attendees enjoyed the opportunity to

1991 1%

tour the new building. Receptions were held at the


North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Annual

3% 5%

Convention in Durham, N.C. and the American Society


of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting in



Las Vegas, Nev. serving as a vital link to alumni and



promoting the pharmacy program at Campbell.



Numerous alumni participated in the annual Pharmacy Alumni & Friends Golf Classic held in April 2008. The event raised more than $14,500 to provide


building campaign needs. Pharmacy alumni “met in


the middle” to attend the 5th Annual Alumni Weekend


in Greensboro, N.C. Memories featuring the 15 , 10



and 5th year reunion classes of 1993, 1998, and 2003 were shared during the event. This annual event was

2004 2005

year, to reconnect with each other.


For more information about the Pharmacy Alumni

5% 4% 5% 6%


serve as a time for all alumni, regardless of their class

Association or ways to support the school, please visit


4% 7% 6% 9%



2008 1% Honorary Members 4% Friends of the Association

2007-2008 Annual Report

created by the Pharmacy Alumni Board of Directors to



money for scholarships and additional pharmacy





Alumni Relations

Profile: Corey Furman


“Missions changes how you relate to the world and strengthens your relationship with God. My wife and I helped create the Pharmacy Christian Missions elective to equip students for service in foreign missions.” Corey Furman, Pharm.D. ’95 Pharmacist/Owner, Crossnore Drug Store

Exceptional Alumni: Set Apart in Pharmacy and Faith Corey and Ashley Furman’s continued involvement with pharmacy missions is due to their passion for their Christian faith and their desire to help those around the world. Corey, who is from Boone, N.C., completed his doctor of pharmacy degree at Campbell University School of Pharmacy in 1995. Ashley, who is from Littleton, N.C. and a graduate of both Peace and Meredith Colleges, finished pharmacy school in 1996. During Corey’s P-4 year, he completed a clinical rotation in Kenya and Rwanda through Samaritan’s Purse, the Christian international disaster relief organization based in Boone, N.C. Corey notes that his experience abroad was life changing and like so many others who participate in missions in a developing country, it “changes how you relate to the world and strengthens your relationship with God.” After graduation, the Furman’s continued to stay involved with the school and its academic programs because “Campbell provides a unique opportunity for its students. There are few schools today that provide both outstanding academic education and a solid Christian atmosphere. So many people are raised in a Christian environment only to arrive at college to find that the academic community does not endorse what they have been told is truth all their life. Far too often universities impose world views on their students because it fits their agenda, be it scientific, political, or financial. Students are told you cannot be an evangelical Christian and believe in the supposed truths of higher education. Campbell is a rare exception to this trend in education; it has held to the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Bible is God’s infallible specific revelation to man.” While reflecting on their experiences in college and in the mission field, the Furman’s decided to collaborate with the School of Pharmacy in developing a missions elective. “I wanted this class to be a place to help create the same 30

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

opportunity for other students that I had, and to help

pharmacist changes from location to location; I have

train the next generation of witnesses for Christ,”

never had the same job twice. By educating students

states Corey. Bill Gentry, Pharm.D. ’92, Dr. Larry

about as many situations as possible, they will be able

Swanson, chairman of Pharmacy Practice, and Dr. Jim

to hit the ground running and be more knowledgeable

Boyd, associate professor of Pharmacy Practice, were

about what they are doing.”

vital to the implementation of the class. Their goal

Corey and Ashley live out their Christian faith

was to differentiate Campbell University School of

in their daily lives, whether at home with their

Pharmacy and provide an opportunity for students to

family or in the work environment. “A faith-based

see beyond practicing pharmacy strictly in the United

relationship in Christ will permeate all facets of your


life,” states Corey. “While we are far from perfect,

Pharmacy Christian Missions is a one credit

and we constantly make mistakes that have negative

elective and was created to “equip students for service

consequences on our lives, we realize our dependence

in foreign missions, concentrating on but not limiting

on an infinite creator and rely on His direction. He

to developing countries.” The class is offered during

never promised us an easy or comfortable life, but we

the spring semester for third year doctor of pharmacy

can count on Him to sustain us and give us a fulfilled

students and prepares and educates them for short or

life in His grace and love.”

long term mission trips. The emphasis is on “culture,

The Furman’s continue to rely on God as they raise

food and living conditions in these countries as well as

their family, sons James and John, and provide patient

the specific role pharmacists can play in the medical

care at Crossnore Drug Store, outside of Boone, N.C.

mission field,” says Corey who serves as a guest

They plan on maintaining their relationship with

speaker for the course. It creates the opportunity for

Campbell University School of Pharmacy and hope

students to travel to developing countries during their

to impact many more students’ lives through the

fourth year of school as one of their clinical rotations.

Pharmacy Christian Missions elective.

Since 2006 when Pharmacy Christian Missions was first offered, 12 students have traveled to countries such as Kenya, Vietnam and Belize. Students learn not only how to evangelize to different people groups, but also about tropical medicine and vaccine preventable diseases. The elective helps to create a more wellrounded and knowledgeable pharmacist who can empathize with people of many diverse backgrounds. Swanson and Boyd continue to facilitate the elective and Gentry participates as a guest lecturer. Ashley has stayed active with mission work as

Pharmacy students take part in a medical missions trip to Africa. The students worked in a free clinic in conjunction with Beacon of Hope and Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital.

well by recently assisting Villa Milagro, meaning Miracle Village, an ongoing mission organization in Corey explains, “Any experience that strengthens your relationship with Christ will benefit all aspects of your life. This class will also give students the confidence in answering a call into medical missions. They will be more prepared for situations that would cause discomfort for most Americans. In our experience in medical missions, we have discovered the role of the

2007-2008 Annual Report

Peru which provides a clinic in the city of Cajamarca.


Diversity Initiative

Program Update


“I have always known that I wanted to be a pharmacist, and the Pharmacy Readiness and Enrichment Program (PREP) really helped me achieve my goal! I definitely did not expect the hours upon hours of classroom time and homework given to us each night, but it was all worth it. Not only did PREP help me with my PCAT scores, but it also gave me a glimpse into pharmacy school and the endless job opportunities I would have as a pharmacist. Now that I am attending pharmacy school at Campbell, I was more than happy to return and serve as a counselor during this year’s PREP. The advice and information I received from my counCampbell University School of Pharmacy is dedicated to promoting diversity in the

selors was priceless, so being able to give back to

profession of pharmacy and other health-related careers. The school is committed

prospective pharmacy students was a wonderful

to recruiting a diverse population of faculty, staff and students in order to best

experience. I learned so much and enjoyed my

prepare graduates to provide culturally sensitive health care in the practice of

time immensely both when I attended PREP as

pharmacy. Under the leadership of Drs. Ronald W. Maddox, W. Mark Moore and

a student and when I served as a counselor—and

William J. Taylor, Jr., the School of Pharmacy developed a diversity initiative in

based on this past school year, the same can be

2005 to make an impact on the face of pharmacy in North Carolina, especially at

said about my time since being enrolled at Camp-

Campbell University. To date, Maddox, Moore, and Taylor have received nearly one

bell University School of Pharmacy.”

million dollars in funding for diversity related projects. The diversity initiative at the School of Pharmacy has celebrated many achievements since its establishment. The Pharmacy Readiness and Enrichment Program (PREP) originated from the school’s diversity initiative and has blossomed over the past three years. PREP was the cover story of the March/April 2008 edition of Academic Pharmacy, a publication of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. The diversity initiative also produced the Dean’s Diversity Board of Advisors at the school. This board has been very active in planning a cultural sensitivity and competency training program for faculty and staff as well as suggesting a broader inclusion of cultural competence in the curriculum. In addition, the School of Pharmacy has become a key player in the formation of a health professions alliance for North Carolina. Moore was invited to participate as a panelist at The North Carolina Conference for Health Professions Diversity in March 2008. He was later asked to serve on the steering committee for the creation of The North Carolina Health Professions Alliance. This committee is working under the mentorship of Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., M.P.H., chair of The Sullivan Alliance on Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce, founding president of Morehouse School of Medicine, and former secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 32

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Sophia Maedjaja, 2011 Pharm.D. Candidate PREP Participant and Counselor

Preparation for this year’s PREP began in the fall of 2007 with phone conferences and campus visits at partner institutions as well as additional schools

the 2008 PREP were accepted into the MSCR program at Campbell. At this time, data regarding the total number

interested in the program. Information sessions

of PREP alumni who have been accepted into a

and health fairs were conducted, with assistance

pharmacy program or related graduate/professional

from Campbell doctor of pharmacy students, in the

program are incomplete. The School of Pharmacy will

spring of 2008 at partner institutions, providing

continue to collect this information through surveys

approximately 500 visitors with details about PREP

to track the status of all PREP alumni in order to share

and the degree programs at Campbell University

the results of this program.

School of Pharmacy. The goal was to identify at least 50 candidates for PREP in an effort to matriculate 35 into the program. Sixty-one students were identified as prospective PREP participants and 56 students of diverse ethnicities attended the summer program from 21 different academic institutions; exceeding the initial goal of 50 candidates. In May 2008, the School of Pharmacy’s PREP completed its third summer capstone program. The week-long program was the result of a year of planning for the recruitment and preparatory activities. These students worked extremely hard attending classes in two, three-hour blocks each day to prepare for the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT). The academic preparation blocks were

Dr. Bill Stagner, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and director Campbell University’s Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute, discusses careers in the pharmaceutical industry with PREP participant, Deshawnda Gilliam.

separated by a lunch program focused on pharmacy and pharmacy-related educational pathways. In the evenings, students attended dinner programs centered on career opportunities in the pharmacy profession. Students were also mentored daily by faculty, staff and current pharmacy students including an evening wrap-up and reflection session with their counselors. Following the 2008 PREP, 26 out of 56 participants applied to a pharmacy school. Three of these individuals were accepted into the doctor of pharmacy program at Campbell and one additional applicant was accepted into the joint doctor of pharmacy program. These four individuals accepted into the doctor of pharmacy program represent 20% of the minority students in the class of 2012 with an additional 35% of the minority students accepted into the class having previously participated in PREP prior to 2008. In addition, three participants who attended

2007-2008 Annual Report

and master’s of science in clinical research (MSCR)


Diversity Initiative

Diversity Board of Advisors


“The opportunity of a collaborative partnership with Campbell University School of Pharmacy, who like the North Carolina Health Careers Access Program, is committed to increasing the presence of students from diverse backgrounds into the health professions, particularly in the field of pharmacy, continues to encourage me as a program director. I have had many personal experiences with Campbell University that can be shared with my students regarding curriculum, financial aid, and the vast opportunities for students to receive what we call at UNCP ‘the personal touch.’ Therefore, the chance to serve on the Diversity Board of Advisors came at a great time, and will not only benefit our students, but others who are seeking diversity as well. I am truly excited about being involved with a professional program that recognizes the importance of ‘diversity’ and embraces the challenges that may surface while trying to bridge the gaps of the many ‘faces’ of diversity.” Sylvia T. Johnson, M.S. Member, Diversity Board of Advisors Director, North Carolina Health Careers Access Program University of North Carolina at Pembroke The mission of the Diversity Board of Advisors is to advise the dean and administration of Campbell University School of Pharmacy on strategies for recruitment, development and enrichment of a diverse faculty and student body. Violette O. Ajiboye, Pharm.D. ’07, M.B.A. ’07, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

W. Mark Moore, Pharm.D. ’00, M.B.A. ’00, M.S.C.R. ’07, Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Demetria N. Boutte, Pharm.D. ’08, M.S.C.R. ’04, Duke University Medical Center

Michael Nnadi, Pharm.D., M.H.S., Novant Health

Robert Bridges, Ed.D., Education Initiatives, Inc.

Kimberly R. Powers, B.A., C.Ph.T., Harris Teeter

Howard Brooks, Health Keeperz

James E. Raynor, Jr., Ph.D., Fayetteville State University

Annette G. Bullard, Pharm.D. ’96, Southeastern Regional Medical Center

Jermaine Smith, R.Ph., Rite Aid

Ronnie Chapman, Pharm.D., Chapmanetics Consultants

William J. Taylor, Jr., Pharm.D., Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Brenda D. Jamerson, Pharm.D., Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Timothy T. Thompson, Pharm.D. ’00, Naval Hospital Pensacola

Sylvia T. Johnson, M.S., University of North Carolina Pembroke

Mary L. Townsend, Pharm.D., VA Medical Center

Kimberly P. Lewis, Pharm.D., Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Josiah R. Whitehead, D.Sc., M.B.A., Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Bronson L. Lowery, Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Vince Williams, Pharm.D., Wal-Mart Pharmacy

Charles E. McClinton, Sr., Ph.D., North Carolina Central University

Stephen M. Wing, B.S., CVS Caremark


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy


2007-2008 Annual Report


Faculty & Administrative Departments

Role Model

“The one consistent thread in my pharmacy residency and 20 year hospital pharmacy career was my involvement and interest in teaching and education. In fact when I was a pharmacy student I had to give a presentation in class and I can distinctly remember one of my classmates telling me afterwards that I sounded ‘just like a professor.’ I am not sure if that was a compliment or not but I just ran with it! I decided to attend graduate school at Auburn in the Ph.D. program because ultimately I wanted to teach in a school of pharmacy. One of my professors at Auburn told me that Campbell was a great place if I really wanted to have an impact on students. That was all I needed to hear. My interactions with students and everyone at Campbell give me the satisfaction and motivation I need. I just try to be the best Christian role model I can be by caring about the students and my responsibilities. I love being a part of Campbell University and the School of Pharmacy.” Robert M. Cisneros, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice

Pharmacy Practice Connie L. Barnes, Director of Drug Information and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1990); R.Ph., N.C.

Valerie B. Clinard, Associate Director of Drug Information and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000); R.Ph., N.C.

Tara L. Bell, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Biology, Saint Mary’s College-University of Notre Dame (1995); Pharm.D., University of Michigan (1999); R.Ph., N.C., S.C.

April A. Cooper, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1991); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1993); R.Ph., N.C.

J. Andrew Bowman, Director of Continuing Education and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1993); R.Ph., N.C., V.A.

Steven M. Davis, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of Florida at Gainesville (1988); R.Ph., N.C.

James A. Boyd, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Nebraska Medical Center (1977); Pharm.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center (1980); M.B.A., University of Nebraska at Lincoln (1987); R.Ph., N.C., N.E.

Richard H. Drew, Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island (1980); M.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1989); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1999) R.Ph., N.C.

Robert M. Cisneros, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, Northeast Louisiana University (1974); M.Sc., Auburn University (1976); M.B.A., University of Alabama in Birmingham (1998); Ph.D. Pharmacy Care Systems, Auburn University, (2003); R.Ph, A.L., L.A.

Stephen H. Fuller, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Chemistry, Wake Forest University (1981); B.S. Pharmacy, Medical College of Virginia (1985); Pharm.D., Medical College of Virginia (1988); R.Ph., N.C.


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Kathey B. Fulton, Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1994); R.Ph., N.C.

Ann Marie Nye, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Medical College of Virginia (2001); R.Ph., N.C.

Campbell University (1996); Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry, University of Washington (2003), R.Ph., N.C.

Casey K. Gardner, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (2004); R.Ph., N.C.

Amber M. Peoples, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2005); R.Ph., N.C.

Antoine Al-Achi, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, Damascus University (1978); M.Pharm. Hospital Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences (1981); M.S. Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Northeastern University (1988); Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences/Pharmaceutics, Northeastern University (1988); C.T. (ASCLP)

James B. Groce III, Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.A. Zoology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1980); B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1983); Pharm.D., Campbell University (1993); R.Ph., N.C. Charles Herring, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1992); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1994); R.Ph., N.C. Cynthia J. Johnston, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Connecticut (1977); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000); R.Ph., N.C. Kimberly P. Lewis, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Biology, Tougaloo College (2001); Pharm.D., University of Tennessee (2006); R.Ph., M.S., N.C., O.H. Ronald W. Maddox, Dean and Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, Auburn University (1969); Pharm.D., University of Tennessee (1973); R.Ph., N.C., A.L., G.A. D. Byron May, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Clemson University (1983); Pharm.D., University of Florida at Gainesville (1988); R.Ph., N.C. Sarah E. McBane, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S., Guilford College (1998); Pharm.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2003), R.Ph., N.C.

Andrew J. Muzyk, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Mercer University (2004); R.Ph., N.C.

Melanie W. Pound, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (2001); R.Ph., N.C. Jennifer L. Schuh, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (2004); R.Ph., N.C., W.I. Penny S. Shelton, Director of Experiential Programs and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1991); R.Ph., N.C. Jennifer D. Smith, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Biology, East Carolina University (1998); Pharm.D., Campbell University (2002); R.Ph., N.C. Gilbert A. Steiner, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, Pharm.D., Wayne State University (1975); R.Ph., N.C., M.I. Larry N. Swanson, Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., University of Southern California (1969); R.Ph., N.C., C.A., N.V. Tina H. Thornhill, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1991); R.Ph., N.C. Mary L. Townsend, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Mercer University (1999); R.Ph., N.C.

Pharmaceutical Sciences S. Thomas Abraham, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Chemistry, Mars Hill College (1987); Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences/Pharmacology, East Tennessee State University (1994) Michael L. Adams, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharm.D.,

Timothy J. Bloom, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.A. Zoology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1985); Ph.D. Pharmacology, University of Washington (1996) Christopher S. Breivogel, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Biochemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1992); Ph.D. Pharmacology, Wake Forest University (1998) Brad N. Chazotte, Research Associate Professor, B.S., Bucknell University (1976); Ph.D. Chemistry, Northern Illinois University (1981) Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, Albany College of Pharmacy, Union University (1967); Ph.D. Pharmacology, University of Rochester (1972), R.Ph., N.C. Michael A. Gallagher, Pharmaceutical Sciences Instructor/Lab Manager Biochemistry/Analytical Chemistry; B.S. Biochemistry, Pennsylvania State University (1989) Robert L. Garrett, Jr., Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Biology, Harding University (1977); Ph.D. Pharmacology, Northeast Louisiana University College of Pharmacy (1986) Robert B. Greenwood, Associate Dean of Academic Aairs and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1971); Ph.D. Pharmaceutics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1980); R.Ph., N.C.

2007-2008 Annual Report

W. Mark Moore, Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Aairs and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1994); M.B.A., Pharm.D., Campbell University (2000); M.S.C.R., Campbell University (2007); R.Ph., N.C.

Roy Pleasants, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1977); Pharm.D., Medical University of South Carolina-Charleston (1983); R.Ph., N.C.


Faculty & Administrative Departments (Continued)


“My job is to make sure students have the tools and services they need to be successful in and out of the classroom. My goal is to make sure what we are providing will impact our students and enable them to be better pharmacists upon graduation as well as better citizens in their communities.� Jenny Sloop, M.Ed. Student Affairs Coordinator

Mali R. Gupta, Associate Director of CUPSI and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, Gujarat University (1969); M.S. Industrial Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (1971); Ph.D. Industrial Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (1973) Terri S. Hamrick, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.A. Biology and Religion Studies, University of Virginia (1985); Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1996) Thomas J. Holmes, Jr., Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, Duquesne University (1971); Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan (1975) James L. Junker, Director of Science Education Outreach and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Biology, Muhlenberg College (1974); Ph.D. Pathology, Duke University (1980)

George Nemecz, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Chemistry, University of Szeged (1978); M.S. Chemistry, University of Szeged (1978); Ph.D. Biochemical Sciences, University of Szeged (1981) I. Daniel Shin, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.A., Korea University (1976); M.S., Western Illinois University (1988); Ph.D., North Carolina State University (1992) William C. Stagner, Director of CUPSI and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Iowa (1973); M.S. Pharmaceutics, University of Iowa (1977); Ph.D. Pharmaceutics, University of Iowa (1979)

Clinical Research Brenda D. Jamerson, Director of the Clinical Research Center and Associate Professor of Clinical Research; B.S. Pharmacy, St. Louis College of Pharmacy (1983); Pharm.D., Ohio State University (1986); R.Ph., I.L.

Jena T. Kelly, Instructor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, B.S. Business, Campbell University (1990); M.B.A., Fayetteville State University (1996) 38

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Mary Margaret Johnson, Director of B.S. Clinical Research Program and Assistant Professor of Clinical Research; M.B.A., Campbell University (2005); Pharm.D., Campbell University (2005); M.S.C.R., Campbell University (2007); R.Ph., N.C. Melissa D. Johnson, Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Pharm.D., Campbell University (1997); R.Ph., N.C. William W. Pickard, Associate Professor of Clinical Research; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1975); M.S. Pharmacy Practice, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1993); R.Ph., N.C. Robert J. Schmid, Assistant Professor of Clinical Research; B.A. Business Management, North Carolina State University (1995); M.S.C.R., Campbell University (2004) Wendy G. Stough, Associate Professor of Clinical Research, Pharm.D., Campbell University (1995); R.Ph., N.C. William J. Taylor, Jr., Director of Pharm.D./M.S.C.R. Program and Associate Professor of Clinical Research; B.S. Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1972); Pharm.D., University of Tennessee (1976); R.Ph., N.C. J. Rick Turner, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Clinical Research; B.S. Psychology, University of Sheffield (1979); Ph.D. Psychology: Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine, University of Birmingham, England (1984); M.S.C.R., Campbell University (2005)

Administrative Departments Office of the Dean Ronald W. Maddox, Pharm.D., Dean & Professor Robert B. Greenwood, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Janet L. Goswick, Administrative Assistant to the Dean Phyllis C. Strickland, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean Wesley D. Rich, M.Ed., Director, Assessment & Evaluation Office of Admissions and Student Affairs W. Mark Moore, Pharm.D., M.B.A., M.S.C.R., Associate Dean, Admissions & Student Affairs Gabrielle F. Morgan, Director, Admissions & Student Affairs Bronson L. Lowery, Diversity Coordinator & Academic Counselor Jenny Sloop, M.Ed., Student Affairs Coordinator Lindsay D. Blackmon, Admissions Coordinator Abbie M. Usina, Admissions Counselor Brenda F. Blackman, Pre-Pharmacy Coordinator

Abby M. Littlefield, M.Ed., Coordinator, M.S. Clinical Research Program Jamila B. Ollison, Program Coordinator Assistant Adam Tate, Broadcast Technician Russell Reeve, Course Director Deeda W. Harris, Administrative Assistant Office of Continuing Education J. Andrew Bowman, Pharm.D., Director, Continuing Education Samantha Clinton, Continuing Education Coordinator Drug Information Connie L. Barnes, Pharm.D., Director, Drug Information Valerie B. Clinard, Pharm.D., Associate Director, Drug Information Kathy D. Monaghan, Administrative Assistant Experiential Programs Penny S. Shelton, Pharm.D., Director, Experiential Programs Gilbert A. Steiner, Pharm.D., Director, Wellness Institute Jean A. White, Experiential Programs Coordinator Pharmaceutical Sciences Emanuel J. Diliberto, Jr., Ph.D., Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Executive Director, CUPSI Thomas J. Holmes, Jr., Ph.D., Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs William C. Stagner, Ph.D., Director, CUPSI Mali R. Gupta, Ph.D., Associate Director, CUPSI James L. Junker, Ph.D., Director, Science Education Outreach Paul Johnson, Manager, Quality Control & Analytical Development of CUPSI Scott Staton, Manager, Formulation and Operations of CUPSI Emily Bloom, Associate Director, Science Education Outreach Jena T. Kelly, Program Administrator, Pharmaceutical Sciences Programs Crystal D. Dark, Office Manager Frank D. Long, Instructor (part-time) Heather P. Matthews, Microbiology Analyst Chad I. Moody, Research Technician Kristal S. Troy, Research Technician Dejan Maglic, Research Technician Pharmacy Practice Larry N. Swanson, Pharm.D., Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice James A. Boyd, Pharm.D., M.B.A., Director, Pharm.D./M.B.A. Program Lisa T. West, Administrative Assistant

Office of Alumni Relations and Advancement Jodi S. Peeler, M.B.A., Assistant Dean, External Relations Andrea P. Pacheco, Associate Director, Alumni Relations Jessica I. Joyner, Coordinator, Development & Special Projects 2007-2008 Annual Report

Clinical Research J. Rick Turner, B.Sc., Ph.D., PGCE, Chair, Department of Clinical Research William J. Taylor, Jr., Pharm.D., Director, Pharm.D./MSCR Program Mary Margaret Johnson, Pharm.D., M.B.A., M.S.C.R., Director, B.S. Clinical Research Program Brenda D. Jamerson, Pharm.D., Director, Clinical Research Center


Honor Roll of Donors


“With our daughter attending Campbell University School of Pharmacy, we could see the need for a new pharmacy building and we wanted to do our part to give back. We decided to focus our giving on the building campaign because it would help to educate pharmacists and impact the communities of North Carolina and the surrounding areas. We are from a small rural town that is in need of pharmacists, so making a gift to the School of Pharmacy will help our community in the long run.” Scott & Ella Booth Donors, Maddox Hall Parents of Miranda E. Booth, Pharm.D. ’08

The face of benevolence and selflessness is that of the donors at Campbell University School of Pharmacy. It is with sincere appreciation that we recognize and thank the following individuals, businesses, and partners who contributed to the School of Pharmacy this year. We are able to educate students and further the pharmaceutical profession because of your generous gifts. In this section you will find the names of Campbell University School of Pharmacy’s most recent supporters; those who gave monetarily between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008. Thank you for your outstanding contributions. We are grateful you are part of the Campbell University School of Pharmacy family. For discrepancies please contact the Pharmacy Advancement Office at (800) 760-9734, ext. 1313. *Doctor of pharmacy alumni donors are indicated with their year of graduation behind their name.


The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Platinum Society $100,000 or more annually GlaxoSmithKline The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc.

Dean’s Society $10,000-$99,999 annually Capital Community Foundation Cardinal Health Foundation Family Care Pharmacy, Inc. Florence Rogers Trust Mr. & Mrs. James C. Furman Harris Teeter Mr. Dan & Mrs. Alisa Hayes Dr. Ed (1995) & Mrs. Carla Herring Kerr Drug, Inc. Mr. Lazelle & Mrs. Judy Marks Medical Village Pharmacy Merrill Lynch Mutual Wholesale Drug Dr. Anthony & Mrs. Julie Oley Mr. Robert L. Ransdell, Sr. Rite Aid Corporation Seven Lakes Prescription Shoppe Inc. Stedman Drug Center Walgreens Dr. Wesley V. Waters, III (2002) Dr. & Mrs. Jack G. Watts

Mortar & Pestle Society

Apothecary Society $1,000-$4,999 annually Drs. Jim (1998) & Anne Marie Beaty (2000) Mr. John & Dr. Michelle M. Benish (1993)

Dr. Mark A. Mannebach Drs. Russell B. (1992) & Holly McReynolds Mantooth (1994) Mr. John C. Marion Drs. George P. & Andrea C. Markham (1994) Mast Operations LLC-CH Dr. Rick L. (1998) & Mrs. Jillian Mullins NACDS Education Foundation N.C. Baptist Foundation Drs. Christopher C. (1994) & Julianna F. Parrish (1997) Dr. Jeffrey R. (1990) & Mrs. Kelly Pendergrass Pharmacists Mutual Ins., Co. Mr. Andrew & Dr. Traci B. Pierce (1999) Mr. & Mrs. William R. Pope Dr. Daniel B. Seavers (1996) Mr. John T. & Dr. Susan H. Smith (1995) Mr. Andy & Dr. Wendy G. Stough (1995) Dr. & Mrs. William J. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Tom Thutt Thutt Enterprises Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Rick Turner Vanguard Charitable Endowment Dr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Wallace Wal-Mart Foundation Whaley Family Foundation, Inc. VIP Computer Systems, Inc.

Rx Friends Society $500-$999 annually Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Cashion Dr. Robert M. Cisneros Jr. Dr. Tara L. Cox (2002) Mr. Rocky W. David Dr. Richard P. D’Elia Dr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Fetterman, Jr. Drs. Thomas J. & Alyce Holmes Dr. Tara B. Jackson (2002) Mr. Brandon & Dr. Mary Margaret Johnson (2005) Johnson & Johnson Family Companies

Dr. Parminder Kaur (2005) Mr. Gary W. & Dr. LeAnne D. Kennedy (1993) Dr. Jennifer Lazo (2004) Dr. W. Mark Moore (2000) Dr. W. Whitaker Moose, Sr. N.C. Pharmaceutical Association Drs. Daniel D. (2000) & Janice M. Patriss (2001) Drs. Robert S. (2002) & Brooke K. Rawls (2002) Southeast Chapter of PDA Dr. William C. Stagner Wake County Pharmaceutical Association Ms. Donna Warzynski Mr. David & Dr. Luanne K. Williams (1990) Dr. & Mrs. J. Mark Yates Dr. Jeanette M. Yoder (2005)

Circle of Friends Society $250-499 annually Dr. Violette O. Ajiboye (2007) Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Siriprawn A. Anderson (2001) Drs. David L. (2001) & Rebecca M. Arnold (2001) Mr. Maynard S. & Dr. Connie L. Barnes (1990) Dr. Timothy & Mrs. Emily Bloom Dr. Jennifer L. Burch (1993) Mr. & Mrs. James T. Burns, Jr. Dr. Jason B. Cain (2003) Campbell University School of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Campbell University School of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice Dr. Alan J. (2005) & Mrs. Carolyn Carroll Dr. Brad N. Chazotte Dr. Courtney E. Councill (2008) Dr. George L. Foose (1992) Dr. Andrew J. Foster (2008) Dr. Stephen H. Fuller Fuller Healthcare Consultants Mr. Michael A. Gallagher Dr. Evan G. Gliptis (1996) & Mrs. Suzanne Spence Mr. Richard V. & Dr. Freda S. Gray (1992) Dr. James B. (1993) & Mrs. Sarah Groce Dr. & Mrs. Mali Ram Gupta Dr. Dustin S. Herrell (2007) Dr. Judy C. Herrin (1999) Dr. Paul M. Hetrick (2000) Dr. Philip H. Hopkins, Jr. (2006) Mr. Aaron & Dr. Kristen L. Hoxie (2005) Mr. Forrest M. James Drs. Brian L. (1992) & Amy T. Jenkins (1993) Mr. Randy & Dr. Casey L. Johnson (2005) Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Melissa D. Johnson (1997) Dr. Dianna M. Jones (2007) Mr. Ryan & Dr. Emilie N. Karchner (2007) Dr. Stephanie M. Kendrick (1999) Dr. P. Tyler Labauch (2007) Dr. Michael R. Lacher (2008) Mr. Danny K. & Dr. Amy S. McDonald (2000) Dr. Thomas F. (2003) & Mrs. Donna McGrady Mr. & Mrs. Rodney K. Miller Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Kathleen D. Monaghan

2007-2008 Annual Report

$5,000-$9,999 annually Drs. Michael L. (1996) & Dina H. Adams (1996) Mr. Eugene G. Anderson Mr. Scott & Mrs. Ella Booth Ms. Traci Brinson Brooks-Eckerd Pharmacy Cashion Family Foundation, Inc Chocowinity Pharmacy, Inc Mr. Gene L. Crow Jr. CVS Corporation Drs. Emanuel & Pamela Diliberto Mrs. Mary S. Fearing First Federal Bank Drs. Corey D. (1995) & Ashley R. Furman (1996) GFACO, LLC GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Drs. Michael L. (1997) & Lora C. Griffin (1997) Drs. George & Terri Hamrick Dr. Walton P. (1996) & Mrs. Helene O’Neal Mr. David Parker Dr. Joey L. Smith (1999) Drs. Ronald E. (1998) & Lora Beth Smith (1998) Triangle Community Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Josiah R. Whitehead Ms. Ella Wilson

Mr. John & Mrs. Emmagene Bowman Dr. J. Andrew Bowman (1993) Dr. Gary A. Camp (1998) Carolina Compounding Center Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Carroll, Jr. Carroll Pharmacy, Inc. Catalent Health Solutions Drs. Henry C. (1992) & Allison C. Cobb (1992) Dr. Eric B. (2007) & Mrs. Juliane Danielczyk Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2008 Drs. Jonathan C. (1995) & Sara M. Fogle (1995) Dr. Amanda M. Greenwood (2002) Dr. Robert & Mrs. Diane Greenwood Dr. Ronnie S. Holuby (2003) Dr. Kenzie E. Irvine (2007) Dr. James L. Junker Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Delta Lambda Chapter Dr. Elton W. (1990) & Mrs. Tonette Long Dr. Ronald W. & Mrs. Suzan Maddox


Honor Roll of Donors Dr. Endurance O. Onori (1996) Dr. Thomas A. Pasquariello (2008) Mr. David M. & Dr. Melanie W. Pound (2001) Dr. April D. Pridgen (2008) RMD Pharmacy Services, Inc. Dr. Kenneth O. Saad (1999) Mr. B. Randy Scott Drs. David W. (2003) & Hillary L. Stewart (2004) Dr. Ronnie D. (1992) & Mrs. Mary Donna Strickland Dr. Paul D. (1992) & Mrs. Beth Stroud Dr. & Mrs. Larry N. Swanson Mr. Barry W. & Dr. Tina H. Thornhill (1991) Mr. Jason D. & Dr. Michelle S. Turner (2004) Mr. Otis & Mrs. Betty Wallace Ms. Jo Ann W. Williford Dr. Joey W. (2001) & Mrs. Robin Williford Ms. Daisy L. Woolard

Pharmacy Supporters $249 or less annually Dr. Heather E. Abernathy (2008) Dr. S. Thomas Abraham Mr. Jahazaib Badar & Dr. Nadia Ahmed (2003) Dr. Kimberly K. Ailes (2007) Dr. & Mrs. Antoine Al-Achi Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Alcancia Mr. Cory & Dr. Catherine H. Allen (1997) Dr. Leah A. Allen (2002) Mr. Stanley L. Allen Drs. Christopher J. (1998) & Rhonda C. Apple (1999) Ms. Mary Archer Dr. Samantha T. Arrington (2008) Dr. James D. (2002) & Mrs. Julia Autry Dr. Catherine L. Ballard (1993) Mr. Patrick & Dr. Mary S. Ballogg (1999) Mr. Wayne & Dr. Rachel K. Barbour (2007) Barnes Lube Express Mr. Anthony J. & Dr. Erin S. Bastidas (2000) Dr. Courtney T. Bath (2007) Ms. Verma Baynor Dr. Christopher L. Bennett (2004) Dr. Crystal L. Bennett (2005) Drs. Troy A. (2003) & Hilcia L. Bernardo (2003) Ms. Marilyn H. Best Mr. Mark & Dr. Ann J. Biehl (2007) Dr. Courtney B. Blackwell (2008) Dr. Miranda E. Booth (2008) Dr. Laura L. Bowers (2007)



Dr. James A. Boyd Dr. Wiley B. (1996) & Mrs. Sherry Brantley Dr. Keith T. (1994) & Mrs. Karen J. Breedlove Dr. Christopher S. Breivogel Dr. Meredith B. Briley (2008) Dr. Dawn L. Brisson (2008) Dr. Matthew J. Brown (2008) Drs. Wade H. (2007) & Paige Brown (2006) Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Stacey S. Bruton (2004) Mr. Joseph T. Buck Dr. Stephanie M. Buckner (2008) Mr. Dale P. & Dr. Rebecca M. Bumgarner (2000) Rev. William E. Burk Ms. Coleen Burke Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Burkot Dr. & Mrs. Elvin Butts, Jr. Mr. Greg & Dr. Elizabeth A. Byers (2001) Dr. Dustan P. Byrd (2008) Dr. Wynter L. Campbell (2008) Mr. Wilson & Dr. Rebecca K. Cantrell (2003) Maj. Jorge D. (2000) & Mrs. Shawn A. Carrillo Mr. Matthew R. & Dr. Patricia B. Carroll (2004) Mr. Jose & Dr. Nanci G. Castillo (2003) Mr. David Catalano Mr. Lawrence G. Caviness Dr. Michael F. (1996) & Mrs. Becky Chicella Dr. Johnanna O. Clark (1999) Mr. Donald Currin & Dr. Virginia A. Clay (1994) Dr. Valerie B. Clinard Mr. Rodney & Dr. Michelle M. Cline (2001) Mr. Doug & Dr. Traci R. Collier (1994) Dr. Jennifer Conty (2007) Dr. Amanda A. Conway (2008) Dr. April A. Cooper Dr. Julie S. Creger (2001) Mr. Cecil & Dr. Renae M. Cregger (1995) Dr. Kimberly J. Crow (2002) Mr. Jeffery T. & Dr. Shannon P. Czarkowski (2000) Mr. Brian & Dr. Kena K. Damore (2005) Ms. Crystal D. Dark Dr. Cecil M. (1992) & Mrs. Christy R. Davis Dr. Steven M. Davis Dr. Diedren H. Deese (2007) Dr. David L. Dellinger (2000) Dr. James W. (1998) & Mrs. Connie Deming Dr. Christopher R. Dennis (2008) Dr. Brian K. (1993) & Mrs. Theresa C. Dial Dr. & Mrs. John M. Dischert (2008) Mr. Eric & Dr. Charity W. Dodson (2000) Dr. Richard H. Drew

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Dr. Jonathan C. Dubyk (2008) Drs. Stephen M. (2006) & Aleesha C. Dunham (2007) Dr. Marty J. Dunn (2003) Mr. Dennis & Dr. Melanie E. Durham (1993) Mr. Nicholas & Dr. Leanne W. Epperson (2004) Dr. Nancy J. Etheredge (2000) Dr. Jeffrey E. (2005) & Mrs. Kimberly V. Eudy Mr. Paul A. & Dr. Julie M. Evans (1999) Dr. William R. (1995) & Mrs. Wendy S. Faulkner Dr. Jennifer M. Fedyna (2008) Mr. Joey & Dr. Debbie J. Finley (1999) Dr. Tracy L. Fitzgerald (1997) Dr. Gregory D. Fox (1996) & Mrs. Caryn Childers Dr. Gretta S. French (2008) Dr. Kathey M. Fulton (1994) Mr. Chris & Dr. Cheryl D. Gainey (1995) Dr. Robert E. Garren (2006) Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garrett Dr. Stephanie K. Gates (2006) Mr. Kevin Gauger Dr. James H. Gibson III (1997) Mr. Brandon S. & Dr. Leslie D. Goad (2002) Dr. Kristie B. Golden (2004) Drs. Corey M. (2004) & Megan L. Goodwin (2005) Dr. Natasha R. Greer-Pennington (2006) Dr. Windy R. Griffin (2008) Mr. Brian T. & Dr. Rebekah A. Grube (2003) Dr. Kimberly A. Gwinn (1994) Mr. Jason D. & Dr. Bobbie H. Hall (2000) Drs. Michael L. (2004) & Teresa C. Hamilton (1997) Mr. John & Dr. Sharon D. Haney (1999) Mr. Danny A. Hankins Mr. Brian T. & Dr. Tammy V. Harrington (1995) Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Harris Ms. Lorie S. Hassell Mr. Chris & Dr. Kimberly B. Hayes (1990) Dr. Zachary C. Hayes (2008) Dr. Darrell W. (1998) & Mrs. Denya Haymore Dr. Jerry W. (1993) & Mrs. Tara Haynes Dr. Brian T. (2001) & Mrs. Elizabeth Healey Dr. Laura R. Hedrick (2007) Mr. Larry D. & Dr. Lynn G. Henson (1990) Mr. Walter Heritage Dr. Charles Herring Mr. Matthew & Dr. Stephanie Hibler (2007) Mr. Watson & Dr. Crystal A. Hilaire (2005) Mr. Robert F. & Dr. Karen P. Hobson (2001) Dr. Melissa A. Holland (2007)

the Life and Service of Dr. Lewis Fetterman Commemorated through an Endowed Scholarship The Campbell University School of Pharmacy

spending countless hours mentoring and

community was deeply saddened by the

advising students to ensure their success

death of Dr. Lewis Fetterman, Jr., assistant

at Campbell. He was an example of a

professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, who

Christian professor who had devoted his life

passed away in a car accident on March 15,

to teaching young minds to become first-


rate professionals in the biotechnology and

“Dr. Fetterman was recognized as a dedicated teacher, very involved in

pharmaceutical industries. Faculty from the Department of

his community, very challenging in the

Pharmaceutical Sciences commemorated

classroom,” said Dr. Thomas Holmes,

the life and service of Fetterman through the

director of the pharmaceutical sciences

establishment of an endowed scholarship

programs at the School of Pharmacy. “He

pledging $25,000 in his memory. This

challenged his students in a way that builds

endowment was designed to create a

character, as well as technical skills.”

legacy so that Fetterman will always be

Fetterman holds a special place in the

recognized for the love and devotion he put

development of the bachelor’s program in

into teaching his students. Described as

the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department

an expert in the analysis of drug products,

serving as the only professor to have

the endowment will produce one annual

observed all courses in the curriculum

scholarship for a student pursuing a

making him especially suited to understand

bachelor’s of science in pharmaceutical

the true essence of the program. This is the

sciences degree with a strong interest

main reason he became such a dedicated,

and ability in pharmaceutical analysis or

ardent, and respected teacher. At the same

medicinal chemistry.

time, he was always mindful of the students’ struggles to learn difficult material;

Honor Roll of Donors



“My husband, Andy, and I choose to contribute to Campbell University School of Pharmacy for many reasons. One of which is the fact that we have been blessed and we believe in sharing those blessings with others whenever possible. Another very important reason is to help contribute to the education of promising pharmacists which we hope will go into their communities and practice compassionate, quality health care.” Traci B. Pierce, Pharm.D. ’99 Donor, Maddox Hall Staff Pharmacist, Rite Aid

Hopkins Lumber Contractors Dr. Crystal A. Howard (2008) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Howard Mr. Jeffery L. & Dr. Sherry G. Howard (1993) Dr. D. C. Huffman, Jr. Dr. Michael D. Humphries (2001) Mr. Chad & Dr. Dani H. Hunley (2003) Mr. James Huntley Mr. Dwight W. Johnson Dr. Erica M. Johnson (2002) Dr. Joel L. (1995) & Mrs. Leigh Johnson Mr. James C. & Dr. Joni K. Johnson (1996) Mr. Benton & Dr. Lois T. Johnson (1991) Dr. Nancy F. Johnston (1992) Dr. Nita F. Johnston (1998) Mr. Steven G. & Dr. Christie B. Jones (1998) Mr. Randy & Dr. Geri E. Jones (1990) Ms. Judith Jones Drs. Jason S. (1998) & Tamela R. Joyce (1997) Mr. Daniel L. & Mrs. Jessica I. Joyner Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Kamrada Dr. Stephen E. (1994) & Mrs. Lori U. Kearney Mr. Jeremy & Dr. Terri A. Keller (2001) Ms. Jena T. Kelly Mr. Harp & Dr. Suman F. Kenth (1992) Mr. Christopher W. & Dr. Rickie L. Kimbro (1999) Dr. C. Todd (1990) & Mrs. Leanna B. King Mr. Stanley W. & Dr. Nancy B. Kirby (1997) Dr. Lori E. Kiser (2006) Mr. Christopher L. & Dr. Mandy W. Klingenberg (2003) Drs. Brian (2008) & Summer C. Kloster (2008)


Drs. Christopher R. (1997) & Molly M. Knowles (1998) Ms. Brenda Konieczki Mr. David M. & Dr. Stephenie A. Konkler (1997) Ms. Ronda Lacher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Lanier, Jr. Ms. Ruthlene Lee Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Leis, Jr. Mr. William R. & Dr. Angela D. Lewis (1994) Dr. Jane T. Lewis Dr. Jason D. Lewis (2004) Dr. Kimberly P. Lewis Dr. Oliver M. Littlejohn Drs. Stephen & Lee B. Loftis (1998) Mr. Franklin D. Long Dr. Tracy L. Looney (2008) Drs. Bruce D. (1991) & Kristy H. Lucas (1998) Dr. Kevin E. Lynch (2000) Mr. Shailesh Maingi Dr. Melissa M. Manning (2008) Drs. Byron May & Diana M. Maravich-May (1990) Dr. Jannesah L. Marion (2007) Dr. Caroline A. Marks (2008) Dr. Melissa G. Marshall (1994) Drs. T. Jeremy (2000) & Heather S. Massengill (2000) Mr. & Mrs. Earl Matthews Ms. Sarah E. McBane Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCormick Dr. Glen D. (2007) & Mrs. Penny McDonald Mr. William & Dr. Miranda T. McGlaughon (2005) Mr. Tracey & Dr. Katherine M. McInnis (1998) Dr. William D. McKelvey (1994)

The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy

Mr. Jerey M. Serzan Mr. Timothy S. & Dr. Amy H. Sessions (1998) Drs. Shaun G. (1997) & Shannon C. Seufert (1996) Dr. Pamela S. Shelton (1991) Dr. John G. (1996) & Mrs. Krysten Shepherd Dr. I. Daniel Shin Dr. Darrin R. Sismour (2008) Dr. Vasiliki T. Sitaras (2008) Mr. & Mrs. Marion C. Slate, Jr. Dr. April M. Sloan (2008) Ms. Jenny Sloop Mr. Roger & Dr. Angela R. Smith (1995) Mr. Matthew & Dr. Jennifer D. Smith (2002) Dr. Tammy J. Smith (2008) Mr. Eddie & Dr. Denise M. Staley (1996) Dr. Melissa M. Steedly (2004) Ms. Sarah M. Stein Dr. Gilbert A. Steiner Dr. Darren E. Stevens (2008) Dr. Paige B. Stocks (2007) Dr. Terri Storms-Starling (1997) Dr. Carol A. Story (2006) Dr. Marcus D. (2005) & Mrs. Patti Stovall Mr. Gary E. Strickland Dr. James H. (1994) & Mrs. Lori Strickland Dr. Krista R. Strickland (2004) Dr. & Mrs. Paul Stroud (1992) Dr. Ryan S. Swanson (2008) Dr. Kimberly Tamura (2008) Mr. Vincent L. & Dr. Gigi A. Taylor (2000) Mrs. Glenda H. Taylor Mrs. Lillie D. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor Mr. Neil A. Thaggard Mr. Darin K. & Dr. Kimberly L. Thornburgh (1993) Ms. Patricia Tingen Dr. Mary L. Townsend Drs. Robert M. & Beth T. Treadway (1993)


$882,931.13 $783,491.85








A comparison of total gifts donated to Campbell University School of Pharmacy from the past five fiscal years.

2007-2008 Annual Report

Mr. Shane T. & Dr. Heather R. McLeod (2006) Dr. Robert B. McMahan (2000) Dr. Jennifer L. Meadors (2008) Mr. Clement E. Medley Jr. Ms. Ana Menendez Dr. Janet D. Meredith (1997) Mr. Daryl & Dr. Michelle S. Merritt (2002) Dr. Marvin M. Milkowich (2006) Mr. Howard A. & Dr. Elizabeth P. Mills (1998) Dr. Shannon N. Moore (2006) Drs. Joseph S. (1990) & Tasha S. Moose (1991) Dr. Andrew Muzyk Dr. George Nemecz Dr. Thuy-Tien T. Ngo (2006) Dr. Michael Nnadi Dr. Holly H. Nunn (2002) Dr. Ann Marie Nye Dr. Kristie L. Osborne (2005) Mrs. Andrea P. Pacheco Dr. Michella L. Parr (2007) Mr. Earl L. Patrick Dr. Jason L. (2001) & Mrs. Amy B. Patterson Mr. Jonathan A. & Mrs. Jodi S. Peeler Mr. James W. & Dr. Angela H. Pegram (1995) Dr. Amber Peoples Dr. Mark L. Petitt (1992) Dr. Merritt E. Phelps (2008) Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Beta Kappa Chapter COL William W. Pickard Ms. Linda P. Pierce Mr. Kenny & Dr. Debra J. Pittman (1992) Dr. Jimmie R. (1993) & Mrs. Angie Pope Dr. Carissa F. Poston (2006) Dr. Suneeta M. Prasad (1991) Mr. Steven & Dr. Crystal E. Pratt (2002) Dr. Lydia D. Price (1991) Mr. & Mrs. Randy Pridgen Dr. Diane T. Prince (2008) Dr. Amy S. Pruett (1999) Dr. Briana N. Pullano (2007) Mr. David A. Rappaport Dr. Allison J. Rauch Ms. Rachel Raynor Mr. William B. & Dr. Pamela C. Rich (2006) Mr. Jason F. & Dr. Sonya S. Richards (1999) Dr. Amy L. Richmond (2008) Dr. Nancy S. Roach (1990) Drs. Charles M. (2006) & Jennifer R. Robinson (2006) Dr. James S. (2001) & Mrs. Donna S. Robinson Mrs. Richelle S. Rockett Dr. Sabrina S. Rodriguez (2007) Mrs. Edith A. Rosato Mr. Andrew & Dr. Susan E. Ross (2001) Dr. Karen M. Rouse (2005) Dr. Sylvia A. Saint-Amand (1998) Dr. Melinda D. Sams (2003) Dr. Bridget L. Scarboro (2007) Ms. Donna E. Scarpena Dr. Jennifer L. Schuh Mr. Jay D. Schwartz


Honor Roll of Donors Dr. Kathryn A. Trivette (2006) Dr. Amy L. Tromans (2008) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tromans Ms. Victoria Tropina Mr. David & Dr. Tracey H. Truesdale (2003) Dr. Alexander E. (2003) & Mrs. Dana C. Tunnell Dr. Jacqueline N. Turner (2008) Dr. James D. (1993) & Mrs. Chrystal Turner Mr. Aaron G. & Dr. Lisa N. Turner (1998) Dr. Jerri A. Uhlir (2006) Dr. Kristine F. Vaden (2008) Dr. Jill A. Varner (2008) The Village Pharmacy, LLC Mr. Zachary D. & Dr. Chanda N. Wadsworth (2004) Mr. Holt & Dr. Suzanne T. Walker (2000) Mr. Charlie Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Travis Wallace Dr. Emily A. Warren (2004) Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Warren, Jr. Dr. Christopher D. Watson (2005) Dr. Angela E. Weathers (2008) Dr. Rebecca K. Weaver (1999) Drs. David & Kathy Webster Mr. Terry M. & Dr. Autumn S. Wells (2003) Dr. Amanda J. Whiddon (2007) Mr. & Mrs. Denton W. White Ms. E. Virginia White Dr. Glenn (1997) & Mrs. Joanne C. Whitley Dr. Mildred H. Wiggins Drs. Ryan P. (2007) & Angela M. Williams (2007) Dr. Leslie J. Williamson (2008) Dr. John K. Williford Mr. Jeremy & Dr. Erin E. Willis (2006) Dr. Dustin T. Wilson (2007) Mr. Matthew S. & Dr. Sheena S. Wimberly (2002) Dr. Erika D. Woessner (2007) Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lee Wood Mr. Tony K. & Dr. Christie H. Woolard (1992) Mr. Paul C. & Dr. Tonya L. Worley (1992) Mr. W. C. Wyatt Jr. Dr. Peggy Yarborough Mr. Troy Young






The Faces of Campbell University School of Pharmacy








The following are the top five classes with the greatest percentage of alumni giving to Campbell University School of Pharmacy during the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

SOURCES OF GIFTS Other Individuals 5%

Pharmacy Alumni 15% Pharmacy Parents 5% Trustees/PBA’s 3% Employees 5%

Foundations 38%

Corporations 31%

Campbell University School of Pharmacy is thankful for the contributions it receives from various partners.

Produced by Campbell University School of Pharmacy Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Editor & Design Andrea P. Pacheco Assistant Editors Jessica I. Joyner & Jodi S. Peeler

Printing Theo Davis Printing Photography Campbell University Photographics, Amber D. Nelson, Bennett Scarborough and The Parish Group

2007-2008 Annual Report

Contributors Michael Adams, Janet Goswick, Robert Greenwood, Office of Pharmacy Admissions, Pharmacy Student Organization Officers and Campbell University Public Information


Office of Alumni Relations & Advancement Post Office Box 1090 Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506

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