Campbell Comments_Summer 2021

Page 4


The Coharie Collaboration


t is a match made in Harnett County. One of the eight American Indian Tribes in North Carolina, the Coharie Tribe is based in Harnett and Sampson Counties. The area is rural, medically underserved, and about 30 miles from Campbell’s main campus. The tribe, like many underserved communities, was looking for ways to reach their members with information about COVID-19 and to provide vaccinations. “And to do that, we needed funding,” said Gregory Jacobs, Coharie tribal administrator. “It was perfect timing when Dr. Ronny Bell reached out about the NC Healthier Together grant.” “Dr. Bell is chair of the North Carolina American Indian Health Board and works with the state health department and its agencies,” said Dr. David Tillman, chair and director of the CPHS Public Health program. “Dr. Bell came across the NC Healthier Together grant and contacted Mr. Jacobs, Dr. Amy Hinkelman who works at CUSOM, and me. It was the start of the collaboration between the Coharie Tribe and Campbell.” Dr. Tillman and Dr. Hinkelman, assistant academic officer of the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program and assistant professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine (CUSOM) worked with Isabell Freeman, chair of the Coharie Intra-Tribal Council and of the Harnett County Indian Association, to complete the grant, and Ms. Freeman finalized and submitted it. “It was a happy day when we received the grant funds,” Freeman said. “We really want to help our tribe members be healthy.” There are three main components of the grant: Outreach, Education, and Vaccination. The grant funds will pay for the materials, supplies, and small stipends for people who will conduct door-to-door canvassing of the tribe members.

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