Campbell Comments_Summer 2021

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Campbell faculty member has served on campus for over 30 years, bringing diversity, mentorship, and subject matter expertise to the student experience


r. Antoine J. Al-Achi, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, has roots in the Eastern Mediterranean and North African regions. He joined the Campbell University family in 1989. Before joining Campbell, he taught Pharmacokinetics in the pharmacy school at Northeastern University. Al-Achi has spent more than thirty years teaching in Campbell’s undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs while contributing extensive research and publications to the field of science. Al-Achi holds a PhD from Northeastern University in Biomedical Sciences/ Pharmacokinetics. He completed his post-doctoral training at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. Throughout his career he has authored three books, several book chapters, and more than 220 research, review, poster and presentation publications. Two of Al-Achi’s book publications focused on botanicals, and one was dedicated to integrated pharmaceutics. He has authored chapters and co-authored Pharmacokinetics books and conducted extensive research on the formulation of peptides and proteins, using recombinant human insulin as a model drug. He routinely works with clinicians in analyzing data obtained from human subjects. The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS), in conjunction with the Campbell Office of Adult and Online Education (AOE), established a new program offering a Botanical and Holistic Health Graduate Certificate. Al-Achi has been teaching botanicals and alternative medicine since 1999, and one of his hobbies includes reading books on botanical and herbal medicine. His knowledge and expertise in this subject matter deemed him the perfect administrator to oversee the new certificate program. The goal of this program is to educate post-professionals about the role 6   FA L L 2 0 2 1

nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, and botanicals play in a person’s emotional, mental, physical, social, and spiritual needs. “ Understanding therapeutic applications and effects, complementary modalities, herbal preparations and remedies, and an overview of eastern therapies will allow professionals to more holistically understand the human body and better consult their patients,” Al-Achi commented.

“ Understanding therapeutic applications and effects, complementary modalities, herbal preparations and remedies, and an overview of eastern therapies will allow professionals to more holistically understand the human body and better consult their patients.” — Dr. Antoine J. Al-Achi Some of Al-Achi’s teaching responsibilities include co-directing Integrated Pharmacotherapy IX (Dermatology and Nutrition), Applied Statistical Analysis (computer programming analysis of data), two different compounding courses on sterile and non-sterile, and two electives: Botanical Medicine Seminar and Herbal Medicine. Al-Achi also teaches several courses in the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Science (MSPS) program and an Introduction to Botanical Medicine in the honors program for undergraduate students. He routinely oversees MSPS research projects. He also served as the track head for Industrial Pharmaceutics for 20 years, until the MSPS curriculum changed. He sits on numerous CPHS committees such as the Appointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee, and the Pharmacy Ad-Hoc Board Review Planning Committee. He is a valued member of CPHS and is well respected by students, faculty, and staff.

Students have named Al-Achi Professor of the Year numerous times, and the PharmD Class of 2014 established an Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship on Commencement Day (May 9, 2014) under his name. Al-Achi received the 1st prize award from the Yale Publishing Press on writing book proposals during the conference of “Publishing Books, Memoirs and Other Creative Nonfiction” held in Boston, Massachusetts, in March 2007. In October 2007, a faculty office in Maddox Hall was named in his honor. The contribution was made possible by one of Al-Achi’s former students, Dr. Gary Camp (’98 PharmD) and his wife, Karen. In his free time, Al-Achi enjoys reading history books and watching the news. He has been collecting world-wide stamps since he was seven years old. His father helped start the collection and now Al-Achi has multiple bookshelves full of stamps. He recently bought an electronic chessboard. “I find chess to be mentally and strategically challenging,” Al-Achi remarked. He went on to equate chess to life and how he applies a similar approach to his courses and student education. Al-Achi challenges students to think several steps ahead and assess potential outcomes based on the development and execution of new medications and treatment plans. When asked what he loves most about Campbell, Al-Achi shared, “the Christian environment is unique at Campbell. I love that!”

As with chess, Al-Achi challenges students to think several steps ahead and assess potential outcomes based on the development and execution of new medications and treatment plans.

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