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Curaçao Chamber of Commerce Highlights
August 2016 11 + 18 August – Fair Trade Authority Curaçao, (FTCA): A lecture about the upcoming FTAC introduction was presented to association leadership and stakeholders in Curaçao.
25 August 2016 – CaribConnect The Chamber launched the website CaribConnect to entice companies looking for funding for their projects in Curaçao by using the website as a resource for potential investments. www.caribconnect.net/
25 August 2016 – The power of Google for your business The Chamber presented the power of Google together with COSME for SME’s in Curaçao.
September 2016 27-28 September 2016 – Caribbean Basin Initiative, (CBI) MEO, Customs Curaçao, Chamber of Commerce, the US Consulate based in Curaçao and CINEX held a training on the CBI and its opportunities for Curaçao businesses as well as stakeholders interested in export (and logistics). www.cura cao-chamber.cw/news/chamber-news/Curacao-Chamber-hostsworkshop-about-CBI-Sept2016
28 September 2016 – Build your exit plan Course offered by the Chamber to SME’s or dreamers interested in being a full-time entrepreneur. www.youtube.com/ watch?v=vGn8a7_s0-4&feature=youtu.be
October 2016 31 October 2016 – FIHAV, La Habana Cuba The Chamber participated in cooperation with MEO, CINEX and the Embassy of the Dutch Kingdom in Havana at the FIHAV trade show as well as B2B meetings associated with the event. www. feriahavana.com/
27 October 2016 – The Power of Networking Course about the fundamentals and practices of Networking that is offered to SME’s in Curaçao (Papiamentu/ English) www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOwFJsn1_v0
November 2016 2 November 2016 – Benefisio di Media Soshal Course about social media offered to SME’s in Curaçao, (Papiamentu). www.facebook.com/EmpresaChiki/vid eos/1250280778357039/ Global Entrepreneurship week: Curaçao Chamber of Commerce participated in the Global Entrepreneurship week, to facilitate and contribute to the training throughout the week. curacaochronicle.com/local/global-entrepreneurship-week-cura cao-announces-a-varied-and-attractive-program-for-its-2016-edition/