Managing the Innovation Process
Curaçao Business Point Conference
What are the driving forces pushing your organization to innovate?
The saying, “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near,” (Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, circa 1990s), has been a common truth followed by decision-makers for as long as many of us can remember. As today’s innovative changes occur at an increasingly breakneck speed, this saying is taking on a literal meaning for many businesses.
rate your ability to answer
A quick scan of the questions to the right will tell you how ready your company is to incorporate innovation into its management processes. Give yourself five stars for every clear answer you have to any of these questions; three stars if you find yourself thinking about what to answer, or maybe unsure of which direction to take; and one star for every question you skipped because you do not have an answer to it. On the other hand, if you believe that innovation is not a priority for your business at the moment… beware! Your organization may be at risk, even to the point of disappearing soon.
Business Point Conference, you may be taking an unprecedented risk by postponing innovation management practices in your business. The 2017, Curaçao Business Point Conference was held on September 18th and 19th at the Renaissance Hotel Curaçao Resort. Experts from Argentina, Canada and The Netherlands facilitated hands-on workshops to help business leaders and proactive entrepreneurs with the different challenges involved in ‘managing the innovation.’ The CBPC is an initiative of the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
According to Leopold Colombo, Managing Director of Quara Argentina S.A., and one of the speakers at the recently held Curaçao
“Never before has technology changed so rapidly than during our present times. Different technologies are converging, feeding one ano-
What are the three most important trends affecting the future of your organization today?
What are the three most important challenges related to culture in your organization? rate your ability to answer Should you leave innovation to happen or learn how to manage it?
rate your ability to answer
Are You at Risk?
| NUMBER 4 3 | 2017
rate your ability to answer What are the cultural aspects regarding innovation in your organization? rate your ability to answer What are the three most promising innovation opportunities for you? rate your ability to answer
ther to create more value, and challenging organizations in all sectors. [Companies] tend to stay in their comfort zones until these challenges arrive. We have seen this play itself out in many