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The Powerful Potential of NEXT GEN
Curaçao Business magazine, the official magazine of the Chamber of Commerce, is now available by subscription.
The annual magazine subscription, published quarterly, is available for 35 guilders per year.
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An Interview with Three Young Social Media-based Entrepreneurs What it Takes to Run a Business on Social Platforms and Inter-branding:
“Establishing a personal brand that you’re proud of, is an ongoing project. It takes time to create a vision of what you want, and to then execute that vision. Nike did not establish their brand overnight and neither will you”, writes Jenn Chen, author of the popular blog, sproutsocial.
As creators, innovators, and movers of economies we are constantly attracted by disruption. In this now economy, there is an unprecedented access and immediacy for information. We want information now, we want to reach and communicate with our target audience now, we want to expand and open new companies now. Technology, in many ways, has lowered barriers for entry into certain, visually interesting industries.
Social platforms have caused disruption and created space for new opportunities. We are now able to connect directly with our consumers and speak with them in plain language at a low cost. Resources, that at one time used to be allocated to the cost of brick-andmortar and traditional marketing, are now freed up as entrepreneurs build companies on social platforms. Have a product or service that photographs well… and boom! You are in business. Many local entrepreneurs have also tapped into the vast potential of social media and have successfully built businesses, proving that Curaçao is no exception to this worldwide shift.
We recently sat down with some social media influencers on our island that are building their brands through social platforms. More interestingly, in a world full of giant conglomerates and faceless corporations, the person behind the brand is becoming just as important as the brand itself.
Meet Gaby Lieuw of Sand & Stiletto’s, Kimberley Douglas and Farah Leue of Flea Finds, and Liberty Suares of Dushi Sup and Liberty Yoga. We spoke to them about their personal brand, social platforms and how inter-branding has become an inevitable part of their business.
G: I don’t work from a set location, so I carry my “office” with me. My laptop and phone are always in my bag, but also at home they are
Q. What part of “you” is clearly visible in your brand(s)?
Gaby (G): My attention to detail and probably my fixation on aesthetically appealing...well, anything really. Fonts, color combinations, architecture, and yes - even words! Liberty (L): With both Liberty Yoga and Dushi SUP, I am the face behind the brand. These businesses both started as a hobby and were created by just sharing my “yoga” life style on Instagram. Even though Dushi SUP became an independent brand on its own, I am
still the one that is always directly in contact with our audience and customers. Those who know Dushi SUP, also know Liberty, and vice versa. Kimberly and Farah (K&F): Flea Finds star ted as a result of our love and passion for interiors and home styling, so our personal taste is clearly visible in all items we create. Thus, you could easily find any of our products in our own homes. Our brand is a creative outlet in which the tropical theme, as a reflection of our lifestyle as born and raised island girls, is visibly carried out. Aside from our creativity, our love for all elements of nature is infused in all our items.
Q. What is your relationship with electro nics? Do you sleep with them?