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The added value of an external venue
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The added value of an external venue
In spite of the struggling economy, players in the corporate market still opt for a meeting at an external venue. One of the reasons is that such a location can make a significant contribution to the success of these types of meetings.
A meeting or other type of business gathering can take place within the offices of an organization, but an external location can add a great deal to the effectiveness and the end result of that meeting. By having a meeting take place in a different environment, for instance the proverbial cabin in the woods, the resort on the heath or even at the seaside, you are literally away from the distracting surroundings of the office. What is more, at an external location, provisions like food and beverage, facilities such as beamers, sound equipment and any other necessities are arranged for you. That means that on the big day itself, you do not have to worry about the peripheral issues; you can focus completely on the content of your meeting – and its participants.
Location There is an enormous variety in the types of venues available that provide rooms for business gatherings. Nowadays, every hotel has spaces that can be used for such meetings, but there are also venues that cater specifically for meetings lasting one or more days. In order to make a well-founded

decision regarding the selection of such an external location, some important issues have to be taken into consideration. One of the crucial issues is the location of the venue. In the case that the meeting in question will be a very intense one and that major decisions will have to be made, it is probably wise to hold that gathering at a venue in a rural setting. You will be less distracted by sounds and commotion than when you are in a bustling city. Another advantage of such a remote venue is that it usually has several (outdoor) facilities to relax, so you and your guests can charge up your batteries. Such activities can vary from a leisurely walk in the woods to running an obstacle course. All activities can, of course, be included in the program of the meeting.
Accessibility Another critical issue when deciding on a venue is the accessibility of its location. A rural location can often be reached by car, although a growing number of venues have their own shuttle service from a nearby railway station. The big advantage of a rural venue is that it usually has ample parking space where you can park your vehicle at a very low rate or even for free. In the case that corporate social responsibility plays an important factor in your meeting, a venue in a city centre can also be an option because people can come by public transport. This can be practical because parking in a city center can often be a problem and the rates are usually rather high – unless the venue has its own dedicated parking lot.
Facilities A third aspect that plays a role is the type of facilities that a venue has to offer. Obviously, there has to be sufficient room for your meeting, course or seminar. Then, there may be the need for breakout rooms in case the group has to be split up. This is certainly a question to ask the venue manager. Apart from the room(s) or hall itself, the layout is also important. If a presentation is followed by group sessions, it is advisable to choose a layout that can be used for both parts of the meeting. Many venues offer various layout possibilities for each room and can give sound advice on the setting in those rooms. It goes without saying that this setting should be ready for you when your guests arrive. Often, a plenary session includes the use of a beamer, a flip-chart, and nowadays it is assumed that all venues have WiFi. This is standard equipment for any self-respecting venue. There is a difference, however, in the rates venues charge for the use of these services. They can be included in the arrangement or have to be paid separately after the session. Another aspect is the climate in the room; the participants feel comfortable when the rooms are provided with an air conditioning system and have enough daylight.
Catering Before the actual meeting or training, a cup of coffee is always welcome. It is also nice to have sufficient drinks available throughout the meeting. Around lunchtime there is, of course, time for a longer break. Since the food is usually an important issue, this has to be in perfect order. An external venue can arrange an excellent meal to be served at a convenient time. In today’s day and age, there is ample choice of lunch menus and an external venue often has a wide variety of regional products.
The big advantage of an external venue is that you do not have the disruptions that come with being in your own office – provided you even have the space to hold a larger meeting. Business can go on as usual while you are away at the external location; your co-workers will not be distracted by all the hustle and bustle of the participants. After the selection of an external venue and discussing all the arrangements with the hospitality manager, you can focus completely on the preparation and content of your meeting. Professionals arrange everything for you and your guests. Meeting in unfamiliar environment also stimulates the creativeness of the participants. This gives an extra, added value to your meeting.