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New Strides in New Markets: The Cuban Connection
In December 2014, when diplomatic relations were re-established between the USA and Cuba, the rekindling of relations between Cuba and other regional partners became a key point on several national agendas.
Curaçao, too, jumped on the bandwagon and since then has attempted to fortify political and economic relations with Cuba, particularly focused on economic cooperation.
In order to do so, both a political and economic mission from Curaçao visited Cuba in 2015. The most recent visit was an economic mission in November 2015. The Ministry of Economic Development and the Curaçao Investment and Export Promotion Agency led a delegation to Cuba for the 33 rd edition of the Havana International Fair (FIHAV).
A total of 32 local enterprises from various sectors, including the maritime logistics, tourism, information and communication technology, renewable energy, trade and distribution,
and international financial and business services participated in the mission. Curaçao was among 60 countries represented at the largest edition of FIHAV yet. This can be seen as a first step in what the Ministry of Economic Development hopes to be a strong, symbiotic and productive relationship with Cuba, for all the economic sectors in Curaçao, particularly drawing on our shared cultures, histories, and traditions.
These are merely first strides towards building a new relationship with Cuba. It will be imperative that Curaçao take advantages of the opportunities that present themselves in Cuba, and look for ways to continue to work together so that both countries’ economies can grow. The Government hopes to play merely a facilitating role in the process, looking forward to stimulating the private sector to explore and tap into new markets. In 2016, there will be more possibilities to visit Cuba on official economic missions, including the possibility for companies to participate in FIHAV in the second half of 2016.