WORKSHOPS 2019 – 2020
October: 25 - 3 – 2019. Professor: Norma Grinberg (BRAZIL)
January: 4 - 17 – 2020. Professor: Doug Casebeer , Allehgany Meadows (USA) February: 1 - 14 – 2020. Professor: Ayumi Horie (USA)
Workshop “New Compositions In Ceramics - The Creative Practice”. Norma Grinberg – (Brazil) Session: October 25 – November 3, 2019. Level : Students of all levels, beginners and advanced are accepted. Concept: In this ten day workshop the participants will stimulate the creation of the ceramist, working with a modular design of ceramic pieces, the multiplication, decomposition and reconstruction of these pieces, which results in a creative and singular work, ending with the elaboration of intimate and personal works. Methodology: Work will be carried out both on lathe and modeling or the elaboration of small plaster molds for the production of the pieces to be reproduced. Burning: Burning Soda in Cone Reduction 10
Cost: US 1.900 Reservation: US 300 Information:
Teacher: Norma Grinberg (Brazil) Creativity and innovation in Norma Grinberg´s pannels, and objects reflect in space a long period of art experience and aesthetic research. Norma stands out as one of the best artists in ceramic sculptures in Brazil. Her work – several times awarded in Brazil and overseas – highlight its original and contemporary qualities, all acknowledged by both the public and critics. Her aesthetic and artistic proposal is to update the language inspired in concretism, Bauhaus and Minimalism through the use of installations, update in Contemporary Art and developments such as interventions in the architectural space. Chilean Artist Coordinator: Marilu Pelusa Rosenthal
Ceramic Workshop: “Exploring Ideas of Shape and Function”. Doug Casebeer and Alleghany Meadows Session I: January, 4 – 17 2020.
Level : Students of all levels, beginners and advanced are accepted. Concept: In this two-week workshop the participants will work with Doug Casebeer and Alleghany Meadows, who will share their passion for this material by exploring ideas of form and function .... ceramics for everyday use. Both instructors have an aesthetic and a particular approach to work in ceramics, and in Curaumilla, they will continue their exploration of ideas around the function and the creation of new forms through experimentation. This is an opportunity for students to learn from teachers new ways and techniques to work ceramics from two different perspectives. Teachers: Doug Casebeer (USA) and Alleghany Meadows (USA) Doug Casebeer , , ceramics art director at Anderson Ranch Arts Center since 1985. Studied Ceramics (MFA) at Alfred University, USA. UU Doug teaches, gives lectures, builds ovens and exhibits his works around the world. Awarded this year at NCECA for his contribution to the development and teaching of ceramics within the United States and in various parts of the world. Alleghany Meadows , workshop potter, resides in Carbondale, Colorado. He received his MFA at the University of Alfred (United States). He is founder of Artstream Nomadic Gallery, co-founder of Harvey / Meadows Gallery in Aspen, Colorado, and co-founder of Studio for Arts and Works (SAW), Carbondale, Colorado. He is currently in Italy teaching Ceramics at the University of Cortona.
Cost: US 2.800 Reservation: US 300 Information:
Ceramic Workshop: “Technicolor Mishima ”¡Color! ¡Gold! ¡Silver! ¡Porcelain! Animals!” Ayumi Horie. Session II: February, 1 - 14 2020 Level : Students of all levels, beginners and advanced are accepted. Concept: In February Ayumi Horie will be exploring Mishima. As she says Technicolor Mishima. Color! Gold! Silver! Porcelain! Animals! How luscious surface decoration can get when mishima (slip inlay) is layered with decals and glaze. Playing with 100+ different colored slips, get ready for lots of testing and experimentation as we discover how your drawings can come alive in narrative compositions that use color to push and pull information. In conjunction with testing, we’ll also be producing canvases for testing. To show off all this color, we'll also cover topics within social media like what makes a great photograph for Instagram and how you can use video in an interesting way to share your work online. Teacher: Ayumi Horie (USA) Is a full-time studio potter based in Maine, who layers color and drawings of animals to create narratives that are grounded in American and Japanese folk traditions and comics. She co-founded The Democratic Cup, runs Pots In Action, a curatorial project on Instagram that features international ceramics and guest hosts from all over the world. In 2016 she created Portland Brick. In 2011, she was the first recipient of Ceramics Monthly’s Ceramic Artist of the Year award. She has organized multiple online fundraisers including Obamaware in 2008 and Handmade For Japan in 2011, for disaster relief. She has taught and lectured nationally and internationally for the past 20 years.