Always on Sale Home > Brands A-Z > Natural Calm MAGNESIUM: THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT After oxygen, water and basic food, magnesium may be the most important element your body needs. Magnesium activates over 350 different bodily processes, including digestion, energy production, muscle function, bone formation, creation of new cells, activation of B vitamins, relaxation of muscles, as well as assisting in the functions of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system. Lack of sufficient available magnesium in the body can interfere with any or all of these processes. Magnesium has been consistently depleted in our soils. It has been further depleted in plants by the use of potassium and phosphorus laden fertilizers which alter the plant's ability to uptake magnesium. Water from deep wells supplies additional magnesium not found in food, but surface water, our common source of supply, lacks magnesium. Food processing removes magnesium. Broiling, steaming and boiling remove magnesium into the water or drippings. High carbohydrate and high fat diets increase the need for magnesium as does physical and mental stress. Diuretic medications and insulin further deplete total body magnesium. As we age magnesium uptake may be impaired. Dieting reduces intake of already low levels of magnesium intake. Magnesium depletion can be caused by such things as mental stress, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, tobacco, drugs of all types, high perspiration, low thyroid function, diabetes, chronic pain, diuretics, and a high carbohydrate, high-sodium or high-calcium diet.
Natural Calm CalMag 16 oz
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
"Calcium and Magnesium in one bottle! For those who need extra calcium, this 2:1 ratio beverage provides you with a balanced formula that supports healthy muscle, sleep and
Always on Sale mood functions as well as healthy bone development. Available in 8 oz. (226 g) Natural Calm CalMag 8 oz
C$ 29.28 Quantity:
"Calcium and Magnesium in one bottle! For those who need extra calcium, this 2:1 ratio beverage provides you with a balanced formula that supports healthy muscle, sleep and mood functions as well as healthy bone development. Available in 8 oz. (226 g) Natural Calm Canada’s Magnesium Oil
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
Magnesium chloride is the most useful and least toxic form of magnesium. It is a strong, versatile, safe mineral, which boosts all aspects of cell physiology. Trans-dermal magnesium chloride treatment addresses systematic magnesium deficiencies, acts to Natural Calm Canada's Magnesium Gel 237 ml
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
Magnesium chloride is the most useful and least toxic form of magnesium. It is a strong, versatile, safe mineral, which boosts all aspects of cell physiology. Trans-dermal
Always on Sale magnesium chloride treatment addresses systematic magnesium deficiencies, acts to Natural Calm Kids Calm 8 oz
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
Natural Calm for Kids (four years old and up). It contains magnesium, zinc and vitamin C for growth, relaxation and immunity. Kids will love it! The natural orange flavor tastes like a sweet, juicy orange. Children ages 4 to 8 years should be taking 130 m Natural Calm Orange 16 oz
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
Natural Calm Orange features a proprietary process that provides the most absorbable, effective, fast-acting magnesium available anywhere. It is 100% natural water-soluble magnesium citrate and handles excess calcium in the body and can relieve many symp Natural Calm Orange 8 oz
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
Peter Gillham, Natural Calm Orange features a proprietary process that provides the most
Always on Sale absorbable, effective, fast-acting magnesium available anywhere. It is 100% natural water-soluble magnesium citrate and handles excess calcium in the body and can rel Natural Calm Organic Life Liquid Vitamins 32 oz C$ 39.55 Quantity:
Natural Calm Packet Box-Plain 30 pk/bx
C$ 31.24 Quantity:
Natural Calm Packet Box-Raspberry Lemon 30 pk/bx
C$ 31.24 Quantity:
Natural Calm Plain 16 oz
Always on Sale
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
Natural Calm Plain 8 oz
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
Natural Calm Plus Calcium 16 oz
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
Natural Calm the best-selling, most absorbable and fastest acting magnesium availablewith calcium and other key ingredients so the calcium you take will actually be fully utilized. Your body's magnesium level won't be depleted and there won't be any bui Natural Calm Plus Calcium 8 oz
Always on Sale
C$ 31.70 Quantity:
Natural Calm the best-selling, most absorbable and fastest acting magnesium availablewith calcium and other key ingredients so the calcium you take will actually be fully utilized. Natural Calm Plus Calcium Raspberry Lemon 8 oz
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
Natural Calm's Calm Plus Calcium If you feel you are not getting sufficient calcium in your diet, Peter Gillham's Natural Calm Plus Calcium is the answer. It blends Natural Calm the best-selling, most absorbable and fastest acting magnesium availab Natural Calm Raspberry Lemon 16 oz
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
A highly absorbable blend of magnesium citrate when combined with water creates ionic magnesium citrate. Adults; Individual needs will vary. Start with 1 tsp or less daily. When bowels are comfortably loose, this is the optimal amount. Natural Calm Raspberry Lemon 8 oz
Always on Sale
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
A highly absorbable blend of magnesium citrate when combined with water creates ionic magnesium citrate. Adults; Individual needs will vary. Start with 1 tsp or less daily. When bowels are comfortably loose, this is the optimal amount. If diarrhea shou Natural Calm Sweet Lemon 16 oz
C$ 39.55 Quantity:
Natural Calm Sweet Lemon features a proprietary process that provides the most absorbable, effective, fast-acting magnesium available anywhere. It is 100% natural water-soluble magnesium citrate and handles excess calcium in the body and can relieve many Natural Calm Sweet Lemon 8 oz
C$ 22.33 Quantity:
Natural Calm Sweet Lemon features a proprietary process that provides the most absorbable, effective, fast-acting magnesium available anywhere. It is 100% natural water-soluble magnesium citrate and handles excess calcium in the body and can relieve
Always on Sale many
Always on Sale The Impact of Magnesium on Health After calcium, magnesium is the most important mineral in our bodies. Magnesium regulates more than 325 enzymes in the body, the most important of which produce, transport, store and utilize energy. Many aspects of cell metabolism are regulated by magnesium, such as DNA and RNA synthesis, cell growth, and cell reproduction. Magnesium also orchestrates the electric current that sparks through the miles of nerves in our body. Without magnesium, muscle and nerve functions are compromised and energy diminished. We are operating with the power turned off. Below is a list of conditions that have been linked to magnesium deficiency:
Anxiety and Panic Asthma Blood clots Bowel Disease Depression Detoxification Diabetes Fatigue Heart disease Hypertension
Hypoglycemia Insomnia Kidney disease Migraine Musculoskeletal conditions Nerve problems Gynecological problems Osteoporosis Raynaud’s syndrome Tooth decay