4 minute read
Diversity in Media
The importance of diversity and representation in media lies simply in the fact that we live in a diverse world. And all of the different kinds of people around the world deserve to see themselves in media.
This world we live in is one filled with all kinds of people. People from all over the world, who worship different gods, who love different people...
Fact: the world is diverse and media should reflect that diversity.
Media is one of the most powerful tools in society today. The media people consume influences them, whether it is literature,
television, or movies. When that media only shows a fraction of what the world truly looks like, it leaves a lasting impact on the people who consume it. And the marginalized communities who often get cut out of media feel the negative effects of that exclusion.
Media has the ability to act as both a window and a mirror for people. One show can represent every aspect of you and give the comfort and absolute joy that comes with being represented, acting as a mirror. Another can act as a window and show you the experience of someone completely different from you, which ultimately gives you an enriching experience.
enriching experience.
Diversity in media provides a positive experience for all people and gives everyone the chance to see themselves on the screen in front of them. Everyone deserves that same opportunity.
But a more complex discussion exists around the importance of representation in media.
First of all, it is important to note that there is a difference between these terms diversity and representation. When stripped down, diversity literally means variety. Representation, on the other hand, is the portrayal of something.
For example, if you read a book with a character of color, but there is no discussion about that character’s ethnicity or culture, that would be considered diversity. Representation would be including a discussion about that character’s experiences being of color, or discussion about their culture, etc.
So as previously mentioned, it is relatively simple to grasp why media should have a variety of people, or, in other words, be diverse. But representation is much more complex.
At the base level, the importance of representation goes back to my previous statement - everyone deserves to see themselves in media. Creating a diverse movie is certainly a step in the right direction, but there is something so much more authentic about representing different groups of people in that movie.
Let’s look at this way. Having a gay couple in a movie is great. That’s certainly incorporating diversity in your work. But representation would be discussing the experiences of that couple, and the experiences of the members of that relationship. Going above and beyond to truly represent members of the LGBTQIAP+ is so much more authentic and will resonate so deeply with viewers from the community.
Everyone definitely does deserve to see themselves in media. But everyone also deserves to share their experiences and to have their stories heard.
And obviously everyone’s experiences are different. The experience of one disabled person is not the same as another disabled person’s experience. Diverse people are not a monolith - no one group of people ever is.
But that’s the beauty of representation. It allows us to share the different experiences and stories of people from the same marginalized community. Representative media allows us to have issue books that deal with the #BlackLivesMatter movement, while also having an adorable, light-hearted romance where two black teens fall in love.
No two people are ever the same. Whether in terms of personality, appearance, or any other characteristics including marginalized identities of people.
Media is a powerful tool, but media that represents all kinds of people is an unstoppable tool.
There is something utterly unique about the unadulterated joy that comes with seeing yourself in media for the first time when that has been lacking in your life for years, a feeling that cannot be explained unless you experience it yourself.
Coming back full circle to overarching discussion of the importance of diversity and representation in media, the fact of the matter is that diverse media is realistic media. Diverse media accurately reflects the world we live in.
So, why is diversity and representation in media important?
We need diverse media so that our media is realistic, and we need representative media so that all people can open a book and see a character they resonate with on all levels.
Every child should have the ability to turn on the T.V. and see a character that looks like them. Every teen should be able to watch a movie and see characters that are going through the same struggles as them. Every person should have the same access to the power of media, and diverse and representative media is a huge step in that direction.
Representative media allows all viewers to find characters they see themselves in and it allows all people to see their story on the screen in front of them.
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Kav is a 16-year old booktuber, writer, and co-host of Book Bound Society who loves media, books, and social justice. They are frequently active on Twitter and YouTube talking about a combination of book-related and social justice-related topics. They enjoy fawning over James Carstairs, playing with their pets, consuming too much caffeine, and interacting with members of the book community. You can often find them active here: https://www.youtube.com/c/xreadingsolacex