Weathervane May 2012

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Second Congregational Meeting House Society

Unitarian Universalist 11 Orange St. ~ P.O. Box 1023 Nantucket, MA 02554 (508) 228-5466

Nantucket Unitarian Universalist Newsletter ~ May 2012


Reflections on the life and lives of a religious community by Rev. David M. Horst Have you said “thank you” to anyone lately? Chances are you and I say thank you many times during the day and hundreds of times every week. It’s a natural response to small favors and big help given to us by family, friends, and strangers alike. I’ve been saying thank you in a big way these past few months. Thank you, Susan and Anne, for agreeing to serve as co-chairs of the Religious Education Committee. Thank you, Haziel, for joining Jack (Reindel) as co-chair of the Music Committee. Thank you, Bob (Hall) and Christine, for devoting your time and talent to leadership of the Board. Thank you, Bob (Lehman), for leading the Building and Grounds Committee and Brian for leading the Finance Committee. Thank you, Jack (Weinhold), for handling the responsibilities of Treasurer. Thank you, Debby, Theresa, and Maryjane, for your continuing work on the Personnel Committee. Thank you, Pete and Linda, for leading a new commitment to fundraising. Thank you, Christine (again!), Sissy, Yve, and Mary Beth for leading the Fourth Sunday lay-led services. Thank you, Georgen, for keeping the church website and Facebook page up to date and Linda (again!) for so capably designing and editing the Weathervane. I thank all of the church leaders -- Members of the Board, Welcoming Committee, Hospitality Committee, Peace and Justice Committee -- and everyone who helps out whenever and wherever needed. While I reserve special thanks for church leaders -- the individuals who attend the meetings, set the policies, and make the decisions that guide the congregation’s present and future success and growth -- I am thankful for each and every person’s involvement. Because the congregation now operates with a lean staff, involvement and volunteer support is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone has gifts and talents to share. Committee work continues year round, of course, and you are welcome to become a part of a committee any time. Soon year-round residents here welcome summer residents and visitors to the Meeting House while our summer members take their places once again within the congregation. In addition to committee involvement, there are a variety of weekly tasks that members can help with. It’s more important than ever that everyone -- both year-round and summer members -- takes a turn as a Sunday morning greeter, worship assistant, coffee hour host, and religious education teacher as well as a docent on weekdays in July and August. With everyone’s help, the tasks can be shared equally and no one will have to do more than her or his share. Don’t wait to be asked. Please do your part and add your name to one or all of the sign-up sheets or contact the church office. (continued on page 3)


Religious Education and Childcare for Children

Sunday, May 6 “Myths We Live By”

Sunday, May 13

“Mother’s Day Celebration”

Sunday, May 20

“Exploring the Heavens Above”

Saturday, May 26

Memorial Day Weekend Goods & Services Auction 6-7 p.m. Silent Auction & Reception 7-8 p.m. Live Auction

Sunday, May 27

“Memorial Day Remembrance” 4th Sunday Lay Led Service Silent Auction Concludes


by Jack Reindel, Music Committee Co-Chair The Music Committee held its regular monthly meeting on April 18 in the Activities Room. What made this a very special meeting was the eagerly anticipated opportunity to greet and, as it happened, be inspired by, our charming and talented new Acting Director of Music and Choir Conductor Diane Lehman. Diane shared with us some of her vision of the future of our music program. Her plans and ideas vigorously support a continuation of the strong musical tradition for which our church is so well known. Diane’s influence is already being shown by the recent growth in choir membership. Both new and formerly active alumni are returning to take advantage of her directorial skills. Haziel Jackson was also warmly welcomed to his new post as co-chair of the Music Committee. Haziel has already been instrumental in organizing the upcoming Thursday Noonday Concert Series.

Dan Rezendes was one of the 15 Nantucket UU volunteers who participated in a Habitat for Humanity workday on April 14 alongside Habitat homeowners-to-be Ed and Charlene Rudd of our congregation. More volunteer days will be scheduled for the summer and fall. Join us!

We say a reluctant goodbye to Catherine Hull with much gratitude for her effective service on the Music Committee, particularly for her insightful analysis of the pros and cons of directed fundraising. And we offer an enthusiastic “Welcome Aboard” to Amanda Torchia, who will join us later in the year after completing a Montessori-based course of study off-island. If you have ever wondered whether a working committee meeting can be joyful, come to one of ours and be greeted by the ever cheerful Susie Jarrell, whose bright smile and good nature lift the spirits of any occasion where she participates. Rev. Horst, ex-officio, made it clear that the music program under the dedicated leadership of Music Director Diane Lehman will be a strong and energetic part of his ministry. As a final note, John Rivera has been named Board of Trustees liaison to the Music Committee, and as such will be in attendance at future meetings.


FOURTH SUNDAY UPDATE by Sissy Girard, Committee Chair Memorial Day Remembrance will be presented on Sunday, May 27. It will be a moving and thoughtful service. We’ll all celebrate returning “upstairs” to our beautifully restored auditorium. The committee is very proud of its Sunday services and enjoys planning them for you. The topics have been well received and attendance, rewarding. We will be taking a summer vacation beginning in June and will return September 23. Please let us know if there are topics you’d like us to research and present in the fall. Your suggestions are valued and welcomed. Thank you for supporting our efforts. The members of our committee--Christine Sanford, Yve Shevalier, Mary Beth Splaine and Margaret Ruttenberg--join me in wishing you a great summer!

(continued from page 1) I have been gratified to see the increasing number of members and friends commit their time and talents to their congregation. I extend my thanks to you all! I ask that you also take a moment now and then to thank each other. The satisfaction of being a part of a growing, thriving religious community may be thanks enough; but the feeling of satisfaction is amplified when we acknowledge each other and the contributions, large and small, that every person makes. Thank you, everyone, for all that you do to make Nantucket’s Unitarian Universalist congregation a warm and welcoming religious home. “Where land and sea meet” is my Nantucket analogy for congregational life. A church lives in a tidal zone where our private and public lives meet and converge like the meeting place of the land and sea.


April has been an eventful month. Marty Eerhart moved off island. The nominating committee asked Susan Richards to replace him on the Board and she accepted. Marty’s expertise in many areas will be missed, but we are very pleased that Susan has stepped in. Welcome, Susan. Each Trustee has agreed to serve as committee liaison to one church committee. By agreeing to attend committee meetings we will facilitate communication and coordination in a superior manner. There is a lot going on here! Much can be gained by having many people involved in different aspects of our congregational life. We are very pleased that Diane Lehman officially came on board as our acting Music Director! She is a highly accomplished keyboard artist and musician with many years of experience in the Nantucket music community. We are excited to hear what she will bring to our music program. Thanks to the Personnel Committee, Christine Sanford, Gerry Mack, Yve Shevalier and Rev. David Horst for all the work involved. Thanks to the efforts of the Music Committee (and especially Jack Reindel) the Noonday Concert series is happening. ReMain has once again underwritten the program; thanks to them for facilitating the application process in a timely manner. Special kudos go to Sharon Carlee who is cataloging our music library. We have three file cabinets of music. It takes over three hours per drawer. When completed we will have a searchable list of all the music properly filed. I have spent many hours putting the office files in order after many years of accumulated neglect. I have come to realize the importance of a well-organized file system. As mundane as it sounds, it is a critical element of office management. I am pleased that it is coming along nicely. With the outstanding effort of Joanne Polster organizing our archives, we are in good shape. John Rivera is getting the mail. This may sound trivial but it is not. It is time consuming and requires the knowledge of how to file the mail correctly, a critically important task. Kim LaRue, our office administrator, is doing an outstanding job transitioning our bookkeeping to in-house. Our Religious Education Committee has been doing an outstanding job in all regards. Many members and friends are volunteering to assist with the program. We were able to hire an experienced adult babysitter for the infants and toddlers. That allows the RE teachers to give full attention to their important teaching. Our Fourth Sunday Lay Led Committee has led four services since January, all enthusiastically received. Christine, Sissy, Mary Beth and Yve have worked hard to make those Sundays very special. It takes a lot of planning to put together a service and they have certainly risen to the task. Their last service (until next September) will be Memorial Day. Rev. Horst will be leading the summer services. Special thanks also to the Welcoming Committee for arranging greeters every Sunday, and to all those who have volunteered for coffee hour.



by Linda Spery and Pete Sawyer, Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs The list of auction items for our live and silent auctions taking place on Memorial Day Weekend (May 26-27) is growing by the day! Starting May 1, weekly updates of auction items will be available on the church website,, and notices will be sent out in the weekly e-blast from Rev. Horst. The talents and imagination of our congregation are unlimited and when you view the latest auction item list, you’ll find many goods and services that will pique your interest. At 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 26 the silent auction will open with a reception and bidding in the Activities Room. Then at 7 p.m. the live auction led by auctioneers Bob Lehman and Craig Spery will begin in Hendrix Hall. We hope everyone will be able to attend! The live auction ends at 8 p.m. but the silent auction continues through the next day’s Sunday service and coffee hour. Silent auction winners will be contacted on the afternoon of Sunday, May 27. We’re still accepting items for the auction and also volunteers to help out Memorial Day Weekend. Contact Linda Spery at or 508-228-7892. ARE YOU ON BOARD? WE NEED YOU!


by Brian Girard, Finance Committe Chair and Jack Weinhold, Treasurer The 1st Quarter Financial Summary provided as an insert to this issue of the Weathervane (on a cash basis) will benefit from a few words of clarification. Fundraising, events and rental income have greatest impact during May through September. Our summer member activity level is also elevated during this time. The amount withdrawn from reserve principal for January through March dramatically exceeds a pro rata of the $37,500 limit for 2012. Withdrawals include some non-recurring expenses involved with changeover in program expense from staff to committee/volunteer direction. Distributions from investment funds are being adjusted downward to reflect our new program efficiencies and emphasis. We have enjoyed some directional improvement in the income picture, but replacing our highest pledgers is most challenging. The Board and key committees continue to focus on congregational growth. We need the economies of scale to make efficient use of the incomparable assets of the Meeting House facilities.

SOUTH CHURCH PRESERVATION FUND UPDATE by Les Ottinger, SCPF Chair Planning for completing the restoration of the main sanctuary is finished and the work is underway. The runners and carpeting were already worn and shabby in several places. Removal of the wall paint, repair of the plaster, and the attendant scaffolding exacerbated this. There has been a prolonged debate involving the Board members and our consultants about what a proper replacement might be. Pictures from the mid nineteenth century show that at that time the floor coverings were figured, not plain. There was, however, little support for returning to this. Also there are presently three differing shades of red in place. There is the upholstering with areas of advanced fading, the runners and front carpets, and the rugs in front of each pew. These rugs are darker and are also badly worn and faded in many places. Between the rugs, one can see the original, lightly finished, board floor. It has been decided that the color of the present carpeting will be retained but it is to be replaced with a heavier, wool product. Estimates, received from

several sources, were considered. Marine Home Center has been selected to furnish and install it when refinishing and repainting of the remaining wood surfaces is completed. Also, a decision has been made not to replace the pew rugs at this time, as it has been found that restoring the original wood finish of the floor can be easily accomplished.



by Casey Sayre Boukus, RE Committee Member “It is no little thing to look into your face, For there God’s love is made real to me; It is no little thing for our eyes to embrace, For there we may glimpse eternity.” -Shea Darian in “Sanctuaries of Childhood”

Tulip in bloom in the church garden, April 27, 2012

RE continues to evolve as we recreate what the Sunday morning experience will be for children at our church. What does it mean to be part of a congregation? What values are we trying to instill in our children? Whose role is it to teach, and when does the teacher become the student? Or is it always a combination of the two? What behavior is acceptable and expected? What guidelines will we agree upon as a whole and empowered group to provide comfort, safety and respect for all who attend? We are a church of eclectic faith, a blend of young and old, of many traditional practices and some creatively new… It seems to me we come together to worship, celebrate, support one another and connect with one another through song and sermon, but also through mutual involvement and shared joyful duty. The RE committee would like to ask parents to think about what they hope to gain for their children in attending, as well as perhaps, think creatively about what it means within their families to attend church together. We are planning a Family Night to discuss this perhaps in the near future. Sissy Girard has created the idea “CARE: Consideration/Communication, Attention, Respect, Every day…” Meditate on this if you will. We would love to hear children’s thoughts on this in particular. Lots of ideas are percolating. May brings the Mythic Journey, the celebration of Motherhood and the blooming and rebirth of Spring to our themes. As the poem above says, (to paraphrase) in the faces of our children we may see the love of the universe (God/dess) made manifest… May we continue to offer our children a safe and creative container to explore spirituality within their community. Blessed be.

Rev. David Horst met with Nantucket Representative Tim Madden during the Unitarian Universalist Mass Action advocacy day at the State House in Boston on April 25. Rev. Horst discussed his concerns with Senate Bill 2061, “An Act to Enhance Community Safety,” an anti-immigrant bill modeled after the controversial 1070 bill in Arizona.The Massachusetts bill is currently under review by the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and may to go before the full legislature soon.

Amanda Torchia (left) and Board Vice President Christine Sanford take part in the recent UU Habitat workday.



“Myth is what we call other people’s religion,” Joseph Campbell famously said; but the truth is we all live by myths of ancient scripture and story, the religion of our birth, and the society and culture in which we live today. Some beliefs are unhealthy and must be rejected out of hand, yet others continue to give our lives purpose and meaning beyond reason and fact. Together let’s explore the myths we live by. Children explore some ancient myths with creative storytelling and play. Rev. David Horst leads the service and preaches. Music with Diane Lehman and the Meeting House Choir. Religious education volunteers are Casey Boukus, Sissy Girard, and Susan Richards. Enjoy coffee and conversation following the programs.

SUNDAY, MAY 13 “MOTHER’S DAY CELEBRATION” Hendrix Hall and Activities Room

Julie Ward Howe conceptualized the first North American Mother’s Day with a Mother’s Day Proclamation in 1870. Despite having penned The Battle Hymn of the Republic twelve years earlier, Howe had become so distraught by the death and carnage of the Civil War that she called on mothers to join together and protest what she saw as the futility of their sons killing the sons of other mothers. Although Mother’s Day has become a commercialized and sentimental occasion since then, we can still affirm the core meaning of this great American celebration. Our children, too, learn about the history and meaning of this day as they show their love for mothers. Rev. David Horst leads the service and preaches. Music with Diane Lehman and the Meeting House Choir. Religious education volunteers are Sissy Girard, Yve Shevalier, Linda Spery, and Anne Sutherland. Enjoy coffee and conversation following the programs.

SUNDAY, MAY 20 • “EXPLORING THE HEAVENS ABOVE” Hendrix Hall and Activities Room

What is our place in the universe? Philosophers, theologians, astronomers, and just about every human being alike ask this essential question. While the first solar eclipse of 2012 occurs today (visible on a track that traverses eastern Asia, the northern Pacific Ocean, and the western United States) we take up this question both from religious and scientific viewpoints. For children the “heavens above” evoke wonder and expand their minds beyond everyday concerns. With our reflection today we will be fully prepared for the total solar eclipse coming up in November! Rev. David Horst leads the service and preaches. Music with Diane Lehman and the Meeting House Choir. Religious education volunteers are Bob Hall, Susan Richards, and Yve Shevalier. Enjoy coffee and conversation following the programs.

SUNDAY, MAY 27 “MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBRANCE” Upstairs Sanctuary and Activities Room

The Fourth Sunday Committee leads this special service as we move to the upstairs historic sanctuary for the summer months. Music with Diane Lehman and the Meeting House Choir. Religious education volunteers are Casey Boukus, Alyson Gaylord-Loy, and Debby Merritt. Enjoy coffee and conversation following the programs.


MUSIC DIRECTOR’S COLUMN by Diane Lehman, Acting Music Director

Hello Choir members, friends of the choir, and members of the Unitarian Universalist Church, We’ll be enjoying our love of music together for the duration of the year as I take up the job of Acting Music Director. It’s a wonderful opportunity for me and I really appreciate your support. My thanks to the Board of Trustees, Bob Hall , Christine Sanford , the Music Committee of Susie, Jack, Haziel, and Gerry, the Personnel Committee of Theresa and Debby along with Rev. David Horst for appointing me. Directly following their decision, Rev. Horst and I had a chance to sit down and talk about the music program and its future here at the church. Everyone has been so helpful and excited about this new development and I am thrilled. Not only will I be working alongside them, I will be working for the church that my husband loves, and, after working for a decade at the Sconset Chapel as the Music Director, to come back full circle to where he brought me in the first place over a decade ago--the church where we were married in 2002 brings back fond memories. With Ted and Tim as officiants, that day is memorable for so many reasons…one of them is that most of you were there!! As Acting Music Director I will attempt to fill Marcia’s shoes in my own way, though it will never be the same. She will be missed, and though I am no replacement for her, I will have to do as a “bridge” person so the program of Sunday morning worship can continue seamlessly for now, at least. That being said, I am humbled and grateful that you are welcoming me with open arms and willing hearts. I will try to do my best to lead with inclusion of everyone who wants to raise their voice and sing. My first goal is to establish a choir dinner once a month. Bob and I will host all interested choir members for a buffet dinner at our house 4 1/2 Boulevarde at 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 20. I look forward to spending time with all of you and making music as well. Before then, please consider anthems that I can grab from the closet at the church. It’s my intention to sing through as many of our favorite anthems as possible that evening. It will be about the joy of singing together, not the performance. Please pass this on as an invitation to anyone who might be interested in joining the choir. We will attempt this dinner again in June in hopes that we can grow our choir .


During the summer months, more people will be joining us, and schedules (mine included) will be difficult to manage. With that thought in mind, I will offer two Choir rehearsals a week from now till June . Fridays from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. and Saturdays 4 to 5 p.m.. That way, anyone with a need to go over the music can come and work on their specific part without feeling a time constraint. Our usual Sunday morning at 10 a.m. rehearsal still stands for anyone who wants to come and sing in the Sunday service. Our first noonday concert will be in tandem with Bob, who will be putting together a program of Americana Songs for the July 5th performance. Please plan on it; we’ll need all the voices we can muster! In this capacity of Acting Music Director, I will be available to accompany you if you want to do a solo on ANY Sunday. PLEASE ask...whether you are a vocal soloist or an instrumentalist or part of a duo...your music means so much to you and you need a place to express yourself in song...I am excited for the chance to play for you or with you. The offertory part of the morning worship service offers the soloist a moment to give back to the people assembled there. It’s always rewarding.

The coming months will be a chance to bounce some ideas off of you. I hope to get an interview series going, one that focuses on a musical performer that you thought you knew well. In collaboration with each other, the artist and I will perform, and talk about their musical journey here and what comes next for them. I also hope to start a multi-generational singing hour that gets families singing together. In addition, there will be children’s music to make, songs to be sung that haven’t been sung lately. Maybe a band night! And opportunities to foster new relationships with musicians who are just visiting for the summer. Thank you for asking me to be the person to continue the music program as Marcia did for Barbara, and Barbara did for Susie before her. To follow in those footsteps will be challenging, but I am really excited about it. Thanks for your support.

Second Congregational Meeting House Society 11 Orange St. ~ P.O. Box 1023 Nantucket, MA 02554




Second Congregational Meeting House Society Unitarian Universalist 11 Orange St. ~ P.O. Box 1023 Nantucket, MA 02554 (508) 228-5466 (Office)

Church Staff David M. Horst, Interim Minister ~ Edward B. Anderson, Minister Emeritus Diane Lehman, Acting Music Director ~ Kim N. LaRue, Office Administrator Mimi Jones and Dennis Santangelo, Sextons Board of Trustees Bob Hall (President), Christine Sanford (Vice President), Susan Richards (Clerk), Jack Weinhold (Treasurer), Brian Girard, David Hall, John Rivera, Linda Spery, Marina Sutro Church Office Hours Monday - Friday ~ 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Minister’s Office Hours Tuesday (10 a.m. - noon) and Friday (noon - 2 p.m.)

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