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Serving Foggy Bottom & the West End Vol. VII, No. 2

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Foggy Bottom Current

Committee plants seed for more gardens

Council approves bill to revamp ethics rules

hansel & gretel

■ Legislation: Amendment

will allow member’s expulsion

By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

Ideas for increasing the number of community gardens in the District — and diminishing obstacles to creating them — came out of a hearing last week hosted by Ward 6 D.C. Council member Tommy Wells, who chairs the committee with oversight of parks and recreation. The Dec. 14 roundtable, which lasted nearly six hours, attracted more than 40 witnesses eager to testify about the benefits and challenges of urban gardening. Witnesses said gardens can resolve multiple city issues at once — by making productive use of vacant lots, for example — and pointed to benefits like increased indemand local food options and educational opportunities about healthy eating. They also talked about ways the city can remove barriers and ease the creation of community gardens. Wells and others said the District should identify a single city agency to take the lead on creating community gardens, which was recomSee Gardens/Page 31

By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

The D.C. Council wound up work on a 221-page ethics reform package Tuesday, with intense debate about constituent service funds, bundling of corporate contributions, and council members’ outside employment. But, in the end, the only major change to the version approved two weeks ago would allow the council to expel a member who “significantly vio-

Panel raises affordability issues at West End project ■ Development: Company

seeks waiver on housing rule

Bill Petros/The Current

The Embassy of Germany presented an abbreviated version of Engelbert Humperdinck’s opera “Hansel and Gretel” on Monday evening at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage.

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Preservation, safety clash at area firehouses By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

As some of the District’s oldest firehouses prepare for renovation, city fire and preservation officials face an unhappy choice: If the historic facades are preserved, the vehicle doors won’t be wide enough to safely accommodate modern fire engines and ambulances. The door-widening dilemma could complicate modernization efforts at Engine Co. 23 on Dent Place in Georgetown, the Foggy Bottom station at 2119 G St., and several other stations around the city, fire officials said. The buildings are either landmarked or in historic districts, with vehicle bays suitable for

NEWS ■ Prospective bidders tour Stevens School site in West End. Page 2. ■ WMATA reduces time span for Dupont Metro work. Page 3.

lates the public trust.” The meat of the bill, stitched together by Ward 4 member Muriel Bowser, is establishment of an independent Board of Ethics and Government Accountability to investigate ethics violations, enforce a code of conduct and study further changes to city law. The bill also strengthens many disclosure and recusal requirements, and gives the D.C. attorney general power to prosecute violations of ethics laws. But council members, stung by a series of scandals and accusations of misconduct over the past year, offered nearly a dozen amendments See Ethics/Page 31

Bill Petros/The Current

The issue over door size may recur at the G Street station.

equipment from the early 20th century or even from the era of horsedrawn fire trucks. But in 2010 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finished phasing in tighter standards

for diesel emissions, requiring filters and other equipment that add to the width and length of emergency vehicles. A fire truck that meets the latest standards would have only about 3 inches of clearance on each side rushing out of the Cleveland Park fire station on an emergency call, according to the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department. Fire officials want to get the doors at Cleveland Park and other historic stations widened to 12 feet. But it appears that city preservation law requires the Historic Preservation Review Board to say no, then refer the matter to the Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation, an administrative law judge who could consider See Firehouses/Page 20

EVENTS ■ Ensemble to stage comedic ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ Page 24. ■ Exhibition celebrates American printmaking. Page 24.

Despite widespread enthusiasm over the architecture, some D.C. Zoning Commission members expressed concerns about a proposed West End development’s lack of designated affordable housing units at a hearing on the project Monday. EastBanc has already spent years securing various approvals from community organizations and District government agencies on plans to construct apartment buildings on two sites: the parcel housing the West End Neighborhood Library and an adjacent police facility, and a nearby lot housing a fire station. The firm must now get further permission because it has proposed a taller building for the library site than its zoning allows. EastBanc is also asking the Zoning Commission to waive the city’s Inclusionary Zoning rule requiring that 8 percent of new housing units be below market rate.

PASSAGES Beats and books: Local band helps teens produce music in recording studio at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. Page 13. ■

Bill Petros/Current File Photo

EastBanc would build a new library and fire station as part of the project.

Development on the two sites is part of an arrangement EastBanc orchestrated with the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development: In exchange for permission to build on the city-owned sites in the 2300 block of L Street and at 22nd and M streets, the company will incorporate a new fire house and library into its buildings. The proposed L Street building’s unique design of interspersed projections and regressions has won praise from many residents and offiSee West End/Page 5

INDEX Business/7 Calendar/22 Classifieds/30 District Digest/4 Exhibits/24 Foggy Bottom News/11 In Your Neighborhood/18

Opinion/8 Passages/13 Police Report/6 Real Estate/19 School Dispatches/14 Service Directory/26 Theater/24


Wednesday, December 21, 2011



The Current

Prospective bidders get tour AU Park resident kicks off new soccer league of Stevens Elementary parcel

By ALLISON BRENNAN Current Correspondent

For Mitch Dubensky, it’s not about creating the next soccer star. Instead, Dubensky sees the DC Youth Futbol Club, a league he recently founded, as a way of teaching kids life lessons. Soccer “is a metaphor for life and will help one succeed in whatever profession is chosen,� the American University Park resident said. And he would know. As a former collegiate and semi-professional soccer player, Dubensky applied many of the skills he learned in soccer to a successful career. But after 25 years working in government and private-sector jobs, he has decided to get back in the game. In 2008, the former player founded the Districtbased First Touch Soccer, a nonprofit that specializes in soccer camps and clinics. Since then, Dubensky said, he has learned a formula for creating a positive soccer experience for children, which he will apply to the new DC Youth Futbol Club. This starts with coaching. “You can hire the best soccer player in the world, but if he can’t communicate with the kids and he can’t interact with the kids and the kids don’t take an interest, it creates problems,� Dubensky said.

With the right coaches, he said, kids respond and learn better. DC Youth Futbol Club, also a nonprofit, is working hard to put the right coaches in place. The club plans to hold games on Sundays, rare in an area where Saturdays are typical game days. It will make it easier for families, Dubensky said, noting that the league has received “very favorable reactions� from parents in the soccer community to the choice of game day. Games will be played mainly in wards 2, 3 and 4, but the league hopes to recruit players from across the District. “We hope all wards will be represented and strongly encourage participation from those parts of the city that will benefit from professional-level soccer training,� Dubensky said. The club is working on a partnership with the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation to bring in children from across the city who otherwise might not participate, Dubensky said. He noted that scholarships are available for those players who demonstrate need, and registration and contact information can be found at dcyouthfutbolclub.org. Dubensky said starting a soccer league has been a dream of his for some time. “It’s our passion,� he said of the coaching staff and the founding members of DC Youth Futbol Club. “My wife says it’s illegal that I should be this happy.�

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Armed with floor plans, digital cameras and business cards, dozens of prospective occupants and developers of the former Stevens Elementary School site toured the vacant building last week to evaluate its condition and meet potential development partners. The District hopes to sell the 1050 21st St. NW property, which includes the four-level school building and its L Street playground. Officials envision a commercial developer building on part of the property and using profits from that project to renovate the school for a new educational user. The requirement to improve the vacant Stevens building, whose exterior has historic protections, didn’t dim interest in last week’s event. Although a final count of the attendees wasn’t available by The

Bill Petros/The Current

The city wants a developer to fund renovations to the school.

Current’s deadline, officials said more than 100 people had registered, and it was evident turnout was high. Many attendees said they weren’t ready to share overall feedback on the building, but it’s clear the former school has seen better days. Paint has peeled off many walls, and numerous ceiling tiles have disintegrated, littering the floors. Some commented on the skimpy bathSee Stevens/Page 5

Georgetown group to install camera system $,3 ,9,0*4 13 +( ($410 3,*+5811' (13*,$ 7(06( ! +12 "163 (,*+%13+11' $0' !$5&+ 5 318

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By KATIE PEARCE Current Staff Writer

A suite of security cameras will be installed on residential streets in Georgetown, following success of a pilot program and recent price drops in the technology. The Citizens Association of Georgetown has raised funds to mount 10 cameras throughout the neighborhood, with three expected to go in place in January, according to group president Jennifer Altemus. “We hope that it will be a deterrent in the neighborhood and that we’ll catch people,� she said. The cameras, which can capture details like facial features and car license-tag numbers, stream footage to a password-protected Internet

database, Altemus said. The citizens group is still deciding on locations. So far, one camera has been installed as a test on the 3100 block of N Street — also the area where a pilot security camera program was launched in 2006. The Georgetown business community is also eyeing the technology, according to Edward Dent, who serves on safety committees for the Georgetown Business Association and the Georgetown Business Improvement District, as well as for the citizens association. The business groups “wholeheartedly support it; it’s just a matter of the money,� said Dent. He predicted that there could be firm progress on that front next month. Dent, who lives in the 3100 block

of N Street, helped jump-start the pilot program there in 2006. Following a citywide crime spike that summer, which included a highprofile violent murder on Q Street NW, Georgetowners got together to brainstorm their own solutions. “We had big meetings on the subject ‌ [about] the armed robberies and murders,â€? Dent said. Dent, who had experience with digital cameras, orchestrated the installation of three on his block. Most residents on the block chipped in about $400 each to fund the cameras, which cost around $11,500 apiece, he said. The camera technology was different then — not only was it markedly more expensive than it is today, See Cameras/Page 10

AU Tenley plan proceeds with less opposition By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Hearings on American University’s plan to redevelop its Tenley Campus wrapped up Dec. 1, marked by a steady decrease in neighborhood opposition. Neither of the advisory neighborhood commissions nearest to the campus is opposing efforts to bring the school’s Washington College of Law to the Tenley Circle property, and another community group last month withdrew its opposition from the Zoning Commission proceedings. “Over the past two and one half years, the plan has evolved, we have made significant changes based on extensive dialogue with the community, and we await the outcome following Zoning Commission deliberation,� the university’s David Taylor wrote in a statement to The Current. In November, the day before the first Tenley Campus hearing, the university agreed to 14 conditions in exchange for non-objection from the Tenley Campus Neighbors Association. The school’s promises included funding traffic calming, stiffening enforcement against drivers who park on neighborhood streets to access the

campus, and holding off on constructing new buildings near Yuma Street for at least 20 years. Some neighborhood groups remain concerned, however, that a 2,000-student law school with buildings standing up to 63 feet high will be out of character with their nearby single-family homes. Some also fear the project will further clog area streets, despite the university’s promised mitigation and the proximity to a Metro station — concerns that have also been voiced by some zoning commissioners. “We’ve been involved in these negotiations for so long that 2,000 has become a reasonable-sounding number,� testified Judy Chesser, on behalf of the Tenley Neighbors Association, a group that remains opposed to the plan. “But previously, the cap imposed for use at this site was only 700 people.� The Spring Valley/Wesley Heights advisory neighborhood commission — which represents neighbors of American University’s main campus and the existing law school site at 4801 Massachusetts Ave. — also opposes the Tenley Campus plans, which it fears will disrupt traffic throughout the area. In his statement, Taylor said the university has See Tenley/Page 10

The Current

Wednesday, December 21, 2011



Board OKs alcohol but no late hours at Heritage India after deadly brawl By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Three and a half weeks after one of its patrons died and five others were injured in a late-night brawl, Heritage India in Dupont Circle expects to resume alcohol service today under strict new operating conditions. The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ruled last week that the establishment, located at 1337 Connecticut Ave., should be allowed to continue to operate as a restaurant but can no longer offer live entertainment or stay open after midnight. As part of the Dec. 13 order, Heritage India was also required to submit an updated security plan to the board.

At last Wednesday’s meeting of the Dupont Circle advisory neighborhood commission, members said that while they would have liked a chance to weigh in during the alcohol board’s proceedings, they appreciate the outcome. “We should give support where it’s due to show we support tough action against bad actors. ‌ We encourage them to deal with other bad actors with similar vigilance,â€? said commissioner Kevin O’Connor. Residents and city officials are considering how to prevent future violence at D.C. nightclubs. Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans has introduced legislation to regulate event promoters and to require some establishments to fund a police presence at their events.

Separately, Ward 1 member Jim Graham has launched a working group to consider possible updates to D.C. liquor laws, and the Dupont neighborhood commission is considering a more active role in reporting issues with local establishments. “We’re the first line of defense,� commissioner Jack Jacobson said at last Wednesday’s meeting. “I think we need to work as a body to be more representative of the problems that we see.� “We all knew this was going to happen sometime,� Council member Evans said at the Dupont commission meeting, referring to the area’s often-rowdy late-night behavior. “We like to have nightlife, but when you have the

promoters coming in, you have to be careful, and it looks like people aren’t doing so.� Under Evans’ bill, the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration would craft and enforce rules governing event promoters, which would need a city license to operate. Further, the bill would require establishments with promoted events to hire Metropolitan Police Department officers to provide security. Uniformed police officers help deter a fight from escalating, and can step in to make arrests as needed, said Evans. “If you had had police officers out there [at Heritage India], it might have made a difference,� he said. In the Nov. 27 incident, patrons inside See License/Page 5

Dupont south entrance to close in February By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

A planned replacement of the Dupont Metro station’s south entrance escalators will take less time than originally believed, but the entrance will still have to close for 8.5 months, according to the project’s manager. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority representatives discussed the $12 million project at last Wednesday’s Dupont Circle advisory neighborhood commission meeting. The agency said that it intends to demolish and rebuild the three 19th Street escalators — which it has called among the worst in the Metrorail system — but that there isn’t room to keep the entrance open during construction. The entrance is now set to close Feb. 1 to accommodate the task, according to Kenneth Spain, project manager for Metro’s “Red Line Rehabilitation� effort. When Metro officials first announced in September that they planned to close the entrance, they estimated the work would take a year. “After we realized the impacts from this, we worked to get it down to 10 months,� Spain said. “[Metro officials] came back and said, ‘No, that’s still not good enough. See what else you can do.’� To achieve the 8.5-month schedule, Metro will often

Bill Petros/The Current

The transit agency will close the south Dupont Metro entrance for 8.5 months rather than a year.

work overnight and on weekends, he said. “We understand this needs to be done fast,� said Spain. “We intend to get out there and get this thing done as fast as we can.� In an interview in October, Metro spokesperson Dan Stessel said most escalator replacements can re-use some existing equipment — but not so for the Dupont south entrance. There, the third escalator was retrofitted into a space designed for only two, and replacement parts are See Metro/Page 10

City planners aim to boost 14th St. corridor By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

A D.C. Office of Planning study of ways to improve a portion of the 14th Street commercial corridor is nearly complete, and its findings will be ready for a monthlong public review starting Dec. 30. The Planning Office assessed a 1.8-mile stretch of 14th Street — from Spring Road in the south to Madison Street in the north — starting last year to identify ways to enhance economic growth and improve the streetscape. The agency has started to present its recommendations to area neighborhood commissions and community organizations, and chief of staff Tanya Washington-Stern shared some of the findings with The Current this week. Called the “14th Street Corridor Vision and Revitalization Strategy,� the study yielded recommendations including safety improvements for pedestrians, such as curb extensions and restriped crosswalks, as well as aesthetic improvements such as landscaping for tree boxes, enhanced

street lighting and a call for restaurants to incorporate sidewalk cafes during warmer weather. The recommendations also include redeveloping a number of existing properties along the corridor. Washington-Stern said one site identified for possible redevelopment is the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority bus barn, which houses nearly 200 buses on 14th Street between Webster and Decatur. Her office is recommending a phased redevelopment of the site: a five-year plan in which small businesses line the facade of the historic building, and a 10-year plan that could include bringing in a larger retailer or institution as part of a mixed-use project. “WMATA still owns the 14th Street bus barn and any redevelopment will depend on the relocation of the existing bus garage service, or a co-location opportunity,� she wrote in an email to The Current. Other recommendations include creating more public community spaces along the corridor. One pro-

posal is to establish an arts district on the east side of 14th Street by Kennedy Street, which could include studio space for artists and public areas for artists to display their work. Renowned local artist Sam Gilliam relocated his studio and gallery to 14th and Longfellow streets last year. Washington-Stern called the creation of the arts community “a critical component of the larger arts/creative cluster goal for this commercial area.� Other sites identified for possible redevelopment include the former C&K Hotel at Quincy Street, where the Planning Office is recommending 10 to 15 residential units and 3,000 square feet of non-retail commercial space, as well as the Children’s Medical Care Center site at Kennedy Street, where 30 residential units and 10,000 square feet of commercial space are proposed. The report identifies three sections, or “nodes,� as the Office of Planning calls them, of 14th Street, and highlights each area’s unique needs. The section of the corridor See Study/Page 5

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Current

District Digest U Street’s Lincoln to show ‘Dragon Tattoo’

Mayor Vincent Gray yesterday announced a four-week partnership that is bringing the new film “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo� to U Street’s historic Lincoln Theatre. Financial difficulties at the cityowned landmark led city officials to pursue a new course in recent months. Effective Jan. 1, oversight of the 1215 U St. theater will transfer from the U Street Theatre Foundation to the D.C. Commission on Arts and the Humanities. The agency’s plans include hiring a new executive director and creating a “long-term sustainable business model,� according to a city news release. In the meantime, the theater will host “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo� — the cinematic adaptation of the best-selling murder mystery by Stieg Larsson — through midJanuary thanks to a partnership with Landmark Theatres. Officials described the booking as “one of the first ventures� the new setup will bring to the Lincoln Theatre.

AU receives grant for ‘live near work’ effort American University has received a $60,000 grant as one of the first two employers participating in the D.C. government’s “Live Near Your Work� initiative, according to a city news release. Mayor Vincent Gray announced the program’s official debut yesterday during an event at Gallaudet University, which also received a $60,000 grant as the other initial participant. The program matches grants of

up to $6,000 from major employers to employees who buy a house in the District near transit or their place of work. The city has committed $200,000 to fund the pilot project, according to the release. Officials say the program will examine the ways employees benefit from living closer to their jobs, such as reduced commute times. It will also document benefits to D.C. and region, such as reduced congestion and improved air quality.

deemed “contributing� to historic districts. “Yet many longtime and new residents don’t know� that they must win approval from the city preservation office or Historic Preservation Review Board before making exterior alterations, said Ward 6 member Tommy Wells, who chairs the committee that oversees historic preservation. Wells said notices could be drafted by the city Office of Planning and sent out with tax bills. The bill will get its first vote at the council’s Jan. 4 meeting.

Evans introduces bill to shift D.C. deposits Metro announces In a bid to benefit both small businesses and local banks, Ward 2 holiday operations D.C. Council member Jack Evans proposed Tuesday that the District government deposit more funds in community banks that pledge to lend to small businesses in the city. His bill would restrict the deposits to banks with at least five branches in the city and total assets between $250 million and $5 billion. Each would have to lend double the District government’s deposit to small business. “Now we put most of our money in the Bank of America in New York, so it doesn’t do us any good,� Evans said. The entire council cosponsored the bill, which will be up for a vote next year.

Bill would provide historic notifications

Residents in historic districts would get full notice of building restrictions and the steps required to alter their property under legislation moving through the D.C. Council. The District has some 25,000 structures that are landmarked or

Extra Metrorail trains will accommodate riders who leave work early on the Friday afternoons of Dec. 23 and Dec. 30, according to a news release from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Additionally, Metro has modified its normal schedules for Dec. 26 and Jan. 2 — the federal holidays for Christmas and New Years. On each of those Mondays, buses will run on their Sunday schedules and trains will run from 7 a.m. to midnight, the release states; all other days will have normal service.

‘SoberRide’ program offers free taxi rides Through Dec. 31, “would-be drunk drivers� can get a free taxi ride between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. as part of an annual program to help prevent alcohol-related traffic accidents, according to a news release from the Washington Regional Alcohol Program. The organization’s Holiday

Come Join Us...

SoberRide has served nearly 53,000 customers since 1993, including 2,530 in 2010, the release states. To request a free taxi ride — up to a $30 fare — revelers 21 and older can call 1-800-200-TAXI.

Bill would update District’s taxi fleet

A new bill aims to provide grants and loans to help taxi drivers buy newer, environmentally friendly and visually distinctive cabs, and outfit them with new payment and tracking technology. On Monday, Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh and Ward 6 member Tommy Wells introduced the amendment to the 1985 law that established the D.C. Taxicab Commission. Mayor Vincent Gray also backs the bill. Among the proposed changes are the establishment of a uniform color for D.C. taxis, mandated global positioning devices and acceptance of electronic payment, increased wheelchair accessibility and more driver training. Under the bill, a surcharge to passengers would help fund these updates, and the city would have the authority to limit the number of taxicab licenses.

Historical Society to get D.C. collection

The Historical Society of Washington, D.C., has received a collection of more than 4,000 photos and other items depicting D.C. history from 1791 through the middle of the 20th century. According to a news release from Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc., journalist W.M. Kiplinger began amassing the collection in the 1920s. The materials include early maps of the city, paintings of local landmarks from different eras, photos of buildings and blocks by

The Current

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The weeks ahead Thursday, Jan. 5

The National Capital Planning Commission will hold its monthly meeting, which will include a presentation on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education Center. The meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the commission’s offices, Suite 500, 401 9th St. NW.

Monday, Jan. 9

The D.C. Council Committee on Finance and Revenue will hold a public hearing on the Age-in-Place and Equitable Senior Citizens Real Property Act. The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. in Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

William Edmund Barrett, and an 1820s receipt for a dog-licensing fee, the release says. Now the Historical Society will display the collection at the Carnegie Library at Mount Vernon Square, according to the release. Portions of the catalog are available at kiplinger.pastperfect-online.com.

Trim Pepco increase, people’s counsel says Pepco should be allowed to increase rates by no more than $8 million — instead of the $42 million it is requesting — due to the company’s unreliable service, D.C. People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye testified last Wednesday, according to a news release from her office. “This is Pepco’s third request in five years, and while consumer bills have steadily increased, there has been no measurable improvement in service reliability,� she told the D.C. Public Service Commission. The Office of the People’s Counsel is tasked with representing consumers on utility issues.

South Sudanese look at investment options Representatives of the newly formed South Sudan government met Friday with District officials and business leaders to discuss possible investment partnerships, according to a news release from the DC Chamber of Commerce. The English-speaking nation of South Sudan is courting foreign investors to fund its infrastructure, and D.C. officials — including Mayor Vincent Gray — offered policy suggestions, the release says.


In the Nov. 23 article, an article on Georgetown’s Montrose Park misspelled Ronda Bernstein’s name. The Current regrets the error. As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-244-7223.

The Current

LICENSE From Page 3

Heritage India were ejected at 2:30 a.m. after a fight. The fight continued in the street, where six people — all Maryland residents — were shot or stabbed, and a 34-year-old man died of his injuries. In response, Police Chief Cathy Lanier ordered an emergency 96-hour shutdown of the establishment and recommended that its liquor license be revoked altogether, according to the alcohol board’s order. The board then suspended the liquor license pending a full review, which determined Heritage India should not keep its “full legal hours� (operating until 2 a.m. weeknights

and 3 a.m. weekends) or the “entertainment endorsement� that allows live music. But it is permitted to reopen its bar and serve drinks with meals after having reopened without alcohol service Dec. 2, according to the restaurant’s blog. Andrew Kline, Heritage India’s non-attorney representative in the alcohol board proceedings, didn’t respond to messages. But according to The Washington Times, he acknowledged at last week’s hearing that there had been late-night issues at the restaurant. “If this establishment returns to its roots as an Indian restaurant, there aren’t going to be any issues,� Kline said, according to the Times. On its blog, Heritage India thanks regular patrons who dined there

when alcohol service was not available, and states that it will reopen its bar and once again serve wine, beer and cocktails with meals starting today. Also at last Wednesday’s neighborhood commission meeting, commissioner Mike Silverstein, who also serves on the alcohol board, responded to concerns that the board is too hesitant to revoke licenses of troublesome establishments. He would like to see hearings involving violence fast-tracked, he said, but there’s only so much the board can do in many cases. “Shutting a place down because someone might get beat up is a pretty hard thing to do,� Silverstein said. “Anything we do can be appealed to the D.C. Court of Appeals, and they often are.�

STUDY From Page 3

closest to Spring Road is more densely commercial than the residential areas to the north, and thus the response to enhance each section varies. Still, the goal is to expand economic growth throughout the entire corridor and to strengthen its cohesion by improving and unifying the streetscape. Taalib-Din Uqdah, founder and president of the 14th Street Uptown Business Association and owner of 14th Street hair-care boutique Cornrows & Co., has been a small-business owner in the District for more than 30 years. He is particularly eager to see zoning changes enacted that would increase the allowable square footage for commercial spaces along upper 14th Street. “Residents say they want an organic market and more restaurants, but the current density doesn’t offer it,� Uqdah said. He added that if the city allowed an increase in commercial square footage, the value of commercial property would rise, creating more tax revenue for the city, which he called a “win-win for everyone.� Uqdah, who wants to see improvements in the area sooner rather than later, has already taken some steps to make that happen. He works with young people in the neighborhood to landscape existing tree boxes and pick up trash. He then asks the merchants to do what they can to maintain clean and inviting sidewalk areas.

STEVENS From Page 2

room facilities and the building’s noncompliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which would likely force a developer to retrofit an elevator. But while Jose Sousa, a spokesperson for the deputy mayor for planning and economic development, said meeting disability requirements “would take some creativity,� he noted that the former school is sound in many ways, cosmetic issues aside. “The building itself isn’t in terrible shape, generally,� said Sousa, who said he visits the site about once a month to ensure that no serious damage or break-ins have occurred. As attendees noted, some new educational users would be able to utilize the building’s existing 16-classroom layout without major reconfiguring. The facility housed elementary school students just over three years ago, and the empty building is full of reminders. Some blackboards were never erased after the last day of school.

Bill Petros/Current File Photo

The plan calls for the redevelopment of Metro’s Northern Bus Garage parcel on 14th Street.

“If you go to Bethesda or Chevy Chase, the commercial area looks nicer — their trees are lit at night, their streets are clean. You can see that working to make the street look better will help businesses,� Uqdah said. “It’s about facade improvement, and sometimes all someone needs is new glass or a new door.� The Office of Planning’s recommendations will be available for public comment through the end of January. The office will then revise its proposal and submit it to the D.C. Council in early 2012 and ultimately a task force will be appointed to implement the concepts. Washington-Stern said work on 14th Street could begin sometime in 2013 or perhaps 2014. To review the recommendations or make a comment, visit planning.dc.gov.

Attendance records still sit on a desk in the office. Children’s artwork and other decorations are still posted on bulletin boards. Refills for a soap dispenser are on a bathroom sink. Most furniture and equipment was moved to other District schools, and apparently no one had a reason to touch what remained. Then-Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee closed the Stevens School, which had been operating since 1868, over neighborhood protests in 2008, saying the site was underenrolled. Since then, community leaders successfully rebuffed a city plan to sell the entire property to a commercial developer who planned an apartment building for the site. In keeping with community feedback, the economic development office’s latest requirements for developers is that they ultimately partner with an educational user. Developers and educational users will apply separately for consideration in the city process, with project proposals due March 1. Short-listed groups from each category will then team up to make final presentations in the spring.

“One Of The Largest Carwashes in America�



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WEST END From Page 1

cials. But the economic development office, the Office of Planning and EastBanc told the commission Monday that the company would need to sell all its planned 164 units at the library site as market-rate condominiums to afford the estimated $20 million in city projects. “I’m aware that this is a difficult decision, but the District is in very difficult financial times,� testified Matthew Troy of the economic development office. “If we are in a position to provide the community with a new library and a new fire station — both of which are sorely needed — without having to cover any of the costs, then I think asking for the waiver is the right thing to do.� Some zoning commissioners, though, weren’t entirely convinced. Marcie Cohen, a longtime advocate for affordable housing, said the proposed high-end project wouldn’t be accessible to, for instance, librarians at the new West End library. “They’ll never be able to afford the condo prices here,� she said. EastBanc originally said it would designate affordable housing in its fire station project for the broader “planned-unit development.� That site does not require specific relief from zoning rules. But the company now says it can’t afford to make that commitment. “We believe we understand the market as well as anybody, and we believe we have proposed a project that adds as much value to the District as we are able to pull out of the land value,� testified EastBanc president Anthony Lanier. Lanier also noted that EastBanc has adapted the project based on more than five-dozen meetings the

company hosted or attended with neighbors. A big change, he said, was to have fewer but larger units that would be too expensive for George Washington University students. The customers who do move there, though, will demand more parking than residents of other building types, Lanier added. EastBanc’s proposal to construct 1.5 parking spaces per unit drew strong objections from the D.C. Department of Transportation and the Office of Planning. “There is a wealth of options down in this particular area of the city for mass transit,� the Transportation Department’s Jeff Jennings testified. EastBanc responded that residents may want to own a car even if they don’t drive it regularly, or have an available parking space as an amenity to offer prospective buyers when they move. The company’s traffic study projected only a slight impact on nearby streets. Commissioners also raised concerns about the planned penthouse structure, which would house mechanical equipment and a recreation room. The penthouse is too big, and the design of the building makes it too visible from the street, said some commissioners. The Planning Office pledged to work with EastBanc on the roof structure before the hearing continues Jan. 5. “That’s not to be interpreted that we don’t support the redevelopment of that site and the provision of a new library and fire station,� the office’s Jennifer Steingasser added, referring to the proposed parking and penthouse. When the hearing continues, the Zoning Commission will hear from the Foggy Bottom/West End advisory neighborhood commission, which voted last month to support the project. Several opponents are also scheduled to testify.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011




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The Current


Call 202-244-7223 for advertising information. An advertising representative will be happy to visit with you.

Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from Dec. 11 through 18 in local police service areas.

psa PSA 201 201

■ chevy chase

Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 5400 block, Nebraska Ave.; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 3700 block, Military Road; street; 8:30 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 5400 block, Nebraska Ave.; parking lot; 11 p.m. Dec. 15.

psa 202

■ Friendship Heights

PSA 202 Tenleytown / AU Park Robbery (assault) ■ 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; sidewalk; 5:40 p.m. Dec. 14. Robbery (stealth) ■ 5200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; restaurant; 5:12 p.m. Dec. 17. Burglary ■ 4600 block, Wisconsin Ave.; restaurant; 1 a.m. Dec. 14. Theft ($250 plus) ■ 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; restaurant; 8:30 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 4100 block, 38th St.; residence; 3:50 p.m. Dec. 15. Theft (below $250) ■ 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 11 a.m. Dec. 12. ■ 4400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; university; 2:45 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 5:10 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 1:24 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 4700 block, Wisconsin Ave.; office building; 3:20 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 4500 block, Fort Drive; government building; noon Dec. 18. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 4400 block, Garrison St.; street; 8 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 5300 block, 42nd St.; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 5100 block, 45th St.; street; noon Dec. 16.

psa PSA 203


■ forest hills / van ness

Theft (below $250) ■ 4300 block, Connecticut Ave.; store; 8:15 p.m. Dec. 16. ■ 4400 block, Connecticut Ave.; hotel; 10:25 a.m. Dec. 18.

psa 204

■ Massachusetts avenue

heights / cleveland park woodley park / Glover PSA 204 park / cathedral heights

Robbery (gun) ■ 2500 block, 41st St.; street; 9:22 p.m. Dec. 14. Stolen auto ■ 35th Street and Whitehaven Parkway; street; 7 p.m. Dec. 11. Theft ($250 plus) ■ 3500 block, Connecticut Ave.; store; 3:54 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 3300 block, Connecticut Ave.; government building; 2:50 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 2800 block, 38th St.; residence; 10 p.m. Dec. 14. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 2500 block, Woodley Road;

street; 12:30 a.m. Dec. 15.

psa 205

■ palisades / spring valley PSA 205

Wesley Heights/ Foxhall

Robbery (assault) ■ 4400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; unspecified premises; 11 p.m. Dec. 15. Burglary ■ 4400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; university; 5:15 p.m. Dec. 15. Theft (below $250) ■ 2100 block, Dunmore Lane; construction site; 3:15 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 4400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; sidewalk; 2 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 2100 block, Foxhall Road; university; 7 p.m. Dec. 15. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 2800 block, 49th St.; street; 4 p.m. Dec. 16.

psa 206

PSA 206 ■ georgetown / burleith Assault with a dangerous weapon ■ 32nd and R streets; sidewalk; 9 p.m. Dec. 15. Theft ($250 plus) ■ 37th and O streets; university; 4 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 1400 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 5:25 p.m. Dec. 17. Theft (below $250) ■ 37th and O streets; university; 12:10 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 1200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 4:40 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 2600 block, O St.; residence; 8 a.m. Dec. 14. ■ 1200 block, 36th St.; restaurant; 1:30 a.m. Dec. 16. ■ 3000 block, M St.; store; 2:10 p.m. Dec. 17. ■ 3000 block, M St.; unspecified premises; 3:30 p.m. Dec. 17. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 3000 block, Dumbarton St.; street; 2:45 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 31st and O streets; street; 11 a.m. Dec. 15.

psa PSA 207


■ foggy bottom / west end

Robbery (snatch) ■ 1700 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; restaurant; 1:20 p.m. Dec. 14. Assault with a dangerous weapon (gun) ■ 2100 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; medical facility; 9 a.m. Dec. 15. ■ 2200 block, I St.; restaurant; 11:34 a.m. Dec. 17. Assault with a dangerous weapon (other) ■ 2500 block, M St.; sidewalk; 4:18 p.m. Dec. 13. Burglary ■ 700 block, 24th St.; residence; 5:30 p.m. Dec. 14. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 2100 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; parking lot; noon Dec. 16.

psa 208

■ sheridan-kalorama

PSA 208 dupont circle

Robbery (snatch) ■ 1800 block, H St.; store; 10:35 a.m. Dec. 16.

Robbery (stealth) ■ 1300 block, 19th St.; tavern; 10 p.m. Dec. 17. Assault with a dangerous weapon ■ 17th and L streets; sidewalk; 3:50 a.m. Dec. 17. Stolen auto ■ 1700 block, Rhode Island Ave.; street; 5:10 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 1500 block, Rhode Island Ave.; hotel; 1:06 a.m. Dec. 16. ■ 1100 block, 21st St.; parking lot; 10:35 p.m. Dec. 16. Theft (below $250) ■ 1300 block, Connecticut Ave.; drugstore; 8 a.m. Dec. 12. ■ 900 block, 18th St.; restaurant; noon Dec. 12. ■ 2100 block, L St.; restaurant; 1 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 1800 block, K St.; office building; 6 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 1600 block, U St.; unspecified premises; Dec. 13. ■ 1900 block, L St.; office building; 10 a.m. Dec. 13. ■ 17th Street and Connecticut Avenue; restaurant; 12:30 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 1100 block, 17th St.; restaurant; 5:15 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 1500 block, 16th St.; office building; 6:45 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 2000 block, M St.; office building; 9 a.m. Dec. 14. ■ 1600 block, K St.; restaurant; 12:30 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 2100 block, P St.; liquor store; 9:16 p.m. Dec. 16. ■ 16th and I streets; restaurant; 12:01 a.m. Dec. 18. ■ 1200 block, Connecticut Ave.; street; 7:44 a.m. Dec. 18. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 1700 block, 16th St.; street; 1:50 p.m. Dec. 17. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 1700 block, P St.; street; 2 a.m. Dec. 11. ■ 1600 block, New Hampshire Ave.; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 11. ■ 1600 block, 18th St.; parking lot; 5:30 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 2400 block, Kalorama Road; street; 6:10 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 17th and O streets; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 21st Street and New Hampshire Avenue; street; 11 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 1500 block, Rhode Island Ave.; parking lot; 9 a.m. Dec. 17. ■ 1900 block, 17th St.; street; 3:30 a.m. Dec. 18. ■ 1700 block, 19th St.; street; 9:30 a.m. Dec. 18.

psa PSA 303


■ adams morgan

Robbery (gun) ■ 2400 block, 16th St.; sidewalk; 1:58 a.m. Dec. 17. Robbery (armed) ■ 1900 block, Wyoming Ave.; store; 10:10 p.m. Dec. 17. Burglary ■ 2100 block, 18th St.; store; 8 a.m. Dec. 13. Theft (below $250) ■ 1800 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 8:25 p.m. Dec. 16. ■ 1800 block, Columbia Road; tavern; 1:25 a.m. Dec. 17. ■ 1700 block, Columbia Road;

store; 12:45 a.m. Dec. 18. ■ 2400 block, 18th St.; tavern; 2 a.m. Dec. 18. ■ 1800 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 2:39 p.m. Dec. 18. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ Florida Avenue and T Street; street; 3:40 p.m. Dec. 11. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 2000 block, 19th St.; parking lot; 8 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 1700 block, Columbia Road; parking lot; 6 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 1600 block, Euclid St.; street; 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 1800 block, Calvert St.; parking lot; 10 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 2000 block, New Hampshire Ave.; street; 11:10 a.m. Dec. 18.

psa PSA 307


■ logan circle

Robbery (force and violence) ■ 1400 block, 10th St.; residence; 8:04 p.m. Dec. 13. Burglary ■ 1200 block, M St.; residence; 7:30 a.m. Dec. 12. Stolen auto ■ 900 block, R St.; street; 11:30 a.m. Dec. 13. ■ 1200 block, 12th St.; street; noon Dec. 17. Theft ($250 plus) ■ 1500 block, 14th St.; store; 7:26 p.m. Dec. 17. Theft (below $250) ■ 1100 block, Vermont Ave.; office building; 5 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 1400 block, P St.; bank; 2:23 p.m. Dec. 14. ■ 1400 block, P St.; sidewalk; 6:50 a.m. Dec. 15. ■ 1100 block, Vermont Ave.; drugstore; 3:30 p.m. Dec. 18. Theft (tags) ■ 14th and Corcoran streets; street; 11:30 a.m. Dec. 15. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 900 block, M St.; street; 9:45 a.m. Dec. 15. ■ 1400 block, Q St.; street; 9:15 p.m. Dec. 15. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 1500 block, Kingman Place; street; 1 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 1100 block, 12th St.; street; 6:30 p.m. Dec. 12. ■ 1500 block, Kingman Place; street; 9 p.m. Dec. 13. ■ 13th and Q streets; street; 6:15 a.m. Dec. 15. ■ 14th Street and Rhode Island Avenue; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 10th and O streets; street; 1 a.m. Dec. 18. ■ 1400 block, S St.; street; 2:30 a.m. Dec. 18.

psa 401

■ colonial village PSA 401

shepherd park / takoma

Stolen auto ■ 7800 block, 12th St.; street; 9 a.m. Dec. 12. ■ 6800 block, Laurel St.; parking lot; 1 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 800 block, Butternut St.; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 15. ■ 7300 block, Alaska Ave.; street; 2 a.m. Dec. 18. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 1700 block, Tamarack St.; residence; 7 p.m. Dec. 15.

The Current

Former mayor recommends course for city Current Staff Report ormer Mayor Tony Williams told the DC Chamber of Commerce last week that the District government must adopt six practices to become a well-managed city and attract new employers. Mayor Vincent Gray and Black Entertainment Television founder Bob Johnson also spoke about business issues in the city at Thursday’s event, the chamber’s annual meeting. The former mayor said the District has to overcome a major disadvantage — a lack of representation in Congress — when competing with Virginia to attract job producers. The discrepancy, he said, has contributed to the prosperity of Rosslyn, which houses many businesses that have left the District. First, Williams said, the city must avoid the reorganization trap, in which problems are met with new or changed bureaucracies that do not really address the root cause. Instead, Washington must develop mechanisms to nimbly respond to problems as they arise. Williams also urged against making across-theboard spending cuts to balance the budget. Rather, city leaders should look at the least productive areas for the bulk of any spending reductions. Evaluations of city programs must be clear and public, the former leader said. And expectations for those programs must be raised, he added, noting that the city must create a culture that demands more from its employees while also helping them improve. Meanwhile, city employees should be nudged to take risks, Williams said. Risk taking can be encour-


aged by eliminating laws and regulations that make it difficult to get things done. Current Mayor Vincent Gray told the 400-plus attendees at the luncheon that the 2012 fiscal budget is “structurally balanced,” which means that it does not depend on spending the city’s reserves. The 2011 budget was also balanced and should show a material surplus when the final figures come out, Gray said. In reference to an initially planned budget cut that drew a lot of criticism, he said the city was able find the money to keep the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library open on Sundays thanks to its ability to raise $800 million with income-tax-secured bonds at an interest rate of just 0.27 percent. The bonds were rated AAA, the highest rating available. The mayor said his office has recruited 300 local companies interested in hiring unemployed District residents; the city is now forming an outreach program to let potential workers know of the opportunities. BET founder Johnson described some of the 15 companies his RLJ Co. owns outright or in part. He then discussed his concern that the wealth gap between black and white people is widening in the United States. Fifty percent of middle-class black children will be worse off than their parents if present trends continue, Johnson said. “It is a problem for all of us,” he said. Johnson urged tax breaks for minority-controlled firms as at least a partial answer — though he acknowledged that such incentives would benefit him as well. He also called on firms to interview minority firms and potential employees whenever making contracting and hiring decisions.

Noodles chain opens first D.C. restaurant


fter a decade of operating in the local suburbs, Noodles & Company, the national “fast fresh” chain offering pasta with international flair, moved into D.C. this week with a shop in Woodley Park. “We’re excited to be in the city,” said area manager Meredith Schaefermeyer. Founded in Denver nearly 20 years ago, the 200-plus-outpost chain serves salads and, since last year, sandwiches. But the primary offering is evident from its name. “We’re a globally inspired noodle shop,” said Schaefermeyer. “Everyone in the world eats noodles of some kind.” At Noodles & Company, they eat noodles of three kinds: Asian, Mediterranean and American. Top sellers in each category, respectively, are Japanese Pan Noodles, featuring caramelized udon noodles in a sweet soy sauce with veggies; Penne Rosa, a pasta tossed in a spicy creamy tomato sauce with mushrooms, spinach and parmesan or feta; and Wisconsin Mac & Cheese, a blend of cheddar and jack cheese and cream atop elbow macaroni. Those are three of 15 pasta offerings, which can be varied exponentially by adding a choice of chicken, beef, shrimp, meatballs or tofu, and by including a side of soup or salad. The shop also

some moms and dads might find their forks straying. “There are a lot of parents that are like, ‘Oh, I’m beth cope getting the mac and cheese for him,’ and then they eat the whole thing,” encourages customization, promising that no server will look askance said Schepis. The whole package adds up to a at a request to skip the carmelizafast casual restaution on those udon rant that staff says noodles or substiappeals to all tute penne for types — from elbow in your mac foodies to food and cheese. phobics. And Schaefermeyer Schepis says the and Emily Schepis, approach can even the company’s open the minds of field and program some of the latter. marketing coordi“We’re making it nator, say those Bill Petros/The Current accessible,” she extensive choices said. — and that flexiThe Woodley Park store is “An Indonesian bility — make the D.C.’s first Noodles location. peanut sauté — restaurant a great lots of people have never had anyspot for dining companions with thing like that,” said Schaefermeyer. different palates. Noodles & Company also aims “The fun thing about us having to be affordable. A small bowl of different choices from around the world is me going into a Noodles & any of the noodle dishes starts at $4.25, with protein toppings added Company with my boyfriend and for $2.39 extra. A larger bowl costs him loving mac and cheese and $5.35, and for $7.60 you can get a American food, while I want to get small bowl, a protein topping and a something different,” said Schepis, side soup or salad. And while the who counts Bangkok Curry as one food is delivered to your table — her favorites. on real plates; disposable is only for The restaurant is also great for carryout — no tipping is allowed. parents and kids, said Noodles & Company is located Schaefermeyer, particularly since it at 2635 Connecticut Ave. NW. offers the ever-popular buttered Save time by ordering ahead: Visit noodles — as well as “what the noodles.com for details. [parents] really want.” Of course,


Wednesday, December 21, 2011



Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Foggy Bottom


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

Autonomy now

With a shutdown of the federal government averted — again — at the eleventh hour, legislators and pundits last week celebrated an agreement that barely cleared this Congress’ very low bar for bipartisan comity. But one would-be victim of the shutdown went largely unacknowledged: the District’s government operations and services. It’s worthwhile to revisit what happened during the 1995 shutdown. Though then-Mayor Marion Barry kept essential workers on the job without the certainty that retroactive funding would come through, the city had no trash pickup, library services, building inspections and more. D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton has proposed a bill that would free the District’s budget from congressional oversight. Such a separation is necessary to alleviate the uncertainty that hits too close to home every time the phrase “government shutdown” is uttered — as it is more and more often these days. At the very least, we would hope for a piecemeal measure, such as ensuring that D.C. can spend its own, locally raised dollars in the event of a shutdown. Another alternative: treat the District’s budget like other D.C. legislation, meaning automatic approval after 30 days unless Congress voted to block it. It’s a shame that none of these ideas has been taken up yet. Independence and self-determinism — indeed, democracy itself — would seem to be issues that would win broad support in Congress. But some members of that body seem incapable of agreeing not to meddle without meddling, as we saw from California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa’s proposal to give D.C. budget autonomy — as long as no local funds went toward abortion services. Brinkmanship has become a spectator sport in the last couple of years, with politicians seeming to relish goading their opponents to the edge of government shutdowns, default and more. We’d like to sit back and take in the fireworks as well, but with so much at stake, we simply can’t. So if Congress would like to give Washington — the real Washington, not the rhetorical punching bag — a gift this holiday season, we have just the thing: the peace of mind that some type of budget autonomy would offer. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

A fresh start

Two years ago, West End and Foggy Bottom residents accepted that the Stevens School was lost as an educational institution, because city officials assured them that it was. But neighbors could not stomach the proposed tenant for the historic school — an apartment building that many thought would become a de facto dormitory for George Washington University — and organized an ultimately successful effort to scuttle the developer’s chances with the D.C. Council. Now, with a different mayor and development director, the process to determine the future of the school has begun again. Thankfully, officials started by taking community feedback into account — namely, that the historic building should serve an educational purpose, with the land around it made available for commercial development. The process will be a novel one for the city, with commercial and educational users making separate proposals by March 1. Development officials will then winnow the bidders to a short list, and pairs of potential users will present their ideas together. We applaud city officials for their new approach to Stevens, particularly their willingness to revisit the assumption that an educational use was not viable, and their decision to use proceeds from commercial development of the parcel to fund renovation of the school building. Separating the commercial and educational bids at the outset is also smart, so each can be considered on its own merits. Potential pitfalls remain, however. During the last debate over Stevens redevelopment, popular and seemingly viable bidders didn’t make the short list, and city officials refused to offer explanations. We hope development officials remain as open as they can be with the community this time.

The Current

The past and the future … You have an opportunity to look both back and ahead this week. First, here’s a cool look back: One of the best underreported stories of the recent week involved the old-line Kiplinger family. Three generations of Kiplingers amassed a stunning collection of more than 4,000 paintings, maps, photographs and other materials that capture the history of our nation’s capital. It’s being touted as the largest private collection ever assembled. “This rich trove of graphics depicting our city’s history should be in a place where it can be seen by our citizens and visitors to Washington,” Knight Kiplinger told the Notebook this week, “and also be accessible to researchers.” That goal made the Historical Society of Washington, D.C., “the logical choice to be its new home,” he said, noting that the facility has “fine exhibition spaces and the Kiplinger Research Library.” “It will take a while for the Kiplinger Collection to be incorporated into HSW’s current holdings, but we expect that, later in 2012, there will be an opening exhibit featuring some of the most notable works,” Kiplinger continued. It’s truly great news for lovers of the city’s local history. And the donation can be a distinctive draw in the continuing efforts to bring the Carnegie Library to life. ■ The future is now. (With apologies to those who remember the late Redskins coach George Allen.) Several blocks from the Carnegie Library is another sign of the robust forces shaping downtown Washington. This past weekend, the Clyde’s Restaurant Group opened The Hamilton, a 1,000-seat restaurant at the corner of 14th and F streets. The site most recently housed a Borders bookstore, but older Washingtonians will remember it as the home of Garfinckel’s Department Store, which went out of business in 1990. What makes The Hamilton different from the 13 other restaurants in the Clyde’s group is that it is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week (though it will be closed on Christmas). And it has a huge performance space in the bottom level that will officially open Jan. 19 with famed gospel/blues singer Mavis Staples. “We felt it was time,” said Clyde’s president Tom Meyer, who showed NBC4 the space last Friday as the waitstaff and kitchen went through last-minute drills before opening Sunday night. Meyer said the redeveloping downtown is coming alive, with thousands of new people living in the area. Adding to that, he said, are legions of late-night government workers, tourists in hotels looking for

something more than room service, and even employees of other restaurants that close after midnight. Many of those people (and yours truly) are looking for more than a greasy diner or burger joint. Clyde’s said the opening night on Sunday drew a large crowd that packed Hamilton’s bars and tables. The overnight business was light, but word of mouth will fix that soon. The menu and appeal are typical of a Clyde’s restaurant, with moderate prices in an upscale environment — a truly welcome idea. If the restaurant and performance space are not enough, there’s also a second-floor lounge area set off from the rest of restaurant. It looked perfect for a hide-away lunch or private party. Maybe one of my sources will be comfortable there spilling the beans, so to speak. ■ Taxi battle, round two. It’s hard to recall that it was just 2008 when this city dumped the antiquated zone system and switched to no-brainer meters. Finally, cab customers could really know how much they owed and not depend on a driver just citing a figure. On Monday, Mayor Vincent Gray and Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh unveiled a sweeping plan to overhaul the taxi industry. The proposed bill would for the first time allow the Taxi Commission to limit the number of licensed taxi drivers in the city. There are more than 8,000 now. It also would go a lot further in forcing drivers to disclose all of their income. Cabs would be required to accept credit cards or other digital payments. A new meter system would deliver real-time information to the Taxi Commission about the fares collected. And Global Positioning Systems would track taxis to see if they’re serving the entire city (a big issue in Far Southeast and Northeast neighborhoods.) Cheh, chair of the public works committee that oversees the industry, says she’ll hold a hearing in January. You can expect a lot of anguished cries from the taxi community. One driver disrupted Monday’s news conference, declaring that the city is pushing drivers toward a minimum-wage existence. Mayor Gray, who got strong support from taxi drivers in his election last year, said the industry needs reform. He said he has helped drivers by eliminating the old $19 cap on fares for any one ride. And he said he’s taken other steps to help drivers, too. More accountability seems like a good idea. But it could be a rough ride getting there. ■ A final word. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor ANC oversight would complicate cleanup

I write in response to The Current’s Dec. 14 article “ANC creates panel to look at cleanup proposal.” Federal regulations require the creation of a Restoration Advisory Board consisting of residents of areas designated as “formerly used defense sites,” such as Spring Valley. For many years, residents of Spring Valley have volunteered to serve as members of the board, which meets each month with representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the D.C. Department of Health. Members of the public are invited to attend the meetings. The function of the Restoration Advisory Board is to oversee the activities of these agencies to ensure that the residents of Spring Valley can be confident that anything harmful in the soil has been removed and that there has been no adverse impact on the health of residents. The board advocated for the original Johns Hopkins health study, which concluded that “the overall community health status of Spring Valley is very good,” and for the follow-up steps recommended by Johns Hopkins that

are now going on. The Dec. 14 article reported that the Spring Valley advisory neighborhood commission seeks to appoint a committee to essentially duplicate the function of the Restoration Advisory Board. Essentially, the new committee would oversee the overseers on the board. This committee apparently was recommended by nonresidents, including a selfappointed historian of Spring Valley. What members of the Spring Valley community do not need is an ANC committee duplicating and complicating the efforts of the Restoration Advisory Board. Malcolm Pritzker Member, Restoration Advisory Board

The Current

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Federal spending bill has good news for D.C. VIEWPOINT

eleanor holmes norton


am relieved that the fiscal year 2012 omnibus spending bill passed by Congress last week funded my three top priorities — the District of Columbia Tuition Assistance Grant (DCTAG) program, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security headquarters, and HIV/AIDS prevention in D.C. I am also relieved that I could prevent the reimposition of the deadly D.C. needle-exchange rider and all other anti-home-rule riders. At the same time, residents were justifiably angry that the D.C. abortion rider, which I was able to remove last Congress, was reimposed for the second fiscal year in a row, despite not only my efforts but also those of an energetic campaign by D.C. residents, DC Vote and national groups that came to the District’s defense. We will never be satisfied as long as there is a single prohibition on D.C.’s use of its local funds. It is especially ironic that the final sticking point in the negotiations on the conference report was how to promote democracy in Cuba — while the bill trampled on democracy in the “capital of the free world” with an anti-democratic ban on spending local funds for abortion services for low-income women. Yet there is good reason for relief and some satisfaction. Throughout the year, every priority in the bill was under severe threat. In the end, instead of destroying DCTAG with means testing, Congress fully funded the program. Instead of defunding the St. Elizabeths Department of Homeland Security headquarters project, as the House originally voted to do, Congress has ensured completion of the first building and occupancy by the U.S. Coast Guard in 2013. And not only was our hard fight to prevent the dreaded D.C. needle-exchange rider successful, but we also were able to prevent a number of other riders that had been promised, including riders to eliminate the city’s gun laws and to abolish D.C.’s marriage equality law. Certainly, it is a relief that the federal government, and in turn the District government, was not shut down. Yet the District should never have been put in such a precarious position in the first place — the subject of

Letters to the Editor Don’t donate books to unknown groups

Perhaps you’ve seen the huge book donation bin in front of Safeway at 5545 Connecticut Ave., a scant half block from the Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library. Often, it’s jammed full of books. Since I help the Chevy Chase DC Library Friends raise money through the sale of donated books, I’ve been envious of that blue bin. When it first showed up more than a year ago, I read the large print — “Books (CDs & DVDs) for Charity” — and the small print and followed the Internet trail to the “Reading Tree” website listed on the bin. “Reading Tree,” we’re told, collects books and donates them to literacy programs for children. What could be better? About 10 months ago, through a nationwide online bulletin board for

my pending bill to permanently protect the city from shutdowns over federal budget fights. The spending bill includes $30 million for DCTAG, a program I got passed in 1999 to provide higher education opportunities for D.C. students equal to those available to other Americans by granting D.C. students up to $10,000 annually for in-state tuition at any U.S. public college and up to $2,500 annually to attend private colleges in D.C. and the region. DCTAG has doubled college attendance rates in D.C., now up to 60 percent — 10 points above the national average. Earlier this year, I fought hard against a proposal by House Budget Committee chair Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to apply a means test to DCTAG in order to pay for the new congressionally imposed D.C. private school voucher program, a change that would have all but killed DCTAG. The new U.S. Coast Guard building under construction at the St. Elizabeths campus in Ward 8 will receive $56 million, which will help ensure that the facility, the first of several, will open on time in 2013. The General Services Administration also received $50 million for construction nationally, and I expect a large portion of that to go toward work at St. Elizabeths, the agency’s top priority. I am particularly grateful that the District received $5 million for HIV/AIDS testing and treatment. The District has the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the country, in large part because of the old needle-exchange rider. That is why preventing it from being reimposed was such a top priority. The District’s needle-exchange efforts have been remarkably successful since its postrider program was started in May 2008, showing a 60 percent decrease in the number of HIV/AIDS cases attributable to injection drug use. I was also successful in getting $15 million for the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority’s Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Plan to restore the Anacostia River, my top environmental priority. The bill has another $14.9 million to reimburse the city for security and related costs resulting from demonstrations and other federally related activities requiring District personnel. Eleanor Holmes Norton serves as the District’s nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives.

library Friends groups, I learned more from people who had noticed a marked decrease in book donations as the blue bins became ubiquitous in their area. Here is what we know now: Across the country, 2,500 Reading Tree bins (seven in D.C. and 51 in Maryland and Virginia) are operated by the Lakewood, Wash.-based Thrift Recycling Management, a for-profit corporation that established the nonprofit Reading Tree several years ago. Thrift Recycling Management is the largest online used-book seller in the United States, with $27 million in gross sales last year. By its own description, the company sorts the donations into three categories: Approximately half the books are sold to other industries as pulp; high-value books, 25 percent or so, are sold online for profit; and the remainder go to children’s literacy programs. Officials with the Oregon Department of Justice are investigating the Thrift Recycling

Management/Reading Tree relationship since a for-profit company makes money from what is solicited as charitable donations. Recently, Virginia officials started looking into possible violations of state law. Library Friends groups in D.C. have been collecting, sorting and selling books for decades to support public libraries. Using volunteers, we maximize the value of books received. The proceeds from our book sales provide financial support for library programs throughout D.C. We recycle what we can’t redonate or sell. Besides Friends groups, other legitimate nonprofits accept book donations. For example, the award-winning local group Books for America uses book donations to build libraries in schools, prisons, shelters and the like. Please bring your book donations (along with DVDs and CDs) to your local library. Unlike the big blue bins, we promise to use your donations to profit this community. Bette Landish Chevy Chase

Letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to letters@currentnewspapers.com.


10 Wednesday, December 21, 2011

TENLEY From Page 2

already addressed those concerns. “We have listened, made significant adjustments, and are confident that our proposals have responded appropriately to the major issues raised,” he wrote. The Zoning Commission will decide whether to let the law school go forward only after it issues a decision on the school’s broader campus plan, which outlines 10 years of development goals. The commission is sched-



The Current

uled to deliberate on the campus plan Jan. 23. Neighbors near the main campus have strongly opposed the university’s plan to build 590 beds of student housing on a Nebraska Avenue parking lot, a key component of the campus plan. If the Zoning Commission agrees with residents and allows only smallerscale development on the “East Campus,” the school may have nowhere to move the 500odd students who currently live in Tenley Campus dorms. At the Dec. 1 hearing, representatives of the Tenleytown-Friendship Heights and Tenleytown-Forest Hills advisory neighbor-

hood commissions testified that the university’s most recent concessions eased their concerns about the Tenley Campus plan. The Forest Hills commission voted unanimously last month to request a series of fairly minor changes, most of which the university either specifically accepted or indicated it will address as part of broader commitments. The Friendship Heights commission has fewer conditions, though commissioner Beverly Sklover — whose single-member district includes the Tenley Campus — voted against that body’s resolution. In an interview, Sklover said that her oppo-

sition was to the resolution’s suggestion that the school consistently worked with neighbors to develop the plan; she said community input was included far too late. Sklover said that although she would have liked further design changes — such as the removal of a surface parking lot — she doesn’t oppose the project. At the hearing, the Zoning Commission also heard from several supporters of the Tenley Campus plan. Creating denser development near Tenleytown’s Metro station will reduce the number of people who need to drive to the school and will make the area more vibrant, they said.

METRO From Page 3

often hand-built as needed, he said. Plus, the Dupont escalators need these replacement parts regularly. “It’s like trying to keep an old car running — at a point, it’s a losing battle,” Stessel said. “And we’ve reached that point.” At the neighborhood commission meeting, the Metro representatives distributed brochures recommending that riders use the station’s north entrance at 20th and Q streets or the Farragut North station at Connecticut Avenue and L Street during the closure. To accommodate additional patrons at the remaining Dupont entrance, Metro has promised to post technicians at the station to

quickly make any necessary repairs to its escalators, and to have employees on site for crowd control. Emergency stairway exits will also be available, and the agency will hold off on future work planned for the Dupont and Farragut North stations until the escalator project is completed. Metro recognizes that the closure of a busy entrance is inconvenient, said Spain. “This has a huge impact on a very popular part of this town,” he said. “I’m looking forward to completing it and getting out of everybody’s way and having a new entrance with three brand-new escalators that are more reliable.” The broader Red Line Rehabilitation will also include continued track replacement work, bridge improvements and other renovations.

CAMERAS From Page 3

but it also captured images “passively” for later analysis. Dent said “the command center” for the three cameras is locked in a closet in his home, and the Metropolitan Police Department contacts him when the agency needs information from it. “As long as they pinpoint close to a time, I can scan and see if I can come up with pictures or videos that would be useful,” he said. In the first year and a half, according to Dent, the cameras captured evidence related to about eight hit-and-runs, and to six “major crimes” including robberies of nearby stores in which suspects fled on N Street. The technology also helped solve other types of crimes, like vandalism, graffiti, stalking and thefts of postal items, he said. As the years went on, Dent said, “we’ve had a reduction of the number of incidents on our block.” There’s always a question of whether that’s due to “coincidence or the cameras,” he conceded, but he believes the cameras can be an effective deterrent. “The whole idea here of the cameras is a) apprehension, b) conviction and c) word getting into the criminal community,” he said. A widespread collection of cameras, as the citizens association has planned, should help spread the message that “committing crime over here in Georgetown is too dangerous,” Dent said. President Altemus said the citizens association is looking into loca-

Bill Petros/The Current

The police department has one camera in Georgetown.

tions that are “gateways” into Georgetown, such as parts of P, Q and 34th streets. The cameras will be mounted on private property, requiring permission from owners, but will record public space, she said. Signs will announce their presence. Right now the goal is for 10 cameras, but “we’re going to have to feel it out” to see if more should be installed, Altemus said. The city also manages its own system of security cameras, around 85 total according to the police department’s website. In Georgetown, a camera was installed at Wisconsin Avenue and P Street in 2006. Dent said he believes there will be more private funding of security cameras throughout residential areas of D.C., since the cost of technology has come down so much recently. The cameras planned for Georgetown range between $1,700 and $2,500 including installation, he said. “I’m sure you’re going to see this in a much bigger way,” Dent predicted.

The Current

Wednesday, December 21 2011 11


Published by the Foggy Bottom Association – 50 Years Serving Foggy Bottom / West End The Neighbors Who Brought You Trader Joe’s!

Vol. 54, No. 2

FBN archives available on FBA website: www.foggybottomassociation.com

December 21, 2011


from the Foggy Bottom/ West End Aging-in-Place Project Interim Board The responses to our survey have been overwhelmingly positive. By this time next year, we hope to have a FB/WE Village up and running. More news to follow in early 2012. Thank you for your interest and continued support!


A full complement of Foggy Bottom Association neighbors kept up the Holiday Season momentum by attending the FBA’s December 10th Holiday Party at RIVERS. The Holiday Party brought the movers and shakers, members, guests and friends together for a warm and memorable holiday gathering.

LiteStars® Founder Leading Nutritional Education


FBN Wishes Our Community the Most Inspired of Holiday Seasons by Recognizing the Most Inspiring Neighbors The year-old LiteStars, one of FBA’s newest Preferred Merchants, has achieved another distinction through its partnership with Bancroft school as part of the “Let’s Move/Chefs Move to Schools” program initiated by First Lady Michelle

2560 Virginia Ave. Box NW,58087 Suite 195 Post Office Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20037-8087 Editor-in-Chief: Editor-in-Chief:Susan SusanTrinter Trinter foggybottomnews@yahoo.com strinter@gmail.com

TheFoggy FoggyBottom BottomNews Newsis ispublished publishedbybythe theFoggy FoggyBottom Bottom The Associationasasa aservice servicetotoitsitsmembers membersand andprovides providesinformation informationonon Association FBAand andneighborhood neighborhoodnews, news,programs, programs,activities activitiesand andother otherevents eventsofof FBA interesttotoFBA FBAmembers. members.Contributions Contributionsand andstory storyideas ideasarearewelcome, welcome, interest butthe theFBN FBNreserves reservesthe theright righttotoedit editororhold holdpieces piecesasasspace spacerequires. requires. but TheFoggy FoggyBottom BottomAssociation Associationwas wasformed formedbybya agroup groupofofcitizens citizens The 1955and andwas wasformally formallyincorporated incorporatedinin1959. 1959.Attendance AttendanceatatFBA FBA inin1955 meetingsis isopen opentotoallallresidents residentsofofFoggy FoggyBottom Bottomand andthe theWest WestEnd. End. meetings

Obama. LiteStars® founder Annie Leconte (top photo, far left) leads classes

on vegetablesand nutrition for the 4th graders of Bancroft School in Columbia Heights, culminating in a field trip to the restaurant (continued on next page)

FBAOfficers: Officers: FBA PPRESIDENT – Asher Corson RESIDENT – Joy Howell VRESIDENT ICE PRESIDENT – LisaG.Farrell VICE P – Jacqueline Lemire ECRETARY– – Nevius SSECRETARY JillJill Nevius REASURER Samira Azzam TTREASURER –– Russell Conlan MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR – John Woodard FBA FBABoard BoardofofDirectors: Directors: Rita Aid, Elizabeth B. Elliott, DavidGayley Hertzfeldt, Dusty Horwitt, Jill Crissman, David Hertzfeldt, Knight, Lucia Pollock, Donald W. Kreuzer, Lawrence G. Mrozinski Greg Snyder, John Woodard Ex-Officio: Ex-Officio:Ron JoyCocome Howell (Immediate (ImmediatePast PastPresident); President); Susan Trinter (FBN Editor) Susan Trinter (FBN Editor)

a a Foggy Bottom News

(continues on next page)

FBN 03-19-08


7:26 PM

Page 2

12 Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Current

sportsphotos From Previous Current newspapers


a a Foggy Bottom News (cont’d from preceding page)

December 21, 2011

LiteStars® Founder Leading Nutritional Education (cont’d) on Monday, December 13. FBN was able to capture “Annie’s Kids” as they toured the kitchen, got lessons on howthe various dishes are prepared and clearly expressed their interest and delight. This was followed by a reading of the menu and the formation an enthusiastic and well-behaved queue to select their lunches. www.letsmove. gov/chefs-moveschools.

Photos are available from www.mattpetros.zenfolio.com

Annie Leconte (above, right)

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The People and Places of Northwest Washington

December 21, 2011 ■ Page 13

Music lessons: D.C. band hosts workshops at MLK

By KATIE PEARCE Current Staff Writer


t the center of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, thumping walls are not out of the ordinary. Next door to library’s secondfloor teen area is a small recording studio equipped with a mixer, speakers, a mic and two Macs. And not a ton of soundproofing. “Right on the other side, you can definitely hear it if something’s really bass-heavy,” said Rebecca Renard, coordinator of the library’s teen program. Checking into the studio Saturday, Renard greeted 19-yearold Tre Wise, who was there to learn production skills through a new workshop series. Wise, a student at High Road Academy, asked Renard if he could count his time in the workshop as community-service hours for his school. “This is about your personal improvement,” she chided. “This isn’t community service.” That day Wise, who had already recorded several rap tracks in the studio on his own, got some tips from members of the Cornel West theory, the D.C.-based ensemble that has a contract to lead the workshops. Band member John Wesley Moon showed Wise how to use GarageBand, a music-making program for Macs. “It’s really intuitive,” Moon said. He played an atmospheric track he’d created in the studio the

❝It’s a matter of observing what teens are already doing and seeing how we can help.❞ — Musician John Wesley Moon weekend before, featuring catchy bass and a pounding chorus. “When the chorus came, I wanted it to be a lot bigger,” he told Wise. “It’s kind of go-go, but it’s kind of spacey, it’s kind of hard.” Sam Lavine, drummer for the Cornel West theory, listened to one of Wise’s previously recorded tracks through headphones. “You did this yourself?” he asked. The two band members helped plug Wise’s smartphone into a computer, then blasted the instrumental track through speakers as Wise scribbled down ideas for lyrics. Rashad Dobbins, another Cornel West member, said he was on hand to help out with “freestyling, creative writing and spoken word.”

Bill Petros/The Current

Martin Luther King Jr. Library staffer Rebecca Renard coordinates teen programs, including workshops that local band the Cornel West theory is holding weekly in the library’s teen recording studio. On Saturday, 19-year-old Tre Wise, second from left, worked with John Wesley Moon, rear, and Sam Lavine. By around 1 p.m., the studio was crammed, hot and noisy, after a couple more teens had arrived to work with the band members. The session was the second of the series of studio workshops the Cornel West theory is slated to host for teens each Saturday afternoon through May. The ensemble, which features several born-and-bred D.C. residents, got started in the city in 2004. Rooted in hip-hop, the group incorporates elements of go-go, jazz, rock and other genres. The Cornel West theory connected with the library system this year after performing at its summer-reading kickoff event, and then group members hosted two

informal workshops in the teen studio. Now, it’s become a regular partnership. “It’s a matter of observing what [teens] are already doing and seeing how we can help,” Moon said. He described it as a creative collaboration — “we’ll show them our process, and we’ll learn from their process.” Some of the learning will be software-based — the studio’s computers include video and audio programs like iMovie, Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro 9, in addition to GarageBand. For the first workshop, on Dec. 10, about five kids came in who were already familiar with the studio, Lavine said. “They’ve been here with no instruction, just winging it,” he said. “We’re trying to get them to look at new ways of recording.” They ended that session with a recorded track that’s since earned “thousands of hits on YouTube,” Lavine said. Renard, the teen program manager, said the workshops fit into a broader youth media plan she’s trying to unfold that reaches far beyond books. The 2009 renovation of the library’s Teen Space, which brought in the new recording studio, was inspired in part by the YOUmedia center, an innovative teen learning space within a downtown Chicago library. D.C. library spokesperson George Williams said the studio in the King library contains equipment totaling nearly $30,000. The studio has already fostered

a number of programs and events, Renard said, like a teen radio show with interviews and podcasts; poetry slams; oral history recordings; and video production internships. That’s in addition to the work done by individuals or groups of teens, who can make appointments to use the studio however they please. “It’s vital to give young people a creative space … that they can do whatever they want to do in it,” she said. This setup involves turning a blind eye to some things, like foul language, she said. “Our job is not to censor or prescribe what they create.” Renard said she has seen a wide range of teens come into the studio, which is normally booked all day. Last Christmas, she recalled, “a girl brought in her guitar and made an album” as a gift for her family members. She guessed there are tons of projects she doesn’t even know about. “You really never know who or what’s going to walk through that door,” Renard said. The Cornel West theory is hosting workshops each Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St NW, in the recording studio near the Teen Space on the second floor. More information about the band is available at thecornelwesttheory.com. Whenever the library is open, the studio is also available for twohour time slots, reserved by appointment by visiting the Teen Space or calling 202-727-5535.

14 Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Current

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On Dec. 2, Mrs. York’s upper elementary class went to the Grossology exhibit at the National Geographic Museum. The students read and played games that explained gross and interesting facts about animals. One of the games was to decide which animal was the slimiest. There was a sea cucumber, a hagfish and a snail. It was like a game show with a screen displaying things that the creature did. Another part of the exhibit had a robotic cow. One side of it looked just like a regular cow, and the other side had an opening that showed how the cow’s digestive system worked. “I really liked how they had a lot of facts I had never thought about before,” said sixth-grader Lucia Braddock. “I also liked the game show at the end where you had to answer questions about the exhibit.” “It was fun because the games were interesting, and I learned a lot of new things,” said fifth-grader Jackie Weymouth. “I thought it was cool because we learned lots of gross stuff about animals,” said fifth-grader Lukas Leijon. “It was fun because it had a lot of hands-on activities,” said fourthgrader Leyu Negussie. — Ashton Lindeman and Sofia Brown, sixth-graders

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On Thursday, years eight and nine visited the National Museum of Natural History. The first section we went to was the dinosaur exhibit. We saw skeletons of different sizes and shapes, and then in groups we considered the advantages and disadvantages of each skeleton. We then went to the diamond exhibit. The Hope Diamond was really beautiful, and we all learned a lot about it. We also went to a fossil exhibit and there were lots of extremely old, interesting fossils with very detailed patterns on them. The mammals were bigger than anyone expected. My favourite was the whale because it was a bright blue and had so many different features on it. We also learned what the animals eat and how they hunt. Finally, we watched a tornado movie that we all really enjoyed. Lots of specially trained scientists were doing interesting experiments and research on the tornado. We were all surprised that people would risk their own lives to be inside the heart of a tornado. — Grace Ashman, Year 8 Houston (seventh-grader)

Deal Middle School

The holidays are in full swing at Deal. Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are all beginning soon. At Deal every year, we have a candygram sale. You purchase a candy cane, write a little note and send it to a friend or a teacher. All the money goes to Deal’s world lan-


guage program. We are having our annual doordecoration contest. Whichever homeroom decorates its door the best will win! We have to incorporate the holidays, Viking school spirit and the people in our homeroom, and we have to be creative! Also, we are having a sandwichmaking contest. Each homeroom has to collect supplies to make sandwiches and lunches for the needy. The goal for each homeroom is 200, and if each homeroom makes 200 — we’ll have a lot of sandwiches! The homeroom making the most sandwiches will get a pizza party! — Claire Shaw, sixth-grader

Duke Ellington School of the Arts

At Ellington, we started the week off by receiving our progress reports. Literary media and communications sophomores prepared to showcase their work from Room18, a “Zine” (mini magazine) that allows students to exhibit their art in various ways such as micro-fiction, poetry, comic strips, nonfiction, et cetera. Over a period of eight weeks, the 10th-graders have been composing, workshopping and editing original pieces. The official reading of the zine took place in the student cafe on Dec. 19. Also, last Thursday and Friday, Duke Ellington’s show choir put on its annual production of “A Gospel and Motown Christmas.” The group performed Christmas classics with a Motown twist, as well as gospel music. The Ellington show choir is our premier choir and chorus ensemble. It was joined that night by students from the instrumental department. Who’s got spirit? We do! Duke Ellington has opened up a new school spirit store, The Gallery Shop. It’s the go-to place for your supply of Ellington hoodies, sweatpants, water bottles, bumper stickers and pajamas. The item prices range from $2 to $35, and the profits are cycled back into the well-being of the school. — Asia Alston, 10th-grader

Edmund Burke School

I decided to go see Burke’s production of “Dracula” on Nov. 4. It was performed by high school students. “Dracula” is about a vampire from long ago who was biting people’s necks to have them join him in his vampire world. Along the way, loved ones are missed and relationships are tested, but the question remains until the end ... will Dracula get them all? A vampire named Count Dracula is sucking everyone’s blood and making the people into what he is, a vampire. A vampire is not a human being although they seem to look like them. Vampires are creatures with no pulse, who wake up during

the night to feed on the blood of human beings. Once a human victim is bitten by a vampire, that victim turns into a vampire, too, and then bites other people. I think that slowly they would have created a world full of vampires unless someone or something stopped them. The actors who played Dracula and Lucy, his beloved, and all the other characters acted well. I could not believe how good they were for just being high school students. The young performers acted like mature adults (which also says a lot about their acting skills), and I think they could grow up to be great actors. The technical parts of the play were really well done, too. The set and scenery made the play seem like it was in Europe in medieval times. There was no music, but sound effects like rain and thunder helped add to the eerie feeling of the play. The lights during the play were dark colors, which I think gave it a good, scary edge. The costumes and the makeup fit in perfectly for the time period. I enjoyed every minute of “Dracula.” If you want to see “Dracula,” then I would recommend you be at least 9 years old, otherwise I do not think that you will understand the play and might get nightmares. I loved “Dracula,” and I think it is a play worth seeing. — Alexa Zartman-Ball, seventh-grader

Holy Trinity School

Grandparents’ Day at Holy Trinity School is always held on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. It is a great day that starts with refreshments and a welcome speech from our principal, Mr. Darr. Juice, coffee, cookies and other snacks are served. Grandparents get a chance to spend time with their grandchildren and tour the school. Next, the grandparents are treated to student performances in the theater. Some of this year’s highlights were the pre-k class singing about turkeys and the second grade singing a funny song about pie. The fourth grade performed a counting song in Chinese, and an upper school group performed some scenes from Shakespeare. The Lower School Chorus sang “My Heart Is Ready” and “Now It’s Time to Go.” There was lots of applause for all the students, who worked hard on their performances. After the student performances, the grandparents went to the classrooms to watch their grandchildren in class. They were welcomed by the classes and asked to participate in lots of the activities. After spending time in the classrooms, we went to an all-school Mass, and the grandparents were given a special blessing. — Lucie Bryant, Chloe Gammon and Lexi Stone, fourth-graders

Jewish Primary Day School

At Jewish Primary Day School, two Wednesdays a month, we do See Dispatches/Page 21

The Current

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holidays inWashington


Party, Play & Shop...

GALA to present Kings Day celebration

By BETH COPE Current Staff Writer


ack in 1976, when GALA Theatre held its first celebration of Three Kings Day, the small company sent a procession of adults, children and farm animals around the neighborhood to pay tribute to Mary and Joseph’s journey. In Mexico, it’s traditional for celebrants to go on a house-tohouse procession, getting treats from residents, said GALA cofounder Hugo Medrano. In D.C., the group went to McDonald’s — “and they [gave] some cookies and some sodas to the kids,â€? he noted. Thirty-five years later, GALA still puts on its annual Three Kings Festival — to be held Sunday, Jan. 8, this season — but the snacks have moved from neighborhood shops to the theater itself. In fact, the theater hosts a celebration each year after the procession. Festivities include dance performances, a living Nativity scene (featuring those farm animals), and churros and hot chocolate. The event, which is aimed at children in particular, has drawn local families for generations. “It’s so nice to see the little kids ‌ that we saw a long time ago coming with their own kids,â€? said Medrano. Along with enjoying the ani-

mals, those kids will learn the story of the Three Kings. Community activists Roland Roebuck, JosĂŠ Sueiro and Quique AvilĂŠs will play Balthasar, Gaspar and Melchior, respectively. They will describe following the star of Bethlehem through Puerto Rico, Bolivia and Washington, D.C., finally arriving at Bethlehem, where they found the baby Jesus (clearly, the story has been adapted for the young, local audience). Kids also get a treat during dance performances: The Spanish Dance Society will teach flamenco,

while Alma Boliviana will do “energetic numbers� with bells on their shoes. Los Quetzales will also perform, sharing its traditional Mexican folk dance. “The performers are young, and what they do is appealing [to kids],� said Medrano. This year, performers from the National Symphony Orchestra will join the show, adding music to the storytelling. And of course, the procession is a huge part of the draw. The march will kick off at 12:45 p.m., after the animals — last year it was a few sheep, a rooster and a donkey; this year will likely be the same — spend some time greeting guests at the corner of 14th Street and Park Road NW. The procession will march east on Park, north on 13th,


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Photos by Paulo Montenegro

The annual celebration of Three Kings Day on Jan. 8 will feature a procession starting at 14th Street and Park Road. west on Monroe and back down 14th to the theater. Admission to the festival is free, but tickets will be distributed on a

first-come, first-served basis starting at 12:30 p.m. at GALA, 3333 14th St. NW. More information is at galatheatre.org.

16 Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Party, Play & Shop...

The Current

Holidays inWashington

Busy calendar of holiday activities extends to new year


he Choral Arts Society of Washington will present its annual Christmas concerts — featuring Ural Philharmonic Orchestra mezzo-soprano Irina Shishkova traveling from Russia to perform — Dec. 21 and 24 at the Kennedy Center. Ambassador Sergey L. Kislyak has arranged for the visit. The concerts will feature a repertoire of Russian classical favorites, Handel’s “Hallelujah� chorus, popular standards, audience singalongs and Russian folk music. Performances will begin at 7 p.m. Dec. 21 and 1 and 3 p.m. Dec. 24. Tickets cost $15 to $65. 202-7859727; choralarts.org. ■Through Jan. 9, a “Winter Wonderland� at Chevy Chase Park is featuring holiday inflatables

between 8 and 12 feet tall, with accompanying lights. The display is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the park, located at 41st and Livingston streets NW. The familyoriented spectacle is sponsored by Ward 3 recreation centers, Supreme Teen Clubs and Young Ladies on the Rise. For more information, contact Chevy Chase Recreation Center site manager Gladys Shoatz at gladys.shoatz@dc.gov. ■St. Aloysius Church, 19 I St. NW, will present “Living Nativity� from 3 to 6 p.m. Dec. 21. stalschurchdc.org. ■The Source by Wolfgang Puck, 575 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, will offer a holiday duck dinner from Dec. 22 through 24. The $49 menu will include Peking duck served

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Bill Petros/The Current

Chevy Chase Park is hosting a “Winter Wonderland� display of holiday inflatables through Jan. 9. with an array of sides and finished with the restaurant’s signature 15-layer carrot cake. 202-637-6100; wolfgangpuck.com. ■Giant grocery stores are serving as collection spots for Toys for Tots through Dec. 23. The Marine-led collection is in its 65th year. Local Giant stores include those at 3336 Wisconsin Ave. NW and 4303

Connecticut Ave. NW. giantfood.com. ■The Washington Project for the Arts is presenting “IceBox,� its annual holiday gift shop, through Dec. 23 at its 2023 Massachusetts Ave. NW site. The store features crafts, jewelry, housewares and small works of art made by Washington Project for the Arts











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members. Store hours will be 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admission is free. wpadc.org. â– Ardeo/Bardeo, 3311 Connecticut Ave., will offer a holiday menu from 5 to 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve. For $50, guests will enjoy scallops schnitzel, poached cod and seven-hour braised suckling pig. 202-244-6750; ardeorestaurant.com. â– The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave. NE, will host Christmas Eve events from 5 to 10:30 p.m., including choral music, musical meditations on the Nativity and a Solemn Vigil Mass presented by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. nationalshrine.com. â– Bourbon Steak, 2800 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, will offer a three-course prix-fixe dinner Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, including three choices per course, for $90 plus tax and gratuity. Dinner service will run from 5:30 to 10 p.m. 202-944-2026; bourbonsteakdc.com. â– Cafe Milano, 3251 Prospect St. NW, will present a “Seven Fish Dinnerâ€? Dec. 24, served from 5 p.m. to midnight, for $75 per person, including a six-course meal and a glass of Italian sparkling wine (tax and gratuity not included). 202333-6883; cafemilano.com. â– Churches throughout the Archdiocese of Washington will offer Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses. site.adw.org/directory. â– Equinox restaurant, 818 Connecticut Ave. NW, will present a Christmas Eve feast starting at 5:30 p.m. The menu will include traditional fish dishes and innovative seafood creations, as well as wine pairings. The price is to be determined. 202-331-8118; equinoxrestaurant.com. â– Fiola restaurant, 601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, will offer an Italian Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve. The eight-course menu will cost $125 per person, See Events/Page 17

The Current

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holidays inWashington HOLIDAYS From Page 16

plus tax and gratuity. Dinner service will run from 5 to 11:30 p.m. 202628-2888; fioladc.com. ■ The Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, 1400 Quincy St. NE, will present “Seven Nights of Lights,” featuring 800 luminaria lighting the grounds, Dec. 24 through 31. myfranciscan.org. ■ Osteria-Enoteca, 1100 New York Ave., will offer a traditional Feast of the Seven Fishes from 5 to 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Highlights of the $65 prix-fixe menu include grilled eel with onion compote and red wine vinaigrette, black spaghetti with Catalina Island sea urchin and seared cod with tomatoes, olives, raisins, capers and pine nuts. 202-216-9550; bibianadc.com. ■ Station 4, 1101 4th St. SW, will offer a three-course menu from 5 to 11 p.m. Christmas Eve. Highlights will include cream of butternut squash with shaved chestnuts and white truffle essence and lobster pot pie. 202-488-0987; station4dc.com. ■ Blue Duck Tavern, 24th and M streets NW, will offer a three-course buffet-style brunch from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Christmas Day. Highlights will include a roast leg of venison with Asian pears and winter cherry jus, Muscovy duck breast with duck leg ragout and roasted quince and stone-ground grits. The price is $90 per adult and $42 per child age 6 through 12. 202-419-6755; blueducktavern.com. ■ Cafe Milano, 3251 Prospect St. NW, will offer a “Christmas Day Sparkling Brunch” from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring a made-to-order egg station, a raw bar, homemade breads and more. The cost is $85 per adult and $25 per child, and it includes bottomless Italian sparkling wine (tax and gratuity excluded). 202-333-6883; cafemilano.com. ■ The Fairmont Washington, D.C., 2401 M St. NW, will offer a Christmas Day brunch buffet with unlimited sparkling wine and complimentary valet parking from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $95 per person. For reservations, call 202457-5020. fairmont.com. ■ J&G Steakhouse, 515 15th St. NW, will offer three meals on Christmas Day, including a $75 prix-fixe dinner including butternut squash soup with fall mushrooms, rice cracker-crusted tuna with citrus chili sauce, grilled filet mignon with soy-caramel sauce and gingered mushrooms, and green apple crisp with cinnamon ice cream. 202-6612440; jgsteakhousewashingtondc. com. ■ The Willard InterContinental’s Willard Room and Crystal Room

will offer seatings at a Christmas Day brunch at 10:30 and 11 a.m. and 1:30 and 2 p.m. The cost is $85 per adult and $35 per child age 4 through 12; children under 4 are free. 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. washington.intercontinental.com. ■ America Eats Tavern, 405 8th St. NW, will offer a four-course tasting menu from 5 to 7 p.m. on New Year’s Eve ($75 per person plus tax and gratuity) and a ninecourse chef’s tasting menu from 8:30 p.m. ($150 per person plus tax and gratuity). Dancing will begin at 10 p.m. 202-393-0812; americaeatstavern.com. ■ Central Michel Richard, 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., will celebrate its fifth anniversary with a New Year’s Eve party, as well as food and drink specials all five nights before. On New Year’s, all five specials will come together in a special menu, served alongside the regular fare. Big band jazz will play from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., and all guests will enjoy a Champagne toast just before midnight. 202-626-0015; centralmichelrichard.com. ■ Michel Richard Citronelle will offer two seatings of different menus and a dance party on New Year’s Eve. Menus will range from $140 for four courses to $290 for five courses with wine pairings. For a total of $499, guests can also

spend the night at the Latham Hotel and enjoy breakfast in M Express the next morning. 202-625-2150; citronelledc.com. ■ Jaleo will offer New Year’s Eve celebrations at its three locations, including 480 7th St. NW. After early a la carte offerings, the restaurant will serve unlimited tapas for $85 per person (plus tax and gratuity) starting at 8:30 p.m. A DJ will play from 10:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. jaleo.com. ■ La Maison Française will host a New Year’s Eve gala for guests 21 and older from 7:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road NW. The evening will feature five bands, a midnight balloon drop, mock casino gambling, free-flowing Champagne, party favors, a five-hour premium open bar and a choice of three-course meal or buffet. Tickets cost $99 (post-dinner, available for a limited time) to $215 (VIP). houseoffrancedc.org. ■ Oyamel Cocina Mexicana, 401 7th St. NW, will offer a four-course New Year’s Eve dinner for $59 (plus tax and gratuity) with seatings from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., and a fivecourse dinner for $74 (plus tax and gratuity) from 8 to 10 p.m. Rudy Gonzalez y su Locura will perform salsa, merengue, cumbia and jazz from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. 202-628-

Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice

1005; oyamel.com. ■ Smith Commons, 1245 H St. NE, will offer a three-course dinner and dance party for $60 per person on New Year’s Eve. Highlights will include braised short ribs, lobster ragout, a Moet Champagne toast, and live music and DJ entertainment until 3 a.m. Seatings are from 6 to 7:30 and 9 to 10:30 p.m. 202396-0038; smithcommonsdc.com. ■ Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company will host “From Woolly With Love: A New Year’s Eve Benefit,” featuring a performance of The Second City’s “Spoiler Alert: Everybody Dies” at 10 p.m. followed by a reception with a photo booth, deserts from José Andrés Catering, an open bar, a raffle and a champagne toast led by the show’s cast. Woolly Mammoth is located at 641 D St. NW. Ticket


Party, Play & Shop...

prices start at $110. 202-393-3939; woollymammoth.net. ■ Zaytinya, 701 9th St. NW, will offer a New Year’s Eve celebration featuring a fire dancer and DJ. After an early a la carte seating, the restaurant will offer a five-course dinner ($65 per person plus tax and gratuity) starting at 8:30 p.m. and a six-course chef’s tasting menu ($85 plus). 202-638-0800; zaytinya.com. ■ The Archdiocese of Washington will offer New Year’s Day Masses throughout the area. site.adw.org/ directory. ■ The Fairmont Washington, D.C., 2401 M St. NW, will offer a New Year’s Day brunch buffet with unlimited sparkling wine and complimentary valet parking from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $89 per person. For reservations, call 202457-5020. fairmont.com.



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18 Wednesday, December 21, 2011



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The Current

Northwest Real Estate ANC 1C ANCMorgan 1c Adams

â– adams morgan

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Mary’s Center, 2355 Ontario Road NW. For details, call 202-332-2630 or visit anc1c.org. ANC 2A ANCBottom 2A Foggy

â– Foggy bottom / west end

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18. The location has not been announced. For details, visit anc2a.org. ANC 2B ANCCircle 2B Dupont

â– dupont circle

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At the commission’s Dec. 14 meeting: ■chair Will Stephens announced that the commission has posted more of its archives online, including newsletters, financial reports and auditor’s reports. ■a representative of the Keegan Theatre, 1742 Church St., discussed the upcoming season. ■commissioner Kevin O’Connor requested that residents use the hashtag “#ANC2B� when posting about Dupont Circle on Twitter. ■Michael Clements, founder of the pop-up business ArtJamz, said he will come before the commission in January as he seeks a liquor license for his first permanent location, at 1740 Connecticut Ave. He hopes to provide his patrons with food and beverages while they paint.

■commissioner Ramon Estrada reported that the Utopia mixed-use project, 14th and U streets, has broken ground after repeated delays. ■Kay Eckles requested that the commission reverse its stance of non-objection for a rental parking space at 1841 16th St. The commission will discuss the item at its January meeting. ■Lily Mendelson introduced herself as the new Ward 2 coordinator for the Latin American Youth Center. ■Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority officials discussed plans to close the south entrance of the Dupont Circle Metro station for 8.5 months starting Feb. 1 to replace the escalators there. ■commissioner Mike Silverstein said the body will discuss a planned addition to the Argentine Organization of American States Mission building, 1816 Corcoran St., at its January meeting, as the project’s design has changed. ■commissioners unanimously supported a proposed addition at 2017 N St., but asked that the Historic Preservation Review Board consider the impacts of the plan. Neighbors worry that the addition on the second and third floors of the building, atop an existing first floor, would block their light and air and asked that it be pulled back. ■commissioners voted unanimously to raise no objection to an application for an expanded sidewalk cafe at Breadline, 1751 Pennsylvania Ave. ■commissioners voted unanimously to raise no objection to an application for a sidewalk cafe at Corner Bakery, 1828 L St. ■commissioners voted 8-0, with Ramon Estrada abstaining, to raise no objection to an application for a sidewalk cafe at Potbelly Sandwich Shop, 900 19th St. ■Ward 2 Council member Jack Evans discussed city issues, including finances, public safety and ethics reform. ■commissioners voted 8-0, with Mike Silverstein absent, to oppose an application for a sidewalk cafe at El Tamarindo, 1785 Florida Ave., because they would prefer that its hours extend only until 11 p.m. instead of the requested midnight. ■commissioners voted 8-0 to support an application from the One West Dupont Circle liquor store, 2012 P St., to resume single sales, and to amend its voluntary agreement to allow sales until midnight. ■commissioners voted 8-0 to support an application from Barmy Wine and Liquors, 1912 L St., to resume single sales. ■commissioner Mike Silverstein, who also serves on the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, announced that the board has authorized Heritage India, 1337 Connecticut Ave., to reopen under new restrictions after a patron was killed in a fight out front last month. ■commissioner Jack Jacobson thanked the Dupont Circle Citizens Association for protesting a paving

project at the Embassy of Congo, 16th and Riggs streets. The U.S. State Department and the D.C. Department of Transportation have ordered that the pavement be torn up and replaced with green space. ■commissioner Bob Meehan said he has noticed an increase in graffiti in the neighborhood. ■commissioner Kevin O’Connor announced that new Metropolitan Police Department police service area boundaries will be implemented Jan. 1. Under the new boundaries, the northeast section of the Dupont Circle area shifts from the 2nd District to the 3rd District. The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, in the Brookings Institution building, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW. For details, visit dupontcircleanc.net. ANC 2D ANC 2D Sheridan-Kalorama

â– sheridan-kalorama

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 16, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. For details, contact davidanc2d01@aol.com or visit anc2d. org. ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown â– Georgetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 2, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit anc2e.com. ANC 2F ANCCircle 2F Logan

â– logan circle

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas Circle NW. For details, call 202-667-0052 or visit anc2f.org. ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover â– Glover Park/Cathedral heights The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12, at Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, contact info@anc3b.org or visit anc3b.org. ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park â– cleveland park / woodley Park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heights Massachusetts Avenue Heights Cathedral Heights The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. Its regular meeting date falls on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For details, call 202-657-5725 or visit anc3c.org.

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

December 21, 2011 â– Page 19

Colonial Village home is ready for holiday fun


he prospect of holiday entertaining has made more than one homeowner bemoan a lack of storage space or a poor lay-

ON THE MARKET carol buckley

out for party circulation. And for buyers searching for new digs, this time of year is likely to push those concerns toward the head of a house-hunting wish list. This Colonial Village property will impress those who require a home that feels inviting. A spacious dining room — already festive in seasonal red — is ideal for formal gatherings, while a kitchen and sitting room combo can easily hold a more casual crowd. At the rear, guests will find that a large living room is nevertheless cozy, thanks in part to a stone-surround fireplace. In fact, that warmth continues throughout the ground level, thanks to charming details that have been maintained in the original home and replicated in an addition. Hardwood floors are a classic, and expected in a home of this vintage. Less predictable are other details: Large beams run perpendicular to smaller boards that line the ceiling. The combination ages the property in a good way, calling to mind the early-

Photos courtesy of Keller Williams Capital Properties

This four-bedroom, 3.5-bath Colonial Village home is priced at $945,000. Ground-floor details evoke early American architecture. American homes that the Colonial style stems from — but does not often acknowledge. In a smart move by former owners, that ceiling has been replicated in the added-on living room. Two sets of French doors here open to a stone patio and yard. But not all here is cozy comfort: Renovations have also left a bright central atrium lined by a marble floor mosaic. Open and closed shelves flank the approach to that space; the arrangement is ideal for showcasing art. The dining room also includes extensive built-in display space. A revamped kitchen combines the atrium’s rich materials (expans-

es of dark granite) with the welcoming aesthetic (warm wood cabinetry) found in the ground floor’s main rooms. Appliances are top of the line and include a built-in Miele espresso station and a warming drawer. The layout here is made for entertaining. A family room waits to one side, and a pair of islands offers space for seating as well as cooking. Renovations have also yielded a large master suite that is warmed by a fireplace; the space includes a white master bath with a separate tub and shower stall. Extensive closet space is offered here as well as down a hall, where three more

bedrooms and two full baths wait. Owners who don’t need all those bedrooms could use one as a home office; another spot downstairs could serve the same purpose or work as a cozy den. In a useful move, former owners added a second garage to the property; each holds one vehicle, and the newer offers storage space as well. Drivers will find the property’s location useful for reaching Silver Spring in just a few minutes.

Downtown D.C. can be accessed via nearby 16th Street. And Rock Creek Parkway can be used to reach points all over the city. The park also offers resources for nature lovers, bicyclists, runners and more. This four-bedroom, 3.5-bath home at 8132 West Beach Drive is offered for $945,000 after a substantial recent price drop. For details, contact Lee Goldstein of Keller Williams Capital Properties at lee@leegoldsteingroup or 202744-8060.

Jaquet Listings are Staged to Sell

Susan Jaquet

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public safety needs before — perhaps — saying yes. “It’s kind of a quiet disaster,â€? said Tim DennĂŠe, an architectural historian for the preservation board. Other cities with historic firehouses are dealing with the same issue, he told the board, “and nobody can really get a handle on it.â€? The dilemma played out last Thursday as the board reviewed plans to modernize the 1916 fire station in Cleveland Park. The building at 3522 Connecticut Ave. is “carefully composed in the best Beaux-Arts tradition,â€? with a rusticated limestone base and arched doors with classical proportions, according to DennĂŠe’s report. But conditions inside are so bad that the station was declared uninhabitable and closed in late 2010. The fire department’s plan, which has been stalled since 2004, is to completely modernize the interior, replace the roof, install aluminum windows, and widen the two vehicle bays by about 2 feet each. And that’s the big sticking point. The board’s guidelines make it almost impossible to approve alterations to the front facades of landmarked buildings, or to “character-defining featuresâ€? like the vehicle bays. “The rusticated, classical facade would have to be rebuilt,â€? DennĂŠe said, and even the most careful design and masonry work would still alter the classical proportions of the arched doors. “You can’t sort of slap these things together. They were designed and built with great care,â€? DennĂŠe told the board. Battalion Chief David Foust, who oversees construction for the fire department, said the renovation needs to get going. “This project started in 2004,â€? he said. The station is closed and its personnel and vehicles crammed into other firehouses. “Each one of these delays has a domino effect on other fire stations,â€? he said. And Foust said he’s seen fire engines dinging the narrow door openings. “Striking the wall does damage to these beautiful buildings,â€? he said. Fire officials considered and rejected several alternatives. Since most calls to the Cleveland Park station were for emergency medical care rather than fires, preservationist Sally Berk suggested, why not just keep ambulances there? But the new environmental standards mean

Bill Petros/Current File Photo

Preservation is conflicting with safety at the Cleveland Park fire station.

new ambulance chassis are just as wide, Foust replied. What about ordering narrower new trucks for Cleveland Park only, someone asked. “Then no other fire trucks could go there, if there’s a breakdown, or we have to transfer equipment,â€? Foust said, adding that while some European manufactures produce a narrower engine, other equipment on it wouldn’t be compatible with what the District uses. The preservation board, unanimously, stuck with what member Tersh Boasberg called “a two-part process. We have to deny it, and you go automatically to the mayor’s agent. We have no business getting into the operational aspects of the fire department,â€? he said. But the mayor’s agent can, by law, deem “the operational needs of a public safety facilityâ€? a higher priority than historic preservation. “This station serves my house,â€? added Boasberg, who lives in Cleveland Park. “And you don’t want it not to have the trucks it needs,â€? said member Joseph Taylor, finishing his thought. The board has approved wider doors as part of two historic firehouse renovations. But those cases were different, DennĂŠe said: a fairly simple brick building that could be “relatively easily reworkedâ€? on Florida Avenue NE, and a stucco firehouse on Pennsylvania Avenue SE that had “a little more room or opportunity for widening.â€? But other firehouse cases expected to come to the board could be more challenging. “This is now the third door widening,â€? DennĂŠe told the board. “We’re expecting at least 10, and they’re not going to get easier.â€?












The Current


birthday lunch. At birthday lunch, half the school gathers in the gym to have lunch together (usually, we eat in our classrooms). Even-numbered grades attend birthday lunch the first Wednesday of each month, and odd-numbered grades have birthday lunch the third Wednesday of each month. The shinshiniot (Israeli volunteer teachers) play games with us, like naming what something is or guessing what song is playing, and do trivia to keep us busy. At the end of lunch, the head of school calls up all the students celebrating birthdays that month, and they each get a cupcake. Everyone sings happy birthday and “yom huledet sameach� (happy birthday in Hebrew). I like birthday lunch because I learn while eating good pizza and having fun. — Andrew Kupfer, fourth-grader

Key Elementary

An annual holiday tradition at Key School is our Holiday Sharing Program. This is a time to share our holiday spirit with the students, teachers, staff and families from the Key community. Each class or grade recites a poem, sings a song or shares holiday greetings. Key School students look forward to the Holiday Sharing Program every year. Students enjoy working together with their teachers and classmates on their performance. The Holiday Sharing Program is performed twice. The first performance is for the Key School students and staff. The second performance is for Key School families. The 2011 Holiday Sharing Program includes a kindergarten performance of “The Gingerbread Man,� pre-k performances of “December� and “I’m a Little Penguin,� first-grade performances of “Winter Wonderland� and poetry, and a second-grade performance of “I Am Freezing.� Our fourth grade is sharing holiday greetings from around the world, and fifth grade concludes the program with “Waving Flag.� The student council emcees the program and helps everything to run smoothly. — Meghan Ourand and Jasmine Reid, fifth-graders

Lafayette Elementary

Lafayette sports seasons are beginning and ending right now. Basketball and indoor track are getting under way, and cross country has recently ended. In cross country, Lafayette had a tremendous season and many runners accomplished a lot. Both the boys and girls teams won their city championships. In addition, our boys won the west division championship, while our girls were runners-up in that division. Here are some individual accomplishments. In the city championship for boys, Aidan Trinity, Daniel Freymann and Aaron Rosenthal

placed first, second and third, respectively. Tobias Severin, Christopher Sherman, Jordan Allen and Charlie Bennett captured fifth through eighth places, respectively. To capture the girls city championship, Ana Fischer took first and Anna Ganote placed ninth. In 12th and 13th places were Claire Trinity and Jalen Ciagne; in 19th place was Abigail Gorman, and in 23rd place came Alexandra Waterman. At the east-west divisional meet, the boys swept every top spot. Aaron Rosenthal took first place; William O’Brien placed second; and Daniel Freyman, Aiden Trinity, Jordan Allen, Tobias Severin and Christopher Sherman placed third through seventh, respectively. In the east-west meet, where the girls were runners-up, Ana Fisher earned first place while Anna Ganote and Claire Trinity took fourth and fifth places. In 10th place was Alexandra Waterman, and in 11th was Abigail Gorman. Rachel Wallach and Rosalia Inglima placed 13th and 14th, respectively. — Duncan Hudson and Christopher Sherman, fifth-graders

Maret School

Reading and writing are great in the third grade. We have been reading nonfiction and biographies lately. What’s nice about third grade is that you get a say in what you want to read and who you want to read about. Our reading specialist helps us with lessons before we read, and she helps us get as much out of our books as possible. I read about Eleanor Roosevelt and Nellie Bly, who are really interesting people to learn about. In the spring, we have a Biographical Character Day where you dress up as your favorite character in history. In writing, we have written small moments, nonfiction and how-to stories. At the end of each unit, we publish our favorite stories. I really enjoy going through the writing process and getting to share my published story at the end. — Alexa Cohen, third-grader

St. Albans School

During our last two full weeks of school together at St. Albans before winter break, we have had some exciting occurrences. Recently, the Washington National Cathedral finally reopened. Because of the closure, we had not been able to hold our monthly chapel in the Cathedral. However, as this third week of the Christian Advent calendar started, some of our peers had the opportunity to light the candles on the Cathedral’s Advent wreath during our first Cathedral chapel service of the 2011-2012 school year. At the end of last week, our B-Formers (fifth-graders) held a bake sale for our annual toy drive. They raised more than $500. They will use the proceeds to buy toys that they will then contribute to the lower school’s collection of toys to

be donated. Continuing with our community service projects, last Wednesday the lower school gathered as a community and worked on several different projects. The Form II students worked together with their Form C (fourth-grade) buddies to cut vegetables to be used in the soup that night for Martha’s Table. The rest of the lower school, Forms I, A and B, wrote thoughtful letters to wounded veterans who are returning from Afghanistan. All in all, these last two weeks were very busy, but we got through them together safely and joyfully before we departed for the holidays. — Nate Johnson, Form II (eighth-grader)

St. Ann’s Academy

Every day at school, we do something new, such as practicing our division skills in math, learning new spelling words or reading new stories. We are learning about volcanoes right now in reading. We are also learning about the Ten Commandments, which we really enjoy. In Spanish, we learned “Silent Nightâ€? and The Lord’s Prayer. In science, our favorite experiment was when we made electricity by connecting a battery with aluminum foil to a mini light bulb. The bulb lit up, and we used a paperclip as the light switch — it was cool! We are also doing something fun called Secret Santa. You buy someone a gift, and they have to guess who gave it to them. We also like having hot dog lunch — it’s so delicious! You get a hot dog, a drink and a cupcake. We get to eat with our friends and the rest of the school. — Maura Ryan and Malachi Mack, third-graders Â

St. John’s College High School

With the Christmas season in full swing, the faculty and students at St. John’s worked to give back to the community. This week St. John’s held a toy drive for Children’s National Medical Center. The drive was sponsored by the Student Government Association and headed by moderators Christine Derencz, of the Benilde Department, and Courtney Hall, dean of students. As soon as the announcement was made last Thursday, toys started pouring in on Friday. Board games, Barbies and Tonka trucks consumed a quarter of the front office of the school. With the toy drive came friendly competition among the community. From 7:30 to 8:30 each morning, student government members waited in the office for students and faculty to bring in their contributions, logging them in so that each grade — along with faculty and staff — would receive credit in the competition. The final participation results were the following: freshmen, 36 percent; sophomores, 40 percent; juniors, 40 percent; seniors, 40 percent; and faculty and staff, 56 percent.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 The class that brought in the most toys got a surprise. Faculty and staff also competed in the competition, winning the drive and obtaining the grand prize — a doughnut breakfast on Dec. 16. “This toy drive has really been a good experience, and I’m glad we can help out the children,� said Student Government Association president Logan Bush. — Sean Dwyer, 12th-grader

School Without Walls

Midterm week began with a fury of complaints from students. Instead of the usual exam schedule — a study period and one exam in the morning, then lunch and another study period, and finally an exam in the afternoon — regular classes were held in between and occasionally during exams. Students taking exams were excused from class but still responsible for missed work. While some teachers chose to lighten the workload, others pushed on to new material, drawing the bulk of the clamor as many were forced to divert their focus from midterm studying. To the best of my knowledge, however, everyone pulled through. Or at least no one suffered any serious mental breakdowns. Also this week, the Walls swimmers on the Wilson swim team participated in the close victory over St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes. Many Walls swimmers did not attend due to exams. The Robotics Team attended George Mason High School’s annual workshop, boasting one of the largest teams in attendance. It was a great opportunity for new members


to familiarize themselves with the FIRST Robotics competition, as well as a refresher for returning participants. Finally, Walls’ third annual Winter Concert was held Thursday evening at George Washington University’s Marvin Center. Amazing performances were put on by the stage, concert and jazz bands, as well as by a number of non-band-affiliated musicians. It’s been a busy week. Luckily, break is right around the corner. — Keanu Ross-Cabrera, 12th-grader

Sheridan School

This year at Sheridan, the holiday spirit is very much alive. We had all of our students decorate ribbons with holiday traditions from their families, and we wove them into a giant quilt. Every year, the school gets together for a holiday assembly to sing generic, secular holiday songs such as “Let It Snow� and share their family traditions with the community. This year around Thanksgiving, the student council organized a clothing and school supply drive for homeless families residing at the National Center for Children and Families on Greentree Road in Bethesda. “I think that the school art projects really show our diversity, yet it helps us come together as a better community,� said seventh-grader Vishnu Ramasawmy. “In sixth grade, we did a Secret Santa exchange, and it really brought our community together. In the beginning of our Sheridan journey (first See Dispatches/Page 29


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Portraits Conferences Events Publicity

22 Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday, Dec. 21

Wednesday december 21 Children’s programs ■“Seasons of Light� will feature an interactive celebration of winter holidays. 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. $3 to $6 for children; $8 for adults. Discovery Theater, S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-6338700. The performance will repeat Thursday and Friday at 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. ■Children ages 5 and older will tour the historic mansion to see how the holidays were celebrated in Washington in years past, and then they will design and build their own edible gingerbread houses. 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. $12 per child; free for adult chaperones. Reservations required. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202-965-0400, ext. 108. The program will repeat Dec. 27, 28 and 29 at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Class ■A weekly workshop will offer instruction in “Sahaja Yoga Meditation.� 7 p.m. Free. West End Neighborhood Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707. Concerts ■The “Happenings at the Harman� series will feature classical guitarist J. Scott Matejicka. Noon. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. ■The Wilson High School Jazz Chorus will perform holiday music. 1 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Neighborhood Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-3080. ■“Holiday Lobbying� will feature the women’s vocal ensemble Philomela. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Willard InterContinental, 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-628-9100. ■The Macaroons will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■The Choral Arts Society of Washington

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Events Entertainment will present “Holiday Treasures From Russia,â€? featuring the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra and mezzo-soprano Irina Shishkova. 7 p.m. $15 to $65. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. The concert will repeat Saturday at 1 p.m. Discussions and lectures â– National Gallery of Art lecturer Erik Denker will present a gallery talk on “Fine Feathered Friends: Birds in Art.â€? 2 p.m. Free. West Building Rotunda, National Gallery of Art, 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â– Journalist and author Phillip Terzian will discuss his book “Architects of Power: Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and the American Century.â€? 6 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. Film â– The French CinĂŠmathèque series will feature Jacques Doillon’s 2010 film “The Three-Way Wedding.â€? 8 p.m. $11; $9 for students; $8.25 for seniors; $8 for ages 12 and younger. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000. Performances â– SpeakeasyDC and Sixth & I Historic Synagogue will present “My So-Called Jewish Life III,â€? featuring autobiographical stories by Adam Ruben, Ophira Eisenberg, Rabbi Jonathan Roos, Hannah Seligson, Jerome Copulsky and Amy Saidman. 8 p.m. $15. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. sixthandi.org. ■“Wednesday Night Open Mic Poetryâ€? will feature spoken-word artist Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai. 9 p.m. $4. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-332-6433. Special events â– The seventh annual Downtown Holiday Market will feature exhibitors, local food and live music. Noon to 8 p.m. Free admission. Sidewalk of F Street between 7th and 9th streets NW, in front of the Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery. downtownholidaymarket.com. The market will continue Thursday and Friday from noon to 8 p.m. ■“ZooLightsâ€? will feature environmentally friendly light displays, a model train, live entertainment and presentations on how visi-

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The Current



tors can adopt energy-saving practices at home. 5 to 9 p.m. Free. National Zoo, 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-633-4470. The event will repeat daily through Jan. 1 (except Dec. 24, 25 and 31).

National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-6200. The event will repeat Saturday at 6 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 22

Children’s program ■Children ages 5 and older will listen to a story about writer, poet and art collector Gertrude Stein and create a special piece of art. 1 to 4 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. The program will repeat Dec. 31 from 1 to 4 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 24

Saturday december 24

Thursday december 22

Children’s programs ■A park ranger will lead ages 4 and older on a half-mile hike and discuss how Rock Creek Park’s wildlife and plant life handle the coldest months of the year. 4 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Nature Center, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. ■A “Gingerbread Party� will feature stories and cookie-decorating. 4 p.m. Free. Petworth Neighborhood Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1188. Concerts ■“Holiday Lobbying� will feature the a cappella group Capital Hearings. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Willard InterContinental, 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-628-9100. ■The Sweet Heaven Kings, a 16-member gospel brass and percussion ensemble, will perform holiday songs. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. ■Samovar will perform Russian folk music. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202225-8333. ■The Washington Chorus and tenor Carl Tanner will present “A Candlelight Christmas,� featuring holiday classics, singalongs and a candlelight processional. 7 p.m. $15 to $65. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. ■The band Chaise Lounge will perform holiday songs. 8 and 10 p.m. $20. Blues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-337-4141. Discussions and lectures ■National Gallery of Art lecturer Eric Denker will discuss “The Christmas Story in Art,� about paintings in the permanent collection that depict the birth of Jesus. 11 a.m. Free. West Building Rotunda, National Gallery of Art, 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■A gallery talk will focus on “Degas’s Tiny Dancers,� about the working-class ballerinas who populate Edgar Degas’ artworks. 6 and 7 p.m. $12; $10 for seniors and students; free for ages 18 and younger. Phillips Collection,

Saturday, december 24 ■Performance: The Kinsey Sicks — “America’s favorite Dragapella BeautyShop Quartet� — will present “Oy Vey in a Manger.� 8 p.m. $50 to $65. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. washingtondcjcc.org. The performance will repeat Sunday at 3 and 7:30 p.m. and Monday at 7:30 p.m. 1600 21st St. NW. 202-387-2151. Films ■The West End Neighborhood Library will show Michael Anderson’s 1956 film “Around the World in Eighty Days,� starring David Niven, Shirley MacLaine and Robert Newton. 12:30 p.m. Free. West End Neighborhood Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707. ■The Phillips Collection will present Herbert Ross’ 1977 film “The Turning Point,� about a reunion of rivals that arises when a ballerina stops on tour in small-town Oklahoma. 6 p.m. $12; $10 for seniors and students; free for ages 18 and younger. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202387-2151. Performance ■The Topaz Hotel Bar’s weekly stand-up show will feature local comics. 8 to 10 p.m. Free. 1733 N St. NW. 202-393-3000. Friday, Dec. 23

Friday december 23

Concerts ■Charles Miller of National City Christian Church will present an organ recital. 12:15 p.m. Free. National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW. 202-797-0103. ■“Holiday Lobbying� will feature the Sound Advice Quartet of the Vienna-Falls Chorus performing barbershop harmonies. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Willard InterContinental, 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-628-9100. ■The Encore Chorale, an ensemble of singers who are 55 and older, will perform crowd-pleasing holiday music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. ■Conductor Barry Hemphill will lead the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra, a 200-voice choir, professional soloists and audience members in a singalong of excerpts from Handel’s “Messiah.� 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. Special events ■The 21st annual “BZB Holiday Gift & Art Show� will feature holiday items, collectibles, toys, clothes and jewelry. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free. Shiloh Family Life Center, 1510 9th St. NW. 202-610-4188. ■“Carols by Candlelight� will feature Christmas music. 6 p.m. Free. Washington

Concerts â– The Beltway Brass Quintet will perform jazzy and jaunty arrangements of holiday favorites. Noon. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– The Peoples Jazz Society at Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ will present the 14th annual “Christmas Eve Jazz Vespers and Carol Singalong,â€? featuring Bobby Felder and friends. 7 p.m. Free. Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ, 4704 13th St. NW. 202-723-3953. Films â– The National Gallery of Art will present Andy Warhol’s 16 mm film “Soap Opera.â€? 12:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â– The National Gallery of Art will present Jean Cocteau’s 1946 film “Beauty and the Beast,â€? about a village beauty who must surrender to a beast as sacrifice for her father’s error of judgment. 2 and 4 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. Special events â– St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, will present the Carols, Pageant and Choral Eucharist, at 5 p.m.; and the Carols and Festival Choral Eucharist with orchestra, at 7:30 and 11 p.m. Free. 16th and H Streets NW. 202-347-8766. â– The Choir of the Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart will perform a choral prelude, and Msgr. Walter Rossi will lead a children’s Mass with pageant, at 5 p.m.; carillonneur Robert Grogan and organist Russell Weismann will perform musical meditations on the Nativity, at 9 p.m.; the National Shrine’s Choir and Chamber Orchestra will offer choral meditations on the Nativity, at 10 p.m.; and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the new apostolic nuncio to the United States, will lead the Solemn Vigil Mass of Christmas Eve, at 10:30 p.m. Free. Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave. NE. 202-526-8300. â– A traditional Christmas Eve service will feature lessons and carols. 8 p.m. Free. Universalist National Memorial Church, 16th and S streets NW. 202-387-7919. â– The Schola Cantorum and Festival Singers will lead worshippers in hymns, and Cardinal Donald Wuerl will bless the crèche at the St. Anthony Chapel and celebrate Mass. 9:15 p.m. Free. Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, 1725 Rhode Island Ave. NW. 202347-3215. â– The Right Rev. Mariann Budde will celebrate the Festival of Holy Eucharist, which will feature the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys. 10 p.m. Free; passes required. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-6200. Sunday, Dec. 25

Sunday december 25

Concerts â– Washington National Cathedral organSee Events/Page 23


Continued From Page 22 ists Scott Dettra and Jeremy Filsell will perform. 5:15 p.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-6200. ■“All-Star Christmas Day Jazz Jamâ€? will feature host and vibraphonist Chuck Reed, pianist Robert Redd, drummer Lenny Robinson, trumpeter Tom Williams and vocalist Delores Williams. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Special events â– The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope will officiate at the Festival of Holy Eucharist, which will feature the Cathedral Choir of Men and Girls, at 9 a.m.; a Holy Eucharist with hymns will be held, at noon; and the Rev. Canon Mary Sulerud will officiate at the Christmas Day Service of Lessons and Carols, at 4 p.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-6200. â– Cardinal Donald Wuerl will lead the Solemn Mass, at noon; and Bishop Francisco GonzĂĄlez, auxiliary bishop of Washington, will lead the Solemn Spanish-language Christmas Day Mass, at 2:30 p.m. Free. Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave. NE. 202-5268300. â– The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will hold its 25th annual Day of Service, featuring events at more than 50 sites throughout the area. Various times. $20 registration fee. washingtondcjcc.org/volunteer. ■“Chinese Food + Movies + Beerâ€? will feature a buffet, craft brews from Shmaltz Brewing Co. and screenings of “Spaceballs,â€? “The Princess Brideâ€? and “The Big Lebowski.â€? 1, 4 and 7 p.m. $80; tickets required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. sixthandi.org. Monday, Dec. 26

Monday december 26 Concerts ■Bob Perilla’s Big Hillbilly Bluegrass will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■Gospel singer Robert E. Person will present “A Birthday Celebration Concert,� featuring fellow artists Quest, Jimmy Russell & Because of Christ, Allyn Johnson & Divine Order, and Tony Thomas. 7:30 p.m. $20. H Street Playhouse, 1365 H St. NE. roberteperson.com. Films ■The Shakespeare Theatre Company will host a presentation of an encore “NT Live� high-definition broadcast of John Hodge’s “Collaborators,� about an imaginary encounter between Joseph Stalin and the playwright Mikhail Bulgakov. 7:30 p.m. $20. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. The film will be shown again Jan. 2 at 7:30 p.m. ■The “Focus-In! Cinema for a Conscious Community� series will feature Jalmari Helander’s 2010 film “Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale.� 8 to 10 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and

The Current

Events Entertainment Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-387-7638. ■The Washington Psychotronic Film Society will present David Cronenberg’s 1983 film “Videodrome.� 8 p.m. Donation suggested. McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-462-3356.

event, a reading series exploring lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender themes. 9 p.m. $4. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-332-6433. Special event ■“Camp Kwanzaa,� a family-friendly celebration of the seven days of Kwanzaa, will feature performances, hands-on activities and crafts. 10:30 a.m. Free; reservations required. Panorama Room, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 1600 Morris Road SE. 202-633-4844.

Sporting event ■The Washington Wizards will play the New Jersey Nets. 7 p.m. $10 to $475. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-397-7328. 27 Tuesday, TuesdayDec. december 27 Children’s program ■Children ages 5 and older will tour the historic mansion to see how the holidays were celebrated in Washington in years past, and then they will design and build their own edible gingerbread houses. 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. $12 per child; free for adult chaperones. Reservations required. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202965-0400, ext. 108. The program will repeat Wednesday and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Classes and workshops ■Teacher and therapist Heather Ferris will lead a weekly yoga class. Noon. Free. Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Neighborhood Library, 1630 7th St. NW. 202-727-1288. ■Yoga Activist will present a weekly yoga class geared toward beginners. 7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Neighborhood Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-3080. Concerts ■Hot Club of DC will perform gypsy jazz and swing. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■Local band Project Natale will perform jazzy holiday classics. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Film ■The Georgetown Neighborhood Library will present the 1975 film “Jaws.� 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Neighborhood Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. Performance ■Busboys and Poets will host “Tuesday Night Open Mic,� a weekly poetry event. 9 to 11 p.m. $4. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Wednesday, Dec. 28

Wednesday december 28 Children’s program ■“Winter Gaming Day� will feature instruction from Jackie Geschickter and Pat Sowers in traditional games such as whist, marbles, skittles, Shut the Box and dice. 10 a.m. to noon. $10 per child; $5 for adults. Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St. NW. 202-3372288. Class ■Housing Counseling Services, a local nonprofit, will present a foreclosure-prevention clinic to help homeowners in danger of losing their homes. 6 p.m. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202-667-7712. Concert ■The Greater Mount Calvary Recording

Wednesday, december 28 ■Performance: The Dance Institute of Washington’s annual Kwanzaa celebration will feature dance, poetry and song. 7 p.m. $15. Auditorium, Columbia Heights Educational Campus, 3101 16th St. NW. danceinstitute.org. The performance will repeat Thursday at 7 p.m. Choir will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussion ■The National Gallery of Art will present “Picture This: Old Master Paintings for People With Visual Impairments.� 1 p.m. Free. West Building Rotunda, National Gallery of Art, 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-7374215. Meditation ■The Divine Science Church will offer a weekly hour of silent meditation. Noon. Free. 2025 35th St. NW. 202-333-7630. Film ■The National Gallery of Art will present Shelly Dunn Fremont and Vincent Fremont’s 2000 film “Pie in the Sky: The Brigid Berlin Story,� at 12:30 p.m.; and Christina Clausen’s 2008 film “The Universe of Keith Haring,� at 2:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Reading ■Regie Cabico and Danielle Evennou will host the monthly “Sparkle� open-mic poetry

Sporting events â– The 2011 Military Bowl will pit the U.S. Air Force Academy against the University of Toledo. 4:30 p.m. $25 to $90. RFK Memorial Stadium, 2400 East Capitol St. SE. 202-3977328. â– The Washington Capitals will play the New York Rangers. 7:30 p.m. $101 to $209. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-397-7328. Thursday, Dec. 29

Thursday december 29 Children’s program â– A park ranger will lead children ages 3 and older on a scavenger hunt in search of natural treasures. 3 p.m. Free. Montrose Park, R Street between 30th and 31st streets NW. 202-895-6070. Concert â– The band 40 Thieves will perform Irish rock music. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. Discussion â– A gallery talk will focus on “Duncan Phillips and Edgar Degas.â€? 6 and 7 p.m. $12; $10 for seniors and students; free for ages 18 and younger. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-387-2151. Films â– The National Gallery of Art will present Martina KudlĂĄcek’s 2006 film “Notes on Marie Menken.â€? 12:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. â– The Phillips Collection will present Vincente Minnelli’s 1951 film “An American in Paris,â€? starring Gene Kelly, Nina Foch and Leslie Caron. 6 p.m. $12; $10 for seniors and students; free for ages 18 and younger. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


387-2151. Performance ■“Holiday Vaudeville� will feature Cajun cellist Sean Grissom, the Alexandria Kleztet and entertainer Mallory Lewis with the classic children’s puppet Lamb Chop. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. The performance will repeat Friday at 6 p.m. Special events ■The Farafina Kan Youth Ensemble will present “A Kwanzaa Celebration,� featuring audience participation and a concert. 10:30 a.m. Free; reservations required. Panorama Room, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 1600 Morris Road SE. 202-633-4844. ■Shelly’s Back Room will present a sampling of J Lohr wines with paired dishes. 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. $50. 1331 F St. NW. 202-7373003. Sporting event ■The WWE RAW Holiday Tour will feature John Cena (shown), CM Punk and The Miz. 7 p.m. $20 to $75. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-397-7328. Tour ■A park ranger will lead a tour of the Old Stone House. 10 a.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-426-6851. Friday, Dec. 30

Friday december 30 Film ■The National Gallery of Art will present James Rasin’s 2010 film “Beautiful Darling: The Life and Times of Candy Darling, Andy Warhol Superstar.� 12:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. Special event ■A Kwanzaa arts workshop will focus on designing and producing a special gift. 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Anacostia Community Museum, 1901 Fort Place SE. 202-633-4844. Sporting event ■The Washington Capitals will play the Buffalo Sabres. 7 p.m. $80 to $167. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-397-7328.

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24 Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Current

Events Entertainment

Exhibition celebrates American printmaking


umpstart DC,� celebrating On exhibit American printmaking with works by Richard Diebenkorn, Ellsworth Kelly, Jenny ■“Perspectives: Minouk Lim� — featuring a video work that highHolzer, Brice Marden and many others, opened recently at Neptune lights one of South Korea’s largest construction projects, the controFine Art. versial Rivers Restoration Project Continuing through Jan. 21, the — opened recently at the Arthur exhibit aims to jump-start exciteM. Sackler Gallery. ment in printmaking and print col Continuing lecting in the through March Washington 18, the video area. records a perfor Located at mance by Seoul1662 33rd St. based artist NW, the gallery Minouk Lim and generally is open questions the Wednesday effects of drathrough matic environSaturday from Copyright Alex Katz and Neptune Fine Art mental change noon to 6 p.m. Alex Katz’s “Vivien� is part of an on the individu(from Dec. 25 al’s sense of exhibit at Neptune Fine Art. through Jan. 3, place and self. it will be open Located at 1050 Independence by appointment only). 202-338Ave. SW, the gallery is open daily 0353.

2033 M Street, NW | 202 530 3621

from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 202-6331000. ■“Let’s Eat! Works From the GW Permanent Collection,� presenting paintings, sculptures and prints from the George Washington University’s collection paired with complementary healthful recipes, opened recently at the Luther W. Brady Art Gallery, where it will continue through Feb. 10. Located at 805 21st St. NW on the second floor, the gallery is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-994-1525. ■“Black Box: Ali Kazma,� a seven-channel video installation by the 40-year-old Turkish-born Kazma about the process of work, opened recently at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, where it will continue until April. Shown on continuous loop in the museum’s Black Box theater, the 2010 video, titled “O.K.,� studies a notary stamping hundreds of

New Year’s Eve Early Dining











documents at breakneck speed. Located at Independence Avenue and 7th Street SW, the museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 202-633-1000. â– The Kreeger Museum recently announced the installation of two new sculptures on its grounds in its second invitational collaboration with the Washington Sculptors Group.

Remaining on view through July 2013, the sculptures are by Washington Sculptors Group members Martha Jackson-Jarvis and Dalya Luttwak. Located at 2401 Foxhall Road NW, the sculptures may be viewed Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 202-337-3050.

Ensemble to stage commedia ‘Romeo and Juliet’


action of Fools Theatre Company will present an adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet� Jan. 12 through Feb. 4 at the Mead Theatre Lab at Flashpoint.

Before The “Big� Party

Courtesy of C24 Gallery and Vehbi Koc Foundation

Ali Kazma’s seven-channel video installation “O.K.� is playing on continuous loop at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.


D.C.’s commedia dell’arte theater company will present a highoctane adaptation of the Shakespeare classic, featuring five actors in a one-hour piece that joins physicality with Shakespeare’s poetry and highlights tragedy by juxtaposing it with humor. Photo by Clinton Brandhagen Performance times are 8 p.m. Faction of Fools Theatre Company will present a commedia dell’arte Thursday through Saturday and 3 adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet� Jan. 12 through Feb. 4. p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $25 for adults, $20 for students and $15 for “Bust� is a mostly autobiothe Warner Theatre. children ages 12 and younger. The Septime Webre’s one-of-a-kind graphical play based on Weedman’s theater is located at 916 G St. NW. “Nutcracker,� set in 1882 experiences working as a volunteer 800-838-3006; factionoffools.org. Georgetown, stars George advocate in a Southern California ■The In Series will present Washington as the heroic prison for women. She plays doz“Barber & Barberillo� Jan. 7 Nutcracker, King George III as the ens of characters, switching from through 22 at Source. villainous Rat King, Anacostia prostitute to parole officer, addict to A double bill of Samuel Barber Indians, froneditor, with nuance and empathy. and Giancarlo Performance times generally are tiersmen and Menotti’s “A many other all7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Hand of Bridge� American Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Saturday. and Francisco Tickets cost $35 to $60. The theater delights. Asenjo is located at 1501 14th St. NW. Performance Barbieri’s “The 202-332-3300; studiotheatre.org. times are 7 p.m. Little Barber of ■City Artistic Partnerships has Wednesday Lavapies,� the extended David Sedaris’ “The through Friday, show melds the Photo by Carol Pratt 2 p.m. Thursday Santaland Diaries� through Dec. 31 American operat The Shop at Fort Fringe. and Friday, and atic piece into a Studio Theatre has extended 11 a.m. and 3:30 Based on the outlandish but true Spanish zarzue- Lauren Weedman’s solo show “Bust� through Dec. 31. accounts of Sedaris’ experience as p.m. Saturday. la. an elf in Santaland at Macy’s, the Tickets cost $29 Performance to $90. Warner Theatre is located at play riffs on the author’s truly odd times vary. Tickets cost $40 for encounters during the height of the 513 13th St. NW. 202-397-7328; adults, $36 for seniors and $20 for holiday crunch. students and youth. Source is locat- washingtonballet.org. Performance times are 8 p.m. ■Studio Theatre has extended ed at 1835 14th St. NW. 202-204Wednesday through Friday and 7 former “Daily Show� correspon7763; inseries.org. p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets dent Lauren Weedman’s solo show ■The Washington Ballet will “Bust� through Dec. 31. See Theater/Page 25 close “The Nutcracker� Dec. 24 at

The Current

THEATER From Page 24

cost $20. The theater is located at 607 New York Ave. NW. 202-213-2474; cityartisticpartnerships.org. ■Ford’s Theatre is presenting “A Christmas Carol� through Dec. 31. Audiences will hear familiar carols, encounter imaginative stage tricks and discover the goodwill, compassion and charity that inspire the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge on a transformative journey. Performance times vary. Tickets cost $20 to $85. Ford’s Theatre is located at 511 10th St. NW. 800-982-2787; fords.org. ■The Keegan Theatre is presenting the world premiere of Matthew Keenan’s “An Irish Carol� through Dec. 31 in the Church Street Theater. Set in a modern Dublin pub, “An Irish Carol� is an homage to the Dickens classic — told as only the Irish can. The play, both comic and touching, follows one evening in the life of David, a wealthy pub owner who has lost touch with his own humanity. Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. Tickets cost $30 to $35. The Church Street Theater is located at 1742 Church St. NW. 703-892-0202; keegantheatre.com. ■Theater Alliance is presenting Langston Hughes’ “Black Nativity� through Dec. 31 at the H Street Playhouse. Written toward the end of his career, “Black Nativity� is a vibrant retelling of the Christmas story from an Afro-American perspective, woven with gospel music, griotstyle storytelling and dance. Performance times generally are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and 3 p.m.

Saturday. Tickets cost $35. The H Street Playhouse is located at 1365 H St. NE. 202241-2539; theateralliance.com. ■Washington Improv Theater is presenting “Seasonal Disorder� through Dec. 31 at Source. The four-week festival of long-form improvisation performances explores, extols, exploits and maybe even exterminates themes prevalent during the holiday season. Performance times are generally 8 and 9:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tickets cost $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Source is located at 1835 14th St. NW. washingtonimprovtheater.com. ■Arena Stage is presenting Amy Freed’s farce “You, Nero� through Jan. 1 on the Fichandler Stage. As Rome collapses beneath Nero’s outrageous narcissism, a forgotten playwright tries to restore order through the art of theater. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $55 to $85. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300; arenastage.org. ■Arena Stage is collaborating with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to present its production of Bill Cain’s “Equivocation� through Jan. 1 in the Kreeger Theater. In 1605 London, the worlds of King James and the Gunpowder Plot collide with William “Shagspeare� and his theatrical troupe in a startling cat-and-mouse game of politics and art. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $40 to $85. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St.

SW. 202-488-3300; arenastage.org. ■Studio Theatre will present Donald Margulies’ “Time Stands Still� Jan. 4 through Feb. 12. Holly Twyford leads the cast of this drama, which follows a globe-trotting photojournalist who returns home injured from the battlefields of Iraq. Performance times are 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday, and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $35 to $60. Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300; studiotheatre.org. ■Theater J will present Renee Calarco’s “The Religion Thing� Jan. 4 through 29 at the Washington DC Jewish Community Center. Mo and Brian are a picture-perfect D.C. couple. But when Mo’s best friend, Patti, announces she’s found Jesus and is putting her career on hold to be a wife and mother, Mo must take a closer look at the hard truths surrounding her own marriage. The production anchors Theater J’s new festival, “Locally Grown: Community Supported Art From Our Own Garden.� Performance times generally are 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $35 to $60. The Washington DC Jewish Community Center, is located at 1529 16th St. NW. 202-777-3214; theaterj.org. ■“Jersey Boys� is back at the National Theatre through Jan. 7. Winner of the 2006 Best Musical Tony Award, “Jersey Boys� is the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $41.50 to $276.50. National Theatre is located at 1321

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-628-6161; nationaltheatre.org. ■The Shakespeare Theatre Company has extended “Much Ado About Nothing� through Jan. 7 at Sidney Harman Hall. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $20 to $100. Sidney Harman Hall is located at 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122; shakespearetheatre.org. ■The Kennedy Center’s production of Mo Willems’ “Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Musical� is in the Family Theater through Jan. 8. The show about family, best friends, baby steps and dancing laundry is appropriate for ages 4 and older. Performance times vary. Tickets cost $20. 202-467-4600; kennedy-center.org. ■Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company is presenting Chicago comedy troupe The Second City in a new work, “Spoiler Alert: Everybody Dies,� through Jan. 8. Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, 3 p.m. Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Ticket prices start at $30. Woolly Mammoth is located at 641 D St. NW. 202-393-3939; woollymammoth.net. ■The Kennedy Center is presenting “Ann: An Affectionate Portrait of Ann Richards,� starring Holland Taylor, through Jan. 15 in the Eisenhower Theater. Performance times vary. Ticket prices start at $54. 202-467-4600; kennedy-center. org. ■“Billy Elliot the Musical� is at the Kennedy Center’s Opera House through Jan. 15. Performance times vary. Ticket prices start at $25. 202-467-4600; kennedy-center. org.





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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

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grade, second grade, third grade), we always did really deep and meaningful celebrations to show how important the winter holidays are to everyone.” Student Council co-adviser Meredith Kirchner added, “It’s a nice way for us to recognize the diversity in our community and learn more about one another.” — Benjamin Schulman and Robert Washington, eighth-graders


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Yesterday, both fifth-grade classes went to the National Portrait Gallery. We went there to see portraits of people in the Civil War. We looked at portraits of Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Dorothea Dix and President Abraham Lincoln. We also saw a cracked photo of Lincoln. Some people thought this photo was an omen — bad luck for the President. There’s a big crack across the top of the photo. We liked the sculpture of Lincoln. His head and hands looked real. We also liked the big portrait of Grant. After the museum visit, we went to eat lunch at the National Gallery of Art, and then we went to the Sculpture Garden Ice Skating Rink. Some people had never skated before, but they did really well. It was fun skating with our classmates. We got hot chocolate, too. It was a perfect day. — Cristiana Johnson and Diana Shea, fifth-graders

Washington Latin Public Charter School



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Our school had a Roman banquet in mid-November. The purpose was to raise awareness about Roman culture. At the banquet, we had gladiators, Roman gods and goddesses, freemen and slaves and so many more different parts of Roman society. Students at our school all study the Latin language, and this was an effort to teach us more about the culture. The fifth grade put on an ancient fashion show. The sixth-graders welcomed everyone and put togas on our guests. The seventh-graders cooked delicious Roman meals. These meals included stuffed dates, Roman cheesecake and chicken with plum sauce. Our seventhgrade Latin teacher, Ms. Osborn, wore a beautiful costume as Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. “I never would have thought that food that was so ancient would taste so good,” said John Hanson, a seventh-grade math teacher. “I’ve never been more impressed with a group of young people who are so enthusiastic about re-creating the past and learning about Latin culture. This was truly amazing,” said Giles Rebour, a seventh-grader’s father. — Niekal Jones-Atkinson and Nodiyah Satterwhite, seventh-graders




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Announcements EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE The Current Newspapers will have an early deadline for the issue of December 28, 2011. The deadline for classified ads will be Friday, December 23 at 5 p.m. You can e-mail your ads to: classified@currentnewspapers.com

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ETHICS From Page 1

— either to strengthen Bowser’s bill or to allow continuation of practices they say were unfairly swept up in a storm of public and press criticism. The longest debate was on an amendment by Council Chairman Kwame Brown to allow members to remove their colleagues from office — obliquely aimed at Ward 5 member Harry Thomas, who allegedly diverted $300,000 of city youth funds to his private use. With Thomas grimly looking on, Brown outlined a long series of steps required for expulsion. Before anything can happen, city voters would have to approve the process as an amendment to the Home Rule Charter. If an ethics violation occurs, first the new ethics board would investigate the charges, then an ad hoc council committee would review the findings. A super, super majority — 11 out of 13 members — would have to vote for expulsion. Still, there was opposition to the proposal. “Power resides with the people. The people put you there, and only the people can take you out,” said Ward 8 member and former Mayor Marion Barry. Only Barry and Ward 7 member Yvette Alexander voted no. Thomas voted present.

There was much skirmishing over the council’s constituent services funds, which have come under fire for supporting council office operations and going to other nonemergency uses. Ward 2 member Jack Evans, criticized for using his fund to purchase sports tickets, successfully offered an amendment to specifically allow the privately raised dollars to be spent on “theatrical, sporting and cultural events.” Those are among the uses envisioned when the funds were established in 1975, Evans said, noting that other jurisdictions allow officials to place unused campaign dollars in similar funds. “In the past, the funds were spent broadly for citizens and for council offices,” he said, dismissing the idea that the money was intended only for constituents facing emergencies. But he was rebuffed when he tried to raise the limit for such funds back to $80,000, up from the $40,000 contained in Bowser’s bill. Then, atlarge member Phil Mendelson suggested changing the name to “council services funds,” so citizens, he said, would understand the money can be used to support office operations as well as needy constituents. That proposal also failed, with atlarge member Vincent Orange suggesting the name “council slush funds” instead. Ward 6 member Tommy Wells


wanted to strengthen disclosure requirements for bundled campaign contributions, and for contributions from firms doing business with the city. That was voted down as well, with Bowser pledging that her Government Operations Committee will take a broader look at campaign finance laws next year. Wells had tried two weeks ago to simply ban such contributions. Orange was rebuffed when he offered an amendment to prohibit outside employment by council members. He won only two other votes (Thomas and Wells), even after exempting all current council members and delaying the ban until 2019. “Is the council better off just because we ban outside income? Does that make someone ethical?” Bowser asked, explaining why she didn’t support it. Ultimately, only Wells voted against the final measure, blasting the council’s failure to deal with corporate bundling of contributions, and contributions from contractors and lobbyists. “This bill does much, but not enough,” he said. But at-large member David Catania praised the overall package as “well-reasoned and balanced.” And, Catania noted, it was produced under “a very challenging set of circumstances, with all the issues surrounding the council, and the media attention.”

GARDENS From Page 1

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mended in a D.C. law that dates back 25 years, the Food Production and Urban Gardens Program Act of 1986. In an interview, Wells said the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation now takes on some responsibilities related to community gardens, but not all the law suggests — such as maintaining an inventory of unused sites, like vacant lots and government property, that could be used for that purpose. Some witnesses at the hearing asked that the city amend the tax code for vacant lots to give incentives to landowners to convert otherwise unused land into gardens. Others addressed the need to establish low-cost access to water at potential garden sites. In his opening statement, Wells expounded on the benefits of urban gardens — “among them recreational amenities, more sustainable neighborhoods, educational opportunities, and access to fresh and healthy food,” he said. “With the majority of our residents living in multifamily housing, few have access to private open space where they can plant a garden.” Wells said the D.C. government needs to “play a more active role to make sure that urban residents can access opportunities to grow their own food.” The city of Baltimore, which has become a leader in innovative community garden initiatives, sent officials from its Housing and Community Development Department to testify. Baltimore has instituted a successful “Adopt-A-Lot” Program, which converts vacant lots into community-managed open spaces such as community gardens, horseshoe pits and chess parks. Ben Thielen, an advisory neighborhood commissioner representing Glover Park and Cathedral Heights, recently initiated an application to turn an unused plot of city-owned land on Fulton Street into a new community garden. “Glover Park’s community garden on Tunlaw is full, and has a waiting list of over 50 people,” he said. “There is a strong demand in the community for this kind of space, and at the same time it can relieve the District of maintenance costs such as mowing the land all summer.” Thielen said community gardens fit in with D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray’s new environmental initiative,

Bill Petros/The Current

The Glover Park community garden at Tunlaw Road and 42nd Street has a waiting list.

“Sustainable D.C.” He said he has received overwhelming support for a Fulton Street garden from neighbors, but noted one resident’s concern about the time commitment needed to maintain such a garden. As required by the city’s application, Thielen is currently looking for a community organization willing to sponsor the garden and take on a leadership role in overseeing the space. He said he hopes to be able to submit the application within the next three months, so the community can begin planting by spring or summer. At the hearing, the Office of Planning and the Department of Parks and Recreation came out in support of more community gardens. The University of the District of Columbia, which has a long history of developing such sites, also contributed ideas for increasing their numbers. In an interview, Council member Wells said that he’s convinced of the important role community gardens can play for neighborhood dynamics after hearing “from longtime Washingtonians who established community gardens going back 30 years — they told me that’s how they met their neighbors.” “It reaffirmed the notion that community gardens are part of what make livable communities on both sides of river, and it crosses all demographics,” Wells said. Wells said that during the annual performance hearing early next year for the Department of Parks and Recreation, he’ll ask officials to explain how they’re creating or plan to implement more community gardens in the District. He also said he’ll be asking Mayor Gray to fund the creation of more community gardens, as the 1986 law suggests.

32 Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Current

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