Serving Foggy Bottom & the West End
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Vol. VIII, No. 21
The Foggy BoTTom CurrenT
Walter Reed campus ruled historic
■ Preservation: Project’s
developer backed designation
By GEORGE ALTSHULER Current Correspondent
The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board voted unanimously last week to designate the former Walter Reed Medical Center campus as a historic district. The move means that developers
of the 67 acres the Army is transferring to the District will need board approval for any major construction on the site. The designation will not affect the State Department’s 45.3 acres of the former Army medical site; the department is engaged in a separate federal review process. The location is historically significant as the site of Civil War battle activity, while the historic buildings on the campus date back from
between 1905 (when Congress purchased the parcel for the Army) to 1956. One significant structure is the original main hospital, which contains a presidential suite that hosted Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Peter Sefton, landmarks chair of the advocacy group DC Preservation League, called that building an example of the “finest type of Georgian architecture.” See Historic/Page 2
New panel to examine Dupont parking By KAT LUCERO Current Staff Writer
Brian Kapur/The Current
Friends of Francis Field held a cleanup of the community garden on Saturday as residents prepped the area for gardening.
As the Dupont Circle community continues to tackle policy issues related to the use of public space, a newly formed committee zeroed in on parking last Wednesday. The new Transportation and Public Infrastructure Committee of the Dupont Circle advisory neighborhood commission is shepherding a parking survey “to figure out what exists on every side of the street” of the area, according to commission chair Will Stephens. The survey, which started in February, was inspired by discrepancies in the online data provided by the D.C. Department of Transportation, according to Stephens, who established the new panel. Although more than half of the work has been completed, Stephens said he would like more volunteers to expedite the gathering of information on all of the neighborhood’s curbside uses, including metered sections, bus stops, loading zones, valet spots, taxi stands and Zone 2 residential parking.
Brian Kapur/The Current
Dupont advisory neighborhood commissioners have undertaken a survey of current parking conditions.
Committee chair Noah Smith, whose profession involves transportation policy, and other commissioners hope the results will help them better understand the See Committee/Page 5
Solar panels’ popularity spreading in Northwest
Northwest parents prioritize neighborhood school access
■ Education: Deputy mayor
Current Correspondent
As the price of solar energy technology drops, many District residents are turning to different communitybased models to invest in solar panels. From 2008 to 2013 the cost of a solar module went down 76 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Because of this, groups as varied as local homeowners, institutions, community associations and residents who don’t own roofs are turning to clean energy — and sometimes making a modest profit. “As the word is getting out that you can build solar for cheaper than paying for electricity, people are getting more and more excited,” said Anya Schoolman, executive director of the DC Solar United Neighborhoods (also known as DC SUN).
seeking input from wards 7, 8 By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer
Photo by Ross Wells
A group of Washington Ethical Society congregants paid to install solar panels, which now provide about 38 percent of the building’s electricity.
DC SUN advocated for a 2013 bill that will allow local residents to invest in solar projects anywhere in the District and receive offsets as part of their utility bill. The legislation, the Community Renewable Act of See Solar/Page 15
Zoo-related violence sparks call for new security measures — Page 2
National Theatre to host new show by Blue Man Group — Page 19
Hundreds of D.C. residents have now attended meetings on Mayor Vincent Gray’s push to change school boundaries and student assignment policies, but city officials are worried by a lack of engagement in wards 7 and 8. Deputy Mayor for Education Abigail Smith began her second round of community working
groups about these reforms last week, and she showed audiences public feedback data that came primarily from her first round of meetings. Smith reported that 296 of the 450 initial meeting attendees came from neighborhoods in Northwest or Northeast, while only 37 — a mere 8 percent of the total — came from east of the Anacostia River. Speaking at Coolidge High School last Thursday and Dunbar High School on Saturday, Smith said her office will specifically reach out to wards 7 and 8, the home of 45 percent of D.C. Public Schools See Boundaries/Page 5
Catania campaign seeks support from District parents — Page 3
Calendar/16 Classifieds/25 District Digest/4 Exhibits/17 Foggy Bottom News/11 In Your Neighborhood/10
Opinion/8 Police Report/6 Real Estate/13 School Dispatches/7 Service Directory/22 Theater/19
Tips? Contact us at
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
The CurrenT
National Zoo weighs security issues after recent violence in Woodley Park By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer
In the wake of two separate shootings near the National Zoo this month, Woodley Park residents are pondering how to prevent future violence pegged to Easter Monday and the D.C. Public Schools spring break. Law enforcement officials joined National Zoo director Dennis Kelly and Ward 3 D.C.
Council member Mary Cheh at a community meeting attended by roughly 75 people last Wednesday. On April 14, during spring break, shots were fired near the Zoo but no witnesses were able to identify the culprit. A week later, on Easter Monday, a pair of male teenagers were shot just outside the Zoo’s gates, sustaining non-life-threatening injuries. Once again, no culprit was identified and no arrests were
made. The Zoo marks Easter Monday annually with a family day event — a tradition that has been popular with black families for more than a century. The event was created as an alternative to the whites-only Easter Egg Roll at the White House. But since 2000, the day has repeatedly brought violence to the ordinarily low-crime neighborhood. “It has begun to attract a crowd that doesn’t want to celebrate
peacefully,� said Woodley Park resident Blessed Chuksorji-Keefe. Multiple attendees of the community meeting last week encouraged the Zoo to cancel its Easter Monday activities and to utilize metal detectors and bag searches throughout the year. Director Kelly said heightened security measures were definitely on the table. “I’m not promising it, but I’m saying it has to be considSee Zoo/Page 5
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HISTORIC From Page 1 Sefton said he hopes the preservation board will ensure that developers maintain the most important buildings on the campus and preserve historic facades. But he said development should go on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do anybody any good to see the buildings mothballed,â&#x20AC;? he said. Vicki Davis, president of the development firm Urban Atlantic, testified in support of the historic designation on behalf of the group the District has chosen to redevelop the site. She said her team would return to the board in 18 to 24 months to present its plans. The Walter Reed campus hosted part of the Battle of Fort Stevens, in which the Union Army held off a Confederate attack as President Abraham Lincoln watched. During last Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hearing, preservation board chair Gretchen Pfaehler said that battle lends historical significance to the siteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s topography. Sefton also noted the value of the medical campus layout. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having all of these Georgian buildings together on a campus creates a multiplying effect,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The campus is an example of the philosophy of the healing landscape,â&#x20AC;? he added, describing the theory that a harmonious layout helps patients heal. Federal law requires that the Army take steps to preserve the historical elements of any property it transfers away from the federal government. The Army therefore submitted a landmark application to the review board, even though the DC Preservation League had already submitted a similar application. The application lists 41 Georgian, neo-Gothic and Brutalist buildings that contribute to the siteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic nature. It also describes how the medical center made significant strides in microscopy, X-ray techniques and the treatment of orthopedic injuries and mental illness. The Shepherd Park/16th Street Heights advisory neighborhood commission supported the application, and commissioner Stephen Whatley said he is â&#x20AC;&#x153;very optimisticâ&#x20AC;? that future plans will preserve the history of the site, which falls within the commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boundaries. Once the boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling is finalized, the Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s State Historic Preservation Office will forward the application to the National Park Service for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
The CurreNT
Catania mayoral campaign seeks to galvanize parents By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer
Independent mayoral candidate David Catania launched a formal effort to court public school parents this week, arguing that he is better positioned than Democratic nominee Muriel Bowser to accelerate education reform in the District. At a Sunday news conference outside the Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy campus in Southeast, the at-large D.C. Council member launched “Public School Parents for David,” with the goal of recruiting 1,000 supporters with children in D.C.’s school system. Catania touted his accomplishments as chair of the council’s Education Committee, describing his record of passing legislation to provide extra funding for at-risk youth and end “social promotion,” the practice of advancing students to higher grades even when they haven’t mastered material. He also noted that he had visited 134 of the District’s public schools and said he was confident these schools could improve with the right mayoral leadership. Asked to differentiate himself from Bowser on education issues, Catania said the Ward 4 D.C. Council member had promised voters she would prioritize school reform but then failed to introduce a single sub-
stantive piece of legislation on the subject. “She now insists that we should trust her. Well, trust is certainty based on past experiences,” he said. “We both have records. I have a record of keeping promises. I have a record of delivering.” Ward 1 parent Alice Speck said she had hosted seven mayoral candidates in her home during this year’s Democratic primary campaign, but Catania was easily more impressive than any of them. “The District of Columbia needs its next mayor to be a seasoned expert on its biggest problem, which many of us believe is its schools,” she said at the news conference. “I’ve heard nothing but empty platitudes from Muriel Bowser,” said Ward 3 parent Brian Cohen, a Glover Park advisory neighborhood commissioner. “I don’t see any evidence of a record and an ability to make the schools better. I’ve seen David in action. I’ve heard his ideas, and I’ve seen him turn his ideas into reality.” Cohen gave the example of how Catania intervened when Hardy Middle School faced funding cuts. Hardy parents including Cohen had struggled to find a champion at the Wilson Building, but Catania was able to find savings elsewhere in the budget, and the funding was restored. Other members of the “Parents See Catania/Page 15
wedNesday, april 30, 2014
The week ahead Wednesday, April 30
The D.C. Department of General Services and the Department of Parks and Recreation will hold a community meeting to review concepts and priorities for the play space at Lafayette Park. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Lafayette Elementary School, 5701 Broad Branch Road NW. ■ The Coalition for Smarter Growth will host a forum on “Better DC Buses: What Does It Take?” Speakers will include Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh, chair of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment; Joseph Barr, former director of transit development at the New York City Department of Transportation; Jim Hamre, director of the Office of Metrobus Planning, Scheduling and Customer Facilities at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; and Sam Zimbabwe, associate director for policy, planning and sustainability at the D.C. Department of Transportation. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Chastelton, 1701 16th St. NW. Reservations are requested at
Thursday, May 1
The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board will meet at 9 a.m. in Room 220 South, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. ■ The National Capital Planning Commission will hold its monthly meeting, which will include an informational presentation on the U.S. Naval Observatory lighting study. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. at the commission’s offices at Suite 500N, 401 9th St. NW. ■ The George Washington University Mount Vernon Campus will hold its quarterly community meeting at 7 p.m. in the Webb Building, 2100 Foxhall Road NW. To register, call 202994-0211 or email ■ JBG will host a community meeting on the planned condo conversion of the historic Wardman Tower building at Connecticut Avenue and Woodley Road. Representatives of the developer and the construction company will discuss the project, timeline and impact on the neighborhood. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Harding Room, Mezzanine Level, Wardman Park Marriott, 2660 Woodley Road NW.
Saturday, May 3
The Ward 2 Education Network will hold a discussion on
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Products and services are offered by Capital One, N.A., Member FDIC. ©2014 Capital One. All rights reserved.
“A New Ward 2/3 Comprehensive High School — Can It Happen?” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens, 2425 N St. NW. ■ The D.C. Department of Transportation will hold a “pop-up meeting” on the DC Circulator from noon to 3 p.m. at Wisconsin Avenue and M Street NW. The event will seek feedback from current and potential riders on the current system as well as future routes and extensions. ■ The Little Falls Watershed Alliance will host an event at Friendship Park (also known as Turtle Park) as part of Invasive Plant Removal Day. Volunteers will help remove ivy and other vines from the park’s trees; tools and gloves will be provided. The event will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at the park, located at 45th and Van Ness streets NW. For details visit
Sunday, May 4
The Forest Hills Connection will host a tour of the Broad Branch Stream Restoration Project with Steve Saari of the D.C. Department of the Environment. The tour will begin at 3 p.m. at Linnean Avenue and Broad Branch Road NW. For details contact
Tuesday, May 6
Mayor Vincent Gray will hold a Ward 1 town hall meeting on the proposed budget from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Columbia Heights Community Center, 1480 Girard St. NW. ■ The Friends of Francis Field group will hold its annual membership meeting at 7 p.m. at the West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW.
Wednesday, May 7
The D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board will hold a public hearing on the future of the Adams Morgan license moratorium. The hearing will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in the Board Hearing Room, Suite 400 South, Reeves Center, 2000 14th St. NW. To testify, register by May 1 at or 202-442-4456. ■ The Ward 4 Democrats group will hold its monthly meeting, which will feature Democratic mayoral nominee and Ward 4 D.C. Council member Muriel Bowser as speaker. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Washington Ethical Society, 7750 16th St. NW.
wedNesday, april 30, 2014
The CurreNT
District Digest Mayor taps four for interim DDOT posts
Mayor Vincent C. Gray named four people to interim positions, including director, within the D.C. Department of Transportation this week. Deputy director for resource
The CurreNT
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management Matthew Brown will become interim director, replacing Terry Bellamy, who leaves this week after holding the position since July 2011. As interim director, Brown will work on large-scale projects including the DC Streetcar initiative, the Power Line Undergrounding Program and the expansion of the DC Circulator and bike lane networks. The mayor also announced that Barry Kreiswirth will become interim chief of staff, Jeffrey Powell will become interim deputy director for operations, and Muhammed Khalid will become interim chief engineer. All three already work for the city.
District implementing sustainability efforts
A progress report on the city’s efforts to improve its sustainability says there has been growth in all “four key challenges of the Sustainable DC plan”: jobs, health, equity and environment. A news release says 83 percent of the 143 actions in the plan are underway — up from 46 percent last year. In addition, the city has built 24 new playgrounds, planted 9,280 trees, opened 10 “green” schools and created five new community gardens. “In the year since we released the Sustainable DC Plan, we have seen tremendous progress and are
leading the nation on a number of fronts,” Mayor Vincent Gray said in the release. “Across District agencies and our many community partners, there is a collective effort to create a more sustainable city today and for generations to come.”
DCRA director leaves for Maryland position
and permitting divisions.
palena closes doors in Cleveland park
D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs director Nicholas Majett is leaving the post after three-and-a-half years, the city announced last week. The agency’s chief building official, Rabbiah “Robbie” Sabbakhan, will serve as interim director. Majett will leave May 2 to join the Office of the County Executive in Prince George’s County. He has worked for the D.C. government for almost three decades. As director he “led a series of process changes that helped dramatically improve agency efficiency and responsiveness,” according to a news release. “Nick is a visionary who has helped streamline the regulatory process in order to encourage continued growth and development within the District’s business community,” said Deputy Mayor Victor Hoskins. Sabbakhan, who has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Virginia, currently manages the agency’s construction
Cleveland Park dining gem Palena closed its doors at 3529 Connecticut Ave. last weekend after failing to fully utilize expansion space it took over in 2011. James Beard Award-winning chef Frank Ruta opened the critically acclaimed restaurant in 2000, expanding about a decade later into a space vacated by Magruder’s market. Ruta worked with the landlord to reach an accord this year, but they were unable to come to terms, according to a news release. “We have had a great run serving the Cleveland Park neighborhood and the Washington, DC area and are sincerely grateful to the many that have supported us,” Ruta wrote in a note to customers. Ruta said he would be open to returning to the neighborhood. “Cooking is what I love, and hopefully I will find a way to serve you at another venue in the future,” he wrote.
Students, seniors join to tell ‘Life Stories’ Local middle school students will share the experiences of area seniors in a free “Life Stories Intergenerational Program” Friday at the
Washington DC Jewish Community Center. The Theatre Lab School of the Dramatic Arts has partnered with Theater J to present this program, in which seniors share stories of their adolescence and middle-schoolers act them out. Students from Parkmont School in Crestwood, who have been trained in “Playback Theatre” techniques, have visited residents at Friendship Terrace Retirement Community and Georgetown Retirement Residences to get material. The program is sponsored by a “Who’s a Washingtonian” grant from the Humanities Council of Washington, DC. The program, which will run from 5 to 6 p.m. on May 2, will feature a post-show discussion with David Taylor, a narratology expert and filmmaker. The community center is located at 1529 16th St. NW. Details are at
An article about travel opportunities for seniors in the March 5 edition misidentified the name of the Smithsonian’s program; it is Smithsonian Journeys, not Smithsonian Voyages. The Current regrets the error. As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-567-2011.
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Awards Sponsor
Awards Sponsor
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The CurrenT
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
BOUNDARIES: Deputy mayor cites continued opportunities for community engagement
From Page 1
students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That seems like a pretty significant voice we want to make sure that we hear from,â&#x20AC;? she said Saturday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We think it makes sense to target communities that havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had as much of a voice.â&#x20AC;? The deputy mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s data may not be representative of how the whole city is thinking about her reform process, but it does offer insight into opinions in Northwest, where many parents like their current in-boundary school and have invested in improving it. For example, the notion of guaranteed access to neighborhood schools continues to
draw overwhelming support. A right to â&#x20AC;&#x153;one elementary school based on your addressâ&#x20AC;? was endorsed by 85 percent of the total respondents. Guaranteed access to â&#x20AC;&#x153;one middle school and high school based on place of residenceâ&#x20AC;? earned the backing of 79 percent. And huge majorities of respondents opposed reform proposals to eliminate a right to a specific neighborhood school such as â&#x20AC;&#x153;choice setsâ&#x20AC;? or a citywide high school lottery. At Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting, Dunbar teacher and education activist David Tansey said he understands why so many families would prioritize a school nearby. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The greatest complaint I hear from parents is that they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t move to
ZOO: Shootings raise concern From Page 2
ered,â&#x20AC;? he said. Many community members asked why the city wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t doing more to prevent gang violence, and Cheh said it was a good question. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We used to have a more invigorated gang intervention effort. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know why itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s become moribund, but plainly itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something we have to rekindle,â&#x20AC;? she said. Several Southeast residents were in the audience to support the Woodley Park community, pledging to
work with them to address gang issues that can affect any neighborhood. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will come when thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gang activity. We will help intervene,â&#x20AC;? one man said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got to be one city about this.â&#x20AC;? Two Woodley Park advisory neighborhood commissioners, Jeffrey Kaliel and Lee Brian Reba, were visibly emotional during the meeting. Kaliel told law enforcement officials they should be cognizant of high-risk days on the calendar and place â&#x20AC;&#x153;an officer every 100 yards on Connecticut Avenue.â&#x20AC;?
COMMITTEE: Parking reviewed From Page 1
areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challenges and effectively address requests for public space uses and changes. Like the rest of Ward 2, Dupont Circle sees stiff competition for parking for both residents and business patrons. The parking issue has also caused clashes between residents and their neighborsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; visitors, which was one of the reasons the commission â&#x20AC;&#x201D; along with the rest of the ward â&#x20AC;&#x201D; opted out of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s visitor parking program. In other parts of the District, residents receive a long-term pass so their visitors can park for longer than two hours in areas designated as part of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residential parking program. Earlier this month, the neighboring Logan Circle advisory neighborhood commission changed course and opted into the visitor parking program. This new policy has raised concerns among residents living along the border of the two commissions. One worry is that the parking hunt will become even more chaotic, and those unfamiliar with the neighborhood could mistakenly park on the wrong side of the street. In Dupont, the new committee is looking at long-term solutions, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s focusing on completing the parking survey as an attainable shortterm objective. Another immediate plan for the committee is to host one or two special public meetings focused on parking, said Smith. And if the Logan commission is satisfied with the visitor passes, once theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re implemented, Dupont may also embrace the idea.
The 11-member committee has also identified collaboration with adjoining neighborhood commissions as a priority to relieve border tensions. James Nozar, a local developer who resides in Dupont, proposed this step on behalf of Studio Theatre, a longtime 14th Street fixture that has been looking for more patron parking opportunities to boost show attendance. The new parking committee also plans to coordinate walk-throughs of the neighborhood in the next few months to identify sidewalks, tree boxes and alleys that need improvements. Last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting also prioritized safety matters specific to the area that need attention from the Transportation Department, including repainting faded bike lanes and crosswalks; adding recycling containers in parks and other streetscapes; and providing better signage for bike lanes, parking and valet posts. The committee also wants to participate in broader city issues like solutions for the packed 16th Street Metrobuses, proposed new DC Circulator routes and upcoming D.C. Council legislation. Stephens created the new committee after putting together a report for his commission that revealed a vast number of transportation and public space issues over the past eight years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What I noticed was a huge portion, almost a plurality, of what we dealt with were transportation and public infrastructure issues to the extent that I felt an entire section was warranted every year,â&#x20AC;? he said.
the city to add to their commute,â&#x20AC;? he said. But Tansey also acknowledged the obvious: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people are really happy with the way their schools work, and some people arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t.â&#x20AC;? Still, the people who are happy appear to be more organized. A petition with more than 600 signatures from a group called D.C. Residents In Support of Neighborhood Schools is posted at The petition declares that a loss of neighborhood school rights would penalize families putting down roots in the District, boost traffic congestion as a result of increased commuting and abandon the project of improving neigh-
borhood schools, which many believe is beginning to bear fruit. As she has throughout this process, Smith assured last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working group participants that they would have additional opportunities to weigh in on reform proposals in the coming months. She said the baseline goals of the process include not displacing any students from a school they already attend and ensuring that no fifth- or eighth-graders in the 2015-2016 school year lose access to the school they are headed to next. The phasing in of reform, beginning in 2015, will also include â&#x20AC;&#x153;significant grandfathering clauses,â&#x20AC;? Smith said.
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The CurrenT
Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from April 21 through 27 in local police service areas.
psa 102
â&#x2013; gAllEry PSA 102 PlACE
Theft â&#x2013; 400-457 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 1 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; E and 5th streets; 8:51 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 320-399 block, 7th St.; 3:37 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 700-799 block, 7th St.; 5:10 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 400-499 block, L St.; 12:10 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 600-699 block, E St.; 1:12 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 700-799 block, 6th St.; 3:55 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 700-799 block, H St.; 11:04 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 700-899 block, Mount Vernon Place; 9 a.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 700-799 block, 7th St.; 12:48 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 400-457 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 6:10 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 600-699 block, H St.; 3:46 p.m. April 27. â&#x2013; 700-899 block, Mount Vernon Place; 5:06 p.m. April 27. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 400-457 block, 4th St.; 12:30 a.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 800-899 block, 5th St.; 5:42 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 700-799 block, 6th St.; 12:25 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 800-899 block, 5th St.; 2:05 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 400-499 block, K St.; 3:09 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 700-899 block, K St.; 7:17 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; H and 6th streets; 7:05 p.m. April 27.
psa PSA 206 206
â&#x2013; gEorgETown / bUrlEITH
Assault with a dangerous weapon â&#x2013; 3300-3399 block, Cadyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alley; 3:45 a.m. April 26. Burglary â&#x2013; 3800-3899 block, Reservoir Road; 12:39 p.m. April 21. Motor vehicle theft â&#x2013; 3100-3199 block, K St.; 5:50 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 3600-3699 block, O St.; 9:59 p.m. April 24. Theft â&#x2013; 1300-1327 block, 27th St.; 5:15 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 3422-3499 block, M St.; 11:52 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 3500-3799 block, Winfield Lane; 7:55 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 3200-3275 block, M St.; 1:10 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 3000-3049 block, M St.; 3:20 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1000-1027 block, 31st St.; 7:16 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1224-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 12:38 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1020-1199 block, 33rd St.; 2:46 p.m. April 26.
â&#x2013; K and Water streets; 2:49 p.m. April 27. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 1328-1399 block, 29th St.; 2:04 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1200-1226 block, 30th St.; 3:20 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; Water and 33rd streets; 7:11 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 3100-3199 block, South St.; 8:30 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 2600-2699 block, Dumbarton St.; 8:14 a.m. April 27.
psa PSA 207 207
â&#x2013; Foggy boTToM / wEST EnD
Robbery â&#x2013; 2400-2499 block, N St.; 8:27 p.m. April 21 (with knife). Assault with a dangerous weapon â&#x2013; 2100-2199 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 9:23 p.m. April 23. Theft â&#x2013; 2000-2099 block, K St.; 3:45 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 800-899 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 9 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 2100-2109 block, M St.; noon April 22. â&#x2013; 1550-1649 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 12:30 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 900-999 block, 25th St.; 2:36 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 1700-1799 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 5 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 500-599 block, 19th St.; 9:02 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 1500-1599 block, K St.; 10:14 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1000-1099 block, Vermont Ave.; 11:55 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1900-1999 block, L St.; 12:18 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 2100-2499 block, K St.; 2 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 2700-2749 block, Virginia Ave.; 4:23 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1000-1099 block, Connecticut Ave.; 4:34 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1100-1199 block, Vermont Ave.; 5 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1700-1779 block, M St.; 6:20 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1100-1129 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:10 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1100-1129 block, 17th St.; 3:50 a.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 3:20 p.m. April 26. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 17th Street and Constitution Avenue; 5 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, M St.; 12:46 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1420-1499 block, L St.; 2:19 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1130-1199 block, Connecticut Ave.; 4:17 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 900-999 block, 15th St.; 12:28 p.m. April 26.
psa 208
â&#x2013; SHErIDAn-kAlorAMA PSA 208
Burglary â&#x2013; 1700-1799 block, N St.; 8:59 a.m. April 27. Motor vehicle theft
â&#x2013; 1500-1599 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 10:24 p.m. April 22. Theft â&#x2013; 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 5:57 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 9:57 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1800-1899 block, Jefferson Place; 2:36 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1220-1299 block, 19th St.; 3:12 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1300-1399 block, 14th St.; 9 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1-7 block, Dupont Circle; 8:59 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 2015-2099 block, P St.; 6:56 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1218-1299 block, Connecticut Ave.; 6:30 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1200-1299 block, 20th St.; 8:17 p.m. April 25. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 4:12 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 1800-1899 block, S St.; 4:13 p.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 17th Street and Massachusetts Avenue; 12:54 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 17th and N streets; 2:55 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1500-1599 block, N St.; 6:19 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1300-1319 block, 22nd St.; 11:28 a.m. April 26. â&#x2013; O and 16th streets; 1:55 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 1500-1523 block, 15th St.; 1:26 a.m. April 27.
psa PSA 301 301
â&#x2013; DUPonT CIrClE
Assault with a dangerous weapon â&#x2013; 1700-1789 block, Corcoran St.; 8:32 a.m. April 25. Motor vehicle theft â&#x2013; 14th and T streets; 5:36 p.m. April 26. Theft â&#x2013; 1600-1699 block, U St.; 11:18 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1400-1425 block, R St.; 5:09 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1325-1399 block, Park Road; 12:45 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1620-1699 block, 15th St.; 9:51 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 900-999 block, M St.; 4:29 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1800-1828 block, 16th St.; 12:08 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 1900-1920 block, 14th St.; 11:20 a.m. April 27. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 1700-1799 block, T St.; 8:52 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1700-1799 block, Swann St.; 8:06 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1821-1899 block, 15th St.; 8:57 a.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, U St.; 2:40 a.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1920-1999 block, 15th St.; 12:21 a.m. April 27. â&#x2013; U and 15th streets; 3 a.m. April 27. â&#x2013; 1600-1699 block, Swann St.; 12:20 p.m. April 27.
psa PSA 303 303
â&#x2013; ADAMS MorgAn
Robbery â&#x2013; 1737-1776 block, Columbia Road; 10:18 a.m. April 21 (with knife). Burglary â&#x2013; 1909-1999 block, 19th St.; 6:15 p.m. April 24. Motor vehicle theft â&#x2013; 2000-2039 block, Belmont Road; 11:57 a.m. April 27. Theft â&#x2013; 2480-2599 block, 16th St.; 2:45 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1811-1852 block, Columbia Road; 9:59 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1811-1852 block, Columbia Road; 5:12 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1800-1881 block, Kalorama Road; 11:46 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1900-1999 bock, Belmont Road; 4:19 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 2400-2499 block, 18th St.; 12:47 a.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 2300-2399 block, 18th St.; 11:17 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1900-1999 block, Connecticut Ave.; 12:59 a.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 1900-1999 block, Connecticut Ave.; 5:30 a.m. April 26. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 2200-2299 block, Old Morgan School Place; 6:59 a.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1800-1819 block, Clydesdale Place; 3:20 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 2400-2499 block, 18th St.; 2:31 p.m. April 24. â&#x2013; 1700-1719 block, Kalorama Road; 1:14 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1800-1810 block, Columbia Road; 5:30 a.m. April 27. â&#x2013; 2416-2499 block, 19th St.; 2:21 p.m. April 27.
psa PSA 307 307
â&#x2013; logAn CIrClE
Burglary â&#x2013; 1300-1399 block, L St.; 4:06 a.m. April 23. Motor vehicle theft â&#x2013; 1200-1299 block, 10th St.; 6:10 p.m. April 24. Theft â&#x2013; 1100-1199 block, 10th St.; 6:04 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1100-1199 block, 10th St.; 7:04 p.m. April 21. â&#x2013; 1209-1299 block, S St.; 9:39 a.m. April 23. â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, P St.; 4 p.m. April 25. Theft from auto â&#x2013; 1100-1199 block, N St.; 1:38 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 1200-1299 block, Vermont Ave.; 2:18 p.m. April 22. â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, 10th St.; 5:45 p.m. April 25. â&#x2013; 1400-1499 block, 9th St.; 9:48 a.m. April 26. â&#x2013; Kingman Place and Q Street; 1:08 p.m. April 26. â&#x2013; 900-999 block, N St.; 12:51 p.m. April 27. â&#x2013; M and 12th streets; 1:10 p.m. April 27.
The CurrenT
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
Spotlight on Schools British School of Washington
During the last few weeks of this term, we have been preparing for our end-of-course International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exams, which has been intense to say the least. Past papers have been thrown at us left and right center, accompanied by varying levels of revision (depending on who you are). Outside the classroom, all those taking the IGCSE physical education exam have been completing their practical segments for what will make up 40 percent of their final PE grade. From a wide selection of sports, candidates could pick four. I chose soccer, cross-country, track and field, and weight training. Others selected sports included skiing, badminton, lifesaving and rugby. As the weeks draw to a close, so does the time we have to maximize our scores. In my opinion, the standards for track and field and cross-country are extremely high, e.g., 11.5 minutes for 3,000 metres. In other news, D.C. United visited our school as part of a weeklong series of events. Activities included an organised training session, insight into the club’s business management and a Q&A session with a first-team player. The week culminated with a school trip to watch D.C. United’s weekend fixture against Chicago Fire, including participation in the high-five tunnel. The experience was a great one, despite the torrential rain. — Piers Kirk, Year 11 Belfast (10th-grader)
Eaton Elementary
In April our fifth-grade teacher, Ms. Scott, announced that she will teach us sixth-grade subjects so that we will really be prepared for next year. Everyone thought it was going to be hard, but then when we started the projects, it got easier. We did an endangered animal project. We got into groups of three
Edmund Burke School
On Aug. 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated Mississippi and Louisiana, displacing more than 400,000 people, killing roughly 1,836, and causing flooding in 80 percent of New Orleans and all of St. Bernard Parish. The St. Bernard Project is a nonprofit organization established in March 2006 to ensure that disasterimpacted communities recover. A group of students from the Edmund Burke School volunteered with the St. Bernard Project during their spring break from March 23 to 28. We worked in the Lower 9th Ward and in St. Bernard Parish
or four students and we picked an endangered animal. We got packets asking questions about the animals and we did research to find all the information. We searched websites and used books from the library. Some groups worked together to find the information and other groups divided the work. Each group had to organize the information to make an endangered animal pamphlet. Each group presented their work to the class. The pamphlets were all really good and they were all really different. We read “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” by Mildred Taylor. It is Ms. Scott’s favorite book and she reads it with her students every year. It is historical fiction and deals with racism in America in the 1930s. We had a packet with questions, vocabulary and reading responses to do as we read the book. We had “shared inquiry,” which were classroom discussions about the book. We also did individual poster projects about the book. We especially liked the discussion because we got to hear what everyone else thought and it helped us understand the book. — Ashley Chau, C.J. Edelin and JoJo Scurry, fifth-graders
4121 NEBRASKA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016 * (202) 537-7579
rebuilding houses and cleaning up debris. Even though nearly nine years have passed since Katrina, the scars left by the storm were obvious everywhere. We were fortunate to meet some of the people whose houses we worked. The husband of one couple, whose house we worked on, told us that he had lived in the house his whole life. Having to leave it during the storm and coming back to it in ruins was very painful for him. Where we saw the shell of a home, I could see in his eyes how much the house meant to him. For myself and some of the students this was our first time going to New Orleans. “The Big Easy,” as it’s nicknamed, is a city rich in culture and famous for music, especially jazz. We were all amazed that despite this tragic event, the city still has a heart filled with soul and hope of a better tomorrow. — Julian Bright, 11th-grader
The Field School
Last week at Field was Spirit Week. Every day had a different theme. Monday was USA Day. Everyone wore patriotic colors. Even the school dog, Asia, wore a tie. Tuesday was Farm Day; everyone was encouraged to wear overalls and other farm-related gear. Wednesday was Jersey Day. Students and staff members wore jerseys of teams such as the Nationals, the Wizards (popular because of their playoff status) and the Red Sox, and there were even some people wearing New England Patriots jerseys. Thursday was Fancy Day. For that day, lots of people wore ties and other “dress-up” clothes. My favorite day of all was Fri-
day’s Field Day. It is the best field day of all the schools in the city because it is Field Day at The Field School. The school was split into Blue and White teams, honoring the school colors. Students competed in several activities: Gaga, Bucket Brigade, Trivia and Pictionary. Gaga is like dodgeball but it’s played on the ground. Instead of throwing the balls, you roll them. Bucket Brigade is a race to fill up a big trash can with water using a smaller bucket that has a hole in the bottom. In Trivia, the teams are asked obscure questions about the school. For Pictionary, one member of a team had to draw something while the rest of the team must guess what it is before the time runs out. At the end of spirit day there was a big celebration for all. — Adam Bressler, seventh-grader
Georgetown Day School
The coed track and field team traveled to the Penn Relays in Philadelphia late last week. This year, the team sent female 4x100 and 4x400 relay teams and male 4x100, 4x400 and 4x800 relay teams. The Penn Relays is the nation’s oldest and largest track and field competition, attracting more than 15,000 participants and 100,000 spectators. For the first time ever, Georgetown Day is holding a “Be True To Your School” video contest. The contest, open to all students grades prekindergarten through 12th, invites students to create and submit original videos answering the questions “Why do you love GDS?” and “Why should I go to GDS?” Prizes for the four winning videos include: bragging rights, a school store prize pack, a $50 gift card for iTunes or Barnes & Noble and a school
screening of the video. Entries must be submitted my midnight on May 19. More information can be found at This year’s spring musical, “The Boys in the Photograph,” held its opening weekend last week. The musical, by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber and Ben Elton, is the story of a group of young soccer players and their experiences in Belfast, Northern Ireland, during the emerging political and religious violence. — Carlton Marshall II, 12th-grader
Jewish Primary Day School
In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 27, JPDS-NC students participated in a Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony on April 24. We remembered those who survived and those who defied, risking their own lives for others. Third- to sixth-graders commemorated this by watching a video about the 109-year-old Holocaust survivor Alice Herz-Sommer. Alice was the oldest Holocaust survivor until she died on Feb. 23, 2014, a week before her movie won an Academy Award. The movie was called “The Lady in Number 6” and was produced by Nick Reed. When Sommer was 39, she was arrested and put in a concentration camp with her son, Rafi. From his mother’s optimism, he too survived the camps. Sommer loved music and it was a dream to her. “Music is God,” Sommer said. We also watched a film about Sir Nicholas Winton, who led the expedition to save 669 kids who would have gone to concentration camps and been killed. Those kids were mostly from German-occupied Czechoslovakia. Winton, a British See Dispatches/Page 14
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
the FoGGy Bottom
davis kennedy/Publisher & Editor chris kain/Managing Editor
Merger mess
It’s not hard to understand why many in the School Without Walls High School community are concerned about last year’s merger with the former Francis-Stevens Education Campus. The selective-admissions magnet located on the George Washington University campus has an extremely successful record, including recognition as a national blue ribbon school and the top scores on the city’s standardized test last year. Yet little about the consolidation seems focused on ensuring its continued success. The main feature that school system officials have touted as a benefit to the high-schoolers is use of the small field next to the Francis campus and the extra classroom space there. But having to shuttle frequently from one campus to the other — a distance of nearly a mile — seems impractical and disruptive. Splitting the high school students between the two campuses is also inherently problematic. On the other hand, parents at the new School Without Walls at FrancisStevens say their pre-K-through-eighth-grade program is benefiting from the leadership of principal Richard Trogisch, who is now tasked with running both facilities. The merger was an alternative to closing Francis-Stevens, where enrollment is now up. All lower school students are now taking classes in Latin, and more field trips throughout the city are exposing pupils to a broader learning environment. The improvements at the lower school are notable and important, and officials should work to sustain them. We can understand the view of lower school parents who see complaints from the upper school as fluff. Nevertheless, it would be folly to move forward with an arrangement that provides a quality education at the lower grades only by detracting from an excellent upper school program. Chancellor Kaya Henderson will not get closer to her goal of a quality program for every pupil by dragging down one of her star offerings. So what’s the solution? The wisdom of the merger — or whether there was any — seems unclear. But now that it’s done, we agree with the requests of over a thousand students, parents and others, who recently submitted a petition to city leaders. It calls for separate principals and budgets for the two facilities, as well as a promise that high-schoolers won’t have to take classes at the lower campus. School officials would do right by the Walls high school community, and serve their own interests, by agreeing to the requests.
Uniform curriculum
D.C. Council member David Catania says creating a uniform curriculum should be the next effort in the city’s ongoing education reforms. Mr. Catania’s views on the issue are noteworthy: Along with chairing the council’s Education Committee, he is running for mayor this fall, meaning his views on schools provide a sense of reforms he would institute as mayor. On the question of curricula, we think he’s got the right idea. While we certainly wouldn’t want to see all students in a grade taught exactly the same material — there has to be room for different levels of ability — it’s logical to ensure that students with similar skill sets across the city learn the same fundamental content. That is, a standard honors course should tread the same concepts whether it’s at Wilson or Eastern High. The council member discussed the concept in a recent committee hearing. He said Massachusetts, with its many high-performing public schools, has adopted a rigorous uniform curriculum, and he noted that the absence of such an approach here could be contributing to D.C.’s achievement gap, particularly as students arrive to high schools from various middle schools with different levels of preparation. That’s true at the middle school level as well, with pupils coming from more numerous elementary schools, and even in the lowest grades, as some students transfer from one school to another. Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson has already been working toward creation of curricula, developing “scope and sequence” documents that provide general guidelines on what to teach and when. We agree with Council member Catania that the next step is to develop full details. Of course, that process will not be simple, and we expect much discussion on specifics. Should all ninth-graders read the same books? What about all Advanced Placement English students? How will teachers tweak plans for students who are struggling — or sailing? Will a teacher be able to employ creativity as freely? We also want to know how the city’s adoption of national “common core” standards will play in, and what the timeline will be. Explanation and discussion of these issues should be widespread, perhaps initially via town hall meetings and council hearings.
The CurrenT
This fuzziness ain’t the pollen …
e’re back from a brief vacation, and from what we were seeing as news, we felt at first like allergies must be affecting our hearing and reading. But our allergy meds are working just fine. It’s the news that’s a bit wacky. For example, what’s to become of the National Zoo? A shooting on Connecticut Avenue that wounded two people outside the Zoo had some talking about metal detectors and more police and even ending the annual Easter Monday event that was occurring that day. National Zoo director Dennis Kelly was telling reporters and worried citizens that the Zoo was “rethinking everything” when it comes to security, including metal detectors. “We cannot maintain our position as Washington, D.C.’s favorite place for families with children … unless we make it safe,” he said, as quoted in The Washington Post. Kelly oversees the 163-acre Zoo that straddles Rock Creek Park. It gets an estimated 2 million visitors a year. He acknowledged that metal detectors and more guards with guns could change the very nature of the Zoo. As for your Notebook, we’d see the installation of metal detectors and more security gates as an invitation to never go again. “Hey children, let’s go to the Zoo! Oh, wait. It’s not a place of safety and nature and awe anymore. The Zoo itself has become a big cage for humans with smaller cages for all the other animals.” Ugh. There were even some calls for the Easter Monday celebration to be canceled. It’s been an annual event for decades because, initially, African-Americans weren’t welcome at the White House Egg Roll so they went to the Zoo. The Monday outing is still an event centered on African-Americans, but a wide variety of people go. And that should be the response by every American to violence.
Rather than avoiding the Zoo or shutting the event down, or creating a prison wall to pass through, thousands more parents and children should attend on Easter Monday next year. We can’t make our Zoo, our parks or any public place “more safe” by coating them with metal or avoiding them. The best answer would be to make the Zoo event an affirmation that we live in a free society, that we won’t live in fear. Yes, by all means improve security with discreet cameras, visible and undercover officers, and a staff more alert. But if you think we should eliminate Zoo events or erect bureaucratic security barriers on this time-honored space so we all can be “safe,” then maybe we should just close the Zoo and have everyone stay home. ■ Don’t want to read this! The Smithsonian (which includes the Zoo) reported in a release this week that “populations of large wildlife are declining around the world, while zoonotic diseases (those transmitted from animals to humans) are on the rise.” The Smithsonian said its scientists have discovered a possible link — that an increase in rodent diseases may be at fault. It specifically cited East Africa. It said the “loss of large wildlife directly correlated with a significant increase in rodents, which often carry disease-causing bacteria dangerous to humans.” The research is being published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Our study shows us that ecosystem health, wildlife health and human health are all related,” said Kristofer Helgen, the curator of mammals at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, who co-authored the research. The Notebook believes whether or not we read the detailed research, we kind of all know that we’re linked together in this world. And we’d all probably happy if rodents weren’t part of the family. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.
letters to the editor taxes shouldn’t fund arabic immersion I have serious concerns about the use of public funds for the setting up of an Arabic immersion charter school [“Arabic charter seeks to open Ward 3 school,” April 23]. With so many issues and funding problems in the education system in D.C., the use of public money needs a goal of helping a wider group of people than those interested in promoting Arabic language and culture. Indeed, local public funds should not be spent in increasing the “number of diplomats” nor for “promoting democracy in an emerging Arab democratic world,” as the application for the charter indicates. Given scarce resources, funds for K-8 specialneeds children or an adult education institute (especially if it is a technical school) seem far more deserving. Yes, the learning of Arabic may have shown a spectacular rise in colleges and universities after the 9/11 attacks, but this is at an advanced level of learning and does not use public funds as
intensely as the use of local tax money would. I do believe D.C. residents have a right to establish schools that best serve their children and community in terms of their religion, culture and language, but these are best done as private schools, with no public funding. I urge D.C. taxpayers to express their concerns on this issue, if they have any, to the public charter board before the application is granted and it becomes an ongoing expenditure. Ritha Khemani Woodley Park
Proposed c&o dock needs new location
I attended a March 26 meeting at the offices of the Georgetown Business Improvement District, where the proposal for a floating dock in the C&O Canal next to Fish Market Square was discussed with neighborhood residents [“Dock plan would aid C&O kayakers, canoeists,” April 26]. Although your article reported that the proposal “drew a positive reception from neighboring businesses,” it made no mention of the residents’ opinions. The consensus among my neighbors who attended the meet-
ing is that the proposed location of the floating dock will exacerbate congestion and parking problems on Potomac and Grace streets adjoining Fish Market Square. These problems have worsened significantly since the Powerhouse, an event space, opened on Grace Street last year. Our residential street parking was made even more minimal when the BID had a commercial loading zone designated on Grace Street across from the Powerhouse and Fish Market Square. The BID has also suggested using the same public area for a flea market and raised the possibility of removing the bollards that block vehicular access to the square. It also suggested removal of four mature trees in the square. There are hundreds of people who live within a block of Fish Market Square. Another location on the canal that is less congested would be a better option for the dock. As the area south of M Street is becoming the focus of intense commercial and residential development, many of its approximately 2,500 residents feel their concerns about the proposed changes to our neighborhood are not being heard. Charles Pinck Georgetown
The CurrenT
A new voice on Adams Morgan moratorium viewPoint LYnn SkYnEaR
he divisive discussion about extending the prohibition on new liquor licenses in Adams Morgan beyond the expiration date this month has not lacked in passion or participation. But there is one perspective that hasn’t been given a lot of ink: the collateral damage the moratorium has caused by discouraging new businesses from coming to Adams Morgan, impacting someone trying to lease out space. I’ve been operating Skynear Design, an art and fine furnishings boutique on 18th Street, for 26 years. Prior to the moratorium we had a robust business, and Adams Morgan had a balance of retail and dining. But after the moratorium went into effect, things changed. We felt a disturbing ripple effect that went well beyond the kinds of businesses targeted by the moratorium. Our local bakery closed. Retail businesses, including ours, suffered because of the stagnation brought on by the moratorium. The unusual sight of boarded-up storefronts suddenly wasn’t that unusual. To survive, we moved our business upstairs and rented our prime ground-floor space to a gourmet food and wine shop. But the moratorium made it impossible for the store to obtain a license to sell wine by the glass and, despite being a high-quality establishment welcomed by the community, it was forced to close. Finding another local, independent business like Tryst, Idle Time Books, Meeps Vintage Clothing, Violet, And Beige, Crooked Beat Records — the kind of businesses that make Adams Morgan a vibrant place for our residents and a destination for visitors — has not been easy. In fact, our experience, and that of other commercial property owners in Adams Morgan, is that the moratorium has made bringing the next great business to Adams Morgan almost impossible. Potential retailers fear that the moratorium inflicts a policy of stagnation on the area, and restaurants see it as a barrier to entry — they simply cannot get the kind of license that is widely
letters to the editor school dress codes threaten individuality
A March 26 article in The Current reported on at-large D.C. Council member Anita Bonds and her opinions about school dress codes. As a student at Deal Middle School, I believe that her ideas would lead kids down the wrong path, and not just because a lot of uniforms are not the best looking. The entire idea behind school uniforms sends the wrong message, a message that says, “Kids cannot be trusted to choose their own clothes.” The idea that children are not smart enough to make their own decisions is offensive, especially if we are referring to high school students. If they have a say in which college they go to, they should be able to express their creativity as they wish. Also, uniforms limit freedom of expression, as well as individuality. Teachers, especially art teachers, are always telling their students to express themselves. We
available in neighborhoods only blocks away. In the rare instance that a coveted license becomes available, the cost is inflated — the moratorium meddles with supply and demand, while neighboring communities are free to enjoy one of the most dramatic economic turnarounds in the city’s history. The effect on Adams Morgan is that a handful of bad actors (that triggered the moratorium in the first place) are still causing the same problems while transformative new businesses that would displace them are often driven elsewhere. This isn’t my opinion, and it isn’t based on hearsay. It’s what has been told to me repeatedly in face-to-face meetings with smart, enthusiastic entrepreneurs who were considering leasing our space but ultimately decided against it because of the threat of this moratorium being extended. While we’re fortunate that excellent restaurants like Mintwood Place, Roofers Union and Jack Rose opened in spite of the hurdles created by the moratorium, few would argue that we’re seeing the level of growth and entrepreneurial energy we should be in this time of record investment in our city. Too often this debate has been simplified as one between those who want a calmer, safer community and those who want a 24-hour party up and down 18th Street. Media love extremes in opposition, and it’s no surprise that the issue has been portrayed that way. But I suspect there is more common ground to be found in Adams Morgan than that. Now, I’m not expecting a “Kumbaya” moment here. But if opposing sides recognize they share the common objective of making Adams Morgan a better place to live and work, they’ll have the political clout to address the problem. We can achieve a better Adams Morgan without the unintended consequences of a broad moratorium that keeps our storefronts empty, while those in neighboring communities flourish. We’ve tried the moratorium for 14 long years now. It hasn’t worked. Now let’s move onward, and hopefully, upward, together. Lynn Skynear owns and operates Skynear Design in Adams Morgan.
can’t do that if you stuff us into those little normality sacks that people call school uniforms. Overall, uniforms are a threat to our individuality and happiness. Olivia Greene Forest Hills
high school suffering under walls merger
I wish to thank The Current for its ongoing excellent coverage of the significant negative impacts the School Without Walls merger with the Francis-Stevens Education Campus has caused the high school. I note in your story of last week that D.C. Public Schools spokesperson Melissa Salmanowitz cited as a benefit to Walls the use of Francis’ facilities for the high school’s lacrosse teams. Francis Field, located on 25th Street NW between M and N streets, is managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation, not D.C. Public Schools. Its use for the Walls lacrosse teams (and field hockey team) was arranged by me per my request to the parks department two years prior to the merger.
As well, the advantage of using that space for practices is quite questionable at this point. The “field” actually is primarily an area of compacted bare dirt, and it is used mostly as a dog park. When I picked up my daughter last week from a lacrosse practice, arriving about 20 minutes before the end, I counted seven unleashed dogs that were using the field at the same time as the girls lacrosse team. I know teams other schools certainly don’t face those kinds of conditions. The requests cited in the petition by the Walls community to the D.C. Council and D.C. Public Schools — that the almost 600 high school students have the full-time attention of a principal; that no students from the high school be relocated to the other facility, a mile away; and that the two portions of the merged school have different budgets to allow clarity for allocation of resources — are all quite reasonable and allow the merger to continue in a manner that does not harm the high school, which the current situation does. Terry Lynch Parent, School Without Walls
letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
Woman’s National Democratic Club 1526 New Hampshire Ave Washington DC 20036
Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Join WNDC to toast the exceptional women in our lives! Bring your mother, sister, daughter, best friend, or mentor. Enjoy a brunch buffet and mimosas. And network with some of Washington’s leading women (and men) at our beautiful Whittemore House, New Hampshire and Q Street NW, near Dupont Circle Metro. Adults - $35 with advanced registration, $45 at the door Kids (5-12) - $15 For this event, the membership initiation fee will be waived for individuals who submit completed membership applications. Reserve online at or call (202) 232-7363
10 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
The CurrenT
In Your Neighborhood ANC 1C ANCMorgan 1C Adams
â&#x2013; adams morGan
The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 7, at Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center, 2355 Ontario Road NW. Agenda items include: â&#x2013; announcements and public comments. â&#x2013; consideration of a settlement agreement with Timehri, 2439 18th St. â&#x2013; update from the developers of the Adams Morgan Historic Hotel on their construction timetable. â&#x2013; update on the commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grant to the Adams Morgan Basketball Association. â&#x2013; discussion of Ward 1 school boundaries. â&#x2013; consideration of a $1,000 grant request by the Fund for Kalorama Park. For details, call 202-332-2630 or visit ANC 2A ANCBottom 2A Foggy â&#x2013; foGGy bottom / west end The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 21 at School Without Walls, 2130 G St. NW. For details, visit ANC 2B ANCCircle 2B Dupont â&#x2013; duPont circle The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, at the Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW. For details, visit dupontcircleanc. net. ANC 2D ANC 2D Sheridan-Kalorama
â&#x2013; sheridan-kalorama
At the commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s April 21 meeting: â&#x2013; chair David Bender announced the commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plans to update its bylaws and policies in the near future. Among other items, the document will include the commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s zoning policies and grant program and a listing of alcoholic beverage-serving establishments and foreign missions in the area. â&#x2013; chair David Bender announced that the Office of the Chief Financial Officer has agreed to have representatives of the agency fully describe the property assessment and appeal processes at an upcoming fall commission meeting. â&#x2013; chair David Bender announced that Egyptâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defense and military attachĂŠ building on Tracy Place will become the residence of the defense attachĂŠ within a year, once its interior and probably its exterior are renovated. Bender said he asked both the Egyptians and the State Department to go through proper channels and make a presentation before the commission. Bender also reported that the Historic Preservation Review Board has found that the concept for side additions and fence for the Zambian Embassy at 2419 Massachusetts
Ave. is compatible with the historic district provided the metal fence is made of iron rather than steel. â&#x2013; commissioners unanimously adopted a resolution urging the Zoning Commission to modify proposed new regulations in order to make it more difficult for diplomatic offices and other business entities to locate in residentially zoned areas. The text of the currently proposed zoning changes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; prepared as part of the broader zoning regulations review process â&#x20AC;&#x201D; would make it easier for chanceries and diplomatic offices to locate in residential areas, allowing them by special exception. Under the neighborhood commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposal, Sheridan-Kalorama, 16th Street, Dupont Circle, Georgetown and several other residential areas would be largely protected from having to host more embassy chanceries. The resolution also called for the Office of Planning to maintain up-to-date maps of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s squares Doug Labossiere explained the current rules: If at least a third of a zoning square in a residential area is occupied by chanceries, commercial buildings, private schools or churches, then new offices and businesses can locate within the square as a matter of right. The advisory neighborhood commission-backed proposal is to increase the minimum requirement to 50 percent and not include schools, churches and fire stations. Offices and chanceries currently located in residentially zoned squares would be grandfathered. However, they would not be allowed to expand. Chanceries utilize more street parking, increase traffic and host more large events than residential uses, said Labossiere. Diplomatic chanceries, added Chris Chapin, have exclusive parking rights for part of the curb space in front of their buildings. â&#x2013; commissioners unanimously supported the use of the Spanish Steps for a June wedding. â&#x2013; Rob Nevitt, representing Restore Mass Ave, asked the commission to join Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3C in passing a resolution designed to protect trees. He pointed out that the South African Embassy designed plans to protect the trees bordering Massachusetts Avenue during its recent construction, but the plans were ignored during the construction, resulting in the death of a large tree. The embassy has agreed to plant 15 more trees to replace the one killed. Under the proposal, should work on a building result in the death of a tree, no changes would be allowed at that building for seven years. Chair David Bender said that the Urban Forestry Administration is already overworked and that the commission did not have a copy of 3Câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposed language. A resident also pointed out that trees can be damaged by an accident and that the proposed rules could forbid a homeowner who damaged a tree from
fixing a broken window. A motion proposed by Eric Lamar to join ANC 3C failed for lack of a second. â&#x2013; Holly Sukenik of Friends of Mitchell Park announced neighborhood walking tours that will be led by architect and 33-year SheridanKalorama resident Sally Berk, limited to 20 people, at 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 4, and Saturday, May 17, at a cost of $25 per person. â&#x2013; a resident complained there are numerous rats in the alley between S Street and Bancroft Place between Phelps Place and Connecticut Avenue. Some have even been seen on nearby roofs. Commissioner Eric Lamar agreed to speak with the resident after the meeting. The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, May 19, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. For details, visit or contact ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown â&#x2013; GeorGetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 2, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit ANC 2F ANCCircle 2F Logan
â&#x2013; loGan circle
The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, at the Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas Circle NW. For details, call 202-667-0052 or visit ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover
â&#x2013; Glover Park / cathedral heiGhts
The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8, at Stoddert Elementary School and Glover Park Community Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park â&#x2013; cleveland Park / woodley Park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heiGhts Massachusetts Avenue Heights cathedral heiGhts The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 19, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. For details, visit ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring â&#x2013; sPrinG valley / wesley heiGhts Wesley Heights Palisades / kent / foxhall
The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 7, in the Commons at the Lab School of Washington, 4759 Reservoir Road NW. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit
The CurrenT
Wednesday, april 30, 2014 11
Published by the Foggy Bottom Association – 50 Years Serving Foggy Bottom / West End The Neighbors Who Brought You Trader Joe’s!
Vol. 56, No. 19
FBN archives available on FBA website:
April 30, 2014
TUESDAy, MAy 20, 6:45 PM (NOTE DATE AND EARLIER START TIME) Location TBA Because of the Memorial Day holiday, the FBA will meet one week earlier than usual. On the agenda: n Report on FBA Membership Survey Results n Discussion with senior GW staff on potential proposal to adjust GWPD responsibilities regarding students who live off campus Hope to see you there.
SATURDAy, MAy 3, 10-11:30 AM Discussion: A New Ward 2/3 Comprehensive High School – Can It Happen? School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens, 2425 N St NW.
THE SCULPTURES ARE COMING! THE SCULPTURES ARE COMING! Arts In Foggy Bottom Biennial Sculpture Exhibition Opens May 17 SATURDAy, MAy 17-SATURDAy, OCTOBER 25 In front of homes and businesses between 24th & 26th Streets NW, and H & K Streets NW, day and night. The award-winning Arts in Foggy Bottom outdoor sculpture biennial— one of Washington’s leading programs for presenting public art—is back for its fourth season as the 2014 exhibition, Sculpted: Histories Revealed, opens May 17. Sculpted: Histories Revealed will feature 16 contemporary sculptures by 15 artists, most of whom are nationally recognized. Funding for the 2014 exhibition has been provided by a Planned Unit Development (PUD) amenity from the Hilton Garden Inn at 2201 M Street, NW. The Foggy Bottom Association Defense and Improvement Corporation made the three prior biennials possible. For more information, visit http://
SIGN UP FOR CSA SHARES AT FOGGy BOTTOM FRESH FARM MARKET EVERy WEDNESDAy, APRIL 2-NOVEMBER 26, 3:00-7:00 PM I Street Mall at 23rd Street NW Sign up for the new multi-farm CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program now n Convenient pick up at market beginning in May n Small (5-7 produce items each week) & Large (8-10 items) shares available n Recipes included in each week’s CSA bag Visit or call (202) 664-0352 for more information.
SATURDAy, MAy 17, 10-11:30 AM Meet-and-Greet and Introduction of Center City Elementary School principals Garrison Elementary School, 1200St St NW SATURDAy, JUNE 14, 10-11:30 AM Introduction of new DCPS Ombudsman, Joyanna Smith Location TBD For more information, contact the Ward 2 Education Network at
WEST END LIBRARy NEWS SUNDAyS, MAy 4, MAy 18, JUNE 1 & JUNE 15, 2:00 PM West End Crochet & Knit Club TUESDAy, MAy 6, 7:00 PM Organizing and Decluttering for Spring: An Organizer’s Neatest Tricks Talk by Rachel Strisik Rosenthal, owner of Rachel and Company, a professional organizing firm SATURDAy, MAy 10, 10:00 AM Talk/workshop featuring Steven Shafarman, creator of FlexAware, a dynamic fitness practice for people of all ages and all health conditions and especially for seniors, in celebration of May as Older Americans Month THURSDAy, MAy 15, 7:00 PM Cycling Safety and the Legal Rights of Cyclists in Washington, DC Talk featuring Myron Lehtman, former president of the National Capital Velo Club; and Bruce Deming, attorney at law, competitive cyclist, and author of Surviving the Crash: Your Legal Rights in a Bicycle Accident, in celebration of May as National Bike Month and as a tie-in with Tour de DCPL, a library-oriented bicycle ride of Washington, DC, stopping at five branches, to be held Saturday, May 17. SATURDAy, MAy 17, 10:00-11:30 AM Photography workshop with photography pro Vincent Knaus, plus a photo-shoot of Dragon Boat races on the Potomac River (12:30-3pm) in celebration of May as National Photography Month The above events will take place at the Library, 1101 24th St NW.
The Foggy BoTTom News – Published weekly by Foggy Bottom Association, PO Box 58087, Washington, DC 20037. All rights reserved. Comments, letters, and story ideas welcome. Send to or leave a voice mail at (202) 630-8349. FB News reserves the right to edit or hold submissions.
FBN 03-19-08
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12 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
The CurrenT
a a Foggy Bottom News
April 30, 2014
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A Legal Practice for the Family and the Smaller Business Owner including
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Historic Preservation with Modern Convenience
Start at Southeast Library, 403 7th St SE (Eastern Market) The Tour will start at Southeast neighborhood library, then bike to Northeast, Rosedale, Deanwood, Benning, and Anacostia libraries, concluding the trip back at Southeast. Register online today at or call (202) 727-1101. The DC Public Library system is undergoing major change, with renovated and rebuilt libraries sprouting up throughout the city. Library staff discovered a great way to explore many of these transformations -- by bike! The Tour de DCPL library bike ride was born in 2010. Every year, a group of library staff, advocates and community members put on their bike helmets to help the DC Public Library promote environmentally friendly transportation and explore how our libraries connect with the communities they serve. This bike ride is geared towards adults, but check the library serving Foggy Bottom & west end calendar for other family-friendly bike Membership gives you a voice to influencing city events during National government, to supporting the West End library, local Bike Month. artists and retailers, and to keeping our neighborhood
green. Your membership card opens the door to discounts through our Local Merchants Program, access to the GWU Gelman Library and updates on local events and activities.
FoGGY BottoM oNLiNe
FoGGY BottoM ALeRt An independent, resident-moderated, non-commercial discussion list. To join, send an email to FoggyBottomAlertsubscribe@yahoogroups. com. FACeBooK Log in to, search for The Foggy Bottom Association, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Likeâ&#x20AC;? us. NextDooR Share recommendations, information, ideas, and invitations on another social network, NextDoor. Go to foggybottom. and click on Sign Up. tWitteR For the most time-sensitive information, follow @FoggyBottomDC on Twitter. WeBSite www. foggybottomassociation. com
F B A President Secretary Treasurer At Large
$15 per year per person ($25 for 2 years)* Full-time college student: $5 per year* * effective March 1, 2014, Foggy Bottom Association membership dues will be as follows: o GW Student one-year - $10 (must provide a copy of a current GW ID) o General one-year - $20 o General two-year - $30 Beat the price increase and renew now. If you have questions, please contact Ray Maxwell at membership@ or leave a voice mail at (202) 630-8349. totAL eNCLoSeD: Join online at: or mail this form with your check to FBA Foggy Bottom Association: Membership Post office Box 58087 Washington, DC 20037-8087 a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Membership is for a calendar year. Mail requests are usually processed within 2 weeks. Email to check on membership status or for membership questions.
B o A R D
o F
Marina Streznewski Monica Martinez Jessie Spressart McDonald Robert DePriest
D i R e C t o R S At Large At Large At Large At Large At Large
2 0 1 4
Peggi Fisher Patrick Kennedy Ray Maxwell Catherine Pitcher Bob Vogt
A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington
April 30, 2014 â&#x2013; Page 13
Georgetown row house developed by former slave, entrepreneur
efore John and Jacqueline Kennedy became focal points of Georgetownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s celebrated history, a thriving commu-
ON THE MARKET kat luCero
nity of freed African-American slaves made this area its home in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Among them was businessman Alfred Pope. The former slave from South Carolina made his fortune on local real estate and a coal yard, according to Kathleen Leskoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Black Georgetown Remembered.â&#x20AC;? He owned the land occupied by Mount Zion United Methodist Church, a fixture at 1334 29th St. for more than a century and one of the oldest African-American congregations in the city. Pope also developed a group of Colonial-style row houses adjacent to the church. The two-bedroom, one-bath home at 1340 29th St. recently went on the market for $729,000. Over the past seven years, the seller has made clever updates to this 900-square-foot home, including opening up parts of the main level. He also conducted thorough
research on his property, which revealed that Pope began construction in 1890. This two-level residence once housed a large family, according to the owner. Now, the cozy dwelling is ideal for couples, parents with a newborn or a single person. It could also serve as a pied-Ă -terre for an out-of-towner. Much of the houseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facade is original. The black front door is an addition, complementing the beige exterior and the entryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decorative white molding. Just inside the front entrance, prospective buyers will find the living area, where a long front window facing 29th Street is the main source of natural light. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a wood-burning fireplace with a simple modern frame and a brick hearth that appears to have been part of the original structure. Next to that is a built-in shelving and cabinet unit, where the owner showcased preserved old copies of the homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s application and permits, in addition to a copy of Leskoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book. The main level is clad with vintage hardwood, while the ceilings are lined with the original dentil moldings. Stairs separate the living and the dining rooms, and a trian-
gular section was carved out of the east wall to help brighten this floor. A vintage chandelier dangling in the dining area brings out the classic character of the home. This space leads to the cozy kitchen, where windows facing the rear patio let in sunlight, and white cabinetry and appliances help brighten the space. Mosaic-style slate floors here bring out the homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rustic charm, while track lighting adds a modern touch. Three rooms comprise the second floor. The first bedroom faces 29th Street through two oversized windows, and it has a large built-in shelving and cabinet unit. Toward the rear is a master bedroom, which connects to a laundry closet and full bathroom. Back down to the first level, a door off the kitchen leads to an private al fresco space. This shady spot offers privacy and gardening opportunities via raised planters
English Manor House
Storybook Charm
Check It Out
Melissa Chen 202-744-1235
Leslie Suarez  202-246-6402
Pat Kennedy  202-549-5167
Photos courtesy of Cathie Gill Inc.
This Georgetown house is priced at $729,000. along the edge. Without access to the alley, the trash and recycling bins are stored on the patio. A shared and covered encasement allows residents a clean transfer of these containers to the front sidewalk for collection. The property is located across from Scheeleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market, a rare neighborhood grocery store that is just as old as the surrounding structures. Rock Creek Park trails and the recreational offerings at Rose Park are within walking distance. And, of course, there are the nearby
commercial areas along M Street and Wisconsin Avenue. Pope also made his mark at the corner of O and 29th streets, where the developer built his family home. It continues to sit prominently at 2900 O St., spruced up with rich tones of blue. This two-bedroom, one-bathroom home at 1340 29th St. in Georgetown is listed for $729,000. For more information, contact John Gill of Cathie Gill Inc. at 202-3643066 (office), 202-341-7345 (cell) or
Forest Hills. Elegant Tudor on 1/2 acre of Wesley Heights. Charming Cottage w/fabulous Chevy Chase, DC. Smashing townhouse has LR grounds. 5 BRs, 4 BAs, 2 HBAs. Stunning kit. rear outlook. 3 BRs, 3 BAs. Open center island w/14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ceiling, panelled library w/frpl. 4 BRs, kitchen, two tiered deck. $1,675,000 4 BAs, 2 HAs. Renov. kit & master ba. Fin. LL Skylights, patios & gardens. $2,495,000 Andrea Evers 202-550-8934 John Nemeyer  202-276-6351 w/rec rm. Patio & garden. $1,190,000
" ############## ###### #### ! "
Modern Charmer Chevy Chase, MD. Updated light filled contemporary w/4 BRs, 3 BAs on terraced lot. Fam rm, library, att. garage. $1,099,000
Laura McCaffrey 301-641-4456
Classic Style
Westmoreland Hills. Traditional home w/3+ Town of Chevy Chase, MD. Charming Colonial BRs & 3.5 BAs on quiet tree lined street. w/renovated kitchen & baths. 3 BRs, 2 BAs, 2 HBAs. Splendidly renovated lower level. Tranquil Office. Det. garage. Walk to Metro. $949,000 Melissa Brown 202-469-2662 yard. Close in neighborhood. $1,048,000
Harriet Fowler  240-346-3390
Beverly Nadel  202-236-7313
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14 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
The CurrenT
Northwest Real Estate DISPATCHES From Page 7 humanitarian, was in Europe when he saw Jewish kids being taken and put into camps. Outraged, Winton then led the expedition which was later called the Czech Kindertransport. Winton helped to get them to homes in England or other safe places. At the end of the assembly, as the classes were walking out, we got to pass small memorials that the sixth-graders had made for Holocaust Commemoration. Each sixthgrader did something different. A lot of them included six candles, symbolizing the 6 million Jews who
died in the Holocaust. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Isabella Lefkowitz-Rao, fourth-grader
Mann Elementary
Horace Mann has a first-grader named Sophie. She has a twin sister named Isabelle who is also a firstgrader at Mann. They are 7 now and when Sophie was 2 she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The tumor affects different parts of her body and she is taking different medicines so she can get strong. Last year, she didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come to school often, but this year she comes a lot. Sophie is a really sweet girl and she loves the movie â&#x20AC;&#x153;Frozen.â&#x20AC;? She works very hard and she loves learning too. Even when she misses
school to go to the hospital, she does all her work. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always proud about what she learns. Her twin sister is her biggest supporter. Team Sophie Bear is trying to help Sophie and other kids with cancer raise money for more research and medicine to get rid of brain tumors in children. They are holding a bake sale on Tuesday, April 29, at 3:15 on the field at Mann. Team Sophie Bear has organized a pajama day, because kids with cancer in the hospital always wear pajamas. There is also a race next Sunday, May 4, that Team Sophie Bear will be competing in. You can learn more about the race at â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ava McKeever and Noel Mulugeta, third-graders
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Maret School
Our class took a boat trip on the Anacostia River. We went to see what the river is like because we are hatching shad eggs at school. When the shad hatch into fry we will release them into the Anacostia. What we saw at the river surprised us. There were lots of animals but also lots of trash and dirt, from pollution from miles around the river. It all washes down through the watershed into the river. The pollution has made the river bad for fish to live in. Now that people are working to clean up the river, it is getting to be healthy for fish, so we will release our shad fry when they hatch in a few weeks. When our fry go into the river, we know what animals will try to eat them. We saw kingfishers and osprey. They dive into the river to catch fish. We saw two great blue herons. They stand in the river and spear the fish. Some of the fish will get eaten when they are tiny and some will get eaten when they grow bigger. Some will survive and swim out to the ocean. Some of those will come back in a few years to lay eggs because they will remember the smells of the river and they will feel at home there. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ms. Tomasi-Carrâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first-graders Maretâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ninth-grade history class, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shaping of the Modern World,â&#x20AC;? takes students beyond the classroom with an emphasis on local and international hunger, poverty and wealth. This interactive class combines advocacy projects, volunteer work and inspirational speakers. Student groups are working on numerous projects related to stopping hunger and poverty in D.C. My group worked with Maret parent Bob Youngentob, the co-founder and president of The Neighborhoods of EYA, to brainstorm how we could raise awareness for the 70,000 people on D.C.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s affordable housing waiting list. Twice a year, ninth-graders are required to volunteer at Loaves and Fishes. History teacher Mr. Bravman organizes parents to drive student volunteers to this D.C. meal project run by St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church. Last week, Menelaos Mazarakis, a high school senior from Princeton, N.J., spoke about his student-run nonprofit organization, Princeton Peru Partnership, which rebuilt a
schoolhouse for a small Peruvian village in the Andes Mountains and is planning future projects in Peru. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Katherine Bowles, ninth-grader
Murch Elementary
Recently, after the DC CAS, Mrs. Wardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fourth-grade class has been busy making and designing puppets. First, parent Judith Keller provided pre-made puppet heads. Next, we papier-mached extra layers to harden the puppet. Our final layer was used with the color paper we wanted our final project to be. That part of the process was especially fun, because of the fact that we used a kind of papier-mache we had never used before. The papiermache mixture had cinnamon in it to stop it from rotting and instead of soaking the paper strips, we lightly drenched the puppets, and patched it with strips of paper. The next class, we covered the handle with cloth to cover our hand. We could choose any color or style cloth. For example, if your puppet is red you can use red cloth or if your puppet has stripes you can cut stripes to go on top of your base cloth. For the next three classes, we accessorized our puppets with cardboard paint and a large variety of materials. Making our puppets was great fun, and they were all made of reused materials to help the environment. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Aaron Shane, fourth-grader
Our Lady of Victory School
On Friday, April 11, the OLV third grade won an awesome pizza party to celebrate being the best class at OLV March Math Madness! I was so proud of our effort. All of us worked really hard to beat the other classes at OLV. The pizza felt like a great reward. March Math Madness is a math competition during all the month of March. Students try to log as much time as they can doing any kind of math at home. I played online math games and tried to score the highest number of points possible. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so much fun! I scored more than 500 points and I achieved around 190 medals. Particularly I loved the online games because I could practice my math skills but also compete against other schools in real time. My favorite games included multiplication and division. My teacher, Mr. Price, tries to make learning math fun and challenging. He creates games that See Dispatches/Page 26
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The CurreNT
wedNesday, april 30, 2014
Northwest Real Estate SOLAR: Efforts gaining traction From Page 1
2013, is significant because so many D.C. residents live in apartment buildings, and only a quarter of residential rooftops are generally suitable for solar power, according to DC SUN. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always felt that solar should be affordable and accessible to all residents of D.C.,â&#x20AC;? said Schoolman. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This will let people do solar in a very different way.â&#x20AC;? The program will go into effect once the D.C. Public Service Commission finalizes regulations. Commission policy adviser Daniel Cleverdon, who emphasized that he wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t speaking for the entire commission, estimated this process would conclude in the summer. Members of the Washington Ethical Society, a humanistic religious organization, took a different approach when they installed solar panels on the roof of their building, which is located at 7750 16th St. NW. A group of 22 congregants formed a limited liability company, which paid for the solar panels and signed a contract to provide electricity to the Ethical Society for the next 20 years. The solar panels have now been online for a year. Steve Skolnik, chair of the corporationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s management committee, said the technology provides the building with about 38 percent of its electricity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The hard work was to create the community-based LLC, to do the legal paperwork and to put up the [panels],â&#x20AC;? he said, adding that solar technology is â&#x20AC;&#x153;pretty reliable.â&#x20AC;? Each investor contributed between $4,000 and $12,000. Skolnik estimated they would make their money back in 10 to 12 years and make a modest profit after that. He said the project has already prevented between 25 and 30 tons of carbon
dioxide from entering the atmosphere. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a win for the members who put some funds toward stewardship,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a win for the Ethical Society because they have cheaper and cleaner power, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certainly a win for the environment.â&#x20AC;? Some residents in Upper Northwest are taking a more conventional approach to solar energy: purchasing solar panels in bulk to install on their roofs. Thus far, 20 residents have signed contracts to install panels, and at least 130 more have signed letters of intent ahead of an April 30 deadline. DC SUN is helping residents navigate the process â&#x20AC;&#x201D; including the system of significant financial incentives. DC SUN has facilitated projects in Mount Pleasant and Petworth and is currently working with groups in all eight wards. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It can feel quite overwhelming to try to do this on your own,â&#x20AC;? said Jacques Kapuscinski, a neighborhood leader of the Upper Northwest project. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This way people can work together to make a difference, and they feel like theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re empowering the community.â&#x20AC;? Kapuscinski said he will pay $13,400 for the panels on his home and their installation, but the federal government will reimburse him for a third of that total. He will also receive credits in the Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s renewable energy voucher program, which will be valuable because Pepco is required by law to buy credits or build renewable energy sources itself. Kapuscinskiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s credits will pay for about a third of the installation. In all, he said he should recoup the investment in three to four years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The more people there are who do this, the more it will help the industry and the cheaper it will get,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think this is just the beginning.â&#x20AC;?
CATANIA: Mayoral candidate pushes education reform From Page 3
for Davidâ&#x20AC;? group also had personal stories about how Catania had affected their communities. Ward 2 parent Chris Sondreal, a self-described â&#x20AC;&#x153;single-issue voterâ&#x20AC;? focused on school reform, said he credits the
council member with making him care about D.C. education issues beyond his own childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school. He then echoed Cohenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appraisal of Bowserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approach to education. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Her education policies are basically slogans,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tend to be policies or concrete ideas.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Rob and I wanted to thank you for guiding us through such a complicated house purchase/condo sale. We couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be happier with how things turned out. Thanks again.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; With Kimberlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s help, Rob and Suzanne successfully sold a condo in Arlington and simultaneously purchased a home in Barnaby Woods!
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Catania has said futher reform requires alignment of school programming citywide. He has also urged efforts to close racial and gender gaps in on-time graduation rates and on standardized tests. The Bowser campaign declined a request for comment on this article.
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16 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
The CurrenT
Events Entertainment
Wednesday, April 30
Wednesday april 30 Classes ■ Science of Spirituality instructors will present a class on Jyoti techniques to deepen and stabilize meditation practices. 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■ Experienced career mentor Joe Ryan will lead a workshop on “Developing Your Job Search Marketing Plan” as part of a seven-session series on job seeking skills. 7 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. ■ The Vajrayogini Buddhist Center will host a weekly class on meditation. 7 to 8:30 p.m. $12 per class. Vajrayogini Buddhist Center, 1787 Columbia Road NW. 202-986-2257. ■ Instructor Susan Lowell will lead a tai chi class. 7:15 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1488. Concerts ■ Nasar Abadey’s Supernova Chamber Orchestra will perform a mix of jazz, bebob, fusion, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian and free form in honor of Jazz Appreciation Day. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ A singer-songwriter showcase will feature Allison Shapira, Harris Face and Kipyn Martin. 8 p.m. Free. Vinyl Lounge, Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. ■ The Blues Alley Jazz Society’s 10th annual “Big Band Jam!” will present vocalist Christiana Drapkin and the Mike Gellar Quartet with “A Tribute to Ella and Joe.” 8 and 10 p.m. $20. Blues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. ■ The soul-rock horn band Holy Ghost Tent Revival will perform. 8:30 p.m. $12 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Georgetown University government
professor Hans Noel will discuss his book “Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America” at a round-table discussion with Matt Yglesias of, Tom Mann of the Brookings Institution, Jonathan Ladd of Georgetown University, Kristina Miller of the University of Maryland at College Park, and John Sides of George Washington University and The Washington Post. 4 to 5:45 p.m. Free. McNeir Auditorium, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■ The Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library will host a National Poetry Month tribute to author and Howard University professor Sterling Brown. Panelists will include E. Ethelbert Miller of Howard University, Joanne Gabbin of James Madison University and James Early of the Smithsonian Institution. 6:30 p.m. Free. Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. 202727-1288. ■ David Harris-Gershon will discuss his book “What Do You Buy the Children of the Terrorist Who Tried to Kill Your Wife,” described as part memoir, part journalistic investigation. 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Great Hall, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. ■ Christopher Merrill (shown) will read from the work of Burmese poet Tim Moe and discuss contemporary Burmese poetry. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Mumford Room, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5394. Films ■ Urban Corps 2014 will feature Jean Pierre Thorn’s 1998 documentary “Faire kiffer les anges,” about the origins of the French hip-hop movement. 6:30 to 9 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638.
■ The Japan Information and Culture Center will present Keiichi Hara’s 2010 film “Colorful,” about a dejected soul who gets another chance at life in the body of a 14-year-old boy who has just committed suicide. 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Japan Information and Culture Center, 1150 18th St. NW. ■ The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will host a screening of the PBS documentary “The Civil War” by Ken Burns. A discussion will follow. 7 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ American University will host a screening of Karen Yedaya’s 2009 film “Jaffa,” about the heartbreaking tragedy that erupts from an affair between a young Jewish woman and an Arab mechanic. A discussion with visiting Israeli film professor Dan Chyutin will follow. 7 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Lecture Hall 2, Ward Circle Building, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. american. edu/cas/israelstudies/news.cfm. Special event ■ The Poetry Out Loud National Finals will feature nine competitors, culled from a field of 53 state champions. 7 to 9:15 p.m. Free. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. Thursday, May 1
Thursday may 1 Benefits ■ In conjunction with the ninth annual DC Yoga Week, Galerie Monnin will host a fundraiser for Ayiti Yoga Outreach, a group that uses yoga as a tool to empower at-risk Haitians. The event will feature Haitianstyle cocktails, a curator talk and a discussion of yoga in Haiti by Ayiti Yoga Outreach founder Lizandra Vidal and D.C.-based yoga teacher Faith Hunter. 5 to 9 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Galerie Monnin, 1800 Wyoming Ave. NW. ■ A reception in honor of the George-
S AT U R D AY M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 10 AM TO 5 PM TICKETS $35
Online: Tickets can be purchased the day of the tour at Christ Church 31st and O Streets, NW Washington, DC
W W W. G E O R G E T O W N G A R D E N T O U R . C O M
Wednesday, april 30 ■ Discussion: Consumer advocate and former U.S. presidential candidate Ralph Nader will discuss his book “Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. town Senior Center will feature food, cocktails and musical entertainment. 6 to 8 p.m. $75. 1503 35th St. NW. 202-3162632. Class ■ U.S. Botanic Garden children’s program specialist Lee Coykendall will lead a teacher training workshop on “How Plants Work.” 4:30 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Conservatory Terrace, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202225-8333. Concerts ■ The National Symphony Orchestra Youth Fellowship Program will present solo performers and a chamber ensemble performing works by Saint-Saëns, Shostakovich and Böhme. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ “The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band Chamber Ensemble will perform works by Bach, Mendelssohn, Rodgers and other composers. 7 p.m. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■ “Musicians From Marlboro III” will feature works by Haydn, Berg and Dvorák. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-6331000. ■ The George Washington University Department of Music will present a vocal recital by junior Greg Frering. 7:30 p.m. Free. Room B120, Phillips Hall, George Washington University, 801 22nd St. NW. 202-994-6245. ■ The bands Strung Like a Horse and the Muddy Crows will perform New Orleans-style gypsy jazz. 8:30 p.m. $10 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Eileen Rockefeller, the great-granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller, will discuss her memoir “Being a Rockefeller, Becoming Myself.” Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. ■ Author and photographer Candacy Taylor will discuss “American Roots: Hairdressers and Beauty Shop Culture in America.” Noon. Free. Pickford Theater, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5510.
■ Margarita M. Balmaceda, a professor at Seton Hall University, will discuss her book “Living the High Life in Minsk: Russian Energy Rents, Domestic Populism and Belarus’ Impending Crisis.” 1 to 2 p.m. Free; reservations required. Suite 412, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■ Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center and a law professor at George Washington University, will discuss “American Democracy and the Rule of Law: Why Every Vote Matters,” about the impending 50th anniversaries of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 1 p.m. Free. Mumford Room, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-4642. ■ The Palisades Village Book Club will discuss “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1:30 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139. ■ The Literary Book Group will discuss Katherine Boo’s book “Behind the Beautiful Forevers,” about the lives of the people of a slum on the outskirts of Mumbai, India. 2:30 p.m. Free. Room 219, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ Sally Cummings, professor of international relations at St. Andrews University in London, will discuss “Revolution and Art in the Kyrgyz Republic.” 4 to 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Suite 412, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■ Nuno Corp. co-founder Reiko Sudo will discuss the 30-year history of one of the world’s leading makers of contemporary textiles. 6 p.m. $20 to $25; reservations required. Amphitheater, Marvin Center, George Washington University, 800 21st St. NW. 202-667-0441, ext. 64. ■ D.C.-based sculptor Raymond Kaskey will discuss his artistic process and the collaborative nature of large-scale public projects. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $12 to $20; registration required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■ The Mystery Book Group will discuss “The Wicked Girls” by Alex Marwood. 6:30 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176. ■ Marlo Thomas will discuss “The Power of Reinvention,” the subject of her newest book, “It Ain’t Over … Till It’s Over.” 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $40 to $47. McEvoy Auditorium, National Portrait Gallery, 8th and G streets NW. 202-633-3030. ■ Arlo Crawford will discuss his book “A Farm Dies Once a Year: A Memoir.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ Ann Brashares will discuss her book “The Here and Now” (for ages 13 and older). 7 p.m. Free. Children & Teens Department, Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ Experienced career mentor Joe Ryan will lead a support group for job seekers. 7 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. ■ The Tenley-Friendship Library’s “Young Prose Book Group,” for ages 21 through 35, will meet to discuss “A Thousand Acres” by Jane Smiley. 7 p.m. Free. Kitty O’Shea’s D.C., 4624 Wisconsin Ave. NW. ■ Hilda G. Tagle, a senior U.S. District See Events/Page 17
The CurrenT
Events Entertainment Continued From page 16 Court judge from Texas, and Veronica Villalobos, director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, will discuss the 60th anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Hernández v. Texas, which helped ensure that Latino defendants in Texas could have juries that did not systematically exclude their Latino peers. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Mumford Room, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5394. Film ■ The Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library will present the documentary “Rescue in the Philippines: Refuge From the Holocaust,” followed by a discussion with filmmakers Russell Hodge and Cynthia Scott-Johnson. 7:10 p.m. Free. Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. 202-727-1288. performances ■ The Friendship Terrace Seniors Prom will feature dancing to contemporary and big band favorites performed by the Olivera Quartet. 7 p.m. Free. Seabury at Friendship Terrace, 4201 Butterworth Place NW. 202-244-7400. ■ The Wilson Players will present Thornton Wilder’s “The Matchmaker.” 7:30 p.m. $3 to $10. Black Box Theater, Wilson High School, 3950 Chesapeake St. NW. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. ■ British choreographer Wayne McGregor’s Random Dance will present its multimedia work “FAR,” featuring 10 dancers confronting the distortions, sensuality and feeling of the Age of Enlightenment’s contemporary sensibility. 8 p.m. $22 to $60. Eisenhower Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ■ Urban Corps 2014 will feature “Moovance,” a choreographic duo interpreted by Amine Boussa and Jeanne Azoulay that addresses questions of identity. 8 p.m. $10 to $15. Elstad Auditorium, Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Ave. NE. Special events ■ “The Rise and Fall of Prohibition: The American ’20s,” this month’s “Phillips After 5” program, will feature bootleg-inspired food and drink and a museum-wide scavenger hunt to find the password for access to a secret speakeasy. 5 to 8:30 p.m. $10 to $12; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■ AIA/DC Architecture Week 2014 will conclude with a party to announce the winners in the annual Washingtonian Residential Awards Program. 6 to 7:30 p.m. $10 registration fee for Architecture Week. District Architecture Center, 421 7th St. NW. Tour ■ A tour on “Symbols & Iconography” will examine the symbolism of the Washington National Cathedral’s stone, stained glass and fabric art and explore how to decode the meanings. 3 p.m. $16 to $20. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. The tour will repeat Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Friday, May 2 Friday may 2 Benefit ■ MedStar National Rehabilitation Net-
work will host its fifth annual Las Vegas Night benefit, featuring Texas hold ’em poker, roulette, blackjack and craps tables. 6 p.m. $100 to $250. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-877-1781. Concerts ■ The Friday Morning Music Club will present a concert of works by Butterworth, Spohr, Bach/Liszt, Debussy and Bach/ Busoni. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-333-2075. ■ The Arts Club of Washington will host its Friday Noon Concert series. Noon. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282, ext. 3. ■ The Shin Hyun Pill Jazz Band will perform in a contemporary style with soul and rock influences. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Middle C will present a voice, piano, flute and clarinet recital by students of Jean Cioffi. 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Middle C Music, 4530 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-2447326. ■ The S&R Foundation’s third annual Overtures Spring Concert Series will feature violinist Tamaki Kawakubo. 6:30 p.m. $65. Evermay Estate, 1623 28th St. NW. ■ The Catholic University of America Women’s Chorus will perform works by Brahms, Conte, Holst and Woollen. 7:30 p.m. Free. St. Vincent de Paul Chapel, Catholic University, 620 Michigan Ave. NE. 202-319-5414. ■ “Barbara Cook’s Spotlight” will feature Broadway singer Megan Hilty. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $60. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The KC Jazz Club will feature pianist Justin Kauflin. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $20. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ A concert celebrating the legacy of Serge Koussevitzky, legendary conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and tireless champion of composers of new music, will feature soprano Tony Arnold, pianist Steven Beck, conductor David Fulmer, clarinetist Alan R. Kay, the Momenta Quartet, pianist Ursula Oppens, cellist Fred Sherry, flutist Marie Tachouet and percussionist Mike Truesdell. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■ Dr. Shake and Magnolia Blue will perform. 9 p.m. $10 to $12. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Experts will discuss “Who Owns Haiti? Sovereignty in a Fragile State: 20042014.” 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 602, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■ Carol Joynt’s Q&A Cafe series will feature lawyer Robert S. Bennett, who represents Mayor Vincent Gray in the U.S. attorney’s campaign financing probe and whose past clients have included President Bill Clinton and other notables. Noon. $35. The George Town Club, 1530 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-333-9330. ■ Eileen Rockefeller will discuss her book “Being a Rockefeller: Becoming Myself.” Noon. Free. Mumford Room, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-1519. ■ In conjunction with the exhibit “Ralph
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
Wyeth exhibition looks at windows “Andrew Wyeth: Looking Out, Looking In,” featuring some 45 watercolors, drawings and tempura paintings by Wyeth that explore the formal and conceptual richness of windows, will open
Book Hill will present their Spring Season Art Walk on Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. Each of the six participating galleries will launch a fine art exhibit and host an evening stroll. The galleries, located along Wisconsin Avenue between Reservoir Road and Q Street NW, include On ExHiBiT Addison/Ripley Fine Art, All We Art, Maurine Littleton Gallery, Neptune Fine Sunday in the West Building of the Art, Robert Brown Gallery and Susan National Gallery of art and continue Calloway Fine Arts. For details, visit through Nov. 30. Located at 6th Street and Constitu■ “New Directions: Adnan Charara,” tion Avenue NW, the museum is open featuring paintings, drawings, sculpMonday through Saturday from 10 a.m. tures and jewelry by the Lebanese-born to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 Charara, will open Friday with a recepp.m. 202-737-4215. tion from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Jerusalem ■ “Down & Derby,” presenting new Fund Gallery al-Quds. The exhibit will paintings by Arlington artist Meg continue through June 6. MacKenzie that celebrate Located at 2425 Virthe power and beauty of ginia Ave. NW, the galhorses, will open today at lery is open Monday Foundry Gallery and through Friday from 9 continue through June 1. a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-338An opening reception will 1958. take place Friday from 6 ■ “Artis Art: A Latvian to 8 p.m. Voice in Glass,” highlightLocated at 1314 ing glasswork by Latvian 18th St. NW, the gallery artist Artis Nimanis, will is open Wednesday open Friday at the through Sunday from Embassy of latvia and noon to 6 p.m. 202-463continue through May 31. 0203. Located at 2304 meg macKenzie’s ■ Studio 21 will open Massachusetts Ave. NW, an exhibit of photography “music & Harvest” the embassy is open Friby Bob Klein tomorrow day from noon to 7 p.m. will be on exhibit. with a reception at 6 p.m. and Saturday from noon On view through May 31, the images to 5 p.m. 202-328-2840. portray locations in the U.S., Norway, ■ “Search for New Sound: The Blue Costa Rica, Austria, Cuba, India, EcuaNote Photographs of Francis Wolff,” celdor, Tanzania, Montenegro and Borneo. ebrating the 75th anniversary of Blue Located on the Arts Walk at Monroe Note Records with candid photography Street Market near 8th and Monroe of the label’s musicians, will open Saturstreets NE, the gallery is open Thursday day with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at and Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturthe Goethe-institut. Co-organized with day from noon to 4 p.m. 202-269-1608. the German Historical Institute, the ■ The Georgetown Galleries on exhibit will remain on view through July Fasanella: Lest We Forget,” a discussion of the notable American artist’s life, family and artistic career will feature Leslie Umberger, curator of folk and self-taught art at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and Marc Fasanella, the artist’s son.
6:30 p.m. Free. McEvoy Auditorium, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and G streets NW. 202-633-1000. ■ Francine Prose will discuss her book “Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose,
“The pikes,” a 1965 watercolor by andrew Wyeth, is on loan from the San Diego museum of art for the National Gallery of art exhibition. 3. To RSVP for the reception, visit goetheinstitutwashington.eventbrite. com. Located at 812 7th St. NW, the institute is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 202-289-1200, ext. 165. ■ “Come Play With Me,” highlighting mixed-media pieces and an installation by Anthony Dortch and experimental music by Rellik Nissassa, will open Saturday with a reception from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Vitruvian Gallery. The show will continue through June 15. Located at 734 7th St. SE on the second floor, the gallery is open during limited weekend hours by appointment. For details visit ■ “Mirror to the World,” a group show of photography curated by Chevy Chase photographer Frank Van Ripper, will close Monday at photoWorks at Glen Echo park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Echo, Md. 301-634-2274. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. Festival ■ The Washington National Cathedral See Events/Page 18
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Events Entertainment
Continued From page 17 will host the 75th annual Flower Mart spring festival, featuring music, floral and art displays, vendors, childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s games and food. Entertainment and cultural offerings will include Australian didgeridoo performer Cameron McCarthy, the First Battalion Scots Guards, the German choir Regensburger Domspatzen and the Howard University Gospel Choir (shown). 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-2228. The event will continue Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Films â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;City Nights Open Houseâ&#x20AC;? will feature Jules Dassinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1950 film â&#x20AC;&#x153;Night and the City,â&#x20AC;? starring Richard Widmark as an American grifter who prowls the London night pulling small-time scams but faces resistance when he decides to set himself up for a big payday as a professional wrestling promoter. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery
of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. â&#x2013; Union Marketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Drive-Inâ&#x20AC;? outdoor movie series will feature Barry Levinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1982 film â&#x20AC;&#x153;Diner.â&#x20AC;? Gates open at 6 p.m.; film starts at 8 p.m. Free admission; $10 parking fee per car. Union Market, 305 5th St. NE. meeting â&#x2013; A weekly bridge group will meet to play duplicate bridge. 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $6; free for first-time players. Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW. 301-654-1865. performances â&#x2013; The Theatre Lab and Theater J will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Life Stories,â&#x20AC;? an intergenerational program featuring the stories of area seniors told through the voices of local middle school students. 5 p.m. Free. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. â&#x2013; As part of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ellingtoniana! Fabulous @ 40 Festival,â&#x20AC;? spoken word poet and playwright Marc Bamuthi Joseph will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Word Becomes Flesh,â&#x20AC;? a hip-hop theater event bringing his personal history to life. 7:30 p.m. $25. Ellington Blackbox, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, 3500 R
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St. NW. 202-337-4825. The performance will repeat Sunday at 4 p.m. â&#x2013; Washington Improv Theater will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;WITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Famous Road Show of Longform Improv Comedyâ&#x20AC;? with various ensembles. 7:30 and 10 p.m. $8 to $15. DC Arts Center, 2438 18th St. NW. 202-462-7833. Performances will continue on Friday and Saturday nights through May 31. â&#x2013; Beny Blaq will host â&#x20AC;&#x153;Live! From Busboy: Open Mic & Talent Showcase.â&#x20AC;? 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202387-7638. Saturday,may May 3 3 Saturday Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programs â&#x2013; The D.C. Department of Transportation will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ABCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of Family Biking,â&#x20AC;? featuring a youth bike course, balance bike races, a cargo bike obstacle course, bike repair clinics and a Parents & Kids Riding Class. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Capitol Hill Montessori School at Logan, 215 G St. NE. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;NSO Kinderclassicsâ&#x20AC;? will feature the popular show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bears, Bears Everywhere!â&#x20AC;? (for ages 4 and older). 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â&#x2013; A park ranger will lead a planetarium program about springâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brightest stars, planets and constellations (for ages 5 and older). 1 to 1:45 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Nature Center, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. The program will repeat Sunday at 1 p.m. Classes and workshops â&#x2013; The Potomac Rose Society will present a symposium on how to grow beautiful roses. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. $35 to $45. Franciscan Monastery, 1400 Quincy St. NE. 301-460-1793. â&#x2013; Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, director of the Forensic Anthropology Center at the University of Tennessee, will lead a seminar on â&#x20AC;&#x153;What the Bones Reveal: Real-Time Crime Scene Investigation.â&#x20AC;? 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. $90 to $130. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202633-3030. â&#x2013; The Vajrayogini Buddhist Center will host a class on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Advice for Life With Prayers for World Peace â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Modern Buddhism.â&#x20AC;? 10 to 10:45 a.m. $6. Vajrayogini Buddhist Center, 1787 Columbia Road NW. 202-986-2257. â&#x2013; The Vajrayogini Buddhist Center will host a workshop on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Learn How to Meditate: The Basics.â&#x20AC;? 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. $25. Vajrayogini Buddhist Center, 1787 Columbia Road NW. 202-986-2257. â&#x2013; Smithsonian Gardens staff members Cindy Brown and Melanie Pyle will lead a seminar on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Creating Beautiful Container Gardens.â&#x20AC;? 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. Concerts â&#x2013; Bassoonist Dilyana Kirova will perform music from around the world with pianist Ivo Kaltchev and dancer Desi Jordanoff. 1:30 p.m. Free. Society of the Cincinnati, Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-785-2040. â&#x2013; The Adams Morgan Summer Concert Series will kick off with Doug Stevenson & the Spades performing blues, jazz, swing and rock music. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Public plaza in front of BB&T Bank at Columbia Road, Adams Mills Road and 16th Street NW. 202-997-0783. â&#x2013; New York City-based DODO Orchestra, a retro world jazz ensemble, will per-
Saturday, may 3 â&#x2013; Festival: Cultural Tourism DC will present the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Around the World Embassy Tour,â&#x20AC;? featuring open houses, entertainment and cultural programs at more than 50 embassies representing six continents. Activities will include capoeira demonstrations, tango lessons, henna applications, Ceylon tea tastings, Thai massages and Dominican rum tastings. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free admission.
form a fusion of tango, samba, swing, chanson, balkanica and reggae. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â&#x2013; Middle C will present a guitar and ukulele recital by students of Alicia Kopfstein-Penk. 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Middle C Music, 4530 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-2447326. â&#x2013; The Catholic University of America University Singers and Chamber Choir will perform in honor of the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. 7:30 p.m. Free. Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, 1725 Rhode Island Ave. NW. 202-319-5414. â&#x2013; Pianist Audrey Andrist will perform works by Mobberly, Beethoven, Chopin and Poulenc. 8 p.m. Free. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-320-2770. â&#x2013; The five-piece Dublin band I Draw Slow will perform. 8 p.m. $20 to $33.50. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. â&#x2013; Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line will perform. 9 p.m. $15 to $18. Gypsy Sallyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 3401 K St. NW. Conference â&#x2013; A Bigger Picture Inc. will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unleashed: Finding Your Purpose and Passion,â&#x20AC;? a conference for young women in grades six to 12. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free with three cans of food to be donated to the Capital Area Food Bank. E.L. Haynes Public Charter School, 3600 Georgia Ave. NW. abiggerpicturepresentsunleashed. Discussions and lectures â&#x2013; Civil War interpretation volunteer John Hampton will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Memory of Private John Ellis,â&#x20AC;? about the short life and mysteries of an American who died before his time. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Free. Rock Creek Nature Center, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070.
â&#x2013; Emily Parker will discuss her book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices From the Internet Underground,â&#x20AC;? at 1 p.m.; Sebastian Barry will discuss his novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Temporary Gentleman,â&#x20AC;? at 3:30 p.m.; and Mark A. Bradley will discuss his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Very Principled Boy: The Life of Duncan Lee, Red Spy and Cold Warrior,â&#x20AC;? at 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â&#x2013; The launch of the Willard InterContinental and Politics and Prose Literary Series, offering teas and luncheons with notable authors and thinkers, will feature a talk by Linda Przybyszewski, author of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Lost Art of Dress: The Women Who Once Made America Stylish.â&#x20AC;? 1 p.m. $75; reservations required. The Willard InterContinental, 1401 Pennsylvania Ave NW. 202364-1919. Festivals â&#x2013; The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Celebrate Herb Day! Festivalâ&#x20AC;? will feature demonstrations, activities and information tables about the significance of herbs and the many ways they can be used safely and creatively for health, beauty and culinary enjoyment. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. Conservatory, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-2258333. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Family Day: I Am Beyondâ&#x20AC;? will feature arts and crafts activities, interactive performances, exhibition tours, storytelling for young children, music, a scavenger hunt and a magic performance. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. National Museum of Natural History, 10th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. â&#x2013; The annual Lafayette Elementary School Spring Fair will feature carnival rides, moon bounces, a dunk tank, a petting zoo, face painting, magicians, a bike swap, food, and local vendors offering plants, books, jewelry and coins. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free admission. Lafayette Elementary School, 5701 Broad Branch Road NW. â&#x2013; As part of the Funk Paradeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daylong celebration of the spirit and soul of U Street, an afternoon street fair will feature music, performances, art displays and workshops. Noon to 5 p.m. Free. U Street between 9th and 16th streets NW. A participatory parade from 5 to 7 p.m. will begin at Vermont Avenue and U Street; a music festival from 7 to 10 p.m. will feature free shows in various neighborhood venues. â&#x2013; The Friends of the Soldiers Homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second annual Spring Fling family festival will feature music by Herb Spice & the Cinnamonstix, food trucks, beer and sodas, nature walks, toy boat races, and carnival games and prizes. 1 to 5 p.m. Free admission; $5 for parking. Armed Forces Retirement Home, Rock Creek Church Road and Randolph Street NW. â&#x2013; In celebration of the ninth annual HerbDay, the groups Centro Ashe and EcoHermanas will present a multicultural and family-friendly event with bilingual workshops, an outdoor herbal village-style market, childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crafts, a seed exchange, music, dance and art. 3:30 to 9 p.m. Free admission. Emergence Community Arts Collective, 733 Euclid St. NW. Films â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Artists, Amateurs, Alternative SpacSee Events/Page 19
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Wednesday, april 30, 2014
Events Entertainment Continued From page 18 es: Experimental Cinema in Eastern Europe, 1960-1990â&#x20AC;? will feature an illustrated lecture by Sonja Simonyi and four short films produced by the BalĂĄzs BĂŠla Studio in Budapest. 3:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. performances â&#x2013; Stanislaw Gorka will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gruzinski Toast, albo Szkielet Sledzia,â&#x20AC;? a oneman show that takes the audience back in time to occupied Poland, Russia and the childhood years (in Polish). 5 p.m. $20 to $25. The Kosciuszko Foundation, 2025 O St. NW. â&#x2013; The Joy of Motion Dance Center will present performances by DanceFusion Jazz Project, Jazz Factor, Raqs Jameel and Vibe Tribe, at 6:30 p.m.; and Groove Elements, Soles of Steel and Rhythmix, at 8:30 p.m. $20 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-3997993. â&#x2013; Rorschach Theatre will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Six Impossible Things,â&#x20AC;? a benefit performance featuring six new works â&#x20AC;&#x201D; each staged in a different room in the historic Intown Uptown Inn. Proceeds will benefit the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artistic programming. 7 to 9:30 p.m. $95. Intown Uptown Inn, 4907 14th St. NW. â&#x2013; Crash of Rhinos will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sacred Cows,â&#x20AC;? an irreverent comedy by Mario Baldessari and Jim Helein that skewers religious intolerance. 7:30 p.m. $15. National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, 1556 Wisconsin Ave. NW. The performance will repeat May 10 and 17. â&#x2013; As part of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ellingtoniana! Fabulous @ 40 Festival,â&#x20AC;? Duke Ellington School of the Arts students will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Legacy Project,â&#x20AC;? about nine young women who embark on an unpredictable journey of reconnecting with their cultural roots. 7:30 p.m. $25. Ellington Blackbox, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, 3500 R St. NW. 202-337-4825. The performance will repeat Sunday at 2 p.m. â&#x2013; The Pan American Symphony Orchestraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;DC Tango Festivalâ&#x20AC;? will conclude with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Todo Tango,â&#x20AC;? featuring 30 musicians, bandoneĂłn players Rodolfo Zanetti and Emmanuel Trifiglio, tango pianist Octavio Brunetti and an international cast of tango dancers. 8 p.m. $30 to $45. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 240-242-8032. Special events â&#x2013; Spa & Spirit Day, a fundraiser for the Institute for Spiritual Development, will feature manicures, reflexology, holistic massage and more. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fees vary; reservations required. Institute for Spiritual Development, 5419 Sherier Place NW. â&#x2013; DC Community Yogaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ninth annual DC Yoga Week will culminate with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yoga on the Mall,â&#x20AC;? featuring demonstrations and all-level outdoor community classes led by area instructors. 10 a.m. to noon. Free. Constitution Gardens near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Constitution Avenue near 19th Street NW. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Save the Amphibians Dayâ&#x20AC;? will feature Smithsonian scientists discussing research and conservation projects from around the world, as well as childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities, keeper talks and animal demonstrations. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Reptile Discovery Center, National Zoo, 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW.
â&#x2013; Minyan Oneg Shabbat will present a morning of meditation, music, movement and more as part of an authentic Jewish contemplative practice led by Mark Novak, Elyssa Joy Auster and Gilah Langner. 10:15 a.m. to noon. Free. Geneva Room, Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1 Chevy Chase Circle NW. 202-362-3270. â&#x2013; The 32nd annual Parkmont Poetry Festival will honor 40 finalists â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 20 from middle schools and 40 from upper schools â&#x20AC;&#x201D; at a Reading and Awards Ceremony led by Spelman College poetry instructor Sharan Strange. 2 p.m. Free. Auditorium, Edmund Burke School, 4101 Connecticut Ave. NW. â&#x2013; Perry School Community Services Center will present its annual Kentucky Derby Day Party, featuring games, auctions and prizes. 4 to 7 p.m. $25 to $30. The Park at Fourteenth, 920 14th St. NW. â&#x2013; Washington National Operaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sixth â&#x20AC;&#x153;Opera in the Outfieldâ&#x20AC;? simulcast at Nationals Park will feature the opening night of a new English-language version of Mozartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opera â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Magic Flute.â&#x20AC;? Gates open at 5 p.m. for entertainment, family activities and prize giveaways; simulcast at 7 p.m. Free admission. Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St. SE. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spring Breakinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: A Sixth & I Dance Partyâ&#x20AC;? will feature Top 40 hits and nostalgic favorites spun by DJ G Events. 7 p.m. $8. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. â&#x2013; The National Capital Astronomers and park ranger Tony Linforth will host an evening of star- and planet-gazing with telescopes set up to view distant objects. 9 to 10 p.m. Free. Military Field, Military and Glover Roads NW. 202-895-6070. â&#x2013; A closing party for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Urban Corps 2014â&#x20AC;? will feature by choreographer Aurelien Kairoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Light-Paint Dance,â&#x20AC;? a combination of light painting and performance dance. 10 p.m. $10 to $15. Malmaison, 3401 K St. NW. Tour â&#x2013; Washington Walks will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Adolf Cluss in Penn Quarter,â&#x20AC;? a walking tour focusing on the work of the German immigrant, architect and civil engineer. 11 a.m. $15. Meet outside the Archives-Navy Memorial-Penn Quarter Metro station. Sunday, May 4
Sunday may 4 art event â&#x2013; Hinckley Potteryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 23rd annual student show will feature stoneware and porcelain platters, bowls, mugs, vases, teapots and other vessels made by 29 experienced potters. Noon to 5 p.m. Free admission. Hinckley Pottery, 1707 Kalorama Road NW. Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programs â&#x2013; With guidance from members of the DC Maxecutors, participants will construct their own rubber-band-propelled model airplane and then try a test flight in the Great Hall (ages 8 and older). 9 to 11 a.m. $10 to $15; free for adults with an accompanying child. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. â&#x2013; A build-and-launch rocket workshop will teach participants about the science behind rocketry. 1 to 2 p.m. for kindergartners through second-graders; 2:30 to 3:30
Blue Man Group to visit The Blue Man Group will return to D.C. for a one-week engagement May 6 through 11 at the National Theatre. The theatrical tour features brand-new content interspersed with classic Blue Man favorites. The new sound, set
On STaGE and video design centering around a proscenium-sized LED curtain and high-resolution screen create an entirely new, high-impact visual experience. Tickets start at $48. The theater is located at 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 800-514-3849; â&#x2013; Taffety punk Theatre Company will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Rulebreaker Rep,â&#x20AC;? featuring two plays about literary giants confronting their own dangerous delusions, May 7 through 31 at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. Howard Brentonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bloody Poetryâ&#x20AC;? follows writers Percy and Mary Shelley, her half-sister Claire Clairmont and Lord Byron through six years of the quartetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entangled existence as their radical views on love, life and writing put them at odds with conventional society and eventually with each other. Kathleen Cahillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Charmâ&#x20AC;? presents the fascinating presence of Margaret Fuller, who upends the male-dominated literary world of Hawthorne, Emerson and Thoreau â&#x20AC;&#x201D; threatening p.m. for third- through fifth-graders. Free; reservations required. Barstons Childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Play, 5536 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-2443602. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;May the Fourth Be With Youâ&#x20AC;? will celebrate all things â&#x20AC;&#x153;Star Warsâ&#x20AC;? with crafts, games, music, books and refreshments (for ages 5 through 12). 2 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. â&#x2013; A Cinco de Mayo celebration will feature stories and crafts (for ages 6 through 12). 4 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. Concerts â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bluegrass Sundayâ&#x20AC;? will feature Newgrass Effect with Tom Gray. 11 a.m. Free. Palisades Community Church, 5200 Cathedral Ave. NW. 202-966-7929. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ownâ&#x20AC;? U.S. Marine Band will perform. 2 p.m. Free. Sousa Band Hall, Marine Barracks Annex, 7th and K streets SE. 202-433-4011. â&#x2013; Soprano Millicent Scarlett will perform songs and arias by Verdi, Korngold, Rachmaninoff, Rorem and others, as well as spirituals. A reception will follow. 3 p.m. Free. Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church, 3401 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202363-4900.
The Blue man Group will bring its theatrical tour to the National Theatre may 6 through 11. their notions of womanhood in 1840s America. Tickets cost $15. The Capitol Hill Arts Workshop is located at 545 7th St. SE. 800-838-3006; â&#x2013; arena Stage will present the world premiere of Pulitzerwinning writer Lawrence Wrightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historical drama â&#x20AC;&#x153;Camp Davidâ&#x20AC;? through May 4 in the Kreeger Theater. Tickets cost $55 to $110. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300; â&#x2013; Studio 2ndStage will present the U.S. premiere of Australian playwright Declan Greeneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s darkly funny, provocative drama â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mothâ&#x20AC;? through May 4 at Studio Theatre. Tickets cost $30 to $35. Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300;
â&#x2013; Soprano Shirley Taylor Moore will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;An Afternoon of Opera, Art Songs and Spiritualsâ&#x20AC;? with guest tenor Paul McIlvaine. 3 p.m. $20; $7.50 for ages 12 and younger. Satterlee Hall, St. Albanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Episcopal Church, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-363-8286. â&#x2013; Israeli-American cellist Amid Peled will join students from his cello studio at the Peabody Institute and pianist Eli Kalman in a performance of David Popperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Requiemâ&#x20AC;? and other works. 4 p.m. $15 to $30; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. â&#x2013; The Grammy-winning ensemble Chanticleer will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;She Said/He Said,â&#x20AC;? featuring music and texts exploring the feminine ideal and the harmony and tension between the sexes. 5 p.m. $25 to $40. St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Episcopal Church, Georgetown, 3240 O St. NW. 202-338-1796. â&#x2013; The Capital City Symphony will pres-
ent â&#x20AC;&#x153;American MusicFest, Part II,â&#x20AC;? featuring guest soprano Mary Gresock and two favorite works by Samuel Barber. 5 p.m. $25; free for ages 16 and younger. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. â&#x2013; The professional Choir of Christ Church will perform the music of Richard Ayleward, William A. Harris and Jacques Arcadelt. 5 p.m. Free. Christ Church, Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW. 202333-6677. â&#x2013; Organist Jeremy Filsell, Washington National Cathedral artist-in-residence, will present a recital. 5:15 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. â&#x2013; As part of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note at 75,â&#x20AC;? jazz vocalist Marlena Shaw will perform with pianist Andrew Adair, bassist James King and drummer Lennie Robinson. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â&#x2013; Guitarist Paul Galbraith will perform works by Bach and Mozart. 6:30 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, National Gallery of Art, See Events/Page 20
Bluegrass Sunday at Palisades Community Church featuring Newgrass Effect with Tom Gray
May 4th 11am All are Welcome! 5200 Cathedral Avenue NW Washington DC 20016 202-966-7929
The Palisades Community Church is an independent, post-denominational church that welcomes all into our family. Our progressive Christian congregation is dedicated to religious inclusiveness, care and concern for our congregation and giving back to the world around us.
20 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
Events Entertainment
Continued From page 19 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941. â&#x2013; Singer-songwriter Sean Hayes will perform. 8 p.m. $18 to $20. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-9876487. â&#x2013; The bands Moon Hooch and Sakima will perform. 8:30 p.m. $10 to $12. Gypsy Sallyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 3401 K St. NW. Demonstration â&#x2013; Members of the DC Maxecuters will fly their model airplanes in the Great Hall. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. Discussions and lectures â&#x2013; Husain Haqqani, director of the Center of International Relations, professor of international relations at Boston University and former Pakistani ambassador to the United States, will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Pakistani View of the American-Pakistani Security Relationship and Its Regional and Global Implications.â&#x20AC;? 10 a.m. Free. St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. â&#x2013; Nancy Anderson, curator and head of American and British paintings at the National Gallery of Art, and Charles Brock, associate curator of American and British paintings at the National Gallery of Art, will provide an introduction to the exhibition â&#x20AC;&#x153;Andrew Wyeth: Looking Out, Looking In.â&#x20AC;? A book signing will follow. Noon. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â&#x2013; Brian Lamb will discuss his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sundays at Eight: 25 Years of Stories From C-Spanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Q&A and Booknotes,â&#x20AC;? at 1 p.m.; and a panel discussion will focus on the breadth and diversity of nonfiction in
picture books, at 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. â&#x2013; As part of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Past Belief: Visions of Early Christianity in Renaissance and Reformation Europeâ&#x20AC;? lecture series, Princeton University professor Anthony Grafton will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;Martyrdom and Persecution: The Uses of Early Christian Suffering.â&#x20AC;? 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â&#x2013; Michael Janis, an architect turned artist who works with powdered glass, high-fire enamels and decals to create dreamlike imagery, will discuss his techniques, work and career. 2 p.m. Free. McEvoy Auditorium, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and G streets NW. 202-6331000. â&#x2013; Angie Chuang (shown), author of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Four Words for Homeâ&#x20AC;? will discuss her book and the state of diversity and race in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s literary landscape in a panel discussion with Alan King, poet and author; and Heather BuchananGueringer and Randall Horton of Willow Books, the literary division of Aquarius Press. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Films â&#x2013; The Freer Gallery of Art will present Sofia Coppolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2003 film â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lost in Translation,â&#x20AC;? featuring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray. 2 p.m. Free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. â&#x2013; The National Gallery of Art will present Bill Morrisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2013 film â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Great Flood.â&#x20AC;? 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Audi-
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Sunday, may 4 â&#x2013; Festival: The Maru Montero Dance Company will host its annual National Cinco de Mayo Festival, featuring dance performances, childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities, a Mexican market and Latin American cuisine. Noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. National Mall between 8th and 12th streets. torium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-7374215. performances â&#x2013; The Joy of Motion Dance Center will present performances by Groove Elements, Soles of Steel and Rhythmix, at 2 p.m.; and DanceFusion Jazz Project, Jazz Factor, Raqs Jameel and Vibe Tribe, at 4 p.m. $20 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Louder Than a Bomb â&#x20AC;&#x201D; DMV Teen Poetry Slam Festivalâ&#x20AC;? will present a preliminary competition featuring Wilson, McKinley Tech, Oxon Hill, Washington-Lee and Woodlawn high schools. 7 to 9:30 p.m. $5; free for middle and high school students. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. â&#x2013; Regie Cabico and Danielle Evennou will host â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sparkle,â&#x20AC;? an open mic event for LGBT-dedicated poets. 8 to 10 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Special events â&#x2013; The fourth annual Literary Hill Bookfest will feature 40 local authors and poets who will discuss, sell and sign their literary works. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission. North Hall, Eastern Market, 225 7th St. SE. â&#x2013; The Kennedy Centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 22nd annual Spring Gala â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a salute to the tenure of Kennedy Center president Michael M. Kaiser â&#x20AC;&#x201D; will feature â&#x20AC;&#x153;Camelot in Concert,â&#x20AC;? starring Laura Michelle Kelly, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Ryan Silverman, Josh Grisetti, Tony Sheldon and the National Symphony Orchestra. 8 p.m. $45 to $160. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Tour â&#x2013; The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spies: North by Northwestâ&#x20AC;? walking tour will feature tales of espionage and spying in the area near the Washington National Cathedral and the Russian Embassy. 1 p.m. $15. Meet in the park on the southeast corner of Wisconsin and Massachusetts avenues NW. 703-5691875. Monday, May 5 Monday may 5 Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s program â&#x2013; BearSong, the Guitar Man, will lead a storytime for ages 4 and younger. 10:30 a.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Con-
Classes â&#x2013; The nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine will host a weekly yoga class led by instructor Francesca Valente. 6 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Suite 400, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 5100 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-686-2210. â&#x2013; The group Yoga Activist will present a weekly yoga class. 7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-3080. â&#x2013; Political consultant and Knowledge Commons DC instructor Halley Aelion will lead a class on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Corporate Social Responsibility: Fact or Fiction?â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free; registration required. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. â&#x2013; Vajrayogini Buddhist Center resident teacher Gen Kelsang Varahi will present a weekly class featuring guided meditations and teachings. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10 per class. Third-floor lounge, Seabury at Friendship Terrace, 4201 Butterworth Place NW. The class will also be offered Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Concerts â&#x2013; Members of Washington National Operaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program and other performers will present musical highlights from â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Magic Flute.â&#x20AC;? 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â&#x2013; A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note at 75â&#x20AC;? concert series will feature the Lennie CujĂŠ Band, featuring pianist Jay Cooley, flutist Bruce Swaim and bassist Paul Langosh. 8:30 p.m. $4 to $7. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. 202289-1200. Discussions and lectures â&#x2013; Romain Huret, associate professor of history at the University of Lyon in France, will discuss his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Republic Without Taxpayers? American Resisters to Progressive Taxation From the Civil War to the Presentâ&#x20AC;? and his research into anti-tax petitions sent to Congress. Noon. Free. Room G-25, Research Center, National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202357-5000. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beyond the Monuments Men: Looting, Misappropriation, and Recovery of Fine Artâ&#x20AC;? will feature panelists Bonnie Magniss-Gardiner, head of the FBIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art theft division; Corine Wegener, cultural heritage preservation officer at the Smithsonian Institution; and Thomas Kline, a professor at George Washington University and an attorney who represents clients in fine art recovery cases. 6 to 8 p.m. $10 to $20; reservations required. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. â&#x2013; Investigative reporter Christopher Leonard will discuss his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Meat Racket: The Secret Takeover of Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Food Business.â&#x20AC;? 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. â&#x2013; Chinelo Okparanta will discuss her debut story collection, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Happiness, Like Water.â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1488. â&#x2013; Akhil Sharma will discuss his novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;Family Life.â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. Films â&#x2013; The Chevy Chase Library will host the
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Marvelous Movie Mondaysâ&#x20AC;? series. 2 and 6:30 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. â&#x2013; The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cool Hand Paulâ&#x20AC;? series will feature George Roy Hillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1973 film â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Sting,â&#x20AC;? starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. 6:30 p.m. Free; tickets distributed 30 minutes before the screening. National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-7833372. â&#x2013; A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note at 75â&#x20AC;? film series on the history of jazz will feature Julian Benediktâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s film â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note â&#x20AC;&#x201D; A Story of Modern Jazz,â&#x20AC;? with an introductory talk by Library of Congress senior music reference specialist Larry Applebaum. 6:30 p.m. $4 to $7. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. 202289-1200. â&#x2013; The Opera in Cinema series will present a production of Massenetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Manon,â&#x20AC;? starring Anna Netrebko and Rolando VillazĂłn. 7 p.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-419-3456. The film will be shown again May 10 at 11 a.m. â&#x2013; The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will present the first three episodes of the hit Israeli television series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shtisel.â&#x20AC;? 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $12.50. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Screenings will continue May 12, 19 and 26. reading â&#x2013; Scottish poet, writer and playwright Carol Ann Duffy will read from her work. 7:30 p.m. $15. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. Sporting event â&#x2013; The Washington Nationals will play the Los Angeles Dodgers. 7:05 p.m. $10 to $90. Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St. SE. 888-632-6287. The series will continue Tuesday at 7:05 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:05 p.m. Tuesday,may May 6 6 Tuesday Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s program â&#x2013; Firefighters will present an interactive demonstration on fire safety and what to do in an emergency, followed by a chance for children to climb onto a fire truck (for ages 3 through 5). 10:30 a.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3096. Classes â&#x2013; The Georgetown Library will host a hands-on tutorial on MedlinePlus, a National Institutes of Health website with information about medical conditions and procedures, medications, healthy lifestyle choices and more. 10:30 a.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. â&#x2013; The Georgetown Library will present its â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take an Om Breakâ&#x20AC;? lunch-hour yoga series. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. Concerts â&#x2013; The Washington Bach Consortâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Noontime Cantatas series will feature organist Todd Fickley performing works by See Events/Page 21
The CurrenT
Wednesday, april 30, 2014
Events Entertainment Continued From page 20 Bach. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635. â&#x2013; As part of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note at 75,â&#x20AC;? members of the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra will perform repertoire from the labelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s storied 75-year history. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Korea-U.S. Jazz Dialogue,â&#x20AC;? a joint concert commemorating the legacy of Duke Ellington, will feature the Shin Hyun Pill Jazz Band and the New Washingtonians Jazz Ensemble. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Ellington Theatre, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, 3500 R St. NW. â&#x2013; A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note at 75â&#x20AC;? concert series will feature the Allyn Johnson Trio with â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Tribute to the Music of Jutta Hipp.â&#x20AC;? 8:30 p.m. $4 to $7. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. 202-289-1200. â&#x2013; Gypsy Sallyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vinyl Lounge will host an open mic show. 9 p.m. Free. Gypsy Sallyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures â&#x2013; Tessa Murdoch, deputy keeper of sculpture, metalwork, ceramics and glass at the Victoria and Albert Museum and coeditor of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going for Gold: Craftsmanship and Collecting of Gold Boxes,â&#x20AC;? will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going for the Gold: Snuff Taking, Fashion and Accessories.â&#x20AC;? 5 to 7:30 p.m. $7 to $20. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-6865807. â&#x2013; The World Affairs Council will present a talk by Johns Hopkins University professor and former foreign service officer Daniel Serwer on his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Righting the Balance: How You Can Help Protect America.â&#x20AC;? 6:30 to 8 p.m. Auditorium, University of California Washington Center, 1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW. 202-293-1051. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whither America: A Foreign Policy Debate Among Realists, Nationalists and Internationalistsâ&#x20AC;? will feature Henry Nau, professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University; Michael Lind, co-founder of the New America Foundation; and Ivan Eland, senior fellow and director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute. 5 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 602, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. â&#x2013; Maggie Shipstead will discuss her novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;Astonish Meâ&#x20AC;? in conversation with Jennifer Close. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Book Club With a Beatâ&#x20AC;? will host a discussion of Marc Andersenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dance of Days: Two Decades of Punk in the Nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Capital.â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. â&#x2013; Lucky Dog Animal Rescue founder Kristin Kloster will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shelter Puppy Tales,â&#x20AC;? about the importance of adopting. 7 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dear Prudence â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Mommy Dearest Editionâ&#x20AC;? will feature Slateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advice columnist Emily Yoffe and science and health editor Laura Helmuth with a pre-Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day conversation about the craziest and most amazing letters Yoffe has received about mothers. 7 p.m. $20. Sixth & I His-
toric Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-9876487. Films â&#x2013; The Georgetown Libraryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s weekly May film series will focus on â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Silver Screen,â&#x20AC;? featuring movies about aging. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. â&#x2013; The Bread & Roses monthly labor series will feature Rick Tejada-Flores and Raymond Tellesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; documentary â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Struggle.â&#x20AC;? 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;CinĂŠma at BloomBars,â&#x20AC;? a monthly film series benefiting the Alliance Française de Washington and BloomBars, will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Au-delĂ du nuage â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Yonaoshi 3.11,â&#x20AC;? about the immense changes caused by the nuclear disaster at Fukushima and the possibility of the areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revival. 7 p.m. $10 donation suggested. BloomBars, 3222 11th St. NW. performances â&#x2013; The weekly â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tuesdays With Funnieâ&#x20AC;? series â&#x20AC;&#x201D; featuring comedy, music, improv and vaudeville â&#x20AC;&#x201D; will feature â&#x20AC;&#x153;The DMV Roast of Vincent Gray,â&#x20AC;? featuring comedian Haywood Turnipseed Jr. as the D.C. mayor. 8 p.m. Free. The Brixton, 901 U St. NW. 202-431-4704. â&#x2013; Washington Improv Theaterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Harold Nightâ&#x20AC;? will feature Love Onion and People Like Us. 9 p.m. Free. Source, 1835 14th St. NW. reading â&#x2013; The Washington Stage Guild will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Severed Headâ&#x20AC;? by Iris Murdoch and J.B. Priestley. 7 p.m. Free. Undercroft Theater, Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church, 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Tour â&#x2013; A guided garden tour will trace the history and horticulture of centuries-old trees, heirloom plants and flowers, and English boxwood. 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. $10; free for members. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. Wednesday, May 7
Wednesday may 7 Classes and workshops â&#x2013; Kripalu yoga teacher Eva Blutinger will lead a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yoga in the Galleriesâ&#x20AC;? class. 10 a.m. Free. American University Museum, Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-8851300. â&#x2013; Experienced career mentor Joe Ryan will lead a workshop on â&#x20AC;&#x153;RĂŠsumĂŠ, Cover Letter and Correspondence Developmentâ&#x20AC;? as part of a seven-session series on job seeking skills. 7 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. Concerts â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Homegrown Concerts in the Pavilionâ&#x20AC;? will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Music From Greece and Asiaâ&#x20AC;? featuring musician Spyros Koliavasilis and the Karpouzi Trio. Noon. Free. Whittall Pavilion, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-0213. â&#x2013; Trumpeter A. Scott Wood and organist Benjamin Hutto will perform Easter music. 12:10 to 12:45 p.m. Free. St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church, Lafayette Square, 1525 H St. NW. 202-767-5658. â&#x2013; As part of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Note at 75,â&#x20AC;? Cubanborn American pianist Fabian Almazan will
perform selections from his March 2014 album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rhizome.â&#x20AC;? 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â&#x2013; Aima Labra-Makk on piano and Florian Kitt on violoncello will perform World War I-era compositions by Kodaly and Stravinsky, paired with modern-day works. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Austrian Cultural Forum, 3524 International Court NW. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Communion DCâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an eclectic mix of up-and-coming musical acts curated by Communion Music â&#x20AC;&#x201D; will feature live sets by Neulore, Bootstraps, Busy Living, Cub Sport and the Sea Life. 8 p.m. $9.50 to $12. Gypsy Sallyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures â&#x2013; Books@Noon will feature a talk by Craig Nelson, author of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Age of Radiance: The Epic Rise and Dramatic Fall of the Atomic Era.â&#x20AC;? Noon to 1 p.m. $12 to $18. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Role of Art in Diplomacy: The Artist in a Global Communityâ&#x20AC;? will feature panelists Anna Deavere Smith, actress, playwright and director of Anna Deavere Smith Works at the Aspen Institute; Robert Storr, chair of Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Professional Fine Arts Committee and dean of the Yale School of Art; and Carrie Mae Weems, artist. 1 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â&#x2013; Civil rights leader and U.S. Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;March: Book One,â&#x20AC;? his memoir in the form of a graphic novel. 6 to 8 p.m. $15 to $20. Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. â&#x2013; Nathaniel Philbrick will discuss his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution.â&#x20AC;? 6:30 p.m. $45. Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St. NW. â&#x2013; Folger Shakespeare Library director Michael Witmore will discuss his perspective on the Bardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comedy â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Two Gen-
Market & Deli. Sandwiches made to order with Boars Head Brand meats & cheeses. DC Lottery.
tlemen of Verona.â&#x20AC;? 6:30 p.m. $15. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. â&#x2013; Charles B. Jones, associate dean for graduate studies in the School of Theology and Religious Studies at Catholic University, will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Daoist Philosophy of Zhuang Zi: A Recipe for the Good Life.â&#x20AC;? 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $28 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. â&#x2013; Amanda Vaill will discuss her book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hotel Florida: Truth, Love, and Death in the Spanish Civil War.â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â&#x2013; The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big Read Lecture Seriesâ&#x20AC;? will feature a talk by Ethiopian-American author and human rights activist Maaza Mengiste on her debut novel, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beneath the Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gate.â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free. Theater of the Arts, University of the District of Columbia, 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW. â&#x2013; Roger Engle will discuss his memoir â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stories (From a Small Town): Remembering My Childhood in Hedgesville, West Virginia.â&#x20AC;? 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1225. â&#x2013; Susan Katz Miller will discuss her book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being Both: Two Religions in One
Interfaith Family.â&#x20AC;? 7:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. performances â&#x2013; The Happenings at the Harman series will present Faction of Fools Theatre Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pinocchio!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a new adaptation for young audiences with five actors and a flurry of masks, music and merriment. Noon. Free; reservations suggested. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202547-5688. â&#x2013; The National Symphony Orchestraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;New Moves: symphony + danceâ&#x20AC;? festival will feature selections from Bernsteinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;On the Townâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;On the Waterfrontâ&#x20AC;? with dance ensemble Keigwin + Company performing new, original choreography, as well as Schumanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;New England Triptychâ&#x20AC;? and a new concerto with principal bassoonist Sue Heineman. 7 p.m. $10 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Thursday at 7 p.m. Sporting event â&#x2013; The Washington Mystics will play the Indiana Fever in a preseason game. 11:30 a.m. $9 to $150. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 800-745-3000.
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26 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
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INGLESIDE At Rock Creek 3050 Military Rd. NW Open Tues and Thurs 10 - 2
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DISPATCHES From Page 14 teach us interesting math facts. And he is always helpful if we don’t understand something. Math has always been one of my favorite subjects. Although some kids may think math is boring, they would be surprised at how much fun it can be. The trick is to include games and everyday facts into it. And the reward is that, by knowing your math facts, you will never overpay anything. Try it. You will not regret it. —David K., third-grader
Parkmont School
This year is celebrating Parkmont’s 40th year of the Poetry Festival. Four hundred poems were entered from many different schools. From that, 100 poems were chosen. Then it became 40 poems and my poem is one of the 40 poems. This is my first year in Parkmont School and my first time in the poetry festival. I am very happy. My poem is “Undiscovered love.” This is a love poem. I am excited to represent Parkmont School. The festival will be at Edmund Burke School on Saturday, May 3, at 2 p.m. — Soliyana Tefera, sixth-grader
Ross Elementary
This week almost all of our students got to go on a field trip. First, the pre-K, kindergarten and first grade took a field trip to the Kennedy Center. The fourth and fifth grades went to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Expo at the Washington Convention Center. We are still working on our science fair projects. Our proposals are due to our science teacher, Mr. Markus, soon. We are getting ready for our annual Mother’s/Father’s Day Book Sale. The monies we get from this fundraiser will be used to buy new books, including books we like. You buy a book in honor of someone like a parent, friend or someone you work with. Then a special bookplate will go into the book. The event will take place April 26 through 28. Our parents are in charge of making this event happen. Mrs. Nora Rigby, one of our parents, is the book drive coordinator. Some students are also taking a “How To Play Chess” class. One of our parents, Zlvorand Djuric, is the teacher. This is an eight-week class of chess lessons for grades one through five. It starts this Monday, April 28, at Ross. Ms. Nancy Monroe read aloud to the second-graders. Ms. Monroe was that she attended Ross as a little girl. Right now, Ms. Monroe is director of communications at the U.S. Department of Interior. — Jonathan Velasquez, fifth-grader
St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School
We only attend Writer’s Work-
shop once a week, but you would be surprised how much we get done. It usually runs from 3 to 4 p.m., but sometimes we start early during carpool. Writer’s Workshop has made a big difference in our school lives. In addition to doing writing projects assigned to us in school, we also write for competitions and for ourselves. Below is a sampling of our favorite things about Writer’s Workshop and some of the challenges we have overcome during the past seven months. “My favorite writing activity is when Mr. Passmore gives me the first and last sentence of a story and I have to come up with everything in the middle,” said one student. “Writers Workshop is one of the best things I have done this year! It has helped me write better essays and better stories, too,” said another. “It was great to have my friends around working on their stories while I was working on mine, and having my teacher around to ask questions.” A third reported, “My friend and I decided to write a sequel to one of the books we read in language arts class. We talk about the story and then write alternating chapters. Because we have the story on Google Drive, we can work on it at home, too.” — Luca Arvanitis, Sofie Fisher, Katie Graham, Lauren Hurley and Katherine Moe, fifth-graders
School Without Walls High School
Over spring break, a group of 25 of our students boarded a plane for a 14-hour journey. They were headed for the land of the rising sun: Japan. They traveled to five cities in total — Tokyo, Kyoto, Kamakura, Hakona and Osaka. Throughout their travels, they visited many shrines such as the Meiji shrine, named after a former time period in Japanese history, the Meiji Restoration. On other days, they visited the Osaka castle, went to shopping centers and explored the five cities. Tokyo was the largest so they were given the most time to venture around the city. The Japan trip marks our fifth trip abroad of the year. Every year, they go to different locations but there are always multiple trips on the calendar. In this calendar year alone, students and teachers have travelled to India, Italy, China, Mexico and Japan. Each of the trips had different purposes, too. Some went for cultural immersion, but others had different reasons. For instance, the Stage Band went to China to perform, and the scuba club went to Mexico to go scuba diving near Cancun. — Eleonore Edgell, 12th-grader
Sheridan School
Normally when you think about reading, you probably think of words on a page and libraries. At Sheridan School, reading involves dance, life-sized board games and music. All of this was done to celebrate Sheridan Reading Day. There were many activities to choose from including charades, “Drop
Everything and Read” time, blind book dates and many more. We went through each of these activities in groups with students from all grades. We made our way from classroom to classroom playing games, having fun and learning about all of the different types of books we can read. After we were done inside we headed out to the playground field to take part in a life-sized board game where the object was to collect stickers from correctly answering questions about literature. For example, you had to be able to name a particular character based on clues or pictures. The day wrapped up with an assembly where the winners of the Battle of the Books were announced. We voted on “awesome picture book,” “middle grade realistic fiction,” “middle grade fantasy adventure” and “upper school book award.” The winners were “Mr. Wuffles” by David Wiesner, “Pie” by Sarah Weeks, “The House of Hades” by Rick Riordan and “Allegiant” by Veronica Roth, all of which produced a big cheer from the audience. This was a great way to learn about new books. — Clark Mocek, third-grader
Stoddert Elementary
Earth Day was April 22 and at Stoddert we had an Earth Day poster contest. It was sponsored by our librarian, Ms. Bowlin, and by Ms. Tatiana. The poster had to be 11 inches by 14 inches and it had to contain an original slogan and it had to be hand-drawn. It also had to be colorful. Hi, I’m Maria, and I got third place. I drew a hand that holds an Earth and there were leaves on the Earth making it look like an apple. The slogan was, “Be good to the Earth — it’s our home!” Hi, I’m Ksenia. I drew an Earth and kids were holding each other’s hands around the Earth and standing. My slogan was, “Make everyday Earth day!” The winning poster was by Elena Stepanova who is in the first grade and she drew a lot of flowers and her slogan was, “The Earth laughs in flowers.” This poster was really beautiful with flowers and it was colorful. — Maria Vushkarnik and Ksenia Chepurnova, fifth-graders
Washington Latin Public Charter School
This week students came back from spring break to finish out the last lap of the school year. Over the next month and a half students and teachers will busy with fun activities and the week of finals. Next Thursday our school will participate in our annual Multicultural Night. Students and teachers will show art, culture and food related to their ethnicities. Librarian Ms. Hamm will also show literature that represents different cultures, including classical cultures. This will certainly be a night to remember, full of music and dance. — Niara Tarleton-Allen, 10th-grader
The CurrenT
Wednesday, april 30, 2014 27
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KALORAMA, WASHINGTON, DC A rare opportunity to buy a grand Kalorama home featuring a complete renovation by John Cechhi. Bright and sunny 5 bedroom home with high-end finishes, garage and elevator. $5,250,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164
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OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA NEW LISTING! Three level 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome! Nicely updated throughout and features new roof, windows, washer/dryer, hot water heater. Enjoy parking and private terrace too! $540,000 Kay McGrath King 202-276-1235
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Anne Killeen
28 Wednesday, april 30, 2014
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