GT 01-02-2013 1

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Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Vol. XXII, No. 22

The GeorGeTown CurrenT

Board revises graduation proposal


can demonstrate proficiency in cer-

■ Education: Officials renew tain subjects.

push for thesis requirement By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

D.C. education officials have released a revised proposal for new high school graduation requirements, updating a draft from August with a slight increase in required credits and alternative ways students

The D.C. State Board of Education issued the latest version on Dec. 19 in conjunction with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education. The proposal would raise the total number of credits required to graduate to 26, up 2 units from current requirements. That extra credit load would come from a proposed addition of 1 credit in arts and music electives, and an increase in

physical and health education credits from 1.5 units to 2.5 units. The board’s earlier proposal shuffled credit loads among various subjects without increasing the overall requirements. After receiving public feedback, the board is now proposing to maintain the existing standard for social studies coursework — a total of 4 units — instead of reducing them to 3 units. The plan would eliminate a required course in See Graduation/Page 14

Jack’s Boathouse fights possible eviction By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

Bill Petros/The Current

Georgetown’s Tudor Place Historic House and Gardens held its annual Gingerbread House Workshop for children on Friday.

The fate of Jack’s Boathouse, a Georgetown mainstay that has rented kayaks, canoes and rowboats on the Potomac River for nearly 70 years, is still up in the air after a series of run-ins with the National Park Service over the holidays. On Dec. 18, Jack’s Canoes and Kayaks LLC learned it was being evicted from its long-running rental facility. The Park Service informed the company it would need to leave by Jan. 31, with officials later explaining that the manager of Jack’s technically held no lease for the space. After receiving hundreds of letters in protest, Park Service director Jon Jarvis announced on Christmas Eve that the eviction would be put on hold until he gets a chance to review the case. But in the meantime, Jack’s Boathouse owner Paul Simkin is left to wonder whether his business will remain intact by the end of the month. See Jack’s/Page 22

From campus plans to council scandals, a varied 12 months

Cottage could see new use as Cathedral’s cafe By ELIZABETH WIENER

■ Year in review: The hot

Current Staff Writer

The little octagonal building just steps from the Washington National Cathedral has had several lives — built as the Cathedral’s first Baptistry, then housing the popular Herb Cottage shop run by All Hallows Guild. And now, according to a plan under study by Cathedral leaders, the quirky stone building could become a “hospitality” site, serving coffee and tea. Cathedral spokesperson Richard Weinberg confirmed that a study is under way on “ways to provide better hospitality on the [Cathedral] Close,” focusing on using the Baptistry to sell food and beverages to visitors from near and afar. “They just need a place to get a cup of coffee,” he said. Weinberg said the study stems from “a long-standing

NEWS Board grants landmark status to old Mexican Embassy

— Page 5

Bill Petros/The Current

The Georgetown institution could be forced to vacate its premises on the Potomac River after nearly 70 years in business.

topics of 2012 in Northwest By BRADY HOLT Bill Petros/The Current

The Herb Cottage dates back to 1904, when it was first used as a bapistry. It most recently served as a shop run by the All Hallows Guild.

desire” to offer better food service, since the only sustenance available to visitors now is fudge, drinks and packaged snacks sold at the gift shop on the Cathedral’s crypt level. The Herb Cottage is “the main option” under considSee Cottage/Page 16

SPOR TS Transfer to Roosevelt is a standout on the basketball court

— Page 11

Current Staff Writer

Roundups of the District’s last 365 days are bound to focus on the city’s political scandals, which forced two D.C. Council members to resign in disgrace and left Mayor Vincent Gray under a continuing cloud. But 2012 also brought less juicy but still significant community news across Northwest D.C. neighbor-

FEATURE Photographer’s exhibit offers inside look at Cathedral work

— Page 5

hoods, on subjects from development projects and new laws, to historic preservation efforts, streetscape upgrades and changes for schools. Among last year’s big topics: ■ Windstorms batter city’s power lines. An unexpected “derecho” storm swept through the District in June, quickly downing trees, knocking out power to 64,000 customers and reigniting calls for Pepco to underground its power lines. The remnants of Hurricane Sandy had less of an impact upon hitting D.C. in October, but the city shut down for two days as a precaution and See 2012/Page 10

INDEX Calendar/18 Classifieds/26 District Digest/4 Exhibits/21 In Your Neighborhood/6 Opinion/8

Police Report/9 Real Estate/17 School Dispatches/15 Service Directory/23 Sports/11 Theater/21

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wedNesday, JaNuary 2, 2013



The CurreNT


Planning Office seeks input on proposed changes to zoning regulations By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

The D.C. Office of Planning is now making its case for proposed changes to the city’s zoning code at a series of public meetings, and accepting community feedback that will shape the draft the agency will ultimately send to the Zoning Commission for approval.

As part of its “zoning regulations review,� the Planning Office has evaluated provisions governing which types of development and uses are permissible in which areas, and under which conditions. Height and density, parking requirements, accessory dwelling units and corner stores, and environmental impact are among the zoning code sections that may change as a result of the review.

The Zoning Commission will get the ultimate say on regulation changes later this year, based on the Office of Planning’s advice and additional public testimony. Some of the changes are guided by the latest urban planning principles, some reflect current conditions in the District, and others are intended to clarify existing rules. Most of the city’s rules — 90 percent, the Planning

Office says — are unaffected by the regulations rewrite, and this process does not change the zoning of any properties. In one of the most hotly debated topics addressed in the zoning rewrite, the Planning Office has proposed requiring no parking spaces for new apartment houses or mixed-use buildings downtown, within half a mile of a See Zoning/Page 7

Tenleytown driveway plan irks neighbors


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By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

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Several Tenleytown residents are protesting the application for a curb cut at a planned house at 4201 River Road, fearing that the site’s developer intends to build a 9-foot retaining wall to level off the site and support the home’s garage. The sloping property at River Road and 42nd Street, which previously featured an 1895 four-bedroom farmhouse, was purchased in June and the house was subsequently razed. A larger, five-bedroom home is now envisioned for the site, with a curb cut planned on 42nd between River and Chesapeake Street. Neighbors have few concerns about the curb cut itself, which would be 20 feet wide and serve a 32-foot-wide driveway. But speaking at the Tenleytown/Friendship Heights advisory neighborhood commission’s Dec. 13 meeting, many vehemently opposed a retaining wall. They see the issues as logically — if not legally — connected: No curb cut, no driveway and garage and, therefore, no retaining wall. Developer Mohammad Sikder did not attend the neighborhood commission meeting and couldn’t be reached for comment afterward. The commission tabled a decision on the curb cut — which also needs approval from the city’s Public Space Committee — until January, and also declined to formally consider the retaining wall before the developer files an application for it. But neighbors were already prepared to discuss the wall and the overall plans for a home many considered oversized and garish. “This not only will block the sun into my house and my garden and make my place feel like a prison, it will destroy any privacy I have,� next-door River Road neighbor Terry Hopkins said of the wall. The new leveling would allow the owners to look down from the wall into her backyard, she said. Martha Edmondson, who shares the 42nd Street property line with 4201 River Road, said that because her house is on a downward slope from the property, the wall and See Tenleytown/Page 16

The CurrenT

Court curtails ABC Board’s discretion By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

November’s D.C. Court of Appeals decision overturning penalties for the Rumors nightclub has “scary implications” for the city’s efforts to prevent bars and clubs from growing out of control, according to Alcoholic Beverage Control Board member Mike Silverstein. According to Silverstein, the court decision will make it difficult for the alcohol board to preemptively target licensees that show signs of trouble. Silverstein, who also serves as a Dupont Circle advisory neighborhood commissioner, discussed the Rumors case at the ANC’s Dec. 12 meeting. Rumors, located at 1900 M St., was served with a 19-day license suspension and $9,000 in fines in February 2011 after three violent incidents occurred there in 2009. But the Appeals Court found that the incidents were

unrelated, rather than attributable to “a continuous course of conduct” that fostered pervasive “unlawful and disorderly” conduct, and Rumors therefore never faced those penalties. City officials weren’t ready last week to discuss the implications of the Rumors decision. “At the moment we would say only that we are considering the options,” Ted Gest, spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney General, wrote in an email. Martha Jenkins, general counsel for the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration, said in an interview that the alcohol board is on recess Dec. 12 through Jan. 9. “We are using this winter recess to explore options so we have all bases covered and we can advise the board when they return from recess,” she said. To Silverstein, though, the court’s ruling is clear: Alcohol establishments now have a “one free stabbing See Ruling/Page 16

Protests slow process, board member says By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

To many citizen activists and residents beleaguered by noisy restaurants and clubs, a long-standing provision that allows any group of five D.C. citizens to protest a liquor license is an invaluable tool to protect peace, order and quiet. And to many restaurant and bar owners, it’s an anti-business measure that makes it too easy for irate community members to twist their arms. As part of an omnibus alcohol reform bill, the D.C. Council voted in December to adopt numerous reforms to the city’s liquor laws. Although early proposals eliminated the “group of five,” the council’s

approved legislation takes the middle ground, preserving the groups’ right to protest but blunting their powers. The legislation allows an advisory neighborhood commission to overwrite any action by a group of five by signing its own agreement with an alcohol establishment. The omnibus bill, introduced by Ward 1 Council member Jim Graham, was heavily debated and amended over several months. But one stakeholder that was largely silent during the debate was the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, which hears and rules on these license disputes. In general, members of the city’s boards and commissions shy away from publicly discussing policy that affects them.

But alcohol board member Mike Silverstein, who also serves as a Dupont Circle advisory neighborhood commissioner, expressed his frustration at his ANC’s Dec. 12 meeting about what he called “nonsense protests” that “clog up” the regulatory system. The issue was particularly pressing, said Silverstein, because every “Class C” liquor license in the city must be renewed in 2013 — meaning every restaurant, bar and club will come before the alcohol board. Throughout the city, the renewal process is a long-awaited chance for many communities to push for changes at troublesome operations. But Silverstein said that in some See Protests/Page 5

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The week ahead Saturday, Jan. 5

The D.C. Office of Planning will hold a Ward 1 community meeting to discuss draft proposed changes to the District’s zoning regulations. The meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Tubman Elementary School, 3101 13th St. NW. For details, visit ■ The D.C. Public Charter School Expo will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at the Walter Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place NW. To register, visit or call 202-328-2660.

Monday, Jan. 7

The D.C. Tax Revision Commission will meet to discuss regional economic trends, fiscal policy and a tax expenditure study. The meeting will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. in Room 412, John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

Tuesday, Jan. 8

The D.C. Office of Planning will hold a Ward 3 community meeting to discuss draft proposed changes to the District’s zoning regulations. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Wilson High School, 3950 Chesapeake St. NW.

Wednesday, Jan. 9

The D.C. Board of Elections will hold a roundtable discussion on voting equipment challenges during the November 2012 election. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in Room 220 South, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. ■ The D.C. Office of the People’s Counsel will hold a town-hall meeting on Verizon DC’s quality of service and reliability. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW.

Wednesday, Jan. 16

The D.C. Office of Planning will hold a Ward 4 community meeting to discuss draft proposed changes to the zoning regulations. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Takoma Education Campus, 7010 Piney Branch Road NW. ■ The Georgetown-Burleith advisory neighborhood commission and the D.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting to discuss parking in the Georgetown and Burleith neighborhoods. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Hardy Middle School, 1819 35th St. NW.

Thursday, Jan. 17

The Tenleytown Neighbors Association will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 220 at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church, 42nd and Albemarle streets NW.

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wedNesday, JaNuary 2, 2013

The CurreNT

District Digest Murch to recycle Christmas trees

Murch Elementary will sponsor a Christmas-tree recycling program this weekend to benefit its basketball teams, according to the school’s website. On Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., residents may take their bare tree, along with a suggested $5 donation, to the school, located on Davenport Street between Reno Road and 36th Street NW. The Takoma Park-based Branches Tree Experts is providing a crew and equipment to chip the trees into mulch. Donors will have the option of taking a bag of their mulch home or donating it for use in the school’s educational gardens.

D.C. delegate calls for vote in the House

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton last week called on House Republicans to restore her vote in the Committee of the Whole during the upcoming 113th Congress.

“I ask for the vote in the Committee of the Whole in the House rules out of respect for the more than 600,000 American citizens who pay their full freight in federal taxes and have fought in all the nation’s wars,” Norton said in her statement at a Thursday news conference attended by Mayor Vincent Gray. Norton first won the Committee of the Whole vote in 1993 — with Democrats in control of the House during the 103rd Congress — but lost it when Republicans gained majority status in 2011.

Council honors Percy with plaza renaming

The intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and K Street has a new name: “The Sen. Charles Percy Plaza.” The D.C. Council voted last month to rename the spot, a main entrance to the Georgetown Waterfront Park, after the former Illinois senator who was instrumental in the park’s creation.

While living in Georgetown, Percy worked for years to raise funds and garner support for the park, which covers 9.5 acres along the Potomac River. But he was too ill to attend the grand opening of the park just days before his death in late September 2011. Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans led the effort to rename the intersection in Percy’s honor.

Norton blasts pace on Woodson home

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton last month blasted the “snail’s pace” of the project to turn Carter G. Woodson’s home in Shaw into a historic site for tourists, requesting help from President Barack Obama. Woodson, known as the “father of black history,” was the second African-American to earn a doctorate from Harvard University, and became a prominent educator, historian, publisher and advocate in D.C. during the middle of the 20th century. Woodson’s former home, at

1538 9th St. NW, is designated as a national historic site. In 2003 Norton helped pass a bill in Congress to rehabilitate the home and establish it as a National Park Service tourist site. But since then, Norton lamented in her Dec. 19 letter to Obama, progress has been slow. First “it took years,” Norton wrote, for the Park Service to acquire two adjacent buildings on 9th Street to host visitors and exhibits. And Norton said when she inquired about the Woodson home most recently, the Park Service couldn’t provide estimates on the project’s costs or timeline. “It is nothing short of shocking,” the delegate wrote. In her letter, Norton asks for the White House to prod the Park Service to “develop a strategy and timeline” for the project, and she requests “high priority” for funding it in fiscal year 2014. Norton read the letter aloud Dec. 19 at a 137th birthday celebration for Woodson, according to a news release.

Board picks director for health authority

A nationally recognized health insurance expert will serve as executive director of the D.C. Health Benefit Exchange Authority, according to a news release from the agency. Mila Kofman, Maine’s insurance superintendent from 2008 to 2011 and now a research professor and project director at the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, will assume her new post today. The D.C. authority’s executive board voted last month to approve the appointment. Created in response to the federal health reform law, the D.C. exchange will serve as “the central mechanism … to help individuals

The CurreNT

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and small businesses purchase health insurance coverage,” according to the release. Kofman’s duties will include managing the exchange’s operations, advancing health care reform in D.C. and recommending strategic priorities.

Bonobos to open store in Georgetown

Online men’s clothier Bonobos will open a brick-and-mortar store in Georgetown later this month. EastBanc Inc. and Jamestown signed a long-term lease with the New York-based Bonobos for a 1,000-square-foot retail space at 3320 Cady’s Alley, according to a news release. Customers at the Bonobos Guideshop location will have a chance to be fitted and to try on merchandise (by appointment) before making online purchases. Bonobos will replace Yves Delorme, a high-end linen store.

Senators introduce bill for D.C. statehood Sen. Joseph Lieberman introduced a bill Dec. 19 to make D.C. the 51st state, the U.S. Senate’s companion to legislation D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill would recognize D.C. as the state of “New Columbia.” Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, introduced similar legislation nearly two decades ago. The bill was co-sponsored by Democrats Richard Durbin of Illinois, Patty Murray of Washington state and Barbara Boxer of California. In having this legislation introduced, Norton “met one of her most important goals” of 2012, the release states. The delegate “was encouraged that members of the Senate … were undaunted by the barriers that are usually cited.”

C&O Canal group wins park award

The C&O Canal Association recently received the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park Award for Excellence in Citizen Stewardship. The association was honored for its contribution to the rehabilitation of the towpath at Big Slackwater, a 2.7-mile stretch in Maryland above Dam 4 that was closed after experiencing flood damage in 1996. The all-volunteer association provided more than $100,000 as well as advocacy for the repairs. The section was rededicated during an October ceremony.


As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, please call the managing editor at 202-2447223.

The CurreNT

Old Mexican Embassy wins landmark status By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

The Mexican government wants landmark status for its gracious former embassy on Meridian Hill, and the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board has obliged. The board on Dec. 20 named the beaux-arts mansion at 2829 16th St. as a local landmark, and members unanimously nominated it to the National Register of Historic Places. The so-called MacVeagh House, built in 1910, was used as an embassy from 1921 to 1989, at which point diplomats decamped to more spacious quarters at 1911 Pennsylvania Ave. Since then, it has served as the

Mexican Cultural Institute — lovingly restored and maintained, with colorful indoor murals, a grand staircase, a conservatory and a music room. Its magnificent interior reflects both the original architecture and an unusual collection of Mexican artifacts and paintings. “The shared history of the building is very important to the embassy, as is the majestic architecture,� said Elsa Borja, cultural programs coordinator for the institute, at a brief hearing. Kim Williams, landmark coordinator for the preservation board, said the nomination is the first of “what I hope will be a number of landmarks on Meridian Hill,� and perhaps even a historic district celebrating the city’s See Embassy/Page 16

Local artist shares ‘off-kilter’ look at Cathedral

wedNesday, JaNuary 2, 2013

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Current Staff Writer

When staff at the Washington National Cathedral began restoration from last summer’s earthquake, they decided to give one local photographer unique access to the landmark — and he’s now sharing the results. Colin Winterbottom, a transplant from Rockville who has photographed D.C.’s urban landscapes and architecture for more than 15 years, will display his work at Long View Gallery in Shaw this month. The “Gothic Resilience� exhibit will be his first at the gallery. Always focused on finding fresh perspectives on the city, Winterbottom said he has been waiting for an opportunity to photograph the National Cathedral up close — and after the August earthquake, he got his chance. His project did not initially start as a traditional artistic endeavor. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc., an engineering and architectural firm that assessed the earthquake’s impact for the National Park Service,

Photo by Colin Winterbottom

Colin Winterbottom has documented repairs at the Cathedral as well as dramatic views in photographs such as “Storm Clouds.� decided to hire Winterbottom last year to document its evaluations and repairs both at the Cathedral and at the Washington Monument. Employees at the firm were already familiar with Winterbottom’s work — much of which has captured historic preservation in D.C.

They thought his self-described “offkilter approach� — Winterbottom focuses in on the textures and details of subjects, and often captures them from unexpected angles or perspectives — would be a good fit for a group of engineers tasked with rapSee Cathedral/Page 22

PROTESTS: ABC law debated From Page 3

neighborhoods, there have been groups of five residents who protested every single liquor license, or who used the liquor license process as an attempt to settle unrelated grievances. For example, he said, “when we have to sit there and listen for four hours that someone from another culture doesn’t respect them, that’s not something we can do anything with.� Because the board often hears just one protest case a day, he said, it is forced to delay action on more urgent licensing and enforcement matters — creating a backlog of several months. It also means the city is wasting money to have board staff extensively prepare for certain hearings despite there being no legal basis for a protest, he said. Silverstein’s colleagues on the neighborhood commission weren’t swayed, voting 4-3 to ask the D.C. Council to preserve the full protest rights of the group of five; he abstained.


“Nobody ever said democracy is efficient,� commissioner Victor Wexler said. “It could have been done by fiat in 15 minutes.� Silverstein argued that either way, the legislation would protect citizens’ rights to protest, allowing them to air concerns to a broader citizens association or their relevant advisory neighborhood commission. “I have yet to find a case where an ANC has supported [an applicant] and yet a protest by an independent group has had great merit,� Silverstein said. “When an ANC has come up with a voluntary agreement, it seems to have always in my own experience met the issues of peace, order and quiet. The others more often than not have been neighborhood disputes that are beyond our purview.� Under the legislation the council finalized Dec. 18, residents who want to protest a liquor license application or renewal despite the actions of their neighborhood commission can still lobby a broader citizens association to take up their case.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The CurrenT


Wentworth Architects & Builders


In Your Neighborhood ANC 2A ANCBottom 2A Foggy

■ FoGGy bottom / west end

The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16, at School Without Walls, 2130 G St. NW. For details, visit ANC 2B ANCCircle 2B Dupont

■ dupont circle

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, at the Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW. For details, visit dupontcircleanc. net. ANC 2D ANC 2D Sheridan-Kalorama

■ sheridan-kalorama

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The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 28, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. For details, visit or contact ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown ■ GeorGetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale

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The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. The regular meeting date was rescheduled to avoid falling on New Year’s Eve. Agenda items include: ■ election of officers. ■ public safety report. ■ financial report. ■ transportation report. ■ discussion of commissioners’ 2013 priorities. ■ announcement of a D.C. Department of Transportation meeting on neighborhood parking issues, to be held at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 16 at Hardy Middle School. ■ discussion of the relocation of a Capital Bikeshare station in the 1000 block of Wisconsin Avenue. ■ consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application for a special exception to allow a bowling alley at the Shops at Georgetown Park mall, 3222 M St. ■ consideration of alcohol licensing matters: further voluntary agreement issues with Gypsy Sally’s Acoustic Tavern, 3401 K St.; requests for extended hours during inauguration week at Café Milano, 3251 Prospect St., and Kafe Leopold, 3315 Cady’s Alley; and a substantial change to the license of Taj of India, 2809 M St. ■ consideration of Old Georgetown Board matters: 1201 28th St., commercial, sign scheme for “DAS Ethiopian Restaurant” — existing, permit; 1624 30th St., residence, retaining wall on public space — existing, permit; 1645 31st St., residence (Friendly Estate), fencing, swimming pool and paved terraces, concept; 3019 Dent Place, residential, replacement of rear screen porch with two-story addition, concept;

Citizens Association of Georgetown

We have a lot of exciting things in the works for our association’s 2013 programs. We’ll be hearing from a new group of oral history contributors. The concerts committee is already lining up the bands for the summer concert series, and its kickoff party will be a family skating event at the Washington Harbour, with a reception at Tony and Joe’s Seafood Place. And Georgetown ARTS 2013 will return to the House of Sweden. The new general manager of the Four Seasons has agreed to host our March program in the beautifully renovated ballroom. And the Georgetown Gala Committee is recruiting new members and researching venues for the fall festivities. All of this happens because of the incredible volunteers who make up the Citizens Association of Georgetown. I salute each and every one of you and look forward to all we will accomplish in 2013. Happy New Year! — Jennifer Altemus 3270 S St., commercial, blade sign of “Anna Banana Arts and Crafts,” permit; 1425 33rd St., residence, repairs to slate roof (replacement to match), permit; 3245 N St., residence, new entry door — existing, permit (revision to permit); 3321 N St., residence, alterations, one-story rear addition, concept — revised design; 1424 Wisconsin Ave., commercial, alterations to storefront, concept; 3700 O St., Georgetown University, New South Hall Student Center, alterations and site work, concept; 1025 Thomas Jefferson St., office building, alterations, concept; and 1066 Wisconsin Ave., commercial, alterations to storefront, sign scheme for “The Frye Company,” concept. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover

■ Glover park / cathedral heiGhts

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10, at Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit anc3b. org. ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park ■ cleveland park / woodley park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heiGhts Massachusetts Avenue Heights cathedral heiGhts The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. The regular meeting date was rescheduled to avoid falling on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For details, call 202-657-5725 or visit ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring ■ sprinG valley / wesley heiGhts Wesley Heights palisades / kent / Foxhall

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, in Room B108, West Hall, George Washington University Mount Vernon Campus, 2100 Foxhall Road NW. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit

ANC 4C ANC 4C Street Heights Petworth/16th

■ petworth/16th street heiGhts

At the commission’s Dec. 12 meeting: ■ D.C. Department of Transportation program manager Paul Hoffman discussed street closures and possible detours during construction on the 16th Street bridge over Military Road, which is projected to begin this summer. Hoffman said the bridge will be reduced from two lanes in each direction to one and a portion of the traffic will be diverted to Georgia Avenue. Certain Metrobus routes will be changed in the area, he said, though those haven’t yet been determined. Short-duration closures of Military Road will also be required during construction, and at times Military will be reduced to a single lane between Oregon Avenue and 14th Street. The transportation agency still needs to finalize the bridge design and hire a communications consultant to work with stakeholders, Hoffman said. Several residents complained about the possibility of traffic jams on 14th Street. ■ Mayor Vincent Gray’s Ward 4 liaison, Keith Holman, discussed the District’s Great Streets Initiative, a plan to coordinate $200 million in public and private money for new mixed-use development projects, streetscapes, and transit and storefront improvements on different corridors of the city. ■ commissioners voted unanimously to protest Carolina Palace’s request for extended business hours on New Year’s Eve after several neighbors complained about continued noise problems at the 3700 14th St. club. ■ David Lloyd, assistant director of workforce development at University of District of Columbia Community College, outlined the school’s various degree programs, as well as its job training assistance. “We want to help the community grow in a positive fashion,” he said. The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, at the Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. For details, call 202-723-6670 or visit

The CurreNT

wedNesday, JaNuary 2, 2013


ZONING: Community input sought on various land-use proposals from Office of Planning

From Page 2

Metro station, or within a quarter mile of “high-service bus corridors.� Planners say existing parking requirements have led to costly and unnecessary excavation to build underground garages in areas where residents are happy to go car-free. The city’s population growth has come at the same time as declining car ownership rates — an indication, planners say, that fewer residents moving into new buildings will require parking. Many residents, however, have argued that such a policy would merely push more cars to nearby streets. The Planning Office did drop plans to recommend capping the number of allowable parking spaces in the transit areas, a measure to further discourage car dependency. The agency now says developers should be allowed to determine how much parking — if any — is worth constructing in those areas. Based on public input, the agency also dropped two planned changes to low-density residential zones: allowing houses to be any number of stories within a 40-foot limit, and allowing some residential side yards to shrink to 5 feet. The Planning Office instead stuck with the existing rules that limit homes to three stories and require 8-foot side yards. All of the proposed regulatory changes would apply only to new construction, but in many cases owners of existing structures that don’t conform to the zoning code will need special city approval for even relatively minor changes like an addition. The Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Zoning Commission routinely grant exemptions for new construction as well, but the process requires public hearings — allowing neighbors to weigh in on various aspects of a proposal. In crafting the zoning rewrite, planners say they have sought to ease the burden on property owners while retaining the rights of neighbors and the city to oppose changes.

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Because the Planning Office lacks the authority to change the city’s zoning regulations on its own, it is merely using its resources and expertise to make recommendations to the Zoning Commission about the regulations. The D.C. Council, too, is separated from the zoning rewrite approval, but council members and the public can petition the Zoning Commission during public hearings. The hearings on the zoning rewrite

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are expected later this year; the current round of public meetings affects only the Office of Planning’s draft. Planners hope that including public input early on will help generate a consensus behind the regulations proposed to the Zoning Commission. Members of the community have served on working groups since 2008, while various draft documents have also been put forward for public input over the years. The Planning Office has been

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presenting information on its major proposals and taking questions and comments at public meetings in each ward, with the same information available at each. Three meetings — in wards 2, 6 and 8 — have already taken place. Ward 1’s meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Tubman Elementary, 3101 13th St. NW; Ward 3’s will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Wilson High, 3950 Chesapeake St. NW; and

Ward 4’s will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 16 at Takoma Education Campus, 7010 Piney Branch Road NW. The agency will further modify and present its proposals based on the feedback received at these meetings and via and 202-442-7600. That website and include details; visit to download the PowerPoint presented at the community meetings.


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Wednesday, January 2, 2013


the GeorGetown


davis kennedy/Publisher & Editor chris kain/Managing Editor

Moving forward

Members of the D.C. Council, by and large, are surely glad to see an end to 2012. It was a year that brought the forced resignations of Chairman Kwame Brown and Ward 5’s Harry Thomas Jr., as well as ethics investigations into the behavior of other officials. The scandals for the most part overshadowed the council’s legislative work. Even though only one new member will take the oath of office today, the council will see some substantial changes this year. The ascendancy of atlarge member Phil Mendelson to chairman left a vacancy, filled on an interim basis last month by longtime Democratic activist Anita Bonds. She will face a crowded field of contenders in an April 23 special election. (Michael Brown, who in November lost his at-large seat to newcomer David Grosso, has not ruled out running, although he has not yet picked up petitions.) The biggest change is in committee leadership posts — and the creation of a new panel to oversee education matters. Heading the Education Committee will be at-large member David Catania, who has a reputation for dogged oversight, extensive research and targeted advocacy. We believe he can help push forward school reform so that every child in D.C. will have the opportunity for a high-quality education. And with Michael Brown’s departure, Ward 4’s Muriel Bowser is slated to take over leadership of the influential Committee on Economic Development. The timing is fortuitous with major decisions ahead on the redevelopment of the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center. We also hope Ms. Bowser will push for regulatory improvements that will help realize Mayor Vincent Gray’s economic development goals for 100,000 new jobs and $1 billion in additional tax revenues within five years. Particularly key is a look at reducing the city’s franchise tax in appropriate sectors: The District has a lot to gain if it incentivizes potentially lucrative areas such as high-tech or new auto sales — where the city now gets little tax revenue. The other changes could prove significant as well. Tommy Wells will head the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee, previously headed by Mr. Mendelson. Ward 7’s Yvette Alexander will assume the Health Committee, chaired for years by Mr. Catania. And at-large member Vincent Orange’s committee will oversee business-oriented and regulatory agencies. Other council members generally maintained their oversight responsibilities. Chairman Mendelson has chosen wisely to reduce the number of committees, and while this leaves Mr. Grosso and Ms. Bonds without leadership posts — unusual in recent years — this is hardly unprecedented for freshman and interim council members.

‘A procedural thing’

Considering the years-long controversy over proposed construction along the Georgetown waterfront and design of the now-completed park, it’s remarkable that the National Park Service handled the Jack’s Boathouse matter so poorly. It took intervention from the top — agency director Jon Jarvis — to put off a Jan. 31 eviction, so he could personally review the case. The deferral came after an intense letter-writing campaign once customers and other fans of Jack’s Canoes and Kayaks LLC learned of the Park Service’s plans. Given the facility’s history, its proprietor surely earned some consideration. Jack’s has provided boat rentals and storage space since 1945. Park Service officials may be right to raise concerns about the validity of the long-standing lease (which apparently mentions the prior owner rather than Mr. Simkin), and to seek a concession agreement instead. Officials previously engaged in talks about renewing the lease, but Mr. Simkin says officials stopped returning his calls and letters over the summer. An agency spokesperson described the eviction letter as “strictly a procedural thing,” with the Park Service committed to the notion of a boating operation at the site — though not necessarily under the same management. Federal law mandates public input on many seemingly arcane Park Service matters that require environmental impact statements. So, too, should the potential disruption of a community-serving operation that predates even the designation of Georgetown as a national historic district. Unfortunately, the lack of consideration for the community — replaced by an undue reliance on procedure — is far too common when it comes to National Park Service decision-making. Efforts to organize events in Dupont Circle’s namesake park must endure protracted, burdensome reviews. And the District’s plans to install a stoplight at Reservoir and Canal roads — in large part to improve pedestrian access to nearby Fletcher’s Boat House, a National Park Service site — have so far been stymied in the federal agency’s bureaucracy. It’s past time for a more community-friendly approach.

The CurrenT

A ‘real’ return to school …


o, the holidays are over and the children will soon be back in school. And, so, too, will the D.C. Council. For the first time since 2007, the council has a full-fledged education committee. Oversight of the city’s schools no longer will be in the “Committee of the Whole,” where all 13 members were responsible for it, which meant no one was. And this committee will be chaired by independent at-large member David Catania, who is not known for sailing along with the status quo. Chancellor Kaya Henderson “should be expecting more pointed attention” to her reform efforts, one veteran political observer noted. In fact, the chancellor should expect a lot more monitoring and oversight from Catania, but don’t assume that will be a bad thing for her. “She and David have a pretty good relationship already,” said another insider. “There’s mutual respect, [and] they’ve met a lot over the past couple of weeks.” And this was before Catania was certain that he’d be appointed by D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson. This might be a good time to recall that Mendelson voted against the mayoral takeover of schools. He has now picked a bulldog member to head the new education committee. In Catania’s previous post atop the Committee on Health, some people joked or ruefully said, the veteran legislator “ran” the health agencies rather than overseeing them. “He drove the health care agenda,” one involved admirer said, from doggedly saving the United Medical Center in Southeast, to providing HIV/AIDS funding, gaining groundbreaking dental services for low-income families, and dramatically increasing Medicaid coverage for the city’s poorest uninsured. There are better health outcomes and the city is a leader in the nation with its reforms, the insider said. But back to school. When the council held its hearings on looming school closings, Catania walked in with a huge binder filled with details on every school. Again, this was before he became education chair. The binder detailed every aspect of each school — enrollment, test scores, staffing, renovations, et cetera. He asked pointed questions about things like staffto-teacher ratios. Mind-numbing television (alas!), but on point. Since then, Catania’s staff has created similar binders for nearly 200 school buildings, both public and charter. Given Catania’s attention to detail, we could be in for the first real dissection of our $1 billion school system and school reform — with all its pluses and minuses. While we can expect “Catania to be Catania,” with his sometimes withering temperament when things are out of sorts, should Chancellor Henderson be even a little bit worried? The insiders we consulted suggested it could be a rocky road but that Henderson may welcome

Catania’s passionate dive into education. He doesn’t want it to falter or fail — that wouldn’t make him look good. Just criticizing? Lots of people can criticize. Instead, one person said, expect Catania to be aggressive in highlighting shortcomings and bureaucratic bottlenecks to push funding for real returns. The new committee chair also will influence the role of the Washington Teachers Union, too. (He’s already met with union president Nathan Saunders.) In that way, Catania could become a powerful ally for Henderson. “Kaya almost wants her feet to be held to the fire,” the insider said. It will give her support to make the tough decisions. Right now, with all that Mayor Vincent Gray has on his plate, the mayor can’t be the No. 1 backer of Henderson. The new era starts this month when Henderson announces her final list in the latest round of school closings. There is no formal role for the council — and no required vote — but we’ll see how things move along from here. ■ Catania’s committee. The chairs of council committees hold great sway over what those committees do. But the other members count, too. Those on the new education committee include Marion Barry (Ward 8) and Tommy Wells (Ward 6) — both former school board members — as well as Yvette Alexander (Ward 7) and newcomer David Grosso (at-large). It is essentially the same committee that Catania had as Health Committee chair; the only difference is that Grosso replaces Mary Cheh (Ward 3). Grosso has a kind of earnestness and, as a former council staffer, a knowledge base to get up to speed quickly. Grosso also asked to be on education and likely will work well with Catania. But what of Barry? He and Catania had another of their occasional blowout rhetorical exchanges recently, with Catania saying Barry is a worn-out, past-hisprime politician. (We’re cleaning it up a bit.) But Catania and Barry have a thorough understanding of each other. They can be remarkably collegial — almost stunningly so. And besides, Barry likely will spend more time on his workforce development committee. So pull up a chair and keep your eyes on the Education Committee. ■ Slurpee to slim? The most surprising news this past week came from The New York Times: “The chain that is home of the Slurpee, Big Gulp and self-serve nachos with chili and cheese is betting that consumers will stop in for yogurt parfaits, crudité and lean turkey on whole wheat bread.” That’s right, 7-Eleven wants franchises to begin shifting stock to have 20 percent of their shelves devoted to healthy food options. Good luck! We’ve generally found bottled water about the best, least fattening thing available there on our infrequent trips. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



letters to the editor

been very young when sold. Mark Schek

story on slave used careless wording

city should review Zipcar requirements

I’m writing in response to The Current’s article on Yarrow Mamout [“Archaeological interest holds up home project,” Dec. 12]. The article, on the jump page, should have read that he “was sold to slavery in America” — not “came to America,” as if he had a choice. In fact, judging from the dates in the article, he must have

Washington, D.C.

I think I understand the rationale for the apparently silly dance about the colors of taxicabs in Washington, D.C. The goal is to make it more difficult for cabs registered in the suburbs to pick up passengers illegally downtown. This rationale would presumably apply to the Zipcar car-sharing company as well. Why, then,

does the Zipcar that parks regularly on my street in Washington Heights have New York license plate number FMX 1789? The implicit subsidy for this free reserved parking space is worth close to $3,000 annually. Why, then, do we not at a minimum require that the cars be registered locally? The contract that the city has with this company should be examined closely, both to measure compliance and to ensure that we are not subsidizing other jurisdictions. Vic Miller Washington Heights

The CurrenT

Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from Dec. 23 through 30 by the Metropolitan Police Department in local police service areas.

psA PSA 101 101 â– downtown

Theft (below $250) â– 1000 block, H St.; unspecified premises; 7:25 p.m. Dec. 25. â– 1300 block, H St.; sidewalk; 5:42 p.m. Dec. 27. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1000 block, 12th St.; unspecified premises; noon Dec. 23.

psA 102

â– Gallery PSA 102 place

penn Quarter

Robbery (fear) â– 600 block, H St.; bank; 10:19 a.m. Dec. 26. Theft (below $250) â– 700 block, 7th St.; store; 4:20 p.m. Dec. 23. â– 500 block, H St.; sidewalk; 7:19 a.m. Dec. 24. â– 7th and H streets; restaurant; 1:51 p.m. Dec. 29. Theft (shoplifting) â– 400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; store; 9 a.m. Dec. 26. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 700 block, 5th St.; unspecified premises; 6 p.m. Dec. 25. â– 8th and E streets; unspecified premises; 2 p.m. Dec. 26. â– 600 block, K St.; street; 9 p.m. Dec. 29.

psA PSA 201 201

â– chevy chase

Theft (below $250) â– 5900 block, Utah Ave.; residence; 9:52 a.m. Dec. 26.

psA 202

â– Friendship heiGhts PSA 202

tenleytown / au park

Burglary â– 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; office building; 3 p.m. Dec. 24. â– 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; office building; 5 p.m. Dec. 24. â– 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 9:59 a.m. Dec. 26. Theft (below $250) â– 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 10:37 a.m. Dec. 26. â– 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 3:21 p.m. Dec. 26. â– 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 6:30 p.m. De. 29. Theft (shoplifting) â– 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 5:44 p.m. Dec. 29. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 4300 block, Harrison St.; unspecified premises; 6:53 p.m. Dec. 29.

psA 203

Stolen auto â– 4800 block, 32nd St.; residence; noon Dec. 29. Theft (shoplifting) â– 4300 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 2:07 p.m. Dec. 25. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 3000 block, Porter St.; unspecified premises; 1:59 a.m. Dec. 30.

psA 204

â– massachusetts avenue

heiGhts / cleveland park woodley PSA 204 park / Glover

park / cathedral heiGhts

Burglary â– 2200 block, 38th St.; unspecified premises; 5:23 p.m. Dec. 26. Stolen auto â– 2400 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 8:41 p.m. Dec. 26. Theft ($250 plus) â– 2100 block, Wisconsin Ave.; street; 11:20 a.m. Dec. 27. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 2700 block, Woodley Place; street; 8:30 p.m. Dec. 23. â– 3600 block, Macomb St.; unspecified premises; 3:26 a.m. Dec. 28.

psA 205

â– palisades / sprinG valley PSA 205

wesley heiGhts / Foxhall

No crimes reported.

psA PSA 206 206

â– GeorGetown / burleith

Burglary ■1200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 4:36 a.m. Dec. 24. ■3300 block, Cady’s Alley; restaurant; 5:30 a.m. Dec. 24. Theft ($250 plus) ■3400 block, M St.; store; 4:27 p.m. Dec. 26. ■3000 block, M St.; store; 3:14 p.m. Dec. 29. Theft (below $250) ■3200 block, M St.; store; 1:45 p.m. Dec. 24. ■3000 block M St.; unspecified premises; 2:03 p.m. Dec. 24. ■3100 block, M St.; store; 4 p.m. Dec. 24. ■1200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 4:11 p.m. Dec. 24. ■1400 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 3:55 p.m. Dec. 25. ■3000 block, K St.; park area; 6:10 p.m. Dec. 27. ■3200 block, M St.; street; 9:30 a.m. Dec. 29. ■3200 block, M St.; store; 2:45 p.m. Dec. 29. ■3200 block, M St.; store; 2:25 p.m. Dec. 30. Theft from auto (below $250) ■3000 block, O St.; parking lot; 8 p.m. Dec. 28.

â– Forest PSA 203 hills / van ness

psA PSA 207 207

Burglary â– 3500 block, Quebec St.; residence; 11:12 p.m. Dec. 27.

Robbery (fear) â– 900 block, 17th St.; bank; 12:50 p.m. Dec. 26.

cleveland park

â– FoGGy bottom / west end

Assault with a dangerous weapon (miscellaneous) â– 1700 block, Constitution Ave.; street; 7 a.m. Dec. 29. Burglary â– 1100 block, 19th St.; unspecified premises; 2 p.m. Dec. 23. â– 1100 block, Connecticut Ave.; store; 12:01 a.m. Dec. 30. Theft (below $250) â– 1100 block, 22nd St.; hotel; 9 a.m. Dec. 27. â– 2400 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; restaurant; 12:05 a.m. Dec. 29. â– 900 block, New Hampshire Ave.; store; 5:56 p.m. Dec. 29.

psA 208

â– sheridan-kalorama PSA 208

dupont circle

Robbery (gun) â– 1500 block, Massachusetts Ave.; sidewalk; 2:24 a.m. Dec. 26. Robbery (assault) â– 22nd and P streets; unspecified premises; 1:37 a.m. Dec. 26. Robbery (fear) â– 1300 block, Connecticut Ave.; bank; 9:58 a.m. Dec. 28. Theft ($250 plus) â– 1600 block, 20th St.; unspecified premises; 2:45 p.m. Dec. 29. Theft (below $250) â– 1300 block, Connecticut Ave.; restaurant; 2 p.m. Dec. 24. â– 1200 block, 22nd St.; unspecified premises; 5:40 p.m. Dec. 24. â– 1800 block, M St.; restaurant; 11:30 a.m. Dec. 92. â– 1200 block, Connecticut Ave.; tavern/nightclub; 3:46 a.m. Dec. 30. â– 1500 block, 17th St.; restaurant; 5:50 p.m. Dec. 30. Theft (shoplifting) â– 1200 block, 22nd St.; store; 10:16 p.m. Dec. 25. Theft from auto ($250 plus) â– 1500 block, New Hampshire Ave.; unspecified premises; 1:30 p.m. Dec. 27. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1900 block, R St.; street; 10 p.m. Dec. 25. â– 1700 block, 19th St.; unspecified premises; 3:30 p.m. Dec. 28. â– 1200 block, 17th St.; unspecified premises; 8:30 p.m. Dec. 29. â– 1300 block, 16th St.; unspecified premises; 9:30 p.m. Dec. 29.

psA PSA 301 301

â– dupont circle

Burglary â– 1800 block, 18th St.; restaurant; noon Dec. 24. â– 1700 block, Swann St.; unspecified premises; 12:50 p.m. Dec. 26. â– 1400 block, W St.; residence; 10:30 a.m. Dec. 27. Theft (below $250) â– 1400 block, R St.; construction site; 7:58 a.m. Dec. 27.

Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1500 block, W St,; unspecified premises; 10 p.m. Dec. 24. â– 1400 block, U St.; parking lot; 1 p.m. Dec. 30.

psA PSA 303 303

â– adams morGan

Robbery (snatch) â– 1700 block, Florida Ave.; tavern/nightclub; 1:41 a.m. Dec. 29. Theft (below $250) â– 18th Street and Belmont Road; unspecified premises; 1:10 a.m. Dec. 29. Theft from auto ($250 plus) â– 2500 block of 17th St.; unspecified premises; 4:55 p.m. Dec. 25. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1600 block, Crescent Place; street; 2 p.m. Dec. 23. â– 2100 block, 19th St.; street; 10:30 p.m. Dec. 23. â– 2100 block, 19th St.; street; 10:39 a.m. Dec. 24. â– 20th Street and Kalorama Road; unspecified premises; 5 p.m. Dec. 25. â– 1700 block, Columbia Road; unspecified premises; 6:54 p.m. Dec. 26.

psA PSA 307 307

â– loGan circle

Robbery (snatch) â– 1200 block, 11th St.; unspecified premises; 1:15 a.m. Dec. 30. Assault with a dangerous weapon (miscellaneous) â– 1200 block, 11th St.; sidewalk; 3:20 a.m. Dec. 29. Theft (below $250) â– 900 block, S St.; unspecified premises; 10 a.m. Dec. 25. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1200 block, Massachusetts Ave.; street; 10:20 p.m. Dec. 25. â– 1300 block, 9th St.; tavern/ nightclub; 8:18 p.m. Dec. 28. â– 1500 block, Kingman Place; street; 10:40 a.m. Dec. 29.

psA 401

â– colonial PSA 401 villaGe

shepherd park / takoma

Burglary â– 1900 block, Spruce Drive; residence; 5:30 p.m. Dec. 25. Theft (below $250) â– 7400 block, Georgia Ave.; unspecified premises; 1:45 a.m. Dec. 28. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 8200 block, Eastern Ave.; unspecified premises; 1 p.m. Dec. 23. â– 1300 block, Roxanna Road; street; 12:10 a.m. Dec. 24. â– 8100 block, Eastern Ave.; street; 1 a.m. Dec. 24. â– 6600 block, 16th St.; street; 10 a.m. Dec. 24. â– 1600 block, Kalmia Road; unspecified premises; 9:30 p.m. Dec. 25. â– 7700 block, Alaska Ave.; unspecified premises; 5:30 a.m. Dec. 27.


g d f

Wednesday, January 2, 2013



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10 wednesday, January 2, 2013

The CurrenT


2012: Year sees improvements to streets, Harbour

From Page 1

10,000 Pepco customers were left without power. ■Cleveland Park Giant project breaks ground. The long-debated Cathedral Commons mixed-use project on the site of Cleveland Park’s Wisconsin Avenue Giant supermarket began construction in October. The two-year project will include a new Giant, additional retail and 145 housing units. ■Playgrounds to be overhauled. The D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation named 32 playgrounds citywide it will renovate by October 2013, including several that a review identified as having a “high probability of injury.� The multimilliondollar effort stems from one of Kwame Brown’s last legislative actions as D.C. Council chairman. ■GWU continues campus development. George Washington University is proposing a 130-foottall commercial building in the 2100 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, which will be an investment property rather than an academic building. The Foggy Bottom/West End advisory neighborhood commission will oppose the plan at this year’s Zoning Commission hearings. The university also won approval this past year to construct display space at 21st and G streets for a donated Washingtoniana collection and a relocated Textile Museum. This year, the school will also seek permission to connect three historic apartment buildings into a single dorm in the 2100 blocks of I and H streets. ■Residents pitch in to save Georgetown corner store. After the Scheele’s Market building in Georgetown was sold, neighbors

collected $70,000 in the spring to obtain a covenant granting the store a right to remain there. The market, which dates to the 19th century, is grandfathered into its residential zone. ■Unemployment rate steadily declines. The District’s unemployment rate marked its ninth straight month of declines in November, standing then at 8.4 percent. The rate was 10.2 percent in November 2011, and this year’s figure is the lowest since January 2009, according to the city. ■O and P streets restored. Georgetown’s historic cobblestoned O and P streets, with rare surviving samples of trolley tracks, reopened fully restored over the summer. The deteriorated streets had been a notorious eyesore and required drivers to take great caution. ■West End projects approved, then delayed. A proposal to replace the West End’s aging library and firehouse with striking new buildings incorporating housing received widespread community support and ultimately Zoning Commission approval in March. Now, a lawsuit brought by the DC Library Renaissance Project has put the development on hold; the group alleges that the District should have received more money for the valuable land from developer EastBanc. Meanwhile, the city has yet to name a location for a temporary Engine Co. 1 firehouse during the construction, but tennis courts near 23rd and N streets seem the most likely spot. ■Washington Harbour comes back to life. A major makeover of Georgetown’s Washington Harbour is now just about complete, in spite of complications that came with a

major flood in spring 2011. The $22.5 million renovation included bringing in an outdoor ice rink — the largest in the city — for coldweather months. ■JP’s strip club seeks to reopen. A Glover Park strip club that closed after a 2008 fire now has new owners who intend to reopen it. Residents have argued that it’s not clear who the owners are, which makes it difficult to trust that the establishment will be well-run. The city issued a building permit for the club’s reconstruction last week, according to the Washington Business Journal. ■Georgetown, American universities’ campus plans approved. Following years of contentious debates, Georgetown and American universities received Zoning Commission approval for their campus plans, which outline the schools’ enrollment and development. After intense negotiations with the community, Georgetown agreed to house nearly all of its students on campus and develop a satellite campus, while working with residents to further ease its burden on the neighborhood. And despite heated community opposition, American University won zoning approval for its intensive development plans along Nebraska and Massachusetts avenues, both at its main campus and at Tenley Circle. Some of its new dorms are already under construction. A community group has appealed the zoning order. ■Council adopts alcohol license

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In the past year, Northwest saw ground broken for a Cleveland Park mixed-use project and a rebuilt Dupont Metro escalator.

reform. The D.C. Council last month adopted a series of changes to its alcoholic licensing process after months of debates and taskforce meetings organized by Ward 1 member Jim Graham. The new measure gives more power to advisory neighborhood commissions and community groups and less to individuals in protesting liquor licenses, among other changes. Earlier in the year, the council also extended maximum alcoholserving hours from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. on certain weekends. ■Metro replaces Dupont escalators. The south entrance to the Dupont Circle Metro station was closed for more than eight months last year while workers replaced its escalators — considered among the worst in the Metrorail system. The $12 million project was completed on time in October, but even the new escalators have seen some reliability hiccups. ■Snow shoveling bill dies. D.C. Council legislation that would make it easier to enforce a law requiring residents to clear the sidewalks in front of their homes was tabled indefinitely last February, amid concerns that it would be too burdensome for elderly or disabled homeowners. A 1922 law calls for the District to shovel sidewalks when residents do not, then take them to court to collect payment for the work. ■Water authority seeks alternative to tunnels. Local officials are seeking alternatives to a federal requirement that the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority construct three tunnels to store wastewater that could otherwise pollute local waterways. One tunnel is already under construction. But arguing that the other two would be needlessly costly and disruptive, water officials said over the summer that the city should instead work to reduce runoff into storm drains, solving the problem another way. D.C. Department of the Environment director Christophe

Tolou was abruptly dismissed in September, allegedly for suggesting that the tunnel alternatives would be ineffective. ■Chancellor eyes 20 schools for consolidation. Parents across the city are fighting plans to close 20 D.C. Public Schools campuses that were pegged as underenrolled. Among the changes proposed by Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson are shutdowns for Garrison Elementary and Francis-Stevens Education Campus in Ward 2, and the merger of MacFarland Middle and Roosevelt High on the Roosevelt campus in Ward 4. Garrison and Francis-Stevens parents have voiced particular outrage, saying their schools were on the upswing and deserve a chance to prove themselves. Final decisions on the closure proposals are due this month. ■Modernization required for city’s taxi fleet. Stricter taxi regulations will require cabs to accept credit cards, limit the cars’ age, and mandate a standardized color scheme. The city is now taking comments on the color proposals at ■Firehouse renovations under way. The city OKed renovation plans at the historic Cleveland Park and Palisades fire stations, where controversy had swirled around plans to expand their arched doorways to fit today’s large fire trucks. The Historic Preservation Review Board rejected the Cleveland Park plan in December 2011, setting a precedent that also would apply to Palisades. The Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation then overruled the decision in April. Construction is expected to wrap up this year at both facilities. ■Georgetown mall attracts bigbox tenants. The redevelopment of the Shops at Georgetown Park mall has attracted T.J. Maxx and its sister store HomeGoods, along with an upscale bowling alley. The mall was nearly emptied of tenants — including the D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles — starting in late 2011 and into early last year to make way for the overhaul. ■Vacant Chevy Chase site eyed See 2012/Page 13


Athletics in northwest wAshington



January 2, 2013 ■ Page 11

Roosevelt bolstered by WCAC transfer By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

After spending nearly two seasons at DeMatha in Hyattsville, Md., Johnnie Shuler wanted a change because, he said simply, “it wasn’t a good situation.” When he looked for other schools during his sophomore year, one jumped out that made his decision easy — Theodore Roosevelt. Stepping onto the basketball court with the Rough Riders this year has turned out to be a solid fit. Joining Roosevelt reunites Shuler with several of his Amateur Athletic Union teammates and coach Tony Langley, who runs the D.C. Warriors program and also serves as an assistant at Roosevelt. “I just knew that it was going to be fun playing with them again,” said Shuler. “It was tough at first, but all in all it ended up being a good decision.” “The chemistry was there. Tony Langley has done a tremendous job with those kids since they were 7 years old,” said Roosevelt head coach Rob Nickens. “You can see the basketball IQ and understanding of what we are trying to do.”

Shuler has stepped in as Roosevelt’s starting point guard. He gives the Rough Riders a confident floor general who can create his own shot and also put his teammates in position to succeed. “He’s a kid that can defend and knock down an open shot,” said Nickens. “He makes everyone around him better. Johnnie is a winner, and that’s what I like about it. It’s hard to find great point guards in D.C., and I think I have one.” Shuler has helped Roosevelt start the season with a 6-0 record going into last weekend. It’s been a quick turnaround for the Rough Riders, who last season lost the D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association title to Coolidge. This year’s victories have included a pair of statement wins: a 69-54 trouncing of the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference’s Good Counsel on Dec. 15, and a thrilling 72-69 buzzer beater against Princeton Day the following day. The team hopes playing quality non-conference teams will help them in D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association games and their ultimate goal — becoming city champions.

“I try to have us play the toughest non-conference schedule to have us ready for tournament play,” said Nickens. “It’s going to help us in the long run.” Aside from Shuler, Roosevelt has a deep roster with talent across the floor. Senior forward Tavon See Roosevelt/Page 12

Brian Kapur/The Current

Junior Johnnie Shuler, right, transferred from DeMatha last year and takes over as the Theodore Roosevelt’s starting point guard.

Delgado takes the reins at Visitation By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Brian Kapur/The Current

Senior Taylor Delgado has taken the reins as the Cubs leader this season. So far the guard has averaged more than 14 points per game this year, including a season high 30 in a game last month. Delgado also leads the team in three-point shooting.

Many talented high school basketball players who are stuck on the bench behind other skilled athletes in the same position would pout or opt to transfer to another school. But Visitation’s Taylor Delgado never entertained either option. Instead, she relished the chance to learn behind Kate Gillespie, who went on to play at the college level for Holy Cross, and Maddie Williams, who set several school records before graduating last spring. “The past years have helped me a lot because I had so many leaders to look up to,” said Delgado, who as a senior is now a captain of the team. “They had a huge part of getting me where I am today. It’s finally my turn, and I’m just trying to help the whole team.” Delgado has evolved from a role player and streaky shooter into a consistent contributor and leader. She’s one of two seniors on the roster, and her teammates look up to her. “It was a little weird at first,” said Delgado. “But it’s an honor; I feel really lucky, to be honest.” So far this season Delgado has propelled the Cubs to an impressive 7-3 record, including a 3-0 record in Independent School League games. She has brought stability to a team that is replacing seven seniors from last season, including its leading scorer, three-point shooter and assister. “We’re starting to get used to how each other is playing,” said Delgado. “We’re mold-

ing with each other.” The senior guard leads the team with about 14 points per game, including a season-high 30-point game on Dec. 13. She also is the top three-point shooter, with three treys this season. “She has just gotten better each year,” Cubs coach Mike McCarthy said of Delgado. “She has really come into her own. She’s playing great basketball — shooting well and being a good leader. If I scripted it, this is what I would have had.” Beyond Delgado’s improving skills, McCarthy sees something more — beaming confidence. “Now she knows, no matter what she’s going to be out there,” he said. “Also, being a senior and having colleges look at her helped build up her confidence in a lot of different ways.” That helped lead her to a commitment to play basketball for Christopher Newport after graduating from Visitation. The senior cited the coaching staff and location as key factors in her choice of the Newport News, Va., university. “Just fell in love with it,” said Delgado. “My family is huge to me. I wanted to go away from home, but not too far away.” But before she moves on to the college level, Delgado hopes to help Visitation score another championship. “I think we have a great chance of winning the whole ISL,” said Delgado. “We’re definitely one of the two top teams.”

12 Wednesday, January 2, 2013




The CurrenT

Northwest Sports

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ROOSEVELT: Rough Riders eye return to title games From Page 11

Alexander is a talented frontcourt player, who can create explosive plays. “Tavon attacks the rim and can finish with either hand in traffic,” said Nickens. Alexander is joined by junior forward Jibreel Faulkner and senior forward Everette Quick in the frontcourt to create a formidable post. “They’re all rangy guys and very

athletic,” said Nickens. “They can all hit an open jump shot, which brings other teams’ [big men] away from the basket.” In the backcourt, Shuler can look to junior guard Jarrell Allen for scoring. “He started for us as a freshman, and his experience and leadership will help,” said Nickens. With a talented roster, the expectations for the Riders are simple. “Our goal every year is to get to

the city title game,” said Nickens. “We believe that we should be playing in the last game of the season every year.” Shuler is on board with that plan. And if the city title game pits him against his old team — DeMatha — he admits with a smile that the matchup would add some drama. But “it doesn’t matter who it is, I just want to go there and have fun,” he said.

Fall All-Conference (Part 1) WCAC Boys soccer First team Daniel Tracey, St. John’s Juan Ramirez, St. John’s Nicholas Corriveau, Gonzaga Ian Harkes, Gonzaga Second team Conor Smith, Gonzaga Chase Gasper, Gonzaga Kody Higginbotham, Gonzaga Honorable mention Matthew Carey, St. John’s Timothy Ekpone, St. John’s Stephen Harlan, St. John’s Neal Osborn, Gonzaga Sean Griffith, Gonzaga Stephen Wulff, Gonzaga Ryan Massey, Gonzaga Girls soccer First team Liz Parks, St. John’s Second team Samantha Scaffidi, St. John’s Honorable mention Alexis Landis, St. John’s Gabrielle Rouse, St. John’s Carmen Hayes, St. John’s

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Football First team Ned Bent, St. John’s Patrick McMahon, Gonzaga Max Onyenwe, St. John’s Robbie Walker, Gonzaga Will Ulmer, St. John’s Scott Carpenter, Gonzaga Billy McNamara, Gonzaga Josh Willis, St. John’s Paris Person, Gonzaga Devin Butler, Gonzaga Jaivon Gibbs, Gonzaga Dan Leonard, Gonzaga Second team Chris Schultz, Gonzaga Omar Truitt, St. John’s Ryan Forrester, Gonzaga Matt Flynn, Gonzaga Devin Williams, St. John’s Miles Taylor, Gonzaga

Pete Rosa, St. John’s Reggie Corbin, Gonzaga Third team Charles Butler, Gonzaga Alex Malchow, St. John’s Reggie Corbin, Gonzaga Jabari Greenwood, Gonzaga Brady Malone, Gonzaga Sam Fancois, St. John’s Kenny Brooks, St. John’s Honorable mention Turner Echols, Gonzaga Drew Gordon, Gonzaga Kenny Haggins, Gonzaga Griffin Jackson, Gonzaga Richie Petitbon, Gonzaga Ean Brown, St. John’s Denzel Dykes, St. John’s Omar Garcia, St. John’s Maurice Harley, St. John’s Ayron Monroe, St. John’s Volleyball First team Becca Bateman, St. John’s Second team Lena Washington, St. John’s Third team Cortney Yeoman, St. John’s Honorable mention Erin Bistany, St. John’s Nahja Franklin, St. John’s Jeanne Westney, St. John’s MAC Boys soccer Adam Glaser, Georgetown Day Nick Jackson, Sidwell Zach Tamen, Maret Adam Zeutler, Maret Brendon Caldwell, Sidwell Mike Eppler, Georgetown Day Grant Reynolds, Sidwell Nick Rizig, Maret Henry Trotter, Sidwell Golf Noah Elion, Maret Jack Klein, Georgetown Day Jack Rushford, Georgetown Day Aaron Lewin, Sidwell

The CurrenT


wednesday, January 2, 2013


2012: Development, legislative initiatives bring change to Northwest neighborhoods

From Page 10

for apartments. Neighbors are battling a planned 263-unit apartment building at the corner of Connecticut Avenue and Military Road. Developers appear confident that the project complies with zoning codes and thus requires no public review, but residents have raised questions about the site’s history that might make it need special approvals. ■ City plans more traffic cameras, lower fines. The Metropolitan Police Department hopes to add more cameras to catch drivers who speed, run red lights and stop signs, and fail to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. The D.C. Council meanwhile voted last month to reduce most traffic camera fines, with proponents of the measure saying a certainty of enforcement is more effective than stiffer penalties. Mayor Vincent Gray had argued for less drastic reductions of the fines, which have generated millions for the city’s treasury. ■ Capital Bikeshare expansion continues. As residents pushed for more Capital Bikeshare stations across the city, the D.C. Department of Transportation last month promised to add 54 locations in early 2013. The bike-sharing system celebrated its two-year anniversary in September and raised its daily ridership record to 8,717 trips on Sept. 15. ■ Comcast removes illegal utility boxes from Georgetown. Thinking it had had all the proper city permits,

Comcast installed metal utility boxes holding fiber optic equipment throughout Georgetown — which has federal historic preservation protections. Acknowledging that the boxes did not have historic design approval, the company removed the boxes and will seek to install them underground. ■ Construction completed on Wisconsin, Nebraska. Two longplanned, long-running road projects in Ward 3 recently wrapped up. In Glover Park, Wisconsin Avenue was rebuilt and received new left-turn lanes and a center pedestrian refuge. In Chevy Chase, a section of Nebraska Avenue and Military Road was repaved while new stoplights were installed at their intersection. ■ Liquor store owner arrested but keeps license. The owner of a Foxhall liquor store was convicted over the summer of selling alcohol to a 17-year-old, which a Montgomery County investigation believed was part of a pattern. In November, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board declined to revoke Town Square Market’s license, saying the store had improved its practices to prevent further problems. Further proceedings are planned. ■ Short-lived “red top meter” program scrapped. A city plan launched early last year was designed to reserve certain “red top” parking meters for disabled motorists while ending the long-standing practice of waiving payment for them. The D.C. Council suspended the program on an emergency basis after residents complained, then

didn’t pass legislation to resume it — effectively killing the measure. ■ City finance office criticized over assessments. Residential tax assessments stayed flat and commercial assessments increased 6.7 percent in 2012 compared to 2011, according to data released in March. But D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi then faced criticism when reports showed his office subsequently reduced the taxable value of about 100 commercial properties by a collective $2.6 billion — which represents more than half of that gain. ■ Feds to auction off Georgetown heating plant. The unused West Heating Plant at 29th and K streets will be auctioned off online beginning Jan. 18. The federally owned building is expected to be converted into apartments or a hotel, and the site’s open space appears likely become parkland, as requested by neighbors. ■ Georgetown estates get mixed reception. Georgetown residents debated the futures of two signature properties in 2012: Evermay, an 1801 mansion that its owners proposed using as a headquarters for their nonprofit; and the 1817 Williams-Addison House (or Friendly Estate), to which a developer seeks to add parking and other amenities to make it more marketable. Evermay’s plans were cleared in February after the owners agreed to strict limits on how the property will be used; the Friendly Estate plans, such as an 11-space garage, contin-

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Ethics at forefront in D.C. Council’s 2012 2012 wasn’t the best year for the District government. D.C. Council Chairman Kwame Brown and Ward 5 member Harry Thomas admitted to personal and professional financial improprieties, respectively, and resigned from their posts to face federal felony convictions. Several top officials with Mayor Vincent Gray’s campaign also pleaded guilty to violations related to a “shadow campaign” of unreported funding, and the federal investigation is ongoing. The revelations spurred cries for further ethics reform beyond the legislation passed in December 2011. But despite a push for changes to elections laws, the council didn’t take action this year on legislation to restrict campaign contributions. And a grass-roots effort to include an outright ban on corporate contributions on the November ballot also faltered amid questions about the validity of petition signatures. Though the November elections mostly maintained the status quo, they yielded some heated races and a couple of surprises. At-large member Vincent Orange and Ward 4’s Muriel Bowser dispatched a slew of challengers in the Democratic primary and cruised to victory in the general election. Less lucky was Michael Brown, an independent who lost one of the at-large seats reserved for a non-Democrat to newcomer David Grosso. Kenyan McDuffie was elected Ward 5 Council member to replace the jailed Thomas, and at-large member Phil Mendelson was elected as council chairman to replace Kwame Brown. Last month, D.C. Democratic State Committee chair Anita Bonds was elected by that group’s members to fill Mendelson’s seat on an interim basis, and many other local figures are lining up to challenge her this spring. — Brady Holt ue to be shot down. ■ Changes likely for city’s parking rules. Last year saw the introduction of “enhanced residential permit parking” throughout Ward 1, which sets aside one side of zoned streets strictly for residents, while maintaining the customary two-hour restrictions on the other side of the

street. The D.C. Department of Transportation will spend this year reviewing other parking policy changes, and is expected to expand the use of variable-rate parking meters and visitor parking passes. The Current’s annual year-inreview in rhyme will appear in next week’s issue.

14 wedNesday, JaNuary 2, 2013

The CurreNT

GRADUATION: Board of Education proposes increasing overall credit requirements

From Page 1

U.S. government, a change that some stakeholders still criticize. General elective credits would be bumped up to 3.5 units from the previously proposed 3 units. Physical and health education, which was increased by 0.5 credits in the August proposal, was further expanded another half credit for a total of 2.5. “The big picture here is that we want to create a set of graduation

requirements that set an expectation of students to go through high school and study a variety of topics and fields, so that when they come out they are prepared for secondary education or a high-skilled career and to be good citizens of the world,� Laura Slover, president of the State Board of Education, said in an interview. Educators, particularly those teaching social studies, civics and history, provided “overwhelming input� that reducing social studies

coursework would be a mistake, since the subject is considered critical for students to understand the value of citizenship, Slover said. Also new this round is an option for students to meet requirements through a demonstration of proficiency. This would apply only to world language, arts and music, and physical and health education subjects. In alignment with national education trends, D.C. officials are proposing to emphasize mastery







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above “seat time,â€? Slover said. Students could show proficiency in music by performing in an orchestra, or in physical education by participating in team sports, she said. The board will also push harder for schools to require a thesis or culminating project for students to complete in their junior or senior year. That requirement has actually been in place since 2007 — the last time the graduation requirements were adjusted — but some schools were unable to implement it, so an emergency measure passed in 2011 has allowed many exemptions. “One of the most important things college professors and employers say is that students have a hard time writing,â€? said Slover. The thesis project requires students to read multiple texts, synthesize ideas and make an argument using original writing — skills board members agree are important, Slover said. The board’s guidelines apply only to the city’s traditional public high schools. Representatives from D.C. Public Schools were not able to provide comments on the proposed changes before The Current’s deadline. While some charter schools independently decide to incorporate the state board’s graduation requirements, the D.C. Public Charter School Board sets policy for the city’s charter schools. In an email to The Current, charter board spokesperson Theola LabbĂŠ-DeBose said members are currently reviewing the state board’s proposal. Some school stakeholders say more evaluation of the graduation requirements is needed. Cathy Reilly, director of the Senior High Alliance of Parents, Principals and Educators, said in an interview that while the State Board of Education is striving for improvements and flexibility, it should offer more research to validate its proposed changes. “What did we learn from the previous graduation requirements?â€? Reilly asked. “Did they achieve

what they were supposed to achieve?� “We’re not saying these proposed changes are wrong,� she said, but more information is necessary. The Senior High Alliance is particularly concerned about the omission of U.S. government as a requirement. Under the current proposal, students could choose to take the class as a social studies elective. “We see it as a big mistake,� said Reilly. “This is a radical change, and there has been no time for this to be vetted.� The new flexibility for students to meet requirements by demonstrating proficiency is also a concern for Reilly, who called the policy “too loose.� The board has offered no guidance on who or what will determine whether a student’s rigor in a subject area meets proficiency levels, she noted. For example, if a student is a member of a team sport but sits on the bench, will that count toward physical education? The process could get especially complicated, she said, if each school is in charge of deciding its own standards. Reilly, who spearheaded the effort to pass the emergency rulemaking on thesis requirements, also feels the school board hasn’t addressed the problems that spawned that measure in the first place. She said nothing has changed since 2011, when it became clear the initiative wasn’t working. With no specific course attached to the thesis, “there is no way to verify that the project was completed and it’s a huge burden on students, who end up falling through the cracks,� she said. The Senior High Alliance wants to see more direction from the board, including the possibility of adding a standalone course for student theses. A public meeting on the proposed graduation requirements will be held Jan. 23, the same day the public comment period ends. A final draft from the school board is expected in February, and board members plan to hold a final vote at their March 20 public meeting.


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The CurrenT

Spotlight on Schools British School of Washington

This half term we have been learning about animals in French. The first activity we did in class was to brainstorm all the animals we could name. We could come up only with basic names such as chat and chien, or poisson. To learn more, we were given as a homework/competition to write in French as many animals we could. Then we put them in categories according to the place where they live (farm, jungle, water, et cetera). After we learned how to describe the animals, we wrote sentences using nouns, verbs and adjectives, and we said what animals we like more and gave a reason for it. At the same time we learned how to write the plural of nouns and the present tense of verbs ending in -ir (like finir). We then played a game where we had to describe an animal and our partner had to guess which animal we were describing. The animals were represented on little cards that we all had. Then we had to choose four animals, describe them in writing and say why we like or dislike them. Our partner had to assess our work and give us advice on how to improve our work. We put a lot of effort into this.

School dispatches This was all linked to our IMYC (International Middle Year Curriculum) topic, which this term is discovery. We discovered a lot about animals and French. We really enjoyed this all. — Samantha Ebell and Sofia Hollowell, Year 7 (sixth-graders)

Lafayette Elementary

Earlier this month, Mr. King’s class went to Safeway to buy food for the homeless. We all brought $5, and Ms. Cobb’s second-grade class went, too. We had to walk there. It was a loud trip because we were making noise while walking down the street. When we got to Safeway, Mr. King divided us into groups. Mr. King gave each group at least $30. We had to buy only canned and boxed food. Some groups bought shampoo and toothpaste. Mrs. Cobb’s and Mr. King’s classes, with the help of parents from both classes, walked the food back to school. We put the food in Mr. King’s car, and he delivered it to Shepherd’s Table in Silver Spring. — Margot Ruland, Ellie Sanders and Helena Wolfe-Feichter, second-graders

Murch Elementary

The Murch Mustangs girls and boys basketball teams are off to a great start this season. Both teams are led by Coach Berger, and the girls are also coached by Coach Hayden. Each team practices twice a week and has one game a week after school. The boys and girls teams have won their first two games and hope to continue playing well throughout the season. Murch is also very proud to have some of its girls playing on a developmental league on Saturdays. The students look forward to returning to basketball after the winter break. On Jan. 10 the girls will take on Key at 4 p.m. in the Murch gym, and the boys will take on Eaton at 4 p.m. on Jan. 11. That game will be played at Lafayette. We hope the community will come out to support the basketball teams on Saturday, Jan. 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Murch parking lot where the athletes, with the volunteer support of Branches Tree Experts, will recycle Christmas trees. This service is free, although the athletes would appreciate a $5 donation with each tree so that they can buy new uniforms. You are welcome to take home a bag of mulch or leave it for use in the school gardens. — Erin Hollar, fifth-grader

Wilson stages Broadway musical ‘Guys and Dolls’


it down, you’re rocking the boat!” And boy did the audience have a tough time staying seated. From gambling to gospels, gangsters to missionaries, and cities to sewers, Wilson High School’s November production of “Guys and Dolls” brought the audience on an outrageous adventure, and had them laughing the entire way. This classic comedic musical is a collaboration between book authors Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows and lyricist Frank Loesser. It originally opened on Broadway in 1950 and won a Tony Award for the best musical of the year. “Guys and Dolls” tells the story of two gamblers: Sky Masterson (David Peck) and Nathan Detroit (Des O’Brien). Detroit, looking to run his crap game, finds himself needing $1,000 that he plans to get by betting Sky Masterson that Masterson won’t be able to take “Missionary Doll” Sarah Brown (Samantha Cherukuri) to dinner in Havana. As Detroit deals with hiding his schemes from his fiancée of 14 years, Hot Box singer Miss Adelaide (Anna Martone), Sky finds himself unexpectedly falling in love with Sarah. O’Brien’s easy charm captured the audience’s hearts, and the clever delivery of his lines brought many laughs. The other actors seemed to feed off of his constant energy, and his relationship with Martone onstage was remarkable. Martone was absolutely phenomenal in the role of Miss Adelaide. Her obnoxious yet charming portrayal was spot-on, and her vocals were incredible. Her hysterical performance and powerful voice made her a joy to watch, especially in “Adelaide’s Lament.” Peck portrayed Sky as a suave and powerful gentleman. His smooth and sophisticated tone lent him a mysterious and cool air. Zac Nachbar-Seckel played the role of NicelyNicely, Nathan Detroit’s right-hand man. He was a charming comedic standout with flawless vocals who shined in the showstopper “Sit Down, You’re Rocking the Boat.” Nachbar-Seckel led the cast in a dazzling number with clever choreography that brought a roar from the crowd. The ensemble was energetic and lively, especially

Bill Petros/The Current

wilson high school students performed the classic 1950 musical “Guys and dolls” in november.

the gangsters, who played off each other very well. The dance troupe was quite impressive and executed the choreography outstandingly. The Hot Box Girls had great vocals and high energy, but at times struggled with staying together during their dance numbers. The phenomenal set included a New York City skyline, as well as an impressive sewer, El Club Cubano, the Save-a-Soul Mission and the Hot Box Nightclub. Each set piece was very colorful and extremely detailed. For the most part, the stage crew managed to quickly and quietly execute smooth transitions. The lighting was striking, and the stage was framed with dazzling lights that created a stunning effect. The costumes were extraordinarily beautiful. They were vibrant and fun, fit well and substantially added to each character’s personality. Despite some issues with sound toward the beginning, as the show progressed, it sounded smooth and the volume was mostly pleasing. Wilson High’s witty and bright performance of “Guys and Dolls” was truly amazing. The talent was incredible, and the technical aspects were spectacular. The students brought constant entertainment and humor to the stage and connected strongly with the audience. — Elizabeth Galanti of South Lakes High School

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


16 wedNesday, JaNuary 2, 2013




The CurreNT

Northwest Real Estate COTTAGE: New uses envisioned From Page 1

eration, said Weinberg. But he said a decision could take months, involving both Cathedral leaders and the board of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, which oversees all institutions on the Close. All Hallows Guild, a volunteer group that raises money to maintain the Cathedral’s gardens and grounds, is already bracing for possible change. The guild has operated the popular little retail shop since 1934. Linda Daisley, who handles communications for the guild, said her group “has very mixed feelings� about the pending decision. “We’d like to support the Cathedral. But this has been such a long-standing shop, as far back as anyone can remember. We like to be supportive, but this is painful.� Weinberg said any decision on converting the Herb Cottage is not related to the Cathedral’s ongoing fundraising efforts, which gained new urgency after the August 2011 earthquake wreaked its worst damage on the Cathedral’s highest pinnacles and towers. But discussion about use of the Herb Cottage picked up after a crane erected to begin stabilizing the shaken towers instead collapsed — with one end landing on the cottage and taking out some of its garden walls. The building had to be vacated, and Cathedral leaders apparently took a fresh look at the old structure. Insurance is paying for repair of that building, while the Herb Cottage and its wares have been temporarily relocated to a portion of the Cathedral’s new underground parking garage. “We desperately need

another site,� Daisley said. Weinberg said any decision on converting the Baptistry to another use would include finding an alternative location for the Herb Cottage’s wares. The Baptistry, according to a history posted on the All Hallows Guild website, was built in 1904 as a temporary structure when church leaders decided they needed a place to perform the rite of baptism while the Cathedral was under construction. The design for the small, octagon-shaped building included “an incredibly beautiful baptismal font� — since moved — along with large leaded-glass windows and a skylight roof that remain, according to research by Peggy Pickard, a member of the guild. Meanwhile, All Hallows Guild was formed in 1916 to help maintain and beautify the Cathedral Close. Members helped create the Bishop’s Garden just to the rear of the Baptistry, and planted it with rosemary, lavender, marjoram and thyme, according to Pickard. “The ladies of All Hallows Guild watched as visitors plucked small snippets of herbs before leaving the garden. They asked for live plants in pots,� Pickard writes. The Baptistry had fallen into disuse, and the ladies “began selling herbs and potted plants from its steps.� By 1934, the Cathedral turned over the building itself to the guild. “We think it’s a wonderful store that people in Washington know,� Daisley said. The temporary Herb Cottage gift shop on the B2 level of the parking garage is open this month on weekends, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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RULING: Decision raises concern From Page 3

rule� before the city can take serious action against them. Though regardless of the Appeals Court decision “you always have the right to close the place down when there’s an imminent threat to public safety,� Silverstein said, not every situation is so clear-cut. “When you have to take steps to prevent it from becoming an imminent threat, that’s a gray area,� he said. “The decision has wiped out that area.� Because Appeals Court decisions represent binding citywide precedent, Silverstein said the D.C.

Council must enact a “legislative remedy� to protect the city’s ability to police its liquor licensees. “This is a serious matter,� he said. “When you’re dealing with people late at night with liquor, it’s a combustible situation.� Rumors’ legal representatives during its alcohol board proceedings and subsequent appeal couldn’t be reached for comment last week. Since 2009, two additional liquor violations have been reported at Rumors, an Office of the Attorney General official said in an interview last month, speaking on the condition of anonymity. One of those

Bill Petros/The Current

Rumors was served a suspension and fines, which it appealed.

cases, the official said, was similar to the 2009 violence that sparked the alcohol board’s penalties. Both cases are pending.

TENLEYTOWN: Neighbors object to retaining wall From Page 2

garage will seem even taller. The garage structure may end up being even taller than her first floor, she said. “I think the neighborhood is just shocked, literally just shocked, that something like this could have gotten permission for construction,� she said of the project. Of the garage, she added, “It’ll look like a parking lot.� The 4201 River project has already faced permitting delays, including a stop-work order. The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs issued a building permit for the retaining wall in early December, but rescinded it after sending an inspector out to review neighbors’ complaints, according to spokesperson Helder Gil. “The retaining wall itself and the initial permitting of it are under review,� he said. The department was responding to protests that construction was occurring on weekends, as well as an inquiry into whether the building permit had been issued to the right person, according to Gil. In an email to Hopkins and Edmondson, shared with The Current, deputy zoning administrator Kathleen Beeton said the regulatory agency issued the building permit before realizing that a portion of the wall would be constructed in public space, necessitating review by the Public Space Committee.

Beeton wrote that she directed the developer to file a new building permit for review by zoning authorities, the D.C. Department of the Environment and D.C. Department of Transportation. Regardless of its building permits, a wall also requires public space approval if it’s more than 42 inches high on the property line. That process includes a public hearing; building permits are otherwise based on engineering reviews. The Public Space Committee will review the curb cut for the River Road project in January, and neighbors said they might protest at that hearing. A hearing date isn’t yet established for the retaining wall, which could be redesigned to avoid a public review. Neighborhood commissioner Jonathan Bender said that some sort of curb cut would likely happen — with new construction, off-street parking is generally required. But Bender wondered if it’s possible the proposed home is too large to be legally constructed at all. Neighbors had previously feared that Sikder intended to build two homes on the corner lot, while others had hoped for preservation of the historic but dilapidated house there. But the Tenleytown Historical Society decided against filing for historic designation for the house, and neighborhood commissioners agreed that the teardown was inevitable.

EMBASSY: Board landmarks Mexican institute From Page 5

original Embassy Row. Several buildings on that strip of 16th Street are already landmarked, “but the whole story is not yet told,� Williams said. Indeed, the building’s story predates its Mexican connection. It was built on land once owned by Mary Foote Henderson, whose castle sat at the bottom of the hill, and who envisioned a grand residential and diplomatic community rising up 16th Street. According to Williams’ staff report, Emily MacVeagh secretly bought the lot in hopes of surprising her husband Franklin (who was then Secretary of the Treasury for President Taft) with a grand new house as a Christmas gift. The secret got out, with one newspaper touting the $250,000 house as “probably the most expensive Christmas gift� in memory. The MacVeaghs lived there until Emily’s untimely death in 1916, when her grief-stricken husband

Bill Petros/The Current

The 16th Street building housed the embassy from 1921 to 1989.

returned to Chicago and in 1921 sold the building to the Mexican government — a twisty route to fulfilling Henderson’s dream of an embassylined avenue. The building is significant inside and out. It was designed by Nathan Wyeth, “an accomplished society architect,� who later became the District’s municipal architect. The former Mexican Embassy, Williams said, “is considered one of his finest works.� The Mexican government added a porte-cochere and chancery wing, in the same buff brick and

limestone classical style. Inside, Williams described a lavish series of public rooms, with all four floors connected by a sweeping central stair, where the MacVeaghs hosted “grand and elegant parties.� The first ambassador “transformed the interior to reflect the arts and culture of Mexico,� Williams said, but didn’t alter its architectural details. In 2010, the Mexican government paid for an extensive renovation and restoration of the entire building, Williams said. Although the building’s interior will not be landmarked, Williams said the exterior merits landmark status as the work of a master architect, for its role in the development of 16th Street north of Florida Avenue, and as part of Mary Henderson’s vision for Meridian Hill. “It’s hard to decide which criteria this building doesn’t meet,� Williams said. Before the board voted, chair Gretchen Pfaehler encouraged the institute to consider landmark designation of the interior as well.

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

January 2, 2013 â– Page 17

Victorian charm shines at 19th-century home in Dupont Circle


uyers seeking Victorian charm along with proximity to Dupont Circle’s restaurants and shops could find just what


they’re looking for in this town house at 1708 P St. Built in the 1890s, this five-bedroom, 3.5-bath home features an abundance of historic details, with a brick exterior that spans four floors. The foyer and receiving area feature 10-foot ceilings like those throughout the main level, as well as a hand-painted, star-shaped ceiling medallion — an element that repeats throughout the home. An angled gas fireplace with a wood mantel offers a warm welcome to visitors. Architectural details include decorative wood spindles above the doorway between the receiving area and the foyer. Pocket doors off the main hallway lead to the living room, where another gas fireplace with a tile hearth and an ornate wood mantel takes center stage. The room’s rectangular front bay window, an ideal dining alcove, overlooks the treelined street. A metal and crystal

chandelier, along with crown molding and recessed lighting, complete the room. The kitchen at the rear of this level offers custom wood cabinetry, some with glass doors, and granite countertops. An island in the center of the room provides seating for two. A double farmhouse sink and decorative fireplace with a stainedglass window inset give the room an old-fashioned feel, while modern-looking stainless-steel appliances, including a Sub-Zero refrigerator and a Thermador stove with six burners and range hood, will delight any home chef. There’s a powder room off the kitchen, as well as a mudroom with a built-in desk and shelving that leads to a back terrace. Outside is a flagstone patio with a small hot tub, and room enough for a grill and small table and chairs. A tall wood fence surrounding the area ensures privacy. Four of the home’s five bedrooms are located on the second and third levels. The master bedroom, which previous owners have used as a family room, faces the street on the second floor and features an angled fireplace and an arched alcove sitting area. The rectangular bay window floods the

Courtesy of Washington Fine Properties

This Dupont Circle house is listed for $1,595,000. room with light. A walk-in closet is fully outfitted with shelving and drawers. A bedroom at the rear of the second level has a decorative fireplace as well as the painted ceiling medallion and a metal and crystal chandelier. A bathroom connects to this bedroom and has a second door off the main hallway. The claw-foot tub, pedestal sink and black-andwhite tiled floor provide a vintage feel. The third level shares a similar floor plan with the one below, with a few exceptions. The street-facing bedroom has a balcony with room for a small table and chairs — a perfect perch for watching neigh-

borhood events — as well as a room-size closet with plenty of storage space. The laundry room is on this level, and over the staircase is a skylight with a stained-glass border. Glass transoms hang over the doors on the second and third floors. Throughout the home are hardwood floors and original castiron radiators. The lower level could be used as an in-law apartment, as it comes complete with a full kitchen and bath and a stackable washer and dryer. Historic details continue on

this level with a fireplace and exposed brick walls and flooring. At the foot of the stairs leading down to this level is a large wine refrigerator. While there is no off-street parking with this property, a commercial garage is located less than a block away. This five-bedroom home with three full baths and one half-bath at 1708 P St. is offered for $1,595,000. For more information contact Tammy Gale of Washington Fine Properties at 202-297-0169 or



Estate Setting

Kenwood, Md. Magnificent & grand Colonial on 2/3 acre lot. Featuring 8 BRs, 6.5 BAs. Elegance & grace throughout including a beautiful curving staircase to both the 2nd & 3rd floors. $2,795,000 Ted Beverley 301-728-4338 Pat Lore 301-908-1242

Quintessential Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase, MD. Four beautiful levels recently expanded & renovated. High end kitchen w/island breakfast area, Great room MBR suite w/spa bath. 5 BRs, 4.5 BAs. Flagstone patio. $1,879,000 Eric Murtagh 301-652-8971 Karen Kuchins 301-275-2255

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Susan Jaquet






18 Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Events Entertainment

Wednesday, Jan. 2

through March 5.

Concert â– The New York-based Spanglish Fly will perform Latin bugalĂş, the sound the spring from 1960s Spanish Harlem. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600.

Concert â– The D.C.-based Fuse Ensemble will present a performance that combines live music with visual elements of interactive video. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

Wednesday january 2

Film ■The National Gallery of Art will screen three film monographs from different stages of artist Roy Lichtenstein’s career. 12:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. The films will be shown again Thursday and Friday at 12:30 p.m. Performance ■Writer, performer and director Holly Bass will host an open mic night with poets, musicians and spoken-word performers. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Special event ■Curators and conservators at the Textile Museum will answer questions and give advice about rugs and textiles. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. $5. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202-667-0441, ext. 64. Thursday, Jan. 3 Thursday january 3 Class ■The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will begin a multiweek course in Krav Maga, a form of combative self-defense. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. $250. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Classes will run Tuesdays and Thursdays


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The CurrenT

Discussions and lectures ■The Mystery Book Group will discuss “Sherlock,� “Dr. Who� and other television series. 6:30 p.m. Free. Barnes and Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176. ■The Graphic Novel Book Club will discuss “Daytripper� over pizza. 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. ■Thane Gustafson, professor of government at Georgetown University, will discuss his book “Wheel of Fortune: The Battle for Oil and Power in Russia.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■Chandra Manning, associate professor of history at Georgetown University and author of “What This Cruel War Was Over: Soldiers, Slavery, and the Civil War,� will discuss “Civil War Contraband Camps, Emancipation, and the Reinvention of the American People.� 7 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Trapier Theater, Marriott Hall, St. Albans School, 3001 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Film ■The Washington Jewish Film Festival will open with a screening of Sophie Lellouche’s 2012 film “Paris Manhattan,� about an idealistic pharmacist who is obsessed with Woody Allen. Screenings at 6:15 and 8:45 p.m.; reception at 8 p.m. $25 to $30. U.S. Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. 202-777-3231. The festival will continue through Jan. 13 at various venues. Special event ■“Phillips After 5� will feature a gallery talk on “The Artist Sees Differently — The Story of the Phillips Collection�; a lecture by an environmental scientist on Per Kirkeby’s geologically inspired paintings of Greenland; and an interactive challenge using Legos, which were invented in

Concert will feature musicians Byron Cage, Stacy Lattisaw and Jeff Majors and comedians Small Fire and Sean Saris. 8 p.m. $25 to $40. Lincoln Theatre, 1215 U St. NW. 202-328-6000. â– Pianist Alexander Paley will perform works by Liszt and Weber. 8 p.m. Free. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-320-2770.

Denmark, the artist’s homeland. 5 to 8:30 p.m. $12; $10 for seniors and students. Reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. Tour ■An in-depth tour of the Washington National Cathedral will explore the Gothic style and its unique characteristics. 3 p.m. $10. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. The tour will repeat Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 4

Friday january 4

Concerts ■The Friday Morning Music Club will present a concert featuring works by Mozart and Poulenc. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-3332075. ■The Arts@Midday series will feature a semi-staged concert version of “Amahl and the Night Visitors,� Menotti’s brief opera about a poor boy, his mother and three special visitors following a star on their way to a miracle. 12:30 p.m. Free. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 3001 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-363-8286. ■The Nighttime Adventure Society will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussion ■David Roll will discuss his book “The Hopkins Touch: Harry Hopkins and the Forging of the Alliance to Defeat Hitler,� about Franklin Roosevelt’s close adviser. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Performance ■Busboys and Poets will host an open mic night and talent showcase for all varieties of performers. 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Special events ■The Progressive International Motorcycle Show will feature hundreds of the latest motorcycles, custom choppers and stunt shows. 3 to 8 p.m. $15; $6 for children ages 6 through 11. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place NW. The show will continue Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■Ladies DC and Dance Trance DC will host “A Healthy New You,� featuring a panel discussion and fitness class to help professional women create and keep New Year’s resolutions. 6 to 8 p.m. $12 in advance; $15 at the door. Balance Gym — Thomas Circle, 1111 14th St. NW. 202288-2268. Sporting event ■The Washington Wizards will play the Brooklyn Nets. 7 p.m. $10 to $500.

Saturday, january 5 â– Concert: The Sligo Creek Stompers will play a blend of Appalachian, bluegrass, New Orleans jazz and swing music. 8 p.m. $10 in advance; $12 on the day of the event. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800-7453000. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328. Saturday, Jan. 5

Saturday january 5

Classes ■The Corcoran Gallery of Art will host a one-hour yoga course along with breakfast. 9 a.m. $12 to $25; registration required. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. ■Dancer Jon Yu will lead an Argentine tango class for beginner and intermediate students. 2 to 3:15 p.m. $80 to $100. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Children’s program ■Children will hear a story about social reformer Dorothea Dix and then create a special piece of art. 1 to 4 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. The program will repeat Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Concerts ■The Greg Harrison Jazz Band will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■Musicians Joan Phalen, Rick Dirksen and James Shaffran (shown) will present a concert version of “Amahl and the Night Visitors,� Menotti’s brief opera about a poor boy, his mother and three special visitors following a star on their way to a miracle. 6:30 p.m. $5 to $15. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 3001 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-363-8286. The performance will repeat Sunday at 4 p.m. ■The Lincoln Theatre’s Winter Gospel







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Discussions and lectures â– David Taylor will lead a tour of the exhibition “1812: A Nation Emergesâ€? and sign copies of his book “The War of 1812 and the Rise of the U.S. Navy.â€? Noon. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. â– The Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia, a nonprofit historical society, will host a symposium on “The Emancipation Proclamation: Past, Present, and Future Significance,â€? featuring authors and scholars Eric Foner, Edna Green Medford and Lucas Morel. 1 to 5 p.m. Free. Room A-5, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. â– Musician Ian F. Svenonius will discuss his book “Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock ’n’ Roll Group.â€? 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films â– The National Gallery of Art will screen a series of surreal, animated short films for children ages 7 and older. 10:30 a.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. This program will repeat Sunday at 11:30 a.m. ■“The Met: Live in HDâ€? will feature Berlioz’s “Les Troyens.â€? Noon. $18 to $24. AMC Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW. ■“Fragments of Kubelka,â€? a documentary by Martina KudlĂĄcek about Austrian avant-garde artist Peter Kubelka, will have its Washington premiere at the National Gallery of Art. 1 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. Special events â– The Girls World Expo will feature workshops, seminars, science and art activities, a career and college fair, shopping, a fashion show and an awards brunch. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. $15 to $35. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place NW. â– The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will celebrate the end of Shabbat with a pajama party for children ages 9 and younger. 5:45 to 7 p.m. Free; registration requested. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. â– The Three Star Collective, a cooperative of local musicians, poets and artists, will lead a Havdallah to mark the end of Shabbat. 7 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 202-408-3100. Sunday, Jan. 6 Sunday january 6 Children’s programs â– Workshop participants will make rubSee Events/Page 19


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Events Entertainment Continued From Page 18 ber-band-propelled model airplanes (for children ages 8 and older). 9 to 11 a.m. $14; registration required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-2722448. â– Members of the DC Maxecuters will fly their model airplanes in the Great Hall. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. Concerts â– Princeton University Chapel organist Eric Plutz will present a dedicatory recital on the restored 1968 Aeolian-Skinner organ at the Church of the Epiphany. 3 p.m. Free; $50 donation suggested for the organ renovation project. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635, ext. 18. â– Spencer Myer, gold medalist of the 2008 New Orleans International Piano Competition, will perform works by Debussy, AlbĂŠniz and Moszkowski. 4 p.m. $20; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. â– The professional Choir of Christ Church will perform the music of Herbert W. Sumsion, Geoffrey Shaw and Herbert Howells. 5 p.m. Free. Christ Church, Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW. 202333-6677. â– Australian organist Jangoo Chapkhana will perform. 5:15 p.m. $10 suggested donation. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-6200. â– A 40th-anniversary celebration of the educational television series “Schoolhouse Rock!â€? will feature the D.C. children’s band Rocknoceros and the series’ legendary songwriter and former musical director, Bob Dorough. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jamâ€? session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-5279522. â– Soprano Tone Elisabeth Braaten, flutist Andreas Sonning and members of the National Gallery of Art Orchestra will perform the world premiere of “Kjell Habbestad: The Munch Suite.â€? 6:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941. Discussions and lectures â– Barbara Matusow, Doyle McManus and Eugene Roberts will discuss “Scoop: The Evolution of a Southern Reporter,â€? the memoir of Matusow’s late husband, investigative reporter Jack Nelson. 1 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â– Busboys and Poets will host a discussion about race as part of a monthly series. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. â– Scott W. Berg will discuss his book “38 Nooses: Lincoln, Little Crow, and the Beginning of the Frontier’s End,â€? about the 1862 Dakota uprising in Minnesota. 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333.

Films ■The National Gallery of Art will screen “Way of Passion� and “Tlatelolco� as part of its series of movies from Austrian nonprofit distributor Sixpack Film. 2 and 4 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. Performance ■“SpeakeasyDC’s Top Shelf,� a showcase of the best stories of the year, will feature performers Katy Barrett, John Donvan, Karen Lee, Keith Melnick, Molly Peter, Liz Richardson, Adam Ruben and John Tong. 7:30 p.m. $20. 9:30 Club, 815 V St. NW. 202-965-0930. Special events ■Volunteers with the Washington DC Jewish Community Center will help prepare meals at the DC Central Kitchen (for ages 12 and older). 8:45 a.m. to noon. Free; reservations required. DC Central Kitchen, 425 2nd St. NW. ■The National Museum of Women in the Arts will hold a Sunday brunch. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. $25; reservations recommended. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave NW. 202-783-5000. Monday, Jan. 7

Monday january 7

Class â– The Washington National Cathedral will present a six-part introduction to Celtic spirituality. 7 to 9 p.m. $10 per session. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-6200. This course will meet each Monday through Feb. 11. Discussions and lectures â– Children’s book authors Jerry Spinelli and Clare Vanderpool will discuss their latest books. 10:30 a.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. â– Joseph Hammond, research associate at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art, will discuss “Presenting the Presentation of Christ: Tintoretto’s Early Work, Iconography, and Interpretation.â€? 12:10 and 1:10 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. â– George Howe Colt will discuss his book “Brothers: On His Brothers and Brothers in History,â€? about the complexities of fraternal relationships. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films â– The Chevy Chase Library will screen Lasse HallstrĂśm’s 2009 film “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale,â€? about a canine and his human friend. 2 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. â– The Washington Psychotronic Film Society will present Ed Forsyth’s 1973 film “Superchick.â€? 8 p.m. Donation suggested. McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-462-3356. Performances â– D.C.-based troupe Dizzy Miss Lizzie’s Roadside Reveue will present its latest rock show, “The Brontesâ€? (for ages 13 and

Sunday, january 6 ■Special event: GALA Theatre’s “Three Kings Day Celebration/Fiesta de los Reyes Magos� will feature singing, dancing and storytelling, as well as the traditional nativity and the giving of gifts by the Magi. 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Free; tickets suggested. GALA Theatre, 3333 14th St. NW. 202-234-7174. A procession with the Three Kings and live animals will begin at 1 p.m. at the corner of 14th Street and Park Road NW.

older). 6 p.m. Free. Theater Lab, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■Glover Park Village will present “An Evening With Poets on the Fringe.� 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Second-floor library, Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4100 Calvert St. NW. 202-436-5545. Special event ■People Animals Love, a pet visit program, will provide children with some canine company as they practice their reading skills. 4 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. Sporting event ■The Washington Wizards will play the Oklahoma City Thunder. 7 p.m. $11 to $605. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202397-7328. Tuesday, Jan. 8

Tuesday january 8

Children’s program ■Education specialist Lee Coykendall will lead a planting class for children ages 6 through 10. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free; registration required. Conservatory

Classes ■The National Archives will offer a class about the Federal Register. 11 a.m. Free. Room G-25, Research Center, National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■Teacher and therapist Heather Ferris will lead a weekly yoga class. Noon. Free. Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. 202-727-1288. ■The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will host a health literacy class to teach students how to find quality health information online. 1 p.m. Free. Room 311, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■The group Yoga Activist will present a weekly yoga class geared toward beginners. 7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-2823080. ■Rabbi Stephanie Berstein will lead a four-part workshop for interfaith couples. 7:30 to 9 p.m. $110 to $160 per couple; reservations required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. This workshop will meet each Tuesday through Jan. 29. Concerts ■The Tuesday Concert Series will feature soprano You-Seong Kim, violinist Jun Kim and pianist Soyoon Yim. 12:10 p.m. $10 donation encouraged. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635, ext. 18. ■The Levine School of Music’s Young Artist Quartet and Sonata Project will perform works by Brahms, Prokofiev, Mozart, Corigliano, Handel and Lecuona. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■“National Symphony Orchestra in Your Neighborhood 2013� — a weeklong series of events in the U Street, Howard University, Shaw and Logan Circle areas — will kick off with an evening of chamber music and jazz. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Howard Theatre, 620 T St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University will present a talk by Rita Chao Hadden, president of the Asian American Forum, on cultural expectations from Western and Asian points of view. 10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Temple Baptist Church, 3850 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-895-4860. ■Melinda Burrell, who served as a

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


deputy get-out-the-vote director for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, will discuss the presidential race as seen from campaign headquarters in Virginia. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. â– Sociologist and photographer Camilo JosĂŠ Vergara and photographer Andrew Moore will discuss contrasting visions of Detroit — those seen in art and on the Internet, and those of day-to-day life within the city. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $20; reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. â– Johnny Barnes, trial lawyer and former executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of the Nation’s Capital, will discuss “Would Dr. King Favor Full Voting Representation in D.C.?â€? 6:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. â– Daniel Pink will discuss his book “To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others,â€? about the art and science of persuasion. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. â– Jared Diamond, a National Geographic explorer-in-residence and the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “Guns, Germs and Steelâ€? and “Collapse,â€? will discuss “The World Until Yesterday,â€? about what we can learn from traditional societies. 7:30 p.m. $25. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. 202-8577700. Films â– The National Archives will present the 1964 film “One Week in Octoberâ€? and the 1962 film “Conversation With the Presidentâ€? as part of its exhibit “To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis.â€? Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202357-5000. â– The African American Civil War Museum and the Humanities Council of Washington DC will host a screening of Hedrick Smith’s historical documentary “Duke Ellington’s Washington,â€? followed by a panel discussion with members of D.C.’s jazz community. 1 to 2:30 p.m. Free. See Events/Page 20

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20 Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Continued From Page 19 African American Civil War Museum, 1925 Vermont Ave. NW. ■The Georgetown Library will screen Nanni Moretti’s 2001 film “The Son’s Room� as part of its Italian cinema series. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. ■Busboys and Poets will screen Sasha Reuther’s 2012 documentary “Brothers on the Line� as part of a monthly series about organized labor. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■Actor Elliott Gould will discuss his life and career before a screening of his comedy “Dorfman,� as part of the Washington Jewish Film Festival. Gould will join screenwriter Wendy Kout for a question-andanswer session after the movie. 8:30 p.m. $20 to $25. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. Meeting ■The Good Yarn Knit and Crochet Circle will meet to knit items that will be donated to the Washington Cancer Institute. 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-1295. This group meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Performances ■SpeakeasyDC will present “Beer, Balls & Boners: Stories about man things.� 8 p.m. $15. Town Danceboutique, 2009 8th St. NW. ■Busboys and Poets will host “Tuesday Night Open Mic,� a weekly poetry

The CurrenT

Events Entertainment event. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Wednesday, Jan. 9

Wednesday january 9

Children’s program ■The U.S. Botanic Garden will offer Wednesday gardening activities for preschool-aged children. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Free; registration required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. Classes ■Archives specialist Nancy Wing will teach a workshop on navigating the National Archives website for genealogy research. 9:30 a.m. Free; reservations required. Library, Research Center, National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. ■Molly Zwelling and Lynda Espada will lead a four-part wellness group featuring lifestyle tips and healthy recipes. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. $80 to $120; reservations required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. This workshop will meet each Wednesday through Jan. 30. ■Housing Counseling Services, a local nonprofit, will present a clinic to discuss options for avoiding foreclosure. Noon. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202667-7712. ■The Washington National Cathedral will host a series of classes exploring Christ’s parables and James Joyce’s “The Dubliners.� 7 to 9 p.m. Free; registration required. Sayre House, Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. The course will meet each Wednesday through Feb. 6.


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Portraits Conferences Events Publicity

Wednesday, january 9 ■Discussion: Craig Whitney will discuss his book “Living With Guns: A Liberal’s Case for the Second Amendment.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

â– Rabbi Shira Stutman will lead the first class in a three-part series, “Sex & the Synagogue.â€? 7:30 p.m. $36. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. â– The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will offer an eight-part “Introduction to Judaismâ€? course. 7:30 to 9:15 p.m. $120 to $175; reservations required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. 202-777-3238. This workshop will meet each Wednesday through Feb. 27. Concerts â– The Happenings at the Harman lunchtime performance series will feature the Beau Soir Ensemble. Noon. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-5471122. ■“National Symphony Orchestra in Your Neighborhood 2013â€? will feature violinists Alexandra Osborne and Joel Fuller, violist Mahoko Eguchi and cellist Rachel Young performing classical works. Noon to 1 p.m. Free. Blackburn Center Gallery, Howard University, 2455 6th St. NW. â– Concert organist Marvin Mills will perform “Avec une touche Françaiseâ€? and works by Saint-SaĂŤns, Widor, DuruflĂŠ, Litaize and DuprĂŠ. 12:10 p.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. ■“National Symphony Orchestra in Your Neighborhood 2013â€? will feature violinist Holly Hamilton, oboist William Wielgus and pianist Brad Clark performing classical works. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Free. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. â– The D.C.-based group Marimba Linda XelajĂş will perform traditional and innovative interpretations of Guatemalan marimba music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures â– The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University will present a talk by economist Barbara Opper on regulation in the U.S. financial system. 10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Temple Baptist Church, 3850 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-895-4860. â– Sara Duke of the Library of Congress will discuss various Civil War sketch artists. Noon. Free. Southwest Gallery, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-9203. â– Bill Amt of Iona Senior Services will

discuss how to recognize the signs of postholiday depression and strategies for coping. 12:45 p.m. Free. Seabury at Friendship Terrace Retirement Community, 4201 Butterworth Place NW. 202-2447400. â– The Shepherd Park Book Club will discuss “Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholasâ€? by James Patterson. 1:30 p.m. Free. Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library, 7420 Georgia Ave. NW. 202-541-6100. â– Harry Cooper, curator and head of the department of modern art at the National Gallery of Art, will discuss “Roy Lichtenstein’s Kyoto Prize Lecture of 1995.â€? 3:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. â– Ricardo Cortez will discuss his book “A Secret History of Coffee, Coca & Cola.â€? 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. â– The Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library will present a book talk by Gail Spilsbury, author of “A Washington Sketchbook: Drawings by Robert L. Dickinson, 1917-1918.â€? 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202234-2911. â– The Friends of Chevy Chase Library will host a discussion of “Suite Françaiseâ€? by Irène NĂŠmirovsky as part of its “Home Sweet Homeâ€? book series. 7 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. Films â– The MobileMovie Film Festival will feature movies made on cellphones by local filmmakers. 7 p.m. Free; registration requested. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. â– The Lions of Czech Film series will TomĂĄs Rehorek’s 2012 film “Signal,â€? about the fallout when two young technicians come to a small village in search of the best place to install a cellphone tower. 8 p.m. $11.50; $9 for students; $8.75 for seniors; $8.50 for ages 12 and younger. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000. Performances â– Busboys and Poets will present its monthly “Nine on the Ninthâ€? poetry series. 9 to 10:30 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. â– Songwriter Bomani Armah will host an open mic night with poets, musicians and spoken-word performers. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Thursday, Jan. 10

Thursday january 10

antiques show ■The Washington Winter Show — featuring antiques and fine arts, with the theme “The Thrill of the Chase: Antiques of the Sporting Life� — will open with a champagne reception for sponsors, benefactors and designers, from 6 to 7 p.m.; and for gala patrons and young collectors, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. $145 to $500. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Children’s program ■The Tenley-Friendship Library will

offer a new story time with games, crafts and activities for children learning to read. Librarians will read “My Friend Is Sad� by Mo Willems (program recommended for children in pre-kindergarten through second grade). 4 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1488. Classes ■Karen Silverman will lead a meditation workshop on techniques to find inner peace. 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■Pediatrician Dan Shapiro will lead a parenting workshop about sleep problems in infants and young children. 7:30 to 9 p.m. $21.50 to $26.50; reservations required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Concerts ■Trombonist Big Sam and his New Orleans-based group Big Sam’s Funky Nation will perform a mix of high-voltage funk, rock, jazz and hip-hop. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■“National Symphony Orchestra in Your Neighborhood 2013� will feature a performance by oboist William Wielgus, cellist Yvonne Caruthers and flutist Carole Bean, followed by a question-and-answer session with the musicians. 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Hemphill Fine Arts, 1515 14th St. NW. ■“National Symphony Orchestra in Your Neighborhood 2013� will feature a concert by violinists Alexandra Osborne and Joel Fuller, violist Mahoko Eguchi and cellist Rachel Young. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. ■Jayme Stone’s Room of Wonders will perform folk, jazz and chamber music. 8 p.m. $15 in advance; $18 on the day of the event. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800745-3000. Discussions and lectures ■The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University will present a talk by journalist Frank Vogl on abuse in public office and his book “Waging War on Corruption.� 10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Temple Baptist Church, 3850 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-895-4860. ■D.C. tour guide Elaine Flynn will discuss “Scandals in the City� as she portrays Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the controversial oldest child of Teddy Roosevelt. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. ■Clayborne Carson will discuss his memoir “Martin’s Dream: My Journey and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■NBA commissioner David Stern will participate in a panel discussion on the current state of professional basketball. 7:30 p.m. $25. Rasmuson Theater, National Museum of the American Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue SW. 202-633-3030.


The CurrenT

Events Entertainment

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Foundry exhibit features Georgetown painter’s landscapes


arth Flowing Plane,” featuring On ExhibiT new paintings by Georgetown artist Edward Bear Miller, will open today at the Foundry Gallery and continue lery talk at 3 p.m. through Jan. 27. Located at 2129 S St. NW, the gallery is Miller creates earthy, soulful paintings open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to based on his immediate experience of the 4 p.m. 202-234-3030. local landscape and its inhabitants. His sub■ The Library of Congress will put jects include Rock Creek and the Potomac President Abraham Lincoln’s first draft of the River. Emancipation An opening reception Proclamation on display will take place Friday from tomorrow as part of its 6 to 8 p.m. ongoing exhibit “The Civil Located at 1314 18th War in America.” The St. NW, the gallery is open exhibit can be seen in the Wednesday through Southwest Exhibition Sunday from noon to 6 Gallery of the library’s p.m. 202-463-0203. Thomas Jefferson Building ■ Washington Studio through June 1, but the School will open an exhibproclamation will only be it tomorrow of paintings on view through Feb. 18. judith Lavender’s paintings are and sculpture by Maggie on display at Touchstone Gallery. Located at 10 1st St. SE, Siner and continue it the Jefferson Building is through Feb. 1. open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 An opening reception will take place a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 202-707-8000. Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m., preceded by a gal■ “Donkeys & Elephants: A Celebration of

American Political Cartoons,” featuring more than 70 cartoons that date from the time of Thomas Nast through today, will open Friday at Studio Gallery and continue through Jan. 26. A “First Friday” reception will take place Friday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and cartoonist Kevin Kallaugher will give a talk Jan. 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. Located at 2108 R St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Friday from 1 to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 1 to 6 p.m. 202-2328734. ■ Touchstone Gallery will open three shows Friday and continue them through Jan. 27. “Politics as UN-usual” presents political art in diverse media by gallery artists. “Earth’s Elements” features painting and sculpture by gallery artist Harmon Biddle. “Soldiers Without Battles” highlights work about soldiers by guest artist Judith Lavender. An opening reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8:30 p.m., and a “Third Thursday” reception will be held Jan. 17 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The works can be previewed today and tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Ford’s Theatre to host Wilder classic ‘Our Town’


ord’s Theatre will stage a 75th anniversary production of Thornton Wilder’s classic “Our Town” Jan. 25 through Feb. 24. In this Pulitzer Prize-winning commentary on the transience of

Located at 901 New York Ave. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and See Exhibits/Page 27

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On STaGE human existence, teenagers George and Emily meet, fall in love, marry — and suffer the slings and arrows of everyday life. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets start at $15. Ford’s Theatre is located at 511 10th St. NW. 800982-2787; ■ Idly Bent Theatre Company, an ensemble founded last year by students at the University of Virginia, will stage Harold Pinter’s dark comedy “The Birthday Party” Jan. 9 through 13 at the District of Columbia Arts Center. With a combination of young actors, strong physicality and live music, the production will aim to bring a new intensity to Pinter’s work, which examines fundamental questions of identity. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Tickets cost $10 to $12. The District of Columbia Arts Center is located at 2438 18th St. NW. 202462-7833; ■ The American Voices New Play Institute at Arena Stage will present a reading of “The Age of Innocence” Jan. 14 through 16 in the Kogod Cradle. Resident playwright Karen Zacarías brings Edith Wharton’s American masterpiece to the stage in a new adaptation that explores

“rock Creek reflects” is part of the Foundry Gallery’s exhibit of paintings by Edward bear Miller.

Ford’s Theatre will stage Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer-winning drama “Our Town” jan. 25 through Feb. 24. love, loss and longing through the lens of New York’s social elite. A post-show discussion will follow each performance. Performance times are 7 p.m. Friday through Saturday. Tickets cost $10. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300; ■ Rorschach Theatre will join with Atlanta’s Synchronicity Theatre to present the world premiere of Anna Ziegler’s “The Minotaur” Jan. 18 through Feb. 17 at the Atlas Performing Arts Center. A young man with the head of a bull paces his cage and contemplates his fate. Across the sea, a warrior sets sail with just one goal. And between them, a girl is ready to take on the world — as soon as she can win a game of Connect Four. Performance times are Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets cost $15

to $30. Atlas Performing Arts Center is located at 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993; ■ Holly Twyford will star in the U.S. premiere of British playwright Mike Bartlett’s “Contractions” Jan. 2 through 27 at Studio 2ndStage. In this office satire, Emma’s manager is concerned that she is in breach of contract. The two proceed to dissect the differences between “sexual” and “romantic,” negotiate the length of Emma’s interoffice relationship, and face the consequences of shrinking privacy. Performance times are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets start at $30. The Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300; ■ The Washington Stage Guild will present the area premiere of Karoline Leach’s romantic thriller “Tryst” Jan. 3 through 25 at the See Theater/Page 27

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The CurreNT

CATHEDRAL: Views highlighted From Page 5

pelling down the city’s tallest structures. While working with the engineering firm, Winterbottom became intimately familiar with the Cathedral, particularly the areas requiring repair. After engineers finished their assessments, he shared his personal photographs of the structure with Cathedral staff — and found they were excited to see the building in a new light. The staff then decided to grant Winterbottom unusual access to the Cathedral’s buildings and grounds. He made the most of the opportunity, wandering around with ladders and tripods in areas that are typically outof-bounds for photographers. While at the Cathedral, Winterbottom deliberately set out to find something new in a building that has already been captured in thousands of pictures. To achieve the desired effect, he added dynamic tension to his portraits — with sweeping angles, and off-horizontal shots. One photograph, “Storm Clouds,” captures gothic details on an area of the roof that’s covered in scaffolding, all set against a dream-

like oncoming storm. Another, “Ribs and Spine,” is a tilted shot of Cathedral rafters that could be confused for a skeleton. “Maybe people look at my photographs and get a slight sense of vertigo,” he joked. For a photographer who admires texture and detail, Winterbottom found endless subjects in the Cathedral’s ornamental features and architecture. But the damage from the earthquake was hard to ignore — and he quickly saw the challenge in balancing the building’s injured features with his own fascination in the Cathedral’s details. “There is really significant damage, and it can’t be understated,” he said. “But I also wanted to celebrate why we should be concerned that this structure is damaged.” Winterbottom began his project seven months ago; since then, he estimates he’s taken about 6,000 photographs of the National Cathedral, half of which he shot on traditional film. The result has been a mix of black-and-white and sepiatoned images, from which he picked 20 for his upcoming show. A University of Maryland graduate with a degree in economics,

JACK’S: Boathouse fate uncertain From Page 1

Photo by Colin Winterbottom

Colin Winterbottom got unique access to the Cathedral.

Winterbottom worked for the Urban Institute think tank for eight years before striking out to become a fulltime photographer. Now a D.C. resident living near the Cathedral, he shows and sells his work in public and private collections throughout the area, but this will be his first exhibit at Long View Gallery. Winterbottom will continue to photograph the building as restoration work continues, and his photographs will be installed in Cathedral gallery space this spring. “Gothic Resilience” will be on view Jan. 10 through Feb. 10 at Long View Gallery, 1234 9th St. NW.

The boathouse, located at 3500 K St. by the Key Bridge, has provided boat rentals and storage since its opening in 1945 by former D.C. police officer Jack Baxter. In 1984, the District government transferred jurisdiction of certain Georgetown waterfront property — including the site of Jack’s Boathouse — to the National Park Service. Jack Baxter’s son, Frank Baxter, took over after his father died in 1999, and ran it with Simkin, his friend and business partner. Simkin stepped in as manager and owner after Frank Baxter died about four years ago. Since then, pricey renovations and canny marketing have put Jack’s Boathouse on the map as a destination spot for outdoorsy residents and visitors. Business was booming — which is why Simkin was shocked to receive the letter from the National Park Service last month informing him of the pending eviction. Park Service regional director Stephen Whitesell wrote to Simkin that the business was to “terminate its occupancy of the leased premises” and vacate by the end of January. Simkin would then be offered a chance to join other vendors in bidding for a new contract for the space. Park Service spokesperson Carol Johnson described the measure as “strictly a procedural thing” that came about as part of the agency’s attempts to standardize vendors and contracting on its land. Officials found in a review of the business that Simkin did not hold a formal lease with the Park Service, she said. After Frank Baxter’s death, the lease did not automatically transfer in name over to Simkin. “Whether it was legal was questionable,” said Johnson. But Simkin said he “absolutely” believes that he has a proper lease. He said he has made consistent monthly payments to the National Park Foundation, the charitable nonprofit that directly supports the National Park Service. “I know that I’ve been paying — without ever a break in payment — to [the foundation] and the checks have been cashed,” he said. According to Johnson, until this year the contract for Jack’s Boathouse contract had not been formally reviewed in more than 30 years. The business pays about $4,200 a year to the National Park Foundation, Johnson said — the same amount agreed upon in 1982. It is unusual to have an independent business paying rent on National Park Service land, Johnson said; most vendors have concession contracts with the agency. And since the Park Service, as a government agency, isn’t permitted to collect money from leases, all payments from Jack’s Boathouse have gone to the parks foundation. Simkin agreed that the model isn’t ideal. He said he began working with Park Service representatives about a year ago toward an

agreement that would trade in the current lease for a three-year temporary concession contract. Under that arrangement, the Park Service would regulate Jack’s, and the business would turn over a percentage of its profits to the agency. Simkin said that he was eager to formalize that agreement this summer — only to find that his Park Service contacts stopped returning his calls and letters. Johnson confirmed that the Park Service had discussed developing a concession contract with Jack’s Boathouse several months ago, but said no clear conclusion was ever reached. News of the eviction notice, first reported by The Georgetowner on its website, prompted an outcry from the boathouse’s supporters, who quickly took to the Internet to rally around Simkin. Jesse Rauch — executive director of the D.C. State Board of Education, and the force behind 2009’s campaign to save the annual Screen on the Green film festival at the National Mall — started a petition on to lobby for Jack’s Boathouse. Within the first 36 hours, the petition was receiving about a hundred signatures an hour, Rauch said — and with each of these, the National Park Service director received an automated email in support of Jack’s. Director Jarvis said in a statement that in light of the hundreds of letters he received, he would put a temporary hold on the eviction; he also reaffirmed his enthusiasm for having boating access in the area. According to spokesperson Johnson, “the Park Service is committed to having boating operations there.” But, she allowed, “it may not necessarily be the same management.” Johnson last week reiterated the Park Service’s plans to put a temporary concession contract on the boathouse property up for bids, but said the property must first be vacated. All the recent renovations at Jack’s Boathouse have been paid for out of pocket by Simkin, who liquidated his retirement pension and invested about $350,000 into overhauls. The efforts to make his patch of the waterfront a desirable hangout have paid off enormously, he said. In one year, the number of customers jumped from 4,000 to about 72,000. Even if he’s allowed to bid on the concession contract, Simkin said any eviction, however temporary, would devastate him. Not only would he have to let go of his 27 employees, but he would also have to sell off the entire facility — which includes more than 300 boats and a dock he paid for himself — this month. “If I have to go, I can’t come back,” he said. “I’m done, Jack’s is done.” Simkin said he has been working with a lawyer, and still hopes for another resolution with the agency. “We’ve never wanted anything … special in rent,” he said. “I’m just brokenhearted and crushed.”




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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

EXHIBITS From Page 21 Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. 202347-2787. ■“Grid, Sequence Me,� an installation of projected animations by Florida-based art team Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy on architectural themes, will open Saturday at Flashpoint Gallery and continue through Feb. 2. An opening reception will take place Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m., preceded by an artists’ talk and preview at 5 p.m. Reservations are required for the talk and preview. Located at 916 G St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202315-1305. ■“Individuation,� featuring new drawings by Davis McLane Connelly of lifelike surrealistic scenarios, will open Saturday at The Fridge DC and continue through Jan. 27. An opening reception will take place Saturday from 7 to 11 p.m. Located at 516 1/2 8th St. SE, rear alley, the gallery is open

THEATER From Page 21 Mount Vermont Place United Methodist Church. Performance times generally are 7:30 p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $20 to $50. The church is located at 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 240582-0050; ■The Kennedy Center Opera House is hosting “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas� through Jan. 6. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $25 to $150. 202-467-4600; ■Arena Stage is presenting the world premiere of “Pullman Porter Blues� through Jan. 6. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $45 to $94. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202488-3300; ■Arena Stage is presenting the classic Broadway musical “My Fair Lady� through Jan. 6. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; 2 p.m. Saturday; and 1 and 6 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $45 to $94. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202488-3300; ■Shakespeare Theatre Company has extended “A Midsummer Night’s Dream� through Jan. 6 at Sidney Harman Hall. Performance times are 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $43 to $105. Sidney Harman Hall is located at 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122;


Thursday through Saturday from noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. 202-664-4151. ■“Facing Democracy,� an exhibit of art, photojournalism and film about the Occupy movement and U.S. civil unrest, will open Monday at the Goethe-Institut and continue through Feb. 24. Featured are photojournalists Lucian Perkins and Danny Wilcox Frazier and video artist Jenny Graf Sheppard. An artists’ reception will take place Jan. 28 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., followed by a screening of the film “Why Democracy?� Located at 812 7th St. NW, the institute is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 202289-1200, ext. 165. ■“Perspectives: Ai Weiwei,� an installation by the Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei (born 1957), is open at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. It will continue through April 7. Located at 1050 Independence Ave. SW, the gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 202-6331000. ■The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia is presenting “A Brown Bear, a Moon, and a Caterpillar: Treasured Stories by Eric Carle� through Jan. 6 at the Kennedy Center Family Theater. Performance times are 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $18. 202-467-4600; ■Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company is presenting “In the Middle of No One� through Jan. 6. Performance times are 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday; 7 and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $45 to $67.50. The theater is located at 641 D St. NW. 202-393-3939; ■Theater J is presenting “Apples in the Desert� through Jan. 6 at the Washington DC Jewish Community Center. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Saturday; and 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $15 to $45. The center is located at 1529 16th St. NW. 800-494-8497; ■The Kennedy Center is presenting “Million Dollar Quartet� at the Eisenhower Theater through Jan. 6. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $70 to $160. 202-4674600; ■The Shakespeare Theatre Company is hosting “The Screwtape Letters� through Jan. 6 at the Lansburgh Theatre. Performance times are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday; 4 p.m. Saturday; and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $39 to $59. The Lansburgh Theatre is located at 450 7th St. NW. 202-547-1122;

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