GT 02-06-2013 1

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park

Vol. XXII, No. 27

The GeorGeTown CurrenT

Group pushes city to address sidewalk gaps

Georgetown mall asks to boost sign visibility

G R O u N D H O G D AY

■ Retail: Discount chain

DSW in talks to lease space

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Pedestrian safety activists are pressing for a change in the D.C. Department of Transportation’s policy for installing new sidewalks. Currently, residents seeking sidewalks on their block must submit a petition with signatures from at least 51 percent of the block’s households, and get advisory neighborhood commission support. This runs counter to the spirit of the Priority Sidewalk Assurance Act the D.C. Council passed in 2010, says Marlene Berlin, who heads the Pedestrian Advocacy Group at Iona Senior Services. Instead, she said, the city should be actively working to install sidewalks, particularly in certain areas — and stopping only in cases where residents file petitions opposing them. “To me, people should be able to walk to school, walk to transit, walk to recreation facilities without having to walk in the street,” Berlin said in an interview. An Iona volunteer recently compiled a map of Ward 3’s sidewalk See Sidewalks/Page 7

By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

DSW, a discount shoe chain store, could be coming soon to the Shops at Georgetown Park mall. At Monday’s Georgetown advisory neighborhood commission meeting, an illustrated mock-up of a new sign scheme for the mall included a sign for DSW. The illustration placed the shoe store near the new common entrance for the mall, by Dean & DeLuca.

Agency again vows rehab of decrepit alley off R St. Bill Petros/The Current

Silvia Eberly performed a lively polka on her Strasser Harmonika during the second annual Groundhog Day celebration at the Dupont Circle fountain on a frigid Saturday morning. Potomac Phil, D.C.’s own prognosticating groundhog, predicted an early spring along with six more months of political gridlock.

School system begins boundaries review By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

On the heels of D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson’s decision to close 15 schools, a potentially more challenging and controversial issue is on the horizon: revising school boundaries and feeder patterns. Henderson announced last month that she would form a task force to evaluate the boundaries citywide and provide recommendations by June. Any changes would go into effect in the 2014-15 school year. Ward 3’s overenrolled schools faced little risk of closure, but their overcrowded conditions — which


Brady Holt/The Current

Wilson has the largest boundary of any D.C. high school.

show no signs of improving — could make them likely candidates for boundary changes. At Lafayette Elementary School at 5701 Broad Branch Road — a Ward 4 school just across the border

from Ward 3 — in-boundary students come from both wards, and parents are concerned about what that could mean for the school’s feeder pattern, which currently sends students to Ward 3’s Deal Middle School and Wilson High School. “We want our kids to go to Deal and Wilson, just like they have for the past 75 years,” said Jennifer Backus, a parent and Home and School Association member at Lafayette, in an interview. Concerns that Lafayette could get shut out of the Deal-Wilson pattern intensified last fall when D.C. Public Schools organized the school closure meetings by ward, which some feared See Boundaries/Page 7


Council agrees to funding for more police officers — Page 3

Scott Milsom, vice president of Vornado Realty Trust, which owns the mall, presented the mock-up as he discussed broader plans for the mall’s exterior improvements. Commissioner Peter Prindiville asked Milsom if DSW was a confirmed tenant. “We are in very far along discussions with them,” Milsom replied. While the DSW sign is a placeholder for now, Milsom said the plan is to use 20-inch letters on signs for stores on M Street, and 18-inch letters on signs for stores on the alley next to Dean & DeLuca. “Giving [tenants] signage to help get customSee Signage/Page 5

Maret boys sweep Sidwell for MAC basketball crown — Page 11

■ Transportation: City said

fix would come last spring By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Residents living along a deteriorating alley in eastern Georgetown are getting fresh promises that the city will address the pitted road surface and the stormwater runoff behind their homes. The unpaved alley runs down the hill from R Street parallel to 31st and 32nd streets. Residents there have spent years pushing the D.C. Department of Transportation to address conditions there, and complain that they’ve watched other alleys get repaved while theirs has been a mix of gravel, mud and potholes since at least the 1960s. The Transportation Department last week told residents that the project will move forward in the immediate future. The department is now working to hire engineers to design an improved alley, which will not only be paved but also incorporate connections to the stormwater system, agency spokesperson John Lisle said in an inter-


Wells announcement means the race is on for D.C. mayor — Page 8

Bill Petros/The Current

Residents want a solution to potholes and poor drainage.

view. “There’s no drainage in the alley, which is a big issue. So you could go in there and pave it, and all the water would run toward the homes that are adjacent to it,” Lisle said. “That’s not an acceptable solution to anybody. What we’re working on right now ... is a complete redesign of the alley that would include a tiein to the stormwater system, so it would be a completely improved alley with drainage.” See Alley/Page 5

INDEX Calendar/20 Classifieds/29 District Digest/4 Exhibits/23 In Your Neighborhood/10 Opinion/8

Police Report/6 Real Estate/17 School Dispatches/14 Service Directory/26 Sports/11 Theater/23

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The Current

ANC 3C residents wary of parking proposals License moratorium request near 14th and U stirs debate

By MARTIN MILLSPAUGH Current Correspondent

Residents and community leaders expressed strong reservations at last month’s Cleveland Park/ Woodley Park advisory neighborhood commission meeting about a D.C. Department of Transportation concept to overhaul its visitor parking pass program. Angelo Rao, the department’s “parking czar,� spoke at the Jan. 22 meeting to discuss changes the agency might implement this fall. A draft of proposed changes is due this spring, and Rao emphasized that no decisions have been made. Visitor parking passes were the most hotly debated topic. The current system for Ward 3 and most other parts of the city is that each household is mailed a free visitor placard good for one year. A new system could instead issue short-term passes to residents, who would have the option to buy more — including possibly a long-term permit — if they’re used up. But neighborhood commission chair Victor Silveira said the existing program is “treasured by everyone� and should be maintained; others at the meeting agreed. One resident suggested that changing a program that’s as new as the visitor parking placards may come across as a tax. Another said the proposed system might pose a problem for cleaning services and baby sitters who park near their employers’ homes. One resident raised the question of whether visitor passes should allow parking only within a threeblock area. In response to concerns about misuse of

the visitor permits, another resident suggested that the District develop a verification system when the passes are issued. Discussing another issue — residential permit parking — Rao said the agency is considering smaller areas for which a car’s zone permit would be valid. The zones presently align roughly with wards, but some residents have complained this allows intraward commuters to take up residential parking spaces, most notably on streets near Metro stations, as in Cleveland Park and Woodley Park. (Residents farther from stations, meanwhile, have expressed interest in having convenient access to the subway system.) Residents appeared to support smaller parking zones; they also pushed for nighttime parking protections for residents who live near restaurants and other establishments that draw after-work crowds. Rao also said the agency is looking to implement “performance parking,� a program in which parking meters charge different rates at different hours based on when demand is the highest. Payment is the most effective method for encouraging turnover of cars and thereby the number of people who can patronize local businesses, he said. The department’s goal is an 85 percent occupancy of spaces at any given time, which Rao said is the ideal balance between ensuring parking availability and discouraging drivers from lingering unnecessarily. Rao said he will produce a draft of potential changes in eight to 10 weeks, at which point the agency will seek feedback. The current schedule calls for the changes to go into effect Oct. 1.

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By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

A proposed liquor license freeze for the area near 14th and U streets has grabbed the attention of at least four advisory neighborhood commissions, along with residents spanning three different wards — some of whom are now protesting the blanket measure. The Shaw-Dupont Citizens Alliance recently filed a petition with the city’s Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration proposing a five-year moratorium on the issuance of new licenses to sell or serve alcoholic beverages in a portion of the neighborhood. The proposed moratorium would affect a circle with a radius extending 1,800 feet — roughly four blocks — in all directions from its midpoint at Ben’s Next Door at 1211 U St. The restrictions would cover bars, restaurants, taverns, nightclubs and liquor stores. Alliance president Joan Sterling, who filed the petition on Dec. 10, said the proposal comes in response to an oversaturation of alcohol-serving establishments in a burgeoning neighborhood that has lost longtime businesses to the high rents and taxes that have accompanied gentrification. The area’s growth has created an unmet demand for different types of services, such as “grocery stores, dry cleaners, bakeries — things that make a neighborhood run,â€? she said. Kathryn Eckles, president of the civic group Residential Action Coalition and co-signatory of the petition, agreed. “We certainly have enough liquor stores ‌ instead of goods and services we could use,â€? she said. If approved, the 14th and U streets area would join moratorium zones in Georgetown, Glover Park, Adams Morgan, Dupont West and

Dupont East. In her research, Sterling found that the U Street area has the highest concentration of alcohol-licensed establishments in the city. The requested moratorium zone currently has 107 existing liquor licenses, and there are at least four new license requests pending, according to the petition. There are also at least eight additional properties in the zone that have been issued building permits for proposed use of a “restaurant� or a “restaurant/bar� — which would bring the area up to 119 licenses, Sterling said. “This isn’t some draconian measure,� she said. “There really are a huge amount of licenses in a very small area.� The Shaw-Dupont Citizens Alliance formed in February 2012, and began discussing the possibility of proposing a liquor license moratorium last summer. Myla Moss, former chair of the Columbia Heights/U Street advisory neighborhood commission, said that the issue has been “bubbling up in the wings of the liquor license policies for ANC 1B� for years. The area has seen a rise in both new homeowners and nightlife activity on U Street, which spills over into the residential side streets. But the proposed moratorium zone falls within a tricky area in terms of city bureaucracy. It spans blocks in wards 1, 2 and 6, and stretches across advisory neighborhood commissions 1B, 2B, 2F and 6E — U Street and Columbia Heights, Dupont Circle, Logan Circle and Shaw, respectively. The impacted neighborhood commissions are currently in talks to hold a joint meeting with all four groups and their constituents next month. The meeting would be an opportunity for residents in different districts to sound off together. See Moratorium/Page 18

The Current Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Proposal for 50 extra police officers clears council amid calls for 40 more By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

Top city officials are now lining up behind plans to beef up the Metropolitan Police Department force. The D.C. Council last week tacitly approved a reprogramming of $1.7 million to hire 50 more officers, and on Monday Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said he’s encouraging Mayor Vincent Gray to find additional funds to hire 40 more. That’s a big turnaround from December, when the council on a 12-1 vote rebuffed a Gray proposal that would have added 100 uniformed officers to the force, which is now at just under 3,900. Mendelson said at the time that he’d seen no justification for the increase. At a press briefing Monday, Mendelson explained his change of heart. He said D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier recently briefed the council on the need for more officers to serve a growing population and to handle the booming nightlife in hotspots like the U Street corridor, H Street NE and the Southwest Waterfront. Despite a rash of resignations at the end of

D.C. Council to look at trio of school bills

last year, Mendelson said attrition is now about 17 officers a month. Police can hire about 30 recruits a month and, after six months training at the police academy and a stint under the supervision of an experienced officer, they will gradually build the force back up, he said. Mendelson also said he recently wrote to Gray suggesting the mayor find $2.8 million to hire a total of 90 new officers, bringing the force to 3,960 by the end of this fiscal year. Gray spokesperson Pedro Ribeiro wrote in an email to The Current that the mayor is “delighted that the chairman has agreed to support his proposal to grow MPD, and will work with him to find the funds to make it a reality.” Ward 6 member Tommy Wells, who now heads the committee on public safety and is also exploring running for mayor, noted in a news release that he was the lone vote in December for expanding the force. Wells said his committee will review police hiring and deployment during oversight hearings. Meanwhile, Ward 2 member Jack Evans is still pushing a bill to set the number of uniformed officers at a minimum of 4,000, on a permanent basis.

The week ahead Wednesday, Feb. 6

The D.C. State Board of Education will hold a working session to receive briefings from the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education regarding compulsory attendance regulations, national education technology standards and revisions to early learning standards. The meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 1114, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. ■ The Citizens Association of Georgetown will host a community meeting to discuss proposals for a “residential customized zone” in Georgetown as part of the process of updating the District’s zoning regulations. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 3240 O St. NW. ■ The Ward 4 Democrats group will hold its monthly meeting, which will feature a presentation by D.C. Council member David Catania, chair of the newly reconstituted education committee. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at Emery Recreation Center, 5701 Georgia Ave. NW.

Thursday, Feb. 7

The education group DC Voice will hold a community meeting to discuss its High School Student Testing Project, which assesses the impact of standardized tests on students, and the Ready Kids Project, which looks at the readiness of children for kindergarten through inter-

Reset your life. Live free of drugs and alcohol.

By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

The D.C. Council, which recently re-established a standalone committee on education, may be edging back into closer scrutiny of the public school system — as evidenced by three bills introduced by council members Tuesday. A bill by at-large member David Catania, who is promising vigorous oversight as chair of the new education committee, addresses concerns about cheating on standardized testing. The bill would require every public school to have a “testing integrity monitor,” and make any encouragement of cheating by school staff a violation of the law. Eight other council members cosponsored the bill. Meanwhile, Ward 2 member Jack Evans, expanding efforts to beef up library services in public schools, offered a measure that would require every school to have a full-time arts, music and physical education teacher as well as a librarian. At the start of the school year, 58 schools lacked at least one of those positions, he said. A majority of the council co-sponsored that measure. And Marion Barry of Ward 8, critical of proposed school closings predominantly in the eastern half of the city, introduced legislation to give the council a vote before schools are closed. That’s a power it lost when control of the schools was turned over to the mayor. His bill won only one co-sponsor, Yvette Alexander of Ward 7.

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views with teachers and school counselors. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. For details, contact or 202-506-6367. ■ The Metropolitan Police Department’s 4th District will hold a community meeting on current crime trends and strategies to prevent robberies and thefts from auto. The meeting will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Takoma Aquatic Center, 300 Van Buren St. NW.

Saturday, Feb. 9

The D.C. Department of Transportation will host “the moveDC Idea Exchange,” billed as a family-friendly event to share views on the future of transportation in the District and on ways to create a seamless system with transit, vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian and freight access. The day’s events at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW, will include a drop-in “Transportation Fair,” with information booths and interactive activities, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; an introductory session with city leaders, from 10:30 to 11 a.m.; and an interactive panel discussion, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb. 12

The Brightwood Community Association will hold its monthly meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. John United Baptist Church, 6343 13th St. NW.



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Current

District Digest Elderly man slain in Adams Morgan home

A 68-year-old man was found stabbed to death in the Adams Morgan area on Saturday, according to a Metropolitan Police Department news release, and police have charged a Northwest man with homicide in the case. Police found Howard Venable Jr. on the floor of a home in the 1600 block of Fuller Street at 6:48 p.m. Saturday. Venable was unresponsive and had multiple stab wounds, the release states. On Sunday night, officers charged David Jamal Wilson, 21, with firstdegree murder in connection with Venable’s death.

Teen pleads guilty in violent burglary

An 18-year-old man is likely facing more than 13 years in prison after pleading guilty to assaulting an 81-year-old resident and burglarizing her Chevy Chase home,

according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Tyran Mcelrath admitted Monday to punching the woman in the face until she lost consciousness after she “politely� confronted him in her home in the 3500 block of McKinley Street on the morning of Nov. 6, 2012, the release says. Mcelrath broke into the house through a basement window while the woman was on the home’s second floor, and they met at the ground level. He did not know the victim. According to the release, Metropolitan Police Department detectives found GPS data placing Mcelrath at the home at the time of the burglary. Surveillance video showed him taking the Metro to the area, wearing the type of mask the victim had described to police. Mcelrath, a D.C. resident, faces a maximum of 30 years in prison for burglary and 10 years more for assault, the release states, but voluntary guidelines recommend eight years for the burglary and five and a

half for the assault.

Graham introduces car alarm legislation

Ward 1 D.C. Council member Jim Graham has a novel way to address the “huge nuisance� of car alarms that won’t stop blaring. A bill Graham introduced Tuesday would empower police to tow the noisy car away. “The alarm may continue to make its noise, but it will make that noise in an impoundment lot,� he said. Graham said he previously tried to address the problem — sometimes caused by one car merely nudging another — with a bill making it illegal to install a car alarm that does not automatically silence itself in five minutes. But police, he said, found that unenforceable. The latest incessant alarm, he said, roiled Mount Pleasant about a week ago, but police said there was nothing they could do. Towing a car, Graham noted, would not

require unlocking or breaking into the vehicle.

Water agency to hold auditions for mascot

The D.C. Water and Sewer Authority will hold auditions this month for actors to play Wendy or Wendell the Water Drop, the agency’s mascot, according to a news release. Candidates for the part-time paid position must “have talent and swagger� and “make people laugh with non-verbal communication,� the release states. They must also be at least 18 years old and have reliable transportation. Auditions will be held from noon to 5 p.m. on Feb. 15 and 19 at the Bryant Street Pumping Station, 301 Bryant St. NW. Email emanuel. to schedule an audition.

Refunds will deduct traffic, parking fines

Residents with unpaid parking tickets and traffic citations will now have the amounts deducted from

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their D.C. tax refunds under a law the D.C. Council passed last year, according to a news release from the Office of Tax and Revenue. Taxpayers will receive a written notice of what debts, if any, have been deducted from their refunds. They can contest the matter with whichever agency has identified the debt, but not the tax office. The tickets join existing programs that deduct certain items from tax refunds, including those related to unpaid child support; unpaid D.C., federal and Maryland income taxes; overpayment of unemployment insurance; and nontax federal debt from D.C. vendor payments.

Cathedral work will require many years

Restoration of the Washington National Cathedral will likely continue for decades because of funding pressures and the complexity of needed repairs, the Cathedral’s former acting dean told the Rotary Club of Washington, DC, last Wednesday. The building is structurally sound and totally safe, said the Rev. Frank Wade, but it requires an estimated $20 million in repairs due to damage to towers and sculptures from the August 2011 earthquake. The work would take at least eight years even if the money were available. And because it’s not, “there will be rejoicing in heaven when it’s finished,� Wade said. “And that’s where most of us as well will be.� The Cathedral was built entirely by hand, and the repairs must be as well, Wade said. Referring to damaged sculptures, he said, “we can’t whip down to Gargoyles R Us.�


In the Jan. 30 issue, an article on Metro’s long-term strategic plan misstated the title of Zachary M. Schrag’s book “The Great Society Subway: A History of the Washington Metro.� The Current regrets the error. As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-567-2011.



The Current

SIGNAGE: Georgetown mall seeks improvements From Page 1

ers off the street and into the mall is paramount,� Milsom said. Vornado was recently in the news for helping to broker an agreement between Georgetown Park Condominiums owners and prospective mall tenant Pinstripes Bowling. Residents at first opposed the bowling alley’s plans to lease space beneath their condo units due to noise and other concerns. But at a D.C. Board of Zoning Adjustment hearing, Pinstripes satisfied residents with promises to mitigate noise, and signed a legally binding agreement to that effect. Other confirmed new tenants for the renovated mall include T.J. Maxx and HomeGoods. Washington Sports Club, J.Crew and H&M will return, but in new locations in the mall. On Monday Milsom also presented plans for signage at the entrance to the mall’s parking garage on Wisconsin Avenue. He said the parking garage would be the largest in Georgetown, with 700 parking spaces, and should be completed in April. But he noted that prior to the mall’s renovation, customers sometimes found it hard to identify the garage, so Vornado wants “the sign to be more visible.� Plans call for 12-inch solid metal letters, illuminated

This isn’t the first time, though, that the Transportation Department has pledged to fix the alley. The agency regraded the alley in 2011, but the drainage issues made the potholes reappear quickly, according to neighbors. Then in December 2011, transportation officials said they’d found the money to rebuild the alley the next spring. In an email to neighbors this week, Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans said the Transportation Department had “relegated it to a later status� because of the project’s relatively high cost and complexity — including coordination with the

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Bill Petros/The Current

Vornado hopes to obtain permission for more visible signage at the entrance to its parking garage.

on either side with LED lights. Milsom said the goal is for the garage to be easy for drivers to spot when traveling down M Street. “We see proposals for signage on parking and we very much want to promote it,� said commissioner Tom Birch. The commission voted unanimously not to object to Vornado’s signage as proposed.

ALLEY: Transportation agency promises to repave From Page 1

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


D.C. Water and Sewer Authority. “When [agency director Terry Bellamy] said that this one project would use most of the Ward 2 alley budget for the year, I told him to move forward anyway, as we had made promises and more importantly, this needs to be done,� Evans wrote. Dale Curtis, who lives on 32nd Street, said in an interview that it’s good to hear that plans for the alley are moving forward, but that he isn’t getting his hopes up entirely. “We have been told many positive things in the past two years, and we’ve been encouraged by that — but nothing has happened yet,� Curtis said.

“I’ll believe it when I see it,� he added. “We get nice promises, but we still have an alley that’s in nearly third-world conditions.� According to Lisle, hiring an engineering firm will take a few weeks, at which point that contractor will spend four to five months doing design work. Construction would begin about two months later, with the duration dependent on the design, Lisle said. A budget for the alley project hasn’t yet been determined either, but Lisle said it’s unlikely that costs will again derail the work. “We’re committed to making the improvements,� he said. “I know this is a priority.�

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


g d f

The Current

Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from Jan. 27 through Feb. 3 in local police service areas.

psa PSA 101 101 ■ downtown

Theft (below $250) ■ 1300 block, L St.; sidewalk; 2 p.m. Jan. 27. Theft (shoplifting) ■ 1200 block, G St.; store; 7:12 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 1200 block, G St.; store; 4:08 p.m. Jan. 30. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 9th Street and Independence Avenue SW; parking lot; 7 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ 1300 block, L St.; unspecified premises; 10 p.m. Jan. 28.

psa 102

■ Gallery place PSA 102


Assault with a dangerous weapon (miscellaneous) ■ 400 block, H St.; public housing; 5:21 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 800 block, 7th St.; tavern/ nightclub; 10:05 p.m. Feb. 3. Theft (below $250) ■ 600 block, F St.; unspecified premises; 6 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 700 block, E St.; restaurant; 4 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 700 block, 7th St.; restaurant; 10:31 p.m. Jan. 30. ■ 400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; medical facility; 1:30 p.m. Jan. 31. ■ 400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; medical facility; 12:09 p.m. Feb. 2. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 400 block, H St.; street; 6:06 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 9th and E streets; street; 6:15 p.m. Feb. 1.

psa PSA 201 201

■ chevy chase

Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 5300 block, Connecticut Ave.; street; 8:15 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ 3000 block, Military Road; unspecified premises; 3:30 p.m. Jan. 30.

psa 202

■ Friendship Heights PSA 202

Tenleytown / AU Park

Theft ($250 plus) ■ 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; bank; 10 a.m. Jan. 30. Theft (below $250) ■ 4400 block, Yuma St.; residence; 2:50 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 4500 block, Fort Drive; unspecified premises; 7 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 2 p.m. Feb. 2. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 4300 block, Military Road; street; 7 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 4500 block, Fort Drive; unspecified premises; 7:56 p.m. Jan. 29. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 4200 block, Ingomar St.; street; 8 a.m. Jan. 31. ■ 4200 block, Military Road;

unspecified premises; 6 p.m. Jan. 31.

psa 203

■ forest hills / van ness PSA 203

cleveland park

Theft ($250 plus) ■ 4400 block, Connecticut Ave.; hotel; 2:12 a.m. Feb. 3.

psa 204

■ Massachusetts avenue

heights / cleveland park woodley park / Glover PSA 204 park / cathedral heights

Theft (below $250) ■ 3600 block, Calvert St.; church; 6:50 p.m. Feb. 3. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 2600 block, Garfield St.; street; 9 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ Unspecified location; street; 12:52 p.m. Jan. 28.

psa 205

■ palisades / spring valley PSA 205

Wesley Heights / Foxhall

Assault with a dangerous weapon (miscellaneous) ■ 4600 block, Reservoir Road; residence; 11:40 a.m. Feb. 1. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 2800 block, New Mexico Ave.; street; 8 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ 2900 block, New Mexico Ave.; unspecified premises; 8:41 a.m. Jan. 30.

psa PSA 206


■ georgetown / burleith

Theft ($250 plus) ■ 37th and O streets; unspecified premises; 11 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 37th and O streets; unspecified premises; 5:20 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 12:15 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 2800 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; unspecified premises; 1:30 p.m. Jan. 29. Theft (below $250) ■ 1000 block, Thomas Jefferson St.; office building; 9 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1000 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 5:50 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 1600 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 2:50 p.m. Jan. 31. ■ 1200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 6:47 p.m. Feb. 1. ■ 3200 block, O St.; store; 6:54 p.m. Feb. 1. ■ 3100 block, M St.; store; 10:05 a.m. Feb. 2. ■ 3200 block, M St.; unspecified premises; 3 p.m. Feb. 2. ■ 3100 block, M St.; store; 4:15 p.m. Feb. 2. ■ 1600 block, 34th St.; residence; 10:30 p.m. Feb. 2. ■ 1200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 5:15 p.m. Feb. 3. Theft from auto ($250 plus) ■ 29th and Q streets; unspecified premises; 10 p.m. Jan. 30. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 35th Street and Reservoir Road; unspecified premises; 10 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ 37th Street and Reservoir

Road; street; 5:07 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 2900 block, Q St.; street; 8:30 p.m. Jan. 30.

psa PSA 207 207

■ foggy bottom / west end

Assault with a dangerous weapon (knife) ■ Unspecified location; construction site; 11:59 a.m. Feb. 2. Burglary ■ 600 block, 23rd St.; unspecified premises; 2:06 p.m. Jan. 28. Theft ($250 plus) ■ 2200 block, C St.; government building; 10 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 2400 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; residence; 9:40 a.m. Jan. 29. ■ 2200 block, H St.; unspecified premises; 1:20 p.m. Jan. 31. Theft (below $250) ■ Unspecified location; gas station; 8:16 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 1500 block, K St.; restaurant; 2:01 p.m. Jan. 31. ■ 1800 block, H St.; sidewalk; 3:50 p.m. Jan. 31. ■ 2200 block, H St.; school; 7:58 p.m. Jan. 31. ■ 1800 block, H St.; bank; noon Feb. 1. ■ 1600 block, K St.; restaurant; 12:45 p.m. Feb. 1. ■ Lincoln Memorial; park area; 4:30 p.m. Feb. 2. ■ 1400 block, K St.; tavern/ nightclub; 1:56 a.m. Feb. 3. Theft (shoplifting) ■ 1100 block, Connecticut Ave.; store; 1:01 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1000 block, Connecticut Ave.; store; 2:43 p.m. Jan. 31.

psa 208

■ sheridan-kalorama PSA 208

dupont circle

Robbery (pickpocket) ■ 1300 block, Connecticut Ave.; restaurant; 12:28 p.m. Jan. 30. Burglary ■ 1200 block, 19th St.; office building; 8 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ 1700 block, 19th St.; residence; 10:30 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 2000 block, Florida Ave.; unspecified premises; 11 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1800 block, N St.; office building; 8 a.m. Jan. 29. Burglary (attempt) ■ 1800 block, Florida Ave.; unspecified premises; 11:15 a.m. Jan. 28. Theft ($250 plus) ■ 1300 block, Connecticut Ave.; school; 2 p.m. Feb. 1. Theft (below $250) ■ 1500 block, Connecticut Ave.; restaurant; 7:30 p.m. Jan. 27. ■ Unit block, Dupont Circle; medical facility; 10:25 a.m. Jan. 30. ■ 1600 block, M St.; store; 8:08 p.m. Jan. 30. ■ 1600 block, 18th St.; residence; 9:45 a.m. Feb. 1. ■ 1600 block, Connecticut Ave.; restaurant; 8:25 p.m.

Feb. 1. ■ 1800 block, 18th St.; tavern/ nightclub; 10 a.m. Feb. 2. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 1600 block, M St.; unspecified premises; 11:30 p.m. Jan. 29. ■ 18th and Church streets; unspecified premises; 3:24 a.m. Jan. 31. ■ 2000 block, N St.; unspecified premises; 11 a.m. Jan. 31.

psa PSA 301 301

■ Dupont circle

Robbery (force and violence) ■ 1800 block, Florida Ave.; sidewalk; 5:36 a.m. Jan. 30. ■ 1700 block, 17th St.; sidewalk; 4:37 a.m. Feb. 3. Stolen auto ■ 1600 block, Florida Ave.; unspecified premises; 9 p.m. Jan. 31. Theft ($250 plus) ■ Unspecified location; street; 10 p.m. Jan. 31. Theft (below $250) ■ 1400 block, Q St.; unspecified premises; 8:18 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 14th and Swann streets; sidewalk; 11:15 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1500 block, R St.; unspecified premises; 9 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 14th and U streets; tavern/ nightclub; 3 a.m. Feb. 2. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 1700 block, T St.; street; 12:01 a.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1900 block, 16th St.; street; 5:49 a.m. Jan. 29. ■ 1700 block, 14th St.; street; 11:20 a.m. Jan. 31.

psa PSA 303 303

■ adams morgan

Theft (below $250) ■ 1900 block, Connecticut Ave.; restaurant; 12:30 a.m. Feb. 1. ■ 2300 block, Champlain St.; parking lot; 2 a.m. Feb. 2. ■ 2200 block, 18th St.; tavern/ nightclub; 2:24 a.m. Feb. 3. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 1900 block, Biltmore St.; unspecified premises; 1:48 p.m. Jan. 31. ■ 2400 block, Ontario Road; alley; 10:49 a.m. Feb. 1.

psa PSA 307 307

■ logan circle

Robbery (gun) ■ 1300 block, M St.; street; 1:30 a.m. Feb. 2. Robbery (knife) ■ 1300 block, Q St.; sidewalk; 1:30 a.m. Feb. 3. Theft (below $250) ■ 1200 block, R St.; unspecified premises; 8:05 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 1400 block, Q St.; tavern/ nightclub; 2 p.m. Jan. 31. Theft from auto (below $250) ■ 900 block, O St.; unspecified premises; 3:25 p.m. Jan. 28. ■ 900 block, L St.; unspecified premises; 8:30 p.m. Jan. 30. ■ Columbia and P streets; unspecified premises; 5:46 p.m. Feb. 2.

The Current

Wednesday, February 6, 2013



SIDEWALKS: Pedestrian activists seek change to Transportation Department policy

From Page 1

gaps, highlighting those within a quarter mile of schools, parks with playgrounds, rec centers or Metro stations. The map is available at The 2010 sidewalks law already requires that the District install a sidewalk on at least one side of a street that’s being reconstructed. But it also identifies “priority areas� that should be first on the Transportation Department’s queue when funding is available. In addition to schools, rec centers and transit

spots, priority goes to areas that are hazardous to pedestrians and blocks where residents have petitioned for sidewalks. Those priority areas should get sidewalks by default, Berlin said. “We want to change the norm,� she said. “The norm [should be] that of course sidewalks will be built, and if people don’t want them, they can request that.� But the Iona proposal to change policy wouldn’t eliminate what Berlin called the “sidewalk wars� that have raged in recent years between pedestrian advocates and residents who want to preserve the ambience and

open space in front of their homes. After some debate, the city last month installed sidewalks on Brandywine, between 30th and 32nd streets, but neighbors successfully resisted them on the other streets. Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh, who introduced the 2010 sidewalks bill, said she applauds the Iona proposal to improve continuity of sidewalks. “It’s an important effort just in general, because as I’ve always said, we’re not a community of cars — we’re a community of people,� she said in an interview.

Cheh’s own neighborhood of Forest Hills in particular remains one with numerous sidewalk gaps, she added, despite the designation of several streets there as “safe routes� to Murch Elementary School. Because the sidewalk issue is at this point a Transportation Department policy rather than a District law, Berlin said Iona will make its pitch to the agency — likely this spring, after soliciting community feedback. Agency spokesperson John Lisle said the department is currently working on long-term strategies and welcomes such suggestions.

BOUNDARIES: Review planned From Page 1

might indicate how school boundaries will be reorganized, Backus explained. While concerns haven’t reached a fever pitch at Lafayette, there’s enough worry that the HSA created an informal group to find out more about the boundaries plan. “We want to know from DCPS how the process is going to work,� said Backus, a member of the new group. D.C. Public Schools has released little information on how the boundaries will be assessed. “We don’t have final details to share at this point,� spokesperson Melissa Salmanowitz wrote in an email to The Current, responding to questions about how the boundaries will be evaluated, who will conduct that work and how the process will be funded. Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh has been asking D.C. Public Schools to look at the issue of boundaries for years since they haven’t been overhauled since the 1970s, in spite of the city’s dramatic changes. Cheh proposed legislation last spring to appoint a commission to review school boundaries every 10 years and make recommendations to the chancellor and mayor. The bill died in committee in December, but Cheh said she has no plans to reintroduce it because the legislation has already achieved its goal. “I’m happy that it finally got [D.C. Public Schools’] attention,� Cheh said in an interview. “I’m very mindful of how difficult it is to figure out boundaries, but we can’t stand by and pretend this isn’t a problem.� An integral part of Cheh’s proposal was that the commission would have operated through open public hearings before recommending changes to the chancellor and mayor. It’s unclear at this point whether Henderson’s task force will operate similarly. Janney Elementary School, Deal and Wilson are among the schools already facing significant challenges due to overenrollment. At Wilson, several classes have 30 or more students, and according to Cheh, some teachers have been using their own money to pay for graduate assistants to help with grading, particularly in writing classes. At least one Advanced Placement class had

to be canceled because the teacher was needed for another course. “It’s really having a negative effect on the quality of instruction,� Cheh said. Wilson was fully modernized in 2011, increasing its capacity from 1,485 to 1,550 students. But last year the school enrolled 1,633, according to D.C. Public Schools, and that number is only expected to increase. Geographically, Wilson has by far the largest boundary of any D.C. public high school, and it’s the only in-boundary high school for students living west of Rock Creek Park. Janney, which has a capacity of 550 students, is expected to have 700 in a year and a half, said Cheh, and many of those students will likely want to go to Deal and then matriculate to Wilson. With the school-age population expected to increase in Ward 3, it’s unlikely Wilson will be able to accommodate all of its in-boundary students given its current capacity. “I don’t have the magic answer to this; all I know is that we have a serious problem,� said Cheh. Possible solutions could include reducing the boundary area, or expanding space or adding schools in areas where enrollment is high. Some stakeholders have suggested at various community meetings that Western High School be resurrected at its former location in Georgetown, and that nearby Hardy Middle School could feed into it, thus taking some pressure off of Wilson. Under such a plan, Duke Ellington School of the Arts — now at the former Western site at 3500 R St. — could potentially relocate to a more central and Metro-accessible location, since the arts magnet school draws students from across the city. These ideas to expand capacity in the western parts of the city stand in stark contrast to conversations in other areas that will see closures of underenrolled schools — particularly wards 5 and 7, which are each losing four schools. Cheh called it “backwards� that D.C. Public Schools is closing so many schools citywide, while in one or two wards families are clamoring to enroll in their local schools. “At the real heart of it,� Cheh said, “the chancellor needs to make sure that all of the schools we have are excellent.�

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The Georgetown


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

Indisputable results

Some of the peculiarities of the District government — from the level of respect afforded to the Comprehensive Plan to the requirement for two “non-majority” seats on the D.C. Council — stem from the decisions made by Congress in drafting the home rule charter and follow-up legislation. One of the most valuable statutory mandates is fairly recent: the establishment of an independent chief financial officer, as part of the bailout legislation that also created a financial control board. Up to then, political appointees had not always provided the best fiscal guidance to elected officials, or they lacked the political wherewithal to insist on sound financial practices. The result was a bloated bureaucracy and frequent reliance on budgetary gimmicks to balance the books — on paper, at least. It’s worth recalling this history as the District’s longtime chief financial officer, Natwar Gandhi, prepares to leave office. On Friday, he announced plans to retire on June 1 after 15 years in the D.C. government. Elected officials ultimately must keep the District on course, but Dr. Gandhi has performed admirably in guiding their work. Perhaps the best indication of his legacy is that D.C. officials announced a $417 million fiscal year 2012 surplus and are expecting the city’s revenue estimates to rise in the coming fiscal year — despite uncertainty amid the threat of massive federal budget cuts. It is a testament to the District’s steady financial footing, as well as the conservative nature of Dr. Gandhi’s estimates that have always rubbed some lawmakers the wrong way. It’s hard to dispute the results. You’d expect Dr. Gandhi’s own letter to overstate the case, but it doesn’t: “I feel comfortable retiring at this time because the city is in excellent financial condition, perhaps the best in its history. The Fund Balance is as high as it ever has been, revenues are rising and, at this time it appears that they will continue to do so. Our bond issues are regularly oversubscribed and sell at historically low interest rates.” There have been weaknesses in Dr. Gandhi’s management of the agencies under his control — issues that complicated his reappointment last year to a third five-year term. One of the most glaring was the failure to detect and stop a midlevel tax office manager who embezzled $48.1 million in fraudulent tax refunds over nearly 20 years. More recently his office came under criticism, we think unfairly, for reducing valuations for many commercial buildings, as well as for failing to make some critical audits public. There is also a messy lottery contract that remains under investigation. Despite these hiccups, the District is fortunate to have had the services of Dr. Gandhi for the past 15 years. And we are fortunate as well with the timing of his departure: He will be around for one more budget process.

Metro momentum

Given the urban legends that surround the absence of a Georgetown subway stop, there’s added interest when Metro’s strategic plans offer the possibility of improved transit access to this historic neighborhood. The latest document, dubbed “Momentum,” includes goals for 2040. Among those is a proposal to build a new rail tunnel through Georgetown to Thomas Circle, part of a plan to separate rail lines in the system’s core. We’re glad to see the idea raised by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and hope it will prompt a serious look at all available options. M Street and K Street offer various pros and cons as potential eastwest routes — in terms of inconvenience during construction, as well as convenience afterward. A central stop at Wisconsin Avenue and M Street might be ideal, but as Georgetown Business Improvement District executive director Joe Sternlieb noted, “both God and the devil are in the details.” Easy access to Georgetown University would be a huge plus. The District has plans to bring streetcars to Georgetown, and we wonder how that would affect Metro’s plans: Would the end result be duplicative service, or complementary? Would the one foreclose, or replace, the other? Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans suggested he would prefer to see a Metro line run from Tenleytown down Wisconsin Avenue. This could address Glover Park’s transit deficiencies and could also provide access points in upper Georgetown and near the Washington National Cathedral. Some have discussed this area as a candidate for streetcar service, though others see Wisconsin as too narrow for traffic and streetcars to share. The options are myriad, and the costs clearly massive. But improved transit access here would be a mighty achievement. We hope officials will begin to scrutinize the alternatives and engage the public in the planning process. We’d also like to see the D.C. Council move forward expeditiously with Evans’ proposed resolution supporting the thrust of Metro’s $26 billion “Momentum” expansion plan and vowing that D.C. will pay its fair share.

The Current

The race is on … Tommy Wells wants to be mayor. Jack Evans wants to be mayor. Muriel Bowser wants to be mayor. David Catania wants to be mayor. Mayor Vincent Gray — we’re pretty sure — wants to be mayor again. But there’s an asterisk by his name. And (fill in the blank) wants to be mayor. Welcome to the 2014 mayor’s race. The decisive Democratic primary is in April 2014 — 14 months away. Petitions to get on the ballot could be circulating by this December. The first formal, official action took place Monday when Wells, the Ward 6 D.C. Council member, filed legal papers to create his “Exploratory Committee for Mayor.” “It’s highly likely I will run,” Wells told NBC4 on Monday before beginning an eight-ward listening tour that was to start in Ward 8. Unless something extraordinary happens, Wells says he’ll announce his actual campaign in two months. Ward 2’s Evans, who last ran for mayor in 1998 (the year Tony Williams won), said he’s not fooling around with any exploratory committee. “I don’t believe in exploratory committees,” said Evans, the most senior council member. “I don’t really see the need for them. You either want to run for mayor or you don’t want to run for mayor.” Ward 4 Council member Muriel Bowser, who only privately is exploring her own campaign, was pretty clear with NBC4 on Monday, too. And she knows the short political calendar. “We know that we have a primary campaign coming up in just over 400 days,” she told us. “I know how to put together winning campaigns. Should that be my decision, we’ll come out of the gate really strong.” You can pretty well bet the house Bowser will be in it. Wells, Evans and Bowser are the most active candidates. At-large independent Catania was telling reporters last year that he wouldn’t be running for mayor. But sources close to Catania — who has a powerful post as chair of the new education committee — say he has rethought the race and should be considered more likely than not. Who else? Former mayors Anthony Williams and Adrian Fenty have made it clear they’re not running again. Veteran politician Carol Schwartz — who ran four times — laughs when we suggest her name. Maybe a candidate will come out of the sidelines and run, but no strong names are circulating yet.

So we’re back to Mayor Gray. And that’s where the asterisk comes in. We wrote recently that many people believe that Gray has established a pretty good record as mayor on many issues but has the cloud of campaign scandal hanging over him. Even if federal prosecutors don’t bring criminal charges against him, he and his 2010 committee face a withering review by the Office of Campaign Finance, which would be poised to levy heavy fines for the “shadow campaign” already revealed in court. That process would be a nightmare for the mayor if he’s trying to start a 2014 committee and asking for campaign contributions. Asked if he intends to run again, Gray gives the best answer he can — it’s too early to say, and he’s too busy running the city. ■ A white mayor? The city’s demographics certainly are changing. The African-American population has dropped from nearly 70 percent to about 50 percent in the last 20 years. But African-Americans still have a strong presence at the polling precincts. Wells, who pointedly held his first exploratory event in majority-black, majority-poor Ward 8, said race won’t be a significant factor. “I will do what’s right for D.C. every time,” he told us. Evans said simply, “I think what the electorate wants is a good mayor.” ■ Statehood, again. The issue of statehood for D.C. is back before Congress. D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton is focusing on budget autonomy, but she also has a statehood bill. In the Senate, four of the 100 senators have introduced a companion bill, the New Columbia Admissions Act, S.132. “Washington, D.C. is not just a collection of government offices, monuments and museums; it is home to more than 600,000 people who work, study, raise families, and start businesses,” Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., one of the sponsors, said. “These citizens serve in our military, fight in our wars, die for our country, and pay federal taxes. But when it comes to having a voice in Congress, suddenly these men and women do not count.” Should there ever be a state of what would be called “New Columbia,” there would be a smaller federal district carved out for the White House, Capitol, Supreme Court and National Mall. We guess that’s sort of like the Vatican in Rome. But don’t hold your breath for any of it. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor Guardrail is needed to protect parkland

Vandals have seriously damaged the grass field on Massachusetts Avenue at the Glover Archbold trail. This is not the first time this field has been damaged by someone driving all over it, though the extent of the devastation is the worst I have seen. I realize stopping this behavior when it happens is almost impossible despite the field’s proximity to a police station. What is needed is a guardrail or wall to keep cars from jumping the sidewalk and tearing up the field. Plenty of other fields throughout the city are protected in this manner. It is time to do the

same with this trailhead. The Glover Archbold trail is a gem for the city, offering a chance to run or hike through a mature forest in an urban setting. We should not allow it to be marred in this manner. Jaret Seiberg Bethesda, Md.

Metro plan should include Glover Park

Metro’s new long- and shortterm strategic plan is a good one — but city leaders should consider an even bigger and better plan to ensure that Northwest D.C. has the transit options needed to keep up with a growing population [“Plan may bring Metro to Georgetown by 2040,” Jan. 30]. It makes perfect sense to put a new Metro station in Georgetown — but don’t stop there. Build a new tunnel under Wisconsin

Avenue connecting Georgetown to Tenleytown, with Metro stops in upper Georgetown, in Glover Park and near the Washington National Cathedral. This Wisconsin Avenue line would alleviate traffic congestion; reduce pollution; make it easier for these transit-deprived communities to work, shop and play; and improve property values for current residents. Kudos to Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans for recognizing a Wisconsin Avenue line as a long-term need for Metro and for Northwest D.C. Now is the time to act on this proposal. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight, but if we can build the Wisconsin Avenue Metro line, our children and grandchildren will thank us for our vision and our commitment to a greater D.C. Brian A. Cohen Commissioner, ANC 3B05

The Current

Parking minimums are useful zoning policy VIEWPOINT allen seeber


erb Caudill’s Jan. 30 Viewpoint on parking minimums may suffice as a homework assignment in the Chicago school of economics, but it offers little remedy for parking problems in D.C. Indeed, such views will make things worse. Contrary to the author’s view, developers should be forced to internalize the cost of spillover parking instead of burdening residents of neighborhood streets. Providing off-street parking is an appropriate cost of doing business. It is similar to D.C.’s requirement that builders of new homes install expensive catchment basins to keep runoff rainwater out of the sewers. D.C. residents pay taxes for a matrix of services — including usable roadways, public schools, security and parking on our streets. Builders of multifamily projects may or may not be D.C. taxpayers, but they should certainly not be absconding with the value of unbuilt offstreet parking that the rest of us must defray with inconvenience. Off-street parking cannot be inserted underneath multifamily structures once they are built. ■As a matter of fact, parking minimums do work. The reasons we don’t have parking garages all over, or worse on-street parking problems, is that commercial developers must put the cars underneath their buildings, and that city-owned garages were banned in the days of the House District Committee. ■Housing is no more affordable for lack of parking. Market rents and purchase prices reflect what the mar-

Letters to the Editor Developer dropping Babe’s commitments

Compared to what we had previously been told, there are some changes in the proposed development at the Babe’s Billiards site at Wisconsin Avenue and Brandywine Street. Although the developer’s representative, under oath at the Zoning Commission hearing, emphatically stated that all tenant leases would include a prohibition against a tenant asking for a parking space or asking for a Residential Parking Permit enforceable by eviction, the developer’s written commitments are weaker. Now eviction would still be possible if a tenant asked for a Residential Parking Permit, but residents would be allowed to request spaces in nearby parking lots. Because the developer insisted during the zoning hearing that eviction would result if a parking space were requested, there was little discussion at the Zoning Commission about the availability or appropriateness of the developer renting parking nearby. The developer is now offering to make a good effort to reserve 20 spaces nearby for the residents, although neither lot under consideration for this is open 24 hours and one says “retail only.� The residents would pay a fee to acquire one of these spaces.

ket will bear. Just try chiseling price with a landlord in D.C. for lack of parking. Current minimum parking requirements in the zoning code are too lax — only 0.25 to 0.5 off-street parking spaces per unit. ■Parking minimums subsidize drivers? Abusing data to support “new urbanist� bias against parking will deprive D.C. businesses of customers and eventually drive them and families from the city. Most traffic in the city involves non-resident commuters, delivery or service staff, and tourists who need parking space. Census data show that upper Northwest households are more than twice as likely to have at least two cars than households elsewhere in D.C., and are half as likely to be carless. Nearly two-thirds of Chevy Chase residents drive to work. Eliminating off-street minimum parking requirements benefits developers, period. During a recent Cleveland Park Citizens Association meeting, Mr. Caudill and D.C. Department of Transportation parking manager Angelo Rao advocated the Chicago school solution to scarce parking on our streets: Raise the price to what the market will bear, regardless of consequence. Thus, residents paying income and property taxes, who have invested life savings in their dwellings, should be prepared to bid for on-street parking spaces in front of their homes. When pressed by an audience member to stipulate the market price for such a space in front of his own house, Mr. Caudill admitted he “hadn’t thought about it.� Let us pause now to contemplate the amounts of our competitive bids to avoid having to double park in bad weather to bring home groceries, dogs and children. Allen Seeber is a Chevy Chase resident.

The development firm has stated that it will ask the D.C. Department of Transportation to deny Residential Parking Permit stickers to the tenants. Although the animal hospital next door is being required by the advisory neighborhood commission to provide valet parking, the planned restaurant in the Babe’s building will not need to provide such a service. The restaurant is supposed to provide a one-hour-free parking stamp for patrons who park elsewhere. Only a business occupying 3,500 square feet or more will be required to provide such a stamp, so the three small retailers envisioned for the site will not be large enough to trigger a need to provide any free parking. The developer has said that it will monitor the use of metered parking by people using the building. Driving and parking on neighborhood streets thus remains a tempting transportation alternative. In other changes: ■The developer’s documents no longer state that the memorandum of understanding between the neighborhood commission and the developer is enforceable (if it is legally enforceable anyway) by neighbors or anyone else. ■If the developer does not underground the utilities as promised, $400,000 to $600,000 will be distributed to someone of the developer’s choosing, after consultation with the neighborhood commission. ■The developer is no longer creating an escrow account to back up

its commitment to Leadership in Engineering and Environmental Design certification. There is also no mention of a commitment to providing low- and moderate-income housing in their final documents. Juliet G. Six President, Tenleytown Neighbors Association

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District must address Porter Street trees

On Jan. 30 at about 11:10 p.m. a large tree fell across two cars and the sidewalk on Porter Street downhill from Connecticut Avenue. The tree also fell across power lines, causing a power outage until about 9 the next morning. This is the third time since October that a tree has fallen in this area on the sidewalk and cars. In November a tree fell across a car while the driver was inside. Fortunately no one has been killed. This sidewalk is used by residents walking from the Cleveland Park Metro to Mount Pleasant and to the trails, so there are people on the sidewalk at late hours. There are also a lot of parked cars. Last year after a storm with high winds there was talk of inspecting areas with rotting trees, or trees that appear vulnerable to these storms. The storm damage is costing the city money. We need more tree inspections immediately Sally Francis Cleveland Park

Letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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10 Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The Current

In Your Neighborhood


ANC 2A ANCBottom 2A Foggy


ANC 2B ANCCircle 2B Dupont



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2 3, , 4 2 5 * 6'7 82 , , + * * 8 , " 0$ 2 ,'7 7 4 4 * 9 8 :7 2 ' !! !/ 2 3, , 4 2 5 '2 ;

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â– Foggy bottom / west end

The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, at the West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. For details, visit

â– dupont circle

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, at the Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW. For details, visit dupontcircleanc. net. ANC 2D ANC 2D Sheridan-Kalorama

â– sheridan-kalorama

At the commission’s Jan. 28 meeting: ■commissioners unanimously reelected David Bender as chair and secretary and Eric Lamar as vice chair and treasurer. ■commissioner Eric Lamar announced that the commission will advertise the availability of grants this spring and award them in July. ■commissioner Eric Lamar reported that a burglary recently took place at 24th and California streets, where a door was left unlocked on a Saturday afternoon. Lamar said that most crime in the neighborhood is property-related theft, especially from parked cars, but that in another incident an elderly resident was forced at gunpoint to lead a robber to her car, which he then stole. Police recovered the car at Chevy Chase Circle but the suspect escaped, according to Lamar. ■commissioners agreed to meet on the third Monday of each month, (except for July, August and December, when no meetings are scheduled) at Our Lady of the Americas Church, 2200 California St., unless otherwise announced. Meetings will be automatically canceled if the District government is closed due to inclement weather or another emergency. ■Kindy French of the SheridanKalorama Historical Association reported that the Board of Zoning Adjustment approved expansion plans for a home at 2130 Bancroft Place, which both the historical association and the neighborhood commission had opposed. She said neighbors will continue to oppose the plan through the L’Enfant Trust and, if necessary, at the Historic Preservation Review Board. French also reported the association is working with the architect to improve the design of a condo project proposed at 2225 California St., which has already received necessary approvals from the city. ■commissioners commended and thanked Saone Crocker, Elinor Berg and Nona Shepard, who are retiring as the editors of the “Views From Sheridan-Kalorama� community newsletter. ■commissioners voted unanimous-

Citizens Association of Georgetown

The historic George Town Club at Wisconsin Avenue and Volta Place is undergoing a reinvention! A group of friends, social leaders and locals have banded together to make the George Town Club a destination once again. The group has been meeting over a series of months to transform the club into a hip and chic gathering place. The vision is to take this historic building and make it a meeting place where art, politics, design, technology, food, wine and passionate/interesting people all come together. There is no gym or pool or hockey program but, rather, a sophisticated venue where our brains can be fed and the food and ambience are unmatched. A series of “learning lunches� is in place for February, and members and non-members are invited to check out the club for lunch. You may make reservations by emailing membership@georgetownclub. org. The cost is $25 per person. Credit cards and checks are accepted. As a part of our association’s Merchant Discount Program, the George Town Club has offered our members the opportunity to try the club three times with a 10 percent discount on their meals. It is a rare opportunity for your family to sample what membership would be like or to host guests for a truly unique Georgetown experience. An exciting programming schedule is under way, as is a series of informational coffees (complete with inspiration boards!) to learn more about the six- to 12-month plan to reinvent this gem in Georgetown. For more information (and a list of non-member events open to the public and dates for the informational coffees) please email — Jennifer Altemus ly to support changes to 2305 Bancroft Place proposed by property owner John Secchi. The plans include remodeling the windows, steps and doors to make the house appear more in keeping with the historic district. ■commission chair David Bender announced that Ambassador Namik Tan of the Republic of Turkey will host a fundraising reception at his residence, 1606 23rd St., to benefit the Spanish Steps. The event will take place June 6 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. For details, visit or contact ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown ■Georgetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 4, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit ANC 2F ANCCircle 2F Logan ■logan circle The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, at Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas Circle NW. For details, call 202-667-0052 or visit ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover

â– Glover Park / Cathedral heights

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, at Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW.

For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park ■cleveland park / woodley Park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heights Massachusetts Avenue Heights Cathedral Heights The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. The regular meeting date was rescheduled to avoid falling on Presidents Day. For details, call 202-657-5725 or visit ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring ■spring valley / wesley heights Wesley Heights palisades / kent / foxhall The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, in Room B108, West Hall, George Washington University Mount Vernon Campus, 2100 Foxhall Road NW. Agenda items include: ■police report. ■community concerns. ■discussion with Laurence Jones of the D.C. Office of the People’s Counsel on the role of the agency, pending utility matters and residents’ experiences with the city’s utility providers. ■consideration of a public space application at 4910 Massachusetts Ave. for a fixed sign with footing. ■consideration of a public space application at 4624 Q St. for curbs, gutters and a pervious driveway. ■consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application for a special exception at 4735 Tilden St. to permit a rear addition to a detached home not meeting sideyard requirements. ■discussion of the District’s zoning regulations rewrite. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit


Athletics in northwest wAshington



February 6, 2013 ■ Page 11

Maret sweeps Sidwell to take MAC title

By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Before the season started, Maret junior point guard Marlon Beck without hesitation outlined the Frogs’ goal: to win the Mid-Atlantic Conference. To do that, Maret had to topple Sidwell, which had dominated the conference and won three straight MAC titles. On Friday night, the Frogs reached a major checkpoint on the way to their goal when they thrashed the Quakers 54-41, clinching the MAC regular-season title. Beck’s pre-season proclamation was backed by a strong performance from senior forward Tre Bowens, who led the team with 14 points while controlling the post for Maret. “That was the past,” Bowens said of Sidwell’s title reign. “This was the future. Our goal is to win the whole thing.” The Frogs jumped on the Quakers from the opening tipoff and quickly built a 19-9 lead. Maret kept the pressure on and took a commanding 32-16 advantage into the locker room at halftime. The Frogs’ defensive scheme focused on Sidwell’s stud senior forward Josh Hart, whom Maret held to just 15 points.

“[Our plan] was just bother him,” said Maret senior forward Ture Lawrence. “He’s a great player. We weren’t going to stop him; our plan was to just slow him and shut everybody else down.” The scheme seemed to work — aside from Hart, only Sidwell senior Phillip McGloin scored in double

figures with 13 points. Sidwell tried to rally, and started to string together a scoring run in the third quarter, but wasn’t able to overcame the major deficit. Still, Maret never coasted on its lead. The Frogs continually sent the ball to Bowens in the post. “Nobody in the league can guard us in the post,” said Bowens.

The future Towson University football player was the most physical and energetic player on the court, and he took over the game. Bowens made critical plays when he drove hard to the rim and scored two contested shots in the post — earning free throws both times. His surge effectively slammed the door shut on any Sidwell rally. “I was just focused,” said Bowens. “After halftime we just had to keep going. They just couldn’t guard me and I just went to work. I’m a football player and I’m aggressive and I like contact.” The Frogs will look to stay on the winning track in MAC play when they host Saint James Friday night. On the same day, the Quakers will try to rebound from their slump when they travel to play Georgetown Day School. Sidwell has won just two of its last seven games and could be in danger of dropping out of the No. 2 seed in the playoffs if the squad doesn’t turn things around. For the Frogs, putting Sidwell in that predicament meant they had toppled the MAC’s bully. “Revenge is sweet,” said Beck. “They swept us last year. To get this win and to clinch the regular-season title, it just feels amazing.”

Purple Reign: Gonzaga wins third-straight swimming title

Cadets shock Paul VI in OT thriller By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Coming into this season, the expectations surrounding Gonzaga’s swimming team were low. The team had graduated 15 seniors from its championship squad last year and appeared poised to take a step back. However, instead of regressing, the Eagles blew the competition out of the water at the Washington Metropolitan Prep School Swim Dive League championships Saturday evening. Gonzaga posted a total score of 500, which gave the team a staggering 181-point margin of victory at the Takoma Aquatic Center. “It’s a huge accomplishment,” said Gonzaga coach Josh Klotz. “Last year our team was led by 15 seniors. We basically lost more than half of our team. But we had a lot of younger classmen at Gonzaga ready to step up.” The Eagles’ championship push was led by senior Paul O’Hara, who won the boys 200yard individual medley with a meet record time of 1:53.41. “Through the first 150 yards, I just tried to

Brian Kapur/The Current

Maret senior forward Tre Bowens led the Frogs with 14 points Friday night. Bowens will play football for Towson University next fall.

Brian Kapur/The Current

The Eagles earned 500 points, putting Gonzaga in first place Saturday.

beat the competition as much as I could, and I was much faster than I normally swim,” said O’Hara. O’Hara also won the 100-yard breaststroke event. And he was part of the Eagles’ firstplace 200-yard relay team, joined by seniors William Lichtenfels and William Bloom and junior Andrew Valentine. Gonzaga also saw some great performances from other teammates. The school’s 400yard freestyle relay team — sophomores P.T. Welter and Brennan Novak, along with O’Hara and Valentine — took third place. Novak took first place in the 500-yard freestyle and third in the 200-yard freestyle. And Gonzaga freshman See Swimming/Page 12

The St. John’s girls basketball team traveled to Fairfax on Monday looking for not only a statement win but also an opportunity to seize first place in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference, with just two weeks to go in the season. The Cadets were successful at both goals, thanks to a furious second-half rally in their 70-69 overtime stunner against Paul VI. St. John’s seniors Lindsay Allen and Tori Oliver dominated the game, scoring 27 and 23 points respectively. The Cadets had a rocky start and initially couldn’t get on track against Paul VI’s stifling diamond press. The team quickly found itself facing a double-digit deficit and trailed for most of the evening. “We prepared long and hard for the press, but they’re good,” said Cadets coach Jonathan Scribner. “That’s a helluva press. They got what they wanted out of it, and they really jumped on us. But eventually we adjusted.” The Panthers led 36-25 at halftime, but the Cadets didn’t get frustrated. Instead, they remained composed and began to solve the Panthers’ defense. “They caught us off-guard a little bit, and we were a little flustered,” said Allen. “But we just started to really attack the basket.” In the third quarter, Allen and Toliver took over the game and willed St. John’s back into the contest. Then in the final period, the duo

Brian Kapur/Current file photo

Senior Lindsay Allen scored a team-high 27 points in the Cadets 70-69 win.

propelled the Cadets into a 62-62 tie. In the final seconds of regulation, the Cadets put the ball in Allen’s hands, but the senior was unable to end the game. The evenly matched teams ended up in overtime. In that extra period, Allen was sure to slam the door on the Panthers. With less than 20 seconds to go, the senior stole the ball and drove coast-to-coast to score, giving the Cadets a 70-69 lead they wouldn’t relinquish. “I just timed it and happened to get the ball and had a wide-open layup,” said Allen.

12 Wednesday, February 6, 2013




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The Current

Northwest Sports

Simons get it done on the mat for St. John’s By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer


When brothers grow up together, there’s usually a lot of horseplay and wrestling. That holds especially true for Brett and Josh Simon. Though both were more interested in basketball and baseball in their early years, Josh, the younger brother, got hooked on wrestling after a friend showed him some moves one day after a baseball game. Eight years later, both Simons are representing St. John’s well on the mat. The brothers made strong performances Saturday at the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference championships: Josh, a freshman, won the 160-pound weight class, while Brett, a sophomore, took silver in the 152-pound class. As a team, St. John’s finished in fourth place. The Cadets have a young team, but the Simon brothers signal a bright future ahead. “It’s great having both of them in the room,� said Cadets coach Karl Danson. “They’re great at pushing

each other; iron sharpens iron, and just having those two battle makes them better.� In Brett Simon’s championship match, the sophomore worked the mat well in a tightly called contest against Paul VI’s Brendan May. But he was unable to take home first place and settled for second. Although Brett was disappointed, he cheered on his brother, who was competing in the match right after him. In that match, the composed Josh Simon showed no signs of freshman jitters as he went on the offensive against Paul VI’s Evan Bergeron. In the first round, he slammed Bergeron to the mat with such force that the match had to be stopped for a possible injury to the Paul VI wrestler. After about a minute Bergeron was able to continue, but Simon knew he had rattled the Panther. “It just shut him down for the rest of the match,� said Josh Simon. “I felt like I had him in his head after that move. He was on the defensive for the rest of the match.� With the victory, Josh Simon became the Cadets’ only first-place finisher.

SWIMMING: GDS junior wins 100-yard breaststoke

From Page 11

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Tristan Warder made an impression with a second-place finish in diving. While Gonzaga cruised through most the boys swimming events, it was Sidwell that took diving, with Bennett Magliato winning first place with a score of 415.30. On the girls side, no Northwest squad finished in the top three, but several individual competitors stood out. For Georgetown Day, junior Schuyler Bailar blazed through the

100-yard breaststroke to win first place. And in diving, freshman Lexi von Friedeburg took second place while senior Frannie von Friedeburg took third. Sidwell also had a first-place finisher on the girls side — Liz Abeles won the grueling 500-yard freestyle. Meanwhile, the St. John’s Cadets girls team 200-yard medley relay team — freshmen Sydney Kirsch, Claire Luigard and Isabel Bogart, and senior Kara Osborne — took second place at the meet. Luigard also took second place in the

Sports Desk Gonzaga basketball sweeps DeMatha


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In DeMatha’s gym there’s a banner commemorating the Stags’ blowout win last year over Gonzaga in front of an ESPN national television audience. When the Eagles traveled to the DeMatha Sunday for their first game since that loss, that banner served as extra motivation. “When we came in, everyone on our team noticed [the banner],� said senior Kris Jenkins. “We took that to heart. We wanted to come and play hard as we could and win this game.� The Eagles returned the favor by thrashing DeMatha 68-52. On Sunday, Jenkins led the Eagles with 16 points while sophomore guard Bryant Crawford added 13, senior guard Charles Glover provided 12 and junior forward Jordan Abdur-Ra’oof closed out the balanced scoring attack with 11 points.

Wilson Tigers dominate DCIAA indoor track championships

The Tigers boys and girls indoor track teams both cruised to the D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association titles. The boys won by a margin of 43 points, while

Scores Girls basketball

St. John’s 71, Ireton 54 Wilson 71, Cardozo 13 Hebrew Academy 50, Field 23 GDS 71, St. Stephen’s 46 Visitation 67, Stone Ridge 26

Maret 56, Madeira 36 WIS 28, Oakcrest 25 Sandy Spring 42, Burke 26 Bullis 82, Sidwell 56 Cathedral 72, Maret 42 GDS 52, Holton-Arms 35 Wilson 67, Bell 18 GDS 71, Stone Ridge 46 St. John’s 67, Seton 53

100-yard breaststroke and third place in the 200-yard individual medley event. Kirsch grabbed silver in the 50-yard freestyle. National Cathedral also saw some success. Sophomore Morgan Johnson took second place in the 200-yard freestyle behind Olympic gold medalist Katie Ledecky, who competes for Bethesda’s Stone Ridge. Cathedral senior Nicole Orme also had a solid meet, scoring a second-place finish in the 100-yard backstroke and third place in the 100-yard freestyle.

the girls won by 89.5 points. Wilson’s boys team was led by several standouts. Junior Acey Calhoun took first place in the 55-meter and 300-meter dashes. Senior Noah Howard won the grueling 3,200-meter race. The Tigers also saw senior William Carson win the long jump and junior Matthew Thorne take the triple jump championship. Wilson also dominated the relay events. The 200meter team — Calhoun, sophomore Nicholas Cooper, Carson and junior Yannick Mefane — took first place. The 400-meter team — Carson, Calhoun, freshman Dylan Cooper and sophomore Chris Askew — won gold; and the 800-meter team of Askew, Cooper, Howard and senior Joshua Bramble won its event as well. In spite of Wilson’s dominance, Theodore Roosevelt junior Abdur-Rahma Kelly stood out by winning the 500-meter, the 800-meter and the 1,600meter races. Wilson’s girls also fared well last Wednesday. Senior Maddy Conover took first place in the 3,200 meter race. The Tigers also had junior Deonna Diggs win the 55-meter hurdles. Wilson also prevailed in the 800-meter relay with the team of freshman Asia Amis, sophomore Alexis Coates, junior Eileen Connor and senior Diana Blanco.

Anacostia 52, Walls 30 GDS 60, Sidwell 50 Visitation 64, Flint Hill 39

Boys basketball

Avalon 59, GDS 43 Wilson 75, Cardozo 43 Coolidge 74, Dunbar 56 Hebrew Academy 49, Burke 47

Gonzaga 69, Paul VI 68 Sidwell 58, Potomac School 47 St. John’s 64, Ireton 51 St. Albans 64, St. Stephen’s 51 Jewish Day 58, WIS 40 Field 57, Washington Latin 51 Potomac School 63, GDS 27 Bell 69, Wilson 77

Gonzaga 71, Carroll 45 St. John’s 60, DeMatha 58 Roosevelt 75, Dunbar 65 Saint Anselm’s 46, Burke 37 McLean School 71, Field 52 Maret 54, Sidwell 41 Roosevelt 77, Milford Mill 69 Gonzaga 68, DeMatha 52 Paul VI 55, St. John’s 53

The CurrenT

February 2013

At-Large Member of a special election for a new e the opportunity to vote in hav ’s schools, we write city you 3, our 201 in 23, ers il lead Apr On past and present parent As bia. um Col of t tric Dis the Council of the min for the office. candidacy of Matthew Fru to voice our support for the duates of D.C. dren, two of whom are gra , are the parents of three chil min a have fought to Fru Len a Len and , tt wife Ma . his ool Matt and odrow Wilson High Sch Wo at ent stud a is ways to their ss who ntle contributions in cou Public Schools and one rs; together they have made yea ensure the 20 r ed ove help for s has s ool ool sch sch our improve ocacy for modernizing our adv less tire tt’s modernizaMa the es. in niti ed an important role public school commu tributed to s throughout the city and play leadership at Wilson has con ool His sch y. of nom tion auto niza ool der sch mo for ion uages, and mp successful lang cha a ld n wor , bee ma has dra h School. Matt also ool to support its music, sch the bled ena has tion of Woodrow Wilson Hig and s boy variety of sports for girls and allowing Wilson to offer a elry ward in the City have exc fine arts programs. ensuring that children of eve for s, and ent s par ool h sch wit ’s g kin City wor our to d. He is committed e for adequate funding for goals. support they need to succee se Matt has been a strong voic the tho ive ieve rece ach and to es ers niti lead ortu rricular opp ool and community lent educational and extracu foundation sectors and sch porters from the private and sup ial ent pot s, cial an educational vision for offi ted elec on the D.C. Council who has er mb Me ge Lar are confiAtan d nee critical education issues, we facing our city are great. We experience with Matt on our our on The educational challenges ed . Bas city s. at ool gre sch our challenges facing cess supporting our our city and a record of suc solutions to the many other and ability to find creative sion pas e sam the g brin will dent he Chuck Samuels 5-08) Jack Koczela Wilson LSRT Co-Chair (200 ) 7-12 (200 on orati Corp ent on Managem ent Corporation (2008) Wils agem Man on Wils Lilly Abbey Wilson LSRT (2002-06) 1-02) Jean Samuels Janney PTA Secretary (200 00) 6-97) Key ES LSRT Chair (1998-20 Janney PTA Co-President (199 jem Alad iel Dan 7-99) ela 12) Kocz 0-20 Julie (201 Janney PTA Treasurer (199 Lafayette HSA Co-President ) Hardy LSRT Chair (2005-07 Josh Sarnoff r (2001-07) Barbara Balman Hardy Facilities Comm. Chai Janney SIT (2003-05) ) 1-07 Janney SIT (2003-05) (200 r Chai m. Com Key ES Facilities Anita Seline Leticia Barnes Long r 2-13) Felle Jane yack 0-12) Deal PTA Vice President (201 ey SIT (2002-04) John Kost Wilson PTSA President (201 5-06) Deal LSAT (2008-10), Jann Kate Laguarda ey PTA Vice President (200 Jann w Bele Belle Amy Friend Janney SIT (2001-03) 9-2010) rt Shuldiner ) Albe 1-06 (200 m. Com Wilson LSAT teacher rep (200 ation 2-13) Deal Moderniz 2-03) Gerry Leape Wilson PTSA President (201 r (2005-07) Janney PTA Co-President (200 Deal PTA Phonathon Chai Janney LSRT (2007-09) Daria Shumaker 8-2000) Marlene Berlin (199 SIT ey Jann on Kelly Lee Janney, Deal & Wilson PTA Wilson Management Corporati 2-13) Mary L. Froning Janney PTA Co-President (201 Mary Stapp 2005-2006 d (2010-13) Chair (2004-06) Boar LSRT utive & Deal Exec PTA ey 6 Jann -200 Wilson Journalism Teacher Wilson LSRT Co-Chair 2000 Wilson LSRT (2006-09) Erica Ling 0 Beacon Advisor (2008-13) ) 9-12 (200 Deal LSRT Chair 1998-200 on orati Pamela Garlick Wilson Management Corp 1996-1998 Key ES LSRT r (2012-13) Murch HSA Treasurer, VP Wilson Communications Chai Wilson LSAT (2009-10) Melissa Torgovitsky Greg Beumel 5-06) Geen a s Lind Tanya Lumpkin 9-2003) Janney PTA Co-President (200 1-13) Janney PTA Treasurer (199 Deal PTA Vice President (201 Wilson LSAT (2011-13) esen Torr ne Dian ) ell 0-12 (201 Bunn Judith (2012-13) Deal Auction Co-chair Jane Malhotra (2010-13) Wilson PTSA Vice President (2006-08) Wilson PTSA Co-Treasurer ) 9-11), Lafayette HSA Co-President Janney LSRT & SIT (2008-10 Deal PTA Co-President (200 Ginny Callanen 2-2003) Mary Giffin on Kimla McDonald Janney PTA Co-President (200 Wilson Management Corporati 4-09) Wilson PTA Co-President Wilson Fundraising Chair (200 Claudia Townsend (2007-12) PTA Co-President 2-93) (199 Deal Carola McGiffert Janney PTA Co-President Wilson LSRT (2004-07) (2012-13), ) Janney PTA Co-President Janney PTA Vice President 3-07) PTSA Co-Treasurer (2001-03 (200 on m. Wils Com ities Facil on Wils Sharon Gillooly Janney LSAT (2011-12) Vaden beth Eliza ) 8-12 er (200 Cart Rep n e Susa 5-06) Wilson PTSA Grad rity Anne Morin Janney PTA Co-President (200 5-08) Wilson PTSA & Wilson Mino 9-11, 2004-05) Co-Chair Deal PTA Vice President (200 Deal PTA Vice President (200 Janney Auction Solicitations ) Parents Alliance (2008-11) 0-02 (200 ent zales resid Gon Miriam Murch HSA Co-P (2004-05) Betsy Cavendish d Janney LSRT (2011-13) Murch HSA Executive Boar ) Marla Viorst Wilson LSAT Chair (2012-13 -03) Greenberg 2002 Sally 00, (1998-20 Lisa Wackler 7-09) Verna E. Clayborne 3-04) Deal PTA Co-President (200 Gayle Moseley Janney PTA Co-President (200 Wilson LSRT (2008-10) resident (2012-2014) Hamlin Co-P Shea HSA Julie yette Lafa nce ) Stephen Walsh 5-06 (200 ent Wilson Minority Parents Allia resid Co-P on (2008-13) Janney PTA Myles Mutnick Wilson Management Corporati ) Co-Chair (2008-10) Kathleen Harrington PTSA Co-Treasurer (2009-11 on n Wils erma Wass ca ) FNP Jessi 5-06 Michelle Cochran, d (2011-13) Janney PTA Co-President (200 5-07) Joan Oshinsky Wilson PTSA Executive Boar Murch HSA C0-President (200 Karen Harris Janney SIT (2001-03) te Whi cia Vene tree 12) Crab Mike (2008-2010) Janney LSAT (2011-20 Ben Page Wilson PTSA Vice President 0-11) 6-08) Leslie Dembinski (2009-2010) Janney PTA Co-President (201 Janney PTA Co-Treasurer (200 6-07) Wilson Phonathon Co-Chair 10) 9-20 (200 dent Janney PTA Co-President (200 Presi Vice Janney PTA Marc Pfeiffer d (2005-08) Sarah Whitener 0), (201 Janney PTA Executive Boar r Chai n gson atho Hod ) Michael Wilson PTSA Phon Wilson LSAT Chair (2009-11 1-02) 8-09), Joe Dempsey Janney PTA Secretary (200 PTA Phonathon Chair (200 r (2007-08), Deal Chai LSRT Deal Jani Drohan 6-97) Page Kennedy Janney SIT (2003-05) (2000-01) Janney PTA Co-President (199 (2010-12) Janney PTA Vice President Wilson PTSA Vice President Penny Ray Wylegala n Aliso ) 8-09 ) (200 School Without Walls HSA r 6-97 5-07) Deal Auction Chai Janney PTA Co-President (199 ) Deal PTA Co-President (200 Board (2006-08) Executive Committee (2006-07 7-09) Lafayette Elementary HSA Alan Reuther Deal PTA Vice President (200 ) 0-13 School Without Walls (201 rer in reasu Kerw Malin Wilson PTSA Co-T Lory Yudin 1-02) HSA President (2008-09) 1-02) (200 Janney PTA Co-President (200 ick Catherine Ribn Janney PTA Co-President 5-07) Rick Dulaney Janney SIT (2002-05, 2009-11) Wilson PTSA President (200 4-06) (200 rer reasu Co-T ) PTA 6-07 ey (200 Jann Deal PTA President Diana Rojas 1-13), Ruth Ernst Michael Kerwin Deal PTA Co-President (201 d (2009-13) Wilson PTSA Executive Boar out Walls With ol 09) Scho 7-20 (200 ent Deal PTA Co-Presid ) HSA Vice President (2012-13 3-04) Oyster LSRT Secretary (200 tory. nd regarding the relevant signa but rather provides backgrou ent of those organizations ded to imply the endorsem inten not is ns izatio organ *The reference to


Sherry Ettleson Janney SIT (2005-07) Allison Feeney d (2002-06) Janney PTA Executive Boar Janney SIT (2006-08) Bill Feeney (2002-12) Janney PTA Facilities Comm.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 13

14 Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Current

Spotlight on Schools Aidan Montessori School

On Jan. 12, the upper elementary class at Aidan Montessori School went to the National Gallery of Art. Before we went to the National Gallery, our art teacher gave us a list of artists and paintings so we could have a scavenger hunt. When we got back, the two of us interviewed some kids, and here is what some of them said: Alana Hodge, a fifth-grader, exclaimed, “The food was great and the art was interesting.â€? Fifth-grader Sebastian Lenart said, “My favorite part (other than food!) was when we went through the starry escalator that went forward.â€? Fifth-grader Stephen Sealls said, “Between one and five, I would rate it ‌ four!â€? Dolci Gates, a fourth-grader, said, “The art was fantastic and it was really fun!â€? We both think it was the best field trip we have ever had. — Leyu Negussie, fifth-grader, and Sydney Wittstock-McDonald, fourth-grader

Blessed Sacrament School

Our language arts class was fortunate to have Mr. Paul Zurkowski come in to speak with us. Paul Zurkowski is the originator of the term “information literacy,� which describes our ability to extract information form many different sources and from the world around us. We used to be concerned primarily with reading and writing literacy, which was used with books and newspapers. But as new technology developed, and computers, television and the Internet became more popular, reading and writing literacy expanded to information literacy.


Mr. Zurkowski spoke about the importance of information literacy and how to extract accurate, valuable information. Mr. Zurkowski first became interested in information when his father brought home a typesetter that had been used at a major newspaper. “I was absorbing newspaper ink into my blood,� he said of his interest in the typesetter. Newspapers would make a later appearance in his life; when in high school, he created a five-cent newspaper called The Flashback. Mr. Zurkowski began thinking about information and how people could get it, and in a paper, created the term “information literacy.� Does Mr. Zurkowski think all the new technology is good? “I have a lot of reactions,� he laughs. “The instantaneousness is certainly a big challenge to keep up with.� — Emily Orem, sixth-grader

have surveyed more than eight species of animals, including coyotes, flying squirrels, possums and a hairy woodpecker. I enjoyed this project due to the fact that I learned about the many types of animals on my doorstep, and also because of my passion for photography and this diverse way of taking photos. This was exceptionally significant to me because of the many discoveries we made but also because of the intricate science involved. And on top of all of that, I had oodles of fun! — Charles Lane, Year 6 New York (fifth-grader)

though they were at a disadvantage because of their height. The B team also lost in its games Wednesday and Thursday. The boys A team moves into the playoffs, but because the girls league is not official this year, its season is over. This week, students start their winter internships and get two weeks off from school. While students are sad that basketball is over, everyone is excited for a new experience this year in internship. — Lila Bromberg and Jana Cohen, eighth-graders; Jack MacIsaac; sixth-grader

The Field School

Classes were suspended last Thursday because of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day workshops. The all-day event allowed students to select two workshops that matched their interests, and included three additional sessions that all students attended. One of the many workshops offered was “Can’t Knock the Hustle: The History and Language of Hip Hop.� The open-discussion setting allowed students to voice their opinions on how hip-hop provides a way to voice the struggle, rise and difficulties of young people in urban areas, while learning about its origins. In sports, the girl’s varsity swimming team finished in ninth place at the Independent School League championships. Junior Schuyler Bailar came in second place in the 200-yard butterfly, and first place in the 100-yard breaststroke, setting a new ISL record of 1:06.22! Bailar and teammate Lexi von Friedeburg have been selected for the 2013 AllISL team, for their swimming and diving accomplishments. At the “Last Track to Philly� meet, held at Georgetown Prep, the girls distance medley relay team (Katherine Treanor, Rebecca Marchant, Mia Hsu and Nomi Miller) broke the previous school record by 17 seconds, finishing in 13:31.35! The wrestling team finished in fourth place at the Mid-Atlantic Conference Wrestling Championships, with junior Julia Ernst winning her weight class and earning a spot on the All-MAC team. Her teammate, senior Alistair Hicklin-Coorey, claimed second place in his weight class and was selected at-large for the All-MAC team. — Carlton Marshall II, 11th-grader

Last Tuesday, Field middle schoolers joined several other area private schools at a diversity conference. Participants engaged in student-led group discussions about their identities and differences. But for most, the best part of the day was attending an improv performance by Sidwell Friends students. The audience was encouraged to share stories and then watched the Sidwell ensemble perform the scene from different viewpoints. After a tiring day, middle schoolers returned to Field for their basketball games. Both teams were excited to play their last games of the regular season. The girls played a tough game Tuesday against Barrie and ended up losing by only a few points. The boys A team played against Grace Brethren, unfortunately losing by 49 points but staying committed throughout the contest. On Wednesday, the middle school teams played against Washington Latin. The girls once again had an intense, close game, 24-30, even

British School of Washington

This school year I joined an eMammal camera trapping project. Led by the Smithsonian Institution, this is an investigation where citizen scientists place “camera traps� — infrared movement activated cameras — in natural areas. The aim of this project is to learn about mammal distribution and use that knowledge for conservation efforts. For this project I worked in Rock Creek Park with the green team at school. Every week our team would collect a camera that had been placed approximately three weeks before and position a new camera to be picked up three weeks later. To my knowledge we

2013 SUMMER PROGRAM Introducing the Beauvoir Outdoors learning campus where children come to learn, play and grow.


Swimming! Academics! Movie Making! Music! Drama! Cooking! Science! Field Trips! and MUCH, MUCH more!

Georgetown Day School

Hearst Elementary

We have a lot of pets in our classroom! We have six angel fish (which have lots and lots of babies right now), two moonlight gouramis, 13 gold tetras, two snails, one sucker fish and one rabbit. It’s good to have pets because they make us happy. We like looking at the fish because they help us feel calm and peaceful. We like having pets because we can play with them and pet them. Ms. Dawkins even lets us take Jessica home on the weekend for play dates! Ms. Dawkins says the best

thing about having class pets is that we learn responsibility! — Ms. Dawkins, Mr. Whittaker and Ms. Schiers’ pre-K class

Holy Trinity School

The last week in January was Catholic Schools Week. Holy Trinity celebrated it in style. At the beginning of the week we had an assembly. Each class talked about all the service projects Holy Trinity had done and saw a presentation showing photos of our projects. Then we heard about Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl, which will be our main focus during Lent. To participate in Operation Rice Bowl you donate money to the poor when you give up something. The money you would have spent on yourself goes to the hungry. Catherine Albornoz came to talk to us about Operation Rice Bowl and showed us a video about the program and the people who receive the donations. The entire school (pre-K through eighth grade) is going to participate during Lent. — Madeline Maloney and Caitlin Reischauer, third-graders

Key Elementary

Mr. David Landeryou is the beloved principal of Key Elementary School. He has been at Key for 12 years. Under Mr. Landeryou’s leadership, Key School has earned the National Blue Ribbon award, and some of the highest test scores in the city during the 2011-2012 school year. The school has grown under his leadership, as well. “We have gone from 200 to 400 students in the past few years,� said Mr. Landeryou. Key is also an autonomous school, a prestigious status within the D.C. Public Schools system. This year the system celebrated some of its best teachers and principals through the Rubenstein Awards. Each principal or teacher chosen for these awards received $5,000 in recognition of their services to the city. Mr. Landeryou, along with the other award recipients and highly effective teachers, was celebrated Jan. 14 at the school system’s annual Standing Ovation event. It was a wonderful night full of touching stories, smiles, applause and celebration of the city’s best educators and school leaders. “Mr. Landeryou definitely deserves this award,� stated Lily Nadel, a fifthgrader. — Oliver Chipman, fifth-grader

Mann Elementary

For the past few weeks, the third grade has been reading and writing poetry. We have been discovering whether or not the author is speaking through the poems and deciding what tone the poem should be read with. We have also studied rhyme patterns in the poems. The third grade has been using different doors to write poetry. The doors are different things that you See Dispatches/Page 15

The Current

DISPATCHES From Page 14 can write about. There are seven doors. In third grade, we use four of them. They are the heart door, the observation door, the memory door and the wondering door. Later, we will edit our poetry and put it in an anthology. The third grade really likes our poetry unit. “I wish it would never end,� said Jack Ryan. “The students have been writing the most beautiful poetry I have ever seen,� said Ms. Cristina Wurster, third-grade teacher. — Joseph Laroski, third-grader

Murch Elementary

For many years, Murch Elementary has hosted an organization called the Peer Mediators. Peer Mediators are a group of fifth-graders who were recruited by Ms. Lauren Miller, our guidance counselor, and Ms. Vicki Otten, a fifthgrade teacher, to help students resolve their conflicts in school. Peer Mediators hold open the doors in the morning to welcome students to school each day. They also patrol the playground and help students who have problems. They work to solve them as best as they can by asking the disputants many questions about the problem, including “What happened?� “What bothered you the most?� and “What will it take to solve the problem and keep it from happening again?� Peer Mediators are trained to help the disputants find the solution to the problem themselves. Peer Mediators can’t mediate violence. They also host fundraisers and host ice cream parties for schoolwide competitions. “They keep cases calm and quiet, and not chaotic,� said fifth-grader Nico Acajabon. — Alex Holmes, fifth-grader

National Presbyterian

Ever since the beginning of the year, the sixth-graders have been working overtime. In science, the students have been designing, building and programming Lego robots that have to participate in three challenges: the tug of war, the big robo-race and the Robo-Rumble. In social studies, they are working on their Africa project. Students are grouped into teams of five and are assigned a country in Africa. Each group member must work on a specific aspect of the country, such as geography, history, economy, culture and country profile. In art, they are studying stopmotion movies and are planning to make one of their own. Last but not least, in writing, they are writing an essay as if they were a Time magazine reporter, and they have just received Time’s Person of the Year award. Students must write an essay imagining that they are 25 years older and they have done something worthy of the award. — William Foster, sixth-grader

Powell Elementary

Powell has been chosen by

Educational Resource Strategies to become part of short videos that highlight U.S. school districts that are working to transform education in America. A short online video will showcase our school administrators, teachers and students. This video will be viewed by educational leaders in urban school districts throughout the country. The goal of these videos is to inspire transformational change systemwide within urban school districts. Part of the video they took is of my fifth-grade class taking lessons from a professional violinist from the National Symphony Orchestra. I’m also proud to say that my little brother, Timothy Williams, is the champion again in the school’s Spelling Bee. As a big brother, I am so proud of him following in my footsteps since I was the champion for two years before him. Lastly, every class has its own portfolio project. Most presentations took place Thursday. We’ve been working hard on the project. Our project is to read related books and write a realistic journal. The books we chose are our inspiration in our journal. — Jeff Williams, fifth-grader

Ross Elementary

Today, Feb. 6, Ross Elementary will be celebrating Digital Learning Day! It is a campaign where teachers and students complete educational activities on the computer. Tens of thousands of teachers and millions of students will be participating. This is Ross’ first time joining the campaign, and we have our librarian Mr. Flanagan to thank! I interviewed Mr. Flanagan to find out more about it. The first thing we are going to do is select a story to listen to. After we listen to our audio books, we will go around the street and hold up signs that say “I love tech!� I asked Mr. Flanagan why he felt it is was important for Ross students to celebrate this day. He explained that tech enables students and teachers to get new information and ideas. It helps us to become lifelong learners! — Kevin Rivera, fifth-grader

St. Albans School

Not only is it flu season at St. Albans School, it’s also clubs season. Clubs season is that wonderful time where kids and teachers in the lower school (fourth to eighth grade) partake in something that they love at the end of the day on Friday. You can’t find a kid without a smile during clubs. While in their clubs, kids get to take time to actually forget the stress, worries and studies of the week for an hour and do something they really enjoy. There is a wide variety of clubs. They range from cooking, puzzles, Legos, Ultimate Frisbee, FabLab (a club devoted to creating new things), dodgeball and photography; if you’ve misbehaved, there is the beloved “running club� (invitation only, of course). My personal favorite is handball, an intense outdoor sport with the objective of scoring a goal with a small ball (with your

hands, obviously). Whatever you may enjoy, I can guarantee there is a club for you. Clubs create a fun-loving atmosphere that keeps everyone in good spirits for the weekend ahead, no matter the temperature or the hardships of the week. While clubs might last only six or seven weeks, they have a large impact on the lives of everybody at St. Albans. — Brian Geffroy, Form II (eighth-grader)

St. Ann’s Academy

The students at St. Ann’s Academy are wild about basketball. The seventh grade is taking advantage of this passion to improve mathematical literacy by trying out an innovative supplemental math teaching tool called “NBA Math Hoops.� In Math Hoops, students use real-world NBA and WNBA player data on specially designed cards to compete against classmates in timed, simulated basketball games. They then use game statistics to do math explorations. The students act as coaches, draft teams and play games against each other. St. Ann’s coaches are currently performing their mid-season assessment in which they use data to improve their team. Students are having a lot of fun learning to analyze their team using percentages, statistics and graphs. Each team drafted two new players as we head into the playoffs. Our championship match will be a part of our Pi Day math celebration on March 14. Learning and having fun at the same time — that’s a slam dunk! — Seventh-grade math students

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School

In fourth grade, we have been

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 writing short stories. We read two short stories as a class, and discussed some of their important properties. Our teacher, Mrs. Cremer, explained to us how the author could have written a long story, but instead packed lots of details and thought into a short one. We began planning our own short fiction stories. After brainstorming personal experiences, we plotted out our stories and decided on aspects we were going to change in order to make the stories fictional. The story had to have a conflict and a resolution. I based my short story on my first karate belt test. Short stories are not all we are writing in fourth grade. We are studying the expedition of Lewis and Clark, so in art class we made a journal out of dull, crinkled and teastained paper to make it look


authentic to that time period. Each student wrote in the journal from the point of view of a member of the Corps of Discovery. My explorer’s name is Private Pierre Cruzatte, a French fiddler who lost one eye and is a skilled boatman. In my most recent journal entry, I imagined what was required to prepare for the trip. — Gigi Rettew, fourth-grader

School Without Walls

This past week marked the beginning of a new semester, and what better way to begin than with a two-hour delay? As the streets froze up, students got to catch up on their sleep, or do last-minute homework that probably should have been done days earlier. With a new semester, students See Dispatches/Page 30

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16 Wednesday, February 6, 2013



ADORABLE 3BR, 2BA English Cottage with mature perennial garden on quiet street. EZ access to Metro. LR w/HWFs, beamed ceilings, and stone FP. Renov eat in KIT and bright, comfortable FR addition. Rear deck and flagstone patio. 4705 48th St NW Scott Polk 202-256-5460 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

The CurrenT

BALTIMORE $374,000

CHEVY CHASE $819,000

LARGE 6BR, 2.5BA, 4 levels, circa 1900 home on a beautiful tree-lined block in highly desired “Painted Lady” district Charles Village. Explore this home - you’ll enjoy its careful renov & old world charm.

AMAZING SPACE… 3 finished levels offer 4 large BR & 3BA, contemp LR w/fplc, spacious DR, updtd TS KIT w/gran opens to FR, HWFs, CAC, sunroom w/cathedral ceilg overlooks garden. LL rec rm contains a real sauna. Back deck & front porch plus 2 car garage. 202-549-7515 202-276-5854 202-363-9700

Norris Dodson Friendship Heights Office

202-486-7800 301-652-2777

Mary Zitello Julie Roberts Chevy Chase Office

GEORGETOWN $1,300,000


CHANCERY COURT Spacious 4BR, 3.5BA, luxury TH, European ambiance with park-like setting in the soughtafter neighborhood of Hillandale at Gtown. Breathtaking, renov eatin KIT, LL rec rm and expansive wood terrace Perfect for entertaining & everyday living.


STATELY, brick Georgian on 16,000 SF lot faces Rock Creek Pk. 5000 SF of bright, open space. 6BR, 4.5BA, 4FPLS. Marble foyer, grand pianosized LR, library, great rm w/cath ceilg, large t/s KIT w/brkfst bar & island, sep DR, rec rm, flagstone terrace, 2 car GAR. 4668 Broad Branch Rd NW Denise Warner 202-487-5162 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

John Plank Woodley Park Office

703-528-5646 202-483-6300


Cindy Chambers Friendship Heights Office

AU PARK $699,000 CHARMING - 3BR, 2BA home on quiet AU Park street nr 2 metros, bus lines, parks, shops & restaurants. Remodeled KIT, BA and FR addn, formal DR, high ceilinged LR w/frplc, landscaped gardens, detached gar w/walk in attic storage. Susan Fagan 202-246-8337 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

301-332-6200 301-652-2777

MT VERNON SQ $515K - $839K NEW, NEW, NEW! 6 fabulous condo units in 3 adjoining buildings. Generous room sizes, HWs, granite counters, beautiful tile, Bosch applcs, W/D, high ceilgs, crown moldings, skylights. Pet OK, low fees. 1500 FEET to METRO and near Union Station, Chinatown, Verizon Center, 3 live theaters and the Hill! George Giamas 202-276-6708 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700



BREATHTAKING top to bottom Gilday renov. Gourmet cook’s KIT, FR w/stunning views of professionally landscaped garden and deck spanning the entire back of the house. Top-of-the-line finishes in every bath and designer hardware throughout. 5BR, 4.5BA, walkout LL. Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800

NORTHWEST DC $505,000 NEW PRICE! Modern Colonial! Much love is lavished on this Solid 4BR, 2BA Brick Charmer! Gourmet KIT! Stunning New FR/MBR! All New HE Windows & Gas Furnace, Wood Floors & Plantation Shutters! Big Yard & Deck! Walk to Parks, Shopping, Takoma METRO! Mitchell Story 202-270-4514 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

16TH ST HTS $129K & $169K PRICE REDUCED! Starting? Downsizing? Second Home? You cannot beat the price. Both 1BRs. One block from Rock Creek Park @ Carter Barron. Art Deco building! Pet friendly! Roof top deck! Extra storage. District plans new Arts District! Denise Champion 202-215-9242 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 ANACOSTIA $165,000 2BR HOME is great for a first-time homebuyer. Move-in ready detached home w/updated HVAC, plumbing, electric, windows and appliances. Call for details. Maria Hardy-Cooper 202-302-2225 Friendship Hts Office 202-364-5200


EXQUISITE and sophisticated 4BR, 3.5BA with high-end finishes thru-out. Elegant paneled Embassy sized DR, TS kitchen with sodalite stone countertops, top appl, FR and sunroom.

GEORGETOWN 1680 Wisconsin Ave. NW 202.944.8400

FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS 5101 Wisconsin Ave. NW 202.364.5200

FOXHALL 3201 New Mexico Ave. NW 202.363.1800

CHEVY CHASE 20 Chevy Chase Circle NW 202.363.9700

AVENEL / POTOMAC $1,875,000 NEW LISTING! Breathtaking views sited directly on the 16th fairway of the TPC Golf Course at Avenel. Open floor plan flooded w/light, sunny gour KIT, 1st flr Mste w/daylight walkout LL - total of 5BR, 4.5BA. For sale separately, an addl lot in front of home to provide the ultimate in privacy. Avenel has lawn maintenance, snow removal & private security. Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800

CATHEDRAL / WESLEY HEIGHTS $599,500 RARELY AVAIL 3BR unit on upper flr at The Towers w/view from every window. Flooded w/light, 2 gar PKG spaces. Balcony off DR, 1858 SF of interior space. New windows to be installed. The Towers has convenience store, beauty shop, dry BETHESDA, MD $1,499,000 cleaners, exercise room, pool & tennis. SERENE, CHARMING BEAUTY! Totally Jean Sirabella / Kent Madsen renov home in Whitman School District Foxhall Office 202-363-1800 on almost an acre of lovely grounds. SS/Gran KIT, adjoining FR, fully finished CHEVY CHASE, DC $630K / $650K LL w/FBA. HDWDs, 2 FPs, attached GOING FAST…only 2 left out of 6! 3BR, Garage. ALL NEW, just waiting for YOU! 3.5BA condos with wonderful finishes! Cheryl Kurss 301-346-6615 HWFs, custom tile & moldings, gour Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 KITs w/gran & SS, FPs, W/D & PKG for

sale. CAPITOL HILL $1,425,000 Roby Thompson 202-255-2986 GRAND RESIDENCE on one of Capitol Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 Hill's finest streets. Spectacular home w/stately sized rooms, formal entry, crys- GEORGETOWN $895,000 tal chandeliers, formal LR & DR. 3BR all CHARMING late 19th century Victorian w/ensuite BAs. 1st flr commercial space house in East Village, south of M St. Zoned for extra income. 723 E Capitol St SE C2A. 3 stories w/LR, music room, library, Deborah Charlton 202-415-2117 DR, KIT, office, 2BR, 2BA. Outdoor patio Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

WOODLEY PARK 2300 Calvert St. 202.483.6300

for entertaining. Ideal for a home office or small business. 1037 30th St NW Margaret Heimbold 202-812-2750 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

OBSERVATORY CIRCLE $829,000 RARELY AVAILABLE terrace unit w/ stunning interior layout. French doors to terrace & priv elevator from garage into the apt. This lovely 2BR plus den has it all - top of the line ss and gran KIT, beautiful HWFs, 2-car gar PKG. Front desk attendant and an incredible location nr Whole Foods and the best retail in Upper Gtown Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800 SILVER SPRING $215,000 EXCITING and immaculate 2BR w/many updates, new remodeled KIT, amazing amount of cabinet space, pantry, open breakfast bar, and professionally painted. Tim Gallagher 301-537-8464 Friendship Hts Office 301-652-2777

GEORGETOWN $4,100,000 STUNNING, fully furnished 4800 SF lux condo, 1 of only 7 residences perched high above the hustle & bustle of Washington. Walls of glass, huge wraparound terraces (2,700 SF) with sliding glass doors to the outside making entertaining possibilities phenomenal. Elegantly furnished, with circular staircase to upper entertaining level. Parking included. 24 hr concierge Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800

GEORGETOWN $2,150,000 SUN-DRENCHED! Stunning Semidetached Georgian Colonial with 4BR, 4.5BA awash with light! Generous rooms, huge LR w/French doors to lovely private patio/garden, formal DR & new gour KIT w/ss & stone counters. Grand Mste, sumptuous BA, spacious FR, 4 FPs, garage PKG & a location that all envy! LEDROIT PARK $550K-750K Roby Thompson 202-255-2986 CHOOSE from 2 all new stunning 2BR, Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 2BA twnhse condos! Incredible flr plans flooded with light, gourmet KIT, HWFs, GEORGETOWN $2,250,000 custom built-ins and moldings, limeDASHING Colonial on R St in Gtown's stone BAs and FPs. Great outdoor spaces East Village. Beautifully decorated, crown with multiple decks, incredible views moldings, millwork, wooden flrs. 3BR, and parking for all! View at 3.5BA. LL w/FR, guest room w/BA, laun- 202-255-2986 dry & entrance from gar. 2810 R St NW Roby Thompson Margaret Heimbold 202-812-2750 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

TAKOMA PARK $669,000 BEAUTIFUL 4BR, 3BA home! High end details too numerous to list. A must see! Daryl Laster Lance Horsley 202-294-9055 Friendship Hts Office 301-652-2777 WESLEY HEIGHTS $329,000 TREES, TREES, TREES - spacious 2BR, 2BA Condo w/a wall of windows overlooking beautiful parkland. Full service bldg nr shops, restaurants, transportation and American University. Corner Cathedral and New Mexico Avenues. Margaret McLaughlin 202-297-3914 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

WOODLEY PARK $1,465,000 GREAT LOCATION! Classic wide 4 lvl, 4BR, 3BA, Wardman townhouse. Formal dining room, finished LL, Master Ste is entire 2nd flr, beautiful original details, sunny garden, deck & 2 car detached Garage. A wonderful block just steps from WP METRO, shops & restaurants. John Mammano 571-331-8557 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

February 6, 2013 â– Page 17

Light-filled town house beckons in Cleveland Park


n Cleveland Park, contemporary homes sit side by side among residences dating back to the 1800s — giving the neighborhood a


contrasting yet complementary aesthetic. One of the most striking modern homes in the area, a town home at 3403 36th St. with a storied architectural past, is now on the market for $3,850,000. The four-bedroom detached town home is one of three on the street designed in 1978 by renowned Washington architect Winthrop Faulkner. This one sits on a corner lot at Newark Street with south-facing views of the Washington National Cathedral, and was created by Faulkner and his wife Jeanne for their family. The property retains a timeless aesthetic, defined by crisp, clean lines both inside and out. Just over 10 years ago, the current owners commissioned Faulkner to design an addition that expanded the living space and master bedroom suite. Faulkner was known for his residential designs, but also created several embassies, as well as the

Great Ape House and crocodile pavilion at the National Zoo. He died in 2004. In The Washington Post’s obituary, architect Davis Buckley noted that Faulkner “set a new standard for residential design in Washington. ‌ He was able to translate the historical paradigm into contemporary forms and to create and manipulate spaces that were very livable and inspiring.â€? The 36th Street home has a spacious open floor plan on the first floor — where, instead of walls, rounded partitions help define the kitchen and sitting, living and dining areas. The effect is at once elegant and contemporary while also soft and welcoming. It is said that Jeanne Faulkner wanted the kitchen, which was the center of their family’s activity, to open up to the rest of the main living area rather than be tucked away in a remote part of the house. Three rounded peninsulas in the kitchen provide plenty of counter space for food prep, with one doubling as an eating area with stools. Home chefs will appreciate the Vulcan stove with six gas burners, a grill, and two ovens, as well as the Sub-Zero refrigerator and Bosch dishwasher. An abundance of open shelving and cabinets provide plen-

Photos courtesy of Washington Fine Properties

This four-bedroom town house, designed by the late Winthrop Faulkner, is on the market for $3,850,000. ty of room for storing kitchen accoutrements. At the rear of the kitchen is a built-in desk, which could serve as a family hub, and behind another partition is the laundry room. The side of the house faces south, and large windows all flood the main level with light while also offering a view of the Cathedral’s towers. Almost more dramatic are a set of three oversize windows along the back wall that feature a palladium-design inset. Part of the home’s addition, the windows overlook the backyard and Rosedale Conservancy, a park located just beyond the property line. The main level of the house also features high ceilings, recessed lighting and hardwood floors in a herringbone pattern. French doors


Palisades Masterpiece

Palisades. Marvelous new home designed by Chryssa Wolfe. High style & environmentally friendly. 4 levels, 6000+ sf of luxurious living space. 6 BRs, 5 FBAs, 2 HBAs. Gorgeous pool w/multilevel patios, outdoor frpl & dramatic landscaping. $2,785,000. 5402 Galena Pl. Nancy Hammond 202-262-5374

Picturesque Hallmark

Chevy Chase, MD. Construction is starting on this impressive and grand residence. Sited on an expansive lot with thoughtful outdoor spaces to explore. 5 BRS, 4.5 BAs. $1,895,000 Eric Murtagh 301-652-8971 Marina Krapiva 301-792-5681

in the dining alcove lead to a landscaped side yard. Mature shrubs and blooming perennials, as well as a stone patio and parterre terrace, are all enclosed by a brick wall — creating a private oasis ideal for outdoor entertaining. Inside, at the top of the stairs on the second floor is an arched doorway that leads to an expansive family room. The windows feature plantation shutters and an even better view of the Cathedral. Off this room is a wood deck whose layout repeats the rounded shapes on the main level, with plenty of room for comfortable outdoor seating as well as a table and chairs. Among the home’s unique fea-

tures is a dumbwaiter that runs between the kitchen and the family room. An interior window upstairs puts the pulley system’s gears on display. A gas fireplace and built-in bookcases and cabinets make this room a perfect place to curl up with a good book or enjoy a movie. The recent addition nearly doubled the original size of the master bedroom suite. A large dressing room with closets on opposite sides leads into a spacious bedroom with built-in bookcases and armoire, hardwood floors and a tray ceiling, also in wood. The same palladiuminset windows on the first level are found here, offering leafy green See House/Page 18

Jaquet Listings are Staged to Sell

Idyllic Classic

Chevy Chase, MD. Rolling Wood Custom Tudor done to the “nine’s.â€? Light filled, gourmet kit opens to family rm. 4 BRs, 4.5 BAs includes MBR suite. Office w/sep.entrance, 2nd family rm. Patio, attached garage. $1,399,000 Delia McCormick  301-977-7273 Laura McCaffrey  301-641-4456


Country Estate

Historic 27 acre Springdale Manor, a renovated 1838 home with 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 6 frpls, 3 story addition, exquisite gardens; close to ICC and downtown DC. $1,399,000 Delia McCormick- 301-977-7273


Grace & Charm

Chevy Chase, MD. Contemporary Colonial on quiet cul de sac. Open floor plan, updated kitchen, family rm w/frpl & access to deck. 5 BRS, 3.5 BAs include LL suite + rec rm. Patio, 2 car att. garage. $869,000 Rachel Widder 301-986-1679

Look No Further!

West End. Modern 1 bedroom + den at the Atlas. Open floor plan, gourmet eat-in kitchen. Spacious MBR. Balcony overlooks courtyard, 24 hr desk, gym. $507,000 James Gregory 240-447-7701


+20( 2)),&(



DUPONT 1509 22ND STREET NW 202-464-8400

18 Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The Current

Northwest Real Estate HOUSE: 1978 contemporary home by noted D.C. architect stands out in Cleveland Park

From Page 17

views of the backyard and neighboring park. The master bath features an oversize glass shower, tiles set in a geometric pattern, and a double vanity in marble with fixtures by Waterworks of France. Also found on this floor is a second en suite

bedroom, including a front terrace. The Faulkners designed the third level to be a kids’ space. At the top of the stairs is a large playroom, now outfitted with a curved desk. It could easily be converted into an art studio or exercise room. A skylight above brings in natural light, and a glass bench below of the same dimensions allows that light to flow into the

home’s second level. The center room is flanked by two en suite bedrooms. One features a street-facing deck, while the other has treetop views of the neighborhood. More space for play can be found on the lower level, where a recreation room is outfitted with a pingpong table. A full bath adjoins the room, and utility closets provide plenty of

storage space. A door on this level leads to the home’s one-car garage. This four-bedroom property at 3403 36th St., with four full baths and two half baths, is offered for $3,850,000. For more information contact Anne Hatfield Weir of Washington Fine Properties at 202-243-1635 or anne.

MORATORIUM: Group calls for halt to new liquor licenses around 14th, U streets

From Page 2

According to Matt Raymond, chair of the Logan Circle commission, initial feedback from his constituents has been negative. The Logan Circle commission has yet to take a formal position, but

Raymond characterized a moratorium as “an incumbent protection program� that creates a difficult environment for smaller local businesses to compete. With liquor licenses becoming an increasingly rare and valuable commodity, Raymond said he has heard of

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licenses sold to other owners for hundreds of thousands of dollars. But Sterling said she has heard positive responses from residents who would live nearest to the moratorium zone, who have seen an uptick in crime, noise, litter and parking problems. Alex Padro, executive director of Shaw Main Streets, which tries to boost the neighborhood’s commercial corridors, objected to the seemingly sweeping nature of a moratorium that would put blanket restric-

tions on several different areas. Padro, a member of the Shaw advisory neighborhood commission, plans to ask his colleagues to oppose the moratorium petition. “That we’re going to have people who don’t live in our neighborhood ‌ telling us how we should live and what types of businesses we should have here — that’s completely preposterous,â€? he said. While Sterling said her group has found that assessing venues through voluntary agreements has had some

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success, the individual agreements fail to address the broader proliferation of licenses. Sterling, who lives near the intersection of 13th and S streets, also argued that the circular shape of the proposed zone means that some areas will feel minimal impacts. Neighborhood groups she spoke to that had been involved in implementing other moratoriums were positive about the results. “The negative [comments] from them was that they had sort of waited too long,� she said. “At some extent, that’s where we are.� Petitioners have highlighted crime as a major problem related to the abundance of licenses. According to records Sterling pulled from the Metropolitan Police Department, the highest frequency of calls regarding crime in the neighborhood come from the proposed moratorium zone. But Padro said only a few bad actors are to blame for the association between crime and liquor licenses. He said problems have stemmed mostly from restaurants or taverns that have morphed to include nightclub activities not included in their licenses. And Andrew Kline, who represents many alcohol establishments in licensing matters, noted that neighborhood-serving businesses are losing out to online competitors — not an oversaturation of bars or taverns. “The notion that if you restrict the number of licenses, bookstores and hardware stores are going to crop up on every corner ignores the electronic business,� said Kline. The moratorium was entered into the alcohol administration’s record in January, and the agency is currently reviewing the petition.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 19



Dupont – 1707 S Street NW #B/C. The Penthouse at 1707 S Street NW. 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms, luxurious condo, 600 square feet terrace and 2-car parking. $2,475,000

Crestwood – 4224 16th Street NW. This fully renovated home has 2 zoned systems, hardwoods, cathedral ceilings, large backyard with limestone patio and parking for three. Attention to detail. Spacious floor plan. Lots of light. Perfect for entertaining. A must see. $1,375,000

Columbia Heights – 1451 Belmont Street NW #118. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms in The Fedora. 2 walk-in closets, gas fireplace, large balcony, washer/dryer, concierge. Rooftop deck, party room, courtyard with fire pit, waterfall and BBQ grills. 2 assigned parking spaces. Pet friendly. 3 blocks from Metro. $650,000

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Glover Park – 2317 37th Street NW. Nestled on a quiet one-way street in Glover Park, this townhouse is filled with light and serenity. Hardwood and stone tile, impeccable finishes. Office (zoned) or in-law suite. Backup generator. 2-car parking. Immaculate, elegant, comfortable. $1,150,000 Susan Severtson 202.625.4838




The Palisades – 6817 Capri Place. Magnificently renovated 8,800sf, 6 BR, 6.5 BA, 3-car garage on 1.5 acres.. Gourmet kitchen opens to family room. MBR suite w/2 large W-I-Cs, marble bath. Fenced rear garden, pool. A stone’s throw from MacArthur Boulevard, Goldsboro Road, and the Beltway for easy commuting. $2,795,000 Sylvia Bergstrom and Marin Hagen 202.257.2339

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20 Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 6

Wednesday february 6 Concerts â– Members of the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra will perform works by Stravinsky and FaurĂŠ. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â– Shepherd Elementary School students will perform ragtime, blues, jazz, R&B and message songs at a concert with members of the D.C. Labor Chorus. 6:45 p.m. Free. Auditorium, Shepherd Elementary School, 7800 14th St. NW. 202-576-6140. Discussions and lectures â– Geoffrey Hale, associate professor of political science at the University of Lethbridge in Canada, will discuss “Canada-U.S. Relations After the Elections.â€? 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 806, Rome Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. â– Marjorie Lightman and William Zeisel, authors of “160 Years of Scholarship and Achievement in the Nation’s Capital,â€? will discuss the role Congress has played in the District’s educational system since the 19th century. 6:30 p.m. Free. Juanita E. Thornton/ Shepherd Park Library, 7420 Georgia Ave. NW. 202-541-6100. â– Science historian W. Patrick McCray, author of “The Visioneers: How a Group of Elite Scientists Pursued Space Colonies, Nanotechnologies, and a Limitless Future,â€? will discuss technological visions of the past half-century. 6:30 to

The Current

Events Entertainment 8:30 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■Mattea Kramer will discuss her book “A People’s Guide to the Federal Budget.� 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. ■The Friends of Tenley-Friendship Library’s local author series will feature a talk by chef and nutritionist Danielle Cook Navidi, author of “Happily Hungry: Smart Recipes for Kids With Cancer.� 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. ■Susan Cain will discuss her book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.� 7 p.m. $12; reservations required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. Films ■The American Grand Cru Society will present the East Coast premiere of the documentary “The Story of Grapes and Wine in the Russian River Valley,� which will include a wine reception and discussion with the filmmaker, Maurice “Joe� Nugent. 6 to 9 p.m. $15; reservations required. Letelier Theater, 3251 Prospect St. NW. ■“The Met: Live in HD� will feature an encore showing of Donizetti’s “Maria Stuarda.� 6:30 p.m. $18 to $24. AMC Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW. ■The Human Rights Watch Film Series will feature Susan Youssef’s film “Habibi,� about two young lovers who are forced to return home to Gaza before they can complete their university studies in the West Bank. 7




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p.m. $7.52 to $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■The Panorama of Greek Cinema series will feature Christos Karakepelis’ 2011 film “Raw Material,� about a community of people who live in the shadow of the Acropolis and subsist on collecting discarded metal. 8 p.m. $11.50; $9 for students; $8.75 for seniors; $8.50 for ages 12 and younger. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000. Performance ■The Capital City Showcase will present “The Wonderland Circus,� a variety show featuring musicians Harris Face and Don Kim, burlesque artist Shortstaxx, storyteller S.M. Shrake, comedians Randy Syphax and Jenn Tisdale and juggler Zach Warren. 8:30 p.m. Free. The Wonderland Ballroom, 1101 Kenyon St. NW. 202-4314704. Special events ■The 2013 Washington Auto Show will feature displays by more than 43 domestic and import manufacturers, interactive events and a new luxury showcase. Noon to 9 p.m. $12; $5 for ages 6 through 12; free for ages 5 and younger. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place NW. washingtonautoshow. com. The show will continue Thursday and Friday from noon to 9 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ■The 14th annual Washington, DC International Food & Wine Festival will feature educational seminars, focused tastings, chef-inspired dinners and demonstrations, competitions and a silent auction to benefit Cohn’s Kitchen. 4 to 9 p.m. Free for Wine Cooperative Tasting Room (from 4 to 8 p.m.); $35 to $270 for other events. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. The festival will continue through Saturday. Sporting event ■The Washington Wizards will play the New York Knicks. 7 p.m. $10 to $500.


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Thursday, february 7 ■Discussion: Former D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee (shown) will discuss her book “Radical: Fighting to Put Students First� and recount experiences campaigning for an overhaul in American public education. Richard Whitmire, author of “The Bee Eater: Michelle Rhee Takes on the Nation’s Worst School District,� will lead the discussion. 7 p.m. $12; reservations required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328. Thursday, Feb. 7

Thursday february 7

Class ■The Folger Institute’s Center for Shakespeare Studies and Folger Theatre will begin a four-part seminar on “Henry V,� led by Shakespeare Quarterly editor and Folger Shakespeare Library research director David Schalkwyk. 6 to 7 p.m. $150. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202-544-7077. The class will continue Feb. 14, 21 and 28. Concerts ■The Millennium Stage will present ensembles from the Afghanistan National Institute of Music. 6 p.m. Free; tickets will be distributed in the Hall of Nations beginning at 5 p.m. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■Singer-songwriter Mat Kearney will perform. 8 p.m. $35. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-994-6851. Discussions and lectures ■Sportswriters, scholars, tribal leaders, NCAA officials and local activities will participate in a symposium on “Racist Stereotypes and Cultural Appropriation in American Sports,� which will include a community discussion about the Washington Redskins’ name and logo. 10:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Free. Rasmuson Theater, National Museum of the American Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue SW. 202-633-1000. ■Biographer and historian Daniel Stashower will discuss his book “The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War.� Noon. Free. Dining Room A, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5221. ■Scholar Stefanie Schafer will discuss the origins and functions of the Yankee in 19th-century literary and popular culture. Noon. Free. Room 113, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202707-0213. ■Attorney Arnold Leibowitz will discuss

the history of presidential impeachments. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. ■Panelists will discuss “The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Detroit,� about the challenges facing a shrinking Detroit and solutions for revitalizing the city. 12:30 to 2 p.m. $12; $10 for students. Reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■An Archbishop Carroll High School International Club forum on the crisis in Mali will feature Maman Sidikou, Niger’s ambassador to the United States. 2:30 p.m. Free. Archbishop Carroll High School, 4300 Harewood Road NE. ■Chef Fuchsia Dunlop will discuss her time at China’s leading cooking school and her book “Every Grain of Rice: Simple Chinese Home Cooking.� 3:30 to 5 p.m. Free. Room 302-P, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■Scholars Olga Gulina and Alisa Oblezova will explore immigration reform in modern-day Russia. 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. free. Voesar Conference Room, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■Rutgers University professor Susan Carruthers will discuss the legacy of the Civil War and the American practice of military government. 6 p.m. Free. Conference Room, Mortara Building, Georgetown University, 3600 N St. NW. ■Ed Luce, Washington bureau chief for The Financial Times, will discuss “Time to Start Thinking: America in the Age of Descent.� 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Rome Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■Israeli historian and author Gadi Taub will discuss the struggle over the meaning of Zionism. 6 p.m. Free. Kennedy Bioethics Research Library, Healy Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■Louisa Woodville, an adjunct professor of art history at George Mason University, will discuss “Sacred Texts: The Literature and Art of Faith.� 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■Curator Eleanor Jones Harvey and historian Michael Hussey will explore the Emancipation Proclamation through images from the “Civil War and American Art� exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. 7 p.m. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■Science historian W. Patrick McCray, author of “The Visioneers: How a Group of Elite Scientists Pursued Space Colonies, Nanotechnologies, and a Limitless Future,� will discuss technological visions of the past half-century. 7 p.m. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■The Ethical Dilemmas Book Discussion Series, led by George Mason University professor Phil Burnham, will See Events/Page 21

Continued From Page 20 examine the novel “Belovedâ€? by Toni Morrison. 7 to 8:45 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-3080. â– Art critic and cultural journalist Allen Ellenzweig will discuss how same-sex attraction has been depicted throughout the history of photography in “Picturing the Homoerotic.â€? 7 p.m. $6 to $10; registration required. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. â– Wolf experts Jim and Jamie Dutcher will discuss “The Hidden Life of Wolves.â€? 7:30 p.m. $22. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. 202857-7700. â– Anne S. McKnight, director of the Bowen Center, will discuss research on epigenetics. 7:30 p.m. Free. Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Suite 103, 4400 MacArthur Blvd. NW. Meetings â– The Literature Lover’s Book Club will discuss Ha Jin’s short story collection “A Good Fall.â€? 2:30 p.m. Free. Room 221, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-1251. â– The Mystery Book Group will discuss “The Boy in the Suitcaseâ€? by Lene Kaaberbøl and Agnete Friis. 6:30 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176. â– The Graphic Novel Book Club will discuss “Are You My Mother?â€? by Alison Bechdel. 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. Performance â– Busboys and Poets will feature live poetry performances. 9 to 11 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Reading â– Jami Attenberg will read from her novel “The Middlesteinsâ€? as part of George Washington University’s “Jewish Literature Liveâ€? course. 7:30 p.m. Free. Marvin Center Amphitheater, George Washington University, 800 21st St. NW. Special events ■“Phillips After 5â€? will feature a celebration of Brazil’s Carnival through language lessons, art, music, food and drink; a performance of old-school Brazilian jazz and popular music by the local band DC Choro; and a gallery talk on “Picturing Performers: Artists’ Depictions of Drama and Dance.â€? 5 to 8:30 p.m. $12; $10 for seniors and students. Reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. â– The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities will present “We Speak the Souls of Ancestors,â€? featuring poetry by D.C. Poet Laureate Dolores Kendrick and artwork by African-American artists who live and work in the District. 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. 200 I St. SE. Feb.february 8 Friday, Friday 8 Children’s programs â– A Spanish-language storytime will feature stories and songs for children and their parents. 10 a.m. Free. Mount


The Current

Events Entertainment formances and arts and crafts activities. 5 to 9 p.m. $5 to $12. Dance Place, 3225 8th St. NE. 202-269-1600.

Pleasant Neighborhood Library, 3160 16th St. NW. 202-671-3121. â– The U.S. Botanic Garden will host an evening exploration of night-blooming flowers and pollinators, led by children’s education specialist Lee Coykendall (for ages 8 through 12 accompanied by an adult). 7 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Conservatory, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. Classes â– Georgetown Family Center faculty member Douglas C. Murphy will lead a class on “Steps Toward a Systems Perspective.â€? 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $135; $25 to $45 for students. Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Suite 103, 4400 MacArthur Blvd. NW. â– Dancer and instructor Gayla April will lead Glover Park Village’s “Move to the Music,â€? a chance to learn easy techniques for limbering up by stretching to modern music and jazz. 2 to 3 p.m. Free. Guy Mason Recreation Cente, 3600 Calvert St. NW. Concerts â– The Friday Morning Music Club will present a concert of works by Berlioz, Dohnanyi and Poulenc. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-3332075. â– The “Arts@Middayâ€? series will feature tenor Richard Turner performing Englishlanguage storytelling songs by composers since medieval times. 12:15 to 1 p.m. Free. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 3001 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-363-8286. â– The Friday Music Series will feature baritone Richard Giarusso and pianist Sean Gallagher performing works by Schubert. 1:15 p.m. Free. McNeir Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. 202-687-2787. â– Afghan-American musician and multimedia artist Ariana Delawari will perform original works. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– French pianist Tristan Pfaff will perform works by Liszt and Mahler. 7 p.m. $20 to $25. Embassy of Hungary, 2950 Spring of Freedom St. NW. â– The Penn State School of Music will present performances by the school’s concert choir, baroque ensemble, symphonic wind ensemble and more. 7:30 p.m. Free. National Presbyterian Church, 4101 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-537-0800. â– Comedian and musician Matt Wilson will perform jazz tunes with his ensemble Arts & Crafts. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $26 to $30. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– The Carroll CafĂŠ concert series will feature the folk duo Emma’s Revolution. 7:30 p.m. $15 suggested donation. Seekers Church, 276 Carroll St. NW. 301-562-4147. Discussions and lectures ■“Reading Kushner: A Play Workshop Seriesâ€? will feature a discussion of Tony Kushner’s “Homebody/Kabul,â€? led by George Washington University associate theater professor Jodi Kanter. Noon to 1 p.m. Free. Room 771, Rome Hall, George Washington University, 801 22nd St. NW.

Sporting event â– The Washington Wizards will play the Brooklyn Nets. 7 p.m. $10 to $500. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328. Feb. 9 Saturday, Saturday february 9

Saturday, february 9 â– Concert: The Russian Trio, featuring violinist Nikita Borisevich, cellist Dmitry Volkov and pianist Katherine Rick, will perform works by Haydn and Shostakovich. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-46000.

■Jeffrey Brooks, professor of Russian culture, politics and literature at Johns Hopkins University, will discuss early works of Anton Chekhov. 5 p.m. Free. Room 662, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■Author Martin Jacques will discuss Beijing’s recent political history and whether China can become a global power. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Free. Lindner Family Commons, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and former deputy national security adviser for President George W. Bush, will discuss his book “Tested by Zion: The Bush Administration and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

Benefit ■A Young Playwrights’ Theater benefit in honor of playwright Paula Vogel will feature food, drinks, dancing, live music and a silent auction. 7 to 11 p.m. $100 to $150. Edison Place Art Gallery, 701 9th St. NW. 202-387-9173. Book signing ■Author e.e. johnson will sign copies of her book “The Think Book: What Are We Doing to Our Children?� 1 to 4 p.m. Free. Books-A-Million, 11 Dupont Circle NW. 202-319-1374. Children’s programs ■“Saturday Morning at the National� will feature “The Maestro,� featuring an eccentric mute conductor in the tradition of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Free; tickets required. Helen Hayes Gallery, National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-783-3372. ■Tudor Place will host a tour and Valentine’s Day card-making workshop (for ages 5 and older). 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. $5 to $10 per child; free for accompanying adult. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202-9650400. ■Musicians Paul Fadoul and Zara Lawler will dissect the pieces and parts of music and musical instruments as part of

Special event ■The Dance Place Step Team will celebrate Valentine’s Day with workshops, per-


the National Symphony Orchestra’s “Break It Down!� program (for ages 4 and older). 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. $18. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■A library Mardi Gras celebration will feature New Orleans crafts and foods. 11:30 a.m. Free. Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. ■A Chinese New Year celebration will kick off the Year of the Snake with stories, songs and crafts. 3 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■The National Gallery of Art will lead a “See-Wonder-Haiku� activity for families interested in short-form poetry. 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Free. East Building Information Desk, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. This program will repeat Sunday at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. ■The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery will present “In Every Language Love,� a digital slideshow of images of love in Asian art. 1 to 4 p.m. Free. Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 1050 Independence Ave. SW. 202-6331000. Classes and workshops ■Travel writer Reid Bramblett will lead a class on “Apulia to Sicily: Exploring Southern Italy.� 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. $90 to $130. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■The AARP Driver Safety Course will focus on rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. $12 to $14. Seabury at Friendship Terrace Retirement Community, 4201 Butterworth Place NW. 202-2447400. See Events/Page 22

Film ■The Iranian Film Festival 2013 will feature Ali Mosaffa’s 2012 film “The Last Step,� about a love triangle tangled in a murder mystery. 7 p.m. Free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-6331000. The film will be shown again Sunday at 2 p.m. Performances ■Youth from the Bokamoso Youth Centre will perform new poetry and dramas, as well as traditional African songs and dances. 7:30 p.m. $35; $10 for students and seniors. Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre, Marvin Center, 800 21st St. NW. The performance will repeat Saturday at 7:30 p.m. ■The Georgetown Improv Association will present “ImprovFest,� a night of unrehearsed comedy with visiting collegiate and professional guest troupes. 9 p.m. $8; $5 for seniors and students. Bulldog Alley, Leavey Center, Georgetown University, 3800 Reservoir Road NW. 202-687-3838. The festival will continue Saturday at 9 p.m.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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22 Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Continued From Page 21 ■ Geologist Callan Bentley will lead a seminar on “The Geologic Past of the MidAtlantic Region.” 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $90 to $150. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. An optional walking tour will take place Sunday from 9 to 11 a.m. ■ The Washington Conservatory of Music and the Washington Performing Arts Society will present a master class led by pianist Angela Hewitt. Noon. Free. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-320-2770. ■ The DC Anime Club will host a manga drawing workshop, led by artist Cheyenne “Angel” Lewis (for ages 13 and older). 2 to 5 p.m. Free. Room 221, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-262-2083. Concerts ■ “The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band will pay homage to Francis M. Scala, the first musician designated leader of the Marine Band during President Abraham Lincoln’s tenure. 3 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St.


The Current

Events Entertainment SE. 202-707-8437. ■ The Raven Consort will present the premiere of composer Nicholas White’s vocal and string composition “The Raven,” inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s classic Gothic poem. 8 p.m. $33; $29 for students and seniors. Dumbarton United Methodist Church, 3133 Dumbarton St. NW. ■ The Washington Conservatory of Music will present flutist David Lonkevich and pianist Maribeth Gowen (shown) performing works by Bach, Debussy, Copland and other composers. 8 p.m. Free. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-320-2770. Discussions and lectures ■ The Interactivity Foundation will discuss public policy regarding private property. 10 a.m. to noon. Free. Second-floor conference room, Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. ■ U.S. Botanic Garden volunteer Todd Brethauer will discuss the botany and history of bananas. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Free; registration required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■ Student ambassadors involved with

One World, a nonprofit dedicated to teaching students to write about cultural and global issues and fostering peer learning, will read from their work. 1 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ Music scholars and Library of Congress curators will discuss music in the Lincoln White House. 1 p.m. Free. Whittall Pavilion, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■ Historian Jeffrey Pilcher, columnist Gustavo Arellano and Smithsonian curator Rayna Green will discuss “Taco Nation/ Planet Taco: How Mexican American Food Conquered the World.” 1:30 to 4 p.m. Free; Warner Bros. Theater, National Museum of American History, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-6331000. ■ Sara Horowitz, founder of the Freelancers Union, will discuss her book “The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams on Your Terms.” 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films ■ As part of an area “Reelabilities” film

scams that have propelled many to wealth in his book “Get Rich Cheating.” 8 p.m. $15 in advance; $18 day of the event. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■ The Capital City Showcase will feature musician Amber Dutton, hip-hop artist Bo Jankans and comedians Pete Bergen, Courtney Fearrington, Ruth Rasby and Simone. 10 p.m. $10 in advance; $15 at the door. District of Columbia Arts Center, 2438 18th St. NW.

Sunday, february 10 ■ Concert: The U.S. Air Force Band will perform with merengue singer Melina Leon and classical/jazz instrumentalist Paquito D’Rivera (shown). 3 p.m. Free. DAR Constitution Hall, 18th Street between C and D streets NW. 202767-5658. festival, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will screen the Pixar film “Finding Nemo” and then lead a disabilityrelated discussion about the movie. 11 a.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ The Opera in Cinema series will feature Wagner’s “Lohengrin.” 11 a.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-4193456. ■ Bruce Goldstein of New York’s Film Forum will present “The Nicholas Brothers: Born to Dance,” about the groundbreaking careers of African-American dancers Fayard and Harold Nicholas. 2:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ The Smithsonian Channel will offer a sneak preview of its documentary “Arabia Uncovered,” which explores Arabia’s forgotten kingdoms and architecture. 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. Performances ■ Brian Sanders’ JUNK will use found objects and inventions to bridge the gap between dance and physical theater in a high-energy performance. 8 p.m. $15 to $32. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. The performance will repeat Sunday at 4 p.m. ■ Joined by syndicated columnist and Democratic strategist Karl Frisch, comedian Jeff Kreisler will satirize the real-life

Special events ■ The National Air and Space Museum will host African American Pioneers in Aviation Day, featuring hands-on activities, talks by museum experts and a chance to meet members of World War II’s Tuskegee Airmen. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. National Air and Space Museum, 6th Street and Independence Avenue SW. 202-633-1000. ■ Nana’s Handmade Valentine Mart will feature locally made gifts. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission. Nana, 3068 Mount Pleasant St. NW. ■ Tudor Place will host a Valentine’s Day-themed tea and chocolate tasting for adults. 1 to 3 p.m. $25 to $30; reservations required. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202-9650400. ■ The National Zoo’s fifth annual “Woo at the Zoo” will teach attendees about animal mating and dating over drinks and hors d’oeuvres. 4 to 10 p.m. $5 to $30. Smithsonian National Zoo, 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW. ■ The Washington National Cathedral will celebrate Mardi Gras with a night of food, drink and music. 7 p.m. Free; attendees are asked to bring a beverage, side dish, appetizer or dessert to share. Sayre House, Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 20sand30s@ ■ The French-American Cultural Foundation will host a night of dinner, champagne and dessert. 7 p.m. $70 to $105. La Maison Française, Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Road NW. ■ Alliance Française de Washington and Art Soiree will host a Mardi Gras masquerade with New Orleans-style food, music and entertainment. 9 p.m. $50 to $60. The Washington Club, 15 Dupont Circle, NW. Sporting event ■ The Washington Capitals will play the Florida Panthers. 7 p.m. $44 to $365. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328. Walks and tours ■ Capitol Entertainment Services Inc. will present an “African American Heritage Tour,” highlighting the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Noon to 3 p.m. $10; reservations required. Meet at the African American Civil War Memorial, 10th and U streets NW. 202-636-9203. ■ A walk through Georgetown will explore vestiges of the vibrant 19th-century African American community in the Herring Hill neighborhood. 2 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-8956070. Sunday, Feb. 10

Sunday february 10

Children’s programs ■ The Kids@Katzen program will guide children and parents in a creative art class See Events/Page 24


The CurrenT

Events Entertainment

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Exhibition at Phillips examines cross-cultural dialogue


ngels, Demons, and Savages: Pollock, Ossorio, Dubuffet,” featuring some 53 works by Jackson Pollock, Alfonso Ossorio and Jean Dubuffet that highlight the cross-cultural dialogue between the three artists, will open

On exhibit Saturday at the Phillips Collection and continue through May 12. Located at 1600 21st St. NW, the museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday until 8:30 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission costs $12 for adults and $10 for seniors; it is free for ages 18 and younger. 202-387-2151. ■ “Home,” presenting recent landscape paintings developed by Caroline Adams through her visual memory of places she has visited, will open Friday at Susan Calloway Fine Arts and continue through March 16. An opening reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. Located at 1643 Wisconsin Ave. NW, the

gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-965-4601. ■ “Palestine Interrupted,” presenting paintings by Bud Hensgen that reflect on the injustice he found in Palestine during a 2011 tour of the region, will open Friday at the Jerusalem Fund Gallery and continue through March 1. An artist’s reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. Located at 2425 Virginia Ave. NW, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-338-1958. ■ “Wearing Ethereal,” featuring a series of photographs and sculptures by area artist Jimmy Miracle that reveal his practice of transforming found materials into art, will open Friday at Flashpoint Gallery and continue through March 9. An artist’s reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. Located at 916 G St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-315-1305. ■ Watergate Gallery will open an exhibit Saturday of still-life paintings by William

D’Italia and continue it through March 5. An artist’s reception will take place Saturday from 6 to 8:30 p.m., and the artist will give talks Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. and Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Located at 2552 Virginia Ave. NW, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. 202-338-4488. ■ Connersmith will open three exhibits Saturday and continue them through March 30. “The Network” presents a composite portrait of power in Washington, D.C., with digital art, photographs and installation work by Lincoln Schatz. An exhibit of new sculpture by Benjamin Kelly shows how he re-contextualizes found objects. “Watermarks” highlights performancebased video work by Coble/Riley Projects done in February 2012 on a frozen stretch of sea in Sweden. An artists’ reception will take place Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m. Located at 1358 Florida Ave. NE, the gal-

© Pollock-Krasner Foundation/Artists Rights Society

Jackson Pollock’s “Collage and Oil” is part of a new exhibit at the Phillips Collection. lery is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-588-8750.

Woolly Mammoth show looks at colonial Africa


oolly Mammoth Theatre Company will present Danai Gurira’s “The Convert” Feb. 13 through March 10.

17th & Rhode Island Avenue, NW | 202-872-1126

On StAGe Set in 1895 amid the colonial scramble for southern Africa, the play follows Jekesai, a young girl who escapes village life and a forced marriage arrangement, ultimately discovering Christianity under the guidance of an African teacher. But as anti-colonial sentiments rise to a boiling point, she Danai Gurira will bring her new play “the Convert” to Woolly must choose between her new Mammoth theatre Company Feb. 13 through March 10. European God and the spirits of her Tickets cost $20; $15 for seniors Amaranta Leyva’s “Sleeping ancestors. and students. Flashpoint is located Beauty Dreams” Feb. 16 and 17 in Performance times are at 916 G St. NW. 202-315-1310; the Family Theater. Wednesday through Saturday at 8 Co-commissioned with puppet p.m., Saturday at 3 p.m., and theater company Marionetas de la Sunday at 2 and 7 p.m. Tickets start ■ American University will presat $35. Woolly Mammoth is located ent Thornton Wilder’s “The Skin of Esquina of Mexico, the play reOur Teeth” Feb. 14 through 16 at imagines the famous princess as an at 641 D St. NW. 202-393-3939; the Greenberg Theatre. overprotected daughter looking for The Pulitzer Prize-winning play a way to break free of her castle ■ Pointless Theatre will stage highlights the strength and endurwalls to search for true love — and “Canterbury” Feb. 13 through ance of the American family as the her true self. It is recommended for March 9 in the Mead Theatre Lab characters perse- ages 5 and older. at Flashpoint. vere through Performance times are Saturday In this origiincredible obsta- at 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. and nal adaptation of cles — the ice Sunday at 1:30 and 4 p.m. Tickets Geoffrey age, fratricide, cost $18. 202-467-4600; Chaucer’s “The adultery, the Canterbury great flood and ■ Folger Theatre has extended Tales,” an eightwar. Shakespeare’s war epic “Henry V” person ensemble Performance through March 10 at the Folger will use a hightimes are 8 p.m. Shakespeare Library. energy blend of Pointless theatre will present Thursday Performance times are generally puppetry, dance, “Canterbury” from Feb. 13 through Saturday 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and theater and through March 9. and 2 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and music to bring Saturday. Tickets cost $10 to $15. Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday and to life timeless stories of love, lust The Greenberg Theatre is located at Sunday, and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets and morality. The production is not 4200 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-885- cost $30 to $68. The Folger is locatrecommended for children. 2787; ed at 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202Performance times are 8 p.m. ■ The Kennedy Center will host 544-7077; Wednesday through Saturday.

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24 Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Continued From Page 22 at the American University Museum. 1 to 3 p.m. $10. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-895-1300. ■As part of the ImaginAsia program, families will explore items from the “Silk Road Luxuries From China� exhibit, and then make their own crafts inspired by the tour. 2 p.m. Free. Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 1050 Independence Ave. SW. 202-6331000. ■Children will hear a story about African-American scientist George Washington Carver and then create a special piece of art. 2 to 5 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. Class ■Connie Krupin, author of “A Time to Be Born,� will offer a family workshop about creating Jewish traditions and memories at home. 10:30 a.m. to noon. $18 per family; registration required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Concerts ■A “Venetian Renaissance Choral

Events Entertainment Music� festival will feature works by Gabrieli and Monteverdi with the St. John’s Choir and the Amadeus Brass Quartet. 11 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. ■Levine School of Music piano and instrumental students will participate in the Cogen Concerto Competition. Noon to 5 p.m. Free. Levine School of Music, 2801 Upton St. NW. 202-686-8000. ■“The President’s Own� U.S. Marine Chamber Ensembles will perform. 2 p.m. Free. Sousa Band Hall, Marine Barracks Annex, 7th and K streets SE. 202-4334011. ■The quintet Imani Winds will perform works by Valerie Coleman, Narong Prangcharoen, Karel Husa, Julio Medaglia, Paul Hindemith and Simon Shaheen. 3 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. National Academy of Sciences Auditorium, 2100 C St. NW. ■Violinist Leo Sushansky, pianist Kathryn Brake and cellist Lukasz Szyrner — members of the National Chamber

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The Current

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Ensemble — will present “Russian Romantic Music.â€? 3 p.m. Free; tickets required. Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and F streets NW. â– Moroccan pianist Marouan Benabdallah will perform works by Wagner, BartĂłk and FlĂźgelman. 4 p.m. $20; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. music. â– Violinist Amy Beth Horman and pianist Francis Conlon will perform works by Beethoven, Brahms, Gershwin, Bizet and Bernstein. 5 p.m. Free. Church of the Annunciation, 3810 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-441-7678. â– The Washington Performing Arts Society will present a performance by South African YouTube sensation Vicus Visser. 5 p.m.; tickets required. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-785-9727. â– The Georgetown Concert Series will feature the Washington Bach Consort and baritone Mark Duer performing works by Bach. 5 p.m. $30; $15 for students and seniors. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Georgetown Parish, 3240 O St. NW. 202338-1796. â– Classical Revolution DC will perform classical music with a casual and modern twist. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. â– Students from the Curtis Institute of Music will celebrate composer Benjamin Britten with a chamber recital. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â– Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jamâ€? session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-5279522. â– The National Gallery of Art Chamber Players, violinist Miranda Cuckson and cellist Julia Bruskin will perform works by composer Jeffrey Mumford. 6:30 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941. â– The Washington Performing Arts Society will celebrate the legacy of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with “Living the Dream ‌ Singing the Dream,â€? a gospel performance featuring its Men, Women and Children of the Gospel Choir. 7 p.m. $25 to $45. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures â– Philip Bobbitt, nephew of President Lyndon B. Johnson and a national security law professor at Columbia University, will discuss Vietnam and other foreign policy aspects of Johnson’s presidency. 10 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. â– Journalist and biographer Daniel Stashower will discuss the 1861 “Baltimore Plotâ€? to kill Abraham Lincoln on the eve of his inauguration as President, the subject of Stashower’s book “The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War.â€? 1 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â– The Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington and the Sibley Senior Association will present a talk by Dr. Andrew Adelson on “Your Eyes: A Window to Your Health.â€? 2 to 3:30 p.m. Free. Room 2, Sibley Memorial Hospital Medical

3133 Dumbarton St. NW. 202-333-7212. ■The Washington Animal Rescue League will host “Catapalooza 2013,� a Valentine’s Day adoption open house and celebration of all things feline. Noon to 3 p.m. Free admission. Washington Animal Rescue League, 71 Oglethorpe St. NE.

Monday, february 11 ■Discussion: John Wood will discuss his book “Creating Room to Read: A Story of Hope in the Battle for Global Literacy,� about leaving his work at Microsoft to work with children in developing countries. 7 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. Building, 5215 Loughboro Road NW. 202364-7602. ■Charles Ritchie, associate curator of modern prints and drawings at the National Gallery of Art, will discuss “Colorforms: Ellsworth Kelly and the Colored Paper Images.� 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■Manil Suri, a math professor of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, will discuss his third novel, “The City of Devi,� about characters facing nuclear meltdown in Mumbai. 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. Film ■The National Gallery of Art will screen Isaki Lacuesta’s 2002 film “Cravan vs. Cravan,� about flamboyant Swiss poet Arthur Cravan. 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Parade ■The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association will host a Chinese Lunar New Year parade. Free. The parade will start at 2 p.m. at 6th and I streets NW and proceed along I Street, 8th Street, G Street, 7th Street and H Street before ending at 6th and H streets. Performance ■The Residents, an experimental music and performance art group celebrating its 40th anniversary, will perform a mix of world fusion, electronica, punk and lounge music. 8 p.m. $25 in advance; $28 on the day of the event. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800-745-3000. Special events ■Dumbarton United Methodist Church will celebrate the 26th anniversary of the congregation deciding to affirmatively welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons. After a worship service with remarks by the Rev. Vicky Starnes, the event will feature a festival pancake breakfast and Mardi Gras party. 11 a.m. Free. Dumbarton United Methodist Church,

Volunteer opportunity â– The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will lead a day of knitting and crocheting cold-weather items for the homeless. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free; reservations required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Monday, Feb. 11

Monday february 11

Children’s program ■The Petworth Library will celebrate the Chinese New Year with traditional art and dance. 4 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1188. Class ■David Newcomb will lead the second workshop of a three-part series on “Meditation and Personal Happiness.� 7 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707. The workshop will conclude Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. Concert ■Harpist Brandee Younger and her quartet will perform. 6 p.m. Free; tickets will be distributed in the States Gallery at 5:30 p.m. Theater Lab, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■A panel of students will discuss what it’s like to study at a seminary and why they chose to attend Wesley Theological Seminary. 7:30 to 9 a.m. Free. Wesley Theological Seminary, 4500 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-885-8630. ■Political scientists Ellen Lust, Lindsay Benstead and Matthew Buehler will discuss “Elections and Politics in North Africa,� about Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. Noon to 2 p.m. Free; reservations required. Lindner Family Commons, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■Wilford W. Scott, head of adult programs at the National Gallery of Art, will discuss “Shape and Shadow: Photographs by Wil Scott.� 12:10 and 1:10 p.m. Free. East Building Small Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■The Friends of the Mount Pleasant Library will present a talk by David Stewart, president and founder of the Washington Independent Review of Books, on connecting readers with authors and books they might love. 7 p.m. Free. Mount Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St. NW. 202-671-3121. ■Vint Cerf, one of the “Fathers of the Internet,� will discuss Web freedom in the 21st century. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Riggs Library, Healy Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. Films ■The Marvelous Movie Mondays series will feature Mike Leigh’s 1999 film “Topsy-Turvy,� about the creation of Gilbert See Events/Page 25

Continued From Page 24 and Sullivan’s “The Mikado.â€? 2 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. â– The Books on Film series will feature James Ivory’s 1985 film “A Room With a View,â€? based on the classic E.M. Forster novel about a young English woman in Italy. 6 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. â– The Chevy Chase Library will feature 1967’s “In the Heat of the Nightâ€? as part of its Sidney Poitier film series. 6:30 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-2820021. â– The “Mapping Democracy in Filmâ€? series will feature Romuald Karmakar’s 2012 film “Democracy Under Attack — An Intervention,â€? featuring an introductory discussion with Karmakar and Georgetown University professor Peter C. Pfeiffer. 6:30 p.m. $4 to $7. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. 202-289-1200, ext. 160. â– The Opera in Cinema series will feature “La Bohème.â€? 7 p.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-419-3456. The film will be shown again Feb. 16 at 11 a.m. Performance â– The Phillips Collection and the University of Virginia will present the world premiere of “Auksalaq,â€? a multimedia opera about climate change in the Arctic regions. 7 p.m. $20; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. Readings â– Young Playwrights’ Theater will present “New Writers Now! — Young at Heart,â€? a professional reading of new plays created by local students in celebration of Valentine’s Day. 7 p.m. Free. GALA Theatre, 3333 14th St. NW. â– Ford’s Theatre will present an evening of classic one-acts by Thornton Wilder, read by students from American, Georgetown and Howard universities. 7 to 8 p.m. Free; reservations required. Ford’s Theatre, 511 10th St. NW. â– The Actors’ Center will present a staged reading for Kerri Sheehan’s new play “Nights at St. Januarius.â€? 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St. SE. 202-332-1911. â– The O.B. Hardison Poetry Series will feature readings by B.H. Fairchild and Mary Jo Bang. 7:30 p.m. $15. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202-544-7077. Tuesday, Feb. 12

Tuesday february 12 Class â– The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will host a workshop on health literacy. 1 p.m. Free. Room 311, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. Concerts â– The Church of the Epiphany will celebrate Mardi Gras with traditional New Orleans music. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-3472635. â– Students from the Eastman School of Music will perform works by KodĂĄly, TĂĄrrega, Wieniawski, Mendelssohn and Debussy. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– The Washington Performing Arts


The Current

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Events Entertainment part miniseries “Battleground: Rhino Wars.� 7 p.m. Free. Wechsler Theatre, Mary Graydon Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■Poet and translator Annie Kantor will discuss the life and work of Israeli poet Leah Goldberg, before hosting a screening of the film “The Five Houses of Leah Goldberg.� 7:30 p.m. $10 to $12; tickets required. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW.

Society will present the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam performing works by BartĂłk and Mahler. 8 p.m. $45 to $115. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures â– Dr. Rana Mady will discuss “Understanding the ABC’s of Eyeglasses and Other Optical Aids.â€? 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Free. MedStar Washington Hospital Center Eye Clinic, 110 Irving St. NW. 202877-5329. â– The District Architecture Center’s “25 Architects in 25 Weeksâ€? lecture series will feature architect Suman Sorg discussing multi-family residential design in India. Noon to 1 p.m. Free; reservations required. District Architecture Center, 421 7th St. NW. â– Scholar Marcy Brink-Danan will examine what it means for Jews to live as a minority in contemporary Istanbul. A light lunch will follow the program. Noon. Free; reservations required. Room 241, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. â– Human rights activist Medea Benjamin will discuss the ethics and efficacy of lethal drones. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. â– Scholar Scott Collins will discuss the response of North American and South African grasslands to fires and grazing. 12:30 p.m. Free. Room 239, Regents Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. â– Evangelical pastor Rick Warren will discuss religious freedoms and restrictions worldwide. 4 to 5:30 p.m. Free. Gaston Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. â– Max Boot, a senior fellow in national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, will discuss his book “Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present.â€? 5 to 6:30 p.m. Free. Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. â– Georgetown University visiting professor Hannes Baumann will discuss the rise and fall of the historic Lebanese Hariri Dynasty. 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Room 241, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. â– A panel discussion on the life and work of Frederick Douglass will feature Ka’mal McClarin, curator of the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site; Clifford Muse Jr., Howard University archivist and associate director of the MoorlandSpingarn Research Center; and John Muller, journalist and author of “Frederick Douglass in Washington, D.C.: The Lion of Anacostia.â€? 6:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. â– Jefferson Morley will discuss his book “Snow-Storm in August: Washington City, Francis Scott Key and the Forgotten Race Riot of 1835.â€? 7 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139. â– Neil Shubin, author of “The Universe Within,â€? will explain the Big Bang Theory

Tuesday, February 12 â– Special event: The Washington National Cathedral will celebrate the last day before Lent with pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. 12:30 p.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. and trace the matter it dispersed as the elements became stars, planets, rocks and life. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. â– Gen. Stanley McChrystal, commanding officer of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, will discuss his memoir “My Share of the Task,â€? about his work leading the Joint Special Operations Command. 7 p.m. $15; reservations required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877987-6487. â– French writer Jocelyne Saucier will discuss her novel “Il pleuvait des oiseaux.â€? 7 p.m. $8 to $12. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. â– The Smithsonian Associates will present U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in conversation with NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg. 7 p.m. $35 to $45. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-633-3030. Films â– The Georgetown Library will screen Spike Lee’s 2008 film “Miracle at St. Anna,â€? about four black soldiers trapped near a small Tuscan village in 1944. 5 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. â– The 24th annual Black Film Festival will show Rob Cohen’s 2012 film “Alex Cross,â€? starring Tyler Perry and Matthew Fox. 6 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. ■“La CinĂŠmathèque at La Maison Françaiseâ€? will feature Alix Delaporte’s 2011 film “Angèle et Tony,â€? about a romance in a fishing harbor in Normandy. 7 to 9 p.m. $5 to $8. La Maison Française, 4101 Reservoir Road NW. 202-944-6000. â– Erin Wanner, senior director of production and executive producer at Animal Planet, will reveal the back story on what went into creating the upcoming three-

Meetings ■The Chevy Chase Library’s History Book Club will visit the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery for a discussion of the book “On Saudi Arabia� by Karen Elliott House. A tour of the exhibit “Roads of Arabia� will follow. 1 p.m. Free. Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 1050 Independence Ave. SW. 202282-0021. ■The Young Writer’s Group invites students ages 7 through 11 to craft stories, poems and other fiction together. 4 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. Performances ■Humanities scholar Clay Jenkinson will present “An Evening With John Wesley Powell,� featuring an interpretation of the Civil War veteran, hero of the American West and founding member of National Geographic. 7:30 p.m. $22. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. 202-857-7700. ■SpeakeasyDC will host “50 Shades of Grey: Stories about dominance, submission, pleasure, and pain.� 8 p.m. $15. Town Danceboutique, 2009 8th St., NW. 240-888-9751. ■Busboys and Poets will host “Tuesday Night Open Mic,� a weekly poetry


event. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Reading ■Nigerian writer and playwright Rotimi Babatunde, recipient of the Caine Prize, will read from his work. 8 p.m. Copley Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. Special events ■Disney on Ice will host a skating party with stars of the show “Treasure Trove.� 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Free; regular skate rental fees apply. Washington Harbour Ice Rink, 3000-3050 K St. NW. ■The fourth annual Capital Wine Festival will spotlight Heitz Wine Cellars, known for its earthy Bordeaux-style wines. 6:30 p.m. $125. The Fairfax at Embassy Row, 2100 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■The In Series will present a Sneak Peak Directors’ Salon of “Berlin to Broadway With Kurt Weill, a Musical Voyage.� 7 p.m. Free. Source, 1835 14th St. NW. 202-204-7763. ■Food historian Joyce White will lead an interactive chocolate presentation and tasting. 7 to 9 p.m. $10 to $12. Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St. NW. 202337-2288. Wednesday, Feb. 13

Wednesday february 13

Classes ■Landscape architect and author Jim Urban will discuss “Soils Below See Events/Page 30


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30 Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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Continued From Page 25 Pavements” as part of a series on “Principles of Sustainable Design.” 9 a.m. to noon. $20; reservations required. Casey Trees Headquarters, 3030 12th St. NE. ■ Housing Counseling Services, a local nonprofit, will present a “Money Matters” workshop to discuss how to build credit, repair damaged credit and dispute errors on credit reports. 6 p.m. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202-667-7712. Concerts ■ Students from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Chinese pianist Ran Jia will perform a chamber music concert. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370. ■ The Jazz at the Atlas series will feature the Carol Morgan Quartet. 8 p.m. $15 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. Discussions and lectures ■ The Applied Science Foundation for Homeless Security and other sponsors will host a program on “Preparing for a Disaster: What Your Business Needs to Know!” Speakers will include D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency director Christopher Geldart. 8 to 11:30 a.m. Free; reservations required. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1145 17th St. NW. ■ The Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington will present a talk by Gloria Sussman on her musical journey as she faced severe vision loss. 11


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Events Entertainment

take new electives, one of which is internship. Internship, which juniors or seniors must take (yes, it’s a mandatory elective), is a chance for students to see what it’s like to be in a work environment. Students find internships on their own, with some guidance from the school, and go to these twice a week, as if it were a class. Working everywhere from soup kitchens to hospitals, students intern in every part of the city. On a lighter note, the school went to a George Washington University women’s basketball game on Wednesday. The game itself ended up being extremely well-matched, with the two teams going into overtime. — Delmar Tarragó, 11th grader

Shepherd Elementary

It was a busy week at Shepherd last week. We had our annual Science Fair, hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Silver Spring. Students in grades three through five developed experiments, then presented their findings through displays and in presentations to government scientists. Students in kindergarten through second grade conducted group projects. At the

a.m. to 1 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Room 215, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7272142. ■ Grande Lum, director of the Community Relations Service at the U.S. Department of Justice, will discuss “America’s Peacemaker: A Conversation on How the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service Resolves Community Conflict.” Noon to 2 p.m. Free. Abramson Family Founders Room, School of International Service Building, American University, Nebraska and New Mexico avenues NW. 202-885-1747. ■ Dumbarton House’s Bridgitte Rodguez will discuss archaeological evidence of reusing and recycling that dates back to 400 B.C. 12:30 p.m. Free. Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St. NW. ■ Antón García-Abril Ruiz, professor of architecture and planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and principal of the Ensamble Studio in Madrid, will discuss contemporary Spanish architecture as part of a lecture series on the subject. 6:30 p.m. $20; free for students. Reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-2722448. ■ Hanna Rosin, editor of Slate’s DoubleX website, will join The New Republic’s Noreen Malone and Slate columnist Emily Yoffee for a “gabfest” on culture, politics and the way women live today. 7 p.m. $15; reservations required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. ■ Massumeh Farhad, chief curator of Islamic art at the Freer and Sackler Galleries, will discuss “Roads of Arabia: From Trade Routes to Pilgrimage Trails.” 7 p.m. $25. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. awards ceremony on Thursday, first-, second- and third-place winners were announced for the higher grades, and there was one winner among the lower grades. This Wednesday is our annual “Ragtime, Blues, Jazz, R&B and Message Songs” concert, led by Mr. Giles, where we’ll introduce and sing songs with the D.C. Labor Chorus. — Colyar Trimble, fifth-grader

Stoddert Elementary

Hi, I’m Caitlin and we are in Ms. Gross’ first-grade class. We are studying Martin Luther King Jr. and our class spelled the word LOVE using our handprints. It is AfricanAmerican History Month. Hi, I’m Katelyn and the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had for his four children was to live in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of their skin. People can go to the same schools together. King won the Nobel Peace Prize. Hi, I’m Reuben and we put our handprints of LOVE in the hallway because we wanted everyone to see that all of us should not be mean to each other. Wars can start from arguing. We try to compromise. We try to bring peace. — Caitlin Reynaldo, Katelyn Strike and Reuben Gartenbach, first-graders

■ Rabbi Gil Steinlauf of Adas Israel Congregaton and Russell Shaw of Georgetown Day School will join other panelists in “The Great Latke-Hamentasch Debate.” 7 to 9 p.m. $12 to $15. Adas Israel Congregation, 2850 Quebec St. NW. Films ■ The Institute for Policy Studies will present the documentary “Raw Opium: Pain, Pleasure, Profits.” 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■ A foreign movie series will feature Wong Kar-Wai’s 1994 film “Chunking Express,” about two Chinese police officers who find love with unusual women. 6:30 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. Performances ■ The Happenings at the Harman lunchtime performance series will present “Clown Cabaret: Delusions of Grandeur.” Noon. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. ■ The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Matty Litwack, Jamel Johnson and David Tveite. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. The Codmother, 1334 U St. NW. ■ “Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove” will feature characters and stories from eight classic Disney films. 7:30 p.m. $20 to $80. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328. Performances will continue through Feb. 18 at various times. Teen program ■ The Tenley-Friendship Library will host an arts and crafts afternoon to make Valentine’s Day cards. 4 p.m. Free. TenleyFriendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488.

Wilson High School

Recent school shootings have prompted the Wilson community to think about security and gun threats here. A survey of 1,014 students conducted by the Beacon, Wilson’s student newspaper, discovered that 52 percent of Wilson students know at least one person who has been shot, and 38 percent of students know minors who possess a gun. The survey results show that gun violence is a prevalent issue in Wilson students’ lives. Despite incidents of gun violence at or tied to Wilson in the past 25 years, the Beacon survey and interviews found that the majority of students, faculty and staff feel safe from guns at Wilson. D.C. Public Schools spokesperson Melissa Salmanowitz said, “Keeping our students safe while they are in our schools is of the utmost, critical importance.” Other notable statistics include: 72 percent of girls think there should be a ban on handguns in D.C., while 51 percent of boys think there should be a ban. Among the 52 percent of students who know at least one person personally who has been shot, there was an equal 50/50 divide in the belief that there should be a ban on handguns in D.C. — Claire Parker, 10th-grader

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202.944.5000 202.333.3320 202.333.3320 301.222.0050 301.222.0050 301.983.6400 7703.317.7000 03.317.7000 540.687.6395 540.675.1488

FINEST áHFOUT r ˇPˁSUJFT r ǷFSWJDF áH HFOUT r ˇ ˇPˁ ˁSUJFT r ǷFSWJDF INTERNATIONAL OFFERING GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Grande Dame on a private corner lot in the East Village. Meticulously maintained, features 9 bedrooms, 7 full and 4 half baths; soaring ceilings, grand public rooms, elevator, large walled garden, pool and parking for 6 cars. $9,250,000 Mark McFadden 703-216-1333

INTERNATIONAL OFFERING CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND Renovated 5BR/5.5BA with stunning finishes. Chef’s kitchen with attached family room, grand master suite, sunroom and ample living space. Gorgeous grounds. $5,295,000 Ellen Morrell Matthew McCormick 202-728-9500

INTERNATIONAL OFFERING OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Historic 7,000 SF Federal style home built in early 1800s on large quarter-acre lot; restored and updated. 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths. Garage with additional 2-car parking. $4,875,000 William F. X. Moody Robert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

INTERNATIONAL OFFERING GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Special historic Federal located in heart of Georgetown close to all shops and restaurants. Beautiful period finishes, hardwoods, formal dining room, table space kitchen, 5 bedrooms, charming patio and parking. $3,450,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

INTERNATIONAL OFFERING KALORAMA, WASHINGTON, DC Stunning 4-level end-unit townhouse with elevator, 4-car parking, gourmet kitchen, and dining room with 3-story atrium. 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths. $2,999,000 Patrick Chauvin 202-256-9595 Cecelia Leake 202-256-7804

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Magnificent 3-4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths home set back from the street in Georgetown East Village. Hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen, lower level in-law suite, private patio and parking pad in front. $2,150,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

CLEVELAND PARK, WASHINGTON, DC 1925 Dutch Colonial overlooks highly sought after 34th Place. 2-level addition including master suite with windows on four sides. 11,600 square feet, 0.27 acre lot.$1,895,000 Margot Wilson 202-549-2100 William F. X. Moody 202-243-1620

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 7,000 square feet Colonial with beautiful antique heart of pine floors and gracious floor plan for today’s family. Large private, level lot with beautiful gardens. $1,825,000 William F. X. Moody Robert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

LANDMARK LOFTS, WASHINGTON, DC Fantastic 3BR/3BA home boasts a light filled and open floor plan on three levels. Walk to Union Station. Top-of-the-line finishes and amenity filled building. Unit has two roof terraces, 2 car parking plus storage. $1,450,000 Mark McFadden 703-216-1333

U STREET, WASHINGTON, DC Historic row house with architectural details. 5BR, 4.5BA and parking. Open floor plan with double parlor living room, formal dining room, soaring ceilings and hardwood floors throughout. LL in-law suite. $1,295,000 Kimberly Casey 202-361-3228

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Charming 3BR/2BA located on a beautiful one way street in heart of Georgetown. Features include newly finished hardwood floors, crown molding, bay windows, renovated kitchen with Viking stove and more! $1,125,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

MOUNT PLEASANT, WASHINGTON, DC UNDER CONTRACT! Total renovation with 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, fully finished lower level. Deck and 2-car garage. Chef’s kitchen with attached family room. Ellen Morrell Matt McCormick 202-728-9500

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC UNDER CONTRACT! Outstanding jewel box on most desirable block in East Village has been meticulously renovated to include gourmet kitchen and fabulous terrace. This is truly a special home! Eileen McGrath 202-253-2226

WESLEY HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, DC NEW LISTING! Attractive renovation and meticulously maintained 3 bedrooms, 2.5 renovated baths at desirable destination. Home features updated eat-in kitchen, gorgeous private terrace, parking, and pool! $699,000 Kay McGrath King 202-276-1235

BRIGHTWOOD, WASHINGTON, DC Sun splashed & stunning is this 4BR/3.5BA semidetached home facing parkland in Brightwood. Satiny wood floors, warm cherry cabinets, open floor plan, granite, stainless steel, lower level, in-law suite. Open Sunday 2-4. $593,000 Marilyn Charity 202-427-7553

INTERNATIONAL OFFERING GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC NEW LISTING! Just completed whole house restoration by Award Winning Glass construction. Early, semi-detached, Federal, 4 bedrooms, 2 car parking, side and rear gardens. Truly exceptional. $3,780,000 Jim Kaull 202-368-0010



32 Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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