GT 02-13-2013 1

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Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vol. XXII, No. 28

The GeorGeTown CurrenT

Dying maple removed in Volta Park


■ Environment: Groups say

tree endangered park visitors

By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

Some Georgetown residents near Volta Park are expressing surprise at the recent loss of a maple tree that had stood at the park for more than half a century, but several community leaders say the tree was

unhealthy and hazardous. Members of the Georgetown Garden Club and Friends of Volta Park said the tree’s removal had been in the works for a long time. The tree had already lost significant limbs, said Barbara Downs, a member of the Georgetown Garden Club’s civic committee. The groups also questioned the stability of the tree, which was located near a playground, basketball court and recreation center.

While the city had pruned the Norway maple, falling hardwood limbs could prove dangerous, Downs said. Once it was removed last Thursday, city arborists confirmed the tree had been rotting from its core. The grounds of Volta Park, located between Q Street and Volta Place, and 33rd and 34th streets, are maintained by the Georgetown Garden Club through a partnership with the See Volta/Page 4

Design House spurs Foxhall traffic fears By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Bill Petros/The Current

Children had a chance to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse on Tuesday during their appearance at the Washington Harbour ice rink in conjunction with “Disney on Ice” at the Verizon Center.

The annual DC Design House event will be held this spring at a newly constructed home at 2507 Foxhall Road, leaving some residents concerned about congestion from attendees and delivery trucks along the heavily trafficked thoroughfare. The Design House, a fundraiser that last year netted more than $200,000 for the Children’s National Medical Center, is an open house with different rooms decorated by different designers. This year’s event will run from April 14 to May 12, organizers said at last week’s Wesley Heights/Foxhall advisory neighborhood commission meeting. Organizers said they’re confident they’ll avoid the issues Spring Valley faced when the Design House was held at 4951 Rockwood Parkway last year, where trucks delivering furniture and other items parked along neighborhood streets. “There were a lot of problems last year

Bill Petros/The Current

The $14.9 million home will host a monthlong fundraiser for Children’s National Medical Center.

during the installation phase,” said Spring Valley commissioner Tom Smith. Susan Hayes Long, chair of the Design House event, See Design/Page 16

Rhee: D.C. is national model for school reform

Georgetown group presents proposal for custom zoning


■ Planning: Neighborhood

Current Staff Writer

Michelle Rhee was among friends when she returned to the District last week to promote her new book, “Radical: Fighting to Put Students First.” At the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue last Thursday, a near-capacity crowd paid $12 each to hear journalist and Rhee biographer Richard Whitmire ask the former D.C. Public Schools chancellor about her memoir, published this month, and her views on school reform. In her book, Rhee set out to illustrate how her life experiences informed her philosophy on education, and to explain her decisions while at the helm of the District’s public school system from 2007 to 2010. The final chapter proposes that her policies to improve schools be implemented nationwide.


receptive to suggested rules

By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

Photo by Bruce Guthrie

The former D.C. schools chancellor said decisions she made in office were “good common sense.”

Audience members laughed with Rhee when she made self-deprecating remarks about her time as chancellor, and applauded when she defended some of her more controversial positions, like firing ineffective teachers and favoring school vouchers. At the end of the See Rhee/Page 18


City to study transit alternatives through downtown area — Page 3

Georgetown Day enjoys resurgence in ISL rankings — Page 11

Georgetown residents gave a favorable reception to a proposed customized residential zone for the neighborhood at a community meeting last week, peppering organizers with detailed questions but offering few complaints. As the Office of Planning reviews D.C.’s zoning requirements for citywide development, building heights


District officials have high hopes for convention hotel — Page 8

and density, commercial outlets and parking, the Citizens Association of Georgetown has requested that the office include customized zones for the historic neighborhood. Georgetown-specific proposals include stricter restrictions on commercial uses in residential areas; a maximum lot occupancy of 40 percent; continued minimum side yard requirements; and a close rein on accessory dwelling units, such as apartments within homes. Tom Birch, Georgetown advisory neighborhood commissioner, said the commission will discuss the proSee Zoning/Page 16

INDEX Calendar/20 Classifieds/29 District Digest/5 Exhibits/23 In Your Neighborhood/10 Opinion/8

Police Report/6 Real Estate/17 School Dispatches/13 Service Directory/26 Sports/11 Theater/23

Tips? Contact us at

2 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The CurrenT

The CurrenT


wednesday, February 13, 2013


Agency launches Union Station-to-Georgetown transit feasibility study By KATIE PEARCE Current Staff Writer

While plans for a Georgetown to Union Station streetcar are in the works, the D.C. Department of Transportation is separately launching a study to analyze different “premium transit� options for the same corridor. The agency is hosting a meeting Feb. 20 to seek input on “possible routes and transit modes� for that area, according to an announcement. Officials this week described it as a part of a process that ultimately aims to win federal support, if not funding, for either a “bus rapid transit� or a streetcar line. The Transportation Department has a $1

million grant from the Federal Transit Administration to conduct the “Alternatives Analysis� study, officials said. The public meeting next week is the first of three within a six-month schedule, according to Lezlie Rupert of the Transportation Department. “It’s pretty fast,� she said of the timeline, adding that the end goal is to come up with a “preferred alternative� and work with the federal agency on implementation. The study area runs from 3rd Street NE east of Union Station to 33rd Street NW at the Georgetown Waterfront, following K Street and including surrounding blocks. Although K Street has been the focal point of past transit discussions, officials said the new service

The week ahead Wednesday, Feb. 13

The D.C. State Board of Education will hold a working session to discuss revisions to proposed high school graduation requirements. The meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 1114, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. ■D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Chief Kenneth Ellerbe will present his “State of the Department Address� at 6 p.m. in the University Auditorium, Building 46E, University of the District of Columbia, 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW.

Wednesday, Feb. 20

The D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs and the District of Columbia Bar’s Pro Bono Program will present a workshop for small businesses on the advantages and disadvantages of forming a limited liability company. The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in Room 4302 at 1100 4th St. SW. To register, call 202-442-8170 or email ■The D.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting to discuss a new study for Union Station to Georgetown Waterfront Premium Transit Service. The “alternative analysis study� will examine possible locations and premium transit types in the general area. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Ave. NW. ■The National Capital Planning Commission will hold a public forum to present draft updated policies for the Comprehensive Plan’s Federal Visitors & Commemoration Element. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the commission’s office, Suite 500N, 401 9th St. NW. For details visit compplan.

Thursday, Feb. 21

The Cleveland Park Citizens Association will hold a community meeting to discuss “Taxation Without Representation: Is Statehood the Answer?� Former D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams will be the guest speaker. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. ■The Friends of the Palisades Library group will host a community meeting with Leslie Griffin, the new branch librarian. She will discuss her plans for the library, and patrons will have a chance to explain what they would like to see changed and what they want to stay the same. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the library, 4901 V St. NW.

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would not necessarily run along that corridor. Federal guidelines require looking at “all the options,� whether K Street, L Street or another route, said Faisal Hameed of the Transportation Department. The department isn’t directly advertising this process as a part of the city’s ongoing plans to develop a Georgetown to Union Station streetcar line — or as part of another plan, long in the making, to build a dedicated transit path down the center of K Street — but officials recognize the overlaps. “We totally acknowledge that it’s building on previous studies that have happened on this general corridor,� Rupert said. The streetcar plan got attention this summer

when the city released a document proposing a route along K and H streets between Georgetown and the train station. It was envisioned as part of a broader “One City� line connecting to the H Street/Benning Road streetcar, now under construction, and one day extending to Minnesota Avenue. That June document, a “Request for Information,� sought opinions from industry experts about the District’s goals for a 22-mile priority streetcar network across core areas of the city. The District anticipated that the system could be installed over the next five to seven years, at the cost of approximately $1.2 billion. See K Street/Page 18


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wednesday, February 13, 2013


The CurrenT

Mann addition design picked, but funding is still uncertain

TREE: Neighbors wanted notice

From Page 1

D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation and a grant from the Garden Club of America. The Georgetown Garden Club has used the grant to grow a garden of native plants, and to create both shady and sunny areas in the park. Concerned about the health of the maple, the Garden Club went to the Urban Forestry Administration, which operates under the D.C. Department of Transportation. An arborist declared the tree sick, and the agency contacted the Care of Trees company, which removed the tree last week. The Norway maple is considered an invasive tree species, and many were planted in the District in the mid-20th century as street trees, according to Downs. The U.S. Forest Service no longer recommends planting Norway maples; the agency says they crowd out and displace native species and create shade so dense it threatens other plants and flowers.

The Garden Club plans to replace the maple with a black gum tree, which Downs said has “beautiful foliage” and is native to the eastern United States. The Georgetown Garden Club, in consultation with Friends of Volta Park and D.C. urban forestry group Casey Trees, has also planted swamp, pin and willow oaks in the park over the past several years, and the club plans to plant two additional yellow wood trees. But Doug McFadden, who lives near the park on the 1500 block of 33rd Street, said he was perturbed by the lack of notice to nearby residents about the work done at Volta. “I was rather shocked by it,” said McFadden, who was unaware the tree was unhealthy or that there were any plans to bring it down. “One of the problems we have as neighbors is we’re never informed of what’s taking place in the park,” he said. “There has to be more communication with the residents around the park about what’s going on.” McFadden was also concerned

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Bill Petros/The Current

The Volta Park maple was rotting inside, city arborists said.

about the possible impact of removing the tree on the park’s ecosystem. “You can’t just take for granted changes in chopping down nature. We have an obligation to be conservators,” he said. “There was a family of squirrels living in it — they’re homeless now.” Downs said the Georgetown Garden Club went through all the proper channels during the process, and had been primarily concerned with the safety of the community. “No one likes to cut a tree down for no reason, but that’s not what happened here,” said Mimsy Lindner, who until recently was president of the Friends group. “It wasn’t just a haphazard decision.”

The city is finalizing its revised designs for an expansion of Mann Elementary, having redesigned a proposed new wing that neighbors found objectionable. But it remains unclear how soon it might be built. The Wesley Heights school is slated to get a $10.2 million upgrade to its existing building this summer. Future plans, so far unfunded, call for nearly $20 million in new space — a wing with a gym, cafeteria and other programming space running along 45th Street, and another with additional classrooms on Newark Street between that wing and the existing 1931 building. Mann, one of the city’s highestperforming elementaries, has a capacity of 231 students but now enrolls 290 and anticipates continued growth. When complete, the three-part renovation and expansion

will provide space for 370 students. The Department of General Services, which oversees construction on city property, has been negotiating sometimes-conflicting interests of the school and its neighbors since last fall — ultimately reaching a compromise last month. But neither “Building B” — the Newark Street classroom wing — nor the “Building C” gym along 45th has funding yet. “The existing building, A, has the funding,” Diggs said. “The mayor is working on the budget now … and that will be able to dictate the schedule for the other two.” Several 45th Street residents who live directly across from the Mann campus have long objected to the size of Building C, saying that besides cutting off the school’s “range” from the community, it’s too big and institutional-looking. A meeting on the Mann project is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Feb. 20.

The Current Wednesday, February 13, 2013


District Digest Woman sought in two area bank robberies

A woman allegedly robbed banks in Tenleytown and Cleveland Park minutes apart last Monday, and Metropolitan Police Department detectives are now seeking to identify her. According to a news release from the department, the woman entered the PNC Bank branch in the 4200 block of Wisconsin Avenue at 9:13 a.m. Feb. 4, and gave a teller a note demanding money. At 9:27 a.m., she did the same at the Bank of America Branch in the 3400 block of Connecticut Avenue, the release states. The woman did not display a weapon, but in each case the teller provided her with an undisclosed amount of money, the release states. Police describe her as standing between 5 feet 5 inches and 5 feet 7 inches tall, with medium build and curly black hair, in her late 20s to early 30s, possibly of Hispanic or Middle Eastern descent. A video of the Cleveland Park robbery is available at

Teen gets eight years in Coolidge shooting

A 17-year-old Coolidge High School student was sentenced to eight years in prison on Friday for shooting and injuring a classmate in the school’s parking lot last fall, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s office. Brandon Smothers admitted to shooting an 18-year-old student at 3 p.m. Sept. 19 as the victim and other students were walking toward a bus after school, the release states. Smothers had been thrown out of class earlier that day after a dispute with the victim, the release states. The victim, who is not identified, was struck four times but survived the attack. Smothers was arrested minutes later and admitted to the shooting, pleading guilty to one count of aggravated assault

while armed. He was charged as an adult, and will face five years of supervised release after his prison term, according to the release.

Task force to target regulatory reform

Mayor Vincent Gray swore in members of a new Business Regulatory Reform Task Force last week. D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs director Nicholas Majett and D.C. Chamber of Commerce legislative counsel David Goldblatt will co-chair the group, which will recommend ways to make it easier to start businesses and create jobs in the District. “The District is right to be proud of our progressive rules protecting workers, consumers and the environment,� Gray said in a news release. “But we have to make sure

that we regulate in a responsible manner that also supports the growth of local business.� The task force includes 28 voting members, including representatives from various D.C. agencies, four business organizations and seven “economic growth sectors.�

DMV to close service center on C Street The D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles will close its temporary C Street service center March 8 in

preparation for the opening of a new permanent facility at Rhode Island Row in Northeast. The department’s adjudication services will continue to operate in the 301 C St. NW building. The new Rhode Island Avenue Center will open at 2350 Washington Place NE on March 19, according to an agency news release. The site is adjacent to the Rhode Island Avenue Red Line Metro station, and there is ample garage and street parking nearby. The C Street site had opened in

June after the agency closed its branch in the Shops at Georgetown Park to make way for renovations at the 3222 M St. mall. Officials have not announced whether they will return to Georgetown. The agency’s other full-service facilities are at 95 M St. SW and 3220 Pennsylvania Ave. SE.


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013






The Current

Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from Feb. 3 through 10 in local police service areas.

psa PSA 101 101 â– downtown

Robbery (pickpocket) â– 13th Street and New York Avenue; sidewalk; 8:09 p.m. Feb. 8. Theft (below $250) â– 500 block, 11th St.; office building; 1:30 p.m. Feb. 4. â– 700 block, 9th St.; restaurant; 5:05 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 500 block, 11th St.; unspecified premises; 6:36 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 900 block, G St.; sidewalk; 1:30 p.m. Feb. 7. â– 1000 block, H St.; restaurant; 5:24 p.m. Feb. 7. â– 1300 block, G St.; tavern/ nightclub; 8:15 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 900 block, F St.; tavern/ nightclub; 4:17 a.m. Feb. 10. â– 1100 block, New York Ave.; tavern/nightclub; 5:45 p.m. Feb. 10. Theft (shoplifting) â– 1200 block, G St.; store; 5:14 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 1200 block, G St.; store; 5:14 p.m. Feb. 8. Theft from auto ($250 plus) â– 12th and K streets; street; 7 p.m. Feb. 5.

psa 102

â– Gallery place PSA 102


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Robbery (pickpocket) â– 700 block, 7th St.; street; 2:30 p.m. Feb. 10. Burglary â– 400 block, H St.; public housing; 5:07 p.m. Feb. 7. Stolen auto â– 900 block, 6th St.; street; 5:25 p.m. Feb. 10. Theft (below $250) â– 800 block, H St.; restaurant; 3:28 p.m. Feb. 3. â– 700 block, 7th St.; unspecified premises; 1:30 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 800 block, 7th St.; restaurant; 8 p.m. Feb. 5. â– Unspecified location; medical facility; 10:26 a.m. Feb. 6. â– 400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; medical facility; 3:35 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 800 block, 9th St.; restaurant; 2 a.m. Feb. 8. â– 700 block, 7th St.; restaurant; 11:45 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; store; 5:19 p.m. Feb. 9. â– 400 block, Massachusetts Ave.; medical facility; 7:11 p.m. Feb. 9. â– 400 block, 7th St.; restaurant; 4:12 p.m. Feb. 10. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1000 block, 4th St.; unspecified premises; 11:06 p.m. Feb. 8.

psa PSA 201 201

â– chevy chase

Robbery (force and violence) â– 5200 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 3

p.m. Feb. 7. Theft (below $250) â– 3100 block, Oliver St.; residence; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 8.

psa 206

â– georgetown / burleith PSA 206

Robbery (fear) â– 4200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; bank; 9:16 a.m. Feb. 4. Theft (below $250) â– 5300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 6:14 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; restaurant; 7:15 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; store; 1:57 p.m. Feb. 9. â– 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.; sidewalk; 4 p.m. Feb. 10. Theft from auto ($250 plus) â– 3800 block, Fort Drive; street; 6:49 p.m. Feb. 4. â– 5100 block, 42nd St.; street; 7:55 p.m. Feb. 4. â– 5100 block, 42nd St.; street; 9:08 p.m. Feb. 4. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 4800 block, Belt Road; unspecified premises; 6:30 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 4300 block, Military Road; street; 7 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 42nd Place and Military Road; unspecified premises; 5:20 p.m. Feb. 7. â– 5200 block, 44th St.; street; 7:15 p.m. Feb. 7.

Burglary â– 37th and O streets; unspecified premises; 10:30 a.m. Feb. 4. â– 1000 block, Thomas Jefferson St.; office building; 7 p.m. Feb. 4. Stolen auto â– 1500 block, 32nd St.; unspecified premises; 7:30 a.m. Feb. 6. Theft (below $250) â– 1000 block, 31st St.; restaurant; noon Feb. 5. â– 1400 block, Wisconsin Ave.; sidewalk; 12:43 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 1000 block, Wisconsin Ave.; sidewalk; 3:10 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 37th and O streets; parking lot; 6:39 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 1500 block, Wisconsin Ave; store; 12:13 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 37th and O streets; office building; 5:05 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 3500 block, S St.; tavern/ nightclub; 2 a.m. Feb. 9. â– 1000 block, Potomac St.; store; 4:45 p.m. Feb. 9. â– 1200 block, Wisconsin Ave.; unspecified premises; 7:28 p.m. Feb. 9. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 3000 block, Dent Place; unspecified premises; 7 p.m. Feb. 4.

psa 203

psa PSA 207 207

cleveland park

Robbery (pickpocket) â– 1700 block, L St.; restaurant; 12:50 p.m. Feb. 8. Theft (below $250) â– 1100 block, Vermont Ave.; medical facility; 11:35 a.m. Feb. 4. â– 2000 block, L St.; 8:02 p.m. Feb. 4. â– 1600 block, K St.; office building; 12:16 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 700 block, 18th St.; sidewalk; 4:05 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 1800 block, I St.; sidewalk; 5:42 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 1700 block, I St.; unspecified premises; 1:30 p.m. Feb. 7. â– 2000 block, I St.; restaurant; 6 p.m. Feb. 7. â– 1900 block, K St.; unspecified premises; 2:15 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 1100 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 2100 block, H St.; restaurant; 8 p.m. Feb. 8. â– 1000 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 11:49 a.m. Feb. 9. â– 600 block, 15th St.; restaurant; 6:30 p.m. Feb. 9. Theft from auto ($250 plus) â– 23rd and N streets; unspecified premises; 7:03 p.m. Feb. 4. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1000 block, Vermont Ave.; unspecified premises; 2:23 a.m. Feb. 6. â– 2600 block, L St.; unspecified premises; 1:52 a.m. Feb. 7.

psa 202

â– Friendship Heights PSA 202

Tenleytown / AU Park

â– forest PSA 203 hills / van ness

Robbery (fear) â– 3400 block, Connecticut Ave.; bank; 9:28 a.m. Feb. 4. Burglary â– 4300 block, Connecticut Ave.; office building; 4 p.m. Feb. 5. Stolen auto â– 3600 block, Connecticut Ave.; street; 11:15 p.m. Feb. 5. Theft (below $250) â– 4200 block, Connecticut Ave.; restaurant; 8:45 a.m. Feb. 4. â– 3400 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 8:50 p.m. Feb. 4. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 4900 block, Connecticut Ave.; street; 5:45 a.m. Feb. 4. â– 2700 block, Porter St.; unspecified premises; 8:15 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 3200 block, Ellicott St.; unspecified premises; 9 a.m. Feb. 7.

psa 204

â– Massachusetts avenue

heights / cleveland park woodley park / Glover PSA 204

park / cathedral heights

No crimes reported.

psa 205

â– palisades / spring valley PSA 205

Wesley Heights / Foxhall

Theft (below $250) â– 4000 block, 48th St.; unspecified premises; 4 p.m. Feb. 5.

â– foggy bottom / west end

psa 208

â– sheridan-kalorama PSA 208

dupont circle

Assault with a dangerous weapon (miscellaneous) â– 1900 block, M St.; unspecified premises; 7:09 a.m. Feb. 10. Burglary â– 1600 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 8 p.m. Feb. 4. â– 1600 block, Rhode Island Ave.; construction site; 7:56 a.m. Feb. 7. Stolen auto â– 2200 block, M St.; street; 11:15 p.m. Feb. 6. Theft (below $250) â– 1200 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 8 p.m. Feb. 6. â– 1600 block, 21st St.; unspecified premises; 6:30 p.m. Feb. 7. â– 22nd and N streets; residence; 12:20 a.m. Feb. 9. â– 1600 block, Connecticut Ave.; unspecified premises; 12:10 p.m. Feb. 9. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 2100 block, O St.; unspecified premises; 4:11 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 18th and Church streets; unspecified premises; 12:01 a.m. Feb. 8.

psa PSA 301 301

â– Dupont circle

Robbery (snatch) â– 1700 block, New Hampshire Ave.; sidewalk; 8:50 p.m. Feb. 7. Assault with a dangerous weapon (miscellaneous) â– 1400 block, R St.; residence; 8:03 a.m. Feb. 8. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1600 block, Riggs Place; unspecified premises; 9 p.m. Feb. 3. â– 1600 block, New Hampshire Ave.; alley; 1:12 p.m. Feb. 4. â– 1800 block, New Hampshire Ave.; alley; 11:33 a.m. Feb. 5. â– 14th and T streets; street; 10:30 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 1700 block, T St.; unspecified premises; 12:21 p.m. Feb. 6.

psa PSA 303 303

â– adams morgan

Stolen auto â– 16th and W streets; unspecified premises; 7:50 a.m. Feb. 5. Theft (below $250) â– 1800 block, Columbia Road; unspecified premises; 11:45 p.m. Feb. 8. Theft from auto (below $250) â– 1800 block, Wyoming Ave.; unspecified premises; 5:45 a.m. Feb. 4. â– 2800 block, Ontario Road; street; 9 p.m. Feb. 5. â– 1600 block, Columbia Road; unspecified premises; 1:16 a.m. Feb. 6. â– 1600 block, Belmont St.; street; 8 p.m. Feb. 8.

The CurrenT

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 7


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The Georgetown


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

The right investments

Thanks to prudent fiscal planning and healthy tax receipts, the District government has rebuilt its reserves from “perilously low levels,” in the words of Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi. The “rainy day” fund jumped by 46 percent in a single year, according to his testimony to the D.C. Council last week. The District now has a fund balance of more than $1.5 billion — an essential cushion given the realities of economic fluctuations, and particularly so with the uncertainty surrounding the federal budget. Having strong reserves also protects the District’s credit rating, thereby saving taxpayers money down the road. The Government Finance Officers Association recommends having a fund balance equivalent to two full months of expenditures. The District now has about 47 days’ worth — up from about half a month in 2010, according to Dr. Gandhi. Even though current law prohibits the District from spending the District’s 2012 surplus of $417 million, some council members would like to find a way to do so. The desire to invest in improved homeless services and affordable housing is laudable, but depleting the District’s emergency fund is not a good idea. Instead, Mayor Vincent Gray has outlined a much better approach in his State of the District Address. He noted that revised revenue projections, due later this month, will reveal a substantial “prosperity dividend.” Mayor Gray proposed investing in strategic initiatives, including $100 million “in building and preserving 10,000 units of affordable housing.” Doing so would help protect people in danger of being displaced by the development that is fueling the additional revenue; it certainly makes sense. An investment in affordable housing can also be done as a one-time expenditure, which means that the size of the government need not grow. A targeted approach could help boost revenues later while also enhancing the District as an economically diverse community: If preference were given to the city’s police officers, firefighters and teachers so they could afford homes here, their income taxes would be paid to the District rather than Maryland or Virginia. Though affordable housing is important, it is obviously not the only need. Though the District has made tremendous progress in modernizing our public schools, the job is not complete and funding problems are arising. The reconstruction of Roosevelt High School was initially delayed, and Mann and Hearst elementary schools — both well over capacity — will get renovations of their existing facilities in the coming year but not yet the promised expansions that are needed so desperately. We’d like to see part of the expected “prosperity dividend” used to help speed up school modernization.

Act locally and globally

Northwest is replete with embassies, but too often they are removed from the life of the neighborhoods that surround them. Even popular events like Cultural Tourism DC’s monthlong “Passport DC” activities and occasional open houses can’t overcome the fact that they are — quite literally — a foreign land. Thankfully, some welcome exceptions prove the rule. One of the most notable extroverts, if you will, just might be the House of Sweden. Last week, the embassy played host to “Georgetown ARTS 2013,” the fourth annual art show of the Citizens Association of Georgetown. The fourday event spotlighted the work of 31 neighborhood artists. Whatever the venue, an event featuring photographs, paintings, prints and sculpture by so many talented residents in one neighborhood would be impressive. The opening reception drew more than 400 people, but visitors continued to turn out for other events, including a curated walk-through and an artists’ discussion of their inspiration and methods that association president Jennifer Altemus likened to the “great salons of Paris.” The House of Sweden donated the use of the venue, and various sponsors helped the association put together the art show. Admission was free. We thank committee chair Laura Anne Tiscornia, exhibit designer Jennie Buehler and other organizers for their hard work in pulling off the annual event. We also commend the House of Sweden for its willingness to accommodate the association so many times since the embassy opened in 2006. There are other examples of civic groups getting a chance to meet in grand embassies — certainly the Dupont Circle Citizens Association had held meetings in quite a few over the years — and many more instances of nonprofits and schools welcomed for grandiose fundraisers. But we’d love to see many more civic events that highlight the local and global flavors of many D.C. neighborhoods take place in our beautiful embassies.

The Current

Now … 10 years later … People like the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. It’s modern, airy, bright and — for a big space — easy to negotiate. One thing that it is missing is more (and better) food stations. Maybe that’s why it always seems so clean. But one big thing it has been missing for the last decade is a dedicated convention center headquarters hotel as part of the complex. “It’s a big deal,” said Ward 2 Council member Jack Evans. “We’ve lost many conventions that want the rooms next door to the convention center. They wouldn’t come here.” The hotel was caught up in political and legal disputes over where it would be built and how it would be funded. After opening the convention center in 2003, the city simply did without a headquarters hotel. Evans, whose ward contains the majority of hotels in the city, helped broker an agreement that freed up the plan. “It really should have been built concurrently with the convention center,” Evans said. But now things are different. On Monday, Mayor Vincent Gray led reporters on a tour of the Marriott Marquis hotel construction site. The 1,175-room hotel is going up on the corner of 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue NW, right across from the center itself. Underground passageways will connect to the center. When completed and opened on May 1 of next year, it will be the largest hotel in the city. Is there anticipation? Yes, there is. City officials say the new Marriott already has booked 330,000 room nights and has another 250,000 tentatively booked. Marriott and its partners also are planning construction of two smaller hotels on L Street just north of the headquarters hotel. It’s all part of building a convention center complex that will compete with other big city destinations. As Mayor Gray emerged from a vast, underground ballroom, he was praising the 1,000 new jobs at the hotel in addition to the 700 construction jobs. He said the hotel will strengthen the city’s hand in drawing conventions. “We had 17.9 million people who came to D.C. last year,” he told NBC4. “That will increase by tens of thousands of people just by virtue of having a hotel that can accommodate groups that otherwise would come here.” The Hotel Association of Washington, DC, is happy, too. It has 98 member hotels in the city. “The city is strong. The city is positioned very well,” said association executive director Solomon Keene Jr. “Hospitality has been indicated as one of the city’s major growth areas. We’ve know that for a long time.” Evans said the new hotel complex will ultimately have a total of 1,500 rooms. “Finally,” he told NBC4,

“we will have the world-class convention complex we always envisioned.” ■ Hotels by the numbers. The Washington Business Journal reported last week that President Barack Obama’s second swearing-in drew fewer hotel stays than the second for President George W. Bush. Reporter Michael Neibauer noted that for Obama this past Jan. 20, hotel occupancy in the District was 81.6 percent. The metro region was 75.2 percent. In 2005, Neibauer reported, Bush filled 95 percent of the available rooms in the city for his second swearing-in. It was 88.6 percent regionwide. There are about 76,000 workers in the hospitality industry so they like it when the occupancy numbers are up. ■ The mayor’s job. Last week we wrote about the nascent mayor’s race after Ward 6 D.C. Council member Tommy Wells filed papers to create an exploratory committee. At the Marriott this week, a reporter asked Mayor Gray if he had the record to run for re-election. Of course, the mayor said, yes. He said he has kept his promises of a fiscally sound government and made improvements in schools, economic development and other issues. But will Gray seek reelection? “I like this job,” the mayor said. “And I’m going to continue to do this job every day. And when the point comes to make a decision [on running again], I’ll make the decision.” It’s clear the mayor would like to continue. He’s healthy and he believes he can make the case on what he has done as mayor. But the ongoing federal investigation still hangs over everything Gray does or doesn’t do. ■ Bloated federal workforce? While many federal workers (and private contractors) worry about sequestration, one organization wants to knock down the general feeling that the federal government is a growing, bloated bureaucracy. Remapping Debate, an online group, compared the federal workforce today to what it was back in 1978, based on the population of the country at the time. “It turns out that overall executive branch federal civilian employment is effectively down quite substantially from the 1978 peak,” said its recent report. Based on the nation’s population and federal workers in 1978, that workforce would have grown in 2011 to 1,714,832 employees. But the federal workforce in 2011 was actually 1,372,000 — about 20 percent below the projection. The population has grown 40 percent. The review doesn’t include the growth of federal contracting in which private workers do government work. That certainly could affect the numbers. Check out the work yourself at remappingdebate. org. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor Planned apartments shouldn’t be glass

An all-glass apartment building! How 21st-century! How open and democratic! How brilliant! How exhibitionist for the progressive and buff! But before everyone in the neighborhood runs out to buy binoculars to view what promises to be a show, they should visit the European beaches

and Caribbean marinas where this kind of show often happens … and it’s not what you think. The neighbors will all end up closing their blinds. Do the residents of all-glass apartments wear sunglasses all day? Surely the light is blinding. How do they view their computer screens, iPads or televisions? The glare must be awful. How do they furnish the rooms? Or is the view from the outside necessarily of the back side of consoles, chairs, couches and end tables with wires and little flashing red lights of

power surge strips in the windows. Where do they hang their pictures? Do their Oriental carpets all fade? And if none of this happens because of tinted or mirrored glass, then this building proposed for Connecticut Avenue and Military Road will inevitably look even more like a budget ’70s office building in the suburbs of a small town than the design we’ve all seen does right now. A little wall surface would go a long way. Robert Goodill Friendship Heights

The CurrenT

LEttErs to thE Editor Zoning changes head in wrong direction

As city residents without access to public transportation, and well past our bicycling and hiking days, we wish to oppose Herb Caudill’s position printed in your Jan. 30 issue [“District should eliminate parking minimums,� Viewpoint]. We object to the zoning regulation changes proposed by the Office of Planning regarding reduced parking space minimums and expanded auxiliary housing. These proposals pay insufficient attention to the needs of the many city residents without access to public transportation, and are therefore bad policy. They don’t achieve the Office of Planning’s objectives of “building a more vibrant city� and “promoting transportation choices.� They simply reduce developers’ construction costs in the hope of lowering housing costs. These, combined with the proposal to increase the population density by allowing apartments in or over garages, would only worsen the street parking problem. They would make life more difficult for the many residents who have no access to public transportation yet wish to frequent commercial corridors such as Connecticut and Wisconsin avenues. Moreover, without public parking around most D.C. Metro stations, the cost of traveling downtown using commercial parking and Metro becomes prohibitive. Currently, many D.C. residents drive to Bethesda or Silver Spring for entertainment, dining and shopping — not to D.C.’s downtown or west-of-the-park establishments — simply because parking is available there. A lesson might be learned from Montgomery County, where sales and restaurant tax revenues and increased employment opportunities from vibrant commercial activities have undoubtedly made up for the tax losses from expensive commercial property that the county uses for public parking facilities. On a related note, the Zoning Commission’s decision allowing the Babe’s mixed-use development to be built in Tenleytown with no parking spaces was misguided. While the initial leases will preclude giving parking permits to residents, city transportation and motor vehicles officials will undoubtedly succumb to appeals. Retail stores to be built there will be accessible primarily to nearby residents. We hope that the commission will not repeat this mistake. Finally, requiring fewer in-building parking spaces in new construction and allowing more auxiliary housing will only worsen the street

parking problem on side streets. In summary, the proposed policy is shortsighted and not in the best interests of all D.C. residents. Ellen Wormser Crestwood

Sandra Weiswasser Forest Hills

West End land swap is $70 million gift On Thursday the D.C. Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the D.C. Library Renaissance Project’s appeal of the 2012 Zoning Commission decision regarding a land development project that includes three parcels of publicly owned prime real estate in the West End. We will argue that the chief financial officer’s fiscal impact reports and testimony failed to fully analyze a complicated “land-forconstruction swap.� Using values from D.C.’s own tax database and those of an independent assessor, the chief financial officer’s representative testified that the sale would reduce the city’s assets by approximately $30 million. D.C. Council members and community stakeholders were told that $30 million in new public facilities would be built by purchaser EastBanc in exchange. However, the same office reported that $1.45 million in deed and recordation fees would be waived. Based on the chief financial officer’s standard formulation for deed and recordation fees — 1.45 percent of the total estimated fair market value — the land value is $100 million, not $30 million. That constitutes a gift to EastBanc worth roughly $70 million. Robin Diener Director, DC Library Renaissance Project

Filling sidewalk gaps should be city norm

Forest Hills now has a new Brandywine Street sidewalk from 30th Street to Connecticut Avenue. This sidewalk was in the Murch Safe Routes to School Plan of 2009, which got a national award. It has taken four years to get this sidewalk. Even before this, families on Brandywine were signing petitions. They wanted their children to be able to walk to school on a sidewalk. Brandywine Street is a pretty busy street during the morning rush hours, the times children need to walk to school. On Jan. 4 the community celebrated our new sidewalk with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The question is, why do residents have to sign petitions and get an advisory neighborhood commission resolution before the Transportation Department will consider filling a sidewalk gap? It took some years for Ward 3

D.C. Council member Mary Cheh to get the Priority Sidewalk Act of 2010 passed. In addition to requiring construction of a sidewalk on a roadway being rebuilt if it does not have one on either side, the law stipulates that areas around schools, recreation facilities and transit service are priorities for filling sidewalk gaps. The Pedestrian Advocacy Group organized by Iona Senior Services proposes an update of the Transportation Department’s procedures to reflect this law. We have updated the agency’s sidewalk gap map of Ward 3 and mapped out priority zones within a quarter mile of schools, recreation areas and Metro stops. For those areas and hazardous areas for pedestrians, the process would flip the requirement for petitions to those who do NOT want a sidewalk. Our city is growing. More folks are walking, biking and using public transit. We want filling sidewalk gaps to become the norm. The Pedestrian Advocacy Group wants your input on our map. Please go to to find the map, the proposed procedures and a survey for each. Marlene Berlin Chair, Pedestrian Advocacy Group at Iona Senior Services

Barbara Cline

Member, Pedestrian Advocacy Group at Iona Senior Services

Zoning rules should not ignore disabled

I’ve found the discussion contained in the Viewpoints the past two weeks interesting. As a father of a disabled son and as one covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act himself, I think this discussion leaves out the consequences of “no parking minimums� for the disabled community. These proposed zoning changes by the D.C. government are essentially “redlining� these parts of town as off-limits for the disabled who may want to live, work, visit or otherwise partake of these areas because “handicapped parking� would not be required as a result of no parking minimums. Space would be fought for with everyone else looking to park. This is a surprising proposal coming from this administration given the mayor’s background, but not surprising on the part of our D.C. Council member given her favoring sustainability and the environment versus livability and people on such issues. Let everyone spend the day from when you get out of bed in the morning until you go to bed at night in a wheelchair for a week and see if this no parking minimum idea still works. Peter Carlson

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American University Park

LEttErs to thE Editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

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10 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Current

In Your Neighborhood ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown â– Georgetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale


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Wentworth Architects & Builders


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At the commission’s Jan. 2 meeting: ■commissioners voiced strong opposition to a proposal by Pacers, representing the Nike women’s half marathon scheduled for May. Organizers want to shut down Thomas Jefferson Street between K and M streets on race day so participants can walk easily to the Nike store. Citing pushback from Georgetown residents tired of road closures and traffic tie-ups for races, commissioners said they were not prepared to make a decision at that meeting, and instead asked organizers to come back next month with more details on the road closure’s benefit to the community. ■commissioners voted 7-0 to support Bike DC 2013, a noncompetitive bike event that encourages cycling in the District. The May 12 event will close Rock Creek Parkway from K Street to Connecticut Avenue. ■commissioners asked organizers of the Four Seasons Sprint Four the Cure 5K race to consult with the D.C. Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Police Department regarding their proposal to close portions of 29th Street for a September race, before the commission could vote to support it. Race organizers are hoping to expand the number of participants and sponsors in their fourth year, raising funds for cancer research. ■commissioners voted unanimously to not object to a zoning application for 3014 P St. for a special exception to allow a porch. ■commissioners voted 7-0 to withdraw their protest for a summer garden at Taj of India on the 2800 block of M Street. The restaurant first applied to operate the garden until 2 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 3 a.m. on weekends. Commissioner Tom Birch asked the restaurant owner to reduce those hours to 11:30 p.m. on weekdays and midnight on weekends. The owner agreed but did not change the application filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, so the commission filed its protest. The owner then amended its application, and the commission voted at the meeting to formally withdraw its protest as per alcohol board regulations. ■commissioners voted 6-0, with Charles Eason absent and chair Ron Lewis abstaining, to support concept plans for a new dormer at a residence at 2519 Q St. No neighbors expressed objections. Lewis abstained from all Old Georgetown Board items because his wife is a member of the board. ■commissioners voted 6-0 not to object to a permit application for a sign, awning and ATM for Cardinal Bank at 1825-C Wisconsin Ave. Commissioners asked the applicant to be mindful of traffic concerns when deciding where to place the

Citizens Association of Georgetown

Our association’s fourth annual Georgetown ARTS show took place at the House of Sweden over the weekend. Featured were the talents of 31 Georgetown artists displaying works in oil, watercolor, print, sculpture and photography. The quality of the pieces and the wide variety of expression were impressive. There are many creative geniuses walking among us! The weekend kicked off with an opening reception that drew more than 400 people to the waterfront. It was a rare opportunity to purchase local art. Quite a few of the works sold that first night. I snapped up a lovely Cooley original. Visitors thronged to the show all weekend. Artists Guy Fairlamb, Joan Konkel, Sidney Lawrence, Jane Lepscky, Edward “Bear� Miller and Mary Wagner discussed their inspiration and experience as artists, in addition to describing unique technical aspects of each of their art pieces at a well-attended weekend “salon.� And many art lovers joined show exhibit designer Jennie Buehler for a curated walk-through of the artwork. The House of Sweden, itself a noteworthy destination for beautiful contemporary architectural design and Potomac River views, generously donated the use of the venue. Cynthia Hower of Washington Fine Properties, PNC Bank, Atmosphere Lighting, Cox Graae & Spack, Appalachian Spring, Claybourne Decorators, Occasions Caterers, Framers’ Workroom and Peacock Cafe were our magnanimous sponsors. And the show comes together every year with the hard work of a volunteer committee. Georgetown ARTS 2013 chair Laura Anne Tiscornia assembled a group of energetic, creative Georgetowners who really outdid themselves with this show. It was absolutely fantastic. — Jennifer Altemus ATM. ■commissioners voted 6-0 not to object to concept plans for additions and alterations to Holy Trinity School at 1325 36th St. The project would include renovating interiors, improving accessibility for the disabled, and updating antiquated elements of the 1918 building. Four small additions will achieve these goals. ■commissioners voted 6-0 not to object to concept plans for a onestory rear addition and alterations to a residence at 3128 P St. ■commissioners voted 6-0 to object to an internally illuminated sign and awnings for GNC Live Well, a retail entity at 1336 Wisconsin Ave. Representatives from GNC did not attend the meeting and did not respond to commissioner Jeff Jones’ inquiry into the application. Commissioners agreed concept plans did not fit in with the historic character of the commercial corridor. ■commissioners voted 6-0 to support a permit application to replace an ATM and surround for BB&T Bank at 1335 Wisconsin Ave. ■commissioners voted 6-0 to support a permit application for a sign scheme for Washington Harbour at 3000 K St. Representatives from the mixed-use complex are seeking to increase visibility of their street-facing parking garage signs. After reviewing two options, commissioners said they would let the Old Georgetown Board decide which one was best. ■commissioners voted 6-0 not to object to a permit application from the Nike Store at 3040 M St. to alter a parapet on the roof in order to screen its HVAC equipment. ■commissioners voted 6-0 to object to concept plans from the H&M store in the Shops at Georgetown

Park mall at 3222 M St., which include painting the brick facade white and installing glass and stainless-steel entrances. The commissioners opposed the plans because they didn’t match the homogeneous look of the mall, and they told H&M representatives that they prefer to keep the raw brick. ■commissioners voted 6-0 to raise no objection to a permit application from the Shops at Georgetown Park mall at 3222 Wisconsin Ave. to increase visibility to its parking garage sign on Wisconsin Avenue and for its retail tenants’ sign scheme on M Street, which includes 18- and 20-inch lettered signs. The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 4, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover

â– Glover Park / Cathedral heights

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, at Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit anc3b. org. ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring â– spring valley / wesley heights Wesley Heights palisades / kent / foxhall

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, in Room B108, West Hall, George Washington University Mount Vernon Campus, 2100 Foxhall Road NW. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit


Athletics in Northwest Washington



February 13, 2013 ■ Page 11

Georgetown Day shakes up ISL with dazzling week By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Georgetown Day School’s girls basketball team stumbled into its Independent School League slate, dropping its first three league games. But then the team’s fortunes flipped. Since their last ISL loss on Dec. 11, the Hoppers have won nine straight league games. “We feel like six or seven games ago we found ourselves,” said Hoppers coach Bobby Asher. “As fun as it is to watch our stars take over games, at practice the girls have been going all out. ... That has raised the level of the players.” The resurgence was evident when the Hoppers knocked off Bullis — ranked locally as a top-10 team — 46-42 last Tuesday. Next they beat Visitation, which has won at least a share of six consecutive ISL titles, 52-39 on Thursday. “It’s a big step up for Georgetown Day School,” said senior Caira Washington. “To come out and play our game and beat teams like Bullis and Visi — it shows that we’re a great team.” The late-season surge is a product of both chemistry and good health. Senior Zoe Beard-Fails returned to the lineup in early January after

being out since last season with an ACL injury. Although she isn’t completely back to her pre-injury form, she provides another offensive threat and leadership skills, which have been pivotal during the winning streak. “I know I still have a lot to do,” said Beard-Fails. “I think playing in these games and coming back this season was a smart decision because I got a chance to gain my confidence back and play with this team.” The rewards have been mutual. While Beard-Fails has benefited from time on the court, her impact on the team has been undeniable. “It’s more options,” said Washington. “She’s a great player. Having her back as a leader and as a player is great. With me in the post and Zoe out on the three, what could you really do?” Defenses haven’t done much against the Hoppers’ dynamic duo. Washington patrols the post, and Beard-Fails has been playing out of position as a guard while her knee improves. This arrangement has worked out, with both players averaging just under 19 points a game this season. The change in the Hoppers’ attack has been clear since BeardFails’ return. When Georgetown

Brian Kapur/The Current

The Hoppers upset Independent School League stalwarts Bullis and Visitation last week. Since Zoe Beard-Fails (No. 44) returned from an injury, the team has won eight straight conference games. Day played Bullis and Visitation earlier this season, they lost by 23 points and 16 points respectively. “We’re a completely different team from those games,” said Beard-Fails. In the rematches, the Hoppers, who faced an early deficit with Visitation Thursday, refused to fold. “At the beginning of the season we would’ve given up when we got down,” Beard-Fails said. “But we

kept our heads on, and we slowly kept creeping up and kept our composure. We played smart and came up with the win.” In the rematch with Visitation, Georgetown Day initially trailed 25-15 but Washington, Beard-Fails and freshman Gabrielle Preston spurred a rally. The game was tied at 33 going into the fourth quarter. In the final period the Hoppers

outscored the Cubs 19-6 to cruise to the win. Washington led the team with 19 points, while Beard-Fails had 15 and Preston added 10. When asked about the team’s turnaround, Asher said, “Let’s just say we’ve had a very good week.” The Hoppers have just two games remaining — against Flint Hill and Stone Ridge — before the postseason later this month.

Maret seniors commit to college for hoops, football By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Brian Kapur/The Current

Seniors Marlon Beck (No. 2) and Tre Bowens (No. 23) recently committed to play sports for Binghamton and Towson, respectively. Beck will continue to play basketball at the next level, while Bowens will play football.

Maret senior defensive end Tre Bowens inked a national letter of intent on National Signing Day — last Wednesday — to play football for Towson University next fall. Bowens joins senior Marlon Beck, his fellow Frogs basketball teammate, as a college commit. Beck recently accepted an offer to play basketball for Binghamton University. For Bowens, an explosive pass-rusher on the gridiron, Towson was an easy choice. “When I visited Towson, it just felt like home,” he said. “I just felt that I should be there. The coaching staff loved me and I liked them, and I liked the way they have been running [the program] the last couple of years.” Bowens will join the Tigers football program as a pass-rusher after notching 19 sacks as a senior at Maret. “I see myself fitting in well,” said Bowens. “Coach [Rubin] Carter, the defensive line coach, said I would be the bull and go after the quarterback most of the time. And be aggressive like I was in high school. He said I was ‘his guy’ — when he said that, I committed.” Before Bowens moves on to focus solely on football, he has teamed up with Beck to try to bring Maret an unshared Mid-Atlantic Conference basketball championship. Meanwhile, Beck’s focus is on the hard-

wood. The senior has blossomed into a talented point guard who can score and put others in good position. Beck had hoped to commit earlier in the year, but waited for the right offer. “[Binghamton] feels like another home to me. ... I waited a long time, and I feel like it came at the best time possible,” he said. Beck committed to Binghamton on Jan. 23 after some of the university’s coaches saw him lead the Frogs past Potomac School the day before. “I just played my heart out and accepted the scholarship after the game,” said Beck. “That was just an offer that I couldn’t resist.” Binghamton is a Division I school in rebuilding mode under first-year head coach Tommy Dempsey. Being part of that process appealed to Beck. “They haven’t had a lot of success in the last couple of years, but they got a new coaching staff,” he said. “Coach Dempsey really knows what he’s doing. He really knows how

to turn the tables — he’s done it at previous schools.” Aside from trying to establish the Bears’ program, Beck was also drawn to Binghamton because he’ll have a chance to play right away. “I know it’s somewhere where I can make an immediate impact,” he said. “That’s something I was looking forward to. I wanted to go somewhere where I could start off playing pretty big minutes my freshman year and just be able to contribute all I could and all I can bring to the table.” Beck was also drawn to the school for scholastic reasons. “They’re a great academic school,” he said. “It’s something my family stresses almost every day before I go to school — make sure my grades are right. The business management program is top 20 in the nation, which is really what I want to pursue in my career.” Maret will wrap up the regular season with games at Potomac School and Riverdale Baptist.

12 Wednesday, February 13, 2013




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The Current

Northwest Sports

Gonzaga swimming three-peats at Metros By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer



Gonzaga’s swimming team continued its dominance over the local competition by edging Georgetown Prep 340.5-320 to win a thirdstraight Washington Metropolitan Interscholastic Swim & Dive Championship on Saturday. The Eagles were led by senior Paul O’Hara, who won three firstplace medals. The senior started the day at the Germantown Indoor Swim Center with a blazing 20.57 time in the 50-yard freestyle to win the event. O’Hara later took first place in the 100-yard free and teamed up with seniors William Bloom and William Lichtenfels and junior Andrew Valentine to win the 200yard free relay. “Paul is the leader for our team in and out of the pool,� Gonzaga coach Josh Klotz wrote via email. “His spirit, energy and dedication showed our younger athletes how to respond to pressure on the biggest stage. He is one of the best swim-

Matt Petros/The Current

Gonzaga’s Paul O’Hara won three first-place medals at the Metros swim meet. He helped the Eagles win a third-straight championship. mers in the area and proved that on Saturday night. We will miss him next year as he goes on to continue his swimming and academic career at Harvard.� Gonzaga sophomore Brennan Novak won bronze in the 500-yard free. Sidwell also had a pair of standouts at the event. Gavin Springer took silver in the 500-yard free and

Sports Desk

Stadium in Canton, Ohio.

Several locals medal at wrestling tourney

St. John’s has seven seniors sign

Five St. John’s seniors signed to play college football on National Signing Day last Wednesday. Ned Bent took an offer from Bucknell University, Sherman Bernett from West Virginia State University, Alex Malchow from Denison University, Max Onyenwe from Robert Morris University and Josh Willis from Butler University. Current File Photo Meanwhile, two girls St. John’s senior Lis soccer players will also play at the college level. Parks will attend West Lis Parks will go to West Chester University. Chester University, while Katherine Colevas will head to Virginia Tech.

Bulldogs alum named to NFL Hall of Fame

Former St. Albans football player Jonathan Ogden, who last suited up for the Bulldogs in 1991, was named to the NFL Hall of Fame on Feb. 2. The offensive lineman was selected by the Baltimore Ravens in the first round of the 1996 National Football League draft and went on to have one the most decorated careers in NFL history. Odgen was part of the Ravens’ 2001 Super Bowl championship team and was named to the Pro Bowl 11 times, as an All-Pro nine times and to NFL all-decade teams twice. The ceremony will take place Aug. 3 at Fawcett

Scores Boys basketball

Dunbar 74, Bell 68 McLean School 67, Burke 42 Gonzaga 66, O’Connell 57 Maret 38, St. Andrew’s 33

St. John’s 50, McNamara 49 St. Albans 61, Landon 45 Roosevelt 74, Wilson 72 Burke 40, Field 35 Flint Hill 66, GDS 47 Roosevelt 76, Riverdale Baptist 69 Coolidge 81, Bell 64

third place in the 200-yard free, while Bennett Magliato was second in diving. On the girls’ side, Georgetown Day School junior Schuyler Bailar continued her stellar season by taking first place in the 100-yard breaststroke and silver in the 200yard individual medley. Meanwhile, St. John’s freshman Sydney Kirsch took silver in the 100-yard free.

The St. John’s Cadets fared the best among Northwest schools in St. Albans’ annual wrestling tournament. The Cadets came in seventh place overall, while Sidwell was the next-highest local team with an 11th-place finish in the field of 27 teams. Although local teams didn’t bring home any hardware, several individuals won medals. The Cadets had Josh Current File Photo Simon win the 160pound crown, while Brett St. John’s freshman Simon and Patrick Josh Simon won the Wenzlaff took third place 160-pound crown. in the 152-pound and 182-pound divisions respectively. Meanwhile, Georgetown Day School’s Julia Ernst won third place in the 106-pound division. Sidwell’s strong team performance was bolstered by Miles Brown’s second-place finish in the 285-pound bracket.

Bulldogs finish fourth in IAC wrestling

As a team, St. Albans’ wrestlers came in fourth place on Feb. 2 at St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes. But the team had five individuals with third-place finishes: Grant Strudwick in the 106-pound weight class, Jackson Sylvester in the 132-pound division, Spencer Swensrud in the 145, Chris Howe in the 152 and Will Trimble in the 170. St. Albans will look to finish the season strong when the squad competes Saturday in the D.C. Classic at Model Secondary School.

Roosevelt 75, Cardozo 65 St. John’s 68, Carroll 62 Gonzaga 95, Ryken 71 Maret 65, Saint James 46 Sidwell 69, GDS 39 Episcopal 56, St. Albans 52 Montrose Christian 53, Coolidge 30

Gonzaga 67, Bishop Ireton 61 O’Connell 79, St. John’s 77

Girls basketball

Georgetown Day 46, Bullis 42 WIS 34, Burke 19 Cathedral 79, Madeira 24 St. John’s 64, McNamara 42

Visitation 66, St. Stephen’s 29 Sidwell 47, Stone Ridge 41 Maret 53, St. Andrew’s 47 GDS 52, Visitation 39 Sidwell 51, St. Stephen’s 36 Episcopal 49, Maret 23 Cathedral 55, Holy Child 49 St. John’s 79, Carroll 47

The Current

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Spotlight on Schools Aidan Montessori School

On Feb. 7, the upper elementary class had a winter birthday luncheon for Eva Sophia, Alana, Elliot and Jackie. A birthday luncheon is a lunch for the whole class. The celebrants bring in different kinds of food. This one was hosted by the winter birthday celebrants. The celebrants brought in sticky chicken, tofu, rice, Greek salad, fruit salad and mozzarella sticks. For dessert we had chocolate pie and ice cream. First, we asked Alexandra Bullock, a fifth-grader, what her favorite part was. “My favorite part of the luncheon was the mozzarella sticks and the chocolate pie. They were really good,” she said. We asked Zari Garfield, a fourthgrader, the same question: “I really liked the mozzarella sticks; they tasted very good,” she said. Marshall Cooperman, a fifthgrader, said he loved the food, especially the sticky chicken. — Eva Sophia Shimanski, sixth-grader, and Alana Hodge, fifth-grader

British School of Washington

Recently, the Year 3 Nottingham and Atlanta classes went to the National Zoo to find information about rain forests. We walked to the place with everything about the Amazon rain forest. In the Amazon section we saw sea creatures,


snakes and spiders. It was all damp and cool, and there was a flamingo, monkey and fish. One time a flamingo flew at my face. I dropped my paper that I should have been filling in, and it went in the river! Finally Year 3 went to a room that had games, frogs and books. The next part of our journey was to the botanical gardens. We met a lady who talked about the gardens and some types of trees. A few minutes later we got to go to the jungle. I saw a cocoa pod, which makes chocolate, and I saw plants, water and rivers. It was finally the end of the trip. We were all exhausted getting back on the bus to go back to school. Even though my friends and I were very tired, we enjoyed seeing all the animals and plants. — Walker Everett, Year 3 Nottingham (second-grader)

Edmund Burke School

The boy’s varsity basketball team at Burke has an important game against Field coming up on Feb. 6. It is being played at the Verizon Center, where the Capitals, Wizards and Mystics play their professional games. Field and Burke have each won one game against each other, so this is a big game with playoff implications. The stu-

dent body is pumped up for the game, and the Burke team is training harder than ever, running stairs and lifting weights in order to win. Also, the Washington Wizards are playing the New York Knicks only hours after Burke plays, and the tickets are bundled together, so you can see both games for only $40. Will Burke or Field come away with the win? Will the Wizards pull off an upset against the Knicks? No one is sure, but a good time for all is guaranteed. — Josh Carle-Friedman, eighth-grader

Georgetown Day School

On Saturday, Feb. 2, the Georgetown Day “It’s Academic” team was victorious in a competition with Paint Branch and Maret. Our team finished with 480 points on the televised academic quiz competition. Congratulations to team members Noah Cowan, Lily Gasperetti and Patrick Holland, and alternate Ned Sanger! In the past week, high school students have enjoyed two special assemblies. Last Friday, students took part in a 2 vs. 2 basketball and chess tournament during assembly period. Teams of two players could chose to compete in either a basketball or chess match. Teams were required to pay a $10 fee, and the two winning teams had to opportunity to donate the proceeds to a

charity of their choice. On Monday, Feb. 11, students and faculty welcomed members of RDFZ, our “sister school” from Beijing, who performed an orchestral concert during a special assembly. In sports, the girls and boys varsity swimming teams finished in ninth and 11th place, respectively, at the Washington Metropolitan Prep School Swim Dive League championships. The girls and boys indoor track and field teams finished in eighth and fourth place, respectively, at the Private School Invitational held at Georgetown Prep. Our 4x800-meter team (Griffin Colaizzi, Sam Boardman, Michael Basset and Billy Cox) finished in first place with a time of 8:21! Girls basketball defeated Holton-Arms, Stone Ridge, Sidwell and Bullis! — Carlton Marshall II, 11th-grader

Key Elementary

The Key School fifth-graders visited the National Aquarium on Feb. 1. We are researching sharks in order to write an argument, a research-based essay. There is a lot of debate about sharks right now, and the fifth-graders went to the aquarium to do more research. Shark expert Bill Simpkins taught us all about shark bodies, their instincts, their senses and misconceptions that humans have about sharks. Mr. Simpkins showed us a lot of photos, diagrams, real and

replica teeth, and other shark models. Gwenith Bowker-Bafna, a fifthgrader, said the presentation “helped me learn about the sharks that are often misunderstood.” After Mr. Simpkins’ presentation, we were excited to be able to observe the creatures and plants of the National Aquarium. We were especially excited to see live sharks. The National Aquarium has four live sharks on site: the swell shark, the leopard shark, the horn shark and the chain dogfish, which is a type of cat shark. “I really liked seeing a swell shark for the first time. I loved the pattern on its skin,” said fifth-grader Katie Hester. We also saw unique creatures such as piranhas, American alligators, poison dart frogs and more. Not only did we get valuable research for our shark essays, we also enjoyed our time together as a class, as well as learning about many other species. — Isabela McDonald and Nina Nichols, fifth-graders

Lafayette Elementary

The Bees were buzzing around Lafayette recently. Late in January in Ms. Jackson’s classroom, there was a Geography Bee. Six fifth-graders participated: Anaily Acosta, Daniel Freymann, Maddie Gold, Elijah Hayes-Miller See Dispatches/Page 19

14 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The CurrenT

The CurrenT

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16 wednesday, February 13, 2013

The CurrenT


Northwest Real Estate ZONING: Georgetown proposal seen as model From Page 1

posal at its March 4 meeting. While not all of his colleagues have yet formally reviewed the draft regulations, Birch said he anticipated positive reactions. With a comprehensive draft of zoning suggestions already prepared for Georgetown, the association appears to be far ahead of groups in other residential neighborhoods that have been flirting with drawing up their own zoning requests. “I don’t know if anybody has started the work,â€? said Jennifer Steingasser, the Planning Office’s deputy director, who attended last week’s meeting. “It takes a lot of time to do the physical structure and infrastructure survey, and building the consensus within the community.â€? Steingasser said that, in conversations with other communities interested in following suit, she has been stressing the amount of commitment required to develop a proposal for the entire neighborhood. “We would be ‌ trying to describe the actions that a community would need to go through to build this consensus,â€? she said. “Half a neighborhood can’t recommend something that the other half doesn’t support.â€? Robin Diener, a Dupont Circle Citizens Association board member, said measuring the success of the Georgetown group will be useful when reviewing the needs of her own neighborhood in the zoning rewrite. “[The Citizens Association of Georgetown] did a great service to the rest of us by helping OP to see that a number of things needed to be changed in the proposal,â€? Diener said.

One lingering point of debate for activists in Georgetown and other neighborhoods is a provision from the Office of Planning that would permit up to four commercial stores per block. “That’s the thing that’s causing the most consternation in the historic districts,� said Diener. “We have commercial streets that work very well. We don’t see the need to expand that in our neighborhoods that are very walkable and livable.� Birch said he thinks that Georgetown already achieves a balance between residential and commercial establishments — even without the Planning Office’s stores provision. Unlike many neighborhoods, Georgetown has a few corner stores on residential streets because they existed prior to the current zoning regulations and were allowed to remain in place. “Much of what the city is looking to accomplish in the zoning rewrite has goals that are about promoting density and multiple use, and it seems to me that those goals are actually embodied in much of the historic character of Georgetown,� Birch said. That particular use provision is a matter that the Office of Planning is fine-tuning citywide, Steingasser said. Steingasser said her office was still looking at how some of the details of the Georgetown association’s proposal — such as certain requested height limits for structures — would fit into the citywide rewrite. If the agency accepts the Georgetown plan, it will incorporate it into the revised zoning provisions it will send to the Zoning Commission for approval later this year.

#1 Agent Company-Wide #1 Agent in Chevy Chase #177 Agent in the USA as reported by the Wall Street Journal

DESIGN: ANC discusses traffic From Page 1

told commissioners that organizers solved the transportation issues last year after neighbors complained. As a result, this year the small delivery trucks will be staged off-site and receive permission to come only after the previous vehicle has left, she said. “We know that with this one we have to be more careful with the timing to prevent trucks from stacking up,� Hayes Long said at the meeting. The deliveries will likely come in a period of two to three days sometime between Feb. 23 and March 31, but the specific dates haven’t yet been set, according to Design House spokesperson Sherry Moeller. Hayes Long said at the neighborhood commission meeting that some trucks would need to back into the home’s driveway, briefly blocking Foxhall Road. “Literally it’s stopping traffic — like what happens when people in the neighborhood have a delivery,� she said. Moeller wrote in a subsequent email to The Current that that won’t be the case. “There will be no traffic jams on delivery days — there are two entrances into the driveway so the truck drives right into the circular driveway, unloads, and drives right out the other side — no backing in required,� she wrote. Volunteers will be on site to assist with deliveries, she added.

Some commissioners also questioned where visitors to the open house will park; that section of Foxhall Road itself permits no onstreet parking, and the Design House’s property can’t accommodate the visitors. Hayes Long responded that guests can park on nearby 44th Street. Commissioners suggested that the Design House encourage guests to park off-site, such as at the American University parking lot, and provide a shuttle. Organizers said that solution would likely be cost-prohibitive, but they will return to the commission’s March meeting to share further details. Although the Design House has been held regularly in Ward 3 — before Spring Valley, it was in Forest Hills — 2013 is the first time it will be in Wesley Heights/Foxhall, according to Skip Singleton, cofounder of the event. “We vetted several homes in different neighborhoods and ultimately selected the Foxhall home due to its size, condition and location,� Singleton wrote in an email to The Current. The newly constructed 14,000-square-foot home at 2507 Foxhall is on the market for $14.9 million and will be sold after the Design House fundraiser is complete. The house will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and from noon to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.

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A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

February 13, 2013 â– Page 17

West End condo offers spacious living in prestigious location


n the West End, world-class hotels and five-star restaurants bolster a chic city lifestyle. Buyers looking to capture their own


piece of this sophistication could find just what they’re seeking in this two-bedroom condominium unit at The Residences at 22 West, located at 1177 22nd St. NW. One of the most striking features of this town-house-style unit is its dramatic 19-foot wall of windows in the open living and dining area. With eastern exposure, the space enjoys generous yet gentle light throughout the day. Thanks to double-paned industrial-grade glass, the windows keep out external noise. An automated mechanism can lower translucent-weave roll shades. The sleek kitchen blends seamlessly with the open floor plan, as appliances are hidden behind custom cabinetry. Home chefs will appreciate the Sub-Zero refrigerator with two freezer drawers, and the Bosch convection and microwave ovens, gas cooktop and dishwasher. Carrera marble on the countertops,

central island and buffet with wet bar create an elegant environment for both food prep and entertaining. Just outside the kitchen is a fully landscaped private garden with rose bushes, a stone patio and a parterre terrace. Mature plants conceal the garden wall, which has an external gate that leads to New Hampshire Avenue. The first-floor bedroom is located just beyond the kitchen. Its floorto-ceiling windows overlook the garden, and come with privacy shades and a retractable screen. Built-in maple-lined closets span the width of one wall. An adjacent full bath on this level features an oversize shower with a frameless glass door, slatetile floors, granite countertops on the vanity, and cabinets that match those in the kitchen. In the hallway are a linen closet and a laundry closet with a Bosch washer and dryer. The unit’s loft-like feeling extends upstairs, where a den perched at the landing overlooks the living and dining areas. The space could easily be converted into a guest bedroom or a home office. A spacious master suite can also be found on this level. The bedroom’s floor-to-ceiling windows

include blackout shades that keep out the morning light when desired. The custom built-in armoire and bureau are lined in maple, as are the closets. The master bath features many luxuries, including a Carrera marble floor with radiant heating, a raised double vanity with Quartzite countertop, a soaking tub and an oversized shower with frameless glass door. With 1,645 square feet of living space, private outdoor space and natural oak wood flooring throughout, this two-story property feels more like a contemporary home than a condominium unit. As an added advantage, it also comes with two parking spaces in the building’s underground garage, as well as a storage unit. Built in 2008, 22 West houses 92 units on its 11 floors, and provides residents with a number of lavish amenities. A rooftop deck offers 360-degree views of the District’s skyline, with clear sight-


Elegance Defined

Chevy Chase Village. Outstanding residence on lovely tree-lined st. True period details, pocket doors, high ceilings. Grand hall, 4-5 BRs, 2.5 BAs + 3rd flr. Porches, balconies & spacious garden. $1,885,000 Penny Mallory 301-654-7902 Beverly Nadel 202-236-7313

Amazing Lifestyle

Town of Chevy Chase, MD. Main level living at its best. Updated & expanded bungalow. 4 BRs, 3.5 BAs, Large unfinished loft. Walkout LL w/au-pair suite. On street pkg for 3 cars Walk to dwntwn Bethesda. $1,295,000 Eric Murtagh 301-652-8971 Karen Kuchins 301-275-2255

Photos by Sean Shanahan

This two-story, 1,645-square-foot condo unit at 22 West is listed for $1,589,000. lines to the Washington National Cathedral in one direction and the Washington Monument in another. There’s also a lap pool with plenty of chaise lounges for relaxing in the sun on warmer days. An abundance of outdoor seating make the rooftop deck a perfect spot to enjoy a morning cup of coffee or to entertain guests after nightfall. Just inside is a shared kitchen with a large Sub-Zero refrigerator and sink, and outside is a gas grill, making party planning a snap. The building also has a doorman as well as front desk, porter and concierge services; a fitness center is available on the penthouse level. Pets are also welcome at 22 West.

Popular Indian restaurant Rasika West End is located at the building’s ground level, and across the street is the Ritz-Carlton hotel, which offers neighborhood residents a discounted room rate. The West End is ideally located within walking distance to shopping in Dupont Circle and Georgetown, as well as to institutions like the Kennedy Center, the World Bank and the State Department. Unit 1-A at 22 West, located at 1177 22nd St. NW, is offered for $1,589,000. Monthly fees are $1,742. For details contact Diana Hart of TTR Sotheby’s International Realty at 202-271-2717 or diana.

Jaquet Listings are Staged to Sell

Standing Proud

Chevy Chase, MD. Inviting 3 BR, 3.5 BA Colonial. Remodeled kitchen & baths. Sun room w/brick wall & wall of windows. Fin. LL w/rm & full bath. Deck, landscaped yard. 1 car garage. 1 mile to Metro, shops. $975,000 Kathi Kershaw 301-613-1613

Top of The Town

The Wow Factor!

Columbia Heights. Fabulous 2 BR, 2 BA condo just blks from Metro & all the action. Newly renovated, MBR w/shower & spa tub. SS appliances, W/D, 9’ ceilings Private fenced patio. $ 415,000 Melissa Snowden  301-325-9843


Urban Convenience

Cleveland Park. Charming 1 bedroom in small 12 unit coop. High ceilings, good light, separate dining area, hrdwd floors. Short walk to Metro. Cats allowed. $279,000. Melissa Chen 202-744-1235 Andrea Evers 202-550-8934

Cleveland Park. Spacious light filled studio w/great views from top floor. Wood burning frpl, granite counters, wall of windows. W/D, Super location. $225,000 Delia McCormick 301-977-7273



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DUPONT 1509 22ND STREET NW 202-464-8400

18 Wednesday, February 13, 2013




The CurrenT

Northwest Real Estate K STREET: DDOT studies ‘premium transit’ options from Georgetown to Union Station

From Page 3

Officials received 20 responses to that request from firms around the world, according to information posted on in November. The next steps will be requests for qualifications and proposals. Georgetown resident Ken Archer, who writes for the Greater Greater Washington blog, said he believes the new “Alternatives Analysis� study is simply a required checkpoint within a federal process. But if it’s an actual step back from the already-developed

plans for the streetcar or K Street busway, he suggested, that would be an unfortunate waste. “If this is actually a rethinking of our approach to K Street, as reflected in our streetcar plan and the K Street transit plan, my response is, why?â€? Archer said. “Why are we studying this yet again?â€? Hameed explained that the city has not yet conducted “a detailed analysis for the entire stretch,â€? and he reiterated the importance of getting “federal partners much more involved in the process ‌ [which could] open the door for potential funding.â€?

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Officials said the study will consider a separate plan to bring a Metro route to the same area in 2040, though Hameed said it’s uncertain “how realistic that plan is.� Archer believes that if the city moves forward with a streetcar line through Georgetown, it should carefully consider two priorities: including an M Street segment and creating a connection to Georgetown University. Inclusion of at least some part of M Street — even if by a loop — would be essential for not turning off riders with the steep uphill walk from the waterfront to Georgetown’s commer-

cial center. “If there’s no visibility on M Street, that’s a huge wasted opportunity,� Archer said. And a link to the university would be vital for transporting employees “to the No. 1 private employer in the city,� Archer said. The Transportation Department will host its transit meeting next Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the American Association for the Advancement of Science at 1200 New York Ave. NW. More information about the project will be available through a website expected to go up next week at

RHEE: Former chancellor talks education policy From Page 1

talk, ticket holders stood in a line that wrapped around the interior of the synagogue’s main hall to have Rhee sign copies of her book, which she dedicated to “the children of Washington, D.C., who deserve the best schools in the world.� Although Rhee faced opposition for many of her decisions as chancellor, she said she “slept well at night� because her actions were based on “good common sense,� and because she was always focused on doing what she thought was “in the best interest of the kids.� Rhee did admit, however, that there were a few things she’d change if she could. “One of things I didn’t manage well when I was in D.C. was to communicate directly and consistently with educators about what I was doing and why,� she said. Rhee became a polarizing figure early during her tenure as chancellor as she sought to revise the way teachers were evaluated and compensated, emphasizing merit — determined by their students’ test scores — over seniority. In 2008 she fired 98 teachers deemed to be “ineffective,� and later that year she closed 23 schools that she identified

as underperforming. While some stakeholders supported Rhee’s decisions, others said they weakened the public school system as students headed in droves to the city’s public charter schools. At last week’s Q&A, Rhee said one of the things she had hoped to accomplish as chancellor was to stop the debate over D.C. public schools versus charter schools, and instead shift the argument to whether a school was effective. “In an ideal state, we’d have a strong traditional school system, a strong charter system, and kids could go to private schools on vouchers,� Rhee said. “The ultimate outcome is to have kids in a great school — and if they can have that at a charter school, then that’s OK.� While Whitmire didn’t press Rhee with too many tough questions, he did ask her about allegations of widespread cheating on the D.C. Comprehensive Assessment System tests from 2008 to 2010, wondering if teachers had incentives to cheat because their bonuses were tied to student test scores. Rhee defended her record by saying that five separate investigations showed that there was no cheating. “Teachers would never compromise their integrity to cheat on a test for a

couple of thousand dollars knowing that it would be cheating the kids.� Later, Rhee said that she wouldn’t want teacher evaluations to be based solely on students’ test scores, but instead said she comes out somewhere in the middle — and suggested that a more fair evaluation might be to base 50 percent on student test scores and the other half on student improvement. When Rhee commented on the problem of ineffective school principals, Whitmire probed the former chancellor about her contentious 2009 decision to remove popular longtime principal Patrick Pope from Georgetown’s Hardy Middle School. At the time, Rhee was accused of making the change so Hardy would become more palatable to wealthy families near the school while disadvantaging out-ofboundary families who comprised much of the enrollment base. “I don’t think I’m going to touch the Hardy situation,� Rhee said. Rhee left her post as chancellor in 2010 after Mayor Adrian Fenty, who appointed her, lost to Vincent Gray. She went on to found StudentsFirst, a nonprofit organization based in Sacramento, Calif., that advocates for educational policy changes around the country.

The Current

DISPATCHES From Page 13 and Brendan Klein. These students prepared for three months learning about physical and political geography, religion, money and locations of special landmarks. There were 12 rounds in the bee, and students earned a point with each question they got right. The questions were hard, but the participants all did a phenomenal job. The second runner-up was Brendan Klein, the first was Torin O’Brien, and the winner was Daniel Freymann. Each student earned a certificate of participation and a T-shirt. Daniel received a medal, too. The winner will represent Lafayette in the upcoming regional competition. Meanwhile, on Jan. 18, 34 students in grades three through five participated in the school Spelling Bee. The first-place winner was fourth-grader Nate Belman. Tying for second place were fifth-grader Anaily Acosta and fourth-grader Linnea Byrne-Kvalsvik. They move on to the cluster bee to spell against several other schools, including Key, Eaton and Oyster-Adams. The top five winners of that bee will go on to the citywide bee in March. — Abby Brickman and Catherine Hammes, fifth-graders

Powell Elementary

Powell has its own city, Pantherville. We have our own cur-

rency, Panther Bucks. We all have “jobs� such as recycling managers or peacekeepers. Each class also has its own museum area, based on what its students are learning in class. Third grade’s is based on recipes with equivalent fractions and wildlife and rain forest preservation. Fourth grade’s is based on legends of volcanoes and rain. Fifth grade’s is based on traveling west. Second grade’s is based on money. In Powell’s City Council group, each council member walks around the school writing down what they like in the school and what could improve. This was called the Community Walk. Powell also had an open house for the lottery for both pre-school and middle school. Principals from Columbia Heights Educational Campus, Hardy Middle School and West Education Campus discussed their middle school programs to our fifth-graders and their parents. At Powell, we use a computer program called ST Math, which kids use to show their math skills inside and outside of school. In school, most classes visit the computer lab three times a week. By the end of the year students are expected to be more than 50 percent finished with the program. — Jeff Williams, fifth-grader

Ross Elementary

This past week the first grade class teamed up with kids in prekindergarten to create “Love Bugs�

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

for Valentine’s Day. The pre-K teacher explained that the firstgrade buddies helped with making the love bug, then the first-grade buddy wrote down the directions and the pre-K buddy drew the pictures to go with the words. The first-grade teacher said the project allowed the students to bond with each other. I interviewed some of the first-graders to find out what they enjoyed about the project. One student said, “I got to do cool things with my buddy.� Another student said, “I liked the hearts and how creative everyone was. This was great for the mind.� The first-graders enjoyed being able to act like teachers for a few hours! They also reflected on their time in pre-kindergarten when they

were able to complete this project with Ross’s current fourth-graders. — Kevin Rivera, fifth-grader


About three weeks ago, Form II took midterm exams for five out of our six classes: English, math, science, history and language (mine being Spanish). The teachers advise students to study over winter break by getting their materials organized and creating study guides with overviews of each subject and each class. It is very annoying that some of winter break has to be wasted this way, but come exam time it turns out to be crucial. For the first two weeks after winter break, all the students are doing everything they can to study



the most, whether it is racing to see who can write more vocabulary definitions faster or seeing which person knows the math equations better. Sharing study guides and critiquing them can be helpful to make sure no one has forgotten something or messed up one of the facts. Exams can be stressful, but they help students learn skills that they can use in high school and college. — Ethan Gilbert, Form II (eighth-grader)

St. Albans School



St. Ann’s Academy

In January we learned about the Greeks in history class. The Greeks believed in a strong body and a strong mind. In math we are learning about the Pythagorean theorem See Dispatches/Page 30






20 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 13

Wednesday february 13 Class ■Housing Counseling Services, a local nonprofit, will present a “Money Matters� workshop to discuss how to build credit, repair damaged credit and dispute errors on credit reports. 6 p.m. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202-667-7712. Concerts ■Students from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music will play works by Da Milano, Takemitsu, Handel, Poulenc, Barber and other composers. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■Chinese pianist Ran Jia will perform a chamber music concert. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370. Discussions and lectures ■Charles Gati and Jakub Grygiel of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies will discuss “Reading the Tea Leaves Again: How Will Obama Deal With Russia and Eastern Europe in His Second Term?� 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 500,

Events Entertainment Bernstein-Offit Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, will discuss “The Role of Congress in CivilMilitary Relations.� 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Lower-level auditorium, BernsteinOffit Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-663-5774. ■David Shambaugh, director of the China Policy Program at George Washington University, will discuss “China Goes Global.� 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■Saru Jayaraman will discuss her book “Behind the Kitchen Door,� about the labor that drives the restaurant industry. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638.

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■Garry Wills, author of “Why Priests? A Failed Tradition,� will examine the history and role of priests and ask whether the church needs them today. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■Andrew Stover, certified sommelier and founder of Vino50 Selections, will present a “road trip� of craft American wines. 7 p.m. $10 to $15; $8 for seniors. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. Films ■The Institute for Policy Studies will present the documentary “Raw Opium: Pain, Pleasure, Profits.� 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■A foreign movie series will feature Wong Kar-Wai’s 1994 film “Chunking Express,� about two Chinese police officers who find love with unusual women. 6:30 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. ■The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities will show the D.C. Office of Cable Television-produced documentary “Enslavement to Emancipation,� about the history of the Compensated Emancipation Act of April 16, 1862, and the single largest attempted slave escape in U.S. history aboard the Pearl. 7 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, 200 I St. SE. ■The Freer Gallery will screen Marc and Nick Francis’ 2010 documentary “When China Met Africa,� about China’s expanding presence in Africa. A discussion with filmmaker Nick Francis via Skype will follow. 7 p.m. Free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■The Human Rights Watch Film Series will feature Beth and George Gage’s 2012 film “Bidder 70.� 7 p.m. $7.52 to $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202419-3456. ■The Lions of Czech Film series will feature Alice Nellis’ 2011 film “Perfect Days.� 8 p.m. $11.50; $9 for students; $8.75 for seniors; $8.50 for ages 12 and younger. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000. Performances ■The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Matty Litwack, Jamel Johnson and David Tveite. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. The Codmother, 1334 U St. NW. ■“Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove� will feature characters and stories from eight classic Disney films. 7:30 p.m. $20 to $80. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328. Performances will continue through Monday at various times. ■Busboys and Poets will host an open mic night for poets. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Thursday, Feb. 14

Thursday february 14

Children’s programs ■The Mount Pleasant Library will host

■Hong Sub Lee, an associate professor at Korea National Defense University, will discuss Russia’s strategic aims in seeking greater influence in Northeast Asia. 4 to 5 p.m. Free. Voesar Conference Room, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■A gallery talk will focus on “Intimacy and Art — The Story of Duncan and Marjorie Phillips.� 6 and 7 p.m. By donation. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-387-2151.

Thursday, february 14 â– Discussion: Brookings Institution senior fellow and former presidential adviser Stephen Hess will discuss his book “Whatever Happened to the Washington Reporters, 19782012,â€? about the career trajectories of D.C. journalists. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. a family Valentine’s Day party with stories and crafts. 4 p.m. Free. Mount Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St. NW. 202-671-3121. â– A Valentine’s Day party will feature crafts, card making, and snacks. 4 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139. Class â– Author Amy Brecount White will host a Victorian bouquet-making demonstration. 1 to 2 p.m. Free. Conservatory Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. Concerts â– Students from the Julliard School will play classical works. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– Virginia ensemble The Last Bison will perform folk music steeped in classical influences. 8 p.m. $10 to $12. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800745-3000. â– The folk music duo Sweater Set will perform a Valentine’s Day concert. 8 p.m. $15. The Fridge DC, 516 1/2 8th St. SE. Discussions and lectures â– Pulitzer Prizewinning author and Harvard University law professor Annette Gordon-Reed will discuss slave life at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Noon. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. â– Finnish naval officer Timo Junttila, attachĂŠ at the Embassy of Finland, will discuss his country’s view on challenges and opportunities in the Arctic. Noon to 1:30 p.m. Free. Conference Room, Mortara Building, Georgetown University, 3600 N St. NW. â– Scholar Joel Frykholm will discuss “The Lost Tycoon: Rediscovering George Kleine, Reframing Early American Cinema.â€? Noon. Free. Room 119, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-3302. â– Filmmaker and poet Nic Askew will discuss his Soul Biographies Human Portrait Film Series. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363.

Films â– The Palestine Center will present Fida Qishta’s documentary “Where Should the Birds Fly,â€? about two young Palestinian women who survived the Israeli strike on Gaza in 2008. 12:30 to 2 p.m. Free; reservations required. The Palestine Center, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1290. â– The Korean Cultural Center’s “K-Cinemaâ€? series will feature Kang Je-kyu’s 2011 epic “My Way,â€? based on true accounts of a Korean man discovered fighting against the Allies in Europe during World War II. A light Korean reception will precede the film. 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Korean Cultural Center, 2370 Massachusetts Ave. NW. The film will be shown again Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. â– Alliance Française de Washington will screen the 2012 comedy “Les Infidèles,â€? a series of seven vignettes. 7 p.m. $4 to $6. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. Performances â– The third annual Matters of the Heart R&B Benefit Showcase will feature poets, singers and comedians, with proceeds benefiting the DC Rape Crisis Center. 7:30 to 10 p.m. $10. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. â– Georgetown University theater students Alice Cash and Swedian Lie will perform their theses — original works that explore identity along the tightrope between reality and fiction. 8 p.m. $5. Devine Studio Theatre, Davis Performing Arts Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. 202-687-2787. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. â– SpeakeasyDC will celebrate Valentine’s Day weekend with “Sucker for Love,â€? a collection of true stories about romance, infatuation, dating and relationships. 8 p.m. $25. Dance Place, 3225 8th St. NE. 202-269-1600. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. â– The Topaz Hotel Bar’s weekly standup show will feature local comics. 8 to 10 p.m. Free. 1733 N St. NW. 202-393-3000. Special events â– Tudor Place will host a Valentine’s Day tea with traditional sandwiches and scones — and later a celebratory cocktail hour. Tea program from noon to 2 p.m.; cocktails from 5 to 7 p.m. $12 to $30; registration required. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. See Events/Page 21

Continued From Page 20 202-965-0400. ■“From Russia With Love: A Valentine’s Day Opening Benefit� will celebrate the new exhibit “Pageant of the Tsars: The Romanov Coronation Albums.� 6 to 9 p.m. $60 to $75. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. ■“Valentine’s Day Dance Trilogy: Angels, Demons, Savages� will feature an exhibition tour, a short performance by electric cellist Wytold, and a suite of short vignettes by CityDance choreographers Lorraine Spiegler, Christopher K. Morgan and Robert Priore and inspired by Jackson Pollock, Alfonso Ossorio and Jean Dubuffet. 6:30 p.m. $20; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. Teen program ■Petworth Library will “un-celebrate� Valentine’s Day with cranky crafts, moody music and treats that are not pink. 4 p.m. Free. Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1188. Feb. 15 Friday, Friday february 15 Concerts ■The Friday Morning Music Club will present a composers concert, featuring works by David Rubenstein, Lawrence Ink, Winifred Hyson and Mark Simon. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-333-2075. ■The Arts Club of Washington will present its new string quartet in residence, the Aeolus Quartet. Noon. Free. Monroe House, Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. ■The Friday Music Series will feature the trio Gerdan performing on acoustic folk art instruments in a celebration of the musical traditions of Eastern Europe. 1:15 p.m. Free. McNeir Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. 202687-2787. ■The Chamber Choir from the Manhattan School of Music will perform works by Monteverdi, Whitacre and others. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■Laurence Cockcroft will discuss his book “Global Corruption: Money, Power, and Ethics in the Modern World.� 10 a.m. Free; reservations required. Room 500, Bernstein-Offit Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■Klaus Welle, secretary general of the European Parliament, will discuss “The European Union’s Response to the Eurozone Crisis: Deeper Integration and Closer Transatlantic Ties.� 11 a.m. Free; reservations required. Rome Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■Anderson House librarian Rachel Jirka will present 18th-century book bindings designed for use on the battlefield. 12:30 p.m. Free. Anderson House, Society of the Cincinnati, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-785-2040. ■Richard Jasnow, professor of Egyptology at Johns Hopkins University, will discuss “A Demotic-Hieractic Fragment of the Book of Fayum.� 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Rome Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University


The Current

Events Entertainment School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■Artists Nate Larson, Anne Elizabeth Moore, Tim Schwartz and Greg Bloom will discuss creative research findings as part of Provisions Library’s “Copy Rights� project, about individual and collective authorship in the digital age. 6:30 p.m. Free. Furthermore, 52 O St. NW. ■Charles Todd will discuss his book “Proof of Guilt,� the latest mystery about Scotland Yard detective Ian Rutledge. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films ■The National Archives will screen “Eagle Has Landed: The Flight of Apollo 11� and other films from its vaults that document NASA’s efforts to land a man on the moon. Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■The Woman’s National Democratic Club will screen Emilio Estevez’s 2010 film “The Way,� about a father who travels to France to collect the remains of his adult son. Bar opens at 6 p.m.; movie begins at 7 p.m. $5 to $15. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202232-7363. ■Busboys and Poets will screen the documentary “We Are Many,� about the global protests against the Iraq War on Feb. 15, 2003. A panel discussion will follow. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202789-2227. ■The Iranian Film Festival 2013 will feature Rambod Javan’s 2011 film “No Men Allowed,� about a schoolgirl who plays matchmaker to her strict headmistress. 7 p.m. free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. The film will be shown again Sunday at 2 p.m. ■“Global Glimpses,� featuring nominees for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, will feature Norway’s entry “Kon-Tiki.� 7 p.m. $9. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. 202-857-7700. The series will continue with screenings on Saturday and Sunday. Performances ■Georgetown University’s Black Movements Dance Theatre will perform new works by student and professional choreographers and performers. 8 p.m. $10; $8 for students. Gonda Theatre, Davis Performing Arts Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. 202687-2787. The performance will repeat Sunday at 8 p.m. ■“The Charlie Viscongage Show� will feature musical guest Margot MacDonald, burlesque danger Cherie Sweetbottom and dating coaches Jeffrey Platts and Melanie Curtin. 9:30 p.m. $15. Fort Fringe - The Shop, 607 New York Ave. NW. Special event ■The University of the District of

Saturday, february 16 ■Performance: The Warner Theatre will host the all-new family musical “Scooby-Doo Live! Musical Mysteries.� 3 and 6 p.m. $25 to $75. Warner Theatre, 513 13th St. NW. 800-551-7328. Columbia will honor its second Athletics Hall of Fame Class. 6 p.m. $100. Maggiano’s Little Italy, 5333 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Feb. 16 Saturday, Saturday february 16 Children’s programs ■“Discover Engineering Family Day,� featuring hands-on activities for ages 4 through 12, will offer a chance to make slime, build a rocket, construct a boat, learn about the science of popcorn and experience a tsunami wave tank. 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■A wintertime family story hour and craft program will include stories, rhymes, music and movement. 3 p.m. Free. Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library, 7420 Georgia Ave. NW. 202-541-6100. ■The Rock Creek Park planetarium will present a program about the birth, life, death and diversity of stars. 4 p.m. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202895-6070. Concerts ■The Friday Morning Music Club will present a student recital. 11 a.m. Free. Ingleside at Rock Creek, 3050 Military

Road NW. 202-333-2075. â– The Music Ministry of the Greater First Baptist Church will present “Trumpets of the Lord.â€? 4 p.m. Free. Greater First Baptist Church, 2701 13th St. NW. 202462-1730. â– Students from the Yale School of Music will perform works by Whittenburg, BartĂłk and contemporary composer David Lang. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– The Washington Performing Arts Society will present violinist Hilary Hahn performing works by FaurĂŠ, Corelli and Bach. 8 p.m. $35 to $95. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– American University’s undergraduate instrumentalists and vocalists will compete in the first round of its annual Concerto and Aria Competition, with finalists performing again the next day. 7 p.m. Free. Abramson Family Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-895-3420. The competition will continue Sunday at 3 p.m. â– Five musicians from Syria and Tunisia will perform new music inspired by Arab traditions and infused with influences from Western classical music and jazz. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-397-7328.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

â– Brazilian classical guitarist Joao Paulo Figueiroa will perform works by Legnani, Bach, Gismonti, Asencio and Assad. 8 p.m. $25; $12.50 for ages 18 through 22; free for ages 18 and younger. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-654-6403. Discussions and lectures â– John N. Maclean will discuss his book “The Esperanza Fire: Arson, Murder, and the Agony of Engine 57.â€? 1 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â– Shelby Smoak will discuss his memoir “Bleeder,â€? about his experiences as a hemophiliac who became HIV-positive after receiving a blood transfusion. 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films â– The Opera in Cinema series will feature John Copley’s production of “La Bohème,â€? the classic opera about 1830s Parisian life. 11 a.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■“The Met: Live in HDâ€? will feature a showing of “Rigoletto.â€? 12:55 p.m. $18 to $24. AMC Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW. â– The National Gallery of Art will presSee Events/Page 22

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22 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Continued From Page 21 ent Thomas Ince’s “One a Minute� and “O Mimi San,� featuring live accompaniment by pianist Andrew Simpson and introductory remarks by author Brian Taves. 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■The National Gallery of Art will screen Michael Roemer and Robert M. Young’s 1964 film “Nothing But a Man,� about a railroad worker in 1960s Alabama. 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Performances ■The Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington will present “My Big Fat Gay Wedding,� featuring love songs from Broadway, guest singer Matt Alber and an on-stage marriage ceremony. 8 p.m. $25 to $55. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-293-1548. ■Pete Bergen’s “Chinese Menu Comedy� will feature improv performances. 10 p.m. $8 to $10. District of Columbia Arts Center, 2438 18th St. NW. 202-4627833. Reading ■Local poets Merrill Leffler, Chloe Yelena Miller (shown) and Yvette Neisser Moreno will read from their works. 3:30 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Special events ■“Presidents Family Day� will feature crafts and performances dedicated to the nation’s past leaders, as well as opportunities for visitors to pose for their own presidential portraits. 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. ■Corcoran Gallery of Art visitors will travel back in time with the music and conversation of a salon from the Age of Enlightenment. Notables from the period such as Thomas Jefferson, Counte de Buffon and Maria Cosway will be portrayed

The Current

Events Entertainment by McLean High School students. 1 to 4 p.m. Free with gallery admission. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-6391700. ■The two-day event “Race In America: Where Are We Now?� will employ authors, activists, politicians, artists and filmmakers to examine contemporary understanding of race issues in the United States. The opening discussion, about race in the Obama era, will feature D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele, White House correspondent Jenee Desmond-Harris and Religious Action Center director Rabbi David Saperstein. 4 p.m. $15 to $20. Goldman Theater, Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Events will continue through Sunday at various venues. ■Politics and Prose will host a night of team trivia at its Modern Times Coffeehouse. 7:30 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. Walks ■A walk through Georgetown will explore vestiges of the vibrant 19th-century African American community in the Herring Hill neighborhood. 2 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-8956070. ■Washington Walks will present the “Columbia Heights Historical Drinkabout,� featuring an exploration of the neighborhood with stops at several of its cafes and bars. 2 to 5 p.m. $20. Details provided upon registration. Sunday, Feb. 17

Sunday february 17

Children’s programs ■A park ranger will host a look at the brightest stars, planets and constellations in this month’s night sky. 1 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202895-6070. ■Children will hear a story about President Abraham Lincoln and then create a special piece of art. 2 to 5 p.m. Free.


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Sunday, february 17 ■Discussion: Roger Wilkins, assistant attorney general in President Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration, will discuss “President Lyndon Johnson and Civil Rights.� 10 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-3478766. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. Concerts ■The Washington Bach Consort and organist J. Reilly Lewis will play an all-Bach program built around his “Great Eighteen Chorales.� 3 p.m. $23 to $65. National Presbyterian Church, 4101 Nebraska Ave. NW. ■“A Musical VETStravaganza� will feature country music stars Mark Wills and David Kroll, along with the West Point Cadet Glee Club and other military ensembles. 3 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. ■The Coastal Carolina University Concert Choir will perform a choral prelude to Evensong. 3:30 p.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-537-6200. ■Chevy Chase Concerts will present Melomanie performing pairings of early and contemporary works. 4 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1 Chevy Chase Circle NW. 202-363-2202. ■The Raphael Trio will perform works from the piano trio repertoire. 4 p.m. $20; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. music. ■The professional Choir of Christ Church will perform the music of William Smith, Clifford Harker and Jacques Arcadelt. 5 p.m. Free. Christ Church, Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW. 202

333-6677. ■Students from the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance will perform works by Schoenfield, Chopin and Mozart, and the university’s saxophone ensemble The Moanin’ Frogs will perform ragtime music. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jam� session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-5279522. ■The Avalon String Quartet and pianist Winston Choi will perform music by the composer Jeffrey Mumford. 6:30 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, National Gallery of Art, 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202842-6941. Discussions and lectures ■George Weigel, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, will discuss his book “Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church.� 1 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■“Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian AvantGarde� will feature panelists Tim Barringer, professor of art history and director of graduate studies at Yale University; Jason Rosenfeld, professor of art history at Marymount Manhattan College; and Diane Waggoner, associate curator of photographs at the National Gallery of Art. 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■Deborah Willis, New York University professor and former curator of the Smithsonian Institution’s Center for African American History and Culture, will lead a panel discussion about the addition of new museums on the National Mall for different racial and ethnic groups in America. 2:30 to 4 p.m. $8 to $10. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. ■Panelists will discuss “Race and the Law in an Age of Scandal.� 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. $8 to $10. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. ■Poet and essayist Gretel Ehrlich will discuss her book “Facing the Wave: A Journey in the Wake of the Tsunami,� about the devastation of Japan’s 2011 tsunami. 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. ■As part of the “Race in America� weekend, a panel discussion about “The Cultural Politics of a City’s Comeback� will feature Washington Post reporter Clinton

Yates, Georgetown University law professor Sheryll Cashin, playwright Sheldon Scott, American University communication professor Angie Chuang and author Amy Alexander. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Film ■The National Gallery of Art will screen Isaki Lacuesta’s 2010 film “All Night Long,� which explores old Hollywood star Ava Gardner’s fascination with Spain. 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Reading ■As part of the monthly “Sunday Kind of Love� series, local poets Sarah Browning, Michele Elliott, Yael Flusberg, Leah Harris, Esther Iverem, Joseph Ross, Melissa Tuckey and Dan Vera will mark the 10th anniversary of DC Poets Against the War with a reading of selections from their work. An open mic event will follow. 5 to 7 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Special event ■The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will host a brunch with live jazz performances of works by Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington. Following brunch, filmmaker Joel Katz will screen his film “White: A Memoir in Color,� about his experience as the son of a Jewish immigrant father who was a professor at Howard University during the civil rights era. MSNBC political analyst Karen Finney will lead a post-screening discussion about transracial adoption with the filmmaker, Georgetown University law professor Peter Edelman and Adoptions Together director Janice Goldwater. 11 a.m. $20 to $25. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Monday, Feb. 18

Monday february 18

Concert ■Musicians Christylez Bacon, Nistha Raj and Wytold will fuse traditional elements of hip-hop with Indian classical and Post-Western classical music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■David Burstein, author of “Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaping Our World,� will discuss his global vision of young social entrepreneurs. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■Hollywood director and producer John Putch will discuss his movie and television career. 7 to 9 p.m. $70; tickets required. National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, 1556 Wisconsin Ave. NW. ■Matt Kepnes, author of “How to See Events/Page 24




The Current

Events Entertainment

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Exhibits look at Pre-Raphaelite, pre-Photoshop artwork


he National Gallery of Art will open two exhibits Sunday. “Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Art and Design, 1848-1900,” on view through May 19, features some 130 paintings, sculptures, works on paper and decorative objects by members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of artists formed in England in 1848.

On exhibit

“Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop,” on view through May 5, presents some 200 works demonstrating that today’s digitally altered photographs are part of a tradition that extends back to the beginning of photography. Located at 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, the museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-737-4215. ■ “Red,” a group show of contemporary and early-20th-century prints by artists who feature the color in their works, will open Friday at the Old Print Gallery with a reception

from 5 to 8 p.m. The exhibit will continue through April 13. Located at 1220 31st St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:20 p.m. 202-965-1818. ■ “On Common Ground: Dominican Republic and Haiti,” featuring contemporary works by emerging artists, will open today at the Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of the America States and continue through May 26. An opening reception will take place today at 6 p.m. Located at 201 18th St. NW, the museum is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-463-0203. ■ “Impressed: Contemporary Editions by Masters of Line, Color, and Composition,” presenting prints by diverse artists, will open today at Robert Brown Gallery and Neptune Fine Art and continue through March 31. Located at 1662 33rd St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-338-0353. ■ “Distributed Process,” featuring paintings

by William Whitaker that reflect on his interest in the invention and experience of painted space, will open Friday at the District of Columbia Arts Center and continue through March 17. An opening reception will take place Friday from 7 to 9 p.m., and the artist will give a talk March 17 at 5 p.m. Located at 2438 18th St. NW, the center is open Wednesday through Sunday from 2 to 7 p.m. 202-462-7833. ■ “Adaptation,” presenting site-specific installations by Victoria Greising, Lisa Kellner and Caitlin Masley, will open Friday at Project 4 and continue through March 9. An opening reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Located at 1353 U St. NW on the third floor, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-232-4340. ■ “Venetian Dream,” featuring paintings by Andrea Way inspired by a dream she had about the evolution of personal linear systems in her work, will open Saturday at Curator’s Office and continue through March 23. An opening reception will take place

“Ferdinand Lured by Ariel,” oil on panel by John Everett Millais, is part of the National Gallery of Art’s exhibition of Pre-Raphaelite art.

Saturday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Located at 1515 14th St. NW, Suite 201, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-387-1008.

Nordic Cool festival kicks off at Kennedy Center


ive productions from Iceland, Norway and Denmark will cement the first week of the Kennedy Center’s Nordic Cool 2013 festival. From Feb. 20 through 22, Iceland’s Vesturport will present its


acclaimed production of Kafka’s “Metamorphosis,” which combines physicality and daring aerial action. The recently transformed Gregor lithely negotiates a gravity-defying split-level set. Norway’s Winter Guests will present “Bird in Magic Rain With Tears” Feb. 20 and 21. This multimedia two-act play examines the intertwined fates of three characters — a conceptual artist grieving over her son’s death, a young male prostitute searching for the truth about his past, and a terminally ill businessman longing for love. On Feb. 23 and 24, Denmark’s Teatret Gruppe 38 will present “Hans Christian, You Must Be an Angel.” Two waiters have the job of their life: to serve a table filled with Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy-tale personalities. Also on Feb. 23 and 24, Denmark’s Teatret will stage “August,” a wordless comedy about the basic things in life. As they take a walk in a dark, empty space, four individuals come across small aspects of life with which everyone struggles. Then, Norway’s National Theatre will present Henrik Ibsen’s classic “Hedda Gabler” Feb. 26 and 27. The emotionally potent drama portrays a woman’s alienation from — and suffocation by — the bourgeois society.

Performance times vary. Tickets cost $18 to $80. 202-467-4600; ■ Georgetown University’s Black Theatre Ensemble will present Naomi Iizuka’s “Polaroid Stories” Feb. 20 through 24 at the Walsh Black Box Theatre. At the feet of the richest and most powerful government in history sit some of the nation’s most destitute youth. This poignant reworking of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” blurs the line between fact and fable through vivid stories of transformation, desperation, retribution and rebirth. Performance times are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $8. The Walsh Black Box Theatre is located on 36th Street between N and Prospect streets NW. 202-687-3838; ■ Washington Stage Guild will present an adaptation of Dante’s “Inferno” Feb. 21 through March 17 at the Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church. Adapted and performed by Stage Guild artistic director Bill Largess, this one-man show — a physical re-imagining of a production that debuted in 2001 — depicts a journey through the underworld. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $20 to $50. The church is located at 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 240582-0050; ■ The George Washington University Department of Theatre & Dance will present its New Plays Festival 2013 Feb. 21 through 24 at the Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre. The sixth annual festival will

17th & Rhode Island Avenue, NW | 202-872-1126


An Icelandic troupe will present “Metamorphosis” as part of the Nordic Cool 2013 festival at the Kennedy Center. feature a commissioned work by Rorschach Theatre co-artistic director Randy Baker in collaboration with George Washington University students. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $10 to $15. The theater is located in the Marvin Center, George Washington University, 800 21st St. NW. 202994-0995; ■ The Kennedy Center will host the U.S. premiere of Amaranta Leyva’s “Sleeping Beauty Dreams” Feb. 16 and 17 in the Family Theater. Performance times are 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday and 1:30 and 4 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $18. 202-467-4600;

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24 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Continued From Page 22 Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter,� will discuss travel tips over pizza and pingpong. 7 p.m. Free. Comet Ping Pong, 5037 Connecticut Ave. NW. Film ■Hip Hop Cinema will screen “Color Outside the Lines,� about black tattoo artists. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Performance ■Political satirist Mark Russell will perform. 7 p.m. $20 to $64. Ford’s Theatre, 511 10th St. NW. 800-982-2787. Special events ■On Presidents Day, Tudor Place will celebrate George Washington with selfguided tours and an exhibit of rare objects

The Current

Events Entertainment tied to the first U.S. president. 10 a.m. to noon. $5 to $10. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202-965-0400. â– In honor of Presidents Day, the Main Reading Room of the Library of Congress will be open to the public. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. Main Reading Room, Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-2905. Tuesday, Feb. 19

Tuesday february 19

Classes ■The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will host a class on how to use social media for genealogical research. 5:30 p.m. Free. Room 311, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■Carole O’Toole will present a class on “Navigating Cancer — Charting Your Journey,� a program for newly diagnosed participants and those in the early stages

of treatment. 6:30 p.m. $10; registration required. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St. NW. Concerts â– Levine School of Music faculty member and pianist Amanda Halstead will perform. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635. â– Gustaf SjĂśkvist’s Chamber Choir, a 33-member Swedish Grammy-nominated ensemble, will perform contemporary Swedish classical music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â– The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra will kick off “Nordic Cool 2013,â€? a monthlong international festival of theater, dance, music and visual arts to highlight the cultures of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The orchestra will perform a program of Nordic works with Danish soprano Inger Dam-Jensen. 7:30 p.m. $10 to $64. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

Tuesday, february 19 â– Concert: Austrian pianist Christoph Traxler will perform selections by Beethoven, Christoph Ehrenfellner and Hanns Jelinek. 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW. 202-8956776.

Discussions and lectures ■The Greater Washington Board of Trade will present a talk by analytics expert and author Bill Franks on the use of advanced analytics to improve a company’s competitive advantage. 8 to 10:30 a.m. $95. Astor Ballroom, St. Regis Hotel, 16th and K streets NW. ■Author Jeffrey Frank will discuss “Ike and Dick: Portrait of a Strange Political Marriage,� about the relationship between Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202357-5000. ■Historian Kobi Kabalek will discuss “Failure and Memory: How the Rescue of Jews During the Holocaust Is Depicted in Post-War German Film.� Noon. Free. Pickford Theater, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-9897. ■Presidential historian Robert Dallek will explore the meaning of effective presidential leadership. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363.

■Moscow State University professor Artem Troitsky will discuss the feminist punk rock group Pussy Riot and the emergence of new Russian protest rock. 4 to 5:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Suite 412, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■Michael Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, will discuss “Spies, Cyber Attacks and Social Media.� 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Free; reservations required. Jack Morton Auditorium, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University, 805 21st St. NW. ■Wade Henderson, CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, will discuss contemporary civil rights issues. 6:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■Panelists will discuss three decades of redevelopment in D.C. and how that history should inform national policies toward cities and neighborhoods. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free; reservations required. National -RKQ ( 0DUORZ *XLWDU 6HULHV SUHVHQWV







Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-2722448. ■D.C. chefs will discuss “Washington, DC Chef’s Table,� a new cookbook by Beth Kanter and Emily Pearl Goodstein. Proof bar manager Adam Bernbach, Firefly executive chef Daniel Bortnick and Sunflower Bakery executive pastry chef Elizabeth Hutter will join the authors to discuss local and Jewish cooking. 7 p.m. $10; tickets required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■Rebecca Sheir and Tara Boyle of WAMU’s “Metro Connection!� will talk about covering D.C. in a sound-rich way. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. rsvp@ ■Essayist Phillip Lopate will discuss his books “Portrait Inside My Head� and “To Show and to Tell: The Craft of Literary Nonfiction.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■Duke Divinity School professor Norman Wirzba will discuss references in Genesis to humans being made “out of the dust,� and humanity’s connection to soil. 7:30 p.m. $10 to $15. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Film ■The 24th annual Black Film Festival will feature RZA’s 2012 film “The Man With the Iron Fists,� about warriors searching for gold in feudal China. 6 p.m. Free. Room A-5, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. Sporting event ■The Washington Wizards will face off against the Toronto Raptors. 7 p.m. $10 to $475. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202397-7328. Wednesday, Feb. 20

Wednesday february 20

Benefit ■“An Evening With Danny Glover� will introduce African Passion Wines, a new South African wine making its debut in the United States, and raise funds to support human rights and social justice in Africa. 6 p.m. $125. Eatonville restaurant, 2121 14th St. NW. Children’s programs ■Jabari Asim and Bryan Collier will present their illustrated children’s book “Fifty Cents and a Dream: Young Booker T. Washington.� 10:30 a.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■In a Smithsonian Institutionsponsored program, children will explore preserving family oral histories and objects while learning about segregation through Calvin Ramsey’s “Ruth and the Green Book� (for ages 8 through 11). 3 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202724-8707. Classes and workshops ■Panelists Barbara Deutsch, Terry Guen and Alit Balk will discuss “Landscape Performance,� including examples from D.C.’s Constitution Square and Chicago’s Millennium Park, as part of a series on “Principles of Sustainable Design.� 9 a.m. to noon. $20; reservations required. Casey Trees Headquarters, 3030 12th St. NE. See Events/Page 25


The Current

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 24 ■Instructor Shannon Ramirez will lead a series of Vinyasa yoga classes in the American University Museum art galleries. 10 to 11 a.m. Free. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-895-1300. ■Instructor Romona Foster will teach social networking tools such as Twitter. 2 p.m. Free. Room 311, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202727-0321. ■Corcoran College of Art + Design graduate Natalie Jackson will lead a bookmaking workshop, with supplies, light snacks and wine provided. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $20 to $35. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. ■Joelle Novey, director of the Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light, will lead a five-week course about the scientific basics and moral implications of climate change. 7 p.m. $100; tickets required. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-537-2228. The course will meet each Wednesday through March 27. Concerts ■Soprano Elizabeth Baker and pianist Nathaniel MacArthur, both Georgetown University students, will explore spiritual life through music. 5 to 6 p.m. Free. Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■Tangoorkesteri Unto features six virtuosos who will perform a program of classic Finnish tango music. 6 p.m. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■A team of adventurers who hope to traverse the Antarctic continent along the same route planned by Sir Ernest Shackleton in 1914 will discuss the ill-fated early expedition and their plans for 2014. 11:30 a.m. Free. West Dining Room, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-7450. ■Tom Piazza will discuss his book “The Southern Journey of Alan Lomax:

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Words, Photographs, and Music.� Noon. Free. Montpelier Room, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5502. ■Journalist Jack Hamilton will discuss the current state of foreign news coverage, and what it may mean for diplomacy in the future. Noon to 1:30 p.m. Free. Mortara Building, Georgetown University, 3600 N St. NW. usforeignnewsanddiplomacy. ■The Georgetown University Program for Jewish Civilization will open a conference on secularism in the United States, France and Israel with panel discussions on “America: A Christian Nation or a Secular Nation?� and “French Laicite: What Does It Stand For?� 2 and 4 p.m. Free. Bunn Intercultural Center Auditorium, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■Designer Charlotte Moss will discuss her book “Charlotte Moss: A Visual Life — Scrapbooks, Collages, and Inspirations.� 6 p.m. $10 to $20; $7 for students. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. ■Keith Merrill, artistic director of the New York-based Noel and Company, will discuss “The Sublime World of Noel Coward.� 6:45 to 9 p.m. $25. S. Dillon

Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■Jess Bravin, Supreme Court correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, will discuss his book “The Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■Randy Cohen, The New York Times’ original “Ethicist,� will discuss his book “Be Good: How to Navigate the Ethics of Everything� in conversation with Moment Magazine editor Nadine Epstein. 7:30 to 9 p.m. $8 to $10. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. ■National Geographic contributing writer Alexandra Fuller will discuss her memoir “Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness� and her childhood in Zambabwe. 7:30 p.m. $20 to $22. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. 202-8577700. ■“DC Startup Forum: Network Like an Entrepreneur,� offering insider tips on networking across the technology community,

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Films ■The Palestine Center will screen Ana Nogueira and Eron Davidson’s documentary “Roadmap to Apartheid.� 12:30 to 2 p.m. Free; reservations required. The Palestine Center, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1290. ■The Human Rights Watch Film Series will feature “Putin’s Kiss,� about a young woman growing up in the Kremlin-created Nashi youth movement. 7 p.m. $7.52 to $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■The National Archives will screen Malik Bendjelloul and Simon Chinn’s documentary “Searching for Sugar Man� as part of its showcase of Academy Awardnominated documentaries and shorts. 7 p.m. Free; tickets available one hour

beforehand. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202357-5000. ■“Courtyard Cinema Classics� will feature Michel Hazanavicius’ 2011 film “The Artist.� 7 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and F streets NW. 202-6331000. Performances ■The Happenings at the Harman series will present the Next Reflex Dance Collective. Noon. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. ■A Story League contest will focus on tales about sexuality, and a panel of judges will decide the winner at the end of the night. 9 to 11 p.m. $10. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. Special event ■The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America will celebrate George Washington’s birthday with cocktails and a discussion of Washington’s life by scholar Stephen A. McLeod. 6 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St. NW.

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will feature Jen Consalvo, co-founder and chief operating officer of Tech Cocktail, a tech-focused media company. 8 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Wechsler Theater, Mary Graydon Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW.

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30 Wednesday, February 13, 2013


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From Page 19 and playing a fun game called “Math Hoops.” In science we learned about plants and seedless reproduction, and in language arts we are researching topics for our Black History Month presentations. In January eighth-grader Gabriela Garay won our annual Geography Bee. We also had our first Spelling Bee, and the two winners were seventh-graders Claudio Espinoza and Sainphorine Ewale. The seventh- and eighth-graders went to Studio Theatre to see “An Iliad,” an anti-war play based on Homer’s famous poem about the Trojan War. — Ellis Davis, seventh-grader

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School

I am a new student at St. Patrick’s, but I already felt welcome after my first month. Soon after school started, we went on a threeday field trip called Wilderness Adventure. The trip was meant for making new friends and learning how to work as a team. By the time we got back, I felt as if I had been at St. Patrick’s for years. One of the most exciting activities that I have tried is fencing. We have learned the basic positions and the lunge, and we have started fencing each other. In the fall, I played on the junior varsity soccer team. Once a week, I go to choir with my friends. We have a concert each trimester. Three days a week, I go to after-school study hall and work with my classmates to finish homework, study for tests and quizzes, and work on special projects. I’m also looking forward to a field trip at the end of the year called “The Dig.” There, my friends and I will work together to bury artifacts we have made and excavate artifacts made by another homeroom. The artifacts represent a fictional society and will tell us about its culture, government, economy and religion. — Jesse Fishbein, fifth-grader

School Without Walls

Personal Services

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Positive Reinforcement Private Dog Training & Classes in Kensington, MD (301)565-3734

Ace Window Cleaning, Co. Family owned and operated for over 20 years using careful workmanship 301-656-9274 Chevy Chase, MD Licensed • Bonded • Insured • We also offer glass, screen, and sash cord repair service


When students come to school their freshman year, they are told they need to start fundraising for things they’ll enjoy as seniors, such as class T-shirts, a class trip, prom, and graduation caps and gowns. Each class elects a group of students to represent the class and work with the Student Government Association to raise funds. Some of this year’s fundraising activities include numerous bake sales, T-shirt sales and movie nights. In addition, various dances are held over the span of the year. One of the student body’s particular favorites is happening right now: “valograms.” Valograms are special gifts that a pupil can choose to send a friend or a person of interest in honor of Valentine’s Day. Students have the option of choosing a balloon, a note, assorted candy, a rose or a song to send their

peers. Each one costs $1 to $3. — Eleonore Edgell, 11th-grader

Shepherd Elementary

Shepherd’s girls basketball team recently ended its season with a record of 1-7. The girls fought hard and never gave up. We are hoping to be better next year and go further. The team’s last game was played at Lafayette against Key. Shepherd lost but we were very aggressive. The boys basketball team’s regular season is over but it is in the playoffs now. The Mustangs ended the regular season with a 27-25 win over Janney. Good job on the win, Mustangs! With a 7-1 record, the team is now seeded No. 2 in the North, and started its playoff games on Monday at Lafayette. We should support the boys as they get closer to the championship game, which is on Wednesday. — London Downing, fourth-grader

Sheridan School

A few weeks ago, Mr. Briar’s math class started a new chapter, both literally and figuratively. For most of the year the class had been using a textbook, but Mr. Briar, working with Mr. Hewlett, started using the Khan Academy website to teach their students. While things haven’t changed drastically in the last few days, their homework is made up of watching informational videos and then answering questions about them. In class the next day Mr. Briar is able to see whether or not people are doing all right, whether or not they did the homework, and how fast they have progressed. This is called a flipped classroom. Overall the math class thought Khan Academy was a great source. “I normally like being able to ask a question when I’m learning something new, but Khan Academy is super helpful and answers all my questions,” said one student. — Ellie Kimmelman and Vishnu Ramasawmy, eighth-graders

Washington Latin Public Charter School

On Dec. 14, journalist Jeanne Saddler visited Washington Latin to speak to the Model United Nations club and school newspaper about her career in journalism and travel abroad. Saddler was once a columnist and Washington correspondent for The Wall Street Journal and is now the public affairs director at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Before beginning her career, she worked for the school newspaper throughout her high school life, and she was bumped up to editor of her high school newspaper. Saddler said journalism “opens opportunities. All your experiences can really help you.” Her career has enabled her to travel abroad. “You have to know what is news, and know how to report it in an effective manner, but that is also what makes the job so exciting,” she said. “Not one day is ever the same as the previous one.” — Kelly Rivera, 11th-grader

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 31

The CurrenT


This stately Kalorama residence built circa 1925, offers formal entertaining and comfortable living space with expansive rear and side grounds. $4,150,000 | MICHAEL RANKIN +1 202 271 3344 ALEX VENDIttI +1 202 550 8872 111 1111


Featured in “House Beautiful,” this 5BR/3.5BA townhouse + Carriage House was renovated under the supervision of interior designer Barry Dixon. $3,100,000 | CLAuDIA DONOVAN +1 202 251 7011 RICHARD sEAtON +1 202 907 80371


First time on the market in over 40 years., this beautiful home is on one of Wesley Heights’ most desired streets. $2,995,000 | sARAH DAHLGREN tALCOtt +1 202 365 0056

NEw ADDItIONs: We are proud to announce that Sarah Howard, Jennifer Knoll, Sarah Talcott, Lindsay Lucas,

Glen Sutton, Jason Allen-Rouman, Ed Burke, Catherine Triantis and Dana Cruz have joined the firm.


On one of the most sought-after blocks in Chevy Chase Village, this classic American Foursquare recently went through a complete renovation. $2,650,000 JONAtHAN tAYLOR +1 202 276 3344 HONOR INGERsOLL +1 202 297 9681



Designed by architect Mark McInturff, this contemporary has won many architectural awards. The signature tower boasts an oculus. $1,995,000 | ZELDA HELLER +1 202 257 1226


Stunning architectural, approx 4200 sf of interior space on 1/3 acre. Open floor plan w/ sunlight and soaring spaces. $1,185,000 | CLAuDIA DONOVAN +1 202 251 7011 RICHARD sEAtON +1 202 907 80371

Lovingly cared for by present owners for over 30 years, this large colonial with 4 finished levels is situated on a 15000 sf lot with off-street parking. $949,000 | sALLY McLuCKIE +1 202 297 0300



This sun-filled and impeccably maintained 1BR is beautifully appointed and overlooks Rock Creek Park in an elegant, boutique building. $529,000 | GARY wICKs +1 202 486 8393

VIRGINIA BROKERAGE | +1 703 319 3344 GEORGEtOwN, DC BROKERAGE | +1 202 333 1212 DOwNtOwN, DC BROKERAGE | +1 202 234 3344 MARYLAND BROKERAGE | +1 301 967 3344

Sophisticated loft living in this expansive 1BR + den penthouse unit with a private balcony and garage parking on a quiet block in Adams Morgan. $474,900 | JEFF sACHsE +1 202 285 6450 RICK QuINONEs +1 703.346.0363


This Colonial boasts elegant style and spacious formal areas, walk-out lower level, media and game rooms, and is renovated throughout. $1,500,000 | ROBIN wAuGH +1 703 819 8809


Exquisite Colonial, circa 1935, expanded and upgraded. Features include original character, granite kitchen, screened porch and 2 car cottage Garage. $789,000 | KELLY wILLIAMs +1 202 588 2788 LOIC PRItCHEtt +1 202 550 9666


Luxurious Glover Park condo offers contemporary, open floor plan, wood floors, balcony, generous storage space, in-home laundry, and garage parking. $375,000 | J.P. MONtALVAN +1 301 922 3700

©MMXIII TTR Sotheby’s International Realty, licensed real estate broker. Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Equal housing opportunity. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Price and availability subject to change.

32 Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The CurrenT


associatEs, inc. rEaltors®

Wesley Heights, DC


Capitol Hill, DC


Observatory Circle, DC


Mount Pleasant, DC


Beautifully Renovated

Exquisite New Construction

Steps to Metro!

The Colonnade

Opportunity to customize! Private setting adjacent to Battery Kemble Park. 4 finished levels (7,200 square feet), 2-car garage (third garage possible).

Spacious, 1-bedroom, 1-bath with parking. Granite counters, hardwoods, stainless, walkin closet, washer/dryer, and private patio. Pet friendly building with multiple roof decks.

Totally renovated from top to bottom. Sunny one bedroom at prestigious Colonnade. Open floor plan on 6th floor, overlooking wooded area. Full service building – small pets okay.

Tom Williams Alyssa Crilley

Anslie Stokes Milligan 202.270.1081

Kelly Basheer Garrett Allison Brigati

Chevy Chase, MD

Bethesda, MD

202.255.3650 301.325.0079 $260,000



Joan Caton Cromwell 202.441.8912 Town of Kensington, MD


10 su Op 40 n e 9 F da n aw y HO ce 2/1 u tt 7 se St , 1 – 2 -4 08 95

Columbia Heights, DC

202.258.7362 240.475.3384

3-bedroom, 3.5bath rowhouse. This lovely home retains its vintage character but offers modern conveniences such as an open plan kitchen, main level powder room and luxury master bath. This gracious home backs up to Rock Creek Park.

City Living at its Best!

Somerset House I

Sophisticated Treasure

Fabulous Blend of Old and New!

Lovely 1-bedroom with updated kitchen and bath, bamboo floors, granite counter tops, and great natural light. 3 blocks to Metro and close to dining, night life, and shopping.

2,870 square foot, 20th floor Penthouse with 1,029 square foot wrap-around terrace. Large living areas and steps to vibrant urban activity.

Privately situated on a 23,085-SF lot, this elegant home features a kitchen with breakfast nook, family room, large sun room overlooking pool, and attached two-car garage.

Expanded period Colonial features 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, open floor plan, lower level living suite and 2-car garage. Walk to EVERYTHING! WJ school cluster.

Kate Bertles Hennigan 202.321.3427

Juanita Fogelman Frank Snodgrass

Alyssa Crilley 301.325.0079

Kathy Byars 240.372.9708

301.523.2620 202.257.0978


Your business doesn’t get better by chance – it gets better by change. Learn how our unparalleled support systems can help your business grow.Experience the difference at McEnearney Associates. Contact: Kirsten Williams 202.552.5650, for more information. Chevy Chase, MD


Kensington, MD


Alexandria, VA


Bryce Resort, VA


Kenwood Courts

This quaint community of six spacious townhomes in a nook has the conveniences of shopping, restaurants, transportation, the Crescent Trail, playgrounds, and much more. 987 square feet on each of 3 levels, plus garage on lower level.

Robert Shaffer 202.365.6674

Kensington Heights


4-bedroom luxury home with 3.5 baths. Great country kitchen with breakfast nook and family room. Finished basement with rec room, den, and a full bath.

Rare 4-bedroom, 2-bath with 2-car garage! Conveniently located above the Resort to catch afternoon breezes. Screened porch and ample decks for outdoor entertainment.

Mark Hudson 301.641.6266

Sue Schumacher 202.422.5503

Kate & Kevin Brennan 240.731.3974


~ Established 1980 ~

Bryce Retreat

Light-filled, updated & expanded Cape. This home has it all. Hardwood floors, formal living & dining rooms, brick fireplace & expanded beautiful kitchen. Absolutely stunning home.


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