GT 05-22-2013 1

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Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Vol. XXII, No. 42

The Georgetown Current

Ambulance scheduling changes eyed

Pepco, D.C. propose to underground wires

not so baad

■ Utilities: Surcharge would

pay for $1 billion initiative

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Firefighter and paramedic unions are continuing to oppose a “redeployment” proposal that would shake up the city’s ambulance and paramedic scheduling, reducing the emergency services available at night. Mayor Vincent Gray and Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department Chief Kenneth Ellerbe want to drop the District’s consistent 24-hour availability of emergency vehicles and personnel in favor of a schedule that deploys the most resources at times of peak demand. As proposed, this would make the most ambulances and paramedics available between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., and offer no “advanced life support” units — ambulances staffed by highly trained paramedics instead of emergency medical technicians — from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. Just 15 percent of service calls come during those six hours, and just a third of calls in total require a paramedic, the agency says. Accordingly, the limited call volSee Ambulances/Page 19

By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

First the pain, then the gain. Starting next year, Pepco and city contractors hope to start putting 60 high-voltage feeder lines underground, winding up in six or seven years. The work is projected to yield a nearly 60 percent reduction in the frequency and duration of power outages that have plagued District residents as climate change triggers more violent storms.

Danger leads Tudor Place to remove 220-year-old oak Brian Kapur/The Current

Guy Mason Recreation Center hosted the first-ever D.C. State Athletic Association softball championship on Saturday. National Cathedral senior Kinza Baad led the Eagles past Maret 3-2 to take the title. See story, page 13.

Ellington School to premiere student’s opera By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

When Juan Amaya was a young child, he started writing short stories to entertain himself. As an elementary school student, he taught himself how to play the saxophone and later the viola. Now, as a high school senior at Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Amaya has brought his two passions together by writing and composing an original opera. Called “Cinde’ella,” the opera brings a religious twist to the classic Cinderella story. It will premiere at Ellington this weekend — marking the first time the Burleith public arts school has produced an original opera created by a single student.

Bill Petros/The Current

Juan Amaya has written a twist on the classic tale of Cinderella.

Amaya has spent nearly three years working on the piece, composing the music and writing the libretto. His teachers say it’s a remarkable accomplishment for any high school student, particularly one who had no



Howard Town Center faces hurdles with landmark proposal — Page 5

That’s the major proposal from a task force formed by Mayor Vincent Gray after last June’s “derecho” toppled trees and wires, leaving more than 100,000 households and businesses without power for days during a heat wave. “This,” Gray said at a news conference last Wednesday announcing the plan, “is a game-changer.” Officials say they plan to “selectively underground” some 60 feeder or distribution lines with the worst record of outages in wards 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 — all outlying wards where electricity is largely supplied overhead. Roughly half of the city, in See Pepco/Page 30

Ice cream shop, restaurant lease dispute heats up — Page 3

formal training in music composition before arriving at Ellington. “Juan was determined to learn how to compose, and he’s gone from zero to 100 during the past four years,” said Janet Peachey, a music theory and composition teacher at Ellington who has worked with Amaya on “Cinde’ella” since the beginning. The opera is “full of brilliant melodies and really original, great ideas for how to set the text and illustrate the story musically,” she added. “There’s something vital and exciting about a piece created by someone so young, and ‘Cinde’ella’ has that quality.” Amaya’s first exposure to opera See Opera/Page 19

■ Trees: Estate concerned

about evident root failure

By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

Limb by limb, piece by piece, a 220-year-old white oak tree came down at Georgetown’s Tudor Place Historic House and Garden last week because of concerns that it could fall over during the coming summer storm season. The oak tree, which stood more than 100 feet high on the north side of the property, had been noticeably leaning south for some time, said Suzanne Bouchard, director of gardens and grounds at the 31st Street estate, which was built by Martha Washington’s granddaughter. Bouchard had also noticed that the soil was beginning to crack around the roots of the tree — a sign of root failure that increased the likelihood of collapse, she said. And with the summer’s storms right around the corner, she said, Tudor Place couldn’t take the chance of such an enormous tree falling over on a main walkway.

Bill Petros/The Current

A historic oak tree was taken down at Tudor Place last week after fears of collapse.

If the tree fell, it would damage the estate’s formal garden, said Bouchard. While Tudor Place’s staffers had initially anticipated that the removal procedure would take only about three days, the work lasted from Monday through Friday. See Tree/Page 8



Seniors lead Maret to MAC baseball championship — Page 13

Calendar/20 Classifieds/29 District Digest/4 Exhibits/23 In Your Neighborhood/18 Opinion/10

Police Report/6 Real Estate/17 School Dispatches/15 Service Directory/26 Sports/13 Theater/23

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2 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The CurrenT

ch n g The Current W ednesday, May 22, 2013


Max’s still hoping to stay in Glover Park spot even as landlords speak out By KATIE PEARCE Current Staff Writer

Max’s Best Ice Cream in Glover Park is negotiating options to stay in place for the summer or longer, despite the confirmed decision of the store’s landlords to let the lease lapse. In response to community reactions, the landlords of the property at 2416 Wisconsin Ave. — sisters Barbara and Gail Bassin — yesterday released a statement standing by their decision. The Bassins intend to create a “new, long-term lease” with Rocklands Barbeque and Grilling Co. that allows the restaurant to expand into the space that Max’s has occupied for the past 20 years.

It’s unclear when that transition will happen, though. The attorney for owner Mahmood “Max” Keshani, who asked not to be named, said the different parties are “moving forward with negotiations” to keep the popular neighborhood ice cream shop around a while longer, ideally past summer. Originally, the landlords had told Keshani that his lease would end June 30. “I don’t think Max is planning on leaving by June 30,” the attorney said. “The current plan is that we’re going to stay in place and continue to sell ice cream until we’re out of options.” The statement from the Bassin sisters on Tuesday morning came in response to the recent outpouring of neighborhood support for

Bill Petros/The Current

Plans call for Rocklands to expand into the ice cream shop next door.

Max’s, including a petition on, a “Save Max’s” Facebook page and even a chanting rally from neighborhood schoolkids. The public statement also responded to some negative “recent media and community atten-

tion,” the sisters wrote. “Some of this attention has unfairly resulted in casting Rockland’s Barbeque or our property management company in an unfavorable light, which we, as landlords, feel is grossly unfair, misinformed, and unjustified,” the Bassins wrote. Rocklands owner John Snedden said in an interview yesterday that he’s thankful the landlords put out the statement. “It helps demystify what’s going on, and helps give pertinent information to people,” he said. The negative reaction to Max’s closing, he said, has put him in an uncomfortable position of being blamed directly for the landlords’ decisions. See Lease/Page 7

School facilities plan draws Chevy Chase commissioner retires after 34 years critique over scope, priorities By KATIE PEARCE

By DEIRDRE BANNON Current Staff Writer

The 2013 plan for D.C. public schools facilities, which for the first time includes recommendations for charter schools, still drew much scrutiny at a D.C. Council Education Committee hearing this month. “Educational facility planning in the District, quite simply, is lacking,” at-large Council member David Catania said at the May 2 hearing. The 2013 Public Education Master Facilities Plan, produced by the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education, suggests that charters be co-located at underutilized traditional public school buildings. It also recommends that more data be collected from charter schools in order to develop strategies for providing them access to quality facilities. But Catania, who chairs the Education Committee, said the plan should dig deeper, and that it does not sufficiently address many charter schools’ immediate needs for improved facilities. And he criticized the document — which he noted was submitted two months late — and Mayor Vincent Gray’s Capital Improvement Plan for being “disconnected” when the two are intended to reinforce one another. The plans express different priorities for school modernization: the Capital Improvement Plan gives higher importance to modernizing traditional public high schools despite their decreasing enrollment, while the Master Facilities Plan points to a greater need to modernize elementary and middle schools, where the demand for seats is rising. The D.C. Code requires the city to develop a public education facilities plan that describes the condition, capacity and expected capital needs of public school buildings, and to submit that plan to the council for approval every five years. The 2013 document was part of a multiyear effort between the deputy mayor for education and the D.C. Department of General Services,

which worked with two architecture firms to help assess the city’s inventory of public schools. The facilities plan outlines broad, sweeping goals for schools, identifying those in immediate need of modernization. However, the plan doesn’t prioritize the projects; instead it lays out short- and longterm strategies such as “target capital resources in clusters with the greatest facility need and large, school-aged populations,” and “prioritize modernization of school facilities that serve middle school grades in clusters of greatest need.” The plan also suggests reassessing the “phased modernization approach,” in which schools are updated, and it calls for upgrading the main entrance of every school. The administration contracted with architecture firms Ayers Saint Gross Architects + Planners and Fielding Nair International to produce the report for $1 million. At-large Council member David Grosso, who also sits on the Education Committee, was critical of the document, saying, “It might be better to call this a framework rather than a plan.” But the freshman council member supported the strategy that would invest first in elementary and middle schools, and he identified Garrison Elementary in Logan Circle as a prime example of a school in dire need of modernization that is also seeing big jumps in anticipated enrollment. Both residents who testified at the hearing and committee members said the schools with the greatest need for renovations and the biggest demand for seats should receive modernization funding first. But there wasn’t always agreement on which schools fit that bill. High schools advocate Cathy Reilly called for the full modernization of Roosevelt High. Administration officials recently decided not to modernize all of the classrooms, saying enrollment is unlikely to reach the building’s capacity and the funds can be better spent on other projects. See Schools/Page 8

Current Staff Writer

D.C.’s advisory neighborhood commission system started up in 1976. Allen Beach joined three years later, as a commissioner in Chevy Chase. And then he stuck with it. For 34 years. This month, Beach retired with the unofficial title of the city’s longest-serving commissioner. He’s known as the expert of all things Chevy Chase and also as the cheerfully cantankerous fixture at commission meetings with encyclopedic knowledge of the D.C. Code. At a recent meeting, fellow commissioner Carolyn Cook shared a bit of advice she received upon first joining Beach’s commission. “My predecessor said, ‘Sit next to Allen and you’ll be fine,’” she said. Beach has seen a lot of changes during his time on the panel. When he started out, “this was our method of communication,” he said in a recent interview, pointing to an old landline phone. Now, of course, it’s all Internet. Beach sees pluses and minuses to online civic participation. “By posting something on a list-

Bill Petros/The Current

Allen Beach, the city’s longest-serving advisory neighborhood commissioner, retired this month.

serv, [people] can exercise their voice without actually having to do anything,” he said. Some things haven’t changed. Beach pulled out a battered old notebook — the commission’s “petty See Beach/Page 16

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Current

District Digest Council budget plan repeals tax on bonds

D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said Tuesday that he will ask the full council to repeal a controversial tax on out-of-state municipal bonds as part of its deliberations on the city’s fiscal 2014 budget. The tax, enacted three years ago, has not yet been implemented amid continuing debate about its impact on seniors who depend on tax-free bond interest for retirement. Supporters of the tax argue that the benefits from its repeal would flow disproportionately to more affluent investors, and that most other states tax such income. In this year’s budget proposal, Mayor Vincent Gray urged a total repeal, as Ward 3 Council member Mary Cheh had sought. Mendelson, at a news briefing, also said that the budget for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 will contain no new taxes or tax increases. But he is recommending a series of fee and fare increases — on parking in street sweeping zones, and in Circulator bus fares, for example — that total about $7 million. He argued that the various fee and fare hikes are “minimal� in the context of a $12 billion budget, and said the additional revenue will help pay for increases in social services, property tax relief for the low income, senior-oriented programs, and funds to help the homeless. The $7 million in new fees is “very small� in relative terms, Mendelson said. “We still have lots of needs not fully or adequately met.� “Many view the budget as a test of wills between the council and executive,� the chairman said. “I

don’t.� He said the proposals he’s recommending to the council are modest “changes around the edges.� The full council is scheduled to meet today to take a final vote on the budget numbers, as well an initial vote on the Budget Support Act, which contains the tax and legislative measures needed to support it. A final vote on the Budget Support Act is slated for June 18. — Elizabeth Wiener

Area students named Presidential Scholars

Wilson High School senior Isabel Di Rosa and St. Albans School senior Cameron Thariani have been selected as the District’s two 2013 Presidential Scholars. Di Rosa, a Chevy Chase resident and a member of the National Honor Society, will attend Princeton University in the fall. She is photo editor of the school newspaper, a contributor to Wilson’s literary magazine and a participant in The Future Project. Thariani, a Spring Valley resident, will attend Harvard University in the fall. He will graduate cum laude next month from St. Albans, where he is editor in chief of the official school newspaper and the official school yearbook. He is also co-president of the school’s government club and the Model United Nations Club, co-head of the student tutoring program, and founder and head of the economics club. The Northwest residents were two of 141 high school seniors from across the country selected as Presidential Scholars out of a pool of more than 3,800 students. The recipients will be honored during four days of events in D.C. in mid-

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June. A White House commission made its selections based on essays, transcripts, evidence of leadership and community service, and broadbased academic achievement.

HAWK signal debuts in Cleveland Park

The D.C. Department of Transportation activated a new HAWK (High-Intensity Activated crossWalK) signal last week on Connecticut Avenue between Ordway and Macomb streets NW. The mid-block signal — the fifth of its kind in the city — allows pedestrians to activate a red light so they can safely cross the busy road. HAWKS are dark until activated, when they turn to flashing yellow, solid yellow, red and then flashing red. While D.C. law requires that drivers stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, a quarter of motorists fail to do so on busy roads, according to a release from the Transportation Department. At Monday’s Cleveland ParkWoodley Park advisory neighborhood commission meeting, commissioner Lee Brian Reba complained that tree branches are blocking drivers’ views of the signal. The city trimmed a few branches after he complained but the pruning was insufficient, according to Reba. Details on HAWK signals can be found at

Spring Valley work uncovers shell, glass The Spring Valley munitions cleanup project recently uncovered an empty 75-millimeter shell and


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small pieces of glassware, which the Army Corps of Engineers found to be harmless, officials recently told the Restoration Advisory Board. Workers found the items at 4825 Glenbrook Road while preparing to install a wall that will protect the community during the cleanup project there, according to Army project manager Dan Noble. The contamination stems from American University’s use as an Army testing station during World War I, when munitions and other materiel were left in the woods that became the Spring Valley community. The Army will also soon install a protective tent over a portion of the Glenbrook property where officials expect to find a contaminated burial pit of chemical munitions — under the basement of a house that was demolished on the site. Installation will take place over the next two weeks, and excavation there is scheduled to last from Aug. 5 through April 2014. Sequestrationmandated furloughs may affect the work schedule, Noble added. The Army Corps has been working in Spring Valley for the last two decades, and is slated to wrap up its work in the community in November 2015, unless unexpected further contamination is uncovered.

UDC taps Rogers as VP for advancement

The University of the District of Columbia has hired a former D.C. city administrator as its new vice president for university advancement, according to a news release. Michael Rogers, city administrator and deputy mayor for operations from 1995 to 1997, was most recently a management consultant with his own firm. He previously served as executive vice president for corporate services at MedStar

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Health, and as executive director of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. He also had a stint as vice chair and CEO of DC Healthcare System Inc., parent company of DC Chartered Health Plan. In his new position, he will oversee the university’s efforts in development, strategic planning, communications, federal and state affairs, and alumni relations. “The University of the District of Columbia has a rich history, and I am very proud to have the opportunity to help lead it into what I know will be a bright and prosperous future,� Rogers says in the release.

Proposal would allow smart meter opt-out

Two D.C. Council members have proposed legislation to allow customers concerned about potential health, safety and privacy impacts to opt out of having “smart� electricity meters installed on their homes. In 2009, the council passed legislation authorizing power companies to install these new meters, which send data on electricity usage to the companies via electromagnetic frequencies and thus eliminate the need for meter readers. “I heard from many residents both during the committee’s oversight hearings and through many phone calls to my office about their concerns with the smart meter program,� Ward 5 Council member Kenyan McDuffie, who introduced the new bill along with Ward 7’s Yvette Alexander, said in a news release. “There is a lot of debate about the safety of smart meters; however, I believe this is about giving customers a choice.� The D.C. Public Service Commission has ruled that it lacks the authority to allow customers to opt out. McDuffie’s legislation calls for the commission to establish opt-out options.

Sibley Hospital gets ‘stroke center’ status Sibley Memorial Hospital recently won recognition as a “primary stroke center,� according to a news release from the hospital. After an on-site review at Sibley this month, the Joint Commission, in conjunction the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association, granted the hospital the new advanced certification. The designation goes to treatment programs that demonstrate “critical elements of performance to achieve long-term success in improving outcomes for stroke patients,� the release says.


As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-567-2011.

The Current Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Landmark bids may alter Howard Town Center plans By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

Howard Town Center, a long-stalled redevelopment plan pushed by both Howard University and the District’s economic development office, is in limbo because another arm of the District government wants to grant landmark protections to two buildings that Howard’s developer hopes to demolish. Tomorrow, the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board will consider historic designation applications from the D.C. Preservation League for both the 1929 Bond Bread factory and 1930 Washington Railway and Electric

Co. garage. The buildings occupy the southern half of the planned town center site fronting Georgia Avenue between V and Bryant streets. If they accept the nominations, board members will then consider a hastily revised plan by developer Cohen Cos. to retain some portions of the bus garage as well as the facade and other parts of the bread factory. They would be incorporated into an ambitious mixed-use development in the 2100 block of Georgia facing the Howard campus: offices and six floors of condos atop retail space, including a 41,000-square-foot grocery store. The city’s Historic Preservation Office endorsed the landmark nominations, citing the

“impressiveâ€? art deco architecture and both buildings’ role in the city’s industrial history. And it’s opposing even the revised construction plans. “Even with the retained portions proposed for incorporation into the project ‌ demolition is not consistent with the purposes of the preservation actâ€? if the buildings are landmarked, wrote deputy preservation officer Steve Callcott in a report that will be presented to the board Thursday. And that’s not the end of what has already been a years-long development saga. Cohen Cos. has already scheduled a June 7 hearing before the Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preser-

Courtesy of the D.C. Historic Preservation Office

The board will decide Thursday whether to make the Bond Bread factory a landmark.

vation, seeking approval of the demolition to make way for a “project of special merit.� Interestingly, the mayor’s agent is Office of See Howard/Page 8

The week ahead Wednesday, May 22

The D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed 14th and U streets moratorium zone, which would restrict new liquor licenses in the area. The meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. in Suite 400S of the Reeves Center, 2000 14th St. NW. ■The National Park Service will hold a public information meeting to present the findings from the feasibility study on a “nonmotorized boathouse zone� along the Georgetown waterfront. The meeting will consist of an open house with a short presentation; staff members will be on hand to answer questions. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. ■The D.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting to present design plans for a “green alley� project adjoining Q Street, Q Place and 45th Street NW. The project will include permeable pavement and bioretention planters to manage stormwater in the alley. The meeting will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. at Hardy Recreation Center, 4500 Q St. NW. ■Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A and the Douglas Development Corp. will discuss a proposal for a mixed-use project at Georgia and Eastern avenues with 220 residential units over retail that would include a Harris Teeter supermarket. The discussion will include requested public amenities that would be proffered under the planned-unit development process. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the neighborhood commission office, 7820 Eastern Ave. NW.

Thursday, May 23

The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board will hold its monthly meeting at 9 a.m. in Room 220 South, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. Agenda items include proposed landmark designation of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church on 16th Street and the District of Columbia War Memorial in West Potomac Park. â– The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities will host its annual grants kickoff, which will include a discussion of new funding opportunities for D.C. artists and arts organizations. The event will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Lincoln Theatre, 1215 U St. NW. To RSVP, visit â– D.C. officials and the group Friends of Georgetown Waterfront Park will hold a ceremony to dedicate the Senator Charles H. Percy Plaza at Wisconsin Avenue and K Street NW. The event will begin at 4 p.m. â– The D.C. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration will host a public meeting to discuss the Union Station to Georgetown Premium Transit Service Alternatives Analysis Study. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Carnegie Library, 801 K St. NW. â– The Ward 3 Democratic Committee will hold its regular meeting, which will feature a talk by Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans on the budget and other topics. The meeting will begin at 7:15 p.m. at the Methodist Home of D.C., 4901 Connecticut Ave. NW.

Tuesday, May 28

The D.C. Department of Transportation and neighborhood organizations will sponsor a community meeting on parking in Georgetown and Burleith. Department representatives will give an overview of the situation and seek input on parking issues and priorities based on the agency’s available tools. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 3240 O St. NW.

Wednesday, May 29

AFS Intercultural Programs will hold an information session for area families interested in hosting high school exchange students for the 2013-14 school year. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. For details contact Jennie Schmalzle at 301-606-1642 or â– The Citizens Association of Georgetown will hold its annual awards and election meeting at 7 p.m. at Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St. NW.

Thursday, May 30

Janney Elementary School will host an American Red Cross blood drive from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium at the school, 4130 Albemarle St. NW. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-RED-CROSS, or visit and search by Sponsor Code 05311835. Prospective volunteers are asked to contact Patty Furco at or 559-836-9802.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013



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The Current

Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from May 13 through 19 in local police service areas.

psa PSA 101 101 â– downtown

Robbery â– K and 13th streets; 7:40 p.m. May 13. â– 14th Street and New York Avenue; 11 a.m. May 17. Motor vehicle theft â– 9th and G streets; 7 p.m. May 18. â– 900-999 block, 10th St.; 12:41 p.m. May 19. Theft â– 1000-1099 block, F St.; 10:28 p.m. May 15. â– 1000-1099 block, F St.; 2:25 p.m. May 16. â– 1000-1099 block, F St.; 5:05 p.m. May 16. â– 1200-1299 block, G St.; 8:30 p.m. May 16. â– 1000-1101 block, 11th St.; 9:40 p.m. May 16. â– 14th and I streets; 11:50 p.m. May 17. â– 1200-1399 block, Constitution Avenue; 1:30 p.m. May 19.

psa 102

â– Gallery PSA 102 place


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Robbery â– 462-599 block, Indiana Ave.; 4:21 p.m. May 13 (with gun). â– 700-899 block, K St.; 9:15 a.m. May 17. â– 800-899 block, H St.; 6:36 p.m. May 18. Assault with a dangerous weapon â– 600-699 block, H St.; 7 p.m. May 15. Motor vehicle theft â– 600-699 block, F St.; 5:21 p.m. May 16. Theft from auto â– K and 5th streets; 12:14 a.m. May 16. Theft â– 400-499 block, 7th St.; 2:46 p.m. May 13. â– 400-499 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 8:56 a.m. May 14. â– 500-599 block, H St.; 1:36 p.m. May 15. â– 800-899 block, 9th St.; 2:41 p.m. May 16. â– 800-899 block, H St.; 8:40 p.m. May 16. â– K and 5th streets; 11:08 p.m. May 16. â– 500-599 block, H St.; 11:32 p.m. May 17. â– 700-799 block, 7th St.; 2:51 p.m. May 18. â– 400-499 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 10:10 p.m. May 19.

psa PSA 201 201

â– chevy chase

Burglary â– 3200-3299 block, Military Road; 6:15 p.m. May 13.

â– 3800-3899 block, Legation St.; 6:24 p.m. May 13. Motor vehicle theft â– 6016-6099 block, Western Ave.; 10:47 a.m. May 14. â– 3400-3599 block, Quesada St.; 9:10 a.m. May 16. Theft from auto â– 3700-3799 block, Huntington St.; 7:21 a.m. May 15. â– 5518-5599 block, 39th St.; 10:10 a.m. May 15. â– 3741-3899 block, Military Road; 10:15 a.m. May 17. â– 3400-3499 block, Oliver St.; 12:27 p.m. May 17. â– 3500-3599 block, Overlook Lane; 11:16 a.m. May 19.

psa 202

â– Friendship Heights PSA 202

Tenleytown / AU Park

Robbery â– 4530-4599 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 4:27 p.m. May 15. Burglary â– 4600-4699 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 11:14 a.m. May 14. Theft from auto â– 4500-4599 block, Warren St.; 8:03 a.m. May 14. â– 4300-4399 block, Harrison St.; 6:40 p.m. May 14. â– 5100-5199 block, 42nd St.; 8 p.m. May 14. â– 4200-4299 block, Brandywine St.; 8:24 p.m. May 14. â– Belt Road and 41st Street; 8 a.m. May 15. â– 3900-3999 block, Huntington St.; 8:06 a.m. May 15. â– 5100-5199 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 12:51 p.m. May 15. â– 4600-4699 block, Albemarle St.; 1:59 p.m. May 16. â– 4803-4831 block, 47th St.; 10:02 a.m. May 17. Theft â– 4500-4599 block, Fort Drive; 3:02 p.m. May 13. â– 4500-4531 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 8:04 p.m. May 14. â– 4700-4799 block, Ellicott St.; 4:10 p.m. May 15.

psa 203

â– forest PSA 203 hills / van ness

cleveland park

Robbery â– 4200-4225 block, Connecticut Ave.; 6 p.m. May 16. â– 4200-4225 block, Connecticut Ave.; 6 p.m. May 16. Theft from auto â– 2740-2851 block, Porter St.; 2:09 p.m. May 13. â– 2900-3099 block, Van Ness St.; 6:30 a.m. May 14. â– Williamsburg Lane and Porter Street; 7 p.m. May 15. â– 3000-3099 block, Sedgwick St.; 5:15 a.m. May 17. â– 3000-3099 block, Sedgwick St.; 5:30 a.m. May 17. â– 3300-3399 block, 27th St.; 2:31 p.m. May 18. â– 5234-5277 block, Nebraska Ave.; 8:54 p.m. May 19.

Theft â– 5000-5099 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:15 a.m. May 16. â– 5000-5099 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:32 a.m. May 16. â– 4300-4418 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:21 p.m. May 16. â– 2900-3099 block, Van Ness St.; 12:21 a.m. May 19. â– 3700-3899 block, Connecticut Ave.; 10 a.m. May 19.

psa 204

â– Massachusetts avenue

heights / cleveland park woodley park / Glover PSA 204

park / cathedral heights

Burglary â– 3706-3819 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 5:44 p.m. May 15. Motor vehicle theft â– 4200-4299 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 11:37 p.m. May 16. Theft from auto â– 3900-3999 block, Watson Place; 8 a.m. May 15. â– 2651-2899 block, Calvert St.; 8:37 p.m. May 15. â– 2700-2799 block, Macomb St.; 5:10 a.m. May 17. Theft â– 2730-2854 block, Connecticut Ave.; 2:51 p.m. May 16. â– 2400-2698 block, Calvert St.; 1:58 p.m. May 17. â– 2240-2300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 7:50 p.m. May 17. â– 2240-2300 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 8:26 p.m. May 17. â– 2500-2599 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 5:50 p.m. May 18.

psa 205

â– palisades / spring valley PSA 205

Wesley Heights / Foxhall

Burglary â– 5000-5045 block, Overlook Road; 10:06 a.m. May 19. Motor vehicle theft â– 4856-4885 block, MacArthur Blvd.; 12:19 p.m. May 15. â– 1400-1499 block, 44th St.; 6:52 a.m. May 17. Theft from auto â– 4400-4499 block, Lowell St.; 11 a.m. May 16. â– 4400-4498 block, Newark St.; 11:36 a.m. May 18.

psa PSA 206 206

â– georgetown / burleith

Assault with a dangerous weapon â– 3200-3257 block, Prospect St.; 10:40 p.m. May 16 (with knife). Burglary â– 1000-1003 block, Thomas Jefferson St.; 10 a.m. May 16. â– 1500-1599 block, 31st St.; 2:06 a.m. May 17. Theft from auto â– 1738-1899 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 8:38 p.m. May 13. â– 3100-3199 block, K St.; 7:51

a.m. May 15. Theft â– 3808-3899 block, Reservoir Road; 4:53 p.m. May 13. â– 37th and O streets; 2:25 p.m. May 14. â– 1350-1422 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 3:19 p.m. May 14. â– 3100-3199 block, M St.; 11:02 a.m. May 15. â– 3200-3277 block, M St.; 2:36 p.m. May 15. â– 1234-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 2:45 p.m. May 15. â– 3600-3699 block, O St.; 3:35 p.m. May 15. â– 37th and O streets; 4:18 p.m. May 15. â– 1000-1199 block, 30th St.; 5:08 p.m. May 16. â– 1000-1003 block, Thomas Jefferson St.; 2:30 p.m. May 17. â– 1234-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 3:01 p.m. May 17. â– 71-1099 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 9:57 p.m. May 18.

psa 208

â– sheridan-kalorama PSA 208

dupont circle

Sexual abuse â– 2014-2099 block, P St.; midnight May 17. Burglary â– 1700-1771 block, N St.; 8:03 a.m. May 17. Theft from auto â– 1700-1759 block, Q St.; 8:30 p.m. May 13. â– 20th and N streets; 8:34 a.m. May 14. â– N and 18th streets; 1:26 p.m. May 14. â– 1900-1999 block, N St.; 6:49 p.m. May 18. â– 1900-1999 block, N St.; 8:27 p.m. May 18. â– 1820-1899 block, 23rd St.; 10:49 a.m. May 19. Theft â– 1500-1523 block, 15th St.; 9:46 a.m. May 13. â– 1700-1799 block, Rhode Island Ave.; 3 p.m. May 13. â– 1700-1799 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:24 p.m. May 13. â– 1700-1799 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 8 p.m. May 14. â– 1300-1699 block, Connecticut Ave.; 8 p.m. May 15. â– 2002-2031 block, R St.; 8:09 p.m. May 15. â– 1700-1799 block, Rhode Island Ave.; 9:40 a.m. May 17. â– 1300-1699 block, Connecticut Ave.; 2:50 a.m. May 18. â– 17th Street and Rhode Island Avenue; 12:30 p.m. May 18. â– 2000-2029 block, S St.; 5:55 p.m. May 18. â– 1647-1999 block, R St.; 10:43 p.m. May 18. â– 1647-1999 block, R St.; 10:43 p.m. May 18. â– 1200-1215 block, Connecticut Ave.; 10:41 a.m. May 19. â– 1700-1799 block, P St.; 12:04 p.m. May 19. â– 1300-1699 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:53 p.m. May 19.

ch n g The Current W ednesday, May 22, 2013


Dupont ANC backs zoning relief for Connecticut Avenue condo addition By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

The Dupont Circle advisory neighborhood commission this month unanimously supported zoning approvals for a two-story residential addition to the commercial building at 1337 Connecticut Ave. Due to changes made in response to Historic Preservation Review Board concerns, architects will need zoning relief to construct two courtyard areas for planned condominium units. The twin courtyards will be constructed

LEASE From Page 3 It has also made Rocklands a target for harassment. Snedden said there have been two inflamed incidents recently inside his restaurant at 2418 Wisconsin. “Both cases started out where some statement was made to the effect that, ‘You shouldn’t be kicking Max out of the space,’” he said. “It quickly escalated into a string of expletives directed at our staff members … [then] a barrage at customers” who tried to intervene. Snedden said he filed a police report for the second incident. He also said food has been thrown at Rocklands’ small office building nearby, which serves as the administrative headquarters of the local chain. Lease plans call for consolidating Max’s space with the Rocklands property next door, also owned by the Bassins. In their statement, the landlords wrote that they “feel comfortable with our decision to … offer a friendly locally owned restaurant an environment where families and friends can come together in Glover Park twelve months of the year.” The Bassins said their family — longtime Glover Park residents — has “always had a positive relationship with John Snedden,” who for years informally expressed his interest in expanding if the option opened up. The Bassins said they approached Snedden about the new lease this winter. At a recent advisory neighborhood commission meeting, Snedden said he jumped on the opportunity to expand and “assumed Max was retiring.” Keshani, in past interviews with The Current, said he verbally agreed to a new lease extension with his landlords, but never received the paperwork. The Bassins, in their statement, said “it is not clear why Max chose to think the lease would be extended,” and that Keshani was first informed last fall of their intent not to extend the lease. “Max would like to stay in business long enough to pass it down to his grandson,” said his attorney, who had not yet read the statement from the Bassins. But at this point, given “how long that process would play out … [and] the stressors involved, it’s probably settling in a different way,” the attorney said.

at the south and north property lines for condo units that will be built against a party wall. The courtyards — described by architects as similar to balconies — will create exterior space for the two units that will allow for doors and windows. The four-story Dupont building is currently commercial, and initial plans would have constructed three new floors for residential space. But after the Historic Preservation Review Board earlier this year nixed the three-story plan, developers agreed to restrict the construction to two stories of residential units and

to set the top floor 24 feet back from the street. The addition will house 10 to 12 new condo units. Trout Design Studio is heading up the designs for the addition; Valor Construction will eventually take over the building. Michael Beidler, project leader from Trout Design Studio, also appealed to the commission for support of a zoning special exception to shift the proposed building’s mass. The property is currently split between a zone that allows medium- to high-density development as a matter of right, and a more limited development zone. Right now, the

mass of the proposed building goes above what’s allowed in the more limited zone. Beidler said he plans to shift the extra mass back so it falls within the higher-density “C-3C” zoning category. The zoning requests met no objections at the May 8 neighborhood commission meeting, and a resident who lives across the street from the planned development commented that she was excited to finally have more neighbors. The recent requests were “just a technicality,” said Dupont commissioner Leo Dwyer, whose district includes the building.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The Current

TREE: After two centuries, Tudor Place removes great oak due to safety concerns

From Page 1

Careful not to damage other trees nearby, Davey Tree Expert Co. workers essentially disassembled the oak one branch at a time through a system of pulleys and ropes. The project lasted longer than anticipated because of a mix-up about the size of the crane needed on Monday and because of the challenge of addressing a portion of the oak that had been patched in 1919 with concrete and metal. At that time, Bouchard said, arborists treated a large wound in the tree by removing the decay, inserting a metal brace, and patching the section over with concrete. The trunk

grew around and over the brace and cement, as the 20th-century arborists had hoped — but that meant that Davey workers had to cut through 15 feet of metal and cement. The challenging final step required the company to special equipment, Bouchard recalled. Bouchard said the work was initially estimated to cost between $20,000 and $25,000 but may now run higher due to the challenges of the concrete patch. Neighbors stopped by periodically through the week to see how work progressed, and Katz said she and other Tudor Place staff received condolence-like emails from estate trustees and supporters. The drawn-out removal made for a “long,

painful loss,” Katz acknowledged, but she added, “It’s the constant exercise of renewal that’s necessary in caring for trees.” Bouchard said Tudor Place will replace the tree with another white oak later this year. The estate is planning a festival to mark the planting of the new tree, and to “celebrate the tall trees of tomorrow,” said Katz. While Tudor Place researchers had planned to count the tree’s rings to find its age, Bouchard said it was too badly disfigured to get a proper count. “The loss of this majestic tree will reshape Tudor Place’s north landscape,” Tudor Place executive director Leslie Buhler said in a statement. “However, just as previous own-

SCHOOLS: Council weighs plan From Page 3

Reilly, executive director of the Senior High Alliance of Parents, Principals and Educators, argued that Roosevelt’s feeder elementary schools like Powell and Barnard are overcrowded, suggesting that both Roosevelt and the recently shuttered MacFarland Middle could soon be filled to capacity. Parents, she said, are looking to D.C. Public Schools to provide a quality feeder system through high school. But Catania disagreed, saying other area schools, including the many new charters in Ward 4, are drawing many of those students with stronger programming. “So long as [charter schools] are providing a high-quality product, and that is what parents want to have, I am not going to be nostalgic over a building,” he said. “I’m concerned about whether or not we have the highest quality seats available for our kids. Whether it is a charter or a traditional school, I’m

indifferent to that.” Reilly countered by arguing that community members have been “fighting to get those programs in the public schools.” There’s also the looming pressure of the city reaching its debt limit in the next three to five years, which means any project not completed before then could be put on hold indefinitely — making the decisions on modernization timing even more critical. Acting Deputy Mayor for Education Abigail Smith testified that her office would act quickly to identify vacant school buildings that could be offered to charter schools. This week her office followed through with that promise by announcing 16 schools that would be made available for reuse by charters and other organizations. The list includes two in Northwest: the former Langston Elementary School at 33 P St., shuttered in the 1990s, and the Sharpe Health School at 4300 13th St., which will be closed at the end of

ers honored the site’s past while planning for its future, we will replace it with a new white oak in the fall.” Ellen MacNeille Charles, a nearby resident and former president of the Tudor Place Foundation’s board of trustees, said the tree’s bad health was noticeable in the cracked ground around the trunk and the unhealthyappearing root system. It looked like it would take only “a good strong wind to pull it out of the ground,” Charles said. “It’s a very sad thing — we really care about our trees. We take good care of them and keep them pruned and keep them in good shape,” Charles added. “But sometimes age gets ahead of you, and you can’t stop it.”

HOWARD: Landmarks debated From Page 5

Bill Petros/Current file photo

The city plans to modernize only part of Roosevelt High School.

the 2013-2014 school year. Still, Catania said he was hesitant to support the master facilities plan, emphasizing that he doesn’t “want the council to give its blessing to a $1 million report if it wasn’t reflected in the capital priorities as proposed by the mayor.” The council will vote on the plan as part of the Budget Support Act, which will have an initial vote today and another one in June. The Education Committee’s budget report recommended the plan’s approval — despite concerns — as “simply a review of facilities needs in the District and not a planning document for purposes of FY14.”

ute. The decision has to be made legally.” A spokesperson for Howard University, which has taken a somewhat hands-off approach to the project, did not respond to a request for comment. The Howard project has faced

Planning director Harriet Tregoning, who reports to the city’s deputy mayor for planning and economic development — and oversees the Office of Historic Preservation. Callcott, who reviewed the latest plans, explained the oftenconvoluted review process: Landmark nominations can be submitted after a developer has put in an application for a raze permit, as long as the permit is still pending — and that process can take sevCourtesy of the D.C. Historic Preservation Office eral months. “The public notice [of the raze request] The bus barn is one of two buildings on the precipitated the landmark site with pending landmark applications. applications,” he said. many hurdles since the scheme was “The developers were surprised.” Callcott said there has been no first envisioned in 2005. Progress pressure on his office to speed the languished through the recession, a project along. “It’s an important change in developers, and trouble project for the city, and the submis- landing a supermarket tenant. Philasion was unexpected,” he said. “But delphia-based Fresh Grocer has now ultimately this is going to play out at signed on to the deal. Perhaps most ironically, the city the mayor’s agent level, and the deputy mayor respects the process.” in 2008 traded the former bread facDeputy mayor Victor Hoskins tory to Howard in return for a unisaid only that the landmark nomina- versity-owned parcel on Sherman tions “create challenges,” and Avenue, apparently with no idea the referred questions to the Office of bakery might be landmarked. The plan is still controversial. Planning. His office’s website says Howard Town Center will be a “key The D.C. Council recently approved neighborhood anchor in the lower a multimillion-dollar tax abatement Georgia Avenue and upper 7th Street for the development over the objection of Chief Financial Officer NatGreat Streets corridor.” Clearly the process is unsettling war Gandhi, whose analysis indito Cohen Cos., a Rockville firm. cates that no tax break is needed. As Project manager Eric Siegel would part of the current budget debate, say only that he was “surprised” by Mayor Vincent Gray is refusing to the landmark applications, which provide the funding. But Ward 1 Council member Jim came in early February, after his firm applied for raze permits late last Graham is a big backer, sponsoring year. Siegel said he was “uncomfort- the tax abatement in return for the able commenting” while the case is new housing, retail and jobs that he says the project will create. “There is pending. Preservation league director no doubt that this project will bring Rebecca Miller said her organiza- life and vitality to a portion of Geortion, in conversations with Howard gia Avenue,” he wrote in a recent University, was “told the buildings email to backers. Still, Graham said Monday that would be incorporated” into the new development. “Not till the raze he sees the historic merits of the application was submitted” did the bread factory, with its ceramic decoleague know the intent was to take ration and art deco facade. “This is a tough one for me. Here’s a longthem down, she said. Miller also said she’s confident standing, long-awaited project that of a fair hearing by the board and faced many hurdles,” he said. “But mayor’s agent. “They can’t just say, I’m a preservationist, too. I went ‘We need to take these buildings through the [Bond] building, and it’s down.’ They have to meet the stat- very handsome.”

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10 Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The Georgetown


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

Time to go underground

We’re cautiously optimistic about a proposal to bury 60 electrical feeder lines throughout the city in an effort to significantly reduce power outages. The plan comes out of a mayoral task force on power outages that was formed after last summer’s “derecho” storm, which left parts of the city in the steamy dark for days during a heat wave. Notably, the scheme has the backing of both Pepco and the mayor. The big question mark, of course, will be financing. The proposal is to fund the $1 billion project largely through a fee on customers. The small charge would likely be inconsequential to many, and low-income users would be exempt, but the cost could still pose a burden for some in-between folks. And the charge would be levied on all customers, not just those in affected areas — a distinction that might spur objections. The 60 high-voltage feeder lines that the task force proposes burying are located in wards 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8; most wires in the rest of the city are already underground. But as officials have noted, decreased power outages would be a benefit to all. “When a school is closed because of a power outage, how many parents are affected?” Mayor Vincent Gray asked. And many have been calling for years for Pepco to “underground” its wires to address chronic outages. The high cost has long seemed prohibitive, but the new plan would reduce the expected burden by burying only some wires — yet enough to make a significant impact. We’re buoyed in our support by the plan’s backing from Sandra Mattavous-Frye, who represents District consumers as the “people’s counsel” on utility issues. The proposal also drew support from the wide range of participants on the task force, which included government officials, regulators, utility company representatives, public advocates and residents. But the D.C. Council must still sign off as well, and that process will undoubtedly be a long one. We do hope that, should the plan go forward, the city will be particularly careful to make good on its pledge to time undergrounding to coincide with other road work, so as to not cause extra disruption.

Ensuring safety for all

Thousands in the D.C. area biked to work last week, and cycling enthusiasts around the country are celebrating National Bike Month throughout May. Clearly it’s a good time to think about biking safety, so we’re glad that two members of the D.C. Council are working to update laws on the issue. Ward 3’s Mary Cheh and Ward 6’s Tommy Wells introduced legislation a few months back that seeks to improve safety conditions for both cyclists and pedestrians. After a hearing in March, they expect action this summer. We support the goal of improved bicyclist and pedestrian safety, and the bill includes some smart tweaks. Tenets include establishing penalties for drivers whose failure to yield to bikers causes an accident — existing law punishes only those drivers who hit pedestrians, not bikers — and requiring that construction sites that block sidewalks or bike lanes provide safe alternate passage for riders and walkers. But, as ever, we wish the city would crack down on unsafe bikers as well. In launching the March hearing on the measure, Council member Cheh mentioned what she called the “elephant in the room”: the tension between drivers and those on foot and bike. She said people often ask her whether police truly ticket bikers and walkers, as they do drivers, and that she has sought data from the Metropolitan Police Department on that matter. The council member asked those testifying to offer suggestions on how to ease the friction between the three main groups that use our city’s roads. More than once, the answer to that question was to improve the offerings for bikers. As Shane Farthing of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association noted, bikers riding on sidewalks — a major source of frustration for walkers — are actually not as safe as they would be in the street. He said better education on this point — and, perhaps more importantly, better infrastructure for bikers — would limit the practice. We agree, and we believe the city has taken steps in the right direction by building 56 miles of bike lanes and installing 2,300 bike racks. Particularly useful are devices like the cycle tracks that provide a physical barrier between bicycles and cars. But even with more such developments, there will be hurdles to perfect sharing. We believe enforcement is an important component in addressing those challenges — especially for bikers who run red lights and stop signs, causing problems for even those drivers who are trying their best to make room for the bikes.

The Current

One Memorial Day moment …


emorial Day, coming up this weekend, is for remembering those who have died fighting for our country. Veterans Day in November honors all who have served. Your Notebook was a reluctant Naval reservist who in the late 1960s served his active duty here at the Washington Navy Yard. It’s how we first fell in love with local Washington, if not the strict rules of military service. But the Notebook’s extended family has a far more distinguished military record. It began in World War II when the Notebook’s uncle, 2nd Lt. Leslie Peyton Turner, served as a bombardier over France and Germany. Turner’s plane was part of the 783rd Bomb Squadron, 465th Bomb Group, 15th Army Air Force. It was shot down over Germany. Peyton was one of seven crewmen who died. The little town of Haselbach, Germany, is hosting a memorial this summer for the crew members. After the plane was shot down, a German priest gathered their remains and buried them properly. Peyton’s father, upon hearing the news, suffered a heart attack and died months later. Your Notebook’s brother — retired Army officer Ed Sherwood, who lives outside of Atlanta and did the journeyman work to chronicle this family history — will represent the family. Peyton’s memory lives on in the person of Peyton Sherwood, your Notebook’s son, who proudly carries the name. But this is only one small part of one family’s brush with war and service. “Many don’t know or remember the war’s cost in human lives,” writes Ed Sherwood in an article about this one bomber crew. “The [Haselbach] memorial and the crew’s legacy to their families and new generations of Americans and Germans embody the very meaning of Memorial Day — lives given that we may know freedom from tyranny. We have a duty to remember them. Their story lives on.” Now, proceed with your weekend barbecues, baseball games and shopping. But remember for a moment that our freedoms were purchased. And the price was — and always will be — steep. ■ John Wilson remembered. A few former staffers and friends of the late D.C. Council chairman gathered Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial Cemetery in Prince George’s County, just over the District line. They stood around Wilson’s grave marker in the rain, telling heartwarming and funny stories about the civil rights worker and longtime Ward 2 council member who took his own life 20 years ago Sunday. Many thought Wilson would have become mayor in 1994 and rewritten the city’s future. He suffered from depression, but he didn’t suffer fools easily. Thanks to city activist Marie Drissel for prompting the little gathering Sunday.

■ And then there were two(+). Next year’s mayor’s race is picking up a lot of steam this year. Ward 6 D.C. Council member Tommy Wells this past weekend joined Ward 4’s Muriel Bowser in the mayoral boxing ring for the April 1, 2014, Democratic primary. Look for Ward 2’s Jack Evans to jump into the race in a couple of weeks. Former City Administrator Robert Bobb also is asking around — privately, so far — about mounting a possible campaign. At-large Council member David Catania continues to eye a possible independent run in the November election. Mayor Vincent Gray remains intent on running, barring some unpleasant (for Gray) action from U.S. Attorney Ronald Machen. Though the official election is not until next year, candidates must begin collecting signatures in December to qualify in January for the spring ballot. ■ The Wells rollout. Wells took to the rainy city streets for his announcement Saturday. He arrived aboard a regularly scheduled bus for his rally at the intersection of H Street and Benning Road NE. It was a good way for Wells to emphasize his transportation credentials with a common flair. Wells has been one of the council’s principal proponents of bike lanes and public transit. But like most local candidates, Wells began his speech with an attack on the city’s ethics problems, saying there is a “crisis of ethics” in city politics. Wells also addressed other matters, pledging to cut in half juvenile crime within two years and to provide high-performing elementary schools throughout the city that citizens “can walk to.” Wells was standing on one corner of the revitalized H Street shopping and entertainment district. He said he wanted to make sure the whole city is “affordable, livable and walkable.” The word “affordable” was added only recently to the Wells mantra. It addresses the fears that gentrification is causing in some African-American and Latino neighborhoods. Wells is white. There has been no white mayor of Washington since home rule began in 1974. But demographics and political issues are changing. Your Notebook noted only one gaffe by Wells. He failed to introduce his wife, Barbara, from the stage. She stood quietly in the rain holding an umbrella. When the Notebook pointed this out, a chagrined Wells told us that his speech notes had gotten wet and he had mistakenly skipped over her. Being part of the media, we had a nasty follow-up question. Did he need a note to remind him to introduce his wife? Having served our duty as the grating press, we let him move on to greet friendlier people. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor Ivy removal efforts underway in area

In the May 8 Current, Richard R. Randall’s letter to the editor urged action to protect our tree canopy from English ivy. At least for Rock Creek, there is already a program in place. Rock Creek Conservancy has launched a three-year initiative to tackle this invasive vine in the parks and neighborhoods along Rock Creek. English ivy is a threat to Rock Creek’s tree canopy and to the creek itself. Ivy grows up tree trunks into the crown, weakening

and killing trees, which are the park’s glory. The tree canopy also serves as a critical buffer for Rock Creek. Trees reduce damaging stormwater runoff by storing rainfall in the canopy, and create soil conditions that allow water to soak into the ground. English ivy grows on thousands of park trees, and volunteers are key to helping control it. Rock Creek Conservancy organizes volunteer ivy-removal events, and volunteers have worked since November with the National Park Service to cut vines from more than 1,400 trees in D.C.’s Rock Creek Park. Nearly 80 percent of Rock Creek is in Montgomery County, and the conservancy holds volunteer events in county

parks as well. Rock Creek Conservancy is also working to spread the word that ivy weakens trees and that the added weight increases the risk that trees will fall during storms. Cutting ivy at the base of a tree will kill the vine above the cut. Anyone interested in volunteering to save Rock Creek’s trees from this green menace should visit to sign up for an event or to receive our monthly electronic newsletter that lists volunteer opportunities. It is illegal for people to tackle ivy in the park on their own, so please volunteer with a group. Beth Mullin Executive Director, Rock Creek Conservancy

The Current

Delivering on pre-K for every child in D.C. VIEWPOINT vincent gray


n his State of the Union address earlier this year, President Barack Obama put forth a bold plan that would dramatically increase the availability of prekindergarten education programs for low- and moderate-income 3- and 4-year-olds across the nation. When he unveiled his proposed 2014 budget, he included $75 billion to implement the “Preschool for All� program. This is, of course, wonderful news for our nation. In the District, we’ve already delivered pre-K for every child — and it’s making a huge difference. Since 2007, when I became D.C. Council chairman, making high-quality pre-K education available to all D.C. children has been a top priority for me. In 2008, with the help of my then-colleagues on the council, we passed the Pre-K Enhancement and Expansion Act. This legislation not only created hundreds of new pre-K classrooms across our city, but also raised the quality standards for existing pre-K programs. The National Institute for Early Education Research reports that, in 2007, an estimated 28 percent of the District’s 3-year-olds and 64 percent of 4-year-olds were in public pre-K programs. But by the 2011-2012 school year, nearly 70 percent of our 3-year-olds and an amazing 92 percent of our 4-year-olds were enrolled in public pre-K. In fact, the District ranks ahead of all 50 states in our percentage of 3- and 4-year-olds served. Enrollment in pre-K has steadily increased as a result of our efforts to finance pre-K as part of the public education system, and we have worked to increase our quality at the same time. All of our public pre-K programs are bound by a common set of standards that require employment of highly qualified teachers with college degrees and adherence to best practices — such as small class sizes — in early childhood education. And all of the District’s public pre-K programs follow the same set of expectations for what children should know and be able to do when they enter school. The District’s Kindergarten Readiness Standards outline common indicators that research shows are most important. The standards address foundational skills in early literacy and math, but also include skills that will

Letters to the Editor D.C.’s homeless need supportive housing

Thank you for the May 8 article “Homeless bill uses taxes on online retail,� highlighting legislation introduced by D.C. Council members Mary Cheh and Jim Graham. This legislation would make significant progress in ending chronic homelessness in D.C. by providing an investment of nearly $50 million in effective programs that address homelessness, such as permanent supportive housing. Funding is contingent on passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act in Congress, which would allow states to collect taxes on online retail. The chronically homeless make up a small percentage of the overall homeless population in our city. On a given night, there are 1,764 chronically homeless individuals

help children learn how to learn. For example, children must demonstrate progress toward learning how to regulate their behavior, get along with peers and persist at tasks by the time they leave pre-K — all key predictors of success later in life. This investment is crucial for the future not only of our children, but our entire city. Decades of research finds that students who receive high-quality pre-K education are much more likely to do better down the road — including better academic achievement, lower rates of enrollment in special education, lower rates of truancy and involvement in criminal activity, and better chances of employment and higher earnings. Here in the District we are already seeing the early results of our investment, with third-graders who attended pre-K outperforming their peers who did not participate in pre-K on the DC-CAS test in both math and reading. But our work in this arena is far from done. The District is looking at ways to build on our success. One way is by extending the hours and times of year our children have access to nurturing and enriching school environments, including pre-K. The current model — ending the school day well before business hours are over and taking nearly three months off in the summer — does not take maximum advantage of the learning time we have for children. We also need to expand the District’s services for infants and toddlers. Research shows us that brain development during the first three years of life is more significant than in any other period — in fact, 92 percent of brain development takes place by the time a child is 5. Working families need affordable and highquality infant and toddler care. If their baby is home with a parent or relative, families need access to programs such as home visiting that connect them to resources that teach them how to promote their infant’s development. We also are working to better integrate early childhood education with our health care and social services systems, so families with young children have the supports they need outside school. The bottom line is that the District is committed to ensuring that all our children — regardless of their economic background — enter kindergarten fully ready to learn and succeed. We are proud to lead the nation and look forward to doing more. Vincent Gray is the mayor of Washington, D.C.

living in D.C. They are people who have been homeless for a long period of time and have a chronic health or mental health condition. Half of the long-term homeless population is over the age of 47, and the life expectancy of these individuals is 62 years — 10 years less than that of the general population. We have all seen chronically homeless people on the streets of D.C. who are sick, their bodies failing and their mental health deteriorating. For these people, housing is health care. They cannot afford to wait any longer for a safe place to live. The chronically homeless need permanent supportive housing. Permanent supportive housing is a cost-effective intervention that provides affordable housing and support services to our most vulnerable homeless residents. This program allows participants to stabilize their lives and as a result saves the District money on emergency services like hospitalization and inpatient mental health treatment. In

some jurisdictions like Seattle, annual savings from permanent supportive housing have amounted to $30,000 per person. Critical to ending chronic homelessness in D.C. is having enough permanent supportive housing to meet the need, and funding from this legislation could finally make this goal a reality. A committee of the District’s Interagency Council on Homelessness has created a plan to create enough permanent supportive housing to end chronic homelessness by 2020, and with the passage of this legislation, funding could be in place. Ending chronic homelessness in D.C. is not only possible; it is within reach. With the support of the D.C. Council and with immediate and long-term funding for permanent supportive housing, individuals who have struggled on the streets can live out the rest of their lives with dignity, at home. Scott Schenkelberg President and CEO, Miriam’s Kitchen

Letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to

Wednesday, May 22, 2013




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12 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

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District becomes a leader in climate policy VIEWPOINT william j. snape III


t would be ironic if the District of Columbia, which does not possess a real vote in Congress, became the national leader in combating global warming and associated climate change. Thanks to Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh and her colleagues, our fine city could indeed become a model for breaking our country’s addiction to deadly fossil fuels that threaten our public health and jeopardize our children’s future. In March, the council unanimously passed a resolution calling upon President Barack Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency administrator to take action under the U.S. Clean Air Act to reduce overall greenhouse pollutants, particularly carbon, to a level supported by the best available science. As with other harmful air pollutants such as smog, lead and particulate matter, the Environmental Protection Agency has both the authority and responsibility to set what’s called a National Ambient Air Quality Standard for industrial carbon dioxide, methane and other heat-trapping pollutants. D.C. is now part of a group of 57 cities — including Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, Chicago, Kansas City, Salt Lake City, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and Miami — that have called for an effective national greenhouse cap. Just this month, it was announced that for the first time in human history, and the first time in several million years, the level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere now exceeds 400 parts per million. Leading scientists, such as NASA climatologist James Hansen, have calculated we need to get that number down to under 350 parts per million. How do we get to that level? For starters, by enforcing existing federal law, including the highly successful Clean Air Act, to its fullest. The federal government has identified several hundred large industrial sources that, if cleaned up, would significantly reduce our country’s carbon foot-

Letters to the Editor D.C. should become state, not territory

Nelson Rimensnyder supported pursuing territorial status for D.C. because “the direct road to statehood seems blocked for the foreseeable future by opposition from both national political parties” [Letters to the Editor, April 10]. Making D.C. a territory is not a good idea. First, Congress has fully as much power make “all needful Rules and Regulations” for a territory as it has to “exercise exclusive Legislation” over the capital. There is no requirement in the Constitution for Congress to give a territory any better local government, more local autonomy or better tax treatment than the capital. He continues that “by precedent, under our federal system of government, territories, not cities, become states,” but this is wrong both as constitutional law and as precedent. The Constitution provides only that “New States may be admitted to this Union.” The only prohibitions are against the formation of a new state within another state, or the junction of other states, without their consent. As for precedent, neither Texas nor Maine was a territory when admitted, since Texas was an independent republic

print. In addition, properly regulating oil, gas and coal extraction would limit not only carbon dioxide but also methane, a greenhouse pollutant more than 20 times as powerful as carbon. Billions of dollars of annual federal subsidies that now go to the likes of BP, ExxonMobil, Shell and Chevron should be wisely invested in voluntary individual tax credits for solar and wind, which have already benefited the District and possess far more room for growth. The Clean Air Act even has international provisions that ensure reciprocity with foreign nations and fairness to our own. These energy decisions we make are not academic or distant. Hurricane Sandy was a grim harbinger of what is to come if we do not collectively clean up our act. Our city experienced the most intense heat wave on record last year, with more hot weather just around the corner. The Potomac River has risen approximately 1 foot since 1933, and could rise up to 4 feet more over the next century, threatening the Jefferson Memorial, local businesses and vulnerable homeowners. Birdwatchers are acutely aware that radical changes in wildlife migration have occurred over the past decade. Consistent with this “canary in the coal mine” principle, sewer overflows, the rise of infectious disease, and severe respiratory problems have all been explicitly linked to current climate change. Change can be scary, but it’s happening whether we like it or not. The question is whether we will collectively drive the train of change or be run over by it. Major polluters complain that enforcement is expensive but fail to mention that the overall benefits of clean air are roughly 25 times the costs. We can make D.C. a truly great place with wise transportation policies, green zoning ordinances and compliance with existing pollution statutes. The D.C. Council has taken the first step. The next steps are all of ours. We can do it. William J. Snape III, a Palisades resident, is senior counsel at the Center for Biological Diversity and practitioner in residence at American University’s Washington College of Law.

and Maine was part of Massachusetts. Finally, it is absurd to assert that “both” political parties block statehood. Both parties? Let’s look at the record. The 2012 National Republican Party flatly stated: “We oppose statehood for the District of Columbia.” Astonishingly, the very same platform supported admission of Puerto Rico as “a fully sovereign state.” In stark contrast, the 2012 Democratic Platform said: “Every citizen of the United States is entitled to equal citizenship rights, including the 638,000 residents of the nation’s capital who pay federal taxes without representation. The American citizens who live in Washington, D.C., like the citizens of the 50 states, should have full and equal congressional rights and the right to have the laws and budget of their local government respected without congressional interference.” This fully supports statehood, which is the only sure source of equal citizenship and congressional voting rights and of independence from congressional colonial oversight. Mr. Rimensnyder’s own Republican Party is the sole party blocking statehood, in direct contradiction of the 1776 Declaration that governments “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed,” and in outright denial of Republican President Abraham Lincoln’s eloquent statement 150

years ago that ours is a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Vince Treacy Spring Valley

Delivery trucks jam Wisconsin Avenue

The quickest fix for some of the congestion on Wisconsin Avenue in Glover Park is simple: Prohibit delivery trucks from blocking the curb lane during the evening rush hour. Every afternoon after 4 p.m., the curb lane is intermittently blocked by various delivery trucks, causing traffic in the right lane to merge into the one open lane. Unfortunately, we live in a city where for years city officials have said they would rather have people use public transit or bicycles or walk than drive. That dream is unlikely to be realized given that our Metro system was designed as a commuter system rather than for intra-city transit, with the result being that large sections of the city are not served by Metro. Given the city’s bias against automobiles, we are unlikely to see the city take any serious action to improve congestion such as enforcing rush-hour parking rules or — imagine this — putting traffic personnel in major downtown intersections to prevent “blocking the box.” Hays Browning Cathedral Heights


Athletics in Northwest Washington



May 22, 2013 ■ Page 13

The good, the Baad and the city crown By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Brian Kapur/The Current

National Cathedral captains Kinza Baad, above left; Emily Larson, middle; and Sarah Ing, right; all played important roles in the Eagles’ win Saturday. Cathedral earned the first-ever DCSAA softball championship by beating Maret 3-2 at Guy Mason.

After spending a couple days hobbled by an injury to her right foot, National Cathedral senior Kinza Baad traded her crutches for cleats and a bat Saturday. She was determined to play in her final high school game — the inaugural D.C. State Athletic Association softball championship at Guy Mason Recreation Center. “I was on crutches yesterday — technically not allowed to be here today,” Baad said, beaming. “But it was my last game; I had to go.” Despite the injury, Baad ended up with the game’s winning run, handing the Eagles the first-ever DCSAA softball championship with a 3-2 victory over Maret. She scored on an RBI from freshman Ellie Frank. “It was just a really slow moment,” said Baad. “It was such a surreal thing. I was just thinking, ‘This is it, this is it. Once you get to home plate, you’re done.’ I started bawling like a baby. This team has been so much fun to play with. These are some of my favorite teammates that I’ve ever played with.” Baad’s path to the winning run was a painful one. With the game tied at 2-2 at the bottom of the seventh inning, the senior got on base with a hit to the gap between first and second; then, after a miscue by the Maret outfield, she stole second and was approaching third, where she had to grit her teeth and slide to

beat the throw. Afterward, she gingerly got to her feet. “I hated to make her slide, but I had to on that last play,” said firstyear Eagles coach Dave Langley. “She just gutted it out. She’s a gamer.” Baad, who will play for the University of Virginia next spring, left the field Saturday with plenty of

battle scars. Her purple jersey and white pants were caked with infield dirt, and there was a rip in the back of her pants. She also needed to use her crutches again. But she said the chance to take the gold-glove DCSAA tournament trophy and bounce back from the squad’s recent Independent School League title game loss made it all worth it. “I didn’t want to lose the ISL tournament and then lose this,” said Baad. “That just wouldn’t have been right. It fueled a fire in our bellies to win these games and win this tourna-

ment.” The Eagles were led by sophomore pitcher Sarah Ing, who rang up 10 strikeouts. Baad, Frank and sophomore Hannah Manard each had an RBI. Meanwhile, Maret senior Nora Bess notched a pair of RBIs, sophomore pitcher Samantha Roy racked up five strikeouts, and freshman outfielder Sydney Covitz came up with two huge plays to keep the Frogs in the game. Cathedral had taken a quick 1-0 lead at the bottom of the first inning after Ing got on base and stole her way to third and Baad came up with an RBI. But Maret wouldn’t fold, and Bess earned an RBI to tie the contest. After a quick second inning, the Eagles loaded the bases at the bottom of the third and had a chance to build a large lead, but Roy got out of the jam with two strikeouts and just one run. The defensive stand energized the Frogs, who tied the game off another RBI by Bess in the top of the fourth. The match remained tied at two going into the sixth, when Maret had a chance to break the split with two runners in scoring position. But Ing shut them down. “[Ing] has such a great mental focus,” Baad said. “That’s her No. 1 attribute. It seems like every time there are runners at second and third and two outs or some clutch situation, she gets the out.” Maret returned the favor in the See Cathedral/Page 14

Top Frogs: Maret wins MAC tourney By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

When a Flint Hill batter grounded out to end the Mid-Atlantic Athletic Conference title game Thursday, the Frogs raced out of the dugout and dog-piled senior pitcher Andrew Culp. They certainly chose the right player to rally around. Culp delivered 14 strikeouts and led Maret to a 10-2 win over Flint Hill on the Huskies’ home field. “This has been one of our goals all year,” said Culp. “We’ve been playing together for four years. We hang out all the time. We’ve just had the best experience. I trust them; I love them.” Maret’s 12 seniors had won at least a share of the MAC regular-season championship three times over the course of their careers, but they hadn’t tasted the tournament title. Thursday’s win also marked the first time that Maret won both the MAC regular-season and postseason championships in baseball. Flint Hill still earned a share of the crown by tying for the regular-season title. Culp, who will pitch for Tulane next spring,

was the engine behind the victory, allowing no earned runs. “He was dominant today,” said Frogs coach Antoine Williams. “When you can go out and pitch like that, you’re going to win some games.” The pitcher also gave himself some run support by blasting a solo-shot homer and earning three RBIs. “I just tried to stay relaxed at the plate,” said Culp. “We’ve seen these guys twice this year, and I knew how they pitched to me. I was just waiting to see good pitches up in the zone.” It was far from a one-man show, though. With the Frogs leading 4-0 at the top of the fourth inning and the bases loaded, Maret senior Jonathan Korobkin hit what should have been a double. The play initially scored just two runners, but then Korobkin stumbled when he tried to reach second. The senior baited the Huskies into a rundown, and while Korobkin distracted the Flint Hill players, a Frog quietly reached home to balloon Maret’s lead to 7-0. “I just wanted to stay in the rundown as long as possible while he scored,” said Korob-

Brian Kapur/The Current

This year’s Frogs made history by becoming Maret’s first baseball team to win both the MAC regular season and playoff tournament championships. kin. “That play put the nail in the coffin.” Junior Shankar Mani and senior Drew Reid each added an RBI as well. After the game, Williams congratulated senior Adam Zeitler on his third MAC title this year. Zeitler was also part of Maret’s championship soccer and basketball teams. The coach then gave the team the week off from baseball

to enjoy prom and other festivities. That announcement served as a subtle reminder to Zeitler, who proceeded to ask one of the team managers to be his prom date; she accepted. It won’t be the senior’s last challenge of the year. Maret will wrap up its season when the Frogs visit Nationals Park on June 2 with a chance to win the D.C. City Championship.

14 Wednesday, May 22, 2013




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The Current

Northwest Sports

Cubs’ furious rally falls short of the ISL title By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Visitation’s lacrosse team had fallen behind St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes by five goals at halftime. But when the Cubs gathered during the break, the girls weren’t deflated — they were defiant. As the players huddled, one could be heard shouting, “This isn’t over; it’s far from over!� That rallying cry galvanized the Cubs, and they outscored the Saints 6-3 in the second half. But the comeback attempt came up just short as St. Stephen’s hung on to win 14-12. “We were positive at the start of the second half,� said second-year Visitation coach Aubrey Andre. “We knew what we wanted to do, and everybody on the team was so excited. We just knew we were going to dominate. We fought for the 50-50 balls, and we were able to take some great shots.� Visitation’s furious rally impressed Saints coach Kathy Jenkins, whose coaching staff included Andre until two years ago.

“I thought Visi played a great game,� said Jenkins. “They’re a great team. She’s a really good coach and is teaching them the game the way it should be taught.� The Cubs were led by hat tricks from junior midfielder Kelly Myers and senior middie Tess McEvoy. Junior attacker Grayson McPhee and senior attacker Mary Patalita each added two more, and sophomore middie Maggie Jackson and senior Caroline Smith each chipped in a score. On defense, sophomore goalie Mary Cole had four saves. The game started out with offensive fireworks from both teams, resulting in a 3-3 tie after just five minutes of play. The Saints continued to score at a torrid pace and built a 11-6 lead by halftime. Meanwhile Visitation fell into an offensive funk and went scoreless for 14 minutes. After the break, the Cubs outscored the Saints 6-2 to make it a one-goal deficit — a 13-12 score — with 1:08 to play. But that’s where Visitation’s rally ended; the Saints were able to win the ensuing draw and scored an insurance goal with eight seconds to play to hold onto the win.

CATHEDRAL: Eagles edge Maret for DCSAA crown From Page 13

bottom of the sixth, when Covitz made an impressive catch in the outfield to strand two Eagles on base. The move left the game tied going into the final inning. But the Frogs couldn’t make good on that momentum. Ing fanned three batters to bring the Eagles to the plate with the game still tied, setting up Baad and Frank’s gamewinning heroics. “All of the seniors on the team were great girls and great players,� said Frank. “I was just glad that I was able to help them have a happy end of the year.�

Brian Kapur/The Current

Baad was on crutches in the days leading up to the title game, but her foot injury didn’t stop her from playing hard — as evidenced by her muddy uniform and ripped pants.

Sports Desk Cathedral lax takes the ISL A tourney

National Cathedral junior middie Parker Garrett netted six goals while leading the Eagles past Bullis 15-12 to win the Independent School League A tournament last Wednesday. Several of Garrett’s teammates scored two goals apiece: senior attacker Caroline Ferguson and junior midfielders Maddie Freed, Abby Keffer and Erin Napoleon. Sophomore midfielder Lexy Manos added one goal, and sophomore midfielder Abigail Summerville chipped in with two assists. On defense, senior goalie Lulu Weindruch notched eight saves. The Eagles’ victory shocked Bullis, which came into the game with a perfect conference record. Bullis also had thrashed Cathedral 19-6 in the teams’ regularseason matchup on April 9. But the Eagles came into the game unintimidated, even after Bullis scored the first goal of the game just seconds into the contest. The Eagles turned the momentum and built a 12-8 lead by halftime. Cathedral then shifted to a slower, more deliberate pace to drain the clock and limit the Bulldogs’ opportunities. The change in strategy paid off, allowing the team to stall in the final minutes to secure the win.

Gonzaga’s rowers win the Stotesbury Cup

Gonzaga’s top eight boat — Devin Flynn, Leo Toch, David White, Thomas Garvis, Trey Cruser, Frank Vasquez, Kevin McGowan, Mark Roberts and

Matt Petros/The Current

Under the guidance of coach Lindsey Whelan, left, Cathedral won the ISL A tournament.

Anlon McGuigan — edged out St. Albans on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia Saturday to win backto-back Stotesbury Cups. On the girls’ side, National Cathedral’s top eight finished in second place at the prestigious regatta.

Burke cruises to the PVAC softball title

Burke’s softball team captured the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference championship by thrashing Washington International School 38-21 in a fiveinning decision Thursday afternoon at Forest Hills field. The game began May 13 but was suspended after the field permit’s time limit ended. They resumed the game Thursday to fulfill the five-inning minimum.

The Current

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Spotlight on Schools British School of Washington

Last week was sport week at our school. All the students, from primary to secondary, competed for their own houses. All students in the school belong to one. There are four houses in the school: Potomac, Chesapeake, Shenandoah and Patuxent. This is great because we are competing for a team and not for ourselves. It teaches us teamwork. 
 On Monday we did the high jump. On Wednesday, all of the secondary students competed for the track and field event. On Thursday it was “Fun in the Sun� day, and luckily it was sunny and warm. We participated in many different fun relay games. All the teams were very competitive and did their best. Teachers also competed in a tug of war against the students. The teachers won. I enjoyed especially Wednesday as we did a lot of fun games. We all had a great time and did our best to make our house win. The winning house at the end of all the events was Potomac. Chesapeake finished in second; Shenandoah in third; and Patuxent fourth. How and why did Patuxent drop to last place, and how and why did Potomac win? This is not important as we all had a lot of fun and applauded the winners.
 — Crystal Lim and Masha Johansen, Year 8 Houston (seventh-graders)

Edmund Burke School

Track and field is one of the spring sports at Burke. Anyone can join, and there are both high school and middle school teams. I am on the middle school team. This was my first time on the track and field team, so I was nervous. Luckily for me I was not the only one because many people from my grade were just starting. At first I didn’t like it because the practices were long and tiring. However, the coaches were very supportive and helped me get through these difficult days, so I stayed with the team. After the first week of practice I knew that I wanted to do shot put because I have good form and I am also strong. During Monday practices with the high school, the throwing instructor, Emmitt, went over throws like the glide. He also helped us throw it farther by telling us to throw the shot 20 times. Then at the Wednesday and Friday practices we were coached by Michelle. She makes us do striders to improve our running technique. She also teaches us how to prepare for each event. At my first meet I was apprehensive because it was my first time to compete. In shot put I fouled twice, and our team came in last in the 4x100 relay. As the season progressed we have all gotten much better. In shot put Michelle encouraged and helped me, and on my last throw I got 19.10 feet, my


personal best. — Joe Burney III, seventh-grader

Georgetown Day School

On May 11, the boys track and field team clenched its third consecutive Mid-Atlantic Athletic Conference championship title! The team handily defeated rival Sidwell Friends by 103 points, with a final team score of 192 points. In addition, the girls track and field team finished in fifth place out of 16 schools during the Independent School League championships. Both championship meets were held at Holton-Arms, and both the boys and girls teams finished ahead of Wisconsin Avenue rival Sidwell. On May 13, the boys baseball team also put on a thrilling performance in the MAC baseball tournament. In a game that went into extra innings, the squad put forth a valiant effort in a 2-1 loss to the Potomac Panthers. The effective pitching duo of Ben Breuer and Carlton Marshall held the Panthers to just two runs over 10 innings, but they were not supported by any offensive run production. Major changes are expected as the squad will be losing four starting seniors. High school students have already begun the process of enrolling for next year’s classes. Last Friday was “Arena Day,� the final chance for students to make changes to their class schedules before next semester. A student can enter the “arena,� also known as the wrestling room, and request to drop or add specific courses. Final schedules are distributed at the beginning of the next school year. — Carlton Marshall II, 11th-grader

Key Elementary

World Family Day is an annual Key School event that takes place each May. This year World Family Day took place on May 10.

International Key School families represent their country and culture and set up stations — 13 in total. Students and staff visit each “countryâ€? and experience a little bit of that culture through dance, food, games, photographs and demonstrations. The blacktop was very festive with international flags waving from every continent. The stations were brightly decorated with many things, including, dolls, Viking helmets, rugby balls, coffee beans, photographs and instruments. Our principal, Mr. Landeryou, wore a batik shirt from Indonesia. In Japan, students got their name written in Japanese. In Sweden and Denmark, students took a class picture behind a Viking ship. In India and Pakistan, students left with henna designs on their hands. In Spain, students pretended to be “bullsâ€? running through the matador’s cape. ÂĄOlĂŠ! It was a wonderful day for all. All agreed that World Family Day was a lot of fun as well as a chance to learn about countries people did not know about. — Lily Nadel, fifth-grader

Maret School

During the school year, our class has taken care of animals like moths, frogs, chicks and button quail. We learned to take good care of them. We studied birds, and every student was assigned a bird. We became experts on them. We went to the National Zoo and saw many of the birds we had studied. It was a lot of fun, and we learned many interesting facts from each other. Wynne taught us that penguins eat squid. Julian taught us there are

17 types of penguins. Everett taught us that flamingos turn pink because they eat a special shrimp. Xavier taught us that the bald eagle’s wingspan can be 8 feet. Leah taught us that some hummingbirds can flap their wings 75 times a second. From Keaton, we learned that the snowy owl’s wingspan can be five feet. Kate taught us that the downy woodpecker is the smallest of the woodpeckers. From John, we learned that the bald eagle is the national bird of the United States. — Charlotte Cohen, Wynne Williams, John Dowd, Katie Tibbits, Golnar Jalinous and Jaden Hinderlie, second-graders

Murch Elementary

Murch is bleeding more green than blue and gold (our school colors) since there is a new garden teacher, Ms. Kealy Rudersdorf, and a new garden grant. Ms. Kealy came to Murch in March. “Yes. Very excited,� said Ms. Kealy in response to how excited she was to come to Murch. All the classes have had the chance to meet with her and plant some seeds. Now Murch can get more fresh vegetables. “I especially like herbs because of all you can do with them,� said Jack Burke, a third-grader. The third-graders planted an herb family — sage, monarda, basil and an assortment of mints. First we learned how to transplant the plants. Ms. Kealy picked out one or two kids to plant an herb from the family. We got tools to measure the pots and the plants, and we recorded the numbers on a sheet. Then we put the plants in the big pots. Finally we watered the

plants. “I like the garden because all of Murch’s students can learn about science and where our food comes from,� said Ms. Kealy. — Miles Tanner, third-grader

National Presbyterian School

Recently, the Student Council came up with the idea of a school spirit week leading up to Field Day. Field Day is a special tradition at our school when teams of Red and White compete against each other in sporting events. The entire week was full of different fun themes each day. Monday was Wacky Tacky Day, so students wore their wackiest and tackiest clothes. Tuesday was Crazy Hat Day. Wednesday was Backwards Day, and they wore their clothes backwards. Thursday was Pajama Day, for which many students were especially excited to dress up. And finally, the anticipated Field Day came. Everyone had a lot of fun and showed some great school spirit. Student Council members go around to the different grades and tally the points on who participated and who didn’t. Whichever team has more people who participated will win the spirit contest. Everyone had a great time participating in this new tradition. — Amelia Griffin, fifth-grader

Parkmont School

In March, middle school students at Parkmont School started internships. The middle school internship program has been going on since 1982. According to Rose Jaffe, a teacher at Parkmont, See Dispatches/Page 25

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16 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Current

Northwest Real Estate BEACH: After 34 years, Chevy Chase fixture retires from neighborhood commission

From Page 3

cash book.” It contains records (now 82 pages worth) of the group’s spending back to 1976. “There’s my handwriting,” Beach said, pointing to the page toward the start of the book where it first appeared. Beach’s retirement from the commission is part of another big life move. He has just relocated to Gaithersburg, Md., after living in Chevy Chase D.C. almost consistently — in four different homes total — since 1941. He moved as a child to a house on Morrison Street in “November or December of that year,” he recalls — “before Pearl Harbor.” The two breaks he had from Chevy Chase were college (at Dickinson, in Carlisle, Pa.) and “one year in Southwest D.C.,” he said. Growing up, Beach attended local schools — Lafayette Elementary, Deal Junior High and Wilson High. Later, he raised three daughters in Chevy Chase with his wife, Martha, and worked in export promotions programs for Cotton Council International. Beach joined the Chevy Chase advisory neighborhood commission

in the ’70s simply because he was “interested in civic affairs,” he said. Unlike many D.C. commissioners — the system is known for launching a number of local political careers, including that of former Mayor Adrian Fenty — Beach said he had “no interest” in a higher government perch. (Although for a while he held an even greater influence in Chevy Chase as president of the citizens association while also serving on the neighborhood commission.) On the commission, Beach took on his long-lasting role representing single-member district 3G04 when his family moved to a home on Stuyvesant Place in 1984. The commission — which of course has changed faces many times during Beach’s tenure — has made a number of defining decisions for Chevy Chase that many residents wouldn’t even realize. One of the biggest moves, Beach said, was tweaking zoning regulations in the 1980s to prevent a potential community-altering development on Connecticut Avenue between Livingston and Northampton streets. Zoning then allowed for a “multi-neighborhood” develop-

ment there, but Beach worked with city officials to ensure residents got the more modest “neighborhood shopping center” they favored, he said. Zoning maneuvering was also partially responsible, Beach said, for “the very nice town houses” now on the west side of Connecticut near Chevy Chase Parkway. Commissioners “worked hard to keep an apartment building from going up there,” he said. The group also joined in efforts to keep Chevy Chase within a single neighborhood commission after the 2000 Census split the area between wards 3 and 4. “This is the first time that I know of where this happened,” Beach said of his commission’s current ward-straddling status. “It’s worked out relatively well for us,” he said. “The biggest advantage is two council members looking at you.” Though attendance at the commission’s bimonthly meetings at the Chevy Chase Community Center can be meager, residents tend to pay more attention to the controversial issues that impact them directly, Beach said. One of those packed-house issues was the attempt about five years ago to designate parts of Chevy Chase as an official historic district. “In real specific terms,” Beach said, that battle “came down to windows.” Some residents feared historic status could complicate home renovations. When the commission surveyed property owners, two-thirds shot down the idea. “That vote has had ramifications ever since,” Beach

said, pointing out that other D.C. communities exploring historic districts often cite Chevy Chase as an example of how divisive the decision can get. Beach said the only controversy he has seen that rivals historic designation is the one happening right

❝Then we all went down the street and had a drink at the neighborhood bar.❞ — Allen Beach now — outcome yet to be seen — over the proposed apartment development for the vacant lot at 5333 Connecticut Ave. The neighborhood commission dealt with dissension over development plans at the same site in the 1980s. With issues of contention, the commission itself can see internal divisions and dragged-out sparring. But it’s never really personal, Beach said. With one gnarly issue, the commission “debated and debated before finally taking a vote,” he recalled. “Then we all went down the street and had a drink at the neighborhood bar. That’s a hallmark for how our ANC has run.” Asked for juicier anecdotes, Beach said: “I have a couple interesting stories, but I don’t want to tell you.” After his three decades plus on the commission, Beach has mixed thoughts on how much influence the

advisory bodies can actually exert. “I would estimate that of all the letters we’ve written to the D.C. government, we haven’t gotten as much as 5 percent responses,” he said. He believes the system might work better with a more explicit law on the “great weight” commissions are supposed to receive from government agencies. “[It] needs to be more clearly defined so that an agency can’t just ignore you,” he said. But Beach has learned that “the real crux of effectiveness of ANCs” is persistence — hounding the government with follow-up. In one case — pressing for a stop sign at Utah Avenue and Rittenhouse Street — the commission kept at it for 19 years before the sign went up. Last week’s commission meeting was the last for Beach, who’s now 79 with four grandchildren. He said “a number of factors” — including the tree that smashed his home during the “derecho” storm last year — went into the decision that he and his wife would move “out in the country” to the Asbury Methodist Village retirement community in Gaithersburg. At his final meeting on May 13, Ward 4 D.C. Council member Muriel Bowser attended and Beach received the designation of “commissioner emeritus for life.” Beach himself said very little when receiving the honor. But when he started his brief acceptance speech — “As unaccustomed as I am to public speaking … ” — the whole room started laughing. Staff writer Brady Holt contributed to this article.

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A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

May 22, 2013 â– Page 17

Secluded Greystone bungalow invokes romance


ucked inside the Greystone enclave, a cluster of four historic stone houses beside Rock Creek Park, is a Craftsman-


style house known as the “Gearing Bungalow.� Located along a secluded portion of Porter Street, the six-bedroom home at No. 2329 is on the market for $1,750,000. The enclave’s four homes were designated as historic landmarks in 1989, and are known for exemplifying changing attitudes toward integrating architecture with the landscape — in this case the unique environment along Rock Creek Park. Each reflects the era in which it was built, ranging from 1823 to 1929. The Gearing Bungalow, built in 1914, is noted for its use of Arts and Crafts design principles to create a picturesque and romantic setting. Its use of bluestone with grapevine mortar joints and wood siding on the exterior — as well as its gabled roofline, deep front porch and pergola — allow the home to blend easily with its surroundings. The landscaped grounds include

a stone grotto framed around a stream on the north side of the property as well as a sculpture garden, mature trees and flowering plants that resemble an English garden. Wisteria vines, planted when the home was erected, climb the south-facing pergola, joining the home with the landscape. The porch offers a serene spot to take in the surroundings, with the bluestone columns framing the view. There’s lots of room for seating, and at one end is a swing bench. The leaded-glass double front doors open to a grand foyer that shows off the start of detailed millwork that can be found throughout the home, including the staircase’s banisters and finials as well as the herringbone-patterned original oak hardwood floors. The living room features a massive fireplace built of bluestone, spanning floor to ceiling. The stunning coffered ceiling in dark wood adds even more warmth to the space. Across the foyer is the formal dining room, which features oak

Photos courtesy of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

This six-bedroom house in the historic Greystone enclave beside Rock Creek Park is priced at $1,750,000. paneling on the walls and two builtin vitrines. Along the south-facing wall, a set of leaded French doors open to a stone patio and the wisteria-covered pergola. The recently renovated eat-in kitchen includes granite countertops, custom wood cabinets in white and ceramic-tiled flooring. Appliances include two Bosch dishwashers, a Whirlpool refrigerator and a Fisher & Paykel five-burner gas range and oven. Off the main hallway is a bedroom that could be used as a library or an in-law suite. It features builtin bookcases and cabinets with a beamed ceiling and crown molding. Large deep-set windows offer a view of the sculpture garden to the

north. Current owners use this space as a home office and media room. There’s an adjacent full bath with a ceramic-tiled floor and a shower with a glass enclosure. At the top of the split stairway leading to the second level is a period interior stained-glass window with a wreath detail. The hallway opens to a gallery area that current owners lined with bookshelves, creating a comfortable space for reading. On one side of the hallway is the master suite, which spans from the front to the back of the house. It features a spacious walk-in closet

with custom shelving. Its large north-facing windows look out onto the grotto below. The two additional bedrooms on this floor also have generous closet space and leaded windows; one also has an en suite bath with a vintage porcelain pedestal sink and a tub with shower. An updated large bath off the main hallway features marble flooring, a soaking tub and shower, and white subway tiles. The finished lower level has two additional bedrooms, one of which has an exterior door that makes it ideal for a guest or au pair suite. See Greystone/Page 19

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18 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Current

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ANC 1C ANCMorgan 1c Adams

â– adams morgan

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, at Mary’s Center, 2355 Ontario Road NW. Agenda items include: ■announcements. ■consideration of various restaurant alcohol license renewals. ■consideration of proposed development at 1837 Kalorama Road. ■discussion of an Adams Morgan parking survey. ■consideration of various sidewalk cafe applications. ■discussion of meeting space for future commission meetings. ■discussion of a proposed bylaws amendment. For details, call 202-332-2630 or visit ANC 2A ANCBottom 2A Foggy ■Foggy bottom / west end The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, at St. Mary’s Court, 725 24th St. NW. For details, visit ANC 2B ANCCircle 2B Dupont ■dupont circle The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, at the Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW. The commission will hold a series of “listening sessions� on the 17th Street moratorium, which will expire later this year unless the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board renews it. The second meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, June 24, at The Chastleton, 1701 16th St. NW. For details, visit dupontcircleanc. net. ANC 2D ANC 2D Sheridan-Kalorama

â– sheridan-kalorama


The best location in Washington real estate.

The Current Newspapers Northwest, Georgetown, Dupont, Foggy Bottom

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, June 17, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. For details, visit or contact ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown â– Georgetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale

The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 3, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover

â– Glover Park / Cathedral heights

At the commission’s May 9 meeting: ■Mercy Morganfield, AARP DC state president, discussed the organization’s new “Age-Friendly Cities� initiative, an affiliate of a World Health Organization effort launched

Citizens Association of Georgetown

On May 29 at the Dumbarton House, 2715 Q St., our association will host its annual awards ceremony, as well as elections for our board of directors. The slate for the board is as follows: Pamla Moore, president; Bob Vom Eigen, vice president; Barbara Downs, secretary; Jennifer Altemus, president emeritus (sounds sort of scholarly, don’t you think?); and Hazel Denton, Diane Colasanto, Cookie Cruse and Luca Pivato, members. It is a wonderful group of people. We are lucky to have Pam as incoming president. She has lived in the East Village for 23 years, owned a business in Georgetown for 10 years, served on the advisory neighborhood commission, founded and served as president of the Friends of Rose Park, and chaired our association’s historic preservation and zoning committee for the last couple of years. All of that and she is a spectacular person — engaging, thoughtful, informed and friendly. I am excited to see where she takes the organization. We are also honoring some special Georgetowners on May 29. Cookie Cruse will receive the Belin Award; Leslie Buhler, the Cochran Award; Dana Nerenberg, the Atherton Award; Ginger and John Laytham, the Martin-Davidson Award; and Ray Danieli, a special award recognizing his service to the community. Mayor Vincent Gray and Ward 2 Council member Jack Evans will be there to help me present the awards and to give us a “state of Georgetown� update. Safeway has graciously agreed to cater the reception, which will begin at 7 p.m. I look forward to seeing you there. — Jennifer Altemus in 2006. The program, now in its pilot stage in the U.S., seeks to foster public policies that would help make cities friendlier and more welcoming to older adults, with the goal of improving the quality of life for senior citizens. ■commissioners and residents discussed Max’s Best Ice Cream losing its lease after more than 20 years at 2416 Wisconsin Ave., to make room for an expansion of Rocklands Barbeque and Grilling Company next door. Despite significant opposition from the community, commissioners said there was little more they could do than offer a forum for community discussion. ■commissioners voted unanimously to support a plan from the D.C. Department of Transportation and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to establish a D1 bus layover stop on Tunlaw Road near the Russian Embassy. The bus currently idles near the front of Stoddert Elementary School at 4001 Calvert St., which many residents say causes a safety and environmental hazard for schoolchildren. The two agencies will also consider encouraging bus drivers to idle at the beginning of the D1 bus route at 41st Street and Davis Place. The commission opposed the two agencies’ plan to eliminate the bus stop at 41st and Calvert streets, but supported eliminating the bus stop at 39th Street and Davis Place. ■Paul Hoffman of the D.C. Department of Transportation reported that as of the meeting, construction work to reconfigure the intersection at 37th Street and Tunlaw Road did not yet have a start date, but work had been authorized to begin. The project is expected to last four weeks, and during two of those, northbound traffic on 37th Street will be restricted to local traffic. The agency hopes to give residents at least 72 hours’ notice before construction begins. ■commissioner Jackie Blumenthal reported that Mason Inn, a restaurant

and bar at 2408 Wisconsin Ave., has presented a proposed settlement agreement including stipulations regarding its rooftop deck. Terms include closing the deck at midnight on weekends and 11 p.m. on weekdays, prohibiting amplified music, and erecting a sound wall to block noise transmitting to adjacent buildings. Blumenthal said residents who live adjacent to Mason Inn found the terms acceptable but are still working out minor details with the establishment’s owners. ■commissioners voted unanimously to spend $2,500 to hire a neighborhood historian to conduct research on Cathedral Heights, which would be posted on the commission’s website. The same historian wrote a history of Glover Park, which is available on the commission’s website. The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park ■cleveland park / woodley Park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heights Massachusetts Avenue Heights Cathedral Heights The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 17, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. For details, visit ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring ■spring valley / wesley heights Wesley Heights palisades / kent / foxhall The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, in the Community Center at Mann Elementary School, 4430 Newark St. NW. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit

The Current Wednesday, May 22, 2013

GREYSTONE: Parkside location From Page 17

There’s an adjacent kitchenette as well as a full bath with shower. The washer and dryer are on this level, and there’s also an abundance of storage space. The home also features a detached two-car garage, erected a few years after the home was built and also made of stone. While located on a secluded lot, the home is about a half-mile from the Cleveland Park Metro station and is within walking distance of the

abundant trails within Rock Creek Park as well as the National Zoo. The home is also part of the Williamsburg Hollow Association, a neighborhood group that does not charge dues. Members have access to the pool and health club facilities at 2501 Porter St. This six-bedroom, four-bath property at 2329 Porter St. is offered for $1,750,000. For more information contact Camille Gemayel of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage at or 202-210-2314.

AMBULANCES: Shifts debated From Page 1

ume should be left to “basic life support” units and to firefighters on duty who are also trained emergency medical services providers, Ellerbe testified at a hearing Friday held by the D.C. Council Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. This would free up the city to stagger employees’ shifts so a total of 25 ambulances with EMTs — basic life support units — plus 20 advanced life support ambulances are available from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., the time period that sees a third of the daily call volume. Currently, there are 14 advanced life support units on call around the clock, in back-to-back 12-hour shifts. Officials with the two unions representing firefighters and civilian paramedics and support staff agreed that the city needs more peak-hour capacity. But they argued that the fundamental problem is a staffing shortage, and that eliminating overnight advanced life support units is the wrong move. “In theory, matching peak call hours with the most efficient deployment of resources appears to make sense — but not at the cost of taking away from our current resources,” DC Fire Fighters Association president Ed Smith testified. Department program analyst Andrew Beaton testified that even with reduced overnight deployment, there would still be three basic life support ambulances available on average for every call, instead of the current five, in addition to dual-role firefighter/paramedics. “The system capacity has excess at night the way we are right now,” said Beaton. “What the system does not have is adequate capacity at many times during the day.” Union officials countered that having high capacity available at all times is appropriate for an agency that deals with unpredictable emergencies. “Regardless of statistics, nobody can predict the time, place and need for emergency services,” said Smith. “Never once have I heard of anyone who planned on needing the Fire and EMS Department during normal business hours. From my experience, those who are most shocked and need help the most are those that call during the middle of the night.”

Ward 6 Council member Tommy Wells, who chairs the public safety committee, picked up on that theme while questioning Ellerbe, who said that “during the night hours, we do have a surplus of ambulances more often than not.” The line drew a wry chuckle from Wells. “You stated ‘more often than not.’ Now, that’s not a reassuring standard,” he said. “We don’t want our response to be, ‘Mrs. Johnson, I’m sorry about what happened to your family. We normally have a surplus and we just didn’t that night.’” Wells said he supported the principle of the new schedule, but he sought commitments that the agency would monitor performance once the schedule was implemented, and work to fill its depleted ranks of paramedics. “If we had a reliable replacement schedule that was being met of qualified personnel, this would be a no-brainer for me — I’d be right there with the chief,” Wells said. Ellerbe said the department will watch response times and could compromise by offering a few advanced life support units at all times, instead of none from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. “This is not the end of the plan. This is just the beginning,” he said. “So if this works and it works well, it says we’re off to a great start. If it doesn’t, we’ll have to recalibrate and maybe move in a different direction. But we’re not going to stop hiring paramedics.” The proposal, put forth as a bill from Gray, will require approval by the D.C. Council. The Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department would implement the plan immediately upon that council action. The ambulance redeployment plan is separate from another proposed schedule change in the department: having firefighters work 12instead of 24-hour shifts. Ellerbe said this would boost the amount of time the firefighters are working, ensure they aren’t exhausted near the end of a shift, and encourage them — by having them work more frequently — to live closer to or within the District. Firefighters have fiercely opposed the plan, saying it would uproot their daily lives. The issue is in arbitration.


OPERA: Premiere set for this week From Page 1

was watching “Madame Butterfly” on YouTube as a freshman — and then he was hooked. “I loved the feeling I got when I listened to the music — it really moved me — and I decided I wanted to create an opera,” Amaya said. The works of George Frideric Handel and Giacomo Puccini, which Amaya describes as “luscious and religious,” further inspired him as a sophomore, and from there he sought to incorporate those same qualities into his own piece. Mary Jane Ayers, chair of the vocal music department and a teacher at Ellington for 25 years, is directing the production of “Cinde’ella.” She created the school’s opera workshop class in 2000, a yearlong course that culminates in a staged opera production each May. In past years, students have performed classics like “Carmen Jones” and “Don Giovanni,” and a group of students once worked together to create an adaptation of “Porgy and Bess.” Three years ago, Amaya approached Ayers when “Cinde’ella” was in its earliest stages to see if the school might one day produce it. “When Juan first came to me, it was difficult to know if it would

work because I didn’t know his skill level,” said Ayers. “But he just kept coming back, and soon it became clear that it was going to work.” “The music is at a very high level,” Ayers added. “There are elements of Jamaican music because the fairy godmother character is Jamaican, but Juan also quotes Handel’s ‘Messiah’ very subtly and with wit. There’s dancing — Cinde’ella has a waltz — and like Puccini, there’s a lot of humor in it.” There are 23 students in the cast, and 30 more are in the orchestra. The production runs about 75 minutes. Amaya wrote the words for the opera first, and then “messed around on the piano to see what the words wanted,” he said. He also used a computer program to work out the music composition. Amaya said he loved staying up late to refine the characters and make revisions to the piece. He will also be participating in the production as a member of the chorus, which made him appreciate how challenging it can be for singers to learn brand-new vocals. “I learned how to adapt to people’s skills, and if a note was too hard, I would change it to make it easier,” Amaya said. Both teachers who worked with

Bill Petros/The Current

Mary Jane Ayers worked closely with Juan Amaya on his opera.

Amaya said the senior stands out for his persistence and focus. “What separates Juan is his determination to make things work,” said Ayers. “It’s an unusual quality in a teenager. He doesn’t give up until everything is in place — but he isn’t the least bit pushy about it, and that will carry him through life very successfully.” Amaya is determined to make music his career. In the fall he will start as a freshman at Catholic University, majoring in music composition. He plans to work on orchestra and piano pieces as well as stage music, opera and ballet. “Cinde’ella” will be performed as part of “A Night at the Opera: The Many Faces of Cinderella,” this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the school’s Ellington Theatre, 3500 R St. Tickets cost $10 and are available at or at the door.


20 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22

Wednesday may 22 Art show ■ The Edmund Burke School will present “Altered Egos,” its annual student art show featuring work by sixth- through 12thgraders. 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Free. Edmund Burke School, 4101 Connecticut Ave. NW. Children’s programs ■ Young astronomers and their families will get an introduction to the night sky. 4 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. ■ Natalie Lorenzi, author of “Flying the Dragon,” will lead a workshop on origami kite-making (recommended for ages 6 through 11). 4 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. Concerts ■ “Evenings With Extraordinary Artists” will feature the Beau Soir Ensemble. 5:30 p.m. $20. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282, ext. 3. ■ Composer, guitarist and pianist Tim Callobre, a 2011 YoungArts alumnus and U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts, will perform works by Albeniz, Piazzolla, Tarrega and others. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■ Vocalist Jackson Caesar will perform. 7 p.m. Free. Mount Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St. NW. 202-671-3121. ■ The Attacca Quartet will perform a world premiere by Timothy Andres, as well as works by Janácek, Beethoven and Adams. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■ Guitarist and singer Trey Anastasio, best known for his work in the rock band

The Current

Events Entertainment Phish, will perform with the NSO Pops and conductor Steven Reineke. 8 p.m. $36 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■ Carolyn Morrow Long, a specialist in New Orleans history, will discuss her book “Madame Lalaurie, Mistress of the Haunted House,” about a wealthy society matron who fled the city amid press reports that she routinely bound, starved and tortured her slaves. 2 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. ■ Ali A. Jalali, professor at the National Defense University’s Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies and former interior minister of Afghanistan, will discuss “Afghanistan 2014: Transition to What?” 5:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Rome Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■ David Olin and Tamara Luzeckyj of Olin Conservation will discuss the challenges they faced in the recently completed conservation of the Key Room wall murals, painted by H. Siddons Mowbray in 1909. 6:30 p.m. Free. Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-785-2040. ■ Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, will discuss his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow.” 7 p.m. $12. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. ■ The Dupont Circle Village’s “Celeb Salon” speaker series will feature an intimate conversation with Andrea Powell, cofounder and executive director of FAIR Girls, about the group’s efforts to prevent exploitation worldwide through empowerment and education. 7 p.m. $75; reservations required. Location provided upon registration.


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■ Sue Halpern will discuss her book “A Dog Walks Into a Nursing Home: Lessons in the Good Life From an Unlikely Teacher.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films ■ The West End Cinema will screen the movies “L’arrivo di Wang (The Arrival of Wang)” and “Quell’estate (That Summer)” as part of the 2013 “Sudestival in DC” Italian film festival. 7 and 9 p.m. $10.34 per screening. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■ The NoMa Summer Screen outdoor film series will feature Steven Spielberg’s 1989 movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” starring Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. 7 p.m. Free. Loree Grand Field, 2nd and L streets NE. ■ The Reel Israel DC series will feature Dana Goldberg’s 2012 film “Alice.” 8 p.m. $8.50 to $11.50. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000. Performances ■ The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Haywood Turnipseed Jr., Gabe CanaanZucker and Sean Savoy. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. The Codmother, 1334 U St. NW. ■ The Wonderland Circus will feature burlesque artist Blanche Boudoir, musician James Morris, storyteller Chuck Na and comedians Dana Fleitman and Max Rosenblum. 8:30 p.m. $5 donation suggested. The Wonderland Ballroom, 1101 Kenyon St. NW. 202-431-4704. ■ Storytellers will compete in a Story League contest for the best tale about gossip, with a $100 prize. 9 to 11 p.m. $10. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. gossip.brownpapertickets. com. ■ Busboys and Poets will host an open mic poetry night focused on LGBTdedicated poets. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Reading ■ Anne-Marie O’Connor, recipient of the Marfield Prize, will present a reading from her book “The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimt’s Masterpiece, ‘Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer.’” 7:30 p.m. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202331-7282, ext. 3. Tour ■ A gallery docent will lead a tour of the works on paper and photographs given to the Corcoran by the Women’s Committee of the Corcoran Gallery of Art. 7 p.m. $15; includes one drink ticket. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. Trivia night ■ Sixth & I will celebrate six years of trivia with questions and anniversary prizes. The event will include a kosher dinner and drinks. 7 p.m. $15 to $18. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. Thursday, May 23 Thursday may 23 Benefit ■ “Art and Libations ’13,” a benefit for the Lisner-Louise-Dickson-Hurt Home, will

Thursday, may 23 ■ Discussion: Noah Feldman, professor of international law at Harvard University, will discuss his book “Cool War: The Future of Global Competition.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

feature wine from Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyards, hors d’oeuvres, artwork by the home’s residents, and a performance by the Efi Tovia Trio. 6 to 9 p.m. $75; reservations required. 5725 Western Ave. NW. Classes ■ Housing Counseling Services, a local nonprofit, will present an orientation session for first-time homebuyers. 11 a.m. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202667-7006. ■ David Newcomb, an author and longtime practitioner of meditation, will lead a workshop on “Meditation for Spiritual Awareness.” 7 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139. Concerts ■ The U.S. Army Concert Band will perform. 6 p.m. Free. World War II Memorial, 17th Street and Independence Avenue SW. ■ Children’s musician John Henry will perform a weekly concert. 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Broad Branch Market, 5608 Broad Branch Road NW. 202-249-8551. ■ The Tempest Trio — featuring pianist Alon Goldstein, violinist Ilya Kaler and cellist Amit Peled — will perform works by Dvorák. 6:30 p.m. Free. Enrique V. Iglesias Auditorium, Inter-American Development Bank, 1330 New York Ave. NW. 202-6233558. ■ The Embassy Series will present Ecuadorian-Spanish pianist Jonathan Floril performing music by Beethoven, Scriabin and Chopin. 7:30 p.m. $100. Residence of the Ecuadorian Ambassador, 2320 Bancroft Place NW. ■ The Library of Congress will present violinist Jennifer Koh (shown) and pianist Reiko Uchida performing works by Janácek, Salonen, Schubert and Adams. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. ■ Clarinetist Ben Redwine and his Samba Jazz Project will perform. 8 and 10 p.m. $12. Twins Jazz, 1344 U St. NW. 202234-0072. Discussions and lectures ■ As part of the Science Cafe 360 series, Dr. Stephen Teach of the Children’s

National Medical Center will discuss his experiences with asthma as a pediatric emergency room doctor and researcher. 5 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. sciencecafe360dcmay2013. ■ Jean-Benoit Nadeau and Julie Barlow will discuss their book “The Story of Spanish,” about the people, places and events that shaped the destiny and forged the personality of the Spanish language. 5:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Institute of Current World Affairs, Suite 615, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-364-4068. ■ A gallery talk will focus on “Bonnard’s Technicolor Visions,” about artist Pierre Bonnard’s depiction of everyday scenes using saturated color combinations, pattern and light. 6 and 7 p.m. By donation. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-387-2151. ■ Photographer Alyscia Cunningham will discuss her book “Feminine Transitions: A Photographic Celebration of Natural Beauty,” a portrait collection of female faces between the ages of seven weeks and 103 years. 6 to 8 p.m. $15. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. ■ Scholars, curators, photographers and collectors will discuss contemporary photography in a global age. 6:30 p.m. By donation; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■ “Venezuelan Elections and the Institutionalization of Participatory Democracy” will feature panelists James Gomez, international relations director for the Rainbow Push Coalition; Alex Main, international policy associate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research; and Dawn Gable, assistant director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Film ■ The West End Cinema will screen the movies “Sleepless” and “Transeuropae Hotel” as part of the 2013 “Sudestival in DC” Italian film festival. 7 and 9 p.m. $10.34 per screening. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. Performances ■ Dancers Tzveta Kassabova and Raja “Feather” Kelly will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■ The Santi Budaya Dance Troupe will perform traditional dances from across Indonesia in lavish costumes, with accompaniment by the music director of the Embassy of Indonesia. 6 to 9 p.m. $15. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. ■ Kirov Academy of Ballet of Washington, DC, will present its 2013 Spring Performance Series, featuring the romantic ballet piece “La Sylphide: Act II” and George Balanchine’s vigorously paced “Allegro Brillante.” 7 p.m. $16 to $30. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-9946800. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. ■ Shen Wei Dance Arts, which blends traditional Chinese aesthetics with See Events/Page 21


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Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 20 Western dance, will present “Undivided Divided,” a piece in which the dancers interact with video, sculpture and other media. 8:30 p.m. $35. Atrium, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Friday at 6:30 and 9 p.m. and Saturday at 2, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Teen program ■ Eliot Schrefer will discuss his young adult book “Endangered.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Tours ■ Education technician Alex Torres will lead a tour of the National Garden at the U.S. Botanic Garden. 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Free. National Garden Lawn Terrace, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■ Sid Hart, senior historian at the National Portrait Gallery, will tie together the tales of George Patton, Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy. Noon. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202633-1000. ■ A tour will focus on the Washington National Cathedral’s gargoyles. 6:30 p.m. $5 to $10. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-537-2228. Friday, May 24

Friday may 24 Auditions ■ The Cathedral Choral Society will hold auditions by appointment. 7 to 10 p.m. Free; reservations required. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-5527. Children’s program ■ The Rock Creek Nature Center will introduce its collection of live animals to children and allow students to assist in their feeding. 4 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. Concerts ■ Organist Christopher Lynch of Bloomington, Ind., will perform. 12:15 p.m. Free. National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW. 202-797-0103. ■ The Indian Summer Showcase concert series will feature Hawaiian singersongwriter Amy Hanaiali`i Gilliom and the Aloha Boys. 5 p.m. Free. Outdoor Welcome Plaza, National Museum of the American Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue SW. 202-633-1000. ■ The Jazz in the Garden series will kick off its 13th season with a performance by rock group Ruthie and the Wranglers. 5 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Sculpture Garden, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. ■ The International Contemporary Ensemble, led by conductor John Adams, will perform works by Stravinsky, Schoenberg, DiCastri and Adams. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. Discussions and lectures ■ Chinese aestheticist, artist, poet and philosopher Ertai Gao will discuss “Chinese Literature and the Popularization

St. SE. 888-632-6287. The series will continue Saturday at 7:15 p.m. and Sunday at 1:35 p.m.

of Ancient Buddhist Works Found in Dunhuang.” Noon. Free. Room 119, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-3683. ■ American University professors Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman will discuss their book “FDR and the Jews,” at 4 p.m.; and National Book Award finalist Ken Kalfus will discuss his book “Equilateral,” at 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■ Composer John Adams will discuss his music. 6:15 p.m. Free. Whittall Pavilion, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. Film ■ The Jerusalem Fund will screen the 2011 documentaries “Fire on the Marmara” and “Sacred Stones” as part of its summer film series. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. The Jerusalem Fund, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1290. Meetings ■ The Petworth Pacers will meet for a low-impact walk around the neighborhood. 10:30 a.m. Free; reservations requested. Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1187. ■ A weekly bridge group will meet to play duplicate bridge. 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $6. Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW. 301-654-1865. Performances ■ Four YoungArts alumni — pianist Emmet Cohen, bassist Russell Hall, percussionist Evan Sherman and tap dancer Andrew Nemr — will present a harmonic and rhythmic performance. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■ “A Night at the Opera: The Many Faces of Cinderella” will feature four operatic versions of the story of Cinderella, including the premiere of Duke Ellington School of the Arts senior Juan Amaya’s original work “Cinde’ella.” 7:30 p.m. $10. Ellington Theatre, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, 3500 R St. NW. The performance will repeat Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Services ■ Metro Minyan, a Washington Hebrew Congregation initiative for area Jewish young professionals, will present

Saturday, May 25

Saturday may 25

Friday, may 24 ■ Concert: Pianist Audrey Andrist will perform works by Mendelssohn and Beethoven. Noon. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282.

an informal, musical Shabbat service led by Rabbi Aaron Miller. 7 p.m. $10 to $15. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 945 G St. NW. ■ A Carlebach-inspired Shabbat service will honor Jewish soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. A representative from the National Museum of American Jewish Military History will give opening remarks, and the names of more than 40 fallen soldiers will be read in remembrance during the program. 6:45 p.m. Free for service; $8 to $10 for dinner. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. Special event ■ Guy Mason Recreation Center will host “Bingo for Seniors,” conducted by the D.C. Lottery, from 2 to 4 p.m.; and the Glover Park Village will host “Friends, Fun & Food,” with refreshments by the Campus Kitchens Project, from 4 to 6 p.m. Free; reservations requested for Glover Park Village event. Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600 Calvert St. NW. Sporting event ■ The Washington Nationals will play the Philadelphia Phillies. 7:05 p.m. $5 to $65. Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol

Children’s programs ■ “Shakespeare in Action” will offer a chance to jump into the world of Shakespeare’s plays and learn safe swordplay using performance-based techniques (for third- through seventh-graders). 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. $35; reservations required. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. ■ A park ranger will lead a scavenger hunt through Georgetown’s Montrose Park (for ages 4 through 10 and their families). 10 to 10:30 a.m. Free. Montrose Park, R Street between 30th and 31st streets NW. 202-895-6070. ■ Children will hear a story about architect Frank Lloyd Wright and then create a special piece of art. 1 to 4 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. The program will repeat Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. ■ The Rock Creek Park Nature Center will lead a seasonal planetarium program. 1 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. The program will repeat Sunday at 1 p.m. ■ Kids are invited to participate in letter writing — with Colonial quills and ink — to American troops, in honor of Memorial Day (for ages 8 through 12 and their families). Noon to 3 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-895-6070. ■ The Rock Creek Park planetarium will host a program exploring the sun, moon, stars, planets and other space phenomena. 4 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. The program will repeat Sunday at 4 p.m. Classes ■ Flutist Claire Chase will present a master class open to students and music lovers of all ages. 10 a.m. Free. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■ Certified yoga instructor Deborah Bennett will present the concluding ses-

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


sion of the two-part “Yoga and Meditation” workshop. 2 to 4 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. Concerts ■ Pianist Conrad Tao (shown), a 2011 YoungArts alumnus and U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts, will perform a mix of original and classical pieces, accompanied by two 2012 alumni, violinist Sirena Huang and cellist Anna Litvinenko. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Jazz@Wesley will feature the Craig Gildner Trio performing works from the Great American Songbook and Tin Pan Alley. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $7 to $10; free for ages 11 and younger. Wesley United Methodist Church, 5312 Connecticut Ave. NW. ■ The U.S. Army Blues ensemble will perform swing, big band and jazz music. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. Discussions and lectures ■ U.S. Botanic Garden volunteer Todd Brethauer will discuss the bromeliad plant species. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free; reservations required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■ The Café Philo DC group will discuss “What Is the Role of Reason in Human Affairs.” 1 to 3 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. ■ Media historian David James will lead an illustrated lecture of the history of the Rolling Stones on film. 4 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Samantha K. Wyer, director of education at the Shakespeare Theatre Company, will lead a discussion about the Shakespeare tragedy “Coriolanus.” 5 p.m. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. Festival ■ The annual Celebrate Hawaii Festival will feature hula performances, hands-on See Events/Page 22


22 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Continued From Page 21 workshops, cooking demonstrations, Hawaiian film, storytelling presentations and more. 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free. National Museum of the American Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue SW. 202-633-1000. Films ■The DC Anime Club will present the Japanese film “Gintama� (for ages 13 and older). 2 p.m. Free. Room A-9, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. ■A series on filmmaker Shirley Clarke will feature the 1986 documentary “Ornette: Made in America,� about saxophonist Ornette Coleman. 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Performance ■Dance Place will host a spring showcase of new performances developed through the FIELDWORK creative workshop. 8 p.m. $10. Dance Place, 3225 8th St. NE. 202-269-1600. Sporting event ■D.C. United will play the Portland Timbers. 7 p.m. $26 to $55. RFK Stadium, 2400 East Capitol St. SE. 800-745-3000. Tours and walks ■A Rock Creek Park naturalist will lead an early bird hike for both beginning and experienced birders. 7 to 8:30 a.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202895-6070. ■Washington Walks will present “National Mall Memorials: An Architect’s Perspective,� featuring commentary on the

The Current

Events Entertainment of the U.S. Army Field Band and the U.S. Navy Band Sea Chanters. Gates open at 5 p.m.; performance starts at 8 p.m. Free. West Lawn, U.S. Capitol.

dramatic, fraught back story of various memorials along with design critiques and assessments. 11 a.m. $15. Meet in front of the Organization of American States, 17th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. ■Washington Walks will present a walking tour of the Woodley Park neighborhood and the Washington National Cathedral grounds. 11 a.m. $15. Meet outside the Woodley Park-Zoo Metro station. ■A park ranger will lead a walking tour of Georgetown through time. 2 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202895-6070. Trivia night ■Politics and Prose will host a trivia night. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. Sunday, May 26 Sunday may 26 Children’s programs ■A park ranger will teach ages 8 through 12 about letter writing during the Civil War, and then attendees will draft a letter of their own using a metal pen and parchment paper (to be sent to a U.S. soldier overseas). Noon to 3 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202895-6070. ■A park ranger will teach children about games and toys from the 1770s (for ages 6 through 12 and their families). 3 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-895-6070. Class ■Dance Trance Fitness will celebrate its new Foggy Bottom location with a community class featuring choreographed rou-


Portraits Conferences Events Publicity

Sunday, may 26 ■Concert: Pianist Gabrielius Alekna will perform music by Lithuanian composers. 4 p.m. Free. West Lecture Hall, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941. tines set to club-like beats. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. Balance Gym Foggy Bottom, 2401 M St. NW. 202-288-2268. Concerts ■The U.S. Air Force Symphony Orchestra and choristers will perform a tribute to American music at the 2013 National Memorial Day Choral Festival. 3 p.m. Free; tickets required. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 800-395-2036. ■The Phillips Camerata will perform works by Mendelssohn and Enescu. 4 p.m. $20; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■Organist Paul Carr of Birmingham, England, will perform. 5:15 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202537-2228. ■Singer, songwriter and bassist Kate Davis, guitarist Gabe Schnider and pianist Noah Kellman — all YoungArts alumni — will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jam� session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-5279522. ■The National Memorial Day Concert will feature singers Katherine Jenkins, Chris Mann and Alfie Boe (shown), along with the National Symphony Orchestra, the U.S. Army Chorus, the Soldiers Chorus

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Films ■The “Jean Rouch in Africa� series will feature the famed French ethnographer’s 1956 film “Mammy Water� and the 1958 film “Moi, un noir.� 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■A series on filmmaker Shirley Clarke will feature the 1961 film “The Connection.� 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. ■The monthly screening series Community Cinema will feature the ITVS documentary “The Revolutionary Optimists,� about activism in the slums of Calcutta. 5 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-939-0794. Performance ■The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Max Rosenblum, Sean Joyce, Stephen Nicks and Gordon Baker-Bone. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. Desperados, 1342 U St. NW. Reading ■The Anacostia Community Museum, the D.C. Public Library and Cultural Tourism DC will present “An Afternoon With Author Breena Clarke,� featuring readings from her novels “River Cross My Heart� and “Stand the Storm.� 2 to 4 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Anacostia Community Museum, 1901 Fort Place SE. 202-633-4844. Tour ■A tour will focus on the Washington National Cathedral’s gargoyles. 2 p.m. $5 to $10. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-537-2228. Monday,may May 2727 Monday Concert ■In honor of Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, the Kennedy Center will feature traditional Asian music and more modern tunes, including “Gangnam Style� and other K-pop hits. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. Film ■The Washington Psychotronic Film Society will present Jay Robert Jennings’ 1999 film “Loan$hark.� 8 p.m. Donation suggested. McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202462-3356. Special events ■“Memorial Day at the Soldiers’ Home� will feature guided tours of President Lincoln’s Cottage and the U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery, as well as wreath-laying ceremonies to remember fallen soldiers. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission; $5 to $15 for cottage tours. Reservations requested. President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers’

Home, Upshur Street and Rock Creek Church Road NW. ■The National Memorial Day Parade, sponsored by the American Veterans Center, will feature veterans, active-duty military personnel, marching bands, military vehicles, floats, flags and special guests J.R. Martinez, Joe Mantegna, Gary Sinise, Robert Griffin III and Taylor Hicks. 2 p.m. Free. Constitution Avenue from 7th Street to 17th Street NW. 703-302-1012, ext. 227. ■The National Park Service, the Illinois State Society of Washington, D.C., and the Logan Circle Community Association will hold a wreath-laying ceremony in honor of John A. Logan, the founder of Memorial Day. The event will include a talk by Gary Ecelbarger, author of “Black Jack Logan: An Extraordinary Life in Peace and War.� 2 p.m. Free. Logan Circle, P Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW. 202-673-2402. Sporting event ■The Washington Nationals will play the Baltimore Orioles. 1:05 p.m. $5 to $65. Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St. SE. 888-632-6287. The series will continue Tuesday at 7:05 p.m. Tuesday, May 28 Tuesday may 28 Auditions ■The Cathedral Choral Society will hold auditions by appointment. 7 to 10 p.m. Free; reservations required. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-5527. Classes and workshops ■Teacher and therapist Heather Ferris will lead a weekly yoga class. Noon. Free. Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. 202-727-1288. ■The Golden Triangle Business Improvement District will present an hourlong Pilates class led by a certified instructor from Yoga District. 5:30 p.m. Free. Farragut Square Park, Connecticut Avenue and K Street NW. The class will repeat weekly through June 25. ■The “DanceAfrica, DC 2013� festival will kick off with two master classes — one led by DC Casineros, and the other by Assane Konte of the KanKouran West African Dance Company. 6:30 p.m. $15. Dance Place, 3225 8th St. NE. 202-2691600. The series of master classes will continue through June 2; the festival will feature an outdoor marketplace, arts and crafts activities, and free and paid performances on June 1 and 2. ■The group Yoga Activist will present a weekly yoga class geared toward beginners. 7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-2823080. Concerts ■Pulse Chamber Music will perform. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635. ■Portuguese singer Ilda Maria will perform Fado music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■The Austrian Cultural Forum will present the concert project “Melancholy Bird,� featuring soloist Irene Wallner and pianist Maria Raberger performing works by composers persecuted by the Nazi regime. See Events/Page 24


The Current

Events Entertainment

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Installation examines moving, still images


Cloud Is Not a Sphere,� a colorful installation by Victoria Fu about the interplay between moving and still images, will open tomorrow at Flashpoint Gallery and continue through June 22. An opening reception will take

On exhibit

place tomorrow from 6 to 8 p.m. Located at 916 G St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202315-1305. ■“Sylvan Sounds: Freer, Dewing, and Japan,� exploring the connection between Freer Gallery of Art founder Charles Lang Freer’s taste for Japanese art and the landscapes of American tonalist painter Thomas Dewing, opened last week at the Freer Gallery of Art and will remain on view for a year.

Located at 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW, the gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 202-633-1000. ■“Art From the Hinterlands: Oceans,� featuring paintings by Maine artist Jeanne O’Toole Hayman inspired by the ocean, opened last week at Stages Premier Realtors, where it will continue through June 26. Located at 1515 14th St. NW, the office is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 202449-8657. ■Gallery plan b opened an exhibit last week of landscape paintings by Freya Grand and will continue it through June 16. Located at 1530 14th St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. 202-234-2711. ■“Myth and Archaeology in the Work of Giorgio De Chirico,� dem-

onstrating how the surrealist used figures from mythology, archaeological artifacts and historical events in sculptures and works on paper that suggest a mysterious reality, opened recently at the Phillips Collection, where it will continue through June 15. Located at 1600 21st St. NW, the museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday until 8:30 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission on the weekends costs $12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students; it is free for ages 18 and younger. Admission during weekdays is by donation. 202-3872151. â– Wonder Graphics will close an exhibit Tuesday of silkscreen prints by Laura Huff that focus on the plight of the American chestnut tree, which has been devastated by blight. Located at 1000 Vermont Ave.

Woolly stages contemporary twist on Chekhov

An exhibit at Flashpoint Gallery features Victoria Fu’s work exploring the interplay between moving and still images. NW, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-898-1700. ■Hemphill Fine Arts has issued a call for photo and video submissions for two projects by free[space] collective that will be highlighted in an exhibit titled “Artist-Citizen, Washington, DC,� on view at the

1515 14th St. NW gallery from June 5 through July 27. One of the projects involves creating a photo grid of Washington, D.C., and the other is the creation of a crowd-sourced looping video. Anyone interested in submitting photos and videos will find more details at

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oolly Mammoth Theatre Company will present the world premiere of Aaron Posner’s “Stupid F—-ing Bird� May 27 through June 23. Loosely based on Anton Chekhov’s “The Seagull,�


the play offers a contemporary, irreverent riff on the Russian classic. An aspiring theater director named Conrad struggles to get out from under the shadow of his mother Emma, a famous actress. Meanwhile his young muse, Nina, falls for Emma’s lover, Doyle — and everyone discovers just how disappointing love, art and growing up can be. Woolly Mammoth artistic director Howard Shalwitz directs. Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, 3 p.m. Saturday, and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets start at $35. Woolly Mammoth is located at 641 D St. NW. 202-393-3939; woollymammoth. net. ■Theater J will continue its second annual “Locally Grown: Community Supported Art Festival� with the world premiere of Jacqueline E. Lawton’s “The Hampton Years� May 29 through June 30 at the Washington DC Jewish Community Center. The play explores the development of AfricanAmerican artists John Biggers and Samella Lewis at Virginia’s Hampton Institute under the tutelage of Austrian Jewish refugee painter and educator Viktor Lowenfeld. Amid the terrors Keegan Theatre has extended “The Full Monty� through June 8. of World War II in Europe and Jim Crow laws in America, a small community of artists shares a complex survivors’ bond and a vision that art should reflect the truth of society, even if society is not ready to face it. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Saturday; and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $35 to $75. The

:(9,,5 (5+ (::6*0(;,: ( -<33 :,9=0*, *7( -094 >, (9, :4(33 )<:05,:: ,?7,9;: Woolly Mammoth will host the world premiere of Aaron Posner’s adaptation of “The Seagull.� Washington DC Jewish Community Center is located at 1529 16th St. NW. 800-494-8497; ■The Keegan Theatre has extended the Broadway musical “The Full Monty� through June 8 at the Church Street Theater. Based on a 1997 British film of the same name, “The Full Monty� follows six down-on-their-luck steelworkers who are desperately seeking employment and a paycheck to support their families. The Americanized stage version features a book by Terrence McNally and a score by David Yazbek. Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $35 to $40. The Church Street Theater is located at 1742 Church St. NW. 703-892-0202; ■The Studio Theatre will stage Tom Stoppard’s drama “The Real Thing� May 22 through June 30 in the Milton Theatre. Henry is a celebrated playwright, his wife is an See Theater/Page 24


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24 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Continued From Page 22 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW. Discussion ■ CNN correspondent Jake Tapper will lead a discussion about the future of national identity and democracy in Israel with Ari Shavit, Israel’s leading columnist and television commentator, and Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent for The Atlantic. 7 p.m. $15; tickets bought in advance will include one-year subscription to the Atlantic magazine. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. Films ■ The Popular Film Series will screen Taylor Hackford’s 2013 movie “Parker,” starring Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez. 6 p.m. Free. Room A-5, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ The Georgetown Library will screen Lasse Hallström’s 2009 film “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” as part of its “Our Furry Friends” movie series. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■ The Fiesta Asia Film Fest will feature the 2008 movie “Qala (The Fortress),” about a film crew that arrives in a remote border village in Azerbaijan to shoot a historical account of war, heroism and love when a real war erupts, at 6:30 p.m.; and the 2012 movie “Bunohan,” about a young Muay Thai kickboxer who is sought by an assassin after fleeing an honor fight-to-thedeath, at 8:45 p.m. $9.40 for each screening. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. Meetings ■ The West End Book Club will discuss the novel “Olive Kitteridge” by Elizabeth Stout. 12:30 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707. ■ The Fiction Lover’s Book Club will host a book swap and show the 2004 film “The Librarian: Quest for the Spear.” 5:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321.

The Current

Events Entertainment Performances ■ “Music on the Mall,” presented by the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, will feature weekly musical and spoken-word performances by D.C. artists throughout the summer. Noon to 1 p.m. National Mall. ■ Busboys and Poets will host an open mic poetry night. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Special event ■ Politics and Prose will host a spelling bee for adult contestants. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Wednesday, May 29

Wednesday may 29 Class ■ The Sixth & I Historic Synagogue will present a class on “What It Takes: To Be a Jewish Literature Connoisseur (Abridged).” 7:30 p.m. $12. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 202-408-3100. Concerts ■ The National Gallery of Art Chamber Players will feature music by composers from Luxembourg, Malta and other European Union countries. 12:10 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941. ■ The New York-based Kyrenia Opera will perform “Cyprus in the Heart of Europe,” a concert of arias and songs from the Mediterranean. The program will feature soprano Rebecca Davis, baritone Constantinos Yiannoudes and pianist David Holkeboer. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The S&R Foundation’s Overtures Chamber Music Project will feature performances by Tamaki Kawakubo and Erik Schumann on violin, Gareth Lubbe on viola, Claudio Bohorquez and Tim Park on cello, Nabil Shehata on double bass and Yu Kosuge on piano. 7:30 p.m. $100. Evermay, 1623 28th St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Adrienne Cannon of the Library of Congress will discuss Frederick Douglass

THEATER From Page 23 actress, and his latest play is a Noel Cowardesque take on relationships and adultery. But as the intricate web of off-stage infidelities unfolds, relationships prove much more demanding than a droll retort. Performance times are 8 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $39 to $82. The Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300; ■ The Kennedy Center will present a new production of Ferenc Molnár’s classic play “The Guardsman” May 25 through June 23 in the Eisenhower Theater. Less than six months into a new marriage, an actor suspects his new wife — Budapest’s most beautiful and beloved young actress — is getting restless. So he decides to disguise himself as a dashing courtier to the emperor to test her fidelity and win her love. But the more he woos his wife as this guardsman, the more insanely jealous he gets.

and the Civil War. Noon. Free. Southwest Gallery, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-9203. ■ British-Chinese broadcast journalist and writer Xinran will discuss her books “Message From an Unknown Chinese Mother: Stories of Loss and Love” and “The Good Women of China.” Noon. Free. Whittall Pavilion, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-6096. ■ Panelists will discuss “Preserving the Guastavino Legacy,” about ongoing efforts to restore and celebrate the versatile thintile vaults created by the Guastavino Co. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $12 to $20; reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie will discuss her novel “Americanah.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films ■ Family & Friends of Incarcerated People and the Institute for Policy Studies will host a screening of the documentary “Up the Ridge,” followed by a panel discussion. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■ The Czech That Film Festival will feature the 2012 movie “In the Shadow,” followed by a discussion with director David Ondrícek. 7 p.m. $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■ The NoMa Summer Screen outdoor film series will feature J.J. Abrams’ 2009 movie “Star Trek.” 7 p.m. Free. Loree Grand Field, 2nd and L streets NE. ■ The Austrian Cultural Forum will screen Gita Kaufman’s film “Shadows From My Past,” about the Jewish filmmaker’s return to Vienna, which she had fled as a child in 1940. A discussion with Kaufman will follow. 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW.

This new translation by Richard Nelson veers from the 1920s adaptation — which was tailored to the light comedy skills of husband-and-wife acting legends Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine — and restores Molnár’s more passionate version. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $54 to $95. 202-467-4600; ■ The Washington National Opera will present a new production of Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II’s “Show Boat” through May 26 in the Kennedy Center Opera House. Washington National Opera artistic director Francesca Zambello directs the company premiere of one of the first true American operas. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Friday, 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets start at $25. 202-467-4600; kennedy-center. org. ■ Arena Stage will present Jon Robin Baitz’s family drama “Other Desert Cities” through May 26 in the Fichandler Stage.

Tuesday, may 28 ■ Discussion: Pulitzer Prizewinning novelist and poet Alice Walker will discuss her new books “The Cushion in the Road: Meditation and Wandering as the Whole World Awakens to Being in Harm’s Way” and “The World Will Follow Joy: Turning Madness Into Flowers (New Poems).” 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Meetings ■ A post-adoption support group, Concerned United Birthparents, will meet in Northwest D.C. to offer support, information and education for birth parents, adult adoptees, adoptive parents and siblings. 2 to 5:30 p.m. Free. Contact dcmetrocub@ for meeting details and location. ■ The Young Prose Book Group — for young professionals between 21 and 35 — will meet up to discuss “Me Before You” by Jojo Moyes. 7 p.m. Free. Kitty O’Shea’s D.C., 4624 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Performance ■ The collective LYGO D.C. will celebrate its one-year anniversary with a standup comedy show featuring Kyle Martin, Sara Armour and Rallo Boykins. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. The Codmother, 1334 U St. NW. Thursday, May 30

Thursday may 30 Concerts ■ The Overtures Chamber Music

After a six-year absence, Brooke Wyeth returns to her Reaganite parents’ Palm Springs enclave for the holidays. The warm desert air soon turns chilly when news of her upcoming memoir threatens to revive the most painful chapter of the family’s history. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $40 to $85. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300; ■ GALA Hispanic Theatre will present Luis Caballero’s bilingual musical “DC-7: The Roberto Clemente Story” through May 26. The bilingual musical provides a look at the star baseball outfielder who battled triumphantly on the field and against discrimination. Performance times are 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $20 to $42. GALA is located at 3333 14th St. NW. 202-234-7174; ■ The Shakespeare Theatre Company will present its hero/traitor repertory of Shakespeare’s “Coriolanus” and Schiller’s

Project will feature performances by violinist Tamaki Kawakubo and other young musicians. 6 p.m. Free. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The National Symphony Orchestra will present composer John Adams conducting his “City Noir,” as well as Ravel’s “Piano Concerto” performed by Jeremy Denk (shown). 7 p.m. $10 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ■ The German Women’s Jazz Orchestra will perform a new musical arrangement that matches Wagner’s original music with jazz. 7 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Performance Hall, National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Naomi Schaefer Riley will discuss her book “‘Til Faith Do Us Part: How Interfaith Marriage Is Transforming America.” 7 p.m. $10. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■ Ralph Nader, consumer advocate and former Green Party presidential candidate, will discuss his book “Told You So: The Big Book of Weekly Columns.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Performances ■ The Picnic Theatre Company will perform Molière’s “Tartuffe or The Hypocrite.” 5:30 p.m. $10 to $12; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■ The Arts Club of Washington and Fabum arts organization will present “Dream Wedding,” a walk-through, immersive theatrical journey through a bride’s dreamscape. 7 p.m. $15. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. ■ Washington & Lee Repertory Dance Company will present an aerial dance performance piece celebrating the Corcoran’s interior architecture. 7:30 p.m. $40 to $45; includes reception with drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700.

“Wallenstein” through June 2 at Sidney Harman Hall. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, with the specific schedule for each show alternating from week to week. Tickets cost $43 to $105. Sidney Harman Hall is located at 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122; ■ Constellation Theatre Company will stage “Gilgamesh” through June 2 at Source. Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $25 to $35. Source is located at 1835 14th St. NW. 202-204-4471; ■ The Folger Theatre will stage “Twelfth Night” through June 9. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $30 to $68, with some discounts available. The Folger Theatre is located at 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202544-7077;

The Current

DISPATCHES internships are good for students because they can learn about different things. Jeffery Gilbert, a sixth-grade student, has an internship at Rock Creek Park. He said that he has to pick up trash around the community and also in the parks. He said that he thinks his job is awesome. Seventh-grader Alexis Jackson is doing her internship at a daycare. At her daycare they have to put the babies to sleep and help them eat their food. She said that she loves her daycare. She likes it because it is funny to look at kids when they play. Some of the other internships are at bike shops, toy stores and animal shops. Overall, the middle school students are enjoying their internships. — Ibrahim Shabazz, seventh-grader

On Field Day, events such as the 100-meter dash heats/finals, the sack race, the running long jump, the three-legged race, the football and hurdle relays, and the quartermile relays are contested. The students, however, aren’t the only ones allowed to compete, for during the three-legged race parents may compete with their child. Despite the fact that the parent-son three-legged race doesn’t count for points, it is still a crowd favorite. In this year’s edition of Field Day, the Whites defeated the Blues by a score of 170-150. Mr. Mark Wilkerson, Form B teacher and St. Albans archivist, and Mr. Paul Herman, head of the lower school, preside over the event, which should continue to thrive as it has in years past. In the immortal spirit of competition, this year’s Field Day created many great memories and moments. Go Blue-White! — Matthew Teplitz, Form II (eighth-grader)

Powell Elementary

St. Ann’s Academy

From Page 15

On May 8, our class went on a field trip to the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery. We saw portraits of famous and important people. We then took notes on why the person in the picture deserves to be in the portrait. Most of the people in the portraits were people we’ve learned about in class. We are also doing a project about Spain. We have to do research on a related subject, draw a visual and write an informational paragraph to present in front of class. We also wrote a skit to be performed as part of the project. The subject my partner and I chose is Juan Ponce de Leon, Florida’s first Spanish explorer. He was famous for searching the fountain of youth. We’re also going on a field trip to the Spanish Embassy. Powell has been nominated for the bilingual school of the year award. We are the only D.C. finalist out of 15 schools nationwide. This is sponsored by the Embassy of Spain. In celebration of Teachers Appreciation Week, parents prepared a nice and healthy breakfast for all the teachers. And for Mother’s Day, students received jewelry from a nonprofit organization to give to their mothers. — Jeff Williams, fifth-grader

St. Albans School

At Saterlee-Henderson Memorial Field on May 15, another long-standing St. Albans tradition continued. The 103rd Field Day took place, with the Blue and White teams competing for the title of victor and bragging rights until next year. Students are chosen for either team by team captains (voted on by students who have already finished a year at St. Albans), who must be in Form II. The captains choose the students in a draft format, which moves from form to form, depending on whether or not there are new students who need a team.

About a week ago seventh- and eighth-graders presented their science projects at our annual Science Fair. During the week, students presented their experiments and the results to their schoolmates. Michael Williams won first prize in the seventh grade for creating a vinegar volcano and presenting the chemical reaction that causes an explosion. Eighth-grader Claudia Silva did a project with three balloons. One was filled with water, another with Diet Coke, the last filled with dry rice. She threw the balloons in the air and made a hypothesis about which balloon would break first and whether the balloon would break in the air or when it hit the ground. Her project received an honorable mention. Karina Rodriguez, an eighthgrader, performed an experiment to test the effect of colored dyes on flowers. Eighth-grader Austin Clement tried to determine if it is possible for anyone to have a “beach body.� Austin put his family on an exercise program of Zumba and “Insanity� — a rigorous exercise program. Every member of the family lost at least 5 pounds, and the greatest loss was 15 pounds. The entire Clement clan is on its way to the beach this summer! The fifth-graders listened carefully to the results and are already making plans for their own Science Fair projects. — Michaela Herdoiza, Maeve Morris, Danielle McPhail, Dimingus Stevens, Logan LeNoir, Amber Brown and Chloe McLean, fifth-graders

However, classes are still in session as projects are still to be done and finals are still to be taken. This year, finals will occur during the last week of May, with two finals each day. May is a very busy month with AP exams, projects and finals, but fun activities are held as well to alleviate the stress. This past Thursday, Walls hosted International Night, a potluck with a variety of foods from different countries. Students and family members could enjoy anything from standard Italian lasagna to Jamaican jerk chicken and Senegalese fish. Walls also plans to host a Field Day. Because the school does not actually have a field, students will go to the nearby fields on the National Mall, where a variety of games and competitions between classes will ensue. June activities will include a sports banquet in honor of the school’s student-athletes. Summer approaches and many students crave the pools and fun that come with the break, but work is still to be done. — Delmar Tarragó, 11th-grader

Shepherd Elementary

On May 13, the Shepherd track team went to the East-West Championship track meet at Spingarn High School. We ran a lot, and it was scorching hot. We placed in several events. The girls won third place in the 4x100 relay event. Jasmine Green and I both ran in separate heats in the 400-meter dash and both got first place! (That was a full lap around!) Margaret Goletiani took home a third-place medal in the 400-meter dash as well. Genesis Glover placed third in the 100meter dash. Jasmine Green also placed first in the 100-meter dash. The boys did a great job, too, and brought Shepherd some medals as well. A shoutout to my brother, Lyndon Downing, who came in third place in the 400meter dash, and Emperor

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School Without Walls High School

Only one month remains until the end of school, but classwork is far from done. This past week students finished their Advanced Placement exams, to the relief of many sleep-deprived students.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Campbell, who won first place in the shot put. I would like to thank Mr. Thornton for helping us stretch correctly, run faster, win some medals and have fun. It was really fun running track. I am happy the season ended because we had to run too much. I am also sad it ended because I liked running at track meets with my friends. Oh, and Mustangs, it’s almost summer and that means the end of the school year — yay! Summer is near but it is not here, so we must stay focused for a little longer. — London Downing, fourth-grader

Stoddert Elementary

On Thursday we had our Science Fair. We had to get our projects ready in a couple of weeks, and it was a fun experience. It was a little scary doing the Science Fair for the first time. There were a lot of judges and people there. We are also presenting our projects to the class. Miles’ project was about invisible ink. It was a cool project to do because it’s easy and fast. I found that you can make invisible ink with lemon juice and apple juice but not vinegar because it doesn’t have much acid in it. Tuba’s project was called “Creative Chemistry With Sugar.� I was trying to measure how many teaspoons of sugar were in Sprite and Coke. I found out that were five teaspoons of sugar in each. After I talked to two judges, I felt confident. I can’t wait to get started on next year’s project! — Tuba Balta and Miles Gardner, third-graders

Washington Latin Public Charter School

At the annual Science Night, students from the upper school and teachers lead tables for members of our school community in different science experiments, games and activities. One table let participants make DNA shapes using candy. At another table, students played a recycling game, a third involved


activities involving aerodynamics, and a fourth taught about the various constellations. Students and science teachers helped construct and perform these activities to bring science learning to life. — Emily Hall, 10th-grader

Wilson High School

Just a few weeks ago members of the Wilson slam poetry team competed in the second annual “Louder Than a Bomb� regional slam poetry competition. After five rounds of performing original poems in front of a panel of randomly selected judges, Wilson came out victorious. The “Louder Than a Bomb� program is a youth slam poetry program founded in Chicago and recently adapted in this region. The event “is all about valuing and applauding youth voice and the power of creative imagination to create change within individuals and communities,� according to the organizers. The first D.C. iteration of the competition was held last year, at which the Wilson team was also victorious. The most recent competition took place at George Washington University’s Phillips Hall on May 4 and 5. About 20 schools competed, including Madeira, Bishop McNamara, Friendly, Ballou, Friendship, Capital City, Cardozo and Cesar Chavez competed. The average team had five students. Now in its second year, the Wilson team is led by librarian Pamela Gardner. The team members meet regularly at lunch and after school to write poems and perform for each other. Wilson competitors at the “Louder Than a Bomb� event were Kenny Hahn, Asia Gardner, Reina Privado and Morgan Butler. Hahn, a junior and founding member, said the experience was amazing. “It was so inspiring to hear everyone sharing their stories,� he said. “It is an incredible experience that so exceeds the actual competition aspect.� — Nathan Davis, 11th-grader

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26 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2013



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WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2013 29

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EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE The Current Newspapers will have an early deadline for the issue of May 29, 2013. The deadline for classified ads will be Friday, May 24, 2013 at 5 p.m. You can e-mail your ads to:

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30 Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The Current

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PEPCO: Work to cost $1 billion From Page 1

downtown neighborhoods of wards 1, 2, and 6, has had lines buried underground for decades. Feeders are the top wires on poles that bring power from Pepco substations into large neighborhood areas. Tony Robinson, spokesperson for City Administrator Allen Lew, said Monday that he can’t give exact locations for the lines that will be buried, since the final selection will be up to the D.C. Public Service Commission. But Robinson repeated assurances that customers served by the selected lines will see a 95 percent improvement in the reliability of their electric power. The $1 billion project — the first phase of a possible effort to bury all remaining power lines — will be funded largely by District ratepayers and taxpayers. Under a complicated scheme involving both Pepco and municipal bonds, and some direct funding through the D.C. Department of 
Transportation, Pepco customers will bear the bulk of the cost. Current estimates are that a surcharge tacked onto Pepco bills will add $1.50 a month to the average residential bill in the early years, rising to $3.25 a month toward the end — about a 3 percent rate hike. Commercial customers will pay an extra 5 percent to 9.25 percent, with the surcharge shrinking away as bonds are paid off. Low-income customers will be exempt from any extra fee. Sandra Mattavous-Frye, who represents District consumers as the “people’s counsel” on utility issues, heartily endorsed the plan. “It targets the worst-performing feeders across the city, shields seniors and many low-income residents from any increase, and spreads the costs so the remaining consumers will see very modest increases in their bills,” she said at the news briefing. The entire project requires approval from the D.C. Council, with legislative review likely to consume much of the rest of this year. Pepco expects the actual work to begin in early 2014. “We expect work to get underway in each of those five wards,” said Pepco president Joe Rigby, who co-chaired the group. “We want to avoid any favored-nation status.” Both Rigby and Lew, the other co-chair, called the selective undergrounding scheme, as well as the shared financing, an “innovative” approach. “After the derecho, this dialogue has been underway in every jurisdiction Pepco serves,” said Rigby. “But D.C. is, by leaps and bounds, much further out.” “The mayor realized we couldn’t do it by ourselves, and Pepco couldn’t do it alone,” said Lew. “Strategic undergrounding” will yield “the most bang for the buck,” several speakers said. Burying the most problematic feeder lines will cost 40 percent less than undergrounding all lines, but it will provide nearly the same benefit, according to task force documents. And for those served by the underground

feeders, “it will be a fundamental shift in what they experience,” said Rigby. The work will be scheduled, when possible, to coincide with other projects that require digging up the street. Lew noted that street repair in the District is on a 10- to 15-year cycle. “In 15 years, every street in the city is redone. So we can leverage what’s already in the budget, and what the federal government is already paying” for roadwork, the city administrator said. Some critics argue that undergrounding, while vastly expensive, is no panacea because it can be more difficult and costly to repair breaks in underground lines. But Matthew Frumin, a Tenleytown activist who served on the task force, said that hasn’t been true in the District. “Here, our experience is that outages underground are shorter and fewer,” he said in an interview. “And there’s reason to believe that dealing with underground outages will be easier in the future because of new infrastructure and new technology. The expense of repairs is not a reason now, and even less of a reason going forward.” Frumin, who recently ran unsuccessfully for a D.C. Council seat, said he’s pleased with the task force proposal as well as the process taken to reach it. “All stakeholders at the table had different interests to protect. We got to a place where all could sign on to significant investments,” he said. Debate about cost and equity could be contentious as the proposal winds through the legislative process. Those served by the selected feeders will see quick results, while other residents may not benefit until well into Phase 2 or 3, which could be years away. Downtown residents will see no increase in reliability, but their wires were undergrounded a century ago. And, as Frumin noted, $3.50 a month may not seem like much in Upper Northwest, but it could pinch in less-affluent areas. Still, he argued, “Infrastructure improvements benefit all. You can’t just wave a magic wand and do it all at once.” Gray noted other benefits: The undergrounding project will create 4,000 direct jobs and 150 indirect ones, he said, hopefully going mostly to District employees and firms. And the money saved by avoiding costly outages will benefit everyone. “When a school is closed because of a power outage, how many parents are affected?” he asked. “This is historic, the first time a local utility and municipality jointly petition” to do such improvements, said Gray. “We could be defined as natural enemies, strange bedfellows, but we were willing to hang up egos at the door.” Gray also said the Transportation Department is planning a “demonstration project” soon to show how the undergrounding is done. There will be no need to turn off power to individual homes while work is underway, officials said.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 31

The CurrenT



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32 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The CurrenT


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UNDER CONTRACT Success Pending

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Aaron Goldman, director of DCFlutes, is principal flutist of the National Symphony Orchestra. DCFlutes will perform at Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church on June 11, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public, with a reception to follow. We’re proud to support local organizations working to improve our community by promoting your events and activities on our page. Feature your non-profit organization by placing your ad here free of charge. Call 202.321.5506 and ask us how to make this happen for you!

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