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Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vol. XXII, No. 43

The Georgetown Current

City details K Street transit options

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■ Transportation: Streetcar,

premium bus service weighed By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

After several months of traffic analysis, the D.C. Department of Transportation last week presented three possible “premium transit” systems — two streetcar options and one bus system — that could con-

nect Union Station with the Georgetown waterfront. Using three months of data from more than 140 intersections along the K Street corridor between 33rd Street NW and 3rd Street NE, the Transportation Department anticipated a major increase in ridership for the route, now served by the DC Circulator and various Metrobus lines. The agency expects weekday transit ridership could jump from the current 7,000 riders to an estimated

13,500 in 2040, said project manager Lezlie Rupert. “We’re establishing that there is an actual need; you can actually quantify that,” said Rupert. “There is a real demand for a premium transit service.” Last Thursday’s event was the final in a series of public open houses that the agency has hosted since the start of the year to discuss options for rapid and consistent serSee Transit/Page 7

Parking proposals for Georgetown aired By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

Matt Petros/The Current

Relatives of the late Sen. Charles Percy, R-Ill., joined Georgetown Waterfront Park supporters and other community leaders in a ceremony Thursday renaming the park’s entrance in Percy’s honor. Percy helped raise funds for the park’s creation.

To ease Georgetown’s perennial parking crunch, a closely watched working group is debating ideas that range from raising parking meter fees at high-demand times to limiting parking on one side of some blocks to residents only. The group — led by the D.C. Department of Transportation with input from Georgetown’s advisory neighborhood commission, business improvement district and citizens association — is not quite midway through a monthslong process of listening and identifying “feasible ideas.” But, Transportation Department parking manager Angelo Rao said at a public meeting Tuesday night, “Nothing will happen until we are all in on it together.” There’s a way to go before any of the ideas are implemented. But parking problems in Georgetown and Burleith can be so severe — with residents, shoppers, tourSee Parking/Page 20

Bill Petros/The Current

Some residents supported the idea of limiting parking on one side of certain streets to Zone 2 permit holders, a program in place in Logan Circle.

Senior’s residence gets ‘Design Star’ makeover

Key School playground wins $1 million from city council


■ Recreation: Allocation

Current Staff Writer

When Chevy Chase resident Fran Ferguson learned that her one-bedroom suite at Sunrise Senior Living would be completely redesigned by HGTV personality Emily Henderson, she had one request: aquamarine and turquoise. Lots of aquamarine and turquoise. Ferguson, 81, learned in April that she had been selected by the Home & Garden Television channel to win an all-expenses-paid professional redesign to her home at the 5111 Connecticut Ave. independent senior living center. After an interior makeover that lasted several days, the final product was unveiled earlier this month: a bright, organized living space with new furniture, paintings, artwork — and enough personal touches to floor Ferguson.


bolsters fundraising campaign

Courtesy of Sunrise Senior Living

HGTV’s Emily Henderson, right, helped re-envision Fran Ferguson’s Chevy Chase suite in aquamarine.

“They had gone through my family photographs and framed family pictures, and that was a big surprise,” she said after the unveiling. “I had no idea that they knew about that, or even had that.” An essay from Ferguson about her devotion to preserving family mementos — records, pictures, memorabilia — may have been what won her the free redesign. See Redesign/Page 20


Historic designation forces redesign of Howard Town Center

Gonzaga falters at national regatta after a year of wins

— Page 2

— Page 11

By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

As the city undertakes renovations at dozens of District playgrounds as part of Mayor Vincent Gray’s “Play DC” initiative, parents and teachers at Key Elementary are finally about to see results from their own 18-month campaign to replace the school’s deteriorating play areas. Key will break ground on a new

outdoor play space next month after spending almost two years fundraising and drafting a new site plan. The PTA-led campaign, dubbed “Play It Forward,” galvanized both the school and the neighborhood, and led to an enormous outpouring of support, said PTA member Claire Swift — a total of $250,000 from donations and fundraising. Still, more than $1 million in allocations from the D.C. Council at the behest of Ward 3 member Mary Cheh was key to completing plans for new outdoor equipment, surfaces and fields — much of See Playground/Page 15



Rose Park loyalists share ways to improve playground — Page 3

Calendar/22 Classifieds/30 District Digest/4 Exhibits/25 In Your Neighborhood/18 Opinion/8

Real Estate/17 School Dispatches/10 Service Directory/27 Sports/11 Theater/25 Week Ahead/4

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Current

Landmark designations force redesign of Howard Town Center project By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

Developers of the proposed Howard Town Center were sent back to the drawing board last week after the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board unanimously landmarked two big buildings that Cohen Cos. had planned to raze to make room for the new mixed-use complex.

Now the project — which is to fill an entire city block bounded by Georgia Avenue, V Street, 8th Street and a reconstituted W Street — must be redesigned to incorporate larger portions of the 1929 Bond Bread factory and 1930 Washington Railway and Electric Co. garage, the board said. Opponents of the landmarking warn that these setbacks threaten the project’s timeline, financing and amenities.

The need for further revisions also delays a scheduled June 7 hearing before the mayor’s agent on historic preservation, who could authorize some demolition if he deems the town center to be “a project of special merit.� Developers envision 400 to 450 housing units, a 41,000-square-foot grocery store, other retail space and two levels of underground parking. Board members said the developers would

have a better shot if they preserve more of the now-landmarked buildings. “It’s clear the concept was developed with the idea that site would be cleared,� said Steve Callcott, deputy preservation officer for the city. Even hastily revised drawings that retain the facade of the bread factory and portions of the bus garage “will result in substantial demolition.� To move forward “requires a fundamental See Howard/Page 6


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JUNE 2013

Wilson pool ups security after thefts By BRADY HOLT


Current Staff Writer

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The Wilson Aquatic Center has boosted security in its locker rooms following recent thefts there, according to Department of Parks and Recreation spokesperson John Stokes. “DPR has placed a locker room attendant at the Wilson Aquatic Center,� Stokes wrote in an email. “DPR is also monitoring the locker rooms. Moving forward, DPR is looking into having security detailed to the aquatic facility.� John Doolittle, an American University professor who lives in Georgetown, said he witnessed the aftermath of a spree of thefts on a recent visit to the Tenleytown pool: Victims were left without even the towels and dry clothes they’d stashed in their lockers. “I’m walking in on a cold day and a guy’s coming out ignoring the weather in flip-flops, no towel — just in his wet trunks,� Doolittle said. “In the lobby, someone else was very excited and agitated and quite upset, and he said, ‘They even took my eyeglasses.’� On that day, according to Doolittle and other witnesses, an unknown thief had struck multiple men’s lockers and emptied them of stashed belongings. Locks were broken open, according to some witnesses. “I decided not to swim that day,� Doolittle said. Stokes didn’t answer questions about specifics, but he wrote that it was “a series of locker room thefts� rather than a particular incident that led to the increased security at the pool, located at 4551 Fort Drive. Calls to the Metropolitan Police Department on the issue were not returned. Doolittle said he thinks the increased security “will probably offer some deterrent for a while� but that it has come too late. “It’s like putting a lock on the barn door after the horse has gone out,� he said. “Today, the lifeguard standing duty in the men’s changing room was being engaged in lots of conversation with lots of the people there [about the thefts], so it’s a huge topic within the men’s locker room,� he added.

g The Current W ednesday, May 29, 2013

Council decides not to shift Rose Park neighbors share redesign requests funding to Ward 4 projects By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer

By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

D.C. Council member Muriel Bowser’s bold bid to get more capital dollars for projects in Ward 4 fizzled last week when the full council restored most of the money to its original destination — relocation of a DC Water facility to allow new development near Nationals Park. Bowser won funding for one item she’d requested — a streetscape project on Kennedy Street. The council member had surprised her colleagues earlier in May by steering her Economic Development Committee to, in her words, “relocate funds to projects with real action plans.� The committee voted to redirect $8 million originally slated for the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority project, moving most of it to the redevelopment of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and some to the long-stalled modernization of Coolidge High School. Bowser, an announced mayoral candidate, also suggested using some $3.5 million for the redevelopment of Poplar Point along the Anacostia River to boost funding for Walter Reed. District officials have suggested Poplar Point as a possible site for a relocated FBI headquarters, and they say the shift in funding could jeopardize that effort. Mayor Vincent Gray, who would face Bowser in next year’s Democratic primary if he runs for re-election, shot back against the Walter Reed funding attempts. In a May 17 letter to the council, he said additional money for that project is “unnecessary at this time as the property has not yet been transferred to the District.� And once the transfer occurs, the mayor wrote, “it is expected that due to the premium site location, development costs at Walter Reed will ‘self-finance.’� Gray also argued that no addi-

tional funding is needed for the Coolidge modernization “at this time,â€? while funding for the Kennedy Street project could be considered next year. The redirection of funds “would not be a prudent use of taxpayer resources,â€? Gray said, also arguing that it would slow the mixed-use development springing up around the baseball stadium. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson agreed. At a news briefing last week, he said simply that he was “recommending a return of funding to the DC Water project — $5 [million] of $8 million returned.â€? Mendelson’s proposal passed as part of the council’s approval of next fiscal year’s $12 billion budget. “I don’t approach this as a test of wills,â€? Bowser said in an opening statement. She said her committee “looked across the city to be sure economic development priorities are met. The city says Walter Reed will be self-financing, but that remains to be seen.â€? Bowser did get $3 million for the Kennedy Street revitalization project, and she also won approval for establishment of a “Walter Reed Community Advisory Committeeâ€? to oversee the city’s efforts to redevelop the 67-acre campus. “Currently there’s an informal group with no legal status, no open-meeting requirements,â€? she said. The new committee “will make it clear there’s an open and transparent process, and [have] a voice in how [Walter Reed] is redeveloped.â€? Gray disagreed. In his letter to the council, he said establishing “a duplicative community-led committee ‌ will in fact likely impede efforts to move the project forward.â€? In other budget action, Bowser won council support to fully fund tax credits to help older residents stay in their homes as property taxes rise, as well as $4.5 million to help seniors rehabilitate their homes.

A “spray play� water playground, a spider webtype jungle gym and pingpong tables are among the eclectic ideas that children and families have offered for the future of Georgetown’s Rose Park. Armed with multi-colored Post-It notes and maps of the park, representatives from the Trust for Public Land — a national nonprofit that works on conservation issues for parks and community gardens — visited the site at 26th and P streets for four hours earlier this month as kids and their parents marked down suggestions for how and where to improve the playground. At the May 4 planning and design “charette,� residents said they wanted more picnic benches and swings, and more multiuse features in the park’s already-paved areas and near its existing tennis courts. Melissa Potter Ix from SiteWorks Landscape Architecture also suggested junior tennis areas, pingpong tables and bocce ball courts. The Rose Park improvements are part of the District’s “PlayDC� initiative, a multiyear effort that’s targeting 32 playgrounds across the city for modernization. About $1 million was put aside to redo parts of Rose Park’s play areas, though a portion of that money will go to consulting fees. The Trust for Public Land and local landscape architects are currently feeling out public opinion on preliminary design schematics for remodeled play

Bill Petros/Current file photo

Georgetown families turned out to offer their suggestions for how to improve Rose Park.

spaces. The trust’s Ken Whitehead said the team would be ready to unveil the initial schematics to the community by mid-June. For now, designers are considering the logistics of community requests after speaking with dozens of Georgetown residents at the event. While many mentioned the desire to renovate the Rose Park recreation center — or at least the bathrooms –—Whitehead noted that it appeared to be “beyond the scope� of the project, which has to focus mainly on play areas, according to the District. Glenn LaRue Smith, a representative from Smith and Murray Studios who is helping with the design, See Rose Park/Page 20

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Current

District Digest Foxhall market seeks restored ABC license

The owner of a Foxhall liquor store that recently lost its license to sell alcohol is asking the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to reverse its decision. Richard Kim, who owns Town Square Market at 4418 MacArthur Blvd., wrote in a May 15 letter to the board that the decision to not renew his liquor license was unfair and discriminatory. The board originally granted the renewal last year

before reversing itself earlier this month on the grounds that Kim had been convicted of selling alcohol to a 17-year-old. In his request for reconsideration, Kim wrote that he had made only one such mistake and that other liquor license holders in the same situation have avoided such stiff repercussions. Kim’s brief letter states that this disparity is the result of discrimination and “a set up operation.” But Stu Ross of the Palisades/ Foxhall advisory neighborhood

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commission filed an objection Friday, arguing that Montgomery County Police — in investigating underage drinking — repeatedly tracked Maryland teens to Town Square. The neighborhood commission also contends that even a onetime offense is enough to make an applicant unfit for licensure. An alcohol board hearing on the issue is scheduled for today, and the board will issue its decision tomorrow, according to Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration spokesperson Bill Hager.

More material found on Glenbrook Road

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers last week uncovered a test tube containing an unknown substance while cleaning up World War I-era contamination at 4825 Glenbrook Road in Spring Valley, the Army has reported. Excavation is on hold pending analysis of the substance, but the Army is continuing to prepare for further excavations to minimize schedule disruptions, according to project manager Brenda Barber. The tube was found behind a retaining wall at the rear of the property, about 4 feet below grade.

The week ahead Thursday, May 30

Janney Elementary School will host an American Red Cross blood drive from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium at the school, 4130 Albemarle St. NW. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-RED-CROSS, or visit and search by Sponsor Code 05311835. Prospective volunteers are asked to contact Patty Furco at or 559-836-9802.

Saturday, June 1

Hearst Elementary School will host an e-cycle event, used-book sale, bike swap and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Organizers will collect old electronics items and take them to Fort Totten for recycling; the event will also include a “free-cycle” element for still-working equipment. The school is located at 3950 37th St. NW. A list of acceptable items is available at ■ The D.C. Department of the Environment will host an EnergySmart DC community meeting for D.C. residents on short- and long-term energy goals, strategies and initiatives. The meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. For details, visit

Tuesday, June 4

The National Capital Planning Commission and the D.C. Office of Planning will host a public meeting on the master plan to study height restrictions in D.C. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Suite 500, 401 9th St. NW. For details, call 202-482-7200 or visit

Friday, June 7

Sibley Memorial Hospital will celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day with an event from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Leonard Memorial Chapel in the hospital, 5255 Loughboro Road NW. Registration is required by June 3; call 202-537-4084. The Army says there was never a threat to the community from the substance. Earlier this month, workers had also found other glassware and a 75-millimeter shell on the site, which is believed to hold a burial pit of chemicals and munitions; tests on those items showed no chemical contamination.

Shepherd Park group to host library event

The Friends of the Shepherd Park Library group will hold an after-hours open house Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m. featuring a talk by Rachel Swarns, the author of “American Tapestry: The Story of

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Black, White, and Multiracial Ancestors of Michelle Obama.” Swarns is a Washington correspondent for The New York Times and a Shepherd Park resident. Friends president Mark Pattison organized Saturday’s event in an effort to reinvigorate the group and recruit new members. If Saturday’s event is successful, Pattison expects to schedule other similar activities. The Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library is located at 7420 Georgia Ave. NW.

Tudor Place garden party raises $250,000 The annual spring garden party at Tudor Place raised $250,000 last week to support the historic estate, built for Martha Park Custis Peter — Martha Washington’s granddaughter — in the early 1800s. About 450 attendees joined to honor Phillips S. Peter, a local attorney who is descended from Martha Peter’s brother-in-law, War of 1812 hero Maj. George Peter. Phillips Peter led Tudor Place’s board of directors in 2002 and 2003. Current president Timothy Matz wrote in the event’s program that without Peter’s philanthropy over the years, “Tudor Place would not be here today.”

Editor’s note

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, The Current was unable to obtain information from the Metropolitan Police Department on recent crimes.


As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-567-2011.

The Current Wednesday, May 29, 2013


New traffic signals yield debate over safety issues on Foxhall, Loughboro By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Some residents of the Palisades and Spring Valley are stewing over new traffic signals the D.C. Department of Transportation has installed at two intersections: at Foxhall Road and W Street, and Loughboro Road and Dalecarlia Parkway. The agency earlier this spring issued a “notice of intent� to install the lights and promptly began doing so — sparking concerns from some residents and members of the advisory neighborhood commission whose

boundaries include the two intersections. They questioned whether the lights are necessary and might have unintended consequences, and criticized the Transportation Department for not providing more notice or soliciting community feedback. Most debate has swirled around the W Street light. Proponents — who include a majority of neighborhood commission members — said that the new light is essential for safety, and that cars trying to pull out have been in accidents. “Both sides of W are very low and peak on Foxhall; the line of sight is very bad,�

Grant program could spruce up Connecticut Avenue strips By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

Aiming to boost the Cleveland Park and Van Ness commercial corridors, Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh is working to get the two Connecticut Avenue strips designated as “retail priority areas,� making businesses there eligible to apply for city grants to renovate, expand or improve their offerings. Cheh worked with Ward 5 member Kenyan McDuffie to get the areas designated via an amendment to the council’s budget support act. A second vote on the act will take place next month. The District’s retail priority program is part of a multi-agency effort to help revitalize neighborhood business corridors. The two strips will be the first in Ward 3 to win the designation. Commercial areas previously designated include Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and South Capitol Street SE, Minnesota Avenue NE and SE, Georgia Avenue and 7th Street NW, and H Street NE. Grants from the program have been used, for example, to help a bike shop renovate its facade, a furniture store

improve signage, and a pet store maximize use of existing space. The Barracks Row Main Street also won support for technical assistance to area businesses under the competitive grant program. Cheh, in a brief interview, said that while the two strips in her ward are “not hurting,� the business districts “could use sprucing up.� She noted that as demographic changes take “energy and activity� to other parts of the city — the Southwest Waterfront, U Street NW, H Street NE and other recent hot spots — she wants to make sure that businesses in Ward 3 are not left behind. “We’re not jumping the queue, just making grants available,� Cheh said. “I think there’s a need in our part of town.� Van Ness has long been thought to lack the pedestrian traffic, attractive retail and historic charm that keeps customers coming. Business owners have tried to create a business association, but there is currently no organized group to speak for retailers. Cleveland Park is more lively, but business owners say it could always use a little help. See Retail/Page 6


Penny Pagano, who chairs the commission and represents the west side of the intersection, said at the body’s May 1 meeting. “People can’t cross the street.� Opponents counter that there were already too many traffic signals on that stretch of Foxhall Road, and adding another will likely tie up traffic more. Some also voiced concerns that the change could make W Street a more popular cut-through to MacArthur Boulevard — a worry that helped derail past suggestions for a light at that spot. “Suddenly we’re going to be inundated with red, green blinking lights,� one resident

near the W Street light said at the neighborhood commission meeting. “This is supposed to be a residential neighborhood. It looks like a major highway in a suburban shopping corridor.� For the Transportation Department, the issue is more simple: The agency recently reviewed the intersection, at the request of a resident, to see if it met federal guidelines for installing a traffic signal — and it did, according to James Cheeks, the agency’s chief traffic engineer. Although this wasn’t the case the previous See Signals/Page 6

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Current

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SIGNALS: ANC debates two new traffic lights From Page 5

times the agency examined the intersection, a traffic light at W and Foxhall was deemed “warranted� under those guidelines in the latest study. “If the signal is warranted, I have to put it up,� Cheeks said. Unlike many government actions, public safety matters aren’t based on public opinion, Cheeks added. “I don’t have hearings on traffic signals.� Foxhall traffic gets a red light only at times when a car is waiting on W Street, Cheeks said. He added that the light is synchronized with others nearby, so that cars on W Street will get their own green light based on the timing of those signals. Alma Gates, a Palisades resident who previously served on the neighborhood commission, said in an interview that the community has a history of opposing this stoplight, dating back to resolutions from the commission and the Palisades Citizens Association in 2000. Had the Transportation Department sought feedback

RETAIL: Cheh obtains funds for two Ward 3 areas From Page 5

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from residents, she said, the agency would have learned why people are opposed. “I think that when these studies are done, it’s important to get community input, and I don’t think that DDOT can demonstrate that,� Gates said. Neighborhood commissioner Gayle Trotter, the commission’s main opponent of the W Street light, said her constituents are concerned about increased congestion and resulting safety hazards. “What is the point of an ANC if we can’t have input on something like this?� she asked. Her colleagues agreed to ask the Transportation Department to improve its procedures. There was less objection to a light at Loughboro and Dalecarlia, which had also been deemed unwarranted in earlier studies. Residents have long pushed for improvements to the intersection, such as a three-way stop, but Cheeks said a signal is the better approach. “There are a lot of right turns where people don’t stop — they just whip around,� he said. “We just thought we needed a bit more control at this intersection.�

Susan Linh, who owns the Wake Up Little Suzie gift store at 3409 Connecticut Ave., is co-president of the Cleveland Park Business Association, formed a few years ago when the recession left some storefronts empty. Linh said there’s now only one vacancy on the strip. “We’re little small stores and restaurants, in tiny spaces, really

supported by the neighborhood,� said Linh. “People want us to stay what we are.� But Linh said Cheh already helped the group obtain a $1.5 million grant for plantings, lighting and other streetscape improvements, and any additional help would be welcome. “That’s fantastic,� she said of the retail priority program. “You do need to pay attention, and I think she

does.� The commercial area “has vastly improved in the past four years,� said Susie Taylor, president of the Cleveland Park Citizens Association. “It is vibrant, it looks better and is safer� thanks to the grant and efforts of the business association. “Do I think there is room for improvement? Of course. Would additional funds be helpful? You bet.�

HOWARD: Preservation board blocks raze plans From Page 2


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rethinking,� he said. Callcott pointed to the redevelopment of the Sears building in Tenleytown, also landmarked and preserved, but with six ultramodern floors added on top. “Big beefy buildings like this can take� substantial additions, he said. The town center project, planned in cooperation with Howard University and city economic development authorities, has been in the works for nearly a decade. Last Thursday’s hearing highlighted some of the miscommunication and misunderstanding along the way. Rebecca Miller, director of the D.C. Preservation League, said her group submitted landmark applications in February — after Cohen applied for raze permits — because it thought the university had promised to at least partially preserve the two buildings. But Alan Brangman, Howard’s associate vice president for facilities and real estate, said demolition was always the intent. “There has never been anyone at Howard who ever said we would not take these buildings down,� he testified. “The assumption was always that they would go away, and we would have a better project.� “If you really want to know, I don’t think these buildings are significant at all,� Brangman said. Cohen’s project manager, Eric Siegel, said the original design was guided by a 2005 city plan, the so-called “Duke Plan,� to add vitality and density to the U and 7th streets area. His firm signed a covenant requiring affordable housing and a full-service grocery store on the site, he said. The District, which traded the bread factory to Howard, “always intended Bond Bread to be demolished.� Now Philadelphia-based Fresh Grocer has signed a lease, but it requires big windows, high ceilings and a glassy corner entrance where the landmarked bread factory building stands, Siegel said. And contamination on the site, particularly under the old bus garage, must be removed to a depth of 20 feet — under what is now a

landmarked garage — to put housing on top. Siegel said his firm now has financing in place for the entire project. “Prior to the landmark nomination, we’re in for $2 million. We now have to rethink everything, and that money’s lost.� Sylvia Robinson of the Georgia Avenue Community Development Task Force bemoaned the current imbroglio. “We’re not insensitive to the fact that these buildings have history,� she said. But progress on the town center project has been “very complex and very hardwon. It’s not easy to reproduce if we have to start over. “The affordable-housing piece is very important,� Robinson added, “and we fear the cost of preservation will create something we can’t afford.� But board members agreed with their staff that the art deco bread factory and bus garage meet legal criteria for landmarking for their distinctive architecture — unusually fine for industrial buildings, some members said. “We have a relatively small corpus of industrial buildings, so it’s important to recognize the good ones that are left,� said city architectural historian Tim Dennee. “And this is a good one,� he said of the former bus garage. “Putting a building on the National Register doesn’t mean it can’t be modified, reused, adapted,� board chair Gretchen Pfaehler assured the developers. “It’s not a roadblock to development.� But some seemed uneasy forcing changes in a project so late in the process. “We don’t vote in a vacuum,� said member Maria Casarella. “I don’t want us as board members to be put in this position again.� She said the preservation league should notify property owners annually if their building is eligible for landmark designation. “There needs to be a grocer, retail, housing,� said member Andrew Aurbach. “Staff and the mayor’s agent will have to be pragmatic about how many ways you can squeeze a balloon.� State preservation officer David Maloney said he will continue consulting with Cohen’s architects on ways to modify the design. “We are in discussion with the developer, and making progress,� he said.

The Current Wednesday, May 29, 2013


TRANSIT: Three options presented for improved service from Georgetown to Union Station

From Page 1

vice for the corridor. The Federal Transit Administration had awarded the department a $1 million grant to conduct the analysis, and the local agency hopes to eventually land federal support to construct the new system. The first option would install a streetcar line starting at K Street in Georgetown from Wisconsin Avenue and 29th Street. It would proceed east along K Street before cutting over to H Street NE via New Jersey Avenue NW. The route would end on H Street’s Hopscotch Bridge. This option would run 3.41 miles through eight stations and eliminate approximately 278 parking spaces, according to the agency. Estimates for construction costs are between $340 million and $370 million. The second alternative, also a streetcar route, would begin on M Street NW between Wisconsin and Pennsylvania avenues. The streetcar would take riders along Pennsylvania Avenue around Washington Circle, on K Street to Mount Vernon Square, south on Massachusetts Avenue to Union Station, and then on H Street east to a final station at Hopscotch Bridge. Heading west, this line would pass Mount Vernon Square to take I Street back toward Washington Circle. This second streetcar prospect would run 3.6 miles with nine stations, eliminate approximately 814 parking spaces, and cost between $380 million and $415 million, according to agency estimates. The third option, a premium bus, would begin at the same location in Northwest D.C. as the first streetcar option and follow the same route along K Street — though the bus would continue east past New Jersey Avenue and turn south on North Capitol Street, to reach a final stop at Columbus Circle. Premium bus service generally has fewer stops, dedicated lanes and faster fare collection, all with a goal of reduced travel times, consultants said. The bus line would wind 3.67 miles with nine stops. It would eliminate approximately 321 spaces, and it would most likely be the cheapest of the various proposals, with estimated construction costs of $210 million to $230 million. Rupert said her team was pleased with the estimated travel times: Each transit option would typically be able to run the route either direction in 21 to 25 minutes during rush hour, according to the Transportation Department. But Bradley Green, a Ward 4 resident who attended the presentations, said that he was disappointed that the study area didn’t include the Georgetown University campus — especially since creating a connection with the university is a priority for many following the issue. “There’s a lot of benefit to be gained to having that included,� said Green. He also encouraged the city to explore utilizing M Street as a possible transit artery to the school.

“There’s certainly a lot of concentration of potential riders along that corridor.� The agency’s second streetcar option and premium bus plan may allay those concerns, though. According to the Transportation Department, both schemes could possibly be extended farther west along Canal Road in the future — right up to the driveway entrance of Georgetown University. For forum attendee Howard

Marks, president of the board of the 1150 K Street condominiums, the answer is anything but the first streetcar alternative. Marks said in an interview that his building’s residents fervently object to that proposal, which would widen K Street from four to six lanes from 10th Street to 12th Street — right in front of his building. The design would take away about 11 feet of sidewalk, Marks said, and would force the removal of

a beloved shade tree and other landscaping, cut off part of the complex’s driveway, and bring noise and air pollution closer to the building. “Our condo board is not opposed to a streetcar at all — we are opposed to widening the roadway,� said Marks. “We are going to use every legal recourse at our means to stop this widening from happening.� But Marks said his primary concern is actually the impact on Asbury United Methodist Church, located at

926 11th St. If the roadway were widened, the historic church could lose some of the trees and plants that grow in front of the entrance, as well as a railed stairway needed for handicapped and elderly parishioners, he said. The Transportation Department is accepting public feedback about the three options. The selection of a recommended option is slated for June, and the release of a final report on its analysis this summer.


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Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The Georgetown


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

An emergency situation

There’s clearly a problem with ambulance scheduling in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department: Despite sharp peaks in demand in the afternoon and early evening, and relatively few calls for service overnight, the agency maintains a consistent level of ambulance and paramedic availability at all hours. This arrangement is illogical on its face, but what makes the situation dire is the shortage of ambulances and personnel at the hours the District is bursting with commuters and tourists. Mayor Vincent Gray and Chief Kenneth Ellerbe are right to push for an overhaul. Their proposed solution, however, would create a glaring problem of its own: In rescheduling more paramedic-equipped “advanced life support” units to be available during peak hours of 1 to 7 p.m. — which we strongly endorse — the agency is seeking to offer no such units from 1 to 7 a.m. Currently, 14 of the “advanced” ambulances are available at all hours. We support a reduction in staffing when less capacity is needed. But we fear that paring back late-night service too far could have grave consequences. To be clear, the agency’s proposal would not eliminate all ambulance service overnight. As the chief described at a May 17 D.C. Council committee hearing, emergency medical technicians — who are trained and certified for “basic life support” emergencies — would remain on call at all hours. So would firefighters with the more advanced paramedic training. But as union leaders note, a sudden reduction in overnight staffing leaves the District vulnerable when there are simultaneous but far-flung medical emergencies, or in the case of a mass-casualty event. They also point out that many incidents that occur between 1 and 7 a.m. are serious; even if overnight emergencies are fewer in number, they routinely include violent crimes that are less common in daylight. Clearly the status quo is unacceptable, and the agency is on the right track with its proposed solution. We also applaud Chief Ellerbe for pledging to review the new system and make quick changes as appropriate. But there should be no question that at whatever time of day a disaster strikes, the District should have at least some advanced life support ambulances on call with a trained paramedic at the ready. At the May 17 hearing, the chief said he was open to making a few advanced life support ambulances available around the clock. We wouldn’t support anything less. Also notable at the hearing was yet another flare-up of the intense hostility between the department and the two unions representing its paramedics (firefighter and civilian). We urge Mayor Gray, Chief Ellerbe and labor leaders to improve the relationship between labor and management to collaboratively address ambulance scheduling and other issues affecting public safety. After all, the two sides already agree, as do we, that part of the problem in this case is a dwindling number of paramedics on the agency’s payroll. Fixing that is of paramount importance.

Bravo, Mr. Amaya

Juan Amaya is hardly the first young person to write an opera. After all, Mozart penned “Apollo et Hyacinthus” at 12, and Mendelssohn began “Die Hochzeit des Camacho” at 15. But that’s pretty good company. Last weekend, Duke Ellington School of the Arts presented the premiere of Mr. Amaya’s opera, “Cinde’ella,” a religious twist on the classic tale. It was the first time the specialty school has presented an original opera written by a single student. And Mr. Amaya’s work was impressive. The senior spent three years on the project, writing both the music and the libretto. And that was after beginning his training in music composition only upon arriving at Ellington. The senior also advocated for his work to get on stage. As a sophomore, he approached Mary Jane Ayers, chair of the vocal music department, about presenting his work. She runs the school’s opera workshop class. “When Juan first came to me, it was difficult to know if it would work because I didn’t know his skill level,” said Ms. Ayers. “But he just kept coming back.” Twenty-two of Mr. Amaya’s classmates at the Burleith arts school joined him in the cast last weekend, and another 30 provided the music. Senior soprano Victoria Ellington was lovely as Cinde’ella, and contralto Rikki Morrow-Spitzer offered an outstanding performance as the cruel stepmother. But it’s hard to draw the spotlight from Mr. Amaya and his impressive accomplishment. We wish him the best of luck next year at Catholic University — where he plans to major in music composition — and on the many stages in his future.

The Current

Cannonball run (for mayor) …


ormer D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams was always a little bit shy and, yes, a little bit nerdy. But as NBC4 recalled last week, he made one really big splash as mayor. No, we weren’t talking about his landing the Washington Nationals or balancing the city’s red-ink budgets. We’re talking about the big splash he made with the Tony Williams cannonball that he did for several years to open the annual summer swimming season. Williams was the first modern mayor to make a real effort to improve the city’s recreation centers and swimming pools. Your Notebook stood in the bottom of more than one empty pool to make the point that children, families and citizens were being shortchanged. Mayors Adrian Fenty and Vincent Gray have kept up the improvements. But let’s go back to the cannonball. Williams brought attention to the recreation improvements by donning a swimsuit and splashing into the water of different pools. But the mayoral gimmick ended when Williams left office in 2006. Neither successor Fenty nor Gray has taken the plunge. On Friday, Mayor Gray showed up in a full business suit — full business suit — to sit in the lifeguard stand as a group of people jumped in to start the season. Now, it was very cold on Friday, about 52 degrees. We’re not sure anyone should have been jumping into an outdoor pool. But we digress. And maybe things are changing. Maybe the next mayor, assuming for a moment it’s not Gray, will revive the Tony tumble. On Twitter and elsewhere online last week, people were demanding that the next mayor, whoever it is, bring back the mayoral cannonball. Well, to be truthful, a few people were rabble-rousing about it. But NBC4 took the bait. We decided to ask the mayoral candidates (such as they are right now) to weigh in on the cannonball issue. First up was Ward 6 D.C. Council member Tommy Wells, who was appearing with us on the WAMU 88.5 Politics Hour hosted by Kojo Nnamdi. We grilled Wells about reviving the tradition. We even warned him his answer would be splattered on television. “I’m not sure people want to see me do a cannonball,” he demurred. (His own Wells 2014 campaign staff is urging him to commit, and now there’s a poll on his website asking whether he should.) Muriel Bowser met us in Northeast Washington at Riggs Road and South Dakota Avenue. Bowser stepped up the challenge. “Why not?” she replied when asked about the cannonball. “And while we’re at it, we should do some laps.” She said it would be a good way to promote fitness. Both Wells and Bowser already are in the mayoral

race. Ward 2’s Jack Evans — who is to become a candidate in early June — plunged ahead into the cannonball issue. “Will you bring back the Tony cannonball?” we asked. “Absolutely,” Evans replied without a pause. Evans wondered if others were afraid to be seen in a swimsuit. “I don’t get it.” Evans noted that he and his young children did a ceremonial jump into the Volta Park pool when it reopened. Now what about atlarge Council member David Catania? He hasn’t stated his intent, but he’s being mentioned as a potential candidate in the 2014 November general election. The Notebook didn’t catch up with him on Friday, but we did send a text message asking whether Catania would restore the Tony tradition. “Absolutely” was his one-word reply. We’re on to something here, folks. The candidates have been given a heads-up. The opportunity for the next cannonball is not until next May. We might have a Democratic nominee by then. That could be a new tradition: The party nominees do the jumping. Maybe former Mayor Williams could come out of retirement — no, no, not to run again, he won’t do that — to do the cannonball every year. Experience counts. ■ Some pool stats. The District operates 19 outdoor pools, four children’s pools and 11 spray parks. The Department of Parks and Recreation offers pool safety classes (no official cannonball instructions) and programs for adults and seniors. “I would like to remind everyone that safety is the key,” said recreation director Jesús Aguirre. “Learn how to swim and follow all the rules.” ■ Bike update. Organizers of Bike to Work Day report that 14,500 cyclists participated this year. That’s about 15 percent growth. It was the largest number since the annual event began in 2000. But maybe more importantly, word came late last week that the District government is going to do more to protect cyclists who use the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue downtown. Police have ticketed taxi drivers and others who make mid-block U-turns that endanger the cyclists. Some of them have been hit by vehicles. The website DCist published a chilling picture of a bicycle crumpled to the ground. And NBC4’s Mark Segraves did a story about the dangerous practice and efforts to ticket offenders. Now it appears that some plastic white tubing will be put up to discourage the U-turns and to increase safety for the cyclists. The Notebook thinks those plastic tubes rapidly become eyesores as vehicles brush by, bending them or knocking them over. But better that than brushing off the cyclists after they’re knocked down. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor Official overstated frequency of repairs

I read with great interest The Current’s May 22 article “Pepco, D.C. propose to underground wires.” The work cannot begin too soon. My one comment on the article concerns City Administrator Allen Lew’s statement that street repair in the District is on a 10- to 15-year cycle: “In 15 years every street in the city is redone.” Well, this is a gross inaccuracy in my opinion. I have lived on the

4400 block of Faraday Place NW since 1971 and the street, per my records originally obtained from the D.C. Department of Transportation, was resurfaced in 1974 and 1997. Currently it does not need to be resurfaced compared to many other streets in the neighborhood. The one exception would be the hole left by Washington Gas at 4420 Faraday Place several months ago. It is an eyesore, and no one seems to be able to get Washington Gas to complete its work. Mr. Lew should inspect the 4200 block of Ellicott Street NW. It has now become a street of pothole-filled sections, a real chal-

lenge for any all-terrain vehicle. Robert Linden Friendship Heights

Washington Latin offers solid program

As a parent of two children at Washington Latin Public Charter School, I appreciate the public advocacy of Robert Cane [“Public charter schools need funding equity,” Viewpoint, May 15]. Washington Latin is a wonderful community of learners, and I encourage parents considering options for middle school to add Washington Latin to their list. Robert Burchard Friendship Heights

The Current

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Argument for more charter funds is flawed VIEWPOINT erich martel


obert Cane, executive director of Friends of Choice in Urban Schools, claims that D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray’s 2014 budget underfunds D.C. public charter schools [“Public charter schools need funding equity,� Viewpoint, May 15]. “Charters are funded only for the students they actually enroll,� he says, whereas the D.C. Public Schools system is funded on “its always-inflated estimated enrollment.� D.C.’s charters, he continues, “have an ontime high school graduation rate 21 percentage points higher than the school system’s regular high schools� and enroll students who are “more disadvantaged and more academically successful.� D.C. Council members! Each statement is a halftruth in need of investigation, not greater funding. Cane omits what happens to the students after the October enrollment count, which is the basis for setting per-pupil funding. Last school year, 786 students disappeared from the rolls of charters’ seven testing grades (10th, and third through eighth) after the October count and before the setting of the April testing roster. With no ninth-grade test, charter high schools have used that year and the semester before the April test to winnow their rolls of academically weak and disruptive 10th-graders to boost test scores, graduation rates and per-pupil funding. Unlike D.C. Public Schools, charters are not “schools of right,� and so their one-way student transfer privilege accords to them the private-school ability to determine which students may attend. Data available from the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education contradict claims that charters are “academically more successful.� Students who graduated in 2012 entered the ninth grade in 2008. That October, D.C. officials counted 1,974 ninth-graders in 21 charter high schools. A year and a half later, the number of charter 10th-graders on the April 2010 testing roster had fallen to 1,296 — a loss of 678, or 34 percent, of the original ninth-graders. The charter schools most often cited as “high performing� shed the most students: the two Cesar Chavez campuses dropped 156 students; Friendship Collegiate, 89; IDEA, 67; and Thurgood Marshall, 51. “Voluntary transfers� far exceeded reported expulsions. The state superintendent’s office reported 888 on-

Letters to the Editor Priorities are skewed with ambulance cuts

I was quite concerned by The Current’s May 22 article “Ambulance scheduling changes eyed.�
 It seems that
 Mayor Vincent Gray and Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department Chief Kenneth Ellerbe are proposing schedule changes that would reduce the emergency services available at night. According to the article, this proposed change in service would increase the availability of ambulances and paramedics between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. by decreasing or eliminating their availability at other times. Apparently there would be no advanced life support units from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. The most highly trained paramedics are

time charter graduates in 2012 — 45 percent of the 1,974 ninth-graders. The charters’ 77 percent graduation rate (versus the D.C. Public Schools rate of 56 percent) is based on a reduced enrollment of 1,150. The exclusion of 824 students from the graduation calculation reveals a process that treats students as pawns and is of questionable legality — 318 were in schools that the charter board shut down, 42 were in a school that reclassified students as “ungraded� in 2012, and 464 were dropped by the remaining 14 charter high schools. Again in this instance, we see that charters often cited as “high performing� shed the most: After transferring 198 of their 335 starting ninth-graders, the two Chavez schools graduated only 91 of the remaining 133 (or 68 percent). Thurgood Marshall dropped 57, graduating 63 of the 138 starting ninth-graders (46 percent). After dropping 123 of its 390 ninth-graders, Friendship Collegiate claimed a graduation rate of 91 percent. These are conservative numbers that reveal a multiyear pattern. The council and the public deserve to know the test scores and graduation status of these students, as well as the reason for their removal from charter high schools. How can the mayor and council tolerate charter schools receiving public funds and then selectively removing large numbers? If the average transfer rates of all D.C. public schools (14 percent) and all charter high schools (41 percent) were switched, the impact of the charter transfer privilege on school performance rates would be dramatically revealed: The charter graduation rate would drop from 77 to 52 percent, while the D.C. Public Schools average would rise from 56 to 81 percent. Mr. Cane, Friends of Choice in Urban Schools, the D.C. Public Charter School Board and charter schools are members of the Enrollment Audit Stakeholders Working Group. This panel, established by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, is considering the idea of replacing the census-style October audit with a “sample-style student enrollment audit� as an efficiency measure. Evidence suggests that a “sample audit� would be subject to being gamed by schools wishing to conceal unethical and possibly illegal student selection practices from the public and the council. Will the council investigate these practices and require complete information, or will it allow this disparate impact to define our taxpayer-supported schools? Erich Martel is a retired D.C. Public Schools social studies teacher.

assigned to advanced life support units; very efficient but less highly trained emergency medical technicians are assigned to the basic life support units. The alleged justification for this change is that “only� 15 percent of calls come in during those evening hours, and “only� a third of the calls placed actually require a paramedic. If I were to need assistance overnight, I would be hard-pressed to accept that “only� counts when a life is at stake. Paramedic and firefighter unions oppose this proposal. At a D.C. Council hearing, Chief Ellerbe indicated that the changes will be re-evaluated if they don’t
 work. Just how many folks must receive an inadequate response before it’s determined that this proposed change is not wise? Will there have to be loss of 
life first?

 Concurrently, Ward 3 Council member Mary Cheh has proposed
 a 30-employee increase in the num-

ber of parking enforcement personnel. According to a WTOP report, a half-million tickets have been written by D.C. parking enforcement so far this year. The city collected $92.5 million in revenue from
 parking enforcement in 2012. 

 I am the first to admit that I know nothing of the nuances of running a city as 
vital and challenging as ours. However, if there is money in the D.C. budget (apparently there’s a surplus at this time), what is the justification for hiring 30 new employees to write parking tickets, while decreasing the availability of trained medical responders? The priorities seem skewed. Great, I can park my car when I want to because someone isn’t 15
 minutes beyond his or her allotted parking time. But heaven help me if I need advanced medical help during the 
hours of 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. Susan Pizza Chevy Chase

Letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to


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10 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Current

Spotlight on Schools Aidan Montessori School

We had our Special Persons Day on May 10. This is when a person who is special comes to school with you. You show your special person the work that you do in class. Josie Schiffer showed her special person the peg board. Edvin Leijon showed diagramming and the binomial cube. Sebastian Lenart showed geography pin maps and Pranav Sethi-Olowin did cubing. We also went to the church audi-


torium across the street, where all our special persons gathered and we sang a few songs to them. — Stephen Sealls, fifth-grader, and Pranav Sethi-Olowin, fourth-grader

Edmund Burke School

The middle school basketball team was organized during the win-

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ter trimester sometime after Thanksgiving. I was on the team this past year and I had a lot fun during the season. We worked together as a team, and the coaches were kind to us, teaching us the techniques, defense (zone defense, one-on-one man defense and so on.) During the practice, I had a chance to improve my skills since I only played basketball for half a year before joining the team. But I worked hard, listened to the coaches and learned


from my teammates and made really good improvement. After the season was over, when I looked back, I suddenly discovered that I had made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun. But most importantly, I learned about basketball and really like the sport! — Siyao Lu, seventh-grader

Georgetown Day School

The 2012-2013 school year has, at last, come to a close for students at the high school. After enduring more than 35 weeks of schooling, the final week of regular classes took place last week. On the other hand, final exams begin tomorrow, May 30. Between the athletic championships, theater performances and academic team feats, this school year was successful and enjoyable. Every year, each senior must complete a “Senior Quest,� applying his or her talents, interests or skills to answer a question, carry out a task or solve an issue. This year’s seniors showcased their projects during an assembly period last Friday. The Senior Quest gives graduating seniors a chance to truly display their unique ideas and creations, as the project can be completed on almost any topic. The end of the school year means graduating seniors, departing staff and, this year, the retirement of lower school principal Gloria Runyon. After teaching for 38 years, Runyon will step down from being lower school principal and serve next year as the interim director of diversity at the high school. On

May 18, alumni, students and parents gathered at Ronald Reagan National Airport for a reception in Runyon’s honor. Additionally, the lower/middle school held a studentinvolved and beach-themed retirement ceremony. Hopefully, students will be at the beach soon, as summer vacation is mere days away! — Carlton Marshall II, 11th-grader

Powell Elementary

Congratulations, Powell, for being the second-place winner of the National Bilingual School of the Year Award! On May 22, five Powell students including myself participated in the United Nations Embassy Adoption Program which was held at Takoma Education Campus. Each school in attendance chose a country to adopt and represent, and we, the delegates of Powell, represented Spain. This program is a way to let the students become global citizens and learn about the different nations and their cultures. It also helped us increase our environmental education and awareness. This mini-United Nations summit’s topic was climate change. Delegates argued and debated which of the three following resolutions is best: Governments must reduce carbon emissions by 10 percent over the next five years, governments must invest in renewable energy, or governments must pay a tax on carbon usage. After the nonstop all-day debate, the second resolution won the majority vote. See Dispatches/Page 31



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May 29, 2013 ■ Page 11

‘Bad luck’ derails Eagles’ national title aspirations By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

CHERRY HILL, N.J. — Gonzaga’s first-eight varsity rowing team has grown accustomed to winning. The Eagles had won every domestic regatta that they competed in over the last two years. But on Saturday, congratulations were replaced with tears and frustration when Gonzaga’s rowers — Anlon McGuigan, Mark Roberts, Kevin McGowan, Frank Vasquez, Trey Cruser, Thomas Garvis, David White, Leo Toch and Devin Flynn — finished in sixth place at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America championship regatta on the Cooper River in New Jersey. “It was a bit of a shock,” said Eagles coach Marc Mandel. “We had some bad luck today, but I’m tremendously proud of the guys.” The bad luck occurred when the Eagles were in third place as the teams reached the sprinting point of the race. The chilly, windy day made for choppy water — a challenge that ended up being the Eagles’ downfall. One of Gonzaga’s rowers caught a crab — meaning the oar was stuck in the water and slowed the boat — which made the Eagles go from competing for a medal to a last-place finish. “We were comfortably in third

and fighting for first and second,” Mandel said. “We just had a guy get his oar caught, and that pretty much stopped the boat. We had to limp in after that. It happens to the best of teams, and it happened to us today.” While the season didn’t end the way Gonzaga had hoped, the program’s growth into a national powerhouse was cemented by this year’s squad when it captured a secondstraight Stotesbury Cup on May 18. That regatta is regarded as a national competition, on par with or perhaps even more prestigious than the championship race that occurred last weekend. “Stotesbury is probably the one race we like to key on,” Mandel said. “It’s a hard turnaround to do well there then to get up for this race. Everything has to go right.” Since Mandel took over the program prior to the 2009 season, the

Left: photo coutesy of Terence Flynn; above: Brian Kapur/The Current

After winning the Stotesbury Cup on May 18, left, Gonzaga came into the Scholastic Rowing Association of America championship regatta with high expectations. But a stuck oar during the latter part of Saturday’s race, above, derailed the effort in New Jersey. Eagles have rewritten rowing history at the school. The team’s top-eight varsity has medaled at Stotesbury three times during Mandel’s fiveyear tenure, including a secondplace finish there in 2009. The coach has also led the Eagles to a pair of national titles. “I inherited a very good foundation, good kids, good booster support and really good school support,” said Mandel. “We had a lot of success my first year, but it took some time to build those fundamentals through the program. We started to see it really paying off last year.”

The coach credits his athletes’ eagerness to improve and team unity as keys to their recent success. “They train hard and they’re very coachable,” Mandel said of Gonzaga’s rowers. “They just love the sport and love each other. They’re best friends, and I think that goes a long way in the boat. We spend so many hours in this sport that if you don’t love the people around you it’s not going to go well.” Gonzaga’s program has also gotten NCAA attention, as several of the team’s rowers will compete at the college level. Garvis is going to

George Washington University, McGowan to Georgetown, McGuigan to Navy, Christian Kerrigan to Holy Cross and White to Dartmouth. The team has 15 seniors, all moving on from Gonzaga, but Mandel believes he has strong rowers returning next year who can keep the program at an elite level and use Saturday’s loss as a catalyst for a rebound. “I hope they take away some real life lessons,” said Mandel. “You learn from your failures. So I told the guys we’ll learn from this and come back stronger and faster next year.”

D.C. Baseball Classic comes to Nationals Park Sunday By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Current file photos

Maret led by Andrew Culp, above, begins its city title defense against St. Albans and Nate Siegler, center. The Frogs could see Wilson, led by Pedro Mateo, in a rematch of last year’s final.

Local teens will take over Nationals Park Sunday as part of the D.C. High School Baseball Classic, a daylong event featuring four games between city teams. The showcase will open at 9:30 a.m. with a playoff between Interstate Athletic Conference powerhouse St. Albans and Mid-Atlantic Conference champion Maret. That game will determine who plays in the city championship match later in the day. Maret comes into the contest riding an eight-game winning streak, including a 7-1 win over St. Albans. In that May 2 contest, Shankar Mani earned three strikeouts on the mound, Austin Maggin had four RBIs and Daniel Becker, Kane Hassan and Mani each chipped in an RBI apiece. St. Albans, meanwhile, has a 4-4 record over its last eight games. The Bulldogs were knocked out of the IAC playoffs by conference rival Georgetown Prep in a 3-2 game, but St. Albans showed resolve by taking down Sidwell 6-0 on May 18 to earn a place in the festivities at Nationals Park.

The second game Sunday will feature Wilson looking to win its 21st consecutive D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association championship. The Tigers will take on McKinley Tech at noon, with the winner earning a spot in the city championship game against the victor of the private school battle. Wilson seems to have an advantage coming into Sunday’s game against McKinley. Wilson has won five straight games, and the Tigers routed McKinley in their regular-season battle 8-3 on April 26. In that contest Pedro Mateo

led the way with three RBIs. Scot Beumel added two more, and Max Walker and Luke Cameron each chipped in one RBI apiece. After both championship teams have been determined, the city’s best high school players will take the field for an all-star game at 2:30 p.m. The championship tilt will begin at 5:30. If Maret were to play Wilson, it would be a rematch of last year’s city title game, which the Frogs won 6-5. Admission to the event and parking in the stadium’s B lot are both free.

12 Wednesday, May 29, 2013




The Current

Northwest Sports

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Sports Desk


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Visitation wins ISL track championship, Cathedral finishes in second-place

Visitation recently won the Independent School League track and field championship, which took place at Holton-Arms. National Cathedral finished in second place as a team at the May 11 meet. The Cubs championship team had several standout performers. Shirley Tomdio won the discus throw and took third in the shot put; Emily Kaplan won the grueling 1,600-meter and 3,200-meter runs; Jillian Murray took gold and Moira Griffith took bronze in the 400meter dash; Lindsay Margaret earned silver in the 3,200-meter; and Sarah Wyckoff took second in the 800-meter run. Two Cubs relay teams also prevailed in their events: Jessie Foster, Murray, Marie Terese Kane and Jubilee Marshall took the 800-meter, and Griffith, Murray, Wyckoff and Emily Waddell won the 400. Cathedral’s second-place finish was due to a slew of great showings. Jeryne Fish took gold in the triple jump and silver in the long jump and the 100-meter hurdle. The Eagles’ 800-meter relay team of Satowa Kinoshita, Hazel Horvath, Linda Krasniewski and Sararose Gaines took silver, as did the 100-meter relay team of Caroline Hanse, Fish, Mary Parker and Rubii Tamen. Tamen also took third in the 200-meter dash, and Kinoshita took third in the 3,200-meter. Georgetown Day’s girls finished fifth overall, but Hannah Natanson and Lauren Tappan proved to be bright spots — Natanson won the 300-meter hurdles, and Tappan placed third in the same event. Although Sidwell finished sixth as a team, several athletes had a solid meet. Tiara Wood won the shot put and took silver in the discus throw; the Quakers’ 800meter squad — Natasha Cox, Yasmin Siahpoosh, Amalia Gomez-Rexrode and Emily Klineberg — earned bronze; and Megan Wilson won the 800-meter race and took second in the 1,600-meter run. Maret as a team finished in 12th place, but Molly Minnig earned a bronze medal in the long jump.

St. Albans and National Cathedral rowers nearly earn medals at nationals

Both St. Albans and National Cathedral’s firsteight varsity rowers were able to finish in fourth place at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America championship regatta Saturday on the Cooper River in Cherry Hill, N.J.

Georgetown Day School Hoppers take MAC track and field crown

Georgetown Day edged local rivals Sidwell and Maret, which finished in second and third place respectively, to win the Mid-Atlantic Conference track and field championship May 11 at HoltonArms. The Hoppers’ championship win came from several strong performances. Neville Palmer took gold in the discus throw; Erin Rust-Tierney won the triple jump, earned second in the long jump and took third in the 100-meter dash; Ben Phillips won the 100meter dash and took second in the triple jump; and Evan Palmer took third in the high jump. The school’s 800-meter relay team — Tristan Colaizzi, Zeke Cohen, Danny Klain and Michael Bassett — won its event, as did the 100-meter relay squad of Rust-Tierney, Adam Glaser, Ahmad Jones and Phillips. Colaizzi also earned silver the 1,600-meter and bronze in the 3,200-meter runs. Sam Boardman finished third in the 1,600-meter run; Ben Kunst earned second in the 110meter hurdles and in the 300-meter hurdles; Malik Jones took bronze in the 110-meter hurdles and in the 300-meter hurdles; Billy Cox took third in the 800meter; and Khalil Jones won the 200-meter dash and Ezra Lynn took second. The Hoppers’ 400-meter relay team — Malik Jones, Cox, Timmy Balton and Ahmad Jones — also won its event. Sidwell was able to capture second place thanks to several athletes who medaled. David Newman took third in the discus throw, Diamente Holloway won the high jump, and Miles Brown earned bronze in the shot put. The Quakers’ 800-meter relay team — Darron Coley, Josh Wertzberger, Raynal Singh and Nate Folger — and their 100-meter relay squad — Nicholas Adeyl, Alexander Gamble, Chris Meyerhoff and Jamie Sandel — earned bronze medals. Sandel also won the 110-meter hurdles and the 300-meter hurdles, and Meyerhoff won the 400-meter dash and took third in the 200-meter dash. Sidwell’s 400-meter relay team of Jason Campbell, Meyerhoff, Sandel and Chris Dock also took third in its event. Maret’s third-place finish was led by a slew of strong outings. Maurice Hicks took third in the triple jump; Marlon Beck won the long jump and took second in the 100-meter dash; Jay Wilson took third in the long jump; Tre Bowens won the shot put; and the Frogs’ 100-meter relay team of Zach Popkin, Austin Holmes, Beck and Bowens earned silver.

Spring All-Conference Part I ISL AA Girls lacrosse Tess McEvoy, Visitation Kelly Myers, Visitation Maggie Jackson, Visitation Ana Hagerup, Visitation Parker Garrett, Cathedral Abby Keffer, Cathedral Lexy Manos, Cathedral Margaret Smith, Cathedral Softball Kinza Baad, Cathedral Sarah Ing, Cathedral Emma Larson, Cathedral Hannah Menard, Cathedral Caitlyn Fischer, Visitation Juliet Lewis, Visitation Honorable mention Katie Johnson, Cathedral Track and field Jeryne Fish, Cathedral

Rubii Tamen, Cathedral

WCAC Boys lacrosse First team Alex Corboy, Gonzaga Matt Borda, Gonzaga Jack Slater, Gonzaga Max Planning, Gonzaga Joe Fitzpatrick, Gonzaga Tyler Golian, Gonzaga Timmy Farrell, Gonzaga Second team Pat Myers, Gonzaga Nate Williams, St. John’s Connor Spencer, Gonzaga Honorable mention Jimmy Kuzma, Gonzaga Daniel O’Berry, Gonzaga Michael Borda, Gonzaga Timmy Monahon, Gonzaga Jacob Anderson, St. John’s RP Whitty, St. John’s

Jake Pawela, St. John’s Gerald Flood, St. John’s Baseball First team Errol Robinson, St. John’s AJ Lee, St. John’s Bobby Campbell, St. John’s Co-coach of the year Mark Gibbs, St. John’s Second team Bo Williams, St. John’s Brodie Leftwich, St. John’s Honorable mention Kyle Lefelar, St. John’s Josh Neal, St. John’s Garrett Pearson, St. John’s Phil Reese, St. John’s Harry Thomas, St. John’s Matt Dorris, Gonzaga James Orfini, Gonzaga Jack Hennessy, Gonzaga David Mervis, Gonzaga

The CurrenT

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 13

District of columbia office on aging news

Spotlight on Community Living Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Serving D.C. residents who are age 18+ with a disability or age 60+ and their caregivers

Vol 1, No 8

Executive Director’s Message John M. Thompson, Ph.D., FAAMA D.C. Office on Aging last month during older american’s month, the District of Columbia Office on Aging (DCOA) hosted mayor gray’s second annual senior symposium: An Age-Friendly City at the omni shoreham hotel. the world health organization (who) defines an agefriendly city as an inclusive and accessible environment that encourages active and healthy living for all residents by making improvements focused on eight domains of city life affecting the health and well-being of older people. these domains include: outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community support and health services. in addition to who’s eight domains, Dcoa has added two domains, emergency Preparedness and adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation. the symposium drew nearly 600 seniors, caregivers, healthcare and social services providers, and top District of columbia government officials. mayor vincent c. gray delivered a rousing speech

District senior Wins national contest Senior citizens in the District of Columbia and nationwide celebrated National Senior Health and Fitness Day during Older

about his expectation for transforming washington, Dc into an age-friendly city and identified age-friendly Dc efforts that are currently underway. the mayor announced the District’s first ever silver alert Program, which is similar to the amber alert system for alerting the public about missing children. silver alert establishes in the District a coordinated effort between metropolitan Police Department, homeland security and emergency management agency, Department of transportation, and Dcoa to quickly inform the public of missing seniors and to mobilize resources to locate missing seniors. statistics show that as people age, some will have alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. unfortunately, seniors with dementia are prone to wander from their homes. the District’s silver alert system will actively address this issue and return more missing seniors to their homes safely. additionally, mayor gray discussed the District’s nursing home Discharge Program, which also aligns with an age-friendly city. the purpose of this person-centered program is to identify and

transition willing and able nursing home residents back into the community from nursing homes. through this program, the Dcoa transition care coordinators will work closely with the identified nursing home residents during their transition and will ensure that the appropriate home and communitybased services are available to ensure their success in a non-institutional setting. the mayor’s speech was followed by the morning plenary, facilitated by Dr. ruth finkelstein, senior vice president for policy and planning at the new york academy of medicine. Dr. finkelstein led symposium attendees in a live survey to assess the District’s readiness to become an age-friendly city. Preliminary findings show that 88.28% of survey participants agree that the District has dependable public transportation. however, an area for improvement through the age-friendly transformation is to ensure that all seniors, especially those with very limited income, have access to reliable transportation to medical appointments and other destinations to help them to remain an active part of society.

Americans Month under the theme “Think Healthy, Eat Healthy, Act Healthy… Be Healthy!” This year’s theme was among 1,000 entries submitted by older adults from across the country. Mature Market Resource Center

solicited the entries and the winning theme was submitted by a local resident. Contest winner and Ward One resident Clarence “Buddy” Moore was presented with a plaque, a $250 cash prize and a t-shirt bearing the winning theme. Because Moore lives

Mayor Vincent C. Gray greeted more than 500 participants at the Mayor’s Second Annual Senior Symposium” An Age-Friendly City. The Mayor made announcements for the District of Columbia Silver Alert Program, RFAs for Senior Transportation and Senior Villages and the Nursing Home Transition Program.

one interesting statistic gained from the survey was that 18% of participants feel that they are treated like they are less capable or important because of their age when frequenting stores, restaurants, and banks. as we transform washington, Dc into an age-friendly city through enhanced programs and services, we will also work to transform perspectives about seniors in the business community. as i know, seniors are filled with wisdom and have so much to offer society and we should take the time to capitalize on their abilities. if you did not attend this year’s symposium, i hope that you can join me for the mayor’s third senior symposium, which will be held in may 2014. in the interim, i ask that you share your per-

spectives on how the District can transform into an agefriendly city for all seniors and everyone living and visiting our great city. we will be scheduling community stakeholder meetings across the District to listen to your ideas and perspectives as we begin strategic planning to transform the District into an age-friendly city. Please stay tuned for more information on the times and locations of these meetings. if you are on twitter, please follow us on @dcagingnews and @drjohnmthompson to stay current on upcoming agefriendly Dc and other Dcoa activities in your neighborhood. if you are not on twitter, feel free to visit our website at or call us at 202-724-5626 for more information. ~

this motto daily, he didn’t have to think twice when he wrote it down and submitted the entry. Moore, 75, is an active participant of the Bernice Fonteneau Senior Wellness Center, where he chairs the Outreach Committee, is coordinator of the Memoir

gov e r nm e nt of th e D istrict of c olu mbia — v in cent c. gray, m ayo r

Writing Workshops, a member of the walking club and the bowling and basketball teams. Mr. Moore is also very active as a volunteer with the ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Association. Congratulations Buddy! ~

14 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The CurrenT

n g The Current W ednesday, May 29, 2013


PLAYGROUND: After years of work, Key Elementary wins council support for improvements

From Page 1

which had either been run down by overuse or badly damaged by poor water maintenance, parents said. The PTA launched “Play It Forward” in November 2011, at a time when the Palisades school was enrolling almost double the number of students the grounds were originally designed to accommodate. With many more students using the play areas each day, the equipment and AstroTurf field were beginning to look the worse for wear. “The structures have been in place since prior to my taking over Key 11 years ago,” said principal David Landeryou. The lower playground was built about 15 years ago, but “we’ve grown significantly in the last 10 to 12 years, and we need more space for the kids.” The new play space will include renovated running, blacktop and tennis court surfaces, new playground equipment and an amphitheater. Science teachers are particularly excited about new outdoor classroom areas, said Landeryou. The play spaces had been deteriorating for years, Landeryou and PTA members said, in part because of serious water drainage problems since Key was renovated 10 years ago. With the equipment and fields in need of major replacements, PTA playground co-chair Jennifer Felten began meeting with equipment manufacturers to discuss purchasing new structures for the space — only to be told not to bother. “They said, ‘You have so many water issues here, you cannot just put in a new playground,’” Felten said. The PTA realized the outdoor area was in need of a complete overhaul, Felten said, and her committee began researching other school playgrounds and innovative park designs. “You start to realize it’s not just about putting in a new slide; it’s about making a new opportunity for outside education,” said Felten. Meanwhile, Swift began to promote the “Play It Forward” campaign at all PTA functions, as well as at other school and neighborhood events. Parents, teachers and students all contributed to fundraising efforts. “The kids were out on the playground selling cookies … [and] a whole range of parents, everyone, gave what they could,” said Swift. In addition to gifts from students and parents at Key, the school also received donations from neighbors, the Palisades Citizens Association and the nearby Embassy of Qatar. The names of donors will be listed on a permanent “Giving Wall” at Key — which Swift said has been a way for those who contributed to feel more connected to the school. “We had this campaign thought process that got everybody motivated, and we had a whole range of very excited people who wanted to see this happen,” said Swift. At the urging of officials from

D.C. Public Schools, the PTA hired a landscape architect to draw up a concept plan for a modern outdoor area that could accommodate a safe water management system. Still, the PTA was a long way off from being able to pay for the kind of renovation the playground would have required. “I think that must have surprised parents — when they raised all that money and realized they were not even a quarter of the way there,”

said Cheh, who noted that modern playgrounds seem to run at least $1 million. Cheh took Key’s case to thenCouncil Chairman Kwame Brown and secured an additional $750,000 for the school. But it still wasn’t enough to renovate the difficult playground. This year, Cheh noticed during a budget review that the council had an unspent $500,000 from the previous year, after the project the

money was originally allocated for fell through. “I said, ‘Hmm, $500,000, never spent, never got off the ground?’” Cheh said. “A number of things came together, and I was delighted to help them. … They did so much on their own. Raising $250,000 at a small school like Key, it’s just stunning.” The playground will also include a touch of Palisades history, said Felten: One play structure will

resemble the trolley that used to ride through the neighborhood on its run from Georgetown to Glen Echo. Construction will continue through the summer and finish this fall, said Felten. “The committee’s been talking about it for two years — that’s a long time in a kid’s life!” said Felten. “I don’t think they even know what they’re in for when they come back next fall.”

16 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The CurrenT

CAPITOL HILL $840,000 SPACIOUS, UPDATED bayfront 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths Townhouse with legal 1 bedroom rental income unit! Open living space, warm hardwood floors, grand master suite, charming patio and a quick stroll to the H Street corridor, Eastern market, and METRO! Roby Thompson 202-255-2986 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300




CHARMING clapboard and brick home in Kent. Spacious, light-filled LR w/FP, large FR w/FP, sunny DR & KIT. MBR with BA and 3 additional BRs and BA. Rear lawn with patio and beautiful, terraced garden. Off-street PKG. Near schools and shops. Estate sale sold in “as is” condition. Pat Gerachis Foxhall Office 202-363-1800


ROCK CREEK PARK at your doorstep. Stunning 2005 renov w/ breathtaking views. Owner’s suite w/marble BA, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2FP. Wainscoting, crown moldings, hdwds. Chef’s KIT/brkfst rm overlooks landscaped yard/patio, tree house & 2 car gar. Dianne Bailey 301-980-5954 Matthew Paschall 202-439-7063 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700



RARE 4BR, 3.5BA home with unobstructed Potomac River view! Exacting renov & expansion featuring 2-lvl addn w/ rich finishes. MBR ste w/spa bath & jacuzzi, opens to deck. European KIT w/ top of the line applcs, 3 marble frplcs. 2-car garage. 4615 Laverock Place NW. Denise Warner 202-497-5162 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400



MID-CENTURY CHARMER! Stone-front 4BR, 3BA Colonial nestled in a lush setting. Well-proportioned rooms, w/possible main-flr BR. 4 good-sized BR up, hrdwds, abundant light. Side porch is fin & could be FR. Super-EZ access to SV amenities & Mass Ave corridor from quiet, non-thru street. Diane Adams 202-255-6253 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

Daryl Laster/Lance Horsley Friendship Heights Office

FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS 5101 Wisconsin Ave. NW 202.364.5200

FOXHALL 3201 New Mexico Ave. NW 202.363.1800

CHEVY CHASE 20 Chevy Chase Circle NW 202.363.9700

WOODLEY PARK 2300 Calvert St. 202.483.6300

BETHESDA $650,000 SOUGHT-OUT 2BR, 2BA, 1,703 sf & den corner unit set among trees. New Chef’s KIT, formal dining, LR & FP and wall of glass that leads to priv balc. A must see! Connie Parker 202-302-3900 Friendship Hgts Office 202-364-5200 BETHESDA, MD $620,000 JUST LISTED! Fab twnhse w/4BR and 3.5BA. Deck & terrace, 2 frplcs, updtd KIT and BAs. Overlooks mature trees in a private setting with 2 parking spaces. Beautiful FR! 7521 Bradley Blvd. Mary Bresnahan 202-841-4343 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400 BETHESDA / WESTMORELAND HILLS $1,100,000 RENOV 4BR, 3.5BA Colonial sited on large lot. Side porch, brick patio w/gas BBQ, lush yard. Upper level has 3BR’s w/upgraded BAs. Fully fin LL w/full BR & BA, rec rm w/den & FP. Sunny & bright! Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800 BRIGHTWOOD $629,900 GREAT RENOV! Open, bright. Gour Island KIT w/ss, gran, upgraded cabs.

Wood flrs + carpet. MSte w/high ceilgs and gabled windows, gracious MBA, spacious closets. LL In-Law Ste w/kitchenette. Large landscaped lot, BBQ grill, xtra stor, workshop, HUGE 2-car garage. Samuel Davis 202-256-7039 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 CAPITOL HILL, WDC $975,000 FANTASTIC Capitol Hill location! Handsome Victorian w/3BR, 2BA, double LR, 3 frplcs. LL w/KIT & FR, convenient for home office, open to outside patio. Nr Capitol, metro, shops! 221 3rd St SE. Terri Robinson 202-607-7737 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

CLEVELAND PARK $299,900 LOCATION is everything! Classic, contemporary, quiet 1BR Cleveland Park Coop, one block to METRO. Hrdwd flrs, built-ins, modern KIT. Extra storage in basement. Grow your very own veggies in the amazing back yard! Traci Mitchell-Austin 301-332-8172 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

CLEVELAND PARK $1,395,000 TOTAL RENOV of lovely home sited on cul-de-sac near Metro, shops, restaurants. Renov’s incl new piping, wiring, water filter, chef’s KIT, new dual zone climate control, Finnish sauna w/deluxe shower. LL in-law suite with kitchenette & walkCHEVY CHASE, DC $849,900 out entrance. 3BR, 3FBA. Private fenced PICTURE PERFECT COLONIAL 3BR, back yard with patio. 3.5BA home w/HWFs, 1st fl den and Kari Seppala 202-363-1800 powder rm addition, granite & SS KIT, Foxhall Office double pane windows, attached Gar. $649,000 Enjoy the beautiful & extensive landscap- COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ing while entertaining or lounging on the PREPARE TO BE WOWED! 1,100 SF large rear deck. Info & tour at condo. Large LR, dining area, brkfst bar & open plan. Gourmet KIT w/ss Shelley Gold 202-271-5885 Bosch/Jenn Air applcs, gas cooking, Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 wine fridge, granite counters, 42” cabi-


THIS 1BR CONDO is appox 900sf of living space. 15’ ceilings compliments this corner unit with large windows offering abundant of lighting & volume, kit feat granite counters, glass mosaic & SS appl.Call for further details.

GEORGETOWN 1680 Wisconsin Ave. NW 202.944.8400

ARLINGTON $1,925,000 Spectacular 5 level end unit TH w/ incredible views! Exquisite detail throughout. 3BR, 4FBA, 2HBA. Marble foyer, formal living room. gourmet kitchen, custom closets, high ceilings, moldings. Large roof top terrace, elevator. Close to Metro. 1421 N Nash St. Sara Bjerde 202-374-0052 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400


GORGEOUS 6BRs, 4.5BA contemporary privately nestled on 2.5 acres of secluded woodland. This home features vaulted ceilings thru-out, gracious entertainment space, swimming pool, & tennis court. Bill Fitzgerald 202-213-3489 Friendship Heights Office 301-652-2777


16TH ST HEIGHTS $169,000 STARTING? Downsizing? 2nd Home? Can’t beat the price. 1BR, 1BA co-op 1 block from Rock Crk Pk @ Carter Barron. Art Deco bldg! Pet OK! Roof top deck! Xtra stor. District plans new Arts District! Denise Champion 202-215-9242 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 ARLINGTON $1,299,000 SOUGHT-AFTER 2BR, 2BA “E” floor plan with stunning views of Gtown U at Turnberry Tower. Wall of windows and 2 priv balconies flood unit with light. MSte w/stunning marble BA. Gour KIT with top-of-the-line finishes. Valet PKG, 24-hr doorman/front desk, concierge, full srvc health club w/indoor pool. 1 gar space & 1 valet PKG. Nr Metro, shops, restaurants. Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800


202-294-9055 202-364-5200

MT PLEASANT $325,000 FANTASTIC SPACE and layout in this Superb 1BR condo in the historic Alroy. High ceilings, HWFs, crown moulding, generous-sized BR and closets, CAC + bike & xtra stor in bsmnt. Low fee, pets up to 30 lbs, nr restaurants, shops, Farmer's Mkt, Zoo, RC Pk Trails & Metro. Mitchell Story 202-270-4514 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 MT PLEASANT $899,000 STUNNING 4BR, 3.5BA twnhse. Renov by contractor owners. Custom quartz and SS KIT, MSte w/tile and marble MBR. 2nd BR suite w/full BA. Fin LL w/rough-in KIT and FBA for guest suite. Custom features thruout. Porch, patio, decks, 2-car secure PKG. Minutes to Metro. Linda Low Foxhall Office 202-363-1800 PETWORTH $649,900 WONDERFUL RENOV HOME! Main level has great flow. LR w/WBFP opens to sep DR. Grand Gour TS KIT w/gran, ss, custom cabinets. Large deck, gleaming HDWDs, sep-metered In-Law Ste. Fin Attic can be Office. Detached 2-car gar. Samuel Davis 202-256-7039 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

U STREET $499,900 PRIME U Street location. Spacious bright corner 2BR, 1.5BA Apt w/winnets. Relax on 175 SF deck! Close to dows on 3 sides. MBR has circular wall of windows overlooking U. HWFs & METRO. Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 decorative FP. CAC. W/D in unit. 3 blks to U metro. Pets welcome. 2001 DUPONT / LOGAN $625,000 16th St #206. 202-256-5460 BRIGHT, t2 level, 2BR, 1.5BA. Kitchen Scott Polk 202-944-8400 with brick wall & tile floors. Fireplace, Georgetown Office parking storage included. Low fee. 1502 U STREET CORRIDOR $839,900 Q St NW #3. Roberta Theis 202-538-7429 GREAT LOCATION! Stunning, contemGeorgetown Office 202-944-8400 porary PH unit at the award winning Visio. 2BR, 2BA on 2 lvls featuring 20’ LEDROIT PARK $384,500 ceiling; expansive windows; maple flrs; WONDERFUL opportunity in LeDroit MBR loft with private terrace. Euro-style Park! Convenient to downtown! 3BR, KIT with granite counters & SS appli1.5BA home with off street PKG, partially ances. Covered parking & Metro. John Plank 703-528-5646 finished attic & garage. Call for details. Norris Dodson 202-486-7800 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300 Friendship Hgts Office 202-364-5200 WASHINGTON GROVE $410,000 LEDROIT PARK $850,000 CLASSIC GROVE COTTAGE (1891) MONUMENT VIEWS! Huge 3 story w/FR & Sun Rm for xtra space. 3BR, Victorian with English basement. Ready beamed ceilgs, siding to parkland, for your renovation or condo conversion. come be charmed! 100+acres of parks, Convenient to U Street & Metro. forests, & swimming lake. This is an Oasis!!! 301-529-1385 Walt Johnson 240-351-4663 Susan Van Nostrand Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 Friendship Hgts Office 301-652-2777

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

May 29, 2013 â– Page 17

New Chevy Chase house incorporates classic touches


he Chevy Chase neighborhood is known for its treelined streets and classic homes, many of which date back to


the early 20th century. But in a rare opportunity, homebuyers looking for new construction in this wellestablished neighborhood could find just what they’re looking for at 5516 33rd St., where a five-bedroom home is on the market for $1,550,000. Relux Homes, a custom builder based in McLean, Va., finished the house earlier this year. The exterior takes its cue from the Craftsman style with shingled siding and a wide front porch, but inside the home takes on a more a contemporary feel while still incorporating traditional details. The main level features an open floor plan with an abundance of architectural details. Substantial columns help define separate entertainment spaces: a sitting area at the front, a dining area in the middle and a family room with a large gas fireplace and stone mantle in the rear, which opens to the chef’s

kitchen. Custom millwork includes double crown molding and wainscoting, as well as a dramatic coffered ceiling in the family room. There are hardwood floors throughout, as well as a number of carefully selected chandeliers and lighting fixtures. There’s plenty of natural light too, thanks to the oversize windows that take advantage of the home’s corner-lot location. Home cooks will appreciate the expansive gourmet kitchen, which includes a center island with plenty of room for seating. There’s custom wood cabinetry in ivory, granite countertops and a quartzite backsplash. Stainless-steel appliances from GE Monogram include a sixburner stove, refrigerator, microwave and oven. Above the island is a contemporary rectangular crystal chandelier. Off the kitchen is a large mudroom with built-in shelving, ideally located adjacent to the home’s twocar garage. A dramatic curving staircase off the foyer leads to the second level. Not to be missed is a unique chandelier above, enclosed by a birdcage-like fixture. At the top of the landing is a comfortable sitting area with French doors opening to a spa-

Photos courtesy of Keller Williams Capital Properties

This newly built five-bedroom home in Chevy Chase is priced at $1,550,000. cious veranda, which looks out over the side yard. The home’s master suite is situated at the front of the house, and it too has French doors that open to an east-facing balcony — a quiet spot to enjoy a morning cup of coffee. There’s also a large walk-in closet with custom shelving and built-in bureaus. The master bath features a modern freestanding oval soaking tub as well as an oversized shower with a frameless glass door. The double vanity has ceramic square vessel sinks, a granite countertop, and custom shelving. Three additional bedrooms on this level all feature spacious closets and large windows; each has an en suite full bath with individually


Tudor Treasure

Kenwood, Chevy Chase, MD. Magnificent expanded home on almost a double lot. Sweeping foyer staircase, library, family rm, kitchen w/brkfst rm. 4 BRs, 3.5 BAs include 2 MBR suites. Sun deck, patio, rear stairs, 3 frpls. $2,295,000 Pat Lore 301-908-1242 Ted Beverley  301-728-4338

Simply Elegant

Town of Chevy Chase. Gracious home w/5 BRs, 5.5 BAs. Dramatic renovated kitchen w/adj. family rm, study w/frpl. MBR suite w/sitting rm & frpl. LL 2nd fam rm. Expansive flagstone patio & side yard. $1,475,000 Laura McCaffrey  301-641-4456

Stylish & Unique

Barnaby Woods. Charming custom 1938 center hall Colonial. 4 BRs, 2 BAs, updated TS kitchen, LR w/adj sunroom. Finished 3rd flr. Beautifully landscaped lot on one of the prettiest blocks in this convenient neighborhood. 3298 Arcadia Place NW. Ellen Abrams 202-255-8219 Anne-Marie Finnell 202-329-7117


DuPont Circle. Your own private entrance to this one of a kind multi level 1 BR condo in legendary Swann’s Way. Gourmet kitchen, W/D, balcony. High end finishes. Hrdwd flrs, high ceilings. Pet friendly. $399,000 Denny Horner 703-629-8455

finished storage room provides plenty of space to tuck away seasonal items. The property is within walking distance to Lafayette Park and Recreation Center in one direction and Rock Creek Park in another. It’s also close to the shops and restaurants along Connecticut Avenue. This five-bedroom home with five-and-a-half baths at 5516 33rd St. is offered for $1,550,000. For more information contact Kymber Menkiti of the Menkiti Group Real Estate, part of Keller Williams Capital Properties, at 202-997-8010 or

Classic & Traditional

Kent/Palisades. Handsome brick Colonial w/5 BRs, 3.5 BAs. Gracious entertaining spaces. Family rm off kitchen. Finished LL. Lovely landscaped garden & patio. Walk to MacArthur shops & restaurants. $1,125,000 Nancy Hammond 202-262-5374

Serene Setting

Barnaby Beauty

selected contemporary fixtures. The laundry room, also located on this level, is outfitted with a GE Energy Star washer and dryer and an oversized utility sink. The finished lower level provides even more living space. There’s a second family room with a wet bar that has custom cabinets, granite countertops and a GE Profile wine refrigerator. A gas fireplace with stone mantel makes the space even cozier. French doors along one wall lead to the side yard. There’s also a guest suite on this level, with a full en suite bath that opens to the main hallway. A large

Kalorama. Large one bedroom at the Valley Vista w/coveted solarium. Foyer, sep. dining rm. Updated kitchen. Spacious LR & DR. Staffed front desk. Cat friendly. $369,000 Leyla Phelan 202-415-3845

DUPONT 1509 22ND STREET NW 202-464-8400

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18 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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ESTATE LOOKING FOR QUICK SALE ! F(7*8N 4, 42*N &79.38':7, &8> &((*88 J$ &3) F 422:9*7 97&.3G 7**0 +7439&,*G 44)*) 4:39&.3 .*<8N &9 .89 *,.89*7 2*9.(:14:81> 7*8947*)G 7.;&9*G .,-1> &997&(9.;*G .8-N <.2N :39N 7.3, 478*8G

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4317 Yuma Street, NW Adorable meets immaculate in this classic solid brick colonial with a welcoming new front portico and delightful landscaped yard in wonderful AU Park. Join me at the open house or call me for a private showing.


The Current

Northwest Real Estate ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown ■Georgetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 3, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. Agenda items include: ■public safety and police report. ■transportation and public works reports. ■recognition of Lewis Payne’s years of service to the community. ■update on Dumbarton Oaks Park. ■presentation by the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority on planning for the Potomac River Combined Sewer Overflow Project. ■consideration of a request by Georgetown Presbyterian Church for a picnic permit for Volta Park on Sept. 25. ■consideration of a request by Westside Club for picnic permits for Volta Park on Independence Day and Labor Day. ■consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application by Holy Trinity School, 3514 O St., for special exception and variance relief. ■consideration of alcoholic beverage control renewal applications for Hotel Monticello, 1075 Thomas Jefferson St., and Georgetown Club, 1530 Wisconsin Ave. ■consideration of Old Georgetown Board matters: 1115 30th St., commercial, alterations, sign, roof deck, concept — revised design; 3222 M St., commercial, awnings and signs for “TJ Maxx Home Goods,� permit; 3222 M St., commercial, sign for “Olivia Macaron,� outdoor seating, permit; 3299 M St., commercial, alterations to storefront, new openings, replacement windows, concept; 3401 M St., commercial, alterations to rear, enclose secondfloor porch, concept; 3121 N St., residence, enclosed two-story rear porch and alterations, permit (to be reviewed by the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board); 3401 Water St., commercial, door surround, light fixture, sign for “Gypsy Sally’s� on second floor, rooftop equipment, permit; 3401 Water St., commercial, mural, sign for “Malmaison,� alterations to garage doors, light fixtures, cameras, exposed conduits — existing, revision to permit; 1218 Wisconsin Ave., commercial, blade sign for “El Centro D.F.,� concept; 1354 27th St., residence, rear addition at fourth floor, concept; 3040 O St., residence, enclose rear porch and alterations — existing, permit; 2734 P St. (also 1417 28th St.), residence, demolition of rear and construction of new three-story addition plus basement, site work, concept; 3046 P St., residence, new basement window well, permit; 1632 Wisconsin Ave., commercial, replacement door, blade sign for “Lovely,� permit; 1422 Wisconsin Ave., commercial, repair slate roof, alterations to rear after collapse of rear addition, permit; and 1335 Wisconsin Ave., commercial, freestanding ATM on public space, concept. For details, call 202-724-7098 or

Citizens Association of Georgetown

Today is my last day as our association’s president, so this will be my last weekly column after four years! My, how time flies. I thank The Current for the opportunity to expound in this venerable newspaper. The last four years have been amazing. I am eternally grateful to the entire community for giving me this opportunity and for all of the help I have gotten along the way. I am a little stunned by all that we have accomplished. Where did we find the time?! We worked through a new Georgetown University campus plan and grew the Concerts in the Parks series to the extravaganza it is. Our monthly membership meetings have become more dynamic. We have taken them out and about into the community, hosting programs all over town. Trees for Georgetown has planted hundreds of new trees. Many of the historic call boxes have been restored. The liquor license moratorium was renewed. Our neighborhood is safe thanks in large part to our public safety program. Our historic preservation and zoning committee has worked closely with the D.C. Office of Planning on the new citywide zoning regulations to make sure that the character of our federally protected historic district is not lost. Our Georgetown Gala has grown from an intimate cocktail party at Evermay to a black-tie blowout with dancing, vodka and caviar. (This year’s will be Oct. 18 at the Italian Embassy.) I could go on and on. None of this could have happened without the incredible volunteers who make up our association. I salute each and every one of you. I would like to give a special thanks to our dedicated board and to our executive director, Betsy Cooley. They are all amazing individuals who make serving the community an absolute pleasure. I am also grateful to the advisory neighborhood commission, which is a tremendous asset. These commissioners work tirelessly for our community. It has also been a pleasure working with the business community. We all realize that for Georgetown to be its best we need to come together. I am excited to see where incoming president Pamla Moore takes us from here. She is a remarkable woman with some innovative ideas. Our association is lucky to have her. I’ll remain on the board as president emeritus, so you aren’t getting rid of me yet. Thank you for all of your support over the years. — Jennifer Altemus visit ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover

â– Glover Park / Cathedral heights

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at Stoddert Elementary School and Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit anc3b. org. ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park â– cleveland park / woodley Park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heights Massachusetts Avenue Heights Cathedral Heights The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 17, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. For details, visit ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring â– spring valley / wesley heights Wesley Heights palisades / kent / foxhall The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, in the Abramson Family Founders Room, School of International Service Building, American University, Nebraska and New Mexico avenues NW. Agenda items include: â– police report. â– community concerns. â– presentation by Verizon on problems that bad weather frequently cuases for phone lines. â– consideration of a public space

application at 2427 Chain Bridge Road for a new driveway, alley paving, parking, a leadwalk and a wall/ fence. ■consideration of a public space application at 3030 Chain Bridge Road for a new driveway. ■consideration of a public space application at 4808 Hutchins Place for the replacement of an existing apron and driveway to be shared and construction of a new leadwalk. ■consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application at 4824 MacArthur Blvd. for a special exception to establish a pet grooming establishment. ■consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application at 4463 Greenwich Parkway for a use variance to establish a rental apartment unit in the basement of a singlefamily row house. ■consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application at 4351 Klingle St. for expedited review of a special exception to allow completion of a rear addition. ■consideration of alcoholic beverage control license renewal applications for Listrani’s Italian Gourmet, 5100 MacArthur Blvd.; Sur La Place, 5105 MacArthur Blvd.; and Little China Cafe, 4830 MacArthur Blvd. ■presentation by Safeway representatives and Marc Dubick of Duball LLC on proposed development plans for the Safeway store at 4865 MacArthur Blvd. (Discussion of this item will not start before 8:30 p.m.) For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit

The CurrenT

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 19










Cleveland Park – Ordway Street NW. NEW LISTING! 30,000+ sq ft lot ready for a single family home. This very private Cleveland Park lot sits next to the Rosedale Farmhouse and overlooks the 3-acre Rosedale Conservancy. With views of National Cathedral to the west, nothing else in town compares. $3,950,000. Sylvia Bergstrom 202.367.3730 Marin Hagen 202.257.2339

Georgetown – 3410 N Street NW. NEW LISTING w/2 CAR GARAGE. Charming semi-detached streams light from large windows. Side entrance equals a high-ceiling LR w/French windows. Chef's size kitchen w/Viking stove spills into a solarium/family room, opening into landscaped garden. Upstairs are 3BR, 2BA (4th BR now a master closet/dressing room. BR/BA, plus storage and wine cellar in LL. $2,500,000. Sylvia Bergstrom 202.367.3730 Marin Hagen 202.257.2339

Spring Valley – 4871 Glenbrook Road NW. This outstanding residence features large and well-appointed rooms with high ceilings and gleaming hardwood floors. The classic floor plan lends itself to formal entertaining as well as to comfortable gatherings. This distinctive property is sited on a 16,000+ square foot lot. A great opportunity to own a magnificent and elegant home. $2,245,000.

Mt Pleasant – 3104 18th Street NW. 4-level 1910 Grand Dame offers exceptional opportunity. Tons of living space, including 1BR, 1BA lower level in-law suite. 5BR, 2.5BA in main home with double parlor, rear yard with deck. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. $1,149,555.

Mandy Mills and David Getson 202.425.6417

Chadley Toregas 240.421.1787

ALL of Our Listings Are International Offerings! COLDWELL BANKER OFFICES WORLDWIDE United States • Aruba • Australia • Bahamas • Belize • Bermuda • British Virgin Islands • Canada • Cayman Islands • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Czech Republic • Dominican Republic • Ecuador • Egypt Columbia Heights – 1323 Girard Street NW #8. 2/2 + Den w/wet bar, private balcony & roof deck /PARKING. Upgrades: Maple wood floors, Viking Designer and Bosch appliances, Carrara Marble Counter Tops, built-in iPod docking stations, Custom Levolor shades, Gourmet kitchen, spa like baths. 1 1/2 blocks to HEART of Columbia Heights & Metro. $825,000. Steven Webster 202.374.0607

West End – 1318 22nd Street NW #502. Spacious 1BR, 1BA corner unit with amazing natural light throughout. Large south-facing windows and a huge skylight in main living area. Original hardwood floors, exposed brick and woodburning fireplace. Pet-friendly. Storage unit. Parking available. $425,555. Mandy Mills and David Getson 202.425.6417

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LeDroit Park – 1934 4th Street NW. 3-level 3BR, 2.5BA gem, fully renovated in 2010. Great natural light and mahogany floors throughout. Spacious master retreat with exquisite bath and walk-in closet. Landscaped patio. New windows, roof, central A/C. $699,555.

• South Korea • Spain • St. Kitts/Nevis • St. Martin • Turkey • Turks & Caicos • United Arab Emirates • U.S. Virgin Islands • Venezuela • Vietnam

Dupont – 1526 17th Street NW. Comfortable 1BR, 1BA co-op in excellent location, 2.5 blocks to Metro. Open and friendly space with generous room sizes, high ceilings and great light from large windows. Original oak floors. Pet-friendly. $349,555. Mandy Mills and David Getson 202.425.6417

Georgetown – 3303 Water Street NW #L-3. Stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bath w/separate dining and living rooms located in Georgetown’s most luxurious building. Open floor plan, top-of-the line finishes. Gourmet kitchen with granite and stainless steel, rooftop terrace, pool overlooking the Potomac with views of Washington. 24 hr Concierge, 2 parking spaces. $7,300/month. Susan Hazard 202.316.6144

Capitol Hill 202.547.3525 Georgetown 202.333.6100

Mandy Mills and David Getson 202.425.6417

Cleveland Park – 3434 34th Place NW. NEW LISTING! Cleveland Park 3-4BR, 3.5BA charmer on quiet one-block street is adjacent to the Rosedale Conservancy and is only a few short blocks to the restaurants and amenities of both Wisconsin and Connecticut Aves, including Cleveland Park Metro. $1,545,000. Sylvia Bergstrom 202.367.3730 Marin Hagen 202.257.2339

Chevy Chase 202.362.5800

© 2012 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International, the Previews International logo and “Dedicated to Luxury Real Estate” are registered and unregistered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

20 Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The Current

Northwest Real Estate ROSE PARK: Renovations eyed From Page 3

also noted complaints from neighbors about cyclists failing to dismount from their bikes when riding on pedestrian trails in Rose Park, and wondered if there should be a separate cycling path. “That bike path is a nightmare,� Whitehead agreed, pointing out that in addition to the risks for pedestrians, the path is also marred with substantial potholes. The trust’s Abby Martin suggested more signage, though she wondered how effective signs would be at getting cyclists to dismount. David Abrams, president of the Friends of Rose Park, stopped by the weekend charette and said he was pleased with the responsiveness from the Trust for Public Land consultants. One community concern, he said, is maintaining some sort of separation between the play area for older children and the spaces near 26th and O streets that are more appropriate for younger kids. Right now, the “top lot� portion of the park by Dumbarton Street has been unofficially designated for the older kid parkgoers, and the community seems to want to keep up a demarcation between the two areas, he said. “We don’t want play equipment for 9- and 10-year-olds to be where the toddlers are,� Abrams said

“They have different energy levels, different activity levels, and engage in different activities.� The Friends of Rose Park, which has been operating for about 15 years, has a history of raising substantial funds for the play areas — almost a decade ago, they ginned up and spent $125,000 creating the “top lot� area. But Abrams said he and other members are excited to see the possibilities of new playground equipment and surfacing provided by the city. Abrams isn’t sure there will be enough room in the rather small park for all the ideas brought up at the charette — for example, some areas will be impossible to adjust because they are under federal control, and there may simply not be enough space to grow a substantial community garden, as some have suggested. Whitehead also noted that many parkgoers don’t want to see more paving in the top lot, and instead prefer a more natural, green Rose Park. After the Trust for Public Land presents its initial schematics, representatives will review community comments once again before presenting final drawings this summer. Once the trust finishes the designs, the project will be passed on to D.C.’s Department of Parks and Recreation to enter the construction phase, possibly by the end of summer.

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New Listing - A.U. Park —$1,095,000

4834 Butterworth Pl., NW, Washington, DC 20016

Urban Retreat!

act ontreek C r e Und One W in

Unique property on wide, quiet street, yet close to all amenities: 2 Metro stops, restaurants, parks! Pristine, renovated to 21st century standards, featuring stunning large custom kitchen with built-in office and casual dining area seating 10, viewing spectacular backyard surrounded by tall Leyland Cyprus trees! Custom details throughout. 4-5 BR, 2 FB & 2 half baths on 4 finished levels. Move-in condition! Anneliese Wilkerson

Owner/Agent, 202/309-1616 L&F Chevy Chase Office, 202/363-9700

REDESIGN From Page 1 “It was [an essay contest] we read about ‌ and one of my daughters said, ‘Oh Mom, you should be able to do that,â€? Ferguson said. Sunrise Senior Living Assisted Living Facilities, a McLean, Va.-based company that serves about 30,000 residents in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom, has been partnering with designer Henderson for years, including at the Chevy Chase center. The season five winner of “HGTV Design Starâ€? and host of the network’s “Secrets From a Stylistâ€? has offered tips to seniors on their suites and distributed home design guides for living in comfort and style, said Sunrise Living Inc. director of operations Brent Russell. But Russell said he thinks Ferguson made a distinct impression on HGTV’s Henderson. “She’s got a Mac addiction!â€? Russell exclaimed of the octogenarian’s computer skills. “It’s the biggest damn thing I’ve ever seen, and I was thinking, ‘This woman is 81 years old, and she’s got this huge Mac computer!’â€? She uses that computer to preserve precious memories and create her own greeting cards — but her suite still needed better organization of her family mementos, Russell said. “Emily [Henderson] to the rescue, please,â€? he added with a laugh. While Ferguson stayed with a friend in another suite for a week, a crew from HGTV — as well as Sunrise employees who work in designing the senior centers — got to work. The crew removed all items and furniture from the suite, and began to add shelves to display Ferguson’s arts and crafts work, as well as new drapes and a slick coat of bright turquoise paint. Henderson brought in new chairs and a desk to create a craft center for Ferguson to continue pursuing her hobbies. And since Ferguson uses a wheelchair, the “Design Starâ€? also replaced some fixtures with round furniture to allow more room for moving around. After the unveiling, Ferguson didn’t hesitate to start showing off her new digs to neighbors.

Courtesy of Sunrise

Before the redesign (shown above), Fran Ferguson’s living room was cluttered and drab. After, her newly organized suite had more color and space.

“Most of them are very pleased, but I’m not sure that everyone likes aqua as much as I do,â€? she joked. “I’m sure it’s not everybody’s choice of colors to live with.â€? Ferguson, who was born in New York but raised in D.C., worked as a teacher, and moved often with her late husband, an Air Force general, and their four daughters. One daughter, who now lives in Silver Spring, helped the Sunrise and HGTV crews design the suite to her mother’s exact tastes. According to Russell, helping residents maintain their identity is an important part of the work at Sunrise — something the staff can explore through interior design. “The thing about Sunrise is, when you come to one of our communities, we really do recognize the fact that it is your home,â€? he said. “We are all about resident independence and individuality.â€? And Ferguson said she suspects her contest win may lead to an influx of requests for suite decorating at the Connecticut Avenue center. “A lot of residents who had not given any thought to doing something like that ‌ they think, ‘Ooh, that might be fun,’â€? she said. “It may end up with more people having their suites done. But I’ll let Sunrise worry about that.â€?

PARKING: Meeting airs divisions over proposals From Page 1

ists and university students all competing for limited street space in the dense neighborhoods — that any relief will be appreciated, as long as it doesn’t worsen the plight of residents or local merchants. “Nothing has been decided, not a stitch,� Rao said at the group’s second public meeting, held at St. John’s Church. “And later on, if we do make a decision, it’s fluid. We’ll massage it until we get it right.� Since a first meeting in January, the group has delineated two objectives: improving the availability of and access to residential parking; and managing parking in commercial areas of K and M streets and Wisconsin Avenue. Possibilities for improving residents’ prospects of parking near their homes include better enforcement, higher parking fines, and the stillexperimental idea of “Enhanced Residential Permit Parking� — which would reserve one side of a

block for Ward 2 residents, while the other side would maintain the typical two-hour grace period for visitors. Several residents at the forum embraced that idea, in fact saying they had first suggested it in the 1990s. “Why weren’t we the first neighborhood in the city, rather than the last, to get that?� a 33rd Street resident asked. Damon Harvey, another parking expert with the Transportation Department, said the residents-only system could be implemented sooner if residents of a block petition the city, or if it’s pushed through neighborhood commission resolution or D.C. Council bill. For commercial areas, discussion centered on the so-called “performance parking� system now installed on many streets downtown and in other busy areas. Controlled electronically, meter fees go down when demand is low, and up when a block gets busy. The idea, Rao said, is to keep available spaces full while also encouraging the turnover that

allows more customers to patronize neighborhood shops. One suggestion that bridges the commercial and residential sectors would be to install parking meters on residential blocks that intersect Wisconsin Avenue. Shoppers and visitors from outside the ward would be required to feed the meters, while those displaying residential permit stickers could park there free. That idea didn’t gain much traction. “That sounds absolutely horrible,� an O Street resident said. “The bottom line is there’s not enough parking,� said one woman during the question-and-answer session. “Bethesda has all these parking garages. Build them — the sooner the better. Build more space.� “Where?� another resident asked. The working group’s next step will be to digest the latest comments and consider which changes are both feasible and acceptable to Georgetowners. The Transportation Department plans a third public meeting in the fall.

The CurrenT

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 21






1913 Village home, over 7000 sf of living space sited on 15,000 sf private lot. Soaring ceilings, back porch, entry foyer, front & back stairs, 4 frplcs, 8BR, 6.5 full BA, master suite with ‘his and hers’ wings - each w/sep BAs & walk-in closets. Nathan Carnes/Miller Chevy Chase Office 202.966.1400




Breathtaking, renovated 5BR/4BA Bannockburn Estates. Modern masterwork sets gold standard in contemporary chic! Nearly half acre lot with mature trees, minutes to TOP SCHOOLS, downtown Bethesda and DC and all major commuting routes. Gordon Harrison 202.557.9908 / 202.237.8686 (O)





Stunning “Turn Key” 6,000+ sf custom home built in 2007 offers 4 finished levels, with dramatic 2 story foyer, LR/Great Room, DR, Gourmet Chef’s Kit, Den/Library, 2nd Level w/sleek MBR Ste, plus 3 BR’s/Ensuite BAs, 3rd Level w/3 BR/FB. Miller Spring Valley Office 202.362.1300




Charming English country style on quiet dead-end street in Spring Valley. Lovely layout, 4 BR and 4.5 BA, big screened porch and sunny lot. Great bones. Same family fifty years. Opportunity on prestigious block. Georgetown Office 202.944.8400





Totally renovated 3BR/3BA home w/loads of upgrades including top-of-the-line appl’s, new furnace, Finnish sauna, chef’s kitchen, lower level in-law suite w/kitchenette & walk-out entrance. Private fenced yard w/patio. Kari Seppala 703.969.6581 / 202.363.1800 (O)

*In select areas

16th STREET HEIGHTS, DC $1,250,000


AMERICAN VICTORIANA, cir 1913, restored w/orig detail. Drapery hrdwr, pocket drs, 10’ coff ceilgs, 10 FPs w/orig deco inserts, sconces w/glass drop prisms. FR, DR, large kit + sep bkfst rm, 7 BRs, 3.5 BAs, CAC, 4 car pkg incl garage! Steps to RC Park. Denise Champion 202.215.9242 / 202.363.9700 (O)

UNIQUE RENOVATION! Totally redesigned detached 4-level Federal with soaring open spaces and Living-Dining Area w/open Kitchen with abundant cabinets and stainless appliances. 6-7 BRs, 5 BAs, incredible 3rd floor ideal for home office/studio! Denise Champion 202.215.9242 / 202.363.9700 (O)

1st Time on Market! Totally renovated true 5 bedroom up Center Hall Colonial on cul de sac. New designer kitchen + 2.5 new baths. 1st floor Family room & library. Owner/agent. Sheila Leifer 301.529.4130 / 202.364.1300 (O)

Beautiful Colonial offers charm & location. 3BR, 2.5BA, flagstone patio, private backyard. Spacious rooms, 2 wood burning fireplaces, access to patio/backyard from living room and kitchen. One block from Key School, shops and restaurants. Miller Bethesda Office 301.229.4000






Corner 2BR/2BA, 1000+ SF loft-style unit with garage parking. Huge windows, SS/granite KIT, CAC, HDWD, W/D. Pet-friendly/FHA approved bldg has front desk, gym, party room, patio, and close to dwntwn/METRO. Woodley Park Office 202.483.6300



This 3BR, 1.5BA has so much charm! Beamed ceilings in LR and DR, large sunlit FR, sunroom, and newer kitchen with granite & stainless. 100+ acres of forest and parkland & private swimming lake. Close to MARC train & Shady Grove Metro. Friendship Heights Office 301.652.2777




Elegant, fully renovated & move-in ready Townhome. Elevator to all 4 levels, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2 level LR w/FP, fully mirrored DR, gourmet eat-in kitchen, rear loggia w/circular staircase to upper balcony. Extra wide paver driveway & 1 car garage. Miller Spring Valley Office 202.362.1300


This 1BR is rarely available at The Warren. Heart of Kalorama! This charming unit boasts pretty wood flrs, updated granite kitchen, tons of natural light, wood burning FP and huge walk in closets. Friendship Heights Office 202.364.5200

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VALUE & LOCATION! 2BR/2BA, spacious LR & DR. Upgraded kit w/gran counters & SS appls. Parquet flrs, double paned windows. Moments to Crescent Trail, Whole Foods, Bethesda! Coop fee includes property taxes, utilities, gar parking & storage unit. Miller Bethesda Office 301.229.4000

22 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 29

Wednesday may 29 Concert ■ The New York-based Kyrenia Opera will perform “Cyprus in the Heart of Europe,” a concert of arias and songs from the Mediterranean. The program will feature soprano Rebecca Davis, baritone Constantinos Yiannoudes and pianist David Holkeboer. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussion ■ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie will discuss her novel “Americanah.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. Films ■ Family & Friends of Incarcerated People and the Institute for Policy Studies will host a screening of the documentary “Up the Ridge,” followed by a panel discussion. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202789-2227. ■ The Czech That Film Festival will fea-


The Current

Events Entertainment ture the 2012 movie “In the Shadow,” followed by a discussion with director David Ondrícek. 7 p.m. $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■ The NoMa Summer Screen outdoor film series will feature J.J. Abrams’ 2009 movie “Star Trek.” 7 p.m. Free. Loree Grand Field, 2nd and L streets NE. Performance ■ The collective LYGO D.C. will celebrate its one-year anniversary with a standup comedy show featuring Kyle Martin, Sara Armour and Rallo Boykins. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. The Codmother, 1334 U St. NW. Special event ■ A Corcoran Gallery of Art happy hour will include drinks, live music by saxophonist Bob Schwartz, and a docent-led tour of toys and miniature dioramas in the gallery’s exhibition “War Games.” 5 to 9 p.m. $8 to $15. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. ■ The “DanceAfrica, DC 2013” festival will feature a master class by Nkenge Cunningham of Farafina Kan. 6:30 p.m. $15. Dance Place, 3225 8th St. NE. 202-2691600. The series of master classes will

continue through Sunday; the festival will feature an outdoor marketplace, arts and crafts activities, and free and paid performances on Saturday and Sunday.

Chip Han, the Dave Tauler Music Group and hip-hop duo SNRG. 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Lincoln Theatre, 1215 U St. NW. Friday, May 31 Friday may 31

Thursday, May 30

Thursday may 30 Class ■ Housing Counseling Services, a local nonprofit, will present an orientation session for first-time homebuyers. 11 a.m. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202667-7006. Concerts ■ The Doane College Concert Band from Crete, Neb., will perform. Noon. Free. U.S. Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. ■ The Overtures Chamber Music Project will feature performances by violinist Tamaki Kawakubo and other young musicians. 6 p.m. Free. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The National Symphony Orchestra will present composer John Adams conducting his “City Noir,” as well as Ravel’s “Piano Concerto” performed by Jeremy Denk (shown). 7 p.m. $10 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ■ The German Women’s Jazz Orchestra will perform a new musical arrangement that matches Wagner’s original music with jazz. 7 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Performance Hall, National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Woman’s National Democratic Club president Nuchhi Currier, a Pakistani American, will share her experiences traveling to Pakistan to witness the country’s recent historic election. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $15. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. ■ A gallery talk will focus on “A Fusion of Styles: Renoir’s ‘Luncheon of the Boating Party.’” 6 and 7 p.m. By donation. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202387-2151. ■ Naomi Schaefer Riley will discuss her book “‘Til Faith Do Us Part: How Interfaith Marriage Is Transforming America.” 7 p.m. $10. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. Films ■ The Fiesta Asia Film Festival will feature the 2012 movie “Din Tao: Leader of the Parade,” about a young man reconciling with his father, and “Lessons in Forgiving,” about a single father trying to find his teenage daughter. 6:30 and 8:45 p.m. $9.40. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■ “Oscar’s Docs: American Stories From the 1970s” will feature the 1973 film “Princeton: A Search for Answers,” about the prestigious university, and the 1972 film “Marjoe,” about former child evangelist and faith healer Marjoe Gortner. American University professor Larry Engel will introduce the films. 7 p.m. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. Performances ■ The all-volunteer Picnic Theatre

Thursday, may 30 ■ Discussion: Ralph Nader, consumer advocate and former Green Party presidential candidate, will discuss his book “Told You So: The Big Book of Weekly Columns.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919.

Company will bring its brand of site-specific cocktail party theater to the Phillips Collection with a performance of Molière’s “Tartuffe or The Hypocrite.” 5:30 p.m. $10 to $12; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■ The Arts Club of Washington and Fabum arts organization will present “Dream Wedding,” a walk-through, immersive journey through a bride’s dreamscape. 7 p.m. $15. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. ■ Washington & Lee Repertory Dance Company will present an aerial dance performance piece celebrating the Corcoran’s interior architecture. 7:30 p.m. $40 to $45; includes reception with drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1700. Reading ■ The Austrian Cultural Forum will present a staged reading of Myron Robert Hafetz’s play “Anna Freud at the Hotel Regina.” 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW. Special events ■ Global Voice Hall will present a screening of the film “Youth Unemployment: Where Do I Stand in Line?” The event will also feature performances by jazz keyboardist Marcus Johnson and multimedia artist Yassin Alsalman, also known as The Narcicyst. 5 to 7 p.m. $10. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. ■ The Humanities Council of Washington, DC, will present “Conversations on Great Streets: It’s All About the H!” Each of the honorees — Jane Lang and the Atlas Performing Arts Center (accepted by Ann Belkov), Anwar Saleem and H Street Main Street, Betty Hart and With These Hands Salon, and Leon Robbins and Stan’s Discounts Clothing — will share stories about living and working along the H Street NE corridor. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $50; reservations required. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Little Miss Whiskey’s Golden Dollar, 1104 H St. NE. conversationsongreatstreet.eventbrite. com. ■ Mayor Vincent Gray’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration will feature an awards presentation and performances by violinist Jonathan C. Chen, spoken-word performer G. Yamazawa Jr., singer Lumi Bustamante, beatboxer

Concerts ■ Organist Anthony Rispo of Mahopac, N.Y., will perform. 12:15 p.m. Free. National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW. 202-797-0103. ■ The S&R Foundation Artist Concert Series will present a concert by pianist Ryo Yanagitani. 6 p.m. Free. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Afrofunk big band ensemble Chopteeth will perform. 5 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Sculpture Garden, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Discussions and lectures ■ Scholar J.L. Bell will discuss an engraved powder horn that belonged to Continental Army Capt. Thomas Kempton, and what it can tell modern audiences about the 1775-1776 siege of Boston. 12:30 p.m. Free. Society of the Cincinnati, Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-785-2040. ■ The fifth annual Botstiber Lecture on Austrian-American Affairs will feature a talk by former Austrian ambassador Hans Winkler on “Coming to Terms With Austria’s Past — the Role of the United States.” 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW. ■ Olivier Magny will discuss his book “Stuff Parisians Like.” 6:30 p.m. $10 to $15; reservations required. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. ■ Journalist Scott C. Johnson will discuss his memoir “The Wolf and the Watchman: A Father, a Son, and the CIA.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films ■ “Oscar’s Docs: American Stories From the 1970s” will feature “The Flight of the Gossamer Condor” and “The Great American Cowboy.” American University professor Larry Engel will introduce the films. Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■ Dancer and actress Betty Low will introduce Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s 1948 film “The Red Shoes.” 1 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Russian art and theater historian Anna Winestein will host a screening and discussion of the 2005 documentary “Ballets Russes.” 3:45 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. Meeting ■ A weekly bridge group will meet to play duplicate bridge. 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $6. Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW. 301-654-1865. Performances ■ At the opening of her exhibit “Hopes See Events/Page 23


The Current

Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 22 and Dreams,” artist Vian Shamounki Borchert will paint live to oud music. 6 to 9 p.m. Free. The Jerusalem Fund, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1958. ■ Agis Center for Arts and Humanities will present “The Embroidery Girl,” a traditional grand dance drama performed by China Wuxi Performing Arts Group. 7:30 p.m. $25 to $75. Opera House, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Saturday at 7:30 p.m. ■ GALA Hispanic Theatre will present “Memorias de una diva de las pupusas (Memories of a Pupusa Diva),” featuring a solo performance by El Salvador’s beloved La Tenchis with commentary, jokes and songs in Spanish. 8 p.m. $20. GALA Theatre, 3333 14th St. NW. 202-234-7174. The performance will repeat Saturday at 8 p.m. ■ Czech actress Miřenka Čechová and her mime theater company Tantehorse will perform “Light in a Darkness,” a piece that combines surreal poetry with physical theater and modern dance. 8 p.m. $15 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. The performance will repeat Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. Reading ■ A birthday celebration for Walt Whitman will feature readings by poets Mark Doty and Sally Keith (shown), as well as a presentation of materials from the Whitman collection at the Library of Congress. Noon. Free. Whittall Pavilion, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5394. Special event ■ The Institute of Current World Affairs will hold its Semi-Annual Meeting and Symposium, which will open with a reception and cocktails, a dinner and a talk by Neri Zilber on his two-year followship in Israel. 6 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Cosmos Club, 2121 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-364-4068. The event will continue Saturday with a talk by fellow Jori Lewis on “Senegal: Farming and Food Security,” at 9 a.m.; a panel discussion on “Crisis in the Sahel,” at 10:15 a.m.; and a keynote address by Gary Hartshorn, president and CEO of the World Forestry Center, on “Will Tropical Forests Survive in the 21st Century?” at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 1

Saturday june 1 Children’s programs ■ “Saturday Morning at the National” will feature the Blue Sky Puppet Theatre presenting “Bananas!” 9:30 and 11 a.m. Free; tickets required. Helen Hayes Gallery, National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-783-3372. ■ The Summer Reading Kick Off Festival will include games, prizes and activities such as a Zumba dance workshop, puppet theater, a hip-hop poetry performance, face painting and storytime corner. Noon to 4 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. ■ Children will hear a story about children’s author Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) and then create a special piece of art. 1 to 4 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. The program will repeat Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m.

■ The Rock Creek Park Nature Center will lead a seasonal planetarium program. 1 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070. The program will repeat Sunday at 1 p.m. ■ The Rock Creek Park Planetarium will present a program about famous astronomers and their discoveries. 4 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202895-6070. Classes and workshops ■ The Smithsonian Associates will present a seminar on “The Pueblo Culture Takes Root in the American Southwest.” 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $99 to $139. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■ As part of the Adult Summer Reading Program, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will hold a workshop on how to make silhouettes using gardening books and other design inspiration. 2 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ The Georgetown Library’s Knit & Lit Club will offer knitting and crochet assistance for newcomers. 3 to 5 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. Concerts ■ National Symphony Orchestra cellist Yvonne Caruthers will lead a program featuring Sergei Prokofiev’s score for the 1938 Russian propaganda film “Alexander Nevsky.” 1 p.m. $15. North Atrium Foyer, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Rose & the Nightingale will present “The Spirit of the Garden,” celebrating the sublimity of gardens through song and poetry. 2 to 3:30 p.m. Free. Conservatory Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■ The Adams Morgan Summer Concert Series will feature the alt-country band Kid Goat. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Public plaza in front of BB&T Bank at Columbia Road, Adams Mills Road and 16th Street NW. 202-9970783. ■ Members of the National Symphony Orchestra will perform classical works. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ “Songs of the Soul: Concert for Inner Peace” will feature the music of composer and spiritual master Sri Chinmoy. 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Greenberg Theatre, American University, 4200 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-452-5954. Discussions and lectures ■ Expert Carrie Blair will discuss why native plants matter to local ecosystems.

Saturday, june 1 ■ Concert: The Washington Performing Arts Society will present pianist Markus Groh performing works by Bach, Beethoven, Golijov, Hindemith and Liszt. 2 p.m. $38. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. 10 a.m. $8 to $10; reservations required. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202-965-0400. ■ In celebration of King Kamehameha Day, U.S. Botanic Garden volunteer Todd Brethauer will discuss the evolutionary forces that shaped Hawaii’s native plant communities. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free; registration required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■ Experts will participate in a symposium on “Worlds of Art: Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes.” 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Former National Geographic Magazine Europe editor Cate Lineberry will discuss her book “The Secret Rescue: An Untold Story of American Nurses and Med-

ics Behind Nazi Lines,” at 1 p.m.; Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Michael Levi will discuss his book “The Power Surge: Energy, Opportunity, and the Battle for America’s Future,” at 3:30 p.m.; and Washington Post reporter Peter Carlson will discuss his book “Junius and Albert’s Adventures in the Confederacy: A Civil War Odyssey,” at 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■ French astronaut Léopold Eyharts will discuss his experiences working at NASA’s Johnson Space Center and the European Space Agency. 1:30 to 3 p.m. $8 to $15. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. ■ Historical novelist Thomas Mallon will discuss his book “Watergate: A Novel.” 2 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-6331000. Festivals ■ The 35th annual Celebration of Textiles will feature live sheep shearing, demonstrations, hands-on activities and traditional Southeast Asian music and dance performances. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202-6670441. The festival will continue Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. ■ New Belgium Brewing’s “Tour de Fat” festival will begin with a bicycle parade through city streets, followed by a festival with live entertainment, a dance contest, and a variety of food and beer. Parade registration at 10 a.m.; bicycle ride from 11 a.m. to noon; entertainment from noon to 5 p.m. Free admission. Yards Park, 355 Water St. SE. ■ The 20th annual Taste of Georgetown, benefiting the Georgetown Ministry Center, will feature 60-plus savory and sweet dishes, an “Iron Chef”-style competition, live music and a craft beer and wine pavilion. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. $5 for one tast-

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


ing or $20 for five tastings of food; $4 for one tasting and $10 for three tastings in the beer and wine pavilion. Wisconsin Avenue from M Street to K Street NW. ■ The 24th annual Glover Park Day will feature a flea market, a dog obstacle course, a craft display, children’s activities, music by local bands, and food from area restaurants. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission. Guy Mason Recreation Center, Wisconsin Avenue and Calvert Street NW. ■ The group Friends of Friendship Park will present the Turtle Park May Fair, featuring moon bounces, a family dance party, ice cream and pizza. 5 to 8 p.m. Free. Turtle Park/Friendship Recreation Center, 45th and Van Ness streets NW. Performances ■ American University students and alumni will join up with the Kensington Arts Theatre to stage the new musical “Signs of Life,” based on the true story of Terezin, a Czech ghetto that came to house prominent European artists during the Holocaust. 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Studio Theatre, Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-360-7578. The performance will repeat Sunday at 1 p.m. ■ “The Post-College Confusion Tour” will feature stand-up comedy from emerging New York and D.C. comedians, including Dan St. Germain, Adam Conover, Jared Freid, Sara Armour and Brandon Wardell. 7:30 p.m. $12 to $18. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■ The Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington DC will present “Seven,” featuring 150 singers, 24 dancers and songs exploring the seven deadly sins. 8 p.m. $20 to $50. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington UniSee Events/Page 24


24 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 23

East Capitol St. SE.

versity, 730 21st St. NW. 202-293-1548. The concert will repeat Sunday at 3 p.m.

Walks and tours ■ The Rock Creek Conservancy will celebrate National Trails Day with a six-mile hike along Rock Creek Park’s Valley and Western Ridge trails, beginning and ending at Boundary Bridge. 9 a.m. Free; registration requested. Meet at the parking lot on Beach Drive near the Maryland-District line. ■ Washington Walks will present a walking tour of Capitol Hill and Eastern Market. 11 a.m. $15. Meet outside the Eastern Market Metro station. ■ A park ranger will lead a tour through Peirce Mill and its surroundings, discussing the technological marvel of an automated 1820s gristmill. 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Free. Peirce Mill, Tilden Street and Beach Drive NW. 202-8956227. The program will repeat Sunday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. ■ A park ranger will lead a tour of the Old Stone House and discuss life in Georgetown in the late 1700s. 3 to 3:30 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-895-6070.

Special events ■ The national championship of the Mini-Urban Challenge will feature teams of high school students competing to design and operate an autonomous “car” using a Lego Mindstorms Kit to successfully navigate through a miniature city. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. Flag Hall, National Museum of American History, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-633-1000. ■ The Dupont-Kalorama Museums Consortium will present the 30th annual Museum Walk Weekend, featuring activities and tours at Anderson House, Dumbarton House, Fondo del Sol Visual Arts Center, Heurich House Museum, Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site, National Museum of American Jewish Military History, the Phillips Collection, the Textile Museum and the Woodrow Wilson House. Hours vary by museum. Free admission. The event will continue on Sunday. ■ The group Friends of the Shepherd Park Library will host an after-hours open house at the Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library, featuring a book talk by New York Times correspondent and neighborhood resident Rachel Swarns, author of “American Tapestry: The Story of the Black, White, and Multiracial Ancestors of Michelle Obama.” 6 p.m. Free. Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library, 7420 Georgia Ave. NW. 202-541-6100. ■ At an event sponsored by the Alliance Française de Washington, writer Olivier Magny will debut his book “Into Wine” and present a sneak peak of Parisian-style restaurant/bar Malmaison’s new wine list and menu pairings. 7 p.m. $65 to $85; reservations required. Malmaison, 3401 Water St. NW. Sporting event ■ In advance of U.S. Soccer’s Centennial Celebration Match, the German and U.S. national teams will hold open training sessions, at 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., respectively. Free. RFK Stadium, 2400

The Current

Sunday, June 2

Sunday june 2 Benefit ■ A Northwest Neighbors Village fundraiser will feature baritone Ethan Watermeier and pianist Tim McReynolds performing songs from Broadway hits such as “42nd Street,” “Damn Yankees,” “Guys and Dolls” and “Oklahoma!” A Taste of Northwest DC reception will follow, featuring heavy hors d’oeuvres from neighborhood restaurants. 4 to 6 p.m. $45. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Children’s program ■ A park ranger will lead activities with Colonial games and toys from the 1770s. 3 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-895-6070. Concerts ■ “Rockin’ for Water,” a student-organized concert to raise money and aware-

Sunday, june 2 ■ Open house: The Abner Cloud House, the oldest remaining structure along the C&O Canal, will hold an open house. Noon to 5 p.m. Free. Abner Cloud House, Canal and Reservoir roads NW.

ness for charity:water, will feature performances by DeAngelo Redman, Karima Scott, Justin Trawick (shown), and Aly.O and The H2Os. 2 to 4:30 p.m. $10 to $15; free for ages 11 and younger. Field, Wilson High School, 3950 Chesapeake St. NW. ■ Notebusters — a student chorus comprised of more than 200 students at Janney, Lafayette, Mann and Murch elementary schools — will present “The Wiz Meets the Wizard of Oz and It’s Wicked,” featuring songs from all three musicals. 3 p.m. Free. Auditorium, Wilson High School, 3950 Chesapeake St. NW. 202-282-0110. ■ The Wagner Society of Washington, D.C., will present a performance by young tenor Issachah Savage, winner of the Wagner Division in the Liederkranz Competition. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The Inscape Chamber Orchestra will perform works by Stravinsky and others. 6:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941. ■ The Washington Men’s Camerata will present “The Great American Songbook,” including music by George Gershwin, Richard Rodgers and Cole Porter. 7:30 p.m. $30. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■ Rabbi Sidney Schwarz will discuss

his book “Jewish Megatrends: Charting the Course of the American Jewish Future,” at 1 p.m.; and Gettysburg College professor and Civil War expert Allen C. Guelzo will discuss his book “Gettysburg: The Last Invasion,” at 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■ Sarah Kennel of the National Gallery of Art and Jane Pritchard of the Victoria and Albert Museum will discuss “When Art Danced With Music (and What It Wore).” 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Andy Paiko, founder of the Central Coast Glass Artists’ Studio, will discuss how he creates with glass. 2 p.m. Free. Grand Salon, Renwick Gallery, 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. 202-6331000. ■ Botanical artist Susie Kowalik will discuss her book “Keeping a Nature Journal.” 2 to 3 p.m. Free; registration required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. Films ■ The Rev. Richard L. Killmer, executive director of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, will present the film “Ending U.S.-Sponsored Torture Forever.” A discussion will follow. 10:10 a.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-537-2228. ■ The Earth Ethics Committee at the Washington Ethical Society will present the documentary “A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for a Living Planet.” A discussion will follow. 7 to 9 p.m. $5 donation suggested. Washington Ethical Society, 7750 16th St. NW. Meeting ■ A post-adoption support group, Concerned United Birthparents, will meet in Northwest D.C. to offer support, information and education for birth parents, adult adoptees, adoptive parents and siblings. 2 to 5:30 p.m. Free. For meeting details and location contact Performance ■ The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Jessica Brodkin, Pete Bergen and Graham Hall. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. Desperados, 1342 U St. NW. Reading ■ The Joaquin Miller Poetry Series will feature readings by Janice Lynch Schuster and Jo Sarzotti. 3 p.m. Free. Rock Creek

Park Nature Center, 5200 Glover Road NW. 703-820-8113. Special event ■ The National Museum of Women in the Arts’ Community Day will feature free admission to the museum, including the special exhibition “Bice Lazzari: Signature Line.” Noon to 5 p.m. Free. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370. Sporting events ■ U.S. Soccer’s Centennial Celebration Match will feature the U.S. Men’s National Team against Germany. 2:30 p.m. $38 to $250. RFK Stadium, 2400 East Capitol St. SE. 800-745-3000. ■ The Washington Mystics will play the Atlanta Dream. 4 p.m. $12 to $300. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 800-745-3000. Tour ■ The Greater Brookland Garden Club will host its 13th annual House and Garden Tour. Noon to 5 p.m. $12 to $15. Tickets available online or at Petals, Ribbons & Beyond, 3906 12th St. NE, during store hours and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the day of the tour. Monday, June 3

Monday june 3 Concert ■ The U.S. Navy Band’s Country Current ensemble will perform. 8 p.m. Free. West Steps, U.S. Capitol. mil. Discussions and lectures ■ Scholar Joseph S. Nye will discuss his book “Presidential Leadership and the Creation of the American Era.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ “Classic Conversations” will feature Oscar- and Tony-winning actor Christopher Plummer and Shakespeare Theatre Company artistic director Michael Kahn. 7:30 p.m. $20 to $35. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. Exhibit ■ Cuban painter Antonio Guerrero will unveil his new watercolor pieces, followed by a panel discussion about U.S.-Cuban diplomatic relations. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Films ■ The Chevy Chase Library will present the 1995 film “Smoke,” about a diverse group of characters whose lives intersect at a Brooklyn tobacco shop. 2 and 6:30 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. ■ In honor of the 50th anniversary of the treaty establishing a lasting GermanFrench friendship, a film series will feature Volker Schlöndorff’s film “Swann in Love (Eine Liebe von Swann).” 6:30 p.m. $4 to $7. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. 202289-1200. ■ The Civil War Film Series will screen the 1989 movie “Glory,” starring Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and Matthew Broderick. 6:30 p.m. Free. West Lobby, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. Performance ■ D.C.’s Edgeworks Dance Theatre will present a mixed repertory program featuring signature and new works. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202See Events/Page 26


The Current

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Events Entertainment


Exhibition features colorful 1960s works by D.C. painter


ndiscovered Color,� highlighting large-scale abstract canvases and smaller works created in the 1960s by D.C. artist Benjamin Abramowitz (1917-2011), will open today at Archer and

On exhibit

continue through July 16. An opening reception will take place today from 6 to 10 p.m. Located at 1027 33rd St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. 202-640-2823. ■“Hopes and Dreams,� featuring landscapes and cityscapes of Jerusalem by contemporary Palestinian-American artist and art teacher Vian Shamounki Borchert, will open Friday at the Jerusalem Fund Gallery and continue through July 12. An opening reception will take place Friday from 6 to 9 p.m., with a live painting demonstration to the accompaniment of oud music at 8 p.m.

Located at 2425 Virginia Ave. NW, the the gallery is open Thursday through gallery is open Monday through Friday from Saturday from noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-338-1958. from 1 to 5 p.m. 202-664-4151. ■RADICArt, an arts educa■“Who Used To Dance,� tion outreach program, will presenting new paintings by hold its debut exhibit Friday Anna Demovidova inspired through Sunday from 6 to 9 by the vibrancy and expresp.m. each day at 1920 I St. siveness of jazz and flamenco, NW. On view will be works will open Saturday at by Lafayette Elementary International Visions School students and by two of Gallery and continue through the program’s founders, Marc June 29. Ginsberg and Jennifer Levy, An opening reception will as well as narratives, photos take place Saturday from 6:30 and artwork documenting the to 9 p.m. project’s efforts inside class Located at 2629 rooms. For details email Connecticut Ave. NW, the lery is open Wednesday Anna Demovidova’s work is through Saturday from 11 ■“Men of Steel, Women of on display at International a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-234-5112. Wonder,� featuring a series of re-imagined superhero art- Visions Gallery. ■“My Kind of Magic,� a works, will open Friday at group show about the rituals the Fridge DC and continue through June 30. and techniques of 10 artists from D.C., New An opening reception will take place York and Toronto, opened recently at Project Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. 4, where it will continue through June 29. Located at 516 1/2 8th St. SE, rear alley, Located at 1353 U St. NW on the third

An exhibit at Archer features the abstract work of D.C. artist Benjamin Abramowitz. floor, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-232-4340. ■“Redrawing Ptolemy: The Maps of Martin WaldseemĂźllerâ€? opened recently as part of the “Exploring the Early Americasâ€? exhibit in the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress, where it will continue through June 22. Located at 10 1st St. SE, the Jefferson Building is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-707-8000.

‘Anything Goes’ revival sails into Kennedy Center


he Kennedy Center will host Roundabout Theatre Company’s Tony Awardwinning revival of “Anything Goes� June 11 through July 7 in the


Opera House. Cole Porter’s musical comedy features memorable songs such as “I Get a Kick Out of You,� “You’re the Top� and the title song. As the S.S. American heads out to sea, two unlikely pairs set off on the course to true love — proving that destiny sometimes needs a little help from a crew of singing sailors, an exotic disguise and even some good oldfashioned blackmail. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $25 to $115. 202-467-4600; ■The Source Festival will celebrate its sixth year with debuts of 24 original works from June 7 through 30. The festival lineup will include three full-length plays, 18 10-minute pieces and three “artistic blind dates,� in which nine artists of varying disciplines are united to create three new interdisciplinary works. Performance times vary. Tickets cost $10 to $20, with four-play passes available for $55 and allaccess passes available for $100. Source is located at 1835 14th St. NW. 866-811-4111; ■The Washington National Opera will inaugurate its new commissioning program for contemporary American opera with the world premiere of “Approaching Ali� June 8 and 9 in the Terrace Theater.



Roundabout Theatre Company’s Tony Award-winning production of “Anything Goes� will visit the Kennedy Center June 11 through July 7. Featuring music by D.J. Sparr and a libretto by Mark Campbell and Davis Miller, this is the first hourlong opera created under the auspices of the American Opera Initiative. It tells the story of a young boy in North Carolina in the 1960s who overcomes the loss of his mother and the trauma of being bullied when he sees Muhammad Ali on television. Two decades later, as a writer on the brink of middle age, he seeks to rekindle that spirit by visiting his boyhood hero in person. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday; a question-and-answer session with the artists and creative team will follow both shows. Tickets cost $30. 202-467-4600; ■The Shakespeare Theatre Company will close its hero/traitor repertory of Shakespeare’s “Coriolanus� and Schiller’s “Wallenstein� June 2 at Sidney Harman Hall.

Both plays revolve around military leaders who have gained fame through deadly prowess. Patrick Page and Steve Pickering star in the respective title roles. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, with the specific schedule for each show alternating from week to week. Tickets cost $43 to $105. Sidney Harman Hall is located at 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122; ■Constellation Theatre Company will close “Gilgamesh� June 2 at Source. Part god and part man, King Gilgamesh races the sun and journeys to the end of the Earth on his epic quest for immortality. Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $25 to $35. Source is located at 1835 14th St. NW. 202-204-4471;




26 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 24 467-4600. Readings ■Actors Andre deShields, Nasser Faris, KenYatta Rogers and Nehal Joshi will star in a staged reading of “The Robben Island Bible,� written and directed by Matthew Hahn. 7 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. ■The Theater Alliance of Washington DC’s “Hothouse on the Hill� series will feature a reading of “The Shipment� by Young Jean Lee. 7:30 p.m. Free. The Fridge DC, 516 1/2 8th St. SE. Special event ■The Latin American Youth Center will present an event on the D.C. child welfare system, youth homelessness, and the need for host and foster families. 6 to 8 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Mount Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St. NW. Tuesday, June 4

Tuesday june 4 Concerts â– The Tuesday Concert Series will fea-

The Current

ture L’Arabesque Baroque performing 18th-century French and English chamber music. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635. â– German cellist and conductor Peter HĂśrr and Finnish pianist Henri Sigfridsson will perform chamber music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â– New Dominion Chorale’s “Washington Summer Sings!â€? will feature a group singalong of FaurÊ’s “Requiemâ€? and “Cantique de Jean Racineâ€? conducted by Robert Shafer. 7:30 p.m. $10 to $12. Western Presbyterian Church, 2401 Virginia Ave. NW. â– The U.S. Navy Band’s Commodores will perform. 7:30 p.m. Free. U.S. Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. â– The U.S. Air Force Concert Band and Singing Sergeants will perform. 8 p.m. Free. West Steps, U.S. Capitol. 202-7675658. â– The Redwine Jazz Band will present “Django Reinhardt L’hommage.â€? 8 and 10 p.m. $12. Twins Jazz, 1344 U St. NW. 202234-0072. Discussions and lectures â– The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

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727-0321. ■Melissa Mohr will discuss her book “Holy S---: A Brief History of Swearing.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■American University’s “Books That Shaped America� series will feature government professor Tom Merrill leading a discussion of “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.� 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free. Mud Box Cafe, Bender Library, American University, Nebraska and New Mexico avenues NW. 202-885-3847.

Tuesday, june 4 ■Discussion: Comedian Jim Gaffigan will share observations on family life from his book “Dad Is Fat.� 7 p.m. $30 (includes one copy of book). Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487.

at American University will present a talk by Georgetown University professor of pediatrics Itzhak Brook, author of “My Voice: A Physician’s Personal Experience With Throat Cancer.� 10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Abramson Family Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-895-4860. ■Woman’s National Democratic Club member Ruth Nadel will discuss her life experiences, including a national award for a lifetime of volunteering and her work as social science adviser at the U.S. Labor Department’s Women’s Bureau. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-2327363. ■Journalist and commentator Morton Kondracke will discuss “Jack Kemp: A Congressman Who Changed America.� 4 p.m. Room 119, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-1421. ■Journalists Stephen Kimber, Arnold August and Fernando Morais will discuss democracy in Cuba and the case of the Cuban 5, political prisoners held in the U.S. for almost 15 years. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. ■Young adult author Sarah Dessen will discuss her book “The Moon and More.� 7 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-


Market & Deli. Sandwiches made to order with Boars Head Brand meats & cheeses. DC Lottery.


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Films ■The Georgetown Library will screen the 2012 film “Beijing Flickers� as part of its Global Lens 2013 movie series. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■The Washington DC Jewish Community Center will present Vincent Bal’s 2012 film “Nono, the Zigzag Kid.� 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $12.50. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Performance ■The Kennedy Center’s Ballet Across America series will showcase the best of ballet from regional companies across the nation. The first performance will feature the Richmond Ballet, the Oregon Ballet Theatre and the Boston Ballet. 7:30 p.m. $15 to $75. Opera House, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.; the series will continue with two other performances in repertory Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Special event ■Whitman Ridgway and Richard Bell, professors of history at the University of Maryland at College Park, will participate in an interactive debate (as Thomas Paine and James Chalmers, respectively) on “Paine v. Chalmers: Was Declaring Independence Common Sense?� 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. Sporting event ■The Washington Nationals will play the New York Mets. 7:05 p.m. $5 to $65. Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St. SE. 888-632-6287. The series will continue Wednesday and Thursday at 7:05 p.m. Tour ■Tudor Place will lead a guided tour through its historic landscape. 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. $10; reservations suggested. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. 202-965-0400. Wednesday, June 5

Wednesday june 5 Concerts ■Organist Jeremy Filsell, artist-in-residence at the Washington National Cathedral, will perform works by Bach, DuprÊ and Rachmaninoff. 12:10 p.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. ■The Gjermund Larsen Trio will play Norwegian music for violin, bass and keyboard. 12:10 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-8426941. ■Drummer Lenny White will perform

as part of the DC Jazz Festival. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■The Marine Band will perform. 8 p.m. Free. West Terrace, U.S. Capitol. 202-4334011. Discussions and lectures ■The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University will present an introductory talk by George Mason University professor emeritus Coilin Owens on Irish author James Joyce. 10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Abramson Family Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-895-4860. ■Social psychologist Melanie Joy will discuss her book “Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism.� 6 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707. ■The Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library will host a book talk by Scott D. Seligman, author of “The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo.� 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1488. ■Jeff Shaara will discuss “The Battle of Vicksburg: A Siege for the Ages.� 7 to 9 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., will discuss his work with the Congressional Progressive Caucus and its efforts to promote economic fairness, civil liberties and environmental protection. 7 to 9 p.m. $20 to $25. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-2327363. ■Photographer Justin Quinnell will trace the history of pinhole photography back to Aristotle, describe contemporary approaches and present his own work. 8 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. Films ■The Jerusalem Fund will screen David Koff’s film “Occupied Palestine� as part of its summer film series. 12:30 to 2 p.m. Free. The Jerusalem Fund, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1958. ■The Czech That Film Festival will present the 2011 movie “Flower Buds (Poupata),� about the personal hopes and ambitions of an ordinary family. 7 p.m. $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. ■The NoMa Summer Screen outdoor film series will feature Rob Reiner’s 1987 movie “The Princess Bride.� 7 p.m. Free. Loree Grand Field, 2nd and L streets NE. Performance ■Quest Visual Theatre will present David Gaines’ “7 (x1) Sumurai� as part of the Happenings at the Harman series. Noon. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. Special events ■UniverSoul Circus will present the “Turn’t Up Tour,� with acts such as a headbalancing group from Vietnam and a cappella and beatbox vocalists from Atlanta. 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. $16 to $32. RFK Stadium Festival Grounds, 2400 East Capitol St. SE. 800-745-3000. Performances will continue through Sunday at various times.




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Help Wanted Lead Teacher Our preschool is seeking a Lead Teacher for our Three Year Old Classroom. We are located in Bethesda near Massachusetts Ave & Little Falls Parkway. September 2013-May 2014 5 days a week 8:30 to 12:30. Candidates must be responsible and nurturing with a college degree & at least 2 years experience in Early Childcare. If you are interested, please submit your resume and a letter of introduction to

Lead Teacher Our preschool is seeking a Lead Teacher for our Three Year Old Classroom. We are located in Bethesda near Massachusetts Ave & Little Falls Parkway. September 2013-May 2014 5 days a week 8:30 to 12:30. Candidates must be responsible and nurturing with a college degree & at least 2 years experience in Early Childcare. If you are interested, please submit your resume and a letter of introduction to

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From Page 10 The Alliance for Climate Education made us understand that it can take innovation and imagination to reverse and stop climate change — that if every person in this world has a clear understanding and knowledge of what’s happening, it can help start the change. So, we the delegates at Powell chose our DOT (Do One Thing): a fundraiser to buy reusable water bottles for every student. — Jeff Williams, fifth-grader

St. Ann’s Academy

Our school did a spring concert last week. It started at 6:30 p.m. and we needed to be in our school uniform. My dad and sister were there to watch me perform. My class sang “It’s A Wonderful World.” Other grades sang different songs. We put so much effort into our song and I am proud of our performance. Also at our school, a cup song has gotten very popular. You get a cup to do it, and you do a special movement with the cup. Most of the girls here know it, and they say it is fun and entertaining. I actually like doing it myself. I first saw it in a movie and then some friends taught me how to do it. — Rowland Kamara and Katie Cruz, fourth-graders

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School

Pressure Washing

washing wand ensures no damage to clean brick, stone, slate, wood, and siding. Careful workmanship with 20 years exper. Lic. Bond Ins. 301-656-9274 Chevy Chase, MD


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Extended Day is one of our favorite parts of the day. Not only because we get ice cream from time to time, but also because the instructors are always on point and able to help us. Each day, there is a list on the bulletin board of instructions or tasks. Most often, it includes time for homework, with breaks in between for fun things. After we finish our work, we sometimes go outside and play games. On special days, we get to do a baking project. But we have fun every day, even if we aren’t baking! In Extended Day, we really focus on our homework. Our instructors are always there to help us answer questions and check to make sure they are correct. If we had to rate Extended Day one out of five, we would give it a 100. — Laila Booker, Margaret Gilber and Eden Jones, fifth-graders

School Without Walls High School

There have been a number of new security policies implemented this year at School Without Walls. A new policy implemented this week at our school assists in parentadministration communication and aligns us with other D.C. secondary schools: swiping student IDs, otherwise known as the DC One Card. The DC One Card serves multiple purposes. It can function as a Metro SmarTrip card, library card, school lunch card and regular identification card. It has always been a rule to swipe IDs if a student is late, but now we have to do it upon any

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 entry or exit. This includes field trips, internships and college classes. Some exceptions would be lunch, because everyone has offcampus lunch, and leaving for the end of the day. Parents receive an email each time their child swipes, regardless of if they were on time or not. Most students were confused by the sudden change, but I suspect it will become just another part of the daily routine at school. This is not the first instance of security changes this year — we added a school shooting drill and earthquake drill to our already commonplace fire drills. — Eleonore Edgell, 11th-grader

Sheridan School

Last week award-winning author Patricia Polacco spoke to Sheridan School students from kindergarten through eighth grade. She talked about her family, her books and her life as a child. A lot of her books were inspired by stories she heard from her grandmother or from experiences she had in her childhood. One of her favorite stories from her childhood is about a meteor that landed in her mother’s front yard when she was really little. When the meteor cooled off someone touched it and made a wish, and his wish came true. Hundreds of people visited it and it was later called the “Wishing Rock.” She also talked about how hard it was to deal with being dyslexic as a child. She couldn’t read until sixth grade and struggled at reading aloud to her classmates because she was afraid they would make fun of her. Her books are both fun and inspiring, with the most amazing illustrations. It was so nice to meet her in person and to listen to what she had to say about her books and the people and stories that inspired them. — Ellie Kimmelman, eighth-grader

Stoddert Elementary

We had field day at our school on Tuesday. We’re in Ms. Caccavale’s third grade. Hi, I’m Aidan. This day is about doing exercises and challenges outside. It’s about improving team work. We had to work as a team when we did the three-legged race and tug of war. I really liked doing the three-legged race with Douglas because we are both fast and have long legs. We figured out ahead of time to say in-out and that guided our feet. Hi, I’m Kayla. I liked the water balloon toss because we had to work with each other, and even if you dropped the water balloon after tossing it and it broke, it was still fun. I worked with a classmate and there was a sponge relay game. You had to run and get your sponge wet and then squeeze the sponge out at another bucket. You had to run back and give it to a classmate. It was a lot of running. The teachers did a tug of war against the fifth-graders and some parent volunteers. The teachers won! The second time they did the tug of war, the teachers let go and


all the fifth-graders fell! That was fun to watch. — Kayla Freedman and Aidan Mailley, third-graders

Washington Latin Public Charter School

Did you know that amusement parks rely on the laws of physics? On May 10, the physics classes at Washington Latin Public Charter School went on a physics trip to Six Flags. While we were there, we learned about and experienced the physics and math of roller coasters and other rides. One roller coaster we rode and learned about is called the Superman. It has about a 200-foot drop at the beginning, and uses the momentum and energy gained on that first drop to summit several other hills. We timed the drop, and from that we could calculate the car’s acceleration down the hill. Another ride, called Riddle Me This, spins the riders fast enough that when it tilts, the riders do not fall. By timing how long it takes for the ride to spin once, we could figure out the force the walls of the ride pushed on the riders. This demonstrates centripetal force, an inward-seeking force that pulls in toward the center. One last ride we studied was the Tower of Doom, a 50-foot drop tower that takes the riders on a free fall. We calculated the ride’s speed by timing the drop. This was a great trip — we saw and experienced physics in action, and it brought our studies to life! — Mica Carroll, ninth-grader

Wilson High School

Wilson sports teams are faring well in some season-ending championship games. In softball, the lady Tigers finished a strong season with a 9-7 victory against School Without Walls in the D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association Championship, and a final record of 18-3. The game was very exciting, a hitting battle at first before both defenses settled in and the game turned into a pitching duel. After sophomore Nina Wiramidjaja hit a sacrifice ground-out to score her teammate Eva Schulman, the Tigers finally celebrated their long-awaited victory against the rival Penguins. (School Without Walls has knocked out Wilson in the softball playoffs the past two years.) In boys tennis, Francis Dragulet won the DCIAA boys final against teammate Ryan Shea. The match was long and hard-fought, with Dragulet winning the first set, then Shea coming back to win the second. The match went into a tiebreak. Dragulet prevailed, defeating Shea 10-3. The Tigers weren’t as successful in the girls bracket, however. Wilson’s Jamie Elliott was defeated by School Without Walls’ Deja Stewart, 6-2, 6-1. Varsity baseball has a team record of 19-9 and is looking to reclaim its title as DCIAA champion and hopefully city champion on June 2 at the DC Baseball Classic. — Henry Shuldiner, 10th-grader

32 Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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