Gt 10 02 2013

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park

Vol. XXIII, No. 10

The Georgetown Current

City, federal planners split over heights

Mayor, council protect District from shutdown

t u r k ish delight

■ Budget: Officials turn to

reserves to keep operating

By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer

This week’s federal government shutdown has delayed a public comment forum on proposed changes to D.C. building height limits. The scheduling glitch comes amid District recommendations that call for increases far beyond those of the National Capital Planning Commission’s staff. The commission was scheduled to hold a meeting this afternoon to solicit D.C. residents’ reactions to two separate draft reports on the Height of Buildings Act of 1910 — one prepared by the planning commission and another by the D.C. Office of Planning. The reports examine how changes to the law could impact both federal and local interests. The commission will reschedule this meeting once the federal government reopens. The reports came at the request of U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who asked the commission and the See Height/Page 5

By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer

The D.C. Council and Mayor Vincent Gray stood together Tuesday in declaring that the District will not “participate” in the government shutdown caused by Congress’ failure to approve a federal budget. “The failure of Congress to pass any appropriation has nothing to do with us,” said Council Chairman Phil Mendelson. “We’re unanimous that we should not participate in this exercise.” Gray, in a rare visit to the council

Georgetown ANC objects to plan for hospital trailers Bill Petros/The Current

The Silk Road Dance Company perfomed traditional dance numbers during Sunday’s 11th annual Turkish Festival, which took place on Pennsylvania Avenue at Freedom Plaza.

Ellington alumna talks Broadway success By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer

Duke Ellington School of the Arts alumna Sumayya Ali, an accomplished Broadway performer, returned to her alma mater Monday afternoon to give career advice to current students. She’s also in town to promote her latest musical, “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess,” which opens at the National Theatre in December. Hundreds of Ellington students cheered the 1995 graduate as she took the stage inside the school’s second-floor theater, an expansive auditorium with red walls and gold trim. With the houselights dimmed, Ali sang the iconic “Porgy and Bess”


Bill Petros/The Current

Sumayya Ali of “Porgy and Bess” visited her alma mater Monday.

song “Summertime.” She later told students she would never have become a professional singer if it weren’t for her time at Ellington, emphasizing the value of the free theater training the school

provides. “Please do not take this opportunity for granted,” she said. “If you’re in theater, take voice lessons. Singers, please take a dance class.” Ali said anyone who is admitted to Ellington has already demonstrated enough natural talent to make it in show business, but students need to focus on discipline and character building. “Be a good person. Master your craft. Don’t give up,” she said. Speaking alongside Ali at Monday’s event was Diane Paulus, the Tony Award-winning director at the helm of “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess.” She gave students a brief history on the show’s origins, focusing on its significance in black history. See Ellington/Page 2


Round table weighs role of Georgetown preservationists — Page 3

chamber, said, “This is a seminal moment in our city. It’s important for people to recognize that the D.C. government is not an agency of the federal government.” Gray and the council have agreed, with concurrence from D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan, that the District can use a reserve fund to keep the city running for the next several weeks. The council also unanimously approved a resolution declaring — as Gray already had — that all District employees are “essential,” and thus could remain on the job should the shutdown continue, if the federal government approves. In his brief visit, Gray also See Shutdown/Page 2

St. John’s grinds past rival O’Connell at homecoming — Page 11

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

Plans for temporary trailers at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital drew a rebuke from the Georgetown advisory neighborhood commission Monday night. The hospital is seeking to install two trailers as overflow office space for clinicians on its Reservoir Road campus. The selected site would be located near the Lombardi Cancer Center and not visible from the street. “We’re really very tight in the hospital,” Regina Knox Woods, MedStar’s vice president for government affairs, said at the meeting. “Office space is at a premium here.” When possible, administrative functions have already been shifted off-site, Woods said — including her own office. And a pediatric outpatient clinic is moving to 4200 Wisconsin Ave. The trailers would house a handful of clinicians who need to be near the main hospital, while their old spaces would be dedicated to other needs. Woods said the trailers would

Bill Petros/The Current

The temporary trailers would not be visible from the street.

be in use on “a very temporary basis” while the hospital identifies alternatives; she later said the structures could be in place for up to two years. Although the hospital itself is not a historic building, the campus is within the Georgetown Historic District, so work there is subject to preservation design review. And neighborhood commissioners weren’t pleased with the proposal. “Trailers as office space in a historic district for an indefinite period really strikes me as not the best idea,” neighborhood commission See Hospital/Page 7



D.C. business taxes are competitive in region, study says — Page 3

Calendar/21 Classifieds/29 District Digest/4 Exhibits/23 In Your Neighborhood/10 Opinion/8

Police Report/6 Real Estate/17 School Dispatches/15 Service Directory/26 Sports/11 Theater/25

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Current

ELLINGTON: Alumna discusses Broadway success, upcoming musical with students

From Page 1

The play, which focuses on the experience of African-Americans in 1920s South Carolina, originated as the 1925 novel “Porgy� by author DuBose Heyward. Heyward’s wife Dorothy adapted it into a 1927 play that became the 1935 opera “Porgy and Bess,� with music and lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin. Paulus said she’s particularly excited for

“Porgy and Bess� to return to the National Theatre, a venue that made history when it hosted the opera version in 1936. The cast of the show that year refused to perform unless the segregated theater allowed admission to black people and let them to sit anywhere they chose. After a contentious back-and-forth, the theater finally agreed, opening its doors to people of color for the first time. This back story was one impetus for Paulus

to take on her modern rendition of the show. “Our interest in creating this production was to really tie it to this history,� she said. “And that’s what I think the theater can be — it’s not only about looking to the future. It’s looking backwards, and paying respect to all the people that came before you, and standing on their shoulders.� Paulus said theater has the ability to make people empathize with a perspective different

from their own — a virtue directly relevant to struggles for equality like the civil rights movement. For this reason, she said, theater should never be considered a frivolity. “I really believe in the necessity of theater, and hope you will all go out there in your lives and really advocate for that,� Paulus said. “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess� will be come to the National Theatre Dec. 25 to 29 as part of a national tour that begins in November.

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revealed that he discussed the city’s plan with the federal Office of Management and Budget Monday. Officials from that agency, he said, planned “to post to their website� the District’s non-shutdown plan, along with the shutdown plans of all federal agencies. Gray said he has spoken with Rep. Darryl Issa, R-Calif., chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. “He continues to be an advocate. He wants us to be out from under the federal yoke,� the mayor said. Gray said he’d also taken calls “on behalf of four senators that want to see us exempted. I think we’re in a good position.� The council’s emergency action expires Jan. 1, when a budget autonomy measure voters passed last spring is poised to take effect. At that point, an amendment to the Home Rule Charter promises to free D.C. budget decisions from requiring congressional approval. As with all other D.C. legislation, however, Congress will hold the right to object. Later Tuesday, House Republicans offered to pass stopgap bills to fund only the Department of Veterans Affairs, National Park Service and the District government. But the bills, which required a two-thirds vote, failed amid complaints that Congress should fund the entire government rather than pass funding bills piecemeal.

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g The Current W ednesday, October 2, 2013

Preservationists mull role in Georgetown project reviews By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer

When a modern new building or addition is erected in historic Georgetown, advisory neighborhood commissioner Tom Birch is one of the community leaders who fields complaints. “The question that is put to me is, ‘Tom, how did you ever let that happen?’� he said. But the preservationists responsible for protecting Georgetown don’t really want new construction to precisely mirror the historic buildings around it, several speakers said at a Monday night roundtable discussion on the neighborhood’s preservation issues. “The purpose is not to lock up a historic district in time, but to perpetuate its character and its resources,� said Tom Luebke, secretary to the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, which oversees the Georgetown Historic District. Although a new project has to be “compatible� with the surrounding neighborhood, he said, “It’s not about style; it doesn’t have to mimic.� All new construction in George-

town that would be visible from a public street is subject to design review by the Fine Arts Commission’s Old Georgetown Board, formed in 1950 as part of a federal law granting historic protections to the neighborhood. This rigorous process can sometimes lead to lengthy permitting battles over projects as simple as replacing windows or installing a garden fence. According to Luebke, the Old Georgetown Board is charged with upholding three principles: protecting against demolition of historic buildings, preventing renovations that would damage the historic nature of individual buildings, and “maintaining a suitable setting for historic properties� throughout the overall neighborhood. Which is not to say that modern styles are welcomed with open arms, as anyone who’s followed Georgetown preservation issues is well aware. Rather, said Luebke, “It needs to feel that it’s not an intrusion that’s disruptive to the experience at the street level.� This approach wasn’t always the See Preservation/Page 7

The week ahead Wednesday, Oct. 2

The D.C. State Board of Education will hold a working session to discuss pending D.C. Council education legislation and implementation of Common Core state standards. The meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. in Room 1112, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. â– The Ward 4 Democrats group will hold its monthly meeting, which will feature D.C. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability chair Robert Spagnoletti as guest speaker. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at Emery Recreation Center, 5701 Georgia Ave. NW. â– Adas Israel Congregation will hold a dedication ceremony with live music and a theatrical performance to mark the completion of the renovation of four major worship and gathering spaces. The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Adas Israel Congregation, 2850 Quebec St. NW. For details, visit

Thursday, Oct. 3

The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board will continue its monthly meeting at 9 a.m. in Room 220 South, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. â– The Georgetown Business Improvement District will hold a community input session as part of its Georgetown 2028 planning process. Breakout groups will consider elements of a draft plan and issues such as

transportation, public space use and economic development. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the offices of Foley & Lardner LLP, Suite 600, Washington Harbour, 3000 K St. NW. Reservations are requested at ■The D.C. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability will hold a symposium on best practices in government ethics. The event will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in Suite 540 South, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. ■The Metropolitan Police Department’s 2nd District Citizens Advisory Council will hold its annual Police Awards Banquet, hosted by NBC4’s Jim Handly. The event at Maggiano’s Little Italy, 5333 Wisconsin Ave. NW, will begin with a reception at 6 p.m. Tickets cost $50; proceeds will help cover the cost for the award-winning officers and their families. For details, contact Brian Turmail at or 703-459-0238. ■Miriam’s Kitchen will host a forum on solutions to chronic homelessness in the District and the success of “Housing First� initiatives elsewhere. The event will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Miriam’s Kitchen, 2401 Virginia Ave. NW. Admission is free; to RSVP, visit ■The University of the District of Columbia Community-Campus Task Force will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room

A-03, Building 44, 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW. Agenda items will include updates on student housing and construction of the student center. For details, contact Thomas Redmond at 202-274-5622 or

Saturday, Oct. 5

The School Without Walls at FrancisStevens will host an open house and book sale. The open house will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the school, 2425 N St. NW. For details, contact

Tuesday, Oct. 8

The Levy Group, The Georgetown Co. and The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts will hold a charrette led by landscape architect Ignacio Bunster on plans for a new park as part of redevelopment of the West Heating Plant. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the offices of Foley & Lardner LLP, Suite 600, Washington Harbour, 3000 K St. NW. Reservations are suggested; email or call 202-3372058. â– The Brightwood Community Association will hold its monthly meeting, which will include discussion of traffic and parking issues in the greater Brightwood area. The meeting will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. John United Baptist Church, 6343 13th St. NW.

New study counters notion of high D.C. business taxes Current Staff Report The authors of a new study of business taxes have found that — counter to conventional wisdom — the burden on D.C. companies is not always greater than that on Maryland and Virginia businesses. In fact, the analysis shows that for companies with revenues of less than $5 million, the absence of a gross receipts tax means it is often advantageous to locate in the District rather than Virginia from a tax perspective. And even companies that pay a gross receipts tax in D.C. may have a lower overall tax bill here than they would across the Potomac. The certified public accounting and business advisory firm Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell developed the report for the D.C. Tax Revision Commission, which is studying tax issues to make recommendations to the D.C. Council this winter. “This study shows that the tax burden in the District for C-corporations is not significantly different from its Maryland and Virginia neighbors,â€? states the report, referring to businesses that are taxed separately from their owners. “In some cases, the District was more competitive than its neighbors ‌ .â€? Authors Robert Aceituno and Karen Yingst conclude that city officials should work to “make businesses more aware of the true tax costs of the District compared with its neighbors.â€? They also suggest lowering the business franchise tax.

Since the District is small in size, even businesses located in the Maryland and Virginia suburbs can take advantage of a D.C. customer base, so taxes are often important factors for firms when they decide where to locate. D.C.’s business profits and real estate taxes are higher than those of the neighboring states. But the city’s reputation for high taxes is not always deserved, the report concludes. For instance, though Virginia’s 6 percent profits tax is far lower than the District’s 9.975 percent or even Maryland’s 8.25 percent, Virginia levies other taxes that can eliminate that savings. The state also has a relatively high gross-receipts tax, and many of its jurisdictions levy a hefty businesslicense tax. Plus, D.C. offers tax incentives to some high-tech companies. Such firms are exempt for five years from the 9.975 percent profits tax (also known as a franchise tax), and they pay 6 percent thereafter. D.C. also allows high-tech firms an abatement of real estate taxes and an exemption from personal-property taxes. The result, wrote Aceituno and Yingst, is that “the District’s current tax incentives for high-technology companies make the District the location of choice for this industry group.� However, they added, the District’s higher rents sometimes offset the tax advantages, especially if the company is not very profitable. See Taxes/Page 5

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013



The Current


District Digest Council OKs shifts in committee duties

The D.C. Council Tuesday moved oversight of city parks and recreation centers to its Committee on Transportation and the Environment, chaired by Ward 3 member Mary Cheh. The shift is part of the fallout from the council’s rebuke of Ward 8 member Marion Barry for taking cash gifts from two contractors who do business with the city.

In addition to censuring Barry, the council voted last month to strip Barry of his chairmanship of the Committee on Workforce and Community Affairs. Chairman Phil Mendelson won approval Tuesday to split its jurisdiction among five existing committees. Other changes decided yesterday include transferring of human rights matters to the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, and the Office on Aging to the Committee

on Health.

Catania continues push on education

At-large D.C. Council member David Catania continued his push for further education reform at a D.C. Federation of Citizens Associations event last week. Catania, who chairs the council’s Education Committee and is reportedly weighing a mayoral run, intro-


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duced a series of reform bills earlier this year. His measures include increasing per-pupil funding in impoverished areas and discontinue the practice of “social promotion� for underachieving students. Last Tuesday, he also called for greater spending on career education, and said that improving Hardy Middle School should be a priority to relieve capacity pressures on the more prestigious Deal Middle. The council member praised Washington Latin Public Charter School head Martha Cutts as one of the city’s “greatest economic developers� by offering a strong academic program that keeps students in the District. “Successful schools help economic development as they retain families in the city who pay taxes,� said Catania. Overall, Catania said D.C. schools have begun to improve and that there’s enough available fund-

ing to succeed — two promising signs. “There is a lot to be very enthusiastic about,� he said, but “we have a long way to go.�

More details shared for Palisades grocery

Safeway and the development partner for its Palisades store offered a few more details and solicited community feedback on Friday and Saturday. Duball LLC hopes to build up to 100 condominium units above a rebuilt Safeway store at 4865 MacArthur Blvd., with the residential development funding construction of the larger supermarket. The new building’s footprint would cover both the existing store and its surface parking lot, with parking moved to an underground garage with about 260 spaces — half for customers and half for tenants. But amid objections from neighbors and the Palisades Citizens Association, the firm is emphasizing that it’s flexible on how the new project could move forward. Two leading options are a fourstory building with a park alongside — which would require zoning relief — and a three-story building that would fill more of the lot and could be built as a matter of right without needing public input, Duball president Marc Dubick said. Many residents have called for Safeway to rebuild the store without a residential component, but the company said that’s not economically feasible because the grocery serves a small area. Dubick said the planning process would likely take six to nine months, followed by six months of permitting from the city. Construction would take about 18 months.

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The Current Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HEIGHT: Public forum delayed From Page 1

District government to explore this topic together. Both reports conclude that modifications to the law are advisable, but they differ widely on the appropriate scope of the changes. D.C. Office of Planning director Harriet Tregoning explained the District’s proposal to the commission last Wednesday, saying the maximum building height limit inside the “L’Enfant City� — the capital’s historic core — should be raised to 200 feet. Heights are generally capped at 130 feet today. Tregoning also said decisions about the height of buildings outside the L’Enfant City should be made at the local rather than federal level. Explaining her perspective, she noted that nearly 50 percent of D.C.’s land is currently off the local tax rolls because it is owned by the federal government or other nontaxed entities. “It has been difficult, historically, for the District to provide the services that it needs to provide,� Tregoning said of the city’s loss of tax revenue. Tregoning and other D.C. officials argue that relaxing height limits could spur the construction of more affordable housing, helping reverse the trend of middle-class families fleeing the city’s increasingly expensive housing market. “We want to be able to expand capacity to redevelop sites for housing,� Tanya Stern, chief of staff at the D.C. Planning Office, said in an

interview. “We want to have the flexibility to accommodate the future growth that we expect the city will have.� But federal planners took a different view in their initial study, released weeks before the District’s report. Their main focus is preserv-

â??We want to be able to expand capacity to redevelop sites for housing.â?ž — Tanya Stern ing the views and setting of D.C.’s iconic skyline. As a result, their draft report suggested only modest changes to the height limit law, as National Capital Planning Commission planner Lucy Kempf explained in an interview. Kempf said federal planners are open to easing regulations on rooftop spaces and penthouses, but neither she nor the commission’s report offered specifics about additional changes that might be feasible. Kempf said the commission is still reviewing the District’s report. The commission and the District planning office are committed to delivering final recommendations to the House oversight committee by early November. The question is whether they will find consensus and issue a joint report or remain divided and submit separate studies. Both Kempf and Stern said it’s too early to tell.


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TAXES: New report finds D.C. to be competitive From Page 3

The District can also be popular for unincorporated professional-service businesses — like many law, architecture and architecture firms — because the city’s profits tax doesn’t apply to them. One common misunderstanding regarding D.C. taxes relates to its gross-receipts tax, called the “ballpark fee.� That tax does not apply to companies with revenues under $5 million, and for many companies it is only 0.055 percent. For most types

of businesses, the comparable rates in Northern Virginia are at least five times that. For many larger companies, the difference on this tax usually more than offsets Washington’s higher profits tax. Another break District firms get compared to Virginia is a lower personal-property tax rate. The District’s rate (except for certified hightech companies, which don’t have to pay it) is 3.4 percent. Fairfax County’s rate is 4.57 percent, Arlington’s 5.0 percent and Alexandria’s 4.75 percent, all with some exemptions.

One challenge for D.C. is that unlike the federal government, the District does not let many small businesses avoid corporate taxes — instead taxing their owners for their share of the profit. This rule can cause what D.C. business owners consider “double taxation.� The authors suggest lowering the city’s business franchise tax closer to that of Maryland and Virginia. Doing so would “create a more business friendly image and send a strong message of DC’s commitment for business development,� they write.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013



The Current

Police Report This is a listing of reports taken from Sept. 23 through 29 in local police service areas.

psa 102

â– Gallery place PSA 102


Robbery â– 462-599 block, Indiana Ave.; 7:50 a.m. Sept. 25. â– G and 6th streets; 5:30 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 600-699 block, H St.; 2:40 a.m. Sept. 28. Motor vehicle theft â– 600-699 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 3:51 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 700-799 block, 7th St.; 9:21 p.m. Sept. 27. Theft from auto â– K and 6th streets; 2:32 a.m. Sept. 29. Theft â– 400-499 block, K St.; 9:46 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 700-799 block, 7th St.; 3:51 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 700-799 block, 7th St.; 3:12 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 600-699 block, H St.; 7:45 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 700-799 block, 7th St.; 3:30 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 700-799 block, F St.; 4:13 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 800-899 block, 7th St.; 7:55 p.m. Sept. 28. â– 700-799 block, 7th St.; 6:50 p.m. Sept. 29. â– 7th and F streets; 11:35 p.m. Sept. 29.

psa PSA 201 201

â– chevy chase

Motor vehicle theft â– 6231-6299 block, 29th St.; 9:34 p.m. Sept. 24.

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Theft from auto â– 3300-3398 block, Rittenhouse St.; 2:31 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 2900-2999 block, Rittenhouse St.; 8:38 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 3130-3199 block, Aberfoyle Place; 9:17 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 6600-6699 block, 31st Place; 9:44 a.m. Sept. 25. â– 5600-5699 block, Western Ave.; 11:38 a.m. Sept. 25. â– 3600-3699 block, Rittenhouse St.; 3:22 a.m. Sept. 26. Theft â– 3000-3129 block, Aberfoyle Place; 9:39 a.m. Sept. 25.

psa 202

â– Friendship Heights PSA 202

Tenleytown / AU Park

Burglary â– 5200-5225 block, 42nd St.; 8:16 a.m. Sept. 25. â– 3800-3899 block, Gramercy St.; 12:26 p.m. Sept. 27. Theft from auto â– 4400-4419 block, 44th St.; 12:37 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 4300-4399 block, Harrison St.; 10:10 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 2900-3033 block, New Mexi-

co Ave.; 3:59 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 42nd and Legation streets; 5:03 p.m. Sept. 28. â– 4400-4499 block, Fort Drive; 8:35 p.m. Sept. 28. Theft â– 4500-4599 block, Fort Drive; 12:48 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 4200-4299 block, Davenport St.; 6:56 p.m. Sept. 28. â– 4221-4299 block, 43rd St.; 2:03 p.m. Sept. 29.

psa 203

â– forest PSA 203 hills / van ness

cleveland park

Assault with a dangerous weapon â– 4400-4499 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:10 a.m. Sept. 25. Burglary â– 4300-4499 block, Connecticut Ave.; 5:38 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 4800-4899 block, Connecticut Ave.; 10:01 p.m. Sept. 25. Theft from auto â– 4500-4599 block, 30th St.; 11:15 p.m. Sept. 28. Theft â– 4200-4225 block, Connecticut Ave.; 12:41 p.m. Sept. 24.

psa 204

â– Massachusetts avenue

heights / cleveland park woodley park / Glover PSA 204 park / cathedral heights

Theft from auto â– 42nd Street and Tunlaw Road; 12:25 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 3500-3599 block, Garfield St.; 3:58 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 2800-2899 block, New Mexico Ave.; 9:38 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 2800-2899 block, New Mexico Ave.; 2:30 p.m. Sept. 27. Theft â– 2600-3899 block, Tunlaw Road; 9:20 a.m. Sept. 23. â– 2600-2699 block, Woodley Road; 11:10 a.m. Sept. 23. â– 2731-2899 block, Connecticut Ave.; 4:42 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 3000-3199 block, Connecticut Ave.; 9 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 2600-2699 block, Woodley Road; 9 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 3000-3199 block, Connecticut Ave.; 11:43 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 2433-2499 block, 39th St.; 7:47 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 3000-3199 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 8:22 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 4200-4349 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 3:21 p.m. Sept. 27.

psa 205

â– palisades / spring valley PSA 205

Wesley Heights / Foxhall

Theft from auto â– 4800-4840 block, Van Ness St.; 8:17 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 4700-4799 block, Sedgwick St.; 9:36 p.m. Sept. 25. Theft â– 4500-4599 block, Macomb St.; 3:56 p.m. Sept. 23.

â– 2811-2905 block, University Terrace; 4:20 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 4880-4997 block, MacArthur Blvd.; 4:56 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 4900-4999 block, Upton St.; 9:41 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 4400-4499 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 4:48 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 3200-3301 block, New Mexico Ave.; 3:30 p.m. Sept. 25.

psa PSA 206 206

â– georgetown / burleith

Theft from auto â– 1200-1299 block, 27th St.; 11:25 a.m. Sept. 25. â– 39th Street and Reservoir Road; 12:32 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 1738-1899 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 3:36 p.m. Sept. 26. Theft â– 1200-1229 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 5:59 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 3600-3699 block, O St.; 7:10 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 33rd and M streets; 7:53 a.m. Sept. 24. â– 1200-1229 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 6:45 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 3000-3049 block, M St.; 5:02 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 3000-3099 block, Dent Place; 1:04 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 3600-3699 block, O St.; 9:52 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 1564-1601 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 6:42 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 2300-2699 block, Q St.; 11 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 3100-3199 block, M St.; 3:10 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 3278-3299 block, M St.; 5:56 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 1200-1299 block, 36th St.; 10:04 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 1100-1199 block, 34th St.; 4:40 p.m. Sept. 28. â– 3200-3277 block, M St.; 8:46 p.m. Sept. 28. â– 1400-1429 block, 35th St.; 4:08 p.m. Sept. 29.

psa PSA 207 207

â– foggy bottom / west end

Robbery â– 1700-1799 block, G St.; 1:14 p.m. Sept. 24. Assault with a dangerous weapon â– 1100-1130 block, Connecticut Ave.; 6:58 a.m. Sept. 29 (with knife). Theft from auto â– 2600-2699 block, L St.; 1:10 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 2400-2487 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 11:52 a.m. Sept. 25. â– 1050-1199 block, 22nd St.; 1:16 p.m. Sept. 25. Theft â– 1600-1699 block, K St.; 12:34 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 1600-1699 block, K St.; 5:23 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 2000-2099 block, K St.; 5:30 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 1100-1199 block, 21st St.; 6:10 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 1800-1899 block, L St.; 6:10 p.m. Sept. 23.

â– 1400-1433 block, K St.; 10:06 a.m. Sept. 25. â– 1400-1433 block, K St.; 12:10 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 500-599 block, 20th St.; 3:43 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 1800-1899 block, L St.; 4 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 1100-1199 block, 19th St.; 5:53 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 2100-2499 block, K St.; 6:25 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 2000-2099 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 11:46 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 2100-2199 block, G St.; 1:04 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 2000-2099 block, F St.; 6:45 p.m. Sept. 28.

psa 208

â– sheridan-kalorama PSA 208

dupont circle

Robbery â– 1700-1799 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 12:15 a.m. Sept. 29. â– 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 12:37 a.m. Sept. 29. Assault with a dangerous weapon â– 1800-1899 block, M St.; 12:18 a.m. Sept. 27. Motor vehicle theft â– Jefferson Place and Connecticut Avenue; 9:45 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 1125-1225 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 12:30 a.m. Sept. 27. Theft from auto â– 1212-1299 block, Connecticut Ave.; 4:38 p.m. Sept. 25. â– Rhode Island Avenue and Corregidor Street; 12:32 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 1700-1799 block, Connecticut Ave.; 11:19 p.m. Sept. 27. â– 2100-2199 block, P St.; 11:46 p.m. Sept. 28. â– 1800-1899 block, Florida Ave.; 12:50 p.m. Sept. 29. Theft â– 2100-2199 block, P St.; 1:41 p.m. Sept. 23. â– 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 8:34 p.m. Sept. 24. â– Massachusetts Avenue and Dupont Circle; 10:50 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 1300-1699 block, Connecticut Ave.; 11:36 p.m. Sept. 24. â– 1721-1799 block, 19th St.; 12:59 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 16th and P streets; 11:20 p.m. Sept. 25. â– 1500-1599 block, 20th St.; 7 a.m. Sept. 26. â– 1500-1520 block, 14th St.; 11:33 a.m. Sept. 26. â– 1300-1699 block, Connecticut Ave.; 12:28 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 2000-2099 block, M St.; 5:47 p.m. Sept. 26. â– 1700-1799 block, Rhode Island Ave.; 12:13 a.m. Sept. 27. â– 1400-1499 block, Rhode Island Ave.; 8:46 a.m. Sept. 28. â– 1500-1599 block, Rhode Island Ave.; 2:42 p.m. Sept. 28.

The Current W g ednesday, October 2, 2013


PRESERVATION: Ensuring buildings’ compatability doesn’t mean mimickry, experts say

From Page 3

standard in Georgetown, he said. “Most of Georgetown’s fabric and stock is really Victorian era, with more embellishments,� Luebke said. “And there was an idea of taking some of that stuff off and making it seem a little bit older — at least Federal.� A notable example is the 1870s Georgetown Presbyterian Church, 3115 P St., which was constructed in the Victorian Gothic Revival style — before being redone with a more Georgian appearance in the 1950s.

“It is not what we would do today,� said Luebke. David Maloney, the D.C. government’s top historic preservation officer, said Georgetown’s mix of buildings from different eras is what makes the neighborhood stand apart. According to a 1991 D.C. Historic Preservation Office survey, just 10 percent of its buildings were constructed before 1870 and fewer than half of those predate 1830, he said. The plurality of Georgetown’s surviving buildings — nearly a third — are from the late Victorian era, 1870 to 1900, Maloney said. A

quarter are from 1900 to 1950; and, as of the 1991 survey, 12 percent are newer than 1950. And because Georgetown was a self-contained town until 1871, with a mix of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, it features varied styles from each of those eras. “Within that context, it seems to me that certainly it can accommodate new contributions of contemporary architecture,� said Maloney. Maloney added that besides the overall Georgetown Historic District, 75 individual properties have their own landmark protections. His agency intends to research some of

those properties more thoroughly and make the information available online, he said. In a short Q-and-A session, several residents suggested that there’s not enough enforcement against work that violates D.C.’s historic preservation rules. Maloney said there are just two officers citywide responsible for overseeing such violations. Some property owners “know what they can get away with, and if they have gotten away with it and something has already disappeared, it’s very difficult to make them correct it,� he said.

HOSPITAL From Page 1 chair Ron Lewis told Woods. “The people at the hospital have looked at this a lot and they said this is the best solution,� Woods said. “Well, maybe they should go back and look a little harder,� countered Lewis. The commission’s unanimous resolution urges the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board to reject the hospital’s application, calling trailers “inappropriate and generally objectionable� for Georgetown. (Such projects generally go before the federal Old Georgetown Board, but they fall to D.C. authorities when they’re not visible from the street.) Neighborhood commissioner Peter Prindiville, who represents a section of the Georgetown University campus, said he saw some merit to the hospital’s plan. “I understand Commissioner Lewis’ concerns and the need for more strategic planning, but there are also concerns about the need to provide medical services,� said Prindiville. He added that the trailers would not be visible from many community vantage points — “perhaps the medevac helicopters could see it.� Prindiville ultimately joined his colleagues in voting to oppose the application for trailers. MedStar’s Woods did not go into details at the meeting about which offices needed particular space at the hospital. Reached for comment yesterday, she referred questions to the hospital’s media office. Spokesperson Marianne Worley didn’t respond to questions.


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g Wednesday, October 2, 2013 T he Current

The Georgetown


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

Staying open

The word went out last week: Mayor Vincent Gray would make a major, tangible stand for D.C. autonomy by thumbing his nose at the federal government’s shutdown. The mayor sent notice to the feds Sept. 25 declaring every single D.C. employee “essential” and thus exempt from the furlough. But as the city awaited a response to that announcement, officials came up with another solution, thanks to a suggestion from local nonprofit DC Appleseed. It turns out that the city’s Contingency Cash Reserve fund, with its $144 million on hand, has already been appropriated for our use. So our leaders could use that money for city operations until the cash runs out. Thus when Congress sent federal agencies into a standstill Tuesday morning, D.C. services kept on chugging. It was business as usual — and that was great news. It’s bad enough — and it’s very bad, really — that Congress’ squabbles are threatening air travel, jeopardizing veterans benefits and hampering health efforts. But the absurdity of the situation is heightened when those federal fights are allowed to hamstring D.C. doings. Unfortunately, the unique structure of our city’s governance requires Congress to approve all of the District’s spending, even when the funds in question are locally raised. Attempts to carve out a shutdown exception for D.C. have gained little traction. And citizens, of course, have no say in the matter, as the District has no vote in Congress. Thankfully, come Jan. 1, a charter amendment passed by voters this year promises to take away the requirement for explicit congressional approval of the District’s local budget. But that doesn’t solve our problems in the meantime or foreclose the possibility of future intrusions on local governance. Still in question is what would happen if this shutdown extends longer than two weeks, the period for which the contingency funds are expected to last. Would Mayor Gray rely on his all-employees-are-essential stance, which the D.C. Council backed yesterday? We hope the federal Office of Management and Budget will weigh in on that concept before then — ideally in the affirmative. Though it’s an unusual means to an end, we could imagine the plan will receive support, since President Barack Obama has made it clear that he backs D.C. budget autonomy. But in the meantime, we’re happy to rely on our cash reserves. It’s not as flashy as a mass declaration of essentialness, but maybe it’s an even better approach: The result is the same, and perhaps the city’s careful action will endear us to the lawmakers who have been preventing us from making our own decisions. Though that would assume they’re acting out of rationality.

A taxing misconception

Most local businesses owners think they pay far more in taxes to the District than they would if they were located in Virginia. Thankfully, this is often not the case, according to a new report prepared for the D.C. Tax Revision Commission. Tax considerations are often a major factor when regional firms decide whether to locate in D.C., Maryland or Virginia, particularly given the geographic reality that firms in one jurisdiction can easily serve customers in the other two. And the new report shows that companies may want to think again about D.C. True, our 9.975 percent profits or “franchise” tax is far higher than Virginia’s 6.0 percent (except for high-tech businesses in D.C., which pay 6.0 percent after an initial five-year exemption). But small businesses based here avoid several taxes that they would pay in Virginia. If a D.C. business has revenues of less than $5 million, it does not pay a “gross receipts tax” — though most do in Virginia. And if the business has nonfinancial assets that are less than $225,000, it would not pay a “personal property tax,” as most Virginia firms do. For bigger firms, the Virginia gross-receipts tax often makes up for the higher District franchise tax, as our gross-receipts tax is capped at $16,500. In Arlington, this fee is 6.5 times that of the District’s for a firm with revenues of $30 million. Larger District firms also have a lower personal-property tax rate than firms do in nearby Alexandria, Arlington or Fairfax. Study authors Robert Aceituno and Karen Yingst, of a regional certified public accounting and business advisory firm, recently urged the city to publicize their findings so that businesses are “more aware of the true tax costs of the District compared with its neighbors.” Mayor Vincent Gray should indeed follow their advice. Doing so would undoubtedly help attract more businesses to the District — producing more jobs for District residents and more tax revenue for the city.

Justice is served …


ccasionally we like to share one or two notes on the criminal justice system to remind us how important the courts can be. Lawyers for U.S. Attorney Ronald Machen prosecute some of the most heinous crimes. A recent news release told us about Mark Coates, 28, of the District. He was sentenced this summer to a 23-year prison term by Judge Herbert B. Dixon Jr. after Coates pleaded guilty to a charge of seconddegree murder while armed. What did he do? Prosecutors say Coates and another man attacked 56-year-old Leroy Studevant in Marvin Gaye Park in Northeast Washington. At first, the victim escaped and ran from his attackers. “However, Coates and the accomplice chased Mr. Studevant through the park, until Coates ultimately cut off Mr. Studevant’s flight path. Using a knife, Coates and his accomplice then stabbed Mr. Studevant. After forcing Mr. Studevant to the ground, Coates and his accomplice kicked him, and Coates was able to unhook and remove Mr. Studevant’s belt from around his waist. The belt was placed around Mr. Studevant’s neck as a noose, and he was choked with the belt until he no longer resisted.” What prompted this vicious assault? “The victim would not share his cigarettes.” ■ A program note. The Notebook will be doing an hourlong interview with Mr. Machen at 7 p.m. on Oct. 15 at the Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital, 921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. It’s part of a quarterly interview series we’re doing with various leaders of our city. You’re welcome to attend. ■ Fresh air. Maybe the air was fouled the past couple of weeks by the shutdown shenanigans, but there’s good news to breathe in. The council’s Air Quality Committee reported recently that the region’s air quality has “continued to show major improvement,” and there were just four unhealthy air quality days this past season. Still, the good news has its limits. D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson was quoted as saying, “The region can’t lose sight of the challenges ahead. Even as the region’s air quality improves, EPA is considering lowering the health standard for ozone.” Those stricter standards could come in 2014. ■ “Securicrat” world. The federal Department of Homeland Security has been around long enough for

some people to start talking about breaking up what they fear is an impossibly large hodgepodge of federal agencies. It might be tough to unwind some of the staff titles that populate the department or the dense language that has developed around it. The Notebook has mentioned a few mind-benders before. This caught our attention. It’s from an article in The Domestic Preparedness Journal: “Over the past few months, The Infrastructure Security Partnership (TISP) has been participating in a publicprivate collaborative effort, led by … the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Infrastructure Protection, for the purpose of updating the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). Public-private sector collaboration and partnerships are now frequently mentioned in case studies, reports, policy directives, and articles addressing topics related to regional and infrastructure security and resilience. There are many reasons for companies and agencies of all sizes to work together for the common goal of building resilience.” ■ A semi-final word. Barbara Lang is stepping down after leading the DC Chamber of Commerce for the past 11 years. Lang is credited with giving the chamber more oomph in city politics and business circles. It’s a 75-year-old organization, but it has always been overshadowed by both the Greater Washington Board of Trade and the Federal City Council. Lang elbowed her way into the business circles and helped small and minority-owned businesses gain a voice. She has often talked to the Notebook and been interviewed on NBC4 about the dramatic changes in the city over the past 15 years. Lang most recently agreed that the city’s $8.25 minimum wage likely needs to be raised. Rather than just oppose it for businesses’ sake, she said the chamber would help find the right increase to help workers but not disadvantage city businesses. And this is a “semi-final” word because Lang is not retiring. She spent her previous career at Fannie Mae and is ready for a new challenge. You might say, watch this space. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor Don’t let D.C. throw E6 under the bus

Approximately two years ago, District transportation officials tried to eliminate Chevy Chase’s E6 bus, an important route that links the Friendship Heights Metro station and Knollwood. Officials are trying again this year, by other means. This time, instead of slashing the entire route, their proposal will cripple it. With scant notice, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority has proposed a 20 percent reduction in service for the E6, a route with already-sparse weekday-only service. This proposal will have a huge impact on hundreds of riders, many of whom may be forced back into their cars and onto crowded D.C. streets. It would be the latest erosion of bus service in Northwest, following the previous

E6 cut and the elimination of the N8 line that served Glover Park and Tenleytown. Not one of the six public hearings was scheduled in the Chevy Chase area. E6 riders had to travel to Maryland, Virginia, Southwest D.C. or Northeast D.C. to voice their opinions at the hearings. The transit authority’s documents cite low ridership as the reason for the service reduction, yet E6 ridership has soared in the last two years. It has reached a five-year high of 450 riders every weekday — not the highest ridership among Metrobus routes, but an impressive increase of 27 percent from just two years ago. Given the community’s commitment to the E6, Metro should be considering more frequent service to encourage continued growth. This loss of service would also impact local businesses, including the popular Broad Branch Market and the commercial strip on upper Connecticut Avenue. Many of the workers at the Knollwood nursing home would be affected as well.

If the Metro board approves the E6 proposal, riders will lose 14 trips throughout the day. This will mean a reduction in earlymorning service and almost no service in the mid-afternoon, affecting area students; the final bus of the day will leave Friendship Heights just after 8 p.m. E6 riders already experience long weekday wait times of 40 minutes during non-peak hours. We strongly urge officials to reject the proposal to reduce service on the Chevy Chase line. Growing ridership and the hundreds of signatures collected in support of the current level of service show that many riders hold the same view. Don’t leave hundreds of residents in Upper Northwest without any good public transportation options. This proposal runs counter to the sustainable community so many council members tout. Michaela Platzer Barnaby Woods

Lucinda Wade Hawthorne

The Current

Flawed process besets agreement with Cafritz VIEWPOINT carolyn A. Cook


hriving communities are built on a foundation of mutual trust, participation and investment. Socially responsible businesses differentiate themselves from competitors by seeking a balance between contributing to economic development and improving the quality of life within their community and society at large. As a Chevy Chase advisory neighborhood commissioner, I did not support the memorandum of understanding that Calvin Cafritz Enterprises entered into with our commission, because it was not built on a foundation of trust or participation. Nor did it strike a balance between development and community wellbeing. How could it, given the procedural flaws? ■Community representatives from the 5333 Connecticut Neighborhood Coalition were not a party to the negotiations that took place between three neighborhood commissioners and Calvin Cafritz Enterprises that resulted in the document. I mistakenly assumed that all meetings included the coalition, which had sought the commission’s assistance for an appeal. The coalition did all of the legwork to bring this issue to our attention but then was excluded from weighing in at any stage of development of the agreement or even to approve the final draft. ■When members of the coalition’s steering committee found out about the memo on Thursday, Aug. 22, prior to the commission’s special meeting scheduled for Monday, Aug. 26, they were naturally stunned and felt betrayed. ■Several community members joined me in requesting that the commission postpone our meeting on account of school beginning for some, others being on vacation, and to allow time for a proper response. The request was denied. ■At the commission’s meeting, the 50 minutes allotted for community input were not spent discussing amendments to the document but rather on fielding humble requests by residents to delay our vote until Sept. 9 to allow the coalition time to consider the matter further and offer suggestions on the document’s improvement. ■The commission rejected my motion for a two-week delay to allow those of us not present for the negotiations ample time to digest community feedback. By the end of the night, a four-member majority had voted to approve the memorandum of understanding. Mr. Cafritz, notwithstanding your legal rights as a

Letters to the Editor Recreation offerings need more equity

I’m lucky. I’m the father of two girls. My girls have opened my eyes to so many things. I say “I love youâ€? many multiple times a day, I enjoy flowers even more than I used to, and pink is no longer a four-letter word. I’m getting a better understanding of what it means to be a girl and to see through their eyes. I’ve only just begun to learn from them. We haven’t even gotten to the challenging times and issues. And yet ‌ They’ve opened my eyes to a

developer and the permit approvals you’ve secured on your original design (not the concessions described in the memorandum), would you stand by this as your best effort to obtain a mutually beneficial agreement with the Chevy Chase D.C. community? I bet not. With all due respect, I am appalled that you did not honor the community agreement you made as part of a planned-unit development approved in 1990 for the site. Furthermore, you have excluded some of the original participants from renegotiating reasonable accommodations to your unilateral design. It’s hard to avoid the irony, Mr. Cafritz. You are the CEO and president of the Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Family Foundation, which states on its website, “The Foundation is committed to improving the quality of life for residents of the Washington, DC area.� Did you consider those you shut out of this process? Would you guess that one neighbor of 5333 represents the legacy of an accomplished political reporter, wife and mother, who was cared for at home by her loving husband and two children until she died? Or that another family periodically must rent out their home and stay with relatives to afford the medical bills for their child? The fact is that countless hours have been expended by individuals whose busy lives were interrupted when a community agreement expired without notification, renewal or renegotiation. I have no doubt that your legal team and some members of our neighborhood commission made a good-faith effort to negotiate a compromise. But in the end, an empty, quiet, tree-filled lot will become yet another bustling apartment building in an alreadycrowded residential and commercial area. I understand that the building will be a tribute to your father, Morris Cafritz, known as “an outstanding civic leader known for his generosity.� Is this really how your father would want to be remembered? Or would he have invited the 5333 steering committee to his table and, in the words of his contemporary, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, begun by saying, “Rules are not necessarily sacred; principles are.� I ask that you sit down with the 5333 Connecticut Neighbors Coalition in an attempt to reach an amicable agreement. Having sat through nearly a year of meetings on this issue, I assure you these folks are well-prepared, well-meaning and most respectful in presenting their concerns and working toward a satisfactory resolution. Carolyn A. Cook is a member of the Chevy Chase advisory neighborhood commission, representing single-member district 3G01.

fundamental gender-equity issue that exists here in Ward 3 and, I assume, throughout D.C. It’s one we can fix fairly easily, but not without leadership, compromise, sacrifice and investment. So, what is it? It relates to the first lady’s “Let’s Move!� campaign, with a focus on girls. It is the allocation of D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation resources. The department is simply not providing facilities in an equitable manner that mirrors the composition of our city. We are split more or less evenly by gender, yet our facilities are not reflective of this. According to studies, the top five physical activities that girls participate in are (in order) dancing, swimming, basketball, jogging and

volleyball. The top five activities that boys participate in are (in order) basketball, football, soccer, jogging and swimming. But that’s not what the Department of Parks and Recreation allocates the majority of its land to, and the agency’s allocation of facilities and land does not mirror these sorts of activities. Why is that? Interestingly, while swimming makes the top five in both lists, Ward 3 still does not have an outdoor pool, and — as far as I know — a plan for one does not exist. Why is that? These are questions I think we should all be asking. I have begun to. Some of my neighbors have begun to. Will you? Sam Serebin American University Park

Letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


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g 10 Wednesday, October 2, 2013 T he Current

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At the commission’s Sept. 30 meeting: ■ commissioners voted 6-0, with Craig Cassey and Charles Eason absent, to request that the D.C. Department of Transportation or D.C. Council restore a second northbound travel lane on Wisconsin Avenue between Whitehaven Parkway and Calvert Street. ■ commissioner Ron Lewis announced that a community meeting regarding upcoming renovations at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts, at 3500 R St., will be held at 6 p.m. on Oct. 7. The school system is considering installing a roof deck as part of the work, he said. ■ Nancy Miyahira of the Georgetown Business Improvement District invited residents to a community input session as part of the group’s Georgetown 2028 planning process. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. tomorrow in the offices of Foley & Lardner LLP, Suite 600, Washington Harbour, 3000 K St. Miyahira also announced that the BID will host a Fashion, Art and Design (FAD) event Oct. 10 through 12 at participating businesses. ■ Candace Mosely of Georgetown University announced several upcoming events: open forums for the school’s master planning process, 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Oct. 2; a family-friendly “community tailgate” event before a football game on Oct. 12; and the Georgetown Walk for the Homeless on Oct. 20. ■ commissioners voted 6-0 to withdraw their protest against the Graham Georgetown hotel, 1075 Thomas Jefferson St., after reaching a compromise regarding noise from the hotel’s rooftop bar. ■ commissioners voted 6-0 to support a D.C. Office of Planning proposal for a customized zone with land-use requirements tailored to Georgetown’s residential areas. A Zoning Commission hearing on the proposal is scheduled for Nov. 6. ■ commissioners voted 6-0 to raise no objection to a Board of Zoning Adjustment application to fill in a sleeping porch on a home at 3301 N St. The project has Old Georgetown Board approval but needs zoning relief because the home already exceeds the 40 percent maximum lot occupancy for its zone, a common issue in Georgetown. ■ commissioners voted 6-0 to raise no objection to a Board of Zoning Adjustment application for a rear addition to a home at 2516 Mill Road that will replace a covered porch. The project needs zoning relief because the existing porch is too close to the rear property line. ■ commissioners voted 6-0 to raise no objection to a Board of Zoning Adjustment application for Dog Tag Bakery to have commercial operations on both floors instead of just the ground level at 3206 Grace St. The bakery is a nonprofit that provides job training to veterans,

Citizens Association of Georgetown

It is 3 p.m. on Saturday and the house next to ours is overflowing with what I’ve heard referred to as “baby professionals” playing very loud music, raising their voices as the beer takes over and, most unfortunately, using profanity easily heard by children living nearby. I am sure the noise carries as far as Rose Park to the east and 28th Street to the west. It is a “mini dorm,” although these are not students. The owner of the property lives in New York and, when asked, explains that the tenants have been paying rent despite not having an official lease, and that it’s difficult in D.C. to evict such renters. I am understanding of “normal voice” garden parties on a beautiful day in the fall. However, after 11 p.m. last night we had to call 911 to report noise coming from the same house at a level that was disrupting our rest and sleep. In addition, the food, bottles and paper cartons from their cookouts regularly stay in the garden out on the table for a week. It is a “deli” for birds and nocturnal animals. Recently I was given a copy of the Hoya Living Guide. My understanding is that it is distributed to every Georgetown University student living off campus. The university is trying to improve the behavior of students and to make them aware of the responsibilities of living in a neighborhood of detached and semi-detached homes. In fact, each student living off campus must attend a Hoya Living Orientation. The Citizens Association of Georgetown appreciates this effort and hopes to see improvement in the quality of life for residents living near student houses during this school year. However, what to do about group homes full of inconsiderate young people? It can be so bad that you begin to think the value of your home is affected. Ideas? — Pamla Moore representatives said, and it will sell baked goods for people as well as freshly baked dog biscuits. The dog biscuits will also be sold online. ■ commissioners voted 6-0 to oppose a Historic Preservation Review Board application to install two temporary office trailers at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. Commissioners said that although the trailers wouldn’t be visible from the street, their installation would set a poor precedent in a historic district. They called upon the hospital to find another solution. ■ commissioners voted 5-0 to raise no objection to an Old Georgetown Board application for adding a second story to a rear addition at 3113 N St. Ron Lewis doesn’t participate in Old Georgetown Board matters because his wife is a board member; Craig Cassey and Charles Eason were absent. ■ commissioners voted 5-0 to oppose an Old Georgetown Board application for installation of a metal gate and repaving of a rear yard at 3302 Prospect St. Neighbors said the project would disrupt a 3-foot-wide easement that gives them access to 33rd Street, and they said the property owners had already improperly removed century-old walkway bricks. The commission’s resolution also calls for restoration of the walkway. ■ commissioners voted 5-0 to oppose an Old Georgetown Board application for a rear addition at 2734 P St. The plan has been redesigned several times, but neighbors remain concerned about the addition’s size and architectural compatibility. The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 4, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit

ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover

■ Glover Park / Cathedral heights

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10, at Stoddert Elementary School and Glover Park Community Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. Agenda items include: ■ police report. ■ presentation by at-large D.C. Council member David Catania, chair of the Education Committee, regarding education issues. For details, call 202-338-2969, email or visit anc3b. org. ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring ■ spring valley / wesley heights Wesley Heights palisades / kent / foxhall The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, at the School of International Service Building, American University, Nebraska and New Mexico avenues NW. Agenda items include: ■ consideration of a public space application at 1850 47th Place for a fence. ■ consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application for a special exception and area variance from front- and side-yard requirements at 4540 Lowell St. to permit an addition to a single-family home. ■ consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application by the Lab School of Washington, 4759 Reservoir Road, for a variance from off-street parking requirements and a special exception to allow an addition to an existing private school. ■ consideration of a resolution regarding the proposed zoning rewrite as it relates to campus plans and school plans. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit


Athletics in Northwest Washington



October 2, 2013 ■ Page 11

St. John’s Cadets march to a homecoming victory By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

St. John’s needed a playmaker to step up after a first-half stalemate with Bishop O’Connell. So the Cadets turned to junior running back Omar Garcia, who sliced through the Knights’ defense to lift his team to a gritty 17-7 win as part of its homecoming festivities Saturday. Garcia finished the game with 20 carries for 136 yards, along with a touchdown. Senior quarterback Will Ulmer completed five passes for 44 yards and senior quarterback Billy McCaffrey had two completions for 33 yards and a touchdown. “It’s my last homecoming,” said Ulmer. “It was very important and very good that we finally won a [league] game and we can just progress from there.” On defense, senior linebacker Maurice Harley had a team-high 10 tackles and an interception. Senior linebacker Devin Williams added nine tackles. St. John’s is now 1-1 in Washington Catholic Athletic Conference games, which will help the team’s bid to return to the league’s fourteam playoff field. “Winning this game was key to writing our own future,” said Cadets coach Joe Patterson.

The Cadets jumped on the Knights early in the game, with the defense forcing a fumble to build momentum. Then senior quarterback Billy McCaffery — who rotates with Ulmer — found sophomore tight end Devante Brooks for a 30-yard touchdown strike to put the Cadets ahead 7-0. O’Connell answered with a touchdown — aided by 40 penalty yards due to mistakes by the Cadets — but it would be his squad’s lone score of the game. St. John’s countered by feeding the ball to Garcia, who wore down the Knights’ defense and eventually broke through. He made a 43-yard scamper to set up senior kicker Joe Giglio for a 22-yard field goal. The kick put St. John’s ahead 10-7 early in the fourth quarter. “My lineman sealed it up perfectly, and I saw a hole and just hit it,” said Garcia. “Thankfully I got a big gain on it to help my team to the victory.” Garcia then made sure St. John’s punched in its next red-zone try, making a 1-yard touchdown plunge to ice the game and the Cadets’ 17-7 win. “We had to seal the victory because they still had a chance to come back on us,” said Garcia. St. John’s is on a bye week this weekend and will return to the grid-

Brian Kapur/The Current

Junior running back Omar Garcia, center, was the motor behind the Cadets’ 17-7 win Saturday. Garcia led the team with 136 yards on 20 touches and scored a touchdown in the victory. iron on Oct. 11 at Good Counsel — the defending WCAC champions — at 7 p.m.

St. Albans snaps losing streak with rout

The Bulldogs thrashed Coolidge 35-0 Friday night to win their second

game of the season. St. Albans’ offensive onslaught was led by senior wideout Matt Sniezek, who scored two touchdowns — one off a 25-yard reception and one on a 75-yard catch. Sniezek finished the game with four catches for 125 yards, while senior

quarterback James McJunkin completed an efficient six of eight passes for 145 yards and three scores. On the ground, senior captain Max Miller led the attack, with 190 yards on 15 carries and a touchdown. Senior runner Bobby Beers See Football/Page 12

Eagles fall to Falcons on the pitch By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Brian Kapur/The Current

National Cathedral had several chances to score on Good Counsel Thursday, but the Eagles weren’t able to cash in. The team will be back in action against Georgetown Day School Thursday afternoon at 4.

When Danielle Malagari was in high school, she helped Good Counsel win four Washington Catholic Athletic Conference soccer titles. Now in her second year as National Cathedral’s coach, she embraces the challenge of competing against her old team and former coach, Jim Bruno. Cathedral was up for the battle Thursday afternoon but came up short against Good Counsel, 3-0. Although the Eagles didn’t get a win, they tested themselves against one of the better teams in the area. And the lessons from this game could help Cathedral later in the season, as the squad tries to recapture the Independent School League crown. “I was just telling my girls to keep their heads up,” said Malagari. “Their first loss of the season was to a good team. It maybe wasn’t our best soccer, but we worked hard and had good energy.” The Falcons jumped on the Eagles early and took a 1-0 lead with 30 minutes to go in the first half. Cathedral responded by getting the ball to senior forward Kennedy Jones, who appeared to have a golden opportunity to fire a

shot at the goal. But Good Counsel’s goalie, senior Megan Hinz, smothered the ball to prevent the score. The Eagles had two more chances that Hinz stifled in the first half. And in the second half, Good Counsel extended its lead with a rocket shot from the top of the box and a header off a corner setup to put the game out of reach. “We absolutely had the opportunities,” said Malagari. “I don’t necessarily think it was a 3-0 game. We could’ve made it a lot closer with the opportunities that we had. They’re a great team, and if you miss shots, they’re going to capitalize on theirs and take it to you.” For both Bruno and Malagari, coaching against each other was a fun and memorable experience. “It was the first time we’ve done that,” said Bruno. “I’m really proud of her. I couldn’t let that little rascal beat me if I could help it. She was a dynamite player for me.” The feeling was mutual. “I love it. I’m always up for the challenge — coaching against my alma mater,” said Malagari. Next up, the Eagles will travel to play Georgetown Day Thursday afternoon at 4.

n ch g 12 Wednesday, October 2, 2013 T he Current

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Northwest Sports

Visitation’s furious rally runs out of time By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer





Facing a two-goal deficit with just minutes remaining, the Visitation soccer team went on the offensive, firing continuous shots at the goal. The tactic helped as the Cubs made it into a one-goal game, but the rally simply ran out of time and Visitation fell 5-4 to Bishop Ireton Friday afternoon. The Cubs’ offense was led by senior midfielder Maddie Kulik, who had a hat trick and an assist. Junior forward Kirsten Swanson added a goal, and junior midfielder Jillian Murray and senior defender Sheridan O’Connor each contributed an assist. “That is one of the best things about this team — they don’t give up even if we are losing,� said secondyear coach Rebecca Vaccaro. “They always have it in their minds that they can win any game.� Visitation showed its resiliency early. Although the Cubs fell into a 1-0 hole toward the start, moments later O’Connor found Kulik on a crossing pass for a goal to tie the

game at one. The game remained tied at halftime, and after the break Kulik struck again to put the Cubs ahead 2-1. But Ireton countered by reeling off two goals to take a 3-2 advantage. Kulik once again provided the Cubs with an answer when she fired the ball into the goal to knot the game at three. But Visitation wouldn’t come closer to victory. The Cardinals knocked off two straight goals to take a 5-3 advantage. Swanson scored one late goal and tried to force a tie, but the Cubs couldn’t take a lead during extra time. So far this season, Kulik and junior forward Taylor Kirchgessner have led the offense by combining for 20 goals. The team has a developing defense, with O’Connor and senior defender Nora Dolan anchoring the back line as sophomore Hannah Semmes steps in as the team’s starting goalie. Despite Friday’s loss, Vaccaro believes she has a ballclub that could compete for an Independent School League title. “We set two main team goals — to win the ISL banner during the

Brian Kapur/The Current

Visitation senior Maddie Kulik, left, led the Cubs with three goals Friday afternoon.

regular season and to win the one during the tournament,� she said. “Those are still our goals and expectations. Winning something for the school is really what we want to do.�

GWU alumnus gets shot with the Wizards By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Two weeks ago, Pops Mensah-Bonsu, a former George Washington University star who graduated in 2006, received a call from the Washington Wizards inviting him to training camp. The former Colonial, who has had a successful career playing in Europe, jumped at the chance to return to the District for a chance at the NBA. “You don’t understand how comforting it is� to be back in D.C., he said in an interview at the Wizards’ media day Friday. “When I was coming here to work out, just coming here from my own house and my own bed and the comfort of my own living space, it was pretty cool. I just thought about how good it would be if I was able to stick with the team. It would be a real blessing.� For Mensah-Bonsu, who grew up in London, taking one more shot at the NBA is about more than basketball — it’s about completing his career. “As far as the NBA is concerned, I wouldn’t be content with my career if I never took another shot at the NBA and never got a real opportunity,� said MensahBonsu. “I could’ve made all the money in the world overseas, but with how competitive I am as a player — I probably couldn’t have lived with myself if I never gave

it another shot.� After graduating from George Washington, he played all over Europe for various teams, but his biggest accomplishment was representing the United Kingdom in the 2012 Olympics. Although most of Mensah-Bonsu’s experience has been in Europe, he does come to the Wizards with some NBA exposure, which he gained intermittently between playing with his European squads. He played in 61 NBA games, with stints for five teams — Dallas, San Antonio, Toronto, Houston and New Orleans. With the Wizards, Mensah-Bonsu already knows what the squad will need out of him. “On this team I will be more of a role guy,� he said. “Rebounding is something I try to hang my hat on, and defense is something I take a lot of pride in. I have more confidence in my 17-foot jump shot. I feel like I can hit it on a consistent basis.� Has signing with the Wizards for training camp, with a shot to make the team, brought his career full circle? “Not yet, but it definitely feels close,� he said with a smile. “I have pretty much played everywhere you could over in Europe and for a few teams in the NBA. And now finally getting the chance to come play in my second home in D.C. is something I’m looking forward to and something I’m not going to take for granted.�

FOOTBALL: Frogs win, Sidwell falls in MAC play From Page 11

added a touchdown. The Bulldog defense forced three fumbles and allowed just six first downs in the big win.

Maret moves to 3-1

The Frogs overcame a 12-point second-half deficit to rally past St. Andrew’s of Delaware 23-22 Saturday afternoon in Middletown. Maret trailed St. Andrew’s 22-10

in the third quarter, but junior running back Austen Holmes fueled the comeback with 15 touches for 291 yards and two touchdowns. The Frogs will play this weekend when they host Sidwell at Duke Ellington Field Saturday at 2:30 p.m.

Sidwell falls in shootout

The Quakers took Mid-Atlantic Conference rival Potomac to the limit in a shootout Saturday afternoon but couldn’t seal the win, fall-

ing 49-34. Sidwell was led by sophomore quarterback Ted Hefter, who had 201 yards and three touchdown passes. His go-to guy was senior receiver Diamente Holloway, who had seven catches for 126 yards and two scores. The Quakers relied on freshman running back Ricardo Facey to carry the load. The first-year player racked up 95 yards, including a 37-yard touchdown.

The CurrenT

Wednesday, OCTOber 2, 2013 13


Spotlight on Community Living Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Serving D.C. residents who are age 18+ with a disability or age 60+ and their caregivers

Executive Director’s Message John M. Thompson, Ph.D., FAAMA D.C. Office on Aging In this month’s edition of the Spotlight on Community living, I would like to provide you with an update on the District’s effort in creating an Age-Friendly Washington, DC by 2017. The age-friendly campaign was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and in the United States, WHO has partnered with AARP to identify cities that are willing to transform into an age-friendly community. We are very fortunate that Mayor Vincent C. Gray has committed our great city into becoming an age-friendly city. On Saturday, September 21, 2013, Mayor Gray hosted the DC Age-Friendly City Forum to update the public on the District’s progress to date. I had the pleasure to present the progress report to approximately 250 people at the Howard Theatre and will share it here with you. Our age-friendly city journey began in October of 2012 when Mayor Gray hosted a press conference to announce the District’s New Community Living strategic plan. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that the District of Columbia Office on Aging’s customers have access to adequate and affordable home and community-based services (HCBS) that promote active, productive living, wellness, socialization, and intergenerational programs. However, the expectation does not stop at HCBS as we all, regardless of age, depend on more than HCBS to survive and maintain a quality life. Through one of the goals

to become an age-friendly city, the District of Columbia will examine eight domains as identified by WHO. They include outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community support and health services. The District incorporated two additional

friendly city movement, it is the District’s job to work with all interested stakeholders to address this one of many issues that could be easily resolved to promote a safe environment. According to the World Health Organization’s agefriendly city roadmap, cities have the first two years to focus on data collection and analysis, development of the Age-Friendly City Task Force,

Mayor Vincent C. Gray addressed more than 200 attendees at the Age-Friendly DC Forum at the Howard Theatre. During his remarks he announced Beatriz “BB” Otero, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services and George Washington University President Steven Knapp as co-chairs for the Age-Friendly DC Task Force.

domains: emergency preparedness and resilience and elder abuse, neglect, and fraud. As you can see, every domain impacts a senior in some type of way and our job as the District government is to improve these domains in such a way that it adds value to a senior’s quality of living in the District of Columbia. As I mentioned in my presentation on September 21st, it is our goal to lower the stress level of seniors. For example, I frequently receive complaints from seniors that certain traffic lights are very quick, which do not allow seniors sufficient time in crossing the street. Through an age-

and the establishment of its strategic/action plan. Years 3-5 are focused on the implementation of the plan, evaluation of progress, and making any adjustments to improve the overall quality of the city’s efforts. On May 10th of this year, the Mayor hosted his Second Annual Senior Symposium, which was the District’s first large effort in collecting data from nearly 500 participants on their perspectives of the age-friendliness of Washington, DC. Based on the results, we learned that seniors face numerous barriers to full participation in city life. They include affordability; feeling fearful

of crime and scams; uneven distribution of resources to certain neighborhoods, especially grocery stores; walking challenges; and multi-level housing, which is not fit for aging. Let me add that the District government has held subsequent community meetings to collect data from seniors who did not attend the May 10th symposium and also collected data at the September 21st forum. In October and November, the Mayor’s Age-Friendly City Task Force and 10 Committee Groups, representing the 10 domains, will meet and establish the initiatives that will help shape the DC Age-Friendly City by 2017 Strategic Plan. The plan will be completed by the spring of 2014, at which time it will be presented to Mayor Gray. I am hopeful that the plan will serve as the blue print in making our city more age-friendly and that the District will sustain its efforts by institutionalizing the practice into every facet of the government, businesses, and in community living. Through our efforts, I am confident that by 2017, the World Health Organization will recognize Washington, DC as a WHO Age-Friendly City. If you know of a group of seniors, family caregivers, and advocates who would like to share ideas on creating this age-friendly Washington, DC, please contact us at 202-724-5622. We welcome the opportunity to facilitate a meeting with you! ~

Vol 1, No 12

future agefriendly dC diSCuSSionS Community Consultations with small groups of DC residents are ongoing in many languages. Please contact Gail Kohn, AgeFriendly DC Coordinator at 202727-2736, if you and a group want to bring your thoughts and ideas forward.

Wrap-up of the age-friendly dC forum held at the hoWard theatre on September 21 Forum Participants used electronic devices to answer questions n 50% of participants who hailed from every ward in the city have lived in DC 30 or more years n While English was the first language of most more than 10% listed Spanish or another language as their first language n Over 1/3 chose affordability as the most important way to improve housing, but another third selected “ability to “age in place” and not have to go to a nursing home” n More than half cited transportation and the importance of finding out about activities, while less than 20% showed an interest in more senior-only programs n Over 80% want to have easier access (better wheelchair and visual access) to be included in city policy decisions and to participate in activities with persons of all ages n 45% want incentives for employers to hire qualified older adults, while 31% want training opportunities to update knowledge and skills n More than ½ want to stay in touch with access to free or low cost cell phone, cable and internet plans and 25% want computer training for older adults (general computer use, internet, email, Skype, etc.)


(continued on next page)

14 Wednesday, OCTOber 2, 2013 Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The CurrenT Serving D.C. residents who are age 18+ with a disability or age 60+ and their caregivers

Vol 1, No 12

Community EvEnts CalEndar oCtober 6th • 3:30p The Choraleers will present the group’s annual concert at St. John Christian Methodist Church, 2801 Stanton Rd. SE. For more information about this free concert, call 202- 581-9355 8th • 11:30a Seabury Aging Services presents a program for Breast Cancer Awareness Day at all Ward 5 nutrition sites. Call Vivian Grayton at 202-529-8701 for more information. 9th • 6:30 to 8p Iona Senior Services and Brighton Gardens of Friendship Heights will sponsor a free program on the Affordable Care Act and older adults with information presented by AARP Maryland’s Christy Page. Refreshments begin at 6:30 p.m., and the program starts at 7 p.m. at Brighton Gardens of Friendship Heights, 5555 Friendship Blvd., Chevy Chase, Md. To register, email, or call 202-895-9448. 12th • 9:30a-3:30p Join hundreds of District residents at Creating Community Solutions DC at the Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW. This conversation will educate residents about important mental health issues –

especially those that impact youth – and help to foster collaboration and coordination among local service providers, associations, schools, community organizations and government agencies. Lunch and refreshments will be served.

19th • noon to 4p The District of Columbia Office on Aging will sponsor a Community Health and Wellness Fair at Redeeming Love Christian Center, 4611 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave. NE. The fair includes flu vaccines and health screenings. For more information, contact Emmanuel Fields at 240-305-0710.

15th • 11:30 am Learn about symptoms and treatment for depression at Seabury Aging Services’ program for Depression Awareness Day at all Ward 5 nutrition sites. Call Vivian Grayton at 202-529-8701 for more information.

22nd • 9:30 – 11a YOU’RE INVITED TO AN EDUCATIONAL FORUM: WHO GETS THE HOUSE? The District of Columbia recently passed a new law that allows the transfer of title of real property upon death without probate. Legal Counsel for the Elderly invites you to an Education Forum about this new estate planning tool with presentations by Tina Nelson, LCE Managing Attorney and Ida Williams, DC Recorder of Deeds. Continental breakfast included. Please RSVP by October 15 to

Noon D.C. Caregivers Online Chat at Noon. Learn tips to make your caregiving easier. Find resources that are available to assist. Ask questions. Log on to and join the live web chat. For more information, email or call 202-535-1442.

What is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the breast grow out of control. Untreated cancer, breast cancer can cause serious illness and even death. Key Points n Women age 40 and older should have mammograms every 1 to 2 years. n Women who are at higher than average risk of breast cancer should talk with their health care providers about whether to have mammograms before age 40 and how often to have them. Project WISH The District provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic follow-up for eligible women through Project Women Into Staying Healthy (WISH). Project WISH also provides patient navigation, transportation assistance, and cancer education to all women enrolled in the project. Who is Eligible for Project WISH? District of Columbia women who are uninsured and underinsured and between the ages of 21 and 64 are eligible for Project WISH. Call (202) 442-5900 for more information. FOR ALL DC RESIDENTS For more information about free prevention, screening, and health services please call the CCCP at (202) 442-9170.

Spotlight oN CommuNity liviNg Spotlight on Community Living is published by the External Affairs and Communications unit of the D.C. Office on Aging. Advertising contained in the Current is not endorsed by the D.C. Office on Aging or by the publisher. The D.C.Office on Aging is responsible for developing and carrying out a comprehensive and coordinated system of health, nutrition, education, employment, training, and social services for the District’s elderly population, who are 60 years of age and older. The Office on Aging also administers the Aging and Disability Resource Center, a one-stop shop resource center, designed to assist seniors, persons with disabilities 18 years of age and older and family caregivers navigate the long-term services and supports system. 500 K Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002 202-724-5622 • John M. Thompson, Ph.D., FAAMA Executive Director In accordance with the D.C. Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, D.C. Official Code Section §§2-1401.01 et seq.,(Act), the D.C. Office on Aging does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, or place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

29th • Noon D.C. Caregivers Online Chat at Noon. Learn tips to make your caregiving easier. Find resources that are available to assist. Ask questions. Log on to and join the live web chat. For more information, email or call 202-535-1442.

24th • 11:30a Seabury Aging Services presents a program for Mental Health Day at all Ward 5 nutrition sites. Call Vivian Grayton at 202-5298701 for more information.

17th • 10a to 2p The D.C. Retired Teachers Association will meet in an event that includes flu vaccines, vision screening, HIV outreach and outreach by the Howard University Dental School. The keynote speaker will be John M. Thompson, executive director of the D.C. Office on Aging. The event takes place at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, 4606 16th St. NW.

oCtober iS breaSt CaNCer awareNeSS moNth

24th • 6:30 to 8p Is it time to make a move? Moving to a senior community makes sense for many older adults, but the decision-making process can be overwhelming. Donna Tanner, an Iona social worker, discusses how to know if moving is the right choice, where and when an older adult should move, and how to have family conversations about moving. Refreshments at this free presentation begin at 6:30 p.m., and the program starts at 7 p.m. at Brighton Gardens of Friendship Heights, 5555 Friendship Blvd., Chevy Chase, Md. To register, email, or call 202-895-9448.

The D.C. Department of Human Resources has posted the following job announcement for DC Office on Aging: Public Health Nutritionist - Vacancy Announcement No. 23259. To apply for the Public Health Nutritionist position: Click on the link below for the DC Department of Human Resources website.

Wrap-up of the age-friendly dC forum held at the hoWard theatre on September 21 (cont’d) n

Regarding health care a third want to be sure there will be in-home health care options, while other participants split their votes--20% want to understand Obama care and the new DC Health Link Benefits Exchange. Another 19% focused on how to stay healthy, but 17% would like to programs to reduce medication expenses.

Regarding disaster preparation and resilience, nearly half want assistance with preparing for emergencies with supplies and training and another third want to be connected to a support network in emergencies n As for elder abuse, neglect and fraud, most want to be educated to identify bad situations, another 28% chose harsher penalties as the best solution. n

legal aSSiStaNCe For DiStriCt’S SeNiorS DCOA provides funding annually to the Legal Counsel for the Elderly (LCE) in support of LCE’s program areas assisting seniors 60 years of age and older. LCE educates older District of Columbia residents on their legal rights and provides individual legal representation on discrete legal problems through our Lead Agencies as well as at seven neighborhood self-help offices; it engages in systemic advocacy assisting large segments of the D.C. older population including predatory lending cases, systemic improvements to the real property tax system, and residents transitioning from long-term care facilities back into the community. LCE also advocates legislation before the Council of the District of Columbia on issues that affect the quality of life of senior residents of the District. Legal Counsel for the Elderly works with DCOA on various policy and legal issues including efforts made by DCOA to address the real property tax issue. DCOA has modified its intake processes to include information concerning payment of real property taxes, and will also remind clients of the need to make semi-annual tax payments. If you are in need of Legal Counsel for the Elderly services, D.C. residents may call the LCE free 24-hour hotline at 202-434-2170.

New FiSCal year As of October 1, the following agencies are leading services for District residents age 60 and older and persons with disabilities age 18 and older citywide. Terrific, Inc. – Ward 1 East River Family Strengthening Terrific, Inc. – Ward 2 Collaborative – Ward 7 Iona Senior Services – Ward 3 Family Matters of Greater Washington – Terrific, Inc. – Ward 4 Ward 8 Seabury Ward 5 Aging Services – Ward 5 For more information, contact the Office Seabury Aging Services – Ward 6 on Aging Information and Assistance at 202-724-5626.

The Current

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Spotlight on Schools Eaton Elementary

We have a new fifth-grade teacher at Eaton. Her name is Ms. Scott, and she received the school system’s New Teacher Award in 2009. She used to teach middle school, and she treats us like we are older than fifth grade. Ms. Scott is super cool because she does fun learning activities like math games and debates. Ms. Scott just got a new Promethean Board, which is like a Smart Board because is connects to a computer, but it’s bigger and better. Students can interact with the board from their desks by using a phone-like device. Ms. Scott uses the Promethean Board for language arts and math. We already did a debate in class. Our topic was about putting e-books in schools instead of regular books. Our group’s position was against e-books even though some kids thought that e-books were better than regular books. Ms. Scott taught us that a good debater can argue both sides of an argument. We used iPads to research articles about the topic, and we had group discussions. Our team had prepared well but some kids were out sick and didn’t get to participate. Our group didn’t win, even though Ms. Scott voted for us! — Sydney Couch and Mia Smith, fifth-graders

Edmund Burke School

Every year at Edmund Burke, grades six through eight go on a bonding trip, to bring the whole


middle school together and to interact with kids in other grades. This year we went to Camp Wabana in Maryland for an overnight. When we first got there, we were separated by grade and divided into three teams. We had to work with our teams to complete challenges. One of our tasks was to sit on the ground and pass a bucket around the circle using only our feet and without dropping it. Another was a game called “freeze tag,’’ and the object of the game is to tag everybody by taking only take one step to tag the person. After lunch the pool was open and it was freezing cold. We played basketball, and we also had a dunking contest. There was also a diving board to jump off of. At nighttime the whole school had a bonfire and s’mores while we socialized with one another. The next morning the eighthgraders got to go banana boating. To do this, you sit on a raft attached to a speedboat, and then the boat goes as fast as it can while you have to hold on. We all had had a great time. Overall this trip was terrific and really valuable for bonding! — Joe Burney III, eighth-grader

The Field School

Last week at The Field School was Spirit Week. For USA Day on Monday, many students wore red, white and blue clothes. On Tuesday, it was Neon


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Day, when everyone was encouraged to dress in bright colors. Wednesday was Twin Day, and students paired up with a friend and wore the same clothes. On Thursday, it was Crazy Patterns Day. Students wore mismatched patterns like a plaid shirt with striped pants. On the final day, Friday, students wore their Field School paraphernalia. In sports, middle school boys and girls each won their soccer games last week. The score for the girls was 4-1. The boys’ score was 5-2. The high school volleyball team, which includes some middle schoolers, had a close game on Thursday but unfortunately lost to Jewish Day School. Last week’s dedication of the new buildings was fun. We counted down from 20 seconds before cutting the bow to dedicate the new Bridge Building. The music class performed two songs, and the jazz band also performed. Also everyone in the school got to have ice cream.

The new buildings will be finished in May 2014. — Freddie Skelsey, sixth-grader; Kameron Poole, seventh-grader; and Lyana Katz, eighth-grader

Georgetown Day School

Last week was the biggest school spirit week of the year for high school students. Each day of the week had a particular theme. The themes this year were ’Murica Monday, Twin Tuesday, Wild West Thursday, Pajama Day Thursday and Powderpuff Friday. Each year, girls from each grade can participate in a schoolwide Powderpuff flag-football tournament. At the end of three games, a champion is crowned. As a follow-up to the Powderpuff tournament, last Saturday was “Sports Saturday� for high school sports teams. Almost every fall sports squad played a home game on this exciting day. The main event was the boys varsity soccer team, which played against league rival

Sidwell Friends. The two teams had not met since last year’s intense Mid-Atlantic Athletic Conference championship game. To add to the day’s festivities, the juniors held a car wash and the seniors held an immense bake sale. Before going into Sports Saturday, the boys varsity soccer team stood at 2-2-3 this season. The girls varsity soccer team stood at 4-1-2. The girls varsity volleyball team stood at 4-1. In other news, the school’s annual Charity Cabaret took place last Friday night. This year, 20 students put on musical performances with all ticket proceeds donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. — Carlton Marshall II, 12th-grader

Hearst Elementary

Hi. My name is Ngila Stone, and I would like to talk about reading workshop. First, you choose a book of interest to you and start reading. So far this year I have read “Julie of See Dispatches/Page 18

16 Wednesday, OCTOber 2, 2013

The CurrenT









SMASHING 1BR with updated KIT and BA, HDWD flrs, High Ceilings, 4 closets - one walk-in is just HUGE! 7 lovely windows place you up in the trees, and incredible roof deck views! This is a beautiful home on the quiet side of exciting Adams Morgan! Pet Friendly! Walk to 2 METROS! Mitchell Story 202.270.4514 / 202.483.6300 (O)


Foggy Bottom


FANTASTIC FACELIFT for the CARRIAGE HOUSE! Great lobby, sleek halls. Well-appointed KIT, large Liv/Din Rm, spacious balcony, big BR w/nice built-ins & closets. 24-hr desk, rooftop deck w/pool. A++ location – nr Orange/Red Lines, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s & much more. Walkscore 98! Harry Moore 202.362.4663 / 202.363.9700 (O) 16TH STREET HTS $699,500 JUST LISTED! Updtd wide, expansive porch-front Colonial Rowhouse w/3 fin lvls, Foyer, LR, Dining Area. Open KIT w/ Brkfst Bar, SS applcs, main level Den, 4BR, 3BA. Rec Rm w/side entrance could be InLaw Apt! Front-loading Garage. Nearby coffee houses, dog park, tennis courts, RC Park. Denise Champion 202-215-9242 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 BETHESDA $1,485,000 SUN-DRENCHED new home w/open floor plan. Beautiful hrdwd flrs, Living Room w/FP, DR, eat-in gourmet kitchen w/large island + sitting area, powder room. Lvl 2: 5BR, 3BA. MBR w/charming balcony & spa bath. Lvl 3: Huge loft w/skylite. LL in-law suite w/kitchenette and walkout. Garage. Convenient to Bethesda Metro, downtown, NIH, dining and shopping. Ingrid Suisman / Tatjana Bajrami Foxhall Office 202-363-1800 BLOOMINGDALE, WDC $199K-380K NINE unit condo building w/ 8 - 1BRs & 1 studio. Courtyard views. Two, 1BRs, have courtyard access. Studio has private entrance. All units include extra storage cages on first level. Cafe coming soon. Vassiliki Economides 202-345-2429 Franciscos Economides 202-438-4900 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400


BRICK COLONIAL in prestigious Woodacres. 1-car gar PKG + 4 OSPs. Sunny eat-in KIT w/connected FR. LR w/wood-burning FP, sunrm or office, and powder rm on main. 3 spacious BRs & 2 FBAs up. LL au-pair/n-law ste w/FBA. Sep laundry & stor rm. Deep backyard, spacious deck. Mary Saltzman 202.363.1800

Bloomingdale, WDC


NINE UNIT condo bldg with 8 - 1BRs & 1 studio. Courtyard views. 2-1BRs, have courtyard access. Studio has priv entrance. All units incl xtra stor cages on 1st level. Cafe coming. 1700 2nd St NW. Vassiliki Economides 202.345.2429 Franciscos Economides 202.438.4900 202.944.8400 (O)

Spring Valley


FOGGY BOTTOM $220,000 SUNNY studio condo in the heart of Foggy Bottom! Close to everything! A must see! Norris Dodson 202-486-7800 Friendship Hts Office 202-364-5200 FOGGY BOTTOM Upper $200,000’s CHARMING sunny 1BR in full service bldg. New BA, renovated KIT. Near METRO, GWU & Hospitals. Patricia Murphy 202-445-4664 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 GEORGETOWN $3,995,000 NEW PRICE! Stunning, fully furnished

Daryl Laster / Lance Horsley 202.294.9055 / 202.364.5200 (O)

4800 SF luxury condo – one of only seven residences – perched high above the hustle & bustle of Washington. Walls of glass, huge wrap-around terraces with sliding glass doors to the outside. Elegantly furnished, with circular staircase to upper entertaining level. PKG. 24 hr concierge. Nancy Itteilag Foxhall Office 202-363-1800

LOGAN CIRCLE $559,000 SUNNY 2BR, 2BA apt w/large, southern windows. 9 ft ceilings, crown molding. Open floor plan. Fpl in LR. Granite countertops. Freshly painted & floors refinished. Boutique Bldg. Built in 1998. W/D in unit. 1 blk to Whole Foods. Pet friendly bldg. 1520 O St NW #4. Scott Polk 202-256-5460 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

GEORGETOWN, DC $4,850,000 THE RESIDENCES at the RITZ-CARLTON! Extraordinary home with over 3,400 SF of open living space & panoramic Potomac River and Gtown city views. Marble foyer entrance and gallery, high ceilings, cherry floors, cozy library with custom built-ins, all of which enhance the grand scale of this luxurious residence in the heart of historic Georgetown. 3150 South St NW. Salley Widmayer 202-215-6174 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

PALISADES $1,600,000 STUNNING 4BR, 3BA energy efficient home. Custom built in 2011 w/exquisite finishes and cherry detailing thruout. Main level MBR ste, professionally landscaped garden, detached 2-car garage. Finished in-law suite. 2nd level and bsmnt have space for rooms, & further expansion. Linda Low Foxhall Office 202-363-1800 PETWORTH, DC $699,000 DIVINE contemp home features high ceilings, 3+BR, 3.5BA, floating stairs, exotic HWFs, chef’s KIT with ss appl, island & FR, LR w/built-ins & smart technologies. In-law ste & garage. 320 Missouri Ave NW. Adrienne Szabo 202-445-0206 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

LOGAN CIRCLE $469,900 FANTASTIC opportunity to own 2BR, 2BA 1,000+ SF condo WITH PARKING in the heart of Logan Circle. New HWFs, fresh paint, new granite countertops, top-ofthe-line stainless steel appliances – all in the midst of restaurants, shops, and Logan Circle night life. Yusef Khatib Foxhall Office 202-363-1800

TAKOMA, DC $729,900 THIS ONE GETS A “10”! Your buck stops here! Brand new, high quality renovation



















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SOPHISTICATED 3BR, 3 full BAs, 3 levels, Ecogreen custom townhouse with dramatic floating staircase, completely upgraded to include every state-of-the -art finish and amenity. A must see!

Lisa Takesuye 202.360.7050 / 202.944.8400 (O)

CLEVELAND PARK $515,000 NEW PRICE! Spacious and sunny 2BR, 1BA condo with large balcony, open KIT, wood floors, gas fireplace, W/D and 2 garage spaces! Modern building with pool & gym, just 2 blocks to Metro. Richard Oder 202-329-6900 Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300


ENCHANTING 6BR, 3.5BA Home Situated on an Amazing 11,700 SF Lot. Delightful 1919 Four Square oozes Charm & Character. 4 finished lvls, High ceilings, wonderful heart pine flrs and primary rooms w/generous proportions. Renov Gran/SS TS KIT opens to Fab FR Addition. Julie Roberts 202.276.5854 / 202.363.9700 (O)

U St Corridor

GREAT LIGHT AND FLOW in this pretty, classic 4BR, 3.5BA thru hall Colonial. Excellent location near shops and transportation. Updated throughout, high ceilings, level rear yard. Great value in top neighborhood. 4907 Upton St NW.

CHEVY CHASE, DC $179,999 INVESTOR ALERT! Sunny studio apt on Conn Ave, nr METRO and amenities. $386 condo fee covers all. Ample closets plus xtra storage unit. Onsite laundry facilities, elevator. Vacant and ready to move in. Cheryl Kurss 301-346-6615 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

Chevy Chase, DC

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w/great details. Corner porch-front Bungalow with all the bells and whistles. 4BR, 2.5BA, dynamic Kitchen, large yard. 3 finished lvls, CAC. 4-5 blks to Takoma METRO, 1 blk Farmers Mkt, dining, shops. Denise Champion 202-215-9242 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 SW / WATERFRONT $165,000 STUDIO CONDO needs your TLC, hardwood flrs, north facing balcony with views of US Capitol, & pet friendly. Strictly sold “As Is”. Geoffrey Thornton 202-489-6471 Friendship Hts Office 202-364-5200 WESLEY HEIGHTS $339,000 JUST REDUCED! Well designed 2BR, 2BA Condo. New KIT w/ceramic flr, tile BAs, great closets. Recently refinished hrdwds. Fresh paint, crown moldings, new blinds. Impeccable condition! Fee includes utilities. Parking included. Vicky Lobo-Kirker 301-213-3725 Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700 WESLEY HTS, WDC $2,250,000 PRIME LOCATION! Impressive 6BR, 5.5BA, 1940 brick residence on 16,000 SF lot. Beautifully landscaped, large rooms, perfect for entertaining, plus finished LL. 4773 Dexter St. Terri Robinson 202-607-7737 Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

October 2, 2013 â– Page 17

Grand Phillips Park villa evokes French countryside


he French countryside may be thousands of miles away across the Atlantic, but homebuyers looking within the city


limits for a rustic French ambiance — with a dash of contemporary living — could find what they’re seeking in Phillips Park. Built in 2010, the home at 2159 Dunmore Lane is one of 40 on the former estate of contemporary art collector Duncan Phillips. According to Marc Fleisher, a Realtor who has already sold several multimillion-dollar properties in this community, this particular lot — just over a third of an acre — is one of the largest. The six-bedroom, seven-and-ahalf-bath house is on the market for $6,750,000. In addition to its vast size, the dwelling has several aesthetic elements of a French chateau. The lush forestry of Glover Archbold Park behind it, first of all, sets up that provincial ambiance. Wrapping around the facade is warm honeyhued stucco, exuding a rustic glow, especially with this verdurous back-

ground. Complementing the stucco in the front are soft-green wooden shutters and a manicured landscape. Behind the house is a flagstone terrace with a designer trellis. Al fresco dining is a must here. This outdoor platform can accommodate a pair of outdoor dining sets, and it has direct access to the kitchen and a high-powered grill. The terrace also overlooks a fenced grassy yard and a lounge and swimming area with a 30-foot, heated rectangular pool shrouded by more trees. Created by Barnes Vanze Architects and builders Mauck Zantzinger and Associates, this four-level dwelling showcases top-of-the-line materials inside. Wide-plank character-oak floors cover a majority of the rooms and stairs, enhancing the country scheme. The hallways and kitchen have limestone floors. A variety of chandeliers, from the living room to the breakfast area of the grand kitchen, adorn the ceilings. On the main level, the salon, or living room, is fit for an embassy and is surrounded by white floor-toceiling built-in shelves and encased windows. Across is a banquet-sized dining room with an oversized window with a view of the side yard and pool.

Photos courtesy of Long & Foster Real Estate

Built in 2010, this six-bedroom house in Phillips Park is listed for $6,750,000. Adjacent to it are a butler’s pantry, breakfast area and gourmet kitchen that upholds the home’s French country theme. The cooking area features a Lacanche stove from France, a pot filler and an enormous limestone hood. While the marble countertops add to the home’s splendor, the white cabinetry helps keep things simple. Next to the attached eating area is the family room, whose dark wooden built-in shelves match the beams and window trim. French doors, mirroring another set in the kitchen side, open to the terrace. Back to the foyer, one finds a floating iron staircase that leads to the second and third levels. The second floor houses two matching guest suites with walk-in closets and baths. Dominating the rest of

SELLING THE AREA’S FINEST PROPERTIES Open Sunday 10/6 1-4 Newly Priced 4256 Nebraska Ave. NW

A Touch of Elegance

Chevy Chase, MD. Exceptional high end home on 12,000+ sf lot. 4 BRs, 3 BAs & 2 HBAs. Stunning gardens & tranquil pool. Located between dwntwn Bethesda & Friendship Hgts. $1,895,000 Eric Murtagh 301-652-8971

One Of A Kind

American University Park. Exquisite & impeccably expanded Colonial on 1/3 acre. 5,300sf interior includes 6 BRs, 3 BAs, 2 HBAs. brkfst rm, family rm. Patio & outdoor fountains. A work of art throughout. $1,950,000 Anne-Marie Finnell 202-329-7117 Ellen Abrams 202-255-8219

the floor is the spectacular master suite with two walk-through closets and a deluxe bathroom featuring a shower, heated towel rods and a Jacuzzi tub. The suite also has its own library with dark wooden shelves covering the walls and a matching wooden ladder. The top floor houses two of the home’s six bedrooms and a sitting room just outside these sleeping areas. There’s also a convenient laundry room that’s smaller than the one on the ground floor. A wooden-panel elevator is another amenity of this opulent home, taking passengers from the top floor down to the basement. A temperature-controlled wine cellar,

exercise room, recreation room and the sixth bedroom, with its own kitchenette, are all down here. This level also has another full bath next to a mudroom with direct access to the pool. The current owners are the first occupants of this home. They’ve adorned the entire property with furnishings befitting its rustic French flavor, providing an inspiration for prospective buyers. This six-bedroom, seven-and-ahalf-bath house at 2159 Dunmore Lane is offered at $6,750,000. For details contact Marc Fleisher of The Fleisher Group of Long & Foster Real Estate at 202-438-4880 or

Jaquet Listings are Staged to Sell

Majestic Design

Bethesda, MD. Beautifully appointed & masterfully built residence. Open flr plan on 4 finished levels. 6 BRs, 5.5 BAs. 1st flr library & fam rm. Extensive built-ins. Walk to dwntwn Bethesda. $1,740,000 Eric Murtagh  301-652-8971


A Rare Find

Woodley. Classic Colonial. Impeccably maintained. 3 BRs, 3 BAs & 2 HBAs. Hardwood flrs, frpl. Finished LL w/high ceilings. Screen porch. Patio. Walk to Metro, Woodley Park & Rock Creek. $1,089,000 Andrea Evers   202-550-8934 Melissa Chen   202-744-1235


A Perfect Gem

AU Park. Sophisticated semi-det TH filled w/sunlight. 1st flr den, tile floored high end kit. 2 BRs on 2nd flr. 3rd flr studio/ office. Fenced yard w/patio & pond. Att. gar + off st pkg. $789,000 Lynn Bulmer 202-257-2410

Legendary Style

Forest Hills. Stylish 2 BR at The Parker House combines convenience w/vintage details. Arched doorways, high ceilings, French drs to solarium. Wall of built-ins & 5 generous closets. Pet friendly. $537,000 Patricia Kennedy  202-549-5167

DUPONT 1509 22ND STREET NW 202-464-8400


+20( 2)),&(



18 Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Current

Northwest Real Estate DISPATCHES From Page 15 the Wolves,� (about a girl growing up in the Arctic), “The BFG� and “Ghost Town at Sundown.� I love reading workshop because I love reading! Hello. My name is Ralph Jarin and I will be talking about science. My class and I did an experiment about what happens when you put an M&M in water. It turns the water into different colors. Also, the white M floats to the top of the water. It is awesome! You should try it. First get a bowl of water. Second place the M&Ms in water facing up. Then watch the magic happen! — Ngila Stone and Ralph Jarin, fourth-graders

Maret School

We are excited to start another fun and exciting year as new fourthgraders. One of our favorite subjects this year would have to be archaeology. Our goal is to learn about ancient cultures (Egypt and Greece come next) through research and exploration. We have read a few books, such as Roald Dahl’s “Mildenhall Treasure,� but we have also gone on exciting field trips! We went to Sir John Carlyle’s house in Old Town Alexandria and examined some really old artifacts, such as toothbrushes made of pig’s hair. Then we walked over to the Alexandria Archaeology Museum. You would think it might be a bit dry, but we had a great time learning about excavations all over the city. One of our favorite parts about

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the field trip was looking at a musket from the Civil War that the archaeologists found at Shooter’s Hill! After the field trip we had a homework assignment to use modern technology to invent a tool that would help archaeologists when they are working. We created all sorts of exciting tools that are yet to be invented. We are looking forward to visiting more dig sites. — Mr. Nisbet’s fourth-graders

Murch Elementary

On Sept. 19, second-graders at Murch went to Brookside Gardens. Brookside Gardens is a lot of gardens all in one area. Mrs. Werner’s second-grade class went to the Butterfly Garden. The Butterfly Garden is really cool because when you walk in, you are surrounded by so many butterflies it’s crazy, and it’s way easier to observe them than you can from a book. Mrs. Werner’s class went to Brookside Gardens because we are having a unit on butterflies. Miss Vessa, our student teacher, said her favorite part was when two butterflies landed on her — one on her shoulder and one on her head. Stella, from Ms. Stephens’ class, said her favorite part was when she saw a painted lady. We had a great day at Brookside Gardens, and we can’t wait to go back and make maple syrup this spring! — Taylor Guzman, second-grader

Our Lady of Victory School 7;'2 5;9/4- +4*+8 ";4#8;9: 58:-'-+ 4) "+33+9 <+4;+ !/).354* $ /9 2/)+49+* (? :.+ +6'8:3+4: 5, 58658':/549 ;4*+8 :.+ '2/,584/' !+9/*+4:/'2 58:-'-+ +4*/4- ): /9 '4 22/45/9 !+9/*+4:/'2 58:-'-+ /)+49++ /9 ' +4*+8 /4 '99' ).;9+::9 .'</4- 58:-'-+ +4*+8 2/)+49+ 9


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Maddie O’Connell and her younger sister, Frannie, sat down

with our school’s new kindergarten teacher to get to know her better. Maddie: Did you go fishing when you were a kid? Ms. Flannery: I did go. My mom and dad bought me a lime green fishing pole, and we would go to the beach and go fishing. Maddie: Did you bring them home or let them go? Ms. Flannery: I would always let them go when I caught something, which wasn’t very often. It was pretty hard to catch fish. When I went crabbing with my family, we would bring home the ones that were nice and big, but we left the little ones in the bay. Maddie: What did you like about your kindergarten teacher? Ms. Flannery: I loved my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Logisz. What I remember about her most was that she was so happy and kind. Maddie: What was your favorite thing to learn? Ms. Flannery: I have to say that reading was my favorite thing. I was always writing and reading books as soon as I learned how. Maddie: What are you looking forward to most this year? Ms. Flannery: I’m looking forward to a lot, but what I’m looking forward to most is getting all of you ready for first grade and watching you all grow. I think we’ll have a lot of fun in kindergarten. — Maddie O’Connell, kindergarten (and Frannie, nursery)

St. Ann’s Academy

This past week, the fourth- and fifth-graders went on a field trip to the National Museum of the American Indian. We learned about the

ways in which Native Americans lived in the past and the way these cultural communities live today. The fifth grade is learning about the Maya, Inca, Aztecs, Mound Builders, Anasazi and Inuit peoples — the earliest settlers in North and South America. We will also be studying other Native American cultures such as the Powhatan, Cherokee and Lakota. When we went to the museum, we watched a movie called “Who We Are.� In this movie, we saw how Native Americans hunt and use animals for fur, food and tools. At another exhibit we learned that in order to get porcupine quills to make clothing items, you throw a blanket over the animal. Wedding dresses in another native culture were adorned with elk teeth. We are looking forward to learning more about Native American cultures and future field trips. — Maura Ryan and Elizabeth Thomas, fifth-graders

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School

In the fourth grade, students at St. Patrick’s have the chance to run for Student Leadership Council. The council consists of two students in grades four through six (one boy and one girl in each grade) and six students total in grades seven and eight. The council can change things at our school, like creating a school newspaper or making improvements to the school snack. Members also help with organizing fundraisers for special projects, like “Hoops for Haiti.� Members listen to their classmates’ ideas and bring See Dispatches/Page 20

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The CurrenT

Wednesday, OCTOber 2, 2013 19






RARE FIND! Gorgeous brownstone in Dupont epicenter converted to 3 fantastic contemporary units (preserved original features). 2200 SF owner’s unit with roof deck, 2 lower, valuable, legal 1100 SF 1BR rentals. Spring Valley Office 202.362.1300




STUNNING & SPACIOUS! New 5BR, 4.5BA, 7000+ SF mansion. Exquisite flr plan - grand open spaces; gour KIT & adjoining FR, custom stone, metal & woodwork, huge MBR Ste w/sumptuous BA, fin LL, & 3 car gar! 3 blocks to METRO & Whole Foods! Roby Thompson 202.255.2986 / 202.363.9700 (O)





Unique quality, exceptional design! Meticulously maintained 6BR, 5BA Arts & Crafts home! Oversized rooms and gourmet kitchen all highlighted with stunning woodwork, large windows & polished hardwoods! TOP SCHOOLS! Gordon Harrison 202.557.9908 / 202.237.8686 (O)




Incredible New Price for this 6000+ SF home in Chevy Chase DC! Custom built in 2007 with four fabulously finished levels/excellent floor plan for family & entertaining. Offers 7 lovely BR’s, 6-1/2 BA’s. Amazing value at this new price. Muffin Lynham 202.489.7431 / 202.362.1300 (O)

Choose Maximum Exposure When Selling Your Luxury Home



Great light and flow in this pretty, classic 4BR, 3.5BA thru-hall Colonial. Excellent location near shops and transportation. Updated throughout, high ceilings, level rear yard. Great value in top neighborhood. Georgetown Office 202.944.8400


Choose a real estate company that believes in maximum exposure for your home— not a company that ‘limits’ your home’s exposure to the most qualified buyers by keeping it 'private' within their firm.



MAJOR $200K PRICE REDUCTION!! Unprecedented opportunity to buy adjacent to ultra-prestigious Phillips Park. 6BR, 4.5BA, incredibly scaled rooms, sensational layout, elegant moldings. Corner lot with a fenced rear yard. Awaiting your TLC. Gordon Harrison 202.557.9908 / 202.237.8686 (O)

Long & Foster is everywhere buyers are looking. We market your home locally, nationally and globally.


ADAMS MORGAN, DC $599K - $1,195K


Sophisticated Custom Mid-Century Contemporary with Lush Park Views. Extraordinary Custom Renovation & Fab Design. Sun-Drenched 4BR, 3.5BA with Flexible Lower Level Walk-Out. 2 Car Garage. Sandy McKnight 202.494.2349 / 202.364.1300 (O)

Choose from 3 all new 2BR, 2BA townhouse style condos and an exquisite 3BR, 3BA duplex penthouse in exciting Adams Morgan! Huge luxurious spaces with top of the line finishes incl. oak flrs, gourmet KIT and limestone baths. Roby Thompson 202.255.2986 / 202.363.9700 (O)

MUST SEE! Brick Colonial in prestigious Woodacres. Set back off Mass Ave. PKG incl. 1-car gar & 4 off-street spaces. Eat-in KIT w/connected FR, LR w/wood burning FP. 3BR & 2FBA up. LL w/ au-pair or inlaw ste w/FBA. Deep back yard, deck. Mary Saltzman 609.468.7838 / 202.363.1800 (O)

4BR, 3BA in super-sought after High Point on oversized, beautifully landscaped lot. Screenedin porch, 2 frplcs, excellent proportions, large LL family room plus incredible storage. A home ready for the most discerning buyer! Elyse Wander 202.262.7954 / 202.237.8686 (O)









2 bedrooms, 3 baths, den and library, 3 levels, renovated kitchen, baths, hardwood floors. Friendship Heights Office 301.652.2777


3 level, 2BR, 2BA townhouse with off street parking, private fenced backyard, covered front porch. Open granite KIT/Din, MBR with walk-in closet, walk-out LL Rec Room, wood floors, new carpet, and paint. Miller Chevy Chase Office 202.966.1400


WATERFRONT - Awake to your own Chesapeake sunrise! Unique, bright 1BR retreat on the Chesapeake Bay. Clean & simple 1-lvl living, open flr plan, full Bay views. EI Kit; MBR w/dual-entry BA; deck, fenced yrd, OSP. A unique opportunity! Lili Sheeline 202.905.7561 / 202.363.9700 (O)

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You’ll love this clean, bright, well-maintained 4BR, 1.5BA move-in ready corner home. Fresh baths, hardwood flrs on main and upper levels, spacious MBR, CAC, and 6 ceiling fans. Fully finished bsment with BR, Rec Rm & Rear Entry. Friendship Heights Office 202.364.5200

20 Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Current

Northwest Real Estate DISPATCHES From Page 18 that information to council meetings. To run for office, a student must make a poster and write a speech about why he or she would be good at listening to classmates and representing his or her grade. On the day of the election, each candidate gives his or her speech to the grade. Then the grade votes for the class representatives. Student council is only one of the many leadership opportunities at St. Patrick’s. — Kate Fischer, fourth-grader

School Without Walls Senior High School

School Without Walls takes its name quite seriously, even when it comes to lunch. Lunch lines, lunch trays, crowded cafeterias all come to mind when thinking of a high school lunch hour, but it’s not so at Walls. The school offers off-campus lunch, meaning that students can leave school if they choose. Options are plentiful, with various cafeterias, restaurants and food trucks to choose from. Want to stay in school

to eat lunch? That’s OK too, as Walls has a cafeteria, microwaves to heat up food and an outdoor terrace where students can eat. There are two lunch hours at Walls. Students are assigned to “first” or “second” lunch and eat during this period Mondays through Thursdays. The first lunch is at 11:45 and the second at 12:45. On Fridays this routine is mixed up, however, as the whole school eats at the second lunch hour. This is important as students have the opportunity to eat lunch with those who are not normally in their lunch period, and because it offers a time during which clubs can meet with all of their members. — Delmar Tarragó, 12th-grader

Shepherd Elementary

So far this year has been really exciting. I’ve joined Safety Patrol and it is very fun — I like that I can help people. Another exciting thing that has happened this year is that our principal, Ms. Miles, had a baby girl named Karsyn. Lots of students have already started on their first classroom project. For example, in my class we

are doing a project on the solar system. My classmates Kurt, Leela and I are making a poster and travel brochure with facts about Mars. I also looked forward to Shepherd’s Family Dinner Night last Tuesday at the Daily Dish. — Henry Trimble, fourth-grader

Sheridan School

This week we got to meet our seventh-grade buddies for the first time. Buddies are older students who will look out for younger students, play with us, and help us out. We had a short time to talk and get to know one another and then worked on making collages together about our buddies’ likes and dislikes. We also got to see each other’s classrooms. My classmates and I were really excited to meet them. I think our buddies are awesome! Also this week we started a new reading unit. The teachers gave us an activity, and we had to figure out what the unit was by guessing at the end. They gave us lots of books, and the students had to sort them into different genres with our tables. It turned out that the new unit will be about fiction books. We also had a chance to write

#1 Agent Company-Wide #1 Agent in Chevy Chase #177 Agent in the USA as reported by the Wall Street Journal



OE 4U /8 t $885,000

Sundrenched Colonial with a large welcoming foyer with coat closet, 4 BRs & 3 FBs on 4 finished levels! One of the many tasteful features of this elegant home is the new kitchen with granite counters, SS appliances and breakfast bar open to the DR. The LR has one of 2 fireplaces and access to the side porch-perfect for enjoying a morning cup of coffee. Upstairs are 3 BRs and 2 updated BAs plus fixed stairs from the hall to the finished attic-great to use as a 4th BR, office or playroom. The walk-out LL rec room contains the laundry room, 3rd FB, 2nd fireplace and access to the fully fenced professionally landscaped backyard with large slate patio. Less than 1 mile to Friendship Heights Metro, 1/2 mile to shopping/restaurants and 4 blocks to Lafayette Elementary School and Broad Branch Market.

2VFTBEB 4U /8 t

Spacious cottage with 4 BRs & 3 FBs sited on a corner lot just 2 blocks to Lafayette Park/School! The main level features an entrance foyer with coat closet, LR with fireplace, kitchen open to DR and den/office/family room. Up just a few steps to 3 BRs and 2 FBs, including a master bath en suite and abundant attic storage. Down just a few steps to the walk out level that contains the 4th BR with its own en suite bath; this room is ideal for an in-law or au pair suite due to its separate entrance. The roomy lowest level contains a rec room with 2nd fireplace and wall of built-ins, plus a large laundry/storage room. The fenced backyard has a wonderful flagstone patio and a private corner complete with tranquil water fountain.

,JNCFSMZ $FTUBSJ t 202-253-8757 cell 202-966-1400 office t

and revise our own writing. — Gwyn Field, third-graders

Stoddert Elementary

We’re in fourth grade, and we were excited to hear that our teacher, Ms. Marquez, had her baby on Aug. 28. We have a substitute teacher, Ms. Turmail. She is really nice and kind. We’re doing First in Math, and we are also reviewing multiplication and learning about factors and multiples. In social studies we’re learning about Native American tribes. We learned about the Mayan and Olmec civilizations and the consequences and rewards of their ballgames. We are writing our own autobiographies. They’re all about us. We have to include our hobbies, friends, family and school. We have two paragraph choices. I chose to write about what I want to be when I grow up. As a choice, I might write about my trip to Disney World. We read aloud. We finished “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by Judy Blume and now we’re reading “Superfudge.” We love these books! — Myiah McKenzie, Isabella Osseiran and Zachary Kilmer, fourth-graders

Washington Latin Public Charter School

On Sept. 23, Washington Latin had its grand opening to welcome the community and everyone who helped Latin in moving in to its new home. Washington Latin had never had a permanent location since it opened its doors in 2006. But now it has opened in the former Rudolph Elementary School. The ceremony consisted of six speakers, a video of Latin’s community, and tours of the building. Board president Chinesom Ejiasa

described the school’s history, and Martha Cutts, the head of school, gave an overview of the school and then presented the video. At-large D.C. Council member David Catania said that he was eager to help by recommending the city help fund a gym. Mayor Vincent Gray spoke about his amazement at how quickly Latin had transformed the abandoned building into a thriving school. Ward 4 Council member Muriel Bowser also spoke fondly about her excitement to work with Washington Latin. The closing remarks came from senior Donte Branch, who gave a very emotional speech on the people and community at Latin. “I’m not leaving yet, but I know I never want to,” he said. — Niara Tarleton-Allen, 10th-grader

Wilson High School

Break a leg! The cast of “West Side Story” began rehearsal last week in preparation for the production of the musical. The production includes more than 70 students singing, dancing and romancing their way through the streets of New York. In this modern-day take on the legendary Shakespeare play “Romeo and Juliet,” the Sharks and the Jets, two rival gangs, feud with each other through dancing and singing. As for the rigorous rehearsal schedule, things are going smoothly for the cast. “It’s going much more fast-paced than in previous years,” said senior Des O’Brien, who plays A-Rab, a member of the Jets. “We’re moving quickly through the stuff, but if we work hard we can pull it off.” The production opens Nov. 15 in the Wilson auditorium. — Evan Hamlin, 12th-grader





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Renting/ Leasing Houses & Apartments Multi-unit buildings Condominiums associations Cooperative associations Tenant acquisitions Home-owner associations Tenant Screening Se Habla Espanol


The Current

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Events Entertainment

Editor’s note: The government shutdown may affect certain events. Check with organizers regarding events at federal buildings or involving federal participants. Wednesday, Oct. 2

Wednesday october 2 Concerts ■Listen Local First D.C. will present a concert by Black Alley, which blends elements of funk, jazz, soul and rock to create “soul garage.� 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■The Pan American Symphony Orchestra will present “Canciones de mi Gente, Songs of My People,� featuring the Dani Cortaza Brazilian Jazz Quintet. 8 p.m. $25 to $30. GALA Theatre, 3333 14th St. NW. 240-242-8032. ■Singer-songwriter Chuck Mead will perform. 8 p.m. $12 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■Panelists Laura Kuhn, Steve Antosca and Katherine Markoski will discuss American composer, writer and artist John Cage’s influence. 6:30 p.m. Free. Gallery 102, Smith Hall of Art, George Washington University, 801 22nd St. NW. ■Simeon Booker and Carol McCabe Booker will discuss their book “Shocking the Conscience: A Reporter’s Account of the Civil Rights Movement.� 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. ■Stephen Kinzer will discuss his book “The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■Meditation practitioner David Newcomb will discuss “Reducing Stress Through Meditation.� 7 p.m. Free. TenleyFriendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. The two-part series will conclude Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. ■Georgetown University professor Daniel Madigan will discuss “Abraham and the Baggage We Make Him Carry,� about the book “Children of Abraham.� 7 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW; 202-282-0021. Film ■The third annual DC Palestinian Film and Arts Festival will feature Fida Qishta’s 2013 film “Where Should the Birds Fly?� A Q-and-A with the director will follow. 7 p.m. $6 to $8. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. The festival will continue through Saturday. Walk ■As part of the weeklong WalkingTown DC event, Heurich House Museum assistant director Rachel Jerome will lead a tour of the Victorian mansion. 6 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Heurich House Museum, 1307 New Hampshire Ave. NW. WalkingTown DC activities will continue through Sunday. Thursday, Oct. 3

Thursday october 3 Class â– Iona Senior Services will host a

novel “Dissident Gardens.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

dance class designed for people living with Parkinson’s disease and led by teachers Margot Greenlee, Robert Sacheli, Erika Stratmann and Anthony Hyatt. 2 to 3 p.m. Free. Iona Senior Services, 4125 Albemarle St. NW. 202-253-7946. The class will repeat weekly through Dec. 19. Concerts ■The monthly Brown Bag Concert series will feature a chamber music recital. Noon. Room A-5, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7271291. ■Members of the Washington National Opera’s Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program will perform some of opera’s best-known arias and ensembles. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■The Sonic Circuits Festival will feature performances by Fast Forty, Ghosts of the Holy Ghost Spermic Brotherhood, hBar, semisolid and Richard Pinhas. 7 p.m. $10 to $15. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. The festival will continue with concerts Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at noon. ■Singer Christine Salem will perform. 8 p.m. $20 to $34. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. ■Los Angeles-based holychild will perform experimental pop. 8 p.m. $13 to $16. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■The Philadelphia-based rock band The Fleeting Ends will perform. 8:30 p.m. $7 to $10. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■Colin Kahl, associate professor of history at Georgetown University, and Abbas Kahdim, senior government affairs officer at the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, will deliver the keynote remarks at a conference on “The Encounter: Americans, Iraqis, and a Decade of War.� 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free; reservations required. Seventh floor, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■Allida Black, chair of the Ready for Hillary PAC and professor of history and human rights at George Washington University, will discuss “Eleanor Roosevelt, Esther Peterson, and the 50th Anniversary of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women: What Did They Say and How Have We Addressed It?� Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. ■Food and travel writer Ann Mah will discuss her book “Mastering the Art of French Eating: Lessons in Food and Love From a Year in Paris.� 1 to 3 p.m. Free. Second floor, National Museum of American History, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-633-1000. ■Michael E. Brown, dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs, and Paulo Sotero, director of the Brazil Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, will discuss “Brazil in the Global Arena.� 5:30 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 113, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. ■Igor Ivanov, foreign minister of Russia from 1998 to 2004, will discuss “Russian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century.� 6

Film ■The 2013 Human Rights Film Series will feature Jeremy Scahill’s film “Dirty Wars,� about the rise of the Joint Special Operations Command. 5:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW.

Thursday, october 3 â– Concert: The National Symphony Orchestra, led by conductor Christoph Eschenbach, will perform Saint-SaĂŤns’ “Organ Symphonyâ€? and the world premiere of Roger Reynolds’ “george WASHINGTON.â€? 7 p.m. $10 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The concert will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. p.m. Free; reservations required. Auditorium, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. â– Scientist and researcher Richard Carlson will discuss “A History of Earth Formation.â€? 6:30 p.m. Free. Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution for Science, 5241 Broad Branch Road NW. â– Avi Tuschman will discuss his book “Our Political Nature: The Evolutionary Origins of What Divides Us.â€? 6:30 p.m. Free. Iglesias Auditorium, Inter-American Development Bank, 1330 New York Ave. NW. 202-623-1410. â– William Brumfield, architectural historian, photographer and professor of Slavic studies at Tulane University, will discuss “Siberia’s Trans-Baikal: An Architectural Journey.â€? 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. â– Jill Lepore, professor of American history at Harvard University and a staff writer at The New Yorker, will discuss her book “Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin.â€? 7 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202633-1000. â– Artist Kurt Weiser, known for his signature China-painted porcelain vessels, will discuss his pioneering work and solo exhibition at Cross MacKenzie Gallery. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Free; reservations encouraged. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. â– Christina Eisenberg, research director on the High Lonesome Ranch in northcentral Colorado and author of “The Wolf’s Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity,â€? will discuss her work observing wolf populations. 7 to 8:30 p.m. $18 to $25. National Zoo, 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-633-3030. â– As part of the Mutual Inspirations Festival, People in Need executive director Simon PĂĄnek will discuss the humanitarian group’s work in providing aid to crisis areas. The event will include a screening of Vitaly Mansky’s 2011 documentary “Motherland or Death,â€? which was featured in the group’s One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival. 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of the Czech Republic, 3900 Spring of Freedom St. NW. â– Jonathan Lethem will discuss his

Meetings ■The literary book group will discuss “Blasphemy: New and Selected Stories� by Sherman Alexie. 2:30 p.m. Free. Room 221, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■The Mystery Book Group will discuss “Nairobi Heat� by Mukoma wa Ngugi. 6:30 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176. Performances ■The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Stavros Halkias and Rahmein Mostafavi, with a portion of the proceeds going to the nonprofit Operation Renewed Hope Foundation. 9 p.m. $15. Bier Baron, 1523 22nd


St. NW. ■“Apsaras Incarnate: The Sacred Dancers of Angkor� will feature 20 young artists from rural villages performing classical Khmer dance and music. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■American University will present “Steamystery,� about the adventures of Curious Cat as she discovers the mysteries and delights in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (for ages 6 and older). 8 p.m. $10 to $15. Studio Theatre, Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-8853634. The performance will repeat Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. ■The American University Rude Mechanicals’ annual variety show will focus on Shakespeare’s insults, with scenes from “Henry V,� “King Lear,� “Measure for Measure,� “Much Ado About Nothing� and “Titus Andronicus.� 8 p.m. $5. Letts Formal Lounge, Letts Hall, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ■Washington Improv Theater will presSee Events/Page 22

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22 Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Continued From Page 21 ent “A Bloody Good Time,” a two-weekend improv event featuring the improvised slasher movie “Die! Die! Die!” and performances by house ensembles and independent teams. 8 p.m. $15 to $30. Source, 1835 14th St. NW. Performances will continue through Oct. 12, with shows at 8 p.m. Thursday and 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Reading ■ Poets Joseph Ross, Rick Cannon, Carmen Calatayud, Niki Herd and Fred Joiner will read poems by Rumi and original works inspired by the Sufi mystic’s writing. 7 p.m. Free. Takoma Park Library, 416 Cedar St. NW. 202-576-7252. Special events ■ “Phillips After 5” will feature an Oktoberfest celebration with German food and drinks, contemporary music and short language lessons; Eastern and Central European routines by the Carpathia Folk Dance Ensemble; German arias by tenor Pablo Henrich; and focused discussions about works of art from the museum’s collection by German artists. 5 to 8:30 p.m. $10 to $12; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■ “A Night on the Farm … Without Leaving the City” will feature food prepared by local chefs using farm ingredients, workshops on urban farming, and a jazz performance by the Elijah Jamal Balbed Quartet.

The Current

Events Entertainment 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $50. Common Good City Farm, V Street between 2nd and 4th streets NW. ■ The (e)merge art fair will kick off with an opening night preview party and poolside concert featuring musician Miamouna Youssef and DJ John Thornley of U.S. Royalty. 7 to 11 p.m. $35 to $50. Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I St. SW. The art fair will be held Friday and Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.; daily admission costs $15. Sporting event ■ The Washington Capitals will play the Calgary Flames in the home opener. 7 p.m. $48 to $473. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 800-745-3000. Friday, Oct. 4 Friday october 4 Concerts ■ The Friday Morning Music Club will present a chamber music concert featuring works by Poulenc, Lavallée, Dessane, Lavigne, La Liberté and Mendelssohn. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-333-2075. ■ The Friday Music Series will present the Matt Stuver Quartet performing classic and contemporary jazz. 1:15 p.m. Free. McNeir Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. 202-687-2787. ■ As part of a celebration of George Washington, the Kennedy Center will present 18th-century period music performed by Trio Galilei and David and Ginger Hildebrand. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, KenKĨĨĞƌŝŶŐ Ă WĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝnjĞĚ ƉƉƌŽĂĐŚ


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nedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ George Washington University’s Cuban-American Students Association will present underground Cuban artists performing hip-hop, rock and reggae. 6 to 9 p.m. Free. G Street between 21st and 22nd streets NW. ■ Teatro Lirico of DC will present “Verdi Chamber Arias,” featuring soprano Elisabeth Turchi, baritone José Sacin (shown) and tenor Pablo HenrichLobo. 7:30 p.m. $30 to $37. International Student House, 1825 R St. NW. 202-360-3514. ■ The Shanghai Quartet and the Miró Quartet will perform works by Mendelssohn, Welcher and Shostakovich. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■ The KC Jazz Club will present saxophonist Grace Kelly. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $26 to $30. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Love Canon will perform. 8:30 p.m. $12 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■ Elizabeth Varon will discuss her book “Appomattox: Victory, Defeat, and Freedom at the End of the Civil War.” Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■ Homi Kharas, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, will discuss “Development Beyond 2015: After the Millennium Development Goals.” 12:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 200, Rome Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. saisdevelopmentroundtable.eventbrite. com. ■ Frank F. Furstenberg Jr. will discuss his book “Behind the Academic Curtain: How to Find Success and Happiness With a PhD,” at 4 p.m.; and Valerie Plame will discuss her book “Blowback,” at 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films ■ A monthlong “Muslim Journeys” film series will feature the documentary “Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World.” 2:30 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■ As part of the Mutual Inspirations Festival, documentary director Peter Jancárek will present his latest film project, tentatively titled “HavelMovie.” 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of the Czech Republic, 3900 Spring of Freedom St. NW. ■ The 21st annual Film Neu festival of new cinema from Germany, Austria and Switzerland will open with the Washington premiere of Jan Ole Gerster’s 2013 film “Oh Boy,” about the 24-hour misadventures of one disaffected youth in contemporary Berlin. 7 and 9:30 p.m. $26.50 for the first screening; $8.50 to $11.50 for the second. Landmark’s E Street Cinema, 555 11th St. NW.

Sale, featuring more than 30,000 items for sale, most of them for $2 or less. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission. Second floor, Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. The sale will continue Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m., when books will be on sale for $5 a bag. Book signing ■ Joy T.J. Riley will sign copies of her book “Shh Don’t Tell: Journey of Survivors.” 2 to 4 p.m. Free admission. Caribou Coffee, 1800 M St. NW.

Saturday, october 5 ■ Special event: The LisnerLouise-Dickson-Hurt Home, the Friendship Children’s Center and Northwest Neighbors Village will host Community Zoo Day, featuring live entertainment by Family Yoga Dance and John Henry England, face painting, a moon bounce, intergenerational art activities, baby farm animals and pony rides. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free admission. Lisner-LouiseDickson-Hurt Home, 5725 Western Ave. NW. A discussion with cinematographer Philipp Kirsamer will follow the first screening, and the ticket price includes a Berlin-style party with DJ at the GoetheInstitut, 812 7th St. NW; the film festival will continue with screenings of various films through Oct. 10. ■ The Alliance Française de Washington will present Stefano Savona’s 2012 documentary “Tahrir, Place de la libération.” 7 p.m. $6 to $8. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. ■ The Washington National Cathedral will host the East Coast premiere of Michele Josue’s documentary “Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine,” about Shepard’s life framed through a personal lens. The screening will include an introduction by the director and a panel discussion featuring Matthew Shepard’s parents, Judy and Dennis Shepard. 7:30 p.m. $16; free for students. Reservations required. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. ■ In honor of National Golf Day, an encore “DC Drive-In” series will feature Harold Ramis’ 1980 comedy “Caddyshack.” Gates open at 6 p.m.; film starts at 8 p.m. Free admission. Union Market, 305 5th St. NE. Performance ■ The Black Theatre Ensemble will present a workshop production of “Patient A” by Lee Blessing. 8 p.m. $5. Walsh Black Box Theatre, Walsh Building, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. 202687-2787. The performance will repeat Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Sporting event ■ D.C. United will play the Chicago Fire. 8 p.m. $26 to $55. RFK Stadium, 2400 East Capitol St. SE. 800-745-3000. Saturday, Oct. 5 Saturday october 5 Book sale ■ The Chevy Chase DC Friends of the Library group will hold its Big Fall Book

Children’s programs ■ “Saturday Morning at the National” will feature storyteller Marian Licha in “A Magical Journey Into Latin America.” 9:30 and 11 a.m. Free; tickets distributed 30 minutes before each show. National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202783-3372. ■ “Uno, Dos, Tres con Andrés!” will give children a chance to sing, shake and sound out rhythms while trying regional Latin dances and practicing Spanish words. 11 a.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW; 202-2820021. ■ The National Symphony Orchestra will present “Teddy and the Ten Hats,” about a teddy bear whose zany collection of hats represents a wide variety of music (for ages 3 through 5). 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. $20. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The program will repeat Sunday at 1:30 and 4 p.m. ■ Teatro de la Luna will present the bilingual children’s play “I Call Her Rusita Rojas.” 3 p.m. Free. Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1188. Classes and workshops ■ William Brumfield, an architectural historian and professor of Slavic studies at Tulane University, will lead a seminar on “St. Petersburg and Russia’s Far North.” 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. $95 to $130. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■ Professional storyteller Arianna Ross will lead a story-writing workshop. 10 a.m. Free. Room A-5, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. ■ The Vajrayogini Buddhist Center will present a class on “Finding the Time: Developing Motivation.” 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. $30. Vajrayogini Buddhist Center, 1787 Columbia Road NW. 202-986-2257. The classes will continue through Oct. 22. Concerts ■ The Embassy Series will present Nepali musical legend Prem Raja Mahat. 3 p.m. $100. Residence of the Ambassador of Nepal, 2730 34th Place NW. 202-6252361. ■ The Petworth Jazz Project will present Iya and the Kuumba Kids, at 5 p.m.; and Feedel Band, at 6 p.m. Free. Lawn, Petworth Recreation Center, 8th and Taylor streets NW. ■ As part of a celebration of George Washington, the Kennedy Center will present 18th-century period music performed by Trio Galilei and David and Ginger Hildebrand. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Jazz pianist and composer Ahmad Jamal will perform with bassist Reginald Veal, drummer Herlin Riley and percussionist Manolo Badrena, following an open set by pianist Jason Moran. 7:30 p.m. $38. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. See Events/Page 23


The Current

Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 22 ■Pianist Haskell Small will perform “Musica Callada� by Spanish composer Federico Mompou. 8 p.m. Free. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-320-2770. ■The Capital Hearings, a local a cappella ensemble, will perform music from their debut album “Opening Statement.� 8 p.m. $12 to $15. All Souls Memorial Episcopal Church, 2300 Cathedral Ave. NW. ■Singer-songwriter Randy Newman, a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will perform, followed by a Q-and-A on the art of the songwriter. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■Blues and reggae musician Corey Harris will perform. 8 p.m. $28.50; tickets required. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. ■Singer, songwriter and guitarist Scott Kurt and his band Memphis 59 will perform. 8:30 p.m. $5 to $8. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. ■Local band South Rail, featuring Jay Byrd and Lara Supan, will perform a mix of Americana and rock. 10:30 p.m. $10. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. Discussions and lectures ■Former Washington Post art critic Paul Richard will discuss “What Have I Seen?� 10 a.m. Free. Hemphill, 1515 14th St. NW. 202-234-5601. ■Local fiber artist Barbara Korengold will display her hand-worked pieces as she discusses the evolution of her design and work process. 10:30 a.m. Free. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202-667-0441, ext. 64. ■One World Education, a nonprofit dedicated to teaching students to write about cultural and global issues, will present a talk by six program participants, at 11 a.m.; poets Joshua Weiner, Tadeusz Dabrowski and Daisy Fried will discuss their respective books, “The Figure of a Man Being Swallowed by a Fish,� “Black Square� and “Women’s Poetry: Poems and Advice,� at 1 p.m.; Ben Dolnick will discuss his novel “At the Bottom of Everything,� at 3:30 p.m.; and Shahan Mufti (shown) will discuss his book “The Faithful Scribe: A Story of Islam, Pakistan, Family, and War,� at 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■Joan Kee, assistant professor of art history at the University of Michigan, will

discuss “Contemporary Korean Art: Tansaekhwa and the Urgency of Method.â€? 1 p.m. Free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■“Washington, DC in 10,000 Years: Ideas and Archaeologies of the Past, Present, and Futureâ€? will feature panelists Ruth Trocolli, city archaeologist at the D.C. Historic Preservation Office; Kim Elliott, historic preservation architect at the D.C. Office of Planning; and Alexander Nagel, assistant curator at the Smithsonian’s Freer and Sackler museums. 1 p.m. $5 to $10; reservations suggested. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1770. â– Charles Belfoure will discuss his World War II novel “The Paris Architect.â€? 2 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW; 202-282-0021. â– Artist Wayne Higby and curator Peter Held will discuss Higby’s work, his career and the field of ceramics. 2 p.m. Free. Grand Salon, Renwick Gallery, 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. 202-6331000. â– Francesca Zambello, director of the Washington National Opera’s production of “The Force of Destiny,â€? will join other members of the creative team to discuss bringing the demanding Verdi masterpiece to the stage. 4 p.m. $12. North Opera Tier Lounge, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– Jon Skovron will discuss his book “Man Made Boyâ€? (for ages 15 and older). 7 p.m. Free. Children & Teens Department, Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Films â– Barstons Child’s Play and FisherPrice will host the D.C. premiere of the new Thomas the Tank Engine DVD, “Thomas and Friends: King of the Railway.â€? 10:15 a.m. Free; tickets available at area Child’s Play locations. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-244-3602. â– The Opera in Cinema series will present a production of Wagner’s “Das Rheingoldâ€? at Teatro alla Scala. 11 a.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-419-3456. ■“The Play’s the Thing: VĂĄclav Havel, Art and Politicsâ€? will feature Vlastimil VenclĂ­k’s 1969 film “The Uninvited Guestâ€? and Pavel JurĂĄcek’s 1966 film “Every Young Man,â€? at 2 p.m.; and RadĂşz Cincera’s 1966 film “The Mistâ€? and Jan Nemec’s 1966 film “A Report on the Party and Guests,â€? at 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215. Performances â– The DC Storytelling Festival will feature Keepers of the Culture, at 11 a.m.; the Honorable Baba C, at 11:30 a.m.; Janice the Griot, at noon; Arianna Ross, at 12:30 p.m.; Mark Spiegel, at 1:30 p.m.; Max Bent the Human Beat Box, at 2 p.m.; Maria Harris, at 2:30 p.m.; a tango intermission, at 3 p.m.; and Keepers of the Culture in a finale performance, at 3:30 p.m. Free. Great Hall, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Exhibit features art of Byzantium “Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium From Greek Collections,� featuring some 170 ancient objects from the area now known as Istanbul, will open Sun-

On exhibit

day at the National Gallery of Art and continue through March 2. Located at 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, the museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-737-4215. ■Studio Gallery will open three shows today and continue them through Oct. 26. “Ebb & Flow� presents images on cloth by Elena Stamberg. “Wildflowers� features portraits of wildflowers by Micheline Klagsbrun. “Traces of Memory� includes works by Carolee Jakes with interacting layers of texture and color. A “First Friday� reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m., and an artists’ reception will be held Oct. 12 from 4 to 6 p.m. Located at 2108 R St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Friday from 1 to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 1 to 6 p.m. 202-232-8734. ■Foundry Gallery will open an exhibit today of paintings by Linda Button that explore the meaning of mannequins.

0321. â– The Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company, artists in residence for the National Portrait Gallery’s “Dancing the Dreamâ€? exhibition, will present an open rehearsal of a work created in response to the show. 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. The event will repeat Oct. 12, 19 and 26. â– Strut Productions will present “1964 ‌ The Tribute,â€? a re-creation of an early Beatles concert with period instruments, clothing, hairstyles and onstage banter. 8 p.m. $35 to $45. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st

The exhibit will continue through Oct. 27. An opening reception will take place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m., and a closing reception will be held Oct. 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. Located at 1314 18th St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-463-0203. ■“The Nature of Imagination,� featuring ceramic works by Kurt Weiser inspired by 19th-century illustrators of natural history, will open Friday with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at Cross MacKenzie Gallery. A collaboration with Ferrin Contemporary in Massachusetts, the exhibit will continue through Oct. 30. Located at 2026 R St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202-333-7970. ■The e(merge) art fair will take place at the Capitol Skyline Hotel beginning tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. It will continue Friday and Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. and conclude Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Located at 10 I St. SW, it features 80 exhibitors showing works by more than 150 artists from 30 countries. ■The DC Fine Art Photography Fair will take place Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mount Vernon Campus of George Washington University, located at 2100 Foxhall Road NW. A panel discussion on collecting photography will be held Saturday from

St. NW. 202-994-6800. Special events ■The Race for Every Child — with a 5K race/walk, plus a kids’ dash for ages 10 and younger — will benefit the Children’s National Medical Center. 8:30 a.m. $10 for $45. Freedom Plaza, Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th streets NW. ■The seventh annual Columbia Heights Day will feature live music, food trucks, workshops, children’s activities and displays from local businesses and nonprofits. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission. Field, Tubman Elementary School, Kenyon


“Head of Artemis� is on display at part of the National Gallery of Art’s new exhibition. 11 a.m. to noon. 202-986-0105. ■“The Heart of the World,� presenting more than 50 watercolor maps by Michael Francis Reagan, will open Friday with a reception from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Gallery A. It will continue through Oct. 31. Located at 2106 R St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-667-2599. ■The Arts Club of Washington will open an exhibit of works by Jack Boul and Janis Goodman with a reception Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. The exhibit will continue through Oct. 26. Located at 2017 I St. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 202-331-7282.

Street between 11th and 13th streets NW. â– PorchFest, a community music festival in Adams Morgan, will feature performances on front stoops and porches throughout the neighborhood. Participating singers and bands will include Justin TraSee Events/Page 24


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24 Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Continued From Page 23 wick, Karl Straub, Doug Stevenson and the Spades, La Unica, David Kitchen, Rube, Brûlée and Marsha Goodman-Wood. 2 to 6 p.m. Free. Maps will be available at the BB&T Plaza near 18th Street and Columbia Road NW. ■ “Fall for the Arts” will feature an afternoon of classes on topics such as orchestral conducting and the history of audio recording, followed by an early-evening cocktail reception and art auction. 4 to 9 p.m. $25; $5 for American University students. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Sporting event ■ Scare Force One will square off against the Majority Whips and DC DemonCats will compete against the Cherry Blossom Bombshells in the DC Rollergirls season opener. 4 and 5:45 p.m. $16.85. D.C. Armory, 2001 East Capitol St. SE. 800745-3000. Walks and tours ■ As part of Cultural Tourism DC’s signature event WalkingTown DC, tour guide Lee Kaplowitz will lead an “Amazing Neighborhoods” walk past Embassy Row, Kalorama and Georgetown mansions, Oak Hill Cemetery, the Spanish Steps and other


The Current

Events Entertainment sights. 9 to 11 a.m. Free; reservations required. Meet at the Q Street exit to the Dupont Circle Metro station. A full lineup of WalkingTown DC activities will be offered throughout the city Saturday and Sunday. ■ Washington Walks will present a walking tour through the Park View neighborhood, located adjacent to the Soldier’s Home grounds and McMillan Reservoir. 11 a.m. $15. Meet outside the Georgia Avenue-Petworth Metro station. Sunday, Oct. 6 Sunday october 6 Children’s programs ■ In celebration of new Sunday hours at all D.C. Public Library branches, a special storytime and costume party will focus on classic fairy tales. 2 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-7248707. ■ Children will hear a story about dancer Alvin Ailey and then create a special piece of art. 2 to 5 p.m. Free. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202633-1000. Classes ■ The Suzanne Farrell Ballet will present a master class. 11 a.m. $15. Rehearsal Room, Hall of States, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ A weekly Ukulele Circle led by Liz Ennis will offer beginners a chance to learn a few easy chords and more advanced players an opportunity to improvise and jam. 4 to 4:30 p.m. Free. Middle C Music, 4530 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202244-7326. Concerts ■ The East of the River Steelband Orchestra will perform. 1 p.m. Free. TenleyFriendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. ■ The Marine Chamber Ensembles will perform. 2 p.m. Free. Sousa Band Hall, Marine Barracks Annex, 7th and K streets SE. 202-433-4011. ■ The Phillips Camerata will perform works by Bizet, Debussy and Saint-Saëns in a program that celebrates “Van Gogh Repetitions.” 4 p.m. $15 to $30; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. ■ New Orleans jazz masters Evan Christopher (shown) and Shannon Powell will present “Great Jazz, Good Cause,” a benefit concert to raise money for residents of the Lower 9th Ward, many of whom are still unable to return to their homes after the devastation of Hurricane

Katrina. 4 p.m. $35 to $40. All Souls Church, Unitarian, 1500 Harvard St. NW. ■ The professional Choir of Christ Church will perform the music of William Smith, Charles Villiers Stanford and William H. Harris. 5 p.m. Free. Christ Church, Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW. 202333-6677. ■ The Washington Performing Arts Society will present the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis performing “Abyssinian: A Gospel Celebration.” 5 p.m. $35 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■ Guest organist Tom Bell will present a recital. 5:15 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. ■ The Caceres/Ramos-Santana Duo will present “Puerto Rico in 176 Keys,” featuring works by Campos, Délano, Figueroa and Parsi. 6:30 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-8426941. ■ Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jam” session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-5279522. ■ The Kennedy Center Chamber Players will perform works by Bach, Mendelssohn and Brahms. 7:30 p.m. $35. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Discussions and lectures ■ Marc Rotenberg, president and executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, will discuss “The Tension Between Security and Liberty.” 10 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. ■ A forum on the legacies of Matthew Shepard and Tyler Clementi will feature Judy Shepard, the mother of Matthew Shepard and founding president of the Matthew Shepard Foundation; Jane Clementi, the mother of Tyler Clementi and cofounder of the Tyler Clementi Foundation; and Joshua Deese, an LGBT youth advocate and member of The Trevor Project’s Youth Advisory Council. 10:10 a.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. ■ Michael Sokolove (shown) will discuss his book “Drama High: The Incredible True Story of a Brilliant Teacher, a Struggling Town, and the Magic of Theater,” at 1 p.m.; and Kenneth W. Mack will discuss his book “The New Black: What Has Changed — and What Has Not — With Race in America,” at 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ Angelos Delivorrias, director of the Benaki Museum, and Maria Vlazaki, director general of antiquities and cultural heritage at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Athens, Greece, will provide an introduction to the exhibition “Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium From Greek Collections.” 2 p.m. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Local author Rona Fields will discuss her book “Against Violence Against

Sunday, october 6 ■ Festival: “Volta Park Oktoberfest,” sponsored by the Friends of Volta Park group, will feature a softball game, a cookout, children’s games and activities, a bake sale, a flea market, hay bales, pumpkin decorating and a live band. 3 to 6 p.m. Free admission. Volta Park, 34th and Q streets NW. 202645-5669.

Women: The Case for Gender as a Protected Class.” 2:30 p.m. Free. Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library, 7420 Georgia Ave. NW. 202-541-6100. ■ James Tooley will discuss his book “The Beautiful Tree: A Personal Journey Into How the World’s Poorest People Are Educating Themselves.” 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Films ■ Asian Pacific American Film and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office will present Arvin Chin’s 2013 film “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?” 2 p.m. Free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■ The Sunday Movie Matinee series will present the documentary “Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin.” 2:30 p.m. Free. Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library, 7420 Georgia Ave. NW. 202-5416100. ■ The National Gallery of Art will present Perry Miller Adato’s 1968 film “Dylan Thomas — The World I Breathe” and his 1969 film “The Film Generation: On Dance.” 4 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Performances ■ The Sacred Dancers of Angkor, young Cambodian dancers and musicians from rural villages, will perform classical Buddhist dances. 2 p.m. Free. Steps, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■ The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington will present “Icon 13,” an annual talent showcase featuring local youth. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ In conjunction with its production of “The Laramie Project,” Ford’s Theatre will present “The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later,” a companion play that explores what did and did not change in the Wyoming town in the decade after Matthew Shepard’s death. 7:30 p.m. $8. Ford’s TheSee Events/Page 25


The Current

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 24 atre, 511 10th St. NW. The play will be shown again Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. Reading ■Sena Jeter Nasland will read from her new novel “The Fountain of St. James Court: Or, Portrait of the Artist as an Old Woman.� 2 to 3:30 p.m. Free. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370. Special events ■St. John’s Episcopal Church, Georgetown, will hold a Blessing of the Animals. 1 p.m. Free. 3240 O St. NW. 202-338-1796. ■Foundry United Methodist Church will bless neighborhood leashed or crated pets. 3 p.m. Free. 1500 16th St. NW. 202332-4010. Monday,october Oct. 7 Monday 7 Discussions and lectures ■The group 40Plus of Greater Washington will present a talk by Jennifer Ransaw Smith on “Elevate Your Visibility Through Personal Branding.� 9:45 to 11:30 a.m. Free. Suite T-2, 1718 P St. NW. 202-387-1582. ■The Sibley Senior Association’s lecture series on “Understanding Computers and the Internet� will conclude with a session on “Security — Protecting Your Information.� 11 a.m. to noon. $10 to $15. Private Dining Room 3, Sibley Memorial Hospital, 5255 Loughboro Road NW. 202-3647602. ■Scott Reich will discuss his book “The Power of Citizenship: Why John F. Kennedy Matters to a New Generation.� Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■Linda Marsa will discuss her book “Fevered: How a Hotter Planet Will Harm Our Health and How We Can Save Ourselves.� 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202789-2227. ■Cookbook author Pati Jinich will present “Mexican Home Cooking,� with samples of some of her recipes and a preview of the upcoming season of her television show. 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202633-3030.

■Kemal Silay, professor of Turkish language and literature at Indiana University, Bloomington, will discuss “Understanding Turkish Cultures Through Poetry: From Sufism to Postmodernism.� 7 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■In conjunction with the Ford’s Theatre production of “The Laramie Project,� a panel discussion will focus on “With Charity for All: Lives Changed by Hate,� about lessons to be learned from incidents connected to gender, sexual orientation, racial or cultural bias. 7 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Ford’s Theatre, 511 10th St. NW. ■David Finkel will discuss his book “Thank You for Your Service,� about what happened to the some of the soldiers in the 2-16 Infantry Battalion after returning the war in Iraq. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■Elizabeth Gilbert will discuss her novel “The Signature of All Things.� 7 p.m. $35. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival will feature a talk by mystery writer Walter Mosley, author of “Little Green.� 7:30 p.m. $15 to $40. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. The festival will continue through Oct. 16. Films ■The Global Lens Film Series will feature Mani Haghighi’s 2012 film “Modest Reception.� 2 and 6:30 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW; 202-282-0021. ■The “Joan Crawford: Hollywood Star� series will feature Otto Preminger’s 1947 film “Daisy Kenyon,� co-starring Henry Fonda and Dana Andrews. 6:30 p.m. Free; tickets distributed 30 minutes before the screening. National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-783-3372. ■The Opera in Cinema series will present a production of Verdi’s “Rigoletto� at Teatro Antico di Taormina. 7 p.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-419-3456. The film will be shown again Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. ■The Washington Psychotronic Film

‘Force of Destiny’ on tap

Washington National Opera will stage Giuseppe Verdi’s rarely performed “The Force of Destiny� Oct. 12 through 26 at the Kennedy Center Opera House. Presented in honor of the legendary composer’s 200th birthday, the production zooms

On stage

in on one troubled family in the midst of an unhinged, lawless society. Francesca Zambello directs. Performance times are 7 p.m. Oct. 12 and 26; 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16, 18, 22 and 24; and Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. Tickets start at $25. 202-467-4600; ■Molotov Theatre will present William Mastrosimone’s “Extremities� Oct. 10 through Nov. 3 at the District of Columbia Arts Center. This searing play, made into a 1986 movie starring Farrah Fawcett, portrays an attempted rape and its repercussions as the victim turns the tables on her attacker. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. Tickets cost $25. The District of Columbia Arts Center is located at 2438 18th St. NW. 202-462-7833; ■Arena Stage will present the world premiere of resident

Society will present Honda Ishiro’s 1970 film “Yog: Monster From Space.� 8 p.m. Donation suggested. McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-462-3356. Meeting ■The Upper NW Knitters will hold one of its twice-monthly meetings. 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. Performance ■Rory Albanese, the executive producer of “The Daily Show,� will present an evening of stand-up comedy with local act Tim Miller opening the show. 6 p.m. Free; tickets to be distributed in the States Gallery a half hour before showtime. Theater Lab, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. Tuesday, Oct. 8 Tuesday october 8 Classes and workshops ■The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the D.C. Public Library will present a workshop on patent and trademark topics. 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

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Washington National Opera will present Verdi’s “The Force of Destiny� Oct. 12 through 26. playwright Charles Randolph-Wright’s “Love in Afghanistan� Oct. 11 through Nov. 17 in the Kogod Cradle. In the midst of war, an emerging American hip-hop artist and a high-level Afghan interpreter battle to navigate the pitfalls of romance, religious differences and political unrest. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday; 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $40 to $90. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300;

Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-1161. â– Instructor David Newcomb will present “Meditation for Health, Inner Wealth, and Well-Being.â€? 7 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139. The workshop will continue Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. Concerts â– The Tuesday Concert Series will feature tenor Nicholas Fichter and pianist Jeremy Filsell performing works by Tippett and Finzi. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635. â– The Yves Lambert Trio will present Quebec’s musical heritage. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. â– The 35th Young Concert Artists Series will feature the Washington debut of the Paris-based Hermès Quartet. 7:30 p.m. $35. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. â– Irish rock band Bell XI will perform. 8 p.m. $23. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800-745-3000. â– Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club will perform. 8 p.m. $35 to $75. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730

21st St. NW. 202-994-6800. Discussions and lectures ■Mary Ellsberg, director of the George Washington University Global Women’s Initiative, will discuss “Preventing & Responding to Violence Against Women & Girls: Building on Global Best Practices.� 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free; reservations required. Continental Ballroom, Marvin Center, George Washington University, 800 21st St. NW. 2013southbylecture.eventbrite. com. ■Nicholas Brown of the Library of Congress and Master Sgt. Allen van Pattern of the U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own� will discuss the history of “Taps� and Gen. Daniel Butterfield, who is credited with composing America’s most famous bugle call. Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-0213. ■Sean O’Donnell, principal of Perkins Eastman, will discuss how geothermal systems are changing school environments. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■Joshua Benson, associate professor See Events/Page 30




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Domestic Wanted MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE in Friendship Heights(no children at home) need someone who can help around the house part-time: light cleaning, some shopping, general help. Days flexible, hours preferred are afternoon. Competitive pay. Call 202-256-1065. SEEKING CNA for help around the house. Light cleaning, shopping, general daily help. PT, 5-6 hours/ week. Car pref’d. Call (202)333-0769.

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EFFICIENCY FOR rent: Sutton Towers. $1,700/ mo, parking included. Please call Sophie (305)-439-8119.

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30 Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Current

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Rooms For Rent CATHEDRAL AREA: Furnished room with walk-in closet, priv. bath, shared kitch (with one congenial person) in fine apt. building, at bus stop. $800/ mo. Call 301-943-2772.

Senior Care

Pets CAT CARE Services Providing loving, attentive care for your cat(s) while you are away by doing more than just cleaning the box & filling the bowl. • Over 15 years experience. • Am/pm & weekend visits • Short term & long term. Will also take care of other small indoor pets, water plants & bring in mail. References available upon request. Great rates! Located in The Palisades. call 703-868-3038 EXPERIENCED PETSITTER/ Housesitter available. Responsible 32/F, seeking long or short-term opportunities. Employed non-smoker with car, can provide multiple references. Call 703-772-8848 or email for more details.

TWO WONDERFUL women who have worked as private duty CNAs for my mother for many years are available for additional hours of private duty care. Please contact me for a reference and their contact information: 202-360-2702 and reference this ad.


Windows Ace Window Cleaning, Co. Family owned and operated for over 20 years using careful workmanship 301-656-9274 Chevy Chase, MD Licensed • Bonded • Insured • We also offer glass, screen, and sash cord repair service


Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 25 of historical and systematic theology at Catholic University, will discuss “Saint Francis of Assisi: A Humble Gesture.” 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-6333030. ■ George Pelecanos will discuss his book “The Double.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ The Center for Environmental Filmmaking will present a talk by Animal Planet producer Krishna San Nicolas on what she does to tailor European natural history programs for the American audience. 7 p.m. Free. Wechsler Theater, Mary Graydon Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-885-3408. ■ The Austrian Cultural Forum will present a talk by Bruce S. Allen on the life and art of Gustav Klimt. 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW. klimt.eventbrite. com. ■ Anita Shapira, president emerita of Tel Aviv University and senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, will discuss David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister. 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 5, Mary Graydon Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ■ The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival will feature a talk by Mark Cohen, author of “Overweight Sensation: The Life and Comedy of Allan Sherman.” 7:30 p.m. $10 to $12. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Films ■ The Global Lens Film Series will feature Sebastian del Amo’s 2012 movie “The Fantastic World of Juan Orol (El Fantastico Mundo de Juan Orol).” 6 p.m. Free. Takoma Park Library, 416 Cedar St. NW. 202576-7252. ■ “Film Focus: Javier Bardem” will feature the 2010 film “Biutiful,” about a man who tries to reconcile his desire to be good with his lawless ways. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-7270232. ■ The Books on Film series will feature Tim Burton’s 1999 movie “Sleepy Hollow.” 6 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ In conjunction with the Mutual Inspirations Festival, the West End Cinema will screen “Vaclav Havel, Prague-Castle,” followed by a Q-and-A with director Petr Jancárek. 7 p.m. $8 to $11. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456. Performances ■ Argentine singer Ariel Ardit and Selección Nacional de Tango will perform with two dancers. 6 p.m. Free. Iglesias Auditorium, Inter-American Development Bank, 1330 New York Ave. NW. 202-623-3558. ■ “Open Mic Night @ Katzen” will feature performances by musicians, poets, rappers, singers and comedians. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Katzen Arts Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-885-1300. ■ SpeakeasyDC will present its monthly show, “Going Viral — Stories about things that spread, invade and multiply.” 8 p.m. $15. Town Danceboutique, 2009 8th St. NW. Reading ■ The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University will present a read-

ing by Jenny Pierson and her students. 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Free. Temple Baptist Church, 3850 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202895-4860. Special event ■ The Woman’s National Democratic Club will hold a Flemish Fling Reception and Live Auction in celebration of its restored 18th-century still life paintings by Pieter Casteels III. 6 to 8 p.m. $50. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363. Sporting event ■ The Washington Wizards will play the Brooklyn Nets in a preseason game. 7 p.m. $39 to $332. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 800-745-3000. Wednesday, Oct. 9

Wednesday october 9 Concerts ■ Emmy Award-wining multi-instrumentalist Vanessa Vo will perform on the Vietnamese stringed instrument known as the dan tranh zither. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Cameristi della Scala, violinist Francesco Manar and cellist Massimo Polidori will present “Verdi Re-imagined.” 7 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■ The Hill Center Concert Series will open with singer-songwriter Aaron Flinn performing a blend of folk, indie rock and classic country. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $15 to $20. Hill Center, 921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. ■ Alto saxophonist Tim Berne will perform selections from his album “Snakeoil” 8 p.m. $28.50. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. ■ Radical Face will perform. 8 p.m. $15 to $45. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800-745-3000. Discussions and lectures ■ “An American Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration” will feature a viewing of the “Civil War Battlefields” film on Gettysburg and a talk by historian Roy L. Hodges. Noon. Free. National Museum of American Jewish Military History, 1811 R St. NW. 202-265-6280. ■ To mark the bicentennial of Tecumseh’s death during the War of 1812, Smithsonian American Art Museum curator Karen Lemmey will give a gallery talk about Ferdinand Pettrich’s sculpture “The Dying Tecumseh.” Afterward, Lemmey and R. David Edmunds, professor of American history at the University of Texas at Dallas, will discuss the famed Shawnee chief and elements of myth and memory in the sculpture. 6 p.m. Free. Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. ■ The Georgetown University Program for Jewish Civilization will present a talk by Ira Forman, the U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. 6 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Kennedy Bioethics Research Library, Healy Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. ■ Adel Iskandar will discuss his book “Egypt in Flux: Essays on an Unfinished Revolution.” 6:30 to 8 p.m. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202789-2227. ■ Stephen Jimenez will discuss his book “The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

■ The Arts Club of Washington will present a Literary Evening with readings by two novelists who have written about families in crisis — Lisa Gornick, author of “Tinderbox,” and Mary Kay Zuravleff, author of “Man Alive!” Afterward, journalist and author Judith Warner will join Gornick and Zuravleff to discuss their work and the writing life. 7 p.m. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282. ■ Politics and Prose will present a book talk by Max Hastings, author of “Catastrophe 1914: Europe Goes to War.” 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488. ■ Sarah Cash, curator of American art, will discuss the new installation of the Corcoran Gallery of Art’s pre-1945 American paintings and sculpture collection. 7 p.m. $5. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1770. ■ As part of the “Managing Great Estates” lecture series, Charles J. Burns, associate curator of the Preservation Society of Newport County, will discuss “Gilded Age Newport: Society Stalwarts and Their Staffers.” 7 to 8 p.m. $7 to $20; reservations required. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202686-5807. ■ The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival will feature a talk by Jeremy Dauber, author of “The Worlds of Sholem Aleichem: The Remarkable Life and Afterlife of the Man Who Created Tevye.” 7:30 p.m. Free. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. Films ■ The Lions of Czech Film series will feature Petr Jancárek’s 2009 documentary “Václav Havel, Prague-Castle II,” about the events between Havel’s oath of office as president in December 1989 and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1992. A Q-and-A with Jancárek will follow. 8 p.m. $8.50 to $11.50. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000. Gala ■ The National Women’s History Museum will celebrate the achievements of mezzo-soprano Denyce Graves, breast cancer screening pioneer Dr. Etta D. Pisano and Tony Award-winning actress and singer Phylicia Rashad at the 2103 de Pizan Honors gala. 5:30 to 8 p.m. $25 to $175. Arena Stage, 1101 6th St. SW. Meetings ■ The Glover Park Village’s twicemonthly “Conversation Corner” will offer a chance to speak French, Spanish or German with neighbors. 11:30 a.m. Free; reservations requested. Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600 Calvert St. NW. ■ A support group for job seekers will hold its weekly meeting in Tenleytown. 2 p.m. Free. Panera Bread, 4501 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Performance ■ The Happenings at the Harman series will feature a sneak peek at artists featured in the VelocityDC Dance Festival. Noon. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122. Reading ■ The Visiting Writers series will feature poet Cathy Park Hong. 8 p.m. Free. Butler Board Room, Butler Pavilion, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW.

The CurrenT

Wednesday, OCTOber 2, 2013 31



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FOREST HILLS, WASHINGTON, DC Arts & Crafts style home on nearly an acre backing to parkland. Dramatic living room, chef’s kitchen, family room opens to terrace and garden. Fabulous master suite with fireplace and his/hers studies. Two-car garage.$2,995,000 Margot Wilson 202-549-2100

SPRING VALLEY, WASHINGTON, DC Grand and classic 6BR, 4BA sited on a large lot. Rooms of large proportion, library, home gym, au-pair suite, private terrace, pool and upper level yard. $2,900,000 Sally Marshall 301-254-3020 Matthew McCormick 202-728-9500

OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Elegant family home, beautifully renovated. Circa 1880, with double lot & enchanting gardens. Offers four finished levels, five bedrooms, three full and one half baths, wine cellar & dramatic chef’s kitchen. Off-street parking. $2,875,000 Victoria Kilcullen 703-915-8845

DUPONT CIRCLE, WASHINGTON, DC Beaux Arts residence with impeccable renovation, throughout all 3 levels, cutting edge kitchen, lux owner suite, gracious floor plan, garden with koi pond, and 2 car garage. $2,480,000 William F. X. Moody Robert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

WEST END, WASHINGTON, DC Incredible corner unit with walls of windows and custom finishes throughout. Elegant entry foyer leading to huge LR with FP. Chef’s eat-in kitchen. MBR with his & hers bath. $2,275,000 Matthew McCormick Ben Roth 202-728-9500

WESLEY HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, DC Large 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath home plus den/ office in Wesley heights on 1/3 acre with wonderful natural light. Hardwood floors, spacious rooms and large windows throughout. Two-car parking in detached garage. $1,985,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

PENN QUARTER, WASHINGTON, DC Stunning corner penthouse unit. Panoramic city views, unmatched outdoor space + custom interior finishes. Sun-filled, 2BRs, 3.5BAs, storage and garage parking. $1,895,000 Matthew McCormick Ben Roth 202-728-9500

BETHESDA, MARYLAND Stunning Potomac River views! Overlooking the Potomac River with Opportunity to develop land and build your custom dream home on almost 1 acre lot. $1,500,000 William F. X. Moody Robert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DC Large 3BR/4.5BA townhouse with 2-car parking, 2 MBR with large en-suite BAs, and garden/ patio. The LR has cathedral ceilings, over-sized windows, custom built-in cabinets, fireplace, and access to the patio/deck. $1,395,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

EDGEMOOR, BETHESDA, MARYLAND Spacious 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath condo featuring living/dining room, gourmet table space kitchen covered balcony, master bedroom with bath, washer/dryer en-suite, and two car parking. $1,295,000 Joanne Pinover 301-404-7011

WEST END, WASHINGTON, DC Distinctive 3BR/2.5BA + den duplex with many updates. Open kitchen-dining room fully renovated in 2011. Huge private patio + 2 car tandem parking. 24-hr concierge. $1,179,999 William F. X. Moody Robert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

OBSERVATORY CIRCLE, WASHINGTON, DC Large and beautiful 2BR/3.5BA + den penthouse with 2-car parking included. Sun-filled rooms, hardwood floors. Large master suite with sitting area, walk-in closets, connected study, laundry room, and wet bar. 2,600SF. $1,095,000 Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

PENN QUARTER, WASHINGTON, DC NEW LISTING! Deluxe 2BR/2.5BA sun-splashed corner unit with ideal floor plan, generous closets, kitchen with new stainless appliances, & expansive private terrace. Spectacular views of monuments and Capitol! $999,999 Kay McGrath King 202-276-1235

WEST WEND, WASHINGTON, DC Renovated 1,400 SF floor plan with complete renovation. Brand new kitchen. 2 bedrooms and 2.5 custom marble baths. Terrace balcony. Parking space. $799,000 William F. X. Moody Robert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

PETWORTH, WASHINGTON, DC Spacious end unit 4BR, 3.5BA drenched in sunlight with large yard. New windows, oak floors, new kitchen & new baths. LL family room, 2 car garage. Main level powder room, granite & SS kitchen with island & breakfast bar. $685,000 Marilyn Charity 202-427-7553

MOUNT PLEASANT, WASHINGTON, DC NEW LISTING! Cheerful 1 bedroom, 1 bath with wood-burning fireplace, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, new appliances, tile floor, plus inunit washer/dryer. Fabulous location near Metro and everything in Adams Morgan! $324,500 Kay McGrath King 202-276-1235



32 Wednesday, OCTOber 2, 2013

The CurrenT

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