Nw 02 26 2014

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Serving Communities in Northwest Washington Since 1967

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Vol. XLVII, No. 9

The NorThwesT CurreNT

Sustainability projects win seed funding

Council panel reviews recent EMS problems


■ Public safety: Testimony

focuses on two January deaths

By KATIE PEARCE Current Staff Writer

Seven cutting-edge sustainability projects, including urban agriculture programs at the University of the District of Columbia and an outdoor classroom at Hardy Middle School, are splitting $2.35 million through a city-run grant competition. The “Sustainable DC Innovation Challenge” is an internal competition among D.C. government agencies, doling out funds to test forward-thinking environmental initiatives on city property. Twelve such projects were funded last year, and they’re now in various phases of implementation, according to Brendan Shane, chief of policy and sustainability for the D.C. Department of the Environment. Mayor Vincent Gray recently announced the 2014 winners, which will increase access to healthy locally grown foods, reduce stormwater runoff, and promote educational and job-skills programs, among other goals. This year the University of the District of Columbia won more than See Grants/Page 16

By KATIE PEARCE Current Staff Writer

As controversy and finger-pointing continues over the recent death of Medric Cecil Mills Jr., a D.C. Council hearing this week scrutinized the protocols and culture of the District’s emergency response system. The oversight comes at a fraught time for the D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, with the future of Fire Chief

District eyes reconfiguring streets near Tenley Metro ■ Transportation: Designs

Brian Kapur/The Current

Gonzaga College High School knocked off Calvert Hall 3-1 Friday to retain its conference title. See story, page 11.

By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer


Courtesy of Settles Campaign

Democrat John Settles is running for an at-large D.C. Council seat.

start-up businesses that hire D.C. residents — especially from wards 5, 6, 7 and 8. He thinks a laundry start-up could be a strong early prior-

ity due to high demand from hospitals and restaurants for cleaning services. But he also wants to invest in solar panel providers, fresh produce merchants and a company that recycles ink and toner cartridges. “By establishing businesses that employ our residents who need jobs to provide goods and services to local consumers and businesses, we are not only helping families and individuals achieve self-sufficiency, we are also laying out a plan for the future economic success of the entire District,” Settles said in a Feb. 18 news release. The candidate also said his fund would indirectly address homelessness, housing affordability and pubSee Settles/Page 5


School system will offer grants to help student satisfaction — Page 2

Senior trio leaves championship legacy at Maret — Page 11

target safety, aesthetic issues By KAT LUCERO Current Staff Writer

Council hopeful Settles seeks jobs trust fund When John Settles explains his vision for job creation in D.C., he ends up talking quite a bit about laundry. That’s because helping to create a commercial laundry facility in the District is one of several goals the at-large D.C. Council candidate has for the “Jobs Trust Fund” he’s pitching to reduce unemployment in the city’s poorest wards. Settles, a candidate in the Democratic primary on April 1, envisions this new fund as an independent entity providing financial support for remedial education programs, job training and direct investment in

Kenneth Ellerbe emerging as a key issue for the mayoral election — and while an investigation looks into another death last month. A day after chairing the oversight hearing, Ward 6 Council member and mayoral candidate Tommy Wells called for the resignation of both Ellerbe and Paul Quander, the deputy mayor for public safety. In a letter to Mayor Vincent Gray, Wells said he was “stunned to learn” from Monday’s hearing that no plans exist to address “systemic mismanagement” in the District’s emergency response system. The public safety hearing examSee EMS/Page 7

Surrounded by retail, restaurants and bus stops, the area around the Tenleytown-American University Metro station is bustling during rush hour. But local officials believe the tired streetscape and complicated bus patterns near the eastern station entrance need some work. A new project is looking at ways to improve the design and aesthetics around 40th Street and Fort Drive, between the Whole Foods Market and the Wilson Aquatic Center. “There’s too much asphalt … and the bus transfer facilities are inadequate,” said Steve Strauss of the D.C. Department of Transportation. “The goal is to improve the bus transfer facilities for the customers. Also, to improve the environment of the area.” Strauss — a Ward 3 resident who frequents this location to shop at Whole Foods and swim at the Wilson Aquatic Center — reached out to the Washington Metropolitan

Courtesy of AECOM

“Concept B” includes bike lanes, bus shelters and other features.

Area Transit Authority to come up with redevelopment schemes. If the project moves forward, both Metro and the city Transportation Department are expected to foot the bill, he said. Planners unveiled early concepts last Thursday to the Tenleytown/ Friendship Heights advisory neighborhood commission, presenting three options that vary in design, cost and duration of construction. The project focuses primarily on the parallel one-block roadways of 40th Street and Fort Drive between Albemarle and Brandywine streets. See Tenley/Page 16



Mayoral candidates square off at forum in Dupont Circle — Page 3

Calendar/18 Classifieds/29 District Digest/4 Exhibits/19 In Your Neighborhood/10 Opinion/8

Police Report/6 Real Estate/15 School Dispatches/13 Service Directory/26 Sports/11 Theater/21

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wedNesday, February 26, 2014


The CurreNT


School system to offer $5 million in grants to boost student satisfaction By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer

D.C. Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson is launching a $5 million effort to increase student satisfaction. On a conference call with reporters yesterday, the chancellor unveiled a new grant program for the upcoming academic year that will provide money to traditional public schools

developing initiatives to make the student experience more enjoyable. According to a news release from Henderson’s office, these Proving What’s Possible for Student Satisfaction awards will fund “enrichment activities, field trips, extracurricular activities, clubs, new athletic teams and antibullying work,� among other programs. One purpose of the new grants is to help D.C. Public Schools reach its goal of 90 per-

cent student satisfaction by 2017. Henderson said surveys conducted last year suggest that 78 percent of students are satisfied with their school. Many who are unsatisfied cited unappealing school meals or a lack of cleanliness in school buildings. In addition, the chancellor said, “a lot of them reported that their peer-topeer interactions were not always positive.� Asked how the grants will be financed, Henderson said she was unsure of the school

system’s overall budget for the next fiscal year, but she was “willing to make this commitment now, because it’s that important.� She explained that the amount of money each school receives will be determined by enrollment — likely about $100 per student. The school system has previously distributed “Proving What’s Possible� grants to schools that wanted to adopt a particular program to help struggling students.

Cafritz project gets ANC nod MARCH 2014 for driveway

GW COMMUNITY Calendar ( " )!%$ % ) !( #%$) ( + $)(/ $ ! %'( , " %#

By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer


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The D.C. Public Space Committee is scheduled to consider plans Thursday for a circular driveway at 5333 Connecticut Ave. in Chevy Chase, where Calvin Cafritz Enterprises is constructing a new apartment building. The property will have its main vehicle access from an alley off Military Road, which would connect to the loading dock and the underground parking garage. But Cafritz has said that a Connecticut Avenue driveway would be valuable for short-term pick-up/drop-off and for deliveries, and the firm has promised to impose a 10-minute parking limit. The Chevy Chase advisory neighborhood commission voted 5-2 on Feb. 10 to endorse the application for two curb cuts at the project site. “The majority of us felt that in order to keep delivery traffic from parking illegally and impeding traffic, and also to keep it from going down Kanawha [Street] and Military as the only other place to stop during rush hour, we thought it was appropriate for us to support their application,� commission chair Jim McCarthy said during a status report at the group’s Feb. 24 meeting. Rebecca Maydak, one of the two dissenting commissioners, had argued Feb. 10 that the curb cut request was a valuable piece of leverage that the neighborhood commission and the community held over the broader Cafritz project. The 261-unit, 88-foot-tall building has faced sharp opposition because of its size and glassy modern design. Neighbors have feared shadow and light pollution, traffic and parking impacts, and a disruption to the neighborhood’s character. But unlike many large projects in D.C., the Cafritz building is already in compliance with land-use regulations for the site without needing a waiver, city officials say, as Connecticut Avenue is zoned for tall apartment houses. Because Cafritz didn’t need to seek relief from zoning rules, neighbors lacked the legal mechanisms often available for them to demand changes. (A community group, the 5333 Connecticut See Cafritz/Page 30

The CurreNT

Mayoral hopefuls square off at historic Democratic club By GRAHAM VYSE Current Staff Writer

The traveling roadshow that is this year’s mayoral debate season arrived at the Woman’s National Democratic Club last Thursday night, with Mayor Vincent Gray and several of his challengers continuing their pitches to D.C. voters. A crowd of hundreds filed through the doors of the historic Democratic Party meeting place in Dupont Circle, passing a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton on the way to a forum hosted by the Ward 2 Democrats, the Logan Circle Community Association and the club itself. “I want to thank you all for coming out for this 943rd forum of this election season,� Gray quipped to the audience as proceedings began. The mayor was initially joined on stage only by at-large D.C. Council member Vincent Orange, Busboys and Poets owner Andy Shallal and rapper Carlos Allen, though D.C. Council members Jack Evans (Ward 2) and Muriel Bowser (Ward 4) arrived more than a half hour later. Ward 6 member Tommy Wells was absent, along with former State Department official Reta Jo Lewis, whose sister had recently passed away.

The forum was moderated by Current Newspapers publisher Davis Kennedy, who asked the candidates early on why D.C.’s education reforms had failed to help more students living in poverty perform at grade level. “Do we still have an achievement gap? We absolutely do,� Gray said in response. But the mayor argued the District should stay the course with his policies, pointing to dramatic gains D.C. had recently posted on standardized tests. Shallal countered Gray by saying that these scores — still lower than any state in the nation — were nothing to celebrate. The restaurateur called for decreasing standardized testing as a metric for achievement and introducing more art and music into the District’s classrooms. “We need to not continue the course,� said Shallal. “If we continue the course, we will continue to see the same results.� Orange also took aim at Gray’s school reform record. “Middle schools expose the deficiencies of our education system,� he said. “You now have 62 percent of the kids that can’t read, can’t subtract, multiply and divide.� Orange suggested D.C. should focus more on curriculum development in early grades. See Forum/Page 5

wedNesday, February 26, 2014

The week ahead Wednesday, Feb. 26

The D.C. Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Zoning Regulations Review for individuals and organizations in wards 1 and 2 that have not previously testified before the commission on this case. The hearing will begin at 6 p.m. at the D.C. Housing Finance Authority, 815 Florida Ave. NW. To testify, contact Donna Hanousek at 202-727-0789 or donna.hanousek@dc.gov. (The original meeting date was rescheduled due to inclement weather on Feb. 13.) â– The D.C. Department of General Services will hold a community meeting on the modernization of Roosevelt High School. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. â– The D.C. Water and Sewer Authority will hold a public meeting on the DC Water Pressure Zone Improvement Program, which includes updates to the Fort Reno Pumping Station and resulting increases in water pressure for many Ward 3 residential and commercial properties. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Room A-03, Building 44, University of the District of Columbia, 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW.

Thursday, Feb. 27

The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board will meet at 9 a.m. in Room 220 South, One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW. Items on the agenda include a proposed addition to the Patterson Mansion at 15 Dupont Circle NW. ■Sibley Memorial Hospital, 5255 Loughboro Road NW, will host an American Red Cross blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration is suggested; visit redcrossblood.org or call 800-733-2767. ■The National Capital Planning Commission and the American Planning Association National Capital Area Chapter will hold a discussion on “Planning Law & Order: Legal Issues and Trends in the National Capital Area.� The event will begin at 6 p.m. at the commission’s offices in Suite 500-N, 401 9th St. NW. Admission is free; RSVP at ncpc.gov/speakerseries.

Friday, Feb. 28

The Metropolitan Police Department’s 4th District Citizens Advisory Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the

4th District Police Headquarters, 6001 Georgia Ave. NW.

Saturday, March 1

Politics and Prose will sponsor a Wilson High School book fair. The Wilson Parent Teacher Student Association will receive 20 percent of revenue from all book fair purchases Saturday and Sunday at the store, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Patrons should ask the cashier at checkout for a Wilson coupon; they may also donate items to the school library and classrooms. â– The D.C. Latino Caucus, the D.C. Asian American & Pacific Islanders Caucus, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists D.C. Chapter and community partners will host a Democratic mayoral candidates forum from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Josephine Butler Parks Center, 2437 15th St. NW. The two caucuses will hold an endorsement vote from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in conjunction with the forum.

Sunday, March 2

“The UnForum: Honest Conversations With the D.C. Mayor Candidates,� focusing on inequality in the District of Columbia, will feature discussions with Muriel Bowser and Tommy Wells moderated by NBC4’s Mark Segraves. The event will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Moot Court Room, Building 52, University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law, 4340 Connecticut Ave. NW. Admission is free; RSVP at law. edu.edu/events. The series will feature Jack Evans and Vincent Orange on March 9 and Andy Shallal and Vincent Gray on March 16.

Monday, March 3

The National Park Service will hold a public meeting to discuss the preparation of a new “foundation document� to inform planning and management of Rock Creek Park. The event will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Vaghi Dining Room at St. John’s College High School, 2607 Military Road NW. For details, visit parkplanning.nps.gov/rocr. ■Mayor Vincent Gray will deliver the 2014 State of the District Address at 7 p.m. at Kelly Miller Middle School, 301 49th St. NE.

Be a V.I.P.

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wedNesday, February 26, 2014

The CurreNT

District Digest City fills 6,000-plus potholes this month

The D.C. Department of Transportation has filled more than 6,000 potholes since Groundhog Day, repairing streets damaged in the cold weather, according to the agency’s Twitter feed. The tally includes 1,466 potholes filled over the weekend, and 300-plus on Monday. This volume already exceeds the number of repairs — 3,899 — con-

ducted as part of last year’s “Potholepalooza,” an annual campaign in which the Transportation Department brings on additional crews to fill potholes more quickly. This year’s Potholepalooza is set to begin in mid-March. According to a news release, the agency is averaging a three-day response time to potholes reported through 311. During Potholepalooza, extra staff will be on hand to cut that turnaround to 48 hours. The

Transportation Department is also proactively identifying potholes on its own to supplement residents’ reports, the release says.

Office of Planning interim chief named

A deputy director at the city Office of Planning has taken over as interim director of the agency while officials search for a replacement for Harriet Tregoning, who

left last week to join the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Rosalynn Hughey has worked as deputy director for citywide and neighborhood planning since 2007 after joining the agency in 2000 and then earning two promotions. “The Mayor and I thank Harriet for her commitment and forwardthinking approach to making the District of Columbia one of the most sustainable cities in the nation,” Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Victor L. Hoskins said in a news release. “Rosalynn has proven to be exemplary in serving as Harriet’s deputy director and will carry on the Mayor’s vision while our search for a new director continues.” Hughey has a bachelor’s degree in urban studies and has also worked in planning for Prince George’s County.

ANC commissioner to seek at-large seat

An Adams Morgan advisory neighborhood commissioner formally announced Saturday that he will seek an at-large D.C. Council seat. Brian Hart, who chairs the neighborhood commission’s committee for alcohol and public safety matters, will run as an independent in the November general election for one of the at-large seats reserved for a non-Democrat. He identifies education, job creation, public safety, small businesses and affordable housing as key issues. Hart moved to D.C. about 10 years ago after graduating from Amherst College with a degree in economics and English. He attended Georgetown Law School and is now an attorney at Paul, Weiss LLP. He also serves on the board of the DC Alliance of Youth Advocates,

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and helps conduct home-improvement projects with the nonprofit Yachad, according to a release.

GWU, National Gallery may absorb Corcoran The National Gallery of Art will take over the Corcoran’s artwork, and George Washington University will absorb its college, under a proposal announced last week. The board of trustees for the 17th Street gallery has been working for five years to secure the museum’s future, which is threatened by financial trouble. “This coalition among our three institutions will open important new possibilities for Washington, DC,” Peggy Loar, interim director and president of the Corcoran Gallery of Art and Corcoran College of Art + Design, says in a news release. “The Corcoran’s great cultural, educational, and civic resources that are at the heart of this city will not only remain in Washington but will become stronger, more exciting and more widely accessible.” No artwork will be sold, according to the release. Some pieces will become part of the National Gallery’s holdings and designated as the gallery’s “Corcoran Collection.” Works deemed “signature Corcoran” pieces will rotate through a new exhibit space called the “Corcoran Legacy Gallery,” and some could be lent to other institutions. George Washington University will assume ownership of, and responsibility for, the Corcoran building. In addition to housing the Legacy Gallery and a “world-class arts education program,” the 17th Street facility will host exhibitions of modern and contemporary art under the name “Corcoran Contemporary, National Gallery of Art.”

Bank of Georgetown opens 11th branch

The Bank of Georgetown has relocated its headquarters to 1115 30th St. and also opened its 11th regional branch at the site, according to a news release. A ceremonial grand opening and ribbon cutting will take place March 5. The bank, which was founded in 2005 and now has nearly 50 employees, outgrew its original headquarters nearby at 1054 31st St., the release states. The new 17,400-square-foot headquarters is a former Washington Gas maintenance facility. The new bank location will be known as “The Winsor Branch” in honor of the company’s co-founder and late chairman, Curtin Winsor III, who died in December 2012. The bank previously had just one location in Georgetown, at Wisconsin Avenue and K Street.


As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-567-2011.

The CurreNT

wedNesday, February 26, 2014


SETTLES: At-large hopeful envisions jobs trust fund to lower unemployment in D.C. From Page 1

lic safety concerns by providing economic opportunity in troubled areas. In an interview Monday, Settles elaborated on this plan, acknowledging that it was more of a conceptual framework than a detailed blueprint. He said money for the project would come from D.C.’s budget surplus and privatesector investors as well as individual citizen contributions. The candidate also made it clear that he would not consider a tax hike to pay for the initiative. “When we have hundreds of millions in

surplus, I don’t think we have a revenue issue,� he said. “We have a resource allocation issue.� In terms of logistics, Settles said the fund would be operated by a board of fewer than 20 people appointed by the mayor, the D.C. Council and other stakeholders. This board would network with major employers such as hospitals and universities to figure out which types of new small local businesses could help support the larger institutions. Settles said this model has already been successful elsewhere, citing a program at Partners HealthCare in Massachusetts. Under that program’s “closed-loop manu-

FORUM: Candidates meet again From Page 3

On the defensive, Gray insisted he would continue to push new initiatives such as lengthening the school day and extending the school year. The mayor also touted D.C.’s recent investments in career and technical education. “We will open nine career and technical education academies this August,� he said. “And those career and technical academies will be tied to jobs that are absolutely being created in construction and hospitality and information technology.� On the subject of jobs, Evans described how he had successfully negotiated the deal for the Marriott Marquis luxury hotel, set to open next to the convention center in May. “Part of the deal was that 600 jobs are mandated for District employees,� he said. The Ward 2 council member and the mayor had just returned from a trip to Wall Street, and both said New York City’s traffic reminded them that D.C. is right to incentivize alternative modes of transportation. “Yesterday’s experience is why we don’t live in New York City,� said Evans, calling for continued expansion of the District’s Metro system and, more concretely, a bus lane on 16th Street. Bowser had limited time to speak

due to her late arrival, but she was once again the sharpest critic of D.C.’s scandal-plagued Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, declaring that “residents of the District of Columbia have lost confidence in our fire and emergency protection.� Some of the lightest moments of the evening came at the very beginning and the tail end. During his introductory remarks, Allen drew laughs by making an explicit appeal to the Woman’s National Democratic Club’s female audience. “I’m so happy to be in the midst of beautiful women. I love women,� he said. “So, women, all of you all out here, I love you all.� Later, when representatives of the two absent candidates were allowed to make closing statements, Barbara Wells took the podium. The wife of the Ward 6 council member said she knew her husband wished he could be at the forum. She then added, “I can tell you there’s a lot of places I’d rather be right now.� The remark prompted some murmurs in the audience, and it also provided an opening for Shallal, who spoke next. “I have to say, there’s no place I’d rather be than with you,� the restaurateur told the crowd with a twinkle in his eye. “I want to break out in song, but I won’t.�

facturing process,� the local company Roxbury Technology collects and re-manufactures used ink and toner cartridges from the nonprofit Partners HealthCare. The nonprofit then purchases the cartridges back. Conceived as part of an environmental sustainability push, this process both creates jobs and prevents cartridges from piling up in landfills. Settles said the approach is an example of how companies can “use their dollars to make a difference.� He believes major employers in D.C. would get on board with similar initiatives for the Jobs Trust Fund. “I think most businesses,

especially those that are consumer-driven, want to be good corporate citizens,� he said. Settles is a Wells Fargo mortgage consultant. After graduating from St. John’s College High School in D.C., he received a bachelor’s degree in finance from Howard University. Settles attempted to run against incumbent atlarge D.C. Council member Anita Bonds in last year’s special election, but he failed to qualify for the race when his nominating petitions were challenged. This article is the first in a series exploring key policy objectives from at-large D.C. Council candidates.

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The Georgetown


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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The CurrenT



This is a listing of reports taken from Feb. 17 through 23 in local police service areas.

psa PSA 101 101 ■ DownTown

Assault with a dangerous weapon ■ 1300-1399 block, K St.; 5:45 a.m. Feb. 17 (with knife). Motor vehicle theft ■ Constitution Avenue and 7th Street; 3:15 a.m. Feb. 23. ■ 13th and K streets; 6:15 p.m. Feb. 23.

+ for


dc proud

?I[PQVO\WV 8W[\ -VLWZ[ML “Ms. Bowser has ably served the needs of a ward that has high expectations of its representatives. She has shown spine in opposing legislation that for all its popularity would do the city harm. She is willing to admit her mistakes, open her mind to new ideas and surround herself with smart, capable staff. All are good traits for an executive, as is her penchant for getting up early and working until the job is done.” — Washington Post

,+ 6MML[ 5]ZQMT *W_[MZ NWZ 5IaWZ

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___ U]ZQMTNWZUIaWZ KWU Paid for by Muriel Bowser for Mayor, PO Box 60385, Washington DC 20039. Ben Soto, Treasurer. A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance.

Theft ■ 1000-1099 block, F St.; 11:55 a.m. Feb. 19. ■ 500-599 block, 14th St.; 2:30 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1300-1399 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 4:12 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1000-1099 block, F St.; 9:30 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 1200-1399 block, Madison Drive; 3:40 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 900-999 block, E St.; 10:18 a.m. Feb. 23. ■ 1200-1299 block, G St.; 1:30 p.m. Feb. 23. Theft from auto ■ 700-799 block, 12th St.; 7 a.m. Feb. 20. ■ 900-999 block, New York Ave.; 3 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 4th Street and Madison Drive; 5:15 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 1200-1299 block, K St.; 9:15 a.m. Feb. 23.

psa 102

■ gAllEry PSA 102 PlACE


Robbery ■ 300-599 block, C St.; 7 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 700-799 block, I St.; 6:11 a.m. Feb. 21 (with gun). Assault with a dangerous weapon ■ 800-899 block, E St.; 3:23 a.m. (with knife). ■ 400-499 block, 8th St.; 2:13 p.m. Feb. 23. Motor vehicle theft ■ 6th Street and New York Avenue; 2:06 a.m. Feb. 22. Theft ■ 900-999 block, 9th St.; 6:02 p.m. Feb. 18. ■ 800-899 block, 7th St.; 8:55 p.m. Feb. 18. ■ 500-599 block, 5th St.; 12:45 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 900-999 block, 9th St.; 11:10 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 800-899 block, 7th St.; 6:52 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 400-457 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 8:56 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 400-499 block, 7th St.; 10:37 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 400-457 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 8:49 a.m. Feb. 22. ■ 700-899 block, Mount Vernon Place; 3 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 700-799 block, 7th St.; 11 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 700-799 block, 7th St.; 4:03

Police Report p.m. Feb. 23. ■ 8th and D streets; 5:53 p.m. Feb. 23. ■ 400-457 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 7:10 p.m. Feb. 23. Theft from auto ■ 300-498 block, Indiana Ave.; 11:16 a.m. Feb. 19. ■ 1000-1099 block, New Jersey Ave.; 1:20 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 6th and F streets; 8:28 a.m. Feb. 23.

psa PSA 201 201


Burglary ■ 5500-5519 block, 33rd St.; 3:27 p.m. Feb. 23. Theft ■ 5011-5149 block, Chevy Chase Parkway; 2 p.m. Feb. 23.

■ 3200-3299 block, Cleveland Ave.; 3 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 3200-3299 block, 36th St.; 8:34 a.m. Feb. 21. ■ 3100-3199 block, 33rd Place; 9:20 a.m. Feb. 21. ■ Macomb and 36th streets; 11:17 a.m. Feb. 22.

psa 205

■ PAlISADES / SPrIng vAllEy PSA 205

wESlEy HEIgHTS / FoxHAll

Theft ■ 4700-4799 block, Whitehaven Parkway; 1:28 p.m. Feb. 18. ■ 1612-1655 block, 45th St.; 6:08 p.m. Feb. 19. Theft from auto ■ 47th and Tilden streets; 1:28 p.m. Feb. 19.

psa PSA 206 206

■ gEorgETown / bUrlEITH

Theft from auto ■ 3800-3899 block, Morrison St.; 8:15 p.m. Feb. 19.

Sexual abuse ■ 37th and O streets; 5 a.m. Feb. 18.

psa 202

Burglary ■ 3500-3599 block, Connecticut Ave.; 3:53 p.m. Feb. 18.

Theft ■ 1026-1099 block, 31st St.; 2:32 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 3300-3399 block, Water St.; 6:11 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ R Street and Wisconsin Avenue; 9:54 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 3000-3049 block, M St.; 3:52 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 3600-3699 block, O St.; 5:54 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 3200-3275 block, M St.; 6:27 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1026-1099 block, 31st St.; 10:20 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1026-1099 block, 31st St.; 10:45 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 1200-1237 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 4 a.m. Feb. 22. ■ 1224-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 3:28 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 1224-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 3:59 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 3030-3099 block, K St.; 8:07 p.m. Feb. 23.

Motor vehicle theft ■ 3300-3399 block, 35th St.; 10:40 a.m. Feb. 22.

Theft from auto ■ 3036-3099 block, M St.; 11:50 p.m. Feb. 17.

Theft from auto ■ Porter and Quebec streets; 5:22 p.m. Feb. 17.

psa PSA 207 207


TEnlEyTown / AU PArk

Theft ■ 4530-4599 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 2:42 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 5300-5399 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 7:27 p.m. Feb. 20. Theft from auto ■ 4600-4699 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 8:38 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 4600-4699 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 10:46 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 41st and Chesapeake streets; 11:41 p.m. Feb. 19.

psa 203

■ ForEST HIllS / vAn nESS PSA 203

ClEvElAnD PArk

psa 204


HEIgHTS / ClEvElAnD PArk wooDlEy PArk / glovEr PSA 204 PArk / CATHEDrAl HEIgHTS

Sexual abuse ■ 2504-2599 block, Wisconsin Ave.; noon Feb. 17. ■ Wisconsin and Idaho avenues; noon Feb. 22. Burglary ■ 2300-2315 block, Calvert St.; 8:31 a.m. Feb. 18. Theft ■ 2301-2499 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 9:32 a.m. Feb. 21. Theft from auto ■ 3200-3399 block, Klingle Road; 3:41 a.m. Feb. 20.

■ Foggy boTToM / wEST EnD

Robbery ■ 22nd and F streets; 4 p.m. Feb. 21. Burglary ■ 800-899 block, 22nd St.; 7:39 a.m. Feb. 21. ■ 924-999 block, 26th St.; 6:53 p.m. Feb. 21. Theft ■ 1500-1599 block, K St.; 3:30 p.m. Feb. 17. ■ 2200-2299 block, I St.; 4:15 p.m. Feb. 17. ■ 800-899 block, 22nd St.; 2:10 p.m. Feb. 18. ■ 1800-1899 block, I St.; 3:30 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 1800-1899 block, L St.; 7:40 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 1100-1129 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:50 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 500-599 block, 21st St.;

10:07 a.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1700-1799 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 3:48 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1100-1129 block, 17th St.; 8 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 2400-2448 block, Virginia Ave.; 10:31 a.m. Feb. 21. ■ 2000-2099 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 6:34 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 1000-1099 block, Vermont Ave.; 5:09 a.m. Feb. 22. ■ I and 16th streets; 3:30 a.m. Feb. 23. ■ 1100-1129 block, 17th St.; 8 p.m. Feb. 23. Theft from auto ■ 1700-1709 block, K St.; 2:26 p.m. Feb. 20.

psa 208

■ SHErIDAn-kAlorAMA PSA 208


Motor vehicle theft ■ 19th Street and Dupont Circle; 8:15 p.m. Feb. 17. Theft ■ 1400-1499 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 6:30 a.m. Feb. 17. ■ 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 7:01 p.m. Feb. 18. ■ 2016-2099 block, O St.; 11:44 p.m. Feb. 18. ■ 1200-1299 block, 23rd St.; 3:44 p.m. Feb. 19. ■ 1252-1299 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 7:26 a.m. Feb. 20. ■ 2016-2099 block, O St.; 9:44 a.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1200-1219 block, Connecticut Ave.; 1 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 1700-1799 block, Connecticut Ave.; 7:45 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 1400-1499 block, P St.; 11:33 p.m. Feb. 22. ■ 1200-1249 block, 22nd St.; 9:34 a.m. Feb. 23. Theft from auto ■ 18th and Church streets; 10:59 a.m. Feb. 18. ■ 2000-2099 block, Connecticut Ave.; 1:15 p.m. Feb. 21.

psa PSA 301 301


Robbery ■ 1700-1780 block, U St.; 4:10 a.m. Feb. 23 (with gun). Theft ■ 1500-1599 block, Q St.; 1:39 p.m. Feb. 17. ■ 1400-1499 block, Q St.; 8:48 a.m. Feb. 19. ■ 1700-1789 block, Corcoran St.; noon Feb. 19. ■ 2000-2099 block, 15th St.; 6 p.m. Feb. 20. ■ 16th and Irving streets; 11:02 p.m. Feb. 21. ■ 1400-1429 block, S St.; 1:47 p.m. Feb. 23. ■ 1700-1789 block, Corcoran St.; 2:28 p.m. Feb. 23. ■ 1818-1899, 18th St.; 8:09 p.m. Feb. 23. Theft from auto ■ 1600-1699 block, U St.; 9:28 a.m. Feb. 20.

The CurreNT

wedNesday, February 26, 2014


EMS: Council discussses state of emergency services

From Page 1

ined details the fire department released Friday from its internal investigation of the Mills case, which Quander conducted. “I was greatly troubled and saddened by what I discovered,� Quander said at the hearing. “There appeared to be just a laissez-faire attitude, which is unacceptable, which is embarrassing.� On Jan. 25, Mills, 77, collapsed across the street from Engine Co. 26 at 1340 Rhode Island Ave. NE, receiving no assistance from the five staffers at the firehouse despite requests from the public. The ambulance dispatched to the scene by the city’s Office of Unified Communications was also sent to the wrong city quadrant. According to the report, one Engine Co. 26 firefighter told another they could not respond because they had not been formally dispatched. Though asked by the lieutenant to get an exact address, the firefighter stalled, going to his bunkroom to study. The report also shows that the 911 call taker initially sent an ambulance to Northwest D.C. rather than Northeast. The mistake was corrected during the call, but other personnel failed to see the update. A police officer was ultimately able to flag down another ambulance to pick up Mills, who died of heart failure at Washington Hospital Center. At the hearing, Wells said he wanted to believe “a freak cascade of errors� contributed to the incident, but he also questioned Ellerbe and Quander about the big picture. “Was it a coincidence that they were together in that firehouse?� he asked of the five staffers who failed to respond. “Or is this a problem in the fire department?� Quander answered that the incident was “a character issue,� insisting that “the policies are in place and the procedures are solid.� When Wells probed for history on the lieutenant in charge at Engine Co. 26, Quander took the same tack. “It doesn’t matter if the employee had a prior conviction or a Nobel Peace Prize,� he said. “She failed to do what was clearly in front of her, and that’s all.� Chief Ellerbe provided brief responses during the hearing, defending the integrity of the department — “I was raised in this process for 30 years,� he said — and the rationale of his own responses to the Mills case. “Believe me, everyone at this table has the feeling that this should not have happened,� he said. Questioned by Wells, the chief said he deliberately waited a few days before addressing the public due to personal connections. “I belong to a fraternal organization with Mr. Mills and went to school with his son.� And though he couldn’t provide details on the ongoing disciplinary procedure for the involved employees, Ellerbe said he was “confident

the process will take us through the end.� The hearing also explored another death in January that brought up questions about emergency response tactics. On Jan. 10, Jose Santos Ruiz Perez, 39, was found dead in his 16th Street NW apartment hours after apparently receiving attention from both police and ambulance workers. Conflicting details emerged about the case. A friend of Perez who testified claimed that police officers — believing Perez was merely drunk — waved off an ambulance that Perez himself had called. According to Quander, however,

â??Was it a coincidence that they were together in that firehouse?â?ž — Council member Tommy Wells a passerby had summoned the help, and Perez declined an ambulance ride to a hospital after police and emergency responders assessed him and found no immediate dangers. “There was no requirement to forcibly transport Mr. Perez to the hospital against his will,â€? Quander said of the circumstances. The incident is currently under investigation in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, he said. For some, the case suggests parallels to the 2006 death of retired New York Times editor David Rosenbaum, who died after D.C. emergency workers mistook the effects of injuries from a mugging for public drunkenness in Chevy Chase. Other accounts of potentially avoidable deaths came out at Monday’s hearing. Emergency room nurse Julie Moses described the 2009 death of her son Andre Rudder, who sought help from his neighborhood fire station when he felt chest pains. “That’s what you look at, if there’s no hospital close by,â€? she said. Moses said her son died in front of the station while waiting for an ambulance. The hearing also got into the long-running issue of labor-management disputes, which many view as an impediment to the fire department’s efficiency. Quander, in his report on the Mills case, noted one challenge: “Unlike the majority of public safety organizations in the country,â€? the report says, in D.C. captains and lieutenants belong to the same collective bargaining unit as the personnel they supervise. Edward Smith, president of the firefighters union, accused “inept leadershipâ€? of bringing “this oncegreat department to ruins.â€? Steve Chasin, representing the paramedics union, claimed that “EMS has always been second to everything in the fire department.â€? Of the recent tragedies, he said, “At this point, we have to say, we told you so.â€? Wells later rebuked him. “There’s

no level of ‘I told you so’ for any agency that’s a first-responder.� The hearing also featured testimony from paramedic Gene Ryan, who said he was “subject to egregious and unrelenting harassment� for speaking out about a culture of fraud and negligence within the department. Among other problems, Ryan said he had witnessed intentional forgeries related to the handling of medications. He also recalled an incident when he saw a police officer in need of aid in front of his firehouse but was required under department procedures to “reset a malfunctioning fire alarm� instead of helping him. Though the hearing focused on problems rather than solutions, future remedies were discussed. Ellerbe described activities to boost employee morale and recent purchases of state-of-the-art equipment. Quander’s report refers to training, technology and protocol changes that can help improve the Office of United Communication’s dispatching procedures. A task force has also been established to review such issues. For the fire department, the report notes several recent memos sent to employees to remind them of proper procedures.

Brian Kapur/Current file photo

Fire and Emergency Medical Services Chief Kenneth Ellerbe says he is confident in the disciplinary procedure now underway. At the hearing, Wells questioned whether memos were enough, asking Chief Ellerbe why meetings weren’t scheduled at every city firehouse. “I want to be clear. We hire and employ adults,� Ellerbe said, referring to the “clearly defined� regulations, training and disciplinary processes governing his department.

But if employees break code “because of apathy,� he said, “we have the responsibility to take action.� After Wells alerted Mayor Gray of his calls for resignations, mayoral spokesperson Pedro Ribeiro, to The Washington Post, called the move “another shameless and idiotic stunt on his part.�

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014



The Northwest


Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor Chris Kain/Managing Editor

Fatal apathy

Last week’s report on the botched Jan. 25 response to a man who collapsed at a Rhode Island Avenue NE strip mall reveals a tragedy of errors. Medric Mills Jr., 77, passed out while shopping with his daughter. Witnesses sought help by both calling 911 and running to a fire station across the street. But no one from the nearby station responded, and the team dispatched by the Office of Unified Communications was sent to the corresponding address in Northwest. Finally, a police officer hailed an ambulance. Mr. Mills died at MedStar Washington Hospital Center later that day. The numerous ways in which city employees bungled the response included: a 911 call taker recording the wrong quadrant for the location; a dispatcher and radio operators failing to notice when the call taker later corrected that detail; the nearby fire station’s lieutenant failing to respond because she hadn’t been provided a specific address; and a firefighter who was asked to provide the address going to a bunkroom to study rather than getting it. And that’s just part of the complex series of failures detailed in the report by Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice Paul Quander. The failings of the 911 call taker, dispatcher and radio operators seem due to carelessness. And that’s certainly problematic; residents should feel confident that crucial members of our emergency response system take utmost care to ensure swift responses. But even more disheartening was the firefighters’ inaction. The report doesn’t explain the motives of Lt. Kellene Davis and her four firefighters. It’s not clear whether Lt. Davis heard two initial reports of the situation, made over a partially disabled P.A., and ignored them, or whether she didn’t hear them at all. (And that detail must be ascertained.) But it is clear that when one firefighter came to tell her of the situation, rather than simply going outside to investigate, she responded that he should get her a specific address. Also clear is that the firefighter who spoke to Lt. Davis then went to the bunkroom to study rather than obtaining the address, perhaps due to a belief that other responders were on their way. Reading the report, it’s hard to see the firefighters’ inaction as due to anything other than apathy. At a hearing yesterday, Deputy Mayor Quander placed the blame directly within the firehouse, saying there are rules in place to prevent such failings. “This is nothing that has to do with policy and procedure,” Mr. Quander said. “This has to do with moral character.” That may be so. But we suspect the attitude that led to such staggering inertia stems from a lacking overall culture within the Fire and Emergency Medical Services agency, which has been the subject of far too many dispiriting reports of late. Mr. Quander’s detailed document is an important first step to address the January incident, as are some measures that have already been taken to improve operations. But we believe it’s crucial that the results of pending disciplinary action be made public. The Fire Trial Board will consider action against the firefighters, and the Office of Unified Communications is looking at discipline for its staff. The final decisions in these cases, if not the names, must be shared if there is to be any chance of restoring residents’ confidence. The D.C. Council should keep tabs to ensure that this information is released and that suitable penalties are carried out.

Artful agreement

It has long been clear that change was on the horizon for the Corcoran Gallery of Art and its college. Massive debt, a dwindling endowment and the need for more than $100 million in renovations convinced the institution’s board of trustees of the need for major restructuring. The group explored a possible sale of the historic beaux-arts building before coming to a potential agreement with the National Gallery of Art and George Washington University. Under the proposal, made public last week, the National Gallery of Art would take over the Corcoran’s art collection, while George Washington University would manage the Corcoran’s 17th Street building and absorb the Corcoran College of Art + Design. Opinions are mixed on this plan, which would maintain the site as an art gallery but eliminate the museum’s independence. We think it’s a solid compromise. Some of the Corcoran’s most notable artwork will become part of a “Legacy” gallery in the building, and other pieces could be assumed into the National Gallery collection, lent to other museums or used for study. And George Washington will provide a stabilizing force for the art school. The plan also avoids the less desirable potential fate of moving the collection to the suburbs and selling the building. We hope the trustees of the three institutions will approve the plan, after carefully assessing its details.

The Current

Home stretch already … ?


e are just 19 days away from early voting in the 2014 mayor’s race. It begins Monday, March 17. The major candidates are busy lining up bus trips to the elections office at One Judiciary Square. Expect the area to be papered in political signs. Any registered voter regardless of precinct can vote at 441 4th St. NW through March 29. Twelve other sites, scattered around the city, will open from March 22 through 29. (See a list at the end of the column.) Before you vote, there will be many more forums, seemingly three or four every week. Not all candidates make it to all forums. That’s because some have true schedule conflicts and others strategize about who else will or won’t be there. (If you’re reading this on our publication date, tune into WAMU 88.5 FM today from 7 to 9 p.m. for a forum moderated by host Kojo Nnamdi. The panelists asking thoughtful questions are your Notebook and WAMU’s Patrick Madden and Kavitha Cardoza.) ■ The “UnForum” forum. DC Appleseed, an activist research nonprofit, is hosting its own candidate conversations. It’s teaming up with 20 other public interest groups for its “Honest Conversations With the D.C. Mayoral Candidates.” Appleseed director Walter Smith said each conversation, with two candidates at a time, will “focus on one of the most pressing issues facing the city — inequality.” That could cover a lot of ground. The “conversations” will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on the next three Sundays in the Moot Court Room at the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law, 4340 Connecticut Ave. To RSVP, go to tinyurl.com/unforum-rsvp. NBC4’s Mark Segraves kicks off the series on March 2, with Muriel Bowser and Tommy Wells. On March 9, candidates Jack Evans and Vincent Orange will sit down with The Washington Post’s Marc Fisher. Fisher will then meet with Mayor Vincent Gray and Andy Shallal on March 16. Appleseed’s conversations will be with “leading” candidates for mayor. The group’s list didn’t include candidates Reta Jo Lewis or Carlos Allen. ■ “No position.” The muddled mayor’s race has flummoxed organized labor. The leadership of the Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO, voted Monday night to take “no position” on any of candidates. The labor group four years ago strongly backed Gray with both money and boots on the ground. While five union locals have endorsed Gray this year, the umbrella union organization represents 120 locals in the Washington area. Joslyn Williams, president of the group since 1982, says the “no position” means any local can make its own endorsement or sit out the race. Organized labor has been disappointed in Gray’s overall approach as mayor, but none of the challengers cap-

tured enough interest either. ■ The Post endorsement. Every election season it’s the same thing: People aspire to win the newspaper’s editorial endorsement and, when they don’t get it, dismiss it as meaningless in modern-day D.C. The Post has impact. Get over it. The Post late last week endorsed Bowser in a lengthy editorial. The Notebook offers kudos to Washingtonian writer Harry Jaffe, who predicted the Post pick back on Feb. 5. “Bowser has the edge,” Jaffe wrote then, noting that The Post previously had passed over experience for freshness. “The Post endorsed her mentor, Adrian Fenty, despite his inexperience,” he wrote. We don’t think many people would have predicted the snippy dismissal of candidate Shallal, which noted that his “main focus seems to be to decry the economic forces that have contributed to his business’s success.” Shallal is a successful businessman. He runs a collection of restaurants that sell good food inexpensively, and he pays workers more than legally required. He opens his Busboys & Poets restaurants to all sorts of community, political and cultural gatherings. And yes, Shallal may be the most liberal candidate on the ballot. In fact, Bowser had to apologize for dismissing him as a “rich socialist” (Shallal accepted her apology). Maybe the Post line doesn’t merit an apology, but it might merit more thought. ■ Those polling places. Again, mark your calendars. From March 22 to 29, these additional polling places around the city will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Columbia Heights Community Center, 1480 Girard St. NW; Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW; Stoddert Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW; Takoma Community Center, 300 Van Buren St. NW; Emery Recreation Center, 5801 Georgia Ave. NW; Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Ave. NE; King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St. SW; Sherwood Recreation Center, 640 10th St. NE; Kennedy Recreation Center, 1401 7th St. NW; Dorothy Height/Benning Library, 3935 Benning Road NE; Hillcrest Recreation Center, 3100 Denver St. SE; and Bald Eagle Recreation Center, 100 Joliet St. SW. ■ More voting? If you’re still in the mood to vote on something, you can consider what restaurants and nightspots you’d recommend to tourists and other visitors. Zagat wants to know. The famous guidebook is inviting folks to take its Washington, D.C., Nightlife Survey through March 18. You might earn $25 off some wine — or one of three laptops, designated for what Zagat deems “the wittiest 3 reviewers.” Interested? Check it out at survey.zagat.com. (Thanks to DCist for pointing out this opportunity to us.) Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.



Letters to the Editor Georgetown custom zone is appropriate

We are writing to respond to The Current’s Feb. 19 article about the proposed Georgetown custom zone. Having taken part in the proposal’s creation, we believe it’s important to speak up in its defense. The D.C. Office of Planning is proposing a Georgetown customized zone not because of any preferential treatment, but because the Georgetown community took the time to build a genuine consensus between residents

with a wide array of perspectives. All neighborhoods in D.C. have community members with differing views on density, and how to accommodate increase population growth. In response to the Office of Planning’s public call for input, Georgetowners with various perspectives came together to talk and listen to one another. For example, the two of us are generally in support of greater density and related smart growth goals. If it were up to us alone, the proposal would look quite different. But others in the neighborhood have different views, which we respect. The proposed customized zone for Georgetown reflects a genuine compromise between

these diverse perspectives. The Office of Planning would not — and should not — support such a proposal if it weren’t born of such mutually respectful compromise. If civic leaders wish to establish a customized zone for their own neighborhoods, we believe the first step they should take is to gather neighbors with diverse perspectives, not just those with whom they agree. They should talk and listen to one another. Only then can a true consensus be found, and only then should the Office of Planning take their proposal seriously. Ken Archer Topher Mathews Georgetown

The Current

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Clear sidewalks are essential for winter safety VIEWPOINT mary cheh


ver the past few weeks, we’ve all had to navigate icy, snow-covered sidewalks. Uncleared sidewalks are dangerous and hinder our ability to go about our day-to-day tasks and, in some cases, prevent residents from getting out at all. There are multiple players responsible for clearing the sidewalks in the District: the government, businesses and residents. The District’s Snow Removal Team, which includes local agencies like the Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Works, is responsible for clearing snow and ice from our roadways and from the immediate areas surrounding District government buildings and property, including bridges. The National Park Service is responsible for clearing walkways and bridges under its jurisdiction. For their part, businesses and residents are required by law to remove snow and ice from their sidewalks within eight hours of daylight after the end of a snowstorm. But right now, there is no effective remedy to enforce this obligation. Under current law, the Public Works Department may remove snow from uncleared sidewalks and then sue the property owner in Superior Court to recover the cost — capped at $25! This is absurdly impractical and ineffective. When I asked the Attorney General’s Office how many times the department had sued property owners for failure to remove snow, his office was unable to identify a single case. To respond to this ineffective enforcement system, in 2011 I introduced the Winter Sidewalk Safety

Letters to the Editor D.C. must act to ease income inequalities

I think most readers know that D.C.’s regressive tax structure and chronic pandering to the wealthy by our elected officials is making inequality worse. But it turns out D.C. has much worse inequality than many realize. According to a new Brookings Institution report, D.C. is actually fifth on a list of the top 50 U.S. cities ranked by inequality. Here in D.C., the top 5 percent of households receive annual income ($290,637) that is 13.3 times the annual household income of the bottom 20 percent of households ($21,782). Even more astounding: Residents in the top 5 percent by household income in D.C. have the second-highest annual household income of the top 50 U.S. cities ranked by inequality. Only in San Francisco does the top 5 percent of households have a higher household income than in D.C. It is outrageous, in a city as rich as ours and with a wealth gap as wide as ours, that Mayor Vincent Gray and the D.C. Council are allowing stunningly wealthy residents to avoid paying their fair share in taxes (on their large salaries, on their very large investment income and on their multimillion-

Amendment Act, which would have created a conventional citation system with fines. Under the legislation, fines for commercial properties would have begun at $125 for the first offense, with an increase to $250 for the second offense, and then $500 for any subsequent offense. Fines for residential properties would have begun at $25 for the first offense, increasing to $50 for the second offense, and then $100 for any subsequent offense. Such a system has worked well in jurisdictions like New York City and Chicago. Unfortunately, my colleagues voted 8-4 to table the bill, and it died at the end of the legislative period. This despite the fact that I responded to opponents’ concerns by lowering the fines and penalties and by allowing the executive to make exceptions for seniors and the disabled. Given our recent experiences, though, I intend to introduce similar legislation again, in the hope that something can be in place for next winter. In the absence of such legislation or as a supplement to it if enacted, we need to take at least these steps: ■ Do the right thing and make sure we clean our own sidewalks, including clearing access to the street. ■ Participate in or support volunteer efforts either informally in our own neighborhoods or in an organized way such as with groups on listservs, the DC Citizens Snow Team, or Boy Scout Troop 100 in the Palisades. ■ Air grievances against non-compliant businesses at suitable community gatherings or on listservs and make them uncomfortable when not meeting their obligations — name names. With a multifaceted and public-spirited approach, we can ensure safer sidewalks for all next winter. Mary Cheh represents Ward 3 on the D.C. Council.

dollar homes), while D.C.’s homeless shelters are overflowing. D.C. has the lowest property tax rates of all surrounding jurisdictions, and it is well-proven that low-income D.C. households pay a higher effective rate of income tax than wealthy D.C. households. Local officials have repeatedly protected a massive tax shelter for wealthy bondholders who own scores of millions of dollars in non-D.C. municipal bond portfolios. The D.C. Tax Revision Commission recommended lower tax rates on corporations and businesses and lower rates on the wealthy, although it did rightly refuse to recommend reducing property taxes on the wealthy. Yet last week, the mayor demanded that the council give him “emergency power” to deny shelter to some homeless families. A few weeks ago, the mayor’s plan to deal with the homelessness emergency (as stated in an interview with The Washington Post) was to ask “the council to work with us to give us the flexibility to be able to spend the dollars differently. I don’t want people to think we need more money. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying I don’t want to be spending the money the way we’re spending it now. I want to spend it on helping people get to a permanent situation.” The D.C. government’s treatment of the poor and homeless is immoral and shameful. All incumbent elected officials share in the

blame for this intolerable situation. David F. Power Forest Hills

Bus stop shouldn’t move to Garfield St.

The Glover Park advisory neighborhood commission wants to move the bus stop at Wisconsin Avenue and Fulton Street north a block to Garfield Street. It should not be moved because the intersection there is too busy. Besides heavy north and south traffic, east and west traffic is substantial since drivers use Garfield to access Massachusetts Avenue. Also, one lane on Wisconsin is dedicated to left turns onto Garfield. Moving the bus stop will bring more pedestrian activity to the Garfield intersection, creating a dangerous situation. A stoplight should be installed at Fulton and Wisconsin. Besides the usual traffic at Fulton, drivers use Fulton to exit Massachusetts Avenue. During evening rush hour, it’s the only street where drivers are permitted to make a left turn to reach Wisconsin. It’s dangerous for drivers and pedestrians to cross at Fulton without a stoplight. A signal here will alleviate this situation. Since this would result in three stoplights in three blocks, these signals should be timed to change to green simultaneously to keep traffic flowing on Wisconsin Avenue. Patricia Senchur Cathedral Heights

Letters to the editor The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to letters@currentnewspapers.com.


10 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Current



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In Your Neighborhood The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, March 17, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. For details, visit anc2d.org or contact davidanc2d01@aol.com.

be scanned and downsized. Commissioner Victor Silveira said he is getting estimates for scanning either all the records, or just some of them. The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 17, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. For details, visit anc3c.org.

ANC 2E ANC 2E Georgetown â– Georgetown / cloisters Cloisters burleith / hillandale

ANC 3D ANCValley 3D Spring â– spring valley / wesley heights Wesley Heights palisades / kent / foxhall

The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 3, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 1524 35th St. NW. For details, call 202-724-7098 or visit anc2e.com.

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, in the Abramson Family Founders Room, School of International Service Building American University, Nebraska and New Mexico avenues NW. Agenda items include: ■presentation by D.C. Department of Transportation planner Anthony Foster on existing “narrow� bus shelters at the corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Cathedral Avenue and at Massachusetts Avenue and Fordham Road, both of which have been identified as candidates for exchanges with a larger non-ad or regular bus shelter. ■presentation on the 2014 Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, Oct. 26. ■presentation on the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure on Saturday, Sept. 27. ■consideration of a public space application by Sycamore Design Build for a new driveway at 2715 49th St. ■consideration of a Board of Zoning Adjustment application for a special exception at 5009 Weaver Terrace to permit an addition to a one-family detached dwelling not meeting the side-yard requirements. The commission’s zoning committee will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, in the Community Room at Sutton Towers, 3101 New Mexico Ave. NW. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit anc3d.org.

ANC 2D ANC 2D Sheridan-Kalorama

â– sheridan-kalorama

ANC 3B ANCPark 3B Glover ■Glover Park / Cathedral heights The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at Stoddert Elementary School and Glover Park Community Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email info@anc3b.org or visit anc3b. org. ANC 3C ANC 3C Cleveland Park ■cleveland park / woodley Park Woodley Park massachusetts avenue heights Massachusetts Avenue Heights Cathedral Heights At the commission’s Feb. 18 meeting: ■a Metropolitan Police Department officer reported that this month there were no assaults, one robbery and five motor vehicle thefts in Police Service Area 204. A man reported that he was sexually assaulted at the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and Tenley Circle. Community members voiced concern over an increase in collisions between vehicles and bicycles as well as vehicles and pedestrians. The officer directed citizens to report any problematic locations to Lt. Ralph Neal at ralph.neal@dc.org. Following the meeting, commissioner Catherine May said that the commission has asked repeatedly for detailed collision data from the police department and the D.C. Department of Transportation, but has not received any. ■commissioners voted 7-0 to support the McLean Gardens Condominium application for building address signage. Nancy MacWood and Carl Roller were absent. ■the commission postponed consideration of a resolution on zoning regulations and tree protection issues to a future meeting. ■community members praised snow removal on streets but noted that many sidewalks near parks and in commercial areas remained icy and uncleared. ■commissioners voted 5-0, with Lee Brian Reba abstaining, to pursue acquiring space at Guy Mason Recreation Center to store the commission’s archives covering the past 30 years of meetings. The archives will

ANC 3E ANC 3E Tenleytown â– american university park American University Park friendship heights / tenleytown The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13, in the auditorium at Wilson High School, 3950 Chesapeake St. NW. For details, visit anc3e.org. ANC 3F ANCHills 3F Forest

â– Forest hills / North cleveland park

The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, at the Methodist Home of D.C., 4901 Connecticut Ave. NW. For details, call 202-670-7262 or visit anc3f.us. ANC 3/4G ANCChase 3/4G Chevy ■CHEVY CHASE At the commission’s Feb. 10 meeting: ■commission chair Jim McCarthy announced there have been 10

respondents to ads looking for a new office manager. The commission is also looking at getting a new computer or a new operating system. ■commissioner Rebecca Maydak reported that although the D.C. Department of Transportation had replaced two of the LED lights recently installed in local alleys with less powerful lights that have a more yellow hue, they remain too bright. It will take about 60 days for new shields to be available and up to six months for new lower-wattage light bulbs to be manufactured and delivered, she said. Anthony Cassillo of Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh’s office said that no more LEDs would be installed in the neighborhood until the brightness issue is resolved. Maydak also said that she had asked to see the Transportation Department’s contract for LED installation, and the agency instructed her to file a formal Freedom of Information Act request. ■commissioners voted 5-2, with Carolyn Cook and Rebecca Maydak opposed, to support a public space application for a circular driveway entrance at the apartment building under construction at 5333 Connecticut Ave. The driveway — to be accessed off Connecticut — would offer temporary parking for pickups, drop-offs and deliveries. Commission chair Jim McCarthy said the driveway could improve traffic and was unlikely to make it worse, and commissioners also noted that the commission had agreed to support the driveway as part of a memorandum of understanding with Cafritz. Cook opposed the driveway because she said she had inadequate time to consider the commission’s resolution, and Maydak said she was concerned that this was the commission’s last piece of leverage over aspects of the Cafritz project. The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 10, at the Chevy Chase Community Center, Connecticut Avenue and McKinley Street NW. For details, send an email to chevychaseanc3@verizon.net or call 202-363-5803. ANC 4A ANC Village 4A Colonial ■colonial village / crestwood Shepherd ShepherdPark Park / brightwood Crestwood 16th street heights The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 4, at the Fort Stevens Recreation Center, 13th and Van Buren streets NW. For details, call 202-450-6225 or visit anc4a.org. ANC 4C ANC 4c Street Heights Petworth/16th ■petworth/16th Street Heights The commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, at the Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. For details, call 202-723-6670 or visit anc4c.org.


Athletics in Northwest Washington



February 26, 2014 ■ Page 11

Maret senior trio leaves championship legacy with repeat MAC title By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

When coach Garrett O’Donnell took over a dismal Maret basketball program in 2009, after the team had logged an 8-15 record the previous season, he hoped to build a perennial contender without taking the shortcut of poaching other schools for talent. O’Donnell’s steady approach proved to be a shrewd one when the Frogs captured the Mid-Atlantic Conference crown last season. But to cement Maret as a new local power, the Frogs needed to reach the pinnacle again this year. Although Maret entered the season as the reigning MidAtlantic Conference champions, the Frogs were an afterthought; Saint James, which brought in talented transfers from basketball powerhouse Montrose Christian, was deemed the favorite to win the league. But as the saying goes, to be the man, you have to beat the man. And Saint James couldn’t. Maret swept the Saints in two regular season games to give the Frogs the banner. Then the Frogs ousted Flint Hill on Sunday 58-53 to win the MAC championship outright for the

second straight year. “It means a lot, especially for us three seniors,” said guard Steffen Davis. “We wanted to make a huge impact on the MAC. Winning it last year was big, but we wanted to repeat. People were counting us out.” Junior guard Austin Vereen led the Frogs with 17 points in the MAC title game. Davis scored 11 points, and senior guard Drake Goddard and junior forward Alex Peltier each added 10. For O’Donnell, the championship was the culmination of his effort to build a program from MAC cellar dweller to consistent threat. “We invested in people,” he said. “When I say invested, I mean time. Every year we brought in a couple kids — great kids, great students, and we stuck with them. It could have been easy to get this transfer or that transfer. But no, we stuck with them and let them grow and develop, and this is the reward because of it.” Maret’s three seniors — Goddard, Davis and Barnes — were all at the center of O’Donnell’s project. They solidified their legacy, cementing Maret on the basketball map, See Maret/Page 30

Brian Kapur/The Current

Maret seniors Steffen Davis, above left, Jalen Barnes, center, and Drake Goddard, right and far left, helped solidify Maret as a perennial contender by winning two straight outright MAC championships. Maret will now look for its first DCSAA crown.

Visitation wins the ISL AA crown outright By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Brian Kapur/The Current

The Cubs have earned at least a share of the last eight ISL titles. Their win over National Cathedral gave them an unshared crown.

Early in the season, Visitation senior Alexis Bryant, who will play soccer at Boston College next year, moved constantly in and out of her school’s basketball lineup because of a slew of soccer-related commitments. Despite the challenges, Visitation coach Mike McCarthy worked with Bryant to allow her to play basketball for the Cubs while still honoring her other obligations. The quirky schedule paid off in the Independent School League AA championship game. The Cubs held a slim lead in the final minutes, needing a big play to knock out National Cathedral. Then Bryant delivered. The guard took the ball up strong to the basket and scored a bucket despite being fouled, which made it a three-point play. Visitation’s fans went into a frenzy, and Bryant’s score buoyed the squad to a 44-34 victory Sunday afternoon at Sidwell. “The beginning of the season was a little slow for me after missing a lot of time for soccer,” said Bryant. “I just wanted to go out with a bang

and have a last hurrah with my teammates. The past four years have been so much fun.” The game was one of Bryant’s last turns on the basketball court before she shifts to a full-time focus on soccer. And she made it a big one, scoring nine points and grabbing 12 rebounds. “It’s sad,” she said. “Basketball has been a huge part of my life. I started when I was 8.” Fellow Cub Ana Hagerup, a senior guard, is in a similar situation. She will be playing lacrosse for the University of Virginia next year. But basketball was the first sport she loved, and it helped her get to know Bryant before they suited up for Visitation. “Alexis and I met through basketball in third grade,” said Hagerup. “We’ve been best friends ever since. It was my first sport that I’ve played. I have really enjoyed playing it.” While the Cubs’ dual-sport seniors served as leaders throughout the season, Sunday’s title win was a total team effort. Senior forward Sarah Tierney led the team with 11 points, sophomore point guard Alexis Gray had 10, and junior forward Kate Delaney, who

recovered from a knee injury earlier in the season to help down the stretch, scored six. Visitation was determined to win the crown outright after sharing the title with Bullis last season. The Cubs won the regular season, but they fell to the Bulldogs last February in the finals of the tournament. “It’s amazing, especially after coming off being co-champions,” said Gray. “I’m glad we could have a clean sweep.” While the Cubs emerged victorious, Cathedral was up for the challenge. The Eagles led 10-4 after the first quarter and seemed poised to go on a run, with junior guard Marta Sniezek — who finished with 22 points — leading the way. Cathedral sophomore forward Isabella Alarie scored seven. But the Cubs defense proved that the squad had learned valuable lessons from the teams’ matchup on Feb. 18, when Sniezek exploded for 43 points. Visitation clamped down and allowed Cathedral to score just 12 points in the second and third quarters to turn the tide. “In practice we focused on playing zone against Marta,” said TierSee Cubs/Page 30

12 Wednesday, February 26, 2014




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Northwest Sports

Defense carries Gonzaga to MAPHL title By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer


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Throughout the Mid Atlantic Prep Hockey League postseason, Gonzaga’s defense formed an impenetrable wall, allowing no successful shots. In Friday night’s championship game at the Gardens Ice House in Laurel, Md., one goal finally got past the Eagles, but they withstood another 41 shots to anchor a 3-1 victory over Calvert Hall. With the win, Gonzaga repeated as league champion. “I knew I needed to play a big game if we were going to get the ‘W,’� said goalie Nick Platais. “I’m a senior and I won’t ever be playing again, so I wanted to leave it all out here. “My defense played great, too,� he continued. “It means so much. I wouldn’t have felt that my career was complete if we didn’t do it.� Platais was named the Top Star of the game for his efforts in goal. “Nick Platais is the best goalie in the league,� said senior forward Bobby Hally. “They outshot us, but Nick played a helluva game. Our defense played great around him.� The win made for a perfect end to the team’s undefeated season. The

Eagles finished with a 26-0-1 record, and coach Nate Jackson earned his 100th win with the team during the playoff run. “The kids love playing for Gonzaga,� said Jackson. “It’s a treat to teach the kids in practice. We just keep getting better every year. We had a great group of seniors, and these kids deserved it.� Though Gonzaga ultimately emerged with the cup, Calvert Hall stormed into the game as the aggressors, outshooting the Eagles 12-2. But the squad withstood the early flurry, and the team’s offense eventually found cracks in the Cardinals defense. In a power play opportunity with 6 minutes, 55 seconds to go in the second period, senior defender Barlow Sanders scored off assists from senior defender Joey Downey

Brian Kapur/The Current

Gonzaga senior Bobby Hally, above right, was named the MAPHL player of the year for his stellar season. Eagles goalie Nick Platais, far left, allowed just one goal during the postseason. and junior forward Terence Schmutz. Just a few moments later, Gonzaga struck again when junior forward Dominik Pettey’s shot got lost See Gonzaga/Page 30

DCSAA announces basketball brackets By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

The D.C. State Athletic Association has released the bracket for its boys and girls basketball tournaments, which will crown city champions at the Verizon Center March 6. For the boys, St. John’s enters as the No. 1 seed after earning the best record in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference. Maret, the Mid-Atlantic Conference champion, is second; Cesar Chavez, the Public Charter School Athletic Association winner, is seeded third; and H.D. Woodson is fourth. The top four earned first-round byes. The first two rounds will be played at the campus of the higher seed. The opening-round matchups on Thurs-

day will be Coolidge at McKinley, St. Albans at Roosevelt, Georgetown Day at Anacostia and Friendship Collegiate at Wilson. The semifinals will be played at American University’s Bender Arena Sunday, with the title game next Thursday. St. John’s is the top overall seed in the girls’ bracket as well. Visitation, the Independent School League champion, is second; Friendship Collegiate is third; and Wilson is fourth. The girls’ first round will be played Thursday: Cesar Chavez will play at Bell, Georgetown Day at Anacostia, Sidwell at Ballou, and Coolidge at National Cathedral. The semifinals will take place at Bender Arena Sunday, with the city title game at Verizon Center next Thursday.

Cadets fall in WCAC championship game By BRIAN KAPUR Current Staff Writer

Amari Carter suffered a stress fracture earlier this season, and the initial diagnosis projected that she would miss the rest of the season. But after an evaluation last week, her doctors cleared her to begin practicing and playing for St. John’s. The junior seized the opportunity and led the Cadets in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference title game last night. But it wasn’t enough, as the playoff run ended with a heartbreaking 57-54 loss to league foe Paul VI at American University’s Bender Arena. For the Cadets to even reach the WCAC finale was an impressive

feat after the team suffered a slew of injuries. Sophomore guard Kayla Robbins sprained an anterior ligament in her knee during a preseason scrimmage back in November — and it was a sign of things to come for St. John’s. Robbins briefly returned, but she was sidelined again after her knee didn’t respond well. Coupled with Carter’s ailment, the Cadets’ top two players were out of the lineup. “I can’t say how proud I am of the team with what I’ve been through this year,� said Cadets coach Jonathan Scribner. “It seems like we’ve patched together five or six different teams at different points this year.� In the championship game, Carter shouldered the load, scoring 16

points, while freshman guard Niya Beverley added 12 and sophomore guard Shelbi Harris chipped in 11. The title game was close throughout and Cadets had a chance for a buzzer-beater, but Carter’s full-court heave was off the mark. “We played well enough to win,� said Scribner. “Basketball is a cruel sport sometimes. One ball goes in and one doesn’t, and the whole season hinges on it. I’ve been on the other side of that coin, so I can live with it.� St. John’s will now turn its attention to the D.C. State Athletic Association tournament. The Cadets earned the No. 1 overall seed and a first-round bye. St. John’s will host a DCSAA game on Friday.

13 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The CurrenT

Spotlight on Schools Aidan Montessori School

Our Outdoor Education teacher, Mr. Greenlee, is a very kind guy. He is a man who can fix almost anything. He’s also our recess monitor and he makes up fun games. We usually go on hikes in Woodley Park and play “Knockout” and “Everybody It.” A few months ago we went sledding and it was awesome. We also have an assistant named Ms. Adriana and she is great. She’s the one who introduced us to “Everybody It.” You rock, Mr. Greenlee! — Parker Davidson and Theodore Braddock, fourth-graders

Deal Middle School

The book festival, as Alice Deal’s English teacher Mr. McDowell claimed, “is the highlight of sixth grade!” The sixth-graders had to write a nonfiction book about a topic that they were interested in. There was everything there from food books to sports books, and a lot more. When you arrived in the cafeteria, you found a book that you liked and read it. When you finished you left a comment on the book for the author to read later. There were more than 450 books from so many genres. This was a great night for the students to show how hard they worked and to show off what great writers they are. We are looking forward to the 4th Annual Book Festival next year! — Katherine Bouker, sixth-grader

Eaton Elementary

At John Eaton, we have an annual school musical. Fourth- and fifth-graders participate in the musicals by auditioning to be in the cast or by signing up to be part of the technical crew (“techies”). We are in the middle of putting together “Beauty and the Beast.” We are excited for our performances on May 9 and 10. To audition, each student must sing a solo with no music. Kids get really nervous about singing in front of everyone. But it is also fun to

hear each other sing and feel proud when we are done with our audition. Right after auditions, we start rehearsals. Mr. Parodi, our director, teaches us acting, stage direction and pronunciation. Our music directors teach us the songs and work with us on harmonies and solos. Our choreographer, Ms. Munday, creates and teaches us the dances. The techies do all the behindthe-scenes work. They are the backbone of the show because they change the sets, do the lighting, do the sound effects, bring out props, serve as understudies and do everything to make sure the play goes smoothly and correctly. “Backstage is a show in itself that no one sees!” says a returning fifth-grade techie. Techies love being backstage and making it all work. Lots of Eaton faculty and parents help out with the show. Putting on the show takes a lot of work and time, but in the end it is so worth it! — Zoe Johnson, Cormac Bianchi and Sarah Ghirmay-Morgan, fifth-graders

Edmund Burke School

What is there to say about AIDS? What message can you give to our young citizens about AIDS? These are the questions health teachers must ask themselves. And what better way than to read a comic book by a world famous artist about his experiences? “Pedro and Me” is a graphic novel about Judd Winick and Pedro Zamora, during and after their time together on “The Real World: San Francisco.” At the time, Judd Winick was an unemployed cartoon artist looking for fast cash. Pedro Zamora was an AIDS educator, working with the makers of “The Real World” to teach the public about AIDS. They become lifelong friends and have become icons for AIDS and HIV in that time period. The seventh-grade health class at









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Burke is reading this fascinating and educational book together. I think it is by far the best way to learn about HIV and AIDS that I have ever come across: a difficult topic explored in a serious yet easy to understand way. — Gabriel Wittes, seventh-grader

Georgetown Day School

Believe it or not, as temperatures rise in the District and as spring approaches, some students are already counting down the days until summer vacation begins. Not getting ahead of ourselves, student activities and accomplishments are booming at this time of the year. Georgetown Day’s first-ever climbing team — yes, we have an operational, coed and competitive climbing team — recently attended the Washington Area Interscholastic Climbing League championships where sophomore Natalie Chipman claimed first prize in the girls category. The team also attended a bouldering competition last Tuesday against Sandy Springs and Woodberry Forest where Chipman again finished first on the girls side, while freshmen Josh Cherner tied for second place in the boys category. Last Friday was packed with entertainment and activity as the high school welcomed guest performer Karega Bailey and held the annual two vs. two basketball tournament. Bailey is an award-winning educator, author, poet and musician, and the dean of students at Maya Angelou Public Charter School. At an assembly organized by the Black Culture Club, Bailey presented his brand SOL (source of light) Spoken which seeks to increase the resiliency of at-risk students through poetry instruction and culture seminars.

The 32-team two vs. two basketball tournament was held during our lunch period with the winning duo donating the entrance fees to a charity of its choice. — Carlton Marshall II, 12th-grader

Hearst Elementary

Who doesn’t love the sound of sweet music? As we boarded the bus for our field trip to the Kennedy Center, we were very excited! We were headed to see the National Symphony Orchestra. The concert hall was so big. A man came out on stage and started playing his violin really fast! His fingers were flying over the strings. The show taught us about the language of music and how instruments communicate to each other. There were different types of music such as symphonies, popular music and soundtracks from movies. Our favorite song was “Mambo” from West Side Story. We all got to yell “Mambo!” really loud! It was so fun. After the show we all discussed our favorite instruments. What a great day! — Mrs. Massingill’s fourth-grade class

Janney Elementary

Every Thursday, during lunch, the staff of The Janney Garden Market club get jobs to do from Ms. Laurie Young, Ms. Jill Lynch and Ms. Linda Sell. They dig up carrots, cut basil, pick sunflowers, pick lettuce, and do other jobs with the food from the school’s garden. Then they set up tables on the outdoor classroom. After school people choose from a large variety of fruits and vegetables. There are also food samples you can try, varying from spicy

stew to apple cider. If you are in the market club, you can be assigned to the cash registers, the outdoor classroom with the food or the food samples. Fourth-grader Maya Landweber says, “The market is so fun because we get to do things you usually can’t, like selling things and using the credit card machine.” Fourthgrader Maggie Furco says, “The garden market was really fun because we got to sell things to other people,” and fourth-grader Jake Hetz says, “It was fun because I love cooking and I got to help with food samples.” The garden marketeers also get to pick and sell a huge variety of vegetables. Ms. Young explains, “We sell Janney produce such as cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots, but we also buy produce from Earth Spring Farm in Dickerson, Md.” Ms. Young said the garden market will be back in the spring and with a couple new things in store, and she wants more parents to volunteer. — Jared Cohen, fifth-grader

Key Elementary

Yes, more snow! At Key School, we had two snow days, on Feb. 15 (Thursday) and Feb. 16 (Friday). On Monday, it was Presidents Day and we always have school off on that holiday. Those three days combined with Saturday and Sunday made it a five-day weekend! The snow that had fallen all over the Palisades and other parts of D.C. is now melting quickly and the weather is showing signs of spring: It’s getting warmer, you can hear more birds and we are starting to have See Dispatches/Page 14

14 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

DISPATCHES From Page 13 outdoor recess again. It is a science time of the year here at Key! We recently started something called the “Science Question of the Week.� The science teachers, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Wetherald, come up with a question each week. Students who want to answer that question get a sheet of paper to record their findings. The questions for the past two weeks were: 1. Why are some insects, such as moths, attracted to light? 2. What causes humans to float? You can answer these questions for fun if you’d like! I thought both questions were very good, but I had more fun answering the first one. Thanks for reading! — Daniella Nichols, fourth-grader

Mann Elementary

We are having a new wing constructed at our school, but we haven’t seen anything happening on the building site for months. We interviewed the construction company to find out why, and they say they are waiting for permits for the new building and to bring trucks into a residential area. You cannot bring big heavy trucks through a

The CurrenT residential area without a permit. It makes us feel bad because there is no progress. We can’t remember the last time we saw anything happening there. The construction workers told us there were no other problems with the work, just the permits. Until our new school is finished, several classes are located in trailers around the campus. Here are some of the reasons why trailers are good and bad. It is easy for ants and mice to get in them, and when it was really cold the pipes in the trailer bathrooms froze. Each class has its own space, but if the class is big, the trailer can seem small. In some trailers the Internet is unreliable, but in others it is very reliable. — Ava Serafino and Nicolas Sotoodehnia, first-graders; Anna Lane, Madeline McGuire, Ethan Moses and Thomas Schehl, second-graders; Ava McKeever, Noel Mulugeta, Annika Jobanputra and Neeka Sadeghi, third-graders; Matteo Caloia, Theo Sotoodehnia, Joseph Laroski and Jamison Rozicer, fourth-graders; and Sam Alswang and Jack Irwin, fifth-graders

Maret School

Last week, Maret stopped following its normal schedule and

participated in ISW — Intensive Study Week. Every year, ISW follows a different theme. This year, we heard about a man named Paul Salopek and his walk around the world for seven years. On Monday, Mrs. Triggs told us about his walk and how Mr. Salopek used two camels to carry his stuff. She invited a real camel named Chewy to campus, and his owner told us about camels. During ISW, we spent one day with Professora Adamson and Madame Heimonet and made different foods. We watched a legend of a boy who met a condor that flew the boy to a star’s village with one hut. The star gave the boy quinoa, a type of grain, so he could feed his villagers. We cooked a type of stew and made a salad and then ate it for lunch. The next day, we worked with Mr. Stone and Ms. Forsyth. We had fun picking up trash around Maret! Mr. Stone played a neat game with us called “Ten Days in Africa.� We timed our showers at home and found out that each minute spent in the shower uses four gallons of water. Miss Skivington, Mr. Nisbet and some upper school teachers talked to us about nature. We went to Woodley Park, Great Falls and

The only candidate who has never taken or raised money from disgraced campaign financier Jeffrey Thompson. Called the "Governor of DC" because of his unrivaled political power, Jeffrey Thompson allegedly funded an illegal "shadow campaign" for Vince Gray in 2010. His power ruled the halls of DC government—except one man. Tommy Wells recognized Thompson for his corruption and refused to take campaign money from him. No others—Muriel Bowser, Jack Evans or Vincent Orange—can say that.

Rock Creek Park. We got to explore, with some boundaries. These trips made us stop and enjoy looking, listening and touching nature. — Miss Skivington’s second-graders

Our Lady of Victory School

Feb. 16 was a historic moment for Our Lady of Victory School. Our two eighth-grade varsity CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) basketball teams won division championships. Our seventh-grade boys were runners-up in their division. The eighth-grade girls played St. Jude, a team with a distinct size and height advantage. The game was physical and the teams traded baskets for most of the game. Reflecting on the game, players talked about the intense pressure of playing in the game and the need to stay focused and play as a team. Members of the team say they felt both relief and excitement after finally winning a championship. The eighth-grade boys entered the game focused on what it would take to beat a very good St. Ann’s team, a team they had faced earlier in the season. It was a physical game and the atmosphere became intense after some disputed calls. The boys said they kept a positive attitude by hustling, playing as a team and sticking with their game plan. The game was decided at the foul line where OLV showed a lot of poise in the fourth quarter. “Both eighth-grade teams won, so we have left our mark at OLV,� said one player. Both teams agreed that the championships really brought the community together. Many of the players have been playing CYO basketball together since third grade. They describe the excellent team chemistry developed over the years as one of the reasons

for their success. — Eighth-grade CYO teams

Powell Bilingual Elementary

We finally recovered from our four days of no school from the snow. Congratulations to the STEP team for its first performance at the Black History Awards and Culture Assembly. We received awards and also had an awesome performance by Urban Artistry. The first grade did a bilingual play on the Underground Railroad codes and parents made food. We went through activities and had our passports stamps. Activities included making story quilts with Faith Ringgold’s Tar Beach, playing instruments and learning about science inventions. Ms. Moessner’s class continues to hold the ST Math trophy. We also had a “Follow That Fiddle� inschool concert — have you ever seen a violin made out of a bat? This week we start Saturday Academy and hold a book fair. We continue our Green School Challenge, and we are currently in we are in seventh place out of 27 schools with 8.6 percent savings. Cheer us on as we hope to reach our goal of 10 percent! — Blanca Morales, fifth-grader (Pantherville deputy mayor)

Ross Elementary

The snow days were busy days for me. I had to shovel a lot, but it paid off because I got to enjoy hot cocoa. Happy Valentine’s Day! Did you know Ross celebrated, too? Every grade celebrated it differently. The fourth and fifth grades celebrated it creatively. They made boxes and collected their candies and cards. I personally enjoyed it because we got to design our boxes. We’re still celebrating Black See Dispatches/Page 25

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Established in 1922, WNDC is the meeting place for Democrats in DC, engaging members (women and men) in public policy and providing educational and cultural programs for the community. WNDC is located in the historic Whittemore House, New Hampshire and Q Street near Dupont Circle.

Sample of Upcoming Events

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t Tues., March 4, 10:15 am – 12:30 pm, Walking Tour of Clara Barton’s Civil War Washington & Missing Soldiers Office Museum t Tues., March 11, 11:30 am, Lunch Program: Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and 6 pm – 8 pm, Spring Art Reception t Wed., March 12, 6:30 pm – 8 pm, DC Council At-Large Candidates Forum, co-hosted with Dupont Circle Citizens Assoc. & Logan Circle Community Assoc. t Thurs., March 20, 11:30 am, Lunch Program: Tim Carpenter, National Director, Progressive Democrats of America Visit www.democraticwoman.org or call (202) 232-7363 for more information on events, pricing, reservations, and memberships

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington

February 26, 2014 â– Page 15

Vintage Georgetown row house brings modern flair


ucked on a quiet street in upper Georgetown sits a charming early-20th-century row house. The many attractions nearby include historic landmarks — Dumbarton Oaks, Tudor Place and

ON THE MARKET kat lucero

Oak Hill Cemetery — as well as green space at Montrose Park, with its playground, tennis courts, fields and trails to Rock Creek Park. Urban amenities aren’t far either, as Wisconsin Avenue’s commercial district is within walking distance. And for a far more bustling experience, M Street is also a quick stroll. In 2008, the current owner finished a major overhaul, gutting the entire property and creating a contemporary home with bright spaces and new systems — surround sound, electric, plumbing and dual heating and air conditioning — while also adding an extra bedroom. Now, this newly listed four-bedroom and three-and-a-half-bath residence at 3040 Dent Place is on the market for $1,495,000. The owner calls this area of

Georgetown “very special.� “I’ve lived all over D.C., and this little two-block neighborhood is like none other. The neighbors know who you are. There are a bunch of school-aged kids who play at each other’s houses. There are holiday block parties,� he said. In true Georgetown form, the renovation retained the original brick facade of this Victorianinspired home, including the roof’s dentils and dormer windows. Front landscaping, however, was a later addition, bringing in a gardenringed slate terrace. A bright-green front door complements this soonto-be-leafy entrance. Inside, the renovation also left key period pieces intact, like original wooden floors, molding and copper-plated hardware. Some of the doors, such as the pocket ones on the main floor, are also native to the 1910 home. The entryway features a cozy mudroom, complete with a nook for shoes, a sitting ledge and one layer of shelving. A glass-paneled door with a transom window opens to the main level. At the front of the house is a parlor, with white interior shutters. Through paneled pocket doors is another living space that could

serve as the dining room. This area has a white floorto-ceiling shelving unit, another point of access from the hallway and a multipaneled glass door leading down to the rear yard. Adjacent to this space is a gourmet kitchen featuring stainless-steel appliances including a Viking gas range and Sub-Zero refrigerator. It also has patio doors that open to a balcony hovering over the backyard. Facing south, this windowfilled wall allows rich natural sunlight to illuminate the room, which is dressed with white cabinetry and subway tiles. The second floor also has naturally well-lit areas: A skylight brightens the hallway, and the master suite includes three large windows facing Dent Place. The renovation also added vaulted ceilings here, meaning more sunshine



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used as a playroom, this spot also features both track and recessed lighting. This floor has 9-foot ceilings, a laundry room, more closets and a nook that could serve as an office. Also here are the fourth bedroom and adjacent third bathroom with a standing shower. A first-floor powder room is right up the stairs. This four-bedroom and threeand-a-half-bath house located at 3040 Dent Place is listed for $1,495,000. For more information, contact McWilliams Ballard Brokerage at 703-535-5550.

Jaquet Listings are Staged to Sell

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wL Ne

streams down from the dormer windows. A skylight is right above the master’s remodeled bathroom. Two sleeping quarters and a shared hallway bathroom are also on this level. The center bedroom has a built-in shelving unit on the wall and inside the closet. Although it’s the smallest, the back bedroom offers great southern exposure. Outside in the back is a brick patio surrounded by a high white fence and some landscaping. It offers access to the house’s bottom level through a room that also receives plenty of sunlight. Last

Chevy Chase, MD. Ctr hall colonial Town of Chevy Chase, MD. Beautifully w/elegant spaces, 6 BRs, 3.5 BAs, gourmet renovated & expanded home with 5 BRs, kitchen/ family rm addn. $1,595,000 5 BAs, open kitchen/ fam. room. $1,489,000 Eric Murtagh 301-652-8971 Melissa Brown 202-469-2662 Beverly Nadel 202-236-7313


is wL



wL Ne

Photos courtesy of McWilliams Ballard Brokerage

This four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bath home on Dent Place in Georgetown is priced at $1,495,000.



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Chic & Classy Cabin John. Spacious, sunny contemporary with 5 BRs, 4 BAs, 3 FRPLs, open kitchen, U Street/ Union Row. Dazzling downtown apt. w/ 3 BRs, 2 BAs, 1180 sf/ open plan, family room. $985,000 many upgrades, views! $729,000 Martha Williams 202-271-8138 Denny Horner 703-629-8455 Rachel Burns 202-384-5140 Leyla Phelan 202-415-3845


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16 wedNesday, February 26, 2014


The CurreNT


Northwest Real Estate GRANTS: Funding supports sustainable initiatives From Page 1

$900,000 for three separate but related programs that “move from the beginning to the end of the urban agriculture process, and help develop skills and training for people along the way,� said Shane. One of the programs will create neighborhood-scale “aquaponics� systems, which allow for the combination of raising fish and growing plants. When paired with a small greenhouse, each facility is expected to create 500 pounds of fish and 5,000 pounds of produce annually, according to a news release from the city. Dwane Jones, director of the school’s Center for Sustainable Development, said the effort will likely raise tilapia and grow edible native plants. In this type of ecosystem, fish provide nutrients to fertilize the plants, while the plants filter water from the fish waste. The process requires no pesticides, antibiotics or hormones. While aquaponics itself is not new, implementing it on a community scale is — and that’s where an invention of University of the District of Columbia science professor Thomas Kakovitch comes in. Kakovitch patented the “Flo-Vex,� an aeration device that injects oxygen into water without high pressure, heat or moving parts. The first urban aquaponics project testing Kakovitch’s device was installed last year in Southeast D.C., at the ReGeneration House of Praise Church. The new grant will go toward building at least three more aqua-

ponics demonstration projects in wards 3, 5 and 7, ideally on University of the District of Columbia campuses — including the main one in Van Ness. In addition to helping communities grow their own food, the facilities are also meant to serve as a base for job training for underskilled D.C. residents. The aquaponics initiative received $519,000 through this year’s innovation challenge. The university also won $280,000 to launch a “business-incubator kitchen� in Ward 8, to promote education on food and nutrition as well as job training. The program will include a traveling food truck serving healthy fare across the city. Both the kitchen and truck might be combined with the aquaponics systems, Shane said. Another $121,500 will go toward a project to build a native plant nursery in Ward 5. All of the above initiatives are connected to the university’s College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environment Sciences, known as “CAUSES.� At Hardy Middle School and the Fillmore Arts Center in upper Georgetown, the grant program gives $330,000 toward building an 11,100-square-foot outdoor classroom to offer “hands-on examples of renewable energy, stormwater management, native-species planting, nutrition and urban agriculture,� according to the mayor’s office. Built from sustainable materials, the facility should offer a replicable model “that can be integrated into school design citywide,� Shane said, and also help advance the city’s

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environmental literacy curriculum. Although informal community gardens and other sustainable spaces already exist at various schools across the District, he said the Hardy site will be the largest and most formal effort to date. Rounding out the grants this year are: ■$200,000 to rebuild two neglected D.C. Department of Recreation greenhouses, including the one at Twin Oaks Community Garden at 14th and Taylor streets NW in Ward 4. Nonprofits will get involved to help provide community growing spaces and training opportunities, particularly for youth, according to the mayor’s office. ■$492,000 toward a “splash park� in Ward 7 that will reuse rainwater for the water feature as well as for irrigation of nearby playing fields. ■$400,000 for features like rain gardens to reduce stormwater runoff in Oxon Run Park in Ward 8. Currently, polluted runoff flows untreated into the Oxon Run stream. The grant program is part of the broader “Sustainable DC� initiative, a 20-year action plan to make D.C. “the greenest, healthiest, and most livable city in the nation.� Last year’s inaugural challenge awarded $4.35 million, including $600,000 for a feasibility study on green or solar roofs for government buildings. Shane said D.C. Council decisions led to a tighter budget for this year’s program. From here, each agency must move forward with contracts, construction and implementation, usually pitching in additional money.

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TENLEY: Three options floated From Page 1

During peak hours, a total of 34 transit services pass through these adjacent one-way streets (Fort Drive heading northbound and 40th heading south). These include public buses as well as shuttles operated by American University and Sibley Memorial Hospital. The adjacent areas now accommodate 60 spaces for bikes and 73 on-street parking spaces, according to planners at AECOM and Toole Design, working with Metro. “This is a very challenging area,� R.J. Eldridge, director of Toole Design, said at Thursday’s meeting. The team’s study found a need for improvements in pedestrian safety, public space, bus layovers and walkways. The intersections also require some updates, particularly on Albemarle Street. “We felt we could re-program [the area] to make it more appealing,� said Tim Brulle of AECOM. Improvements are also needed to reduce conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, he noted. “Concept A� would be an estimated $2.4 million project with short-term, low-disturbance construction. It would add bike lanes and 44 more bike parking spaces, while reducing street parking by five spots. The Albemarle Street sidewalk would also be maximized and made compliant to the American With Disabilities Act. The second option is a longerterm plan with medium disturbance, estimated at $4.6 million. It would incorporate many features of Concept A but also bring in others, like mid-block crossings, bus shelters

and layovers, and landscaping. Under this alternative, bike parking spaces would almost double to 116, while on-street parking spots would decrease by a third. Some automobile parking would also be reserved for disabled drivers and car-sharing vehicles. At $7.6 million, the third scheme would come with the longest construction duration and the most disturbance. “It’s a complete redesign of the block,� said Emily Leckvarcik of Toole Design. The proposal would reconfigure the northeast curb at Brandywine Street and Wisconsin Avenue in order to reroute the buses that currently use Fort Drive. Under this plan, Fort Drive would only accommodate cars; the buses would access 40th Street via Wisconsin Avenue and Brandywine Street, which would become one-way eastbound. In this option, “all the buses are headed southbound [on 40th Street] so it reduces the amount of crossing by pedestrians,� said Leckvarcik. This more aggressive plan would also add more landscaping and crosswalks than the two other drafts, while the number of car-parking spaces would decrease by 24 spots. Bike parking would rise by 48 spaces. Neighborhood commission chair Matt Frumin described the complex list of owners affected by this project “incredible,� including Metro, city agencies and private owners. The next steps in the process will be more meetings with neighborhood groups. “This is the first step of a multiphase project,� said Brulle. “We want to hear back from you.�

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The CurrenT

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 17

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18 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, Feb. 26

Wednesday FEbRuARy 26 Children’s event ■ The Graphic Novel Book Club will discuss “Vader’s Little Princess” by Jeffrey Brown (for ages 7 through 10), followed by a craft project and snack. 4 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. Classes and workshops ■ Science of Spirituality instructors will present a class on Jyoti techniques to deepen and stabilize meditation practices. 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■ The Vajrayogini Buddhist Center will host a “Just Breathe!” weekly class on meditation. 7 to 8:30 p.m. $12 per class. Vajrayogini Buddhist Center, 1787 Columbia Road NW. 202-986-2257. ■ Instructor Susan Lowell will lead a tai chi class. 7:30 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1225. Concerts ■ Minnesota guitarist and banjo player Charlie Parr will perform original folk blues and traditional spirituals. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The Celebrate Youth! High School Choir Festival will culminate with a joint concert featuring members of the DC Youth Orchestra and students from D.C. public, charter and independent schools. 7 p.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. nationalcathedral.org. ■ Vocal Arts DC will present soprano Hei-Kyung Hong and pianist Vlad Iftinca performing works by Grieg, Schumann, Strauss, Rachmaninoff, Bizet and Korean composers. 7:30 p.m. $50. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The “Music From Japan Festival 2014” will feature the quartet Okinawan Fusions. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202633-1000. ■ Guitarist and singer Harold Ford will present “The Spirit of Johnny Cash,” a tribute concert on Cash’s 82nd birthday. 8:30

Events Entertainment p.m. $15 to $20. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. Discussions and lectures ■ Christopher Chivvis, adjunct professor in the European and Eurasian Studies Program at the School of Advanced International Studies and senior political scientist at the RAND Corp., will discuss “Toppling Qaddafi: Libya and the Limits of International Intervention.” 5 p.m. Free. Room 806, Rome Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. sais-jhu.edu ■ Timothy A. Block, director of botany at the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, will discuss “The Pennsylvania Flora Project.” 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. ■ “Healthy, Healing Spaces” — about the design of generative areas in health care facilities in order to enhance wellness — will feature panelists Tama Duffy Day, a director at Gensler; BJ Miller, president of Vision Group Studios; and Nancy Pallesen, executive director of the Arlington Free Clinic. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $12 to $20; reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■ The Georgetown Library will host “Dating in the District: A Panel on Business, Blogging, and Finding the Perfect Mate in Washington.” 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-7270232. ■ Annie Jacobsen will discuss her book “Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. ■ The Tenley-Friendship Library’s “Young Prose Book Group,” for ages 21 through 35, will meet to discuss “The Rosie Project” by Graeme Simsion. 7 p.m. Free. Kitty O’Shea’s D.C., 4624 Wisconsin Ave. NW. megan.biggins@dc.gov. ■ Actor Stacy Keach and Shakespeare Theatre Company artistic director Michael Kahn will discuss “Inside a Creative Collaboration,” about their work on the upcoming productions of “Henry IV, Parts I and II”



The CurrenT


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Cafritz Young Artists in Concert,” featuring alumni Keri Alkema and Javier Arrey and current participants performing favorite opera scenes and arias from works by Mozart, Puccini, Bellini and more. 7:30 p.m. $15. Opera House, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ M.H. & His Orchestra will perform. 8:30 p.m. $10 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com.

and the enduring appeal of Sir John Falstaff as a character in many of Shakespeare’s plays. 7 to 9 p.m. $28 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■ Larry Witham will discuss his book “Piero’s Light: In Search of Piero Della Francesca: A Renaissance Painter and the Revolution in Art, Science and Religion.” 7:30 p.m. Free. Room 209, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. Films ■ Georgetown Law’s Refugee Assistance Program will present the documentary “Well-Founded Fear,” about the U.S. asylum process. 6 p.m. Free. Room 207, McDonough Hall, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave. NW. cml255@georgetown.edu. ■ The 10th annual Showcase of Academy Award-Nominated Documentaries and Short Subjects will feature Morgan Neville’s “20 Feet From Stardom.” 7 p.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before the screening. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■ The Human Rights Watch Film Series will present German filmmaker Marc Wiese’s 2012 documentary “Camp 14: Total Control Zone,” about a man born inside a North Korean prison camp as the child of political prisoners. A Q-and-A session will follow. 7 p.m. $7.52 to $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202419-3456. The series will continue March 5 and 12. ■ George Washington University will present Hélène Choquette’s 2009 documentary “Avenue Zero,” about the dark and sinister trade of human trafficking that flourishes in the shadows of the law. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 505, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. go.gwu.edu/filmfestival. ■ The Reel Israel DC series will feature Sameh Zoabi’s 2013 film “Under the Same Sun,” about two businessmen — on Palestinian, the other Israeli — who struggle to set up a solar energy company. A Q-and-A session afterward will feature Susan Collin Marks, senior vice president of Search for Common Good, which helped produce the film. 8 p.m. $8.50 to $11.50. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-9666000. Performances ■ The Capital City Showcase, a variety show, will feature storyteller Victoria Rocha, rock band Alex Vans and the Hideaway, burlesque artist Bella La Blanc and comedians Jessica Brodkin and David Carter. 8:30 p.m. $5 donation suggested. Wonderland Ballroom, 1101 Kenyon St. NW. 202-431-4704. ■ Dwayne Lawson-Brown will host an open mic poetry event. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. Reading ■ Spooky Action Theater will present a staged reading of “The Asphalt Kiss” by Brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues. 7 p.m. Free. Universalist National Memorial Church, 1810 16th St. NW. 202-248-

Thursday, FEbRuARy 27 ■ Film: The 24th annual Washington Jewish Film Festival will open with the D.C. premiere of Avi Nesher’s 2013 drama “The Wonders,” about a bartender who doubles as a graffiti artist in Jerusalem. 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. $25. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. wjff.org. The festival will continue through March 9 with screenings at various venues. 0301. Special event ■ The Washington Harbour ice rink will offer public skating. Noon to 9 p.m. $8 to $10. Washington Harbour, 3000 K St. NW. 202-706-7666. Regular hours are Monday through Thursday from noon to 9 p.m., Friday from noon to 10 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; the season will end March 2. Thursday, Feb. 27

Thursday FEbRuARy 27 Class ■ The Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library will host a mask-making workshop just in time for Mardi Gras. 7 p.m. Free. Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. TheCreativeClassDCPL@gmail.com. Concerts ■ Jazz vocalist and D.C. native Denyse Pearson will perform jazz standards. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The National Symphony Orchestra and violinist Christian Tetzlaff will perform Widmann’s Violin Concerto and Beethoven’s First and Second Symphonies. 7 p.m. $10 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ■ The Shanghai Quartet will perform works by Zhou Long, Bright Sheng, Haydn and Verdi. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202633-1000. ■ The Fortas Chamber Music Concert will feature the Kalichstein-LaredoRobinson Trio performing works by Beethoven, Previn and Mendelssohn. 7:30 p.m. $45. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The Washington National Opera will present “Stars of Tomorrow: The Domingo-

Discussions and lectures ■ David Bosco, assistant professor of international politics at American University, will discuss his book “Rough Justice: The International Criminal Court in a World of Power Politics.” 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free; reservations required. Room 812, Rome Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. saisjhuils@gmail.com. ■ Scholar Scott Sowerby will discuss “States of Exclusion: Britain and France, 1685-1715.” Noon. Free. Room 113, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-0213. ■ Robin Cormack, professor emeritus of art history at Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London, will discuss “‘Fair Greece, Sad Relic’: How Did Byzantium Reform Classical Greek Art?” 3:30 p.m. Free. West Building Lecture Hall, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Ahmad Guliyev, research fellow at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, will discuss “Azerbaijani Migration to the United States.” 4 to 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Suite 412, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. go.gwu.edu/Guliyev. ■ Mahmud Durrani, retired major general of the Pakistani Army and former national security adviser to Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani, will discuss “U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan and the Regional Security Dilemma.” 4:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Rome Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. ckunkel@jhu.edu ■ Jim Foster — professor at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, director of the Keio International Project on the Internet and Society, and former economic counselor and political minister at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo — will discuss “Abenomics: The Missing Arrow — Reform of Japan’s ICT Sector.” 4:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 806, Rome Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. reischauer@jhu.edu. ■ The Great Homes and Gardens Lecture Series will feature a talk by author Thomas Mellins on his book “Doris Duke’s Shangri La: A House in Paradise,” about the philanthropist’s idyllic retreat in Honolulu. 6 to 8 p.m. $7 to $20. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. ■ The Whodunnit Club, a new mystery book club at Petworth Library, will discuss “The Alienist” by Caleb Carr. 6:30 p.m. Free. Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1188. ■ Edward Gnehm, professor of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula affairs at George Washington University and director of the Middle East Policy Forum, will discuss the years since the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011, with a focus on events in Tunisia, Egypt and Iraq. 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Free; resSee Events/Page 19


The CurrenT

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Events Entertainment Continued From Page 18 ervations required. Room 213, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. go.gwu.edu/kuwait14. â– Ian Boxall, associate professor of New Testament studies at Catholic University, will discuss “The Book of Revelation: Apocalypse Now and Then.â€? 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. â– Larissa Bonfante, professor emeritus of classics at New York University, will discuss “The Etruscans: Rediscovering an Enigmatic Culture.â€? 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. $28 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. â– Danah Boyd, a senior researcher at Microsoft, professor at New York University and fellow at the Harvard Berman Center, will discuss her book “It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens.â€? 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â– Jewish Literature Live will present a reading by Helene Wecker, author of “The Golem and the Jinni.â€? 7 p.m. Free. Amphitheater, Marvin Center, George Washington University, 800 21st St. NW. 202-9947470. â– The Chevy Chase Library will host a discussion of “Winter’s Taleâ€? by Mark Helprin. 7 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-2820021. â– Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen will discuss their book “The New Digital Age: Transforming Nations, Business and Our Lives.â€? 7 p.m. $18 for one ticket and one book; $28 for two tickets and one book. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. â– The group Friends of the Woodridge Library will present a Black History Month talk by Thomas Bowen, minister of social justice and outreach for Shiloh Baptist Church, on Michelle Alexander’s book “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.â€? 7 p.m. Free. Crystal Room, Washington Center for Aging Services, 18th and Douglas streets NE. Films â– The Smithsonian’s Anacostia Community Museum will present the 2003 documentary “Brother Outsider,â€? about the career of Bayard Rustin, the openly gay architect of the 1963 March on Washington. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free; reservations required. Anacostia Community Museum, 1901 Fort Place SE. 202-633-4844. â– The National Gallery of Art will present the 2003 documentary “The Art of Romare Bearden.â€? 12:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â– The Smithsonian American Art Museum will host the premiere of Phillip Rodriguez’s documentary “RubĂŠn Salazar: Man in the Middle,â€? about the life and death of a prominent civil rights era journalist killed in 1970 by a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy. 6:30 p.m. Free; tickets distributed in the G Street lobby a half hour before the performance starts. McEvoy Auditorium, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th

and G streets NW. 202-633-1000. ■The Recalibrating Criminal Justice Film Festival at Georgetown Law Center will present the documentary “Unlikely Friends,� about victims of brutal crimes who, through forgiveness, unexpectedly become friends with their perpetrators. A discussion with members of the Contemplative Law Society will follow. 6:30 to 9 p.m. Free. Room 141, McDonough Hall, Georgetown Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave. NW. mrm277@georgetown.edu. ■The 10th annual Showcase of Academy Award-Nominated Documentaries and Short Subjects will feature Joshua Oppenheimer and Signe Byrge Sorensen’s film “The Act of Killing.� 7 p.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before the screening. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202357-5000. ■The Tenley-Friendship Library’s “Northwest Side Story Film Series� will feature Jamie Babbit’s 1999 satire about a naive teen sent to rehab camp when her conservative parents suspect her of being a lesbian. 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202727-1225. ■“Zami: A Circle of LGBTQ Cultural Performances & Discussions� will present a screening of Alli Coates and Signe Pierce’s short film “American Reflexxx.� A Q-and-A with the filmmakers will follow. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-3877638. Performances ■Magician and comedian Justin Willman will perform. 8 p.m. $15 to $18. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877987-6487. ■The Topaz Hotel Bar’s weekly standup show will feature local comics. 8 to 10 p.m. Free. 1733 N St. NW. 202-393-3000. Reading ■The Folger Shakespeare Library’s O.B. Hardison Poetry Series will feature poets Tina Chang and Maurice Manning presenting works in response to the art collection at the Phillips Collection. 6:30 p.m. $15; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. folger.edu. Special events ■The Kosciuszko Foundation will celebrate Fat Thursday by selling glazed and powdered sugar paczki. Noon to 6 p.m. $2 apiece. The Kosciuszko Foundation, 2025 O St. NW. 202-785-2320. ■The Humanities Council of Washington, DC, will host a Humanitini Happy Hour, featuring a short film and panel discussion exploring the value and vitality of the humanities (rescheduled due to inclement weather on the original date). 6 to 8 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. The Coupe, 3415 11th St. NW. humanitiniFeb2014.eventbrite.com. Tours ■U.S. Botanic Garden horticulture manager Jim Kaufman will lead a behindthe-scenes “Horticultural Houdinis� tour. Noon to 1 p.m. Free; reservations required. Conservatory Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-2258333. ■A docent-led tour of the Smithsonian American Art Museum will highlight artworks by African-American artists in the permanent collection. 12:30 p.m. Free. Meet in the F Street Lobby, Smithsonian


U.S. masterworks return

“Made in the USA: American Masters From the Phillips Collection, 1850-1970,� celebrating the return to the Phillips Collection of its trove of American masterworks after a fouryear world tour, will open Saturday and continue through Aug.

On ExhibiT 31. It features more than 200 works by some 125 artists. Located at 1600 21st St. NW, the museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday until 8:30 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission costs $12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students; it is free for ages 18 and younger. 202-387-2151. â– The Grand Oaks Artist in Residence Series will present paintings by Cay Ballou Eden in a two-day art show Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m. Admission is free, but reservations are required. Grand Oaks is located at 5901 MacArthur Blvd. NW. 202349-3400. ■“Insights,â€? featuring sculptures by Pamela Soldwedel and digital art prints by Richard D. Barrett, will open Saturday with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m. at Watergate Gallery. The exhibit will continue through March 29. Located at 2552 Virginia Ave. NW, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. 202-338-4488. â– The National Gallery of Art will open a retrospective Sunday of works by American photographer Garry Winogrand (19281984). The first retrospective for the artist in 25 years, the exhibit features some 180 of his images and will remain on view through June 8. “Tri-Cruciform in The National Gallery will Red ink.1â€? is part also open “In the Library: of an exhibit of Deforming and Adorning With brian Petro’s work. Annotations and Marginaliaâ€? on Monday. Continuing through June 27, the show highlights books decorated with handwritten commentary and sketches. Located at 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, the museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-737-4215. American Art Museum, 8th and G streets NW. 202-633-1000. Friday, Feb. 28 Friday FEbRuARy 28 Classes â– Pianist Joseph Kalichstein will lead a master class for advanced students. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Lang Recital Hall, Levine Music, 2801 Upton St. NW. 202-686-8000. ■“Great French Vineyards: Le Sudâ€? will explore some of France’s southern winemaking regions while teaching wine vocabulary. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. $30 to $35. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. francedc.org. Concerts â– The Arts Club of Washington will present the Friday Noon Concert series. Noon. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282. â– The Friday Morning Music Club will present a concert of works by Schumann, Mozart and Hindemith. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-3332075. â– The Friday Music Series will present “Murakami Music: Stories of Loss and Nostalgia,â€? an interdisciplinary presentation featuring pianist Eunbi Kim, actress Laura Yumi Snell and saxophonist Pat Carroll. 1:15 p.m. Free. McNeir Hall, George-

Gifford beal’s 1924 oil on canvas “The Fish bucket� is part of a Phillips Collection exhibit. ■“Iterations: A Celebration of Stink Bugs,� presenting works on paper by Andy Unger, will open Monday at the Cabinet at Wonder Graphics and continue through May 2. Located at 1000 Vermont Ave. NW, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-898-1700. ■“Ink,� featuring works in ink on paper by Georgetown artist Christian Platt and Shaw artist Brian Petro, opened last week at Susan Calloway Fine Arts, where it will continue through March 22. Located at 1643 Wisconsin Ave. NW, the gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-9654601. ■“K@20,� highlighting a broad array of 14 area artists to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Kreeger Museum, opened last week and will continue through July 31. Located at 2401 Foxhall Road NW, the museum is open Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesday through Thursday for tours by reservation. Admission costs $10 for adults and $7 for seniors and students; it is free for ages 12 and younger. 202-337-3050, ext. 10. ■“ReWood,� featuring works by Michelle Peterson-Albandoz that focus on wood as a medium, opened last week at Long View Gallery, where it will continue through March 16. Located at 1234 9th St. NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. 202-232-4788.

town University, 37th and O streets NW. 202-687-2787. â– David McDonald, marimba soloist, will perform a diverse selection of music for marimba and piano. 7 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Washington Congregation-

al United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-320-2770. â– The KC Jazz Club will feature the Gerald Clayton Trio. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $26 to $30. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. See Events/Page 20

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20 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Continued From Page 19 202-467-4600. ■“If Music Be the Food of Love ‌â€? will feature pianist Ryo Yanagitani, the Bulgarian all-woman vocal ensemble Orfeia, baritone Anthony Duke Eversole, clarinetist Jerome Schwarz and pianist Ruthanna Weber. Proceeds will benefit THIS for Diplomats, a group that helps new diplomats and their families adapt to life in the United States (rescheduled due to inclement weather on the original date). Reception at 6:30 p.m.; performance at 7:30 p.m. $25. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. ifmusicbethe.blogspot.com. â– The Pan American Symphony Orchestra will present “Latin American Music From the Heart,â€? featuring works by Blauth, Santoro, Marquez, Piazzolla and Bragato. 8 p.m. $25 to $30. Embassy of Argentina, 1600 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 240-242-8032. â– The Alex Norris Quintet featuring Troy Roberts will perform. 8 and 10 p.m. $16. Twins Jazz, 1344 U St. NW. twinsjazz.com. The performance will repeat Saturday at 8 and 10 p.m. â– Big Chimney and Gravel Road Bluegrass will perform. 8:30 p.m. $10 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. Discussions and lectures â– Vesna Pusic, foreign minister of Croatia, will discuss “The European Union and the Western Balkans — What Next? A Croatian Perspective.â€? Noon. Free; reservations required. Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Building, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW. bit.ly/Vesna-Pusic-SAIS. â– A symposium on “Ways of Seeing Byzantiumâ€? will feature illustrated lectures by Glenn Peers, professor of art and art history at the University of Texas at Austin; Bissera Pentcheva, associate professor of art and art history at Stanford University; William Tronzo, professor of visual arts at the University of California at San Diego; and Alicia Walker, assistant professor of the history of art at Bryn Mawr College. 2 to 5 p.m. Free. West Building Lecture Hall, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â– Mimi Yiu, an early modern scholar in the English department at Georgetown


Market & Deli. Sandwiches made to order with Boars Head Brand meats & cheeses. DC Lottery.


Events Entertainment University, will discuss the connections between early modern architecture and staging in the context of the in-the-round staging for the Folger Theatre’s production of “Richard III.� 6 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. folger.edu. ■Carol Berkin, professor of history at the City University of New York, will discuss her book “Wondrous Beauty: The Life and Adventures of Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. Films ■The Japan Information and Culture Center will present Wataru Abiko’s 2011 documentary “Yarubeya,� about a tiny village where the elders strive to pass on a unique form of Kabuki theater, other local traditions and the spirit of Japan to the youth of the community. 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Japan Information and Culture Center, 1150 18th St. NW. www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/jicc. ■The 10th annual Showcase of Academy Award-Nominated Documentaries and Short Subjects will feature Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer’s film “The Square.� 7 p.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before the screening. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. Meeting ■A weekly bridge group will meet to play duplicate bridge. 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $6. Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW. 301-654-1865. Performances ■The D.C.-based troupe UpRooted Dance will perform contemporary dance that explores various aspects of the human condition. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■As part of the fifth-anniversary Atlas Intersections Festival, Deviated Theatre will present “creatures and cosmos,� a blend of acting, aerials and contemporary dance in side-by-side excerpts from two original tales. 7 p.m. $18.50 to $26. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202399-7993. The festival will continue through March 8. ■The In Series will present “The Cole Porter Project: It’s All Right With Me,� featuring nine singers and 36 songs. 8 p.m.

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Saturday, MARCh 1 â– Children’s program: “Saturday Morning at the Nationalâ€? will feature â€œÂĄUno, Dos, Tres, con AndrĂŠs!â€? — an interactive musical adventure around Latin America led by AndrĂŠs Salguero. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Free; tickets distributed 30 minutes before each show. National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-7833372. $20 to $38. Source, 1835 14th St. NW. 202-204-7763. The performance will repeat March 1, 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. and March 2 and 9 at 3 p.m. â– Compagnie Käfig will make its Kennedy Center debut with artistic director Mourad Merzouki’s “Agwaâ€? and “Correria,â€? featuring an all-male Brazilian cast in works inspired by hip-hop, bossa nova and capoeira. 8 p.m. $22 to $60. Eisenhower Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance will repeat Saturday at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Special event â– The Glover Park Village’s monthly “Friday Free-for-Allâ€? series will feature a film or games, from 3:30 to 5 p.m.; and dinner, from 5 to 6 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600 Calvert St. NW. events@gloverparkvillage.org. Saturday, March 1 Saturday MARCh 1 Children’s programs â– As part of the Atlas Intersections Festival, GALita will present a bilingual adaptation of Cecilia Cackley’s “Fabulas Mayas,â€? featuring shadow and hand puppets, traditional songs and original music. 10 a.m. $8. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. The performance will repeat March 8 at 1 p.m. ■“Dolly & Me, Taking Teaâ€? will feature historic tea blends and tasty desserts, followed by a craft activity and instruction in early American dances. 1 to 2:30 p.m. $25 to $30; $10 for an accompanying adult. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. tudorplace.org. Classes and workshops â– A hands-on workshop will focus on “How to Get Your Orchid to Rebloom.â€? 10 a.m. to noon. $20 to $25. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. The workshop will also be offered on March 8 at 10 a.m. and March 15 and 22 at 1 p.m. â– Paul Hayes, director of debate at George Washington University, will lead a seminar on “The Art of the Presidential Debate.â€? 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $90 to $130. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030.

■Yoga Activist will present a class for beginners. 11 a.m. Free. Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW. 202-243-1188. ■Chef Victor Albisu will teach a class in Peruvian cooking. Noon to 3 p.m. $98; reservations required. Del Campo, 777 I St. NW. 202-289-7377. ■A workshop on orchids will focus on “To Repot or Not?� 1 to 3 p.m. $20 to $25. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-6865807. The workshop will also be offered on March 15, 22 and 29 at 10 a.m. ■Spooky Action Theater’s Nelson Rodrigues Festival will feature a Brazilian music workshop led by Towson University professor Patricia Vergara. 4 to 5:15 p.m. By donation; reservations required. Universalist National Memorial Church, 1810 16th St. NW. 202-248-0301. ■Musicians Olivia Hajioff and Marc Ramirez will lead a master class with students from the Horman Violin Studio. 4 p.m. Free. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 945 G St. NW. hormanviolinstudio.com. Concerts ■The National Symphony Orchestra Youth Fellowship Program will present a performance by violinist Julia Angelov, cellist Naenah Jeon, violinist Jillian Khoo and horn player Gabrielle Pho. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. ■The Columbian Consort, a faculty ensemble at George Washington University, will present “Bringing New Age to the Old School,� featuring a computer and electronic music performance by Stephen Hilmy, a new composition by Nathan Lincoln DeCusatis and the world premiere of a piece by artist-in-residence Sarah O’Halloran. 7:30 p.m. Free. Hand Chapel, George Washington University Mount Vernon Campus, 2100 Foxhall Road NW. 202994-6245. ■The KC Jazz Club will present a “Discovery Artist� concert by drummer Jamison Ross and his band Joy Ride. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $20. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■The Washington Performing Arts Society will present country and bluegrass star Kathy Mattea performing songs from her latest CD “Calling Me Home.� 8 p.m. $35. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 202-785-9727. ■The early music ensemble Chantry will present “Tallis and Tye: Two Towering Tudor Talents.� 8 p.m. $15 to $35. St. Mary Mother of God, 727 5th St. NW. chantrydc.com. ■Pianist Michael Adcock will present “An Evening of Favorites: Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Chopin.� 8 p.m. Free. Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-3202770. ■Dry Mill Road and Grand Ole Ditch will perform bluegrass music. 9 p.m. $10 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. ■The Whiskey Gentry will perform. 10 p.m. $12. Hill Country DC, 410 7th St. NW. hillcountrywdc.com. Discussions and lectures ■Collector and longtime Textile Muse-

um docent Sheridan Collins will examine how museum founder George Hewitt Myers built his world-class collection over six decades. 10:30 a.m. Free. Textile Museum, 2330 S St. NW. 202-667-0441. â– U.S. Botanic Garden volunteer Todd Brethauer will discuss the evolution, biogeography and ecology of orchids. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free; reservations required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-2258333. â– Jennifer Ouellette will discuss her book “Me, Myself, and Why: Searching for the Science of Self,â€? at 3:30 p.m.; and Kate Alcott will discuss her book “The Daring Ladies of Lowell,â€? at 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. â– Levine Music lecturer Carl Yaffe will discuss “Opera in the Court of Catherine the Greatâ€? and provide commentary throughout a performance by soprano Jennifer Suess and pianist Irina Kats. 4 to 5:30 p.m. $13 to $15. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. Family program â– Women’s History Month Family Day will feature performances by the Duncan Dancers and Simple Gifts Music and an art-making activity led by illustrator Sushmita Mazumdar. 4 to 7 p.m. Free. Kogod Courtyard, National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. Films â– The National Archives will screen the Academy Award nominees in the Live Action Short Film category, at noon; and in the Animated Short Film category, at 3:30 p.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before each program. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. â– In conjunction with the Washington Jewish Music Festival, the National Gallery of Art will host a “CinĂŠ-Concertâ€? screening of the 1918 film “The Yellow Ticketâ€? with live accompaniment by violinist Alicia Svigals and pianist Marilyn Lerner. 2:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. â– The 10th annual Showcase of Academy Award-Nominated Documentaries and Short Subjects will feature Richard Rowley and Jeremy Scahill’s “Dirty Wars.â€? 7 p.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before the screening. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. Performance â– DancEthos and alight dance theater will present six D.C.-based choreographers in a one-night-only show. 7:30 p.m. $17 to $25. Kogod Cradle, Arena Stage, 1101 6th St. SW. dancethos.org. Special events â– Rabbi Mark Novak will present a morning of meditation, music, movement and more as part of an authentic Jewish contemplative practice. 10:15 a.m. Free admission. Geneva Room, Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1 Chevy Chase Circle NW. 202-362-3270. â– The Washington Harbour ice skating rink will hold a weekly “Cartoon Skateâ€? event. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. $8 to $10. WashSee Events/Page 21


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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Events Entertainment Continued From Page 20 ington Harbour, 3000 K St. NW. 202-7067666. ■ Members of the MapStory Volunteer Technical Community will lead people interested in D.C. history and geography in a hands-on effort to map out how Washington’s borders came into being. Noon. Free. Digital Commons, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. ■ Jason Moran, Kennedy Center artistic adviser for jazz, and special guests will share their definitive Betty Carter songs and discuss just what earned Carter the moniker “Betty Bebop.” 4 p.m. $12. African Lounge, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. Tours and walks ■ Writer Rocco Zappone will lead a weekly “Ulysses-esque” walking tour of Washington, filled with his reminiscences and impressions of a lifetime in D.C. 10 a.m. $20. Meet at the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-341-5208. ■ Emily Porter, coordinator of Project Budburst at the U.S. Botanic Garden, will lead a “Signs of Spring Tour.” 2 to 3 p.m. Free. Meet in the lobby of the Conservatory, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333. Sunday, March 2 Sunday MARCh 2 Children’s programs ■ A Dr. Seuss Birthday Party will feature readings from his children’s stories, games, crafts and a snack. 2 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1225. ■ The Georgetown Concert Series will present “Kinderkonzert,” featuring a lively program for ages 4 and older performed by the Kennedy String Quartet. 4 p.m. Free for children; $30 for adults. Tickets required. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Georgetown Parish, 3240 O St. NW. 202338-0176. Class ■ Photographers Melissa Farlow and Ami Vitale will lead a seminar on “Storytelling Photography,” about how to create memorable, powerful visual narratives 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. $195. National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. nationalgeographic.com/ngtseminars. Concerts ■ The St. John’s Choir and the Dan Duford Trio will perform music by Duke Ellington, Keith Hampton and Will Todd at a Liturgical Jazz Music Festival Service. 11 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. ■ The Washington Performing Arts Society will present soprano Julia Bullock (shown) and pianist Renate Rohlfing performing songs by Berio, Verdi, Rossini, Ravel and Messiaen and the premiere of a new work by David Hertzberg. 2 p.m. $35. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■ A bluegrass matinee will feature the Alexandria-based band King Street Blue-

grass. 2:30 p.m. $8 to $10. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. ■ CelloSpeak faculty members will present “16Cellos,” featuring 16 virtuoso cellists performing works by Barber, Tchaikovsky and others. 3 p.m. $31.50 to $35. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. cellospeak.org ■ As part of the Atlas Intersections Festival, the gay and lesbian a cappella ensemble Not What You Think will present a concert honoring social justice, humor and love. 4 p.m. $6 to $12. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-3997993. ■ In a partnership with the National Gallery of Art, the Phillips Collection will host pianist Anthony Newman performing the first three parts of J.S. Bach’s “English Suites.” 4 p.m. $15 to $30; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. phillipscollection.org/music. ■ The professional Choir of Christ Church will perform the music of John Rutter, Herbert W. Sumsion, George Dyson and C. Kenneth Turner. 5 p.m. Free. Christ Church, Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW. 202-333-6677. ■ The Washington Chorus will present “The Essential Verdi,” featuring sopranos Corinne Winters and Othalie Graham, mezzo-soprano Ola Rafalo, tenor Issachah Savage and bass Peter Volpe. 5 p.m. $15 to $70. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Listen Local First will present a performance by the Silver Spring trio The Walking Sticks. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ Pianist Peter Vinograde and the National Gallery of Art Vocal Ensemble will perform the last three of J.S. Bach’s “English Suites.” 6:30 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-8426941. ■ Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jam” session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-5279522. Discussions and lectures ■ Gigi Bradford, chair of the Folger Shakespeare Library Poetry Board and a member of the board of directors of the Emily Dickinson Museum, will discuss “Poet and Poetry — Lectio Divina: Reading With the Heart.” 10 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766. ■ Former George Washington University President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg will discuss his book “Presidencies Derailed: Why University Leaders Fail and How to Prevent It,” at 1 p.m.; and Peter Mountford will discuss his book “The Dismal Science,” at 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. ■ Leo Rubinfien, guest exhibition curator for “Garry Winogrand,” will discuss the National Gallery of Art’s new exhibit of the late photographer’s images of New York City and American life from the 1950s through the early 1980s. 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. ■ Feminist artist Judy Chicago and historian Jane Gerhard will discuss their respective books “Institutional Time: A Critique of Studio Art Education” and “The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the Power of Popular Feminism.” 5 to 7 p.m. $8 to $10; reservations required. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370. ■ Pamela JP Martin will discuss her


Pulitzer winner at Studio

Studio Theatre will stage Quiara Alegría Hudes’ Pulitzer Prize-winning drama “Water by the Spoonful” March 5 through April 13. In North Philly, ex-Marine Elliot works at Subway, cares for

On STAGE his dying mom and leans on his cousin Yaz as he tries to acclimate to civilian life. Online, four addicts cling to their chat room support group, struggling for another day sober. Their lives collide as events small and large threaten their fragile stabilities in this play about resilience and second changes. Tickets cost $39 to $75. Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300; studiotheatre.org. ■ Arena Stage will present “Playwrights’ Arena — A Weekend of New Work” March 6 through 9 in the Kogod Cradle. As part of the Kogod Cradle Series, the six members of the inaugural Playwrights’ Arena play-writing group — Norman Allen, Randy Baker, Jacqueline E. Lawton, Heather McDonald, Danielle Mohlman and Shawn Northrip — will share excerpts from their works and discuss the creative process. Tickets cost $10. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300; arenastage.org. ■ The Washington ballet will present “British Invasion: The Beatles & The Rolling Stones” March 6 through 9 at the Kennedy Center’s Eisenhower Theater. The production features two rock ballets — Trey McIntyre’s “A Day in the Life” set to the music of the The Washington ballet’s Beatles, and “british invasion” will strike Christopher Bruce’s iconic March 6 through 9. “Rooster” set to the driving sound of the Rolling Stones. Rounding out the program is Christopher Wheeldon’s “There Where She Loved” set to the music of Kurt Weill and Frederic Chopin. Tickets cost $35 to $135. 202-467-4600; kennedy-center. org. book “niggamayi,” about racism as a learned behavior. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■ Local author Jerome Jewell will discuss his book “On the Balcony: Rapture and Ruptures.” 7 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Tabard Inn, 1739 N St. NW. 202248-8208. Films ■ The National Archives will screen the Academy Award nominees in the Documentary Short Subject category. 11 a.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before each program. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000. ■ In conjunction with the Washington Jewish Film Festival, Adas Israel Congregation will host a screening of the new hit Israeli television series “Shtisel.” 2 p.m. $11. Adas Israel Congregation, 2850 Quebec St. NW. wjff.org. ■ The Washington Jewish Film Festival will present its Visionary Award to Israeli director Avi Nesher at a screening of his 2004 film “Turn Left at the End of the World,” about a few Indian families who move to a small Israeli town inhabited by Moroccan immigrants. Nesher will make extended introductory remarks while

Studio Theatre will stage Pulitzer-winner “Water by the Spoonful” March 5 through April 13. ■ The Molotov Theatre Group will stage Anthony Neilson’s “Normal” March 6 through 30 at the District of Columbia Arts Center. In this controversial, unflinching and morbidly funny play, Neilson — a key figure in British theater’s “in-yer-face” movement — looks into the mind of Peter Kurten, the notorious Dusseldorf Ripper. Tickets cost $25. The District of Columbia Arts Center is located at 2438 18th St. NW. molotovtheatre.org. ■ Catholic university will present the premiere of “Fifi and Hunter Forever” at Hartke Theatre Feb. 27 through March 2. “Fifi and Hunter Forever,” the Master of Fine Arts screenwriting thesis of Robert Montenegro, looks satirically at modern Hollywood and celebrity worship. The title characters — a washed-up child star and an ambitious unknown actor — engage in a made-for-the-tabloids romance orchestrated by a conniving agent. Tickets cost $5 to $15. Hartke Theatre is located at 3801 Harewood Road NE. 202-319-4000; drama.cua.edu. ■ Studio Theatre has extended Nina Raine’s drama “Tribes,” presented as part of a yearlong British Invasion Festival, through March 16. Billy was born deaf into a garrulous academic family who raised him to lip read and integrate into the hearing world. When he meets Sylvia — raised by deaf parents and going deaf herself — Billy decides it’s time to speak on his own terms, sending shock waves through the family. Tickets cost $39 to $75. Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300; studiotheatre.org.

accepting the award. 3 p.m. $12. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. wjff.org. ■ The 10th annual Showcase of Academy Award-Nominated Documentaries and Short Subjects will feature Zachary Heinzerling and Lydia Dean Pilcher’s “Cutie and the Boxer.” 4 p.m. Free; tickets distributed at the special events entrance on Constitution Avenue an hour before the screening. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202357-5000. ■ Montreal-based documentary artist

Caroline Martel will present screenings of her 2012 film “Wavemakers: Following the Legacy of the Ondes Martenot” and her 2004 film “Phantom of the Operator.” 4 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215. Performances ■ As part of the fifth-anniversary Atlas Intersections Festival, Jane Franklin Dance and percussionist Tom Teasley will present “Blue Moon/Red River.” 2 p.m. $16.50 to $22. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H See Events/Page 22



22 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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Events Entertainment

Continued From Page 21 St. NE. 202-399-7993. ■The Warner Theatre will host the hit musical “Rock of Ages,� a humorous, feelgood love story told through the hit rock songs of Journey, Styx, REO Speedwagon, Foreigner, Pat Benatar and Whitesnake. 2 and 6:30 p.m. $42.50 to $67.50. Warner Theatre, 513 13th St. NW. 800-7453000. ■As part of the fifth-anniversary Atlas Intersections Festival, QuinTango will perform with bandoneon player Emmanuel Trifilio and dancers Susan Reynolds and Constantino Bastidas. 5 p.m. $16.50 to $22. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. ■Regie Cabico (shown) and Danielle Evennou will host “Sparkle,� an open mic event for LGBT-dedicated poets. 8 to 10 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. Special event ■DC Shorts will present “Snuggle With the Stars,� described as the District’s

“most relaxed Oscar party.� The event will feature Champagne, drinks and snacks, with proceeds benefiting DC Shorts and the Washington Jewish Film Festival. Doors open at 6 p.m. $25 to $50. Burke Theater, U.S. Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-393-4266. Sporting event ■The Washington Capitals will play the Philadelphia Flyers. 12:30 p.m. $64 to $610. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 800745-3000. Tour ■“Close-up Tour: Women in Glass and Stone� will feature a look at aspects of the Washington National Cathedral’s artisanship. 1:30 p.m. $16 to $20; tickets required. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. nationalcathedral.org. The tour will repeat Thursday at 3 p.m. Monday, March 3 Monday MARCh 3 Children’s program ■“Read Across America Day Storytime� will feature a reading of “Green Eggs and Ham.� 7 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176.

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Classes ■The group Yoga Activist will present a weekly yoga class. 7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-3080. ■Vajrayogini Buddhist Center resident teacher Gen Kelsang Varahi will present a weekly class featuring guided meditations and teachings. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. $5 to $10 per class. Third-floor lounge, Seabury at Friendship Terrace, 4201 Butterworth Place NW. meditation-dc.org. ■The new Science of Spirituality Meditation Center will hold a four-week class on Jyoti meditation, a discipline focusing on the experience of inner light. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations required. Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 2950 Arizona Ave. NW. dcinfo@sos.org. The class will continue March 10, 17 and 24 at 7:30 p.m. Concert ■Ski Lodge, The Belle Game and Starlight Girls will perform. 8 p.m. $10 to $13. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. Discussions and lectures ■The group 40Plus of Greater Washington will present a talk by Shira Harrington on “Writing Resumes That Land Jobs.� 9:45 a.m. to noon. Free. Suite T-2, 1718 P St. NW. 202-387-1582. ■A forum on “Girls’ Education and School-Related Gender-Based Violence� will feature Eugene Katzin and Maryce Ramsey of FHI 360 and Julie Hanson Swanson of the U.S. Agency for International Development. 4:30 to 7 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 602, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. bit.ly/1m3xIlB. ■Painting conservators Andrea Kirsh and Rustin Levenson will discuss their book “Seeing Through Paintings: Physical Examinations in Art Historical Studies.� 6 to 7 p.m. Free. McEvoy Auditorium, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and G streets NW. 202-633-1000. ■Peniel Joseph will discuss his book “Stokely: A Life,� about the charismatic and controversial black activist Stokely Carmichael. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. ■“Two Lives in Language,� a PEN/ Faulkner Fiction event, will feature Amy Tan and Deborah Tannen discussing how they draw on conversation and storytelling to explore family relationships. 7:30 p.m. $15. Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St. SE. folger.edu. Films ■The Chevy Chase Library will host the “Marvelous Movie Mondays� series. 2 and 6:30 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. ■The Goethe-Institut will present the fourth and fifth episodes of the award-winning, 10-part German miniseries “In Face of the Crime,� a fast-paced drama that reveals a panorama of diverse communities and depicts Russian-Jewish culture. 6:30 p.m. $4 to $7. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. 202-289-1200. The screenings will continue through March 17. Performances ■Comedians Andy Daly and Brandon Wardell will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■Theater Alliance and Faction of Fools will present Matt Wilson in Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour’s “White Rab-

4600. ■The group Yoga Activist will present a weekly yoga class. 7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-3080. ■A three-part class led by Rabbi Scott Perlo on “Stories of the Jews� will focus on “Judaism on Trial: The Barcelona Disputation of 1263.� 7:30 p.m. $20 per session. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. The class will continue on March 11 and 18.

Monday, MARCh 3 ■Discussion: Alice Hoffman will discuss her novel “The Museum of Extraordinary Things.� 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

bit Red Rabbit,� which involves audience volunteers and requires an actor who has never seen the script to impersonate characters and ad-lib the story of a rabbit that attends the circus without a ticket. 7 p.m. $15 in advance; pay-what-you-can at the door. Elstad Auditorium, Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Ave. NE. theateralliance.force.com/ticket. Special events ■On National Anthem Day, the National Museum of American History and the U.S. Postal Service will unveil the StarSpangled Banner Forever Stamp in a firstday-of-issue dedication ceremony. After the ceremony, the flag stamps will be on sale and stamp cancellations will be available. 10:30 a.m. Free admission. Flag Hall, National Museum of American History, Constitution Avenue and 14th Street NW. 202-633-1000. ■George Washington University will bestow its President’s Medal posthumously on alumnus Carl Lutz, a Swiss diplomat credited with saving the lives of thousands of Jews in Hungary during World War 1. 4 p.m. Free; reservations required. Harding Auditorium, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. go.gwu.edu/honoringlutz. Sporting event ■The Washington Wizards will play the Memphis Grizzlies. 7 p.m. $6 to $491. Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 800-745-3000. Tuesday, March 4

Tuesday MARCh 4 Children’s program ■The Georgetown Library will celebrate the release of “Princess Labelmaker,� the newest book in the “Origami Yoda� series, with a trivia contest, “Star Wars� crafts and refreshments. 4 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202727-0232. Classes ■Vajrayogini Buddhist Center resident teacher Gen Kelsang Varahi will present a weekly class featuring guided meditations and teachings. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. $5 to $10 per class. Third-floor lounge, Seabury at Friendship Terrace, 4201 Butterworth Place NW. meditation-dc.org. ■Soprano Sarah Coburn will present an opera master class. 7 p.m. $12. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-

Concerts ■The Tuesday Concert Series will feature organist Jeremy Filsell performing one of Bach’s cantatas. 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635. ■Brooklyn-based group Landlady will perform dynamic pop music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■The Grahams and Lilly Hiatt will perform Americana and country music. 8:30 p.m. $10 to $12. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. Discussions and lectures ■Union Market and American University’s Kogod School of Business will present a talk on “Marriage and Taxes: Truth and Consequences� by Don Williamson, faculty program director of the master’s program in taxation. Noon. Free. Union Market, 1309 5th St. NE. unionmarketdc.com. ■A forum on “Ruihani’s Iran� will feature panelists Arang Keshavarzian, associate professor at New York University; Mohammad Ayatollahi Tabaar, assistant professor at Texas A&M University; and Kaveh Ehsani, assistant professor at DePaul University. Noon to 2 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 602, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. bit.ly/MaqDip. ■Al-Shabaka policy members Nidal Sliman and Valentina Azarov will discuss “Activating Palestine’s UNESCO Membership.� 12:30 to 2 p.m. Free; reservations required. The Jerusalem Fund, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1290. ■In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Law Library of Congress will host a discussion with former U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder. 2 p.m. Free. Room 119, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-0022. ■“Security and Conflict in the Horn of Africa� will feature Jean Kamau, ambassador of Kenya to the United States; J. Peter Pham, director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council; and E.J. Hogendoorn, deputy director of the International Crisis Group. 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. City View Room, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. go.gwu.edu/hornofafrica. ■The Great Homes and Gardens Lecture Series will feature a talk by Eleanor Weller Reade, co-author of “The Golden Age of American Gardens: Proud Owners, Private Estates, 1890-1940� (rescheduled due to inclement weather on the original date). 6 to 8 p.m. $7 to $20. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. ■The DC Science Cafe will feature a talk by Richard Stone, international news editor at Science magazine, on “The Sacred Volcano and Other True Stories See Events/Page 23


The CurrenT

Events Entertainment Continued From Page 22 From North Korea.� 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■Frederic J. Frommer (shown), author of “You Gotta Have Heart: A History of Washington Baseball From 1859 to the 2012 National League East Champions,� and former Washington Senators announcer Phil Hochberg will discuss D.C.’s baseball teams — past and present — in a program sponsored by the D.C. Public Library and the Historical Society of Washington, D.C. 6:30 p.m. Free. Room 307, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■The Landmark Society will present a lecture on “Tobacco Empires and the New Republic� by Susan Kern, a teacher in the College of William & Mary Department of History and National Institute of American History and Democracy. 6:30 p.m. $15 to $20. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW. tudorplace.org. ■Blake Bailey will discuss his book “The Splendid Things We Planned: A Family Portrait� in conversation with novelist Elliott Holt. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919. ■The Russkaia Literatura group will discuss “The Death of Ivan Ilyich� and “Master and Man� by Leo Tolstoy. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Room 109, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202727-0321.

■The Chevy Chase DC Library Book Club will discuss “Where’d You Go, Bernadette?� by Maria Semple. 7 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021. ■A new group, “Book Club With a Beat,� will discuss “How Music Works� by Talking Heads member David Byrne. 7 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■Yehuda Kurtzer, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, will discuss the Jewish experience of having the modern state of Israel in the ancient land of prophecy. 7:30 p.m. Free. Adas Israel Congregation, 2850 Quebec St. NW. 202-362-4433. Films ■The Tuesdays at Noon film series will feature the 2012 documentary “Winged Seduction: Birds of Paradise.� Noon. Free. Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic, 1600 M St. NW. 202-857-7700. ■The Egyptian Contemporary Film Series will feature “Film Thakafi,� a comedic look at youth disenchantment and deprivation as three friends go through great travails in their quest to watch a racy film. A discussion will follow. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Room 241, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. egyptfilmseries-filmthakafi.eventbrite.com. ■The Georgetown Library’s monthlong “Herstory� film series will celebrate Women’s History Month. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-7270232. Readings ■Abbas Khider will read from his novel

present a reading of “The Diary of Adam and Eve� by Mark Twain. 7 p.m. Free. Undercroft Theater, Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church, 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW. stageguild.org/reading-series.

Wednesday, maRCh 5 ■Concert: A monthly concert series will feature organist Dongho Lee performing Charles Ives’ “Variations on America� and other works. 12:10 to 12:45 p.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766.

“The Village Indian (Der falsche Inder),� drawn from his experiences as a political prisoner and years as a refugee. Excerpts will be read in both German and English, with a discussion in English to follow. 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. goetheinstitutwashington.eventbrite.com. ■The Washington Stage Guild will

Performances ■The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities will host the D.C. finals of the Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Contest, featuring performances by local artists and 11 high school students competing to advance to the national championship. 6 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations suggested. Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, 641 D St. NW. poldistrictfinals.eventbrite.com. ■“Gala Flamenca� will feature dancers Antonio Canales, Carlos Rodriguez, Karime Amaya and Jesus Carmona. 8 p.m. $35 to $65. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-9946800. ■The weekly “Tuesdays With Funnie� series — featuring comedy, music, improv and vaudeville — will feature “The DMV Roast of Bao Bao the Panda.� 8 p.m. Free. The Brixton, 901 U St. NW. 202-431-4704. Special event ■The Washington National Cathedral will celebrate the last day before Lent with pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. 12:30 p.m. Free. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. nationalcathedral.org. Walk ■The Woman’s National Democratic Club will present a walking tour of “Clara Barton’s Civil War Washington,� led by pro-

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

fessional tour guide Melanie La Force and featuring a behind-the-scenes look at the almost-restored Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum. 11 a.m. $15 to $20; reservations required by Feb. 28. Meet at the National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-232-7363. Wednesday, March 5 Wednesday maRCh 5 Book signing ■Chelsea Handler will sign copies of her book “Uganda Be Kidding Me.� 2 p.m. Free admission. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919. Classes and workshops ■Science of Spirituality instructors will present a class on Jyoti techniques to deepen and stabilize meditation practices. 7 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232. ■The Vajrayogini Buddhist Center will host a weekly class on meditation. 7 to 8:30 p.m. $12 per class. Vajrayogini Buddhist Center, 1787 Columbia Road NW. 202-986-2257. Concerts ■Betty Carter’s Jazz Ahead, now in its 16th year, will present a three-night concert series featuring various ensembles made up of competitively selected, emerging jazz artists as they complete their weeklong residency. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600. The concert series will continue Thursday and Friday at 6 p.m. ■“Orchid Symphony: A Little Night Music Concert� will feature pianist Maggie Loukachkina. 6 to 8 p.m. Free. U.S. BotanSee Events/Page 24

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24 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The CurrenT

Events Entertainment 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227. ■ Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen, Harvard Law School specialists in negotiation, will discuss their book “Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

Continued From Page 23 ic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202225-8333. ■ Israeli-American cellist Inbal Segev will perform. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Performance Hall, National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. reservations@nmwa.org. ■ “Communion D.C.” will feature performances by Bear’s Den, Pearl and the Beard, Vacationer, Nick Bayard and other up-and-coming musical acts. 8:30 p.m. $9.50 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. Discussions and lectures ■ National Museum of Women in the Arts assistant educator Ashley W. Harris will discuss “Fabulous Functionality” as part of a series of gallery talks on the exhibition “‘Workt by Hand’: Hidden Labor and Historical Quilts.” Noon to 12:30 p.m. Free. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370. ■ Clay Warren, professor of communication at George Washington University, will discuss his book “The School for Life: N.F.S. Grundtvig on Education for the People.” Noon to 1:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Room 308, Marvin Center, George Washington University, 800 21st St. NW. warrenatgsehd.eventbrite.com. ■ “Women of Architecture: Extended Territories” will feature a talk by Andrea Leers and Jane Weinzapfel about how their work intersects with urbanization, globalization and sustainability. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $12 to $20; free for students. Reservations required. National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. ■ The H&B Book Club will discuss “‘Mr. President’: George Washington and the Making of the Nation’s Highest Office.” 6:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. ■ Metro Cooking DC will present “An Evening With Ina Garten,” featuring a conversation between Garten, the Emmy Award-winning host of the Food Network program “Barefoot Contessa,” and Bonnie Benwick, deputy food editor at The Washington Post. 6:30 p.m. $85 to $95. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-994-6800. ■ The Bread & Roses Labor Series will feature a discussion of the book “How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons From the Chicago Teachers.” 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025

Films ■ “The Met: Live in HD” will feature an encore showing of Borodin’s “Prince Igor.” 6:30 p.m. $20. AMC Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW. fathomevents.com. ■ The Human Rights Watch Film Series will present Lisa Biagiotti, Duy Linh Tu and Jo Lindquist’s 2012 documentary “deepsouth,” about life with HIV in a region of the United States often ignored by politicians and the public. A Q-and-A session will follow. 7 p.m. $7.52 to $10.34. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-4193456. The series will conclude March 12. ■ The Alex Prager Selects Film Series will feature the 1936 film “Modern Times,” starring Charlie Chaplin as a factory worker who finds himself caught between the cogs of industrialized society and the temptations of a gamine orphan. 7 p.m. $5; free for members. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St. NW. 202-639-1770. Performances ■ SpeakeasyDC will present “Outliers & Mavericks: Stories about defying convention and challenging the status quo” in conjunction with the 24th Washington Jewish Film Festival. 8:30 p.m. $20 to $25. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. wjff.org. ■ Sarah Lawson will host an open mic event. 9 to 11 p.m. $5. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202789-2227. Readings ■ “Al Mutanabbi Starts Here,” an event commemorating the seventh anniversary of the bombing of Baghdad’s historic bookselling street, will feature readings by Zein El-Amine, Sarah Browning, Elana Casey, Mariam Coker, E. Ethelbert Miller, Nahid Navab, Casey Smith and Susan Tichy, among others. 6 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638. ■ Spooky Action Theater will present a staged reading of “Waltz #6” by Brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues. 7 p.m. Free. Universalist National Memorial Church, 1810 16th St. NW. 202-248-0301. Sporting event ■ The Washington Wizards will play the Utah Jazz. 7 p.m. $6 to $332. Verizon Cen-

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9:30 p.m. Free. Honors Townhouse, George Washington University, 714 21st St. NW. gwtoday.gwu.edu/events.

ter, 601 F St. NW. 800-745-3000. Thursday, March 6

Thursday MARCh 6 Classes ■ The Job Seeker’s Clinic will present a workshop on getting the most out of the networking website LinkedIn. 1 to 2:30 p.m. Free. Takoma Library, 416 Cedar St. NW. 202-576-7252. ■ Meditation instructor David Newcomb will conclude his two-part “Deeper Into Meditation” series. 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1225. Concerts ■ New York-based based ModernWorks Ensemble will perform works by Turkish composers for Western and Turkish instruments. 7:30 p.m. Free; tickets required. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000. ■ The Howlin’ Brothers (shown) and the Honeycutters will perform bluegrass, Americana and roots music. 8:30 p.m. $10 to $15. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. Demonstration ■ Gardening specialist Adrienne Cook and nutritionist Danielle Cook will present ideas on how to cook the many varieties of potatoes. Noon and 12:45 p.m. Free. Conservatory Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-2258333. Discussions and lectures ■ Dr. Robert Ivkov of Johns Hopkins University Medical School will discuss “Nanotechnology for Cancer Treatment.” 11:30 a.m. Free. Mary Pickford Theater, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5664. ■ Cheryl Strayed will discuss her memoir “Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail.” 2:30 p.m. Free. Room 220, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ Karina V. Korostelina, associate professor at George Mason University, will discuss “Constructing the Narratives of Identity and Power: Self-Imagination in a Young Ukrainian Nation.” 4 to 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Suite 412, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 1957 E St. NW. go.gwu.edu/Kkorostelina. ■ Renowned orchid grower Arthur Chadwick will discuss “First Ladies and Their Cattleyas: 1929 to Present.” 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. $7 to $20. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807. ■ Howard Feinstein will discuss his book “Fire on the Bayou: True Tales From the Civil Rights Battlefront.” 6 p.m. Free. Room 209, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321. ■ Nancy Whipple Grinnell, curator and archivist at the Newport Art Museum in Newport, R.I., will discuss her book “Carrying the Torch: Maud Howe Elliot and the American Renaissance.” 6 p.m. Free. Society of the Cincinnati, Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-7852040. ■ Issam Nassar, associate professor of Middle East history at Illinois State University, will discuss “Photographing the First World War in the Middle East: The Suez

Wednesday, MARCh 5 ■ Discussion: Mark N. Ozer will discuss his book “Washington DC: Streets and Statues — Walking in the Steps of History.” 7 p.m. Free. TenleyFriendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1225.

Campaign in Palestine, 1915.” 6 p.m. Free. Room 241, Bunn Intercultural Center, Georgetown University, 37th and O streets NW. issamnassar.eventbrite.com. ■ Curators Josefine Raab and Stefan Becht will discuss “Photography in Germany Today,” followed by an exhibit opening and a contemporary dance performance by German performance artist Marcel Sparmann. 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Goethe-Institut, 812 7th St. NW. goetheinstitutwashington.eventbrite.com. ■ The Mystery Book Group will discuss “Bad Things Happen” by Harry Dolan. 6:30 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176. ■ Fred Plotkin, an expert on Italy, will discuss “Liguria: Paradise Found.” 6:45 to 9 p.m. $30 to $42. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030. ■ Dave Barry will discuss his book “You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty: Dave Barry on Parenting and Other Topics He Knows Very Little About.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202364-1919. ■ “Slate Political Gabfest — Live” will feature a live taping of a podcast by Slate’s Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson and David Plotz. 7 p.m. $25. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487. ■ Edward Jones Jr., general manager and executive producer for the University of the District of Columbia’s educational cable channel, will discuss “Communicating Bowen Theory Through the Medium of Television.” 7:30 p.m. Free. Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, 4400 MacArthur Blvd. NW. 202-965-4400. ■ Bruce Rosenstein, managing editor of Leader to Leader and a lecturer in library and information science at Catholic University, will discuss his book “Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way.” 7 p.m. Free. Great Hall, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-7270321. Performance ■ RFD will host a first-round March Madness of Comedy performance with 12 comics. 8:30 p.m. Free. RFD, 810 7th St. NW. 202-431-4704. Reading ■ Poets Will Stockton and D. Gilson will read from their new book “Crush.” 7:30 to

Special event ■ “Mad Museum: The American 60s,” this month’s “Phillips After 5” program, will feature a chance to sample classic cocktails while viewing works by Washington Color School and abstract expressionist artists; a screening of a 2008 episode of “Mad Men” that centered on a Mark Rothko painting; a photo booth inspired by “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”; and 15-minute focused discussions about American art in the 1960s. 5 to 8:30 p.m. $10 to $12; reservations suggested. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. phillipscollection.org/events. Friday, March 7

Friday MARCh 7 Concerts ■ The Friday Morning Music Club will present a concert of works by Berg, Lehar and Brahms. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-333-2075. ■ “Barbara Cook’s Spotlight,” a cabaret series, will feature two-time Tony nominee Brian d’Arcy James. 7:30 p.m. $45. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. ■ The Embassy Series will present the Minetti String Quartet performing works by Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Arvo Pärt. 7:30 p.m. $65. Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court NW. 202-625-2361. ■ The KC Jazz Club will present the Lewis Nash Quintet. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $26 to $30. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. ■ The Elias String Quartet will perform works by Haydn, Kurtág and Beethoven. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10 1st St. SE. 202-707-5502. ■ Andre Thierry and Zydeco Magic will perform, with a dance lesson offered during the band break taught by Dancing by the Bayou’s Sharon Schiliro and Michael Hart. 9 p.m. $15 to $20. Gypsy Sally’s, 3401 K St. NW. gypsysallys.com. Performances ■ “Act Two @ Levine” will present students in its Pre-Professional Program performing the musical “Urinetown.” 7:30 to 10 p.m. $17 to $19. Rehearsal Hall, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, 641 D St. NW. levinemusic.org. The performance will repeat Saturday at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. ■ Flamenco dancer Eva Yerbabuena will perform. 8 p.m. $35 to $65. Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. NW. 202-994-6800. The Current welcomes submissions for the Events & Entertainment calendar, although space constraints limit the number of items we can include. Items should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event and include a summary of the event and its date, time, location with complete address, and cost to attend (indicate “free” if there is no charge). Also, please list a phone number for publication and a phone number for an editor to reach a contact person. Entries may be sent to calendar@currentnewspapers. com or The Current, P.O. Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400.

The CurrenT

DISPATCHES From Page 14 History Month. Our librarian, Mr. Flanagan, asked us to make up question about what we read so other students could find the answers. We put our questions on sticky notes and put them on the board. Anybody could take any question, at any time and search for the answer using the books. When you found the answer, Mr. Flanagan would give you a poster showing black people in the medicine careers. Mr. Flanagan always tells us that being smart is more about knowing where to find things, not memorizing. Also, second and third grades are going to the Discovery Theater to see a Black History Month program based on Bessie Coleman, a daring stunt pilot. Grades four and five are going skiing this month! I went last year and I sort of liked it, but many others called it “the best day of their life.� Our early childhood teachers — Ms. Lee, Ms. Juriga and Ms. Hagan — had an Early Childhood Night for the parents of the little kids. They talked about early literacy and what and how to give kids the best. — Jonathan Vejasquez, fifth-grader

St. Ann’s Academy

It’s an anxious time for students in the eighth grade at St. Ann’s. This week, we will start receiving our acceptance letters, or in some cases rejection letters, from the various high schools throughout the Washington area. These letters will determine which schools the students will be able to attend next year. To apply to the high schools, we had to take admissions tests, write essays, provide all our grades and get teachers’ recommendations. We are praying for good news, but we know that not everyone is going to get their first choice. Students in our class have applied to several private schools, and not all of them are Catholic. Over the past few years, St. Ann’s students have gone to St. John’s, Gonzaga, Stone Ridge, DeMatha, Archbishop Carroll, Holy Cross, Bishop O’Connell, Georgetown Visitation, Bishop McNamara, Elizabeth Seton, Don Bosco, Georgetown Prep, Georgetown Day, St. Vincent Pallotti, Bullis, Montrose Christian and St. Mary’s Ryken. If we do get into a high school and make a commitment to attend, we are allowed to wear its sweatshirt over our St. Ann’s uniform. It’s a special exception to our uniform policy, and everyone here makes a big deal about it when an eighthgrader walks into school for the first time in a high school sweatshirt. The student comes to the front of the gym, announces the school he or she will be attending next year, and leads the school in morning prayer. — Rudy Acree, eighth-grader

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School

In our class we are studying Jamestown. We are learning about the Powhatan Indians and the English settlers. The English settlers wanted the land in Virginia where the Powhatans lived. The Powhatans lived very peacefully before the settlers came. They worked the land and interacted with the animals. When the settlers came, they took the Powhatans’ land. They cut down trees, killed animals and kicked out the Powhatans when they already would have had enough land to live on by themselves in England. I think it’s horrible the way that the settlers came to the Powhatan land and destroyed the way the Powhatans lived. John Smith made friends with Pocahontas, the Powhatan princess. Though many people think they fell in love, that is not true. A few years after the colony was founded, Pocahontas married another Englishman, John Rolfe, whose wife died on the boat Sea Adventure during the journey from England to Jamestown. We read about the Sea Adventure’s journey in book club, in a historical fiction book called “A Lion to Guard Us� by Clyde Robert Bulla. My favorite part was when they got shipwrecked on Bermuda and everyone worked together as a community to build houses for all the passengers who were stranded. Next week, we will travel to Jamestown for a field trip. I am excited to see how the Powhatans lived when we go there. — Madeleine Freedberg, third-grader

School Without Walls High School

On any given day in the next past month, after-school sessions are being held in classrooms across the school. Seniors, midway through a yearlong research project, are all conducting the “product portion� of the project. Products can vary, and students are given leniency in their project choices; however, the most common products include teaching lessons to a class or holding an information session. Some unique products include designing a board game about life as an endangered-language native speaker, filming a documentary on the psychological effects of adoption, and selling water bottles to raise awareness on Bisphenol A (BPA). Seniors are given equally as much leniency in their topic choices, as long as they are and will remain interested in their topics for the remainder of the year. In December, all 119 seniors submitted 15-page papers that they worked the entire fall semester on. After the product is due in March, student will spend the following month practicing presentations that will eventually be presented to a panel of experts in April. Although senior project is wrapping up for the year, as the major components are almost done, it still remains important to seniors as passing the class is required in order to graduate. Good

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

luck to the seniors in finishing their projects! — Eleonore Edgell, 12th-grader

Shepherd Elementary

Hi, Mustangs! What’s going on at Shepherd? The cheerleaders are getting ready for competitions. Let’s get excited and support the team, Shepherd! The boys and girls basketball teams both went to the championship this year! We all got our report cards a couple of weeks ago. I hope everyone got lots of 3s and 4s. If you got any 2s, try to work a little harder. That’s what going on at Shepherd! — Lauren Curtis, fourth-grader

Sheridan School

The start of spring means lots of things: flowers, spring break, warm weather and, at Sheridan School, the annual musical. This year’s performance will be a Disney classic, “Beauty and the Beast.� The eighthgrade students had the option of choosing between “Grease,� “Hairspray,� “The Lion King� and “Beauty and the Beast.� As seventhgraders, we had no idea what they would choose. Last week at the end of lunch, our music teacher and musical director, Mr. Walker, made an announcement to the upper school that the winner was “Beauty and the Beast.� Later in class we started to prepare for the musical by watching the Disney version. While watching the film we looked for different characters and their personalities, with an eye toward what parts we

might want to audition for. We also watched for key singing parts and the costumes each character wore. After finishing the movie Mr. Walker shared the audition packet and script for our show. He gave an overview of which parts were available for both seventh- and eighthgraders. He also talked about how we’d work with the stage crew. This is exciting because in the next few months in music class we’ll be learning both the songs and a few dance numbers that will be featured in the musical. Auditions will open in the next few weeks. The musical is the first weekend in May. Hope to see you there. — Leah Melrod and Sophie Warshauer, seventh-graders

Stoddert Elementary

Hi, I’m Alex and we’re in Ms. Mundell’s kindergarten class. We celebrated Valentine’s Day. We ate cake, pizza and cupcakes. We played games. We gave out candy to everyone. It was fun. Hi, I’m Hunter and I really liked when people gave me cards and stuff on Valentine’s Day. I got pencils, candy and cards to read. Ella gave me a card that said, “You are my hero.� The thing we did that was most fun was making things. I got to make a big heart for my mom. I made it like a butterfly. It said, “I love you.� Hi, I’m Sophie and we all made bags for Valentine’s Day to put our things in. When I looked in my bag, there was a little pinky thing. It was a Pinky Pie Little Pony. I made


cards for my mom and dad. It was a heart shape. We had Valentine’s math with little kitty cat, puppy and heart stickers. We did plus. — Sophie Fetsch, Alex McCants and Hunter Cleary, kindergartners

Washington Latin Public Charter School

Washington Latin held its 2014 middle school science fair on Feb. 7. The fifth through eighth grades exhibited many projects for this year’s fair. The middle school judging was split into fifth-graders and sixth- through eighth-graders. Starting with fifth grade, the 2014 thirdplace winner was Logan Brown. Second place went to partners Maya Bradley and Zoe Edelman. And Washington Latin’s fifth-grade first place went to Theo Greiff and Nick Mazza with their project on “How do the principles of flight affect a plane’s distance of flight?� In grades six to eight, receiving third place were Helena Webb and Emma Olson. The second-place award went to James Mitchell. And Washington Latin’s sixth-to-eighthgrade first place went to Lydia Mitchell, with “Do fruits with acid make a better battery than non-acidic fruits?� Latin is very proud of all the hard work of all of the participating students and is now anxiously awaiting the upper school science fair on March 7, showcasing projects of students in grades nine through 12. — Niara Tarleton-Allen, 10th-grader





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30 Wednesday, February 26, 2014




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CAT CARE Services Providing loving, attentive care for your cat(s) while you are away by doing more than just cleaning the box & filling the bowl. • Over 15 years experience. • Am/pm & weekend visits • Short term & long term. Will also take care of other small indoor pets, water plants & bring in mail. References available upon request. Great rates! Located in The Palisades. catcaresvcs@yahoo.com call 703-868-3038

Invitation to the Public Hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for the Foreign Missions Center Master Plan at the Former Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC The U.S. Department of State (DOS) invites you to attend a Public Hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 to identify a Preferred Alternative to prepare a master plan for the long-term development of a Foreign Missions Center, under authorities of the Foreign Missions Act of 1982, on the site of the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in the District of Columbia. The master plan is intended to guide the development of a cohesive campus by establishing design and land-use planning principles for the construction of new buildings, roadways, open green space, and utilities, while minimizing environmental impacts. The Department of State invites individuals, organizations and agencies to submit comments concerning the content and findings of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement during the Public Hearing. Doors will open at 6:00pm and the Hearing will start promptly at 6:30 pm.

Pressure Washing Chesapeake Power Washing, Co. Gentle, low-pressure, thorough turbo-

washing wand ensures no damage to clean brick, stone, slate, wood, and siding. Careful workmanship with 20 years exper. Lic. Bond Ins. 301-656-9274 Chevy Chase, MD

Thursday, March 6, 2014 6:00pm - 9:00pm Tifereth Israel Congregation 7701 16th Street, NW (16th & Juniper Streets) Cherner Auditorium Washington, D.C. 20012 The Department of State will consider and respond to comments received on the Draft EIS in preparing the Final EIS. The public comment period starts with the publication of the Notice of Availability in the Federal Register and will continue for forty-five (45) days, commencing February 14 to March 31, 2014. In addition, the Department of State is continuing to carry out the review process under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 regarding the potential effect of the proposed undertaking on identified historic properties. Public comments regarding the effect of the proposed undertaking on identified historic properties will be accepted as part of the Draft EIS review process. All comments on the Draft EIS process must be submitted by March 31, 2014, to ensure that they are considered during preparation of the Final EIS. The public can provide comments in the following ways: 1) oral and written comments may be submitted during the Public Hearing; 2) email comments to FMC.info@state.gov; or 3) mail comments to (if mailed, comments should be post-marked no later than March 31, 2014): Geoffrey Hunt, Department of State A/OPR/RPM, HST Room 1264 Washington, D.C. 20520-1264 The Draft EIS for the Foreign Missions Center Master Plan is available online at http://www.state.gov/ofm/property/fmc/index.htm. Copies are also available for public review at the following libraries: Juanita E. Thornton-Shepherd Park Library, Takoma Park Neighborhood Library, and Petworth Neighborhood Library.

Professional Services Personal Management Consultant Overwhelmed with paperwork? Need one-on-one personal organizer? Reliable & Confidential. Bus., finan, legal paperwork, med insur. forms reimbursement, Quicken, QB. Atty/personal organizer, Catholic U Grad. Julie Furth, 202-557-0529; www.jfurth.com julie@jfurth.com

Senior Care EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER companion. Alzheimer/dementia certified. Excellent References. Please call 240-731-3912. KIND, TRUSTWORTHY caregiver/ companion available. References avail. Call 202-714-1807.


CUBS: Visi eyes DCSAA crown From Page 11

ney. “We just really needed to limit the amount of shots she could take.” In the second half, Gray jumpstarted the Cubs offense with two clutch three-point buckets to swing the momentum toward Visitation.

MARET: Frogs repeat in MAC From Page 11

by repeating as MAC champions. “Coming in as a freshman, that was the dream — to win a MAC championship,” said Goddard. “Our first year was a struggle, our second year was a struggle, third year we won a championship. But now we finished up with a bang.” The Frogs’ coronation on Sunday wasn’t easy. Flint Hill kept the title game close, leading 24-23 in the second quarter. But Goddard and junior guard Max Steiner hit big buckets to give the Frogs a 30-26 lead at halftime. In the third quarter, Vereen hit a

From Page 12

in a scrum and junior forward Ridge Slate snuck the puck past the Cardinals keeper to push the Eagles’ lead to 2-0. Gonzaga was on the verge of making it a blowout, but two Eagles defenders committed penalties on a Cardinals breakaway. That prevented a goal, but it also left Gonzaga down two defenders. The Eagles’ remaining defenders were up for the challenge, and they nearly held off Calvert Hall but eventually gave up a goal with 24

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seconds of penalty time left. The score trimmed the lead to 2-1. “When they scored, one of our defenders was missing a stick, so it really was a five [versus] two,” said Jackson. “That was a testament to our goaltender Nick and our team defense. We had seniors who cared and played their best.” But in the third period, Ian Smith fed the puck to Jack Sanborn, who snuck it past the goalie to put the game on ice at 3-1. “It’s unbelievable,” said Hally. “I can’t think of going out any other way. There’s nothing better.”

CAFRITZ: ANC backs curb cuts

Pets Dogsitter/ Dog Daycare Personalized daycare and overnight petsitting in my home. Lots of care, walks and park time. Good references. www.terrdog.com 202-328-8244

big-time trey to help Maret seize momentum and build a 45-36 lead. The Frogs defense then held off Flint Hill’s rally to secure the title. “Hard work pays off,” said Barnes. “That’s the lesson that we learned. We worked from freshman year all the way to now, and we got two championships. It feels great.” The Frogs will now set their sights on the D.C. State Athletic Association tournament, which tips off Thursday night. Maret earned a bye as the No. 2 seed and will host a second round game on Friday. “We aren’t done yet; we have a D.C. city tournament to win,” said Goddard.

GONZAGA: Eagles retain title

From Page 2

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“They knew how bad it felt last year, so we wanted to come back and take care of business,” said McCarthy. Visitation will continue its season in the coming weeks when it enters the D.C. State Athletic Association tournament for the first time.

Windows Ace Window Cleaning, Co. Family owned and operated for over 20 years using careful workmanship 301-656-9274 Chevy Chase, MD Licensed • Bonded • Insured • We also offer glass, screen, and sash cord repair service



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Neighborhood Coalition, is appealing the city decisions, though construction has already begun.) Because the building’s proposed height, density and setbacks were judged to be within the legal limits, the curb cut is the only matter to come before the neighborhood commission for a vote. In many cases, communities try to use a curb cut application to seek concessions. The Chevy Chase commission, though, had already agreed last summer, as part of a memorandum of understanding with Cafritz, to support the application. Under that agreement, the developer provided design tweaks and more parking, and pledged to retain more trees. The tree issue sparked further concern from the 5333 coalition, which argued that creating curb cuts would damage root systems. Trini Rodriguez, Cafritz’s horticultural consultant, responded at the Feb. 10 meeting that the driveway entrance would be as narrow as possible to minimize the threat to trees.

“We are doing everything we can do” to preserve the trees, she said, noting that any trees removed would be replaced. The company also hopes to get permission to use permeable pavement. Commissioner David Engel said he thought opponent were nitpicking. “It sounds like spite,” he said. On the traffic front, no left turns would be permitted to or from Connecticut at the new curb cuts, and the driveway would be angled 60 degrees to further encourage drivers to turn right only. Cafritz pledged to monitor the driveway to ensure cars don’t overstay the 10-minute limit. The D.C. Department of Transportation has previously raised pedestrian safety concerns about the idea of Connecticut Avenue curb cuts. Several commissioners attended a recent meeting with Cafritz and transportation officials and reported that the agency appears more open to the curb cuts in this case. The Public Space Committee will decide on the proposal tomorrow. Current staff contributed to this article.

The CurrenT

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 31


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32 Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The CurrenT

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