Tuesday, May 29, 2018
remembering Kassie Mother cautions others on Semester at Sea program, holds fundraiser in memory of daughter /P9 Residential Customer Local
Council approves TIF financing /P3
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Pack the Cruiser Set /P5
Boy Scouts retire flags /P10
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, geistcurrent.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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Kassie Braun spent time overseas in the fall of 2017. (Submitted photo)
Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. VIII, No. 3 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
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Council approves TIF for The Yard multi-family development Compiled by Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com The Fishers City Council met May 21. The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. June 18 at City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr. For more, visit fishers. in.us. What happened: The City of Fishers approved a resolution to the amendment of The Yard project. What it means: Thompson Thrift Retail The Fishers Ellipse was approved by the Fishers Group has proposed a separate, distinct City Council on May 21. It will be a 45,000-squareproject in addition to The Yard’s culinary and foot Class A office building on Municipal Drive. retail options to be located (Submitted image) city news on The Yard’s property at What happened: The council approved a 116th Street and I-69. The separate project includes a multi-family devel- text amendment to the Thoroughbred Planned Unit Development to allow for 40 attached, opment with a parking garage. The developer single-family homes on 9.34 acres to be known expects costs to be at least $30 million as the Overlook at White River. The defor the project and asked for economic velopment is at the southwest corner of development assistance, which includes 146th Street and Allisonville Road. utilizing TIF, or tax increment financing, What it means: The homes will range for the housing portion of The Yard. Folfrom three to six units per dwelling. At lowing the amendment, the council also least 75 percent of the units facing Alapproved the revenue bond issuance for lisonville Road are required to have a the parking garage. Fadness rear feature, such as a porch, fence or What happened: The council appergola. proved a project agreement between What happened: The council approved an the Fishers Ellipse and the City of Fishers. amendment to the Thorpe Creek Planned Unit What it means: The Fishers Ellipse is a $10 million project announced May 21. It fills in the Development to expand the PUD by 10 acres, which would allow for 18 additional homes. final spot on the Municipal Drive Ellipse. The What it means: The property is south of project consists of a 45,000-square-foot Class A office building and includes a public parking the Thorpe Creek Development. A sub-street lot to be used in evenings and on weekends to is to be developed to the south. The developer assist with the increased engagements at the requested a sub-street not be developed and that the area be established as open space Nickel Plate Amphitheatre. Additional incenuntil further development begins at the south tives for the project include a tax abatement and a sub-street is needed, but after input of $1 million over the course of 10 years and from Mayor Scott Fadness, the council decided waiving impact fees. against that and voted for the development as “We believe we obtained two fantastic proposals that will do great justice to the am- is, which includes the sub-street. “There have been councils before that made phitheatre as office bookends,” said Brandon this decision,” Fadness said. “The neighborDickinson, director of economic development hood, once it’s established, will not be supfor the city. “The broker for this development portive, so I think you decide to do it today or has received significant interest before todon’t do it, but don’t put the false premise you day’s announcement, so we are very excited can leave it there for future (development).” about the types of companies to shortly be announced moving into this building.”
dispatches Correction - In a recent edition of Current in Fishers, a flag-retiring ceremony was referred to incorrectly. For more on flagretiring ceremonies and the Boy Scouts’ involvement, see Page 10. Spark!Fishers announces national act for Friday night concert - A 90s pop favorite, Sugar Ray, will headline the Spark!Fishers Friday night concert on June 29 at Saxony. The free concert kicks off the Spark!Fishers community event that continues with a full day of festivities, including a 5K, street fair, parade and fireworks on June 30. Sugar Ray is known for their top 10 hits “Every Morning,” “Someday” and the 1997 No. 1 hit, “Fly.” Pedal Perks - The Pedal Perks program is back for its second year with even more businesses offering deals to bicyclists. The ride-and-save discount program is an affordable way for locals and visitors to explore the area on bikes. Just show proof of your ride to local merchants (a photo will do) to receive discounts. A full list of the deals can be found at PedalPerks.org. American Legion open houses – Fishers American Legion, 9091 E. 126th St., hosts several open houses each month. The public is always welcome to visit Post 470 and enjoy our facilities, great food and soft drinks, entertainment and charitable gaming. During an open house, nonmembers may purchase adult beverages at the bar without being signed in as a guest. For dates of open houses, visit Legion470.org. Quilters Guild meeting – Mudsock Quilters Guild meets on the second Monday of every month from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Meeting location is changing. Please check the website at MudsockQuiltersGuild.org for location and more information. Newcomers Club – The Fishers Newcomers Club meets the second Thursday of most months at 6:45 p.m. at the Delaware Township Building, 9090 E. 131st St. Meet friends, join an activity group and participate in various charitable activities. For more, contact fishersnewcomers@gmail.com
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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May 29, 2018
ah_cottage_3.qxp_Layout 1 5/18/18 2:57 PM Page 1
Pack the Cruiser set for June 2 By Renee Larr • news@currentinwestfield.com Hamilton County residents soon will have the opportunity to assist 13 local summer lunch programs. On June giving back 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., officers from Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville, Sheridan, Westfield and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office will be at all nine Kroger stores across the county accepting food donations in an initiative called Pack the Cruiser. “It’s a one-day food drive inviting the public to come out to Kroger,” said Anita Hagen, executive director of the Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank. “The policemen will be there with their cars inviting people to come in and shop for specific food items. There are individualized lists for each store based on which programs they’re working with in that area.” County-wide summer lunch programs provide 75,000 meals to more than 1,400 children during the 10 weeks of summer vacation. “We’re requesting all non-perishable items,” Hagen said. “They’ll also accept Kroger gift cards, or if people would like to just make a monetary donation, all that
Current in Fishers
Anderson Hall in Fishers
Pack the Cruiser filled 11 cars during its inaugural event in Fishers. The next event will span Hamilton County June 2. (Submitted photo)
money will be turned into Kroger gift cards to those programs.” The program was launched last year in Fishers and was expanded to include all of Hamilton County this year. “Det. Dean Mucha of the Fishers Police Dept. was the originator of the idea,” Hagen said. “He wanted to try it out in Fishers. They filled 11 cars, but always in his mind he wanted it to be across all of Hamilton County.” Representatives from each summer lunch program will be on hand to answer questions. For more, visit hchfoodbank.org/ events/39/pack-the-cruiser/.
All Gave Some Some Gave All Stop in to see the Field of Flags and pay tribute to the men and women who have served our country. Flags on display now through July 9th. OaklawnMemorialGardens.org
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Sertoma Golf Classic June 14 to benefit local charities By Jessica Hoover news@currentinfishers.com
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2018 G80
The Fishers Sertoma Club will host the second Fishers Sertoma Golf Classic June 14 at Stony Creek Golf Course event in Noblesville. Fishers Sertoma is a nonprofit service organization that aims to make a difference in the lives of the people in Hamilton and Marion counties through donating time, labor and money to several causes. Proceeds from the golf outing benefit five charities: Prevail; Lutheran Child and Family Services; Hear Indiana; Fishers United Come-To-Me Food Pantry; and Hamilton Southeastern School Foundation. Registration begins at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. Golfers will play a round on Stony Creek’s 18-hole course with a chance to win prizes if they get a hole-in-one on any of the four par 3s. Prizes include a cruise, airline tickets, an electronics package and more. Sertoma Club member Deb Persic said there also will be two raffles during the lunch hour.
Front, from left, Deb Persic and Sharla Rhodes. Back, from left, Dave Persic and Jeff Rhodes. (Submitted photo)
“The Super Raffle includes a 55-inch TV, a one-night stay at West Baden with a round of golf for two at the Donald Ross course and golf clubs, to name a few,” Persic said. “The (other) raffle includes gift cards from major eateries and retailers in Hamilton and Marion counties.” Anyone interested in sponsoring the Fishers Sertoma Golf Classic can contact Patti Brooks at pbrooks1953@comcast.net. Registration fee per golfer is $75. Sponsorship levels range between $100 and $1,000.
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Fishers H.S. graduate profile: Nina Carr By Desiree Williams news@currentinfishers.com Nina Carr graduated from Fishers High School in 2014. Carr, 22, education will graduate with a degree in communications studies from Ball State University, where she also is involved in Phi Mu Fraternity. Q: Who was your most influential high school teacher? A: There were so many great teachers. I would probably say Ms. Clone. I had her for astronomy. She was always very positive and very willing to help. Q: What were you involved in during high school? A: I was on the lacrosse and golf team. I very much enjoyed both of them. I loved the whole team aspect and I made a lot of good friends and memories throughout my time on both teams. Q: What do you miss about high school? A: One of the things I miss most is being on both of those teams, lacrosse and golf.
Also, just having all of your friends at the same school as you. It’s hard when you go off to college and people go to different colleges and you lose touch. Q: Can you tell me about your college experience? A: Throughout my time at Ball State, I’ve really enjoyed the past four years. I learned a lot in my major and I’ve made a lot of good friends and great memories. I was involved in a Greek organization on campus and that gave me a lot of great leadership opportunities, great memories and great friends. Although I will miss college, it was a great four years.
Q: What interests you about communication studies? A: I feel like I’ve always been interested in communications and learning all about it. One thing that did really help in why I chose my major was that there really is no math involved and math was never one of my strong suits. All of my professors have been great, and I’ve really enjoyed the whole department.
at the Exhibition Hall, 2003 Pleasant St. Noblesville, IN 46060 HAMILTON COUNTY
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HAMILTON COUNTY Q: What is your dream job? FAIRGROUNDS A: I’m currently looking at jobs at the Exhibition Hall, 2003 Pleasant St. Noblesville, IN 46060 FRI, JUNE 1 DAILY – SUN, JUNE 3 RESTOCKING • FREE PARKING around the Fishers/Indianapolis FRI & SAT 9 AM – 7 PM • SUN 10 AM – 6 PM FRI & SAT 9 AM – 7 PM • SUN 10 AM – 6 PM area. I really want to go into FRI, JUNE 1 – SUN, JUNE 3 recruiting. I think being a job FRI & SAT 9 AM – 7 PM • SUN 10 AM – 6 PM recruiter would work well with The first 200 customers each day will receive a free HPB tote bag!* my major and everything that I’ve learned, so I’m really hoping that I The first 200Thecustomers each day willreceive receive free first 200 customers each day will a free a HPB toteHPB bag!* tote bag!* Tender: cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. We are sorry, but we are unable to accept coupons, other discounts or gift cards at the can pursue a career in that Accepted field. Clearance Sale. All sales are final. *Limit one tote bag per person, 16 years of age and up. Offer valid June 1 through June 3 at Clearance Sale only. RESTOCKING DAILY • FREE PARKING
FRI, JUNE 1 – SUN, JUNE 3 Accepted Tender: cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. We are sorry, but we are unable to accept coupons, other discounts or gift cards at the Clearance Sale. All sales are final. *Limit one tote bag per person, 16 years of age and up. Offer valid June 1 through June 3 at Clearance Sale only.
Q: What did you do in Phi Mu? A: Throughout my time in Phi Mu, I held various leadership (positions). For one year, I was the chapter’s vice president and it truly showed me how capable of a leader I am. It was an amazing opportunity.
Accepted Tender: cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. We are sorry, but we are unable to accept coupons, other discounts or gift cards at the Clearance Sale. All sales are final. *Limit one tote bag per person, 16 years of age and up. Offer valid June 1 through June 3 at Clearance Sale only.
Q: Do you have any advice for people going into college? A: I would just say to cherish each moment because it really does go by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, you’ll be graduating and you’ll wonder where the past four years went.
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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HCAA kids art camp set for June By Sadie Hunter • sadie@youarcurrent.com For more than a decade, the Hamilton County Artists’ Association has offered a summer art summer activities camp for local kids. This year, the camp will return in June, offering sessions for children in first through eighth grade. “We’re all volunteers, and this year we’re partnering with the Watercolor Society of Indiana,” said Karen Fehr, an HCAA member and art camp chair. The HCAA’s artists, members and others lead the camp at the organization’s headquarters, The Birdie Gallery, 195 S. Fifth St. in downtown Noblesville. Volunteer artists work with kids as they create a variety of art projects grounded in traditions and techniques of fine arts. Fehr said campers can expect to work in various mediums. “We’re going to talk about Alexander Calder and his mobiles that he invented and make a mobile,” Fehr said. “We’re also going to talk about pop art and Andy Warhol and make an animal painting on canvas in the style of pop art. We always try to talk
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Karen Fehr teaches watercolor techniques at last year’s art camp. (Submitted photo)
about at least two artists.” Fehr said the group also will learn about Aboriginal art. Sue Payne, an HCAA member who also leads weaving programs at Conner Prairie, will bring her students on the last day of the camp to teach how to weave a bracelet or a bookmark. Morning and afternoon sessions are available from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., June 18 to 21, Monday through Thursday. Cost is $45. Online registration is available by visiting hcaa-in.org/special-events-workshopsclasses. For more, contact Fehr at k.fehr1@ comcast.net, or call 317-847-7757.
dispatches Junior police academy – Applications are being accepted for the annual Hamilton County Junior Law Enforcement Academy, a half-day program that highlights law enforcement activities. The academy runs from 8 a.m. noon June 15, at the Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds. There is no cost. Camp size is limited with a registration cutoff date of June 1 or when then camp fills. Register at hamiltoncounty.in.gov/553/ Chaplains-Division. Photo contest – The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District is sponsoring its fifth annual photo contest for youth and adults who reside in Hamilton County. Each age division has two categories - Then and Now, and Pollinators in Color. Digital files must be submitted by June 27. Additional information and entry forms are located at hamiltonswcd.org/photo-contest.html. Serve Indiana awards – Nominations are being accepted for the Serve Indiana Awards for Excellence. Categories include volunteerism, youth volunteerism, corporate service award and several others. Nominations are due by June 29. For more, visit IN.gov and type Serve Indiana in the search box.
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
attend the first kassiekares sip. bark. repeat. fundraiser
Kassie Braun educates students in India. Braun is remembered for her philanthropic heart. (Submitted photos)
remembering Kassie
The inaugural event will be noon to 6 p.m. June 3 at Daniel’s Vineyard, 9061 N. 700 W., McCordsville. A $10 entry fee is suggested to allow attendees to bring their dogs to the event. Food, beer and other items will be available for purchase. FoxGardin Kitchen and Ale and Four Day Ray Brewery will be among the vendors. Live music, including a performance by Corey Cox, and kids’ activities are part of the event. Three Dog Bakery will have a booth as well. All proceeds benefit KassieKares, which grants scholarships to Cathedral High School and St. Edward’s University students. The organization also is funding the construction of a school in Nigeria. For more, visit kassiekares.org or danielsvineyard.com.
Mother cautions others on Semester at Sea program, holds fundraiser in memory of daughter By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Kassie Braun’s philanthropic nature began early in life and grew cover story through high school and college. The Fishers resident and Cathedral High School graduate participated in a Semester at Sea program in fall 2017. She was joined by hundreds of other students from across the nation. Braun was one of five students to receive the Service Learning Impact Scholarship, allowing her to teach in different nations and return to the ship to educate other students on her experiences. Semester at Sea encourages students to travel independently to different ports to learn how international travel works. After the ship spent time in India, Kassie traveled to Myanmar with three friends she met on board. Although officials advise against it, climbing the pagodas in Myanmar is a popular tourist activity. When Kassie, 20, climbed them with her friends, the bricks beneath her collapsed and she fell to the bottom of the pagoda. Kassie initially survived the fall and was transported to a nearby hospital, though available treatment methods consisted of little more than cotton swabs applied with rubber gloves.
“She was alive. She survived the fall, but there was no medical care, so she lay there bleeding out of her eyes and her ears and her nose,” said Chalene Braun, Kassie’s mother. “I didn’t get a phone call from a student for an hour later. The closest hospital is called a hospital, but it’s a shack with a dirt floor. “The doctor drove her in a vehicle, on some makeshift gurney put in the back of a dilapidated vehicle, and drove to the closest hospital four hours away to then be airlifted to Bangkok (Thailand).” Kassie died en route to the second hospital. Two hours before she fell, she told Chalene she was having the best day ever. Prior to college, Kassie interned at Daniel’s Vineyard in McCordsville. Chalene also worked with her. During her short time at the vineyard, Kassie established a program called Sip. Bark. Repeat., where attendees pay a fee to bring their dog to the vineyard. It was such a success the vineyard began to host it monthly. To honor Kassie, the vineyard’s June event will raise funds for an organization created by Chalene called KassieKares, which provides scholarships for students to attend Cathedral High School and St. Edward’s University, where Kassie attended college. The organization also is funding the construction of a school in Nigeria. In addition to raising funds for the phil-
anthropic organization, Chalene wants to educate parents about the risks of Semester at Sea and independent travel outside of that related to study. She said she hopes the program begins using Depart Smart, an online program created by Sheryl Hill, who lost her son, Tyler, during a trip abroad. The program educates on destinations and what to expect. For Myanmar, it cautions against travel for people with minor health conditions like asthma because if something were to happen, adequate hospitals are up to 10 hours away. The nation also doesn’t have infrastructure in place to efficiently transport patients. “If I had known what I know now, my daughter would have not gotten off that ship (in Myanmar),” Chalene said. “Their history saves lives,” Hill said in an email statement about her son and others who have died on overseas trips. “Policy has not kept pace with globalization. Travel and Tourism consumer safety and statistically meaningful reporting is practically nonexistent. You don’t get a warning before you buy or fly. Most people do not know how to Depart Smart. Take the Travel Safety Savvy quiz on Depart Smart.org to test yourself. Fewer than 3 percent can score more than 5. People don’t know what they need to know to avoid risks, get help and home safely.” For more, visit departsmart.org.
The KassieKares logo.
Kassie Braun spent her fall semester in 2017 in a Semester at Sea program. She died Nov. 7 following a fall from a pagoda in Myanmar.
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Deconstructing DMs
o b s e r v ation
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
A wider menu Commentary by Terry Anker As avid readers, each day we receive a panoply of updates, blasts, news and posts about all sort and manner of ideas. Even this paper appears in our mailboxes eagerly enticing us to open, review and stay a while. Because of the many topics that might pique our interest, social media bots, editorial pros and would-be lifestyle experts all gauge our thinking with an eye to deliver more of said content to keep us interested – and their product above the constant chatter of this media age. Tailored articles and suggested columns all fill our senses. It is a bit as if our favorite restaurant took note that we have had the same general menu item three of the last five visits. Promptly, it removed all other flavors and created a menu just for us. Gone would be anything that might allow us to stray from our daily ritual of meat and potatoes. Countless variations on the singular theme would be advanced. In a world where we customize to a narrow slice of the menu, aren’t we missing the abundance of our choices? And, can our bodies remain healthy, or even survive, on a diet compressed to our limited notions of what we might enjoy? Discerning, reading, contemplating – each requires a modicum of adventure. How can we come to know our tastes if we only sample things we already know? Certainly, the safe, easy choice is the familiar and the self-reinforcing. At times, a hearty meat and potato stew is warranted, if not required. Still, is it suited for a daily diet? Pineapple is not my favorite. Brussels sprouts are. Isn’t there room for both on my plate? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
BE L I EVE I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Wyoming, any person who fails to close a fence is subject to a fine of up to $750. Source: dumblaws.com
READER ’ S V I EW Boy Scout community flag retirement Editor, Troop 303 is grateful for the posting of pictures from our Flag Retirement Ceremony with American Legion Post 470. We would like to shed light on the images shared. We are proud to be associated with Post 470 and have the honor of participating in flag retirement services. The American Legion post on 126th Street is a drop-off point for unserviceable American flags. An Eagle Scout installed a deposit box at the facility that can be accessed 24/7 with a sign that has each next flag retirement date. We collect flags year-round and retire them by burning in accordance with U.S. Flag Code Title 4 Section 8. A retirement pit that is built solely for honorably retiring American flags is used. Most flags have been displayed at homes or businesses until they need replaced. Others are in honor of loved ones who paid
the ultimate price of freedom with their lives while serving in our armed forces. At first the Scouts stood with Legion officers and learned to inspect and prepare the flags for this service. The Boy Scouts now lead this service. It includes an inspection and a moment of silence and prayer prior to playing “Taps” as the flags are presented. The Boy Scouts enjoy talking with veterans about military service and have had the Fishers police chief and Boy Scout Band participate as well. We hope this Memorial Day you will remember those who gave their lives for us. When you see the flag of our nation under which they served, have pride and treat it with respect. If a flag is unserviceable, put a new one in its place. Be assured that the Scouts will retire your flag with honor and respect. Matt Best, Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 303
In this episode of “Evolution of a Dance Mom: An Exposé,” I explore how a new dance mom experiences the five stages of grief. Enjoy! humor After her daughter’s firstever competition, the DM will see nothing but positives: The supportive and professional atmosphere, the fair and clearly defined judging guidelines and the beauty and grace of all the young performers. This is the classic shock-and-denial phase, when the DM subconsciously is unable and unwilling to look below the glitter lipstick and faux lashes to the crazy that ferments beneath. By her third competition, however, the DM will move on to anger. She will have had it with obnoxious mothers screeching, “Own it, Maddie!” and the exorbitant tuition/entrance fees. She will mutter things like “Where’d my life go?” in her tormented sleep. But by this point, the DM is committed. She’ll fail miserably at the bargaining stage (“If you quit, I’ll buy you a pony!”) and muddle through a few weeks of depression (“I’m sorry my tears ruined your bun, honey”). Dark days, for certain. As the season wraps with nationals, however, the DM will reach the last phase of acceptance. She’ll understand that her daughter has found her passion and that she must do whatever it takes to put her child’s dreams ahead of her own frustrations. The DM will have accepted the cost, the time commitment and even the requisite sequined booty shorts. She’ll know to bring a good book, wear a pair of quality ear plugs and appreciate the endless opportunities to ruthlessly judge other women and their kids. She will have accepted her fate as a Dance Mom. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Q U O T E O F T HE WEEK Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.
Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Indy 500’s checkered past Commentary by Dick Wolfsie We all recall Indy 500 winners like Rick Mears, Al Unser, Jr. and A. J. Foyt. Recently, a longtime friend (and race fan humor for 80 years) reminisced about some of his favorite race facts. If you’ve never heard of them, it’s because he made them up. THE CLEANEST RACE CAR DRIVER was Daring Dudley Doolittle, a fierce competitor and an immaculate dresser. In 1963, Dudley pulled his gleaming white racecar into the pits on the 100th lap. As his crew provided additional fuel and two new tires, Dudley took a shower and shaved. However, he slipped on a bar of soap and it took several minutes to hobble back to his car, resulting in a last-place finish. Dudley may have been the cleanest driver ever, but after that race his career was pretty much washed up. THE ODDEST FUEL was used by a 1944 car driven by Percy Vichy of Paris. His Peugeot ran on pure perfume. The car was the brainchild of Andy Grandasmelli, who was allergic to gasoline fumes. The engine raised a stink from officials, but for Vichy the smell of victory kept getting stronger. His perfume-powered car led every lap until
the last one, when he ran out of fuel, stopping 1-inch from the finish line. What irony: He lost by a nose. THE MOST ARTISTIC CAR was owned by California artist Victor Van Go. In 1948, Van Go attached a huge canvas to the outside wall along the main stretch. On each lap, Van Go took out his palette and brushes. As he sped down the straightaway, he extended his arm and applied a swath of colors, resulting in an impressionistic mural. To this day, he is known as the world’s fastest painter. THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL CAR was owned by Greg Sturley, who had a passenger seat installed for an exotic dancer. She would shed an article of clothing with each lap, and drivers stayed behind Sturley’s car to watch the show. Sturley finished first, but the l933 committee ruled his ploy illegal and stripped him of the honor. This was the origin of the word “racy.”
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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Donald (Don) L. Hipes, 83, Carmel, died Thursday morning, January 18, 2018 at his home in Carmel, IN. He was born March 24, 1934 in Royal Center, IN to Josephine and Roy Hipes, and married Deborah Ann Krueger February 24, 1978. Don graduated from Crawfordsville High School, where he earned 8 athletic letters and was the proud recipient of the Hybarger Award for outstanding athletes. Though his undergraduate education was interrupted by his service in the Armed Forces as a Sergeant in the US Army Infantry, Don received his BS from Butler (where he also lettered) and his MS from Purdue. His career in Education spanned 41 years, serving as Principal of various Indiana high schools, chiefly Lebanon and Noblesville, as well as State Supervisor of Correctional Education. After retirement at 62, he had fun with numerous part time positions—from kindergarten assistant to elementary school disciplinary coach to English and literature instructor for Indianapolis and Carmel schools, and IUPUI. Don also volunteered for many years as bookseller, bear hugger, and Santa Claus at the bookstores, Cover to Cover Books, Noblesville, and Treehouse Tales, Indianapolis, that he and Debby built together. Don was a member of Rotary International in Lebanon and Noblesville, where he served as president of the chapter. He also belonged to St. Luke’s United Methodist Church and volunteered in the church office. Don was proud of growing up on his parents’ Crawfordsville farm, loyally followed the Chicago Cubs, enjoyed movies, books, travel and gazing at “his water” in Naples, Florida. He loved his wife Deb and their chocolate Havanese, Chapters. Don will be remembered for planting trees in their Stonewick neighborhood, enjoying irises and lilacs, telling funny stories, laughing at his own corny jokes, and a twinkling smile. He is survived by his wife Debby, his sister-in-law, Becky Krueger Malenkos (Michael Ridenour), his nephews, JW Malenkos (Marissa), Justin Malenkos (Eugenia) of Carmel, and his nieces and nephew, Cindy Hipes Bennett (Don), Carrie Hipes Bearden (Jim), John Hipes (Karen), Jill Hipes, and Jeni Hipes Hall (Larry) of Georgia, as well as 11 great nieces and nephews of Carmel, Georgia and Florida. Don’s parents and brother, Darrell, preceded him in death. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Stephen Ministry or the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Indiana. A Memorial service will be held June 2, 2018, 11am at Flanner Buchanan-Oaklawn Memorial Gardens (Conner Suite), 9700 Allisonville Road, with visitation beginning at 9:30am. Online condolences may be made at www.flannerbuchanan.com. The family thanks Transitions Hospice for attentive and gentle life-ending care.
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
From left, Megan Wiles, executive director of Riverview Health Foundation, Esther Lakes, Riverview Health Foundation board member, Kelly Corrigan, author and keynote speaker, Seth Warren, Riverview Health president and CEO, and Genan Kirby, Riverview Health Foundation board chairperson. (Submitted photo)
Foundation luncheon raises $80K news@currentinwestfield.com
On May 4, Riverview Health Foundation hosted its 14th annual Women of Vision Luncheon for 400 attendfundraiser ees and raised nearly $80,000 to benefit women’s services, programs and equipment at Riverview Health. At the luncheon, the Women of Vision Giving Club grants, totaling $36,800, were presented to the following areas and programs at Riverview Health: Rehab & Fitness, Corporate Wellness, Touch of Love, Maternity
Center, Women’s Center, Women’s Boutique and Radiation Oncology. Since its inception, the Women of Vision Giving Club has granted more than $460,000 to impact the lives of women and children in Hamilton County. “This year, keynote speaker Kelly Corrigan, New York Times Best-selling author and nationally recognized speaker, shared her amazing stories of success, challenge and perseverance,” said Megan Wiles, executive director of Riverview Health Foundation. “Each attendee also received a copy of her newest book, ‘Tell Me More,’ thanks to CarDon & Associates.”
Free help to quit smoking – The Indiana Tobacco Quitline is offering free help to Hoosiers who smoke and want to quit. The free nicotine replacement therapy promotion began May 1 and will end when supplies run out. Participants must enroll in the Indiana Tobacco Quitline. Online counseling is provided along with a two-week supply of free medication, including gum and patches. To enroll, visit QuitNowIndiana.com. Arugula for ulcers – Arugula, a peppery type of salad green, contains sulforaphane, a compound already known to reduce the risk of cancer. Now it appears that the same compound can also help prevent ulcers. It helps the body eliminate H. pylori, a bacterium that causes peptic ulcers and increases the risk for gastric cancer. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Eat sprouted garlic – If your old garlic has started to sprout, is it safe to eat, or should you throw it away? Actually, garlic that has been sprouted for five days has twice as many antioxidants as unsprouted garlic, and it has greater flavor and pungency than the clove itself. Source: Dr. John La Puma, ChefMD
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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Rug & Room features local art and various home décor. (Photo by Sadie Hunter)
Walls Mattress adds rug and room store By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com In business in Noblesville for eight years, previously in Westfield, Walls Mattress has expanded to add Walls Rug & new biz Room. Connected to the mattress store at 2345 Conner St., the rug and home décor store was created to fill a void in the Noblesville market, owner Austin Walls said. “I was looking to expand in other areas, and I enjoy the design process of selling furniture – the artwork, the rugs, the accessories – but don’t necessarily enjoy selling furniture,” Walls said. “I was looking in the area, and I felt like there was a hole for rugs and accessories. You can go to the box stores, and they’ve got inexpensive stuff but limited selection and quality. The other op-
What percentage of Current readers with household income of at least $100,000?
tion is high-end designers, where the rugs are several thousand dollars, and the accessories are expensive. So, I wanted to give people a different option that’s affordable but higher quality and items that are more unique.” The family began its business 22 years ago with a furniture store in Muncie, which is still in business, when Walls was 16. Seven years later, he opened another Walls Furniture in Anderson after graduating from Ball State University with a degree in entrepreneurship. “My parents started the furniture store,” Walls said. “So for 22 years, I’ve sold, delivered and repaired furniture.” Walls Mattress and Walls Rug & Room are open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. For more, visit wallsmattress.com.
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
‘Million Dollar Quartet’ returns to ATI June 1-17
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com “Million Dollar Quartet” was quite valuable to Actors Theatre of Indiana’s first run in the fall of 2016. Theater “It broke all box office records. It’s definitely back by popular demand,” said ATI co-founder Don Farrell, who performs as Sam Phillips. “We have most of the cast coming back. Our Carl Perkins and our Jerry Lee Lewis are new. “Our previous Jerry Lee Lewis has got the national tour. That’s why he can’t come in, but we have an amazing cast coming in.” ATI will present “Million Dollar Quartet” from June 1 to June 17 at the Studio Theater in the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. “Our sales are doing really well,” Farrell said. “We are well ahead of our typical sales. Obviously, I want to encourage people to get their tickets as soon as possible. It’s going to sell out. I know it will because it did before, and that’s one of the reasons we’re bringing it back.” Gavin Rohrer will play Jerry Lee Lewis and Sean Riley will play Carl Perkins. Both have played in the musical in other productions. Returning to the cast are Brandon Alstott as Johnny Cash; Adam Tran as Elvis Presley; Nathan Shew as Fluke; and Betsy Norton as Dyanne. As part of the show, ATI will give more information about the 2018-19 season, which opens with “A Comedy of Tenors,” from Sept. 7 to Sept. 30, followed by “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” Nov. 16 to Dec. 13; “Ruthless,” Jan. 25, 2019 to Feb. 17; and “Forbidden Broadway; It’s Back, It’s New and Better Than Ever!” April 26 to May 19. “‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ is nostalgic and sweet, and the other three shows are hysterically funny,” Farrell said. Farrell said there is a possibility of additional shows. “We have some big things planned for CarmelFest and the parade,” Farrell said. “There is so much synergy and momentum
Clay Terrace concert series set
Left to right, ATI 2016 “Million Dollar Quartet” lineup: Taylor Gray, Jeremy Sevelovitz, Kroy Presley, Brandon Alstott (behind Presley), Adam Tran and Betsy Norton (Submitted photo).
for ATI this year.” For more, visit atistage.org. Sip-N-Song on tap for June 5 The Sip-N-Song, an ATI fundraiser, is set from 6 to 9 p.m. June 5 at Peace Water Winery in Carmel. Donatello’s will provide appetizers. Tickets are $25 and are available on Eventbrite.
“It broke all box office records. It’s definitely back by popular demand. We have most of the cast coming back. Our Carl Perkins and our Jerry Lee Lewis are new.” - ATI co-founder Don Farrell “The Sip-N-Song is going to be brand new for us to have right after opening,” Farrell said. “It’s a good opportunity to introduce them to the two new actors. It’s going to be a great opportunity for
the cast and the audience who loved it so much the first time to be able to see the cast they saw the first time as well. This is our first time doing something like this tied in with the production. All these local businesses working together to support professional theater is marvelous.” Tech crew workshop set for June 2 An ATI workshop, called “The Business of Backstage – A Theatre Tech Experience” is set from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m June 2 at the Studio Theater Rehearsal Room 141/142. This three-hour, intense workshop, for ages 13-18, is a unique, hands-on training program for students wanting to learn the important aspects of working behind the curtain. The focus of the workshop will be on calling cues, setting props, running follow spot, quick changes, problem-solving, backstage etiquette and the importance of communication and team work. Workshop students will have the opportunity to attend technical rehearsals, final dress rehearsal and the June 2 performance of “Million Dollar Quartet.” Cost for the workshop is $60. To register, visit atibusinessofbackstage.eventbrite.com
The Eighth Annual Summer Concert Series presented by Century 21 Scheetz will be held each Thursday at Clay Terrace from June 7 to Aug. 2. A rain-out date is set for Aug. 9 if needed. Concert fans will enjoy the rotating lineup of musical acts performing everything from 1970s covers to today’s hottest hits on the Clay Terrace lawn located behind Kona Grill from 7 to 9 p.m. The series will begin June 7 with Living Proof and continue with Indianapolis-area favorites throughout the series. Shoppers are welcome to bring chairs, blankets, food and beverages to enjoy the concerts in a relaxing atmosphere. Local vendors also will be on-site providing a number of food and beverage options. The series lineup includes: June 7: Living Proof; June 14: Dave & Rae; June 21: Mike & Joe; June 28: Stella Luna & the Satellites; July 5: The Doo!; July 12: My Yellow Rickshaw; July 19: Dwight Lightning and the Conch City All-Stars; July 26: Toy Factory and Aug. 2: Greta Speaks. Westfield — Urban Vines Winery and Brewery, 303 E. 161st St., will host music by Douglas Taylor and fireworks May 27. Music begins at 7 p.m. and fireworks will be at dusk. Bring blankets and chairs. Carmel — The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra will present “Mozart’s Requiem” at 3 p.m. June 3 at The Palladium. Fishers — The June Art in City Hall showcase will be from June 2 to June 29 at Fishers City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr. The showcase features art from more than 60 Indiana artists. Art will be on display on the upper and lower floors of City Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Noblesville — Big 80’s Band will perform a free concert from 7 to 9 p.m. May 31 at Dillon Park, 6351 Midland Lane. Fishers — My Yellow Rickshaw will perform as the Tuesday free concert series kicks off at 7 p.m. June 5 near the Fishers amphitheater.
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
GHDT showcases young talent By Heather Collins editorial@youarecurrent.com The Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre will feature the budding, blooming talent of its G2 and Academy dancers June Dance 1 to 3 at the Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre. G2 is the dance company’s blooming and advanced dancers, ages 13 to 18. The annual “G2 in Concert” showcases a variety of diverse styles, from ballet to jazz, and features performances of the company’s repertoire. The pre-professional G2 dancers practice six days a week and hope to pursue careers in dance. Many former G2 dancers have gone on to college and university dance programs. Three former G2 dancers are now professional dancers with the Academy of Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre. The G2 dancers will perform a wide breadth of the company’s unique repertoire, including excerpts from “Luz de Luna” and popular classics, including “God’s Island,” “Trail of Tears,” “The Western Wall” and “Angels.” “It’s a nice, eclectic mix of dances,” Artis-
osstt mo em he e e ttyh M Maakko urr ou off yo
The Nickel Plate Arts
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Noblesville Courthouse Square In conjunction with the St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s G2 dancers leap in “Crop Circles.” (Submitted photo)
tic Director Gregory Hancock said. The “Academy Showcase” features the budding talent of the Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre students, ages 6 to 18. The “Academy Showcase” is choreographed by 12 different teachers from the Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre, many of whom are company dancers. GHDT will present “G2 in Concert” at 7 p.m. June 1 and 3 p.m. June 2. The “Academy Showcase” will take place at 7 p.m. June 2 and 3 p.m. June 3. All performances will be at the Academy of GHDT, 329 Gradle Dr., Carmel. Tickets are $20. For tickets, visit the Academy of GHDT or call 317-844-2660.
107 S. 8th Street Noblesville, IN 317.452.3690 NickelPlateArts.org
Strawberry Festival! Visit NickelPlateArts.org for details.
Nickel Plate Arts First Friday photo courtesy of Hamilton County Tourism
More Events at NICKEL PLATE ARTS OUR NEXT EXHIBIT: The Science Art Fair First Friday, June 1, 6-9 p.m. Featuringlive music by White River Sound Chorus and a showcase of art by My Art Kids Second Saturday Art Lab: Art Science Experiments! June 9, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Utilize cool scientific tricks to make some amazing art | $5
Partner Events Belfry Theatre Brighton Beach Memoirs June 1-17, Fri. & Sat. at 8 p.m. and Sun. at 2 p.m. $15 adults, $12 children 12 and under Caravan Classes Summer Camp Pop up with Caravan Classes June 13, 12-8pm Hamilton North Public Library, Cicero Adult Open Studio June 28, 6-8 p.m. 92 S. 9th St., Noblesville, | $10 caravanclasses@gmail.com or call 765-557-1969 Fishers Arts Council Indiana Artists Association Exhibit June 4-29, M- F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Fishers City Hall Nickel Plate Arts is brought to you by:
Art of Business: Group Brainstorming Forum June 13, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Nickel Plate Arts Network with other artists of all backgrounds and participate in a discussion about this month’s topic: What does the future look like? DIY Aromatherapy Class with Jane VanOsdol Tuesday, June 19, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Nickel Plate Arts (Judge Stone House Gallery) $30 | includes most supplies; students should bring a glass jar
Hamilton County Artists’ Association Unique HCAA Juried Artist Members’ Exhibit May 31-July 21, Thurs: 1-3 p.m., Fri: 1-4 p.m., Sat: 10-4 p.m. Opening Reception: June 1, 6:30-8 p.m. Noblesville Visitor’s Center HCAA Featured Juried Artist Members Revolving Exhibit: Kristina Oliver Jun 1-30 , Fri.-Sun. 12-5 p.m. Noblesville Visitor’s Center, 839 Conner St., Noblesville Birdie Gallery Drop-In Open Studio Thursdays June 7, 14, 21, 28, 1-3 p.m. The Birdie Gallery Kids Art Camp (Ages: 1st - 8th Grade) June 18-21(Mon-Thur), AM camp 9-11, PM camp 1:30-3:30 Fee: $45 per session. Asian Grill Revolving HCAA Juried Artist Members’ Exhibit hcaa-in.org LOGAN STREET SANCTUARY One for The Foxes Concert June 2, 7-10 p.m.
In Atlanta | 165 E Main Street OPEN STUDIO: Come see what our artists are up to! June 9, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. June 16th, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
In Fishers | Meyer Najem Bldg Meyer Najem Showcase: Warren Miller April-June, viewing Mon - Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
(painting by Warren Miller: “Transition”)
$15 suggested donation Second Saturday Songwriters Showcase June 9, 7-10 p.m. $15 suggested donation Frank Lee & Allie Burbrink in concert June 15, 7 p.m. $15 suggested donation Beginning Your Memoir A Writing Workshop with Ellen Santasiero June 16, 1-5 p.m. $35 per person. Adults and older teens welcome. Fourth Friday Young Songwriters Series June 22, 7-10 p.m. $5 requested donation NICE Workshop #3 June 23, 1-5 p.m. $10 per person Page & Stage Theatre Co.’s Summer Drama Camp June 25 - July 28 $175 for Basic and Intermediate, $225 for Advanced Open Theatre Fridays: $25 for
non-campers; free to campers loganstreetsanctuary.org The Nickel Plate District Amphitheater: Tuesday Night Concert Series presented by IU Health Saxony Tuesdays, 7-9 pm Concerts on the Central Green presented by Meyer Najem Wednesdays, Noon-1 pm AMP After Dark Concert Series Fridays, 9-11 pm Visit Fishers.in.us/420/SummerConcerts for complete schedule! Wafford Theater Summer Series at Forest Park June 1: (2000) My Dog Skip June 8: (1987) Overboard with Goldie Hawn June 15: (1989) Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner June 22: (2003) Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey June 29: (2001) Serendipity with John Cusack
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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Commentary by Mark Johson Where to go: The Old Spaghetti Factory Where it is: 918 S. Range Line Rd., Carmel When it’s open: Sunday-Thursday 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Lunch hours Monday-Sunday 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mark’s take: Here is an old classic with a new twist. Step inside the Old Spaghetti Factory, the latest addition to the city of Carmel. Open your taste buds for appetizers, soup, salads, sides and entrees with a zesty Italian flavor. Throw in a full bar, and you’ve got all the ingredients for a culinary excursion. What to get: Lasagna is good. I know, I’m always all about the lasagna. It’s my Achilles’ heel. However, this lasagna makes it into my Top 5. It’s a generous serving with just the
Lasagna at The Old Spaghetti Factory. (Submitted photo)
right amount of each ingredient. Normally, I’d recommend a red wine, but on this trip I went with with a glass of Upland Dragonfly, a locally brewed craft beer. What’s the cost: Entrees run $11 to $20. Reservations: Accepted Want to know more? Call 317-708-9669 or visit osf.com.
Behind Bars: Chiba Painkiller Get it at Chiba, Westfield Ingredients: 1 oz. light rum, 1 oz. dark rum, 1 oz. orange juice, .5 oz. Coco Lopez, orange wedge, nutmeg Directions: Pour first four ingredients over ice, shake and serve in Tom Collins glass. Garnish with orange wedge and a sprinkle of nutmeg.
Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
Sip-N-Song with ATI and Million Dollar Quartet
JuNe 5Th - 6-9 pM
peace Water Winery Appetizers provided by Donatello’s Wine Tasting, music by the Million Dollar Quartet cast on the patio
$25.00 a person purchase Tickets at:
Where’s Amy attends the Broad Ripple Art Fair Above, Lee Ellis (Fishers), owner of Lee’s Woodworking Shop, with his granddaughter Kirsten Deken (Fishers) on left, son-in-law Norm Deken (Fishers) and his daughter Betsy Deken (Fishers) on the far right at the Broad Ripple Art Fair May 19. (Right) Brad Pillow (Geist) with sister and artist Valerie Pillow (Zionsville) and her husband Paul Dreier (Zionsville). (Photos by Amy Pauszek)
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Set on Labor Day weekend in the joint backyard of two middle-aged widows, the story revolves around the melancholy lives of, among other characters, Helen Potts, Hal Carter, Millie Owens, Madge Owens, Flo Owens, Rosemary Sydney and Alan Seymour. Loneliness, abandonment, regret, desperation and, ultimately, hope are among the themes. For more information and tickets, visit westfieldplayhouse.org or call 317-402-3341.
To conclude the Telamon Classical Series at the Palladium, Music Director Krzysztof Urbański, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, and special guests explore the incredible and haunting Requiem composed in Mozart’s final year—Mozart’s last statement.
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 3PM The Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts
Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Krzysztof Urbański Conductor
Emanuel Ax Piano
Eric Stark Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Artistic Director
Lauren Snouffer, Soprano Nancy Maultsby, Mezzo John Tessier, Tenor Peixin Chen, Bass MOZART Overture to La Clemenza di Tito MOZART Piano Concerto No. 27 MOZART Reqiuem
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Rosie Allenson, who portrays Millie Owens, practices her lines during rehearsal for “Picnic.” (Submitted photo)
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Although times have changed since the award-winning play “Picnic” debuted on Broadway in 1953, Jen Otterman insists its message still connects with theater modern audiences. “Overall, it is a love story,” said Otterman, who is directing Main Street Productions, Inc.’s presentation of “Picnic” at the Westfield Playhouse, 1836 W. Ind. 32 in Westfield. The first of the eight-show run is June 1 at 7:30 p.m. Otterman, a longtime director and former acting teacher at Hamilton Southeastern High School, is directing “Picnic” for the second time at Westfield Playhouse. The first time was in 2016, so she is well-versed in the nuances of staging playwright William Inge’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama. “It is set in the 1950s, so finding costumes and props that are appropriate to the time period is a bit of a challenge,” Otterman said. “It is also a rather difficult set to design and construct because it is the exterior of two homes. Finally, it requires a very certain type of actor for a couple of the main roles, which makes casting the show a challenge.”
By Rick Morwick • rick@youarecurrent.com
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Playhouse to stage ‘Picnic’
18 NIGHT & DAY May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
“Picnic,” Westfield Playhouse, 1836 W. Ind. 32, Westfield
7:30 p.m. June 1, 2
Main Street Productions presents William Inge’s 1953 Pulitzer Prize-winning play of a love story. Jen Otterman returns to direct the play. Cost: $12 to $14.
Compiled by Mark Ambrogi
“Singin’ in the Rain,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis
1:30 p.m., May 26
“Mozart’s Requiem,” the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel.
This production of the popular musical features audience favorites Timothy Ford and Sarah Hund, who return to reprise their roles as Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont. Cost: $44-$69 (includes buffet More: beefandboards.com, dinner) 317-872-9664
“Million Dollar Quartet,” Actors Theatre of Indiana, the Studio Theater, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
7:30 p.m. June 1, 2 and 2 p.m. June 3
Actors Theatre of Indiana brings back this musical, which was a popular hit for ATI during the 2016-17 season. The show features an impromptu jam session with Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis in 1956. Cost: $20 to $45.
More: atistage.org
“An Evening with Straight No Chaser,” the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
8 p.m. June 1
More: thecenterpresents.org
3 p.m. June 3
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra presents “Mozart’s Requiem” in the 2017-18 final concert. Cost: $10 to $25. Annie, played by Zionsville’s Claire Kaufman, gives her dog, Sandy, a hug. (Submitted photo)
“Annie,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre
8 p.m., May 31, June 1, 2, 5 and 1:30 and 7 p.m. June 3
The musical follows Little Orphan Annie in 1930s New York City. Famous songs include “Tomorrow,” “Hard Knock Life,” and “Maybe.” Cost: $44-$69 (includes buffet dinner). Discount of $10 for children ages 3-15
More: beefandboards. com, 317-872-9664.
Kenny Chesney, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville
Founded at Indiana University, Straight No Chaser has become one of the top male a cappella groups in the world. Cost: $99.50.
More: westfieldplayhouse.org
7:30 p.m. May 31
Country music singer Kenny Chesney makes his Indianapolis area stop during his “Trip Around the Sun Tour.” Cost: $33 to $133
More: livenation.com
More: indianapolissymphony.org
“G2 in Concert” and “Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre Academy Showcase,” The Academy of Gregory Hancock Academy, 329 Gradle Dr., Carmel
“G2 in Concert”: 7 p.m. June 1, 3 p.m. “GHDT Academy Showcase”: 7 p.m. June 2, 3 p.m. June 3
As part of 20th anniversary season, GHDT presents an allstudent production, “G2 in Concert” and “Academy Showcase.” More: Call 317-844-2660 or email theacademyofghdt@gmail.com
“Kurt Vonnegut’s God Bless You Mr. Rosewater,” Phoenix Theatre, 705 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis
8 p.m. May 26, June 1, 2 and 2 p.m. May 27 and June 3
A musical based on Indianapolis native Kurt Vonnegut’s book of Eliot Rosewater wanting to give his millions away to the problematic citizens of Rosewater County, Indiana. Cost: $24 to $39.
More: phoenixtheatre.org
IndianaMaintenance Child Support: The 6 Most Asked Questions Indiana’s Spousal Statute: Can IFrequently Get Financial Support After My Divorce?
What’s in the best interest of the child? While that should always be the focus of the most common questions wesupport get asked during of aOne divorce, unfortunately, the topic of child usually tendsatodivorce be a is regardingissue alimony. Does Indiana have it? What about spousal hot-button and, inevitably, a driving factor in whether a case settles outside support? Will I have tofamiliar pay either ex? The short answer: no. of court. Whether you’re withto themy divorce world or just becoming While Indiana doesget notasked require to payquestions alimony regarding or spousalchild acquainted, we often the parties same general support, Indiana does recognize what is known as spousal maintenance. support. Genevieve Keegan-Bedano
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Spousal maintenance may be awarded in a divorce or legal 1. How is Child Support Calculated? separation, but under limited circumstances. The physical or mental The Indiana Child Support Guidelines were developed by the Judicial Adminincapacitation of a the Conference physical orofmental incapacitation of the istration Committee ofspouse, the Judicial Indiana. Without getting too parties’ child, what Indianadeveloped coins “rehabilitative” maintenance all technical on you,orthe Committee weekly schedules of support are based off economic data the may costs award associated with supporting a child. circumstances in surrounding which a court spousal maintenance. Of To apportion costs can of raising a child between divorcing Indiana course, athe spouse always agree to voluntary payparents, another spouseuses what’s called the Model”, takes that a child maintenance or“Income alimony,Shares but let’s take awhich closer looktheatapproach the statutory should receive the same proportion of parental income that would have been circumstances that a court may order maintenance. received if the family had remained intact. This method was deemed the fairest approach becausemental it apportions the cost ofincapacitation the child between the parents If a spouse’s or physical affects theirbased on his/her means. himself or herself, a court may order the other spouse ability to support to pay maintenance. The courts can take in to account the disabled
one parent receive bonuses that aren’t regular? It’s also important to keep in mind Courtsconsidered can award what is known aspurposes rehabilitative maintenance, that what’s gross income for tax may be entirely different than whichconsidered is the most common thechild three typescalculation of maintenance awarded what’s gross incomeoffor support purposes. It’s bestinto a divorce, if the spouse requesting rehabilitative maintenance lacks an speak with an experienced family law attorney about the specifics of your income ability before to support himself herself due to lack of education or training. situation settling on anoramount.
In these cases, courts look at several factors, some being the education
employment experience 4.level, Can’ttraining We Just and Agree to Waive Child Support? of each party both at the time at through the timea of divorce, A of lotmarriage of parentsand going divorce can the get earning along justcapacity fine and of areeach able to party, the extent to agreement. which a spouse education and/or relationnegotiate a settlement That’ssacrificed great—amicable co-parenting employment because of homemaking or child-care responsibilities, andof ships are always better for any child involved. In these instances, though, one time and expense necessary for the to “Can’t find appropriate thethe most common questions we frequently getspouse asked is, we just waive child support?”. employment. While a court’s decision to award rehabilitative maintenance is discretionary, the maximum length of time this type of
A maintenance parent cannot can waive right of child support that isn’t for his/her benefit to bethe awarded is 3 years. begin with—support is for the benefit of the child. It seems logical that if parents are splitting custody 50/50, neither partytoshould pay support to the other. What happens if you’re ordered pay spousal maintenance andIt’s not that simple, though. uses the Income Model, you or need to then you lose yourSince job?Indiana The statute does allowShares for modification remember thatofthe available to the child should be revocation anparental award income of spousal maintenance, however thethe same as if thecircumstances family had remained intactlimited. and that Like the guidelines apportion support based on are, again, the laws surrounding themodification means available each parent.or support order, a court can modify a of a to child custody
2. What Numbers Calculation? spouse’s ability toAffect earnthe income as well as the other spouse’s ability to Income, insurance costs,Awork-related childfrom care this costs, and parenting providehealth for maintenance. key take away provision of the time spousal maintenance order under 2 different circumstances. If you can credit. other adjustments the basic child awardbeen of child support thatand results from the application the Indiana statute While is thatthe thecalculation court maydoes findconsider maintenance necessary, to which means a While proveanthere’s a substantial continuing change in of circumstances support obligation, first four are the most commonly seentonumbers Guidelines is presumed to be the correct amount, the guidelines judge may use histhose discretion when determining whether award that will Child that Support make the current order unreasonable, you’ll have a good argument affect weekly child support. dotoallow someThe wiggle roomroute for atodeviation, those instances flexibility are maintenance. modify. second getting abut modification is aoftwo-prong test fact-specifi c and need to be veryIf clearly delineated as to why recommended that’s less straightforward. you can prove you’ve beentheordered to pay 3. How My Income obligation amount would be unjust. If theisparties are Calculated? the parents of a child who is physically or an amount in child support that differs by more than 20% of what you For purposes incapacitated, of calculating childthe support, weekly mentally court gross may find an income award of of each parent should be paying under the Indiana Child Support Guidelines and that will be used if employed to full capacity. Gross weekly income includes, but 5.order How was Can Iat pay Child maintenance appropriate. This depends on a few things, one of the least 12Support? months prior, you may be in luck. is not limited to, salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, overtime, partnership The quickest and easiest way to pay child support is through Income Withholding most important being whether the child’s incapacitation requires the distributions, dividends, severance pay, pensions, interest, trust income, annuOrder, which means it will come directly out of your paycheck. If that’s not an spouse needing maintenance to forego employment. Another factor the As you can see, the parameters surrounding spousal maintenance are ities, capital gains, social security benefits, workmen’s compensation benefits, option for you, payors can pay directly to the clerk or through the Indiana State court will consider is whether partiesinsurance have assets or ts, marital property limited. If you have unemployment insurance benefits,the disability benefi gifts, inheritancCentral Collection Unit. questions about spousal maintenance, divorce, or available to them thator would allow them to provide for the spouse and any other family law matter, the attorneys at Hollingsworth & Zivitz, es, prizes, and alimony maintenance received. the child’s needs. It’s important to note here that a court has complete the Child experience, 6.P.C. Canhave I Modify Support?the understanding, and the compassion to discretion to determine whatYou’d they be deem appropriate in terms of the assist withanswer your family havemodifi questions Seems straightforward, right? surprised how many different factors The simplest is thatlaw childneeds. supportIfisyou always able. or Theconcerns more convolutamount andthelength of number maintenance our firmThere at 317.DIVORCE or visit our website can change ultimate that is that usedisinnecessary. the calculation for gross weekly edplease answercontact is, it depends. are statutory guidelines in place that at outline when www.hzlegal.com. income. Is one parent unemployed? Are they capable of earning more? Does and how child support can be modified. If you have specific questions about modifying child support, you should speak with an experienced family attorney.
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
Buckingham Palace: Fit for a Queen Commentary by Don Knebel The 775 rooms of Buckingham Palace, located in the City of Westminster adjacent to St. James’s Park, include both the official residence of Queen Elizabeth and travel the administrative headquarters of the British monarchy. Buckingham Palace stands on a site that has been in and out of royal hands since William of Normandy conquered England in 1066 A.D. In the early 17th century, King James I planted mulberry trees on the marshy site to cultivate silkworms. In 1698, the Duke of Buckingham acquired the property and built a large house on it. In 1761, King George III purchased “Buckingham House” as the private residence for 17-year-old Queen Charlotte. George, who resided in St. James’s Palace, visited Charlotte sufficiently often that she bore him 15 children, all but the oldest, who became King George IV, born in what became known as the “Queen’s House.” Upon becoming king in 1820, George IV began enlarging the Queen’s House as the royal residence. In 1837, newly crowned Queen Victoria moved into the U-shaped Buckingham Palace, featuring a marble arch celebrating recent victories at the opening of its cour d’honneur (court of honor). Victoria soon found the three-sided palace too small for her liking. She enclosed the open end, moving the Marble Arch to its current location at the entrance to Hyde Park. The center of the new eastern façade included the formal entrance and the balcony from which the royal family now
Dispatches Keep copper polished – Use ketchup to polish copper: Just apply a thin coat of the condiment and rub off with a clean rag. Source: Esquire Make creamier instant pudding – Make instant chocolate pudding with whipping cream instead of water to create a rich-tasting dessert. Chill for mousse, or freeze for ice cream. Source: Instrupix.com
East Side of Buckingham Palace. (Photo by Don Knebel)
greets the public. In 1924, an 82-foot tall marble memorial to Queen Victoria was completed at the front of the palace, featuring a seated queen and statues representing charity, constancy, courage, motherhood, truth and victory. Weather permitting, the changing of the queen’s guards occurs in front of Buckingham Palace at 10:45 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. The state rooms are open to visitors during the summer. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@ currentzionsville.com.
Make store-bought cake icing taste better – Make store-bought cake frosting go twice as far. Whip the icing with your electric mixer and let air plump it up. You can also add a half-cup of whipped topping such as Cool Whip for even more volume. Source: Leaf.tv NOTICE OF APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 041618 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO THE CITY OF FISHERS, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA NOTICE IS HEREBY PROVIDED that on April 16, 2018, the Common Council for the City of Fishers, Hamilton, Indiana (“City”), meeting in a duly noticed public meeting, and in accordance with Ind. Code §36-4-3-5.1, passed Ordinance No. 041618, annexing approximately 10.06 acres located outside of but contiguous to the City, one (1) Lot known as the Witsken property, generally located west of Florida Road, south of Southeastern Parkway, Fishers, IN 46038 (the “Annexed Territory”). This Annexation Ordinance is available for review at the City of Fishers, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46037 c/o Megan Schaefer, Planner II, Department of Planning and Zoning, and available online at www.fishers.in.us.
May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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May 29, 2018
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May 29, 2018
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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May 29, 2018
Current in Fishers
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