June 12, 2018 — Fishers

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safe schools Fishers police, HSE host talk on school safety, SROs /P14 Residential Customer Local

Port authority moves forward /P4

Fishers Fire Dept. fights suspicious fire /P4

Wilson, Ethridge, Guy lead Center’s season /P23


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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers













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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers













DENNIS DEYOUNG Fri Nov 30 at 8pm The Palladium

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DAV KOZ & FRIENDS CHRISTMAS Sun Dec 9 at 7pm The Palladium

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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, geistcurrent.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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On the cover

From left, Sgt. Andy Burks, Officer Tracy Jones, Officer Matt Ruhnow, Supt. Michael Beresford, Officer Dave Pyle, Officer Alicia Ahnert and Lt. Mike Johnson. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. VIII, No. 3 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

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Hoosier Heritage Port Authority receives go-ahead for railbanking By Sadie Hunter • sadie@youaredcurrent.com In a decision announced May 31, the Federal Surface Transportransportation tation Board gave permission to the Hoosier Heritage Port Authority to railbank 9.2 miles of the Nickel Plate rail line to eventually pave a pedestrian trail through Noblesville and Fishers. The National Trails System Act defines railbanking as an agreement to allow a trail along a rail corridor, while also preserving the line for future rail use. The approval confirms the HHPA has legal authority to proceed with railbanking the rail line, which runs from Indianapolis to Tipton. The HHPA will continue working with the Surface Transportation Board to complete the railbanking process and to finalize a trailsuse agreement, which will give communities along the line the option to convert rail to trail within their jurisdiction. The HHPA, made up of the City of Fishers, City of Noblesville and Hamilton County, owns the rail line. Those entities purchased the line in 1995 from the Norfolk and Western Railway Co. Upon the Surface Transportation Board’s

decision, the City of Fishers announced its formation of the Nickel Plate Trail Master Planning Committee. The committee will oversee the master plan of the Nickel Plate Trail from 96th Street to 146th Street in Fishers. The city also confirmed that portion of the project will go to bid this month. “The Nickel Plate Trail will allow residents and visitors to experience our city in new and different ways, and this committee will help create another amenity toward our vision of creating a vibrant city,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness stated. “Residents often request increased connectivity for walking, running and biking in our community, and this trail will be a major step toward fulfilling that need.” City officials said the Master Planning Committee will seek design ideas to incorporate branding elements, design themes, future art installation locations, trail enhancement options, crosswalk designs, signage, trailhead locations and identification of other amenities, such as benches, water fountains and bike stations. Committee members include: Fishers City Councilor John Weingardt (co-chair); Amanda Welu (co-chair), DELV Design; David Becker, First Internet Bank; Erik Braden, Braden Busi-

Fishers Fire Dept. fights suspicious house fire A Fishers Fire Dept. ladder truck parks near a June 3 house fire. Firefighters were dispatched at 7:34 p.m. and 25 firefighters arrived on scene for what the department is calling a “suspicious house fire” at 106th Street and Hague Road. Lanes to the structure were inaccessible and firefighters were required to drag more than 1,000 feet of hand lines to reach the structure. Surrounding woods also burned, requiring more firefighters on scene. No injuries were reported. A financial loss has not been determined. Hamilton County Sheriff’s Dept. is assisting in the investigation as the area is unincorporated into the city. (Photo by Brendan Tebben)

The Hoosier Heritage Port Authority’s plan is to railbank and pave 9.2 miles of the Nickel Plate rail line, converting the path into a pedestrian trail. (File image)

ness Systems; Shawn Curran, Fishers Running Club; Debbie Driskell, Delaware Township trustee; Dan Kloc, Fishers Arts Council; Lori Mankin, New Britton Elementary; Ailithir McGill, Nickel Plate Arts; Jake Reardon-McSoley, Fishers YMCA; Brenda Myers, Visit Hamilton County; Corby Thompson, Boomerang Development; John Wechsler, Launch Fishers/Indiana IoT Lab; and Scott Whitlock, Flexware Innovation. Advisory committee members include: Caleb Gutshall, City of Noblesville; Karen Kryah, Binford Redevelopment Group; Lindsey Lord, Indy Arts Council; Jennifer Milliken, Urban Land Institute; and Mark Zwoyer, City of Indianapolis. For more, visit nickelplatetrail.com.

dispatches Check privacy settings – Ninety-five percent of people never change the default privacy settings on their apps and, as a result, are giving away personal information. Google keeps a map of everywhere you go. It is worth it to take some time to check the privacy settings on all your apps and guard your personal information. Source: Washington Post Pedal Perks - The Pedal Perks program is back for its second year with even more businesses offering deals to bicyclists. Just show proof of your ride to local merchants (a photo will do) to receive discounts. A full list of the deals can be found at 4PedalPerks.org.

June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers



One of Indy’s favorite summertime traditions is back! On Friday, June 15th, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra kicks off the 2018 season of Kroger Symphony on the Prairie. On your way to the show, stop in at your local Kroger for delicious box lunches – made fresh daily by the talented Kroger chefs. You can also choose fine wines, cheeses, and anything else you need for a classical picnic on the Prairie. Kroger even sells tickets for every Symphony on the Prairie performance. Simple summertime fun? Kroger makes it easy.

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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers




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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers



Beresford eager to join elite team at Carmel By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com As assistant superintendent of staff and student services at Hamileducation ton Southeastern Schools in Fishers, Michael Beresford has admired Carmel Clay Schools. He was named CCS superintendent June 1. “I’m the luckiest guy on the planet,” said Beresford, who has worked at HSE schools for 25 of his 35-year educational career. “Carmel Clay Schools has the reputation of (being) the best schools in the state. I feel like I’ve been chosen to be the manager of the Yankees when they had everything. The teaching staff, the administrative staff and support staff is first class in every way. I’m looking forward to joining that high-caliber team.” Layla Spanenberg, CCS school board president, said Beresford’s familiarity with Carmel schools was only one factor in the decision. “We were looking for a candidate who had a wealth of experience and a depth of experience,” Spanenberg said. “Dr. Beresford has that, his background in relationship building, in HR, in mental health and counseling background. He understands how kids tick

school officials declined to provide details and what is going to help them succeed. on what they deemed personnel decisions. He developed this extensive mental health Beresford did not want to dwell on past program at Hamilton Southeastern for all district issues. students in all schools. That helped set him “That’s the past, we’re moving forward,” apart from other very qualified candidates.” he said. “I’m not privy to a lot of that Spanenberg cited Beresford’s certiinformation. I’m about moving forfication as a school safety specialist ward, not about backing up. I do care as another key factor. about earning the trust of the com“Keeping kids safe is the No. 1 priormunity and the trust of the parents. ity,” she said. I’m very serious about that and I’ll do Beresford, who has a doctorate in all I can to make that happen.” education administration from Ball Beresford said he has not reviewed State, said a similarity with the HSE Beresford the recommendation by interim and Carmel school districts is parents superintendents to build a new Carmel who genuinely care about their children’s Elementary School adjacent to its current education. location and close Orchard Park Elementary “Education is a priority in their lives,” he and build a new school 5 miles away at said. Clay Center Road. Orchard Park Elementary Roger McMichael and Amy Dudley have United has been formed to oppose moving been serving as interim co-superintendents. the school. The board is slated to vote on it Former Supt. Nicholas Wahl resigned in JanJune 25. uary after being put on administrative leave “I’ve not been involved in that process, in October 2017 when the school announced and that process might be over before I it would conduct a review of district leadstart,” Beresford said. ership. Human Resources Director Corrine Beresford had no comment on whether Middleton also resigned in January after he would like the board to wait to make the going on administrative leave the same day decision. as Wahl. There was speculation the two had “I’m starting on July 1 and we’ll go from been involved in a romantic relationship, but

“Carmel Clay Schools has the reputation of (being) the best schools in the state. I feel like I’ve been chosen to be the manager of the Yankees when they had everything.” there,” he said. “If that’s on the table on July 1, we’ll talk then. If the decision is made, it’s made.” Spanenberg said no decision has been made on the recommendation. “We have two highly qualified interim superintendents that are giving leadership and directions on a step-by-step basis,” Spanenberg said. The proposed contract for Beresford will be posted on the CCS website. A meeting to gather public input on the contract is set for 7:05 p.m. June 11 at the Educational Services Center, 5201 E. Main St. The school board is expected to vote on the contract at a special meeting set for 7 p.m. June 19. HSE has not yet announced a superintendent. Beresford will leave the district at the end of the month.

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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Swim club gives back across the county

Depth proves difference for HSE girls track team

By Noah Alatza • news@currentinfishers.com

By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

The Fishers Area Swimming Tigers have been making a differPhilanthropy ence across Hamilton County for the past year. The swim club saw an opportunity to launch a give-back initiative upon hiring new coach Joe Keller. “A new head coach was a huge change for the team but one that we have been really excited about and love,” said Shannon Alexander, a parent of a swimmer and an organizer for the FAST Gives Back initiative. “Another parent and I had been kicking around the idea of some sort of philanthropy project through the club.” The co-ed club consists of swimmers ages 6 to 18. Alexander said the swim club’s new philanthropy project helps raise awareness and interests in nonprofits. The club kicked off the season with a food drive to benefit Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank. It raised $397. The amount was tripled through the Meijer Simply Give program, which donated 423 pounds of

The Hamilton Southeastern girls track and field team wasn’t supposed to place second in the Indiana High School Athletic Association state finals in 2017. “When we did, it really made us hungry,” Royals coach Julie Alano said. “Last year, we had no seniors on the team that went to state, so it was definitely motivation. We knew if all the cards fell right, we had this opportunity. We were all trying not to jinx ourselves all season long because injuries and things can happen. We were just trying to stay the course and do what we always do to make this happen.” The HSE girls scored in nine of 16 events to win its first state track championship with 62 points June 1 in Bloomington. Brebeuf Jesuit was second with 44. “We’ve always prided ourselves in having athletes in every event and trying to be good across the board,” Alano said. “We’ve always been an invitational team and never had those top-state team points until the last few years. Depth is the way

From left, Louis Johns III, Nick Harris and Ellen Fero. (Submitted photo)

nonperishable food in December 2017. The group of high school-aged swimmers was led by Ellen Fero, who recently volunteered at a food bank. Since then, the program has benefited the Hamilton County Humane Society, the Dyslexia Institute of Indiana and, most recently, Indy Snack Attack. The next main swim meet and fundraiser is June 15 to 18 at the Fishers High School natatorium.

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The Hamilton Southeastern High School girls track and field team with its state championship trophy. (Photo by Kathryn Gayde)

we wanted to win a true state championship. We had athletes in 12 events and we scored in nine. The assistant coaches are awesome. It takes a lot more people than one to get all those people through those events.” “Last year, we were ahead going into the last event but we knew we couldn’t win because we didn’t have a (1,600) relay team competing,” Alano said. “So, we knew we couldn’t beat Warren Central. But this year, winning the (1,600 relay) was just amazing.”





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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


dispatches Spark!Fishers Street Fair - The Spark!Fishers Street Fair opens just after the event’s opening ceremonies at 11 a.m. on June 30. For more info, visit SparkFishers.com. Evans Scholar from Fishers - Twelve Indiana students have been awarded the Evans Scholarship, a full housing and tuition college grant offered to golf caddies. One student, Ellison Darnell, resides in Fishers. She will attend Purdue University. Lugar Series participants announced – The Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series is accepting applications for its 29th annual class. The Lugar Series mission is to increase the number and influence of Republican women in governmental positions at all levels. Applications are due Aug. 1 and are available by visiting lugarseries. com/apply. Torchbearer nominations sought – The Indiana Commission for Women is seeking nominations for the 2018 Torchbearer Awards, the state’s most prestigious recognition of women. Recipients are selected from a pool of publicly nominated candidates who have overcome adversity, made extraordinary contributions or demonstrated achievement in their professional careers, community leadership and public service. For a nomination form, visit In.gov and type torchbearer in the search box. Nominations are due by July 6. Hoosier Women Forward applications – Democratic women across the state who want to see more women in government and care about women’s issues are encouraged to apply for the Hoosier Women Forward leadership development program right now. HWF will select a group of 20 to 25 outstanding Democratic women each year through a competitive application process to participate in its nine-month leadership training program. Applications are being accepted through July 3 and can be found online at HoosierWomenForward.org/apply/. Continued Use Award – The Hamilton County Commission was recently honored with the Continued Use Award from Indiana Landmarks. The award was for the restoration and maintenance of the county courthouse in Noblesville. The Second Empire-style courthouse retains the original limestone quoins, pilasters and window labels and convex slate roof. A majestic classical clock tower rises above the building. The interior, too, remains virtually unaltered in its configuration and finishes.



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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


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On June 2, Fishers Police Dept. held a Pack the Cruiser event to collect food for the Summer Meal Food Drive. Sgt. Dave Flynn, left, and Det. Kirby Campbell. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Hindu students honor teachers Indy’s favorite summer tradition returns!

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Ananya Yemme honors Prairie Trace Principal Jill Schipp by applying a mark of tilak on her forehead. Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, a nonprofit social and cultural organization, held Guru Vandana 2018 last month at Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy in Fishers to honor several Carmel and Fishers teachers for their service. Learn more at hssus.org. (Photos by Ann Marie Shambaugh)



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From left, Adwitha Yemme and Asini Jayarapu say Vedic prayers.

From left, Reva Peddi and Ananya Yemme perform Dandiya, a traditional folk dance from northwest India.

From left, Rajeev Singh and Akshay Purumundla perform bhangra, a celebratory folk dance from the Indian state of Punjab.

June 12, 2018

COMMUNITY FISHERS • 136th Street is closed between Southeastern Parkway and Prairie Baptist Road for the construction of a new roundabout. Details on detour routes will be released soon. The project began May 7 and will be complete in late September, but 136th Street is expected to be open before then. • 106th Street is closed to through traffic from Eller Road to Allisonville Road and from Allisonville Road to Hague Road for the 106th Street Infrastructure Project. Closures will also take place from Hague Road to the Crosspoint Boulevard/Lantern Road roundabout. The project is expected to be complete this fall. Eller Road is closed to through traffic south of White Horse Lane for concrete work associated with the 106th Street Infrastructure Project and should reopen this fall. • Periodic lane restrictions will occur at the intersection of 131st Street and Cumberland Road for utility relocation work. The intersection of 131st and Cumberland Road is closes for 45 days for the construction

Current in Fishers


of a new roundabout. The project began May 29. • Lane restrictions will take place along 131st Street between Allisonville Road and Lantern Road for the construction of the Conner Trail, which travels from Conner Prairie to the Municipal Complex. This is projected to be complete by early fall. • Lane restrictions will be in place, as weather permits, along Allisonville Road from 126th Street to 131st Street for tree clearing to allow for a roadway expansion project. Restrictions will be in place between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and flaggers will be on site directing traffic, as necessary. This project is expected to be complete by winter. • Brooks School Road is closed from 126th Street to 136th Street for the construction of a sidewalk to the east side of a bridge over I-69. Traffic detours will be through 126th Street, Promise Road and 136th Street. The road will reopen in early August. Lane restrictions are in place on Mollenkopf Road between 96th Street and 106th Street for paving work. Flaggers are in place.


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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Former columnist writes book

By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com For Karl R. Zimmer III, his first book has been a work in progress for Author several years. “I came up with the idea of RULE (Respect, Understand, Love & Enjoy) more than 20 years ago while still working in the paper converting-packaging printing business,” Zimmer said. “Some experiences inspired me to share what I had learned, and I thought about writing a book. I began writing it more than 15 years ago, though the format was unclear.” Zimmer, a former Current Publishing columnist who lives in Plainfield, released his book “The Boy Who Grew Up to RULE the World, and how You can too!” in 2017. “My intention, though evolved over the years, was always to instruct and inspire younger readers,” he said. “I also wanted to present the book and story in a way that would instruct and inspire older youth and adults, which gave me the idea of writing it as a fable.” Zimmer, a board-certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, runs Zimmer Success Group. “Much of what is in the book is indeed an

Karl R. Zimmer displays a copy of his first book. (Submitted photo)

extension of and inspired by the work I do, and also of the personal development I went through during a difficult time in my life,” he said. “I felt it was important to share what I learned with others so they might benefit, and that remains one of the driving forces in my life.” His tagline for the business has long been, “Changing lives and giving people hope,” which he said originally had to do with his hypnosis practice. His next book has the working title, “Four Simple Steps to Profit in Harmony” and is forthcoming. Zimmer said it will be an extension of his first book but with a focus on leadership and organizational success.

Janus receives grant from Vectren Foundation

From left, Becke Nauyokas, Christina Sorenson and Matt Gray during a check presentation for a grant from Vectren Foundation to Janus Developmental Services. The grant was worth $6,900 and is for the Janus Community Employment program to support job readiness training. (Submitted photo)

June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers



Hamilton County Llamas host Walk-A-Llama event

Allie Matthews pauses with her llama, Stella. Hamilton County Llamas recently held a WalkA-Llama event at Allisonville Nursery in Fishers. The llama farm is based in Westfield. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Cooper Sims and his llama Sassy Lassie attend the event.

From left, Morgan Gilbert, Abigail Brumley and Karolyn Brumley interact with Chiara the llama.

Max the llama pauses by an obstacle course as Hunter and Lindsay Mazurkiewicz pet him.


June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers



schools Fishers police, HSE host talk on school safety, SROs By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Following the May 25 shooting at Noblesville West Middle School, cover story where a student and a teacher were both shot multiple times, Hamilton Southeastern Schools held a Safe City, Safe Schools forum at HSE High School May 30. However, Supt. Dr. Allen Bourff said although the shooting expedited the process, a forum regarding school safety had already been planned. In March, the district held a focus group to discuss school safety. Parents asked for a forum such as the May 30 meeting. The forum addressed topics such as the roles of school resource officers and how HSE and the Fishers Police Dept. handle potential threats within the school system. “We are in a shaky position right now because we had trauma right up the road from us,” Asst. Supt. Michael Beresford said. “I’ve always said this over and over again to several different groups, but the No. 1 factor to keep schools as safe as possible is the students. Students are the eyes and ears of our schools.” Other sources aiding in school safety include parents and a relatively new tool called Text A Tip, where tips can be anonymously reported to the district and FPD. FPD Lt. Mike Johnson explained the roles of school resource officers within the school district and clarified that an SRO is a sworn law enforcement officer. The SROs are carefully selected and specially trained for a community policing role within the school. Johnson said SROs typically fill three roles:

From left, Ryan Taylor, Michael Beresford, Brooke Lawson, Erica Buchanan-Rivera, Chief Mitch Thompson and Lt. Mike Johnson participate in a school safety forum panel May 30. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Teacher, counselor and law enforcement struction will have laminated glass. officer. Other forum topics included clear back“The relationships we build as a coach, as packs and metal detectors. Bourff said a teacher, as a mentor and as a role model, if the district is looking into requiring clear we do it properly, everything rotates back to backpacks or, at some point, not requiring our job in safety and security,” Johnson said. backpacks at all due to technology within the “Most of what we do revolves around being schools. Metal detectors have a fiscal complicaa teacher and counselor. We are not trying tion and a logistics issue. to introduce kids to the juvenile detention “In order for a metal detector to be efficenter. We work to avoid the child entering cient, the facility must have a secure perimthe juvenile justice system and provide other eter. For the airport, there’s one way in and community services that may be one way out,” Johnson said. “They are more effective than an arrest.” not dealing with mass numbers of At the end of the forum, the panel folks going in those entryways that took questions from attendees. A we would be in such a short period of question was raised about how FPD time. Not talking about cost perspecand HSE handle a situation when a tive, but imagine one airplane held student is identified as having some 3,500 people and all 3,500 people issues or posing a threat. went to the airport 20 minutes before Johnson said when HSE and FPD their flight. What would TSA look like?” Bourff learn of a potential threat, regardless Including Johnson, there are seven of the time of day, officers are dispatched SROs in the HSE school district. One is a to that student’s home to make a threat former SWAT officer, one is a former Chicago assessment. Police Dept. officer who served on the drug “One thing SROs do, or the road guys, is they task force and one has a master’s degree in speak to the parents about the issue and get counseling. All are officers with FPD. consent from the parents to search the child’s “It’s important for folks to recognize we room, talk about their access to guns and have a highly skilled, highly trained, compemake sure guns or knives aren’t hidden anytent group of school resource officers,” FPD where,” Johnson said. “The threat assessment Chief Mitch Thompson said. “There’s just a in that process is to identify what the threat is perception of the school resource officers and the reality of the threat.” that is not entirely true. The folks we have In addition to SROs and their duties, the are officers for the Fishers Police Dept. All panel also discussed laminated glass within their qualifications, hiring, training, everyschools. After the Sandy Hook Elementary thing comes through us. They weren’t hired shooting in 2012, lamininated glass was into go work at the school. They went through stalled in some schools within the district. a competitive process to be a part of the The special glass is designed to slow down school resource unit.” the entry of an intruder. All new school con-

Fishers police and HSE Schools recently held a safety forum. (Stock photo)

progression of sros with hse school district 1991: Off-duty officers were hired to patrol the schools 2002: FPD received a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Justice for $125,000, which allowed the department to hire two full-time SROs. 5-year plan: To add two more SROs to the school resource unit Where SROs are placed: One is dedicated to each high school, one stays on the Olio Road corridor and the others patrol as needed.


June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers



Perfect imperfections

o b s e r v ation Circular reasoning Commentary by Terry Anker

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

In the many trips we have made around the sun, our driving skills have been tested by thousands of miles and countless hours. Many are well into the hundreds of thousands – racked up by years of summer vacations, trips to grandma’s house and carpools for club sports. A few can even boast to be million-milers. These souls have logged a good deal of their lives behind the wheel – and, invariably, behind other motorists. In this mass accumulation of experience and memory, patterns of human behavior begin to emerge. We’ve all seen folks stop, having missed the proper turn from the roundabout they are circumnavigating, seemingly perplexed by what the next step is. After a momentary pause to reconsider the appropriate subsequent action, the bewildered driver lunges back into motion, rounding again until the proper exit reappears. Recently, an auto antecedent to my own was informed by some chirping Siri that the proscribed exit had passed. Therefore, this determined person not only stopped but threw the car into reverse – seemingly undeterred by the danger or peculiarity of the act. Likewise, we find ourselves cut off in traffic only to have the interloper promptly apply the brakes. It seemed they had nowhere to go but needed to be in front. Gen. George S. Patton Jr. is credited with proclaiming, “Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.” What is it about human nature that so routinely and intentionally keeps us from committing to any one of these camps? When should we lead? When should we follow? And, when should we step aside? Are we making the choice or simply backing up in a roundabout?

A couple years ago I chipped one of my already-crooked, bottom-front teeth. Luckily, my horse-sized chompers hide the snaggle-tooth for photo ops, humor but it’s quite noticeable when I talk, which, unfortunately, I have to do on occasion. I could have it filed down, but even pretend manicures make me flinch. My dentist, however, said not to worry, dubbing me “charmingly imperfect.” I’ve decided to adopt this phrase as a mantra and apply it to all of my less-than-ideal attributes. The thigh cellulite that even half-Ironman training wouldn’t destroy? Charmingly imperfect. Those laugh lines and age spots that no amount of Retin-A will vanquish? Charmingly imperfect! And how about my practically non-existent belly button? Definitely imperfect but seriously charming! The point is, even though Photoshop could charge me extra, these are the features that make me me. And now that I’m in my 40s, I’m finding it much easier to simply embrace them. In fact, I think it’s kind of cool to walk around with charmingly imperfect characteristics, like unusually long second toes and an Osgood-Schlatter calcium “tumor” on my kneecap. Jealous? As a side note, I thought I had exhausted my list of charmingly imperfect attributes, but then the spouse read this and suggested a few more – bubble-butt, slight overbite, flat chest, invisible eyelashes … OK, OK, I get it. Thank you, Doo. You’re awesome. So, yes, pre-varicose veins are creating a perverted but oddly accurate map of the Mississippi River Delta on my milky-white calves, but, by God, I am charmingly imperfect — jacked-up teeth and all. Peace out.

Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

BEL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Cheyenne, Wyo., it is illegal to spit on the steps of a school. Source: dumblaws.com


Thank you HSE and Fishers Editor, It was in August of 1986, when I first came to Hamilton Southeastern Middle School. There were four elementary schools, one middle school and one high school in the HSE school district. Shortly after I started teaching, Mr. Norris, our principal, told us one day at a staff meeting, “Over the next several years, hundreds of homes and businesses will be built, and HSE will become one of the largest school districts in the state.” Oh, sure, I thought. Well, look at us now! I have had the advantage of witnessing the growth of Fishers and HSE from two perspectives. Although I work at HSE, I live on the far southeast side of Indianapolis. I have always been so proud to tell people where I teach. Originally from the Speedway area, I’m a huge race fan. I have always equated my employment with HSE as being equivalent to being

employed with the Penske Racing Team. Just like Penske has the best drivers year after year, HSE has the best teachers and students year after year. How lucky am I to have been able to work alongside so many wonderfully talented and caring teachers, administrators and support staff. How lucky am I to have had an entire teaching career where year after year my classes were full of students who were pleasant to be around and came to school each day ready to learn. I am retiring from HSE and pursuing a new career (albeit part time). It’s bittersweet, to say the least. I will miss it so much! To all my former students, supporting parents, fellow teachers and administrators, thanks for helping make my teaching experience wonderful. Sincerely, Tim Latimer HSIJH Social Studies

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

Q U O T E  O F  T HE WEE K Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.


June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Take me out to the Hall of Fame Commentary by Dick Wolfsie David Raymond was a fanatic, or, more precisely, a Phanatic (The Philly Phanatic is the official mascot of the Philahumor delphia Phillies). For 17 years, he lived inside the iconic costume, taunting umpires, mocking the competition and dancing on the opposing team’s dugout. Raymond was the first to bring the furry green, flightless bird with an extendable tongue to life. His experience convinced him that a mascot was essential to a team’s ultimate success on the field, in the stands and at the box office. Now, 40 years later, Raymond will open the first Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting, Ind. Much is still in the planning stages, but a soft open is scheduled for Dec. 8 (mascots love anything soft). The museum’s mission is to teach the importance of mascotry (that’s a word I just made up), like how to be a mascot — or how to make one. Guests can attend the museum’s Mascot University to obtain a Mascot Diploma by completing courses all about mascoting (I made up another one). By trying on the various garb, visitors feel the weight and even

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experience the smell inside the suit. They will learn the essential moves that bring a character to life, including physical schtick. The person inside the costume must know how to interact with the players and umpires to create a narrative fans can follow. It’s pure theater and all part of the fun. The museum will display photos of mascots posing with celebrities like George W. Bush, Muhammad Ali and J-Lo. In one hall, the giant heads of mascots are suspended from the ceiling, spinning about to celebrate their induction into the Hall. The voting is done by a panel of fans and sports professionals who look at design, technique and fan support. When I ended my interview with David Raymond, I asked him what his final assessment was of the museum. “It’s going to be the Disney of mascots,” he boasted. I agree that it’s going to be fantastic. I mean, phantastic.

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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


Mended Hearts celebrates 10th anniversary By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Mended Hearts and Bolt for the Heart share a bond of helping those with heartrelated issues. riverview “They’re trying to save lives, and we’re trying to save lives,” said Marv Norman, president of Riverview Health Mended Hearts Chapter 350. “There are 1,000 people per day that go into sudden cardiac arrest. The survival rate is not very good.” Mended Hearts celebrated its 10th anniversary last month at Riverview Health in Noblesville. The national nonprofit, which features community chapters, is designed to give hope to heart disease patients, their families and caregivers. Norman, a Noblesville resident, said Bolt for the Heart has 3,000 runners and walkers on Thanksgiving in Carmel to raise money for portable Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, for the Indiana State Police. AEDs are used to restart someone’s heart after cardiac arrest. An AED was purchased by the chapter from Cardiac Science through its relationship with Bolt for the Heart, in honor of its anniversary. Norman said the board then chose to donate

From left, Maureen Price, secretary; Linda Mason, assistant regional director; Betty Kobilic, member and sudden cardiac arrest survivor and Jerry Logan, member and two-time SCA survivor. Back, from left, Stan Gurka, treasurer, and Marv Norman, president. Not pictured: Juan Rivera, vice president. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

it to Good Samaritan Network. “I met Nancy Chance of Good Samaritan Network at the recent Good Samaritan Resource Fair, and she expressed an interest in an AED,” Norman said. “She and my board came to an agreement, and Good Samaritan will be presented the AED in the near future. Nancy will take our unit and train people in CPR.” The AED was presented by Troy Pflugner, senior AED specialist and area manager for AED company Cardiac Science for Indiana, Louisville and Cincinnati. He is closely associated with Bolt for the Heart.

“It’s great to support a group which is doing wonderful things to help others live,” Pflugner said. Norman said the group is going to do fundraisers and seek grants for more AEDs and plans to work more with Bolt for the Heart. He said an important emphasis of his organization is to promote heart scans. Riverview Health cardiac nurse Jean Foster also was recognized for her support of Mended Hearts and for her efforts in the resuscitation of a chapter member who had been in cardiac arrest.

dispatches Learning to meditate – Maybe meditation isn’t your thing. If you find it difficult to sit still and focus your mind for any period of time, try starting small. Whenever you feel tense, try taking three long, deep breaths. Even a few conscious breaths will calm you and help you focus. As it becomes easier, try adding a few additional deep breaths. Source: BottomLineHealth.com True Mediterranean dieting – Eating the Mediterranean way—the real Mediterranean way—has been shown to protect people from heart disease and stroke as well as obesity, diabetes, dementia and colon cancer. But there are so many variations out there that it’s hard to know what’s right and what’s hype. The Oldways Mediterranean Diet Pyramid is a good reference. Visit oldwayspt.org for more details. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Pineapple for bruises – If you’ve gotten a nasty bruise, try eating pineapple. The fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down blood clots that form bruises. Eat two or three servings per day until the bruise is gone. It should disappear more quickly than it would otherwise. Source: SouthburyClinic.com

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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers




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J.L. Hupp Jewelers will close at the end of the summer as owners Jerry and Lynn Hupp retire. (Submitted photo)

Longtime jewelry store J.L. Hupp to close

By Noah Alatza • news@currentinfishers.com

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Longtime independently owned and operated J.L. Hupp Jewelers, 7808 E. 96th St., will close at the end of the summer. Owners Jerry and Lynn Hupp opened the store inside the Glenretirement dale Mall off 62nd Street and Keystone Avenue in April of 1977. The couple recently announced plans to close the store when they retire Aug. 31. In 1987, the couple bought a second store in Crawfordsville before moving to its Fishers storefront in 1991. At the time the couple moved to Fishers, the 96th Street corridor was a two-lane road. Owner Lynn Hupp said there was a big cornfield across the street. “It was a really nice place when we started here,” Hupp said. “We have watched Fishers and the area grow as a whole.” The jeweler specializes in providing an array of items jewerly items, watches and clocks. Along with custom design, the company also offers appraisals on jewelry and

watches. The company is one of the few in the Indianapolis metropolitan area that sells and services antique and modern clocks. “This has basically been our life for 41 years,” Hupp said. “(Jerry) and I have been married 51 years. And over the years, customers have become our friends.” Hupp said she has been invited to weddings and anniversaries of longtime customers. “We still have people come from our old Glendale shop,” she said. “They have come in since the beginning and stayed all these years. Those are the people it’s going to be hard to say goodbye to.” Hupp said after more than four decades in the jewelry business it was time to think about future plans. “It is going to be hard to say goodbye but we need a life together, too, as we have grown older and haven’t taken a vacation for 27 years,” she said. “One of us has always been here to keep the store open.” The couple plans to continue being active in the community through their church and spending time with friends and family.

dispatches Centier Bank milestones – Centier Bank is celebrating a successful year thus far by reaching the $4 billion asset milestone. Centier’s Mortgage Dept. also continues to be a preferred mortgage lender in the state, with more than $32 million in closed loans in the month of April, with 10 loan officers each exceeding $1 million in closed loans. The bank will continue expansion in 2018.

Summer jobs and taxes – College and high school students considering working during the summer should ensure they understand taxable income to avoid confusion next tax season. The Indiana Dept. of Revenue provides a website specifically for students to help them understand their responsibilities and rights as a taxpayer. Visit in.gov/ dor/4751.htm.

June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers




Six area students selected for Songbook Academy editorial@yourarecurrent.com

Brian Wilson

Melissa Ethridge

Buddy Guy

Center for the Performing Arts’ 2018-19 season features variety of good vibrations By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com The Center for the Performing Arts’ 201819 season features a bit of something for everyone. “We receive a lot of concerts feedback from our patron surveys and simply from talking to people who come to the performances, so we have a pretty good idea of what they want to see,” said Doug Tatum, vice president of programming, the Center for the Performing Arts. “The challenge and the fun for us is to cater to all those different tastes as much as possible with the resources we have, yet also to present artists who may be less familiar but can provide a compelling experience for our audiences that really expands their appreciation of the arts.” The 2018-19 season, sponsored by Allied Solutions, with most of the shows at The Palladium, includes three rock ’n’ roll stars: Brian Wilson (Nov. 17), of Beach Boys fame; Graham Nash (March 22, 2019), from the Hollies and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young; and John Hiatt (Nov. 9). All will be making their first appearance at The Palladium. Others included in the Katz, Sapper & Miller Series are a wide variety of crowdpleasing rock, pop and folk acts, including

blues legend Buddy Guy (Sept. 22), twotime Grammy winner Melissa Etheridge (Sept. 25), Indigo Girls (Sept. 28); plus Queen (Sept. 20) and ABBA tribute shows (May 2, 2019) and Dennis DeYoung (Nov. 30), playing hits from his Styx days. The Country Series includes Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (Sept. 21), Kellie Pickler (Nov. 3) and Sara Evans (Nov. 29). The Holiday series includes “Glee” star Jane Lynch (Dec. 1) and David Koz & Friends Christmas (Dec. 9). The Printing Partners Classical Series includes violinist Joshua Bell (Oct. 12), Drew Petersen (Jan. 13, 2019) and the Russian National Orchestra (Feb. 22, 2019). “(Bell) has appeared here previously with a chamber orchestra, but this is his first recital at the Center with only piano accompaniment, so his skills will be on full display for the entire evening,” Tatum said. “We also have a recital by Drew Petersen, a brilliant young pianist who was the American Pianists Association’s 2017 Gold Medal Winner. The Russian National Orchestra, which truly is one of the world’s greatest, will perform an all-Rachmaninoff program, so that’s quite a combination.” The Drewry Simmons Vornehm Jazz Series showcases Pat Metheny (Oct. 11), a 20-time Grammy-winning guitarist and composer who has a new band featuring

acclaimed British pianist Gwilym Simcock, and David Sanborn’s Jazz Quartet (Feb. 8, 2019). “There is a real buzz in the jazz world about Metheny’s new quartet, so this is on my list as a ‘don’t-miss’ event,” Tatum said. “David Sanborn’s Jazz Quintet also is a new group that represents a return to his more acoustic jazz roots.” Tatum said Veronica Swift, 23, is one of the hottest jazz vocalists in New York and has been compared to Ella Fitzgerald. “She’s one of several emerging artists that we’re introducing to our audiences this season,” Tatum said of Swift, who will visit March 8, 2019. The Songbook Series includes Engelbert Humperdinck (Oct. 26), Megan Hilty (Feb. 15, 2019) and Jack Jones (March 23, 2019) and Michael Feinstein (May 23, 2019). The Songbook Celebration Gala, featuring actor/ crooner Chris Isaak, is set for Sept. 15. “Megan Hilty has a lot of fans as a TV actress as well as a Broadway star, so we think a lot of people will enjoy seeing her,’ Tatum said. “Jack Jones is a real singer’s singer, and people say his voice is just as rich as ever.” Series subscriptions go on sale June 12 at 317-843.3800 or TheCenterPresents. org. Single-event tickets will go on sale in August.

Three Carmel High School students, Sophia Miller, Tara Lacy and Griffin Scott, are among five Hamilton County student vocalists selected for the Great American Songbook Foundation’s annual Songbook Academy in Carmel, it was announced June 6. The other Hamilton County students are Peter Fulton, of Fishers who attends Colonial Christian School in Indianapolis, and Marissa Tappy, Noblesville High School. Zionsville Community High School’s Oliva Broadwater also was picked. The Songbook Academy was founded by five-time Grammy nominee Michael Feinstein and is in its ninth year. The 2018 academy, sponsored nationally by the Central Indiana Community Foundation’s Efroymson Family Fund, is scheduled July 21-28 at the Songbook Foundation’s headquarters, the Center for the Performing Arts. The week culminates in the July 28 Songbook Academy Finals, a performance and competition, July 28 at the 1,600-seat Palladium concert hall. Tickets go on sale June 15, at 317-843-3800 or TheCenterPresents. org. Westfield — Urban Vines Winery and Brewery is holding Thursday night concerts throughout the summer. The next concert is Living Proof, a cover band, which will perform at 7 p.m. June 14 at Urban Vines, 303 E. 161st St. Noblesville — Saddlebrook will play at 7 p.m. June 14 in the free Noblesville Parks and Recreation Dept. Summer Concert Series at Dillon Park, 6351 Midland Lane. Zionsville — Monika Herzig, a jazz pianist, will play at 7 p.m. June 13 in the Lincoln Park Concert series. Mr. Daniel, who performs children’s music, will play at 6:30 p.m. Carmel — The Jazz on Monon free concert series continues 6 to 9 p.m. June 16 with Main Street Jazz Band. It has moved to just south of Union Brewing Company at Monon Square, the northeast corner of the Monon Greenway and City Center Drive.


June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Jr. Civic stages peachy musical By Rick Morwick • rick@youarecurrent.com

in concert

wit h nature!

Cook & Belle June 15 cookandbelle.com coming up:

My Yellow Rickshaw


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July 13

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Holly Stults Hass has a number of reasons for wanting kids to see Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre’s musical protheater duction of “James and the Giant Peach.” Absorbing a positive message is one reason. Inspiration to work in theater is another. “The fact that the kids in the audience will be seeing kids like themselves performing on stage is so important,” said Stults Hass, executive programs director for Civic Theatre. “It may inspire a child in the audience to take a class or audition for a play or musical, or merely help them relate more to the story because kids are up there.” Jr. Civic’s production of “James and the Giant Peach” has no shortage of kids in the cast: 33, to be exact, including more than a dozen from Hamilton County. The young performers range in age from 7 to 15 and share the stage with two adults, including Stults Hass, who plays Aunt Sponge — one of two villianous aunts who torment the protagonist, James Henry Trotter, an 8-year-old orphan who, after discovering a magic potion,

Holly Stults Hass, left, and Brent Marty rehearse a scene for Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre’s musical production of “James and the Giant Peach.” (Submitted photo)

is whisked away on harrowing adventures inside a giant peach. Based on the 1961 novel by Ronald Dahl, Jr. Civic’s production runs June 15 through June 20 in The Tarkington, 3 Center Green, Carmel. “There are so many life lessons hidden in this peach of a story,” Stults Hass said. “(There is) hope, finding the magic and wonder in what seems to be grim circumstances (and) tolerance, realizing that it is OK to be different and embracing that in everyone.” For dates and times, visit civictheatre.org.

Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.

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Where’s Amy visits ATI’s Business of Backstage workshop Where’s Amy met up with local students who participated in the Actors Theatre of Indianapolis educational workshop, “The Business Of Backstage.” The workshop was a unique and interactive experience led by ATI’s MaryJayne Waddell and taught by theater professionals. Students learned critical skills that are necessary to work in theatrical productions. From left, ATI Educational Director MaryJayne Waddell (Westfield), Noah Smiler (Carmel), Joey Hummel (Carmel) and Christina Lane (Zionsville) had a chance to see the behind-the-scenes magic of the Broadway hit musical, “Million Dollar Quartet.” For information on future educational workshops, visit atistage.org. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)

June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers




Actors Theatre of Indiana Season! “Broadway in your Backyard”

September 7-30:

A Comedy of Tenors November 16 - December 14:

It’s a Wonderful Life

January 25 - February 17, 2019:

Ruthless the Musical April 26 - May 19, 2019:

Forbidden Broadway Season subscriptions open June 8, 2018

Single ticket sales: July 27, 2018

Don’t miss it!



June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Zionsville cardiologist’s play set By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

Janeira said his proudest moment was when his play, “Secrets Of The Heart,” won a playwrights’ contest and appeared in For more than seven years, Dr. Louis Off-Off-Broadway. Janeira had a driver transport him from his A Portugal native, Janeira moved Zionsville home to theater his private practice to New Jersey when he was 15. After graduating from medical school, medical group in Janeira moved to Indiana. He has Terre Haute. lived here for 27 years. Janeira said the drive provided Director Aaron Henze said the three to four hours of “me time.” plot centers on three strangers “During this, I wrote and pubwho are locked in a room together lished six books, mostly medical Janeria and have to figure out what they murder mysteries, and five plays,” have in common to solve the mystery of said Janeira, whose pen name is Dr. L. Jan how they ended up there. Eira. ‘’Since this is the first production of ‘CritOne of those plays, “Critical Recall,” a ical Recall,’ there is a sense of freedom but psychological thriller, will be presented by also a challenge to not having any previous the Indiana Theatre Company at The Cat versions of the show to turn to for ideas, Theatre, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel, June 15 inspiration or suggestions,” Henze said. to 24. “Fortunately, Louis Janeira has been very Janeira, a cardiologist and electrophysiologist, started working in January at Fran- accessible to answer any questions that may come up as part of the research or reciscan Health Care System with offices in hearsal processes. I’m also lucky to be able Indianapolis and Crawfordsville. “Now that I work much closer, I no longer to collaborate with an incredibly talented creative team, who are very receptive to have a driver and have to find the time to any crazy ideas I might throw their way.” write, though it is much more difficult,” he For more, visit itcindy.com. said.

Area students to learn from IWS By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

6/15 - 6/20



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Attending the Indiana Wind Symphony Side-by-Side Concert last year was instrumental for concert Ella Haisley, who will be a Fishers High School sophomore in the fall. Haisley met principal horn player Larry Purdue at a side-by-side concert Haisley and began taking lessons from him. It earned Haisley a chance to play with the IWS at its May concert. “It was one of the best experiences I’ve had,” Haisley said. “Playing with Doughty the IWS has allowed me to gain the experience of what it is like to play with a professional group and be exposed to that environment. It has helped me improve my confidence greatly. I went to watch the Side-By-Side concert last year, and it’s cool to see that just a year later I’m now playing at it.” Twenty-seven high school students from

17 schools will play with the IWS at 7 p.m. June 15 in a free concert at the Carmel Gazebo. Carmel High School freshman Drew Perfetti and Noblesville High School sophomore Shea Doughty and Zionsville Community High School junior Cory Ellsworth are all participating in Side-bySide for the first time. “The Side-by-Side ConPerfetti cert provides me a great opportunity to gain advice from professional musicians and interact with fellow students who share a love of music,” said Perfetti, a percussionist. Doughty, who plays clarEllsworth inet, said she is eager to learn from professionals as she challenges herself to play more difficult music. “I’m looking forward to this opportunity to play alongside other very talented musicians, and I think I’m going to learn a lot from playing with them,” said Ellsworth, a trumpet player.

June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers



Commentary by Mark Johnson Where to go: Houlihan’s Where it is: 14065 Town Center Blvd, Noblesville When it’s open: Sunday-Wednesday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Thursday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Mark’s take: So, what’s kept Houlihan’s around all these years? Maybe it’s the great, casual atmosphere that still exudes a touch of class. Perhaps it’s the menu filled with new twists on classic appetizers, soups, salads and entrees? The answer, of course, is all of the above and more. Houlihan’s remains a great place for date night, friend night or family night. And don’t forget the full bar and awesome outdoor seating. What to get: Three words: Shrimp Scampi Pasta. This is a zesty, generously portioned

“A beautiful and timeless tale of love and jealously that will touch your heart and soul forever.” Shrimp Scampi Pasta. (Submitted photo)

meal with a real kick. A glass of wine may go well with it, but a Blue Moon goes better. What’s the cost: Entrees run $10.95 to $25.50. Want to know more? Call 317-703-1025 or visit houlihans.com.

June 29-30, 2018 at 7 pm

Tickets: 317-843-3800 or online at www.gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org The Tarkington The Center for Performing Arts

Behind bars: Coconut Mojito Get it at Chiba, Westfield Ingredients: 1.5 oz. vodka, 1 oz. soda water, 1 oz. coconut water, .5 oz. Coco Lopez, Mint, Lime Directions: Muddle mint, pour all contents over ice and shake. Serve in a Tom Collins glass and garnish with a lime.

Carmel resident finds her voice By Mark Johnson editorial@yourarecurrent.com

“I went to college for music education, but I majored in music theater with a concentration in directing at Nazareth College of Rochester,” she said. “I’m a musical theBrynn Tyszka, a Carmel resident since ater performer, a singer, an actor, a dancer. 2016, is a new member of the Indianapolis I always loved watching the Dames Symphonic Choir. of Broadway, Gwen Verdon, Chita choir The choir is finishing Rivera.” up its 2017-18 season Although it was her husband’s and recently performed at the Kenjob that brought her to Carmel, nedy Center in Washington, D.C., Tyszka is pleased with the opportumarking its first performance there nities that the city affords. in almost 40 years. “Step one is to get a reputa“I’ve been a singer all my life,” Tyszka tion here in the area,” she said. “I Tyszka said. “I love choral singing, recently had a baby, so I would like to get but I’m really a musical theater person. I back in the swing of performing, directing, grew up watching ‘Grease.’ It was something I could relate to. I had the vinyl record choreographing. There’s a lot more opportunity to make a living doing that here. My and an old record player, so I would sing favorite space to perform is in the intimate along. I knew all the words.” setting. I would love to perform at the StuA native of Rochester, N.Y., Tyszka comes dio Theater at the Center for the Performfrom a musical family. ing Arts.” “My grandmother sang with the USO for When asked what role she would like years,” she said. “Growing up, I would sing to play there, Tyszka was quick with the three-part harmonies with my aunts, who response. were professional singers. I was 18 when I “I love anything Stephen Sondheim,” she went on my first national tour.” said. “My favorite is ‘Into the Woods’ beDespite her impressive background, cause it’s super meaningful to life in generTyszka said she still wanted a broader set al. It really speaks to the human condition.” of performance skills.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Embassy Suites Noblesville 13700 Conference Ctr. Dr. South, Noblesville, IN 46060 REGISTER AT: https://tinyurl.com/hcla620 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SPONSORED IN PART BY


June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


7:30 p.m. June 15, 16, 2:30 p.m. June 17. (Through June 24)

“Critical Recall,” Indiana Theatre Company, The Cat Theatre, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel

The plot of the psychological thriller centers on three strangers who are locked in a room together and have to figure out what they have in common to solve the mystery of how they ended up there.

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

8 p.m., June 12, 14, 15, 1 p.m. June “Annie,” Beef & 13, 1:30 and 8 p.m. June 16 and Boards Dinner 1:30 and 7 p.m. June 17 Theatre, Indianapolis

Cost: $15 to $18

The musical follows Little Orphan Annie in 1930s New York City. Famous songs include “Tomorrow,” “Hard Knock Life” and “Maybe.”

Jr. Civic presents the children’s classic by Ronald Dahl about a boy, his insect friends and their amazing journey across the ocean on a giant piece of fruit.

Cost: $44-$69 (includes buffet dinner). More: beefandboards. Discount of $10 for children ages 3-15 com, 317-872-9664.

Cost: $12.50 to $17.50

“Million Dollar Quartet,” Actors Theatre 7:30 p.m. June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 2 of Indiana, the Studio Theater, the p.m. June 16, 17 Center for the Performing Arts Actors Theatre of Indiana brings back this musical, which features an impromptu jam session with Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis in 1956. Cost: $20 to $45.

More: atistage.org

“Picnic,” Westfield Playhouse, 7:30 p.m. June 15, 16 and 1836 W. St. Rd. 32, Westfield 2:30 p.m. June 17. Main Street Productions presents William Inge’s 1953 Pulitzer Prize-winning play of a love story. Cost: $12 to $14

More: westfieldplayhouse.org

More: itcindy.com

7 p.m. June 15, 2 and 5 p.m. June 16, 10 a.m. June 18, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. June 19

“James and the Giant Peach,” Civic Theatre, The Tarkington, Carmel

More: civictheatre.org

John Fogerty/ZZ Top, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville Kelly Keller, left, and Jaime Johnson appear in “Is He Dead?” (Submitted photo)

“Is He Dead?” Carmel Community Players, Studio 37, Ji-Eun Music Academy, Fishers

7:30 p.m. June 15, 16, 2:30 p.m. June 17 (continues through June 24)

CCP brings Mark Twain play to life. The play was buried in his manuscripts for 100 years. The comedy focuses on a starving artist who fakes his death so his paintings will rise in value. Cost: $14 to $16

More: carmelplayers.org

7 p.m. June 13

John Fogerty will plays songs from Credence Clearwater Revival and solo career and be joined by ZZ Top. Cost: $14 to $183.50

More: irtlive.com

Steve Miller Band and Peter Frampton, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

7 p.m. June 15

The Steve Miller Band, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame members, will be joined by Peter Frampton, who had several hit singles in the 1970s. Cost: $13 to $121.50

More: irtlive.com

0;4+ –0;2? 0;2? 0;4+ – Black Box Theater,Palladium Palladium Black Box Theater,

0;4+ – 0;2? • June 27-30 – Semifinals/Finals, Masterclasses, 9:00am––9:00pm 9:00pm Black Box Theater,9:00am Palladium • • June 27-30 – Semifinals/Finals, Masterclasses, • June 27 – Opening Night Judges concert, 7pm-8pm • • June 27 – Opening Night Judges concert, 7pm-8pm • July 1 – Awards at 6:30pm; WINNERS CONCERT at 7:30pm • • July 1 – Awards 6:30pm; WINNERS CONCERT 9:00am at 7:30pm • June 27-30 – at Semifinals/Finals, Masterclasses, – 9:00pm • June 27 Opening are Nightopen Judgesto concert, 7pm-8pm All– events general public. All1 –events openWINNERS to general public. • July Awards are at 6:30pm; CONCERT at 7:30pm Tickets: TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org

All events are open to general public. Tickets: TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org Tickets: TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org CarmelKlavier.com





June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers



Solutioneering: What does that mean?

Commentary by Randy Sorrell

Engineering creative solutions for outdoor living spaces is our provocative definition of solutioneeroutdoor living ing. Certainly, it carries forward to bathroom and kitchen remodels. But the dramatic results are predominantly patio/ deck-driven. EXAMPLES 1. A few weeks ago, a lovely Carmel couple wondered how they could make their dull screen porch not so dull. Their presumption was that the walls needed removed, windows added or the entire structure imploded to begin again. Nope. A few gentle nudges got the benign concrete floor, coated with a glossy cocoa stain topped with a brilliantly colored oversized rug and coordinating bright pillows on the patio chairs, added a sparkling touch. 2. The featured project photo moved the fire feature to the edge of the patio instead of the center and saved 120 square feet of patio and a few thousand dollars. That freed up dollars to build a grill counter. Clients accomplish the same strategy gigabyte times a year with aging decks, bland concrete patios and other tired features. Often, they just need a little love and solutioneering! Often, value-engineered ideas are coupled with a larger vision and project in mind. The primary drivers for these crazy “makeovers” is to elevate spaces and thrill the homeowner so celebrations and family healings can happen. If it happens to free up a few dollars for the fire feature/ stone

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Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel homeimprovement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, randy@choosesurroundings.com or choosesurroundings.com.

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June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


What’s the difference? Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt

Temple Remains near Kom Ombo, Egypt. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Kom Ombo’s unique dual temple Commentary by Don Knebel

A temple 31 miles north of Aswan, Egypt has a unique configuration and provides unusual images of ancient surgical instruments. travel In about 1400 B.C., Pharaoh Thutmose III erected a temple overlooking the Nile River for worshipping the god Sobek, usually shown with a crocodile head. Thutmose hoped that honoring Sobek would placate the area’s vicious crocodiles. By the second century B.C., the temple, near Kom Ombo, had fallen into ruins. Pharaoh Ptolemy VI Philometor, whose reign began in 180 B.C., believed Sobek deserved a new temple. Not wanting to offend Sobek’s rival, the falcon-headed Horus, Ptolemy built a limestone temple featuring two identical, side-by-side sections, one devoted to Sobek and the other to Horus. Succeeding pharaohs expanded the dual temple, adding a secret chamber between the sanctuaries where a priest, pretending to be an oracle, could answer questions about the gods’ desires. A circular well with steps to the bottom functioned as a nilometer, allowing priests to determine the level of the Nile NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case No. VA-13639 The City of Fishers Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on the 27th day of June, 2018 at the City of Fishers City Hall, One Municipal Drive, Fishers IN, at 6:00 p.m. The application submitted by Troy Terew of True North Surveying on behalf of Jason & Neeta Pulliam, the property owners, is requesting a Development Standards Variance from section(s) Section 2.08 Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage of the City of Fishers Unified Development Ordinance to allow an increase of the maximum impervious surface coverage from thirty-five (35) percent to forty-five (45) percent. The subject property has a common address of 10570 Geist View Drive, McCordsville, IN 46055 and is generally located on Lot 371 in the Springs of Cambridge single family residential subdivision (a legal description is on file with the City of Fishers, Planning and Zoning Department). Interested persons may file written comments or objections of the request with the City of Fishers, Planning and Zoning Department, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana, 46038-1574. Interested persons will also be given an opportunity to be heard by the City of Fishers Board of Zoning at the above-specified public hearing. Contact Information Troy Terew True North Surveying 11650 Olio Road, Ste 1000-289 Fishers, IN 46037 317-841-8754 troy@truenorthindy.com

during its annual flooding. Rome annexed Egypt as a province in 30 B.C., and Caesar Augustus added a forecourt and reliefs to the Kom Ombo temple. After Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire in the fourth century A.D., Christians used the temple as a church. As worshippers did in other temple/churches, they defaced images they considered pagan. Flooding, earthquakes and scavengers eventually destroyed much of the Kom Ombo temple. In the 19th century, during restoration of the remainder, workers found 300 crocodile mummies, a few of them now displayed in a room in the temple. Workers also found reliefs along the temple’s rear wall depicting about 40 Roman-era medical instruments. Carved representations of scalpels, forceps, scissors, catheters, bone saws, medicine bottles, specula, suction cups and dental tools are assembled between a basin and goddesses on birthing stools. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case No. VA-12813 The Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on the 27th day of June, 2018 at the City of Fishers City Hall, One Municipal Drive, Fishers IN, 46038 at 6:00 p.m. The application submitted by Jeff Grummer of Coach House Garages on behalf of Dr. Brent and Esther Furbee, the property owners, is requesting a Development Standards Variance from section 5.07 (B)(4)(b)(i) of the City of Fishers Unified Development Ordinance to allow a detached garage to be built within an established front yard. The subject property has a common address of 9545 East 106th Street Fishers, IN 46037 and is generally located on the south side of East 106th Street, west of Cumberland Road (a legal description is on file with the City of Fishers, Department of Planning & Zoning). Interested persons may file written comments or objections of the request with the City of Fishers, Department of Planning & Zoning, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana, 46038-1574. Interested persons will also be given an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Zoning at the abovespecified public hearing. Jeff Grummer Coach House Garages 700 Mill Street Arthur, IL 61911 (317)918-7330 jgrummer@coachhousegarages.com

When it comes to the finer things in life, some people have distinctly refined tastes. They can tell the difference between a St. Francis and a Sterling grammar guy Cabernet Sauvignon. And, yes, I did just ask Google about fancy, expensive red wines in order to make that comparison. Others couldn’t tell one of Napa Valley’s best bottles of wine from a box of Franzia. In their opinion, both wines “get the job done,” so to speak. Today, we’re looking at one of grammar’s narrow distinctions: When to use “different than” and when to use “different from.” If you think there’s not much difference, just consult with my reader inbox — I often get electronically scolded for using the wrong one by Grammar Guy’s most refined readers. In general, “different from” is the preferred phrase among grammar aficionados. It’s an adjective phrase that is used to compare two things. Here are a few examples: Marty set himself apart from the rest of the field with his stunning flute solo. Although the new “Space Wars” movies had special effects different from the originals, I think they’re all pretty much the same movie. Although “different than” shouldn’t be employed as often, it does have its merits. Like “different from,” “different than” is an adjective phrase used to compare two things. What makes it unique is that the phrase often gets divided. For example: Brian picked a different balloon animal than the one Noah picked. I understood Barry’s new neck tattoo to represent something much different than your interpretation. Mike took a different route than I did to get to the monster truck rally. “Different from” is seen as the gold standard among editors, linguists and grammarians, although some people can’t really notice a difference. In general, use “different from.” An easy way to remember this is that “from” starts with “f,” just like “formal” does. So, in any formal writing, make sure you use “different from.”

Curtis Honeycutt is a freelance humor writer. Have a grammar question? Connect with him on Twitter @ curtishoneycutt or at curtishoneycutt.com.

NOTICE OF APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 041618A AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO THE CITY OF FISHERS, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA NOTICE IS HEREBY PROVIDED that on April 16, 2018, the Common Council for the City of Fishers, Hamilton, Indiana (“City”), meeting in a duly noticed public meeting, and in accordance with Ind. Code §36-4-3-5.1, passed Ordinance No. 041618A, annexing approximately 3.93 acres located outside of but contiguous to the City, two (2) Lots known as the Vive Exterior Design property, generally located south of East 126th Street, southeast of Promise Road, Fishers, IN 46038 (the “Annexed Territory”). This Annexation Ordinance is available for review at the City of Fishers, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46037 c/o Taylor Navarre, Planner II, Department of Planning and Zoning, and available online at www.fishers.in.us.

June 12, 2018


Current in Fishers


Across 1. Razor sharpener 6. DVD predecessor 9. Japanese pooch 14. Fracking target 15. Letters of obligation 16. Hoosier National Forest tree 17. Lustful deity

18. IBJ listings 19. Tarnish 20. Oberer’s flower part 21. Pity-evoking quality 23. Indy Fuel tiebreakers, briefly 24. Rain, rain, rain 26. Older woman’s young lover, facetiously

28. Time for a break 31. Shorthand writer 33. Mrs. Pete Dye 34. “___ is the life!” 35. Four Corners state 39. White River angler’s pole 40. Word that can be added to 16-, 28-, 49- and 66-Across to form Indiana

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communities 41. Mo’s Irish Pub draft 42. June 13, e.g. 44. Colts shutout, on a scoreboard 45. Hamilton County Court figure 47. “___ believe it!” 49. Westfield HS football lineman 50. Sweetie pie 53. Tetra- times two 54. Every bit 55. Maidens for 17-Across 58. One of five Ws for a Current reporter 62. Showy jewelry 64. “Born in the ___” 65. Light violet 66. Nut tree 67. Hoosier Hysteria mo. 68. Golfer with an “army” 69. Bother 70. Fr. holy woman 71. Meat avoider Down 1. Sound of the Patriots deflating a football 2. Not this 3. Give stars to 4. Kind of medal won by David Boudia 5. Part of RPM on an IndyCar dashboard 6. Parish priest 7. Old grump 8. Seek to join a Butler sorority 9. Takes, as advice 10. Mauna ___ 11. Buffoon 12. So much, on an ISO score

13. Like a lot of Indy Film Fest showings 21. Lap dog 22. More than chubby 25. Mackey Arena foam finger number 27. “___ rang?” 28. Amber Indian Restaurant wrap 29. Trudge 30. Boone County Fair attraction 31. “Darn it!” 32. Binge-watcher’s aid 34. Futuristic Disney film 36. Bakery buy 37. ___ vera 38. Rathskeller “mister” 40. Like Indiana State Fair


taffy 43. Indiana National Guard address 45. IND sight 46. Without a clue 48. Small boat at Geist 49. IU Health IV amounts 50. “Yabba ___ doo!” 51. First name in WTHR talk 52. UFO pilot 53. Chicago airport 56. Fall bloomers 57. Fishers HS exam for jrs. 59. Put on the wall 60. Adidas rival 61. UIndy freshman, usually 63. Sgt., e.g. 65. Pacers foe, for short Answers on Page 35


What is your goal?

June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers



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June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


Garage sale

real estate



Village of West Clay Carmel (Towne and Main St) Saturday, JUNE 16th 8 am - 2 pm Something for everyone! RAIN or SHINE

Multi-Family Garage Sale June 15-16, 8 am to 3 pm both days 13890 Brevard Dr. Fishers, IN 46038 (Harrison Lakes, near 141st & Allisonville Rd.) A sampling of what’s for sale: - Furniture – Electronics - Lighting - Books - Office Supplies -Games - Quilting & Craft Supplies - Housewares - Glassware - Clothing - and much, much more!


A Private drive leads to lake house w/500’ of shoreline! Custom home. Sunset views. 6800 sq ft of luxury 1/2 hour from Indy! 5 BR, 5 full baths, 2 1/2 baths, walkout basement. Separate living quarters. Collins Evans Real Estate Greencastle, IN 765-653-3141 http://collinsevansrealestate.idxbroker. com/idx/photogallery/b031/2152878

Your Classified Here, email classifieds@ youarecurrent.com auction

Now open

now hiring

Position: Youth Advocate Location: Noblesville, IN Type: Full Time Organization: Prevail, Inc. Description: Prevail, Inc. provides crisis intervention and restorative support services for adult, adolescent and child survivors of crime and abuse to residents of Hamilton and surrounding counties. Prevail is seeking a full-time Youth Advocate responsible for crisis response, prevention and intervention services for youth victims of crime, family violence and sexual assault. Services include individual and group facilitation for child survivors (ages13-18) of family violence and sexual assault. The weekly schedule for this position is as follows: Monday 1-8pm, Tuesday 1-9pm, Wednesday 9-6pm, Thursday 11-7pm, and Friday 9-5pm Duties: Provide intervention and restorative support services to clients including: intake assessment, individual appointments, group facilitation, Child Advocacy Center interviews, community referrals and resources, court advocacy, assistance in filing protective orders, completing safety and action plans, and inter/intra-agency networking and advocacy on behalf of the victim, and 24-hour on-call crisis line response. Facilitate at least two support groups for teens (ages 13-18), which may include primary and secondary victims of family violence and/or sexual assault. Provide individual appointments on an as needed basis. Qualifications: Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in social work, counseling, psychology or related field; or a combination of experience, education and/or training. Competitive compensation package including medical, dental, vision, paid time off, paid holidays, and professional development. Salary commensurate with education and experience (starting salary - $16.49/ hour). In-person first interviews: June 19 – June 26, 2018, 9:00am – 5:00pm In-person final interviews: June 26, 2018, 9:00am - 1:00pm Start date: July 16, 2018 Click APPLY NOW to submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to Michelle Moen – mmoen@prevailinc.com

FEATURING We Service All Bikes We Blix Re-Charge Bicycle• Batteries • Currie • Faraday Juiced by Service Disabled Veteran Stromer • Smart • Diamondback

The Electric Bike Center

622 Rangeline Rd, Suite S, Carmel • 317-506-6902 now hiring

Landscape Laborer

Temp, full-time 6/1/18-12/15/18. 27 jobs w/ Sundown Gardens Inc., Westfield, IN & job sites in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Howard, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, Shelby & Tipton cntys. Use hand/ power tools/equip. Lay sod/mow/trim/plant/ water/fertilize/dig/rake; install mortarless masonry wall units. Entry lvl; req’s suprvsn. No exp req’d/will train. Lift/carry 50 lbs, when nec. Random, post-accident & upon suspicion drug test req’d. Background check req’d. 36.25 hr/wk 7:30 AM-3:30 PM M-F. Sat work req’d, when nec. Wage is no less than $12.58/hr (OT varies @ $18.87/hr). Raise/ bonus at emplr discretion.Transport (incl. meals &, as nec, lodging) to place of employ provided or paid to wkrs residing outside normal commute distance by completion of 50% of job period. Return transport provided or paid to same wkrs if wkr completes job period or is dismissed early. Wkrs are guaranteed offer of 3/4 of work hrs each 12-wk period. Tools, supplies, equip provided at no cost. Potential deduct for add’l uniform pieces and/or vol. health insurance may apply. Emplr provides incidental transport btw job sites. Interview req’d. Fax resume to (317) 846-4950 or apply at: WorkOne - East Indianapolis, 2525 N. Shadeland Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219, (317) 358-4500. JO# 8945308.

career fair

career fair

Indiana School for the Blind & Visually Impaired


ISBVI - Over 170 years of service! Currently looking for dedicated individuals to fill many exciting and challenging employment opportunities

YOU’RE INVITED June 13, 2018 from 12-3p 7725 N. College Ave Indianapolis, IN For more information & to pre-register: https://tinyurl.com/2018ISBVI Individuals who pre-register will receive priority interview on-site. Bring a resume!

now hiring

now hiring

Carmel Clay Schools is Hiring!

• Bus Mechanic Fluids Technician • Bus Drivers • Bus Aides Apply online at https://www.applitrack.com/ccs/onlineapp/

Now open


now hiring

now hiring

Become a Senior1Care Caregiver Today! If you are compassionate, reliable and love the elderly, join our family business! Free CNA Training is offered to FT (32 hrs) employees! Top pay, including OT and Bonus Flexible Schedules

Email: abeaven@ccs.k12.in.us or call 317-844-8207.

Job Training & Supportive Staff Guaranteed FT Hours

No experience required! Must have a desire to make a difference in someone’s life – including yours!!! Visit us at www.senior1care.com NOW HIRING!!! FT & PT EMPLOYEES WITH FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! Call 317-652-6175 to set up an interview or stop by our office at 598 W Carmel Drive, Suite F, Carmel, IN 46032 EOE


With over 30 years of experience in the special event industry, Ritz Charles specializes in innovative, upscale and superior event services. Ritz Charles has a strong presence in the event market. Our multiple culinary teams, service staff and event planners host a variety of on and off premise events year- round. Our company has the resources to manage large events yet the personal touch of a small caterer. With our fast paced energetic work environment, we have a need for motivated individuals who can give excellent customer service. If you are looking to join a company with a dedication to excellent customer service and a friendly atmosphere, Ritz Charles has bartending, banquet server, doorman and set-up positions available. If you are interested in learning more about our company, please contact Kate McGowan at KMcGowan@Ritzcharles.com

Outside Advertising Sales Representative Full-time or part-time Fast growing territory available with the Current. Highly motivated and goal oriented a must. Previous media experience preferred but not required. Salary plus commission. Send resume to mike@youarecurrent.com

Your Classified Here, email


June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


now hiring

now hiring

now hiring

Veterinary Assistant

Upscale hotel and spa for dogs in Carmel seeks additional staff:

Part-Time Office Administrator

Part time Veterinary Assistant position open at a caring, friendly, locally owned multi-doctor practice in Westfield. The ideal candidate will possess the ability to multi task, maintain written records and have computer skills. This is a physically active position that requires lifting and animal handling. Position includes a 3 month paid training period. Please fax resume to Administrator at 317-867-2374, or email to virginia@westfieldveterinarycare.com or fill out application in person at: Westfield Veterinary Care 17735 Sun Park Drive Westfield To learn more about us, visit our website at www.westfieldvetcare.com

We are seeking excellent candidates of the following positions: boarding/hotel attendant and pet stylist with back ground training or certification. Our staff works as a team and we require a team minded spirit, client satisfaction driven, detail orientend,professional, and dog loving candidates. Full time and part time positions available .If you meet and exceed this criteria, we want to hear from you. E-mail your resume or contact and employment history information to: kim@happydoghotelandspa.com

Your Classified Here, email classifieds@youarecurrent.com

Insurance / Financial Advisory Firm in Carmel is seeking an Office Administrator to work Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 – 5:00, with occasional flexibility to trade days for family and vacation situations. Primary responsibilities are providing administrative support to 7 reps. This includes submitting paperwork for processing and follow-up as needed. The candidate must be proficient in Microsoft Office, have strong organization skills, attention to detail, and be able to multitask. The office administrator is expected to be personable, resourceful, exercise good judgment and be able to work independently. Experience in insurance or investments is not required for the right candidate but would be helpful. Competitive pay and positive working environment. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume by June 22 to: nfgfrontoffice@gmail.com.

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now hiring



June 12, 2018

Current in Fishers


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