October 2, 2018 — Fishers

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

More than menus The Yard at Fishers District to offer retail, residential in addition to restaurants /P8 Residential Customer Local Fadness speaks at HAND conference /P3

Woofstock returns Oct. 6 /P4

Kiwanis forms Aktion Club /P5


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October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers

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October 2,, 2018


Current in Fishers


Fishers man, 44, found dead in Geist Reservoir

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

MORE THAN MENUS The Yard at Fishers District to offer retail,

Fadness speaks at HAND conference /P3

residential in addition to restaurants /P8

Woofstock returns Oct. 6 /P4

Kiwanis forms action club /P5

Residential Customer Local ECRWSS

U.S. Postage Paid Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 1525 Presorted Standard

On the cover

The Mark is a 260-unit apartment complex at The Yard at Fishers District. The first floor will include retail shops. (Submitted rendering) Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. VIII, No. 3 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com

Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness speaks at HAND’s annual suburban housing conference Sept. 21 at the Cambria Hotel in Westfield. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

HAND conference examines affordable housing By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness has seen his role change from a town manager to Fishers’ first elected mayor in 2014, and with that came one important realization. “Elected officials like to stay elected. It’s their singular obsession, that’s what I’ve learned,” Fadness said during Noblesville-based HAND’s (Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development) fourth annual suburban housing conference Sept. 21 at the Cambria Hotel in Westfield. “They constantly contemplate, How do I stay elected? If anyone thinks for one second that affordable housing was something popular with the masses that vote, that they wouldn’t do it, you are sorely mistaken. They all shy away from this particular conversation because it’s an ugly conversation for them.” Fadness said irrationality festers with the subject and emails fly, Facebook posts and tweets are posted by groups and people who are against everything. “The worst of human nature comes to the forefront (with concern over home values dropping),” Fadness said. But Fadness said the conversation should be addressed in a broader sense, and that an integrated housing policy is necessary for the long-term sustainability of a community. “Which I actually do believe. We become more productive as a society when you have this serendipitous collection of people from different backgrounds,” Fadness said. “One of the things we talk about with our schools is we need to have diversity, and it always comes back to race. I would argue in Hamilton County what is more ostracized from being a different race is being from a differ-

ent socio-economic class.” Shell Barger, a RE/MAX realtor in Carmel, knows how hard is to find affordable housing for buyers in Hamilton County. “To qualify for a $175,000 home, bare minimum, you have to make $45,000 income and that means no car payment, no student loans, no debt,” Barger said. “So, you make $50,000 with some debt, who are these people that make that? They’re our firefighters, police officers, our public servants. In Carmel, there are three on the market. It’s a seller’s market.” Whitestown Town Manager Dax Norton is seeing similar issues in his community. “Our redevelopment commission was asked to subsidize a bus to get workers from Marion County to Boone County to Whitestown, specifically,” Norton said. “We’ve given a tax abatement to said company, millions of dollars. We’ve proudly subsidized some of the infrastructure that has been built to allow them to be there. They said now we can’t find workers. Would you go ahead and subsidize a bus to get the workers from Marion County to Whitestown? Are you serious? That was kind of our reaction.” Norton said Whitestown’s population was 450 in 2008 and is now 9,700. “We’ve developed on the backs of industries that cannot find workers in the community where their industry is built,” Norton said. “It’s crazy.” Norton said many oppose workforce housing because they are worried it will be subsidized housing and affect home values. “Maybe the suburban communities help Indianapolis rebuild its product,” Norton said. “A strong Indianapolis is a strong central Indiana, a strong Whitestown, a strong Fishers, a strong Carmel and a strong Whitestown.”

Hamilton County Coroner John Chalfin confirmed the identity of a man’s body found in Geist Reservoir the morning of Sept. 26. Chalfin said the man was Barry Ramage, 44, of Fishers. Ramage is said to have last been seen late Sept. 21. Chalfin said Ramage’s body was discovered at Geist Marina, approximately 150 feet from the Wolfie’s Grill restaurant, 11699 Fall Creek Rd., between boats and boating docks. The Fishers Police Dept. is still investigating the incident. FPD Public Information Officer Tom Weger told Current a person walking along the docks discovered the body in the water. A cause of death had not been announced as of press time. To see updates to this story, visit youarecurrent.com.

dispatches St. Vincent award – For the second consecutive year, the St. Vincent Heart Center’s Heart Emergency Unit received the Award of Distinction for Excellent Performance in Overall Quality of Care from Professional Research Consultants, Inc. The designation is awarded only to those health care settings at or near the 100th percentile of surveyed patients who rate the overall quality of care as Excellent. To learn more awards, including eligibility and criteria, visit PRCCustomResearch.com. Civil War Roundtable – David Powell will present the Battle of Chickamauga at 7 p.m. at the Oct. 10 meeting of the Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable at Carmel City Hall, 1 Civic Square. Powell has spent the last decade studying Chickamauga and has published several books on the topic. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.


October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


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Answer The Call To Donate

Help Local Veterans Flanner Buchanan is partnering with Operation Honor Guard to raise money to dress honor guard units in the Indianapolis area. Two ways to donate:

Thursday, October 4 from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Funds will be collected at three locations: • Downtown Indianapolis on Monument Circle (in front of Emmis Communications) • Northside – Oaklawn Memorial Gardens 9700 Allisonville Road • Southside – American Legion Post 355 – 7610 S. Meridian

or donate now at


9700 Allisonville Road

(317) 849-3616 E x p e r i e n c e N e w Tr a d i t i o n s

Woofstock returns Oct. 6 By Renee Larr • news@currentnoblesville.com Nickel Plate District Amphitheatre in Fishers will be going to the dogs Oct. 6. Woofstock, the family FUNDRAISER and pet-friendly festival, hosted by the Humane Society for Hamilton County, is back for the 10th consecutive year. Guests can peruse vendors, purchase items from food trucks, have a beer at the Metazoa Beer Garden and listen to The Doo! band and Shiny Penny perform. “In the kids’ tent there will be performances all day by Hedgehog Hannah,” said Rebecca Stevens, executive director of HSHC. “There is a cool zone where the dogs can go for a swim. It’s really an event for the whole family.” The day is centered on the 10th Annual Woofstock Survivor Charity Walk. “That program is what funds 100 percent of all the life-saving and emergency medical care we provide thousands of animals a year,” Stevens said. “We rely completely on donations to fund medical supplies.” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness will be the grand marshal of the walk, and he will be

Paw painting will be available Oct. 6 during Woofstock. (Submitted photo)

joined by one of the survivor dogs. “The walk is really the finale of our peerto-peer fundraising,” Stevens said. “We have a website we encourage folks to go out to and sign up their personal team, as an individual, group or business.” To register for the walk, visit woofstocksurvivorwalk.greatfeats.com. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. The cost to participate is $25. The cost to attend Woofstock is $5 per person. Children 10 and younger and military personnel (with military ID) are free. Tickets are available at the gate.

Festival to fundraise for FHS band

By Jessica Hoover news@currentinfishers.com

painting, cornhole and bounce houses, along with a musical instrument petting zoo and a first-responder equipment petThe Fishers Marching Tiger Band will host ting zoo. “(At the musical instrument petting a fall festival to raise money event for Fishers High School’s band zoo) the kids or adults will be able to pick up some instruments and play activities throughout them,” Howard said. “(For the the year from 4 to 10 p.m. Oct. 6. first responder equipment petThe festival – held at Fishers High ting zoo) we have coordinated School, 13000 Promise Rd. in the with the Fishers Fire Dept., and south parking lot – is a way for we’re also working to get the pothe Marching Tiger Band to thank lice to come out. They are going the community for its support, to bring some of their equipment according to Rich Howard, junior out, whether it’s a truck or a vice president for the Fishers car. We want to let them tell the High School Band Boosters. Howard story of what they do with the “We want to give back to equipment they deal with every day.” the community,” Howard said. “We want There also will be a kid-friendly haunted everyone to come out because we want trail from 4-7 p.m. and a traditional haunted to be able to say thank you to them. They trail from 7 to 10 p.m. Guests can purchase (students) know that with what they do concession tickets for food and drinks, and at the level that they’re competing at right now, they can’t do it without the com- like hot dogs, hamburgers, cotton candy and kettle corn. Tickets can be purchased munity’s support.” at the door for $5 per person or $20 per The fall festival will have games and family. activities such as bobbing for apples, face


October 2,, 2018

Current in Fishers


Event offers early holiday shopping By Jessica Hoover news@currentinfishers.com

and are admitted free. There will be a food drive for a local food pantry at the craft fair, and attendees who bring in canned goods will receive $1 off admission. ProThe Fishers Freedom Festival is hosting ceeds benefit Riley Hospital for Children. the Christmas in October craft fair Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to In addition, each vendor will donate a raffle item. All raffle proceeds 3 p.m. Oct. 13 benefit the Fishers High School at Fishers High School, 13000 Key Club’s Backpack for Kids Promise Rd. program, which provides With approximately 150 fine low-income students within arts and crafts vendors, the the Fishers school district craft fair is a juried show. with school supplies and Products include toys, holibackpacks. day decorations, wood items, “It’s a great craft show,” stained glass, jewelry, quilts, Kehl Kehl said. “The majority of our purses, coats and more. vendors are returning vendors, “We offer something for and they have been with us for years. It’s almost everyone,” Fishers Freedom Fesjust a great way to give back to your comtival volunteer Jennifer Kehl said. “They munity, which is what we are all about.” are very high-quality crafts, and it seems This is the final year the Fishers Freeto be the perfect time for shopping for dom Festival will host the craft fair. It will Christmas.” be hosted next year by the Fishers High Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for School Riley Dance Marathon Club. seniors and kids 13 and older. Children 12

Fishers Kiwanis to form Aktion Club By Noah Alatza news@currentinfishers.com

ficers. Kiwanis and agencies that support adults with disabilities guide them and help them, and they will get training and resources.” The Kiwanis Club of Fishers will form a Canaday said he hopes to have the group called the Aktion giving back Club, which will be for Aktion Club chartered by this month or adults with disabilities. November. He said the Fishers club Don Canaday, a Fishers has been seeking how best resident and former Kiwanis to approach the new club, International president, said which formed earlier this the club in Fishers is coyear after the Fishers Stasponsoring the club. tion Kiwanis Club disbanded “I think it’s important for a in 2016. lot of these adults with disCanaday said talks with abilities because they don’t the Noblesville Kiwanis, who get the exposure with adults maintain a very active Aktion with other disabilities, but Club, have been ongoing for here they do,” he said. several months. The club plans to meet Members must be 18 years once a week. It will take on old to join, and will pay $8 in projects such as a canned Canaday annual dues. Informaitonal food drive and support the meetings will be at 6 p.m. Oct. 3 and Oct. Hamilton County Humane Society. 25 at Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, “They are going to get a lot of joy put10500 E. 126th St. ting a smile on a lot of people’s faces,” For more, visit indkiw.org. Canaday said. “They will pick and choose a lot of guidance, elect all their own of-

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October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


Attendees celebrate end of summer at farmers market

Open House Thursday, November 8 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Reghan Weirich picks out items from the Wildflower Ridge Honey stand at the Sept. 22 farmers market in Fishers. (Photos by Anna Skinner)


Lily Wagner, of Noblesville, picks out honey sticks.

Alicia Baird, left, and Ryan Barrett, of Noblesville, set up a vendor stand.



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chateaukitchens.com Harper Hellyer, Fishers, enjoys a beverage.

Dave and Tammy Downs attend the market with their puppy, Cash.

October 2,, 2018


Current in Fishers


obituary: Adem Clifford Poturkovic

Obituary: john r. hall

Adem Clifford Poturkovic, 25, beloved son of Christy Green and Ferid Poturkovic, lost his battle with addiction Sept. 18. Adem attended Fishers High School and was employed by Anthem in Indianapolis. He was a straight-A student and had hoped to graduate from college in the spring. Adem was a loving, caring, fun person Poturkovic to be with and had an infectious smile. In the words of his aunt Jenny, “His mother has lost her baby, and the world has lost a beautiful soul.” Adem is survived by his mother, Christy Green; father, Ferid Poturkovic; sister, Lindsey VanDevander; brothers, Kenan Poturkovic and Ragib (Dado) Poturkovic; grandparents, Clifford and Nancy Arellano and Paul and Sonie Green; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins; as well as special friends.

John R. Hall, 88, of Fishers, died Sept. 4 at IU Health Saxony in Fishers. He was born Nov. 17, 1929 in Columbus, Ind. John proudly served his country in the United States Navy during the Korean War. He worked as a wood-pattern maker for Ward Patternmaking of Fort Wayne and was an avid golfer. John enjoyed Hall reading and eating out. Most of all, he loved his family and missed his wife terribly. John is survived by his sons, Tim J. Hall, John W. (Susan) Hall and Daniel J. (Lisa) Hall; and three grandchildren, Jessika Hall, Zoe Hall and James Hall. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Barbara Hall, in 2015. Memorial contributions may be made to American Cancer Society, 5635 West 96th St., Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46278.

Obituary: Marjorie E. Beechler Marjorie E. Beechler, 83, of Fishers, died Sept. 3 at Riverview Health in Noblesville. She was born Jan. 16, 1935 to Carl and Gladys Meyer in Douglas County, Mo. Marge is survived by two brothers and two brothers-in-law. In addition to her parents, she


was preceded in death by her husband, Robert A. Beechler, in 2011, and her son, Robert “Scott” Beechler, in 2008. As family, Betty and Stan Clark and Daryl and Cathie Brown would like to thank everyone for their friendship, prayers and love.

S.P.O.R.T.S hosts inaugural kickball tournament

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NOW OPEN! FISHERS CROSSING: 11684 Allisonville Road • (317) 845-5930 DOWNTOWN INDIANAPOLIS: 1 N. Pennsylvania St • (317) 423-2551 CARMEL: 568 East Carmel Dr • (317) 844-5233 WESTFIELD: 3002 East State Road 32 • (317) 867-1884 WHITESTOWN MEIJER: 6650 Whitestown Pkwy • (317) 769-3553

ZIONSVILLE: 50 North Ford Rd • (317) 733-9141 From left, Brandon Dickinson, Steve Orusa, Tracy Gaynor, Juan Puente, Leah McGrath, Andrew Myers, Sarah Sandquist, Lisa Bradford, Ed Gebhart, Eric Steiner, Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, Jim Wilson, Kevin Fertig, Brittany Lewis, Dr. Bree Simmons, Kelly Reinke, Mike Riekhof, Lauren Vail, Brent Denney, Kelly Green and Alyssa Raymond participate in the inaugural Southeastern Program of Recreational Team Sports Sept. 22 celebrity game kickball tournament, where City of Fishers officials played against media personalities. (Photo by Anna Skinner)


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October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


approved businesses for The Yard at Fishers District in addition to BluePeppermint boutique Sun King Brewing Company, an Indianapolis-based craft brewery with three locations: one small-batch brewery in Fishers, one in downtown Indianapolis and one in Carmel. 1933 Lounge (by St. Elmo) is a restaurant/bar concept by St. Elmo. The proposed location at Fishers District will be its first location outside of downtown Indianapolis. THE HC GRILL, which is a St. Elmo concept in the works, serving Americana-style food. HC stands for Hamilton County.

The Yard at Fishers District will include multi-family residential, retail and restaurants. (Submitted rendering)

More than menus The Yard at Fishers District to offer retail, residential in addition to restaurants By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com It’s no secret dining will be a centerpiece attraction of The cover story Yard at Fishers District, but high-quality restaurants aren’t the only upscale pieces coming to the new development. “Originally, it was just mostly restaurants, but as it developed, (the developers) found you can’t just have a mixed-use development that only has food,” said Chelsea Hudelson, retail marketing coordinator for Thompson Thrift Retail Group, which is developing the project. “Even for the residents at The Mark, it served everyone much better if more things were involved,” Hudelson said. “There’s more to it than just restaurants, and we do want everyone to realize that and see it.” The Mark is a multi-family apartment building under construction at The Yard at Fishers District development. The first floor will feature retail shops. Residents will live above in the 260 units, which in-

clude studio and one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments. A pet-washing station, state-of-the-art fitness center, pool, aqua lounge, spa and bike racks are among the amenities. Pre-leasing will begin in the second half of 2019, but a price range has not been determined. Jessica Landez will lease retail space at The Yard at Fishers District. She is the owner of BluePeppermint Boutique, which operates out of a two-story house at 8936 South St. “I jumped on The Yard because I do think it’s going to be a great space,” Landez said. Landez cites an anticipated increase in pedestrian density for moving her business. “We’ve always known if we ever left this location, we would really try to find a place that had a lot more foot traffic,” she said. “The only foot traffic (here) would be people walking over from the Hampton hotel, but that’s it. So, with the Fishers District, really as time has gone on, it’s become more desirable for us since they’ve added the really high-end apartments.

With people living there, we think it’s going to be a really good location.” The new one-story BluePeppermint Boutique will be approximately the same size as its current two-story building. Landez said she will try to incorporate the boutique’s charm into the new layout. “Honestly, we will try really hard to emulate a warm, welcoming feeling,” she said. “We get that now just because we are in a house, but we will try to create that environment in the new space also.” Landez plans to move the business next summer. Several other businesses (see listing, right) have followed her lead and also signed leases at The Yard at Fishers District. “I only was aware of the food options, and I know since we’ve signed on there’s been massage, lashes and there’s quite a few other types of businesses going in,” she said. “I don’t think any other boutiques, but I would not be opposed to that. I don’t know if that would be a bad thing. It might spark interest for other boutiques when word comes out we are going in.”

A Culinary Incubator, which will occupy 3,000 square feet of space within Sun King Brewery. This area is for startup chefs to introduce menus. Havana Cigar and Cocktail Lounge, an upscale cigar bar and cocktail lounge. Verizon Wireless, an American telecommunications company. Massage Heights, a membership-based therapeutic services franchise that offers massage and facial services. Sangiovese Ristorante, an authentic Italian restaurant. Sangiovese’s first location operates at the Iron Works development on the north side of Indianapolis. Amazing Lash Studio, the nation’s largest eyelash extension services franchise. Rawkin’ Juice, a fresh food and juice concept offering cold-press juices, organic vegan salads and pure energy smoothies. Kincaid’s Meat Market, a full-service butcher and meat market that has operated its north side Indianapolis location since 1921. Nicey Treat, a local frozen treat retailer with locations in Broad Ripple, Fletcher Place and the Nicey Mobile that travels to farmer’s markets and other events. Hyatt Hotels parcel, which encompasses 4.17 acres. The Dunn Hospitality Group plans to open a dual concept Hyatt Place and Hyatt House in this location with approximately 210 rooms.

October 2,, 2018


Current in Fishers





On origins

Hoping new restaurant is here to stay

Commentary by Terry Anker We use them every day, these aphorisms. Old sayings and collective shorthand keep our conversations moving and meanings clear. Still, we so often forget from where they hail. We can use our favorite search engine to inquire as to the expression’s etymology, yet to rely blindly on a single entry can be foolish. We are required to surf from site to site seeking some intellectual satisfaction that each appearance is not a simple duplication of another. The maxims themselves suffer from the same echo. Modern speakers will sample the words and concepts from earlier generations and co-opt them as their own, so the able-word historian will push back ever further looking for an accurate origin point. Many are found rooted in the Bible. Much of our collective literary and oratory memory commences there. But others can be directly or loosely traced to the earliest scrolls, clay tablets or hieroglyphs, leaving one to wonder if much of human thought has been consistent from our genesis. It suggests, in part, that our thinking has been conscientiously, and unconscientiously, formed by all that we’ve heard or read – and perhaps by all that’s been heard or read by everyone that we’ve heard or read. Is the collection of human wisdom a thread rather than an evolution? Or, do we legitimately process information and ideas anew with each subsequent presentation to fresh generations? Among the many adages with foggy attributions is an old favorite: Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand. Perhaps it doesn’t matter who gets the acclaim as long as the concepts are urged to persist. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.

Editor, My husband and I had a rare Friday date night last week, and we decided to take a chance on the new Loren and Mari’s Mexican Grill just west of 116th Street and Keystone Parkway. We are so glad we did! The service was honestly outstanding, and the food was delicious. There was a wide variety of options on the menu, and the restaurant was clean and fresh. I mentioned to our waitress how delicious the chips were, and found out they are actually made in-house. How great is that? Though we went without the family this time, we are already looking forward to our next visit and plan to bring the kids. I hope Loren and Mari’s is here to stay! Jen Lis, Carmel

Hitting all the wrong notes Commentary by Danielle Wilson I learned something about myself this week, people: I am terrible at karaoke. I know! It came as a surprise to humor me, too, but it turns out I only know the words to about seven songs, and anything by Cyndi Lauper is too high for my vocal range. Granted, I have no vocal range, nor can I really sing. Usually, what I lack in talent I make up for in showmanship and pure enthusiasm. But this past Friday, while launching the new “Passing Period Karaoke” initiative in the social studies hallway where I teach (we are in a quasi-competition with science over which department is more fun), I learned even rock-solid rhythm and superb snapping can’t save someone from the embarrassment of belting out the wrong line or mumbling through a forgotten chorus as a throng of confused but highly entertained teens captures every moment on social

media. Luckily, I wasn’t alone. Several other teachers, including younger, hipper ones, struggled to accurately sing along to Billy Joel, Neil Diamond and the Village People. We did a pretty good job with “My Girl” and the national anthem, but other than those we couldn’t find an appropriate song that everyone knew. Of course, later, as I rehashed my missed opportunity for internet fame, I came up with several that I would have nailed, including but not limited to, “Let It Go” from “Frozen,” and the Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way.” Also, anything from “The Sound of Music,” though Broadway doesn’t generally play well with the under-20 crowds. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

Q U O T E  O F   T HE  W EEK The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Thanks to essayist Anker Editor, Your (Sept. 11 “Hurry home”) article was perfect! Thank you. We just sent our youngest to IU in August. Jill Johnson, Fishers

P O L I C I ES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@ youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.


October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers



Fallen Hour Local Indy rock band Fallen looking Hour for a male lead singer and rhythm guitarist between Localpreferably Indy rock band lookingthe forage a of 17-21. male lead singer and rhythm guitarist We have a lead guitarist, bassist, and drummer. preferably between the age of 17-21. us at:bassist, and We have a Contact lead guitarist, drummer.


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Paying extra lip service Commentary by Dick Wolfsie In an article I recently read, no experts are quoted. There is no scientific polling, no international study referhumor enced. But the people from a well-known breath mint/gum company claim the average person spends 20,000 minutes in his or her lifetime kissing. Your smooching may vary, depending on whether you attend a lot of Greek weddings or have more than 15 grandchildren. I’m not an overly competitive person, but I do believe in keeping up with Joneses, who, by the way, are our newlywed neighbors down the street. The Fettermans next door, married 40 years, might represent a more realistic goal for me. I’d been doing OK until now, but I’m going to increase my output, so my obit can read: “Exceeded the standard kissing time by 2,000 minutes.” When it comes to lips, I can put two and two together. When Mary Ellen came home the other night, I gave her the customary hello smooch, but I lingered a few seconds longer in the osculation. Osculation is the scientific term for kissing. Don’t use that word during romantic encounters. It’ll have

a negative impact on your lifetime total. My wife became instantly aware that I had breached the unwritten rule for time spent on the customary, “Hi, honey, I’m home” kiss. “What was that all about?” she asked. “You were lingering on my cheek. You do know it’s only Thursday?” It’s bad enough I’m newly obsessed with maintaining a respectable record in the puckering department, but apparently a slew of other situations exist when my breath should be pristine. Now, there’s something to chew on. Which is exactly what the gum company says: “Hey, we sell something to chew on.” In order for my wife and me to someday surpass the national average, I’m going to need her full cooperation. Last night, I told Mary Ellen how beautiful she is and how great dinner was, but I still don’t think I have a chance of reaching that 20,000 mark. Apparently, kissing up doesn’t count.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

October 2,, 2018


Fundraiser supports veterans’ funerals By Maria Cook news@currentinwestfield.com

Oct. 4 at three Indianapolis-area locations: Monument Circle in Indianapolis, Oaklawn Memorial Gardens at 9700 Allisonville Road in Fishers and at American Legion Post Flanner Buchanan, in partnership with 355 at 7610 South Meridian St. Cash, check Operation Honor Guard, will raise funds and credit card donations are acOct. 4 for the Operation cepted. Online donations may be Event Honor Guard National made at flannerbuchanan.com/ Day of Giving. Operation operation-honor-guard/. Honor Guard is an organization that “Only 10 percent of the populahelps outfit honor guards across tion has ever served in the military, the nation, enabling them to perso we have a responsibility to honform military honors at veterans’ or that 10 percent that have served. funerals. Lindley It’s the last and final thing we can “The main idea of it is to provide do for them,” Lindley said. uniforms,” said Maureen Lindley, vice presiShe added that IMMHG is always looking dent of marketing at Flanner Buchanan. “The average cost of a uniform for an honor for more veterans to become part of the honor guard in Indianapolis. guard member is around $800. Our pro“While it’s great that we’re raising monceeds are going locally to Indy Metropolitan ey, we also want to bring awareness to the Military Honor Guard, and they conduct fact that we need more veterans to step up over 400 funeral honors each year. ” and serve with these honor guards,” LindAccording to Lindley, 90 percent of proley said. “If you are a veteran and you are ceeds collected will stay in the community, out there looking for a way to contribute, while 10 percent will go to Operation Honor contact us or contact IMMHG.” Guard to cover administrative costs. Donations will be collected from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

LouVino to open on Mass Ave By Renee Larr news@currentinfishers.com

have a little lounge area on the mezzanine floor and an open kitchen.” The executive chef at the Fishers locaLouVino, which opened tion will move to the Mass Ave restauexpansion in 2016 in Fishers, will rant. The menu will be slightly different than in Fishers. open a new location in “We’ll have some people moving around the Penrose On Mass Ave development in the company, which is in early 2019. The Louisvillegood,” Chad said. “Half of our based eatery focuses on wine menu stays the same at all and southern-inspired shared locations and then the other plates. It will be the fifth locahalf is up to the person at that tion opened by owners Chad specific location. People can and Lauren Coulter. try some other things at both “Mass Ave is a location locations.” we’ve had our eyes on for a Construction is tentatively while,” Chad said. “It’s a hot scheduled to start in this place to be. We knew we wantCoulter month or November with a ed to do around five or six goal of opening in February 2019. LouVino locations. For us, having a more “We hope to hit the ground running,” downtown area and a more suburban Chad said. “The thing that is different area is the model we’ve been going after. about this location is the ability to have We actually did it in reverse this time.” private events. We want to do more wine The new location will be approximately dinners and more wine education events. 5,000 square feet and have two private I think we’ll be able to do more of that dining rooms. with the private space.” “One of the private dining rooms will For more, visit louvino.com/fishers/. hold about 16, and the other will hold about 35 or so,” Chad said. “We’ll also

Current in Fishers



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October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


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Join us at one of our inspiring design centers for a Remodeling Seminar:

IU Health holds Day of Service at Cook Creek

By Renee Larr • news@currentinfishers.com

More than 170 volunteers from IU Health North and Saxony hosgiving back pitals and elsewhere descended on Cool Creek Park in Westfield Sept. 14 to participate in the 10th annual IU Health Day of Service. The goal is to address obesity by beautifying parks for residents to enjoy. “Our day of service this year really aligns with our healthy weight and nutrition efforts in addressing the community need,” said Alicia Schulhof, president of the IU Health north suburban area. “We know there is a direct tie and correlation that active park users are less likely to be overweight than those who are not. We are trying to make sure we’re making our communities friendly for physical activity and use.” This is the third consecutive year Cool Creek Park was chosen as the site for the Day of Service. Volunteers worked in two shifts to add elements to a nature play area, paint and beautify common areas and shelters and landscape within the park. “I know many of our employees felt like

More than 170 volunteers from IU Health beautified Cool Creek Park Sept. 14 during the 10th annual Day of Service. (Submitted photo)

we could build upon the work that was done last year,” Schulhof said. IU Health has partnered with the Hamilton County Parks Dept. for seven years to identify what areas need the most attention. “They said they plan for it and get excited for it each year,” Schulhof said. “They do a big splash with their team wanting them to help guide and design the work each year. It rallies team members from across the parks together as

one.” The day of volunteering makes an impact on IU Health employees as well. “I think this is one of the activities that our team members look forward to and rally behind every year,” Schulhof said. “This year, because it was our 10th anniversary, people took such great pride in saying they have been here all 10 years. It’s a way to live the mission in a different way for a day and give back to the community.”

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October 2,, 2018

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Heartland Film Festival features executive producer Pauszek’s documentary ‘Grateful’ By Renee Larr editorial@youarecurrent.com “Grateful” is a 17-minute documentary that tells the story of Jenni Berebitsky, who is battling ALS. She was diagnosed in March 2009 and was FILM given 18 to 24 months to live. The film explores her passion for living in the face of insurmountable odds. The film was screened in July at the Indy Shorts International Film Festival Presented by Heartland International Film Festival. The documentary won the Audience Choice Award presented by Indiana Spotlight. “That’s the most prestigious award because it tells the film industry that our film was chosen by the audience,” said Executive Producer/Producer Amy Pauszek, whose Where’s Amy photo column appears in Current publications. The film was screened at the Sept. 2729 Circle City Film Festival. “Jenni’s story will warm your heart while teaching us to live an engaging, productive and meaningful life,” Pauszek said. “I promise you will leave this film with tears of love, hope, inspiration and laughter. It’s uplifting and will change your outlook on life and those you love.” “Grateful” also will be shown in the Indy Shorts Winners Program No. 1 at the Oct. 11-21 Heartland International Film Festival. “We’re so excited because it’s such a prestigious festival to be in,” Pauszek said. “‘Grateful’ is a must-see film for everyone at the 2018 Heartland International Film Festival.” Pauszek, a Geist resident, plans to submit the film to additional film festivals. “We’ve sent it off to others and we’re hoping to get into more,” she said. “People really love it. This film will help anyone who has experienced ALS or any type of life-threatening illness. It shows there is hope, and through family and friends anybody can get through these obstacles.” The “Grateful” screenings are at noon Oct. 14 at AMC Castleton Square 14; 7:30

The “Grateful” cast party at Italian House on Park Restaurant in Westfield with Jenni Berebitsky, front, Executive Producer Joyce Kleinman, left, and Executive Producer/Producer Amy Pauszek. (Submitted photo)

p.m. Oct. 1 at AMC Showplace Traders Point 12; 5:15 p.m. Oct. 19 at The Toby at Newfields at Indianapolis Museum of Art (special book signing of Jenni Berebitsky and Joyce Kleinman’s book “ALS Saved My Life Until It Didn’t” immediately after screening); and 5:15 p.m. Oct. 20 at DeBoest Lecture Hall at Newfields. To purchase tickets to see “Grateful” during the Heartland

Heartland’s highlights feature films, female directors By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com In its 27th year, the Heartland Film Festival keeps evolving. “We keep trying to grow the industry within Indiana,” said Greg Sorvig, Heartland director of film programming. “We split out the short films into their own event.” Sorvig, a Carmel resident, said the addition of Heartland’s Indy Shorts International Film Festival in July made that possible. Only the Indy Shorts Audience’s Choice and Grand Prize Shorts winners will play at Heartland, Oct. 11 to 21. “This is the first year Heartland Film Festival will be primarily feature films,” Sorvig said. “In the years past when we had 100-plus films a chunk of those were shorts. Attendance has been bigger for our feature films, too, so we expand and give shorts the spotlight in July. There are two programs of shorts and the rest are features.” Sorvig said the Truly Moving Picture Award will be presented for studio films. “We’ll have a handful of big Hollywood

sneak peaks as well, so we’ll be playing some films with bigger names and films from all over the world,” Sorvig said. “We’ve given more in cash prizes than any other film festival in the world. We’ve given away over $3.2 million since ’92. I’m excited that we identify five films per category up for the big cash.” There are $25,000 grand prizes for Narrative Feature and Documentary Prizes, in addition to other categories. “Half of the films that are up for the big cash are directed by women,” Sorvig sad. “That’s pretty rare for festival (films). Additionally, (there are) four event films, opening and closing, and all four of those are directed by women. It’s a hot-button issue and we’re excited to showcase the high-quality work done by women.” There will be a panel, “Breaking Boundaries,” featuring Cady McClain, who directed the documentary “Seeing is Believing: Women Direct,” it is making its world premiere at Heartland. The panel will be at 3 p.m. Oct. 13 at AMC Castleton. Sorvig said all the filmmakers in contention for grand prizes will attend the final weekend of the festival.

Connick Jr. offers salute to New Orleans editorial@youarecurrent.com Acclaimed New Orleans musician Harry Connick Jr. and his band will celebrate New Orleans’ 300th birthday, and the influences that have shaped Connick’s career, during a Nov. 27 concert at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. A few holiday favorites also are expected in the performance, billed as “A New Orleans Tricentennial Celebration … Holiday Edition,” which starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $75 and can be purchased at the Palladium Box Office, online at TheCenterPresents.org or by phone at 317-843-3800. The foundation of Connick’s art is the music of New Orleans, where he began performing as a pianist and vocalist at age 5. Known for his charitable work, especially in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he and friend Branford Marsalis established “Musicians’ Village,” a community in New Orleans’ Upper Ninth Ward that includes the Ellis Marsalis Center for Music and provides homes, recording facilities and performance space for displaced musicians as well as programs for children and the community. Westfield — The final three performances of “The Guys,” a story of a FDNY fire captain who lost eight firefighters on Sept. 11, are set for Westfield Playhouse at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 5, 6 and 2:30 p.m. Oct. 7. For more, visit westfieldplayhouse.org. Noblesville — Chris Stapleton’s “All-American Road Show” features special guests Mary Stuart and Brent Cobb at 7 p.m. Oct. 5 at Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center. Carmel — Beatles scholar Aaron Krerowicz will present a multimedia presentation at 7 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Carmel Clay Public Library program room that puts the Beatles’ “White Album” in its musical and historical context. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the group’s only double album. Lawrence — First Friday Swing Dance at the Fort is set for 8 p.m Oct. 5. Cost is $10 for general admission and $12 for one-hour dance instruction starting at 7 p.m.


October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers




Presented by yvonne shaheen

10/12, 5:30PM

Area actors lead in ‘Aladdin Jr.’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

touch. But that also makes it very exciting.” Sydney Meyers, a 17-year-old homeschooled student from Fishers, is playing Genie. Zionsville West Middle School seventh“I love that it’s such an expressive role grader Isabel Casciani figures this is a role where I get to explore a she was theater meant to personality that is much greater than mine,” said play. Meyers, who will wear blue Casciani, 12, will play Jasmakeup and blue hair. “It’s mine in Christian Youth Thebeen a really fun challenge.” ater’s production of “Aladdin Meyers said she was Jr.” Oct. 5-7 at Marian Unisurprised when she was versity Theater, 3200 Cold Casciani Geary cast as Genie. She had been Spring Rd., Indianapolis. preparing for the role of Jasmine, but “I enjoy portraying Jasmine beis glad she got the Genie role. cause it is a dream come true for “It’s been a blast,” Meyers said. me,” Casciani said. “Ever since I was “I’ve learned so much because it’s little, I’ve wanted to be a Disney Prinbeen a different role than the kind cess, so this is an amazing experiI’ve done before. It’s just so very ence. Aladdin was definitely a Disney over-the-top.” favorite of mine and still is. It was Meyers Carmel High School freshman Mialways so much fun to watch, and chael Geary portrays Aladdin. now perform in.” “Playing Aladdin is such a blast,” Geary There is a challenge in playing a popular said. “I especially love the idea of flying on a character. magic carpet, which I believe we will be doing “Jasmine is a challenging role because on stage.” so many people have a certain vision for There will be four performances: 7 p.m. Oct. the character since she is so well known,” 5, 2 and 7 p.m. Oct. 6 and 2 p.m. Oct. 7. Tickets Casciani said. “It’s a lot of pressure to live up are on sale at cytindy.org. to those expectations while adding my own

Van Voorst leads improv group By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

10/12 - 10/27


live in the story



Van Voorst said there will be some showcases throughout the year. The time table for most performances is to be determined, Kelsey Van Voorst first joined ComedySbut there is a Jr. Civic Variety Hour schedportz when she attended Carmel High uled for May 4, 2019. School in 2006. comedy “The kids will also be doing carol“I have been doing ing in the winter around the Carmel it ever since,” said area,” Van Voorst said. Van Voorst, a 2008 CHS graduate. Melissa Hook, Civic’s market“I was also in an improv group for ing and events manager, said the four years while I was at Purdue caroling is part of Civic’s outreach University.” program and is funded by the Clay Van Voorst, a Carmel resident and Van Voorst Township Board of Trustees. interpretation manager at Conner The ACT TOO! members are: Kate Boice, Prairie, is directing the ACT TOO! for Booth Noblesville, Hinkle Creek Elementary; Jack Tarkington Civic Theatre’s Educational wing, Clark, Westfield, Westfield Intermediate; Jr. Civic. Heidi LaBar, Zionsville, Zionsville Middle, “I believe that all actors should know at Kaitlin Miller, Carmel, Creekside Middle; Anne least the basics of improv,” said Van Voorst, who is a member of ComedySportz Indianap- Nooning, Zionsville, Zionsville Middle, Allie Russell, Indianapolis/Carmel, Forest Dale olis. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for young Elementary; Lauren Sciaudone, Westfield, actors because their minds are already so Our Lady Of Grace; Aiden Shurr, Carmel, Colcreative, so they can bring that naturally lege Wood Elementary; Phoebe Sidebottom, to a scene. It will be good for these kids as Zionsville, Zionsville Middle, Anna Wagner, they grow as actors because it leaves their Zionsville/Carmel, Creekside Middle School; minds flexible and teaches them to work toAJ Wilson, Indianapolis, St. Richard’s and gether as part of a team or ensemble rather Lincoln Everitt, Indianapolis, St. Richard’s. than just one individual actor with one role.” The age range for the ACT TOO! members is third grade to eighth grade.

October 2,, 2018


Current in Fishers



Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.

Opening Night: Mr. SOUL!

Where’s Amy attends Melissa Etheridge’s ‘Yes I Am’ Tour at Palladium Kerry and Cheryl Craig (Geist) with Susan and Andy Somers (Geist). attended an evening with Melissa Etheridge Sept. 25 at the Palladium in Carmel. Etheridge’s tour celebrates the 25th anniversary of her breakthrough fourth album, ‘Yes I Am,’ which included the Top 10 single “I’m the Only One” and the Grammy-winning “Come to My Window.” Local fans loved rockin’ out to one of rock’s most respected performers and songwriters. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

CIAF award winners announced editorial@youarecurrent.com Near-perfect weather greeted thousands of visitors to the Carmel International Arts Festival, which hosted more theater than 150 artists from across the nation Sept. 22 and 23 in the Arts & Design District. This year’s event marked the 21st annual festival, which has become the second-biggest festival in Carmel, behind only CarmelFest. The Arts Festival – presented this year by Current Publishing -­ hosted more than 30,000 people during the two-day event. The festival awarded more than $6,000 in cash prizes to selected artists. That included a Best of Show award, Mayor’s Choice award and prizes handed out in specific media categories. Winners for 2018 are: • The Best of Show – Anthony Slichenmyer • 1st place – Taylor Mazer • 2nd place – Kirk Miller • 3rd place – Joel Slichenmyer Pinkerton • Mayor’s Award – Taylor Mazer

• BEST IN MEDIA: Cliff Matyszczyk, J.D. Davison, Sharon and Jessica Bussert, Alan Sievers, Joel Fremion, Lisa Berry, Deborah Link, Neil Lemarly • HONORABLE MENTION: Elaine Lanove, Guiteau Lanove, Lou Hii, Brad Devlin, Mark Waninger, Dawn Middleton High School Division Winners: • The Rosemary Waters Excellence in Arts Awards — Lynn Xiong, “Alice” Color Pencil • The Doreen Squire Ficara Carmel Arts Council Award — Ananta Pant, “Metamorphosis” ceramic • Best of Show Carmel High School Katie Phan, “Ghost Acrylic” Zoe Horn, “Vibrant Tranquility” • Best of Show University High School Siyu Zhong, “Water color Portrait Zhining Ding, “Oil Painting/Self Portrait” “We have always taken seriously our role of selecting the best artists we can find because we know that it’s the beauty of the art that keeps people coming back to Carmel for this annual event,” CIAF Chairperson Dawn Fraley said. For more, visit facebook.com/ CARMELIntlArtsFestival.

From 1968 to 1973, the public-television variety show SOUL!, guided by the enigmatic producer and host Ellis Haizlip, offered an unfiltered, uncompromising celebration of black literature, poetry, music and politics. Director Melissa Haizlip, Associate Producer Doug Blush and special guests scheduled to attend.

Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7 pm Newfields After-Party To follow featuring live music by Jennie Devoe

$50/ $42 members

Buy tickets:


October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


“Highlights of the German Romantic Era,” Indiana Wind Symphony, the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel

The Indiana Wind Symphony performs a chamber concert featuring “Serenade in Eb” by Richard Strauss, “Octet opus 216” by Carl Reinicke and “Notturno” by Ludwig Spohr.

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

8 p.m. Oct. 2, 4, 5; 1 p.m. Oct. 3; 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Oct. 6; 1:30 p.m. Oct. 7

“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre

Cost: $5 (for students) to $10 More: thecenterpresents.org

Chris Stapleton’s “All-American Road Show,” Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center,

Beef & Boards presents the classical musical, set in 1850 in Oregon Territory, for the first time since 2009. Cost: $44-$69 (includes buffet dinner). Discount of $10 for children ages 3-15

Cost: $33.75 to $88.75

7:30 p.m. Oct. 5, 6, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 7

“The Guys” recounts the story of a newspaper editor who helps a FDNY captain prepare eulogies for eight firefighters under his command who died when the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11. Cost: $18 to $20

More: westfieldplayhouse.org

“Forever Plaid,” Carmel Community 7:30 p.m. Oct. 5, 6; Players, The Cat Theatre, Carmel 2:30 p.m. Oct. 7 Carmel Community Players presents the musical of four young singers who are killed in a car crash and posthumously take the stage for one concert they never got to perform in life. Cost: $18 to $20

More: carmelplayers.org

7 p.m. Oct. 5

Chris Stapleton’s “All-American Road Show” is the first solo headlining tour by Stapleton and features special guests Mary Stuart and Brent Cobb.

More: beefandboards. com, 317-872-9664.

“The Guys,” Main Street Productions, Westfield Playhouse, 1836 W. St. Rd. 32, Westfield

3 p.m. Oct. 6

More: livenation.org

Dispatches Jackson Schene and Olivia Behrmann dance in a past performance of “Pulse.” (Photo by Renzulli Photography)

‘Pulse,’ Indiana Ballet Conservatory, The Basile Theatre at the historic Athenaeum, Indianapolis

7:30 p.m. Oct. 3

Carmel-based Indiana Ballet Conservatory presents a fulllength contemporary ballet performance developed by founding Artistic Director Alyona Yakovleva-Randall. Cost: $20 (in advance) More: indianaballetconservatory. to $30 at the door org

U.S. Marine Band tickets available — The U.S. Marine Band, dubbed “The President’s Own” and the nation’s longest-running professional music organization, will perform a free concert at 8 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts. Free tickets became available Oct. 1, at the Palladium box office, 1 Center Green, Carmel. Tickets must be obtained in person at the box office and cannot be reserved by phone or online; tickets are limited to four per household and all reserved tickets will become null and void if not used by 15 minutes prior to the performance. At that time, open seats will be available to others on a firstcome, first-served basis.

The Children’s Museum Guild’s Haunted Hous

The Children’s Museum Guild’s

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Oct. 11-31 Presented by


October 2,, 2018


Current in Fishers




Tickets available in person at the Palladium Box Office

MashCraft Fishers MashCraft Fishers is a relatively new brewery that offers a menu from 5280 Bistro. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 11069 Allisonville Rd, Fishers. What to get: Fish tacos Price: $8 Anna’s take: MashCraft Fishers is a relatively new brewery that opened in winter 2017. It also has locations in Greenwood and downtown Indianapolis, but the Fishers location is the first to feature a full menu. The menu is created by 5280 Bistro, a popular food truck in Fishers. I kicked off my experience by tasting the Bavarian Style Soft Pretzel paired with MashCraft’s own garlic beer cheese, or queso blanco. The pretzel was doughy, buttery, dusted with salt and, because of its size, easily shareable. For my main course, I opted for the fish tacos: two soft corn tortillas filled with grilled and blackened whitefish with a crunchy slaw. A spicy poblano crema is drizzled on top along with a healthy serving of cilantro.

Combined with grilled, seasoned whitefish, the dish has a remarkably fresh taste. Potato chips are served on the side. In light of the generous portions, MashCraft’s food prices are very reasonable, and 5280 Bistro is one of my favorite food trucks, so the two make a nice partnership. The items on MashCraft Fishers’ menu are not typically found on the food truck menu, so it allows for some diversity. Suggested pairings: For the more seasoned beer drinkers, pair the fish tacos with MashCraft’s Last Light Blood Orange IPA, which has a citrus note on the front end that pairs nicely with the fish. The citrus is balanced by the hops. For lighter beer drinks, opt for MashCraft’s Gold American Blonde Ale. It’s not as hoppy and is a refreshing beverage to pair with the meals.

Behind bars: Spicy peach margarita Get it at Pure Eatery, Fishers Ingredients: 2 oz. Hornitos tequila, 1.5 oz. peach puree, 1 oz. sweet and sour, .5 lime juice, three jalapenos Directions: Muddle two jalapenos in a glass. Add other ingredients except for remaining jalapeno into a shaker tin with ice, shake and pour into glass. Garnish with a jalapeno.

Limit (4) tickets per household

Tickets must be obtained in person at the Box Office and cannot be reserved by phone or online

All reserved tickets are null and void 15 minutes prior to the performance. At that time, seats will be available to those without tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.

For security purposes, items larger than a purse will not be permitted.

TheCenterPresents.org | 317.843.3800 These activities made possible, in part, with Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Current-QtrPage-PresidentsMarineBand.indd 1

9/21/18 4:17 PM


October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


Women’s Balcony of Cordoba Synagogue. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Cordoba’s historic synagogue Commentary by Don Knebel



Cordoba’s Jewish Quarter includes a synagogue reflecting the turbulent religious history of medieval Spain. travel After Muslim invaders from North Africa captured southern Spain from the Christian Visigoths in 711 A.D., they made Cordoba the capital of a new Islamic state. With the encouragement of the rulers, Cordoba became a center of learning and commerce, attracting Jews from all across Christian Europe. By the 10th century, Cordoba, with a population of about 500,000, was the largest city in the world, with running water and lighted streets. In about 1160, a strict Muslim sect conquered Cordoba and threatened its Jews with death if they did not convert to Islam, signaling the beginning of Cordoba’s decline and the end of the socalled “golden age of Judaism.” In 1236, Christian forces under Ferdinand III of Castile reconquered Cordoba and gave its remaining Jewish residents the right to build a synagogue, which they did. When Cordoba’s bishop complained that the new synagogue rivaled his cathedral in size,

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Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.


Nickel Plate District Amphitheater, Fishers

11:30AM - 6PM

Pope Innocent IV had it demolished. In 1315, residents built a much more modest synagogue near where Moses Maimonides, the great Jewish philosopher, was born in 1135. The interior of the synagogue was decorated in the Mudéjar style developed under Islamic rule and featured an ornate balcony reserved for women. After Ferdinand and Isabella expelled all the Jews from Spain in 1492, the synagogue was used as a hospital and later became a chapel used by the local shoemakers’ guild. In 1884, after inscriptions from the Book of Psalms were found on walls throughout the building, it was restored to close to its original appearance and maintained as a national monument. Today, the Cordoba Synagogue, which retains some evidence of its use as a chapel, is one of Cordoba’s most popular destinations. A statue of a seated Maimonides is nearby.

Fireplace safety — With colder weather on the way, it’s almost time to stoke up the fireplace. Before using it, however, check to see if it needs to be cleaned. Run the point of your fireplace poker along the inside of your chimney liner. If you find a 1/8-inch layer or more of buildup, call a chimney sweep. Creosote buildup causes chimney fires. Source: FamilyHandyman.com

Most popular Halloween candy — CandyStore. com wanted to know which are the most popular Halloween candy varieties. It analyzed data from the past 11 years. In Indiana, Hot Tamales topped the list with Starburst in second place, followed by Jolly Ranchers. Nationwide, the top seller was Skittles followed by M&M’s in second place. Source: CandyStore.com

October 2,, 2018


Current in Fishers 2018_i_am_dc_current_ad.qxp_Layout 1 7/31/18 4:10 PM Page www.currentinfishers.com 1

I before E except after C is a lie Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt Pluto isn’t a planet. There’s a fifth ocean. Davy Crockett didn’t die defending the Alamo; he was captured grammar guy and later executed. At least, we think so. Our entire education was a lie! Let’s just acknowledge that textbooks don’t always get things right. In fact, textbooks were kind of a new thing in the mid1800s when the convenient rhyme “I before E except after C” gained popularity. Too bad this mnemonic device is wildly incorrect. The full rhyme states, “I before E, except after C — or when sounded like A as in ‘neighbor’ and ‘weigh.’” But what about those foreign atheists who routinely seize caffeinated heifers? It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out this rule is just plain weird. I’m not going to leave your education in a heap of rubble; instead, I’m going to make it more complicated and rebuild it (and then remind you there are always exceptions to the rule). Here’s a new rule for you that will handle most of your spelling conundrums: Use I before E (believe, priest, thief) except when C is followed by L, P, T or V (receipt, conceive,

ceiling), or when sounded like “A” as in weight or “I” as in height (neighbor, sleigh, heist, height), or when a prefix or suffix implies E-I (reiterate, deionize, canoeing). Phew. Unfortunately, even this long rule still has exceptions, like either, forfeit, sovereign and reveille. Still, the rule I outline above works 99 percent of the time. Gen. Douglas MacArthur famously said, “Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind.” We won’t judge the general too harshly for ending his sentence in a preposition; instead, we’ll just consider how his quote (if true even some of the time) makes English spelling and grammar so tricky. The only way to know how to spell all these words correctly is to memorize them. I recommend investing in a nice set of flashcards; you can study them during your leisure time. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.




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October 2, 2018


Current in Fishers


Across 1. Cheese Shop choice 6. Zoup! server 11. Ind. neighbor 14. Hawaiian isle 15. Carmel Police rap sheet name 16. Gordon Pipers denial 17. 2018 “Best Places to Work

in Indiana” #27 (Fishers business furniture) 19. ISP crime scene evidence 20. Coxhall Gardens bell tower sound 21. Cosmetician Lauder 22. Bird’s bill 23. Fine fur 25. Eiteljorg Museum

tribesmen 27. “Auld Lang ___” 28. Bulldogs’ FT or FG stat 30. Gussy up 33. Hamilton County courtroom mallet 35. Dicker 36. Congressional candidate Thornton

Thank you to all the volunteers, attendees, artists, city employees and sponsors for making this year’s Carmel International Arts Festival a success!


39. “Best Places to Work” #8 (Indy architect) 41. Pacers org. 42. IMPD SWAT specialist 45. Golden Arches pork sandwich 48. Indianapolis Zoo primate 49. Small ammo 50. Spice holder 53. Mackey or Luckey 55. Thin 57. Hilbert Circle Theatre box 59. Come after 62. “House” in a Noblesville HS Spanish class 63. Hino Oishi sushi fish 64. “Best Places to Work” #4 (Indy temp agency) 66. Evan, to Birch 67. Indy 500 driver Knepper 68. Sat in I-69 traffic 69. That girl 70. Fishers HS football lineman 71. Lewd looks Down 1. Incline 2. St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church Mass stack 3. Evil reputation 4. Geist activity 5. [Not my error] 6. Indiana Supreme Court concerns 7. Oodles 8. Show the way 9. Pacer foe 10. Feminine suffix 11. “Best Places to Work” #9 (Lawrence engineer) 12. Turner or Cantrell 13. Reason to call Mr. Plumber

18. Shoe spec 22. Arctic site 24. Teachers’ grp. 26. Clean air letters 28. ___ diem 29. Ascend 31. Org. with Cubs games 32. Zionsville Farmers Market veggie 34. TiVo precursor 35. That girl 36. Broadband inits. 37. Westfield-to-Muncie dir. 38. “Best Places to Work” #3 (Indy computer consultant) 40. Mac alternatives 43. Genuine 44. James Whitcomb Riley’s “before”

46. A Gershwin 47. Kroger lines 49. ___ split 51. Baby’s bed 52. Fit to eat, to a rabbi 54. Broad Ripple Vintage jacket 55. Not pos. 56. St. Vincent Hospital sections 57. Young lady 58. “Yikes!” 60. Work the wok at Mandarin House 61. Terry Lee car category 64. IND luggage attachment 65. Lucas ___ Stadium Answers on Page 22



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October 2,, 2018


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October 2,, 2018

Current in Fishers



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Legacy CNA Training, in partnership with the Hamilton County Workforce Innovation Network, is proud to offer an accelerated Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class at night. The class is 4 days a week, Mon-Thu, 5p-10p starting October 22 at the Noblesville campus of Ivy Tech. Becoming a CNA opens a door to endless high-demand possibilities in the healthcare industry. Students who attend benefit from: • 6 week program after work hours • 100% Pass Rate • Tuition reimbursement opportunities • Industry Experienced Instructors • Scheduled testing dates • Many healthcare employment opportunities No experience required! Must have a desire to make a difference in someone’s life! Visit us at legacycnatraining.com for more information. NOW ENROLLING!!! Call 317-993-3577 today or stop by our Carmel classroom location at 598 West Carmel Drive, Suite F, Carmel, IN 46032

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October 2, 2018

Current in Fishers


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