Tuesday, March 5, 2019
STUDENT IDEAS The StartEdUP Foundation encourages kids to pitch entrepreneurial solutions to local problems /P10
City rules ‘no’ on Rails with Trails /P3
New U.S. 31 interchange planned /P4
Royals win first girls basketball state title /P8
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March 5, 2019
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019
STUDENT IDEAS The StartEdUP Foundation encourages
kids to pitch entrepreneurial solutions
City rules ‘no’ on Rails with Trails /P3
New U.S. 31 interchange planned /P4
to local problems /P10
Royals win first girls basketball state title /P8
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U.S. Postage Paid Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 1525 Presorted Standard
On the cover
From left, students Saul Garza, Michael Rodgers and Jared Costa attend a pitch event hosted by The StartEdUP Foundation. (Submitted photo)
Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. VIII, No. 3 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
City of Fishers officials recently stated they would not pursue a Rails with Trails option after conducting a feasibility study and noting the additional costs. Instead, the city will continue with its original plan for the Nickel Plate Trail, which will stretch from 96th Street to 146th Street when complete. (Submitted rendering)
City of Fishers says ‘no’ on Rails with Trails request
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
at public meetings during the past two years, the city’s claim of openness and transparency is suspect and calls into question the motives When residents involved with the Save the for discounting options other than a trail.” Nickel Plate railroad inidevelopment tiative realized the City Save the Nickel Plate spokesperson Tyler Mendenhall said if the Rails with Trails opof Fishers planned to retion was pursued, it could lead to more visitor place the railway with a trail, they encouraged spending within the county. In 2015, the city to look into a Rails with Trails Hamilton County Tourism released numoption, which would keep the railroad bers that showed the Indiana Transtracks intact and construct a trail portation Museum, which operated the alongside the tracks. Nickel Plate Railroad, brought in an estiAfter conducting a feasibility study, mated $1.6 million in visitor spending. the City of Fishers recently ruled ‘no’ on Mendenhall said he’s not sure how a that request. The study examined two trail without the railroad would benefit options, Option A and Option B, which Mendenhall the county. would result in an additional $20.5 mil“None of us are anti-trail, but if we lion and $39.8 million, respectively, for had to make a decision on one or the other, acquisition of right-of-way, repair of the rail and we would choose rail,” Mendenhall said. “We additional construction to complete the Rails figure the Rails with Trails is a great economic with Trails proposal. improvement use of the corridor, and it’s very In a press release, city officials wrote: “Due popular in other areas.” to the continued inaccuracies shared to the Fishers has pursued the proposed Nickel media by train advocate groups, the city is Plate Trail proposat since 2017 and has planned responding to their assertions that alternative to construct a trail in place of the railway designs were not considered through a feasibilthrough the National Trails System Act. The deity study. For purposes of the study, the City of teriorating and unsafe condition of the railroad Fishers and its retained consultant analyzed compelled its owners – the City of Fishers, the the rail corridor to determine the feasibility of City of Noblesville and Hamilton County – to keeping the existing Nickel Plate Rail in place examine other options. The Rails with Trails opthroughout the corridor, with the new trail betion would allow continued use of the railroad ing placed alongside.” tracks, and although Fishers, Noblesville and The city then stated it would pursue developHamilton County deemed the railroad unsafe, ment of the Nickel Plate Trail without the Rails Mendenhall doesn’t believe that’s true because with Trails option. a track inspection report by the Hoosier HeriFollowing the city’s announcement, Save the tage Port Authority stated, “Though the gauge Nickel Plate announced it would commission a wear is significant, the rail probably has signifiprivately funded feasibility study to be released cant life remaining.” within 45 days from Feb. 25. The group called The railroad’s owners forged an agreement the city’s transparency into question. that a trail was the best option, and the City of “Two years ago, the City of Fishers decreed Fishers moved forward with a master planning that a multi-purpose trail is the only feasible process, which was presented to the public option for the Nickel Plate Corridor. So, it comes Feb. 18. According to the City of Fishers, only 4 as no surprise that the city’s study released percent of more than 1,500 ideas from the pub(Feb. 22) makes the argument rails with trails lic included the Rails with Trails suggestion. is not feasible,” the organization stated. “Save To read the full feasibility study, visit the Nickel Plate has grave concerns about the playfishers.com/DocumentCenter/View/851/ report. Since the public has not been presented with an objective set of options for this corridor Nickel-Plate-Rail-Trail-Analysis---Report.
dispatches Correction – There were several inaccuracies stated in an article about Fishers’ National Disability Month events in the Feb. 26 edition of Current in Fishers. Stacey Oldham struggles with MS and Cecilia Coble’s daughter does not have physical limitations. Beautiful Feet 5K - On April 27, Child Evangelism Fellowship of Central Indiana will hold its third annual Beautiful Feet 5K, benefitting its ministries. In addition to the 5K, there also will be a 1-mile fun run and kids fun run. Early registration is ongoing and is $35. After April 17, registration is $45. Individuals and teams are welcome. To learn more, visit cefcentralindiana.com. Best places to work – Hamilton County Tourism was selected as one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana. This is the second year the nonprofit has been recognized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and Best Companies Group. The Best Places to Work statewide survey and awards program honors participating employers with leading workplace cultures. For more information, visit BestPlacestoWorkIN.com. OfficeWorks named Best Place to Work in Indiana – OfficeWorks has been named “Best Place to Work in Indiana” by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Best Companies Group. This is the third year in a row that OfficeWorks has received the title. OfficeWorks is at 12000 Exit 5 Pkwy. FGAA holds Make It Personal drive – The Fishers Government Academy Association will hold its annual Make It Personal Drive, where it collects personal care items to donate to Delaware and Fall Creek Township food pantries. Donations will be accepted April 1-12 at the Fishers YMCA, 9012 E. 126th St.; the Delaware Township offices, 9090 E. 131st St.; the Fall Creek Township office, 11595 Brooks School Rd. and the Chateau at Britton Falls, 13079 Del Webb Parkway. Donation items can include soap, shampoo, razors, brushes, combs, diapers, toothpaste and more. Council launches connection meetings – The Fishers City Council recently launched its council connection meetings. The monthly meetings will provide an avenue for residents to ask questions or voice concerns directly to the council. The next meeting is scheduled for 9 to 10:30 a.m. March 20 at Britton Falls Chateau Ballrooms A and B, 13079 Del Webb Pkwy.
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
County hires new 911 communications leader
U.S. 31 interchange planned in northern Hamilton County
By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com
By Maria Cook news@currentinwestfield.com Hamilton County’s last stoplight along U.S. 31 on the route to Kokomo is expected to disappear within the next roads few years. INDOT has announced plans to reconstruct the intersection of U.S. 31 and 236th Street in northern Hamilton County into an interchange. Hamilton County Highway Dept. Director Brad Davis said the county shares INDOT’s goal of eliminating stoplights and improving traffic flow on U.S. 31. “The big goal of INDOT is to create a freeway system on U.S. 31 and to eliminate traffic signals on that roadway,” Davis said. “We’ve wanted to have an interchange there for quite some time, so we are in favor of it and are providing any input we can to help.” Davis said the new interchange will serve two main purposes: Improving traffic and making drivers safer. “One of the major issues is a safety is-
The stoplight at U.S. 31 and 236th Street will become an interchange. (Source: Map data Google 2019)
sue. There’s been an awful lot of accidents at that location, so that’s one of the primary goals they’re trying to solve,” he said. INDOT has not announced a starting date for the project, but construction is expected to begin in 2021 or 2022. Public hearings are expected to take place before the project begins.
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Bloomington. During his time there, he oversaw a $4 million budget and helped implement uniform radio communications between county and city fire departments. Hamilton County has hired a new execu“Public safety is a top priority in Hamiltive director of emergency politics communications. ton County,” Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman said. “Jeff brings more Jeff Schemmer has been than 31 years of public safety experience chosen to fill the position made and is driven to continue the outvacant by Mike Snowden, who standing service that our citizens announced his resignation in expect. We are excited to have him early January after taking a city join our award-winning team.” administrator job in O’Fallon, Mo., Schemmer is a member of the his hometown. State 911 Board and the Indiana Schemmer’s hiring was anChapter of the National Emergency nounced Feb. 13. Number Association. His first day “I feel honored to have been Schemmer on the job was Feb. 25. selected as Mike’s replacement,” Schemmer said. “I’m looking forward to joining such a well-respected and forwardthinking emergency communications dispatch team and serving the citizens of Hamilton County.” Quilters Guild meeting – Mudsock Quilters Schemmer comes to Hamilton County Guild meets on the second Monday of evfrom Monroe County, where he was the ery month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Cornercommunications director for the Monroe stone Lutheran Church, 13450 E. 116th St. County Emergency Dispatch Center in For more, visit mudsockquiltersguild.org
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Block files for re-election
&& y a d y a o d m e o d e m e s e e u r d o f e h e s e n u r e o f oppen h
By Noah Alatza • news@currentinfishers.com
tinue its growth. “Fishers previously had a large residential tax base and it’s important to build One of three Fishers at-large city councilors, Richard Block, filed for more commercial development for the politics re-election Jan. 17. sustainability of the city,” he said. “We see that in the offshoot of downtown developBlock originally served a ment with restaurants and other one-year term on the council when entertainment.” Fishers became a city in 2015. He Block said Mayor Scott Fadness later ran and won a full four-year has placed a priority on job growth. term in 2016. He said if re-elected, it Block supports new developwould likely be his last term. ment and wants to help existing “Generally, it’s been exciting bebusinesses. ing involved with what’s going on “There is culturally a nice balin Fishers,” he said. “The council Block ance between what we’re doing, gets along well, and personally, I and that has added to the overall feel like we all have a good working quality to life,” Block said. “I think certainly relationship with the mayor and staff, and it is a very productive organization and city I’m a person who tries to make the best decision for Fishers, and factoring in what to be involved with.” is in our long-term interests and looking at Block is the council’s vice president things with a return on investment mindand has served on the Fishers Planning set. I have not voted necessarily in support Commission. of everything but I am absolutely a huge He said his priorities are continuing supporter of the direction that Fishers is to enhance downtown Fishers, investing going in.” in the city’s infrastructure and making Block is a U.S. Air Force veteran and quality-of-life improvements for residents, president and owner of Indianapolis-based such as development of the Nickel Plate real estate company Paragon Realty. pedestrian trail. For more, visit electblock.com. Block said he wants to see Fishers con-
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March 5, 2019
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Student profile: Holly Williams Holly Williams is a senior at Hamilton Southeastern High School. education Williams, 17, plans to pursue engineering in college but is still mulling school options. A Fishers native, she and her family lived in Temecula, Calif. for eight years before returning to Fishers for her senior year. Q: What is your favorite subject and why? A: Choir, because I love to sing and dance, so it is the best way I meet my closest friends and I have a lot of fun in the class and still be able to do something I love.
Q: What have you been involved in during high school? A: Well, I just moved (back) to Fishers this (past) summer, so I haven’t gotten too much involved as I would like, but like I said, choir makes me involved and has made the transition that much easier. Q: Why did you choose to pursue engineering? A: I mainly want to go into mechanical engineering, but I can always change my mind. That said, I love fixing things and working on cars, so I think this major can accommodate my likes and dislikes.
Q: Do you have any advice for younger students? Williams A: My advice for younger students would be to get involved and meet as Q: Who has been your most influential many people as you can. You never know teacher? what connections you make in high school, A: I would say my most influential teachand they can last a long time if you meet er this year would be Mr. (Jason) Marer. the right people. Also, be in the moment. He teaches economics and he gives great Don’t let your grades make you cut off from advice and (is) all-around a great teacher to talking to people. have. This is one of my favorite classes.
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Judge Nation given county’s highest honor By Sadie Hunter • sadie@youarecurrent.com During the Jan. 23 State of the County address, given by Hamgovernment ilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger, the Hamilton County Continental Award was presented to retired Hamilton County Superior Court Judge Steve Nation. From left, Hamilton County Commissioners Steve Dillinger and Christine Altman, retired The award is the highest honor that can Hamilton County Superior Court 1 Judge Steve be bestowed on Hamilton County residents. Nation and Hamilton County Commissioner Mark “In the 60 years I have lived in Hamilton County, I don’t know of anyone more deserv- Heirbrandt. (Submitted photo) ing of the county’s highest award more than from coaching youth football to chairing my friend, Steve,” said Dillinger, president of funding drives for the Hamilton County Unitthe Hamilton County Commissioners. “His ed Way to serving as a board member for commitment to the service of this commuthe Hamilton County Red Cross and Noblesnity is unprecedented.” ville Boys & Girls Club. The commissioners also christened a Nation continues to be highly involved new county trail that runs from Noblesville in the Hamilton County Youth Assistance through Cicero, Arcadia and Atlanta. It is Program, which he helped create. The procalled the Steve R. Nation Nature Trail. gram is designed to help at-risk students Nation was elected to the bench in 1995. stay in school and out of the juvenile justice Prior to that, he served as the Hamilton system. County Prosecutor for four terms. Nation Nation’s last day on the bench was Dec. ah_close_out_current_FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 1/14/19 1:51 PM Page 1 has always been involved in the community, 30, 2018.
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
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Parrish leads Royals to first state title By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Hamilton Southeastern High School junior guard Sydney Parbasketball rish was already drawing national attention. The 6-foot-2 guard, ranked No. 11 in the 2020 national recruiting class by ESPN, is weighing offers from Tennessee, South Carolina, UCLA, Maryland, Indiana, Iowa and Oregon. Parrish enhanced her status by scoring 30 points and grabbing 10 rebounds in leading Hamilton Southeastern to its first state title in girls basketball, topping Lawrence North 55-44 Feb. 23 in the Class 4A state championship game at Bankers Life Fieldhouse. “I haven’t seen any better in this state. She’s that good,” Coach Chris Huppenthal said. “We play the best competition in the state. She doesn’t always put up 30 points, but she puts up a lot of points.” The Royals finished 27-1, previously beating visiting Lawrence North 56-45 Jan. 15. Their only loss was to Ryle (Ky.) High School. “This is affirmation of how good our
kids are, how good the program is,” Huppenthal said. “It’s just wonderful for them, wonderful for the community. The support we got throughout the course of the tournament was great.” The Royals have had several successful seasons, but prior to this year had only reached one semistate. That was in 2006. “It’s a group of kids that have great character,” said Huppenthal, who has a 249-76 in his 14 seasons as coach. “They’re selfless. They enjoy being together.” For Parrish, it was a dream come true. “I couldn’t ask for a better season, a better senior class and a better team,” Parrish said. “We love each other on and off the court.” Senior Tayah Irvin, who will play for Northern Kentucky next season, said it was a special feeling. “It’s definitely been great to be able to create history with these girls,” Irvin said. “We put in hard work from the summer because you can’t just start the week before (the season). You have to build up to it. To be the first team to make it this far is amazing.” Trailing Lawrence North by three points, the Royals used a 13-0 run to take a 47-37
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lead in the fourth quarter. Parrish, who scored 11 in the fourth quarter, was encouraged by her teammates to take over the game. It was the Wildcats’ (22-7) first appearance in a girls basketball state title game. Lawrence North lost in the semistate in 2014 and 2015. Lawrence North’s Maddie Howe, the team’s only senior, was awarded the Mental Attitude Award for Class 4A. Howe, ranked 26th academically out of 679 students in her class, plans to study business analytics at Xavier University.
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Riverside Intermediate School recently received a $2,500 grant from the Walmart Community Grant program to go toward completing the second phase of a playground designed for upper elementary students. The project is spearheaded by the Riverside Intermediate School PTO, which also built the first phase of the playground in 2017. From left, Tim Clark, manager of Fishers Walmart Neighborhood Market; Brian Behrman, assistant principal; Janet Pritchett, PTO board member and HSE School Board member; and Amy Samuelson, PTO playground chairperson. (Submitted photo)
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Students listen as they form a plan to pitch a solution to a business’s problem. (Submitted photos)
Jennifer Wiese, owner of BeeFree Gluten Free, speaks to students on a problem she hopes they can solve.
STUDENT IDEAS The StartEdUP Foundation encourages kids to pitch entrepreneurial solutions to local problems /P10 By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com At its core, the StartEdUP Foundation places students and cover story business owners into a room and allows innovation to happen. However, the nonprofit plans to expand to inspire kids in a different way. Noblesville High School teacher Don Wettrick inspired the program when he launched a class for innovation and open-source learning, where students were allowed to work on whatever project they wanted for the duration of class. When the Indiana Economic Development Commission learned of Wettrick’s innovation, it sought his assistance with one of its programs, Innovate WithIN. The initiative brings high school students in front of a panel of judges to pitch entrepreneurial ideas. “They have this big competition called Innovate WithIN, and after the winner is done, they need help with, ‘What does a kid do when he gets an oversized check?’” Wettrick said. Wettrick’s collaboration with WithIN led to him founding the StartEdUP Foundation in February 2018.
Now, Hamilton Southeastern Schools are taking part, too, with the recent creation of an innovations class. Current was unable to obtain a comment from HSE teacher Kelsey Habig, who is teaching the class, despite multiple attempts. “We do events once a month. We go to local co-working spaces, and our format is we have a soft skill a month presented by a student - five minutes of how you connect with people, how to use LinkedIN,” Wettrick said. “Then our guest of the night, and our guest of the night is a smaller, deserving nonprofit, they share what they do, what they are, and they also share with us a problem.” Several of the StartEdUP Foundation’s events have been conducted in Fishers. Students work together to create a solution for a specific problem. The Fishers YMCA, for example, asked students how to fix the problem of shutting down 116th Street. Students helped provide a solution. Wettrick said 30 to 70 students typically attend each event. They break into teams of seven to 10 and come up with a three-minute pitch solution in 35 minutes. They then pitch it to the guest. This month, Wettrick said a cash prize will
be awarded to the winners. “Starting (this month), we are going to give $500 to the winning team to implement that plan each time,” he said. “The whole point is to create an ecosystem of entrepreneurism. These kids start to know what a good pitch is and start thinking for opportunities.” Wettrick said he’s not looking to make money with the pitch solutions students create. Rather, he is trying to create student entrepreneurs. In addition to awarding a $500 pitch award, Wettrick said the foundation is considering launching a program where it listens to a student’s business idea and possibly invests in it. “They show us their financials. We know the chances of them being successful are pretty good, so we invest in kids who want to scale up,” said Wettrick, adding that $2,500 will be the minimum investment in student projects when the program launches. The goal, Wettrick said, is for students to return the $2,500 - with no interest - when their business succeeds. “We want you to be successful and we
want our money back over the course of two years, and then if you’re successful, we ask that you help that next 17-year-old,” Wettrick said. If a student attends an event with the StartEdUP Foundation, Wettrick said there’s an 85 percent chance that student will attend another event in the future.
getting started Don Wettrick said if a student is interested in either The StartEdUP Foundation, the $500 pitch award or the $2,500 investment program, they should first attend an event. “The best place to start is go to an event,” he said. “Why apply (for the investment) right now when you can get $500 to start? Then you’re going to be on our radar, so that $2,500 is now $3,000 or more, so if you have a great business idea and want to scale up, go to an event first.” For a list of events, visit The StartEdUP Foundation Facebook page.
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Do the math
Green New Deal needed for climate
Commentary by Terry Anker Our daily lives are overflowing with data. Yet, in a somewhat alarming development, most of us are more confused than ever. How do we make sense of the competing, incongruent and often intentionally openended assertions in which modern society finds itself steeped? How do those “in-the-know” arrive at their assumptions? How do they use the information to find their assertion of outcome? The challenge here is that most talking heads foist upon the unsuspecting and willing public equations of “how to fix the world” with too many unknown variables. Every eighth-grade math student will tell you that such cannot be resolved. First, one must know which elements are required, then conform to a definition for each, and finally determine a specific outcome that we might hope to reach if we solve the equation. For others to understand our thinking, one must begin from a place that assumes the position of the listener, not the speaker. If the listener does not have enough information, wouldn’t it require that the speaker include it in the originating message? One should identify all the variables and then, in time, solve each before turning in the assignment. Understandably, some don’t want to do the homework. They push the problem-solving responsibility off to the reader. Open-ended equations invite further interrogatory and leave too much to assumption. If we were to review our messages in advance of sending them from the perspective of the reader, how much could we improve our communication? And, if we spent a bit more time on designing the equation before attempting to solve it, would we get to better outcomes? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.
Sweet dreams aren’t made of this Commentary by Danielle Wilson I don’t know what is going on inside my head lately. I had a dream last night that went from my grappling with humor a personal case of head lice while babysitting a couple of pre-teen strangers to me at a parade where deceased friends and family were stopping to say hello. I didn’t awake until the zombie horde forced a semi off a bridge next to where I was standing. I asked my husband Doo what he thought these visions meant, and he responded with a short monologue of Sigmund Freud emphatically telling him to “Get out. NOW.” Hilarious. Doo also reminded me that I had left a bathroom drawer open, wide enough so that when he stumbled in this morning, he clocked his left thigh so hard he now has a noticeable bruise. I vaguely recall rummaging for Advil around 4 a.m. while peering through a window to determine if a tornado
was afoot. I guess the screaming wind and the dead-people visits distracted me from closing up shop, so to speak. All this is to say that clearly I have too much on my plate, at least subconsciously. As I type, I am mentally listing today’s “chores” along with work and family “stuff” that needs to be addressed in the near future. But what’s a mom to do? Ignore parenting, wife-ing, teaching, cleaning, managing, shopping, disciplining, exercising, planning, living altogether? I’m certain the spicy food and the devil/ vampire shows aren’t helping, but in my defense, have you watched “Lucifer” yet? Terrible, but oddly alluring. So, I’ll just have to deal with the crazy dreams and hope life settles soon. Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
Q U O T E O F T HE W EEK “Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.” – St. Catherine of Siena
Editor, I’m a senior, age 71. I probably won’t be around when the worst effects of climate change take effect but my children and especially my three grandchildren will be. However, climate change is happening here and now - and for them, I’m terrified. The latest climate report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN) says we have approximately 12 years to transform our economy to preserve the stable climate human civilization has depended on for millennia. As a retired scientist myself, this is not some BS dreamed up by wildeyed liberals and elitists. We need a massive mobilization of every sector of society on par with what science and justice demand. A Green New Deal will keep Americans safe from climate change and create millions of green jobs. Indiana is already a leader in green job creation in the Midwest. We can take our expertise and ingenuity and put it to great work for the planet. Other nations, including China and India, are rapidly moving in this direction. We must, too. The Green New Deal is a common-sense policy that is already popular with the American people, regardless of political party. Steve Simon, Ph.D., Westfield
P O L I C I ES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@ youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
A different word for everything Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Mary Ellen and I are going to South America this fall and we decided we both should learn a little Spanish. I ordered humor some language CDs but was having serious problems memorizing the vocabulary, so I got a stack of sticky notes and labeled everything in the house, like the chair (la silla), the table (la mesa), the door (la puerta) and the mirror (el espejo). In Spanish, nouns are identified as masculine or feminine. This confounded me in high school and accounted for my low grades. The teacher said I had some gender confusion, which was the last thing I needed to hear right before I asked Darla to the senior prom. When Mary Ellen got home and saw the notes, she wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t as ticked off as our cat (el gato) Angel, who kept walking in circles because of the sticky note on her tail. Angel also was unhappy to learn that “el gato” is a masculine noun. I tried to explain to her that there wasn’t a neuter pronoun, but that brought back a lot of bad memories for her. At breakfast, Mary Ellen and I compete
to see who is making the most progress, but we are using different learning aids, like when we took dancing lessons and we each had our own teacher. We were dynamite with our own instructors, but dreadful together. I realized Mary Ellen was only memorizing expressions that had practical value for her on the trip, like, “Ricardo, quiero ir a una tienda con ropa exclusiva.” I later found out this meant: “I want to go shopping at an exclusive clothing store.” My only retort was using words I learned the previous night: Mi elefante tiene dos hermanas (My elephant has two sisters). I think my wife will be able to employ her language skills better than I will. Mary Ellen and I have been having a lot of fun learning a new language. However, we do have one concern. In a happy marriage like ours, the phrase, “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” should not be uttered in every conversation.
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Lawmakers raise cancer awareness with sneakers
From left, State Reps. Tony Cook (R-Cicero), Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel), House Speaker Brian C. Bosma (R-Indianapolis), Todd Huston (R-Fishers) and Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville) wear sneakers with their suits Feb. 19 to raise awareness for National Cancer Prevention Month at the Statehouse in Indianapolis. Each year, the Indiana House of Representatives participates in the Suits and Sneakers challenge, an annual event hosted by the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches. (Submitted photo)
Sinus & Allergy Seminar Join Dr. Michael Agostino, a board-certified ear, nose and throat specialist, to learn more about common sinus and allergy issues, nasal airway disorders and the treatments available for these conditions. A light dinner will be served.
Ladies Night Ladies Night Ladies Ladies NightNight Out OutOut Out Saturday March 9 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday Saturday March Saturday 9 March March99 7:00 pm7:00 - 9:00 7:00 pm pm - 9:00pm pm pm - 9:00
vendors food drinks raffle vendors vendors food food drinks food drinks drinks prizes vendors raffle Sponsored prizes raffle By prizes Sponsored By Atlas Chiropractic Atlas Chiropractic
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10562 E. 96th St. Fishers, IN 46038 Sponsored By Atlas Sponsored Chiropractic By Atlas Chiropractic 317.588.0200 Fishers, 10562 E. 96th St. 10562 E. 96th IN St. 46038 Sponsored By Atlas Chiropractic Fishers, IN 46038Fishers, IN 46038 317.588.0200 10562317.588.0200 E. 96th St. 317.588.0200
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When: Wednesday, March 20 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060 Krieg DeVault Conference Room (Entrance 3, Lower level of Women’s Pavilion) Registration: Visit riverview.org/classes or call 317.776.7999. The program is free, but registration is required.
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2/26/19 11:02 AM
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Drury Inn and Suites holds ribbon cutting GRAHAM NASH
Fri March 22 at 8pm // The Palladium
Sat March 23 at 8pm // The Palladium
Sat March 23 at 2 & 7pm // The Tarkington
Drury Inn & Suites held a ribbon cutting Jan. 31 to celebrate a renovation at its Indianapolis Northeast location, 8180 N. Shadeland Ave. Guadalupe Cordoba, member of the Drury Inn & Suites Indianapolis Northeast housekeeping staff since 2009, cuts the ribbon. (Photo by Ben Stout)
WITH CARMEL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Sat April 13 at 8pm // The Palladium
Sun April 14 at 7pm // The Palladium
Thu Apr 18 at 7:30pm // The Palladium TheCenterPresents.org 317.843.3800 These activities made possible in part with support from Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Artist fired up for Ignite residency By Rick Morwick • rick@youarecurrent.com Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi is an accomplished painter and art instructor who has studied under makerspace some of the nation’s most renowned artists. Yet, she didn’t take up painting until after the birth of her first daughter. That was 25 years ago, and her life hasn’t been the same since. “My mother was taking art lessons at the time and had an easel set up in her basement in Cincinnati,” Pomeroy Parssi said. “We were visiting, and she could see that being a new mom was a bit stressful for me, so she told me to go downstairs and try my hand at painting. I had never picked up a brush in my life but spent the entire night painting. I was hooked. “Shortly thereafter, I left the corporate world to pursue art full time.” An Ohio native who moved to Fishers in March 2018, Pomeroy Parssi is the Ignite Studio Maker-in-Residence for March through June. The studio is at the HSE Library in Fishers, 5 Municipal Dr. Although painting is her specialty, Pomeroy Parssi is a multi-medium artist with an extensive teaching background. “The Ignite Studio residency will allow me to do what I love best, share my passion for art with others,” she said. “I have been teaching after-school art for students in grades K through 12 for the past 14 years, so this is a natural fit for me. “I also love the space. It is an incredible asset for the community, and I hope more people learn about its existence.” Open to kids and adults, the Ignite Studio maker program is a slate of planned monthly artwork activities directed by the Maker-in-Residence. All events are free, and all supplies are provided. Pomeroy Parssi’s residency officially begins March 9, starting with a “Meet and Greet and Make Your Own Mandala” from 2 to 4 p.m. A complete event calendar can be found at https://bit.ly2Xa9lbv. Some activities require registration and have limited class sizes. “It’s not often that an opportunity like this presents itself, and I am extremely grateful that Ignite selected me to be
Young artists play “musical watercolors” in a class taught by Fishers resident Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi, who plans to offer the activity — and many others — during her time as Ignite Studio Maker-in-Residence at HSE Library in Fishers. (Submitted photo)
their Maker-in-Residence,” said Pomeroy Parssi, whose credentials include studying with noted artists Graham Nickson, dean of the New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, and Miraslav Antic, instructor at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Morever, Pomeroy Parssi - who has lived in Michigan, Chicago and, most recently, Florida - established the Global Arts and Painting & Drawing programs for young artists at the Arts Academy Summer Arts Camp in Interlochen, Mich., where she was a faculty member for five summers.
Pomeroy Parssi looks forward to imparting her knowledge during her Ignite Studio residency. “My teaching method includes helping students understand and appreciate the origins of various types of art so they feel a connection to the project they are working on at any given time,” Pomeroy Parssi said. “I don’t simply show students how to create art. I teach them the proper methods and help them develop a sense of ownership in each piece of work they complete.” For more on Pomeroy Parssi, visit her website at jpparssi.com.
Concerts open June 4 editorial@youarecurrent.com The 2019 Fishers Summer Concert Series season lineup includes: Tuesday Nights (June 4 to July 30, 7 to 9 p.m.): June 4: My Yellow Rickshaw sponsored by Heritage Christian School & Primrose School; June 11: Endless Summer Band sponsored by Boomerang Development; June 18: The Doo sponsored by Citizens State Bank; June 25: Karma with special guests Fishers Music Works’ Mudsock Jazz Combo; July 2: The Bishops; July 9: Parrots of the Caribbean with special guests The Islanders sponsored by Bose McKinney & Evans; July 16: Dave & Rae sponsored by Cathedral High School & The Goddard School; July 23 & 30: Rain makeup dates. Fridays Nights (June 7 to Aug. 23, 8 p.m.): June 7: B105.7 presents 80’s at the AMP with E5c3p4: The Music of Journey; June 14: The PettyBreakers; June 21: Mike & Joe; June 28: Spark!Fishers National Concert (to be announced); July 5: Sounds of Summer: The Music of the Beach Boys; July 12: Jennie DeVoe; July 19: Dark Desert Eagles; July 26: Such a Night: Recreating the Music of The Band’s Last Waltz. Aug. 2: The Woomblies Rock Orchestra; Aug. 16: Signs of Life: The American Pink Floyd; Aug. 23: The Travelin’ McCourys with special guest Fishers Music Works’ Fishers Switch Vibe; August 30-31: Fishers Blues Fest.
Westfield — Uncorked with Julia Perillo! is set from 4 to 6 p.m. March 9 at Urban Vines Winery & Brewery Co, 303 E. 161st St. She sings jazz and pop. Indianapolis — The Glitz & Glamour in the White House exhibit will hold its grand opening on from 5:30 t 7 p.m. March 7 at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, 1230 N. Delaware St. The exhibit will feature two centuries of fashion, glitz and glam from the Executive Office. Carmel — No appointment necessary to visit Chocolate for the Spirit’s Choc Doc at Art on Main, 111 Main St., 6 to 8 p.m. during the Meet Me on Main event March 9. Choc Doc provides free consultation for selecting chocolates.
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
HSE presents ‘Mamma Mia!’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com As soon as co-directors Ethan Mathias and Mary Armstrong learned “Mamma Mia!” was available for licensing musical for schools and amateur theater groups in 2018, they were eager to secure it for Hamilton Southeastern High School students to perform. “We had all enjoyed seeing the professional production and tour and knew that it would be a great fit for our program when the rights were finally released,” Mathias said. Performances will be at 7 p.m. March 7, 8 and 9 in the school’s Leonard Auditorium. Ava Gerber plays Donna, the mother of Sophie who is getting married in Greece. Sophie invited three men from her mother’s past in hopes of finding her real father. “I’ve always loved the movie and I’ve seen the show live and I was really excited when they announced we were going to be doing it,” Gerber said. Gerber said she really only knew the ABBA songs that are in “Mamma Mia.” Sophomore Annie Cushman plays Sophie. “I’ve seen the movies many, many times,”
Ava Gerber, left, and Annie Cushman appear in Hamilton Southeastern High School’s production of “Mamma Mia” (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)
Cushman said. “I really like the songs ‘Name of the Game’ that I sing with the dad, and ‘Under Attack’ is my nightmare scene. That was a little more challenging. It’s really fun to sing. ABBA songs are upbeat. You can’t help smile when you sing them.” The students playing the men in Donna’s past are: Matt Iacobucci as Sam Carmichael; Tadd Nyland as Bill Austin; and Sam Jones as Harry Bright. Mathias’ wife, Devan, and Elizabeth Pike are helping with choreography. Zak Tschiniak leads the pit orchestra. For more, visit hsedrama.org.
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Country star Kip Moore will perform in support of his “Room to Spare: The Acoustic Sessions” EP March 8 at the Palladium. (Submitted photo)
Compiled by Mark Ambrogi
“The Cat in the Hat,” Civic Theatre, The Tarkington, Center for the Performing Arts
10 a.m. March 5, 6, 7
Civic Theatre presents Dr. Seuss’ classic tale of two bored kids having their lives turned upside down by a talking cat’s visit. Cost: $13 to $18
More: civictheatre.org
“I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change,” The Cat Theatre, 254 Veterans Way
7:30 p.m. March 8, 9; 2:30 p.m. March 10
The musical examines relationships from first dates through marriage and children. Cost: $18 to $20
More: carmelplayers.org
“Grease,” Beef & Boards 8 p.m. March 5, 7, 8, 12; 1:30 and 8 p.m. Dinner Theatre March 9; 1:30 and 7 p.m. March 10 Sarah Daniels stars as Sandy in the classic musical based at a high school in 1959.
Kip Moore, “Room to Spare Tour,” the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
8 p.m. March 8
Country star Kip Moore is touring after the November 2018 release of “Room to Spare: The Acoustic Sessions,” a seven-song EP. It kicks off with an unplugged version of fan-favorite “Plead the Fifth.” Moore’s debut album, “Up All Night,” produced three No. 1 hits: “Beer Money,” “Hey Pretty Girl” and the smash “Somethin’ ’Bout a Truck.” Cost: $35 to $55
More: thecenterpresents.org
Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet dinner). More: beefandboards.com
Carmel Symphony Orchestra, the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
7:30 p.m. March 9
Violinist Irina Muresanu will appear with Carmel Symphony Orchestra. The concert includes pieces by Johann Strauss, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Edward Elgar. Cost: $5 (youth) to $60
More: thecenterpresents.org
12 p.m. March 7, 8, 12; 11 a.m., 1 and 4 p.m., March 9; 11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. March 10
Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are In A Play,” The Cabaret, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Indianapolis
The story of friendship is designed for children ages 3 to 8. The musical’s script and lyrics are by Mo Willems, who wrote the book series “Elephant & Piggie.” Cost: $8 (youth) to $15
More: irtlive.com
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LEGAL NOTICE OF DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC’S STANDARD CONTRACT RIDER NO. 50 PARALLEL OPERATION – FOR QUALIFYING FACILITY DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC (“Duke Energy Indiana”) hereby provides notice that on February 28, 2019, Duke Energy Indiana, in accordance with 170 IAC 4-4.1-10, will submit its Standard Contract Rider No. 50, Parallel Operation-For Qualifying Facility (“Standard Contract Rider 50”) to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) for approval under the Commission’s thirty-day administrative filing procedures and guidelines. Standard Contract Rider 50 provides the calculation for the standard offer for the purchase of energy and capacity. Standard Contract Rider 50 is available to all qualifying Duke Energy Indiana customers and should be approved thirty-days from the date of filing, February 28, 2019, unless an objection is made. Any objections may be made by contacting the Secretary of the Commission, or Barbara A. Smith or Randall C. Helmen or Mary M. Becerra with the Indiana Office of the Utility Consumer Counselor at the following addresses or phone numbers: Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission 101 W. Washington St. Suite 1500 East Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407 317-232-2703
Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor PNC Center 115 W. Washington St. Suite 1500 South Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2494. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC By: Stan Pinegar
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2019
Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 14636 Greyhound Plaza, Westfield What to get: Cheeseburger Price: $13 Anna’s take: Growing up, my family always loved to visit Charleston’s for a special occasion, dressing business casual instead of just casual and ordering something we wouldn’t typically order. It was a treat, and I always ordered the chicken piccata. What I’ve come to realize in my adult life is Charleston’s, especially the bar area,
I chose the shoestring fries as my side for Charleston’s classic cheeseburger. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
is a great place to hang out with friends or frequent by yourself. The low-lit bar creates an atmosphere of comfort, which many bars don’t have. The bartenders really make an effort to get to know you, and the gentleman who served me didn’t forget my name during my stay. Kind of ironic, then, that I’ve forgotten his. To fit my more casual setting, I ordered the cheeseburger. I suggest shoestring fries as your side. Suggested pairings: The Whiskey Twist is a cocktail of Jameson Irish Whiskey, sweet and sour mix and fresh blackberries. It’s refreshing, light and pairs great with the burger.
Behind bars: Mrs. Collins Get it at 3UP Rooftop Bar, Carmel Ingredients: 1.25 oz. Hanger Rose Vodka, .75 oz. St. Elder, .5 oz. Ruby Red, .5 oz. lemon juice, Prosecco Directions: Combine all ingredients except prosecco into a shaker tin, add ice, shake and strain over fresh ice in a highball glass. Top with Prosecco, stir and garnish with a lemon.
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Here’s my point Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt
Orange oil for mood — Need a mood or energy boost? Sniff an orange. Studies have shown that orange essential oil helps boost mood and alertness and can reduce anxiety. If you don’t keep the fresh fruit on hand, buy some bottled oil and dab a drop on each wrist or massage into your temples for the same effect. Source: BuzzFeed.com
Dishwasher boost — Add two tablespoons of baking soda to the usual amount of dishwashing liquid you use. It will give your detergent a powerful boost and easily clean greasy dishes. Source: RD.com
“Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald CITY OF FISHERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING grammar guy Ancient Romans used all capital NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF HEARING ON PROPOSED Docket Number: VA-19-4 letters, no spaces and no punctuaCUMULATIVE CAPITAL FUND FOR THE CITY OF FISHERS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by tion. Can you imagine that? For a civilization that gave us HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA the City of Fishers Board of Zoning Appeals at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, concrete, the book and the calendar system we still use Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Fishers, March 27th, 2019 in the Fishers City Hall building, One Municipal Drive, Hamilton County, Indiana, that the Common Council of the City Fishers, Indiana. today, you’d think they would have thrown in a period at of Fishers will consider at City Hall One Municipal Drive Fishers, REQUEST: At that hearing, the public will be invited to offer the end of a sentence every once in a while. Indiana 46038 at 7:00 o’clock pm on Monday, March 18, 2019, the comments on the following request (“Proposal”): Consideration of a Legend has it that the exclamation point has its origins establishment of a Cumulative Capital Development Fund under the Development Standards Variance from section(s) Section 3.2.3.B.5 of provisions of Indiana Code section 36-9-15.5 for all applicable uses the City of Fishers Unified Development Ordinance to allow an increase in the Middle Ages. At the end of a sentence in which a stated therein. of maximum impervious surface coverage from thirty-five (35) percent medieval copyist wanted to indicate or emphasize joy, The tax will be levied on all taxable real and personal property to forty-four (44) percent. he would write the Latin word “io,” which means “joy.” within the taxing district and will not exceed $0.05 per $100 of LOCATION: The Proposal is located at 12908 Rocky Pointe Rd, in Over time, the “i” moved above the “o” and the “o” became assessed valuation. The proposed fund will be levied beginning with the Springs of Cambridge subdivision. Also known as parcel #13-15-11taxes due and payable in the year 2020. Taxpayers appearing at such 00-06-030.000. small enough to become a point, evolving into the exclahearing shall have the right to be heard thereon. The proposal for The case file about this project is available for public review in mation point we know and love today. establishment of the Cumulative Capital Development Fund is subject the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located on the There’s an episode of “Seinfeld” where Elaine breaks to approval by the Department of Local Government Finance. 2nd floor at Fishers City Hall. The meeting agenda with room location up with her boyfriend after he doesn’t use an exclamaWithin 30 days after the date of the adoption of the cumulative details and case related information will be posted on the City’s website fund by the City of Fishers Common Council, the Common Council forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting specified above. tion point when writing down a phone message for her. A will publish a Notice of Adoption. Upon publication of the Notice of Written objections filed with the secretary of the Board of Zoning Plenty of Fish Conversation Nation 2018 survey found that Adoption, fifty (50) or more taxpayers in the taxing district may file a Appeals before the hearing will be considered. If you would like your “58 percent of singles say bad grammar is a bigger turn petition with the County Auditor not later than noon 30 days after the written comments to be provided to the Fishers Board of Zoning off than bad sex.” Especially in an age where texting and publication of the Notice of Adoption setting forth their objections to the Appeals, you must submit them one (1) week prior to the hearing date proposed fund. noted above. Oral comments will be heard during the public hearing. messaging account for much of the communication beCITY OF FISHERS Department of Planning and Zoning tween potential love matches, grammar and punctuation /s/ Christopher P. Greisl City of Fishers play a significant role in your love life. City Attorney 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 One Municipal Drive (317) 595-3120 So, what’s my point, already? Should we use exclamaFishers, IN 46038 www.fishers.in.us tion points or should we practice total exclamatory abstinence, as F. Scott Fitzgerald suggested? According to the AP Stylebook, we should LEGAL NOTICE DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC “avoid overuse of exclamation points. Use to express a high degree of surprise, incredulity or other strong emotion.” Public notice is hereby given to affected property owners pursuant to 170 IAC 4-9-4(f) that withHere’s my point on exclamation points: in two (2) to six (6) weeks of the date of this notice, weather permitting, Duke Energy Indiana, Don’t go crazy with them. In the same way LLC will be performing vegetation management as part of its power line maintenance program that bolding an entire section of text, therein the area described below. As part of this project, one of its contractors that employ qualified fore, makes nothing important, dropping in exclamation points all willy-nilly makes you utility line clearance tree workers will be trimming and/or removing trees and brush to clear the look like a person who has had a few too lines of vegetation in order to provide safe and reliable electric service. Vegetation managemany espressos. Never use more than one ment will be performed in/near the city of Fishers on or near streets identified below: exclamation point at the end of a sentence; it’s just unnecessary. Doing so takes your Allisonville Rd between 106 th & 126 th St. 106 th St between Allisonville Rd & Hague Rd. rhetoric to DEFCON 1 and makes the reader Gatewood Subdivision, including Gate Cir, Wood Ct, Oakridge Dr, Woodgate Dr, Gatewood Ln, Devon Ct, Lake think there’s a giant asteroid hurtling toward Earth. Run Dr, Ridge Ct; E 108 th St; Easy St, including Bluestone Neighborhood; Village Square Ln, Courtyard Way, I suggest discussing exclamation point Vineyard Dr; Wintercove Way, Sloop Cir, Cider Mill Ct, Daybreak Cir, Moors End Cir, Autumns Frost Cir; Wildwood usage early on in a relationship so that you Estates; E 111 th St; Shadow Lawn Dr; The Sanctuary at Fishers Apartments East of Teal St; Fishers Landing Dr; can weed out someone whose punctuation Fishers Dr; Conner Creek Neighborhood; 116 th St East of Allisonville Rd to approximately 7150 E 116 th St, & habits are compatible with yours. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
West of Allisonville Rd to approximately 7458 E 116 th St; Fishers Crossing Dr; River Glen Neighborhood, Fairway Neighborhood; Fishers Station Dr; Sunblest Neighborhood West of Sunblest Ct; River Highlands Neighborhood; The Orchard Neighborhood East of Goldenrod Ln, East of & including portions of Apple Tree Dr.
The date this notice is published initiates the two (2) week period for calculating implied consent by an affected property owner under 170 IAC 4-9. If you have any questions you may contact the Duke Energy Vegetation Management toll free number, 866-385-3675. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Vegetation Management Department
March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
Across 1. The first commercial historic district in Indiana 10. Use needles 14. Sacrificed 15. Make money 16. Indiana’s qualified voters 17. Aid in crime 18. 45, in a Carmel HS Latin
class 19. Fishers HS subj. 20. Paintball shooter 22. OSSIP orb 23. Wife of Zeus 26. Congresswoman Brooks 30. Eiteljorg Museum tribe 32. Hoosier National Forest trees
34. Mom’s specialty, briefly 35. PanAm Games cheer 36. Warning sign 37. ___ Alto 38. Local daily newspaper 41. Cuzco native 42. Lore of yore 43. “Sort of” ending 44. A/C stat
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45. Summer Games org. 46. MassageLuXe, e.g. 47. Recurring theme 49. “Yipes!” 51. Reggie Wayne’s knee injury letters 54. King of France 56. “No way!” 58. Post- opposite 59. Jazz combo at Chatterbox, maybe 62. Den 66. Springsteen: “___ to Run” 67. Past the point of no return 68. Not here 69. Emmis Communications’ headquarters site Down 1. Absurdity 2. The Three Faces ___ 3. Mixed martial arts grp. 4. Pacers foe 5. Soothing lozenge 6. Falcon’s nest 7. Mont. neighbor 8. Pistachio, say 9. Misfit 10. Actor Reeves 11. Catch 12. Wrath 13. Blasting stuff 16. Computer file extension 21. Seagoing inits. 24. Loser’s demand 25. Hebrew “A” 27. Secret supply 28. Reggie Miller, e.g., five times in his NBA career 29. GI with stripes 30. Meat inspection agcy. 31. ___ chi
33. Letters on a phone’s 6 35. Full-length 36. “The joke’s ___” 37. Leaning Tower’s town 38. A big fan of 39. Mornings, for short 40. Sass 41. “Big Blue” 45. ET transport 46. Jewish greeting 48. Literary twist 50. Mid-America Conference sch. 51. “I’m ___ and didn’t know
it” 52. Mysterious pattern in a wheat field 53. NASA moon craft 55. “___ not mistaken...” 57. Jekyll’s alter ego 59. WRTV sked abbr. 60. Palladium ticket word 61. PNC Bank offering 63. Year, in a Zionsville HS Spanish class 64. High-elev. place 65. Stimpy’s pal Answers on Page 23
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March 5, 2019
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
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Stamps! Covers! Collecting Supplies! The Indiana Stamp Club hosts its Spring Stamp Fair March 9-10 at the Lawrence Community Center, 5301 N. Franklin Rd., Lawrence, Ind. Show hours: Sat. 10-5; Sun. 10-3. 16 dealers. Free admission and ample free parking.
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March 5, 2019
Current in Fishers
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