September 17, 2019 — Fishers

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

CONNECTING CRIMES FPD begins categorizing guns differently to link with violent crimes /P21

County officials split on need for new tax /P3

HSE students above average on ILEARN /P7

Oktoberfest returning to Saxony /P15

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September 17, 2019

Current in Fishers


September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019


FPD begins categorizing guns differently

to link with violent crimes /P21

County officials split on need for new tax /P3

HSE students abover average on iLEARN /P7

Oktoberfest returning to Saxony /P15

Residential Customer Local ECRWSS

U.S. Postage Paid Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 1525 Presorted Standard

On the cover

Sgt. Jim Hawkins swabs for DNA on a firearm. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. IX, No. 26 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


County officials split on need for new income tax By Ann Marie Shambaugh City and town councils across Hamilton County will soon vote on whether to approve a .1 percent inPUBLIC SAFETY crease to the 1 percent local income tax to fund and improve the county’s 911 communications center. The town council of Arcadia, a town of 1,600 people north of Cicero, recently voted in favor of the tax, triggering a process that requires it to be voted on by all Hamilton County city and town councils. To go into effect, councils representing more than half of the county’s population must approve the tax increase. That means if approved by Carmel and Fishers, whose populations comprise nearly 60 percent of the county, the tax would be approved and go into effect Jan. 1, 2020. The proposed tax could more evenly spread the cost of funding the 911 communications center across all county residents. Currently, Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville and Westfield combine to pay more than $5 million to run the center, with a statewide user fee charged to phone users covering $3.6 million. The county, small towns and townships are responsible for less than $1 million. Previously, the county’s four largest cities helped subsidize the service for the small towns and townAltman ships, but Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman said officials from the large cities decided they no longer wanted to absorb those costs. Now, Hamilton County’s small towns and townships are responsible to jointly contribute $500,000 annually, an amount determined based on the number of calls to an area. The county agreed to phase in the amount they owe, with $50,000 due in 2019 and the amount increasing by 10 percent each year until they are paying the full amount. In the meantime, the county is funding the difference. But even with only 10 percent of the full cost due this year, the small towns are having a difficult time finding the funds, Altman said, partially because of state-mandated tax caps. And she doesn’t expect it to get any easier as their bill grows. “Is it fair for the county to supplement the north versus the south (part of the county)?” Altman said. “We didn’t want to

Dispatchers work in Hamilton County's 911 dispatch center. (Submitted photo)

get into that, so we had to come up with a plan where everybody felt comfortable and everybody was paying their fair share.” The 911 communications center, housed in the basement of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, handles more than 300,000 calls each year. It began dispatching all police and fire departments in the county after Carmel, Noblesville and Hamilton McKinney County consolidated their dispatch centers in 2012. Rick McKinney, an at-large member of the Hamilton County Council, which handles the county’s finances, said he doesn’t believe the tax increase is necessary. “We haven’t had a problem for the first five or six years (of consolidation), so we’re fixing a half-a-million-dollar problem with a $17 million tax increase,” he said. “It’s sort of like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly.” If the tax is approved, municipalities will no longer be required to pay a service fee to use the 911 dispatch center because the tax will fully cover its operation. In Carmel, that means the city would have $1.8 million to use elsewhere. The tax is expected to raise approximately $16 million annually for the county, which is $5 million more than its current budget, another concern for McKinney. “There is no need right now for that extra money,” he said. “It will just go into an account and wait until the mayors and com-

missioner (who comprise the county’s 911 communications operations board) decide they need to spend it on something.” Altman and other county officials have proposed using some of the additional funds to pay for a new, freestanding 911 dispatch center. Jeff Schemmer, Hamilton County public safety communications executive director, said his departSchemmer ment’s 90 employees are “stuck in cracks and crevices” in an area they’ve outgrown. A potential location for a new dispatch center has not been determined. Schemmer said funds from the tax would also allow his department to upgrade technology and properly maintain equipment. Altman, a member of the county’s 911 communication operations board, said she understands that nobody wants to pay new taxes but that this one is “the most palatable.” “We are empathetic to both the taxpayers who don’t want to be burdened with any additional taxes, but we also need to be empathetic to the smaller communities that don’t have the same resources,” Altman said. “Those folks deserve the same service if they are in the county. I think this is a method to make sure that continues.” Fishers was set to hold a public hearing on the tax Sept. 16. Visit for coverage.


September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

2020 budget proposal changes during hearing By Sadie Hunter

and what they’re making. I do stand by the “Regarding the 7 percent, roughly four vote to give some of our employees raises, years ago it was determined that (the but I do not support giving elected officials county) had some inequities in how we raises.” were paying our employees, and if you A public presentation of Hamilton CounCounty Coroner John Chalfin had relooked at someone in the same classificaty’s 2020 operating budget of just under quested a 30 percent pay increase tion, there could have been $100 million took an in 2020, which was denied during disparagement between COUNTY unexpected turn when budget hearings after councilors their salaries,” she said. some members of the agreed he would receive a 3 per“When we went through Hamilton County Council voted to cent raise, like many other elected the process of (adapting) to suspend their own rules to make officials. what I will call ‘the market,’ changes at a recent meeting, nearly But during the Sept. 4 meeting, we (decided to implement one month after finalizing two days Massillamany and fellow Ken Alexthe change) in two-year of budget hearings. Glynn Chalfin ander, Steve Schwartz and Jeff Hern increases, but in order to The Sept. 4 council meeting voted to suspend the rules and approve a 14 maintain, we did it annually this year, so it served as the public hearing portion of the percent increase for Chalfin in 2020, raising was compared up through 2018 in order to budget process. his annual salary to $80,000. stay competitive and retain the people that Only one resident, Mark Hall of Noblesville, Council President Brad Beaver expressed we have, bring more people to the county spoke. He questioned the justification of frustration just before the 4-3 vote was taken. government entity when job openings are raises for county employees and elected of“Remember, there were other elected ofavailable, and that’s what the study ultificials, who are set to receive 7 percent and ficials that asked for a raise that didn’t get mately indicated.” 3 percent increases, respectively, in 2020. them,” he said. Other councilors echoed Massillamany’s He also questioned funding for the Youth In addition to a proposed change for Chalconcerns about employee retention and Assistance Program, an early intervention fin, Massillamany, Alexander, Schwartz and support, but councilor Fred Glynn spoke advocacy group that helps at-risk youth. Hern also voted to suspend rules to vote against raises for elected officials. Councilor Amy Massillamany explained in favor of hiring three additional Hamilton I won’t vote for any increase for myself the difference between the 7 percent proCounty employees for the Youth Assistance posed increase and the 2.8 national average or anybody else,” Glynn said. “We went off Program. a study that was presented to us, and we for pay increases, according to the Society Read the full story at have to compare it to other governments for Human Resource Management.

Fishers’ Best Kept Secret Fishers’Best Best Kept Secret Fishers’ Kept Secret Fishers’ Best Kept Secret


DISPATCH FPD warns residents of telephone scams – Recently, the Fishers Police Dept. has investigated several types of telephone scams. One of the most recent scams involves a person impersonating a DEA agent accusing people of being involved in an illegal drug investigation and demanding they send gift cards to clear their name. Many of these telephone scammers instruct the victim to stay on the phone, not tell anyone of the conversation and travel to a store and purchase gift cards or green dot cards for a certain amount. There have been some Fishers residents that have lost thousands of dollars. Here are a few safety tips to follow if contacted by a possible telephone scammer: Immediately hang up the phone if you do not recognize or know the caller, never give out personal information, remember no legitimate company or organization requires payment via gift cards or green dot cards and no law enforcement agency threatens to arrest people over the phone. Contact the local law enforcement agency, however most telephone scams originate from overseas and are very difficult, if not impossible, to trace.

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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

HSE scores above average on ILEARN By Anna Skinner Hamilton Southeastern Schools scored above the state average EDUCATION on ILEARN testing in the spring. The Indiana Dept. of Education released the ILEARN results Sept. 4. Out of 495,895 students tested statewide in grades three through eight, only 37.1 percent had a proficiency in the English/language arts and math portions of the test. Of the 9,841 HSE students tested, more than 56 percent were proficient in the ELA test. HSE Schools officials declined to comment on the ILEARN results. ILEARN was created as a replacement for ISTEP and was mandated during the 2017 legislative session. The test was designed to assess the same academic standards as ISTEP but with a new focus on college-andcareer readiness. When compared to past ISTEP scores, statewide ILEARN results indicated lower

achievement levels across the state in English/language arts and mathematics. Because the results will have a negative impact on educators, schools and districts, IDOE released a statement pledging to advocate for responsive legislative action. “While the 2019 ILEARN results do not provide a true reflection of the performance of Indiana’s schools, they do once again show us the importance of developing a modernized state legislated accountability system that is fair, accurate, and transparent,” State Supt. Jennifer McCormick stated. “With this in mind, the department will propose the following legislative actions: place a ‘hold harmless’ year on 2018-2019 letter grades, pause intervention timelines for all schools and provide the State Board of Education with emergency rulemaking authority to review and reestablish the state accountability system. The success and wellbeing of our students, educators, and schools are dependent upon these actions.” For more, visit



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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers


and come. Sit. play. Stay. Adopt!

l l o R

face painting

vino mobile bar

Saturday, SEPT. 21 from 2-4pm

Food Trucks

JOIN US at The Reserve for this family-friendly event! All ages are welcome to enjoy hours of fun and support a great paws-cause! All proceeds to benefit the Humane Society for Hamilton County.

senior Pets

The HSHC will have some senior pets on-site that are available for adoption (adoptions must be completed at HSHC)

donation drop-off We will have a donation drop-off area for items needed by the HSHC view needed items at

• Dj / Entertainment

The Original DJ-Sunny Moon

• Johnson’s BBQ Shack Truck • Kona ice truck (20% of proceeds donated to HSHC)

Memory Café scheduled – Dementia Friends Indiana will conduct a Memory Café from 10 to 11 a.m. Sept. 26 at Hamilton East Public Library, 5 Municipal Dr., Fishers, for people with dementia and a caregiver. Memory Cafés are free to attend, but registration is required. To register, visit Native trees for sale - The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual native tree sale has begun. The sale is the HCSWCD’s largest fundraiser. All proceeds go back into conservation and education. Thirtynine varieties are for sale for $28. Pre-orders will be accepted through Sept. 30, and orders can be picked up from noon to 6 p.m. Oct. 4 at the llama barn at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. Details on tree species and growing conditions, as well as online ordering, are available at Hamilton County cities ranked as some of safest in the state – Fishers was ranked as the fifth-safest city in Indiana after a recent SafeWise study. Carmel was ranked as the second-safest city, and Westfield was ranked as the sixth-safest city.

• Vino mobile bar

Wine can be purchased as well as a wine tasting with proceeds benefiting HSHC

• Trends for Tails Pop-up Boutique


to or 317-813-7777

School supply drive – David Weekley Homes, the nation’s largest privately-held builder, hosted its fifth annual, companywide School Supplies Drive in 18 cities across the nation. In Indianapolis, school supplies were collected for Teachers’ Treasures, which obtains and distributes school supplies to teachers in Marion County and surrounding school districts to provide to students in need. In addition to the supplies collected by David Weekley Homes from team members, homeowners and real estate partners, members of the community also donated items to the local nonprofit. Through these combined efforts, the Teachers’ Treasures school supply drive provided more than 38,400 students from 96 schools with the supplies needed for the school year.

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Fishers, IN 46037

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Underprivileged children report – According to personal finance website WalletHub’s report, States with the Most Underprivileged Children, Indiana ranks second of all states for the percentage of maltreated children. Indiana ranks fourth for the percentage of children in foster care, eighth for infant mortality rate and 12th for the percentage of uninsured children. View the full report at

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers


Back, from left, Katie Utken, Jordan Musall, Ashley Ledford and Kara Baber, and front, from left, Whitney Riggs, Rachael O’Dell and Kelli Jenkins celebrate receiving the Destiny Award, one of the nation’s most prestigious destination awards at the recent Educational Seminar for Tourism Organizations conference in Austin, Texas. The 2018 “Closer Than You Think” marketing campaign, which highlights experiences ranging from art performances, wine tasting and outdoor adventures in Hamilton County to the target market of Chicago, received the Destiny Award presented by the U.S. Travel Association. The Destiny Award was given to 23 U.S. destinations for excellence in marketing on the local and state level in a variety of categories. (Submitted photo)


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Ind. 37 project breaks ground By Sadie Hunter Several years in the making, a $126 million project to overhaul Ind. 37 in Fishers and Noblesville with roundabout interchanges has broken ground. On Sept. 9, a number of stakeholders, including officials from INDOT, Noblesville, Fishers and Hamilton County, gathered to ceremonially put shovels in the ground at 126th Street and Ind. 37, which was the backdrop for the groundbreaking. More than 50,000 vehicles are estimated to travel the north-south corridor each day. Although lanes will be limited, the road will remain open through construction, which is expected to be complete by November 2022. “While major road construction isn’t easy on any of us, the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience,” said Fishers City Council President Rich Block, who stood in at the groundbreaking ceremony for Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, who was ill. “At the end of this project, we’ll have a major thoroughfare that allows for safer pedestrian access, enhanced access to business and will alleviate the congestions we see here on a daily basis,” Block said. “From my own personal experience, I really truly know that in so many cases to even access

Hamilton County officials break ground Sept. 9 on the Ind. 37 project. (Photo by Sadie Hunter)

the businesses along (Ind.) 37 for a number of years, it’s just been difficult. So I really believe, in the long run, this will be terrific for our community.” The first phase of the project will remove stoplight interchanges in Fishers, beginning at 126th Street and working north to 146th Street. The end result will be a roadway similar to Keystone Parkway in Carmel, with east-west interchanges crossing above Ind. 37. “This is one of the most important projects to happen in Hamilton County in all my years in office,” Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger said. “They say government moves slow, and it obviously does. We understand what a challenge this is going to be over the next few years. Any road project is. But we firmly believe that when this project is finished, the economic corridor will benefit greatly, as will the public itself.


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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers


The world of recycling is changing Commentary by Sue Maki In my roles with the City of Carmel and Hamilton County, I ENVIRONMENT get asked all the time about recycling. People really care about the environment and want to do the right thing. Unfortunately, there is a lot of incorrect information floating around. I hear from people who move here from other parts of the nation, where the recycling processes are different, confused about what we do. I also know that the recycling industry itself has changed and what was once true is no longer. China, for example, used to take a large percentage of our recycling. Large barges used to go west across the Pacific Ocean, filled with our recyclables, and then come back east with goods that Americans buy. It was a system that worked for decades, but that changed recently. Not to get into the commerce and political details, but China has become extremely restrictive in accepting our recycling; frankly, they have enough of their own. We now have to look to American markets to process our recyclable waste. Not to anyone’s surprise, American commodity processors have high standards for incoming material. They require low contamination rates for the commodities they accept. While China used to take our recyclables with virtually no standard, American commodity processors are different. Regardless of what is going on in the recycling industry, the best practice is to try to reduce the amount of your personal waste. Going back to our great-grandparent’s era of reusing items and wasting as little as possible makes good financial sense. First, we should all “reduce” and “reuse.” Recycling is the last step. Did you know plastic bags are a no-no? They should never be placed in recycling bins. In a future column, I will explain more do’s and don’ts about proper recycling. Sue Maki is manager of the City of Carmel’s trash and recycling program and president of the Hamilton County Solid Waste Board, which oversees community recycling compactors in Noblesville.



September 17, 2019

Current in Fishers

Next Chapter to feature Fishers business By Anna Skinner

to do, how to reinvent retirement for women.” Indianapolis resident Nora Hiatt created Next Chapter. An Oct. 17 event called Next Chapter will “There’s a great (quote) that says if focus on teaching women how EVENT to plan retirement, downsize there’s a book you want to read and it’s not written, you should write it. Well, their home and more. there’s an event I wanted to atJan Tienhaara, owner of Fisherstend, and I decided to create it,” based Life Transitions, will be one Hiatt said. “I thought it would be of the speakers at the daylong fun to explore (retirement) with a event. bunch of peers and explore what “I am going to be speaking on are some of the options out there, downsizing. Our company has been the ways to spend your time, the in business for over 10 years and ways to do volunteer work, the that’s what we do every day,” TienTienhaara ways to travel or work or take haara said. “Especially when you get to a certain age, then you are thinking care of what you have so you can live comfortably.” about what to do with all the stuff and Tickets are $315. The event is possibly wanting to downsize to a smaller from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 17 at space, so even if people aren’t moving, a The Orchard School, 615 W. 64th St., lot of times they want to figure out how Indianapolis. For more or to purto downsize in their home.” chase tickets, visit Eleven guest speakers will participate. next-chapter-tickets-65063772495. “It’s going to be a really awesome event,” Tienhaara said. “I’ll be speaking and we will have other speakers on what




September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

Fesival of Faiths set for Sept. 22 By Renee Larr •

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The Fishers Multi-Faith Community for Compassion is participating RELIGION in the 2019 Indy Festival of Faiths from 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 22 at the Indiana World War Memorial Plaza, 55 E. Michigan St. The Center for Interfaith Cooperation is organizing the event, which is the Midwest’s largest one-day celebration of religious diversity and vitality. The theme is “Embracing Religious Diversity.” “It’s an annual event that has been happening for about six years now,” said Muzaffar Ahmad, Ahmed president and founder of Fishers Multi-Faith Community for Compassion. “The purpose of the concept is to invite people from different faith groups and allow people to see religious diversity and promote interfaith cooperation.” The event will include kids’ activities, a drum circle, a procession of faiths, social awareness table conversations, a performance stage, art exhibits, spoken words arts, an Indy author fair, tours of the Indiana War Memorial and global food trucks. “We’ll have a table set up for our organization,” Ahmad said. “We’ll be on-hand to offer information about what we’re doing and to inspire others to do the same in their communities.” The table will include followers of different faiths sharing items specific to their religion and a map showing all the ethnicities from around the world who live in Fishers. The group formed in 2018 and celebrates religious diversity within Fishers. “We want everyone to know how welcome they are here in Fishers,” said Lynn Jackson, FMCC member. “Our work together in the community thus far has been projects like sharing dinner with the homeless. Fishers is an open, inclusive community, welcoming all with love.” Admission is free but tickets are required. To register visit festivaloffaiths. com/. For more information on FMCC, visit

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers


Ruff and Roll to benefit HSHC By Sophie Nulph

“The whole thing is going to be fun,” said Kerry Bryant, an independent living sales consultant for the facility. “It is really meant to be a family fun community The Reserve at Hamilton Trace is collabevent.” orating with Hamilton FUNDRAISER County to present the The event is sponsored by Seniors With Ruff and Roll fundraiser Available Time and Talent, a group focused on giving back to the community from 2 to 4 p.m. Sept. 21 at the Reand volunteering. serve at Hamilton Trace in Fishers. “We call (2019) our year of giving The free family friendly event will back to the community,” Bryant include Johnson’s BBQ Shack Truck, said. Kona Ice and a wine-tasting venue A list of supplies needed for the that will accept donations. There Humane Society can be found at also will be face painting, officials from Trends for Tails Boutique and Bryant The Reserve at Hamilton Trace an appearance by DJ Sunny Moon. is a 34-acre senior living community for A percentage of proceeds will benefit the people 55 and older. The facility includes Humane Society for Hamilton County. independent living, assisted living, a rehaThe Reserve at Hamilton Trace is prebilitation center and other amenities. It is senting the event to bring awareness to owned by Cardon and Associates. the community.



Graduate profile: Cody Cheung By Desiree Williams Cody Cheung graduated from Fishers High School in 2013. Cheung, 24, is the kitchen director for the Chick-fil-A in Noblesville.


Q: Who was your most influential teacher? A: Mrs. (Heather) Ferguson. She was a fantastic teacher that became a good friend. Q: What was your favorite subject? A: Math. It made the most sense to me. It was logical and objective.

most. That, and the friends that meant a lot to me back then. Q: Can you tell me about your collegiate experiences? A: College was a great experience. I graduated from Taylor University in 2017. I studied business management. I was involved in some leadership positions on campus and the Ultimate Frisbee team. Q: Why did you choose your major? A: I chose business management because my dream is to own my own restaurant. After graduating from Taylor, I went on to culinary school; however, the school I attended closed before I was able to finish my program.

Cody Cheung with his Q: What were you involved girlfriend, Haley Sicks. in during high school? (Submitted photo) Q: What advice would you A: I was very involved with give to younger students? Campus Life, an after-school club that was always a blast. I also played A: My advice for current students is to focus on life. Join a club, play a sport, soccer and had a part-time job. do something outside of school. Grades are important, but the experiences with Q: What do you miss about high friends and loved ones are what will imschool? pact your life the most. A: I miss the lack of responsibility the


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September 17, 2019


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FISHERS All lanes of 126th Street at Parkside Drive are open to traffic, and there is new access to Reynolds Drive. CONSTRUCTION The area is still a construction zone with a 30 mph speed limit. Hamilton County Highway Dept. is completing resurfacing work on 113th Street from Florida Road to Southeastern Parkway. Lane restrictions are in place. The new roundabout at 136th Street and Cyntheanne Road is open to traffic. The area is still a construction zone with a 30 mph speed limit. There will be street and lane restrictions near 106th Street and Mollenkopf Road for work related to intersection improvements Utility relocation is beginning on 96th Street as part of the road-widening project, resulting in periodic lane restrictions over the coming months. INDOT has begun work on the northeast quadrant of I-465. Contractors will work to patch and repave segments of I-465 and I-69 from U.S. 31 down to I-70. Crews will be doing night and weekend work through October. At least one lane in each direction will always be open during this project. CARMEL Construction is under way to extend Lowe’s Way from Keystone Parkway to Range Line Road. The project is expected to be complete by July 2020. A new multi-use path is being installed along 136th Street between Range Line Road and Stadium Drive. Final completion is expected in October. Work continues on the expansion of Cherry Creek Boulevard to complete the final phase to connect Hazel Dell Parkway to River Road. The project is expected to be complete by the end of this month. A partial closure is under way at 96th Street and Gray Road for construction of a roundabout. The project is expected to be complete this month. 96th Street is closed at Keystone Parkway for construction of a roundabout interchange. Drivers can make right turns onto 96th Street from Keystone Parkway, but left turns are not available. 96th Street is expected to reopen in November. Construction of a pathway along the north side of 126th Street to connect Keystone Parkway to Hazel Dell Parkway is under way. It is expected to be complete in October.

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

f o t r theA

Oktoberfest returns this weekend By Jessica Hoover

10:30 p.m. with live music by Polkamotion and Jambox throughout the day and evening. There also will be beer yoga from 2 to 2:45 p.m., a free kids zone from 2 to 6 p.m., an arts Fishers Oktoberfest @ Saxony, an event orand crafts fair from 2 to 7 p.m., a cornhole ganized by Saxony and the FishEVENT ers Fraternal Order of Police, will tournament from 2:30 to 10 p.m., an all-ages celebrate German culture Sept. 20 German costume contest from 6 to 6:30 p.m. and more than 30 vendors featuring local and 21 in Witten Park. businesses and artisans. Both days will offer authentic Proceeds benefit charities supGerman food and local vendors. ported by the Fishers Fraternal Order Options include bratwurst, potato of Police, such as those assisting salad, cheesecake, carrot cake, fair families of fallen officers and Shop foods and Leinenkugel and Sun King With a Cop. Admission to Oktoberfest beverages. is free. Festivities are from 5:30 to 10 McKinnie-Shreve “We invite everybody to come p.m. Sept. 20 and include a concert down and enjoy the festivities,” McKfeaturing Big Rosco & The Hammers innies-Shreve said. “Over the last seven years, performing from 7 to 10 p.m. Saxony has partnered with various organiza“Big Rosco & The Hammers is a variety tions to really make this a great community act,” said Candi McKinnies-Shreve, marketing event and take it to the next level. We feel like manager for Saxony. “It’s from right here in this is a fun event that brings the community Indianapolis. They do everything from classic together.” rock, pop rock, a little bit of country.” On Sept. 21, the event will run from 2 to


! g o D e h t

a fundraiser for the

Indiana Canine Assistance Network (ICAN)

DISPATCHES CrimeWatch app now Relay – Fishers Police Dept.’s CrimeWatch app, which was established in 2016, is now known as Relay. It has the same features as CrimeWatch, but now it will include a streamlined user interface and improved feedback and updates to residents who submit issues. More than 6,000 Fishers residents use the app to report non-emergency crimes. Relay is free to download. For more, visit Lawmakers searching for interns – Hamilton County lawmakers are encouraging college students and recent graduates to apply for the Indiana House Republican Internship Program, which takes place during the 2020 legislative session at the Statehouse in Indianapolis. Local legislators seeking interns include State Reps. Tony Cook (R-Cicero), Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville), Todd Huston (R-Fishers), Jerry Torr (R-Carmel) and Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel). Those interested should apply before Oct. 31. The positions are full-time, Monday through Friday, lasting from January through mid-March. Interns receive biweekly compensation of $750, and they can earn academic credit through their college or university. Interns also are eligible to apply for a $3,000 scholarship to

use toward undergraduate and graduate expenses. For more, visit Indy area best for recent grads – The Indianapolis metro area ranked at the top of a list evaluating best cities for recent college graduates compiled by HeyTutor, a website that connects students and tutors. Researchers found that recent grads in the Indianapolis area have a median income of $37,712 and that the unemployment rate in Central Indiana is .8 percent with the cost of living 7.2 percent below the national average. View the study at Foundations award scholarships – Central Indiana Community Foundation and its affiliates, The Indianapolis Foundation and Hamilton County Community Foundation, have awarded 185 scholarships totaling more than $1.4 million for the 2019-20 academic year. Recipients will receive varying scholarship amounts, with the maximum award for some scholarships equal to full tuition. Scholarship opportunities for the 2020-21 academic year can be viewed at in September and applications open in November.

September 21, 2019 Noon–4p.m. Carmel Arts & Design District along 2nd Ave NW

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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

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Faces of Fishers: Kirk Eshbaugh Commentary by Shelly Gattlieb

dren. Eshbaugh is a talented guitar player who has imparted an appreciation of music to his children who are active in marching band and show choir. Kirk Eshbaugh has been a gymnastics Alumni member: Southern Illinois Univercoach for 35 years and has PROFILE been with DeVeau’s at 9032 sity, an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America Technology Dr. for the past Family pet: Calli, American water 17 years. DeVeau’s has the longestspaniel/dalmatian mix rescue who running gymnastics program in loves eating vegetables. Indiana, working with athletes of all Favorite band: Journey levels, from toddlers through college Definition of a Hoosier: Hosand beyond. pitality, friendliness and a love of Eshbaugh’s favorite part of the job basketball is watching students transform as Least favorite thing: Whining, they reach goals and improve their Eshbaugh complaining gymnastics, cheerleading, tumbling, Experience everyone should have: A trampoline and ninja zone techniques, provphone attached to the wall ing that all of their hard work and practice Favorite movie series: “Avengers” is a valuable investment. Weirdest habit: Dipping pizza in ketchup Eshbuagh was born and raised in St. LouFavorite video game: Super Mario is but traveled to Tulsa, Okla., as part of his Most admire: Jesus Christ volunteer work with a Christian outreach Do you have an interesting friend who ministry. It was there that he met the love lives, works or worships in Fishers? Send of his life, Kim, and the couple was married suggestions to sgattlieb.currentinfishers@ in Oklahoma City. They recently celebrated 22 years of marriage and have three chil-

Football player uses video games for recovery By Renee Larr

thumb, I’m getting more mobility. I started playing more and more and ended up getting really good.” After playing as part of his rehabilitation, When 14-year-old Fishers High School Luke realized he could participate in Fortfreshman Luke Valerio injured nite competitions for money. REHAB his thumb and hand during a To date, Luke has earned approximately football practice this summer, $1,000 participating in cash cups, but he turned to video games to rehab he has a bigger goal in mind. his injury. “The goal for me is to play in a He eventually became skilled one-day Fortnite World Cup in New enough to earn money playing York,” he said. “You play in the biggames competitively. “He was at gest tournament for a $30 million practice doing drills when he flipped prize.” over and landed on his thumb,” said Luke enjoys the game because Jody Valerio, Luke’s father. Valerio every time he plays, it’s different. Luke stretched his tendon, “I like the fact that you can get better sprained his hand and had a mallet fracture every time you play,” Luke said. “There is in his ring finger. The doctor’s answer to always a different aspect to it, and there rehabbing his injury was mobility. Luke are always things changing. You have to be turned to video games because he knew able to adapt.” he would be moving his thumb using the Luke is ranked 793 worldwide out of 250 controller. He began playing the popular video game million players, as of March, in all mediums like the computer, Xbox and Playstation. He Fortnite. The battle royale game drops 100 also is back on the football team. To follow people onto an island and they each attempt to survive longer than everyone else. Luke’s progress, follow his Instagram page: koppasxbi. “The controller has a rotating joystick,” Luke said. “So, whenever it’s hitting my

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

Fortville man dies in motorcycle crash By Ann Marie Shambaugh A Fortville man died Sept. 8 after his motorcycle left the road ACCIDENT near Southeastern Parkway and Connecticut Avenue in southeast Hamilton County. Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office deputies were dispatched just before 9:20 p.m. for a single-vehicle accident. Emergency responders gave first aid, but the motorcyclist,


Back in Balance Seminar

Charles H. Theobald IV, 45, was pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators believe Theobald was driving southbound on Southeastern Parkway on a 2010 Harley-Davidson XL 1200 when he left the road, driving down an embankment and striking a tree. Theobold, who was not wearing a helmet, was ejected from the motorcycle. No one witnessed the accident. Anyone with information about it may call the HCSO crash team at 317-773-1872.

DISPATCHES County ranks 5th in state-wide food drive - An effort led by the Indiana State Fair has prompted 27 Indiana county fairs to donate food and participate in the FAIRs Care food drives. Through a partnership with the Indiana Association of Fairs and Feeding Indiana’s Hungry, counties have collected 76,363.6 pounds of food for local food pantries this year. The top five counties to make the most food contributions and will receive a check for $200 are: St. Joseph County 4-H Fair, $45,881.54; Porter County 4-H Fair, $34,386 plus two steers and one hog (valued at $4,200); Cass County, $35,387; Tipton County 4-H Fair, $13,395.07; and Hamilton County 4-H Fair, raised $10,271.64. September is Indiana Archaeology Month - This is the 24th anniversary of a statewide celebration of archaeology in Indiana. The event started as Indiana Archaeology Week in 1996 and was expanded to a month in 2002. Archaeologists have recorded more than 71,000 sites in Indiana since the early 1800s, helping to shape public understanding of the prehistoric and historic people in the state. During archaeology month, people can meet archaeologists and learn about Indiana’s fascinating past. A variety of events for all ages will be held by universities, museums, organizations and individuals throughout Indiana. A schedule and additional information can be found at Free trees - Those who join the Arbor Day Foundation in September will receive 10 free tree saplings as part of the foundation’s Trees for American program. To join, visit or send a $10 membership contribution by Sept. 30 to Arbor Day Foundation, Ten Trees, 100 Arbor

Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410. Essay contest - The Horseshoe Prairie Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, is sponsoring the annual American History Essay Contest for grades 5-8, and the Christopher Columbus Essay Contest for grades 9-12. All students in Hamilton County, including public, private, parochial and homeschooled students, are eligible to participate. The title of the American History Essay Contest is “The Voyage of the Mayflower,” as 400th anniversary of the voyage of the Mayflower and the founding of the Plymouth Colony is celebrated this year. The title of the 201920 Christopher Columbus Essay Contest is “A Sailor’s Experiences as Part of Christopher Columbus’ First Expedition to the Americas.” Winners at the chapter level will be eligible for entry into the state level and ultimately for the national level in Washington, D.C. Teachers, students and parents can contact the Horseshoe Prairie Chapter at, and contest rules and specific information will be forwarded to those interested. Historic preservation grants available - The Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology has Historic Preservation Fund grant application packets available for 2020. Eligible applicants must be tax-exempt nonprofit organizations, educational institutions or units of local government. There are three categories of projects: Architectural & Historical, Archaeological and Acquisition & Development (rehabilitation). All proposals must be received by 5 p.m. Oct. 4. To see full guidelines and access an application packet, visit

Focus on having adventures. Not on your balance. Do you have a spinning sensation when you lie down or feel off-balance when you walk? It might be time to talk to a physical therapist. At our seminar you’ll learn: » » »

The symptoms of a balance disorder What can trigger symptoms How vestibular rehab can help

Presenter: Elissa Moise, DPT When: Thursday, Oct. 3, 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health, 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060, Krieg DeVault conference room (entrance 3) Registration: Visit or call 317.776.7999. A light dinner will be served.


September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch

Can I be deleted from the web? Commentary by Feras Mash

Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.

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It seems everywhere we look or every time we turn on the TECHNOLOGY news, another company got hacked and millions of volumes of personal information got stolen by thieves to be traded to other thieves. We then scurry to try and save our identities and accounts from being compromised and have to deal with all the frustrations that go with those activities. But what if we can just erase our identities online so no one can find us anymore? Is that a dream or a reality? In fact, there are ways one can delete his or her identity online and erase any web presence 99.9 percent of the time with an ongoing online monitoring. Recommendations are to: • Delete or deactivate your shopping accounts, social and web networks. • Remove or deactivate your data at collection sites. • Scour the internet for your name by Googling yourself and then send requests to websites that have your information. • Delete any search results pointing to you through Google. • Physically delete your email accounts. As you can tell, this is not easy and can

Oktoberfest@Saxony Fri. Sept. 20th - 5PM-10PM Sat. Sept. 21st - 2PM-10:30PM GERMAN FOOD, BEER, FREE GAMES & LIVE MUSIC - Free Admission

Witten Park - 13257 Saxony Blvd


be time-consuming. Many companies provide these types of services, and they range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, plus the cost of ongoing ID monitoring. It’s a big business that partially is driven by the hackers, but also by our privacy laws and needs to stay safe and private. So, what can you do to erase your identity? Follow the aforementioned recommendations and/or contact the credit bureaus and place monitoring on your file, including freezes. Then, contact private companies, like DeleteMe, which provide the niche service of online erasure and check the different ways they can remove your online Identity. Finally, if all else fails and you’re savvy enough, you can hire your own hacker to do all this for you. So, yes, you can delete yourself form the internet and get your privacy back, but you need to fight for it.

Newcomers Club – The Fishers Newcomers Club meets the second Thursday of most months at 6:45 p.m. at the Delaware Township Building, 9090 E. 131st St. Meet friends, join an activity group, and participate in various charitable activities. For more, contact Sobriety checkpoint results - On Aug. 23, the Hamilton County Traffic Safety Partnership conducted a sobriety checkpoint near Greenfield Avenue and Cumberland Road in Noblesville. Checkpoint operations began at 10 p.m. and ended at midnight. Officers from partnership agencies checked 160 vehicles at the checkpoint, administering field sobriety tests to 22 drivers due to initial indicators of impaired driving. Six drivers were arrested for operating while intoxicated, and two drivers were arrested for driving while suspended with a prior conviction. Drivers were stopped in the checkpoint line for an average of 54 seconds before being released on their way or directed to pull off for further investigation.

Learn to Play

Feras Mash is the owner of Computer Troubleshooters of Carmel and a contributing columnist to Current Publishing. For more, write him at fmash@comptroub. com.


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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers



TUESDAY Rent one Bay get one 1/2 off! THURSDAY All Virtual Reality Services 50% off. Fishers resident Silas Johnson pauses for a photograph with his mother, Alesha Johnson. (Photos by Ben Stout)

Noah Slivka of Fishers tries out a brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle.

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BOOK ONLINE: Firefighters from the Fishers Fire Dept. demonstrate a motor vehicle crash extrication.

Cami Samalvides takes a shot at fighting a simulated fire with help from an FFD firefighter.



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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

SHELTER PETS JOIN ANNUAL DOGGIE DIP Fishers YMCA held its annual Doggie Dip Sept. 4, an event that coincides with the seasonal closing of its outdoor pool. It allows residents and their dogs to use the aquapark facilities that normally are reserved only for people. For the first time

this year, the Fishers YMCA partnered with the Humane Society for Hamilton County to allow shelter dogs a chance to get their paws wet at a special morning preview event. (Photos by Ben Stout)

Fishers resident Elise Likens brought her 5-yearold golden retriever, Benny, to the event.

A bull terrier runs laps around the pool and sprayground.

A group of dogs splashes through the Fishers YMCA kiddie pool and splashpad as their owners watch.

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers


The Fishers Police Dept. and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Dept. have partnered to create a database for recovered firearms that can help link guns to crimes. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Sgt. Tom Brooks, left, and Sgt. Jim Hawkins search for fingerprints on a firearm.

CONNECTING CRIMES FPD begins categorizing guns differently to link with violent crimes By Anna Skinner

Gebhart said. “I felt like we were seeing a lot of perps from Indy in our community having contacts with those types of people who could potentially present violence to the city. During his first year as police chief, Ed That facilitated a sit-down with IMPD.” Gebhart took inventory COVER STORY of Fishers Police Dept. Gebhart learned from IMPD that violent crime is down in Indianapolis. He also discovresources. ered that IMPD treats every weapon “I wanted to have an understandit comes across as a crime scene. ing of where we were using our “They don’t just pick up guns and manpower and where we were alloput them in evidence,” Gebhart said. cating resources,” Gebhart said. “The “They process that weapon and run overwhelming picture for me is that DNA on it, do roadside interviews to the amount of homicides reported to try to connect people through the the south of us (in Indianapolis) is a guns to the crimes in Indianapolis. good place to go get a good educaSo, coming back to Fishers Police Gebhart tion on what’s going on and, more Dept., I’ve thought about that parimportantly, how can we prevent ticular scenario, and what I found was our it from furthering itself north if that be the guys, especially our crime reduction unit, case?” were already coming across weapons, and That’s when an initiative to categorize the only thing they weren’t doing was proguns, in partnership with the Indianapolis cessing them similar to IMPD. They were Metropolitan Police Dept., was launched. charging accordingly or taking them off the “It was a matter of inventory of what kind of people we’re stopping in our communities, street, but we are starting to learn we need what are we coming across in our cars, what to treat them differently and get on board are we seeing in the community as a whole?” with what our fellow law enforcement agen-

cy was facing down in Indianapolis. “The way the mayor (Scott Fadness) and I look at it is the way crime affects us all. It’s a regional problem, not just an Indianapolis problem or a Fishers problem, and Fishers could help in that.” IMPD staff taught FPD the process of taking weapons into custody, who to interview and how to submit the information to the National Integrative Ballistic Information Network, where all guns are categorized. Shell

casings also can be categorized. FPD’s participation began in February, and since then, 56 guns from Fishers have been entered into the network. Eighteen were connected to violent crimes. “Say someone fires a weapon and drops shell casings on the ground. Those shell casings are submitted to NIBIN and connected to that weapon,” Gebhart said. “(If) my guys pull the guy over up here and find the weapon, we can match it to the shell casings.”

INVOLVING OTHER HAMILTON COUNTY AGENCIES To approach crime as a regional issue, Fishers Police Dept. Chief Ed Gebhart has invited other Hamilton County agencies to participate in the gun categorizing inititiative. “Carmel, Westfield, Noblesville and (Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office), we held a training here in late February,” Gebhart said. “Hamilton County is saying this is a good thing to do and we are going to do it together.”

Gebhart said other counties across the state are gaining interest. “We will hold another training in October to try to bring more agencies into the fold. I would like to see the entire doughnut (area) get involved to some degree and mirror Hamilton County,” Gebhart said. “I think all of us getting on the same page will lead to a safer city, safer state, safer Indiana.”


September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers



Who is we?

Hold Trump accountable

Commentary by Terry Anker We live in a land of privilege. Yes, we do. When invoking the royal prerogative, we suddenly imbue the power of the collective. Our voice now represents many. Our countenance now reflects the posture of the masses. We is the spokesperson for the movement, generation and family. We is the “one” that will speak for all. But, who appointed us we? Was there an interview, a standardized test, or an arm-wrestling competition? Probably not. On this one, perhaps the most important we of all, one must only claim unity first. We columnists (actually, a reader rightly pointed out that it, at times, should be “us” columnists) do it all the time: assert a position and hold that it represents the reasoned view of all sentient beings. But other than ego and an unremarkable understanding of the body politic, is the prerogative defendable? Or, is it all just a keen sense of observation — or, more concernedly, an unabashed drive to the first-mover advantage? Political leaders routinely claim to be we. “We have suffered that” is unabashedly linked to “We all, every one of us, think that.” Maybe. When we means our community, what is it to which we are condemning others? Is it clear that we know best? Left or right, we is the hobgoblin of the docile set — happy to follow the lead of someone else’s directive. Good. It is much easier than thinking, and it is considerably much easier than defending a decidedly not we position. Today, the Sunday talking heads question the nuanced importance of the Founder’s “individual.” Is that we really me? Do we care? We’d guess not. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at

Resuming the dance of joy Commentary by Danielle Wilson I announced this exciting news in May but it bears repeating: My tiny dancer is back in action! That’s right, after a year’s sabbatical from competition, our youngest HUMOR has decided to return to the thrilling and sometimes tawdry world of dance! And you know that that means? I’m a dance mom again! Woohoo! Because in the long run, peeps, it’s all about me. Sure, I supported her decision to hang up her tap shoes and focus on school, knowing she needed a physical and mental break from the often overwhelming pressure. But deep down, I kept my fingers crossed that she’d (read: we’d) return. For five years, I’d been a dance mom, driving to and from rehearsals, creating the perfect low buns, pinning straps and sewing up fishnets, scrutinizing other performers, scouring sketchy streets for the specified fast-food order and silently shaming scantily clad tweens and their mothers. My life had

been just as much wrapped up in sequins and booty shorts and stupid judges who don’t know true talent when they see it as hers had been. In hindsight, this hiatus might have been more painful for me and my limited social life than it was for her. She has a ton of non-dance friends. I don’t. It’s not how I roll! So, what does this mean for you? Basically, come January 2020, prepare for a slew of insightful and usually hilarious commentaries on girl dance drama, in all its bedazzled glory. I promise to bring my keen observation skills to every competition, every dressing room, every awards ceremony and every post-event ride home, to ensure high-quality entertainment for you, my adoring public. You’re welcome. Jazz hands out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “When you see a government that works great for those with money ... and is not working for everyone else, that is corruption, pure and simple, and we need to call it out for what it is.” — U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Editor, More than 130 congressional representatives have taken a stand against corruption and support an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. It’s imperative that every member of Congress recognize the danger of letting Trump get away with his criminal activity and publicly support an impeachment inquiry. It would be unconscionable to do otherwise. We’ve got the facts. (Special Counsel) Bob Mueller did not exonerate Trump — not by a long shot. His investigation found extensive criminal activity and resulted in 37 indictments and at least seven convictions or guilty pleas, including Trump’s national security advisor, personal lawyer and campaign chairman. No one is above the law in our country, not even the president. Mueller did his job. It’s time for Congress to do theirs. That’s why our representatives must publicly voice their support for holding Trump accountable through a formal impeachment inquiry. Doing nothing will only embolden Trump to continue breaking the law and will set a dangerous precedent for our democracy. That’s not the America I know. Wendy Wheeler, Noblesville

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

A Wood-be mistake Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Mary Ellen and I were walking on the Butler campus after the Penrod Arts Fair. That’s when I saw on the sidewalk a HUMOR tiny plastic facsimile of Woody, the star of an iconic Disney animated movie series. He was 9 inches tall and colorfully painted. All his limbs and his head were poseable. I love puppets and statues of all types. I own life-size figures of Laurel and Hardy and smaller versions of Howdy Doody, Groucho Marx and Buster Keaton, to name a few. I picked up this little guy and took him home. That night I realized what a terrible mistake I had made by taking Woody. It brought back a memory of my own childhood pal, a hand puppet named Monkey. His little face was cream colored; the rest of his body was a furry chocolate brown. Everywhere I went, he was with me. Some kids have a blankie. I had a monkey. My parents and I used to walk to a pond near our home to feed the ducks. One afternoon, Monkey had been in my pocket the whole time, but when we returned home, he was missing. My father took me back to the lake in the early evening, flashlight in hand, to search for my lost companion, but no Monkey. It was devastating. I almost flunked out of first grade because of the trauma. Feeling bad about taking Woody, I shared my monkey story with Mary Ellen. I discovered for the first time that she also had a favorite stuffed animal that had disappeared during a family outing. Loss affects all of us differently. In first grade, Mary Ellen was No. 1 in her class. I needed to make amends, so I created a sign: I AM LOOKING FOR THE LITTLE BOY OR GIRL WHO LOST ME. I returned to where I found Woody, placed him against a tree and affixed the message above his head (a photo of this is on my Facebook page). I’m not optimistic that Woody will find his owner, but I hope that will make up for the mistake I made. That’s my “Toy Story,” and I’m sticking to it.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at


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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

County 1st for workplace benefits According to a recent study by SmartAsset, people working in HamCAREERS ilton County have among the best access to workplace benefits in Indiana. The study by the New York-based financial technology company

measured the unemployment rate and cost of living in each county as well as the percentage of the population securing health insurance and retirement funds through their employer. For the full study, visit retirement/401k-calculator#Indiana.

Health Insurance Coverage

Cost of Living

Retirement Savings Contribution

Best Places for Employee Benefits Index










































































DISPATCHES No insurance claim needed – Insurance is a great thing when you have a significant loss. There are some situations, however, when avoiding a claim and absorbing the loss is more cost-effective than filing a claim. For example, if the amount of an auto repair is just slightly over the deductible, you might be better off to pay the extra outof-pocket expense yourself. Filing a claim can cause your rates to increase by more than the amount you ended up paying. Source: Reduce trip expenses – Planning a major trip soon? You might want to get a new credit card for those vacation expenses. Many credit cards brands (especially airlinebranded cards) offer huge sign-up bonuses if you spend a certain amount in the first three months. So get the card, put your vacation expenses on it, pay it off and reap the rewards for your next vacation. Source: Summer cruise deals – Believe it or not, cruises are a real last-minute travel deal. Cruise lines significantly cut fares about a month before departure if beds are still empty. How low do prices go? It’s not un-

common for nightly rates to plunge by up to 80 percent, though half off is more common. Scout for bargains at Cruise Direct, JetBlue Cruises, and Cruise Critic. Source: Finding at-home jobs – For job seekers wanting to work from home, the internet is full of scams. There are so many spam postings that it’s tiring to sort through them for legitimate opportunities. Two websites do a pretty good job of screening their postings. does charge a small fee, about $50 per year to access its database of listings. is free to use but is fairly legitimate. Source: Remember to smile – If you want to make sure you’re memorable to people you meet at networking events, remember to smile when you first meet them. Recent research shows that people who smiled were more memorable to study subjects than those who did not smile. Source: BusinessInsider

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

COMMUNITY RECEIVES $3K FROM IMCU The Children’s Museum Guild’s

Haunted House

Fab“BOO”lous Food Stations from Area Restaurants Crazy Costume Contest Lights-On and Frightening Hours Tours in the Hotel of Spells Haunted House presented by Old National Bank*

Indy’s Biggest and Best Family-Friendly

Halloween Party! Awesome All-Ages Affair!

Staff from Indiana Members Credit Union present a $3,040 check to Community Health Network staff. A partnership between the two entities allows IMCU members to support of the independent nonprofit hospital system by signing up for and using a Community Health Network debit card. Each time the card is used as a signature-based transaction, Community Health Network Foundation benefits. Since beginning the program in 2017, Community Health Network Foundation has earned $11,605 through the program. From left, Bente Weitekamp, vice president for development, Community Health Network Foundation; Rob Baker, executive director of foundation operations, Community Health Network Foundation; Gina Terril, business development manager, IMCU; Thorpe Miller, vice president of business development and marketing, IMCU; Stephanie Wade, branch manager, IMCU Community East Branch; Brittany Johnson, branch manager, IMCU Castleton Branch; Ann Stephens Vauter, manager, health promotions, Community Health Network; and Robert Ruffing, supervisor, behavioral health, Community Health Network. (Submitted photo)

St. Vincent launches online urgent care platform Earlier this month, Ascension St. Vincent announced its launch NEW SERVICE of a new online service that allows patients to get urgent care at any time. Ascension Online Care is a platform that connects patients to a physician or a provider via a device, like a smartphone or tablet, that can access the site at ascension. org/onlinecare. Patients can video chat with a health care professional for urgent and non-emergency needs, including cold, flu and fever, sinus or upper-respiratory infections, nonlife-threatening allergic reactions, seasonal allergies, sore throat, cough and more. Cost of a visit is $49 and can be paid using a credit card or HSA/FSA. The service does not require insurance. “Consumers and patients now have access to comprehensive care within our

A new online platform from Ascension St. Vincent lets patients access care from their mobile devices. (Submitted photo)

trusted network of services, which includes primary, specialty, urgent, emergency and now online care,” Jonathan Nalli, senior vice president and ministry market executive with Ascension, stated in a press release. “We are excited to provide this service as an option so consumers can get the right care at a time and in a setting that is convenient for them.”

VIP wristbands available providing access to a private VIP area with open bar, children’s entertainment, and unlimited admission to the Haunted House that evening. (Additional cost. Capacity limited.) *Black Hat Bash ticket includes one admission to the Haunted House valid the evening of the party.

Oct. 5, 6:30–9:30 p.m. PRESENTED BY

For tickets visit



September 17, 2019

Current in Fishers

Williams honored to earn spot in Songbook Hall of Fame By Mark Ambrogi • A younger generation was introduced to the multiple talents of Paul Williams through the 2011 documentary aptly named “Paul Williams Still Alive.” Anyone alive in the 1970s doesn’t need ACHIEVEMENT to be introduced to Williams, a 5-foot-2 singer/songwriter/actor who was a regular on “The Tonight Show,”appeared in “Smokey and the Bandit” and wrote many iconic. But he then seemingly disappeared from the public view for many years. He is the first to admit the ‘80s were a lost decade because of cocaine and alcohol addiction. Great American Songbook Foundation founder Michael Feinstein certainly recognizes the talents of Williams, who will be inducted into the Songbook Hall of Fame, along with Tony Bennett, Doris Day and Duke Ellington, Sept. 21 at the Palladium in the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Day died at 97 in May and Ellington died at 75 in 1974. Dionne Warwick will provide entertainment at the sold-out Songbook Celebration gala, which supports the center’s artistic and educational programming. “That’s the music that brought me into music,” Williams said of the Songbook era. “When I was in high school in the ‘50s, everyone was listening to rock ‘n’ roll, I was listening to ‘Only the Lonely’ and (Frank) Sinatra. My favorite song has always been ‘Someone to Watch Over Me.’ It’s wonderful full circle for me to share the company of these amazing songs and songwriters.” Williams said he considers Feinstein a good friend and sang at his wedding to Terrence Flannery. “It’s remarkable at this point of my life. I turn 79 on Sept. 19. I feel like a tired 34. It’s a remarkable thing to celebrate,” he said. “I get to shake hands with the man (Feinstein) that has kept those songs alive.” Williams is thrilled to be inducted with such a special group. “The great thing about what I do for a living is we never have to give up our fan card,” he said. “When I see Tony Bennett, I try to keep that, ‘Oh, my god, there’s Tony Bennett’ look off my face and look as casual as possible. Williams said he was thrilled to add Bennett to the list of famous singers who have recorded his songs, such as Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Elvis Presley. A lyricist for most of his career, Williams co-wrote The Carpenters songs “We’ve Only Just Begun” and “Rainy Days and Mondays” with Roger Nichols. Williams wrote most of “The Muppet Movie” songs with Kenneth Ascher, including “Rainbow Connection. “These are great composers that I worked with and I learned so much from,” Williams said. Williams won an Oscar for writing “Evergreen,” which Barbra Streisand sang in the 1976 movie “A Star is Born.” Williams said people frequently come up to him and say they were married to “We’ve Only Just Begun” and “Evergreen.”

Paul Williams will be inducted into the Songbook Hall of Fame Sept. 21 at the Palladium. (Submitted photo)

“Sometimes that is followed up by we’re not together anymore,” he said. “But it’s phenomenal to think you’ve been part of that magical moment in someone’s life.” Williams is not singing as much as he used to. He did act in the second season of the Amazon Prime series “Goliath.” For the past 11 years, he has been president of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. “I’m not singing as much. Frankly, there are some challenges around my hearing that make it a little difficult to find a note once in a while,” he said. “I haven’t quit singing, but I find I’m really comfortable letting someone else sing the songs.” Williams initially pursued an acting career but got few parts. He unsuccessfully auditioned for “The Monkees” TV show, but there was a bright side. “The failure of the acting career led me to songwriting,” he said. Williams has been sober for 29 years and is a certified drug rehabilitation counselor through UCLA. “The two things I’m intensely passionate about are recovery and protecting musicians’ rights and making sure they are compensated for the brilliant work they do,” he said.

‘Annie’ team seeks ‘Sandy’ at Art of the Dog The Cat is looking for a dog. Perry Accetturo, from The Cat, said theater representatives will be at the Art of the Dog from noon to 4 p.m. Sept. 21 in the Carmel Arts & Design District to let dog owners know about the auditions for Sandy, the dog, for “Annie.” “We are looking for a dog that is wellmannered, is OK with the kids in the show, is OK with big crowds and being on stage,” Accetturo said. “We’re going to fill the stage with the cast and have them laugh and clap and see how the dog reacts to that and stage lights. The dog that meshes well with all those elements is the dog we are going to ultimately extend an offer to.” The world premiere of the repertory production of musicals “Annie” and “Annie Warbucks” will open Nov. 14 and run through Dec. 1 at The Cat. A dog has already been cast for “Annie Warbucks.” Accetturo said they are taking RSVPs for the auditions, which will be 9 to 11 a.m. Oct. 5 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel. Email to RSVP. Westfield — Uncorked with Greg Osborne is 7 to 10 p.m. Sept. 20 at Urban Vines, 330 E. 161st St. Noblesville — Movies in the Park will feature “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse at dusk Sept. 20 at Federal Hill Commons. Carmel — The Third Annual Pups and Pints series is 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20 at Clay Terrace Dog Park. Carmel — Country Summer will perform a free concert at 7 p.m. Sept. 18 at the Summer Family Concert Series at the Gazebo. Carmel — Frank Bradford will perform at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20 at Sugar Creek Vineyard and Winery, 1111 W. Main St., Suite 165. Fishers — Van Hunt and special guest Andy Allo will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. Sept. 20 at Nickel Plate Amphitheater. Tickets are $10. Fishers — Fishers Oktoberfest at Saxony is 7 to 10 p.m. Sept. 20 and noon to 10 p.m. Sept. 21 at Witten Park.

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

Woodstock vibe coming to CCPL By Rick Morwick Michael Beck and Tim Brickley are accomplished recording artists and touring musicians who have an affinity CONCERT for playing small venues. That’s why they look forward to their Sept. 22 date at Carmel Clay Public Library, where they’ll perform a 50th anniversary tribute to Woodstock, the iconic 1969 music festival that featured dozens of the era’s top rock artists. Beck, a percussionist, and Brickley, a guitarist, will play an acoustic array of songs that were performed during the three days of Woodstock, including selections by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Who. “It’s just an hour that we play, but it’s just packed full of tunes everybody will know from that era and from Woodstock,” said Beck, a long-time musician who owns Anderson & Beck, a music-booking agency in Indianapolis. “Our niche is kind of that ‘60s and ‘70s vibe. We do a lot of songs by (artists) that were at Woodstock and that type of sound. “We’re all over that ‘60s and ‘70s kind of

Percussionist Michael Beck, left, and guitarist Tim Brickley will play a 50th anniversary Woodstock tribute Sept. 22 at Carmel Clay Public Library. (Submitted photo)

board, a lot of harmonies and vocals.” Beck and Brickley, a music producer who owns Hit City Recording studio in Indianapolis, will perform at 2 p.m. in the Program Room at CCPL, 55 4th Ave. SE, Carmel. The free concert is part of an occasional music series offered by CCPL. Although Sept. 22 will mark their first time playing at CCPL, Beck and Brickley frequently perform in libraries throughout central Indiana. “It’s a wonderful thing to be able to do, so I love those kinds of situations,” Beck said. For more, visit

10/4 - 10/19

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The Ritz Charles | 12156 N. Merdian St., Carmel

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Join ATI 1515 years our Backyard”! Jointo ATIcelebrate to celebrate yearsof of“Broadway “Broadway inin our Backyard”! Enjoy dinner withwith a fun Broadway cocktail whilebeing being entertained Enjoy a fun Broadway cocktail while by by Join ATI to dinner celebrate 15 years of “Broadway inentertained our Backyard”! oflocal our local communityleaders leaders walking walking the wearing somesome ofwith our community therunway runway wearing Enjoy dinner a fun Broadway cocktail while being entertained by fabulous costumes from thepast past15 15 year Theatre of of fabulous costumes from the yearofofActors Actors Theatre some of our local community leaders walking the runway wearing Indiana’s shows. Our Student Theatre Education Program students Indiana’s shows. Our Student Theatre Education Program students will give a special for our audience as well.Theatre of fabulous costumes fromperformance the past 15 year of Actors will give a special performance for our audience as well.

WHO WILL WEAR THE MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET JACKETS? Contact Meg Gates Osborne for details to purchase tickets: 6:00-9:00 pm Our Student TheatreN. Education Program students TheIndiana’s Ritz shows. Charles | 12156 Merdian St., Carmel will give a special performance for our audience as well.

Join ATI to celebrate 15 years of “Broadway in our Backyard”! Enjoy dinner with a fun Broadway cocktail while being entertained by some of our local community leaders walking the runway wearing fabulous costumes from the past 15 year of Actors Theatre of Indiana’s shows. Our Student Theatre Education Program students

MAMMA MIA! is presented through special arrangement with Musical Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

Value-driven autumn reds



Commentary by Elizabeth Morse






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Directed Michael Blatt Directedbyby Michael Blatt Choreographed byby Carol Worcel Choreographed Carol Worcel One hotel suite, fourfour tenors, twotwo wives, One hotel suite, tenors, wives, Perry Musical Direction by Nathan Musical Direction by Nathan Perry

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Presented through specialspecial arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Inc. Presented through arrangement with Samuel French,

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With an impending chill in the air, it’s time to consider some heavier wines for fall weather. I’ve got three WINEderlust reds for you this week and all of them can be found at Mass Ave Wine in downtown Indianapolis. I mention this because last month I had quite a few emails asking where (specifically) my suggestions could be found locally. Ask for Lisa. First up, Juggernaut ‘Hillside’ Cabernet Sauvignon. This is a bold and structured wine from California. Four hillside vineyards in Napa, specifically. Vines that grow mountainside have to work harder to bear fruit. The result is grape yields that are less prolific and much more intensely flavored. Aged in French oak, this wine is luxuriously textured with lots of vanilla flavors. Oh, and the dark currants. Big, sexy wine for a great price ($20). Next is Southern Belle, a blend of equal parts Syrah and Monastrell. It’s made in the

south of Spain and aged in retired bourbon (Pappy Van Winkle) barrels. Although the bourbon nuances are more obvious on the nose, they are still evident on the palate. Coupled with big fruit flavors, toffee and vanilla, it’s kind of brambly and kind of boozy at the same time. Yum. Also $20ish. Last but certainly not least is a favorite varietal of mine: Barista Pinotage. Pinotage from South Africa typically offers dark fruit flavors with smokiness and earthy notes. Barista doesn’t disappoint. Charming and rustic, this one also boasts mad coffee flavors and aromas. Dare I say it? A smidge of nutmeg and leather. All for less than $15. Boom.

With an impending chill in the air, it’s time to consider some heavier wines for fall weather.

Elizabeth Morse owned the Corner Wine Bar in Broad Ripple for nearly to 20 years. She is a graduate of IU, is a Hoosier chef, food writer, wine guru and Hamilton County Master Gardener. Morse has been a resident of Hamilton County for more than a decade. Check out her blog:

September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

“Hairspray,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis


8 p.m. Sept. 17, 19, 20, 21, 24; 1 p.m. Sep. 18; 1:30 and 7 p.m. Sept. 22

The musical focuses on Tracey Turnblad’s dream to dance on “The Corny Collins Show,” a Baltimore TV dance show. Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet More:, dinner), a $6 ticket discount is 317-872-9664 available for ages 3-15.

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

“Steel Magnolias,” Mud Creek Players, Mud Creek Theater, Lawrence

7:30 p.m. Sept. 20, 21; 2:30 p.m. Sept. 22

Steve Martin and Martin Short, the Palladium, 7:30 p.m. Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel Sept. 26

“Steel Magnolias” is Truvy’s beauty shop in Louisiana where women come to get their hair done and listen to Truvy’s free advice.

The veteran comedians present their “Now You See Them, Soon You Won’t” show, which also features Della Mae, banjo innovator Alison Brown and keyboardist Jeff Babko from the “Jimmy Kimmel Live” house band.

Cost: $15 Sept. 20, 21: $13 Sept. 22 More:

Brantley Gilbert, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

Cost: $175 to $375

7 p.m. Sept. 21


Country star Brantley Gilbert brings his “Not Like Us Tour,” named after a song released as a single from his “Fire and Brimstone” album, to Ruoff. Gilbert will be joined by Michael Ray and Lindsay Ell. 
Cost: $37 to $142


7:30 p.m. Sept. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” Actors 18, 19, 20, 21 and Theatre of Indiana, Studio Theater, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel 2 p.m. Sept. 22 ATI presents a musical version of comedy of a high-class con man and small-time grifter competing to swindle an heiress. 
Cost: $20 (students) to $40


Willie Nelson will appear in the Outlaw Music Festival, which begins at 5 p.m. Sept. 20 at Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center. (Photo by David McClister)

Outlaw Music Festival, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

5 p.m. Sept. 20

Willie Nelson, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss are among the main performers in the Outlaw Musical Festival. Cost: $36.50 to $340

ATI to hold fundraiser — The Actors Theatre of Indiana will hold a new fundraiser called Cocktails, Comedy, Costumes from 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 5 at Ritz Charles, 12156 N. Meridian St., Carmel. Well-known area residents will model Broadway costumes during the evening. Tickets start at $100. Sponsor tables are available. To purchase tickets, contact Meg Gates Osborne at For more, visit atistage. org.



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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

As an Indiana native, Mike always enjoys a meal at a local restaurant and showing people what the Indy area has to offer. You may find him drinking at local coffee shops, eating brunch in Fishers, shopping and having dinner in Carmel or at the latest concerts. For more, visit @wheresmikeg on Instagram.

Thai Sushi House

Commentary by Mike Gillis Address: 8603 E 116th St., Fishers What to get: Pad Thai Price: $7.99 Mike G’s take: A great place for lunch or dinner with great Thai and Japanese opThai Sushi House’s Chicken Pad Thai. (Photo by Mike Gillis) tions. Lunch time is a great the day. If I could change anything, I would option with big portions for just $7.99. All dishes are served with your choice of chick- probably add shrimp or beef in addition to chicken. en, beef, pork, tofu, vegetables, shrimp or Popular menu items: seafood and spring roll with soup and salad. You also get to choose your spice level: • Pad Thai – Stir-fried rice noodle with medium hot, hot, extra hot and Thai hot! bean sprout, onion, egg and peanut in What I tried: The Chicken Pad Thai was pad Thai sauce. good. It had a great flavor with a combina• Yellow Curry - Sliced meat in yellow tion of rice noodles, tender chicken, onions, curry with coconut milk, potato, carrot eggs and peanuts. To be safe, I went with and onion. medium spice level, but it wasn’t very spicy • Sushi – One of the specialties here. The at all. Next time I plan to kick it up a notch. options seem endless, but everything is Overall, it was a very well-balanced meal made fresh to order, and if you like suand I had enough to eat for a snack later in shi, this is the place for you.

Behind bars: Watermelon Cucumber Mojito Get it at Alcomy, a mobile mixology business Ingredients: 2 oz. rum, 1 oz. watermelon cucumber simple syrup, mint, watermelon, elderflower soda Directions: Muddle mint and simple syrup, add rum, wet-shake and strain over ice. Top with soda and garnish with fresh mint and watermelon.


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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

Visiting the House of Ananias Commentary by Don Knebel Just inside the ancient eastern gate of Damascus, Syria, are rooms TRAVEL said to have been the firstcentury home of a person who participated in the conversion of the Apostle Paul. According to the Christian New Testament, Paul (then named Saul) was persecuting Christians until he heard the voice of Jesus on the road to Damascus, causing him to fall to the ground and leaving him temporarily blind. His companions took him into Damascus, where AnaChapel in House of Ananias in Damascus, Syria. (Photo by Don Knebel) nias, a Jewish follower of Jesus, baptized him in the Straight Street home of a man of Paul’s four missionary journeys. named Judas. With Paul’s belief in the Resurrection of Jesus established and his sight restored, he spent the rest of his life spreading Christianity around the Roman Empire. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes Legends surrounded Ananias, one identifying him as the & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. first bishop of Damascus and another saying that he was com. stoned to death outside the city. In the Middle Ages, two subterranean rooms along Straight Street were claimed to belong to the house where the sainted Ananias had lived at the time of Paul’s baptism. Christians and Muslims alike revered the rooms. In 1820, the Franciscans acquired the rooms and turned one of them into a chapel. Today, the House of Ananias, along the Damascus street still named Straight, is open to the public. Renovated in 1973, one room features a marble sculpture showing Ananias baptizing Paul. The other room, still used as a chapel, includes three scenes from the Biblical account of Paul’s visit to Damascus. The scene on the right shows Paul falling from his horse after encountering Jesus, the one in the middle shows his baptism and the one on the left shows him being lowered in a basket from a Damascus wall to avoid persons trying to kill him. A nearby wall map shows the routes


Keep ants out of the house — Where you see one ant, you’re bound to see others. That’s because ants leave a scented trail that other ants follow. To eliminate the scent trail, mix one part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle, and then spray wherever you’ve seen ants in the past. This will stop outdoor nesting ants that entered the house to forage for food. If the ants are nesting inside the home, you will have to use ant bait to kill them. Source: The Family Handyman

CITY OF FISHERS ADVISORY PLAN COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TA-19-13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the City of Fishers Advisory Plan Commission at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, October 2nd in the Fishers City Hall building, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46038. REQUEST: At that hearing, the public will be invited to offer comments on the following request (“Proposal”): Consideration of a text amendment to “Section 6.16. Signage Standards” of the Unified Development Ordinance. LOCATION: Citywide The case file about this project is available for public review in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located on the 2nd floor at Fishers City Hall. The meeting agenda with room location details and case related information will be posted on the City’s website forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting specified above. Written objections filed with the secretary of the Advisory Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. If you would like your written comments to be provided to the Fishers Advisory Plan Commission, you must submit them one (1) week prior to the hearing date noted above. Oral comments will be heard during the public hearing. Department of Planning and Zoning City of Fishers 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 595-3155 CITY OF FISHERS ADVISORY PLAN COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RZ-19-12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the City of Fishers Advisory Plan Commission at 6:00PM, Wednesday, October 2nd in the Fishers City Hall building, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46038. REQUEST: At that hearing, the public will be invited to offer comments on the following request (“Proposal”): The City of Fishers requests a public hearing and favorable recommendation to rezone three lots with existing single-family residences from OS Open Space to R5 Residential. The subject properties are together approximately 1.11 acres. LOCATION: The Proposal is located within The Pines subdivision, at 9806, 9800, & 9796 River Oak Lane North, Fishers IN 46038, generally located north of 96th Street and east of Allisonville Road, parcels 15-14-10-04-10-014.000, 15-14-10-04-10-015.000, & 15-14-1004-10-016.000. The case file about this project is available for public review in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located on the 2nd floor at Fishers City Hall. The meeting agenda with room location details and case related information will be posted on the City’s website forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting specified above. Written objections filed with the secretary of the Advisory Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. If you would like your written comments to be provided to the Fishers Advisory Plan Commission, you must submit them one (1) week prior to the hearing date noted above. Oral comments will be heard during the public hearing. Department of Planning and Zoning City of Fishers 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 595-3155


September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

Across 1. Miss Hamilton County crown 6. Indiana tax IDs 10. I-69 rig 14. IU Health drip source 15. Kevin Gregory weather word 16. Declare

17. Local music group in a Porter County city? 19. Timid 20. ___America Tower 21. Knitting stitch 22. Gushes 24. Very, informally 25. Norse god 26. Mediocre

29. “Humbug!” 31. Mink’s kin 35. Hitchhikes on I-65 38. Captain Nemo’s sub 40. Tummy muscles 41. Local home of a Gauguin painting in a WWII battle site? 43. Luck miscue, briefly


Dehmal & Associates

*Entertainment begins at 10 a.m. on all stages, the balance of the festival at 11 a.m.

44. Way to sway 46. Nosedive 48. Church council 49. Dine late 51. Ascend 52. Holcomb denial 54. German auto maker 57. Roberts’ photo device 60. Vet’s affliction 61. Popular pond fish 64. Third male 65. Local playhouse in gym wear? 68. Jeff’s partner 69. “___ does it!” 70. Evan Lurie Gallery stand 71. Crafty website 72. Modern-day “carpe diem” 73. Janitor’s supply Down 1. DVR option 2. Dr. Pavlov 3. Competent 4. Mark Battles music genre 5. Awestruck 6. Sacred beetle 7. Dirt 8. Rejections 9. Splash about 10. Japanese warrior 11. “...happily ___ after” 12. Noblesville HS track event 13. Ticks off 18. Shag, e.g. 23. USPS part 24. Pop’s wife 25. Rice Cooker cuisine 26. Pacers figs.

27. “Wow!” 28. Rep. Brooks 30. Zionsville Farmers’ Market pear 32. Russian pancake 33. Breathing organs 34. Ms. Lauder 36. Wickliff Auctioneers customer 37. Personal ad abbr. 39. Victory Field arbiter 42. Approximately 45. Something new 47., e.g. 50. Charleston’s “baked”

side 53. “Yum!” 55. LA winter hrs. 56. Ford flop 57. Showed up 58. Border on 59. Citi Field team 60. Ring out 61. Lip smack 62. Classic cookie 63. “___ turn up” 66. Current reporter’s query 67. Hoosier Park stable diet Answers on Page 34




September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers What is your goal?



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September 17, 2019


Current in Fishers

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September 17, 2019

Current in Fishers


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Smitson Erhart-Graves Tax Advisors, an Indianapolis-based CPA firm located in The Pyramids, specializes in tax preparation and planning. We are seeking to hire an experienced, seasonal Tax Accountant to prepare income taxes February through April with production-based pay. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of 5 years tax preparation experience with individual and multi-state returns, and a bachelor’s degree, CPA license, or Enrolled Agent certification. Excellent communication, strong analytical and interpersonal skills are a must. Ability to multi-task in fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. Should be proficient in QuickBooks, Adobe and Microsoft Office, with preferred experience in Drake Tax Software. Send a cover letter, resume, and references to


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September 17, 2019

Current in Fishers

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