TUESDAY January 6, 2009 FREE
Wilson: My Husband is a Child / p5
Cain: Four Ways to Make a Happier New Year / p8
Mixed Martial Arts Instructor George Nae knows the right and wrong way to run a martial arts house / P2 Go places in 2009. Register at CarmelMayorsWellnessChallenge.com and begin your journey to healthier living. See back for details.
Photo by Shane Rodimel
Flag uproar / p6
Mixed Martial Arts Instructor George Nae knows the right and wrong way to run a martial arts house
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
George Nae, like Nina Simone in her 1964 song, doesn’t want to be misunderstood. Nae, owner of House of Martial Arts, 126th Street and Gray Road in Carmel, recently caught wind of some poor business practices at rival Champion Martial Arts. And as he tries to maintain his business’ credibility, he is also spreading the word about the diverse field of martial arts. “Martial arts allowed me to concentrate on life,” he said. “It also is a way to get on the right path. That path is not reached by everyone in the martial-arts world.” Champion Martial Arts owner Jonathan Stowe faced a civil suit in November from customers claiming he pressured them into signing long-term contracts. The suit alleges Stowe knew he could not fulfill the contracts because of impending evictions from multiple Hamilton County locations, including one in Clay Terrace. Stowe was ordered to issue $20,000 in refunds after a similar case in 2006. When the suit surfaced, some assumed Nae was guilty of the same misdeeds “I run my business different from the way other people do,” he said. “I don’t know why he charged what he charged.” There is a seemingly limitless range of martial arts subcategories, and Nae says each has its own style and teaching methods. Nae has taught Hawaiian Kenpo, a form of mixed martial arts, for 15 years. He’s been involved in martial arts since he was 14. He says the purpose of the sport is to develop physical and mental strength. His mentor, Bill Ryusaki, started teaching in the 1950s. Through Ryusaki’s name and experience, Nae built a reputation teaching and competing in Los Angeles. “When I was in Los Angeles, it was easy because of Bill (Ryusaki),” Nae said. “Coming to Carmel, I noticed that it was a little bit harder. Mixed martial arts are not taught predominantly in Carmel.” “The traditional forms of martial arts are practiced a lot around here. Traditional martial arts are old school. They focus on perfection. Hawaiian Kenpo keeps the core values of traditional martial arts but does it in a more relaxed way. I mean, it was started by a bunch of Hawaiians. How strict could it get?” Jason Ewers is a member of a grappling team Nae is organizing. He works with Nae five to six times a week.
House of Martial Arts Nae (center) with his son, Andrew (left), and fellow instructor Art Moreno
“I was looking to get into grappling, and Nae’s adult side is great,” Ewers said. “It is not as structured. I’m 36 years old, and it’s going to be pretty hard to structure me anymore.” Ewers and his wife both take classes at House of Martial Arts, and Ewers says he will get his 7-month-old son involved as soon as he is ready. The family atmosphere is key in Nae’s classes. The grappling team often meets at Nae’s house to train or watch fights on television. “Sensei (Nae) does a great job with kids,” Ewers said. “Other places are strict, but Sensei will only yell if he has to.” After classes, Nae sometimes hosts a game of dodgeball to make coming back more fun. “I don’t know anyone who will let you try this out free for a week,” said Greg Kishbaugh, another of Nae’s students. “Sensei really loves what he’s doing and it shows.” To get involved with House of Martial Arts, visit www. houseofmartialarts.net or call 317-575-9333.
www.houseofmartialarts.net 12570 N. Gray Rd. Carmel, IN 46033 317- 575-9333
16 THINGS TO WATCH FOR WHEN GETTING INVOLVED WITH MARTIAL ARTS By George Nae 1. Know what your goal is, especially in relation to what the school teaches. 2. Learn who makes up the student body and classes. 3. Make sure the costs fit your budget and are worth the services. 4. Seek out the hidden costs. 5. Is there a contract to sign? 6. Get a test drive before you buy. 7. Research the instructor’s credentials. 8. Find out who really teaches the class. 9. How is the school going to meet your specific goals? 10. Don’t believe the black-belt-in-two-years programs. 11. Don’t assume anything on a Web site is true. 12. Is the school expanding or dying? 13. Try to find a school that is the owner’s only job. 14. Know what real self defense is, and find out if the school knows it too. 15. Does the school have a governing body besides the owners/instructors or conduct student surveys? 16. Get references and use them.
Photos by Shane Rodimel
By Brandon Bowman Current in Carmel
OUR TAKES It is our position that local leaders should hold the U.S. Postal Service accountable for delivering all of Carmel’s mail. Regrettably, many Current readers do not regularly receive the weekly print edition. Instead, our friends and neighbors enjoy a rousing game similar to “Deal or No Deal,” each week rushing to the mailbox hoping to find local news, promotions and content designed with them in mind. Instead, a mitt full of bills is waiting. Where is the paper? Some report receiving the paid first class edition only once every few months. Such failure
, Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. III, No. 11 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032
is unacceptable. Is it our responsibility as consumers to ensure that postage-paid correspondence is received? Are the mailings of newspapers, birthday cards, and letters viewed as less important than in the past? Has the impersonal Web finally killed the public trust of the USPS? No matter the answer, if something has been sent, it should be delivered. Granted, the system isn’t perfect. Errors are acceptable in such a complex process. But it is not tolerable to receive a weekly periodical on a quarterly basis. We deserve better.
executive laundry It is our position that all employees – from the executive suite to the union hall – should take a more prudent look at the overall health of their organizations. The competition is no longer between the office and the factory floor: The real threat to an operation can come from workers thousands of miles away. American companies are too quick to seek quarterly profits while ignoring long-term market implications. If the world has indeed changed, we must adapt to that change before it is forced upon us. Taking multi-million dollar salary
bonuses and perks while companies slide further into despair only highlights the irresponsible greed of those in power. Unable to manage their own greed, bailout banks are facing forced executive pay restrictions. At the same time, other companies are lowering quality, destroying shareholder value and eliminating jobs while continuing to fund excessive executive perks. Appropriate compensation plans attract talent and leadership, but a company’s culture comes from leadership. If sacrifices are necessary, they must be universal.
Wait a minute, mr. postmaN
CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Managing Editor – Bryan Unruh bryan@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz stefanie@currentincarmel.com / 340.1836 Senior Reporter – Mike Beas mike@currentincarmel.com / 730.4833 Reporter – Brandon Bowman brandon@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com
Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton lara@currentincarmel.com / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359
Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper. To comment on Tim’s currentoons, contact him at: tim@currentincarmel.com.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
OUR GOVERNOR HAS THE RIGHT IDEA Gov. Mitch Daniels has told all public employees in Hoosier Nation to think about skipping a pay raise this year. What a great concept! He claims such a movement would loosen the vises on the skulls of schools and local governments and show cohesion with employees in the private sector, where pay increases this year are expected to be, uh, not so much. Daniels says multitudes of state employees, including college and university faculty members, who are not part of formal organizations (read: unions) could take part in a salary freeze. Sure they could, Mitch, and we like the idea, but unless they’re threatened with their jobs we doubt there will be much volunteerism, if you will, at the office. Sad but true. Another way around this is to eliminate every single unnecessary employee from state and local payrolls, reduce spending like never before and, overall, let fiscal prudence rule the day. • • • Indiana corn farmers are applauding the decision by the Indiana Government Center’s cafeteria operators to switch to corn-based plastic cups and containers.
Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg They are made with materials manufactured by Cereplast, which has a facility in Seymour. Indiana’s Greening the Government program facilitated the decision to change from petroleum-based products. Can you even begin to imagine how much this is going to cost us? • • • Caroline Kennedy apparently believes she is entitled to be the next junior senator from New York. All she has to do is appeal to Democrats, and we know how low THAT bar is set. The only way she could face competition is if the election is on the same evening as American Idol. Remember, Hillary has already demonstrated that you can be an empty (pants) suit yet successfully trade on your husband’s/family’s name.
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my husband is a child
CSO Announces Young Artist Winner - Daniel Perry placed first in the Carmel Symphony Orchestra’s Young Artist Competition Dec. 7. Perry, who plays double bass, won with his performance of Bottesini’s Concerto No. 2, first movement. The senior at North Central High School has been a winner and finalist at numerous competitions, including a first-place
finish in the 2007 American String Teachers Association’s National Solo Competition. Daniel also participates in programs like the Indianapolis Symphony Side-by-Side Orchestra. He will be featured in the CSO’s “Family Fun!” concert Feb 8. at Westfield High School. Monon Center Mini Marathon Training Team - If you’re running the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon in May, you’ve probably already signed up. But it’s time to get serious about training. Join the Monon Center for a program – lead by Terry Fletcher and SportzBizz – that includes training logs, weekly group runs, presentations and companionship on your long runs. Contact Carrie Keaveney, assistant recreation manager, at 317-5735249 or ckeaveney@carmelclayparks.com for full details.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
just his experience he was jeopardizing; or my son’s 10th birthday, we gave it was also our son’s. I didn’t care if my him a three-day trip to anywhere husband got stuck without a rental car or in the continental United States. had to slum it at some rank motel. But I My husband and I naively becouldn’t bear the thought of this trip being lieved he would choose New York ruined for my son because his City or Washington, D.C., or dad couldn’t pull his act together. maybe even New Orleans or San So what to do? Back off and Francisco. History, culture, that let my husband handle it? Take sort of thing. over and do it myself? Both anNope. He picked Orlando, swers felt wrong. For two whole planning a day at Disney and days I said nothing. I didn’t another at Universal Studios. even mention the trip. I tried to My husband was thrilled, as he convince myself that everything would be accompanying him to would work out and that there ensure some quality father-son was nothing to worry about. bonding. Lucky SOBs. I didn’t work. I was big-time The two had about four stressed. But I still wanted to weeks to plan their adventure respect my husband and allow (set for the busiest and most Danielle him the opportunity to step up expensive travel time of the year: Wilson to the plate. Thanksgiving), and after securWith five days left, I finally ing their flights, nothing much got done. I kept asking my husband if he’d snapped and asked if he’d taken care of the final details. “I haven’t, but if you’ll help booked a hotel, rental car and park passes, me, I’ll do it right now,” he said. And so if he’d contacted his uncle who lived he did and we all lived happily ever after. nearby. He would always reply, “Relax. Or at least they had a great trip. We’ve got plenty of time.” Since that experience, I’ve tried to pay Plenty of time? I spent eight months attention to the way I interact with my planning our Europe trip and four orgahusband. More often than not, I do treat nizing a weekend trip to Maine. I spend him like a child. It’s understandable, since half a morning plotting an afternoon at I deal with children all day long. And on the library. many occasions, his behavior does warrant With less than seven days, I lost it and parenting, but it’s still not acceptable. He went “medieval nag” on my husband. is, after all, an adult, and I, thank goodAfter several minutes ranting about his ness, am not his mother. procrastination, he calmly said, “Babe, I actually married him for many of the stop trying to parent me.” qualities that now drive me crazy, so it’s I felt like I’d just been slapped. Parent something I need to work on. I have three him? My immediate thought was, “Well years until the next ten-year-old trip – if you’d quit acting like a 4-year-old, I surely enough time to get him graduated wouldn’t have to parent you.” But as the and out of the house. Right? day wore on, his words really bothered Peace out. me. Did I treat my husband like a child? Was I such a control freak that I couldn’t Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contrust him to make decisions and assume tributing columnist. You may e-mail her at responsibility? danielle@currentincarmel.com. In this case, the answer was yes. It wasn’t
Flag protest sparks debate By Brandon Bowman Current in Carmel
When Carmel resident Scott Diersing displayed his American flag in the early morning following the election of President-Elect Barack Obama, he turned a few heads. One of those heads belonged to neighbor Larry Feasel, who “couldn’t imagine how an American could do something like that.” The problem with the flag was its positioning. It was upside down. “I love this flag and I love this country,” Diersing said. “Having an upside-down flag expresses distress. I did it to display my distress over the platform Barack Obama ran on.” The United States Flag Code – technically federal law but rarely enforced – states, “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” Feasel takes the rule seriously. He doesn’t see a need to use the flag for protest. “I talked to the mayor, and he said everyone has a freedom of expression,” he said. “I just don’t like people disrespecting the flag.” Feasel’s family has deep military ties. His father was in the Navy for 30 years, and his son-in-law is also in the Navy. “My son-in-law also saw the upside down flag as disrespectful,” Feasel said. Diersing is no stranger to the U.S. military, either. His great-grandfather fought in World War I, two of his grandfathers
Carmel resident Scott Diersing fought in World War II, and his father was in the ROTC. He also had uncles in the Vietnam War. After Sept. 11, Diersing tried to enlist as well, but he was unable because of back injuries. Diersing’s unusual flag display also caught the attention of the Carmel Police Department. Diersing caught an officer circling the house one day. “I talked to him, and he thought someone in the house was in trouble,” Diersing said. Diersing has since returned the flag to its original position. “I was going to keep it up until the inauguration, but it just seemed like the right time to put it back,” he said. He extended a hand to Feasel following the disagreement. “I would shake his son-in-law’s hand and thank him for his service,” Diersing sand. “We could talk about my flag as well. I’d love to tell him how I think about it.”
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
By K.O. Jackson Current in Carmel
“I saw a need for it,” she said. “Some women are not able to get out of the Hilliary Benefiel enjoys the beauty house. New mothers may not be able to industry. It’s all her professional life has get out of the house and some women are known. busy.” After graduating from high Benefiel says she gets about school, the Carmel resident 10-15 clients weekly, but her knew the traditional track for business has picked up so much success –attending college – recently that she is considering wasn’t for her. The beauty inhiring more nail technicians. dustry was her calling. A typical Nails by Hilliary The 42-year-old mother of pedicure costs $35, and manione has managed a spa at the cures are free. But there have BENEFIEL Indianapolis airport. She has been times when Benefiel has worked with Chanel. And done both for free. for 22 years, she has been a licensed nail “There are some cancer patients who are technician. going through so much and are too sick to “I’ve always been in beauty industry,” pay,” she said. “I want to help them.” Benefiel said. “It’s what I love doing.” She plans to expand her service to But as every businessperson knows, to cancer patients by the end of January, promaintain success and achieve more sucviding free services to cancer patients in cess, you have to continue improving your nursing homes. craft. “This is my way of giving back,” she Benefiel seems to be on the right track. said. “I have a client in a nursing home Last year, she started Nails by Hilliary: and it is the most rewarding experience To-Your-Door Nail Services, which serves for me to go to her. She can’t go anywhere, Carmel, Westfield and Noblesville. but she is such a really sweet woman and It’s like ordering pizza – you call her; she appreciates what I do for her. I appreshe brings her nail services to your home, ciate what she does for me.” office or hotel.
understanding the keystone ‘calamity’
Surprisingly, not all of our elected oft is too bad local politics have become so completely embedded in ficials have taken the time to meet with McBride to understand the situation and the Keystone debate. I hear more get on with a solution. Anyone with an questions about the redesign of Keystone Avenue than anything else open mind who takes the time to watch the interview will receive anthese days, and the majority swers to questions like: of questioners are justifiably • Why did Carmel want concerned about what they Keystone from the state in the are reading, hearing and first place? witnessing. • How much money will ongoDuring the “public coming Keystone maintenance take ment” section of city council from the Carmel taxpayer? meetings on the issue, citizens • Why not just add lanes or have frequently said that gross put this off until the economy mismanagement has caused an improves? inexcusable over-budget ca• How could the engineerlamity. This week, I ask you to ing department have so badly consider, as I did, information underestimated the cost of the from a person “in the know.” Jeff project? The information is backed • Why should Carmel citiup with facts and, most imWorrell zens trust city officials and portantly, above the fray and American Structurepoint contractors outside typical Carmel politics. to know what they are doing? Are city City Engineer Mike McBride, a hisofficials wasting our money? torically successful licensed professional • What’s the story on the $4 million in in Carmel, sat down with me for an landscaping and decorative treatments? in-depth, unedited Keystone discussion Politics got us into this situation when for broadcast on the city’s Web site and Brainard gave in to a political foe daring Brighthouse channel 16. him to commit to $90 million. Politics Though I am frequently accused of being Mayor Jim Brainard’s biased crony, should not keep us from a $140 million city improvement with the state writing I am concerned with how my tax dolthe bigger of the two checks. lars are spent. The majority of the time, I agree with the mayor’s efforts to build Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He a world-class city. But just like all of us, recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Brainard is far from perfect. I don’t like this mess, but Mike helped Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@advantagemedical.com me understand what went wrong.
Politics got us into this situation when Brainard gave in to a political foe daring him to commit to $90 million.
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Let’s Go BOwling
Don’t tell me the names of your favorite he number one question my bars. Tell me the other places you go on a readers ask is, “Where is a single weekday evening or Saturday afternoon, person supposed to go to meet and I’ll include them in one of my upcomother singles besides a bar?” ing columns. Many thanks! This, my friends, is the magic Single friends, here is my call question with no magic answer. to action. I will be at Woodland I have to ask myself, “What Bowl Jan. 16 with my single happened to good, sober fun?” guy and gal friends for some I wish people could get together good ol’-fashioned bowling. without having to get drunk. Why don’t you join us? Here What happened to playing are the details: cards, going camping, and hangDate: Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. ing out in coffee shops? Frankly, Location: Woodland Bowl, I’m tired of the only places to 3421 E. 96th St., Indianapolis find other singles being swarmed (317-844-4099). with slobbering drunk people Cost: $7 (includes one game in your face asking for your and shoe rental). number, but who can’t even RSVP: You must to RSVP by remember your name. I want Rachael Noble Jan. 9 to nobleadvice@yahoo. more options. Don’t you? DATING com. So where does one go to meet At approximately 7:30 other singles? My single girlp.m., we will go to Bistro de Paris, 11 W. friends and I usually go to coffee shops, Main St. in Carmel, for complimentary Barnes & Noble and/or Borders, the mall, the movie theater, festivals (especially those appetizers. Feel free to bring a single friend or two in downtown Carmel), new restaurants and community events. And do you know (but they must RSVP), and come sober. Let’s have intelligent conversation. I hope who we usually see in these places? Other you’ll join us and I look forward to meetsingle women. So I’m wondering, “Where are the single ing your smiling faces! men hanging out?” Guys, do me a favor. Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and E-mail me (nobleadvice@yahoo.com) and contributing columnist. She can be reached at let me know where you’re hanging out. nobleadvice@yahoo.com.
Improve your smIle . . . and your confIdence Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
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John Lowe, DDS
DISPATCHES Obama’s Proposed Tax Plan - On Jan. 20, Barack Obama will become the 44th president of the United States. Federal tax policy is guaranteed to be at the forefront of President Obama’s agenda. OBAMA Democrats in Congress are already preparing an economic stimulus package, which they hope to have ready for the new president’s signature on Jan. 20. It is likely to include significant individual and business tax incentives. Some recent ‘good news’ notes: • Tax increases for higher-income individuals will probably not occur until 2010. • Capital gains rate is not expected to increase from 15 percent to 20 percent until 2010. • No minimum distribution is required from individual retirement plans and employer-provided qualified retirement plans in 2009. Any annual minimum distribution for 2009 from these plans required under current law is not required. The next required minimum distribution is in 2010. For more information, contact Somerset CPAs at 317-472-2200, toll free at 800-469-7206 or via e-mail at info@ somersetcpas.com. - Somerset CPAs
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
EXECUTIVE FLORIDA HOMES IN $400s - Near Palm Beach, Fla. Only eight left, from $429,900. Homes are in a gated community. Greenwood Manor is a collection of luxury executive homes centrally located in Royal Palm Beach. Each of Greenwood Manor’s five home designs is enhanced by stone or wood-clad facades, lighted and covered entries and covered patios and balconies.
CHARLOTTE GOLF COMMUNITY GRAND OPENING - From low $600s. Situated alongside the Skybrook golf course. Both Uptown Charlotte and Charlotte Douglas International Airport are a 25-minute drive. For more information on these and other real estate deals, visit www. toptenrealestatedeals.com.
four ways to make a happier new year
ife is about moments, small stories. It’s about smiling more than you frown. It’s about being the best you can be and striving to top that performance. What would your life become if on every try you redefined yesterday’s definition of your best? Would you have any regrets? Here are my top four suggestions for a happier New Year and, dare I say, a happier life.
Risk more. Don’t be satisfied with status quo. I had a coach in high school who always said, “Winners do things that losers hate to do.” I’ll bet one of those things was mixing it up, changing things until you find the right ingredients.
Smile more. The key to smiling more is
smiling more. What you do in the splitseconds between problem and response translates into your behavior. It’s why some people count to ten. Counting gives you a chance to think, and thinking usually leads to more rational behavior. Simplify. We humans have a knack for making the simple complex. Keep it simple. Start small and grow big. Everything doesn’t have to be some huge problem; it could be just a bunch of small hurdles. As you clear each one, you get closer to solving the bigger problem.
Remember this absolute fact: David Cain What is worth doing is worth Marketing doing now. Don’t ever wait Change things. It takes only to improve. You don’t need a days to create a new habit – some say just new year or a new month to make things around a month. If you create one positive better. Always take on life with a “start habit each month, you’ll have twelve new now” attitude. Think of it this way: You things to boast about this time next year. aren’t just starting; you are continuing to What if each new, positive habit replaces redefine your best. a bad habit? Then you will have changed David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital twenty-four things in your life for the media and online marketing company in better. I like those numbers. Resolutions Carmel. David welcomes your questions or are overrated. Why not just change somecomments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com. thing for the better every month? You don’t have to wait for the year to end.
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Deal of the week
By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus
Type: Fourplex Investment Property Age: Built in 1974 Location: Montgomery, Ala. Square footage: 8,084 square feet, approximately 2,000 sq. ft. per unit Property Description: This fourplex has four large threebedroom apartments with two full baths, washer-dryer connections and covered parking. The apartment community is located in McGehee Estates, one of Midtown Mongomery’s most desirable neighborhoods. It is surrounded by upscale residential properties and within walking distance to public transportation and shopping.
NOW OPEN Reforming Indy Pilates Studio
Owners: Kristen and Michael Abbott Address: 820 City Center Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Hours: Various classes from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Closed Sunday. Phone: 317-506-1578 Web site: www.reformingindy.com
Details: This is an investment opportunity with an estimated annual gross income of $33,200. Property management services range from 8 percent to 10 percent depending upon who you hire. John Pacilio and his team specialize in Hamilton County real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@JohnPacilio.com.
has been helpful, as she has attracted gym members to try Pilates. “I’ve seen so many different types of people come in here and seen how much it has benefited them,” she said. Abbott, formerly a dancer at Walt Disney World in Orlando, became a certified Pilates instructor in 2000 and opened her first Carmel studio in March 2007. Abbott said she encourages members of the community to try out a session of Pilates to see how it can shape their bodies and enhance their health. “It’s really rewarding to me to help people like that,” Abbott said, “so it’s definitely something that I’ll probably do forever.”
MONEY MATTERS What is the biggest loss you have experienced, and how did you recover?
“We had some investment loses, but we’re doing alright. We cut back on a lot of our travel over Christmas.” Chris Ruppel Carmel
“We call our situation ‘lock down.’ We reduced credit cards and went to the library to find our entertainment.” Martin Gonzalez Carmel
“I’ve been fortunate at the moment. Biggest problem is dealing with the unknown. I just try to keep in touch with the industry I’m in.” Tasheer Syed Carmel
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Carmel is now home to two Reforming Indy Pilates studios. The second opened Dec. 1 at 820 City Center Dr. The 1,000-square-foot studio, housed in Carmel Total Fitness, will feature more Pilates classes and a more relaxed atmosphere than the first location. The new studio also offers child care. Co-owner and senior instructor Kristen Abbot said the new location
DISPATCHES Cancer Climbs Worldwide - By the year 2010, cancer may surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer has been the leading cause of death in the United States since 2002. In 2009, 12.4 million people across the globe will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, and 7.6 million will die, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. By 2030, those numbers are expected to grow to 26.4 million diagnosed, with 17 million deaths. Natural health guru Dr. James Mercola says the primary cause of cancer is a diet of sugar and processed foods. He writes extensively on his Web site about cancer cause and prevention in the article “The Coming Cancer Explosion.” - mercola.com
Pilates Grand Opening - Perfect Pilates Studio, 100 Union St. in Westfield, will host a grand opening celebration Jan. 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mayor Andy Cook will be on hand at 11 a.m. for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The event is open to the public and will feature free giveaways and Pilates demonstrations, $1 classes starting every half hour and one-day-only sales and discounts on sessions and packages. Free spinal and postural assessments, fitness and weight-loss consultations and chair massages will also be available. For more information, call 317-804-9542 or visit www.perfectpilatesstudio.com.
treadmill in your basement. However you decide to stay active, make it a priority this winter. Try something new. Winter can be a
good time to take a class that interests you, get back into an old hobby or join a club/group. Sometimes just stimulating your mind in a different way is enough to re-energize your spirit. Plan something fun.
Olson Wellness
Try keeping a regular exercise routine. You may
not be able to take a leisurely walk after dinner, but make it a point to find an indoor place to walk. Indoor walking tracks, large office buildings, and even malls can be great places to get some exercise. You can also take an exercise class, buy a workout video or dust off that
Whether it’s a gathering with friends and family, a weekend away or a date night with your spouse, having something to look forward to can be enough to boost the spirit.
Winter can be a hard time of year to stay positive and healthy. This winter, try one of these tips to keep you full of energy and off that couch!
Eve Olson, M.D., is the owner and founder of the Olson Center for Wellness. For more information, please e-mail askdrolson@currentincarmel.com, or call 705.1400.
Winter can be a hard time of year to stay positive and healthy.
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Indy Mom’s “Dynamic Duo” Diet - Indianapolis mom Aubrey Huff has become a minor internet sensation after publicizing her “dynamic duo” diet on her blog, aubreysdietblog.com. She lost 42 pounds in three months by combining the advice of Dr. Mehmet Oz (of “Oprah” fame) on colon cleansing with the “acai,” a good-tasting, energy-building, appetitereducing super antioxidant. See her blog for more info. - aol.com
uring these cold, gray winter months, it is tempting to hunker down into hibernation. Some people find themselves getting up from the couch only to get food or complete tasks that are absolutely necessary. While it may seem tempting to turn into a couch-potato, there are ways to boost your energy and, in turn, your mood. Unfortunately, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle is not healthy, and it can have long-term consequences including obesity, poor circulation and mood disruption. Here are some ways to re-start your engine during the long Dr. Eve winter months:
US 31
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Cod Liver Oil Exposed - Research indicating a potentially harmful imbalance of vitamins A and D has taken the shine off cod liver oil. Dr. James Mercola no longer recommends the product, though he says fish oil and krill oil are still safe sources of essential omega-3 fats. Cod liver oil vitamin ratios tend to be unknown, and too much vitamin A without enough vitamin D is a bad combo. - mercola.com
Staying active in the winter
Close shave, fewer wrinkles
At Nutrition Redefined, we strive to provide the highest quality nutritional supplements and dietary consulting services available today. Our promise to you is that your health and fitness will always be our No. 1 priority. Join us as we show you, the community and the world a better way to live.
The low-grade friction from shaving stimulates collagen production and smoothes the skin. That’s one of the reasons men typically have fewer wrinkles than women, says Dr. Kenneth Beer of Palm Beach, Fla., in Men’s Health Magazine. He says the key qualifier is “low-grade friction.” Researchers have found that as little as a quarter of shaving debris can be hair: The remainder is sloughed-off skin cells. Proper moisturizing (shower, hot washcloth, oil) is critical to a smooth shave, and after-shave moisturizing helps the rebuilding process. - MensHealth.com
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Union State Bank at the corner of Main Street and Range Line Road. The building now houses Chapman State Farm, Mudbugs and Serendipity. Photo courtesy of Carmel Clay Historical Society
St. Vincent Carmel Saturday 12/20 Boys- Koski, Mark and Meredith; Clelland, Bradley and Connie; Kangau, Samson and Wango, Jane Girls- Short, Brian and Debra; Gist, Samuel and Hannah Sunday 12/21 Girls- Roth, Michael and Laura Monday 12/22 Boys- Mann, Joshua and Miranda Girls- Gordon, Troy and Melissa Wednesday 12/24 Girls- Triplett, Michael and Jennifer; Emling, Joseph and Suzanne; Lambert, Ryan and Carrie Thursday 12/25 Girls- Fowler, Phillip and Julie
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
December 22 1:23:43 a.m., alarm burglar, 11711 N. Meridian St. 4:23:58 a.m., suspicious activity, 9750 Gray Rd. 4:22:57 a.m., alarm burglar, 11700 Clay Center Rd. 4:29:07 a.m., suspicious activity, East S.R. 32/ Carey Road 4:44:11 a.m., f alarm inst/multi family, 308 Haydn Dr.
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5:45:57 a.m., suspicious activity, East 96th Street/Enterprise Drive 6:06:04 a.m., f als serious, 3526 E. Carmel Dr. 6:58:54 a.m., f fire commercial, 14599 Clay Terrace Blvd. 7:00:08 a.m., alarm hold up, 969 Keystone Way 7:17:49 a.m., f fire vehicle, I-465 W./North Meridian Street 7:33:00 a.m., accident property damage, North Meridian Street / I-465 W. 8:01:26 a.m., alarm burglar, 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd. 8:15:55 a.m., accident property damage, I 465 W./North Meridian Street 8:27:08 a.m., accident property damage, East 96th Street /College Avenue 8:55:30 a.m., accident property damage, North Meridian Street/I-465 W. 8:32:22 a.m., theft, 133 Catherine Dr. 9:15:57 a.m., accidental property damage, 14218 Dove Dr. 9:28:37 a.m., security check, 1430 E. 96th St. 9:57:45 a.m., theft, 1446 Polo Chase Court 10:20:08 a.m., alarm burglar, 12661 Tram Lane 10:35:35 a.m., accident property damage, East 106th Street/Keystone Avenue 10:44:51 a.m., suspicious activity, Lakeshore Drive East/Tahoe Road 10:46:06 a.m., alarm burglar, 13857 Shallow Brook
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ACK! please Make it stop!
Fifth-Graders Win Grant - The Center for School Improvement and Performance has announced that Julie Williams, a fifth-grade teacher at Carmel Elementary, has been awarded an Economic Education grant for $999. The Living Legacy grant will fund a classroom business project for fifth graders, who will produce holiday and birthday cards for sale. Profits will fund a “Race for the Cure” team in honor and memory of Mrs. Linda Ryker.
Country music fans may recall a Dan Baird song from a number of years ago about a young man who had trouble with punctuation. His teacher taught him the appropriate use of punctuation marks, and in high school, his ability to punctuate properly helped him score dates. Don’t believe me? Here are some of the lyrics: I love you, period. Do you love me, question mark. Please, please, exclamation point. I want to hold you in parentheses. I didn’t say it was a good song. I’m fairly certain the appropriate use of punctuation is not the secret to getting dates (I don’t know this for certain – ask Rachel Noble for a more definitive answer). I do know, however, that using appropriate end punctuation will keep you from sounding like a 13-year-old girl at a boyband concert. I’m talking about exclamation points. I think most people are able to figure out when to use question marks, but the exclamation point probably wins “Most Overused Punctuation Mark of the Year” ever year at the Grammies (you know, the grammar award with the same name as some big music award). Let’s address the boy-band-fan situation. These folks use exclamation points for everything: I need to go to the grocery! I think we’re almost out of lettuce! It’s important to
have lettuce for salads! If you aren’t one of them, you know one. You’ve gotten e-mails from her (they’re usually women or girls, though occasionally a guy gets in on the action). Everything ends in an exclamation point, as though every sentence contains the most exciting events in history. Exclamation points are for just that: exclamation. And unless you want to be the boy-band fan who expresses every sentiment as though it’s the most fabulous thing ever, use them sparingly. Very sparingly. Sparing use doesn’t seem to be a problem in formal writing. It does, however, happen frequently in informal forms of communication like e-mails. In fact, aside from the notes middle-school girls write to one another, I believe e-mail is probably the venue for most exclamation-point misuse. So reread that email before you hit “send.” If exclamation points end more than five or ten percent of your sentences, you’re probably using too many. Ask yourself honestly, “Is this really a statement of excitement, surprise or other strong emotion?” Then remember F. Scott Fitzgerald, who said, “An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke.” Unless, of course, you’re thirteen and writing about the Jonas Brothers. Then you should probably have more exclamation points than sentences.
Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher who developed a mastery-learning system of teaching grammar to high school seniors. If you have a grammar-related question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com.
teenagers need encouragement
empowers out teens to make decisions in arenting teenagers presents an their best interest. Our words entirely unique set of of encouragement can normalchallenges. Though ize their up-and-down swings, your children are helping them maintain a balthe same, something ance between self-worth and physiologically, emotionally and mentally takes hold of them self-respect. during the teen years. Parenting experts agree that We’ve been through teenage when teenagers are encourgrowing pains as well, so we can aged, they learn to appreciate identify what worked and what their own capabilities. They feel worthwhile and empowered to didn’t. We need to tap into our make wise decisions. own teenage experiences and Incorporate encouraging remember how we felt when we were encouraged by our one-liners throughout the day Becky Kapsalis parents. The times and circumsuch as: Ask YiaYia stances may be different, but • “There isn’t anything you can’t feelings are omnipresent. do when you put your mind to it.” Instead of giving orders, we should • “Follow your dreams.” offer encouragement. Encouragement • “I trust your decision.”
• “Look at the progress you’ve made.” • “I respect the choices you’re making.” • “Wow. Look at what you’ve accomplished.” • “You’re such a good team player” For encouragement, I would give my children this daily ‘cheer’ before they went off to school or an event: “Give a little – give a lot – give it everything you’ve got.” As teenagers, they would roll their eyes and give me a funny look, but deep in my heart I knew they felt encouraged to be the best they could be. I know I was right because I overhear them reciting the cheer to my grandchildren. Hugs! Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified Parent Coach, at askyiayia@indy.rr.com or call 810.9358.
New Year! New workout! New You! Fun, challenging and safe without body contact Gain flexibility, strength, stamina and coordination Fitness Kickboxing burns between 500 - 800 calories. That’s the key to fitness—Burn off those calories before you burn out. House of Martial Arts 317.575.9333 12570 N. Gray Road Carmel
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
CHS on ‘Brain Game’ - Members of Carmel High School’s academic team will appear on WTHR’s “Brain Game” Jan. 10 at 7 p.m., competing against Anderson High School and Lawrence Central High School in the first round. The CHS team features seniors Nick Cooper, Matthew Johnston and David Yang and sophomore Daniel Goldberg. Senior Kevin Wang and junior Vikas Vavilala serve as alternates.
the grammar guru
Carmel Grants Announced - The Carmel Clay Education Foundation announced its fall grant recipients last week. Carmel Elementary received three fully funded requests. Cindy Baney and other elementary music teachers won $2,500 for the Lyrical Language of Literacy. Patty Cummins and Alison Faustino won $4,000 for After-School All Stars tutoring. Alecia Larkin won $330 for Real World Reflections.
By Brandie Bohney Current in Westfield
ISTEP Changes - Beginning next spring, ISTEP+ testing for students in grades 3-8 will occur in two different testing windows between March and May. The GQE will be replaced by subject area tests known as the “Core 40 End-of-Course Assessments”. For more information, visit the State Department of Education Web site at www.doe.state. in.us/istep/welcome.html.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
For A Mark your calendar! salon 01 will host their annual cut-a-thon on January 19, 2009! stop in salon 01 from 11am7pm and for a donation of $25, you will receive a haircut from any one of our talented stylists! 100% of all proceeds go to the american Heart association’s Go Red For Women campaign. salon 01 is located at 200 City Center Drive.
new Year, new You!
By Christi Thompson
It may be hard to see past the subzero temps and the grey cloud cover, but now is the time to think FRESH! There is nothing better to help get rid of the winter blues than to update your look, and 2009 is the time to do just that! Brighten your features and your overall look with some strategically placed highlights. Salon 01 stylists can pair the perfect shade of jaw-dropping
gold or mysterious red to compliment your haircut shape. Also, consider a new haircut to freshen your appearance. A sleeker, cropped ’do will add sophistication to any look. While you are in, make sure to consult with your stylist on what is new this season for fashion and accessories too! Salon 01 technicians are true, overall image consultants and can help steer you in the right direction to help you put your best foot forward in 2009!
is Your hair readY for 2009? By Christi Thompson Hair trends were huge in 2008. From the bob, to the pixie crop and many other styles, hair was a major fashion accessory last year. In 2009 women’s hair trends will play to the extremes. They might be extremely short, extremely girly, extremely sexy or extremely slick. If you are daring, you may consider the pixie crop,
The economies of fashion It is perhaps the one issue getting the most headlines today: the economy. How will the economic forecasts of 2009 affect your ability to keep up with your look and how can you get the most “bang for your buck?” When updating your wardrobe, instead of purchasing everything new for top dollar from Saks, focus on a few key items that will keep your wardrobe fresh. Look through your closet and dust off some accessories, shoes and handbags from the past couple years. Chances are, you have something in the colors, fabric or shape that will be a perfect addition to this season!
*** No need to let your bangs grow longer than necessary, or suffer through split ends. Salon 01’s New Talent Salon showcases our newest rising stars that can keep your haircut fresh for only $25! Also remember that especially during the cold, dry winter, it is necessary to maintain your skin’s balance with regular facials, microderm abrasions and skincare consultations. Alternate your regular facial with a budgetfriendly facial express for only $25! Don’t let the weather and stress get the best of you!
like Victoria Beckham or Katie Holmes. For those that are a little less daring, try the bob. From shoulder length to slightly shorter, the bob works for most anyone (think Heidi Klum’s new style that she sported at the opening of a new Victoria’s Secret recently in New York City.) A trained stylist will be able to take a classic bob and give it a modern twist. For those not willing to let their long locks go, never fear!
Long hair with flowing layers is still a style of choice on the runways this season. Long hair, cut and colored correctly will also keep you on the style forefront in 2009. Wear it sleek and straight by day and wavy with a side-part by night. Unsure of what look suits you best? Schedule a consultation with any one of the trained stylists at Salon 01 to ensure your look for 2009 is perfect. Visit www. salon01.com.
Virtual Headboard - Nothing completes your boudoir like a headboard. It provides a focal point and makes the whole room more inviting. The store-bought kind can be expensive and bulky, so try this shortcut: Using the lines in a graphic wallpaper as your guide, cut out a silhouette that serves as a virtual headboard. - marthastewart.com
Levi, age 10
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JaNuary 19, 2009 New added classes: Drawing | Painting Watercolor | Portrait Visit our website to view the schedule and to register. Classes fill quickly. Learn to paint like a professional . . . 27 East Main strEEt CarMEl, in 46032 | 844-0005 www.MagdalEnagallEry.CoM art@MagdalEnagallEry.CoM
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
When Lipstick Disappears - If your lipstick disappears from the store shelf, try this advice from Good Housekeeping Magazine: “First try the brand’s website. Estee Lauder’s hotline (800-216-7173) offers discontinued products from many of its brands, including Clinique. When all else fails, create a clone of the shade. Giella will copy a lipstick, lip gloss or nail polish hue ($25 to $27; www.giella.com). Three Custom Colors Specialists can re-create any lip color ($55 for two tubes of lipstick; www.threecustom.com).” - Good Housekeeping A Full Glass is Never Empty Beauty Bible baroness Bobbi Brown has a favorite cocktail to serve to guests: the Yogitini. It’s made with Grey Goose Vodka, a touch of vermouth, three olives and no ice. It was devised by Brown’s friend, Yogi Berra (yes, that Yogi Berra). - InStyle magazine
sports. They listened politely when I sughe first time I tried an unconvengested a pair of upholstered chairs instead tional decorating technique was of the typical four to six dining chairs when my daughter, Lauren, was around a table. ready to move from a crib to a It took some time and consideration, bed. This was in the late 1970s, but eventually they embraced when decorating tradition was the idea. Today, two stylized not something to be challenged. wingback chairs are tucked in At first blush, one might the alcove with a small table. If think I did it for economic reayou asked them, I think they sons. Finances were tight, but would say it’s their favorite spot that wasn’t the reason. I just in the home. wanted a room that was not Another atypical use of furtypical or average. nishing was the round coffee Yep, that was the year that I table we installed adjacent hauled a piece of picket fence to the kitchen in place of a into the house and attached it normal kitchen table. We to the end of my daughter’s “big flanked the coffee table with girl” bed. four upholstered chairs, creatIn retrospect, it probably Vicky Earley ing a wonderful place to relax wasn’t the safest bed for a young Design and entertain. child. There were probably The unorthodox does not preservatives in the wood and have to be as controversial as my picketsplinters poised to assault. Regardless, this fence headboard. Vanities made from early inspiration developed into a garden furniture with sinks, armless benches used room complete with rainbows and garden as a coffee tables and upholstered chairs in accessories. the place of dining-room chairs all offer My appreciation for the unusual has matured, but it is still the portico for some unique touches that can help a home transcend the predictable. of my favorite unorthodox projects. I recently had the privilege of working Vicky Earley is the principal designer for with a lovely couple looking to replace Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If a number of furniture pieces, including you have an interior design question, please a table and chairs for a kitchen alcove. contact artichokedesigns@aol.com. Without question, these clients were great
If the Suit Fits - GQ Magazine’s suitbuying guide offers several tips about how a suit should fit – good information if that suit you’ve been wearing for years seems to have suddenly shrunk. Jacket: It should button without straining, with about a fist’s worth of room between the button and your chest Sleeve length: You should be able to (just barely) cup your fingers up under the cuffs. If you decide it’s time to buy a suit, GQ says the two-button is the style of the moment. If you like the three-button, go with the style with the top button near the bottom of the lapel. - GQ.com
decorating outside the box
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
DISPATCHES Top TVs for 2009 - Nothing says “men’s health” quite like a big-screen television. Men’s Health Magazine’s tech department lists the following top-ofthe-heap performers in its 2009 tech preview. Best LCD Samsung LN46A950 ($3,200): 46-inch display with LED backlighting, 120Hz refresh rate, 2,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, internet connectivity (www. samsung.com). Best Plasma Pioneer Kuro Pro-111FD ($5,000): 50-inch screen has hyper-responsive pixels resulting in 80 percent less stray light and a contrast ratio seven times better than most plasma displays (www.pioneer.com). Best Sports and Gamer Sony Bravia KDL-52XBR7 ($4,200): 52-inch 1080p LCD screen with an are-you-kidding-me 240Hz refresh rate, 80,000:1 contrast ratio (www. sonystyle.com). I Want it All Sony Bravia KLV-40ZX1 ($4,200): 40inch LCD is the world’s thinnest flat screen; includes LED backlighting, shudder-shedding 120Hz refresh rate and wireless compatibility (www. sonystyle.com).
don’t be fooled by viruses
ver the past few weeks, I have seen an increasing number of computers with pop-ups telling the user they’ve been infected with viruses or spyware. These pop-ups look very official, and they can easily fool you into believing your computer has real problems. The crooks who write these viruses know that when a user sees a recognizable name, they immediately (often without thinking) trust the source and do as Gary Hubbard instructed. Technology The most common of these viruses, as of late, have been XP Antispyware 2009 and Pro Antispyware 2009. They pop onto your screen, tell you they have found numerous viruses and ask you to “click here” to get rid of them. They will ask for a credit card number. Do not supply them with credit card information. Once you pay for the removal, the pop-up will disappear and your system will seem to be clean. It isn’t. The pop-up will come back and ask you to pay again and again. This is a big scam. Though I haven’t
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heard of anyone receiving additional credit card charges (other than the bogus removal fees), it should worry you that your credit card information is in the hands of a thief. If this has happened to you, you might want to contact your credit card company. If your computer already has one of these viruses, get it cleaned by a professional as soon as possible. These viruses can send your personal information to other crooks and thieves on the internet. If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail me at the address below or call Data Doctors at 317-228-1400. Gary Hubbard is Owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors. com Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors.com
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Scrapbooking Sanity Scrapbookers often have multiple projects underway (it’s their nature). The editors of Scrapbooks Etc. Magazine offer this advice for managing unfinished work. • “If I have a ton of layouts I want to do, I’ll start with projects that are super quick. Then I really feel like I get a lot accomplished quickly.” • “I keep sketches of pages I want to work on pinned up on a bulletin board. If I find myself with an extra hour, I’ll start one of the projects on my list.” – Scrapbooks Etc.
By Barbara E. Cohen Current In Carmel
When Bobbi K. Samples opened the Artist’s Vineyard in Noblesville a few years ago, she planned to use the restaurant/ art gallery to support herself while establishing an audience for her paintings. The gallery, which she co-owns with her son, usually features month-long exhibitions of local painters, photographers and sculptors. In January, Samples hangs her own paintings. “I’m inspired to paint by the beauty around me, especially the colors,” she said. About seven years ago, Samples felt compelled “by God” to begin drawing with oil pastels. But because she felt her drawings showed little talent, she put the materials aside. Two years later, Maggie Shively, a friend and fellow artist, encouraged Samples to try painting instead of drawing, noting her intuitive understanding of color. “When I told (Shively) how much I admired her work, she said, ‘Oh, you could do that,’” Samples said. “I said I’d tried but can’t draw. She said, ‘Painting isn’t about drawing, it’s about light and shadow and you get that.’” Samples took a few lessons from Shively, and she hasn’t stopped exploring since. She created 85 paintings in her first year, encouraged by friends and family.
New Hours! Beginning the weekend of November 7, 2008, Midland Arts & Antiques Market/Carmel will be open Sundays, noon - 5pm; closed on Mondays
Barbara E. Cohen covers the arts for the Current community newspapers. Please send comments or story ideas to barbara@i-writersstudio.com.
What: “Hope Inspired” When: Ends Jan. 12 Where: Kuaba Gallery, 876 Massachusetts Ave. in Indianapolis Cost: Free Details: View new works by Christine Drummond of Carmel and paintings by orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. The paintings by orphans are the result of an inspirational art project (“Ray of Hope”) conducted by Drummond in Zimbabwe. A portion of the proceeds benefits the Kuaba Humanitarian Foundation. Info: 317-955-8405, www.kuaba.com
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Start the new year by setting up a complimentary portfolio review. Call today.
“I’ve studied under Maggie and also under Randall Scott Harden (a Noblesvillebased landscape painter), but my husband (John W. Samples, executive director of the Christian HolyLand Foundation) is my biggest critic, fan and supporter,” SAMPLES Samples said. Before opening the Artist’s Vineyard, Samples was a professional dancer and occupation- safety compliance consultant. After selling her consulting firm, she set out to pursue what she once called “a silly dream” – a career as a painter. Today, while her son manages the restaurant and wine bar, Samples finds satisfaction in building a community of artists and art patrons in the gallery, which has become a regional art destination. Samples’ paintings are on display through the end of January at the Artist’s Vineyard, 68 N. Ninth St. in Noblesville. Visit www.theartistsvineyard.com or call 317-219-3481 for hours and information on other upcoming events.
Evergreens and Snow - Be careful removing snow and ice from evergreens. Better Homes & Gardens says the extra weight presents dangers, but so does careless removal. BHG advises gently brushing the snow to avoid damaging limbs. If there is ice accumulation, it is usually better to allow it to melt naturally. Attempts to break the ice can cause branches to break. – BHG.com
sampling her artistry
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
one potato, two
e all know the next line: “two potato, three.” But have you ever really pondered this magnificent vegetable and its importance in history? If you have, you should know wars have been fought over it, it has saved entire civilizations from starvation, and it caused millions of Irish to flee their homeland. The potato has travelled the globe as a newly discovered superChef Michael food for a dozen naVlasich tions; it was traded Culinary Explorer for its weight in gold during the Klondike gold rush; and it is the fourth-most cultivated and consumed crop trailing only wheat, rice and corn. Indians first grew potatoes in Peru, where the Spaniards discovered their taste and versatility. They delivered them to the Europeans, who did not accept them, believing they caused diseases like leprosy. Marie Antoinette first made them popular to the masses, wearing potato blossoms in her hair. Around the same time, a French businessman tricked the public using reverse psychology. He placed armed guards around the potato crops during the day, but removed them at night, allowing thieves to steal the potatoes by the sack-full. This spread the vegetable across the countryside and convinced the common people they had value. Potatoes first came to America as a present for the governor of Virginia from the governor of Bermuda in the early 1600s.
They became popular when Thomas Jefferson served them at a White House state dinner. The next major advancement – the potato chip – was invented accidently in 1853. A famous railroad magnate, Cornelius Vanderbilt, had complained about the cottage fries at a restaurant. The chef, outraged, sliced a potato paper-thin, fried it in oil, and sent the pieces to the table. They were an immediate hit with all the guests, and Chef George Crum became the father of America’s favorite snack. Contrary to popular opinion, potatoes are actually among the most nutritious foods. They are fat-free, low in calories, loaded with complex carbohydrates and high in vitamin C, potassium, fiber and iron. From the colonial days, the following maxim has been used to distinguish potatoes: “There are two basic types of potatoes: waxy, which are good for boiling, and mealy, which are good for baking and mashing. To determine which you have, make a brine of salt water. If the potato floats, it is waxy; if it sinks it is mealy”. Now that you can tell the difference, try this easy potato side dish. I use it regularly in banquet events at the Marriott Hotel, and it is always a hit.
Illenne Potatoes
Makes 6 portions 1# frozen shredded potatoes ¾ cup small diced leek whites (washed) 2 ½ cups heavy cream ¾ cup parmesan cheese Salt and pepper to taste Mix all items in a greased Pyrex pan. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool slightly and serve.. Chef Michael R. Vlasich, CEC, AAC, is a Carmel resident and the executive chef at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. You may e-mail him at chefmichael@currentincarmel. com
Apple Cinnamon Turnover Ingredients: 4 oz. cinnamon schnapps 2 cup apple sauce 4 oz. orange juice
Directions: Build ingredients in a highball glass with ice. Use any brand of applesauce that comes in individual oneserving cups. Roll ingredients with another glass and serve chilled. drinksmixer.com
Rick’s Café Boatyard
Dustin Jenkins Employee at Noble Roman’s Pizza Where he likes to eat? McDonald’s What he likes to eat there? I get anything on the dollar menu. I mean $1 for a cheeseburger, come on! What he likes about McDonald’s. I go there because it’s cheap. McDonald’s 750 E. Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 317-846-9776 www.mcdonalds.com Hours: 5 a.m. to 12 p.m., seven days a week
4050 Dandy Trail Indianapolis, IN 46254 Phone: 317-290-9300 Hours: Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. – 11 p.m., Friday-Saturday 11 a.m. – midnight, Sunday 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Rick’s Café Boatyard overlooks Eagle Creek Reservoir and has been an Indianapolis treasure for years. Guests at Rick’s experience beautiful views while dining on the restaurant’s massive outside deck during the summer. The restaurant’s menu features seafood, salads and farm-raised Hereford steaks. Rick’s also hosts weddings and wedding receptions. It boasts beautiful banquet facilities sure to make your big day or next business outing a success.
Final Audition Day for Guilty Conscience - Today is the last day to audition for Guilty Conscience, presented by the Carmel Community Players. The audition is 7 p.m. at Studio 15, 15 1st Ave. NE in Carmel. Guilty Conscience is a full-length drama/ murder mystery by Richard Levinson and William Link. Performances will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday from Feb. 27 to March 15 in Carmel’s Arts & Design District. Phoenix Theatre Produces “Love Person” - The Phoenix Theatre of Indianapolis will produce the rolling world premiere of Aditi Brennan Kapil’s Pulitzer Prizenominated “Love Person” Jan. 8 through Jan. 31 in its Frank & Katrina Basile Theatre. The play is presented as a partnership with fellow National New Play Network member theatres Mixed Blood Theatre (Minneapolis) and Marin Theatre Company (Mill Valley, CA). Through the partnership, each theatre produces an independent production of the same
Live Music
The following musical acts will be playing live at Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian, Carmel. For more information, call 317-573-9746: Jan. 9: Living Proof Jan. 10: Cousin Roger Jan. 17: Fire in the Dawn
e are nearly through Especially at Christmas, we Christians Christmas, a gift-giving love to say “Jesus Christ is” this or that: season when people reflect He is Truth, Love, Hope, Joy, Mercy, on Jesus Christ more than Salvation, the Way, Light, the Good any other time of year. Shepherd, the Prince of Peace, the I say “nearly” because the Wonderful Counselor, etc. Then orthodox (Greek, Russian, eastwe harshly judge and/or argue ern, etc.) Christmas is actually with those who look at us and tomorrow. Also, fans of “The say, “I don’t understand.” Twelve Days of Christmas” If there is one thing we should should know that Jan. 5 or 6, know as Christians, it is that our depending on which part of the actions are our real witness, not world you’re in, is the 12th day. our words. “No one is argued to Today marks the start of faith,” Cal Thomas wrote recently. the ecclesiastical season of As badly as we may want others Epiphany (Gregorian calendar), to understand our faith, we can celebrating the Magi’s visit to no more do that alone than we the child Jesus and thereby can provide salvation. Helping us manifesting Christ to the genunderstand our faith is the Holy Bob Walters tiles (a very big deal…it meant Spirit’s job; salvation is Christ’s job. Spirituality Jesus came for all mankind). And this is true: We can’t, Feel free to Google any of won’t understand Christ until we these terms if you care to ingest a larger involve the Holy Spirit. dose of church history and ecclesiastical traWhen Christmas is over, many people dition. Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant stop reflecting on Jesus. Believers should Christians agree on Christ’s position as son make every day a reflection of Jesus that in the father-son-spirit trinity, but they take will make others ask the Holy Spirit to vastly different approaches to doctrine, wor- awaken an understanding inside of them. ship, salvation and church organization. That understanding is a gift God proChristianity can look very confusing from vides every day of the year. the outside. Shoot, it can look very confusBob Walters (rlwcom@aol.com) isn’t missing ing from the inside. But many of us arrive at his own advice about words. That’s why these a point where faith overrides confusion, and columns are short. for that we must thank the Holy Spirit.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Happy NeW year $avING$!
previously unproduced play.”Love Person” explores how the format of communication shapes understanding. The play is performed in American Sign Language, Sanskrit, spoken English, and projected e-mail. For more information, call 317-635-2381 or visit www. phoenixtheatre.org. ‘Peter Pan’ at Carmel High Carmel High School’s performing arts department has announced the cast for its upcoming production of “Peter Pan.” Tickets, priced at $7 and $10, on sale Jan. 6 in the high school bookstore, which is open on school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Tickets also may be ordered on line at http://ccs.tix.com. To become a patron, which includes two tickets and a listing in the program for $30, contact drama director Maggie Cassidy at 317-846-7721, ext. 7477 or mcassidy@ccs.k12. in.us. The play will open in the high school’s Dale E. Graham Auditorium Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. Other productions are scheduled for Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 7 at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 8 at 2 p.m
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pet Insurance - Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) offers insurance policies to help with your pet’s treatments, surgeries, lab fees, X-rays, and other items. For complete information and a free quote, see the company’s Web site (www.petinsurance.com). The company is licensed in all 50 states. - petinsurance.com If Your Dog is Fabulous - Cats would never put up with this (or admit to needing it), but in a dog’s life (or more specifically, a dog-owner’s life) there might be a spot for the book “Diva Dogs: A Style Guide to Living the Fabulous Life” by Jo Jo Harder. It is available on Amazon.com for $11. Harder, a fashion designer (of Nordstrom fame) has written a “fashion-forward style guide for trendy pets and their owners.” - Amazon.com Paws & Read - The Westfield Washington Public Library invites beginning or struggling readers and kids who just love to read aloud to Paws & Read Jan. 10 at 10:30 a.m. Sign up at the library to schedule at 15-minute reading session with a trained listening dog. Research shows children enjoy improving their reading skills by reading aloud to animals, who are patient and non-judgmental listeners. The program is free, but registration is required. Call the library at 317-896-9391.
Expires 1/19/09
14641 U.S. 31 North Carmel, IN 46032 317-569-PETS www.petlandcarmel.com
DISPATCHES Nothing Says “I Love NASCAR” Like… a Jeff Gordon “24” collar for your dog. Daytona Speedweeks are approaching, and Dicks Sporting Goods carries Jeff Gordon dog collars. If you can’t find one at the store, try www. dickssportinggoods.com. Dicks also offers a Jeff Gordon No. 24 chew toy. - dickssportinggoods.com
any single item
By Petland For Current in Carmel
As reptiles grow more popular as pets, it’s important to understand proper handling procedures.
Wash hands after each handling.
A small amount of salmonella bacteria is harbored in the intestines of nearly all animals. Your pet reptiles and amphibians can become carriers. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning in people include loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. If salmonella poisoning is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Salmonella occurs when a salmonella bacterium is allowed to multiply, often the result of unsanitary conditions or contaminated foods like spoiled meat. As a precaution, reptile owners should always wash their hands after handling their pets. Children need to be reminded of this necessary hand-washing routine, especially before eating or touching food.
pets of the week Diamond is a 1-year-old female black and white American pit bull terrier. She is a beautiful girl who desperately needs to find her forever family. She arrived at the shelter when her previous owner could no longer keep her. She is unsure of her current surroundings and just wants to learn the comforts of a warm and loving home. Diamond knows the commands “sit,” “down” and “shake,” and she is gentle when taking treats. Because Diamond is feeling insecure, we feel she is best suited in a home with adults or teenage children. Rasta is a 3-year-old female black DLH. She is an extremely loving little girl who absolutely loves to give hugs – real hugs with her front legs resting on your shoulders! Rasta is spayed and she needs a loving family who will keep her gorgeous coat brushed. She arrived at the shelter with her fur so matted it looked like she had dreadlocks – not a good look for a kitty. Rasta would love to find her forever home. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to www.hamiltonhumane.com.
Reptiles carrying the salmonella bacteria may display the following symptoms: greenish feces with green or yellow-stained wet uric acid, loss of appetite, enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) and pneumonia. If you notice these symptoms, have your pet examined by a veterinarian. Socializing snakes: Though it is always safe to hold a snake firmly behind its head, it is not the best way to socialize or tame a pet snake. The snake will consider this method an unfriendly form of restraint. Wearing gloves to tame an unsocialized snake is best. Using both hands, firmly but gently lift the snake from its housing unit. Once you are comfortable holding your pet, loosen your grip, allowing the snake to move freely. If it tries to slither away, support its body with one hand and lead it back toward you with the other. Lounging with lizards: Lizards should never be picked up by their tails, as this appendage can break off.
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Small lizards generally tame quite quickly. Larger species, however, require more patience. Before handling, owners should have their lizard’s toenails clipped to prevent scratching. Socialization sessions should begin with owners wearing gloves and keeping a firm grip (without squeezing) behind their lizard’s head. Once the lizard is tame to your touch, allow it to rest in the palm of your hand or lay against your torso. Taming turtles: Most pet turtles and tortoises are harmless, making handling easy. However, some aquatic turtles can nip, so it is advisable to pick up all turtles from the rear of the shell. With repeated socialization, even the most introverted turtles will become tame, enjoying human attention. Article courtesy of Petland, Carmel. For more information, contact Juan Lopez at 317-569-PETS.
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LAUGHS / PUZZLES Tuesday, January 6, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.
e were both afraid to go into the room. We walked back and forth in front of the door for several days, avoiding the inevitable. Things were piling up outside, and I knew we couldn’t hold out forever. But I didn’t want to be first, nor did Mary Ellen. Our son Brett was home from college for winter break. “Brett, you try it,” I said. “I’m just not comfortable with the whole idea. Dick Wolfsie It’s so big. And so Humor blue. I’m scared to death of it.” “Dad, they’re just laundry machines.” Easy for him to say. He’s young. He grew up in the high-tech world of computers and iPods. When I was his age, Post-it notes were the rage. Now, I was faced with technology I would have to master sooner or later. Our old washer-dryer set had been on the fritz, and as luck would have it, my wife won a brand new set of appliances in a raffle. They arrived last week, and I watched as a crack technician installed the two behemoths. “Don’t I get instructions?” I asked. I expected a short tutorial. Instead, I got a 74-page manual. In four languages. I stared at the appliances for several minutes. Our laundry room looked like the cockpit of a 747. Between the machines, there were more than threedozen buttons. Each not only lit up when touched, but emitted a series of short, annoying beeps as if it were trying to communicate with me (like in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”). Our old washer had two settings. Changing from the normal cycle to the gentle cycle is not something a man does lightly, so I never messed with that. My wife sometimes ventured there, but for the most part, the Wolfsies put a normal spin on things. I don’t have a lot of confidence with washers, in general. My wife won’t let me load the dishwasher because she says I don’t respect the slots. I think this is a design flaw inherent in the product. When I load my camera, I have very few decisions to make. I don’t have a gun, but it seems to me that the people who manufacture firearms make it pretty clear where to stick the bullet, so that even after a few Coors Lights, you’ll get it right. Somehow, I end up melting all the Tupperware. I’m okay with cups and glasses, though my wife claims it matters which end is up. I think that’s just an affectation
All WAshed Up
on her part. Mary Ellen also has this thing about rinsing dishes before putting them in the washer, but you don’t run underwear under hot water before throwing them in the washer. Am I right? I can see you nodding your head. I scanned the buttons on the new Whirlpool and eyed the dial, which gave my options like silk, quick wash or wool. One setting said hand washables, but I wasn’t going to stick my mitts in there
while that monster was turning. The setting for big, bulky items was OK with me, but I think the whole idea scared the dog half to death. One setting said sanitize, which I thought they threw in with every cycle. The dryer had a setting called super hot, which I told my wife was especially for her. If we had been in a fancy restaurant, that might have gone over well. But we were home, standing knee-deep in dirty sheets and pillow cases.
My favorite button is the one that adjusts the volume of the other buttons, so that if you’re down in the basement, you can hear the machine upstairs alert you that it stopped washing and began spinning. I’m amazed Mary Ellen and I ever managed without this feature. I have to go now. My socks are calling. Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
Make your home a destination
This is the place to jump-start the idea bank and begin living your dream. See you there, and let’s have an awesome 2009! Tip: Come early in the week when it’s not as busy, and you will get more attention and advice from the industry pros. Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel landscape and home improvement company. He may be reached at 317.679.2565, randy@choosesurroundings.com or www.choosesurroundings. com.
work better for us,” to borrow an observation from Bill Phillips, editor-in-chief of Men’s Health Living Magazine. So what does this mean to you and how you live? Well, if you intend to stay in your home for a while and have a vision for the type of memories you hope to create, the home show is the place to be. Hope your kids will visit more often and curious about how to create a cool outdoor escape? This is the place. Is the kitchen the hub of your home, or would you like it to be but don’t know where to start? Or do you just need some smart redecorating ideas to make your home more livable?
he “great American dream” is alive sion-buster pricing. Leading-edge products and well. And while are coming out faster than ever, it’s about much more and the “green” trend is playing a than owning a home, large role. High octane flooring/ that is certainly one decking/patio solutions, absoof the most inspiring ingredilutely everything kitchen and ents. In celebration of home bathroom, and numerous smart ownership, the perennial decorating solutions will prompt parade of home-and-garden you more than ever to “bring shows will commence with fresh ideas home” – the show’s the Indianapolis Home appropriate theme. Show Jan. 30 through Feb. We are beginning recognize 8 at the Indianapolis State that our homes’ designs and layFairgrounds. outs can help us live our dreams Expect some of the coolest and maximize our passions. The Randy home-improvement ideas in home show can help us “seize Sorrell years, combined with recescontrol of our home and make it
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