Tuesday February 21, 2012
Breaking the bank The Hamilton County Alliance will run out of money this year, unless the county steps in to help / P10
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This Week
Development proposed for 136th-Illinois Street intersection By Kevin Kane •
A proposed development just west of U.S. 31 has residents of adjacent neighborhoods concerned. On the agenda of tonight’s Carmel Plan Commission meeting is a public hearing during which plans are expected to be presented for a proposed development dubbed Highpointe on Meridian Street. The applicant is seeking approval to rezone, to a planned unit development, 27 acres at the southwest corner of 136th and Illinois streets, which is zoned B-5/ business. The development could include multifamily housing units, office spaces and a retirement community, and residents are concerned about the prospect of having high-density development adjacent to their properties and the traffic that would accompany the finished project. “I think what a lot of people are saying is, we’re not trying to stop progress, but we want to see responsible, residential-friendly development on that land,” said Brad Cisco, president of the Parks at Springmill Homeowners Association, which includes neighborhoods Park Meadow and Park Place. “We’re not seeing that in the request for this planned unit development.” Cisco said members of his HOA are unsettled by the applicant’s proposal to build office buildings 72 feet in height and residential and commercial buildings three stories, or 60 feet tall. A packet provided by the applicant to the Plan Commission acknowledges residents in the area “have expressed concerns about two issues in particular: the potential impact on traffic in the area and screening the development from the adjacent neighRotary 40th anniversary celebration - The Rotary Club of Carmel hold a 40th anniversary celebration Feb. 24 at noon at The Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th St. Contact Wendy Phillips at 501-4955 for additional information or visit
borhoods.” The packet says the development team commissioned A&F Engineering to perform a traffic generation analysis for the multi-family housing complex. The firm found that the majority of traffic will use the proposed Illinois Street entrance instead of the second on 136th Street. As for the screening issue, the packet says the development team is working on plans for an earth mound with a 6-foot privacy fence, which it says will provide the desired screening. Cisco said he disagrees. “They’re not offering us reasonable barriers between their property and ours,” he said. “Quite frankly, there is no barrier reasonable for a 72-foot-tall office building.” In regards to the traffic analysis, Cisco said traffic in the area already is an issue during rush hours, and said he and his neighbors doubt the existing infrastructure can handle the demands of the proposed development. “It’s a lousy piece of land for development in our opinion, but we understand the city’s needs for development and generating new tax dollars.” Cisco said his HOA would like to see a compromise that includes less density and, ideally, only office buildings constructed on the property. “We’d like to see development that blends in more with the properties surrounding this one,” he said. “We really want the city to not go along with the developer’s plans to what we think is over developing that property.” The Plan Commission is scheduled to meet tonight at 6 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall.
Student art display – The Carmel Arts Council’s World’s Smallest Children’s Art Gallery at 40 W. Main St. exhibits artwork of local students in grades kindergarten through sixth. This month, the gallery will be open on the following dates: Feb. 25, 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 26, 2 to 4 p.m. For more information, visit or call 844-4989.
Kiwanis meeting – Carmel Golden K Kiwanis will meet this Thursday, 10 a.m. at the American Legion Hall, 852 W. Main St. Speaker: Chuck Hazelrigg on the history of Hook Drugs. Contact Don Moehn at 873-1956.
Applications wanted - The board of Friends of Hamilton County Parks Foundation is seeking applications from youth in Hamilton County, ages 13-18, to serve on the newly-established Youth Advisory Council. Youth who are interested in parks and preservation are encouraged to apply by mailing to Friends of Hamilton County Parks Foundation; c/o Judith Campbell, President; 15513 S. Union Street; Carmel, IN 46033. The applicant should state what he she would bring to the youth council, age and school attending, and what passions he she has for leadership. The applicant must be available to attend scheduled Council meetings and events. Questions should be directed to Alan Patterson at
Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. VI, No. 16 Copyright 2012. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032
Managing Editor – Kevin Kane / 489.4444 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Copy Editor – Christine Nimry Art Director – Zachary Ross / 489.4444 Associate Artist – Andrea Nickas / 489.4444
Scholarship application deadlines approaching – The Carmel Arts Council is offering first-place art scholarships of $1,500, second place of $500 and third place of $250 for four categories: liberal, visual, performing and piano/ instrumental. Winners will be honored at the council’s English Silver Tea at the Ritz Charles April 26. The deadlines for applications in the piano/instrumental and performing categories have been moved back to Feb. 24 and 29, respectively. For more information or to find the application forms, visit www.
Cartoonist – Tim Campbell Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749 Office Manager – Heather Cole / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022
The views of the columnists in Current in Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Current in Carmel
Carmel student receives Evans scholarship – Nine Hoosier high school caddies have been awarded the Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship through the Western Golf Association, which will bring the 2012 BMW Championship to Crooked Stick Golf Club in Carmel, in September. Carmel High School student Jackson Schuette is among the recipients. Each recipient Schuette is a caddie with a unique story to tell, reflecting the scholarship’s four selection criteria, including a strong caddie record, excellent academics, demonstration of financial need and outstanding character. WGA directors and Evans Scholars alumni interviewed each of the recipients at a selection meeting Feb. 1 at Crooked Stick, as they sought to capture a spot in one of the nation’s largest privately-funded scholarship programs. The full college tuition and housing scholarship is valued at an estimated $17,500 annually, and is renewable for up to four years. Carmel Green Initiative to host art contest – To celebrate Earth Day, Carmel Green Initiative will host the 2012 Earth Hour-Earth Day Art Contest. Through the use of creativity and art, youth will learn about the impacts of energy use and why it’s important to be good stewards of the environment. Youth in kindergarten through grade 12, clubs, scouts and religious youth groups are invited to participate. “This community education initiative draws on the energy conservation message of Earth Hour and the earth stewardship message of Earth Day to emphasize the important connection between saving energy, saving money and caring for our beautiful blue planet,” said Leslie Webb, president of Carmel Green Initiative. Honor roll released – Creekside Middle School has released the list of students on its first quarter honor roll. The entire list is posted at We asked, you answered. Here are the results from the recent online poll question: Do you care if Channel 16 is offered to Carmel AT&T U-Verse customers? Yes. (47 percent, 15 Votes); No, because I do not have AT&T. (41 percent, 13 Votes); No, because I won't watch it. (12 percent, 4 Votes); Total voters: 32 To vote for the new online poll question – Have you attended the Carmel Winter Market? – visit
To read more about these stories visit February 21, 2012 | 3
In the news RESIST CONFORMITY. True luxury has never been created by following someone else’s rules. It’s created by pushing the boundaries that nobody else is willing to push. This is how we approach every vehicle we build. This is the Infiniti G Sedan.
Cheri Daniels with Lee and Jane Flower of the Carmel Lions Club. (Photos by Sarah Tagtmeyer)
Cheri Daniels visits Carmel Lions Club
The state’s first lady made a guest appearance on Valentine’s Day at the home of the Carmel Lions Club.
Cheri Daniels, wife of Gov. Mitch Daniels, made a presentation to the club and spoke about her activities and initiatives as first lady. The couple has a home in Carmel.
Even after unveiling two new statues last weekend, the city isn’t done adding to its public art display in the Arts & Design District. A total of 14 statues by artist J. Seward Johnson are displayed in the district after two new pieces were added to the public collection during the IU Health North Hospital Valentine’s Gallery Walk Feb. 11. City spokesperson Melanie Lentz said Carmel took the statues from its inventory of previously purchased pieces created by Johnson. And the city’s stockroom of art is not empty. “There are another two in storage,” Lentz said.
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City brings out two new statues, has more in storage By Kevin Kane •
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The city purchased a total of 16 of the statues for approximately $80,000 each, according to news release from the Dept. of Community Relations. Lentz said the recent additions – named “One Man’s Search” and “Ambassador of the Streets” – were held in storage until suitable locations for them were identified. She added there is no timetable for the unveiling of the final two sculptures. “One Man’s Search” depicts a man, wearing a Carmel High School sweater, sitting on a bench and reading a book. It is in front of Huddles Frozen Yogurt, 110 W. Main St., Suite 115. “Ambassador of the Streets” depicts a woman dressed in a red business suit, walking her dog. It is in front of 14 Districts boutique at 110 W. Main St., Suite 104.
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Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 5
In the news
Man walking nation for Riley comes through Carmel By Bryan Gilmer •
A former Riley Hospital for Children patient is trekking across the nation to give back to the hospital. Jesse VanOsdol, 20, suffered second- and thirddegree burns in a bonfire accident the summer after his high school graduation in 2010. He spent several weeks in the hospital; however, now that VanOsdol has recovered from his burns, he has VanOsdol set upon a walk across the nation to raise money for Riley Hospital for Children. VanOsdol said his trip is inspired by the “small children with big hearts” whom he met during his time in the hospital’s burn unit. He began his journey Nov. 11 in California and had raised more than $8,000 at a midway point in Texas. His goal is to walk to Florida and raise a total of $15,000 for the hospital in the process. Last weekend, his journey brought him to Carmel. But the trip has not been easy. VanOsdol recalled one story in which he woke up in the middle of the night “because it sounded like someone was throwing buckets of water against (his) tent.” As it turned out, he was caught in the middle of a Santa Ana sandstorm and 80mph winds. Despite the hardships, he said he is grateful of the people he has met on the trip and those who have donated to the cause. VanOsdol also is thankful, he said, of the support he has received from Grace Community Church and his parents. His mother, Jane VanOsdol, said she was initially worried about her son walking across the nation, but is proud of his walk and the money it will raise for the children in the burn unit. “Being there is just so difficult,” Jane said. VanOsdol’s father also is supportive of his son’s walk, and will get a firsthand look at what his son has been experiencing the last few months. He will be joining VanOsdol for a week when they go back to Austin, Texas, though he said he does not know if he will be able to keep up with his son, who typically walks 20 to 25 miles per day. VanOsdol will be returning to Texas Saturday, and from there, he will begin heading toward Florida. For more information or to donate to VanOsdol’s cause, visit www.firstgiving. com/fundraiser/StepItUpJesseVanOsdol/ HikesAcrossAmerica. 6 | February 21, 2012
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Current in Carmel
In the news Riverview Hospital
riverview medical group
welcomes dr. norman mindrebo
Doug Carter and Wendy Rayburn of Cherish Center present Don Allen of Union Savings Bank(center) with an Excellence in Partnership award. (Photo by Robert Herrington)
Cherish Center honors partners By Robert Herrington •
After a year and a half in existence, the Cherish Center honored partners from the community that helped the child and family advocacy group grow from its humble beginning with successful teamwork. “The honors event comes as a result of three years of collaboration and partnering to promote the coordinated efforts to address issues of child abuse and neglect cases,” said Doug Carter, former Hamilton County sheriff who
helped form the organization. “I never imagined the journey would come in such a short period of time,” added Cherish Center Executive Director Wendy Rayburn. “We want to recognize the leaders who have been part of making this happen.” Eight excellence awards were presented to Riverview Hospital, Union Savings Bank, the Noblesville Police Dept., Prevail Inc., Dept. of Family and Children’s Services agents Michelle Burns and Christi Tucker, Deborah Keaton and Dan Claassen of MyCyberGuardian.
Accetturo challenges opponents to debate across the county. “It is time that the taxpayers of Hamilton Former Carmel City Councilman John Accet- County get some transparency from the candituro issued a challenge last week to his dates for County Council,” Accetturo’s fellow County Council candidates. campaign committee said in a release. Accetturo is one of seven Republican “Voters need to know what the candicandidates who will be on the ballot in dates stand for before they vote.” May’s primary election seeking three Joining Accetturo as at-large candiat-large seats on the County Council. dates for the council are Bruce Breeden, Accetturo, who served one term on the Andrew Dollard, Angie Molt and inAccetturo City Council, last week challenged his cumbents Brad Beaver, Jim Belden and opponents to participate in a series of debates Rick McKinney.
Dr. Norman Mindrebo is a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and is board certified in both orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine. He is a graduate of Wheaton College and completed his masters degree in Neuromuscular Physiology at Villanova University. Dr. Mindrebo received his medical degree from the Temple University School of Medicine. He completed his internship at St. Vincent Indianapolis and his orthopaedic surgery residency at the Indiana University Medical Center. Following residency, he was commissioned as a Major in the United States Air Force Medical Corps. We think you’ll agree he’s a worthy addition to our world-class team. new Hope orthopaedics & sports medicine carmel Carmel Ambulatory Surgery Center 13421 Old Meridian Street, Suite 202 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 815-1700 noblesville Riverview Surgery Center 325 Westfield Road, Suite A Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 770-1700
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New private NICU rooms: less stressful for babies (and families) No parents imagine the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) being part of their baby’s first days. With our new private NICU rooms, St.Vincent Carmel Hospital’s Level-III NICU gives newborns all the specialized care they need in a more peaceful environment.
“Sometimes anxiety increases simply by watching what’s going on with others,” Slayman said. “We’re able to reduce some parents’ fears by giving them a more private, intimate and comfortable setting.”
The NICU is special unit for premature or newborn babies who need a little more care. Outfitted with incubators, monitors and equipment to aid an infant with breathing difficulties — and staffed by neonatologists, nurses and additional specialists — the NICU gives newborns the care and assistance they need to survive and thrive.
ORThOpEdIC INjURy? Get in and out fast at St.Vincent Carmel hospital
“It’s not uncommon to hear multiple alarms or see several parents in a shared NICU space, which can be stressful for the baby as well as the parents,” said Michelle Slayman, RN, director of perinatal services, St.Vincent Carmel Hospital.
Why? At some hospitals, the emergency department does not have orthopedic physicians available.
Private NICU rooms alleviate some of that stress and give babies a quieter place to rest and grow, and they allow parents to more easily be involved in the daily care of their infants. “Private NICU rooms provide a more peaceful environment for babies and parents because they take into account that a stay in the NICU is a family experience,” explained Anne Marnocha, MD, a neonatologist at St.Vincent Carmel Hospital. Dr. Marnocha added that private NICU rooms — which can also accommodate twins and even triplets — provide better control of the baby’s environment, with less noise and activity, fewer interruptions to sleep, and an environment that is more conducive to an improved developmental outcome.
When you experience an orthopedic injury, you don’t want to wait around in an ER for care. Unfortunately, many people do.
St.Vincent Carmel Hospital, on the other hand, is home to an Emergency Department that gives patients expert orthopedic care fast. It has an average wait time of 18 minutes — among the best in the country for hospitals its size. And seven orthopedists are on call, so if a patient needs high-level care or surgery, they’ll get it quickly. “If you ask a patient why they come here as opposed to another hospital, they say it’s because of the speed and quality of care,” said Emergency Department Director Steve Baunach, RN, BSN. “You get treated and are on your way home before you’d even see a doctor at some other facilities.” ORThOpEdISTS ON Call aT ST.VINCENT CaRmEl hOSpITal: Robert Clayton, md Timothy dicke, md michael Kaveney, md Norman mindrebo, md
jeffrey Soldatis, md jonathon Shook, md michael Thieken, md
Fall down? We’ll fix you right up. Trust the orthopedic experts at St.Vincent Carmel ER. You’ll find some of the most experienced orthopedic doctors at St.Vincent Carmel Hospital’s ER. So when gravity gets the best of you, you get the best from us. Whether it’s a break, sprain or strain, we’ll get you back on your feet in no time.
In the news
Carmel girls continue streak
Ziel elected Chamber board chair Susan Ziel has been elected the 44th board chair of the Carmel Chamber of Commerce. Ziel is a nurse attorney and partner with the law firm of Krieg DeVault, where she is a core member of both the Health Care and Life Sciences Practice Groups. OthZeil er officers for 2012 include:
• Chair-elect – Mike Vall, chief operating officer, Firestone Diversified Products • Treasurer – Ron Hanson, ChFC, CDFA, CSA, partner, Hanson & Snyder Personal Financial Advisors • Secretary – Joshua Carr, financial representative, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network • Past Chair – Lynda Smirz, M.D., IU Health North Hospital
New 2012 Board Members are:
• Jo Biggers, vice president, treasurer and controller, MISO • Cheri Dick, executive director, Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre • Jud Scott, president, Vine & Branch Inc.
The Carmel High School Girls Swimming and Diving Team won its 26th consecutive state championship Feb. 10 and 11 in Indianapolis. With 329 points, CHS’s total was nearly double state runner-up, Zionsville. The program’s dynastic streak is the longest active streak of consecutive state titles in high school sports, and is the third longest all time. Carmel’s individual champions included seniors Margaret Ramsey and Alexis Bullard, and two relay teams that included (along with Ramsey and Bullard) junior Lacey Locke, senior Lucy Kramer, sophomore Hanna House and junior Ariana Bullard.
CHS band members selected for All-State band Carmel High School students Nicole Lafave, Sarina Allison, Eleni Georgiadis, Emily Roberts, Emily Reidy, Glen Dash, Susy Smit, Jacob Hook, Courtney Glait and Steven Frankeny have been selected to participate in the 52nd annual Indiana All-State High School Band Festival. Each student participated in a highly competitive audition held last month. More than 700 musicians applied to audition. All members of the All-State band will participate in a series of activities including seating auditions, sectionals and full rehearsals. A grand finale concert will be performed for the public March 11, 2:30 p.m. in the Elliot Hall of Music at Purdue University. For more information, visit
Family Owned
Linda Lee (Bryant) Bopp, 75, of Noblesville died Feb. 11 She was born on July 12, 1936, in Columbus, Ohio, to Leslie Absalom and Martha Melinda (Wood) Bryant. She lived most of her life in the Columbus area until moving to Noblesville about seven years ago. She was a homemaker and owned a craft shop, Corner Cupboard Crafts. She was involved with Twigs for 42 years and the Festival of Trees for 23 years, both with the Children’s Hospital in Columbus. She dearly loved spending time with her family and enjoyed painting. She is survived by her husband of 55 years, Lawson H. Bopp of Noblesville, whom she married on Sept. 8, 1956, at Immanuel Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio; four children, Debbie (Matt) Jones of Fayetteville, Georgia, Dr. Brad (Mary) Bopp and Jeni (Mark) Poulson all of Carmel, and Abby (Phaedra Doremas) Bopp of Dublin, Ohio; six grandchildren, Jenny Jones of Fayetteville, Katie Bopp, Emily Bopp, Justin Bopp, Joshua Bopp and Tyler Poulson all of Carmel. She was preceded in death by her parents, Leslie Absalom and Martha Melinda (Wood) Bryant. A memorial service will be Feb. 18 at 1 p.m. at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Carmel, with a reception to follow at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be given to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, P.O. Box 16810, Columbus, Ohio 43216-6810.
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Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 9
In the news
Carmel singer looks ahead after work with Madonna
Modifiers everywhere Grammar Lesson by Brandie Bohney
By Kevin Kane •
where she performed solo. Because she specializes in jazz and classical Carmel resident Dana Goot shared the music, Goot said she was pleasantly surprised stage with Madonna Feb. 5, and now she’s to learn the song she would be singing during looking to build upon the once-in-a-lifetime the Super Bowl. She knew very little about opportunity. the gig when she applied, and Goot was in the choir that it wasn’t until after she was performed “Like a Prayer” with selected that she learned of MaMadonna during the Super donna’s involvement. Bowl XLVI halftime show. “We were not permitted to Artistically, she said it was her even tell people we were in it,” “least challenging” gig to date, she said. but she said she’s hopeful the Rehearsal locations changed exposure will help give her daily, and Goot said they were young career some additional “amazing.” momentum. “No one practiced the middle Goot “People recognize it. This is finger, though,” she said, referring someone singing for someone they know of to M.I.A.’s gesture that aired uncensored. “I’m who is world-renowned,” she said. “It gives sure she (Madonna) wasn’t happy about that.” you a lot of credit with people. And not everyGoot said there are many talented singers one has sung backup for Madonna.” who, like her, are pursuing dreams of performChallenging or not, simply participating ing professionally full time. Those who get in the Super Bowl performance is a notable noticed can make it, she said, and performing achievement for Goot, who only five years on the world’s biggest stage is perhaps the best ago, began taking vocal lessons before deciding way to accomplish that. to change her career path and pursue music. “Whenever I decide I’m going to do someSince then, she has performed locally at The thing, I do it,” she said. “Each experience has Penrod Arts Fair and with the Indianapolis led me to another one, and that’s given me Symphonic Choir, and as far away as Israel, confidence.”
I’ve had a few experiences recently with misplaced or dangling modifiers. I’ve covered modifier placement before, but misplaced and dangling modifiers never cease to provide hilarious fodder for columns. Recently I heard a woman on TV say, “I remember my mom making pancakes as a kid.” The way the sentence is organized, with the modifier (as a kid) directly after the phrase my mom making pancakes, the meaning becomes she remembers her mother making pancakes during her mother’s childhood. That just doesn’t make sense. Modifiers need to be placed directly next to – either before or after – the word, phrase or clause they are modifying. And when there is another word, phrase or clause the modifier could modify (logically or not), the two should be placed as far apart as possible. And remember modifiers themselves can be phrases, clauses or individual words. Individual word examples: • Rufus only ate his breakfast. • Rufus ate only his breakfast. • Rufus ate his only breakfast. Moving the word only changes the meaning of the sentence. In the first sentence, only modifies ate, meaning Rufus ate no other meals. In the second sentence, only modifies his, meaning Rufus didn’t eat anyone else’s breakfast (just his own). In
the third sentence, only modifies breakfast, meaning Rufus ate his breakfast and was not given the opportunity to eat more than one breakfast. Phrase examples: Without a hitch, Barry started eating the pie after finishing the turkey. Barry started eating the pie after finishing the turkey without a hitch. In the first sentence, Without a hitch modifies Barry started eating the pie, meaning Barry’s start of eating the pie went well. On the flip side, ending the sentence with without a hitch forces the phrase to modify after finishing the turkey, which means Barry finished the turkey with no problems. Clause examples: • Wanda wondered what happened to the leftovers after the meal she ate. • Wanda wondered what happened to the leftovers she ate after the meal. In the first sentence, Wanda ate the meal, and in the second sentence, she ate the leftovers. Make sure whatever you’re trying to modify is actually what you’re modifying. Otherwise, you might be recalling your mother’s childhood, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want a child her own age. Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at
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11450 N. Meridian St., Suite 200 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-0770 10 | February 21, 2012
Current in Carmel
Cover Story
The Hamilton County Alliance will run out of money this year, unless the county steps in to help By Jordan Fischer, Robert Herrington and Kevin Kane
Since the housing market crash of 2008, an annual $120,000 deficit in the Hamilton County Alliance’s budget has been supported by a “rainy day” fund. By the end of the year those funds are projected to run out – potentially meaning insolvency for the county-wide economic development organization. HCA President Jeff Burt and Chairman Ron Brumbarger are asking the county, and the cities and towns therein, to prevent that. Formed in 1992 as a public-private partnership, the HCA is the “only body in Hamilton County tasked by charter to promote economic vitality,” according to Brumbarger. The public portion of the organization’s $550,000 annual budget comes from a $50 Economic Development Support Fee dedicated to the HCA for every plat approved in the county, and from additional grants to the HCA from each of the eight county communities. Although the HCA’s Web site bills itself as funded by 39 percent public, 61 percent private dollars, Burt said that private dollars now make up only 25 percent of the annual budget. Between 1994 and 2008, the EDSF averaged $150,000 in revenue for the HCA. Since 2008, Burt said that number has decreased to $38,000 to $40,000 annually in response to the housing market slump. The HCA is asking for an additional $105,000 this year – half from the county and half from the founding communities of Fishers, Carmel, Sheridan, Noblesville and Westfield – to make up the deficit. “We’ve pared back the budget as hard as possible,” Brumbarger said. “We’ve done all the things you’d expect a good steward of public money to do. We’ve really cut back as much as we legally, and professionally and ethically can.”
Changes coming
Brumarger laid out a three-prong plan to steady the Alliance’s financial footing: the creation of industry associations which would bring in membership fees, increased private-sector participation and a reevaluation of municipal funding. “The most critical piece is we don’t have significant engagement from the private sector,” said Brumbarger. “We need more of them to realize that to market our community and make it a better place to live is an all-hands-on-deck proposition.” Burt pointed out since 2003, the organization has helped local businesses receive 305 grants worth a total of $9.2 million. Much of that money was dedicated to help existing businesses expand or train employees. In its 20 years of existence, HCA has assisted 292 businesses, had 12,546 job commitments, awarded 385 grants for $15,862,755, generated $10,158,719 in estimated property tax support and provided Hamilton County with $996,968,196 in total capital investment.
Varying opinions
Officials in Fishers, however, have expressed doubts about the actual benefits the town receives from the Alliance.
Jeff Burt is the president of the Hamilton County Alliance Photo by Jordan Fischer
“To me, the numbers they were giving us were skewed,” said Town Council President Scott Faultless. “In terms of return on investment, I think ours is substantially lower than even the numbers they’re giving us.” Other concerns included the organization’s lack of a significant Web and social media presence (a newly updated Web site was launched within the last month), and what Fishers officials perceived as a failure to keep up with the times. Council Vice President Mike Colby was perhaps the bluntest, saying, “My impression of this group is they’re always getting started.” However, town officials ultimately seemed to decide they weren’t quite ready to let the organization fall by the wayside, especially amidst fears that the Indy Partnership, the organization tasked with economic development for the nine “donut counties” in Indianapolis, may cease to exist or see a reduced role as part of a merger with another development organization. “The Indy Partnership and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation have been the biggest source of (business) leads over the past few years,” Faultless said. “If the Indy Partnership is going away, that’s the biggest threat to me. And that’s your biggest selling point. We need someone who is selling the region – specifically Hamilton County.” Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear and Economic Development Director Judi Johnson also are concerned about the future of
the Indy Partnership – saying counties will need to step up their own attraction marketing. “If we don’t have the Alliance, who do we have that recommends the out-of-state and global inquiries?” Johnson said. “We come together and work together on a regional basis. The Alliance is a conduit for each community to reach the state level.” Carmel, like Noblesville, sees great value in the services provided by the HCA, but the Alliance has perhaps done more for the city than it has for any other Hamilton County municipality. According to the numbers provided by the HCA, the organization has given Carmel a greater than six-to-one return on its investment. The Alliance takes some credit for helping to bring more than 5,000 job commitments and more than $420 million in capital investments to the city by assisting in bringing companies like Midwest ISO and Adesa to Carmel. Mayor Jim Brainard added the existence of the Alliance allows the city to continue operating without a department dedicated to economic development, and he said Carmel likely would be in favor of increasing its contributions to the Alliance, if necessary. "The Hamilton County Alliance provides a valuable service to Carmel and Hamilton County, and we save money by having one office serve the entire county,” he said. “I have reviewed the Alliance's financial position with Jeff Burt and will be recommending that we carefully monitor it as we prepare the city’s budget for 2013.” Westfield Mayor Andy Cook said his staff has yet to form a solid opinion on the HCA’s impact on his city. That’s because Westfield, he said, has very rarely been in a position to benefit from the efforts of the Alliance. While neighboring municipalities have shovel-ready sites primed for economic development, Westfield is playing catch-up and trying to get to that point with new developments such as Grand Park, currently under construction. Cook said the city also has been hurt by 20 years of uncertainty that surrounded the state’s planned overhaul of U.S. 31. With Grand Park under way and plans for U.S. 31 now finalized, however, Westfield will be in a position to make a strong push for economic development opportunities in the near future. “We’re really looking at what needs to be done … Obviously, the Alliance needs funding,” he said. “Our whole concentration over here, politically, is economic development, so whatever assistance we can have in bringing An extended version of this commercial tax base to the story can be found online city, that’s what we need at to have happen.”
Hamilton County Alliance Performance 1992-2011 City
Capital Investment
Businesses Assisted
Value of Grant Awards
Estimated Property Tax
Estimated COIT
Job Commitments
Return on Investment
Ham. County
Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 11
Editorial Here and there, it’s about accountability
Creationism It is our position Senate Bill 89, allowing creationism to be taught alongside evolution in public schools, is a waste of taxpayer money. In the past, several states have attempted to pass legislation requiring the teaching of religious creationism in science classes. The Supreme Court already ruled on this very issue in 1987. The bill’s sponsor, Dennis Kruse, has acknowledged the bill may be problematic, but in his arrogance, he is confident the Supreme Court will reverse itself. If Indiana is forced to challenge this backward-thinking legislation through various appeals and federal courts, it could cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. What is the real purpose of this bill? Perhaps it is a sincere – if misguided – effort to treat Biblical religion as if it were science. Perhaps it is a smoke screen for Mr. Kruse’s next reelection campaign, so he can say to the voters, “Well, I tried!” Whatever his motives, we urge the House to reject this bill, and if they do not, then we strongly recommend Gov. Mitch Daniels veto it. If Indiana parents want their children to be taught creationism, we suggest they take advantage of the taxpayer-funded voucher system and send them to parochial school.
Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to info@ The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Westfield, 30 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification. 12 | February 21, 2012
Network solutions Commentary by Terry Anker
Sometimes it seems like Greta Garbo may have had it right when she said, “I want to be alone.” But that feeling seldom lasts long, and we miss the company of friends and family. Even Garbo adjusted her most famous utterance to, “I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference.” She had a point. As much as we need each other, don’t we also crave a little space? If the paradox of social interaction is the ultimate fixture of the human condition, then networking is its calling card. Encarta defines it in two ways: 1. the act of linking computers so that they can share info or access a central hub; and 2. the process or practice of building up or maintaining informal relationships that can lead to job or business advantage. Somehow, the first definition makes more sense to me than the later. When we interconnect to build our communities, our
knowledge or our interconnectedness, how can it be a bad thing? Yet, when we use the network for only our own advantage, doesn’t the network ultimately only become folks looking for a hand and no one offering to give one? If we constantly harvest and never plant, how long will we eat? Why don’t we say good things about good people, whether it’s a direct benefit to us or not? Folks should know if Mike is a solid dude (or not). Recently, I told Frank that Mike was top shelf. Frank left the room only to return moments later. He said, “Actually, I know Mike – we had lunch last week and he said good things about you, too.” Now there is a network that exchanges even as it harvests. It was so easy, and it meant so much. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@
"Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end." – Immanuel Kant, 18th century German philosopher Current in Carmel
(Steve has given Brian the day off this week. It’s a reward for his covering for Steve, who was out of the office last week … with good reason.) We have talked in this space about accountability being our watchword for 2012. I’ve been living it these last 25 years, and I certainly saw examples last week that mirror what we encounter in our community. Let me explain: First, my bride and I spent seven days in Key West celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. Yes, a good time was had by all and refreshments were served. For those who know me by my rapier-like wit, I’m not always that way. Sometimes I reflect, and those reflections give rise to the aforementioned parallels. And so, what Sally and I have experienced in a quarter century actually, in part, is about accountability. That through-thick-and-thin stuff is real, folks, and (wait for it … here comes the parallel) in Key West, it was evident in the civil-service sector. The southernmost city proved itself to be a model of organization and accountability. Folks descend on the city to get away from the humdrum, and some of them, shall we say, overly enjoy themselves. But, as is the case here, local government workers do their thing in Key West to keep everything sparkling. Sidewalks are power-washed each morning, trash cans – seemingly one every 3 feet – are emptied before the sun comes up, and you won’t find so much as a stray gum wrapper on the streets. Funny, isn’t it, that cleanliness in paradise reminded us of home? Hamilton County is a shining example (in most areas) of cleanliness. As other visitors to Key West marveled at “how clean this is,” we proudly told them, “That’s how it is back home.” We’re quick to rip government for inefficiency, but we have zero beefs when it comes to keeping the place we call home in good shape. Steve Greenberg, general manager, is the co-owner of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@
Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Baltimore City, Md., though you may spit on a city roadway, spitting on city sidewalks is prohibited. Source:
To call or not to call Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Life’s about to get interesting when a conversation starts with, “I debated whether or not to call you, but figured if I had kids, I’d want to know.” This was how a phone call began the other night, and as soon as I heard those words, my heart sank. Ugh. What the hoo-hah did my child do now? As parents, we’ve probably all been in this situation, either as the bearer or the receiver of the bad news. I recently overheard one of my kids’ friends direct two F-bombs at my 10-yearold son while they were playing Xbox in our basement (we had not yet installed my superawesome sound barrier birthday door), and, to put it simply, Momma don’t play that. I politely sent the young man home, but wavered over whether I should call the mother. In the end, I decided it wasn’t that big of deal and gave him a reprieve. He had, after all, looked sufficiently embarrassed when he apologized. So, I recognize when a parent feels strongly enough to actually pick up the phone and rat; my child probably deserves it. But that doesn’t make the accusations any easier to hear. With this latest incident, my stomach immediately turned upside down as I prepared for the onslaught of alleged crimes, which amounted to my son being very disrespectful to the instructor of an extracurricular class.
I certainly did not enjoy the phone call – no parent wants to hear their kid is behaving like an ass – but in all honesty, I did appreciate it. My husband and I cannot be, nor want to be, with our children 24/7, and like all kids, they’re going to make mistakes. But it’s far better they get caught and punished for the small stuff now while they’re still malleable, rather than have their misdeeds ignored until they’ve become adult dillholes firmly ensconced in their dillhole ways. And there is a saving grace to receiving one of these uncomfortable calls: You get to legitimately channel all of your disappointment and embarrassment into creating the perfect punishment. Because when the shameful tears fall, as they inevitably do, we know we’ve done our job as parents. In summary, if you catch a kid doing something wrong and feel the parent should (or would want to) know, go ahead and narc. They’ll thank you for it later. If you’re the one with the brat child, take consolation in the fact confiscating a cell phone can bring considerable joy. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@
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Following the crowd Commentary by Bruce Kimball
Twitter is not just for kids. It has come of age, used by a wide range of Carmel citizens. And what is Twitter, exactly? It is micro blogging. It is a source of information and connection. Tweeters must express themselves, succinctly, one hopes, with a limit of 140 characters. In the two years I have been tweeting about Carmel, I have seen the number and variety of users explode. What started out as an experiment to stay current has resulted in my personal brand of @Carmelbruce with more than 1,540 followers. I comment on a variety of experiences as I work and play here in Carmel. While it is hard to pinpoint the number of active users, my gut feeling is Carmel has one of the more active Twitter communities in central Indiana. That says a lot about the progressiveness and vitality of a community. You say you have no time to tweet? Karen von Kamecke Sutton (@holycowcupcakes), although busy baking up to 20,000 cupcakes a month, feels it is a valuable tool to stay connected to the community. Local artist and photographer Ron Kern (@ronkernphoto) finds it an avenue to showcase his work and make friends along the
way. I followed @CarmelBands as it made its latest trip to the Rose Parade and @carmelathletics, as an update of a high school game and scores. Realtor Rich Goeman (@MyIndyRealor) has found a great way to expand his network of friends, while Realtor Gregg Cooper has branded himself as a go-to guy with his @EastofKeystone tweets. If you want to keep abreast of what’s going on at The Center for the Performing Arts, @CarmelPalladium is a must. Want to know what vegetables are in season? Check out @Carmelfarmmrkt. Whether you are a business or a consumer, Twitter offers valuable, real-time information. What Twitter isn’t? It is not a platform for blatant advertising, but a medium for businesses to inform and deepen relationships. If you don’t have anything to say, start out with the search function to begin exploring your interests. And, start with #Carmel or the CIC @CI_Carmel. Bruce Kimball is a mortgage specialist and community volunteer with an interest in suburban sustainability. E-mail him at
Current in Carmel
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February 21, 2012 | 13
Winter wonderland … or not Humor by Mike Redmond
So far, I have not been too impressed by the weather this winter. Actually, it’s kind of difficult even to call it winter. Winter, to me, means subzero days, rock ice, snowdrifts, blizzards – none of which have made an appearance as of yet. At the best, we’re having either an extended late fall or an extra early spring. Or maybe it’s a new season, a combination of the two: Call it fang. Or sprall. Anyway, I don’t like it. I like my seasons seasonal. I like them clear and distinct. I want hot summers, warm springs, cool falls and cold winters. I want to see and feel the changes as they happen. Oh, we’ve had the occasional spritzes and sprinkles, a few extra cold days, but nothing people are going to remember. And what’s the fun in that? Half the point of having winter storms is so you can talk about them at family reunions 20 years down the road. Winter is supposed to supply us with great material with which to lie to our children. But this is not to be this year. At least, not yet. The reason, I have learned, is something called arctic oscillation, which affects the pattern of the jet stream. In essence, it has been all whopper-jawed this year, zooming around the earth in a weird pattern that keeps us warm
while throwing the other side of the world in the deep freeze, which is why my daffodils are already blooming, while over in Europe, they’ve been digging out of 6-foot drifts. Now, I am sure there are lots of people who think I am crazy. In fact, I recently had a chat with such a person, a high school classmate who moved to Florida for one reason only: to get away from winter. He told me he had to look at the calendar to know what season it is. And he said this as if it were a good thing. In fact, it’s dangerous to your mental health. As proof, we need only to watch a few episodes of “The Jerry Springer Show,” with all those nutbars parading their lunacy across the stage. You know where most of them come from? Florida. No thanks. If we must have drama, I’ll take the kind that comes from a weather event, specifically a blizzard. Or I would take that kind, if this winter would produce one. Then again, it’s only February. We still have plenty of season left. In the meantime, enjoy the sprall. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.
People always act surprised to see me. Not happy to see me. Just surprised. This started back when I was young. I remember walking home from elementary school and coming in the door at approximately 3 p.m. My mother would say, “Oh dear, are you home already?” The staff at my dentist’s office was stunned to see me the other day, but I can’t figure out why. Three weeks before my appointment, I got a postcard in the mail reminding me at 2 p.m. on Thursday, I was to see Dr. Smith for my pearly off-whites. Then as it got closer to the date, I received both an e-mail and a text on my smartphone, all not-so-subtle hints to be sure I arrived at my scheduled time. And just for good measure, I also got a message on my answering machine the day before: “Hi, this is Yolanda from Dr. Smith’s office. We are just confirming your appointment. Could you call us back and let us know if we have been successful in embarrassing you into not missing your checkup?” I returned the call, but I got their answering machine, so I left a message: “Hi, this is Dick Wolfsie, and first I want to say I can’t wait to see all of you all again, so could you please call me back to confirm you got my message confirming I will be there?” Of course, the dental office called me back, 14 | February 21, 2012
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Surprise, surprise Humor by Dick Wolfsie
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but I wasn’t home. TV viewers who have seen my segments during the years are also surprised when they meet me in person because I am thinner than they expected. I have lost a few pounds by exercising and watching what I eat. But people often make an odd observation about it. “Dick Wolfsie, seems like you lost some weight. You look great. Have you been sick?” When I am out and about in the community, I sense bewilderment when people see me. “My gosh, it’s Dick Wolfsie. What in heaven’s name are you doing here?” That’s when I survey my surroundings and do a quick analysis of my situation in order to give an accurate response. “I am at a supermarket buying milk and ginger snap cookies.” They are shocked at my response. But it’s all I could come up with. When I get back to my house, I open the front door and there is Mary Ellen. She certainly won’t be startled to see me. Although I do have some mixed feelings when she says, “Oh, it’s you.” That’s one thing about marriage. After 30 years, there are no surprises.
The Affordable Companies 1000 3rd Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032
Making Luxury Affordable
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at
Current in Carmel
Letters to the editor
Mother grateful for food policy Editor, I am writing in response to Betsy Harvey’s recent letter in which she wrote Carmel Clay Schools Supt. Jeff Swensson’s food policies are too restrictive at school parties and events. She describes she has yet to hear of any remarkable nut allergy reactions and the parents have been able to throw parties without killing any kids. I wonder if she heard about the young teenager at a gifted school in the Chicago area that died at her school Christmas party. I wonder if she heard about the first grader who died in Virginia last month after sharing a single peanut on the playground. I wonder if she heard about the Iowa second grader last week whose life was saved by a revolutionary use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (essentially a heart-lung bypass machine) after the child ate one single bite of another child’s granola bar during a classroom party. I share Ms. Harvey’s ideology the food po-
lice should not be invading every aspect of our lives. I agree with her parents are highly capable of creating healthy food choices for their children. However, unless you have witnessed your own child struggle to breathe and fight for life because of ingesting a small amount of food protein, it is very difficult to understand the absolute dread and fear of sending a highly food-allergic young child into a school party. I will soon send a severely food-allergic child to kindergarten in Carmel schools. I am extremely grateful for Dr. Swensson’s food policy that seems to consider how vulnerable an increasing number of children are to facing a very possible sudden death. I am sorry if homemade treats are necessary for “classroom party fun,” but I know I am not alone in that I never imagined my son wouldn’t be able to breathe after just one bite of food. Stephany Keys 46032
Challenge with facts, give readers credit Editor, Well, Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg have done it again. I understand pandering to an overwhelmingly Republican readership, but even on an editorial page, there are some expectations of journalistic integrity. In reviewing the State of the Union address presented by President Barack Obama, they state, “We were induced to snooze shortly after it began, so we turned to news and analysis in the aftermath for the high points.” Really?! You depended on the Republican review of a Democratic president’s State of the Union address in an election year to draw your conclusions? They concluded based on this in-depth analysis on Obama we need to simply “VOTE HIM OUT” and “the infancy of Socialism is alive and well …” Specifically, Kelly and Greenberg criticized the Obama administration for providing a $535 million loan to Solyndra, a solar power company that eventually went bank-
rupt. They point out Obama received between $50,000 and $100,000 from a Solyndra investor, George Kaiser, and hope you draw the conclusion there was a connection. Obama raised $659 million for his 2008 campaign through individual donations, so I am not sure the risk of losing $50,000 in the future guides his decisions. Kaiser, by the way, is worth about $10 billion, so if he was really trying to buy influence, it was apparently with his pocket change. The residents of Carmel deserve a better balance of reporting and editorializing from Current in Carmel, and certainly a more professional effort than this from Kelly and Greenberg. Come on, guys; give your readers some credit. Instead of telling us how to vote, challenge us to understand the issues and the facts, then let us make our own decisions. Bob and Stacy Brake 46033
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Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 15
Non-surgical fix for belly fat ANTI-AGING by Barry Eppley
Q: I am looking for a non-surgical way to reduce my belly fat. I have had two kids, and as a result, I have a little loose skin on my lower belly, but it is really not too bad. I don’t have any stretch marks except a few fine ones. My problem is this little bulge below my belly button, which just won’t go away no matter how much I exercise or do sit-ups. I can’t justify in my mind to go through liposuction surgery to get rid of it, and I know my husband would never permit it anyway. I have read about several non-surgical methods, but what do you think is best and do they really work? A: Let us start with the premise surgery, liposuction specifically, is the most effective method of spot fat reduction we know. Any non-surgical method is never going to be as good. Whatever result any non-surgical method can achieve can never compare to that of actual surgery. And thus, by comparison, it is a poorer return on one’s economic investment. The trade-off for avoiding surgery is the results will not be nearly as good, but that may be worth it for some to avoid surgery. Once one accepts that premise, the consideration of non-surgical fat reduction can begin. Love your Heart – Throughout the month of February, Riverview will be offering a $99 Love your Heart comprehensive screening. The package includes a CT calcium heart scan, baseline electrocardiogram, vascular screening (peripheral artery disease, carotid and abdominal aortic aneurysm), consultation with a cardiac nurse and a coupon for a $15 blood chemistry profile. Those having a comprehensive screening are asked to fast 12 hours prior to your appointment. To schedule a screening, call 776-7247.
While many energy-based devices exist to reduce fat without surgery, my preference is Exilis. This device generates waves that penetrate past the skin, deep into the tissues to target fat, but can also do a little skin tightening as well. (I said a little skin tightening, not to be confused with more than a small pinch.) Treatments are fairly comfortable and a series of four to six sessions during six weeks can make a very visible reduction. The radiofrequency energy breaks down fat cells walls, causing them to spill their lipid contents, which is then absorbed. In addition, there is no recovery or pain afterward, and one could go and work out immediately after if they were so motivated. For the devout non-surgical person with some localized fat collections, this can be a good alternative to liposuction. You might also consider SmartLipo done under local anesthesia, perhaps aided with a little sedation if needed. While this is still surgery, small areas can be done without being put to sleep. This will produce the best result in the shortest period of time.
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Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to info@
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Golf outing – Riverview Hospital Foundation presents the 20th anniversary “Heartfelt Thanks” Golf Tournament on June 27 at Pebble Brook Golf Club, 3110 Westfield Rd., Noblesville. Registration begins at 10 a.m. To learn more, contact Amanda Trestrail at 776-7938 or
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12431 Branford St $575,000 BLC#21129689 Enjoy lavish living in this ANGELA gorgeous 5BR/4+BA RAAB Colonial. Security system. Huge foyer, great room, wet 442-4295 bar. Wine cellar.
Save the date – The Riverview Hospital Foundation will host its eighth annual Women of Vision Luncheon April 26 at the Renaissance Hotel, 11925 N. Meridian St., Carmel. The keynote speaker is Kathy McHugh, published author and speaker. To learn more, contact Amanda Trestrail at 776-7938, or visit www.
“I am 70 years old. I have been taking medication for blood pressure and cholesterol. Needless to say, I was worried if I could start an exercise program safely. John Karesh made it a nice, gradual transition and I am surprised what I can do now. I feel better now than when I was in my 50s.” -Janice H.
16 | February 21, 2012
“Indy’s Oldest Heating & Cooling Co.”
Current in Carmel
ANGELA RAAB 442-4295
8327 Thorn Bend Dr $240,000 BLC#21155364 Celebrate life in this deluxe 5BR/3+BA Traditional-style! ANGELA RAAB Security system. Huge foyer, 442-9610 office, high ceilings. Deck.
1342 E. 116th St $360,000 BLC#21145650 Excellent location. Perfect land to build your dream home, or an exclusive neighborhood. On the Monon Trail.
6477 Glenwood Trace $179,900 BLC#21147998 Spacious well maintained SUSAN 4bed 2 1/2 bath home w/ VAN DEN professional landscaping HEUVEL including brick fire pit in great 508-1276 neighborhood.
Bring back the push-up – Guys tend to abandon the push-up for the bench press sometime at puberty. But the once-forgotten push-up has recently muscled its way back to the top of the exercise universe. Why? Because it not only builds a powerful appearance to your physique, but also develops the support system behind that musculature. “They're also a great way to judge how strong you are relative to your body weight," says Martin Rooney, author of “Ultimate Warrior Workouts.” Test yourself by doing as many push-ups as you can in three minutes. Rest whenever you want, but keep the clock running the whole time. Fiftyfive is average, but if you can't reach 75 – what strength coaches consider “good” – then you need to either gain strength or lose weight.
Eat cake for breakfast and lose weight? – Good news for the kid in you: Not only can you eat cake for breakfast, doing so may actually help you keep weight off, a new study suggests. In the study, obese participants who ate a breakfast high in protein and carbohydrates, that included a dessert, were better able to stick to their diet and keep the pounds off longer than participants who ate a low-carb, low-calorie breakfast that did not include sweets. The findings suggest both meal timing and meal composition play a role in weight loss. Carbs and protein eaten at breakfast may keep us full throughout the day, plus allowing ourselves some sweets helps to stem cravings for these foods, said study researcher Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, of Tel Aviv University in Israel. Don’t ignore this ache – For the past month, you've felt gassy and bloated more days than not, and it takes fewer slices of pizza to fill you up than it once did. If the symptoms are new, the worst-case scenario is ovarian cancer. In 2007, the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation released the first national consensus on early symptoms of this form of cancer: bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, and difficulty eating. If you start experiencing them almost daily for more than two or three weeks, consider it a red flag. Schedule an appointment with your OBGYN to discuss your symptoms.
No cancer benefits in supplements – A new study testing B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids for cancer prevention has found no beneficial effect and – at least for women – some possibility of harm. In this placebo-controlled five-year study, French researchers divided 2,501 survivors of cardiovascular illness ages 45 to 80 into four groups. The first took daily supplements of vitamin B9, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12; the second took two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids; the third took vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and omega-3; and the last took a placebo. There were 174 cases of primary cancers among the participants, all confirmed by pathology. After controlling for dozens of other factors, the researchers found neither the B vitamins nor the omega-3 fatty acids had any effect among the men. But there was an increased rate of cancer incidence and mortality among women who took the omega-3 supplements. One researcher who led the study said only 29 cancers were found in women, not a large enough number to draw broad conclusions. Still, she said, “We’re dealing with active substances that may not have beneficial effects and may have adverse effects, especially over the long-term.”
Results Change Lives “Get In Shape For Women is the first exercise and nutrition program that has actually worked, and continues to work for me.”
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1400 S. Guilford Ste 130B, Carmel, IN 46032
Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 17
New business
Now Open: Moochie & Co.
The latest of recent additions to Clay Terrace’s roster of retailers opened last week. Ohio-based Moochie & Co. opened a new location at Carmel’s outdoor mall last Friday. The company, founded in 2004, now operates 12 stores and nearly 40 mini stores in four states, and provides upscale products for dogs, cats and their owners. President Mike Dagne founded the company in response to modern trends in pet ownership. According to the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association, 62 percent of U.S. households – or 73 million of them – own a pet. “Everything in the store is cool, sophisticated and fun, but none of it is completely frivolous or overly pricey,” Dagne said in a release. “Our product mix emphasizes style, quality and function.” Product offerings also benefit dogs and cats
579-9220 that do not have caring guardians. Moochie & Co. teams up with local animal shelters, humane societies and pet rescues at every store. The company said it will explore ways to partner with such Indianapolis groups. “There’s a little Moochie in every pet,” Dagne said. “We believe we’ve captured that playful personality, and it permeates every aspect of our store and brand.” The Clay Terrace location is the new home of an existing store. Moochie & Co. closed its Castleton Square site Jan. 24 and moved the store to Carmel.
Value: $840,000
Type: Traditional two-story home with finished basement. Age: Built in 1998. Location: Near 106th Street and Towne Road. Square Footage: 7,994 square feet of finished living space including finishing basement. Rooms: Stunning five BDRM/five full, two half BA home on .55 acre lot. HRDWDS, soaring ceilings, built-ins and crown molding throughout. Main LVL MSTR with huge WIC and BA featuring WHRPL tub and large walk-in SHWR. Two-STY great RM
with FP and floor to ceiling windows. Main FLR den with built-ins. Gourmet KIT with granite. FNSHD daylight, walk-out BSMT with wet bar, bonus RM, extensive REC RM, fifth BDRM with full BA and WIC. Three BDRMS up with private BAs and WICs. Expansive fenced yard with large deck, great for entertaining! Four-car garage. Strengths: Large lot, great neighborhood, fourcar garage, curb appeal, great floor plan Challenges: A lot of competition.
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18 | February 21, 2012
Current in Carmel
Real estate
Vulnerable exchange-traded funds
Carmel housing inventory decreases, market continues to stabilize Real Estate by Jim Litten
January’s winter weather, though milder than expected, still kept Carmel buyers at home, with 20 fewer homes pended for sale in Carmel in January 2012, compared to January 2011 – a 23.5 percent decline, according to statistics compiled by the F.C. Tucker Company. Overall, in Hamilton County, pended home sales slipped modestly by 5.3 percent. In January 2012, pended home sales totaled 269 homes, compared to 284 homes the year before.
• In central Indiana, more than 1,500 homes pended in January – up 13.4 percent over January 2011, or an increase of 181 homes sold in the nine counties F.C. Tucker tracks. • In Hamilton County, inventory continues to shrink as the market stabilizes. • Inventory in Hamilton County decreased 13.4 percent in January 2012. The number of available homes for sale decreased to 2,178. In January 2011, the number of available homes was 2,516. • In Carmel, available homes for sale decreased 13.7 percent. In January 2012, 618 Carmel homes were on the market. In January 2011, 716 homes were on the market. • Buyers in Carmel continue to benefit from conservative prices. In January 2012, sale prices averaged $273,172 – a 13.6 percent decline from the $316,019 figure posted in January 2011.
As we move deeper into the new year, F.C. Tucker Company anticipates home sales will increase for the first six months of the year. But it’s likely the market may slow a little toward the second half of the year, while consumers take a wait-and-see approach pending the outcome of the upcoming presidential election.
Jim Litten is the president of F.C. Tucker Company. Comment on this article by e-mailing to
iShares Barclays 20 Year Treasury Fund (TLT) – In August and September, when interest rates plunged and traders fled to the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds, the run-up from the iShares Barclays 20 Year Treasury Bond Fund came as no surprise. TLT advanced 27 percent in a little more than two months – a huge move for a bond fund. There’s a problem with seeing that kind of move right here and now, however. Interest rates already were rock-bottom based on some serious economic and currency worries before the rally. For traders to think things could be even more alarming come August may have been a little unrealistic in retrospect. Nevertheless, the TLT popped and is very vulnerable to a dip now. In fact, that dip might already have started now the economy – and Europe in particular – seems to be on firmer footing. The 20-day moving average has decreased below the 50- and 100-day moving average lines, and all three are pointed lower now. Watch out for Lenovo – One day very, very soon, the biggest personal-computer producer in the world may be a scrappy, Beijing-based company named Lenovo (ticker: 0992. HongKong). Last year, thanks to swift growth in China, Lenovo vaulted past Dell to the No. 2 position, and is now within sight of leader HewlettPackard. Lenovo sells one in three PCs in China, and has 14 percent of the market worldwide. That market share is growing. This year, Lenovo expects its PC shipments to grow two to three times faster than the global market, which the company forecasts will increase 3 percent to 5 percent.
• Full-Size Washer/Dryer in Every Apartment • Underground Parking Garage • Adjacent to the Monon Trail • Exclusive Resident Amenity Lounge - Wii Gaming Space & Billiards - 3D Cinema - Executive Center - and Much More! • Green Construction and Design 110 West Main St. Carmel
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bar none
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Target’s ‘unique’ way of raising prices – Target’s plan to stock more “unique” items that can’t be found elsewhere could have a not-so-special impact on consumers, say analysts: higher prices. The Minneapolis-based store says the move is aimed at preventing customers from “showrooming,” checking the price of goods and then buying them elsewhere – often at a cheaper price from online retailers like Experts say the extra time, money and resources spent developing exclusive product lines with partners typically means a bigger price tag for shoppers. Those higher prices may even spread to nonexclusive items, analysts say.
The Bar None
Carmel’s Most Anticipated LUXURY APARTMENT COMMUNITY Sustainable is always in style at Sophia Square, new luxury apartments in the Carmel Arts and Design District.
Select Sector Technology SPDR (XLK) – Since the Dec. 19 market bottom, the technology sector – represented by the Select Sector Technology SPDR – is the market’s thirdbest performer, with a 16.4 percent gain. Since the middle of January, it’s the top performer, with a 10 percent advance. Yes, it’s a fun ride while it lasts, but those big moves don’t come without a price. That price is more than the fund’s fair share of potential profit-taking. Bear in mind such a pullback would be an intermediate-term phenomenon at best, and probably closer to a short-term correction. Why? Despite plenty of pessimism, technology stocks just posted their most profitable quarter ever. And it’s one of the few groups expected to hit record-earning levels by the end of the year. Better still, the sector as a whole remains near a record-low valuation of 14.85 times its trailing 12-month earnings.
Musical talent showcase. Up close and personal.
Bar None sponsored by North Park Community Church, located in The Fountains 484 E. Carmel Dr., Carmel, Indiana, 46032
Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 19
In spirit
The goal that never changes My friend and former pastor, Dave Faust, wrote the foreword for my recent book, “Common Christianity/Uncommon Commentary.” Dave, now president of Cincinnati Christian University, baptized me Nov. 18, 2001. In his foreword, Dave mentions that on each baptismal anniversary, I mail a letter to him thanking him for his ministry and updating my faith journey. The following testimony, not in the book, is from my 10th letter to Dave a couple months ago: “It’s a magnificent blessing to believe, to depend, to share with confidence what I know about the reality of Jesus Christ. While I doubt myself plenty, it never occurs to me to doubt Christ. Satan is the enemy, Christ is always for us … and it doesn’t get any simpler than that. “Many times I feel as though I’m still in the same spot in life, even in the exact same boat, shall we say. But now, over time, the entire ocean around me has broadened and deepened; become clearer but more endless, safer but with more at stake, easier to understand but impossible to predict. Faith in Christ is an unexpected equation of joy on an ocean of faith, hope and love under the endless, open, brilliant sky of
God the Father Almighty. “Christians always talk about change. But, am I different than I was? No, I am still a sinner. Am I the same? No, I am closer to Christ. Do I, can I, must I trust God? I can’t imagine trusting anyone or anything else. Am I sufficient? No. Christ is sufficient. I am made in the image of God, but insufficient without Christ. In Christ, with Christ and for Christ, it turns out, I am – each of us is – sufficient. “Ironically, we beg and plead and pray for divine forgiveness that has already been won. We yearn for life that has already been restored and for a divine relationship with God that God Himself relentlessly pursues with the unparalleled pluck, power and preeminence of the serving, saving grace of Jesus Christ. Change can be the thrill or the motion sickness of the journey, but change alone is not – cannot be – a destination. “Faith in Christ is the goal, the prize, the joy, the first cause … and that never changes.” Bob Walters (, www.commonchristianity.blogspot. com) just wanted to share.
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A Promise in Technicolor
Have dinner with Hamilton Southeastern FFA – FFA is having their annual ham and bean supper Saturday from 4 - 8 p.m. at Wayne-Fall Lions Club, 11940 E. 191st St . The dinner is free, donations to support FFA are accepted.
Saturday: Casual Worship 5:01pm Sunday: Classic Worship 8:00 & 11:00am Praise Worship 9:30am Sunday School (all ages) 9:30am Nursery Available | Community Preschool
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8@979*B-%#--(,*+2%)'&*=*C?A?D@@@* 1660 Summerlakes - $650,000
8<89E*F2)GH!(%-/*F#I*=*CED;>@J$(* 507 Ponds Pointe Dr $2,100/mo
8@979*B-%#--(,*+2%)'&*=*C?A?D@@@* 8<89E*F2)GH!(%-/*F#I*=*CED;>@J$(* <%=,9$"">%5%?%-#00@?%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) %/%B*6*2),9% <%=,9$"">%5%M%-#00@'%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) %/%G/2,F 88B7>*C&%D'&E*+2%)'&*=*FB@>G?@@* B>B@*H(E#'*C'3I*=*FBG<>@J$(* 4 Bedroom & 3 Full/1 Half Bath, Two-Story Home with 4 Bedroom & 2>,63%%/69%G"6#2%$"">%*6%% Full/1 Half Bath, Two-Story Home with G/2,>,63%*6%(/$>,0H% 8@979*B-%#--(,*+2%)'&*=*C?A?D@@@* >;77*B-(,&*E2,&*F%#2'*=*CGDA>@H$(* <%=,9$"">%5%?%-#00@?%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) <%=,9$"">%5%M%-#00@'%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) %/%G/2,F a finished walk-out basement in Carmel.%/%B*6*2),9% finished basement in Carmel. %B*6*2),9% <%=,9$"">%5%?%-#00@'%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) %/%B*6*2),9% <%=,9$"">%5%?%-#00@'%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) ICJK<%3"3/0%2L%B3H% (/$>,0H%%KCI??%3"3/0%2L%B3H% G/2,>,63%*6%(/$>,0H% >,63%%/69%G"6#2%$"">%*6%%
G/2,>,63%*6%-*2),$2H% 5,460 total sq ft. <%=,9$"">%5%?%-#00@?%A/0B%=/3)C%DE"F43"$:%A">,%E*3) %/%B*6*2),9% ICJK<%3"3/0%2L%B3H% ICI?J%%3"3/0%2K%B3H% G/2,>,63%*6%(/$>,0H% ICJK<%3"3/0%2L%B3H% +(,-#)-*.(/,*+#%,&''*0(%*#*1%23#-&*-(4%5*** 6789:*;<;=8>;;****(%****6789:*>?@=9?A@* Contact Jim Canull for a private tour! +(,-#)-*.(/,*+#%,&''*0(%*#*1%23#-&*-(4%5*** 6789:*;<;=8>;;****(%****6789:*>?@=9?A@* (317)+(,-#)-*.(/,*+#%,&''*0(%*#*1%23#-&*-(4%5*** 848-1588 or (317) 507-4431
20 | February 21, 2012
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Contact Marlene Slagle for a private tour! QM'IR%J<JF'KJJ%%%%"$%%%%QM'IR%S'JFIJMJ% ("63/+3%8/$0,6,%40/;0,%B"$%/%N$*O/3,%3"#$P%%% QM'IR%J<JF'KJJ%%%%"$%%%%QM'IR%S'JFIJMJ% ("63/+3%MM%(/6#00%%B"$%/%N$*O/3,%3"#$P%%% (317) 848-1588 or (317) 918-7838 QI'RS%T<TF'UTT%%%%"$%%%%QI'RS%<'TFRLRJ%
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Scott Wharton is a registered representative with and securities are offered through LPL Financial, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121-1968, USA (800) 877-7210. Member FINRA. Scott Wharton is a registered representative with and securities are offered through LPL Financial, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121-1968, USA (800) 877-7210. Member FINRA/SIPC... Wharton Insurance Insurance and and Financial Financial Services, Services, Inc., Inc., and and LPL LPL Financial Financial are are independently independently owned owned and and operated. operated. The The information information set set forth forth herein herein has has been been derived derived from from sources sources believed believed to to be be reliable, reliable, but but Wharton is not not guaranteed guaranteed as as to to accuracy accuracy and and does does not not purport purport to to be be complete complete analysis analysis of of the the securities, securities, companies companies or or industries industries involved. involved. The The opinions opinions expressed expressed herein herein are are those those of of the the authors authors and and not not itit is necessarily those of LPL Financial. Additional information is available upon request.
Current in Carmel
Coming Soon!
• Hair • Skin • Nails • Massage
0 20
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r rD
rm Ca
We are excited to unveil our new concept at Salon 01! Salon 01 Blow Out, a blow dry bar, will open this spring. No cuts, or color, just schedule your shampoo and style to give yourself a break from doing your own hair, whether weekly, monthly or just whenever you need to look extra special or are in need of pampering!
S a l o n HAS HEART! CUTS FOR A CAUSE MARCH 5, 2012 Salon 01 is hosting a fundraising event to benefit the American Heart Assosociation’s “GO RED FOR WOMEN”. We are hosting our ninth annual “Cuts for a Cause” event benefiting Go Red For Women, a campaign connected with fundraising and awareness for the American Heart Association on Monday, March 5, 2012! Members of Salon 01’s staff will volunteer their time and talent to raise money in a discounted haircut-a-thon. Guests may come and
Enjoy! donate $25 for a haircut from any of Salon 01’s talented stylists. This is up to a $77 value! Salon 01 will be open from 11am to 7pm that day and there is no appointment necessary. Proceeds will benefit the American Heart Association.
Free brow wax with any facial appointment (a $15 value) Offer good through Mar. 31, 2012.
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Dare to Wear: Leather Leggings Add some excitement to your look this winter with leather leggings. Perfect for maintaining your shape, they even make spandex look frumpy. Pair them with a cute dress or short skirt and heels for an edgy look.
S a l o n
( 3 1 7 ) 5 8 0 - 0 1 0 1 w w w . s a l o n 0 1 . c o m
What is your style? Decorating by Vicky Earley
Your style demonstrates your personality and is an extension of who you are. Style is typically not a straight path. It is often a blend … just like your personality. Acknowledging the basic interior design styles – casual, formal, contemporary and traditional – is the beginning. When rooms ramble between these styles, the result can become cluttered and chaotic. Whether you’re a beginner in interior design, a do-it-yourselfer or a seasoned professional, knowing your innate interior decorating style can help you focus on the pieces that will work to polish a room, and which pieces to leave at the store. Traditional style remains the most popular and, perhaps, the most recognizable style for residential decorating. If a classic and refined look is comfortable and inviting, your style probably has a traditional bias. When a trendy look sets off your style meter, you just might be modern or contemporary. While this style is easy to identify, it is one of the most difficult to execute. The clean lines, polished surfaces, strong geometric shapes and asymmetry of modern design can appear cold and uninviting if it is not balanced with warmth. I like to place an unexpected antique in a room otherwise modern. If you long for a space that is homey, warm,
comfortable and inviting, your style is probably casual. Casual homes have simple details, textured elements in fabrics and accessories, soft upholstery and arrangements that avoid fussiness. They beg a guest to stay in their comfort for hours on end. If you find yourself longing for crystal chandeliers and refined details, your style is probably formal. One of the most distinguishing features of interior spaces and homes decorated in a formal style is the symmetry of windows, furniture, artwork and flooring. These elements are most often arranged in exact pairs on a straight axis around the room. Furniture and accessories look as though they’re adorned with hand-carved accents and gold leafing, while pillows and draperies are dressed with tassels and trims. Design magazines are peppered with quizzes to reveal the real you for decorating. These tests are not crystal balls for the home. They do, however, point out the obvious of who you are. In reality, you know who you are and how you want to live … and that is the answer to your style question! Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact
REMODELING WORKSHOP – Join CASE Design/Remodeling at Indiana Design Center for a free, informative 90-minute session, covering basic building blocks and advice for preparing you or your clients for a remodeling project Thursday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m
$399! Create a gingham backsplash – Fashioning a gingham pattern for a kitchen backsplash is easier than it might seem, and it's a simple way to bring color and pattern to a space dominated by white cabinets. To make the backsplash, buy small tiles in three different colors. Repeat a pattern of three colors in four squares: white next to a medium shade, over the same medium shade next to a darker shade.
Limited time only. 10 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, Indiana 317.587.7411
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317.587.1019 22 | February 21, 2012
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Current in Carmel
• Adoption • Criminal Law • Drunk Driving • Planning & Zoning • Litigation • Bankruptcy
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Removal of wall allows new kitchen configuration Remodeling by Larry Greene
Original kitchen: This home located in the Foster Grove subdivision on the east side of Carmel was built in the mid-1980s. The owners had been thinking about remodeling the home for approximately 10 years, trying to decide if they were going to stay in the house or move. They ultimately decided they really liked their neighborhood and the improvements they already made to the exterior, so they chose to stay. Kitchen design choices: When thinking about making changes to their kitchen, the owners were unsure if they wanted to keep the same footprint and make cosmetic upgrades, or go for a full-space remodel. The design team presented both options to them, and after seeing, for just slightly more money, they could greatly improve the overall flow, they opted for the reconfiguration option. The old kitchen was expanded, the old living room is the new dining room and the old dining room was used for kitchen expansion. The homeowner commented, “Seeing the computer drawings – comparing keeping the same footprint to completely changing the kitchen – helped us decide which option to choose. The designer showed us how, for just a little more money, we could get a bigger bang for our buck.” Final result: The homeowner is thrilled with the result and stated, “We are very happy we made the decision to go with the new configura-
Before tion. The old kitchen was small, and the new one has made our house completely different. We now have room to entertain. The new design opened up the space, so now we have room to maneuver around, cook and entertain. The kids like using the island for hanging out and snacks, so the new kitchen has brought the family back into the kitchen again. My favorite parts of the new kitchen are the expanded space, the newer appliances and the granite. The new lighting has made a big difference, too, adding a modern look and brightness.” Larry Greene is the president of Case Design/Remodeling, a full-service design/build firm serving Hamilton County. Contact him at lgreene@
Good shade garden plant – Try the jack-in-the-pulpit in your shade garden. Its hooded, green flowers arise to reveal little Jack poking out against rusty red markings on the inside of the "pulpit." If you're lucky, the flowers will set bright red clusters of berries in the fall for an extra season of interest. Name: Arisaema triphyllum; growing conditions: shade and moist, well-drained soil; size: up to 2 feet tall.
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Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 23
Getting out
Guardsmen learn 18th-century skills at Conner Prairie By Jordan Fischer •
Indiana National Guardsmen from the 5-19th Agribusiness Development Team spent last week learning blacksmithing techniques at Conner Prairie Interactive History Park. The crash course in metallurgy, toolmaking and blacksmith shop set up was a first for the Guard team, which is tasked with training Afghani citizens in Khost Province in agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry and pest management. “If you look at how agriculture is done in Afghanistan, it’s very much like 18th century America,” said Maj. Greg Motz. “It’s all done by hand tools.” Training Afghani farmers in both agricultural and blacksmithing skills is important, Motz said, because it eases their reliance on Cpt. Stephen Spencer U.S. support and their
dependency upon food merchants. “Everything we do, we want to put an Afghan face on,” said Motz. “We’ve given them too many fishes, and no one has taught them to fish.” Training the guardsmen has been a rare chance to teach 18th century skills to people who’ll use them today in the 21st century, said Nathan Allen, manager of historical trades for the museum. “It’s been a unique challenge, because in the field these, guys are going to have to scrounge and salvage tools to set up shop,” Allen said. The 5-19th Agribusiness Development Team, headquartered out of Camp Atterbury near Edinburgh, will deploy to Afghanistan in the spring. More information about the Agribusiness Team can be found online at
Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision
Photos by Jordan Fischer
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*Some Restrictions Apply
24 | February 21, 2012
Current in Carmel
Across 1. Stand up to 5. Indy neighborhood: Chatham ___ 9. Hundred dollar bill, slangily 14. Eiteljorg Museum tribe 15. Mouselike animal 16. Reasons to call R.V. Hallam Plumbing 17. Dryer fluff at Morellis Cleaners 18. Mideast ruler 19. Start the ball rolling: “Let ___!” (2 wds.) 20. 9-, 25-, 32- and 41-Down, e.g. (2 wds.) 23. Greasy goo 24. AAA suggestion 25. Current units? 29. IUPUI psych class topic 30. Droop 33. Skin layer 34. British gun 35. Don Hinds product 36. Commotions 37. Inquired 39. Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis blood supplies 40. Blend a drink at Carey Tavern 41. 1502, on a monument 42. Roberts camera brand 43. Utter aloud 44. Ireland’s ___ Lingus 45. Reason for a trip to St. Vincent Hospital 47. Dentistry on 116 org. 48. “True Blood” actress Paquin 49. 9-, 25-, 32- and 41-Down, e.g. (2 wds.) 57. Goes on and on 58. Shideler Dermatology Group concern 59. “Encore!” 60. Bone: Prefix 61. Hudson Institute think tank nugget 62. Barely beat the Millers 63. Rose sticker 64. UIndy session 65. Bright sign at Britton Tavern Down 1. Shapiro’s, for one 2. Redbox rental: “___ Brockovich” 3. Discovery 4. Abominable Snowman 5. Keystone or Broad Ripple add-on 6. Caesar’s subjects 7. Hit it off 8. McAlister’s sandwich 9. 42nd of 44 10. Seven, at Donatello’s Italian Restaurant 11. Hoosier Park betting: ___-mutuel 12. “The Grapes of Wrath” figure 13. Kiss Z Cook recipe amts. 21. Taj Mahal locale 22. Implored 25. 2nd or 6th of 44 26. WTHR, WIBC and The Star, et al. 27. Authorized stand-in 28. Hammond pair? 29. Summer in France 30. Part of an IRT act 31. Former Indianapolis Clowns slugger, Hank ___ 32. 18th of 44 34. Go downhill at Paoli Peaks 37. “Beat ___ horse” (2 wds.) 38. “Dear” one 39. ___ Jones Expressway
36 40
Winter is here. You’ll spend enough time shoveling snow! So let the Poo Patrol shovel your little “snowman’s” droppings for you!
1 FREE patrol!
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Call for Details!
2 FREE patrols When an existing client refers a friend.
Using the letters in LIBERTY (Park), create as many common words of 3+ letters as you can in 20 minutes. No proper nouns or foreign words.
LIBERTY __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
25+: Word wizard 20-24: Brainiac 15-19: Not too shabby <15: Try again next week
Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once.
Indiana Wordsmith Challenge
1) Famous California Golf Course (3) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2) Fashion Mall Jeweler (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3) Volkswagen Model (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Somerset CPAs
provides consulting and tax services for executives with exposure to one-stock portfolios, multi-state income and earnings overseas.
4) Clay Terrace Outdoors Gear Store (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5) Surfin' Safari Band (3) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
41. 4th of 44 42. Family group 45. Mount Your Pride Taxidermy trophy build the words 46. Pants measurement at Lucy’s Tailor 47. Fall flower 48. + end of a battery 49. Crown Hill Cemetery space 50. Poison ivy woe
51. “This” in a Westfield HS Spanish class 52. Give off light, like an IU Health laser 53. Final word at United Methodist Church 54. Companion of mean and median in a Butler statistics class 55. Start of a conclusion 56. Viewed
Current in Carmel
Susan Bradford, CPA Jay Feller, CPA Kevin O’Connell, CPA, JD 317.472.2200
+ t Year s of Commitmen to Your Success February 21, 2012 | 25
Hamilton County Business Contacts Get your card in front of more than 94,000 households in Hamilton County! Call Dennis O’Malia @ 370-0749 for details GET IN
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2:23 PM
Business Advisors, Tax Preparation & Planning, Tax Cases, Accounting, Estate Planning, Valuations, Onsite Assistance, Buying, Selling or Starting a Business, QuickBooks Training
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Roher Rd
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SPECIAL HONEYMOON/VACATION OFFER Book a cruise or all-inclusive resort with us between February 21, 2012 and March 30, 2012, and you will receive the following:
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VISA, MasterCard accepted Reach 94,733 homes weekly
Public Notice
Sanctuary Project I, LLC. (7777 Washington Village Dr. Suite 210, Dayton, OH 45459) is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities associated with The Sanctuary at 116th Street Located at Qtr: SW Sec: 24 Twp:18 Range: 3, Carmel, Indiana 46206. Runoff from the project site will discharge to Long Branch Stream. Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Jeff Chen, P.E. CEC for Sanctuary Project I, LLC.
Full Time Breakfast/Lunch Servers Part Time Banquet Servers Full Time Banquet Set-up Full Time Housekeeping Part Time Phone Operator Apply in Person! 11925 N. Meridian Street Carmel, 46032
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Guitar Lessons
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Bank Foreclosures Hamilton Co. Free list of Foreclosure Properties. Receive a FREE daily list by e-mail;
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School Bus Drivers
Now Hiring
Carmel Clay School Corporation is now training School Bus Drivers Must be able to obtain Class B, CDL Starting at $88 day after successful completion of training, no benefits Paid Bi-weekly Will pay up to $94 day for existing CDL drivers with school bus endorsement & school bus experience Available to earn attendance bonus Must be able to pass criminal history and BMV background checks Will work avg 3 hours per day running morning and afternoon routes
NE side position, M-F, 5pm start time, 5-1/2 to 8 hrs/nightly. Starting salary $8.50/hr. NW side position, M-F, 5pm start time, 8-9 hrs/nightly. Starting salary $8.50/hr. Must have a clean police record, have your own car and good work references. Call 317252-9795, leave a message, and someone will return your call as soon as possible
Great Deals Savings Magazine is Now Hiring sales representatives for NE Indianapolis. Salary and commission to start. Direct Advertising Sales experience a Plus. Call 1-877-587-9780 or send resume to
Dooley O’Tooles Wait Staff: Days/Nights Full and Part Time Call 843-9900 160 E Carmel Drive
FOR SALE Business for sale
Small business for sale – prominent location in Westfield- accessory, giftware,,and small furniture – new and refurbished – and is considered a north side establishment. It is a premier retailer in it’s geographic market, with established relationships with upscale clientele. Owner/operator has over 20 years of experience in the marketplace and willing to train. This is an excellent opportunity for an aggressive owneroperator with the right experience. Serious inquiries only Call 317-245-1445
NOW HIRING: LANDSCAPING and LAWNCARE LANDSCAPE CREW Experience and valid license w/clean driving record Bi-lingual a plus TURF TECHNICIAN Applicants must have min. IN RT License with min. (2) years experience & valid driver’s License. 3A and/or 3B License preferred • Top Pay with Overtime • Benefits Package • Retirement Program Contact Joe: (317) 846-0620 Fax (317) 846-4950 Email:
FOR RENT For lease or purchase. 3000 sq ft commercial bldg on approx 1.5 acres. 216 Lakeview, Noblesville. 317-371-0634.”
Childcare CHILD CARE
near Carey Road & 146th Carmel 317-
Apply on-line to, AA/EOE
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489.4444 ext. 202
Full-Time Infant and Toddler Openings; 844-7207 Woodgate Area, Carmel CPR certified; 1st Aid; 32 Years Experienced; Warm and Balanced Meals; Planned activities, TLC
Current in Carmel
February 21, 2012 | 27
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