TUESDAY March 10, 2009 FREE
Early detection is the best defense.
Photo Illustration
Mohawk Hillls
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
By Stephanie Carlson Curtis Current in Carmel
Affordable housing – probably not the first image that crosses your mind when you think of Carmel, Ind., a city often referred to as the “Golden Ghetto” for its upscale neighborhoods. In the last decade, the housing landscape has transformed from one of primarily single-family homes to a diverse blend of residential offerings representing a wide range of price points. But is Carmel lacking a key component to its housing mix? Clarian North Hospital operates three shifts around the clock and employs 1,000 associates, a majority of whom live outside Carmel. “While housing does not show up as the top turnover reason for us, it is an important factor,” said Angie Thompson, vice president of human resources and support service. “People view Carmel as an expensive place to live, but a lot of turnover is attributed to a lack of dependable transportation.” In Mayor Jim Brainard’s State of the City speech last November, he too stressed the need for affordable housing. “A city can’t survive on expensive housing alone,” he said. “It is very important to have housing for all income levels.” But in the near future, the city will lose one of its last low-rent developBrainard ments, Mohawk Hills. The apartments, located at 126th Street and Keystone Avenue, offer
Main Street on the Monon
AMLI Carmel Center
Cost to rent a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment in Carmel Carmel Landing
Mohawk Hills
Woodland Springs Manor
Main Street on the Monon
Lakes of Carmel
$900 -1,065
AMLI Carmel Center
Alexandria of Carmel
Providence at Old Meridian
$1,089-1,429 Source: forrent.com
some of the lowest rents in town. But they will soon be replaced by Gramercy, an upscale, high-density residential and retail development. “Affordability is community driven and there has to be a commitment from government to allow the density you would need to have to get the price of units down,” said Mike Hollibaugh, director of community services. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOLLIBAUGH defines “affordable” as housing that costs no more than 30 percent of a household’s monthly
income. In Brainard’s address, he said, “We have offered more varied housing opportunities in Carmel with some density in the central part of Carmel and more options for seniors. We also have plans in the Old Meridian Corridor to increase that variety to include the development of affordable housing for our workforce.” But affordability does not mean Carmel is considering introducing subsidized housing into the mix. “With all of the recent government bailouts, I believe that Hamilton County residents would not be very receptive of a local subsidized government housing project,” said John Pacilio, a long-time Carmel realtor. “The most efficient method to provide businesses ample employees especially in lower income positions is to make it easier PACILIO for people to travel inexpensively with quality public transportation. While creating a public transit system might be in Carmel’s future, right now Brainard advocates keeping taxes low as a vital element to providing reasonably priced housing options. According to Hollibaugh, if Carmel allowed more density, there would be room for more affordable housing choices. But neighbors don’t want to hear that, he said. “But density is only one part of the equation,” said Hollibaugh. “If we require high standards for design and high-quality materials used in construction, how can we demand affordability?
Photos by Stephanie Carlson Curtis
OUR TAKES It is our position that Carmel Clay Superintendant Barb Underwood took appropriate action in managing Carmel Middle School Principal Denise Jacobs’ unfortunate DUI arrest. Underwood waited more than a month before informing the public about the arrest, raising the question, “When it comes to the personal lives of educators, what is private and what is public?” The incident in question did not happen during school hours. It was not on school property. And it did not involve any students. We believe school officials were right to keep the information private. While Jacobs’ behavior was inappropri-
, Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. III, No. 20 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032
his lord’s financial services
ate (and perhaps criminal), she correctly informed Underwood immediately of the arrest. Administrative action was taken and disciplinary measures were put into place. Our position does not discount the severity of the matter: Our community depends upon school leaders as role models, both inside and outside the classroom. And driving under the influence warrants criminal prosecution in our society. However, Jacobs’ honesty with her superiors shows character. Moreover, Underwood has earned the right to use her own discretion in dealing with her staff.
It is our position that religious institutions should avoid mixing spiritual guidance with personal financial advice. While churches, mosques and synagogues are often a sanctuary for those who are lost and suffering, they also require significant financial care to support themselves and the important programs they undertake. Much has been written in recent weeks about the significant growth in some religious circles resulting from growing anxiety regarding the world’s financial circumstances. And many churches are now offering financial advising services along-
side spiritual ones. Personal financial decisions are complex, especially today, and many churchgoers are seeking direction from trusted advisors and friends. But aside from questions about the credibility of the guidance, isn’t there an inherent conflict of interest? Tithing, debt management and spiritual priority setting are important parts of spiritual life. But to preserve confidence in our spiritual organizations, those institutions must resist the temptation to become direct participants in personal financial management. Let’s leave that duty to the professionals.
public vs. private
CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Managing Editor – Bryan Unruh bryan@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz stefanie@currentincarmel.com / 340.1836 Senior Reporter – Mike Beas mike@currentincarmel.com / 730.4833 Reporter – Brandon Bowman brandon@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com
Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton lara@currentincarmel.com / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359
Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper. To comment on Tim’s currentoons, contact him at: tim@currentincarmel.com.
ANOTHER TAKE label consciousness
But since peaking in the 1950s, enlexis de Tocqueville, 18th gagement in this process is on the wane. century French political The cultural revolution of the 1960s commentator and author and ‘70s encouraged young people to of the important treatise “drop out” of institutions and “tune in” “Democracy in America,” to some new and undefined argued that one of the great form of personal secularism – strengths of the new world’s a central tenet of which was democratic experiment was not the “we,” but the “me.” its broad civic participation. In some ways, we have no He rightly argued that our doubt benefited. But haven’t citizenry’s unique involvewe suffered as well? Political ment in all matter of clubs, party affiliation has been left associations and not-for-profit to the extremists, and personal groups positioned it to take responsibility has been left to full advantage of the power the government. While few of stemming from an inclusive us would like to take responsociety. sibility for the extreme and While he and others were interested and concerned partisan rants of MSNBC’s Terry made-over lesbian hottie about how the United States Rachel Maddow or the EIB would merge, blend and yet Anker Network’s bloated blowhard maintain the culture of so Rush Limbaugh, isn’t there value in pickmany distinct immigrant groups (someing a team and supporting it fully? Has thing that no other nation has, to this day, done as well as the U.S.), his general our fear of being labeled prevented us from taking part? premise was correct. Our country rose as a superpower largely because of the perceived and real stake each of us had in Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at the formation and advancement of our terry@currentincarmell.com. enterprise.
FROM THE BACKSHOP caller needs a clue; happy to provide one We took a call from an indignant reader that took exception with Current in Carmel cartoonist Tim Campbell’s panel (March 3, Page 3) and our decision to publish it. Campbell’s panel contained a Former President Bush CARICATURE (Can you hear that?) of President Barack Obama. Same as Current in Westfield cartoonist Dave Galloway’s contained a CARICATURE of state legislators. That’s what cartoonists sometimes do. The caller said we are racists for allowing Campbell to depict Obama with oversized ears. (Galloway used oversized heads in his panel; it’s his signature.) Were we also racist/prejudiced when we published countless cartoons with similarly “eared” President George Bush? No, no, a thousand times NO! Of course, we had a dilly of a time trying to convince our firsttime caller/first-time listener that neither Campbell nor we had any other motive in drawing and publishing the cartoonist’s work. And that’s the truth. Our free advice: If you don’t want to hear the truth, Tim Campbell, 2008
Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg don’t call – and don’t bring that race-card junk around here, because it doesn’t fit in any way, shape or form. ••• Stunning news, it was, that Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) apparently bought a spine on e-Bay and is standing in fierce resistance to the Omnibus spending bill. Seriously, we do admire his position against the runaway spending for lawmakers’ pet projects, especially when he asked his fellow senators to reject it. Our changeagent president has indicated he will sign the bill, pork and all. ••• We screwed up last week in this space, skewering the Democrats instead of the Republicans (What WERE they thinking?) for making a mess of the township-reform plan, and for that we apologize.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
there’s strength in success
the results. He suggests investing a small ave you accomplished everyamount of time in your lower performers, thing you want in life? and if they don’t improve, he says, cut them My latest business read is “Strengthfinders 2.0.” Based on loose to make room for future superstars. The concept is to invest in your the previous bestseller “Now, strengths – in this case your Discover Your Strengths,” strongest performers – to achieve “Strengthfinders 2.0” builds the best performance from your on the premise that to excel team. at home and at work, you Good coaches do this well. should focus on learning They don’t put a scrambling quarand employing your main terback in a rigid, drop-back style strengths, not on improving offense, and they don’t put an your weaknesses (as many aggressive goal scorer on defense might suggest). in soccer. They put gifted play“Strengthfinders 2.0” ers in positions that feature their author Tom Roth writes strengths, and they recruit other that people who focus on talent with different strengths to their strengths daily “are six fill in the gaps where successful times as likely to be engaged Sue players might be weak. in their jobs and more than Finkam Can these concepts be applied three times as likely to report to our community? We have great having an excellent quality of schools, affordable housing, low tax rates life in general.” and a strong corporate presence. Should The book includes a code allowing you to take an online Gallup survey to identify every decision we make as a community your top five strengths, and and an action- (elections, spending, appointments, etc.) be weighed against these things that make planning guide with suggestions to maxius strong? mize those strengths. “How to Become a Great Boss,” by Sue Finkam is interested in making a difference Jeffrey J. Fox, contains a notion similar in the community through healthy conversato Roth’s. Fox states that if you supervise tion. You can participate in the conversation others, you should spend more than 90 percent of your time with your best people, by posting a comment on her blog at www. youarecurrent.com. because they accomplish a majority of
LOCAL FESTIVAL PRINCESS - The 500 Festival Princess Program has selected Jessi Trinh of Carmel as one of 33 young women to represent their hometown, the TRINH 500 Festival and the 93rd running of the Indianapolis 500®. The princesses will attend 500 Festival events and volunteer programs throughout the month of May. One of the 33 young women will be selected as the 2009 500 Festival Queen and receive a $2,500 scholarship. The queen will be crowned May 16. Trinh is a student at Indiana University School of Nursing (class of 2011), working toward a degree in nursing.
FREE BATH RENOVATION SEMINAR Would you like to discover the most costeffective way to update your outdated or undersized bathroom? Case Handyman and Remodeling of Carmel (108 W. Carmel Dr.) will show you how to realize your dream during a free bathroom remodeling seminar March 21 from 9-10:30 a.m. This is the second in a series of free monthly seminars relating to home remodeling and renovation. RSVP by March 16 by e-mailing caseadmin@ indy.rr.com or calling 317-846-2600.
begins, this can present serious problems, particularly if they decide later they don’t want to use the embryos. Add in the multitude of questions – “Will I ever get pregnant on my own?”, “Maybe we should use an egg donor”, and “Should we consider surrogacy or adoption?” – and you have a mountain of crazy when it comes to in-vitro. And it’s not cheap. No ma’am. A single round easily can cost upwards of $10,000, not including the required drugs. For many couples, this is a huge investment that, sadly, may never result in a child. Can you imagine the stress and strain that alone can put on a relationship? I can’t, nor do I want to. So I’m back to my statement that IVF freakin’ sucks. I know it’s a miracle procedure that has given children to couples who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to have kids. But all the same, the process stinks. To all of you going through it, you have my admiration and well wishes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be writing a follow-up in a few months with news about my friends’ “impending arrival.” But for now, all I have is “peace out.”
Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
NEW ETHICS COMMISSION MEMBER Mayor Jim Brainard has appointed Miriam Dant to Carmel’s Ethics Commission. Dant officially accepted her seat on the commission Feb. 27. Her term is set to expire Jan. 1, 2011. DANT Dant is an attorney who has spent about 20 years in the field of governmental relations specializing in lobbying, regulatory representation and procurement. She is the only woman listed in the Indiana section of “Best Lawyers in America” for government relations law in 2007, 2008 and 2009. The Ethics Commission was formed in October of 2007 to help facilitate the Code of Ethics in Carmel city government.
each impending egg retrieval. Sometimes VF freakin’ sucks. How’s that for an opening sentence? But, man, it’s true. you get just a few eggs; other times you hit the motherlode. I have good friends getting ready Once fertilized, there’s no guarantee the for their fifth round of IVF (in-vitro embryos will survive, so the couple must fertilization) with no prior success. cross their fingers and wait an I have been meaning to write a agonizing couple of days to find column about them for a while, out if there will be anything to but I kept putting it off in hopes implant. My friends have been that I’d be able to end the article lucky on that front, having at with a “they got pregnant and least four each round. lived happily ever after.” Then, the doctor implants For those of you unfamiliar usually two or three (but somewith infertility and its myriad times as many as six or eight, treatment options, in-vitro feras evidenced in the California tilization seeks to fertilize eggs octuplets), and the real waiting outside a woman’s body and imgame begins. plant the newly created embryos But this is so not the type of back into her uterus, hopefully game I’d ever want to play. Two resulting in pregnancy. Sounds Danielle weeks of nothingness, except fairly simple, right? At least Wilson more meds for the mom and that’s what I thought when my mind-numbing worrying over friends first learned IVF would whether the pregnancy will take. For my probably be their only chance to conceive friends, four rounds have ended in “I’m a biological child. sorry, your test is negative. Take a month I couldn’t have been more off the off to rest and then we’ll start it all over mark if they’d described the process in again.” Ugh. Cantonese. I haven’t even mentioned the whole First off, the female has to basically turn her body into a pharmaceutical bazaar. My ethical dilemma some people face when going through IVF. Often, couples will friend has been forced to inject or ingest a veritable plethora of hormones and chemi- have “extra” embryos and must decide whether to freeze them for future cycles. cals – even diabetes medication – hunDepending on their view of when life dreds of times just to prep her body for
SIMON EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR Simon Property Group, the country’s largest owner, developer and manager of high quality retail real estate, has announced that Catherine Fisher, the FISHER director of marketing and business development at Carmel’s Clay Terrace shopping center, has been selected as its 2008 Field Employee of the Year. Fisher, a resident of Greenwood, started her career with Simon in 1996 at Greenwood Park Mall.
in-vitro not all it’s cracked up to be
By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel
By Chelsie Lanning Current in Carmel
“Eighty-two percent of women walk down the aisle in a dress that’s not right for them,” said Antonio Fermin, awardwinning international designer at Carmel’s A Step Above Bridal (480 E. Carmel Dr.) Fermin has been working in the industry 14 years, after leaping from the medical field. He has received numerous awards, including the “Award of Excellence” from the Bridal Information Resource. (He is the only U.S. designer to receive this award). The self-proclaimed “people’s designer” describes his dresses as sexy, feminine and elegant, without being sleazy. He loves to stress the importance of a wedding day. “A bride’s wedding is like a fingerprint,” he said. “There is no other like it. This is a woman’s time to dress up like Barbie.” Barbara Hasbrook, whose daughter recently married, said she enjoyed her experience with Fermin. “He has a knack, an eye for what he thinks would be best for you, and I trust it,” she said. “(The store) has the customer’s best interest at heart and I’ve never felt so comfortable in a store.” Fermin touches women’s lives in more ways than one, donating to organizations and helping in any way he can. He
Fermin donates a percentage of all profits at A Step Above Bridal to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). And he recently designed two gowns for an auction for the Indianapolis Zoo’s Zoobilation event. He also makes donations to the Breast Cancer Foundation and Hospice Foundation of America. “I like helping these organizations because they deal directly with women,” he said. His signature question to his customers is, “Do you want to be a bride? Or do you want to be the bride?” “What I love about designing wedding gowns is I’m fulfilling a woman’s dream from when she was a little girl,” he said. “I love touching people’s lives.”
Photo by Chelsie Lanning
A Better Way to Sell?
Award-Winning Local Designer Gives Back
Finding the best person to sell your house might have just gotten a little easier. Indianapolis realtor Mitch Vogel, owner of Clear Choice Realtors, has developed a new approach to working with VOGEL homeowners. Rather than representing the seller himself, Vogel presents sellers with information about local agents who have sold real estate in their area. “The spotlight is on who does what and how they did it,” he said. “I explain the production list from the area.” The list includes information such as “number of homes sold,” “listing-to-sale price ratio” and “average number of days on the market.” Based on that information, clients can choose three agents to interview. Vogel calls those agents, explains the situation and his fee (25 percent of the listing agent’s compensation), and schedules the presentations for his clients. Vogel attends the presentations with his clients as well. He helps sellers by asking questions they may not consider and guiding the presentation if necessary. “When an agent is prepared and really good, I don’t have to say too much,”
Vogel said. “And at the end, we grade the agents based on … 15 areas of criteria and commission.” In the end, though, the decision belongs to the sellers. “You never, ever tell a client what to do,” Vogel said. Vogel’s role is that of a consultant, and because his fee comes from the agent’s compensation, he said, the consultation costs his clients no more than choosing an agent without his help. In fact, because Vogel helps clients negotiate the agent compensation percentage, he said, sometimes his service actually saves them a considerable amount. In addition, Vogel often represents clients as their broker for purchasing a house, which guarantees his buyers freedom from a limited agency transaction. Limited agency is when the same agent represents both the buyer and seller of the same home. The problem with such an arrangement, according to its definition, is “the agent cannot provide to both parties undivided loyalty, full confidentiality and full disclosure of all information known to the agent.” Vogel’s method is unusual in real estate sales, but he says it is one buyers are finding much value in. For more information, e-mail Vogel at mvogel@indy.net or call him at 317-513-8503.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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John Lowe, DDS
vision is lions club’s top priority
Illegal Immigration Bill Unfair to Hispanics
Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@advantagemedical.com
HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE Be yourself. Stop wearing a mask.
Double the times you say “no” every day. Do one thing at a time. When you eat in a restaurant with someone you like, split a meal. Find a joke of the day. Stop trying to change people. Dr. Robert Eat a whole Montgomery grain muffin every day. Get rid of your cell phone.
5 6 7 8 9
device at children’s eyes and take digital measurements from a comfortable distance of three to four feet. Pass/refer criteria for the screening system are set using guidelines established by the American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, as modified by Indiana University Pediatric Ophthalmologist Dr. Daniel Neely. Invisible, infrared light is projected through the pupils onto the retina. Depending on the refractive error or “prescription” of the eye, the reflected light forms a specific brightness pattern within the pupil, which the software analyzes to detect a host of maladies, such as astigmatism, myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and anisometropia (imbalance between the two eyes). The Carmel Lions will offer a free open screening to children ages 1-5 on March 29 from 1-3 p.m. at the Carmel Lions Club, 141 E. Main St. in Carmel. But more importantly, the Lions are offering this program to all preschools and daycares interested in setting up screenings. Call 317-578-0491 for more information.
Do your own nails.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Rent a place to live. Do not go to meetings that bore you. Learn to clean your house in one hour and 17 minutes. Do your own gardening and yard work. Limit “shopping” to three hours a week. Consider making your hobby your job. Have a fruit juice every morning at 10 a.m. Go to bed the same time every evening. Trust your intuition.
Dr. Robert Montgomery is an occasional contributor to Current Publishing. You may e-mail him at info@currentincarmel.com.
Submitted photo
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
1 2 3 4
Chapman and Flower
following the law, but I don’t buy that ear Senator Mike Delph: excuse. After all, if following the law Did you read Danielle was your only concern, you would never Wilson’s column March 3? exceed the posted speed limit. If followShe wrote about Carmel High School’s successful Kids ing the law was your only concern, you and the rest of Brian Bosma’s ilk Corner program, in which would never chip away at Roe v. high school seniors become Wade, which has been law most actual preschool teachers. of my lifetime. You would never Danielle asks, “Guess what allow pharmacists to knowhappens when you give ingly deny proper reproductive teenagers the opportunity health care to their customers. to do something important, Furthermore, if you can tweak something worthwhile? federal law to make societal When you empower them adaptation more difficult for with respect and high eximmigrants, you can certainly pectations? They blossom tweak federal law to make it into mature, thoughtful, easier. contributing members of our No, I don’t think your bill community.” Andy has anything to do with the I wonder if the same law. Your bill simply preys on method wouldn’t work for Ray the unfounded paranoia some our Hispanic neighbors Hoosiers feel toward the influx of imhere in Hamilton County. What would happen if we allowed them to pursue and migrants who are different from themperform a meaningful day’s work without selves. Rather than working to assuage their fears, your bill simply feeds the the threat of deportation? How many awful fire of inequality. We just sent our more employers would feel free to hire first African-American president to the Hispanics if we simply made acclimaWhite House. Isn’t it time we begin to tion into our society a little easier, rather finally pave the way for Hispanics too? than more difficult? Being thousands of miles from their families and speaking a foreign language are already large enough Andrew Ray is a Carmel resident. You may write him at andy46032@att.net or visit barriers, wouldn’t you say? I realize you claim your bill is all about his blog at http://www.myspace.com/
ew organizations work as hard as the Carmel Lions Club to help people of all ages improve or regain their vision. The club is famous for administering several successful programs, all of them tied to the precious gift of sight. And on March 29, it will roll out a free new program for children ages 1-5. The program, Operation KidSight, targets young children because the early years are critical in the developJeff ment of normal vision. According Worrell to Janice Chapman, state program coordinator, “A child with vision problems often does not know the way they see the world is not the way everyone else sees it. Vision deficiencies in a child’s eyes are not always obvious, and it is estimated that 3-4 percent of children may have occult vision loss from undetected amblyopia, or what is commonly referred to as ‘lazy eye.’ If some problems are not detected early, a child’s vision may deteriorate to the point of irreversible blindness. Other research indicates that 70-80 percent of what a child learns is visually acquired, and there is evidence to suggest that children with undetected vision disorders are more likely to fail in school.” Armed with this data, the members of the Carmel Lions Club decided they should help. Operation KidSight screeners use a device that makes funny noises and looks like a police radar gun. Volunteers like Alice Gossett and Jane Flower point the
CHS GRAD FEST SEEKS SPONSORS - A group of Carmel High School parent volunteers is seeking the community’s support for its annual Grad Fest, a safe, alcohol-free celebration that follows each year’s graduation ceremonies. Parents of Carmel High seniors are asked to consider sending a $25 donation to support this event, making checks payable to Grad Fest ’09 and mailing them to Julie Fields, 5766 Prelude Drive, Carmel, IN 46033. Corporation sponsorship is also vital to ensure a successful celebration. For more information about such sponsorships, businesses may contact committee cochairs Elaine Murphy at elainemurphy1@ sbcglobal.net or Nanette Barrett at nanette.barrett@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
BUTLER DEAN’S LIST – Twenty Carmel natives were named to the Butler University Dean’s List for the fall 2008 semester. They are Rachel Anderson, Ian Arkin, Collin Bowman, Mary Ellen Estridge, Brent Freed, Jana Fuelberth, Chris Jernigan, Svetlana Kamensky, Ros Lederman, Lindsay Levin, Kristen Lohe, Stacy Lucich, Stephanie Reynolds, Abbas Rizvi, Paige Sheraw, Rees Sloan, Jessica Strauss, Marcus Such, Jen Tassell and Alexey Uversky. CHS OFFERS SUMMER AP ECON CLASS - Carmel High School will offer two sections of advanced placement macroeconomics this summer. Students who take the course and score well on the AP exam may be awarded college credit. The class is open to any student living in the Carmel Clay district, including those who do not attend Carmel High School. Students must have completed their sophomore year. Students may register now for the course, which begins June 1 and ends July 10. Contact economics teacher Dan Bates at dbates@ccs.k12.in.us or the Carmel High School counseling office at 317-571-5922 for enrollment information. CMS PLAY – Tickets are on sale now for the Carmel Middle School Drama Club’s production of “The Pirates of Penzance, Junior.” The play will run March 13-14 at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m in the Clay Middle School Auditorium, 5150 E. 126th St in Carmel. For more information, call 317-844-7251.
By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel
Today, we present a compilation of usage rules that really aren’t closely related to one another, aside from their frequent misuse. Let the madness begin.
the grammar guru
a scattering of usage
There is a difference between the words then and than. If you know the difference, you’re nodding your head in agreement right now, knowing the diatribe into which I am about to launch. Because then and than sound so very similar – and probably because of their similar spellings – some people seem to believe than doesn’t actually exist, and then is a perfectly acceptable substitute. Those people would be wrong. Very wrong. Than is used in comparisons: My daughters each have more shoes than I. On the other hand, then is used for sequence in time: We went to the mall, and then we came home. One cannot be used in place of the other. It’s a common mistake, though; when I was teaching, I worked for a principal for a while who made this error repeatedly in all sorts of documents. Of course, he also refused to believe it was a mistake because grammar check didn’t catch it, but that’s another story entirely.
Next on the lineup is the past tense of to lead (as in, “Lead the horses to water, please,”). The word lead can be either a verb, as in the example above, or a noun, as in, “That desk is heavy because it is made of lead.” Because it is
pronounced with a long e (verb) and short e (noun), some folks are led to believe that the past and present tense of the verb form are spelled the same. But they’re not. The past tense of to lead is led. If you use lead as a verb, anyone in the know will use the long-e pronunciation, which could make your sentence sound, well, awful. Consider these two sentences: He led the parade. He lead the parade. That second sentence needs an s at the end of lead in order to be correct, and if past tense is the intention, the second sentence is wrong all the way around.
This is a biggie. Unique is an absolute: one of a kind, only, alone, solely. For this reason, one thing cannot be more or less unique than something else. One of the finest methods of getting under a grammarian’s skin is to use a phrase like, “most unique,” or, “quite unique.” Most grammarians agree that to use a comparative adjective (most) or adverb of degree (quite) in conjunction with unique is wrong. A thing is either unique or not. There is no gradation of uniqueness. Again, there are some who disagree, and this is a point of contention among grammarians. This is one of those cases that may change over time, but for now, it’s still an absolute. Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher who developed a mastery-learning system of teaching grammar to high school seniors. If you have a grammar-related question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com.
Unique is an absolute: one of a kind, only, alone, solely. For this reason, one thing cannot be more or less unique than something else.
treat the whole child
K! I get it. Most of you responded to my new “dilemma solving” format with a resounding “Please go back to giving advice.” No problem! It was an experiment. Thanks for sharing your views. Lately, I’ve had some minor health issues that have me seeing five different specialists. And as I go through the different exams, tests, consultations, etc., I feel my body is being compartmentalized. Becky Kapsalis Each exam reAsk YiaYia sults in a different specialist. Each specialist has a different diagnosis, and each addresses only his or her specialty – even though they are all dealing with the same body. My body is thoroughly confused! To what medicine is my body supposed to respond, and which diagnosis or prescription unwittingly counteracts and affects the other parts of my body? Are we compartmentalizing our children’s bodies? Are we treating each aspect of their being differently? When parenting,
are we separating their physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional needs? If so, do we know what effect one compartment has on the other three? As I see it, we don’t have the luxury of compartmentalizing our children. We are human specialists, treating the whole child – not the sum of their parts. The common thread in each of our children – and in us, too, for that matter – is an emotional thread. When we can meet and help our children experience and understand their emotional needs, we are treating their whole being. Pursuing our children’s emotional needs brings awareness to every other facet of their lives – physical, spiritual and intellectual.
Of course, we are going to seek medical, spiritual or educational attention from outside sources when necessary. But while our children are under our care (which is more time than any “specialist” can claim), we must see them and treat them as whole children if we are to be the most effective parents we can be. Helping our children with their emotional needs is helping them make decisions in their own best interest until it becomes second-nature to their “whole” well-being. Hugs! Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified Parent Coach, at askyiayia@indy.rr.com or call 810.9358.
do i need orthotics? By Dr. David Sullivan Current in Carmel
• Plantar fasciitis • Tendonitis • Arthritis • Apophysitis/Sever’s disease (growth plate problems) • Ball of the foot pain • Bunions and hammertoes
“What is an orthotic and why would I need one?” An orthotic is a device worn inside a shoe to support the arch of the foot and place it in a biomechanically balanced position. Orthotics or “orthoses” are used for a variety of reasons, not just for foot and ankle problems. Some practitioners prescribe them for knee, hip and/or back ailments. The patients who benefit most from orthotics are the ones with unstable feet. These patients can have flat feet and may “pronate” (roll their ankle inward) excessively during gait, or they can have a high arch and be unable to find a shoe that provides enough support, putting excess stress on midfoot joints and the ball of the foot. Many of the most common diagnoses in podiatry are treated with orthotics. These include, but are not limited to:
and help prevent or slow the progression of the deformity or painful condition. For example, orthotics will not get rid of a bony bump, such as a bunion, but they will place the foot in a better-supported, balanced position, which will slow or halt the bunion’s progression. Prefabricated orthotics and prescription custom orthotics both serve a purpose. A solid-shell prefab device provides more support than almost any shoe, and it is great for people with average arch height and relatively “normal” feet. Custom-made devices are patient specific, and they are made directly from imprints, casts, digital scans, etc. Custom-made devices are better than prefab orthotics because patients will often start in prefab devices, improve, and then plateau. Then, they need a fine-tuned custom device to continue their improvement. Most local insurance plans cover custom orthotics when they are deemed medically necessary. Dr. David R. Sullivan is a board-certified foot surgeon and certified wound specialist with Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC. He can be reached at drs@westfieldfoot.com or 317-896-6655.
Orthotics both treat these diagnoses
DON’T RETIRE = LIVE LONGER – “Evidence shows that in societies where people stop working abruptly, the incidence of obesity and chronic disease skyrockets after retirement,” says Luigi Ferrucci, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. The Chianti region of Italy, which has a high percentage of centenarians, has a different take on leisure time. “After people retire from their jobs, they spend most of the day working on their little farms, cultivating grapes or vegetables,” he says. “They’re never really inactive.” Farming isn’t for you? Volunteer or take a part-time job as a hobby. Just stay active. -health.msn.com
USE A STRAW - A study published in the journal General Dentistry shows that sports and energy drinks have the most potential for tooth enamel erosion because of their high buffering capacity. To get the energy boost without the mouth bust, use a straw positioned at the back of the mouth to avoid getting the beverage on your teeth, and rinse your mouth after quaffing any sports or energy drink. Even better: Quench your thirst with water. -Clean Eating
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
USE FRESH GARLIC - Jarred, prechopped garlic doesn’t offer the same health benefits as its fresh counterpart, according to Japanese researchers. After six days, garlic stored in water lost about half its allicin, the compound that helps prevent blood clots, cancer and bacterial infections. Stored in oil, the allicin disappeared in less than an hour. -Food Network Magazine
SCORCH MORE CALORIES - This sweat sequence of intervals will help you sizzle fat in a shorter session. Try it on the treadmill (walking or running), the elliptical, the bike or whatever cardio machine you like best. • Warm up for five minutes at a very easy pace of 1 or 2 (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is rolling out of bed and 10 is rolling a boulder up a hill). • Go 1/4 mile at an easy pace of 3 or 4. • Go 1/4 mile at a moderate pace of 5 or 6. • Go 1/4 mile at a hard pace of 7 or 8. • Go 1/4 mile at a very hard pace of 9 or 10. • Repeat sequence up to three times. • Cool down for five minutes at an easy pace of 1 or 2. -health.yahoo.com
health watch
When arthritis causes severe knee pain, arthroscopic surgery to smooth cartilage and remove floating tissue has been standard treatment. But a rigorous 178-person Canadian study found that the popular procedure offered no additional benefit over a regimen of physical therapy and, in many cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and injections of fluid-restoring hyaluronic acid. Even when the procedure seemed to bring relief, it was probably the post-op therapy that helped, the researchers say. Two years later, those who underwent the surgery had no less pain and no more mobility than the no-surgery group. -Good Housekeeping
Are you
in between
Are your
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Want to keep a lid on your calories? Fruit beats fruit juice, even if the juice has added fiber. Once a week for five weeks, researchers gave 58 adults one of four “preloads” before lunch: peeled apple segments, applesauce, ordinary apple juice, or apple juice with 5 grams of added fiber (the amount of fiber the apple and applesauce provided naturally). Serving sizes were adjusted so that all four pre-loads had the same number of calories: 125. Participants ate 15 percent fewer calories (about 190) at lunch after the apple segments and about 100 fewer calories after the applesauce, but the juices trimmed no calories. The moral? Always choose fresh fruit over juice. Try snacking on fresh fruit before meals to help curb your appetite. -Nutrition Action Newsletter
Presented in part by
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
DISPATCHES TAXPAYERS FOR COMMON SENSE – Earmarks in the upcoming federal spending bill: • $700,000 for Brown Tree Snake Removal and $172,000 for Rodent Control in Hawaii courtesy of senior Appropriations Committee member Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii). • $2.0 million for the Jamie Whitten Delta States Research Center, Stoneville, Miss. and $3.7 million for National Center for Natural Products Research in Oxford, Miss. were two of the 30 earmarks worth $27.1 million obtained by Ranking Member of the Appropriations Committee Senator Thad Cochran (R-Miss.). • Appropriations Committee Member, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) obtained 20 earmarks worth $8 million including $250,000 for the Midwest poultry consortium, Iowa State University, and $405,000 for Agriculture-based industrial lubricants research at the University of Northern Iowa.
LOOKING FOR WORK/NEW EMPLOYEES? - Send your abbreviated resume (in the format below) to hire@currentincarmel.com and we will feature it without your name. Companies are encouraged to e-mail us (again, hire@currentincarmel.com) to express interest in any featured candidate. We will send all company information to the candidate, who is free to contact the employer if interested. this week’s candidates: CANDIDATE #1 Looking for: Summer internship on the marketing staff of a local company Experience: Currently a full-time MBA student at the Kelley School of Business in Bloomington CANDIDATE #2 Looking for: Marketing, business development or consulting position Experience: More than 15 years in the field Education: Master’s degree in organizational leadership CANDIDATE #3 Looking for: Employment in the quality assurance/quality control field Experience: Most recently a senior project associate. Has received five Spotlight awards for achieving results with people. Education: Bachelor’s degree in biology Employers: If you are interested in any of these candidates, please e-mail us at hire@currentincarmel.com.
don’t waste my time
points. Keeping the amount of text on your hen you read an article home page to 250-350 words also keeps like this one, how much do you actually read? How attention (this article is 320 words). No one much of a Web site do you wants to get to a Web site and read, read, read. They want attention-grabbing titles really read? How compeland visuals, easy-to-find key ling must the title and content points and text that provides for be to grab your attention and a quick skim. keep you reading? The placement of that People will decide relevance text is also crucial. Imagine in a split second and make your homepage like a folded snap judgments about how newspaper. People start at the much of their attention you top and usually don’t read get. If the opening hooks them, “below the fold” unless there you might get 60-70 percent is a compelling reason, such attention. If you flop, well, as a new headline or visual. they are on to other things. Keeping the most important Usually, the best case is someinformation above the “fold” is one will give your text a good critical. Scrolling takes effort. skim. And there are certain David Cain Make your most important things to do to ensure that you Marketing information prominent and even get that. easy to skim. Think easy. Think Think about the landing page simple. Think “don’t make me think.” of a Web site like a good article. Visitors Don’t make your reader think or work too to your site want easily digestible pieces of hard. Usually people read for pleasure or information. More than likely, they won’t read your site word-for-word. They want to information. Give them both. know the most important facts first. They David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital want to skim through the page and move media and online marketing company in to the next section. Bullet points help, as Carmel. David welcomes your questions or they create white space and draw attention comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com. to short segments of information or main
Think “don’t make me think.” TOP REAL ESTATE DEALS MIAMI HIGHRISE FORCLOSURE Auction site MiamiCondoInvestments. com is offering two-bedroom, two-bathroom condos in Miami, Fla.’s Brickell Tower North. These units sold for $461,500 in 2006. They are now available for $159,000. SAVE $150-$200K IN SOUTHWEST FLA. – Luxury homes are available in Naples, Fla. from LelyResort.net. The threebedroom, 2.5-bathroom properties, in the Lely Resort and Country Club, were $453,589. They are now available from $249,000. For more information on these and other real estate deals, visit www. toptenrealestatedeals.com.
DISPATCHES BUSINESS NETWORKING – The Carmel Alumni Business Networking group will meet March 18 at noon at Dooley O’Tooles, 160 E. Carmel Dr. The group offers shared business contacts to expand your cliental, an idea-exchange to enhance your sales, and opportunities to reunite with your fellow classmates. It meets every first and third Wednesday. For more information, visit www. carmelalumnibusinessnetwork. com or contact Brian Borshoff at 317-846-1005 or bborshoff@aol.com. CARMEL CHAMBER – The Carmel Chamber of Commerce will meet March 18 at Baker & Daniels (600 E. 96th St.) for Business Over Bagels. The event is free for members and potential members. Visit www.carmelchamber.com or call 317-846-1049 to make a reservation.
April 28, 2009
9 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds and Conference Complex
l a u n n ird A
Keynote speaker For more information about registration, contact www.hendrickscollegenetwork.org • Networking Mike Lewis Senior Vice President Schumacher Racing “Marketing in a slow economy”
• 10 Workshop sessions to choose from • Booth space • Keynote speakers • Lunch Sponsorships & Booth Space Available • Contact Rick Myers @ 557-1111
The networking game Tony Scelzo, Rainmakers
Effective E-business practices Michelle Burton, Coretech
Tossing it in the toilet: marketing and your business Scott Flood, Scott Flood Writing
How to connect with people so they will buy your stuff Karl Zimmer III, Zimmer Success Group
Strategies to reduce healthcare costs Richard Sutton, R.E. Sutton and Associates Creating a winning team Bobbi Blake, Indiana Tech
How to incorporate your business Steve Ferrucci, Sean M. Clapp, LLC
Do it yourself HR Brian McDermott Ogletree Deakins
Your image matters Amy Woodall, Image Savvy/Trustpointe
So, you want to be an entrepreneur? Dr. Mike Goldsby, Ball State University
University resources for small businesses Tom Darling, Ivy Tech State College
Troy Kafka, Commercial Sales Manager, Harris Bank, NA
Age: 38 Phone: 317-208-1044 Web: Harrisbank.com Describe your business and value proposition. Harris Bank is a full-service bank
that entered the Indianapolis market about two years ago. Harris Bank and my clients would tell you that my value proposition is to welcome every customer/prospect, respond quickly to customer requests and offer expert advice that results in fair dealings. I run a business banking group located in the Hamilton County area. Business banking is defined by companies with annual revenues up to $20 million. What prompted you to go into business/ banking? I’ve been
in banking since 1995.
What’s the most challenging aspect of your business? My clients
would say that the most challenging aspect of banking is the current
economic conditions. Many customers or prospects are taking a wait-and-see approach as they wait for the economy to head in the right direction. Contrary to popular belief, Harris Bank is open for business and has money to lend for many businesses that need it. What did you want to do professionally when you were 21? I wanted to
be a play-by-play sports announcer (and still do!).
What was your last corporate job? I have been with Harris Bank since it arrived in the Hamilton County area. How do you measure success? My customers
control my success. If I have taken care of a customer’s needs or given a loan to someone to realize their dreams of being a business owner, then I have been successful.
What are your “words to live by?” “You reap what
you sow, nothing more, nothing less.” You have to put effort into life and work to get desired results.
what will we learn?
better, because it always was. he economy dominates conHaving said all that, I also believe this versation today; its impact is too shall pass. The Great Depression was startling. Jobs lost. Retirement partly responsible for creating the Greatest accounts decimated. Businesses Generation. We’ll be back, and we’ll be closing their doors. Businesses smarter and better than ever. getting government money Tough times never last, but and avoiding the consequenctough people do. The question es of their actions. (Did I just to ask yourself is, “Am I one of say that?) Mortgages being the tough people?” adjusted so people can pay for Successful people learn a house they couldn’t afford in from adversity. Are you the first place. (Oops, I did it making changes in your life again!) to meet the times, or are you What will we learn? At our living in denial, brooding, house, we turned off the auor doing all that other stuff topilot. Everything is up for wussies, losers, victims and review. We’re eating out less; excuse-makers do? dropping our home telephone It’s no fun being soft. You service; looking for other areas Kent Burns get called names and get to cut back. A friend of mine On Success picked last for pick-up games. lost her job a few weeks ago. You fall short of your dreams After some soul searching, she never realize your potential. Who wants said, “I have re-evaluated what I need. If to live that way? Class is in session. What we can’t live on my husband’s income, shall we learn? that signals a problem.” Frugality and thrift are once again chic. Kent Burns is a Carmel resident, investor Life as we have known it since and co-founder of CrossConfirm. He is also Ronald Reagan is over, at least for now. Americans are being forced to adjust. We a professional speaker and author of What’s Your Why? He can be reached at got too comfortable. We got too clever. kent@currentincarmel.com. We figured next year would be even
Successful people learn from adversity.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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What’s it worth
By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus
My Opinion
Type: Traditional Age: Built in 2000 Location: Foster Estates, Carmel (near 146th Street and Carey Road) Square Footage: 9,191 Rooms: This five-bedroom, five-and-a half-bathroom home has a large two-story great room, a gourmet kitchen and an open breakfast area. The master suite offers an exercise room, sitting room, private balcony and expansive walk-in closet. Strengths: This is the builder’s own home, and it is loaded with upgrades. This home has been recently renovated by a professional designer, and it boasts
NOW OPEN Inner You Pilates
Owner: Beth Roberts Address: 14950 Greyhound Court Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317-571-8367 Web: www.inneryoupilates.com
John Pacilio and his team specialize in Hamilton County real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@JohnPacilio.com.
floor exercises. Roberts said there is much more to Pilates than its reputation suggests. “Pilates is for everyone,” she said. “Golfers, dancers, runners, people in rehab and seniors. It’s definitely easier on the joints, and it’s low ROBERTS impact.” Roberts said she gets a mix of men and women, all ages. “I would say anyone ages 10 to 100 – at all fitness levels – can do it,” she said. Roberts is the only instructor at Inner You Pilates, and she encourages those new to the exercise to try their first private introductory session for $20.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Beth Roberts, certified Pilates instructor, opened Inner You Pilates last August. She took her first Pilates class five years ago and liked it so much that she received a double certification. Roberts offers both “reformer” and mat classes in private and group sessions. The reformer classes use a machine that works the whole body, while the mat classes involve a series of
updated décor throughout. The wooded lot and walkout basement are difficult to find in Carmel. Challenges: Carmel homes in the $750,000-$1 million price range sell at an average rate of 3-5 per month.
In Spirit
use Matthew for good, he can use just he name Matthew means ‘gift about any of us for good. of God,’ and that’s exactly what When I asked friend and pastor John Matthew presents to us in the life Samples about the Gospels, he pointed out of Christ.” that Matthew – with its approximately 50 That’s a recent note from Dave direct quotes from Old Testament prophFaust, my former pastor and mentor, who ecy – was written to the Jews. first inspired me to read the Mark’s Gospel, short and direct, Bible. He suggested getting was written to the Romans; and acquainted with the Bible Luke, the Greek physician, wrote by reading Genesis, Isaiah, his eloquent Gospel to gentiles. Matthew and Revelation. John is considered a universal Dave – well, “Dr. Faust” Gospel. – is now the president Matthew is loaded with of Cincinnati Christian common sayings – “man does University. I e-mailed him not live by bread alone” (4:4), about this “reading the “blind leading the blind (15:14)” Gospels” series during Lent – is home to the Sermon on the and asked why he recommendMount (5-6-7), has the longest ed Matthew. chapter in the New Testament He wrote back: “I like the Bob Walters (Chapter 26 has 76 verses), says idea that Matthew was once a Spirituality that John the Baptist is Elijah tax collector who hung around (17:12-13), and so much more. with some pretty sinful friends. I wrote down seven pages of notes – Then the Lord invited him to ‘Come, verses and ideas I want to remember. One follow me,’ and he … became a disciple.” of the greatest things about reading any “I believe it was William Barclay,” Dave said, “who pointed out that the only thing part of the Bible is it always brings new thoughts. And this is a season for renewal. Matthew took with him from the tax collector’s booth was his pen! (And thus Bob Walters (rlwcom@aol.com) is now reading wrote the Gospel.)” Mark, who along with Luke was not one of Tax collectors were the worst of the the 12 Apostles. worst in Jerusalem’s society, and we must pay attention to the fact that if God could
Bring this in for
any one full priced item Excludes Pandora. Expires 3/22/09.
111 W Main Street, Suite 120, Carmel, Indiana
11711 EdEn GlEn dr $329,900
Cul-de-sac 4BR/2+BA single-level set on 0.50 acres. Vaulted ceilings. Updated kitchen. Security system, cozy fireplace. Sun room. Deck & fenced yard. Marilyn Harbison, 299-1120
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Almost 8acres + a beautiful post&beam home w/SS & granite kitchen, hdwd floors, 5BR, 3BA w/over 5500 sf just outside of Zionsville. Deer included! dawn kEndriCk, 329-8535
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Fabulous 2-story in soughtafter Carmel location! Feat: fantastic .63 ac lot w/mature trees, 9’ ceilings, 3-car gar, finished bsmt & 4BRs plus den! brad donaldson, 432-1775
Recently updated 4BR/3BA w/fin bsmt including big screen TV. Lots of hdwd flrs. Super 2-sty deck. Fncd yd & xtra 1car w/electricity for wkshop or car repair. Marilyn Harbison, 299-1120
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4830 MorGans CrEEk Ct $769,900
5BR/4.5BA w/incrdbl quality & attn to detail. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit, LL w/wetbar & media rm.Huge BR’s w/walk-in clsts. Prof lndscping, cul-desac-A must see! spEnCEr klinE, 216-5631
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There are many possibilities in this fenced cul-de-sac 2BR/2BA brick ranch. Gas frplc. Foyer, cathedral clgs, sun room. New roof, carpet, tile & much more! Marilyn Harbison, 299-1120
Call 639-TALK for a confidential interview.
stay Home...be moVeD. • GratituDe • Joy • peace •
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
5531 dElawarE $399,900
Heart of Meridian Kessler. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths. Gorgeous kitchen & baths, formal dining room & living room. Large family room, one bedroom on main. dawn kEndriCk, 329-8535
4877 MorGans CrEEk $799,900
4BR/3.5BA new construction. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit w/ granite cntrs. Main flr mstr, huge LL w/wetbar & media rm. Wooded cul-de-sac lot. Incrdbl att to detail! spEnCEr klinE, 216-5631
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Elegant dream home on 10 beautiful private acres. Lg kitchen w/keeping room. Master bedroom w/sitting room. 6 bedrooms, LL walkout, pool, pond. dawn kEndriCk, 329-8535
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Take it Easy With Cottage Décor
SUIT UP - The suit’s got to fit. You’d think most men would know this, but judging by how a lot of American men choose to wear their suits, you’d be wrong. Quick test: The jacket should sit close enough on the body that you can just barely slide your hand inside the breast pocket. If you can slide in a fist, it’s at least a size too big. -Esquire
echnically speaking, “cottage” isn’t plaids, etc. – help form the “collected” cota design style; it’s a small structure tage look. While you can use infinite colors and meant to accommodate a compatterns to achieve a cottage setting, it fortable, relaxed lifestyle. is ideal to have a unifying design thread. But that barefoot approach to English cottage design suglife that resides in this diminugests pinks and greens in floral tive abode has coaxed a lifestyle prints, while rustic cottage style look into center stage. As a uses forest colors such as greens, result, cottage style has earned a rust and golden tones. For a significant place in home décor. home near the shore, beachy Historically, cottages have colors – soft blues, corals and been vacation homes and the sandy beiges – are best when recipients of items cast away showcased with an abundance from primary residences. So of white. cottage décor is all about furAny unusual find can serve as nishings adapted from one use an accessory in a cottage home, to another. A bench might serve so it is always imperative to as a coffee table, an old kitchen be on the lookout! Charming cupboard could hide towels in Vicky Earley plates, old hats, musical ina bathroom, or a kitchen table Design struments, framed letters and might become a desk. clocks can become the center of Flooring in cottage-inspired attention in a comfortable cottage room. homes is often informal – even imperfect. When comfortable furnishings, playWood floors are a must! Tile works as well. ful accessories and beautiful things with For a softer feel and look, brightly colored meaning are the primary focus, a small area rugs in fun patterns also work. home can embody the coziness, charm and Window treatments can be light and casual elegance of a beautiful cottage! airy or “over the top.” Rules are loose, so these choices depend on the “type” of cotVicky Earley is the principal designer for tage feel desired. Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If Cottage décor calls for a mix of fabrics you have an interior design question, please used for slipcovers, upholstery, curtains, draperies, table skirts, pillows and more. A contact artichokedesigns@aol.com. variety of prints – florals, stripes, checks,
ARTS AND CRAFTS HIP - If you’re looking for an unusual seating piece that doubles as a conversation piece, The Wave Bench from David Stine Woodworking may just fit the bill. Handcrafted, the double seat is made of oneinch thick American Black Walnut with a base of White Oak. The seat and base are joined with a series of individually hand cut and fitted saddle joints, which ensures strength and structural integrity. It’s an environmentally friendly choice, too. $5600.00; call 618-885-2229 for more information.
GEOMETRY LESSONS - Call it living in 3-D. This season, designers indulged their urge to bend, fold, twist, and otherwise manipulate fabric in ever-bolder (and bigger) ways. Sleeves at Dolce & Gabbana evoked Minnie Mouse ears, while the dresses at Calvin Klein gave new meaning to the term boxy. Even Oscar de la Renta experimented with the trend, whipping up skirts with a permanent kick ruffle above one knee. Consider pieces with geometric flair this spring. -www.style.com
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
SAVING LINGERIE ONE BRA AT A TIME The Bra Dryer does exactly what the name suggests, drying individual bras using infra-red technology. Adjustable settings mean it can be used for any style of bra and it is made in a range of sizes. The woman-shaped design means this is a much better option than shoving your bra in the tumble dryer where it will probably get mangled and not last half as long. It’s not the most energy-efficient way to dry your unmentionables, however. -www.popgadget.net
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Salon 01 is here to spice up your look with a style stimulus package that won’t break the bank! Reservations are filling fast, so book an appointment toDaY with our capable New talent Stylists. if you are a NEW GuESt and present this ad at the time of service, you will receive 20% off
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
through March 31, 2009. offer applies only to new guests of Salon 01.
the long and short of extensions By Christi Thompson Yearning for super long hair? Tired of waiting to grow it out, or just want a change for a little while? Hair extensions might be the way to go. Hair extensions come in clip-on styles for instant length and body. Make your short style disappear for awhile and enjoy a long glamorous look for an evening. You can find 100% human hair extensions available in a one piece model or in a 12 piece
set, making it easy to add volume and length wherever it is needed. These extensions can be shampooed, colored, styled and curled making it easy to add glamour on a whim! Extensions also come in a more permanent application. Hair extension systems such as Hairdreams are put into your natural hair by a trained hair extension specialist for length and fullness that will last for months. Ask your stylist for more details about hair extensions to find out which might be best for you.
double up on the basics By Christi Thompson It is worth investing in duplicates of your staple makeup items to keep in your desk drawer. Whether you need to freshen up before a meeting or you are going straight to happy hour with your co-workers, having your basic items handy at all times will ensure you are always looking your best! Key items that should always be on hand include concealer, pressed powder (with mirror), lip color and eyeliner. Salon 01 makeup
artists can help you pick the perfect shades of Jane Iredale mineral cosmetics. Our makeup artists are currently taking reservations for spring makeup consultations. Book your appointment today!
Present this ad at the time of service
and receive
your entire makeup purchase!
smooth skin for spring Exfoliating boosts your skins natural radiance while evening skin tone, unclogging pores and diminishing fine lines. Keep in mind however, over scrubbing can cause irritation and breakouts. For oily skin, you can use a product to exfoliate every day, as long as it is meant for daily use. If your skin is normal or dry, exfoliating two or three times per week is sufficient. To be sure you are on
a proper exfoliating schedule, consult with a trained esthetician. Salon 01 estheticians are trained to recommend the proper products for use at home, as well as suggest a regular maintenance routine which could include weekly or monthly facials, and a series of microdermabrasions to keep your skin looking fresh and healthy all year! Salon 01 estheticians are now booking appointments, and reservations are filling up fast! (317)580-0101
young musicians take center stage
• Mazatlan, Mexico: Neoclassical mansions, remnants of Mazatlan’s heyday, are being refurbished as new restaurants and hotels. • Pranburi, Thailand: Three hours south of Bankok, the town is blessedly free of the wander masseurs, banana-boat operators and other interlopers who crowd many of the country’s beaches. • Hiva Oa Island, Marquesas: Travelers in search of peace and quiet will find it here in the primeval landscape of cliffs, waterfalls and ironwood forests. • Paphos and Limassol, Cyprus: Cyprus is unifying, and international attention is now focused on its wildflower-covered hills and crystalline coastline. • Sao Miguel dos Milagres, Brazil: Natural reef-formed swimming pools, warm emerald waters and trnquil beaches are attractions of this beach off most travelers’ radars. -Travel +Leisure
What: Poetry in Motion When: 7-10 p.m. March 14 Where: Gallery One36, 136 E. Main St., Westfield Cost: Free Details: The success of Gallery One36’s last poetry reading has spawned another. You’re invited to bring poems to read aloud, a musical instrument, a bottle of wine and a blanket to sit on; snacks are provided by Gallery One36. Info: 317-867-4139, www. galleryone36.com
Fine Lines, Inc. Hair & Nail Salon free manicure with a pedicure. call Sue for your appointment. new clients only. introducing Alissa Smith, Mary Loveday and euray Puckett, experienced stylists, now taking new appointments.
Mon - Sat: 9 - 7
811 West Main Street, Suite 120 Carmel, IN 46032
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
UP-AND-COMING SEASIDE RETREATS If you would like a great place to vacation – somewhere your dollar really stretches but there aren’t throngs of other travelers – check out these five destinations:
itive division came to play without the presAbout 100 young sure of being evaluated. pianists gathered in the Performers like Cynthia Piano Solutions concert Yue and Tiffany Jiang hall (290 W. Carmel Dr.) played a duet as the sole Elementary IB winner last week for a chance to entrants in their division. Kailah Young play for four minutes on Some of the students, a $200,000 C. Bechstein such as Kailah Young, concert grand piano. The bud8, of Bloomington – who won ding musicians were participattop prize in the Elementary IB ing in the piano division of the division – came from outside Young Performers Showcase, an Hamilton County to study annual gathering sponsored by with piano teachers like Irina the Carmel Arts Council. Gorin, Ada Shebanova, Esther Elementary It was the event’s 11th year. Moy, Olga Balanyuk, Natalie IA winner “We enjoy promoting this Rachford and Chunchi An. Franklin Hou event because it’s a chance to Each student in the competihear some really great young people play tive division received an evaluation to help on an outstanding instrument,” said Greg improve future performances. The judges Durthaler, owner of Piano Solutions this year were distinguished performers, (www.pianosolutions.net), which has composers and music teachers, including hosted the concerts for the last six years. Dr. William Hughes, who recently retired “We built our performance space expressly after teaching for 40 years at Indiana State for this purpose.” University; Kim Jones, the 2000 inaugural While the students deftly worked their recipient of Teacher of the Year at Meridian way through classical and contemporary Music; Dr. Claudia Bossard, a concert piaworks, Durthaler emphasized the imnist on the faculty at Franklin College; and portance of the opportunity to play on a Dr. Peter Hulen, a composer and assistant superior instrument. But the real draw professor of music at Wabash College. for the young musicians was the chance to Barbara E. Cohen covers the arts for the Current practice performing skills while entertaincommunity newspapers. Please send comments ing an audience. or story ideas to barbara@i-writersstudio.com. Students who choose the non-competPhotos by Barbara Cohen
NEW BOOK FROM CARMEL-BASED JUKA – Carmelbased JuKa Books recently published “Howard the Fish,” a children’s picture book written especially for children on the autism spectrum. The character of Howard is based on Nadia, daughter of illustrator Kate Jones. Howard lives a life of quiet routine, content within the confines of his bowl. One day, Howard looks out to see a face peering though his protective glass. He is gradually attracted to his new friend, and he learns taking a risk can be rewarding.
By Barbara E. Cohen Current In Carmel
GO GREEN WITH BLUE - Consider ordering and planting a few blueberry plants. Not only will they provide delicious fruit for jams, muffins and pies, but they are also an excellent choice for landscaping plants, offering scarlet fall foliage and creamy white spring flowers. Blueberries serve neatly in a hedge or as specimen plants. -www.almanac.com
20 Jordan Hamilton, Service Manager at Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Where he likes to eat? H20 Sushi Bar What he likes to eat there? The “Joe Pesci.” It’s a mix of seafood rolls with avocado and lime. What he likes about El Torito The service is great. The chefs have fantastic knife skills and they’re out in the open so you can see them working. H20 Sushi Bar 1912 Broad Ripple Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 317-254-0677 www.h2osushibar.com Hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 5 a.m. – 10 p.m. Friday – Saturday, 5 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Edible Thistles are Always Stingers
spection every seven days. magine swallowing a cactus or rose Some tips for preparing artichokes: stem. Pleasant probably isn’t the word • Cut the needle ends off the top of the we would use to describe the experiexterior leaves to keep from getting ence. This month begins the season stung. of the thorny, delicious food man • Use lemon juice to stop the has enjoyed since the ancient artichoke from oxidizing when Greek, Egyptian and Roman cooking, or it will turn brown times. in the process. If you’ve seen the artichoke • Weigh down the artichoke plant, you know getting the so it is fully submerged in food, bud or edible crown can the water, enabling it to cook be a dangerous and painful evenly. experience. • To test for doneness, turn the What exactly is an artiartichoke over and pierce the choke? It is a perennial in the bottom center with a toothpick thistle group of the sunflower or small knife. It should go in family. It grows so large that it with no resistance. covers more than six feet when •The stem is often cut off and mature. It has long, arching, Chef Michael discarded. It should be peeled serrated leaves with an overVlasich and cooked with the rest of the sized fern-type plant. The stem Culinary Explorer artichoke, as it is a continuaand leaves are not edible – only tion of the heart and of the same qualthe buds, which, when blossoming, are a ity, texture and flavor. purple-blue color. A great recipe to try for a grazing-style Artichokes are among the most expenmeal: sive vegetables, taking two years to produce food. They are also very labor intenChef Michael R. Vlasich, CEC, AAC, is a Carmel resisive and have a small yield per area grown. dent and the executive chef at the Indianapolis There is no machinery to help groom, Marriott Downtown. You may e-mail him at cheprune or harvest buds, and the buds all fmichael@currentincarmel.com mature at a different rate, requiring an in-
Tuscan-Style Stuffed Artichokes • 2 artichokes raw • 1 lemon cut in half • 1/2 # whole butter • 1/2 cup seasoned breadcrumbs • 1/2 cup fresh shredded parmesan • 1/2 tsp. dried Basil • 1/8 tsp. dried oregano • 1/3 tsp. chopped parsley • 1/2 tsp. granulated garlic • Salt and pepper to taste Cut the lemon in half, put into water in a pot and cook the artichokes (with a weight on top to keep them submerged) until completely cooked. Remove from water and cool until chilled. Once chilled, spread the leaves apart as much as possible without breaking it apart. Using a spoon, dig out the center leaves along with the hair-like fibers. In a separate bowl, mix the herbs, garlic, breadcrumbs and cheese. Sprinkle throughout and in between the leaves, placing about 1/3 of the mix into the center. Chop the whole butter into small pieces while it is cold, and sprinkle in between the leaves with a few pieces in the middle. Bake in a 375-degree preheated oven for 20 minutes. Serve while warm.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
King Crab Garlic Cream Pasta
Buca di Beppo
6045 E. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone: 317-842-8666 Hours: Monday – Thursday, 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Web: www.bucadibeppo.com Buca di Beppo is an authentic Italian restaurant that offers flavorful Italian dining. In the spirit of Italian culture, Buca di Beppo’s dishes are served family style and are meant to be shared. The first Buca di Beppo opened its doors in 1993 in the basement of a Minneapolis apartment building. Dishes enjoyed for generations in villages throughout Italy inspire the restaurant’s menu, giving Buca its authentic Italian fare. New menu items inspired by Northern and Southern Italian cuisine are added to the menu occasionally. Menu items include unforgettable appetizers, salads, pastas, pizzas, entrees, desserts, beer and fine wine.
Ingredients: • 1 lb. penne noodles (angel hair noodles pictured) • 1 and ¾ cups Coffee-Mate non-dairy creamer • 2 tbsp. minced garlic • ¼ cup margarine • 1 lb. king crab meat • Fresh ground pepper • Pinch of salt • Parmesan cheese Directions: Cook noodles al-dente, strain, and set aside. Cook king crab legs until finished and set aside. (Boiling should take 6-8 minutes.) Mix Coffee-Mate, margarine and minced garlic
in a pan on medium heat for 5-6 minutes, or until hot. Add cooked and strained noodles to the mix and fold in for two minutes, making sure to coat all the noodles well with cream sauce. Add more Coffee-Mate if needed. Turn to high heat and add crab meat for three minutes. Mix in well. Add pepper and a pinch of salt. Top with parmesan cheese. Note: Any noodles can be used. The thinner the noodle, the more cream sauce you will need. - Big Hoffa’s Barbeque, Westfield
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Fan Expo “
Fantastic Exposure.
About 50 people turned out last week for the surprise birthday party of Carmel resident Maggie Kelly at Bistro de Paris, 15 W. Main St. in Carmel. 1. Maggie and her husband, Current President and Publisher Brian Kelly. 2. Artisan Masterpiece owner Cherie Piebes and Doreen Squire Ficara, executive director of the Carmel Arts Council. 3. Jim Newell, director of marketing/advertising at Carpenter Realtors, and his wife, Linda 4. Dennis O’Malia, Current advertising sales executive, and his wife, Jill. 5 Susan and Michael Gunason, Kris Brittain and Midori Finocchiaro.
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We h noth complim praise age
Si J Vice Presiden
C a r m e l F. C
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Casual Worship . . . . . . . . . 5:01 p .m .
Photos by Lois Wyant
Fan Expo “
We have ha nothing but compliment and praise f our agents.”
Si Johnson, Vice President Realtor/Manage
C a r m e l F. C . Tu c ke r O
office door will receive $2 off their regular-priced ticket. All food items will be donated to the Food Pantry at Carmel United Methodist Church. Show at Woody’s Restaurant Woody’s Library Restaurant (40 E. Main St. in Carmel) will present Matt Heincker and the Walkaways March 19 at 8 p.m. Special guests are Patchwork and Justin McElhany. CDs will be available for purchase.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Carmel Community Players Show, Discounted Tickets The Carmel Community Players’ production, “Guilty Conscience,” will run until March 15. Tickets are normally $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors and $35 for “dinner and a show.” But the group is also proud to announce a new discounted ticket policy: Patrons who donate a food item (fruit juice, cereal, saltines or canned fruit) at the box
‘Cats’ at Beef & Boards America’s favorite musical sensation is playing at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre (9301 N. Michigan Rd. in Indianapolis) through April 5. Based on T.S. Eliot’s “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,” For reservations, call the box office at 317-872-9664 any day between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. For more information or a complete show schedule, visit www. beefandboards.com.
Your Spring Feathers Are
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sored by Clarian North Medical Center, will feature the music of Gershwin, Carmichael, Porter, Arlen, Gordon, Kern and more! Ticket prices are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors (65 and older), and $5 for students (high school & college). Younger students and children are free. Tickets may be available at the door. To reserve tickets in advance, call 317-844-9717 or visit www.carmelsymphony.org.
Live Music The following musical acts will be playing live at Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian, Carmel. For more information, call 317-573-9746: March 13: Cousin Roger March 14: The Late Show March 17: The Late Show March 20: Aberdeen Project March 21: Peace Train & The Flower Power Brass March 27: Toy Factory March 28: Why Stop Now Lippia ‘Great American Popular Songs’ Enjoy the vocal talents of Steve Lippia as he performs timeless standards at the Carmel Symphony Orchestra’s “Great American Popular Songs” concert March 14 at 7:30 pm at the Zionsville Performing Arts Center (1000 Mulberry Street, Zionsville). The program, spon-
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
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DISPATCHES WHO NEEDS BATTERIES? - It’s always great to see innovative uses of eco-friendly ideas, and this new water-powered alarm clock from the UK’s Gadget Shop is no exception. We’ve seen water-powered alarms before, but not in so simple and stylish a design. And they couldn’t be simpler to use. Simply rotate the inner wheel to see the clock’s other functions (including timer and temperature) and fill with water every two to three months. -www.popgadget.net POSSIBLE APPLE REDESIGN DATE - World of Apple says March 24 is the possible date for a refresh of the entire Apple’s desktop line. Merely a rumor for now – the explanation doesn’t have any details as to what could happen, so if true, we can only speculate for now. The Mac Pro and Mac Mini are long due for a redesign. As part of PowerPC-to-Intel migration, all the computers kept their old designs during the first phase of the transition to the new hardware architecture. The idea was to maintain a sense of continuity. Then, as the Intel-based Macs proved to be a success, Apple started to change external designs. -i.gizmodo.com DIGITAL PEEPHOLE REPLACEMENT - This Digital Door Viewer is a high-tech step-up over your typical peephole. Installation is as easy as swapping out your current peephole hardware with a small video camera and mounting the LCD on the inside of the door. It’s powered by eight AA batteries, so no power cord is needed, and that should let you use the LCD for up to 1,000 five-second viewing cycles, according to Frontgate. (Or about 83 minutes if you do the math.) A nice upgrade for sure, but the $399 price tag may be more than most are willing to spend. -www.ohgizmo.com
TWITTER—The newest way to communicate
munication with a large number of people who any consider Twitter the next share a common interest. evolution in the communication Sure, you could seek these people out by findrevolution. The first step in undering their blogs online or joining a forum discusstanding Twitter is not comparing sion. But with Twitter, the information you want it to any other form of communiwill seek you out. (This simple shift cation (e-mail, text messaging, etc.), alone is extremely powerful.) but seeing it as an additional way to With Twitter, the folks you want to communicate. hear from (celebrities, newsmakers, Text messaging did not replace politicians or friends and family) can phone calls or e-mail messages; it just easily connect with you, and you don’t presented a better way to communihave to take the time to find mescate under certain circumstances. That sages in your inbox. If you find you’ve is what Twitter provides. been text messaging several people Twitter is referred to as a “micro essentially the same information on a blog,” because each message is limited regular basis, Twitter would allow you to 140 characters (spaces included) to do it much more efficiently. And and is a way to connect to other it would allow all those connected to people – either as a person who sends join in the discussion. messages (called “tweets”) or a follower With Twitter, you can simply of those people. “follow” the tweets of your trusted When I first heard about Twitter, I Gary Hubbard resources, so the news you seek will had the same reaction as most: Why Technology actually seek you. (Almost like a custhe heck would I want to follow the tomized electronic newspaper … if a mundane dispatches of others? headline sparks your interest, click on it!) Following someone who says, “I just got to I am out of space so if it sounds like fun, give it Starbucks and ordered my usual” has little intera try. est for most of us. But following someone who says, “I just discovered a new way to …” or “I Gary Hubbard is Owner of Data Doctors Computer just tasted a new wine that pairs well with …” (or Services - www.datadoctors.com Have a technology whatever your interests may be) has tremendous question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors. value. One of the most powerful elements of Twitter is com its “one-to-many” aspect that allows simple com-
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SINGLES nIGHTS Friday and Saturday nights from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., head over to Bistro de Paris (11 W. Main St. in Carmel) for a spectacular time with DJ Orion. Northside singles are starting to gather there, and it’s good times! example, a happily married couple of 35 years – who have good intentions, but met in high school and never had the fabulous opportunity to date in their 40s – might tell you, “Just stop looking and love will come to you.” Or, “Why would you try online dating?” Somebody who has never been where you are might not be an expert on such things. Try this: First, set a goal. Next, check your surroundings to see if your influences and actions are helping you reach that goal. And don’t forget to put yourself out there and start having fun! Need some ideas of fun things to do? Sign up for an adult piano class at Meridian Music with my friend Becky Grausam! You may meet other singles who have some spare time on their hands too! For more information, check out playpianoinaflash.com. Go get ’em tiger! Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at nobleadvice@yahoo.com.
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AFFILIATE AGENCY AFFILIATE AGENCY AmeripriseAFFILIATE Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA. AGENCY RiverSource Distributors, Inc. (Distributor), Member FINRA. Insurance and annuity products are issued by RiverSource Life Insurance Company and in New272613 York, byand RiverSource Insurance Co. of New York, Albany, Form numbers 130075-RB1, in New York: 139473-RB1. Formnumbers numbers 130075-RB1, 272613 and inNew NewYork: York:Life 139473-RB1. Form 130075-RB1, 272613 and in 139473-RB1. New York. Only RiverSource Life Insurance Co. of New York is authorized to sell insurance © 2009 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (1/09) © 2009 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (1/09) © 2009 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (1/09) and annuities in New York.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
veryone loves to give advice to singles. If you’re single, can I get an Amen? It is good to hear different perspectives from the “marrieds” (as I like to call our wonderful married friends), those in relationships and other singles. But be careful whose advice you take. First, let’s talk about stinky influences. If you are getting sour advice from one of the marrieds who complain about coming Rachael Noble home to some lazy DATING good-for-nothin’ every night, or from somebody in a relationship who constantly asks you to drive by her boyfriend’s house (as you drive by slowly, she peers through binoculars to see if the boys are really playing cards or if they have the cheerleading squad over), or from other singles who continually gripe that all men are cheaters or all women are high maintenance, you may want to rethink your surrounding influences. If you tend to hang out with any of the above Debbie Downers, do yourself a favor. Find people you want to emulate – happy couples and single friends who sport positive attitudes. Now let’s talk about stinky advice. For
Hospital. I was disappointed that the eens: irresponsible, selfish and event hardly made the press. In the self-centered, unreliable and Indianapolis Star, there was about a 100uncaring. word article (if you can call it that) about Teenagers are seen as the genthe marathon. eration in society that portrays I think instead of reporting these ghastly traits. The the nonsense a small number of media does a good job students engage in, the media relaying that message by should cover the good things displaying only bad news in which many more students about teens. In the newspaparticipate. per, on the news or just in The Carmel Dance Marathon simple gossip, you always was organized by the CHS student hear about the last arrest, government. This group of teens drug bust or scandal. put all they had into this charity I think this is uncalled and expected nothing in return. for, because these actions The marathon began four years only involve a small perago and has grown exponentially. centage of my generation. Each participant has to raise $75 Teenagers get little to no Maddi or more for Riley. Every teen at recognition for their many Bourgerie the event was there for the kids at good attributes and the Riley, and they made it clear. productive efforts they In the end, the event raised $159,000! make in the community. That is $20,000 more than last year. In At Carmel High School alone, there a hard economy, 900 students made a are an unbelievable number of organizamiracle happen. tions related to community service and It is time for teens to be seen as obligvolunteering. Students join these orgaing, generous and selfless. The teens who nizations by choice and choose to do the volunteer work on their own. CHS hosts participated in the marathon deserve recognition as such. fundraisers for a variety of charities each year, raising thousands of dollars each Maddi Bourgerie is a student at Carmel High time. School. Contact her at maddiclarexo10@aol. The most recent event was the Carmel com Dance Marathon for Riley Children’s
Inside & Out
26 basement remodel in westfield FINAL PRODUCT: The stairwell was opened up at the bottom by removing two existing posts and creating new drywall knee walls with a poplar wood cap. The family-room area includes eight built-in speakers connected to a flat-screen TV. The rough plumbing for the bath was already installed by the original builder. The full bathroom includes a new Sterling Ensemble 60”x34”x75 ¾” fiberglass composite shower with a semi-frameless DESIGN PHASE: The owners decided the 60” bypass shower door, a Kohler Wellsworth new basement must include a bathroom, elongated toilet and a 42” vanity cabinet. The game room, TV/family room, exercise area, exercise room includes a built-in desk area with built-in cabinets/desk area and unfinished Armstrong Bali cabinets in a mocha finish topped storage space. Once the final floor plan was with a Staron solid-surface countertop. The homdeveloped, the design phase focused on the eowners decided against carpet and instead chose detailed design of the bathroom, TV and to install Armstrong Jefferson red oak natural desk areas. The last step involved guiding the laminate flooring with a moisture resistant core Larry owners through the selection process for the and a vapor barrier to handle the humid condimany necessary materials, including cabineGreene tions in the basement. This was complemented try, lighting, plumbing fixtures and flooring. by installing natural red oak stair treads and risers PROJECT SCHEDULE: The design phase for the base- stained and finished to match the laminate flooring. ment remodel included the creation of several new floor plans and elevation views. The phase lasted three weeks, Have a remodeling question? Ask Larry Greene, owner of Case Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at while the construction phase spread out over approxilgreene@caseremodeling.com or call 846-2600. Visit mately six weeks. INITIAL SITUATION: This home in the Merrimac neighborhood in Westfield was built in the mid 1990s and still had an unfinished basement. The homeowners were interested in creating a new floor plan that provided for a variety of adult and children’s activities. The challenge was to maximize the roughly 1,000 square feet of unfinished space to meet the goals of the family.
www.caseremodeling.com for more information.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
For Current in Carmel
OK, backyard gardeners, what better way to chase away the late-winter blues than a stroll through garden catalogs with all their promise of gardening adventures for the coming season? Here, courtesy of the Purdue University Extension Service, is a look at just a few of the new seed-company offerings for the new growing season: • Basil “Cardinal” is a strikingly handsome addition to the herb garden, with spicy, fragrant foliage crested by tightly packed clusters of deep cardinal-red flowers, resembling Celosia. Plants reach up to 2.5 feet in height. (Burpee Seeds, www.burpee.com). • Beet “Chioggia Guardsmark” has striking, alternating spiral stripes of bright magenta and white, forming a bull’s-eye when cut in cross section. Promising sweet, mild flavor, hybrid vigor and large, 3-3.5-inch globular roots. 60 days. (Park Seed Co., www. parkseed.com). • Cabbage “Caraflex” is a unique, pointy-headed compact early selection. Cucumber “Iznik” is a new hybrid “lunch-box”-sized cucumber, reaching just 3-4 inches long. Plants are compact vines with small leaves, perfect for container and raised-bed gardening. (The Cook’s Garden, www.cooksgarden.com).
Economic StimuluS? We have it for you! YOuR CHOICE! PICk OnE: Free whole-house exterior caulking* Free painting of one interior room* Aggressive discount on whole-house exterior painting
* With agreement to paint whole exterior. Must mention ad at time of estimate.
Interior & Exterior • Misc. Home Repairs • FREE ESTIMATES • Eggplant “Gretel” is a follow up to the 2008 award-winning “Hansel.” “Gretel” is the earliest of the white eggplant, bearing clusters of glossy minifruit (3-4 inches). ‘Gretel’ plants are relatively small, about 3 feet wide and tall, making them well adapted to container gardening. 55 days. All-America Selections 2009 (Johnny’s Selected Seeds, www.johnnyseeds.com). • Watermelon “Snack Pack” is a “personal-sized” watermelon of 3-4 pounds, about the size of a large muskmelon. Thin, dark green outer rind surrounds a bright red, crisp and juicy, seedless flesh. 75 days. (Burpee Seeds, www.burpee.com). For more information, visit www.hort.purdue.edu.
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Isabelle says… Our treat recipes are designed around the health and well-being of our furry friends!
Scottie Dog
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SPEAKING UP - Changes in your cat’s vocalization tendencies may indicate a problem. If your cat’s behavior changes suddenly, the first thing you should do is take it to your veterinarian for a thorough health examination. Cats often hide symptoms of illness until they’re seriously ill; any change in behavior may be an early indication of a medical problem. A new vocalizing behavior, in particular, may indicate physical discomfort stemming from an urgent need for medical attention. A normally vocal cat who stops talking is also in need of a medical checkup. -www.hsus.org
Stimulate your dog’s sebaceous glands with regular massage and/or grooming with a rubber mitt. This releases the dog’s natural hair and skin conditioners. Keep your dog’s coat clean and brushed. Frequent grooming allows you to monitor its health and maintain your bond. The primary function of a dog’s hair is to serve as a protective and insulating coating. But if the eyes are the gateway or window to the soul, the skin and hair are both the gateway and the window to an animal’s inner health and well-being. Shiny hair – a hair coat that exudes a healthy, luxurious sheen – is an indicator of overall health. In contrast, a dull coat that lacks luster indicates an animal isn’t as healthy as it could be. One of the reasons people like to have pets around is they are “furry,” and furry is fun to touch. Having a healthy coat
promotes increased contact between a dog and its owner. And frequent contact ultimately strengthens the animal-human bond. Changes in the texture or appearance of a dog’s coat indicate something is going amiss within. Coat changes, however, are not specific to any one disease or condition. Dull or brittle hair can result from dietary imbalance, or it could be a product of diseases of digestive, hepatic, renal, thyroidal, immune or parasitic origin. Hair changes usually occur late in the course of a disease, as hair growth is rather slow. It usually takes four weeks for a disease to progress before changes are noticeable in hair. And it typically takes four or more weeks for a dietary supplement to have any positive impact on hair quality. John Mikesell, owner of Love of Dogs Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at john.mikesell@ att.net.
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Pets of the week
U.S. 31 South Kokomo
Ollie is a 6-month-old male white with tan-and-black markings hound/shepherd mix. Like most puppies, Ollie is an energetic boy who could romp and play all day. He is neutered and doesn’t seem to know a stranger, so he will surely love everyone in his new family. Ollie will need a family who will take him to obedience training and help him learn excellent puppy manners. Ollie can be a bit rowdy at times so he would do best in a home with children over the age of 5. Ladybug is a 3-year-old female tabby DSH. She is a sweet and petite little girl who adores people of all ages. She is very affectionate – you might even call her a lovebug! Ladybug arrived at the shelter June 4, when she was picked up by a nice animal control officer. But she is more than ready to move into her forever home. She is spayed and she even has received her rabies vaccine, so she is ready to go home with her new family today and start her new role as official lap cat! For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to www.hamiltonhumane.com.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
HELP FIND BARBIE - A Persian cat was stolen from the Humane Shelter of Hamilton County last week. She is believed to have been taken by a family that cannot afford her proper care (she has several health issues) and is probably living in the Indianapolis area. She is currently shaved with a lion’s-manestyle cut, and she has bright green eyes. Please contact the HSHC at 317-7734974 or jrckett@hamiltonhumane.com if you have any information. There is a reward for her return.
hair of the dog: what you can do By John Mikesell Current in Westfield
PAWS AND READ - Come to the Westfield Washington Public Library on Saturday, March 14, at 10:30 a.m. to Paws & Read a story to a book-loving dog. Stop by the Children’s Desk to schedule 15 minutes of special time with a trained listening dog. This is great for beginning readers, struggling readers or kids who just love to read aloud. Research shows that children enjoy improving their reading skills by practicing reading to animals, who are patient and nonjudgmental listeners that never point out mistakes. This is a free program, but please reserve a time slot.
Gold ’N’ Blooms
816 W. Main St., Carmel 317-582-1DOG or 317-582-1364 Mon through Fri: 10-7 Sat: 10-5 • Sun: Closed
Come see our holistic St. Patrick’s Day treats, all natural human-grade products!
LAUGHS Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.
really think you need to do this,” Mary Ellen said the other night. Fact is, she’d been pestering about it me for weeks. “Look, I’m too old for this. Can’t I just take up skydiving or get a motorcycle?” “No, I think you need to learn how to blog.” My wife works in the business school at Butler University, and she is on the cutting edge of all the newest technology being used to boost business. She Dick Wolfsie thinks a blog would Humor help my book sales. The other night at a restaurant, we happened to sit next to a former student of Mary Ellen’s. Cindy is now working for a company that teaches young entrepreneurs how to use blogs to enhance retailing efforts. “Dick, say hello to Cindy. She blogs for a living.” “Hi, Cindy. I’m sure your mother is very proud of you. Okay, Mary Ellen, let’s order.” “No, Dick, first I want Cindy to explain to you how blogging can help you increase sales.” “Nice to meet you, Mr. Wolfsie. Would you mind if I ask you a few personal questions?” Have you noticed that no one ever responds, “Yes, I would mind”? I was tempted to say this, but my wife was wearing pointy-toe boots and we were sitting across the table from one another. “OK. Shoot, Cindy. I’m an open book. And one that I want more people to read.” “Are you on MySpace?” “I don’t see how. We had reservations and we were here 10 minutes before you and your friend even arrived.” My wife glared at me. Apparently, I was supposed to take this conversation very seriously. “No, Mr. Wolfsie, MySpace is a social Web site with an interactive, userapproved network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music, and videos. Even way older people like you can use it. You can’t be hip or cool – as your generation would say – unless you have a face on MySpace, or a space on Facebook. I was a little put off. “I want you to know that when I was your age, young lady, I was up tight and outta sight.” “How nice for you. And I bet your mother was very proud, also.” Cindy’s friend started Googling on her iPhone to see what that ’60s phrase meant. I panicked because I suddenly remembered that it might have meant something dirty.
blogging out
But back in the ’60s, this wasn’t the kind of thing you could look up in the “World Book.” “Okay, Mr Wolfsie, let’s get down to business. Do you twitter?” It was a good question. I don’t know what you’d call what I do all day. I asked Cindy what it meant. “Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates, known as tweets.”
Another glare from Mary Ellen. Translation: Do a stupid bird joke and be prepared to limp home. I listened intently to Cindy’s explanation. Actually, she was a charming young lady. I was somewhat intrigued with the whole idea. So after we paid our bill, I asked Cindy for her business card and said I’d contact her about this tweeting thing. “A business card? I don’t have a business card. I’ll just jot down my email address.
May I borrow a pen?” “A pen? That’s a bit old-fashioned, don’t you think?” I had to turn away to hide my self-righteous smirk. I moved my chair way back. Mary Ellen has long legs. I wonder if Cindy will ever see this newspaper column. Probably not. I better put it on my new blog. Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
don’t try these at work
BIRTHS St. Vincent Carmel
Feb. 23 12:50:54 a.m., suspicious activity, East 106th Street/Westfield Boulevard 1:32:08 a.m., burglary, 12480 N. Meridian Street 3:04:20 a.m., suspicious activity, 13644 N. Meridian St. 4:44:23 a.m., transport, 3 Civic Square 7:20:00 a.m., directed patrol, Buttonwood Drive/East 116th Street. 7:43:15 a.m., traffic hazard, West Carmel Drive/Old Meridian Street 7:45:47 a.m., investigation, Spotswood Street/West 136th Street
7:48:47 a.m., alarm burglar, 11592 Westfield Blvd. 7:59:05 a.m., investigation, 300 S. Guilford Rd. 8:01:38 a.m., theft, 13462 Salamone Way 8:21:37 a.m., accident person injured, North Meridian Street/East 103rd Street 8:39:06 a.m., investigation, Hoover Road/Meeting House Road 9:00:05 a.m., battery, 300 S. Guilford Rd. 9:43:44 a.m., investigation, Keystone Avenue North/East 116th Street 9:40:20 a.m., animal complaint, 2954 Brooks Bend Dr. 10:09:30 a.m., traffic hazard, Keystone Avenue South/East 99th Street 11:13:32 a.m., investigation, East 146th Street/Runyon Pass 11:20:08 a.m., alarm burglar, 2034 Rhettsbury Street 11:32:04 a.m., investigation, East Carmel Drive/Horseshoe Lane East 11:41:54 a.m., juvenile complaint, 1424 W. Carmel Dr. 11:44:02 a.m., warrant service, 1 Civic Square 11:47:46 a.m., accident property damage, West 103rd Street/North Meridian Street 11:32:04 a.m., investigation, East Carmel
for the boss.” Oh, yeah. This one’s bound to endear you to your coworkers. Nobody likes a suck-up. Besides, who has a thousand bucks for a watch? You can always get the time from your Crackberry. Sheesh. Now, actually, as things not to say to the boss go, these are pretty mild. I come from a much tougher league, where – in the days when men were men and women laughed at them for acting like such morons – you were quite likely to hear such rapier retorts as … “You do it.” “Know what? You’re the perfect example of this company’s policy: Handicapthe hired.”
Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244. For information on speaking fees and availability, visit www.spotlightwww.com.
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government bailout Call me for 8,000 reasons to buy a home! *
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 www.currentincarmel.com
March 2 Boys - Merrill, Scott & Theresa; Sandefur, Jeffrey & Elizabeth; Loyd, John III & Henderson, Tinicia March 3 Boys - Armstrong, Scott & Brenna March 4 Boys - Smith, Candace; Sullivan. Cory& Quynh Girls - Fletcher Nicholas & Anne; Ritz, Ryan & Katie; McCool, Christopher & Andrea March 5 Boys - Lawson, Robert & Shae
should keep to yourself. I’ll get to that in a bit. “I have (insert medical condition here).” Thanks for sharing. We all wish you a speedy recovery from your toenail fungus. Eww. “What is your (political party or religion)?” Your mother should have taught you not to ask this one – the same time she taught you not to tell anyone what was on your report card. “I got so trashed last night ... ” Then you’re bound to be worthless today. “I don’t have time for that.” I’ll bet your supervisor says you do. “I just bought a thousand-dollar watch
“OK, which one of YOUR bosses put you up to this? “Don’t tell anyone I said this, but the boss got so trashed last night that he told everyone his political affiliation and his religion. He also said he once got an F in algebra.” And, of course, the ever-popular: “(Censored, you (censored) (censored) stupid (censored).” Now, I don’t recall using any of those. However, I could be wrong about the last one. I do know I hit my zenith in boss backtalk when the paper I worked for was sold and the new regime sent in a bunch of poorly trained primates to run the place. One told me he had been reading my column and didn’t get the point. “I don’t write it for you,” I said. That was the beginning of the end of my employment there. Which gets me back to why you should not say, “I’m so stressed out/busy/sick of working here,” especially these days. Bosses hear that and they are delighted to remind you that they have an open door policy: Which is their way of saying you’re free to leave anytime.
read an interesting online piece the other day on the “Things You Should Never Say In The Workplace (Especially To Your Boss),” and was surprised to find I hadn’t said any of them. Not to my bosses, anyway (or should I say former bosses). Of course, I said other things to my bosses, and that might be why I work for myself these days. Anyway, here are some highlights from the list, with commentary by yours Mike Redmond truly: Humor “That’s not my job.” Oh, smart. Most bosses I know would have no problem redefining your duties right on the spot. “Don’t tell anyone I said this, but …” Popular at the water cooler. Also known as “Be sure to tell everybody ...” “I haven’t gotten a raise, ever.” Then you must not be very good. “I’m so stressed out/busy/sick of working here.” I know we’ve all said it at one time or another, but this is one you really
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
FROM P29 Drive/Horseshoe Lane East 12:18:17 p.m., damage to property, 306 S. Cherry St. 12:33:45 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 12:51:04 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 1:07:27 p.m., driving complaint, Keystone Avenue North/East 116th Street 1:08:09 p.m., solicitor, 11314 Rolling Springs Dr. 1:21:12 p.m., theft, 4610 E. 96th St. 1:13:31 p.m., welfare check, 21 Thornhurst Dr. 1:33:25 p.m., accident property damage, East Carmel Drive/South Rangeline Road 1:56:23 p.m., driving complaint, West 103rd Street/North Meridian Street 2:17:43 p.m., alarm burglar, 5307 Woodfield Dr. S. 2:29:44 p.m., investigation, 101 Fourth Ave. SE. 2:48:04 p.m., animal complaint, 4443 E. 131st St. 2:15:00 p.m., theft, 560 Third Ave. SW 3:22:53 p.m., animal complaint, West 131st Street/Towne Road 3:25:38 p.m., accident property damage, West Carmel Drive/South Rangeline Road 3:44:57 p.m., investigation, 3525 W. 126th St. 4:15:44 p.m., investigation, East 106th Street/Keystone Avenue North 4:51:52 p.m., solicitor, 11121 Bradbury
Place 5:01:29 p.m., investigation, U.S. 31 N./ East 156th Street 5:00:11 p.m., investigation, 1140 Indian Trail 6:39:24 p.m., disturbance, 3077 E 98th St. 7:26:26 p.m., accident property damage, West 131st Street/Springmill Road 7:30:22 p.m., juvenile complaint, East 131st Street/Cherry Tree Road 8:14:08 p.m., suspicious activity, Beckham Court/Lenox Lane 8:54:48 p.m., theft, 14400 Clay Terrace Blvd. 8:59:41 p.m., alarm burglar, 11075 Pennslyvania St. 10:57:21 p.m., animal complaint, 3630 Walden Place 11:00:02 p.m., theft, 1424 W. Carmel Dr. 11:18:09 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 11:25:14 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square Feb. 24 12:19:19 a.m., suspicious activity, East 96th Street/Keystone Avenue South 3:01:55 a.m., suspicious activity, 11100 Lakeshore Dr. E. 3:08:36 a.m., theft, 15215 River Rd. 4:04:18 a.m., driving complaint, 13500 N. Meridian St. 4:29:28 a.m., alarm burglar, 150 W. 96th St. 7:36:51 a.m., investigation, City Center Drive/Hancock Street
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The former Carmel High School on northeast corner of Main Street and 4th Avenue. It was torn down in 1989 to make room for an expansion on the new high school. The high school cafeteria now sits in its place. In the picture, you can see one of two large pine trees in front of the school. The pine trees were planted when the old high school was built in 1921, and they still stand today. Photo courtesy of Randy Chapman
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Interior Painting
FOR RENT ExEcutivE officE spacE rEntal!!
Fully wired office space for rent, two story building, 2 office spaces for rent on second floor 1120 sq ft, high speed internet, heat, A/C, water, electricity and trash included, unfurnished, smoke free, parking lot available, conveniently located near the intersection of US31 and SR 32 in Westfield, Indiana, only minutes away from shopping centers and restaurants for only $550.00 a month each with a $400.00 deposit. Call Cecy @ 867-2566 for info
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All NEW QUEEN PILLOW TOP Mattress Set. $190 Sill in bag Can Deliver (317) 223-9301
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Family Law • Adoption • Mediation • Business Litigation • Appeals Skilled in complementary legal disciplines, our team is composed of experienced litigators and registered mediators to provide professional, yet personalized services to our clients. During these tough economic times, litigation isn’t your only option. There are alternatives which are often less costly, financially and emotionally. JHDJ Law offers mediation, arbitration and collaborative law services to assist individuals and families in resolving their cases with minimum conflict and court intervention.
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There’s no substitute for knowing your body. Knowing your body is the key to healthy living. Routine screenings and early detection methods should be top priorities. Attend one of our upcoming educational seminars to learn more. FREE Back & Neck Pain Ask a Doctor WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 6:30 P.M. Clarian North Medical Center 11700 N. Meridian, Carmel RSVP at clariannorth.com FREE Breast Health Ask a Doctor WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 6:30 P.M. Clarian North Medical Center 11700 N. Meridian, Carmel RSVP at clariannorth.com
Carmel Mayor’s Wellness Challenge Wrap-Up THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Clarian North Medical Center 11700 N. Meridian, Carmel