May 24, 2011

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Tuesday May 24, 2011

McAnally to headline NORTH STAGE CarmelFest / P7 Civic Theatre set to move to Center for the Performing Arts / P11 College Wood readers reach for the stars / P16

Honoring a brother’s sacrifice

©2011 IU Health 03/11 HY40311_2807 10.375” x 1.25” Strip SFC Collin Bowen Built at size (100%) Shelby and Justin Bowen carry on their brother Collin’s legacy in the Indiana Freedom Memorial / P9 Artist Rendering

There’s strength in expertise. ©2011 IU Health 03/11 HY40311_2807

40311_2807_IUHNOR_10.375x1.25_4c_FrontStrip_CIC.indd 1

3/18/11 4:21 PM

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“ Over three years I have suffered from terrible headaches, I also had low back pain. I was told there was no hope for my pain condition and was put on addictive medications that affected my everyday functioning. I am simply delighted that I am pain free after 3 treatments by Dr. Srini who explained the science behind my pain condition. He has proven that my incurable pain condition was indeed curable! ”….. Edwina Foust after receiving permanent pain relief from headaches.

My name is Vicki Hinkle. I have struggled with foot pain for many, many years. I have had treatment and surgery from several very experienced, sympathetic doctors over the years with some results. As time went on the foot pain increased to the point to cause life style changes. I enjoyed outdoor hiking, long walks with loved ones and occasionally a day of shopping with friends. I had accepted with sadness; the reality those days were gone. A family member had gone to Dr. Srinivasan for back pain and had experienced wonderful results. I was encouraged to inquire about possible help with my foot pain. I had wonderful results in less than a week after my treatment by Dr. Srinivasan. It has now been several months; I am still pain free. I am able to exercise, accomplished weight loss and enjoy outdoor activities once again. I encourage anyone dealing with pain of any kind to schedule a consultation with Dr. Srinivasan and decide for yourself. The options available to you may give you some of your life back too!

INDIVIDUAL RESULTS WILL VARY. Advanced Interventional Pain Center is the nation’s only pain center to have consistently over 90% pain treatment success rates 4 years in a row. Advanced Interventional Pain Center promotes innovative minimally invasive treatments for long term pain relief without surgery or addictive medications. Advanced Interventional Pain Center aims to reduce healthcare spending by preventing ER visits, Surgical Treatments and Hospitalizations because of Chronic Pain. 2 | May 24, 2011

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Coyote infestation Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. V, No. 29 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444 Managing Editor – Jordan Fischer / 489.4444 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Art Director – Zachary Ross / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson / 787.3291 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell


It is our position that something needs to be done about the coyote infestation in Hamilton County. All the development in Hamilton County has caused coyotes to move into neighborhoods and caused the deaths of an alarming number of local pets. Whether it be to decrease the population or trap and relocate, we believe that someone needs to take initiative to see that this problem is handled. We understand that that this is not the coyotes being vicious. Rather, they are just trying to survive after being forced out of their natural habitats as a result of new developments. Nonetheless, we believe something needs to be done, whether it a government agency, or an outside organization to bring an end to the coyotes wondering our neighborhoods. While we would prefer that the coyotes be trapped and relocated to a location that is more suitable, such as somewhere in the wilderness, we believe the need to remove them from our neighborhoods is important enough that officials should pursue other options if necessary. With the warmer weather and longer days, we believe it’s time the coyote situation is dealt with. Hamilton County residents should not have to worry about their pets in their own yards.

Extra precautions

It is our position that we need to be aware of the increased threat of burglaries during the spring and summer. Weather is warmer now, and when people are mowing their lawns or working in their gardens, they leave their garage doors open more frequently, exposing their families to attack or theft. Cars are being vandalized or stolen; lawn equipment disappears; kitchens doors are unlocked, and burglars make off with whatever they can get their hands on once inside. There are too many instances in Hamilton County where burglars gained access through the carelessness of the homeowner. Not only are people being robbed by so-called professional thieves, “garage-hopping” is still prevalent among unsupervised teenagers. This is when teens, out of school on summer vacation, duck in and out of open and unoccupied garages to steal money or CDs from cars, key or vandalize the car’s exterior, or help themselves to beer or wine stored in an outdoor refrigerator. Let’s start keeping our garage doors closed while we work in our yards, lock our front doors when we go for an evening walk, and be mindful of strangers in our neighborhood. Burglars find enough ways to steal from us without our active cooperation.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.


Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749

Business Office

Bookkeeper – Meagan Thomas / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.



strange laws


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.

In Illinois, it is illegal to not have at least $1 on your person. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)

Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. Section 8. Circuit Courts. The Circuit Courts shall have such civil and criminal jurisdiction as may be prescribed by law. (History: As Amended November 3, 1970). Section 9. Judicial Nominating Commission. There shall be one judicial nominating commission for the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. This commission shall, in addition, be the commission on judicial qualifica-

Current in Carmel

tions for the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. The judicial nominating commission shall consist of seven members, a majority of whom shall form a quorum, one of whom shall be the Chief Justice of the State or a Justice of the Supreme Court whom he may designate, who shall act as chairman. Those admitted to the practice of law shall elect three of their number to serve as members of said commission. All elections shall be in such manner as the General Assembly may provide. The Governor shall appoint to the commission three citizens, not admitted to the practice of law. The terms of office and compensation for members of a judicial nominating commission shall be fixed by the General Assembly.

May 24, 2011 | 3

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No end in sight, just ironing

FROM THE BACKSHOP What, exactly, is behind the curtain? The St. Petersburg State Orchestra scheduled to play The Palladium Wednesday, February 22, 2012, at 7:30 p.m., might not be exactly as advertised. Known also as “The Tschaikowski,” the orchestra, whose tour is handled by Columbia Artists Management, Inc., has been reported to be the subject of misleading marketing information. The New York Times published a front-page story last week about so-called “questionable” orchestras that crisscross the United States and other nations, playing concerts in a wide range of venues, including concert halls such as The Palladium, smaller theatres and even high school auditoriums. What caught our eye about the story is that its principal guest conductor, Stanislav Kochanovsky, told The Times he didn’t know the orchestra’s name. It and other orchestras are said to use “freelancers” and “truth-shading.” Columbia is alleged to have deployed “a pattern of misleading publicity photos, altered program biographies and last-minute (musician) substitutions.” This, folks, absolutely is not to be blamed on The Palladium. Apparently, according to the report, several orchestras are not exactly as they portend to be. For instance, the Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra that played 50 towns last year mostly was made up of Bulgarians. This is not a commentary on the quality of the

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg music; rather, it’s a look behind the curtain. We believe orchestras should be exactly as advertised. The Palladium is rumored to be spending north of $60,000 for the St. Petersburg ensemble. Said Steven B. Libman, president and CEO of the center: “The New York Times recently reported on a dispute taking place between two orchestras, both based in St. Petersburg. We are fully aware of the matter. Rest assured that the “Tschaikowski” is a magnificent orchestra and we look forward to welcoming the group to the Palladium’s stage. In fact, the concert will feature world-renown pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet. He would not be affiliated with the “Tschaikowski” if there were ever a true concern. His management company would not allow him to be associated with anything that wasn’t legitimate. … ”

COMMENTARY By Jordan Fischer The world, I’m assuming, didn’t end on Saturday. While I feel pretty confident in making this prediction, sitting here on a grey, Wednesday afternoon in May, I must admit, I have had moments of doubt. After all, there’s a billboard near my apartment on I-465 stating in bold letters that May 21 is “guaranteed” to be Judgment Day. In my experience, billboard predictions have a pretty high level of accuracy, especially when predicting where the nearest Steak ‘n Shake is. When those signs say next left, there’s a restaurant at that next turn nearly 100 percent of the time. It’s uncanny, really. I’d give the guy – that would be Harold Camping, president of Family Radio – a little more credit, but since he’s already struck out once on nailing down the apocalypse in 1994, I

Editor, I have just read the publishers’ column in today’s Current in Carmel. As a taxpayer who is paying to build” The Center,” I want to voice my displeasure at (The Palladiums) treatment of that publishing entity in response to their recent reporting on the future schedule at the Palladium. I read that paper without fail and most of what I know about the

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It seems that we are buying newborn baby gifts at an alarming rate.

4 | May 24, 2011

features and the schedule at “The Center” I found out from it. To cut off the local paper from vital information about our facility is very poor form. I find this action on your part to be petty and mean spirited. I request that you and the board reconsider. Beverly Leddy 46032

Contemporary Dental ConCepts

break the furniture than one of their bones. But these babies are as fresh as a new pair of white sneakers – not a scuff or sign of wear. We were talking recently with a freshly minted mom and dad. What advice might be shared? Infants, said my lovely bride and mom of our two, require intense care and attention. We must keep them safe, warm and dry. Love matters – as does nutrition and a myriad of other things. With the basics met and as they mature, nuanced and more complex obligations materialize. Teens require role models and thoughtful engagement. These kids may be harder to break but they are easier to warp. In an effort to protect our older children from damage are we inadvertently contorting them beyond hope for a productive life? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@

Jordan Fischer is the managing editor of Current in Fishers. You may e-mail him at jordan@


A recent, local baby boom? COMMENTARY By Terry Anker My guess is that it is related to the economy. People are home with fewer options for entertainment. They focus on time around family and the hearth. Whatever the reason, it seems that amongst our friends there has been somewhat of a baby boom. Whether more mature adults having their first just under the biological clock wire (congrats to our physicians and scientists who continue to provide options for families long past what might have been possible only a few short years ago) or, being one herself those my wife likes to call the “bonus” child, adding to the family even as the first-born is readying for college or the more traditional young couple going forth to multiply – it seems that we are buying newborn baby gifts at an alarming rate. It is nice to see and hold the tiny humans; and, I am reminded about the almost inconceivably fragile sensibility the tikes invoke. Our own boys have long been beyond that stage. They are both strapping, rough-and-tumble kids more likely to

have some skepticism. And, unlike the Mayans, Camping doesn’t have a questionable John Cusack movie backing up his theory. My money goes with Cusack every time. I’m even planning on ironing all my collared shirts on Saturday, which could possibly be my least favorite to-do (at least without a yard to mow). The thought process here is, if the world were actually ending, there’s a whole host of things I’d rather be doing – anything other than ironing, for example. I suppose if the world actually does end, I’ll at least have a nice, pressed shirt to go out in. And that’s something I think my mom can be proud of.

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wine full bar

carry out






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Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at



dren. In many situations, these are the only toys some children receive at Christmastime. Fred Koberna, the workshop’s leader, reports that more than 1,600 toys are turned out during the course of the year. This workshop operates as a member of a network of similar operations in central Indiana. They have just completed another successful “Food for Kids” drive for the Good Samaritan Network, helping to fill the coffers of 13 area food pantries in Hamilton County. Club President Bob Chance reports that about 2,000 items of nonperishable food intended for children were collected and delivered to the network. This is nearly double the number collected during last year’s drive. Corporate sponsors all over the county participated by displaying the club’s large red collection barrels. Other contributions to the Carmel community include an annual program for providing about 200 pairs of new gym shoes to youth in local schools. Every Wednesday night at the Gazebo Concerts, you can find the Golden K serving up the best popcorn outside of Iowa. Just as their name suggests, the Golden K Kiwanis are truly a treasure to Carmel.

daily soups

COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell The people distinguishing themselves as the Golden K have at least two things in common. Each one of them knows what it is like to experience a “golden” birthday. Some in the group even know what a 70th or 80th birthday feels like. But every member of the Golden K Kiwanis personally understands what it means to serve our community with dedication and generosity. They know, because they have been doing it for 25 years. This month, the Carmel Golden K Kiwanis is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Chartered May 15, 1986, its members have made a number of significant contributions to the Carmel community, and have been able to buck the trend of declining service club memberships with an average of 55-60 members. My favorite ambassador for the club is Maxiene Rogers. She is a longtime member, and I would describe her as the “juice” behind the scenes. She commented to me recently, “Our members have been working hard for Carmel over the last 25 years. We are going to have fun celebrating that milestone.”’ The group always has fun while getting a lot done. One of the club’s unique activities is its Woodworking Shop, located at Janus Development Services in Noblesville. Every week throughout the year, about a dozen members contribute their time to make toys for area chil-

outdoor patio

Carmel club reaches important milestone

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DISPATCHES » Blood drive – Community members are invited to participate in a blood drive Sunday, June 5, at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 126th St. & Gray Rd. in Carmel. Ages 16 & older may help supply blood and blood components during the Central Indiana Regional Blood Center collection at the church. For more information, visit or call the church at 846-4912. » Safe sitter – Registration is underway for the Safe Sitter Babysitting Training program, offered Friday & Saturday, June 10 & 11 by Parish Health Ministry at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 126th & Gray Rd in Carmel. This medically accurate program will be held in 2 parts, from 6:00-8:30 PM Friday and 8:00-10:00 AM on Saturday. Cost to participate is $35. For more information contact the church office, 846-4912, e-mail or visit safesitter. » Collaborative divorce – Stephenie Jocham, along with fellow JHDJ Law attorneys Holly Wanzer and Elisabeth Edwards, recently created the Central Indiana Association of Collaborative Professionals (CIACP), a non-profit organization with a mission to further develop the practice of collaborative law in Indiana. The CIACP sponsored the first interdisciplinary training at the Indianapolis Bar Association on April 28-29. Fore more information, visit » Converter thefts – The Carmel Police Department has responded to several thefts of catalytic convertors over the last two weeks. Most of these thefts were from Toyota trucks and SUVs that were parked at businesses along the Meridian corridor between 96th St. and 126th St. Suspects have been crawling underneath vehicles and using some type of a saw to cut pipes and steal the catalytic convertors. If you see anything suspicious or have information on these thefts please contact the Carmel Police Department at 571-2500. » Recycling event – Orchard Park Presbyterian Church in Carmel will be holding an electronics recycling event from June 6 – June 10. There will be in a manned station in the parking lot from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Staffers will accept “anything with a cord that’s electronic,” including televisions, monitors and lamps. For more information, visit

6 | May 24, 2011

Mother’s Day doesn’t go as planned, still special COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson It’s Mother’s Day morning, and honestly, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Do you recall my itinerary for this most special of days? The first thing on the agenda was “sleep in.” But apparently no one in my family got that memo, so now I’m less than enthused about the rest of the day. Here’s what happened. Last night, we held our annual Kentucky Derby party. Guests left around 10 p.m., and I went to bed shortly thereafter. Around 1 a.m., I heard the unmistakable sounds of plates being loaded into the dishwasher, and though I was unhappy to be awake, I was thrilled that my husband was taking care of at least a portion of the mess. I fell back asleep maybe an hour later, and didn’t wake again until six. Doo was not in bed, apparently having crashed on the couch. I was still exhausted, so I snuggled back down under the covers, anticipating another two hours of peaceful slumber. The perfect Mother’s Day beginning! At 6:40 sharp, though, two short people burst into the room screaming, “Happy Mother’s Day!” I ripped off my mask and stared blearyeyed at my daughters, one of whom was carrying a tray laden with breakfast. “We made you your favorites!” I scooched up to a sitting position, still a bit incoherent, just as the tray was placed on my

lap. There was as single rose in a silver vase, an egg cooked especially-sunny side up, a country biscuit, a teddy bear of honey, a spoon, a china cup filled with black coffee, and a hand-made card. Frustrated but also truly touched by their thoughtfulness, I said, “It looks wonderful.” I stare at the barely-congealed egg. “Did you cook this all by yourself, Corinne?”

I won’t enjoy one second of my glorious plans. But I also want to dance with joy because I truly have some of the most precious, resourceful children on this earth. “Yes! Dad was asleep at the desk and he couldn’t help, so I tried to remember how you do it.” Flashes of my 9-year old experimenting with our gas stove while Doo slept in a mint julepinduced coma tore through my sleep-deprived brain. “The first one didn’t turn out so good but this one I was able to scrape off the pan.” I took a hesitant bite, remembering to make “hmmmm” sounds as I swallowed a scoop of the still-clear egg whites. Good thinking with the

spoon. A fork would not have been useful. Then Maddie piped in, “I tried to make coffee but it was taking way too long.” I took a sip. It was cold. “Luckily, we had some left over from the party!” Ah. That explains it. Minutes later, after consuming a small bite of the stale biscuit (also from the party), I walked arm -in-arm with my daughters downstairs. I had to keep reminding myself to smile and looked pleased even though all I really wanted to do was go back to sleep. But when I got to the kitchen, all I could do was giggle. Corinne had tried to fry the eggs on a cookie sheet! And Maddie had simply put water in a pot and set it in the coffee maker. Indeed, that coffee would take a very long time to brew! So I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. My head and stomach hurt from exhaustion, and I have a terrible feeling that if I don’t get a nap soon, I won’t enjoy one second of my glorious plans. But I also want to dance with joy because I truly have some of the most precious, resourceful children on this earth. I may not enjoy the rest of Mother’s Day, but I’ll certainly never forget this morning. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@

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McAnally to headline north stage Dog Nashville. The independent Current in Carmel label is a rising power in recording Reigning three-time Country Music circles under the ownership of artist Association Musician of the Year Mac Toby Keith. “There’s nobody more McAnally will be the North Stage respected, at least when it comes headliner on July 4 at CarmelFest to musicians and people who really 2011, Gary Frey, chairman of the anknow this business, than Mac McAnual event, has confirmed. His free nally,� Keith is quoted as saying for show will begin at 8 p.m. McAnally’s Web site (www.macmca“We’re extremely excited to have McAnally “Getting to be a part of Mac at the top of our North Stage whatever Mac wants to do is an honor for me, lineup, and I believe folks will thoroughly enjoy and for everyone at the label.� what he brings as a solo act,� Frey said. Said Frey: “And getting to be a part of his CarMcAnally, who could not be reached for melFest show will be a thrill for those on hand.� comment today, may be better known around McAnally, an inductee into the Nashville these parts as “Music Man� in Jimmy Buffett’s Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Mississippi Coral Reefer Band, but his solo performances Musicians Hall of Fame, also has written for pack a particular wallop and incredible energy. Hank Williams, Jr., Reba McEntire, T.G. ShepAlternating between guitar and keyboards, his pard, David Allan Coe, Shenandoah, Ricky distinctive, rich voice and other-worldly comVan Shelton, Charley Pride, Randy Travis and mand of the instruments are unmistakable. No Noblesville native Steve Wariner, among others stranger to Indiana, McAnally in recent years who have availed themselves of his songwriting has played the outdoor band shell at The Rathsprowess. As a studio musician, he has worked kellar and the former Patio in Broad Ripple and with Buffett, Williams Jr., Travis Tritt, Linda Music Mill in Indianapolis as well as other venues. Still others will recognize him for the music Ronstadt, Roy Orbison and Mary Chapin Carpenter and many others. McAnally also has he has written for fellow artists’ recordings, including Kenny Chesney, who landed a major hit produced a number of albums – his and others’ – including several for Buffett. with “Back Where I Come From� and Buffett, CarmelFest 2011 runs July 3 and 4 at Civic who has made hay through the years with “The Square. For more information, visit www.carCity� and “It’s My Job,� among many others. The artist’s new critically successful album, Complete schedule: Down by the River, is out, courtesy of Show

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Honoring a brother’s sacrifice Shelby and Justin Bowen carry on their brother Collin’s legacy in the Indiana Freedom Memorial

SFC Collin Bowen

By Jordan Fischer Current in Carmel The Indiana Freedom Memorial may not be in Hamilton County, but the handprints of generosity from county residents and businesses are visible nonetheless. Currently under construction in Marion’s Matter Park, the memorial is the result of years of work and determination by Shelby and Justin Bowen in honor of their brother, U.S. Army SFC Collin J. Bowen, who was injured and eventually died of wounds inflicted by an improvised explosive device while serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Collin J. Bowen was the eighth member of the armed forces from Grant County to be killed in action while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. “Collin was a special guy,” said Shelby Bowen. “He was beloved by his family, and by his fellow soldiers.”

“A soldier’s soldier”

“Collin joined the Army right out of high school, and he loved it,” said Shelby. “He was a dedicated serviceman. A lot of his Army buddies said he was a soldier’s soldier.” Collin was finishing his tour of duty in Afghanistan in January 2008 when his vehicle struck a roadside bomb, killing two soldiers and leaving Bowen with third-degree burns on more than 50 percent of his body. “He was actually packed and ready to head home when he was asked to go out on one last mission,” Shelby said. “But of course he went back out. That’s the kind of person Collin was.” Collin eventually was flown to the San Antonio Military Medical Center in Texas, where he remained for 10 weeks in critical condition. During that time, Bowen’s family, including his two brothers never were far from his side. On Jan. 10, while still in critical condition, Collin was awarded the Purple Heart by the military commander of Camp Clark in Afghanistan. On March 14, Bowen succumbed to his injuries and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. In his honor, the SFC Collin J. Bowen Memorial Scholarship was founded. The scholarship provides financial assistance to young men and women who “exemplify the strength of character, discipline and fighting spirit” of Bowen.

Artist Rendering of the Indiana Freedom Memorial.

‘Simple and poignant’

The idea for the Indiana Freedom Memorial, the central icon of which is the “Battlefield Cross,” formed using the rifle, helmet and boots of soldier killed in action, came to the Bowens as they realized the state had no memorial of its own for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “The design, in our view, kind of reflects the raw sacrifice,” said Shelby. “These soldiers from Indiana were hardworking, Midwestern guys. This represents that. It’s a solid memorial. It’s simple and poignant.” To achieve their goal, however, the Bowens needed help. “Shelby and I really just knocked on the door, and these local businesses opened their doors and just sort of jerked us inside,” Justin said. “They said, ‘Tell us what you need,’ and then came back and said they’d give us everything.” Among those donors were Edgewood Building Supply, located

Shelby Bowen in Carmel, which provided more than 6,000 pounds of engraved limestone, Carmel based Pedcor Companies, where Shelby works as asst. vice president, which provided him the 10 weeks off to stay with his brother in the hospital and two architects from the Pedcor Design Group, Jim Stutzman and Fishers resident Dan Weekes, who volunteered hundreds of hours developing the architectural design, and Justin Wiley, another Fishers resident, of Bowman Construction, who served as the general contractor for the project.

Current in Carmel

Bowman construction donated labor and materials. “This is the remarkable part of it,” said Shelby. “Every time we meet with them, they say, ‘It’s the least we can do to honor these heroes.’ ” To complete the memorial, the Bowens continue looking for donations. They hope to have an official dedication ceremony on Sept. 11. For more information about the Indiana Freedom Memorial, or to donate, visit www.indianafreedommemorial. com. To read more about SFC Collin J. Bowen’s story, visit www.

May 24, 2011 | 9

Festival Highlights

The skies above Carmel will RUMBLE with the sound of high powered engines as the Flying Falcons F-Series Fighter Jets soar overhead to signal the start of the St.Vincent Health July 4th Parade at CarmelFest. The Parade is set to begin at 10:30 a.m. and conclude at noon on Monday – July 4 Brought to you by


As part of an ongoing commitment to support community initiatives, St.Vincent Health is proud to be a presenting sponsor of CarmelFest 2011 and the title sponsor for this year’s CarmelFest Parade. On behalf of all of us in the St.Vincent family, we hope you enjoy the “St.Vincent Health July 4th Parade at CarmelFest”. SPARK BUTTONS

You can help support the CarmelFest Fireworks Display by purchasing colorful Spark Buttons. Two styles are offered: the traditional Button at $3 each and the light-up Button at $6. Spark Buttons are available thru Carmel Merchants in the Arts & Design District and at the Carmel Farmer’s Market. *Rotary Club of Carmel Indiana Annual Raffle License #123676

by Cindy Roberts-Greiner

The marching bands line up, drums roll, the whistles blow, car engines rev … it’s time. “The parade is coming!” Shouts of joy fill the air while children eagerly wait to fill their goody bags with candy. Parents and grandparents wave flags showing their patriotic spirit and community pride. Just the thought of the scene makes me smile; everybody loves Peggy Powell (Parade Director) a good parade! This year the St.Vincent Health July 4th Parade at CarmelFest is scheduled to step off at 10:30 a.m. on Monday – July 4th led by the Wright Brothers Band as Grand Marshals. The parade, themed “Proud to be an American,” will include marching bands, lively color guards, talented gymnasts, local celebrities, decorated floats, drill teams, veterans and more. According to Peggy Powell (Parade Director) and Bec Hunter (co-Director), “One exciting new entry this year will be a float from Project 9/11 Indianapolis featuring two of the original steel I-beams harvested from the World Trade Center.” Project 9/11 Indianapolis was founded by Greg Hess - a City of Indianapolis firefighter/paramedic. In 2001, Greg was a member of Indiana Task Force 1, one of the first FEMA Search & Rescue teams to arrive at Ground Zero. INTF-1 spent 8 days in New York assisting the local agencies in the rescue and recovery efforts. (website www.project9/ This exciting edition to the St.Vincent Health Parade at CarmelFest combined with floats from local companies and salutes to the armed forces are sure to make this year’s parade a signature part of our Independence Day Celebration. Be sure to stake out your viewing position on the parade route. And, join us in celebrating our heritage and our community on Monday-July 4th. For details on the parade route and entries, visit


10 | May 24, 2011

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City officials weigh in on CFPA-Current issue truly an unfortunate overreaction on the part Staff Report of the staff at The Center for the Performing Current in Carmel Arts when they continue to advertise in the City officials are speaking frankly in the afterIndianapolis Star, a paper that has done whatmath of The Center for the Performing Arts’ deever it could editorially to give Carmel a black cision two weeks ago to halt sending news releaseye. They continue to advertise in that and es to Current Publishing after it published April have continued to ignore that, and I believe 30 a partial 2012 schedule for The Palladium. it’s unfortunate.” According to Publisher Brian Kelly and Carter said, after reading the column, his General Manager Steve Greenberg, two of the understanding was that Current ultimately high-profile performances had been revealed decided to run the names to “keep from being to them a month before in an off-the-record scooped on the story. That didn’t sit well with conversation with a Palladium executive, and me, but I still think it was an overreaction.” the decision to print the names of Tony BenMayor Jim Brainard noted the controversy and nett, Bill Cosby and others wasn’t made until stated he has asked the parties to meet and “remultiple undisclosed sources reported the news solve their differences.” to them on deadline. “I can assure you the gentleman Brian and I met with more than a month ago had nothing to do with what we wrote,” Greenberg said. “Our leading source – as was the case with two other sources – was on the outside. But one particular person is very well connected and, ultimately, in the know.” The estimated $6 million operating budget for the Center for the Performing Arts is partially funded by $2 million from taxpayers. “We believe this is a retaliatory action taken by the leadership at the Palladium against Current and its readers as a result of the paper simply doing its job,” Kelly said. “What the leadership is saying is, ‘It’s OK for the City of Carmel to send us your (tax) money, but you’re not entitled to know what we’re doing.’ ” Carmel City Council President Eric Seidensticker, a member of the council which approved the Palladium budget item, said he was “disappointed” that the two sides weren’t “on the same page.” “At the same time, it’s a very delicate line,” Seidensticker said, “because a reporter of any kind has a goal to put information out before the public as soon as they can.” Seidensticker said that he was not taking sides on the matter, but would at least like to see news releases and performance schedules provided to Current for the sake of helping to fill the center’s venues. Fellow council member Rick Sharp also weighed in, saying regardless of where the fault lies, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” “An organization like that, you’d think they would want to get their information out,” Sharp said. “You don’t do that by shutting off access to the news, particularly a source that’s delivered to nearly 100 percent of the households in the area.” N o b l e s v i l l e / C a r m e l / We s t fi e l d / F i s h e r s Kelly said the move won’t deter future re317-708-3600 I69 at 146th St. by the porting on the Palladium and Center for the Verizon Music Center Performing Arts. “We’re determined to keep our Online Ticketing readers informed about how their tax dollars are being utilized as they relate to the Palladium,” INDY’S BEST he said. Others with influence over funding cityFun, spacious lobby All superb rocker seats All digital presentation owned projects expressed a variety of views. BARGAIN TWILIGHT “I would be disappointed that an entity that DAILY 4:00-6:00 PM (city) council funds would withhold information from any news outlet, including Current,” said Kevin “Woody” Rider, councilman at-large. 3D PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON Rider’s at-large counterpart, Ron Carter said, STRANGER TIDES IMAX (PG-13) 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 FRI/SAT LS 12:00 “My thought when I read that was that it was

Civic ready for its move north By Lindsay Eckert Current in Carmel The Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre is now ready to head north to Hamilton County. Civic is moving to The Center for the Performing Arts following the completion of its spring season, which wrapped up May 21 with the The Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre will move to the new final performance of “The proscenium theater at The Center for the Performing Arts Musical Comedy Murders of in a few months. 1940.” The production was Civic’s last at Marian Univerthe Civic Theatre, said Civic’s next season has sity in Indianapolis. been dubbed “Brand new stage!” “Brilliant new Civic, one of the largest, one of the counseason!” try’s largest community theaters, has called “This moniker fits perfectly with the programMarian University home for years, but in Auming central Indiana residents can expect from gust it will have a permanent home and a new start for its 97th Civic in the coming year. Great titles of this era, like our opening musical, ‘The Drowsy Chaperseason. one’ all the way to Broadway classics like ‘Roald Margaret Dahl’s Willy Wonka,’” Henney said. “The whole Henney, season is family-friendly and stocked full of crowdspokespleasers. It will be hard to go home without a person favorite tune in your head!” for Henney added that the new location will provide more space for productions and offer convenient amenities to welcome new guests while enhancing the quality performances loyal fans enjoy. “The Civic plans to bring in new families to its Mainstage season and its one-of-a-kind education program while serving audiences that have been loyal to the theater during its first 96 years.” Henney said. Civic encourages all of its new neighbors in Hamilton County to join the celebration with the theater’s grand opening on September 8. The theater’s lease with The Center for the Performing Arts will keep Civic in Carmel for 100 years, occupying its 500-seat proscenium theater 265 days each year. “There are maybe 7,500 community theaters in the county; we are touted as being in the top 10,” Civic Executive Director Cheri Dick told Current last year. “We know once we get up there people are going to be excited.”


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May 24, 2011 | 11

Riverview presents

Celebration of life

sunday, june 5

Join us for Celebration of Life, in conjunction with National Cancer Survivors Day, Sunday, June 5, from 1-3pm in the Healing Garden next to the Riverview Women’s Pavilion. A balloon release will take place at 2pm, and balloons may be purchased for $1 each at the Riverview Women’s Boutique, Auxiliary Gift Shop or at Proceeds will benefit the Riverview Cancer Patient Fund, which has been established to assist Riverview’s cancer patients with emergent costs associated with their care and treatment. to learn more, visit or call (317) 770-5835.

Noblesville 12 | May 24, 2011 RVH-090-Current-05.24-FNL.indd 1

Current in Carmel 5/18/11 10:05 AM

Current in Carmel

May 24, 2011 | 13

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h a n g e Vi e

patents and trademarks. Yet there are several fields of law dedicated to the preservation of intellectual property. It’s serious business, and it deserves serious attention. Misuse of sources, however, is generally a less grievous offense – at least in certain academic circles. Unintentional plagiarism is perpetrated by students who don’t understand how to appropriately document their sources. Their lack of understanding might be due to laziness in the classroom rather than a deficiency on the part of the instructor, but misuse of sources happens when someone makes an honest attempt to correctly and completely credit his or her sources but falls short. The higher the level of education, though, the more serious the consequences for misusing sources. Outside of the classroom, though, misuse of sources can be just as serious as intentional plagiarism. Rather than a learning experience, misusing sources professionally is a sign of laziness or incompetence. And as it pertains to the law, ignorance is rarely an acceptable defense. The point? Ideas and the expression of those ideas are property. Use of that property requires careful, accurate documentation. That documentation will be next week’s topic.


Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at


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» Donatos donation – On April 18, the Donatos Pizza store in Carmel held a fundraiser to support the Carmel High School choral department, agreeing to donate 50 percent of its sales between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. The store raised more than $930, which was presented to Ann Conrad, Carmel High School choral director, on Thursday, May 12.

GRAMMAR GURU By Brandie Bohney In more than two years, I’ve never discussed plagiarism in this column. I’m not sure why I’ve skirted the issue for so long, but this week and next, I’ll discuss what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. First, it’s important to know what plagiarism is and why it’s an important issue. That’s where we’ll start this week. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words or ideas without properly crediting that source. It’s important to realize there is a distinction between intentional plagiarism and unintentional plagiarism, which is often referred to as misuse of sources. Intentional plagiarism is when a writer knowingly and often purposely uses the words and/ or ideas of someone else either without crediting the source at all or by crediting it incompletely. In school, it’s academic dishonesty: cheating. Depending on the school and the age of the student, punishment for academic plagiarism ranges anywhere from failing the assignment to failing the course to expulsion from the institution. In the real world, plagiarism can result in being fired or being sued. Purposely stealing the words or ideas of someone else is theft. That’s why the consequences can be so severe. People often disregard the seriousness of plagiarism, because what’s being stolen is intellectual property. Intellectual property is an abstraction. It’s the world of copyrights, !

» Chemistry Olympiad – Rebecca Chen, of Carmel’s Wilde Lake High School, will join twenty of the nation’s top high school chemistry students, representing 10 states, to compete for a spot on the U.S. team bound for the 43rd annual International Chemistry Olympiad, held in Ankara, Turkey, July 9-18, 2011. In 2012, the International Chemistry Olympiad will be held at the University of Maryland July 21-30. For more information, visit

Plagiarism is no laughing matter



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14 | May 24, 2011

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May 24, 2011 | 15

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o T e p a c Es

Summer’s Family Fun Waterpark at the Monon Community Center 111th and College in Carmel

Student reading soars at College Wood Elementary Current in Carmel College Wood Elementary recently completed a read-a-thon called “Reach for the Stars” sponsored by Usborne Books & More. The students were encouraged to read at least 300 minutes over a two-week time period, and they were challenged to turn off the TV and video games and try to read as much as possible during this timeframe. Students who participated in this program read a total of 255,117 minutes— an average of more than 775 minutes per student. There were 107 students who read at least 1,000 minutes, and there were two children who read more than 4,000 minutes each. Studnets also collected pledges from their

sponsors to support their reading efforts. The students collected more than $12,000 worth of pledges, and 100 percent of the money collected was given back to the students and their teachers in free books. Each student received books with half of the money they collected, and their classroom teachers received books with the other half. In addition, the media center was given over $1,200 worth of books (an additional 10% of the total collected) for all College Wood students to enjoy. For more information about the “Reach for the Stars!” program and how it can help your school or organization, contact Jan Thayer at 317-663-7780 or

$5 • Passes start at vailable a s e s s a p n o s a e • Family & S Call 317.848.7275 for your passes today!


Welcome to Kindred Transitional Care and Rehabilitation – Bridgewater, a new 120-bed transitional care center opening in the Westfield suburb. • Specialized, short-term rehabilitation • Orthopedic speciality program • Private, spacious rooms

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16 | May 24, 2011

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Panzanella Salad Skewers

DISPATCHES » Gardening tips – 1. When making your own potting soil for container gardening, good mixture for potted vegetables or flowers is equal parts peat moss, rich garden soil, and sand. Mix well with a trowel. 2. Looking for the best food to feed chrysanthemums? Mums like lots of organic matter, such as leaf mold and compost, added to soil that is slightly acidic and well drained. » Tour de Cure – Ride your bike on the track of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to help stop diabetes in Indiana during the Indiana Tour de Cure, 7:30 a.m. on June 11. Choose from four fun routes: Family Recreational Track Ride, 50K and 75K road rides, or 100-mile Track Challenge. Your ride supports the American Diabetes Association’s research, education and advocacy work in Indiana. Cost is $25. Learn more and register at www. » A wine worth the money – There’s a recent Napa Valley boom in expensive Sauvignon Blancs. The 2008 Grieve Family Winery Sauvignon Blanc is worth the money, even at $40 per bottle, according to Food & Wine’s Ray Isle. » Golfing for a cause – The “Heartfelt Thanks” tournament is one of Hamilton County’s premier golf outings, and funds donated to the Riverview Hospital Foundation will be directed towards building a new cath lab and the purchase of a multislice CT scanner. This year’s 19th annual Heartfelt Thanks Golf Tournament will be held June 22 with a noon shotgun start at the Pebble Brook Golf and Country Club. Cost is $150 per person. For more information, visit golf-tournament. » Casual Italian is in – Time was, impressing a date meant squeezing into a sportsjacket and tie and taking the little lady someplace with white tablecloths and several types of fork. Now, the hottest spots across the country are casual Italian joints like places with entrees that you can actually pronounce and prices that don’t require a second mortgage.

Grilled Jalapeno Poppers

(yields 16) Ingredients • 8 ounces cream cheese • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese • 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder • 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese • 16 whole jalapeno peppers with stem • 8 slices bacon, cut in half crosswise Directions 1. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat, and lightly oil the grate. 2. Mix together the cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and Cheddar cheese in a bowl until the mixture is thoroughly blended. 3. Lay a jalapeno pepper onto a work surface, and cut a lengthwise sliver from the side of the pepper, exposing the seeds and white membrane. With the handle of a teaspoon, scrape out the seeds and membrane, leaving the hollow pepper. Repeat for the rest of the peppers. Chop up the pepper slices, and mix into the cheese stuffing. Stuff each pepper with cheese mixture, and wrap each stuffed pepper in a half bacon slice. Secure with toothpicks. 4. Grill the poppers on a less-hot part of the grill until the peppers are hot and juicy and the bacon is browned, 30 to 40 minutes.


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(Vegetarian, yields 6 servings) Ingredients • 6 Callisons Garlic Herb Seasoned Skewers (appetizer size) • 18 (1 inch) cubes artisanal-style bread • 12 cherry or grape tomatoes • 12 (1 inch) pieces red bell pepper • 12 (1 inch) pieces yellow bell pepper • 1 large fresh mozzarella ball, diced 1/4-inch • 3 tablespoons store bought basil pesto • 6 small romaine heart leaves • Olive oil, as needed • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Directions 1. Thread onto each skewer in the following order: bread, tomato, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, bread. Repeat 1 more time adding an additional piece of bread on the end of each skewer. Let sit for 15 to 20 minutes. 2. Lightly brush skewers on each side with olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. 3. Place skewers on a preheated medium-high grill and cook until vegetables are cooked crisp/tender, and bread is lightly browned about 4 to 5 minutes per side. 4. Arrange one skewer on to each romaine leaf. Sprinkle each skewer with some of the diced mozzarella cheese and then drizzle with basil pesto.

Current in Carmel

June 27th - July 29th Camps, Workshops & Classes Featuring: Ballet Intensives July 11-15 • July 18-22 Fall Session Begins August 1 Featuring: The Performer's Edge Dance Theatre The Ballet Theatre of Carmel Competition Programs 12955 Old Meridian St., Carmel Meridian Design Center

317.573.8085 May 24, 2011 | 17

All manufacturers warranties are in full effect (excluding “AS IS� items). You can use cash, check, credit card or financing option will be available. Delivery and set up will be available, but bring your trucks and trailer for immediate pick up and save even more. *See Store For Details.

18 | May 24, 2011

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Cass Courtney


Now Open Courtney’s Kitchen

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Co-owner/chef at Courtney’s Kitchen Where do you like to eat? El Camino Real. What is best on the menu there? Their tacos and burritos are great. Why do you like El Camino Real? The food is delicious and it’s important to support local restaurants. El Camino Real 11681 Brooks School Road, Fishers 913-1970

The scoop: Courtney’s Kitchen is a family-owned restaurant right off the Noblesville square. The motto is “simple sustenance,” and the menu communicates just that, including a variety of family recipes in hefty servings at affordable prices, all in a warm, countryinspired setting.

with jalapeno ketchup), Big Courtney Breakfast (three eggs cooked to order with ham, bacon or sausage, two pancakes, hash browns or home fries, a biscuit with gravy, and toast)

Type of food: American

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Price: Most entrees around $7 Specialty menu items: Grandma’s Chicken ‘n Dumplings (white meat chicken breast with homemade dumplings), Meatloaf with a Kick (homemade meatloaf, topped

Dress: Casual Reservation: Accepted Smoking: None

Address: 654 Logan Street, Noblesville




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May 24, 2011 | 19

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May 27 The Phoenix Theatre: The Zippers of Zoomerville The Phoenix Theatre 749 N. Park Avenue, Indianapolis. Now through May 28 Tickets available by phone at 317-635-7529 or online at Retooled, streamlined and ready for more speed, greed and the dirty deed? This musical spoof of all things Indy 500 in the month of May and send-up of Gilbert and Sullivan is a celebration of flat-out folly and full-throttle love.

May 28 Morty’s Comedy Joint: Jamie Kilstein Morty’s Comedy Joint, 3625 E. 96th Street Thursday through Saturday, various show times. Tickets are $15; Jamie has been seen on Conan, Showtime’s The Green Room, CNN’s The Joy Behar Show, The Paramount Comedy Channel in the UK, The BBC, The Comedy Channel in Australia, HBO Canada, and Showtime Comedy in the Middle East.

June 2 The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra: Brahm’s 1st Piano Concerto The Hilbert Circle Theatre 45 Monument Circle, Indianapolis June 2 through June 4 Tickets available by phone at 317-639-4300 or online at At the age of 24, when Brahms wrote his First Piano Concerto, the weight of history was upon his shoulders. A few years earlier Schumann declared him to be the next musical genius, destined to change music history. Shortly after that declaration, Brahms heard Beethoven’s Ninth for the first time and came away from it ready to write the next great symphony. But Brahms struggled and that symphony took decades to finish. Brahms instead completed his First Piano Concerto, which shows the influence of Beethoven’s Ninth.

LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – The Bishops Saturday – Living Proof Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more

20 | May 24, 2011

June 3 Renaissance Fine Art & Design Gallery: The Next Step: Selected works from John Paul Caponigro’s Next Step Alumni 2011. Renaissance Fine Art & Design Gallery, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel Now through June 24 Twenty-five members are currently participating in the exhibit. The resulting work is as diverse as the individuals with subjects and artistic endeavors including: landscapes, editorial, abstracts, composites, portraits, seascapes, cityscapes, nude and figure, fine art, street photography, architecture, nature, animals and wildlife.



June 4 Beef & Boards: Cinderella Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre Now through July 1 Tickets available by phone at 317-872-9664 or online at Rogers & Hammerstein’s enchanting musical, Cinderella, is the classic story of the young Cinderella who is left in the care of her step-mother and three bossy step-sisters after the death of her father. It’s not until she meets Prince Charming that things start looking up. In a twist on the original musical, the Beef & Boards production features the ugly step-sisters as played by male actors.

June 16 Carmel Repertory Theatre: Andersen, a Fairy Tale Life The Studio Theater at The Center for the Performing Arts, 1 Center Green, Carmel June 16 through 26; show times are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30. “Andersen” is a musical of the true story of Hans Christian Andersen’s rise from abject poverty in an obscure village on the tiny island of Funen in Denmark, to become the most famous person in the world during his lifetime.


information, call 770-9020. Friday – Something Rather Naughty Saturday – RetroActive Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Zanna Doo Saturday – Dane Clark Band

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Member FDIC 5/16/11 3:00 PM

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DISPATCHES » Lighten hair with rhubarb – Rhubarb has long been used as a lightening agent for blond or light brown hair. The oxalic acid serves as a fixative, so a rhubarb rinse will last much longer than most herbal rinses. Purchase some dried, chopped rhubarb root in a local health food store. Simmer 3 or 4 tablespoons of dried rhubarb root or half a cup of fresh, chopped root in a quart of water for 20 minutes in a covered stainless-steel pot. (Don’t breathe the steam.) Let the decoction steep overnight and strain in the morning. Test the liquid dye on a strand of hair first to see if you like the color. If you do, wash your hair as usual, then pour the rhubarb dye through it, catching the liquid in the pan and repeating two or three times. Air dry without further rinsing. Keep the roots away from children. » Pros, cons of solid wood – Solid wood flooring or bamboo is best for creating natural warmth in a kitchen, and it can be sanded and refinished several times. But, most of these floors tend to dent easily, an issue for households with children. Some kinds change color under UV light and all are challenging to install. Average price: $7 to $12 per square foot. -Consumer Reports

Painted Mason jars: A cheap way to ‘wow’ your guests COMMENTARY By Ashley Phipps I love it when I go to a party and everything is perfectly coordinated! Don’t get me wrong, my parties don’t usually look like that, but I like to make an attempt. A little while ago, I threw a small party and needed someplace to put the silverware. But to be honest, most silverware holders just aren’t that cute, in my opinion. So instead, I came up with a very easy solution: a painted Mason jar! I love how this turned out so much that I have used this several times since. And the best part is that this was free, because I had everything I needed on hand! I love a free craft! But if you don’t have everything on hand, it shouldn’t cost more than $2 and a trip to the craft store. So it is useful, cheap and cute! You will need: • 1 small Mason jar • Craft paint, any color How to: 1. Add a bit of water to your paint and mix together thoroughly. If you have a partially used bottle of craft paint on

hand, just add water to the paint bottle and shake until mixed. This is important because the consistency of craft paint is too thick; you need to thin it down. 2. Pour the water and paint mixture into the bottom of the Mason jar. Yes, you will be painting the inside of the jar, not the outside! 3. Turn, twist and tilt the Mason jar until the paint covers the entire inside of the jar. 4. Turn the jar upside down and place on a paper plate to dry. (Hint, if you take a couple of wooden skewers and place them underneath the jar to prop it up, it will allow the excess paint to drip out of the container and it won’t get stuck to your paper plate!) 5. Let your jar dry; it might take a day or so to completely dry. 6. You can add a ribbon if you like, or just enjoy your new container any way you want! What I love about painted Mason jars is their versatility! I used mine to hold silverware for a party, but you could also use these to hold pencils on your desk, flowers on your mantel or just be decoration by itself! Happy designing!

Ashley Phipps, Interior Designer NCIDQ #25242, floral designer, and creator, designer and author of Simply Designing:

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Current in Carmel

“Last season, the pain of plantar fasciitis in my feet hurt every game!” -Coach Brad Stevens 7035 E. 96th St. 576-5500 Expires 5/31/11

7035 E. 96th St. 576-5500 Expires 5/31/11

May 24, 2011 | 21

Tech Savvy

• Hair • Skin • Nails • Massage

Everywhere we turn technology is influencing our lives. It has become so easy to reach out and connect with just the push of a button. The ability to catch a runway show, or research the latest fashion is easier than ever. We no longer have the excuse of not knowing what’s hot or what’s not, because with today’s technology we can research and bargain shop right from a laptop or smart phone. At Salon01, we work hard to keep our boutique fresh and current. We constantly research and bring in the latest trends and fashions. Check out our latest collection of spring and summer clothing and accessories the next time you are in!


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Hair Color for You We believe that getting a simple hair color or a few brightening highlights can make or break your image. We suggest that you be careful, though, as it is possible to damage your hair from the effects of coloring and highlighting: frizz and breakage can occur. To help ensure that these effects don’t happen to you, make sure you visit a trained and experience stylist. Salon 01 stylists all are part of a year-long apprenticeship program before they begin taking clients. They apprentice under senior stylists who have had advanced color education. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can get the same salon-quality results with at-home hair color. We are here to help you avoid the damage that can occur, and have priced our services to fit all budgets. Come see us!

Try this look!


$10 off a 1-hour deep tissue massage O f f e r go o d t h r o u gh M ay 3 1 , 2 0 1 1

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We think a sultry, smoky look for your eyes is a great way to go glam for an evening event. Follow these steps to achieve this look: 1. Prep your eye area by applying a touch of concealer to your upper and lower lids. Set the concealer with a brush of loose powder. 2. Line your eyes with a firm eye pencil. “Stay as close to the base of the lashes as possible,” says Salon 01 Makeup Artist Kelly Lohrman. Once lined, use your finger or small brush to gently smudge the liner up towards the creases of your eye. For a dramatic and bold effect, repeat on your bottom lashline. 3. Set the liner with another swipe of translucent powder again. This will also soften the effect and keep the liner from smudging. 4. Add a dark, matte eye shadow to the lids, blending toward the creases. Pick black for a traditional smoky eye, or use a color like green or purple for a more modern look.

5. Don’t forget to finish off with a couple coats of volumizing mascara.

For more makeup tips and for help finding the makeup shades that are right for you, stop in Salon 01 for a makeup consultation and lesson.

22 | May 24, 2011

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DISPATCHES » Deadline nearing – Time is running out to register for the Riverview Hospital Foundation’s Women’s Retreat Sept. 28 at Montego Bay. Space is limited, and May 25 is the deposit deadline. Call 536-5592 for details or to register. » Worst toaster food – At breakfast, skip Thomas’ Blueberry Bagel. One bagel with 2 oz cream cheese is 465 calories, 21 g fat (11.5 g saturated), 620 mg sodium, 56 g carbohydrates, and 13 g sugars. The caloric intake is the equivalent of 5.5 onecup bowls of HoneyComb cereal. This is a glorified pastry. Instead, try Thomas’ English Muffins, Original made with Whole Grains. One muffin with 2 Tbsps peanut butter contains 320 calories, 17 g fat (3 g saturated), 355 mg sodium, 32 g carbohydrates and 4 g sugars. -Men’s Health » Deprived brains take ‘naps’ – Scientists may have found an explanation for all those slip-ups we make when we haven’t gotten enough sleep. A new study shows that even when we feel wide awake, regions of our brains may be opting to go offline in a sort of rolling blackout. Though the study was in rats, its results should be applicable to humans, said the study’s authors. While sleep-deprived rats played, researchers watched as nerve cells would be sparking one minute and then go completely silent in a kind of nap phase. These “naps” were only noticeable when the rats were given tasks to perform.

Indiana University Health to offer summer sports performance camps Current in Carmel For parents looking to keep their kids active over the summer, Indiana University Health Sports Performance summer sports camps offer a chance for athletic development, improved strength and fitness – all important aspects for those looking to improve their chances on the field or court. “Our camps are for children and teens of all skill levels,” said Scott Handlon, director of IU Health Sports Performance. “Our goal is to help each young athlete have fun while providing the foundation to improve overall athletic ability.” The sports performance camps are designed to help kids ages 7-15 develop first-step speed, vertical jump, agility,

strength, flexibility, and reduce their risk of injury. Camps are led by nationally certified coaches. Activities include drills with resistance cords, to teach sprint mechanics, and parachute pulling, to increase stride frequency. “This sort of training pays off, whether your sport is soccer, softball, baseball, football, or just about anything else,” Handlon said. Camps are available in four-day sessions from June 6 - July 14 in Carmel, Avon and Fishers. Four-week camps are available from July 11 - August 5 in Carmel. For pricing, location and registration information, call 317-848-5867 or visit

The time for summertime skin treatments rapidly is approaching COMMENTARY By Dr. Jodie Harper & Dr. Angela Corea The countdown to summer is on! June 21, the first day of summer, is right around the corner, so now is the time to prepare your skin to face the summer sun. Sunscreen is a must (and don’t forget to reapply it throughout the day), but as the weather heats up, make sure to give your skin a little TLC with skin treatments that are right for the season. Don’t hesitate to exfoliate. While you will want to avoid deep peels during the summer months, it’s OK to opt for a gentler method of rejuvenating the skin. One of the best tools to help you get that healthy glow is Vibraderm. Vibraderm facials give an amazing exfoliation and stimulation to the skin. A stainless steel paddle is vibrated over the skin, removing dead skin cells. This technique targets superficial skin problems such as fine lines, mild acne, age spots and dullness. Put the YOU in rejuvenation. Rejuvenation is key to helping the skin cell turn over and slowing down the signs of aging. Another way to safely rejuvenate the skin during the summer

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is through enzyme peels. Enzyme peels exfoliate the skin and improve texture, while helping to clear blemishes. The enzymes used come from the papaya fruit. These fruit enzymes are “smart enzymes” in that they only dissolve dead skin cells, while keeping the healthy cells intact. Face the sun with C. Another treatment that is excellent this time of year is Vitamin C. Vitamin C lifts and firms the skin and encourages collagen production. With regular use, skin will appear smoother, brighter and more even. One of the best benefits is that, when used with sunscreen, Vitamin C also helps to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Contact your skin care professional today and schedule a summertime treatment. Dr. Jodie R. Harper is board-certified in internal medicine, geriatrics and wound care. Dr. Angela Corea is board certified in internal medicine. They are the medical directors at ClarityMD. They can be reached at or 317-571-8900.

Current in Carmel

Where absolute convenience meets the height of comfort & the luxury to be yourself.

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May 24, 2011 | 23

eXperIeNCe tHe SCIeNCe oF FeelING, looKING ANd lIVING Better. If you diet and exercise, and STILL have stubborn fat to lose – it’s time for ZeroNA. This clinically-proven laser treatment painlessly melts the fat under your skin, and allows your own body to eliminate it. 80% of ZeroNA patients lose over six inches from their waist, hips, thighs, love handles and knees – within a few weeks. If you’re ready to reshape your body, slim down target areas and tone loose skin – call Ology today and get ZeroNA!

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From Super modelS to Super momS 24 | May 24, 2011

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• Choose a 6-treatment ZERONA Series: Get One Additional Treatment FREE. • Choose a 9-treatment ZERONA Series: Get Two Treatments FREE. • Choose a 12-treatment ZERONA Series: Get Four Treatments FREE. Please present this ad to receive the Zerona discount. May not be combined with other offers. Offer Expires 5/31/2011.



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DISPATCHES » Two stocks for global growth – Millicom International Cellular (MICC), headquartered in Europe, is tapping into the fastestgrowing markets for cell phones and prepaid cell phone cards, those being sub-Sahara Africa and Central America. According to recent research, total mobile phones sold to end users globally will reach 1.46 billion in 2011 and smartphone sales will account for 27 percent of total handset sell-through. Endesa Chile (EOC) is the largest electric utility company in Chile. It’s growing at a rate of 5.5 percent, more than three and a half times the growth rate of electric utility companies in the United States. » Jet Linx awarded Euro operations – Jet Linx Aviation, a Jet Card Membership and Aircraft Management company at Indianapolis International Airport, earned its International Operations for Europe, which is in addition to its International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) certification. The new European authority gives Jet Linx the authority to operate its fleet of aircraft in Europe. It is an extension to its United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Bahamas,

Mexico and Central America certifications. » Go with more interest? – Old-school thinking was to choose the mortgage with the smallest interest payments. Now, many are suggesting doing the opposite. Paying the least interest on a mortgage requires a down payment of at least 20 percent and paying down the loan quickly. Doing this, however, can backfire given the current housing market. With interest rates still low, consumers might want to make a down payment of 10 percent instead of throwing most of their money into the home -- where some of it could be lost if home values decline. » Hot jobs of the future? – As things like technology, medicine, science and environmentalism continue to advance in the coming years, several occupations are bound to emerge. According to Rachel Farrell of, these could include professions like cyber security specialists, genetic counselors, organic food farmers, medical record administrators, mobile application developers, robotics technicians, social media managers, stem cell researchers and sustainability officers.

Current in Carmel

May 24, 2011 | 25

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How to sound ridiculous in meetings about to be amazed by my minutes of effort.” BUSINESS No one likes to be your last-minute client. By David Cain “Now this is the result of a ton of work….” I find myself in a lot of meetings. And, lately I’ve been noticing some things people say that are This is the other extreme. It means, “Get prepared, here comes a big bill.” And, bill is not subtle but never fail to raise my eyebrows with a big guy. It’s a big expense. Even if it took confusion. Not to overstate it, but I’d say these weeks, stop bragging are my top five picks for how to sound ridiculous This little phrase means, “We are lazy about how slow you are – in a business meeting. or just don’t care and here’s what you nobody likes a showoff. “You’ll understand “If we had more time, get; we realize it’s not that great.” more in a minute….” we would have….” Ah, Hey, if you’ve got somethe blame game. The thing that will make this easier to understand, clock caused this. If only we had endless time show me that first. Lead with your best stuff to work on your stuff. In case you don’t speak and save the filler for somebody who cares. I sloth, I’ll translate for you. This little phrase hate it when people try to build it up. Just show means, “We are lazy or just don’t care and here’s me what I came to see. I’m looking for the what you get; we realize it’s not that great.” main attraction, not the magic show. “This is very similar to what you have now, Want to bewilder a room full of people? Try but….” The last thing anyone wants to hear is that you are selling him or her what they already out any of the above. Remember, there are bonus points for combos. have. This gem translates to, “Stick with us, we’ll help you spend money needlessly.” “Last night I decided to….” Start any phrase David Cain works at MediaSauce, a with “last night,” “this morning,” “earlier today,” digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welor anything similar and it’s time to look up comes your questions or comments because you just dug yourself a hole. Translaat tion is, “I just started on your stuff” or “You are

26 | May 24, 2011

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How much of your shopping do you do online?



Cell Phone Repair

“If there’s a new CD I want and I can get it cheaper online, then I’ll do that. But if it’s clothes or shoes or something like that, I usually get it at a shop.” Alejandra Coar Noblesville

“Really none, I guess. More for security reasons than anything. We’re old and set in our ways.” David Leapley Noblesville

“Like 10 percent. I like to see things in person. One reason is confidence of who I’m buying it from. That’s another thing is the ability to return things, too.” Zuleika Thompson Noblesville



Type: Townhouse Age: Built in 2003 Location: East on 116th Street to Hazel Dell Road, North on Hazel Dell to Esty Way Neighborhood: Townhomes at Hazel Dell Square footage: 2,448 Rooms: Carefree living in this three-bedroom, 3.5-bathroo townhome just off Hazel Dell Road on the east side of Carmel. On the lower level, you will find the main entry, two-car garage, and family room. Off the family room is an oversized patio overlooking the backyard. On the second floor, the main living area features the kitchen with center island, hearth room with fireplace, dining room, living room and half bath. The third level features the three bedrooms and two full baths. At one end, there are two bedrooms sharing a bath, and at the other a large master suite with garden tub, separate shower and double sinks Strengths: Carefree living. Generous floor plan, quality construction, location, value/price per square foot makes this a desirable property. Challenges: The number of available town homes in the Carmel area.

Terry Blake, left, owner of Cell Phone Repair in Carmel. Representing the first Indiana location for the electronic repair center franchise, owner Terry Blake’s Cell Phone Repair store, now open at 2438 E. 116th St. in Carmel, services more than just cell phones. Aside from eponymous cell phone repairs, the business also purchases old cell phones and electronics, and services a wide variety of electronic devices, including iPods, game consoles and computers. “I’ve been in construction for about 35 years,” said Blake. “It was time to walk away from that.” Blake operates the store, which will have its grand opening on May 26, with his son, who serves as the manager and lead technician. For more information about Cell Phone Repair, visit

Bill Mitchell specializes in Hamilton County real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 317-696-4181 or bill@

2438 E. 116th St., Carmel, IN 317-708-2929 |

A REASON TO SMILE WHAT IS DEBT SETTLEMENT? Debt Settlement is when you pay off debt at a reduced amount, often at 50% or less. WHO IS THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR DEBT SETTLEMENT? A small business or individual with $30,000 or more of unsecured debt, who has a 401K plan, an inheritance, or a lump sum distribution; as approximately half of debt amount must be set aside in escrow to settle debt when agreement is reached with the creditor. WHY DO I NEED AN ATTORNEY? WHY CAN’T I DO IT MYSELF? Most of the time creditors will not negotiate with individuals, or debt settlement companies. They will ask an attorney for a “power of attorney”. An attorney locks in the terms, so that the creditor cannot change them and try to collect more interest or fees later. An attorney can also protect you in the event of a lawsuit occurring while negotiations are ongoing. WHAT ARE THE RISKS? There is a risk of a lawsuit occurring before the debt is settled, which is usually avoided by using a LOCAL attorney. Also one’s credit score could decline while negotiations are taking place.

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SETTLE ALL THE DEBT? Most of the time a creditor will not begin negotiating until debt is 6 months past due. Therefore debt settlement is usually completed as soon as terms are reasonable. AM I TAXED ON THE MONEY SAVED? There could be tax due on money saved. Your accountant can see if you are exempt from taxes under IRS Insolvency Rules, Publication 4681. HOW CAN I LEARN MORE? To learn more, call Mike at 317-266-8888, email: or visit: MIKE NORRIS Mike is an Indiana Attorney who has been practicing law for 33 years. He is a former full-time professor of real estate law and business law at the University of Colorado.

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May 24, 2011 | 27

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» Fix your Wi-Fi – If you use a 2.4GHz router and live or work in a densely populated area, your neighbors’ Wi-Fi networks could interfere with yours, hindering the performance and range of your wireless network. The solution: Buy a dual-band router that operates simultaneously at 2.4GHz and 5GHz. While the 2.4GHz band is necessary for supporting older Wi-Fi devices, 5GHz is almost like an expressway that nobody’s heard about yet. There’s much less congestion. It’s important to get a router that supports simultaneous 2.4GHz and 5GHz, such as the $100 CiscoLinksys E2500. Some older dual-band routers allow only one band at a time; that’s a problem if you have older Wi-Fi devices (as most people do), because you’ll have to leave your router at 2.4GHz and won’t get any benefit from the 5GHz mode.

28 | May 24, 2011

Using LinkedIn to find a job TOYS By Gary Hubbard LinkedIn is the top social network for business professionals, with more than 100 million users in more than 200 countries. Unlike other social networks, you won’t be engaging with teenagers, soccer moms or bridge groups – only business professionals. The first step is to establish a LinkedIn profile that clearly articulates who you are: your picture (very important), your professional and educational background, your interests, your volunteer work, etc. (Any social media profile without a picture signals you are new to the social world and don’t quite get the basics!) Your picture can also allow someone who doesn’t recognize your name to remember you by your picture. Think of it as a living resume that allows prospective employers to get a well-rounded understanding of who you are and how you think. (A great video series for getting started is located here: The next step is to start building your network with the people you already have or had a relationship (friends, co-workers, old high school chums, etc.) You can start a search by building a list based on your e-mail address book and start requesting connections. This first level of connections is the most important circle to focus on, as all of those folks have

their own connections (referred to as second-degree connections) that could be the key introduction to finding that next job opportunity. For example, my current first circle has 372 connections, which grows to more than 117,000 connections in the second circle (my connections’ connections). If anyone in your first or second circle posts a job opening as a status update, you can find them by going to and setting up a filtered search request. Try typing “job opening” to see how many status updates are found with those two words in them and use the filters to narrow the search to which networks (first, second or everyone), companies, industries, locations, etc. If a job opening is posted by someone you are already connected with, you can contact them directly with questions, but if it’s a seconddegree connection, you need to ask the person you know that knows them for an introduction (LinkedIn makes it real easy to do this). Because these are status updates, they are listed chronologically from newest to oldest, so you can jump on new opportunities quickly using this method, and most of them post a link to the job-opening Web site, so you don’t need to contact anyone to apply. LinkedIn also has an entire “Jobs” section that you can search by Job Title, keywords or even by company name. For the best results, click on

Current in Carmel

the Advanced link below the Search button so you can set filters for location, job functions, experience levels, industries and how recently the jobs were posted. Employers looking for a skilled workforce can easily leverage the network for as little as $39.95 a month by signing up for the “Talent Finder” service, which allows you to search through all LinkedIn profiles and directly contact up to 10 candidates per month. (Employers can also post a single job opening for 30 days at a cost of $195.) The Talent Finder option in LinkedIn is why it’s so important for you to completely fill out your profile and make sure keywords that describe the job you seek are in the profile. For instance, if you are looking for a computerprogramming job, make sure those words exist anywhere it’s relevant: past employment, education, interests, etc. There are dozens of other ways to leverage your LinkedIn network once you get rolling (such as asking your friends, former employers and colleagues past and present to write a recommendation for you); search Google for “using LinkedIn to find a job” for lots of additional ideas and tips. Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services – Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors. com

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Asking for and receiving forgiveness RELATIONSHIPS By Bill Jeschke Most of us had the kind of upbringing where we learned to offer an apology when we did something wrong. When we inadvertently hurt someone feelings, or forget to do something we promised, we know we have to say I’m sorry. Although saying I’m sorry is a good first step, it is not the end of our journey to receiving forgiveness. Too often, when I apologize, I have the attitude that once I do my job of saying I’m sorry, it is your turn to do your job (i.e., forgive me and pretend like nothing ever happened). The problem is it just doesn’t work that way. Saying I’m sorry does go some way toward making up for the wrong I did. But without more, why should the other person think I will not just do the same dumb, insensitive or hurtful thing again? Or something worse? Without some indication from me that I am willing to change my behavior, how could they? That’s where the step of actually asking for forgiveness is so useful. It shows I don’t simply think my responsibility is over and it is time for them to get over it. Asking the other person to forgive puts them in control. It shows that I care

about them. That I realize they may or may not be willing (or able) to forgive me right now, but that I’m committed. Even better, I can go further and ask what they might need to see or hear from me in order to forgive me. In essence I would be saying, I know that I hurt you. I may not even know everything about that hurt, but I am willing to take some action to make it right. Further, asking for forgiveness has the benefit of letting you know how the other person is feeling about what you did. When I pursue my normal course of saying I’m sorry and immediately slinking away, I usually assume that the person is still enraged and wants nothing to do with me. When I ask for forgiveness, I pretty much need to wait around until they have responded, one way or another. So at least I’ll know the truth. If I take the extra step of asking for forgiveness, who knows, I may even receive it.

Saying I’m sorry does go some way toward making up for the wrong I did.

Doug Jeschke is an attorney and mediator, providing divorce and other family mediation with Providence Mediation. Email questions or concerns to doug@


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7601 E SR 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming

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12451 SPRINGBROOKE $285,550 BLC# 21105997 Impeccibly maintained 5BR/2.5Ba Hm w/ lots of upgds, grnt isle, full fnsh bsmt, Woodbrook Elem. Waterstone amenities. Must See!

5203 AVIAN WAY $409,900 BLC# 21104063 Discover the delights of this exhilarating 5BR/3+BA lakefront residence. 3 fireplaces, 3-car garage. Twostory foyer.

656 ALLENHURST $373,900 BLC# 21051771 Just the ticket! No mowing or shoveling. 2BRs + den on main level. 3rd BR, rec rm & bath up! Quality built Carmel Ranch!

13551 SILVER SPUR $239,900 BLC# 21116152 Match your dreams to this cul-de-sac, fenced 4BR/2+BA Traditional-style. 3-car garage. Bonus room, walk-in closets.

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110 JAMES CT $300,000 BLC# 21114899 Over 4100SF in this 5BR 3.5BA ranch w/walkout bsmt. Beautiful private, wooded back yard with stream. Huge deck.

8054 TALLIHO DR $123,900 MLS# 21104243 Spacious, open floor plan in this 2BR/2.5Ba condo w/loft. Second from shopping, restaurants, & Geist. Wow!

12130 THICKET HILL CIRCLE $675,000 BLC# 21106617 Exceptional 5BR/4.5BA brick home on a wooded cul-de-sac lot in Bayhill. Fantastic woodwork throughout the entire home. Hardwood floors and lots of built-ins

625 MARANA DRIVE $207,500 BLC# 21105409 Set your sights on luxury in this exceptional 3BR/2+BA condo. Security system. Walk-in closets, Dual Vanities. Patio.

13283 COLLIERS CT $227,500 BLC# 21120835 Enhance your life with this cul-desac 3BR/2+BA residence on a corner lot. Gas fireplace, Huge foyer, high ceilings.

789 IVY LANE $244,900 BLC# 21116624 Stunning Townhome near the amenities of Carmel! GE Profile & LG stainless appliances, gas range, hardwoods, 42” cabinetry, brush nickel hardware. 3 Baths.



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Women who cheat, Part 2 RELATIONSHIPS By Rachel Noble By popular demand, I had promised to cover the topic of women cheating. I very much dislike covering this issue, because it’s such a negative subject. But it is one I feel must be addressed, because it is becoming more common. In fact, women cheating is more common than you might think. According to “Monogamy Myth” by therapist Peggy Vaughan, about 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair at some point in their marriage – this is much more than I thought from the females! I recently polled a group of my guy friends. Two out of six of them have been cheated on by their girlfriends (and for both of those cheated on, it was more than once). Of course, each of those who assumed they haven’t been cheated on ended their sentences with, “…that I know of.” I also asked these guys if they would take a woman back if she cheated on them in the following two examples: 1) Let’s say you were a great husband and she cheated on you. All six said they would not take her back. 2) What if you completely ignored her for a long period of time and weren’t attentive to her needs and she cheated? Five out of six said they would not take her back.

“The trust issue would be irreparable,” was the response. These guys also speculated that if a woman cheats, it usually has little to do with sex but more so has to do with them not getting what they need emotionally at home. Do you agree? Why do you think some women cheat? Some would speculate it is due to boredom, the thrill of secrecy, craving attention, insecurity, the flat out “bad girl” personality or the need for physical attention. Perhaps they enjoy the hunt themselves, a friendship that somehow became intimate over time, a secret revenge for being cheated on themselves or the need for love (mistaking this as a method of fulfillment). I’m open to hearing your ideas on why you think women cheat as well. On a side note, I appreciate the feedback I get from you, my readers. I apologize I can’t get to responding to all of your e-mails, but please know I am truly grateful. On this topic, I am especially open to your thoughts as I attempt to make sense of this issue. More to come.

“The trust issue would be irreparable.”

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Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at

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SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters Hang with me for a minute … this is a book / movie review, sort of. I’m old enough to remember the economic malaise of the late 1970s and no, the disco era was not an adequate off-setting cultural pick-me-up. I was just out of college making $10,000 a year as a sportswriter. Gas was a dollar a gallon, unemployment was high, American automobile quality was low, inflation hovered near 9 percent, home mortgage rates chased 20 percent, gold prices were astonishingly north of $800 an ounce, President Jimmy Carter was cheerless, and the nightly news – still with Walter Cronkite – offered “the Misery Index” (unemployment rate plus inflation rate) instead of hope. With institutions failing us, we maturing baby boomers constructed a self-absorbed culture that appropriately became known as “The Me Decade.” Certainly, in my mind, the world revolved around Me; I was unmarried, unchurched, unbelieving and unconcerned with salvation, damnation, justification, sanctification or glorification. I didn’t own a Bible, and even my old Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (a gift from my dad when I was confirmed in 1965) was out of sight somewhere in a dusty box. Please understand, I was “a perfectly good person,” I just didn’t need all that Jesus jazz. I had friends, an interesting job … what else was there? I knew the church “story,” but it wasn’t


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worth getting out of bed for on Sunday; there wasn’t anything at church about “Me.” In the late 1970s I read a book that unveiled for Me many comforting mysteries of the Me life: “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand, first published the year I was born, 1954. Rand (1905-1982) was an atheist, ardent anticommunist, “objectivist” (her word) and, if her TV interviews are an indication of the woman, a very, very bitter human being. Our highest moral duty, Rand taught, is to care for ourselves. Service to others is a self-immolating charade. God is an empty promise wrapped in ultimate disappointment. Jesus Christ, Rand wrote, presents an unsolvable contradiction: Subordinating one’s ego and soul to the needs of others is impossible. I bring this up because “Atlas Shrugged,” recently released as a widely-panned movie, often carries near-scriptural authority for unchurched political conservatives. Play some defense. Understand. The May 2011 issue of “First Things” magazine offers David Bentley Hart’s brilliant Christian review of Rand’s philosophical fallacies (free access at My advice? Don’t ever shrug off Jesus.

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Bob Walters (www.believerbob., email rlwcom@ wrote about Rand and atheism April 8, 2008, column #74 at this BlogSpot archive site.

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Everything A one-word solution to a tired living space plays its part, even flies GARDENING By Holly Lindzy Besides surrendering to garden geek-dom, I am infinitely amazed by the entire natural world ... bugs in particular. After all, the pieces work together to make it happen, and when one piece of the puzzle is missing, the environment suffers quite miserably. Even when it comes to the most miniscule and seemingly unimportant species of flies (and believe me, I hate swattin’ at houseflies), each serves a purpose in the chain. And I’m particularly interested in a certain type of “fly” that only shows up this time of year and for a very short period of time, but it’s a really cool little creature.

As a nymph, they are an important food source for fish and birds. The mayfly is actually more closely related to the dragonfly and damselfly. As a nymph, they are an important food source for fish and birds. The eggs are laid on the surface of freshwater rivers, streams, lakes and ponds and sink to the bottom, where they develop and hatch. The nymphs can live any span of time, from a couple of months to a couple of years. Most feed on algae and little bits of vegetative matter in the water. Then, when the time is right – usually mid-May – the nymphs make their transition to adulthood. During this time, and typically all at once, the adult flies emerge and swarm for sole purpose of reproduction, and then, as quickly as they come, they go. Their mouthparts are useless, and they do not consume anything in our gardens; they are simply a swarming nuisance for a very brief period, and then their cycle is complete. What’s even cooler is that the population of them is a sign of healthy, unpolluted water, and they are a great indicator of environmental conditions. So everything has its purpose … and our respect for that should be effortless. Happy May!

COMMENTARY By Randy Sorrell RETROFIT. Even the word promotes visions of resourceful, smart and edgy landscaped spaces … and it’s often budget friendly. Early in the 2011 landscape, design and build season, we find ourselves creatively managing several retrofit projects. Here’s what a retrofit looks like: • So your concrete patio is in good shape; it’s just a little small and lacks inspiration. Often, leaving the concrete and expanding it with a paver edge and well-designed addition is a great solution. Or, simply cap the existing concrete with pavers for a fresh look. This is one of my favorite retrofit strategies. Another Al Gore invention! • Tired decks are easily retrofitted with new decking. We prefer one of the synthetics like Azek, but premium pine and cedar are good too. Warped spindles and rail systems can be replaced with clean aluminum spindles and/or a space-saving bench for a jazzy twist. The supporting joist system economically remains. • A recent Carmel landscape installation preserved the ideal 12’ anchoring pyramidal yews and mature front door dogwood tree. The remaining spent shrubs were replaced with flowering native fothergilla, formal entry boxwood, a subtle stone bed edge and enough pachysandra ground cover and variegated hos-

ta to eventually dismiss the annual mulching obligation. Just in time to celebrate wedding guests … congratulations Vandeveer family! Carmel Cyclery is leading one of my favorite retrofit efforts, although not landscape or patio related. They accept used bike donations, make any necessary repairs and donate them to underprivileged kids … more than 600 so far! If you are in the market for a new one, need repairs or have a bike you would like to donate to

Bikes4Kids, these guys are great. Find them at 260 W. Carmel Dr, just west of the Monon. Turn a tired space into something inviting with a retrofit. Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, or

GRAND OPENING Thursday May 26 Meet IndyCar Series Driver JR Hildebrand of the No. 4 National Guard Panther Racing car from 11:30 to 12:30 and have lunch on us.

Register for an iPod 4 thru Saturday

Holly Lindzy is an Indiana accredited horticulturalist and advanced master gardener residing in Noblesville. Email your gardening woes (or wisdom) to

32 | May 24, 2011

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Timing, technology drive kitchen redos REMODELING By David Decker Our unique kitchen improvements rely heavily on putting the right appliances in place, and we often involve expert vendors who consult our clients on the very latest market trends and technology. Estimating that 75 percent of its sales are derived from kitchen remodels, hhgregg Fine Lines sales manager Rick Donaldson cites both economic timing and an explosion of modern technology that make kitchens a perfect “now” project. Housing sales may be soft, but it’s a hard fact that homeowners are enhancing their kitchens at a record rate. “People are staying in their homes, waiting for better market-timing to sell,” Donaldson notes. “No doubt, a nicer kitchen makes the waiting easier and obviously it’s an asset when it’s time to sell.” Technology is a major allure. Donaldson cites induction cooktops, improved ventilation hoods, “smart” wall ovens and versatile refrigerator modules among the top ultra-tech upgrades that completely remake the design and function of any kitchen. Induction cooktops are a radical improvement over gas or electric, magnetic fields heat the food without heating the cooktop, making induction more efficient, more precise, less dangerous, more adaptable, and easier to control. Ventilation hoods continue to develop in function, filtration and design at a very rapid level. Removing smoke, smells, heat and humidity – either updraft or downdraft – is en-

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tirely doable, irrespective of available ductwork or outside ventilation. “Smart” wall ovens, Donaldson says, “not only cook your food, they tell you how to cook it. Whether a pan of brownies or a filet mignon, a 7-inch computer touch screen doesn’t tell you what to do, it just asks questions about what you want. You don’t set a time or temperature; the oven already knows.” Modular and variable-panel refrigerators mean refrigeration units can be put anywhere: in tall thin cabinets, short, wide drawers or cabinets in virtually any finish. “It completely opens up what a designer can do in a kitchen,” Donaldson says. Donaldson’s best piece of advice? “Consult the store for the latest technology, and have a kitchen designer put it all together so it works right for you.”

Keith has sold 12 homes in the past 30 days! He’s ON TOP of the Market!

David Decker is president of Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms, based in Carmel (877-252-1420, Have a home improvement question? E-mail David at david.decker@, and he will answer in an upcoming column.

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‘Tumor’ is not a bad word

DISPATCHES » Grooming out of stress – There are a number of reasons why cats groom themselves, but one reason has nothing to do with cleanliness. Cats can use grooming to feel better emotionally. Cats may groom themselves when fearful, to relieve tension, or when uncertain how to react to situations. Cats also use displacement grooming when other behaviors aren’t allowed; perhaps you’ve put the cat on a diet, or are trying to convince an outdoor cat it should stay inside. It isn’t known if displacement grooming has a direct effect on the neurologic impulses in the brain, or if it is simply a way for the cat to distract itself. Strong emotion may cause a rise of body temperature which the cat cools by grooming, or perhaps the benefits of massage and touch calm feline anxiety. Some displacement grooming is normal, but if your cat becomes obsessed, losing fur or damaging its skin, seek vet help. » Traveling with pets – A new website recently launched with the goal of making traveling with pets easier for animal owners. provides a quick reference for various airline pet regulations, a list of pet-friendly hotels by location and many tips from those with significant experience traveling with their pets. Among its other free information, the site also offers a relocation guide to help in the rare cases that a move requires an owner to find a new home for his or her pet.











34 | May 24, 2011


















PETS By Dr. Greg Magnusson A “tumor” is not automatically a horribly bad thing, until you add the modifier “benign” or “malignant.” INTENT is the defining factor. Does a lump INTEND to sit there playing nice, or does it intend to spread all over the body causing trouble? DEFINITIONS: TUMOR: The abnormal, uncontrolled growth of what used to be normal body tissues or cells. Any cell or tissue type can turn into a tumor, given the right stimulus, which is why “curing cancer” is so difficult. METASTATIC: The spread of a disease from one organ or part to another nonadjacent organ or part. BENIGN TUMOR: A non-metastatic tumor. In other words, a lone, friendly, singular lump that plans to sit in one place forever and not go anywhere else. It might get bigger, but so what. It doesn’t even hurt surrounding tissue. METASTATIC TUMOR: A tumor that gains the ability to travel to new locations within the body and grow new tumors. MALIGNANT TUMOR: A term that includes metastatic tumors, PLUS those that grow into and through normal tissue, but don’t travel and grow new tumors elsewhere (i.e., malignant, but non-metastatic).

CANCER: See MALIGNANT TUMOR. A “cancer” is, by definition, malignant. Clear as mud? So yes, every time your dog grows a lump, of any size, shape or color, it’s automatically defined a “tumor” because that’s just what “tumors” are. Abnormal growths. To determine if your pet’s particular tumor is a benign tumor or malignant tumor / cancer, we do what’s called a biopsy. A biopsy is a medical test involving the removal of cells or tissues for examination. Some biopsies we do on a conscious patient, with no anesthesia, and using just a tiny needle; others we do under general anesthesia, and we remove the whole tumor and send it in. Generally speaking, the bigger the sample you send in, the more likely the pathologist will be able to give you a definitive diagnosis. Until we get the biopsy back, there’s no way to tell what kind of tumor we’re dealing with. Moral of the story: Don’t be scared of your dog’s lump until I biopsy it and find out its intent.

Until we get the biopsy back, there’s no way to tell what kind of tumor we’re dealing with.


Dr. Magnusson, a practicing veterinarian for the last decade, is now the owner of Leo’s Pet Care, a new veterinary hospital located at 106th and College. Contact Dr. Magnusson at or 317-721-7387 (721-PETS).

Pets of the week Pacer is a 3 year old male tri-color Hound/ Shepherd mix. Pacer is an active and outgoing boy who enjoys playing with toys. He loves going to the dog park where he can run and stretch his legs, get his toes wet in the water and play with other dogs. He occasionally gets over stimulated and at the dog park but gentle reminders to calm down helps him remember his good doggie manners. Pacer is gentle when taking treats and he knows the commands sit and down. He is energetic and playful and will need an active family who will provide him with daily exercise and lots of love. Cilantro is a 7 month old male tabby DSH. Cilantro really enjoys playing with toys and with his brothers Basil, Cajun and Pepper. The four kittens arrived at the shelter when they were just weeks old and needed to be bottle fed. They have been in a foster home where they have become healthy, strong and social kittens and are ready to find their forever home. Cilantro enjoys playing tag and running circles around the island in the kitchen. When he’s not playing, he’s pretty laid back and is content to sun himself by lying in a window sill. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974

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Failure to lunch HUMOR By Dick Wolfsie During 30 years of marriage, my wife has made dinner for me 6,700 times. This is just an estimate. I’m not some weirdo who keeps careful track of things like this, although it is interesting that I’ve cleared the table 6,692 times. Now, how many times has Mary Ellen made me lunch? Zero. Nada. Never. So last week Mary Ellen decided to take some vacation days and just bring home a few files to work on. Because I have a home office, I was willing to assist her with some basic needs. She asked if she could borrow my computer in the afternoons. “Not a problem, Dear. Sharing is what marriage is all about.” “Oh, this will be so much fun. And we can finally have lunch together at home.” Suddenly, the blood drained out of my head. I started to perspire. A twitch developed in my right eye and I doubled over in pain. How do you tell someone after 30 years you really don’t want to have lunch together? When you are a man and you’ve eaten that second meal of the day alone most of your entire married life, you develop a few habits that are hard to break. And my wife, who shares a significant DNA strain with Emily Post and Miss Manners, would never understand.

That first day, Mary Ellen wanted to have lunch around noon. I usually sit down sometime between 10:30 and 4:15. Actually, I’ve never sat down for lunch at home in my life. I make something while standing at the fridge, then eat it on the way upstairs to watch CNN. She also said she looked forward to having a conversation while we dined. I love my wife; I enjoy talking to her. But not on a Wednesday in broad daylight. And I’m sorry, but no real man has ever picked up the phone at home at 12:30 p.m. and said: “Can’t talk now, Elliot, I’m dining.” Mary Ellen prepared a nutritious meal – a sauteed chicken dish with fresh broccoli. Once we were seated, she said, “Bon appétit”. Then she noticed what I was wearing. “I can’t believe you have on sweats and a dirty T-shirt. Please don’t sit down for a meal with me looking like that.” I was hoping she would say that. I stood straight up, grabbed my plate and headed for the stairs. A few minutes later, I heard Mary Ellen scream for me. She wasn’t angry. It was my turn to clear the table.

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My dog is a real gas HUMOR By Mike Redmond My dog, Cookie, has recently been somewhat, shall we say, gassy. Oh, who am I kidding? Gassy doesn’t BEGIN to describe it. She’s practically lethal. Now, I was raised in the country and as such, some of the smells my city friends find highly objectionable don’t really bother me all that much. A lot full of cattle? No problem. The swine barn at the State Fair? A breeze, so to speak. A cheese-cutting dog, on the other hand … Actually, it’s not so bad under certain circumstances, such as being outdoors with a strong wind blowing away from you and the dog. Under those conditions it can even be fun to have a few guy friends over so you can make gassy dog comparisons. However, Cookie and I spend a lot of time in a small office, where the air circulation isn’t so good. It’s not the smell so much. It’s just that I can’t see my computer screen because of the burning in my eyes. I’ve been down this road before with a number of other dogs, and I know that this condition, while incurable, can usually be taken down a notch or two with a change of diet. And so I’ve been researching different dog foods in hope of finding one that will clear the air.

36 | May 24, 2011

The results? I think the dog food companies are full of (see above under “lot full of cattle.”) For one thing, they all promise the same thing: Dogs will love it. This is completely bogus. We are talking about animals that eat garbage. Cookie once upended a bird feeder and ate a pound of millet. Don’t even get me started on the litter box. The point is, dogs eat anything. Of course they’re going to love it. I’ve never eaten dog food that I know of, although I’ve had some greasy spoon chili that was highly suspect. I have, however, at the instigation of a cousin, eaten a Milk-Bone. Having had that experience I cannot for the life of me figure out why my dog will actually beg for one. Anyway, so far I haven’t found the solution to my problems with Methane Mutt. I suppose I’ll just have to go by trial and error until I find a brand of food that produces the least amount of air pollution. Just my luck, it’ll be the expensive brand, too. That will stink, but not as bad as my office. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.

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Offer good thru May 31

Crossword 1








Hoosier Hodgepodge 9









20 23


25 28









Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.





41 44 47

50 53




55 63












Across 1. With 10- and 43-Across, annual Memorial Day weekend event 5. Winter neckware at Chico’s 10. See 1-Across 14. Orvis tackle box item 15. Carmel Main Street studio stand 16. Peabody mine entrance 17. Fateful day for Caesar 18. ___ acid 19. Arm bone in an IU medical school anatomy class 20. Turkish title 21. Like better 22. Lafayette Road hotel: ___ Inn 23. Take exception 25. Float, as an aroma from Taylor’s Bakery 27. To this point (2 wds.) 31. Stretchy fabric at Bike Line 35. In good health 38. Legally responsible 41. UIndy chem. class 42. James Whitcomb Riley’s “before” 43. See 1-Across 44. Had a pastrami at Shapiro’s 45. ___ de Janeiro 46. Acquire 47. Iridescent gem at Kay Jewelers 48. Meridian Music stringed





38 | May 24, 2011



30 39

49 52







24 27




instrument 50. Made over 52. “Once ___ a time...” 55. “P.U.!” inducers? 59. Nile bird 62. Contributes to the kitty at Indiana Live! Casino (2 wds.) 66. Understand 67. It may be out on a limb at Eagle Creek Park 68. Morellis Cleaners equipment 69. Indonesian vacation island 70. Ray’s Trash recycle bin fillers 71. Britton Tavern order, with “the” 72. Related (to) 73. With 75-Across, puzzle theme, e.g. 74. I-69 traffic sign 75. See 73-Across Down 1. Trojan War epic 2. Gentle prod 3. Indianapolis Monthly ___ Home 4. “Absolutely!” 5. Lightly burn at Kiss Z Cook 6. Showed up at The Palladium 7. “___ I care!” (2 wds.) 8. Extend your subscription to the Indianapolis Star 9. Fauna’s partner










Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column V and R A 2 x 3 box contains U T O the letters O L L O S U C-A-R-M-E-L. E Z B E M W G Q I I A P T





4 Oklahoma Cities

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

5 Ballet Terms












Build the Word Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once. AFEY AULO CHI DAR GOF IOF KIN LAND POP RAN SAOP TIN TTI WOOD

6 Greek Gods

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________


1) Michael Jackson Nickname (3) ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___

___ ___ ___

2) 2010 Indy 500 Winner (5) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

3) Brazil City (2) 3 Indy Airlines

__________________ __________________ __________________

___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

4) Carmel Country Club (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

2 Indiana Flag Colors

5) SNL/30 Rock Star (2)

__________________ __________________

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___

1 Indianapolis Colts Owner


10. Defective, as wiring 11. Inactive 12. ___ & Table 13. Indianapolis International Airport flight data, briefly 21. Woodland Country Club instructor 24. Finish, with “up” 26. Took off 28. Blow one’s lines at the IRT

29. “___ No Sunshine” (1971 Grammy-winning song) 30. Hamilton County Sheriff’s speed gun 32. Show appreciation for a Colts TD, maybe 33. Pro follower 34. Cain’s brother 35. Pacers owner, ___ Simon 36. Indianapolis Opera solo

Current in Carmel

car-mel-ku 37. Downtown Indy tailor 57. Indiana State Museum piece 39. Item at The Cheese Shop 58. Paris’ river 40. Do PNC Bank work 59. Ancient Peruvian 43. Sight in build a Noblesville 60. WTTV’s “My Name Is Earl” the words driveway, often star, ___ Bridges 47. Roulette bet at French Lick 61. “___ It Romantic?” Resort Casino 63. See the sights of Indiana 49. Precisely (2 wds.) 64. Unforeseen difficulty 51. Used model at Saturn of 65. Lake Clearwater area: Harbour Fishers ___ 53. Poppy narcotic 69. Broad Ripple’s Corner Wine 54. IU Health worker ___ 56. Japanese port

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489.4444 ext. 202 LEGAL NOTICE


Notice to Owners (James J. Martino and Stacey A. Martino) and Interested Parties (Ciena Capital, LLC, Martino’s Inc., Travis Lawson, Business Loan Center, Inc., Cicero Pool and Spa and any other interested parties) of Sale of Real Estate for Unpaid Real Estate Property Taxes: You are hereby notified in accordance with I.C. 6-1.1-25-4.5 of the following information:

Image Epoxy Flooring For Garages Over 15 colors to choose Install in 1 or 2 days Tough & Durable Free Shop at Home 317-896-3588

   

A Petition will be filed for a Court Order directing the Hamilton County Auditor to issue a tax deed to the tax sale purchaser, Community Funding Solutions, LLC. The Petition for the Tax Deed will be filed on or after October 18, 2011 upon the request of the tax sale purchaser. The petitioner intends to request that the tax deed be issued on or after November 21, 2011. The real estate was sold at the Tax Sale held on October 14, 2010. Any person may redeem the tax sale property listed below. The purchaser is entitled to reimbursement for additional taxes or special assessments, plus interest, which were paid on the real estate by the purchaser subsequent to the Tax Sale and before redemption. This real estate has not been redeemed as of the date of this notice. The purchaser or the purchaser’s assignee is entitled to receive a deed to the subject real estate if it is not redeemed before the expiration of the period of redemption as specified in I.C. 6-1.1-25-4(a), which will be on October 14, 2011. The purchaser is entitled to reimbursement for costs incurred by the purchaser and described in I.C. 6-1.1-25-2(e).

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Current in Carmel

If the tract or item of real property has been sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner or record of the tract or item of real property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. If the property is deeded to a 3rd party prior to the issuance of the Tax Title Deed, then only that 3rd party may claim the surplus. Property Address: 7830 Jackson St., Cicero, IN 46034 Parcel Number: 03-02-36-00-00-045.000 Description (Appearing on Tax Sale Certificate): Acreage 1.90, Section 36, Township 20, Range 4, Hamilton County, Indiana The amount to redeem this tract or real property from tax sale is the sum of the following: The minimum bid of $7,688.62 plus a flat 15% interest on the minimum bid, plus an accrued 10% interest on the surplus amount of $52,311.38, which was the amount that was overbid on the date of the tax sale, plus title search costs of $150.00, plus attorneys fees of $500.00 and costs of giving this notice as may be certified by the Tax Sale Purchaser. There may also be subsequent taxes or special assessments paid by the tax sale purchaser after the date of the tax sale and before redemption that would also be added to the amount of redemption, plus interest. Please note that IC 6-1.1-24-7 allows the Hamilton County Treasurer to apply surplus tax sale payments to other delinquent property taxes and special assessments that the taxpayer owes and those amounts, plus interest may be part of the tax sale redemption amount. Contact the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office for the exact amount you will need to pay in order to redeem the tract or real property. Community Funding Solutions, LLC, Lien Purchaser c/o Daniel F. Kaplan 233 South 13th Street, Suite 1400 Lincoln, NE 68508 Notice to Owners (Jeffrey J. Smith and Terri L. Smith) and Interested Parties (EQ Financial, Inc., American General Financial Services Inc., Scott Young, LVNV Funding, CACH, LLC and any other interested party) of Sale of Real Estate for Unpaid Real Estate Property Taxes: You are hereby notified in accordance with I.C. 6-1.1-25-4.5 of the following information: A Petition will be filed for a Court Order directing the Hamilton County Auditor to issue a tax deed to the tax sale purchaser, Community Funding Solutions, LLC. The Petition for the Tax Deed will be filed on or after October 18, 2011 upon the request of the tax sale purchaser. The petitioner intends to request that the tax deed be issued on or after November 21, 2011. The real estate was sold at the Tax Sale held on October 14, 2010. Any person may redeem the tax sale property listed below. The purchaser is entitled to reimbursement for additional taxes or special assessments, plus interest, which were paid on the real estate by the purchaser subsequent to the Tax Sale and before redemption. This real estate has not been redeemed as of the date of this notice. The purchaser or the purchaser’s assignee is entitled to receive a deed to the subject real estate if it is not redeemed before the expiration of the period of redemption as specified in I.C. 6-1.1-25-4(a), which will be on October 14, 2011. The purchaser is entitled to reimbursement for costs incurred by the purchaser and described in I.C. 6-1.1-25-2(e). If the tract or item of real property has been sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner or record of the tract or item of real property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. If the property is deeded to a 3rd party prior to the issuance of the Tax Title Deed, then only that 3rd party may claim the surplus. Property Address: 15951 246th St. E, Noblesville, IN 46060 Key Number: 07-04-32-00-00-003.000 Description (Appearing on Tax Sale Certificate): Acreage 4.27, Section 32, Township 20, Range 6, Hamilton County, Indiana The amount to redeem this tract or real property from tax sale is the sum of the following: The minimum bid of $3,517.98 plus a flat 15% interest on the minimum bid, plus an accrued 10% interest on the surplus amount of $31,482.02, which was the amount that was overbid on the date of the tax sale, plus title search costs of $150.00, plus attorneys fees of $500.00 and costs of giving this notice as may be certified by the Tax Sale Purchaser. There may also be subsequent taxes or special assessments paid by the tax sale purchaser after the date of the tax sale and before redemption that would also be added to the amount of redemption, plus interest. Please note that IC 6-1.1-24-7 allows the Hamilton County Treasurer to apply surplus tax sale payments to other delinquent property taxes and special assessments that the taxpayer owes and those amounts, plus interest may be part of the tax sale redemption amount. Contact the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office for the exact amount you will need to pay in order to redeem the tract or real property. Community Funding Solutions, LLC, Lien Purchaser c/o Daniel F. Kaplan 233 South 13th Street, Suite 1400 Lincoln, NE 68508

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Current in Carmel 4/26/11 10:53 AM

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