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Special Report: Current talks Palladium finances with Mayor Brainard / P11 Faith Band to reunite June 25 / P14 Inside: It’s Golden! New monthly section / P17
BrIGHT new day
©2011 IU Health 03/11 HY40311_2807 10.375” x 1.25” Strip Built at size (100%)
Steve and Toni Watermeier get a new lease on life, and a new coat of paint for their house / P9
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2 | June 21, 2011
Current in Carmel
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Public innovation Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. V, No. 33 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032
317.489.4444 Managing Editor – Jordan Fischer jordan@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson haley@currentincarmel.com / 787.3291 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com
It is our position that public education suffers from too many cooks in the kitchen – each attempting a one-size-fits-all solution. Calls for full-day kindergarten are countered by restrictions of a five-hour instructional day. Calls for programs for kids to graduate early to start college are countered by claims that kids aren’t ready for college after four years. In fact, aren’t children like snowflakes in that as much as they are the same, they are all different? Wouldn’t a public education system that provides incentives to parents to become involved in the education of their children motivate teachers to remain engaged and create schools that are flexible enough to challenge the high achievers and assist the under achievers alike? How might education develop if we were to consider a world without financial constraints, unions and expansive state intervention? Could yearround schools make sense? Would professional teachers with 12 months pay require the protection of unions or tenure to make ends meet? Could we provide enough college-level courses that high-achievers could be ready to start that phase early and prepared? Is it possible to conform the school day and school year to match the biorhythms of the kids being taught?
Primary advantage
It is our position that the current schedule of presidential primaries is indefensible with Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, etc. basically deciding who will be on the ballot while residents of states like Indiana rarely go to the polls with the candidates still in doubt. In a representative republic such as ours, each eligible voter should have equal say in the selection of the president. It is not acceptable for Hoosier voters to routinely go to the polls in November of presidential election years and be forced to choose the least offensive candidate from the nominees placed on the ballot by residents of other states. We believe the primaries for president need to be held on the same day for all states with each voter providing his/her choice of candidates for the highest office in the land. We have heard all of the arguments for staggered primaries and find them unconvincing. We have TV and the Internet that can fully dispense the candidate’s positions on current issues without the need and expense of travel. Unless the candidates are fearful of the voters being fully informed before casting their vote, we believe all potential presidential candidates should endorse a change in the primary election procedures.
The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.
Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749
Business Office
Bookkeeper – Meagan Thomas meagan@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@youarecurrent.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@youarecurrent.com / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
strange laws
Photo Illustration
Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.
In Iowa, if a man has a mustache, it is illegal for him to kiss a woman in public. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)
Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. .Section 11. Tenure of Justices of Supreme Court and Judges of the Court of Appeals. In the case of judges of the Court of Appeals the electorate of the geographic district in which he serves shall vote on the question of approval or rejection. Every such justice and judge shall retire at the age specified by statute in effect at the commencement of his current term.
Current in Carmel
Every such justice or judge is disqualified from acting as a judicial officer, without loss of salary, while there is pending (1) an indictment or information charging him in any court in the United States with a crime punishable as a felony under the laws of Indiana or the United States, or (2) a recommendation to the Supreme Court by the commission on judicial qualifications for his removal or retirement. On recommendation of the commission on judicial qualifications or on its own motion, the Supreme Court may suspend such justice or judge from office without salary when in any court in the United States he pleads guilty or no contest or is found guilty of a crime punishable as a
June 21, 2011 | 3
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Pools and driving, deja vu
FROM THE BACKSHOP The point was to lampoon Palin We received a voice mail about Tim Campbell’s cartoon in the June 7 issue of Current, the one depicting Rosa Parks’ bus and Sarah Palin’s in succession. We were told we’re racist. That would be news to us, and sad news, at that. We’re actually nothing of the sort. Somebody lost – completely – the intent, which was to lampoon Palin for her over-inflated opinion of herself and her candidacy (heaven forbid!). No, we don’t view our world by color, and, no, we don’t legislate what Tim draws, just as we don’t legislate anyone’s conclusions. Get to know us and you’ll see. ••• The Family Justice Center, a “pathway for healing,” should – we hope – be ready later this year to receive abuse victims in a one-stop treatment/counseling/interview location. It can’t come a moment too soon. Some victims have had to endure up to 27 interviews. The center would cut that to one. ••• Well, we told you it was going to happen, and now it has. Please welcome Ellen Kizik, your Current in Carmel managing editor. Last Thursday was her first day (we don’t do “conventional” around here), and she immediately immersed herself in the community, making acquaintances and sponging up story ideas. Of-
Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg fer yours to her at ellen@youarecurrent.com. ••• President Barack Obama: “There are days when I say, ‘One term is enough.’ ” We were thinking the same thing. ••• Congratulations to our friend, Brandon Gorin, owner of Marco’s Pizza in Fishers, and his wife, Julie, on the birth of their daughter last week. She joins a 4-year-old big brother at home. Gorin is poised to open a Marco’s outlet inside Ben & Ari’s, which he says attracts a lot of Carmel residents, just north of 141st Street and Ind. 37 in Noblesville. Pizza with fun and games? It makes perfect sense! (Actually, pizza alone makes perfect sense, too.)
Long lost COMMENTARY By Terry Anker Nostalgia generates a powerful state-of-mind. To the point, I recently met yet another person who, after the death of a long-time spouse, rediscovered a high school sweetheart through a social networking site. Although they lived on opposite sides of the country and hadn’t seen each other in decades, they connected. After a whirlwind romance that would belie their chronological maturity, they married. This time there were no restrictions on their passions. They are adults not awaiting the right time to be together. Houses were put on the market and careers were ended. Caught up in the romance of the story as told by the blushing newlywed, I asked if they had pined for one another from across years and the miles – his Montague to her Capulet. I was at once disappointed and relieved that the response was simply, “Goodness, no.” In fact, they both had enjoyed happiness, family and success. It was only coincidence that led them to be in the same place at the same time when Facebook
COMMENTARY By Jordan Fischer Last week I wrote encouraging parents to make sure their kids (and themselves, if applicable) learn how to swim, so as to avoid any further pool tragedies in the wake of a pair of drownings in Indianapolis. In response, one reader sent in a letter pointing out that even strong swimmers can get in trouble, and parents should think twice about letting their children go off to the public pool without supervision. As a former lifeguard, I can tell you, even at our most alert, it’s nearly impossible to be watching every swimmer at every moment in a busy pool. The extra eyes parents provide on their own children help lifeguards to keep everyone safe ••• Likely one of those memories I suppressed after leaving high school, I was reminded of the existence of driver’s education this week
Jordan Fischer is the managing editor of Current in Fishers. You may e-mail him at jordan@ youarecurrent.com
My biggest worry was that a cow might break loose and decide to take a nap on the interstate.
Contemporary Dental ConCepts
interceded. Hopefully idealistic, I suggested fate must have been in the mix. While attempting not to disappoint, she proposed that a high-speed Internet connection was the more likely cupid. The next day, my inbox delivered a call from a long-lost friend of my own. While we grew up together, his life has taken him first to faraway places in service to our country and then to endless career wanderlust. After high school I lost track until we were invited to his wedding some decades ago. Our last talk must have been happened before my 10 year-old son’s birth. Yet, I returned his call promptly and fell into conversation as if we had spoken just yesterday. While our lives are much different, is it possible our souls remained the same?
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Hopefully idealistic, I suggested fate must have been in the mix.
4 | June 21, 2011
while driving down I-465. I feel for those kids who have to learn to drive on the busy interstate with trucks barreling down the highway alongside them. I learned to drive on country roads and small city streets. My biggest worry was that a cow might break loose and decide to take a nap on the interstate. ••• I want to thank you, the reader, for making our job so much easier by sending in your events and news items to us. While we don’t always have space for every single thing that gets submitted, we look over everything, and do our best to get it in. Keep sending in your news, and we’ll keep publishing.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmell.com.
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Troop works to save the environment effects of disposable bags. Did you know that COMMENTARY less than 1 percent of us routinely uses a cloth By Jeff Worrell shopping bag? Shame on us! Bag—Schmag. What is all of the fuss about One bag at a time, the ladies of Troop 1120 a little plastic bag from the grocery store? Do are changing all of that by not just focusing on not, I repeat, do not utter those ridiculous words the shoppers at Marsh, but also the bagness of within earshot of Macy Berglund, Lilah Brand, their own fourth grade classmates. Each student Emma Halpin, Alli Price or Skyler Wickstrom. at Town Meadow received a sturdy, don’t you These ecologic superheroes are the backbone dare throw it away bag to carry home for their of Junior Girl Scout Troop 1120 from Towne yearend school supplies. Over 1000 bags were Meadow Elementary and they would tell you distributed by the end of the project. plastic and paper grocery store bags are a source As enterprising as Girl Scouts are, they could of pollution. Yup, just like the thick black smoke not successfully pull this project off without that used to billow from factory smokestacks of some significant help. They received a microyesterday, disposable bags designed to carry our grant from the Green Team Program which mayonnaise; once discarded in the roadside ditch allowed them to purchase more bags than were or blowing across the parking lot are just as damdonated. They also successfully twisted the arm aging to the environment as smoke. Intuitively understanding that paper or plastic of Marsh Store Manager Jay Cluck to donate some bags and give the girls access to the front is not good for the environment in the long door. Towne Meadow teachers, dedicated parview, Troop 1120 decided to jump into action ents and Troop Leaders all came together to and make a difference for Mother Earth. Oh make sure the program was successful. In the and by the way, while doing good and protecting the environment, they just happened to earn end, Carmel Girl Scout Troop 1120 was simply the prestigious Bronze Award; the highest recog- trying to make a difference not realizing the Bronze Award was already in the bag. nition a Jr. Troop can receive. So what did they do? Perhaps you remember their friendly greeting at the front door of the Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on 106th and Michigan Marsh Store. Along with a “Connecting with Carmel” on polite hello, you were presented with a free reuscable channel 16. Contact him at able cloth shopping bag containing a brochure jworrell@advantagemedical.com with helpful facts andCarmel tips about the polluting 5/25/11 10:23 AM Page 1 11081 INFINITI Current_5_31
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Current in Carmel
Independent Living • Assisted Living Alzheimer’s Care • Skilled Nursing June 21, 2011 | 5
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DISPATCHES » Carmel Lions Club – Recently, the Carmel Lions Club donated $500 in personal care items to Homeless Veterans and Families (HVAF) of Indiana, Inc. through the Barbers for Veterans program at Main Street Barber Shop. Bill Bledsoe (L) and Jason Peek (center) of Main Street Barber Shop accept the donation from Tom Lorson of the Carmel Lions Club. » Rotary inductions – Rotary Club of Carmel new officers and directors will take office on July 1. An induction ceremony will be held on Saturday, New officers include President Richard F. Taylor III, President-Elect Judy Hagan, Vice-President Ray Kramp, Secretary Judy Woempner, Treasurer Marilyn Jeter, and Sergeant-at-Arms Jerry Roberts. » Women’s network – Premier Women’s Network welcomes all women in business and career seekers. Next meeting is July 14th, 4PM to 6PM at O’Charleys, 11655 Fishers Corner Blvd., Fishers. Call Cheryl Friar for more information at 260-747-5202. » Youth exercise – Riverview Hospital will be offering the Youth Exercising Successfully (YES) program for kids age 5-13. Participants will receive 12 sessions with an Athletic Trainer or Exercise Specialist with the first appointment being as assessment. Cost is $120 for 12 visits. Registration is required. For more information or to schedule your child’s first appointment, visit riverview.org or call 776-7225. » Leadership Academy – Applications for the 2012 class of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy are due by June 30. The program is available to county residents or those with business or civic activities within the community. The tuition fee of $1,500 may be paid by an employer/sponsor, individual or not-forprofit organization. If you know someone who is interested in applying, the application can be accessed online at http:// www.hcla.net, or by contacting Jill Doyle at 379-1879. » Food distribution – Twenty thousand pounds of food were distributed to residents of Hamilton County on June 14 by volunteers from the Church of ACTS North at Lighthouse Fellowship. Hundreds of cars lined the streets near the church to receive the food as more than 250 families were given canned goods, cheese, and frozen meat.
6 | June 21, 2011
It’s not easy to lose a pet – even a gecko COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson I just got off the phone with the exotic animal vet, and much to my surprise, I am extremely upset by her news: Quickie, my 9-year-old son’s beloved leopard gecko of four years, is in renal failure. When I called my husband to tell him, I couldn’t even speak for the lump in my throat! What gives? I’m supposed to be the tough-asnails, never-let-‘em-see-you-cry, cold-hearted mom who detests hugs and Hallmark commercials even more than scouring maggot-filled garbage cans. And Quickie is a lizard for Pete’s sake, not a big-eyed puppy or a fluffy kitten. We don’t snuggle with her, play fetch, even touch her much. She devours live crickets and meal worms and washes her eyeballs with her tongue. Her impending demise should come as a relief to me, the primary reptile-poo-and-insect-limbcovered-aquarium cleaner. The real reason I’m all verklempt is my son, whom I haven’t told yet. I just can’t bear the thought of his reaction, which will certainly include massive tears that he will bravely but ineffectively attempt to suppress. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, and I don’t know what to do. I asked Doo for advice, who wasn’t much help: “Wait until you get home. Do not tell him over the phone.” (And typical Doo, “How much is all of this going to cost?” A question of course
I never even asked the vet. Who cares! Money shouldn’t matter when family’s concerned, even if said family member basks in the nude and sports a striped tail.)
I just can’t bear the thought of his reaction, which will certainly include massive tears that he will bravely but ineffectively attempt to suppress. Might Quickie live? Yes. Because the vet can’t identify the exact cause of her kidney failure – could be severe dehydration or a bacterial infection among a host of other things – antibiotics and fluids may work. But the doctor cautioned that at this advanced stage, Quickie’s chances of survival are only slightly higher than all of our children winning collegiate luge scholarships. They will know in 72 hours after another round of lab work, when we, coincidentally, will be half way through our road trip to South Carolina. Andrew’s last time seeing his pet might have been this morning when the vet examined her. He didn’t even say goodbye! And now, I am actually crying. The worst part is thinking we may have been responsible for this. Maybe if we had sought
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Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
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medical attention sooner, or kept more moisture in her tank, or continued with the calcium dusting of her food. I don’t know. I’m sitting at work stalling so I that don’t have to go home and deal with Andrew. But I guess the sooner he hears, the sooner he can begin to cope with what’s happening. By the time you read this we will either be one gecko short at Chez Wilson (I’m choking up again at the thought!) or taking exceedingly drastic precautions to ensure another four years of joy with our “immortal” Quickie. I will, of course, keep you updated. Peace out. P.S. I discussed the issue with Andrew last night, and initially, he successfully maintained his composure. The dam didn’t burst until an hour later, midway through his pre-soccer game spaghetti dinner. As the tears poured down his red face and the sobs shook his little body, Doo and I just held him, struggling to not completely lose it ourselves. (We’ve decided consoling grief-stricken children definitely makes the Top Five Sucky Jobs of Parenting list.) On a positive note, though, Andrew went on to score two goals, his first this season, I like to think, in a tribute to his friend Quickie.
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Are events hard on the locals? Classic Barber Shop COMMENTARY By Jason Peek In years past, I always wrote about Rock the District and how it went. The talk in the barber shop last week, in the wake of another running of the event, was not about the bands and the food - and how well or not well the business did - but about every road in Carmel to get to the district being closed. Massive manpower was used on June 11 not only for Rock the District but for initial running of the Carmel Marathon. Now, I’m sure a lot of people enjoyed the run, but it was the people who didn’t run that got inconvenienced. I drove from Ind. 238 and Ind. 37 in Noblesville, made a complete loop around Carmel and came in from the south on Range Line Road. All I saw were angry drivers and all I got were angry phone calls at the barbershop on how people couldn’t get to it; they even had maps and were told that they could go a certain route just to be stopped and turned another way. In the 10 years that I’ve worked on Main Street, I see that every time they close roads for events it always causes a problem. Now, we need to bring attention to Carmel and all that is going on in the city and the District, but I and many others wish it could be done at no cost to the merchants and locals. I have an opinion on this but can’t come up with the best solution. Yes, it brings people to Carmel, but it also took money out of some of the mer-
chants’ pockets. Still, we need to examine the cost on all this as compared to the pick up in business. How much did it cost to have fire and police to take care of this event? Could we use the Monon to run the event? Can we use country roads or the race track? I don’t know, because I don’t do that sort of planning for a living, but I’m sure there is a better plan than just closing the two major roads and side streets in town. Did more people have fun running or were more inconvenienced by this run? From my world, nobody I came in contact with all day was happy about the run and what it brought to Carmel. Now, like I said, this is my world and other merchants might have a different experience than the barbers; our citizens might have loved the run, so if that is the case let me know. Closing roads on Saturdays - usually the busiest day for most merchants - doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t own a business to not make a living. The District can speak for itself with good places doing good business and the word will spread. Let’s build this town without making it hard on the locals.
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Jason Peek is the owner of the Main Street Barber Shop. Want to tell him what you think? Stop in for a haircut or e-mail him at hogjawz@sbcglobal.net.
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Current in Carmel
June 21, 2011 | 7
8 | June 21, 2011
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The entire house had to be stripped before the new coat of paint could be applied.
A team of volunteer College Pro Painters worked for a week to get the house back in shape.
Toni Watermeier, left, and Sam Yudes discuss paint colors.
BRIGHT new day
Steve and Toni Watermeier get a new lease on life, and a new coat of paint for their house
By Jordan Fischer Current in Carmel As the painting crew breaks for lunch, Steve Watermeier steps out the front door of his Carmel home to inspect the work. His wife, Toni, stands nearby, looking over palette strips. She planted the shrubs in front of their house months ago, but Steve is just now noticing them. She smiles at his late discovery, and goes back to choosing a new color for their stripped door. This is an everyday occurrence for the Watermeiers. Along with sons Sam, who lives with them, and Harry, now in Philadelphia, they’re working to restart their lives after more than a year in limbo while Steve battled throat, and then liver, cancer – four months of which he spent in a medically induced coma. “You lose track of time,” Steve said. “You come home thinking the groceries you just bought are still good, but you’ve been gone almost a year and a half… and four months of that you were completely gone.”
All about attitude
“I’m still a reasonably young man,” Steve, 56, said. “I still have a lot to do.” That outlook on life may have been what pulled Steve through, says Toni, who was by his side every step of the way. She recalled counting 32 IV poles standing around his bedside at one point, during which he was on dialysis 24 hours a day. “The doctors and nurses have told us they’re convinced Steve made it through because of his attitude,” Toni said. While the initial operation to remove Steve’s throat was successful, he became septic afterward. Doctors put him in a medically induced
Steve Watermeier, left, Sam Yudes, center, and Toni Watermeier. coma while they treated the infection. Months later, after waking from the coma, and after, as Toni recalled with awe, spending weeks with his esophagus and stomach (now pulled up into his chest) exposed through a cavity in his chest, tests showed cancerous spots on his liver, requiring yet another surgery. Today, back at home with wife and son, Steve seems eager to make the most of his second chance at life. “I traveled a lot for work, so I missed a lot while my boys were young,” he said. “It’s been great to be back and see my wife and son Sam
every day, and my son Harry regularly. To see my sons start becoming adults, to watch what they’re going to do, that’s been a thrill.” “Just sitting around in the backyard grilling, or raking leaves with my wife… those are the things I missed,” Steve added.
Lending a helping hand
Sam Yudes, owner-operator of the local College Pro Painters franchise, was looking for nominees to receive a free home paint job when he heard the Watermeiers’ story from one of their neighbors.
Current in Carmel
“I hadn’t selected them yet when I first met them,” Yudes said. “But we sat down and ended up talking for an hour and a half. What I liked about their story was that they were persevering through all of it, and that it had a happy ending.” Sherwin Williams Co. donated hundreds of dollars worth of paint for the project – stripping and re-painting all the exterior walls, window shutters and trim, as well as roof work – and Expert Window and Home Remodeling offered its services to do necessary wood repair. The total project ran nearly $5,000, which the Watermeiers said just wouldn’t have been possible on their now-fixed income. “When you’re in the hospital that long, you lose your job,” Steve said. “Even though my family did an incredible job keeping up with everything in our 35-year-old house, there’s still a lot of things that need to be done. The house needed paint badly, but where that money would have come from, I don’t know.” “When Sam came up… I mean, you talk about a godsend,” he added. For his part, Yudes just seemed enthusiastic to do the work, even during a week where frequent rains delayed, interrupted or prevented entire day’s work altogether. “What touched me about their story was that they were persevering through all of it, and that it had a happy ending,” Yudes said. A month ago, Steve was given a clean bill of health and is now in remission. As far as what’s next for the Watermeiers, the sky is the limit, they said. “What I’ve found out through this is, cancer is not a death sentence,” Steve said. “It’s all about attitude.”
June 21, 2011 | 9
Festival Highlights
Catch the Indy Dog & Disc Club’s high energy, Frisbee-catching dog performances at the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent KidZone. Shows presented on July 3rd (2 & 5 pm) & July 4th (4 & 6 pm)
Brought to you by
Bec Hunter-Barnett’s role as CarmelFest Parade CoDirector with Peggy Powell could not be better cast. As a Broker Associate Realtor & PR Director for RE/MAX Legends Group, she is used to handling a myriad of details and has put this talent to good use. Bec is particularly proud to have arranged two separate tributes to the armed forces: an A10 jet fly-over during the parade and RE/MAX Legends Group military tribute grand finale. According to Bec, “The grand finale will include over a quarter mile of military men and women with their families representing all branches of service.”
www.CarmelFest.net SPARK BUTTONS
You can help support the CarmelFest fireworks display by purchasing colorful Spark Buttons. Two styles are offered: the traditional button for $3 each and the light-up button are $6. Spark Buttons are available from the Carmel Arts & Design District and at the Carmel Farmers Market or from Jeff Worrell, 317-696-0162.
by Cindy Roberts-Geriener
The “Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent KidZone” will be buzzing with new attractions, rides, games, shows and an expanded entertainment stage. The zone located just south of the Carmel Courthouse will offer free entertainment throughout the festival on the family-friendly performance stage. According to KidZone Director, Kevin Mendell, “The KidZone community stage encourages audience participation. And, we want kids to have a chance to interact with performers.” On both Sunday-July 3rd & Monday-July 4th, the stage will lead off at 1:00 pm with a demonstration from Master Yoos Tae Kwando team. Spectators will have a chance to test their own skills and apply some of their newly learned Tae Kwando moves. Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm, you will have your choice of rocking to the sounds of the Girls Band as they perform “The Way We Live” … or heading over to the grassy area (just east of the KidZone) to watch the Indy Dog & Disc Frisbee Dog Show or join the Carmel Fire Department in a ceremony dedicating their new “Safety House”. Later in the day, the fun will continue as the KidZone stage offers the magical talents of Ryan Demler, Indiana Jim’s Reptile Experience and performances by the Sho’Time Dancers. And, if you are in the mood for a musical, you will have two opportunities to enjoy CYT’s presentation of “Hats Off to Broadway” (July 3rd at 5:30 pm & July 4th at 4:30 pm). The KidZone Stage will wrap up each day with an encore performance by talented vocalist and “CarmelFest Has Talent” 2010 Winners Blake and LaTina (July 3rd & 4th at 8:00 pm). For more details on the entertainment schedule, visit www. CarmelFest.net
*Rotary Club of Carmel Indiana Annual Raffle License #123676
10 | June 21, 2011
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Brainard on Palladium finances: ‘We watch’ By Marc Allan Current in Carmel On March 17, the city of Carmel turned over $2 million in taxpayer money to the Center for the Performing Arts to fund operations at the Palladium and its sister theaters, the Studio and the soonto-open Tarkington. Current in Carmel wanted to know how that money is being spent. The short answer is: It’s covering the shortfall between the center’s income from ticket sales, donations, advertising revenue and other sources and the actual cost of operations. Overseeing spending is the center’s board of directors, chaired by Rollin Dick, and Mayor Jim Brainard. Because the Center for the Performing Arts is run by a private foundation, its finances are not public record. With the Center for the Performing Arts asking for $4 million next year (a figure Brainard says has not been finalized), Current asked veteran local reporter Marc Allan to interview the mayor about who’s watching the center’s expenditures. Current: The city is providing $2 million for the Center for the Performing Arts for the first year, right? Brainard: Generally, we knew there was going to be a gap between the revenue and the amount of expenses. That’s almost always the case for performing arts facilities. If they made money, Brainard the private sector would build them. We build them for other reasons – to add to the quality of life in Carmel and attract corporate relocations here. Current: And you oversee how the money is spent. Brainard: We watch. And we trust the private sector board to do their job too, to make certain that the money is spent properly. They watch over it, and we get quarterly reports, public reports. The not-for-profit corporation is required by federal law to file a public tax return, a form 990. The foundation is going to file an annual report as well and make that available to the public, which is not legally required
“I hope we’re able to stick to that number.”
- Jim Brainard
but something we felt was important for them to do given the amount of public money that’s involved. Current: So you get regular updates in how tickets are selling and how the finances are being handled? Brainard: (President and CEO Steven) Libman and I meet for coffee early in the morning
every other Friday. And Mr. Dick, who is the chair of the board, meets with us. I get regular updates, and I think that’s particularly important in the early stages of this institution. Mr. Libman and Mr. Dick have been very forthcoming and helpful when I have questions. Current: Is the Palladium profitable? Brainard: No. The Palladium will not be
profitable. And I’ve said that from the day we proposed this facility 10 years ago: performing arts facilities are not profitable. If they were, the city would not be involved. They’re not profitable the same way schools are not profitable and libraries are not profitable. Current: Word is, the city’s contribution next year will be $4 million. Is that correct? Brainard: We haven’t made any decision about what will be provided next year. We’re in the very early stages of discussion. Current: If it were $4 million, would that bother you? Brainard: I’d have to know a lot more about any request before I’d want to comment on it. I have given the staff some direction about what the city has available. I hope we’re able to stick to that number. Current: Is there more money available? Brainard: The city, as of Dec. 31, 2010, had over $50 million in the bank. Well over $20 million of unencumbered funds. We’re in a very good cash position at the end of last year and I anticipate we will be at the end of 2011. Current: Is the city on pace to pay off the construction? Brainard: Oh, yeah. We’ve made payments already, and cash flow is good. You asked about problems. One of the issues is rumors – this rumor, that rumor, they spent money on this, they spent money on that. That’s where we have to trust our private sector board. One of the first things the board did was to have an audit every year. It is a true audit, where the board can say to the general public or to the IRS – whoever might be asking the questions – this has been audited. The money is being spent appropriately. Current: Of course, Conseco was audited. Lehman Bros. was audited. So an audit doesn’t tell you everything. Brainard: It doesn’t tell you everything, but we get a lot of questions when the city is audited. And the auditors do a good job. It’s hard for me as a mayor, who’s used to managing the city on a day to day basis, to let go. But I think it’s important to trust this private sector board to do their job.
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Anger isn’t the problem; It’s how we express it COMMENTARY By Dylan Stanton I often think that anger is the most misunderstood and devalued emotion within the cadre of human emotions. Anger is so negatively regarded in our society that many say they ‘don’t have anger.’ Admitting anger is akin to identifying oneself as defective, impulsive or simply, bad. When clients come to me seeking therapy for issues surrounding anger, their confessions of anger are blotted with shame and embarrassment. But to denigrate anger’s role and vilify it is a misrepresentation of its purpose. Anger is a necessary emotion. It warns us that something is wrong, and depending on the situation, it may activate the fight or flight response. The reality is we are wired with anger just as we are wired with happiness and sadness. But if anger is a necessary emotion, why does it get such a bad wrap? The answer lies in the expression of anger, not in the emotion. Some handle their anger by repressing the emotion; that is, they stuff their feelings and don’t acknowledge the source of their anger. Others do just the opposite; they brazenly confront the target of their anger and explode. Neither of these approaches is healthy. The first is passive, and the second is aggressive. The passive approach results in one typically not getting needs met, and the aggressive approach demands that needs be met via abusive behavior. The key to handling anger is finding healthy and effective ways of expressing
it. If your approach to anger is to bury it or be passive, consider how impotent and disregarded this makes you feel. It is important that you claim your voice, address the source of your anger, and speak in an assertive manner. This means using “I” statements (i.e. taking responsibility for how you feel) and briefly sharing how you feel, what you want and what you need. Those who are passive are primarily motivated by fear of reprisal, hurting others or being “bad.” If your approach to anger is aggressive, that is, you explode; remember that others will see you as a hothead and out of control. It is important for you to slow yourself down, your body and your mind. This means counting to ten, taking a timeout or thinking about the consequences of aggressive choices. Once you have neutralized yourself, you also need to speak to the source of your anger. This means being assertive by using “I” statements, not aggressive by using “you” statements. Sometimes it is helpful to talk to an objective person before approaching the party who angered you. This gives you an opportunity to calm down, talk things through and gain clarification. Remember it is not “bad” to feel anger or to talk about it with others as long as it is done honestly, respectfully and without blame.
Dylan Stanton holds an M.A. in psychotherapy from Christian Theological Seminary. He currently runs anger management and domestic violence groups at Fall Creek Counseling. Stanton can be reached via email at dstanton@ cts.edu.
To e p a c s E
Summer’s Family Fun Waterpark at the Monon Community Center 111th and College in Carmel
$5 • Passes start at available s e s s a p n o s a e S • Family & Call 317.848.7275 for your passes today! 12 | June 21, 2011
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» State turnaround – Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett announced today the addition of Jim Larson as Director of School Turnaround and Improvement. Larson is a former seventh grade Humanities teacher at the Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School in Indianapolis where he was selected in 2009-2010 as their Teacher of the Year. He replaces Lee Ann Kwiatkowski, who will become the Early Childhood/Title I Director at the Metropolitan School District of Warren Township. In his new role, Larson will work closely with the State Board of Education (SBOE) and Indiana’s 18 schools at risk for state intervention to implement changes aimed at improving student performance and educator quality.
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GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney I recently got an e-mail from a reader who is frustrated with the insistence of some Americans to cling to traditionally British spellings of certain words. I don’t share his frustration with the alternate spellings or with the point of view that the British spellings are incorrect for Americans, but I did think it would be an interesting subject to research a little further. It turns out most of the spelling changes originated in the early 19th century when Noah Webster was putting together a dictionary of American English. He wanted to distinguish British English from American English – perhaps as a big, wet raspberry at the Brits – by simplifying spelling or arranging the letters more phonetically. Grey became gray, colour became color, favourite became favorite, centre became center, and theatre became theater. The traditional British spellings, however, were never dropped completely. Especially in acting circles, many people clung to the British forms. Now, most British spellings are acceptable alternatives to the American ones. With the exception of the switch from ou to o, almost all British spellings are considered as correct as their American counterparts. So which spelling should you use? Really,
it’s up to you. There are a few things to keep in mind, though: Words with –re (centre) endings versus –er (center) endings tend to be considered in some circles more sophisticated and in other circles more stodgy or stuffy. Often in acting circles, theatre is the spelling to signify an acting company or the art of acting on stage, while theater refers to the building in which movies are shown or theatre is performed. Certain other words exhibit a change in connotation with the change in spelling. For example, learned is considered standard in American English, but the British form, learnt, would be seen (or heard) by many as a nonstandard – or even uneducated – form of the past tense of to learn. It is, however, an acceptable spelling (and pronunciation). If you dislike the British spellings and, like Noah Webster, would like to thumb your nose at the Brits, don’t use them. If you think they’re fancy, and you’re feeling the need to be fancy, go ahead and use them. Both spellings are correct.
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Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@ gmail.com.
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» Watercolor workshop – The Hamilton County Artists’ Association will host a watercolor workshop with nationally known artist Sharon Long from August 23-27. There will be two sessions daily from 9 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., held at the Hamilton County Art Center & Birdie Gallery, 195 S. Fifth St., Noblesville. For more information, and registration, contact Dorothy Chase at 317-844-9828 or e-mail dchase514@aol.com.
Theatre or theater?
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June152011 CurrentAd Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:31:39 PM
Current in Carmel
June 21, 2011 | 13
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DISPATCHES » A card for travelers – A few banks have begun testing cards with the newer chip technology, known as E.M.V. (for Europay, MasterCard and Visa) and are beginning to offer the cards to select customers. Wells Fargo has issued cards with the embedded chips to about 15,000 United States-based clients who travel internationally, in a trial program. JPMorgan Chase is offering the cards to some of its high-net-worth customers this month. Meanwhile, Travelex, a major currency exchange company, began selling a preloaded E.M.V.-enabled debit card last year. The cards are the latest efforts to prevent credit card fraud oversees. -www.nyt.com » Store onions in pantyhose? – A handy way to store onions or potatoes (and keep them fresh longer) is to store them into old, clean pantyhose. Tie knots in pantyhose after each placement of onions or potatoes to keep them separated, then cut just above each knot as your needs arise for the vegetable. Hang the pantyhose on the back of pantry or kitchen door to keep it out of the way. -www.lifetips.com
Faith Band reunites for Mickey’s Irish Pub gig By Courtney Stiehl Current in Carmel Indianapolis-based Faith Band will perform at Mickey’s Irish Pub on June 25 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door. The band will play its original rock ’n’ roll hits from the ’70s and tracks from the album Faith Band Legacy, released last December. The disc showcases previously unreleased material from the original sessions. Dave Bennett, who plays the guitar in Faith, says the band’s reuniting has been a “tremendous” experience. “There’s some kind of magic between us that’s never happened with any other musicians I’ve ever worked with,” he says. “The music happens automatically.” He says the rock band’s success came after the national popularity of “Dancin’ Shoes.” Nigel Olsson went on to cover the song, which became a Top 20 hit that year, according to Faith’s website. Faith Band released 5 albums before its members broke up to work on independent projects within the music industry.
7035 E. 96th St. 576-5500
When original members Carl Storie, Dave Bennett and Dave Barnes met with Ron Townsend and Mark Iverson last year to reunite Faith, Bennett says the fans’ response was “overwhelming.” Bill Adkins, co-owner of Mickey’s Irish Pub, is excited for Faith’s performance because of their “notoriety and history,” he says. “To have someone as big as Faith Band choose Mickey’s to reunite is an honor,” he says. The band also has upcoming shows in Cincinnati, Louisville and Champagne, Ill. Bennett says the band owes its success to fans in the region. “That’s why we love it here so much,” he says.
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14 | June 21, 2011
7035 E. 96th St. 576-5500 Expires 6/30/11
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June 24 Renaissance Fine Art & Design Gallery: The Next Step: Selected works from John Paul Caponigro’s Next Step Alumni 2011. Renaissance Fine Art & Design Gallery, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel Now through June 24 www.renaissancefineartanddesign.com Twenty-five members are currently participating in the exhibit. The resulting work is as diverse as the individuals with subjects and artistic endeavors including: landscapes, editorial, abstracts, composites, portraits, seascapes, cityscapes, nude and figure, fine art, street photography, architecture, nature, animals and wildlife. Cool Creek Concert Series: The Snakehandlers St.Vincent Health presents the Cool Creek Concert series every Friday night at Cool Creek Park, 2000 East 151st Street, Westfield. Gates open at 6 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults; children age 12 and under are free. For more information, visit www.myhamiltoncountyparks.com.
June 25 Beef & Boards: Cinderella Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre Now through July 1 Tickets available by phone at 317-872-9664 or online at www.beefandboards.com. Rogers & Hammerstein’s enchanting musical, Cinderella, is the classic story of the young Cinderella who is left in the care of her step-mother and three bossy step-sisters after the death of her father. It’s not until she meets Prince Charming that things start looking up. In a twist on the original musical, the Beef & Boards production features the ugly step-sisters as played by male actors.
June 26 Carmel Repertory Theatre: Andersen, a Fairy Tale Life The Studio Theater at The Center for the Performing Arts, 1 Center Green, Carmel June 16 through 26; show times are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30. www.carmelrepertorytheatre.com “Andersen” is a musical of the true story of Hans Christian Andersen’s rise from abject poverty in an obscure village on the tiny island of Funen in Denmark, to become the most famous person in the world during his lifetime.
July 9 Actors Theatre of Indiana: The Andrews Brothers The Studio Theatre at The Center for the Performing Arts, 4 Center Green, Carmel July 8 through 24; July 9 at 4 and 8 p.m.; Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.; Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. Tickets are $37.50, available at www.actorstheatreofindiana.org. It’s 1943 in the South Pacific , and tonight The Andrews Sisters headline the big U.S.O. show. But when a flu outbreak quarantines the girls, stagehands Max, Lawrence and Patrick, along with pin-up girl Peggy Jones, cook up the perfect way to wow the troops and save the day—all it will take is three wigs and a lot of makeup.
Where I Dine
brittney Isles
kona grill
Sushi Manager, Kona Grill Where do you like to eat? Mama Corolla’s. What do you like to eat? I like the Chicken Parmesan.
CarmelFest 2011 runs July 3 and 4 at Civic Square. For more information, visit www.carmelfest.net. On stage at CarmelFest 2011 July 3 At the Gazebo Opening ceremony – noon CarmelFest Has Talent – 12:30 Carmel Brass – 3:45 Gordon Bonham Blues Band – 5:15 The Wright Brothers – 7:30 At the North Stage: Beach Party at CarmelFest Guitar Club for Men – noon The Tides – 2 Salsa dance demo – 4 Orquesta Bravo! - 4:30 Barometer Soup – 6:30 July 4 At the Gazebo Actors Theatre of Indiana Musical Review – noon The Echoes – 1 CarmelFest Has Talent – 3 The Richmonds – 4:30 Benito DiBartoli & Doug Henthorn – 6:15 Carmel Symphony Orchestra – 8:30 At the North Stage: Americana at CarmelFest Bleu Django – noon Frank Bradford Trio – 2:30 The Renegades – 5:15 Mac McAnally – 8 (Schedule and times subject to change)
Why do you like to eat there? It’s authentic Italian food, and the restaurant is personal and romantic. Mama Corolla’s 1031 E. 54th St Indianapolis, 46220
The Scoop: The Kona Grill is a restaurant in Clay Terrace that offers a modern American cuisine and a full, fresh sushi bar. Type of Food: Pizza, pasta, sandwiches, salad, and sushi. Prices: Pizzas range from 11 to 15 dollars, meat entrees are around 20 dollars, and the sushi is normally around 5 or 6 dollars for two pieces. Specialty Menu Items: The
sushi bar is their pride and joy, offering a full, fresh bar of sushi and sashimi. Dress: Casual Hours: Monday-Thursday: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Friday-Saturday: 11 a.m. – 11 a.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Address: 14395 Clay Terrace Blvd, Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317-566-1400 Website: www.konagrill.com
Opening Night July 8th PERFORMANCE TIMES: Wednesdays& Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Fridays & Saturdays 8:00 p.m. With special 4:00 p.m. matinee on Saturday, July 9th TICKET PRICES:
$37.50 Senior, Student and Group rates available
Call 317 843-3800 To Purchase Tickets Or Buy Online At www.ActorsTheatreOfIndiana.Org
Directed & Choreographed by Broadway Veteran:
LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Meatball Band Saturday – Faith Band Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more
information, call 770-9020. Friday – Blonde Sonja Saturday – Something Rather Naughty Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Living Proof Saturday – The Late Show
Current in Carmel
David Engel (Seussical: The Musical, La Cage Aux Folles, Putting It Together)
June 21, 2011 | 15
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Summer Wind Flank Steak Ingredients • 1/3 cup vegetable oil • 1/3 cup soy sauce • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice • 1 teaspoon cumin • 1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro • 1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper • 1 1/2 pounds flank steak Directions
1. In a medium bowl, mix the oil, soy sauce, vinegar, lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, garlic, cumin, cilantro, and ground black pepper. Place meat in a shallow glass dish. Pour marinade over the steak, turning meat to coat thoroughly. Cover, and refrigerate for 6
hours or overnight. 2. Preheat grill for medium-high heat. 3. Oil the grill grate. Place steaks on the grill, and discard the marinade. Grill meat for 5 minutes per side to 130 degrees F, or to desired doneness. * serve as a steak or slice and use for awesome beef fajitas
This week’s special:
Joes Butcher Shop and Fish Market • 111 W. Main St., Carmel • 846-8877 Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 7p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
$ave $2lb on Joe’s Reserve Flank Steak
16 | June 21, 2011
Current in Carmel
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DISPATCHES » Cook with kale – Increased intake of kale has been related to a decreased risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. This is attributed to kale’s generous load of phytonutrients and vitamins A, C, and. K. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating a diet rich in the powerful antioxidant vitamin K can reduce the overall risk of developing or dying from cancer. In addition, kale’s high fiber content helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease (particularly when the kale is cooked instead of raw). -www.diabeticcooking.com » Pain meds cause headaches – Taking OTC or prescription pain medicine too often, for any reason, can eventually cause you to have headaches. “If you start taking a lot on a regular basis, that can cause a rebound headache, where the medication you are taking for a headache, perpetuates the headache,” says Dr. Merle Diamond of the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago. “Your body starts to get used to the medication. It searches for it, and if it doesn’t see it, it gives
you a headache.” Diamond says people who get migraines are especially susceptible. -www.msn.com » Weight loss myth – While your metabolism may dip with each passing year, you can’t necessarily blame any ensuing weightloss difficulties on your age. If you aren’t on a low-fat or low-calorie diet, for example, losing weight will be difficult. Similarly, low-sodium diets can make it easier to shed pounds because it increases water retention. Finally, gaining weight is one of the side effects often associated with meds prescribed to older adults, so once you’ve balanced out your diet, have a discussion with your doctor about what you can do to counteract any lingering unwanted pounds. -www.foxnews.com
Celebrate Summer in Downtown Westfield! Sunday, July 3 Asa Bales Park, across from Westfield High School 7:30am— “Bike It” bicycle ride for prostate cancer 3pm— Motorcycle ride for prostate cancer 4pm— Headliners Car Show, Food & Marketplace, Beer & Wine Garden, Kids Area, Live Music 8pm— Dr. Duke Tumatoe & The Power Trio 9:45pm—The LARGEST Fireworks Display in the Indianapolis Area on July 3!
» Drink milk after workouts? – Try fat-free milk instead of a sports drink. The best time to drink it is right after strength-training. Drink two to four cups. The protein in the milk helps repair muscles you’ve exerted. The calcium and vitamin D strengthen bones and may help you lose more fat. -www.prevention.com
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Exploring veganism continues COMMENTARY By Courtney Stiehl I’ve dove into my June-long journey and have successfully gone vegan. I hope to reap the benefits soon, but for now I’m still adjusting. It turns out my first two days trying veganism weren’t entirely vegan. I failed to look at some ingredients closely and realized too late I had consumed small amounts of dairy. Also, I picked up a pack of Starbursts to treat myself after a day of health food. It turns out they contain gelatin, a foodstuff made from mammal bones. Although I’ve chosen to eat gelatin sweets throughout my years of pescatarianism, I follow veganism strictly. It requires my close attention, so I’ve since become more careful. Beyond these initial mistakes, maintaining a vegan diet hasn’t proven difficult for me. Sure, I dreaded it the night before my start date and became cranky the first days when I couldn’t find much to eat at my house. But, a relatively short experiment to look and feel better drives me. Also, I’ve told too many people about this to do anything but move forward. Really, I become most aware of my “unusual” diet around other people. Different social settings over the weekend placed off-limit foods in front of me. Vegan experts recommend focusing on eating veggies and whole grains. Although I easily eat
the grains and often munch on fruit, I need to eat more leafy greens. But, it’s hard to get hyped over spinach! I use a vegetarian cookbook for recipe ideas and replace dairy items for soy. This is the greatest change veganism has brought about: I’m forced to make my own meals rather than eating processed foods or dining out. Veganism automatically eliminates most junk food. Still, seven days time is not enough to track many benefits. Oprah’s weeklong vegan challenge on her show resulted in dramatic effects for those who did it. Not for me. It could be because I already abstained from meat going into this. Or, that I don’t have many health problems to solve or weight to loose. The main effect has actually been negative, as this diet appears to cause me headaches. I looked this up online and realized they’re common at the start of the switch. My mom says my body must be detoxifying. In the meantime, I’m eating plenty, drinking lots of water and taking iron to combat this. I continue to eat healthier every day. I’ll get better at this. Courtney Stiehl is an editorial intern with Current in Carmel. You can contact her at cstiehl@ indiana.edu.
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18 | June 21, 2011
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Vol. 1, No. 1
Wally Saettel spends his retirement recreating dirt track racing of the early 1900s By Brandie Bohney Current Publishing Most people take up a hobby when they retire. Some, however, prefer a little more excitement. Wally Saettel is one such person. A retired auto mechanic of 45 years, Saettel and his wife Dian kept busy in retirement by chasing trains, attending air shows, and joining an antique auto racing club to watch the races. After a number of years, though, Dian offered a suggestion that changed the Saettels’ involvement in the Antique Auto Racing Association (AARA). “I’ve always liked racing, but we joined this club in ’81,” Wally Saettel said. “We’d been members about 10 years. We were sitting in the grandstand, and my wife says, ‘You ever think about doing that?’ I said, ‘Doing what?’ She said, ‘Going out there and driving.’” His initial reaction was that affording an antique race car just wasn’t feasible for the couple. But as luck would have it, that assumption didn’t end the possibility. Saettel started thinking about building a car from the ground up, and he says, “Just a couple weeks later, there was an ad for an engine and transmission,” in an auto paper. “That’s what got me started.” Five years and dozens of swap meets later, Saettel had pieced together a remarkable racecar made from parts of various pre-1950 automobiles. The frame rails came from a ’28 Oldsmobile, the rear axle is from a ’39 Ford, the transmission’s a ’39 Ford, and the engine’s a ’47 Ford, he said. The rear body piece was modified from two ’55 Chevy deck lids, the front grille is the top two-thirds of a ’37 Ford truck. “I drew a lot of designs on paper,” he said
hiTTing The TrACK Wally Saettel will race in the following AARA races this season in Ohio: July 1-2 in Van Wert, September 10-11 in Celina and September 16-17 in Lima. For more information about the AARA or race schedules, visit www.antiqueautoracing. com.
with a knowing laugh. “The mistakes are easier to get rid of with an eraser than with a welding torch.” Building the car himself saved tremendously on costs. “I think I’ve only got about $6,000 in the car,” he says. Purchasing a finished car would have cost at least twice as much. History is what determines the price, Saettel said, noting that if a famous driver has raced the car, the value goes up exponentially. When his car was finished in 2000, Saettel started driving it in all six AARA races each season in Ohio and Michigan. At the time, he was 67 years old. Now, 11 years later, he’s still driving the same car in the four races the AARA still runs each season. He laughs at the notion of having someone else drive the car for him. “People say to me all the time, ‘You drive it?’ and I say, ‘You think I’m going to spend five years building it and take a chance on letting someone else drive it?’ Not going to happen,” he said. And at 78, Saettel isn’t the oldest driver in the club; another member takes that honor at 87 years of age. Dian accompanies her husband to every race. When asked if she comes with him, Saettel smiled and answered enthusiastically, “Absolutely! This is her fault!” Dian is more involved now, too, serving as the organization’s treasurer. The cars don’t run at an Indy-car pace; 70
Current in Carmel
miles per hour is at the top end of the speed capabilities of most of the cars. In addition, the AARA is about preserving a tradition of racing, not about winning. “It’s not like we’re out there racing for the bean and beer money,” Saettel said, laughing. “Whether you finish first or finish last, you get the same thing: nothing.” It’s all about enjoying the race and upholding the tradition, so risking life and limb to get around one more car simply isn’t part of the process.” While the Saettels and others like them are keeping the antique auto racing tradition alive for now, numbers in the club are beginning to dwindle. Younger race enthusiasts simply aren’t getting involved in antique racing: “If [the cars] aren’t going 200 miles an hour, [younger fans] just aren’t interested … our youngest guy is about 35 years old, and he’s in it because his family’s in it.” Still, members like the Saettels aren’t just casual fans, they’re all-out enthusiasts.
June 21, 2011 | 19
iT’s gOLDen | CurrenT PuBLishing sPeCiAL seCTiOn | iT’s gOLDen Fiber linked to longevity - People who consumed higher amounts of fiber, particularly from grains, had a significantly lower risk of dying over a nine-year period compared to those who consumed lower amounts of fiber, according to a National Institutes of Health study released last week. Researchers divided study participants into five groups ranging from the lowest to highest dietary intake of fiber. Those who consumed the highest amount of fiber were 22 percent less likely to die over a nine-year period compared to people who consumed the least amount of fiber. Men with the highest fiber intakes had a 23 percent reduction in the risk of dying, while women had a 19 percent reduction compared to those eating the least amount of fiber. -www.wsj.com Grapes fight pain – Red grapes contain resveratrol, a powerful compound that blocks the enzymes that contribute to tissue degeneration. The evidence: In lab experiments at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, resveratrol protected against the kind of cartilage damage that causes back pain. Although the research is preliminary, it can’t hurt to fill up on foods rich in resveratrol, including blueberries and cranberries, which contain other powerful antioxidants as well. Resveratrol in red wine is far more easily absorbed due to the form it is in. -aarp magazine
Home modifications can reduce the risk of falls By Jordan Fischer Current Publishing As the American population ages, and health care costs continue to rise, more and more seniors are considering “aging in place” – or remaining at home during their golden years, rather than moving to a senior living community. Often, the process of aging in place is one of modifying seniors’ existing homes to accommodate their changing needs and concerns. Chief among those concerns are safety and mobility. “As we age, we all want to retain our independence and live at home,” said Nathan Feltman, president of Home Health Depot, which offers home health products and home modifications for aging customers. “The biggest impediment to doing so is an injury as a result of a slip and fall accident,” Feltman said. “Having reduced mobility or another disability, in many cases, does not mean you have to give up your home and your independence.” According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, every year one in three senior citizens aged 65 and above will suffer from a slip and fall accident. Of those, 20-30 percent will suffer injuries that are severe enough to impact their ability to lead active, independent lives. According to Feltman, home modifications
Every year one in three senior citizens aged 65 and above will suffer from a slip and fall accident.
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can prevent or minimize opportunities for slip and fall accidents to occur, particularly in the bath. “We will go into a home and do major renovations and modifications to a bathroom to allow someone who’s confined to a wheelchair to be able to wheel themselves into a shower and bathe,” Feltman said. “Or, for somebody that isn’t able to step over a tub, for example, we can install a new bath system so it’s much easier to get in and out.” For more information about healthy aging and risks specific to the senior population, visit http://www.cdc.gov/aging/.
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Leave shoes by the door Walking through your house in shoes you wear outside tracks in allergens and contaminants. One study found that lawn chemicals were tracked inside the house for a full week after application, with most chemicals concentrated around the entryway. Shoes also carry in pollen and other allergens. -www.msn.com
Walks provide memory boost - Mild exercise such as walking can boost brain volume and improve memory in older adults, researchers have found. The hippocampus is the part of the brain involved in the long-term memory of places, people, events and things. This part of the brain shrinks with age, limiting memory. Researchers found that the size of the hippocampus increased in a group of participants who exercised regularly for six months. Participants who did not exercise experienced the expected decrease in size. -www.livescience.com Cheaper heartburn drugs – The top brand-name heartburn drug is Nexium. It costs about $203 per month to take one of these 20-mg pills daily. Switching to generic Omeprazole costs about $19 per month and the dosage is the same. That change means a monthly savings of $184. -consumer reports
20 | June 21, 2011
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Sites like homeexchange.com have listings of hundreds of thousands of vacation homes from all over the world.
Swap your vacation home, travel for less Current Publishing You have a condo with a fantastic city skyline view. They have a place overlooking a Caribbean beach. You want to go there. They want to come here. Several programs let you exchange your home with other vacationers, thereby eliminating the cost of lodging and enjoying a comfortable upgrade over a cramped hotel room, according to bankrate.com. One such program is Intervac International Home Exchange. The service charges a $65 anDon’t Kick the Turkeys – It is only Reverend Thompson’s third day as Pastor of New Hope Church in this two-act comedy. His secretary lays down the law at the office, the most prestigious member of the congregation is on the war path, and an eccentric lay-person presents some far-out ideas for Sunday morning’s special. The calamity and humor only escalate when a daycare moves into the church after the pipes in their own building burst. The play will be presented June 24 and 25 at 7:30 p.m, Family Praise Center, 2140 Greenfield Ave. Noblesville. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at familypraisecenter. com.
Great pillow for traveling – The Komfort Kollar lets you sleep sitting up. This memory foam pillow supports your cervical spine from every angle and brings comfort you never experienced with other pillows — perfect for airplane, train or car travel. Available for $49.85 at www.magellans.com.
nual membership for U.S. listings and $95 for international listings. It isn’t uncommon for users of Intervac to exchange homes with other users a dozen times or more, even swapping with vacationers in several other countries for a few weeks at a time. Another home exchange site is HomeExchange.com, which charges a $99.95 fee for unlimited membership for one year. Some HomeExchange.com users estimate they’ve saved an average of $2,000 per week of vacation by eliminating lodging costs. iPods can affect hearing – Hearing loss typically develops slowly from prolonged exposure to thousands of high-decibel insults to the ear, many of which come from everyday gadgets, like iPods or hair dryers. MP3 players set at 50 percent volume can pump out sounds up to 101 decibels, well over the recommended safety threshold. To combat this, keep your MP3 player’s volume as low as possible and noise-canceling earbuds to block out ambient sounds, reducing your need to jack up the volume. -www.prevention.com
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Gardening benefits seniors – A new study suggests gardening can add zeal and increase energy levels for older adults. Researchers from Texas A&M and Texas State Universities surveyed adult gardeners and non-gardeners on their perceptions of personal life satisfaction and levels of physical activity. More than 84 percent of gardeners agreed with the statement, “I have made plans for things I’ll be doing a month or a year from now” compared with only 68 percent of non-gardeners. Gardeners also expressed greater energy levels. Gardeners disagreed with the statement “I feel old and somewhat tired.” at a rate of 70.9 percent, whereas 57 percent of non-gardeners disagreed with the statement. -www.psychcentral.com
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2460 Glebe Street | Carmel, IN 46032 www.Stratford-Living.com Independent Living • Assisted Living Alzheimer’s Care • Skilled Nursing June 21, 2011 | 21
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When should you convert your savings into an annuity? Current Publishing Many older investors simply don’t have enough time before retirement to risk a big loss, and some retirement investors are using some of their nest egg to purchase an annuity. By buying a slice of guaranteed lifetime income, investors can be protected from future market declines while locking in a portion of their retirement needs. Annuity sales rose 17 percent in 2011’s first quarter from the year-earlier period, and were also up more than 5 percent from the fourth quarter of last year, according to the Insured Retirement Institute, an industry trade group. The bulk of annuity sales are of variable annuities (VAs), which allow investors to place assets in mutual funds and therefore participate in stock market gains. VA assets hit a record $1.6 trillion at the end of March, the Institute said. However, Fidelity Investments is recommending a deferred variable annuity that includes what’s known as a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB). It allows investors to participate in future market gains while still protecting them from market declines. If at age 60 you buy a GLWB for $100,000, for example, Fidelity will charge you $2,500 a year to provide income for your lifetime and that of a surviving spouse. In return, you are guaranteed annual income payments of $5,000 a year. Fidelity puts your $100,000 into a balanced mutual fund that has 60 percent of its assets in stocks and 40 percent in bonds. If the market does poorly and your account value slips below $100,000, you’ll still be promised $5,000 in annual payments. But there are some fundamental questions Save on taxes – If you’re looking for a domestic retirement tax haven, seven states-Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming--don’t tax personal income at all. New Hampshire and Tennessee tax interest and dividends but not other income. The rest of the states have broad income taxes but give old taxpayers breaks, some quite generous. A 2010 study from the University of New Hampshire and Georgia State calculates that retirees pay, on average, only half the state income tax of working folks with the same income. -www.forbes.com Co-housing a growing trend – Co-housing, a new breed of senior communities, are a cluster of about 20 to 60 single-family houses gathered near a central home or building. Each person owns a home, but they also are contractually obligated to pay monthly dues for a house all members share -- at which the entire community may have weekly meals together and shared amenities or services,
22 | June 21, 2011
Annuity sales rose 17 percent in the first quarter of 2011. that need to be addressed before buying an annuity: 1. Annuities are illiquid. If you change your mind, there may be steep fees for the early sale of the annuity. Can you afford to leave your annuity funds untouched for a long time? 2. Are you so far away from retirement that it would be better to leave your retirement funds in the market? 3. What are the financial and tax consequences of assembling the funds needed to buy an annuity? Annuity gains are free from taxes until the product “annuitizes,” or begins generating retirement income. 4. If you already have enough income from Social Security and pensions to pay your fixed expenses, do you really need another layer of guaranteed income, or would you be better off leaving your funds in the market? -www.money.usnews.com
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like landscaping or even a nurse or caregiver who comes regularly. Community members meet to decide how to spend the monthly dues. Co-housing developments are usually less expensive than continuing care facilities and offer more privacy. -www.smartmoney.com
When a simple motion can trigger immense pain, perhaps it’s time to consider joint replacement. Ranked in the top 5 percent in the nation for joint surgery, the Center for Hip & Knee Surgery is known for using the most advanced joint replacement techniques and for low complication rates. A pain-free future can be a wonderful reality.
Ditch the fat wallets – The bulge caused by fat wallets is ugly – and bad for you, too. Sitting on a thick wallet can stress your back and cause pain. “You’re elevating your pelvis on one side, which bends the spine,” says Stuart McGill of University of Waterloo, Ontario. “You’re also compressing the sciatic nerve, which runs behind your hip.” Move the wallet from your back pocket, or switch to a much slimmer version. It’ll force you to edit the cards, cash, and trash you’re carrying now. -www.menshealth.com
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6/13/11 5:08 PM
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Your on-the-go life may be wearing you down COMMEntaRY By Dr. Richard Mason These days, Americans are living more than ever with the candle burning at both ends, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Whether it’s a busy work schedule, kids’ sporting events, or a work deadline, people seem to be constantly on the go. The human body has an inherent ability to cope with these stressors; but it can’t compensate forever. When the body has been pushed for too long, inevitably consequences occur. An imbalance with stress hormones is the most common result. These hormones are your fight or flight chemicals that come out when you are going through a stressful event. An emotional stressor like divorce or a death will trigger this response; but so will rushing around with no down time. By far the most common stressor to the body besides emotional stress is dietary stress. Skipping meals, low calorie dieting, and consuming too many sugars in the diet also stresses your body as it tries to keep blood sugar regulated. The most common stress hormone is cortisol, which is produced by your adrenal glands and sits on top of your kidneys. Common symptoms of elevated cortisol are weight gain around the midsection, feeling stressed and wired, and not being able to regulate energy due to blood sugar being up
At your age, you still set your own limitations
and down all day. Eventually as cortisol continues to be elevated the body cannot keep up and levels fall. Common symptoms of low cortisol include: Difficulty getting up in the morning, feeling lightheaded upon standing, brain fog (where memory and mental focus are off), fatigue not relieved by sleep, and craving salty foods. In either case, when these symptoms appear they often do so gradually; and proper treatment includes assessing cortisol levels and undergoing nutritional and lifestyle changes to return them to normal. Checking cortisol levels is best done through a saliva sample taken several times through the day, as cortisol levels are different in the morning versus the evening. A blood test will not accurately assess levels as they change through the day, compared to saliva taken several times through the day. The good news is balancing these levels usually requires no medication; and the lasting results are fantastic. If you can relate to any of the above symptoms, then your body is telling you something is wrong. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is listen to it.
COMMEntaRY By Marcia Wilson I’ll never forget the first time I heard those three little words. This new doctor, who looked like Doogie Howser’s little sister, starting a sentence “At your age…” and running off a litany of tests that were appropriate “at your age…” – and my apparently aging brain is thinking, “She knows nothing about me but my age!” I just went in for a tetanus shot for goodness sake, preparing for a rim to rim to rim hike in the Grand Canyon, and now I find out that “at my age” I probably better just sit in a rocking chair in the lodge sipping hot chocolate waiting for my next test. Really, what exactly does “at your age” mean? Explain “at your age” to our 98 year-old family friend flying off to Phoenix with her 90 year-old friend to meet his family; then explain “at your age” to a friend who is 30 years younger and sitting in a nursing home with dementia. Dr. Mark Lachs, author of Treat Me, Not My Age explains that we all age very differently.
Dr. Richard Mason is the owner of Mason Family Chiropractic & Wellness in Fishers, and holds an M.S. in nutrition. Mason can be reached via email at rmason@masonfamilychiro.com
“If you’ve seen one eighty year-old, you’ve seen one eighty year-old,” Lachs wrote. It would be foolish to pretend that getting older doesn’t come with a few challenges, but we are learning that many of our challenges come from lifestyle rather than age, and that it’s never too late to start making changes that can improve our energy, balance, strength and mobility. Nothing is guaranteed in life, but we have options that hedge our bets in favor of extending our years of independence and improving the quality of our lives. So remember, at your age (be that 20 or 120) you can choose, you have options. I’m not an expert – I don’t even play one on TV, but we’ll continue to explore aging in a more positive light instead of accepting “AT YOUR AGE.” Marcia Wilson holds an M.A. in gerontology and teaches exercise courses for aging adults in Fishers. Wilson can be reached at wanderw@ iquest.net.
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DISPATCHES » Pimco’s picks – Anne Gudefin, Pimco’s top stock picker, said the company bought BP (BP) in the second quarter of last year when many were negative about the company. “We were able to buy very good assets at a very cheap price,” she told Fortune. “Since then it’s rebounded strongly, but we still think it’s a value.” She said they also own Danone (DANOY), which is the only large food company that gets 100 percent of its sales from healthy products. It does half of its sales in emerging markets and still has room to expand globally. -Fortune » Online pawn shop launched – Groupon founders Eric Lefkofsky and Brad Keywell, who now run investment firm Lightbank, have partnered with online pawnbroker Internet Pawn to launch Pawngo, an online pawn shop. The site aims to redefine the old fashioned brick-and-mortar pawn shop in the online space by offering customers “a more practical and affordable option to credit card loans and payday lending to get cash quickly without going into debt,” the company announced in a statement. -www.walletpop.com
E. Davis Coots
James K. Wheeler
Daniel E. Coots
Jay Curts
Brandi A. Gibson
» Stocks that beat treasurys – Nervous investors are stampeding into the “safety” of Treasury bonds instead, driving up prices across the board. Should you follow suit? Here are 10 stocks that smartmoney.com says are better than these bonds: Altria (MO); Verizon (VZ); American Electric Power (AEP); Merck (MRK); Lockheed Martin (LMT); Johnson & Johnson (JNJ); DuPont (DD); M&T Bank (MTB); McDonald’s (MCD); Chevron (CVX). -www.smartmoney.com » Prisoners, the dead got tax breaks – A tax break that spurred car buying in 2009 was erroneously allowed in some cases, including claims made in the names of people who were in prison, dead or underage, said a recent U.S. report. The report said the IRS failed to identify 4,257 individuals who made qualified motor vehicle claims above a level the IRS had red-flagged as excessive. Altogether, these individuals claimed more than $151.1 million in QMV deductions, based on the inspector general’s 2010 review of 2009 returns. About $1 million in deductions went to 473 people in error “because the IRS did not have processes to identify the individuals were in prison, deceased or underage,” it said. -Reuters
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Liability protection with a pool INSURANCE Q&A By Andy Warren Question from Michelle S. of Westfield: We’re getting ready to open our pool for the summer and are slightly concerned we don’t have all of our bases covered when it comes to protecting ourselves. What are the important issues? Response from Andy Warren: • Issues – The most important thing to remember as a pool owner is that you make sure that your insurance agent knows you have a pool. Failure to notify your agent can result in denied claims and the liability risk falling completely on you. This is very important to remember if you add a pool to your existing property. Forgetting to notify your agent can expose you to some serious unwanted risks. Carriers have varying requirements and pricing schemes when it comes to pools. Independent insurance agencies have access to many carriers and will be able to find the best combination of price and coverage for your needs. • Coverage recommendations – I recommend at least $1 million in liability coverage for all of our clients that have a homeowner’s policy. I would also advise adding an additional $1 million of coverage by adding an umbrella liability policy to protect you and your family against catastrophic claims. • Claim prevention – Having adequate insur-
ance in place protects your assets if an incident occurs, but it does nothing to prevent something from happening. Liability almost always falls on the pool owner and staying on top of your responsibility to keep your pool safe and secure is just as important as having the proper insurance in place. A safety pool cover protected by lock and key is probably the best place to start. A quality cover completely seals the pool and prevents accidental access to the water by unwanted visitors, children and pets. Making sure your pool is protected by a fence is also a good idea, but no fence is unconquerable. Andy Warren is with Shepherd Insurance & Financial Services. Have a question you’d like to ask? E-mail it to asktheadvisor@shepherdins. com.
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“I wish I owned a winery in California. The lifestyle, scenery, and vibe of California associated with wine would be relaxing and wonderful.” Brad Tingwald
“My dream job is just to be able to stay home and take care of my kids. Getting them to their extra-curricular activities and helping them do what they want is my dream.” Emily Freymiller
Address: 19003 Course View Rd. (Prairie Crossing on Noblesville’s near-west side) Age: Built in 2006 Style: Traditional American/ranch Rooms: Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, great room, bonus room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room. Strengths: Meticulously kept ranch on Fox Prairie #7 fairway. Screened porch and patio have lovely view of golf course. Kitchen has granite counters, stainless appliances and breakfast bar. Master has double sinks, garden tub and separate shower. Huge 20’ x 12’ bonus room upstairs is being used as workout room, but could be kids play area or man cave. Negatives: None that stand out to me. Listed with Gene Ott of F. C. Tucker Company. Office: 317-776-0200 Kurt Meyer is a Noblesville resident, freelance writer and realtor for F.C. Tucker. Contact him at 317.776.0200 or kurtmeyer@talktotucker.com.
Greek’s Pizzeria is bringing its famous tastes to Noblesville with its second Hamilton County location. The Indiana pizza chain recently opened its latest franchise in Noblesville at 216 South 10th Street under owner Josh Trisler. The very first Greek’s opened in 1969 under founder Athanasios Chris Karamesines. After working for many of the mainstream pizza chains and learning the ins and outs of their ingredients and the pizza industry as a whole, Karamesines started his unique pizzeria when he was just 17 years old. Today, Greek’s still sets itself apart through its use of all fresh, high-quality ingredients. Greek’s dough is made fresh daily using special waters at precise temperatures. Greek’s uses only fresh vegetables and creates a delicious cheese using a custom blend of real milk cheeses instead of using skim milk products, which are less expensive. The pizzeria incorporates a Greek style across its menu, from its Greek salads and feta cheese bread to its variety of specialty pizzas, including Greek’s Special – which combines Greek’s special tomato sauce, Italian sausage, Spanish onions, bell peppers, baked ham, sliced mushrooms and extra pepperoni. 216 South 10th, Noblesville Phone: 773-4444 | Web site:www.greekspizzeria.com
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DISPATCHES » Verizon launches 4G in Indy – Verizon Wireless claims its customers in Indianapolis are now able to surf the Web, download files and share music and photos up to 10 times faster than before with Verizon Wireless’ 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) network, launched last Thursday. According to Verizon, 4G LTE users should experience average data rates of 5 to 12 megabits per second (Mbps) on the downlink and 2 to 5 Mbps on the uplink, so customers inside the I-465 loop can enjoy the fast speeds of the world’s first large-scale 4G LTE network. » Census data tracks diseases – When you filled out your census form, you helped computer scientists model how diseases spread in the United States. Over the last four years, National Institutes of Health-supported researchers have been transforming anonymized data from the 2000 Census — which described the country’s 281 million people and 116 million households — into a virtual U.S. population. They finished the “synthetic population” in 2009 and are updating with 2010 data. By integrating the population into their computer models, researchers can better simulate the spread of an infectious outbreak through a community and examine the best ways to intervene. -www.livescience.com
Family Owned
Tips for evaluating online reviews TECHNOLOGY By Gary Hubbard One of the promises of the Internet was to give everyone a voice, and today, anyone can say anything on just about anything from just about anywhere. Mobile devices, social networks, review sites and the ability to comment on just about anything has created a massive wave of user-generated content that is now seemingly everywhere. And let’s face it, we all love word-of-mouth referrals when we are trying to make decisions, so learning how to digest all this new “noise’” can make the information invaluable. Here are some basic tips: Tip No. 1: Never base your decision on a single voice. The term “astroturfing” was coined to describe posts or comments made by someone with an agenda. Fake reviewers are flooding the Internet with comments that appear to be from real customers, but in fact are associated with the entity being reviewed (overly positive) or a competitor (overly negative). Tip No. 2: The truth is usually in the middle. Much like our political landscape, there are extremists on both ends, but reality tends to live somewhere in the middle. Take overly positive or negative comments with a grain of salt (especially if there are only
a handful of total reviews), and focus on the ones in between. Tip No. 3: Dig into the negative comments. If you only look at the summary rating of all the comments, you could be missing out on the real info. For example, a friend was researching hotels in the coastal hill towns of Italy and came across an amazing looking budget hotel that only got a rating of 7 out of 10. (Most of the surrounding options were getting 8s and 9s). When she read the negative comments, they all had the same complaint about how many stairs they had to climb to get around the area (in an ancient hill town, really?!?). By digging a little, she found the review ratings for the actual facilities and views were spectacular, resulting in a great find many would have just passed over. Tip No. 4: Check a reviewer’s other reviews. One of the easiest ways to uncover “astroturfing,” especially with overly negative comments, is to see what else that person has posted. We had someone post a negative review about one of our stores, which obviously caused us great concern. When we couldn’t find any service records for the inciden they claimed they had, we checked to see what other reviews this person had posted. We quickly determined it was a small com-
petitor, because he posted similar negative comments on many different computer service companies’ profiles in the same date range and often referred to his own company as a better option. You can also determine if a reviewer is just negative about everything in life no matter what they are reviewing (food, services, hotels, etc.) and take their comments with a grain of salt. Tip No. 5: The more, the better. The more comments on a single profile or item, the less effective astroturfing by those with an agenda will be, so seek out resources that have lots of user comments. If no single source has more than a handful of comments, try to find several other sites that have comments on the same item, service or profile so you get a large enough crowd to pull info from. Lastly, remember those with an ax to grind are far more motivated to post comments than those who had a good or great experience, so be wary when only glowing reviews exist. And seeing how the entity responds to negative comments can be very telling as well! Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services – www.datadoctors.com. Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors. com
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28 | June 21, 2011
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End to the cheating epidemic is within us Relationships By Rachel Noble In this series, I’ve discussed the various personality types of female cheaters. There’s the woman I call “disregarded” (possibly ignored and not experiencing any passion in her relationship). Then there’s the “scorned woman” (the gal who seems ruthless in her cheating). And finally, I couldn’t help but mention “the mistress” (the woman who goes after the married man). There is no excuse for cheating, but looking into these women’s backgrounds and personality types may help us to understand how to help these ladies in their recovery. The root of a lot of bad behavior can be insecurity and/or fear. For instance, an insecure woman may unhealthily seek the attention of multiple men (because it is humanly impossible for one man to fill her bottomless pit of neediness). And a woman who is constantly in fear of being cheated on or abandoned may lash out by beating her mate to the punch and cheating on him. If fear and insecurity truly are the reasons women cheat, then ladies, it’s time to start working on our self-esteem. Counseling is certainly a good start, but I also believe daily affirmations are an additional method of healing. When you get up in the morning, are driving in your car, or are waiting on an appointment to show up, use this quiet time to reflect on
your own personalized affirmations. Say things such as, “My past will not dictate my future,” “I choose to be a woman of excellence,” “I am loved just for being me,” “I am the only person in charge of my own happiness,” and so on. It is amazing how our thoughts will begin to dictate our behavior! In addition, our new positive thoughts need to become our new positive words. Have you ever been around a gal who constantly talks about the bad treatment she received as a child or the jerks she has dated? It’s as if she can’t move on and her actions mirror the bitterness in her heart. Gals, we can counter those bad thoughts and words by constantly catching ourselves doing so and then immediately coming up with positive rebuttals. Eventually, this behavior will turn around. You’ll find yourself drawing good people and relationships and letting go of bad decisions, behaviors and influences. Men, next up will be some thoughts on how you can contribute to the end of the female cheating epidemic and what you can do if you have been a victim of this behavior. Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at nobleadvice@yahoo.com.
7601 E SR 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming
13010 TREATY LINE ST. $619,000 BLC#21101172 Take the prize with this exhilarating 4BR/3+BA Traditional-style. 2 fireplaces, 3-car grage. Huge foyer, garden tub.
12451 SPRINGBROOKE $285,550 BLC# 21105997 Impeccibly maintained 5BR/2.5Ba Hm w/ lots of upgds, grnt isle, full fnsh bsmt, Woodbrook Elem. Waterstone amenities. Must See!
5203 AVIAN WAY $399,900 BLC# 21104063 Discover the delights of this custom blt Carmel Gem! Features: 4/5BR,3+BA & 3 frplcs! Enjoy the lakefront, 3C Gar. Soaring GR & Fin. Bsmt!
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625 MARANA DRIVE $203,500 BLC# 21105409 Set your sights on luxury in this exceptional 3BR/2+BA condo. Security system. Walk-in closets, Dual Vanities. Patio.
12503 CARMEL GARDEN $156,900 BLC#21100280 New price/new carpet 2BR 2 bath w/bsmt in heart of Carmel! Deck, wooded views, near Monon & downtown Carmel Shops & restaurants. Excellent Value!
13283 COLLIERS CT $227,500 BLC# 21120835 Enhance your life with this cul-desac 3BR/2+BA residence on a corner lot. Gas fireplace, Huge foyer, high ceilings.
13551 SILVER SPUR $230,900 BLC# 21116152 Match your dreams to this cul-de-sac, fenced 4BR/2+BA Traditional-style. 3-car garage. Bonus room, walk-in closets.
HELEN METKEN, 281-7020
LAURA GIVENS, 219-9601
HELEN METKEN, 281-7020
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Where pride properly resides SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters Years ago I had a colleague who would compliment my work by saying, “I’m proud of you.” It annoyed me. I took pride in my own work and it was both unsatisfying and a little creepy, frankly, to have my work evaluated from the standpoint of someone else’s overreaching pride. I, um, had plenty of pride of my own. A decade later I began attending church, discovered my life in Christ, was well-mentored by some amazingly intelligent Christians, read the Bible, and over time began to look really, really hard at the pride in my own life vs. the humility of Jesus Christ. No way have I “cured” my own pride, but I now understand pride from a biblical perspective. And that perspective is this: Pride is the Lord’s alone. The Lord is humble, yet only in Him may pride properly reside. Simple, huh? I know … it’s a seeming three-way collision of intellect, logic and faith, the kind that keeps “smart” people out of church. But once we understand pride as a “God” thing, humility as a “Jesus” thing, and faith as a human thing, it starts to make sense. The Bible talks about pride a lot. In the Old Testament, where we learn so much about God, God is constantly telling people that their human, worldly pride will be their undoing, that it
is willful, arrogant, foolish, sinful and in several ways destructive to them and offensive to God. The problem boils down to this: God tells man in Ezekial 28:2, “In the pride of your heart, you say ‘I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god’ … but you are a mere mortal and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god.” The modern dictionary isn’t much help here, because it defines “pride,” generally, as “justifiable satisfaction.” What God says throughout the Bible is that the “pride” He detests is mankind’s misplaced, unjustified, self-satisfying and self-directed glory, which I interpret to be the biblical opposite of “justifiable satisfaction.” Glory is God’s, not ours. Pride belongs to God’s wisdom, not man’s. Jesus sets our standard and example: He was humble before God and Man. Therefore, rather than harboring pride in our human selves and worldly situations, our pride must reside in our faith that Christ is our sovereign Lord. God knows, it’s no sin to be proud of that. Bob Walters (www.believerbob. blogspot.com, email rlwcom@aol. com) is thankful for God’s blessings rather than proud of the shiny spots in his life.
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DISPATCHES » Free seminar – Case Design/Remodeling President Larry Greene will offer free kitchen and bath remodeling seminars Thursday, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Indiana Design Center, 200 South Range Line Road, Carmel. Please register at caseadmin@irndy.rr.com or by calling 846-2600. » Remove paint from your floor – Do you have oil, paint, marker, lipstick, ink or tar stains on your floor? On vinyl, use a clean cloth dampened with warm water and detergent; on wood and plastic laminates, use some nail-polish remover. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, steel wool, and heavy scouring on any flooring. -Consumer Reports » Pick a powder – Choose powder blushes/ bronzers and eye shadows during the summer; cream formulas melt in the heat. For long-lasting color, first dab on a mattifying gel, like Paula’s Choice Shine Stopper Instant Matte Finish ($22, paulaschoice.com). “It creates a dry base that helps color stick, but it’s not as thick or heavy as a primer,” says star makeup artist Carmindy. Too much primer may actually cause your foundation to slip in the humidity. -www.goodhousekeeping.com
This power of blue is new COMMENTARY By Vicky Early Ah …. life is good when it includes a lazy summer afternoon, sweet tea, a long, white porch and, of course, a blue porch ceiling. A blue ceiling? Yes! A recent trip to Charleston, South Carolina revealed a color tradition that was totally alien to me. I learned you can ask just about any Savannah, Georgia native what they know about “haint blue” and they will tell you that, obviously, painting a porch ceiling blue will make daylight last longer! Doesn’t everyone know that? The more staid historical reason this pale blue has been selected over other hues was its ability to ward off evil spirits, better known as “haints” This belief in the folklore of color and the effect on restless souls has led southerners to refer to pale blue shades used on a house as “haint blue.” The Gullah population of South Carolina, descendants of Southern plantation slaves, is thought to be the originator of this colorful tradition. As with most cultural heritage, this belief has been passed down from generation to generation through storytelling. A fear of haunts or “haints” is the core of the practice of painting with pale blue, since the Gullah culture believed these spirits could not cross water. To confuse the offending ghosts, a bluish mixture of lime, milk and other pigments was used to paint each and every opening of a home … including the ceiling. The legend surrounding the restless spirits and the purpose of light blue spread beyond southern borders. Prospect Place, a historic mansion
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that was a station along the Underground Railroad, is reported to be one of the most haunted mansions in the state of Ohio. The builder of Prospect Place, abolitionist George Adams, painted the sleeping quarters shades of “haint” blue on the advice of household staff that had migrated from the south. In 2011, there are those who believe that haint blue can repel insects almost as well as it can manage restless spirits! The theory is that a porch ceiling painted in “haint blue” will look like a big blue sky to the pesky flying creatures and discourage them from making a home on the exterior of a house. I think it is more likely that the primary ingredient of lime in the original milk paint formulas was what deterred the insects, rather than the color. Since current paint formulas do not contain lime, it is best to simply appreciate the color for its history and be prepared to greet the insects with a flyswatter and tissue. If you believe “haint blue” is merely an amusing piece of folklore and has had no influence on your decorating choices in the Midwest, you might want to think again. The last time you painted a baby boy’s room a soft shade of blue or held him close wrapped in a pale blue blanket, you welcomed “haint blue,” the trusted protector of all baby boys, into your home!
Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.
Riverview Medical Group Pediatrics is now pleased to offer three convenient locations. Help us celebrate the opening of our newest location by visiting Fishers Pediatrics Kids Day on Saturday, June 25, from 9am to noon. Featuring Radio Disney, Meet the Docs, health information, games, and more. For additional information, please call (317) 770-5835. event location: 14540 prairie Lakes Blvd. Noblesville, iN 46060 (317) 578-4193
Mark Ambre, MD
Noblesville 12:21 PM June6/15/11 21, 2011 | 31
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A better outdoor life could be right in your backyard COMMENTARY By Randy Sorrell “Solutioneering” and “retro-fits” consume our projects. Just about every situation requires a little of each. Too much sun on the patio and in need of a shady solution? Not enough time for a full workout but would like a quick endorphin buzz? Packed social calendar and have to choose the highest fun opportunity? Random thoughts regarding random things. • Incredible outdoor living spaces can dramatically alter how you live. Sure, you’ve read it here for years. Emotional stories of recent converts are compelling and a gift. I think we (our collective society) are starting to get it. Turn off the TV / smart phone / laptop and go outside. Arrange a date night on the patio. Celebrate something and breathe / laugh / smile / heal. That’s living! • Concrete and deck are not four-letter dirty words in outdoor living. Well, OK “deck” does have 4 letters. But these underrated surfaces, when used appropriately, can look fantastic and be the most appropriate surface. Think second-story decks or a deck landing that cascades onto a lower patio … or formal living environments with brick ribbons dissecting a concrete surface. • There is life beyond concrete pavers, circular seat walls with a cute fire pit in the middle. There is a place for such an
arrangement, but not every backyard in Hamilton County needs one. Be different. I predict that within the next few years, a resurgence of REAL will prevail. REAL natural stone patios like Pennsylvania blue stone, flagstone, travertine and limestone. Mix it up and combine the elements. No one will tell, but everyone will notice. • Experience is the most underappreciated asset, particularly as I approach the 20-year anniversary of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks. Gray-haired professionals know what works and why. We demand happy customers and respect talented staff. Nevertheless, I love mentoring recent landscape architect graduates whose creative juices are full throttle. • Creating moments and having fun have never been easier or more cost effective. Free and low-cost outdoor concerts can be discovered almost any evening of the week. Art walks, free admission to the IMA, fantastic parks, the Monon Trail, etc. Haven’t been to the Palladium yet? Save your bucks and get there. It will completely amaze your senses, politics aside. Both theaters will be open soon. Expect the same level of precision.
• If I had to hire a firm, other than mine, to transform my backyard or install a patio, it would be Vive, Pro Care, Aspen, Salsberry or Sundown. These guys are visionaries, professionals, leaders and who I want to be when I grow up. DO NOT hire your unemployed buddy who needs a little help. Have you ever heard of a favorable outcome from that arrangement? Me neither. Solutioneer and retro-fit your way to a better life! Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, randy@choosesurroundings.com or www.choosesurroundings.com.
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Stone flooring: Exclusive and exciting Commentary By David Decker You’re guaranteed to get a floor unlike any other with a natural stone floor. No two are ever alike. The exclusive look, feel and function of real stone flooring create an exciting home design palette from the ground up. Stone works well just about anywhere, but there are a few important things to know and consider when making the decision. Appearance – Just as no two rocks, no two snowflakes, no two trees or no two of anything else in nature are exactly the same, so it is with flooring tiles cut from quarried stone slabs. Variety is the spice of a natural stone floor owner’s life. Cost – You’re going to pay a few dollars per square foot for real stone compared with good ceramic or porcelain tile. Installation – Also more expensive than with man-made tiles, it is a professional’s laborious, intricate and time-consuming task to prepare, fit, cut, level and finish real stone flooring. Maintenance – Depending on the variety, real stone can be harder or softer, more dense or less dense, more porous or less porous. In just about every case, stone takes more maintenance and is harder to clean. Application – Stone is a handsome, luxurious floor surface just about everywhere, but you definitely want to think twice before installing a real stone shower, including flooring and/or
walls. The lime and calcium in central Indiana water love to stick to porous stone. Substitution – For a low-maintenance, consistent looking, less expensive alternative, man-made stone tiles have many of the same long-term characteristics of real stone with far less maintenance. Selection – Travertine, limestone, slate, granite and marble are just a few of the stone varieties available in nature’s spectrum of unlimited colors. They’ll never be exactly what you see in the showroom, but will be spectacular when they are installed. Value – No question, well-maintained real stone flooring enhances the real estate value of any home. Modern technology provides easier and cheaper ways of achieving a stone floor look, but nothing makes the same discerning statement or eyepopping appearance of authentic stone flooring.
David Decker is president of Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms, based in Carmel (877-252-1420, www.affordablekandb.com). Have a home improvement question? E-mail David at david.decker@ affordablekandb.com, and he will answer in an upcoming column.
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Dealing with cat urination problems
DISPATCHES » Adopt cats for less - All felines, kittens included, will be 50 percent off every Thursday at the Humane Society for Hamilton County until further notice. That’s just $37.50 or less for the fabulous feline of your choice including spay/neuter, microchip and vaccines. The hope is that the new Thursday incentive will encourage people to adopt a cat or kitten, opening space for the influx of felines that the shelter is already seeing due to “kitten season” and the continued increase in owner-surrendered cats. “In May alone, we have taken in numerous pregnant cats, dozens of orphaned kittens and nearly 100 stray and unwanted cats,” said Executive Director Rebecca Stevens. “When we see this kind of increase in arrivals, we also see an increase in illnesses among the animals due to overcrowding. By reducing the number of cats in our care, our hope is to prevent the spread of illness and cramped quarters for the felines who remain.” » Bark for Life - The American Cancer Society’s Bark for Life is a Relay for Life fundraising event that honors the care-giving qualities of canine companions and provides an opportunity to honor cancer survivors and remember those who have lost their fight with the disease. The event will take place June 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Dr. James A Dillon Park, 6001 Edenshall Lane, Noblesville. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the event is followed by a dog walk and other entertainment activities.
34 | June 21, 2011
PETS By Dr. Gregory Magnusson Cat urinary tract disease is a big problem. I can summarize 90% of my sick cat visits in one line: “Doctor Magnusson! The cat just peed on my Persian rug / pile of laundry / kid’s backpack and I’m seriously considering making her an outside cat or euthanizing her or sending her back to the shelter if you don’t FIX HER RIGHT NOW!” In this cat lover’s opinion, cats have only one major design flaw: kitties were designed with a poorly functioning elimination system. Specifically, their kidneys are weak, they don’t drink enough water, and the cat urinary tract suffers frequently from Feline Urologic Syndrome ( FUS ) aka Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease ( FLUTD ) aka Feline Idiopathic or Interstitial Cystitis ( FIC ) aka “if it has more than one name, that means we don’t really know what causes it”. Call it what you want, cats who pee on your stuff are no fun for anyone. Inappropriate urination is the #1 cause of cat surrender to animal shelters. It has been estimated that at any given time, 1.5% of all kitties in the US suffer from a cat urinary tract disorder. If we conservatively say there are at leastto 60 million Answers BUILD American homes with cats, that means that right now, somewhere, 900,000 American cats are straining to pee on a bathroom
rug. That’s a lot of cat pee where it’s not supposed to be, “outside the litterbox”. And it’s not just your cat, the neighbor’s cat is doing it too. Humans have been trained by our physicians to think that if something is bothering one’s bladder, it must be infection. But in cats, that’s simply not true. Fewer than 2% of cats presented to the vet for inappropriate urination have a bladder infection. And, despite what the pet food industry wants us to believe, only 20% have struvite or oxalate crystals in the bladder causing irritation (which can often be managed with diet). The bottom line to this discussion is simple: if something is bothering your kitty, take her to the vet. But when you do, keep an open mind. Vets are not just antibiotic-dispensing machines, we have other tests to run, other treatment tricks up our lab coat sleeves, and the problem may not be infection. The cat urinary tract is a mysterious beast and deserves respect, time and patience to treat and keep everyone living together, happily ever after.
In this cat lover’s opinion, cats have only one major design flaw.
Pets of the week Zecca is a 7 year old female fawn Boxer. Zecca is a very outgoing and fun-loving girl who enjoys playing with other dogs. She is good with cats and her favorite pastime is kissing as many people as she can. Zecca does have a condition known as gingival hyperplasia, meaning her gums have grown over her teeth. She will need surgery to correct the condition which will only enhance her already terrific smile. Zecca has a great temperament and would do well in a home with older children who will be gentle when playing with her. She is currently in a foster home, so please contact the staff at animalprograms@hamiltonhumane.com or 774-1263 to arrange an appointment to meet Zecca.
Kimba is a 5 year old female calico DSH. Kimba is a gorgeous girl who is very social and loves attention. She gets along well with dogs as well as other cats. Kimba is good with people of all ages and she especially enjoys the company of children and she has even been known to let them dress her up in cute outfits as if she were going to hit the runway. She is litter box trained and would love to find a home Dr. Magnusson, a practicing to call her own. Kimba qualifies for the PAWS veterinarian for the last Program - Partnering Animals with Seniors. If decade, is now the owner you are age 55 or older, you can adopt Kimba for of Leo’s Pet Care, a new WORDS: veterinary MICROSOFT, CITY, a reduced fee. ZEBRA, BLOOMINGTON, hospital locatedMICHIGAN at 106th and College. Contact Dr. Magnusson at DrM@ LeosPetCare.com or 317-7217387 (721-PETS).
For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974
Very spacious 3 bedroom & 2 full bath ranch with a finished basement in Carmel's Plum Creek Ridge. Features include a great room with fireplace, all white kitchen with center island, formal dining room, laundry room and a den/library. Master suite has a vaulted ceiling, walk-in closet and a private master bath with garden tub. Tiled sunroom overlooks the deck and lush landscaping. 3 car attached garage. Full basement with storage area. Close to the popular Plum Creek Golf Course and situated on a cul-de-sac lot! 3867 total sq ft.
Offered For Sale - $259,900
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Contact John Carnell for a private tour!
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(317) 590-7960
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Airplane streaking a good distraction from the boredom? HUMOR By Mike Redmond After reading two accounts in as many days of people disrobing, running around and creating what we shall call ruckuses on commercial airliners, I had to ask myself: “Gee, how come this never happens on any of the flights I take?” I do my share of zooming around in aluminum tubes, and it’s all pretty uneventful. While flying you can pass the time in several ways: Not sleeping, not reading, not listening to music, not talking to your seatmates, and of course not enjoying yourself because air travel is tedious at best and soul-crushing the rest of the time. Then you land and wait some more for your baggage, and start the process of dreading the return flight. See? Uneventful. No naked people. No ruckuses except maybe for the occasional bratty kid, but those are small amateur ruckuses compared to someone taking off all their clothes and whooping up and down the aisle. I remember my first flight on an airliner. Mom dressed us kids like we were going to church. Everyone else on the plane was dressed the same way. The attendants took special care of us, a single mother flying with four children, and went out of their way to see to our comfort even
though we were flying coach and, by today’s standards, therefore hardly worth much more than a passing glance as the drink cart rolled by. To be fair, I have had some extraordinary airline service. I am grateful (and say so) when it happens, but I know better than to expect it, despite what the commercials say. Get real. It’s like that guy on the intercom. He says he’s just pleased as punch to be flying my butt to Dallas but you know what? I don’t think he really means it. So I guess I’m just looking for something to replace the dreadful experience that is modern air travel. There is simply no joy in commercial flight anymore. I’d welcome the diversion of someone getting naked and causing a little in-flight excitement. Except that I just re-read the stories and found out that the people who did the disrobing were males, and crazy as loons. Darn. I was hoping for something along the lines of Sofia Vergara. Well, shoot. The last thing I need on my flight is a naked crazy man. The ones with their clothes on are bad enough. They always seem to be sitting next to me. And I’m pretty sure they say the same thing.
Granite Countertops Installed in a Day
Make breakfast on your old countertops and dinner on the new!
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Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.
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June 21, 2011 | 35
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36 | June 21, 2011
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5319.22.MQ.Current(2nd Size)-06:Layout 1 6/1/11 11:2
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2201 E. 106th at Keystone • Carmel (317) 846-1555 • www.kogcarmel.org Crossword 1
Hoosier Hodgepodge
34 41
59 63
50 54
61 66
Across 1. St. Vincent Sports Medicine regimen, for short 6. Walgreens competitor 9. Nordstrom suit material 14. Words of wisdom 15. Jiffy Lube item 16. Vietnam’s capital 17. Less tanned 18. Start of an Assembly Hall cheer: Gimme ___! (2 wds.) 19. Chain of hills 20. 30-day warning: Anagram of HAMILTON COUNTY (2 wds.) 23. However, briefly 24. KFC chicken order 25. There are two in Indiana? 26. Bean ___, Indiana 30. Cell-phone button 33. Ages and ages at the Indiana Geological Survey 34. Coffee holder at The Original Pancake House 36. Lutheran High School of Indianapolis athletes 40. Indy airport skycap, e.g. 43. Try to win the hand of 45. Rene’s Bakery supply 46. Said aloud 48. Meddle
31 36
47 51
35 43
25 30
Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.
Coupon required. Cannot be combined. Expires 07/15/11. CM0611
67 71
50. Butler fraternity letter 51. “Good grief!” 53. Damon Bailey’s hometown 56. Castleton clothing store 59. Indiana State Fair barn male 61. Carmel’s Kei purchase 62. Far from sacred hyperactive tyke: Anagram of HAMILTON COUNTY (3 wds.) 68. Hamilton Town Center unit 69. Indiana State Senator Glick or Landske 70. Pungent-smelling at the Noblesville Landfill 72. Colt foe from Tennessee 73. Day before a holiday 74. IU Health surgical tool 75. Reprimand a student at Hinkle Creek School 76. Was ahead in the Indy 500 77. Current news feature Down 1. Karma Records section 2. Dutch export at The Cheese Shop 3. Angel’s headwear 4. F.C. Tucker sellers 5. Beds on an Amtrak train 6. IPL fuel 7. LUNA Music record
Use logic to fill in the boxes so F every row, column L Q and A2 x L 3Fbox contains N A the D Gletters T AC-A-R-M-E-L. L I L
Build the Word Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once. ANC BLO BOBD CROS HIG ITY MI MIC NG OFT OMI RA TON YLAN ZEB 1) Computer Software Powerhouse (3)
6 U.S. Presidents
4 Indiana "Mr. Basketball"
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
5 Herbs
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
2) Northern Indiana Lake Town (4) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
3) Black & White Zoo Animal (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3 Indiana "Green" Cities
__________________ __________________ __________________
4) Mellencamp Home (4)
2 June Holidays
___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5) Like a Rolling Stone Singer (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__________________ __________________
1 County Seat of Boone Co.
8. Marsh deli salami servings 9. Like most Westfield streets 10. “Hold your horses!” 11. Many a film at Keystone Art Cinema 12. Access the Web (2 wds.) 13. PNC Bank property claims 21. Conseco Fieldhouse rim 22. Matures, like a wine at Vine & Table
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
26. Wagers at Hoosier Park 27. Indiana Beach roller coaster feature 28. “I’m ___ your tricks!” 29. Cut a swath for Emerald Green Lawn & Landscaping 31. City Council no vote 32. It’s spotted at Indiana Live! 35. OneAmerican Tower race: Bop to the ___
Current in Carmel
57. Shenanigan 37. Defense alliance acronym 58. Indiana driver’s license image 38. Old Russian autocrat car-mel-ku 60. Purple shade 39. Poker variety at Belterra 63. Face-to-face exam at UIndy 41. Barely manage, with “out” build the words 64. Do Chase Bank work 42. Pacers’ Miller, to friends 65. IUPUI scholarship criterion 44. Sphere seen from the 66. Guesstimate phrase (2 wds.) Holcomb Observatory 67. Lucas Oil Stadium seating 47. ___ a soul section 49. Abominable Snowman 71. Like some martinis at 52. Lady in distress Stacked Pickle 54. Purdue window stickers 55. Jim Davis’ Garfield, literally (2 wds.) 56. Chris Wright’s wind blasts
June 21, 2011 | 37
38 | June 21, 2011
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Bank Foreclosures Hamilton Co. Free list of Foreclosure Properties. Receive a FREE daily list by e-mail; www.hamiltoncoforeclosures.com
GOld and Silver Gold and Silver Event sponsored by Gold Trader Associates to be held at The UPS Store, 11057 Allisonville Rd., Fishers on Thursday, June 30th from 2PM-6PM. Bring in your gold, silver, and coins for cash. Call 594-9600 for further information.
7-line garage sale
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ad reaching 92,096
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Fishers, Noblesville
and Westfield
Garage Sale
SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Westfield Washington Schools Is now training bus drivers for the 2011-12 school year for permanent-substitute positions with advancement to permanent route driver as the routes become available. *Training is provided if not already CDL licensed. * Health and other benefits available upon becoming a permanent/sub driver. Call Westfield Washington Schools Transportation Department 317-867-8040 or 317-867-8041
Current in Carmel
Garage Sale! SAT 6/25 9-4pm 12681 Buckrun Dr. Noblesville Furniture, electronics, housewares, and more!
Come one, come all to the greatest garage sale on Earth! Fri. & Sat, June 24 & 25, 9 AM - 4 PM 4904 Woodfield Drive 146th to Gray Road South to Woodfield. Furniture, comforters & many great finds!
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www.youarecurrent.com 5/31/11 2:28 PM