Libman resigns; frank basile named interim director / P6 5319.2
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Curtain up!
©2011 IU Health 03/11 HY40311_2807 10.375” x 1.25” Strip Built at size (100%)
Feinstein, Pierce and the CRT will open The Tarkington Theatre / P9 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION
There’s strength in expertise. ©2011 IU Health 03/11 HY40311_2807
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3/18/11 4:21 PM
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Water usage Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. V, No. 37 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032
317.489.4444 Managing Editor – Kevin Kane / 489.4444 ext. 204 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Art Director – Zachary Ross / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson / 787.3291 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell
It is our position that these unusually dry times require special attention to our use of available resources. Even as many municipal utilities consider putting into place water usage limitations, we should take it upon ourselves to manage our use responsibly so we can make it through these hot, arid days of August. While circumstances may not require consideration every time the tap or garden hose is in use, careful and intentional use only makes sense. Attention to the cycle of lawn watering (evenings, not noon) and other conservation tactics are especially appropriate in these times. Cutting back can have a considerable positive impact. Although we do not believe that rationing or other restrictions on the free market are necessarily the solution, more thoughtful use of water only ensures plenty to keep plants alive and golf courses green. Saving water now will help prevent utilities departments from issuing water usage limitations in the future. In the meantime, we can hope for cooler days and a summer shower or two. July went down as one of the driest in Indiana’s history, but our collective effort can help make it tolerable.
Humane thinking
It is our position that, whenever possible, potential pet owners should look to the Humane Society for Hamilton County for the adoption of new family members instead of pet stores and breeders. Because the HSHC cannot turn away animals for any reason, the population at the shelter is always at or near maximum capacity with nearly 500 pets currently ready for adoption. The current economic situation and pet owners leaving for summer vacation has caused a flood of pets to be surrendered or abandoned recently, and the Humane Society needs willing citizens to adopt or foster pets to help with the overcrowding. Specialty breeds can be appealing, because you can choose specific features, size, etc. However, those animals can be expensive and are bred based on the demand of the public. While families may have a specific breed in mind to add to their brood, please consider looking at the HSHC for a pet to love. The Humane Society does a great service for our community, and we should rally around them in support as its populations are soaring. Contact the Humane Society at 773-4974.
The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.
Advertising Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749
Business Office Bookkeeper – Meagan Thomas / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
strange laws V E C TO R B U TT O NS . C O M V E C TO R B U TT O NS . C O M
Photo Illustration
Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.
In Virginia, citizens must honk their horn while passing other cars.
Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 8. Education Section 2. The Common School fund shall consist of the Congressional Township fund, and the lands belonging thereto; The Surplus Revenue fund; The Saline fund and the lands belonging thereto; The Bank Tax fund, and the fund arising from the one hundred and fourteenth section of the charter of the State Bank of Indiana;
Current in Carmel
The fund to be derived from the sale of County Seminaries, and the moneys and property heretofore held for such Seminaries; from the fines assessed for breaches of the penal laws of the State; and from all forfeitures which may accrue; All lands and other estate which shall escheat to the State, for want of heirs or kindred entitled to the inheritance; All lands that have been, or may hereafter be, granted to the State, where no special purpose is expressed in the grant, and the proceeds of the sales thereof; including the proceeds of the sales of the Swamp Lands, …
August 2, 2011 | 3
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FROM THE BACKSHOP New editor takes the helm of Current Change often is a wonderful fuel, and in this case we believe it’s absolutely great. In that vein, please welcome Carmel resident Kevin Kane as the new managing editor for Current in Carmel. Kevin has done noteworthy work as the top editor of our Noblesville newspaper, and we’re pleased to have him at the helm of the flagship of our operation. He should be no stranger to you, having coordinated content and contributed news stories off and on for the past few years here. You may reach Kevin at kevin@youarecurrent. com. Please share your story ideas, news tips and photographs with him at that address. ••• Here’s a thumbs-up to The Center for the Performing Arts for scheduling blues artists Cyndi Lauper and Dr. John for a 7:30 p.m. show on Oct. 27. Get your tickets now at Speaking of the Center … ••• We’re closing in on another jewel of an opportunity for Hamilton County arts enthusiasts, the gala for The Tarkington at The Center for The Performing Arts on Saturday. Tickets remain at $150 and $500, and it would be a wonderful way to support a really terrific venue. Those who purchase the $500 tickets will have a meet-and-greet with Mi-
Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg chael Feinstein and actor David Hyde Pierce, and a voucher for a show at The Palladium, a free show at The Tarkington and a free show in The Studio Theatre. We like that. ••• We have outgrown our space and are relocating to 30 S. Range Line Rd. in Carmel. The office will be easier to find, and there is ample parking for our visitors. We are scheduled to be open for business there by next Monday. ••• Clarification: We want to clarify our comments last week about the city’s study of an initiative to boost wellness with a clinic. We wanted to add that the purpose of the study is to determine if such a plan could be designed to save money for city employees AND taxpayers.
Back on the scene COMMENTARY By Kevin Kane Last week marked the beginning of Kevin Kane as Managing Editor of Current in Carmel: The Sequel. Some of you may recall my name or face from my first stint with this specific publication. I joined Current in October 2009 as the co-editor of both its Carmel and Westfield newspapers. Late last year, however, I was reassigned to plug a hole as the managing editor of Current in Noblesville. I’ve spent the last eight or nine months learning about and covering a city with which I had no prior experience and almost no background knowledge. It wasn’t easy, but I quickly got to know Noblesville, its issues and its people. Now, my coverage area again has been shifted from one side of the county to another, but this transition should be much smoother. After all, Carmel is my home base. I’m not starting from scratch here. In addition to covering Carmel previously, I’ve lived here (Central District beginning next year) now for nearly two years. Granted, two years is not a very long time at all, especially compared to the number of ©2011 IU Health 07/11 HY63511_4153 years that many of our readers have 5.1” x 5.4”, 1/4 Page, 4-color spent here. Still,atworking in my position greatly speeds Built size (100%) up the familiarization process. It works a lot like a tanning bed, actually. Just as frequent tan-
ning bed use could quicken the aging process and add years to my appearance, working as the editor of the local paper has sped up my integration into this community – and all others that I have covered. Before moving here, I spent my entire life as a Greenwood resident (with the exception of my four years in Bloomington). But there is no doubt in my mind that, after just two years in Carmel, I already know many more people and much more about this city than I ever knew about Greenwood – or even the entire south side. My job now is to continue building relationships and learning as much as I can about the city – and that doesn’t mean just covering City Council and Redevelopment Commission meetings, though those are important, too. I want to continue meeting the interesting people of Carmel and hearing their stories. Have a great story of your own or know a friend who does? Send an e-mail (the best way to contact me) to Kevin Kane is the managing editor of Current in Carmel. You can reach him via e-mail at Kevin@
Borrowed time COMMENTARY By Terry Anker To be sure, many of us have been duly blessed. We are blessed with a capacity for focus, hard work and the intellect to persevere when what we’d really like to super-size the French fries and watch another six hours of television. The debate is really nothing new. Since Ogg proved himself a better gatherer by routinely bringing home more food to the cave, someone has cried foul. It isn’t fair! Ogg is not held back by my disabilities. Ogg likes to work long hours in the heat of the sun. Besides those Ogg critics out there are not blessed with the capacity to get the job done. It is not their fault. They are victims to an Ogg-biased system that rewards folks gifted with a natural desire to work. How can it be fair to let those who like to work, can tolerate competition and enjoy risk have an advantage over those of us to whom such advantages are not bestowed by God, a social system
or generational government? In our own nation and time, we continue to debate about the proper, moral and ethical treatment that reallocates the labor of Ogg to his brethren less equipped to toil the sun. Unlike many, I embrace a need for some societal insurance – some might call it a safety net. But does finding the balance between stealing from Ogg and starving the infirm (or even the lazy) have to be so challenging? Like most, I give to charity. And like most, I’d like to give a lot more. But I do not borrow money to give it away. Is bankruptcy the answer our innate urge to be generous? Must we eat the chicken if we can live perfectly well on the eggs?
Meet experts who care at our family health fair.
Is bankruptcy the answer our innate urge to be generous? Must we eat the chicken if we can live perfectly well on the eggs?
4 | August 2, 2011
Join Dr. Denise Blad, Dr. Laura Johnson and the staff of IU Health Physicians Family Medicine - Carmel at a fun family health fair event to learn about the services and exceptional level of care they can provide to you and your family. Family Health Fair | Wednesday, August 17 | 1 pm – 6 pm Complimentary: n Blood pressure readings n AIC readings (finger stick)
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Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ ©2011 IU Health 07/11 HY63511_4153
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Current in Carmel
7/26/11 12:25 PM
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» Construction update – A 10-foot, multi-use path will be constructed on the south side of 106th Street from Keystone to Westfield Boulevard. Also included in this project will be a short segment of path from White Oak to LaSalle (on the east side of Keystone) to complete remaining path from the construction of the Keystone-106th Street interchange. The only remaining portion of the path includes Holaday Drive to Westfield Boulevard. This will be completed in early August. No lane closures are anticipated at this time. » Anti-bullying tour at CHS – Known as “America’s Youth Leadership and Anti-Bullying Coach,” Travis Brown hopes to educate students not to be bystanders to bullying in schools. He will be presenting to both students and educators at Carmel High School August 4 and 5 with three different sessions. Key messages students will learn: the definitions of bully, bystander, promoter and “Mojo Maker,” how to heal the pain from being bullied or being the bully, how to handle being bullied and more. For more information, visit » Special Olympics fundraiser – AVC Auto, Special Olympics Hamilton County (SOHC) and BearSlide Golf Course will be presenting their ninth annual fundraiser golf outing on August 5, beginning at 11:30 a.m. Team registrations are still being accepted as are sponsorships and donations. Cost of participating is $125. Visit to register or for details.
N o b l e s v i l l e / C a r m e l / We s t fi e l d / F i s h e r s
with no guard rails. I cowered under a sweatshirt while Doo fought nausea and vertigo to get us safely up and down. I can admit to at least two pairs of underwear that’ll never be the same again. • Fate found my childish behavior on Independence Pass funny, so she presented me with my own opportunities to commit vehicular manslaughter. The first was a nerve-racking drive over Vail Pass through nighttime torrential rain and violent lightning at 10,000 feet, and the second was a monster hail storm in Cheyenne that hit without warning. The sudden cacophonous white-out had me screeching to a halt and hyperventilating Le Maz-style until the adrenaline shakes subsided. “Mom-my!” • In addition to the usual Alphabet Game, Find All 50 License Plates, and Twenty Questions, my little entrepreneurs invented a new family road game: Mini-Van Mall. We had “Tattoo Me,” obviously an ink parlor, and “Where Dreams Come True,” a combo tat/massage joint. The girls employed the boys, one as an “artiste” and the other as, I kid you not, a mall cop. They “printed” their own money and covered each other in ballpoint pen drawings, but their endeavors kept squabbles to a minimum for a solid three hours. So we didn’t
complain. Viva la NAFTA! • Just off I-80 outside Sydney, Nebraska, is a gi-normous cow farm. The heavy stench of manure was so concentrated that it caused our high altitude pee-er to exclaim between cries of revulsion, “I actually feel like I’m eating poo!” Had we flown the friendly skies, we would sadly have missed out on this memorable aromatic experience. So here’s to the family road trip! Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@
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» Coburn Fest – Help support the programs at Coburn Place, a safe haven for women and children fleeing from domestic violence, by attending this year’s Coburn Fest on Sept. 17. The party, held at the Robert Irsay Pavillion (1303 W. 116th Street in Carmel) will run from 7 to 11 p.m. and will feature the Henle and The Loops. Tickets are $50 per person. For tickets or more information, visit
COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson I just returned from Colorado with the fam, and oh, the stories I could tell. Like our 10-year-old son urinating into a water bottle on a cog railcar halfway up Pike’s Peak. Awesome. Or losing our oldest for an hour while hiking Tenderfoot Mountain. Not so awesome. But I’d rather share the fun that can happen only when you drive 3,000 miles in a Dodge Caravan. Because let’s face it, family road trips not only make great movies, but also great memories. • My daughters and I decided to rank restroom facilities, and a Shell just outside Kansas City took the prize. At 3:30 a.m., we were pleasantly surprised by its cleanliness, smell, and lovely fresh floral arrangements. The worst, hands down, was at Country Boy Mine, where the original nineteenth-century outhouse has been left in all, and I do mean all, its authentic glory. “There’s more than gold in them thar hills!” • Doo drew the short stick when it came to driving from Colorado Springs to Aspen via Independence Pass. This is a road that takes you over the Continental Divide at 12,110 feet. It bullies you with narrow lanes, steep grades, switchbacks out the wazoo, and then steals your lunch money
» Rotary meeting – Rotary Club of Carmel will meet Friday, noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th St.. Program: Morgan Duca, Carmel Rotary Youth Exchange Student to Germany. Contact: Wendy Phillips 501-4955.
Road trip stories I won’t forget
Century Drive
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2000 East 116th Street, Suite 104 | Carmel, IN 46032 | 317-575-8338 Current in Carmel
August 2, 2011 | 5
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Libman leaves Center’s top post By Kevin Kane Steven B. Libman, president and chief executive officer of The Center for the Performing Arts, vacated his position last Friday afternoon for personal reasons, CurLibman rent first reported just before press time. Attempts to reach him proved unsuccessful. Frank Basile, a member of the board of directors, has been named to replace Libman on an interim basis. A search for Libman’s successor will begin in the near future, Mayor Jim Brainard told Current, adding, “Frank Basile will do a fine job leading the Center now and into the future.” Brainard said no timetable is in place at this time to name Libman’s eventual successor. Reached by phone after Libman’s departure and just before Basile was to address the Center’s employees, the interim leader told Current the future of the Center appears to be bright. “The Center for the Performing Arts has gotten off to a tremendous start,” he said. “We’re looking to take it to another level. We have an organization that is well qualified to move it in that direction. We’re excited about the future.” Libman moved to Carmel from La Jolla,
Calif., where he was a three-term managing director of the Tony Award-winning La Jolla Playhouse. During his time there, he helped the Playhouse achieve significant growth and record fundraising. He resigned Basile from this position in 2008 and was named executive director of Carmel’s arts center on Aug. 12, 2009. At the Center, he was responsible for creating strategic direction, hiring staff and booking acts for The Palladium, The Tarkington and The Studio Theatre. In May, the Center’s board of directors announced Libman’s contract had been extended through 2016. Current attempted to reach board President Rollin Dick, but he was said to be in a meeting. Basile is a philanthropist, having donated a sizeable amount to the Center, and a prolific, in-demand public speaker. He also is an author and columnist. He is the retired senior vice president of the Gene B. Glick Company, where he had responsibility for its 18,000 apartments and 655 employees in 11 states. Updates to this story will be posted at as soon they become available.
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6 | August 2, 2011
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Carmel attorneys transitioning after partner’s death By Kevin Kane One room in an office building on U.S. 31 is still kept and referred to as “Stephanie’s office.” It’s the former office, complete with personal items, of Carmel attorney Stephanie Jocham, who died June 2, 18 months after being diagnosed with sarcoma. Coincidentally, Jocham died on the third anniversary of the law firm she founded – Jocham Harden Dimick Jackson. JHDJ is no longer intact, but two of Jocham’s former partners are continuing her passion and JHDJ’s principles with a new firm. In the same office with nearly the same staff, Lanae Harden and Michelle Jackson now run their new firm, Harden Jackson, that specializes in adoptions, divorce and other aspects of family law. Jill Dimick now works with a business litigation firm, though she still remains close to her former partners. The two remaining partners from JHDJ worked alongside Jocham until just a few weeks before her death, as she continued to work full days in the office until physically incapable of doing so. “You never counted her out,” Harden said. “If
Harden and Jackson File Photo
anyone could have beaten it, it would have been Stephanie.” Harden said adjusting to Jocham’s absence is still difficult, but after working with her for three years, their transition to running a firm on their own has been a smooth one. “Certainly it has been a big transition for us; we miss her personally and professionally,” Harden said. “Stephanie ran the firm for three years. We learned from her how to run the business side of things.” Jackson said that the new firm looks very similar to JHDJ but will continue to distinguish itself as the business grows. “The core values of compassionate legal counseling are still there,” Jackson said.
B a b y, Yo u ’ v e A r r i v e d.
Chaucie’s Place announces new facility Chaucie’s Place later this year will move to a new Carmel location. The child advocacy center announced it will be moving into a home on 106th Street and Gray Road when it needs to vacate its current facility in November. The home is owned by Martin Marietta, which has agreed to rent to Chaucie’s Place for $1 per year. Chaucie’s Place was notified late last year that it would need to move as a result of plans to widen U.S. 31 and the commercial development expected to follow this project. After exploring many options throughout the county, the board of directors selected this location because of the strong connection Chaucie’s Place has with the Carmel community and because it was the most sound financial decision for the short and long term. “Our 100-year-old farm house on West Main Street has been a very special place to us and the families in Hamilton County,” said Dan Stevens, Chaucie’s Place board president. “We were overwhelmed and deeply appreciative of the many people and businesses in our community who reached out to us with possibilities and op-
portunities for a new location. We left no stone unturned before making a final decision.” Since opening 10 years ago, Chaucie’s Place has rented its current location from St.Vincent for $1 per year, and Stevens added that the organization was grateful for this partnership. In order for the CAC to move into its new facility on time, Chaucie’s Place will immediately begin renovating the new building. After the renovations are complete, plans will be designed allowing Chaucie’s Place to expand as needed. “While exploring various locations throughout the county, the one thing we were 100 percent committed to was providing an emotionally safe and child-focused environment for the child victims who come to Chaucie’s Place,” said Stevens. “After a few months of sweat equity from volunteers and supporters, we promise the new Chaucie’s Place will be just that.”
Introducing the brand-new maternity suites at St.Vincent Carmel Hospital. Gorgeous new amenities. Same great care. What a place to start. To learn more, see the rooms, or find an Ob/Gyn to care for you throughout your pregnancy visit Or call 317-582-7733 to speak with a Monogram Maternity Nurse.
Current in Carmel
August 2, 2011 | 7 Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup
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Midwest Academy promotes community service COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell I enjoy the fact that I often get to report on the positive events happening in our local schools. But one of the schools you have not previously heard about from me is the Midwest Academy. Located at 801 Congressional Boulevard in Carmel, The Midwest Academy caters to students fourth through 12th grade whom do not find success in other area schools. These students may be challenged by learning disabilities, school anxiety, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD or simply preference for a smaller learning environment. Superintendent Dr. Stoughton and Administrative Assistant Margie Lebin are proud of the 90 some kids that make up the student body and reported on their most recent successes. To support the community centric programs and success already achieved, Midwest Academy has added a new teacher to implement the program, Citizen You. The idea is to get all students actively engaged in a lifestyle that embraces community service, volunteerism and philanthropy. Becky Knapp is the newest educator to join the team and will head up the new initiative. Prior to Ms. Knapp arriving, the school has an impressive list of civic credits to its name. For the last three years, students have made food packages that find their way to hungry children across the globe. Through the local Optimist Club and the Red Cross, the eager Midwest Academy volunteers become part of the global
charity Kids Against Hunger. Ashley Clifford and the Midwest Academy Student Council organized a program to collect gently used hats, coats and gloves. Once the coat drive achieved the determined goal, the kids delivered the warm gear to the Julian Center. When the weather turned warmer, the energy of the student body spilled out onto the streets. They organized a run to benefit Healthy Families of Hamilton County. Not your typical community 5K, this race featured only classmates. Each student gathered pledges from friends and family. With the $1600 they collected, they purchased books from the Bookmobile and also used some of the money to purchase hearing aids. If that wasn’t enough, the Midwest Crew gathered at the Soap Box Derby for Disabled People. No fundraising involved, just interacting and assisting the people thrilled to get to race down the hill, doing something most thought they would never get to do. The kids from Midwest made the experience so special for the participants, they have been asked back to do it again next year. The 90 kids from Midwest have made a difference and plan an even bigger year this fall. Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at
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Read Our A-Ratings and Customer Reviews on Angie’s List 8 | August 2, 2011
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Feinstein, Pierce and the CRT will open The Tarkington Theatre The Center for the Performing Arts is days away from bringing its Tarkington Theatre to life. Construction on the 500-seat proscenium theater began last year. Now complete, the theater is said to be a state-of-theart performance space on the level of venues on either coast. Last June, the center announced the theater would be named The Tarkington in honor of Hoosier novelist and playwright Booth Tarkington, after whom the theater’s primary resident – The Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre - is named. The Tarkington may be best known as Civic’s home, but another resident company will follow stars David Hyde Pierce and Michael Feinstein in opening the theater.
CRT closes season in new home By Kevin Kane The Carmel Repertory Theatre is ending its 2010-2011 season with a bang. After years of presenting its productions wherever space was available, CRT next week will show off what it can do in its new, permanent home. CRT opened the 200-seat Studio Theatre in the spring with The Fantasticks and is rolling out an even bigger production Aug. 11 when it debuts Hairspray in The Tarkington. “We’re the first theater to do a full-fledged show in The Tarkington,” said CRT Vice Chairman Carlo Nepomuceno. “It’s fitting that a Carmel-based community theater is opening The Tarkington.” Hairspray, directed by Jeff Van Paris and Larry Creviston, includes a 65-person cast and, as is always the case with CRT productions, a live orchestra. While Nepomuceno said many community theaters do not use orchestras to cut costs, CRT never uses what he called “canned music.” The adjustable orchestra pit at The Tarkington will allow CRT to include more musicians, if necessary, but the new space will provide other benefits, too. The Tarkington stage includes 48 trap doors, which may be 48 more than what is available at some venues where CRT has previously performed. These special features, in addition to a larger stage, will provide more options to the community theater, and ample storage space will make creating and transporting sets easier, too. “It’s just an awesome building,” said CRT Fundraising Chairman Rayford Crenshaw. For tickets or more information about the show, visit
Feinstein and Pierce to reunite on stage By Marc D. Allan Playing Niles Crane on the hit TV show “Frasier” for 11 years made it possible for David Hyde Pierce to do whatever he wants for the rest of his career. And one thing he wants to do occasionally is sing. So when his friend Michael Feinstein asked him to help open the Center for the Performing Arts’ 500seat Tarkington Theatre, Pierce Pierce quickly said yes. “We’re doing Schubert lieder,” the four-time Emmy winner wisecracked during a telephone interview. “He’s going to play and I’m going to sing.” No, no, no. Actually – to no one’s surprise – they’ll be performing selections from The Great American Songbook and more. Saturday’s repertoire will include Cole Porter’s “You’re the Top,” a Jerry Herman song called “Penny in My Pocket” that was cut from “Hello, Dolly” (“and I’m going to show you why it was cut,” Pierce joked) and “You Won’t Succeed on Broadway,” which Pierce sang for a year and a half as a member of the original Broadway cast of “Spamalot.” Pierce and Feinstein’s show together here reprises a series of holiday concerts they did together at Feinstein’s New York club in 2009. Pierce said they had talked for years about sharing a stage, but that was the first time the scheduling worked out. With Pierce available, Feinstein told Current that picking him for opening night was a “natural” choice. “ David is a great actor and approaches everything from the character and story that it tells,” Feinstein said. “I feel safe with him on stage. He also is brilliantly spontaneous and genuinely funny. He loves the art of theater and is a great host.” To put together the first show, they “went through piles and piles and piles of music. And of course, Michael has lots of music,”
MORE ABOUT DAVID HYDE PIERCE • He’s 52. • He’s been an active fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association since the mid-1990s. • He had “no idea” that “Frasier” would be a hit. “I looked at the quality of that cast, the quality of the writing, and I knew I was doing something I was proud to be a part of – but had no idea that it would be as successful as it was.” • Even after a year and a half in “Spamalot,” the cast couldn’t help but laugh onstage. “There was one section of the show where Hank Azaria, as the Knight of Ni, was given license to improvise. So he would come up with something different every night. It’s one thing when you know what the words are going to be and what’s going to happen, but it’s like a hand grenade waiting to go off when you’ve got someone waiting to hit you with something new every night.”
Pierce said. “If you’re looking for caverns full of music, he has that. Not only does he physically have it, but he has it in his brain. He knows everything that’s been written and who wrote it and why. We ended up with a really great set list of solos and duets with his amazing band. It was very successful, and we just had a blast.” For this show, they’ll have less time for preparation – a rehearsal Saturday afternoon is about it – but also less need since they’ve already performed together. Afterward, Feinstein leaves for Los Angeles and Pierce heads to New York, where he’s directing a new musical called “It Shoulda Been You,” which is currently in rehearsals. Their New York shows earned a rave review from The New York Times, which noted the performers’ levity and improvisation skills. Pierce said Carmel audiences will see that, too. “What’s great about working with an old friend is we trust each other totally, we’re very comfortable with each other and we know each other really well,” he said. “You can count on the fact that it will be musically very well rehearsed and, at the same time, anything could happen.”
Feinstein on The Tarkington
Current in Carmel
“The Tarkington was very carefully conceived and decisions were made to not cut corners, yet they are all things that make it one of the finest medium sized theaters anywhere. For example the inclusion of a large orchestra pit to allow for a proper number of musicians if need be. There were suggestions that we didn’t need an orchestra pit, but we wanted to have the flexibility to create any kind of production and didn’t want to have regrets later. It’s a marvelous theatre and was built by great craftsmen with love and pride.” - Michael Feinstein, artistic director, The Center for the Arts
August 2, 2011 | 9
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CCPR to celebrate 20 years Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation is approaching its second decade of serving the community. CCPR was established in 1991 through an interlocal cooperation agreement between the city of Carmel and Clay Township. It was created to serve the nature and fitness needs of the community, manage and develop existing spaces and resources, and create a sustainable future for parks and recreation programs through a financially viable and environmentally conscious parks system. CCPR manages and maintains more than 500 acres of park land and numerous recreation facilities, providing more than 5,000 annual classes and programs for all ages. Among its many achievements, in less than two decades of existence, CCPR has become the nature and wildlife model for the state of Indiana. Soon, CCPR will kick off its yearlong celebration of this milestone anniversary. On Aug. 20 at 11:30 a.m., a Founders Park
dedication tree planting ceremony will be held at Founder’s Park to launch a year-long celebration of CCPR’s 20th anniversary. Twenty Elm trees will be planted throughout the park and several local dignitaries including city council members, Greenspace, Mayor Jim Brainard and many others will preside over the ceremony. On Sept. 20, from 4:30 to 7 p.m., a cocktail reception will be held at the Monon Community Center. The event will feature a “Park Champions” awards presentation which will honor three individuals representing youth, public, and private sectors, who have demonstrated extraordinary support of and commitment to CCPR’s mission and vision. The community is invited to attend an open house to be held Oct. 20 at the MCC. The event will feature behind-the-scenes-tours, local athletes who sport the number 20, program and class demonstrations, door prizes and more. For more information on these events, contact Lindsay Labas, marketing manager, at 5734020 or
That INDOT pickup is really a police cruiser The Indiana Department of Transportation and the Indiana State Police have joined forces and unveiled the first pickup truck converted for traffic enforcement in and near construction zones. Equipped with police lighting, sirens, radios and radar equipment, the white pick-ups will be operated by uniformed troopers on unmarked patrols. “It’s not INDOT’s or ISP’s goal to catch motorists in the act of committing a violation, but to promote compliance with safe driving
practices and reduce the number of crashes,” said INDOT Chief Operations Officer Troy Woodruff in a release. “On average four out of every five people killed in highway work zones are motorists, not highway workers.” An analysis of 2010 statistics found the top causes File Photo of work zone crashes to be following too closely, improper lane change and failure to yield the right of way. Troopers in the white pickups will more easily spot these violations, which carry increased fines and penalties under a new state law that took effect last month.
Carmel Chamber of Commerce members can receive special members-only discounts on Health Insurance. Contact Wharton Insurance for more information.
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Bruce Edward Siebert, 56, passed away July 26 at his residence in Carmel. He was born on March 10, 1955 to John V. and Joyce Siebert. He was a graduate of Carmel High School and attended Purdue University. Bruce owned and operated Affordable Property Care. He enjoyed boating, riding his Harley Davidson, watching Purdue Sports and his dog, Louie. He especially loved spending time with his family. Survivors include his wife, Linda; son, Brett Siebert (Nora); daughter, Ashley Siebert; stepsons, Christopher (Trisha) and Patrick Coad; sister, Cheryl Richards (Mike).
10 | August 2, 2011
Scott M. Wharton, LUTCF
(Does not include radiographs)
715 West Carmel Drive, Suite 103 Carmel , IN 46032 • 317-844-0022 Current in Carmel
Open Letter Paid for by the Undersigned
Dear Carmel Plan Commission and Mayor Brainard: Carmel is on the verge of becoming just another cookie cutter suburban community consisting of endless corner strip malls and so called convenience service centers in close proximity to nondescript high density housing. The unique character of Carmel which has brought this community to the attention of the Nation as a premiere residential community is being homogenized by the never ending approval of mega-developments. Those mega-developments only promise economic sustainability but in reality result in empty store fronts, vacant office spaces and a revolving door of transient businesses. Any drive around Carmel shows just how many commercial and residential properties are either available for lease or sale. You would be severely challenged to drive Meridian Street/US31 and not see “for lease” signs on virtually every office building located in that corridor. Travel on Carmel Drive is the same story. The Arts District with the promised economic benefits from new development on a grand scale has resulted in a glut of retail, office and residential space at the cost of the destruction of the neighborhood feel of the old town. The ordinary Carmel property owner would be hard pressed to receive zoning approvals for property improvements consistent with the character of a surrounding area while any high density commercial and housing developer appears to be able to easily persuade the Plan Commission to recklessly abandon long contemplated and established community development plans in exchange for only promises of beneficial development. As a business owner located in the Arts District, I cannot change a 4ft by 3ft business sign without Carmel City approval yet whole sale bulldozing of surrounding homes and business fronts happens at the apparent discretion of developers with the rubber stamp approval of the Plan Commission. The proposed Silvara development is another case in point which, if approved, will cause a direct negative impact to the quality of life for those of us living on the Westside of Carmel. This Planned Use Development (“PUD”) proposes a high density housing project with associated commercial development which would eviscerate the applicable Comprehensive Plan adopted a short two years ago by the City Council. The attractiveness of Springmill Road and the western part of Carmel has always been the open country living, in the city, feel of the area where subdivisions were constructed in compliance with single family, owner occupied homes, i.e. S-1 zoning. Applicable zoning restrictions and the absence of high density growth has always been a key buying/selling point for real estate in the area, as it was to me and my family when deciding to move to the area now under assault from uncontrolled growth, such as Silvara. Maximum density commercial and residential developments provide for maximum profits to developers at the direct cost and burden to surrounding property owners and generally to the residents of Carmel. Silvara will be no different. Already under severe pressure as a result of the Plan Commission approval of The Bridges high density commercial and housing project, quality of life near 116th and Springmill Road will be forever negatively impacted if approval is granted for Silvara as currently presented. I strongly urge you to deny the Silvara PUD as currently proposed since approval of the Silvara PUD will destroy a significant part of what makes up the character of Carmel which you are charged to protect and preserve for its residents. The Silvara project is wrong for the area, wrong for the adjoining true neighborhoods and wrong for Carmel. Or is it Fishers or Noblesville or Westfield or Avon or Brownsburg or Greenwood? I am having a hard time seeing the difference anymore. Sincerely, John Thomas Drics Attorney at Law 20 1st Avenue, N.E. Carmel, IN 46032
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Grilled Tilapia w/ Mango Salsa Ingredients • 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley • 1 clove garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon dried basil • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 2 (6 ounce) tilapia fillets • 1 large ripe mango, peeled, pitted and diced • 1/2 red bell pepper, diced • 2 tablespoons minced red onion • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced • 2 tablespoons lime juice • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Whisk together the extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, parsley, garlic, basil, 1 teaspoon pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a bowl and pour into a resealable plastic bag. Add the tilapia
fillets, coat with the marinade, squeeze out excess air, and seal the bag. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 2. Prepare the mango salsa by combining the mango, red bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, and jalapeno pepper in a bowl. Add the lime juice and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and toss well. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and refrigerate until ready to serve. 3. Preheat an outdoor grill for mediumhigh heat, and lightly oil grate. 4. Remove the tilapia from the marinade, and shake off excess. Discard the remaining marinade. Grill the fillets until the fish is no longer translucent in the center, and flakes easily with a fork, 3 to 4 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the fillets. Serve the tilapia topped with mango salsa.
This week’s special: $ave $1/lb on Fresh Tilapia Filets 8/2 to 8/7
Joes Butcher Shop and Fish Market • 111 W. Main St., Carmel • 846-8877 Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 7p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Bring your gently used housewares to the Carmel United Methodist Church Mission House, 621 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday. We’ll take them to previously homeless people who are getting a second start at independent living. You’ll get a tax deduction and the warm glow that comes from helping others. For more information, e-mail or call 317.908.2666 Please, no furniture.
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12 | August 2, 2011
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DISPATCHES » Wine and art – Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission is once again hosting the reception for “Friends of the Arts” on Friday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the City Building. Wine and refreshments served throughout the evening as part of the cost of the ticket ($10 pre-sale, $15 at door). Strings will play throughout the evening as you browse through the art exhibits. For details, visit » August gardening tips – 1. Compost should be watered during dry periods so that it remains active. 2. Prune only to retain the shape. Do not prune spring-flowering shrubs such as azaleas and rhododendrons. 3. Lawns or bare spots reseeded with grass now will have a chance to get established before winter sets in. Water often and mulch with hay. » Sandwiches that won’t stink up the office – Remove meat and cheese from the fridge 15 minutes before – they fold better at room temp. Lightly broil one side of each slice of bread, halve them (cutting makes lettuce weep and tomatoes bleed), and make the sandwich toasted-side in. Spread condiments and stack meat and cheese in alternating folds, like loops of a bow, on all
14 | August 2, 2011
four sides. Layer wet stuff (lettuce, tomatoes, pickles) in the middle and close. For lettuce, try flat, flavorful red oak (romaine holds moisture). Baggies make sandwiches sweat, so wrap each half snugly in wax paper and then wrap the entire sandwich in deli paper or a brown bag. -Esquire » Money back after booking – Alaska, along with a handful of other airlines, does reward those who find lower rates after booking. It’s really a credit that can be used towards future flights. While Alaska and other airlines (like Southwest and Airtran) don’t have a printed policy, they do allow customers to rebook without incurring fees; any credit is issued to the customer’s account. Savvy JetBlue customers know to give reservations a ring; if it all checks out, the airline will credit the difference to use for future flights, stored in your account for use within a year. » Circus under the stars – The Indianapolis Art Center will host its annual fundraiser on Aug. 20. This year’s theme is Circus Under the Stars. Admission includes food, drinks and live entertainment. The night begins at 6 p.m. for those who purchase VIP tickets while general admission ticketholders will be admitted at 7 p.m. For details and tickets, visit
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That’s the Chicago (dog) way COOKING By Clint Smith Ten years ago, I was living in the “City of the Big Shoulders,” attending culinary school. On some of the more lonely afternoons between classes (and with just a few bucks in my saucespattered pockets), I’d make the half-mile walk to Division Street to Sammy’s Red Hots for a Chicago dog and fries. It was comforting to indulge in a simple treat, just one of the gastronomic novelties the Windy City had to offer. So here’s the deal: for the sake of authenticity, nine separate components need to be represented in a true Chi-town dog. 1) steamed poppy seed bun; 2) sliced tomato; 3) chopped onion; 4) neon green relish; 5) pickled sport peppers; 6) kosher pickle spear
(or slice); 7) yellow mustard; 8) dash celery salt; and 9) beef hot dog (if you can get Vienna Beef, all the better). The dog itself should be steamed, but other methods (except boiling) are acceptable. Okay, you got me—there’s not much cooking involved with this installment (in fact, the most labor intensive aspect might be procuring your ingredients); but you’ll find that construction (and consumption) of a genuine Chicago-style hot dog will be an indelible edible. Clint Smith is an honors graduate of The Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago, Le Cordon Bleu, and is currently a culinary arts instructor at Central Nine Career Center in Greenwood. To read more about techniques and recipes, visit
Chicago-style hot dog
Serves 1 Ingredients • One all-beef hot dog • One steamed poppy seed bun • Two slices fresh tomato • To taste, chopped white onion • To taste, neon green relish • Two whole sport peppers • One kosher pickle spear (or slice) • To taste, yellow mustard • Dash, celery salt Directions 1. Over medium-high heat in a medium sauté pan, cook hot dog until skin begins to brown (no more than five minutes). Do not heat dog until it splits open. Add a small amount of water to the pan, reduce heat and cover. Allow the dog to shallowsteam for the remainder of the cooking process. Although hot dogs are precooked,
shoot for a cooking temp around 165° F; steaming them for about another seven minutes. 2. Meanwhile, prep your remaining ingredients. When the hot dog is ready, place in steamed bun and top with components. Serve with a cold soda and a guilty side (read fries, potato chips, or any other of their starchily delicious ilk).
Current in Carmel
August 2, 2011 | 15
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Brand-New Luxury Apartments Now-Aug. 7 Belfrey Theatre: Cinderella Performances: July 29, 8 p.m.; July 30, 2 and 8 p.m.; July 31, 2 p.m.; August 5, 8 p.m.; August 6, 2 and 8 p.m.; August 7, 2 p.m. 10690 Greenfield Avenue, Noblesville. Cost: $15 for adults, $12 for children ages 12 and under. Details and reservations: 773-1085 or online at Now – Aug. 28 Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre: Church Basement Ladies 2 9301 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis Details and ticket information available online at Aug ,3 Summer Concerts at the Gazebo: Zanna-Doo, 7:30 p.m.
LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Endless Summer Band Saturday – George Fourman Thrill Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more
1 Civic Square, Carmel Cost: Free Details: Aug. 4-6 Morty’s Comedy Joint: Nicholas Anthony 3625 East 96th St., Indianapolis Cost: $12 on Thursdays (8 p.m. show time) and $15 on Fridays and Saturdays (8 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. show times) Details: or call 848-5500 Aug. 11-27 Carmel Repertory Theatre: Hairspray Aug. 11-14, 18-21, 25-27 Thursdays through Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2:30 p.m. 1 Center Green, Carmel Details:
information, call 770-9020. Friday – Toy Factory Saturday – Sour Mash Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Living Proof Saturday – Chris Stone
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16 | August 2, 2011
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Cyndi Lauper and Dr. John to play Palladium Singer-songwriter Cyndi Lauper will joins New Orleans funk and blues legend Dr. John in a performance at the Palladium this October. The Center for the Performing Arts announced last week that the two will perform Oct. 27 as part of their Lauper co-headlining tour “Cyndi Lauper & Dr. John: From Memphis to Mardi Gras.” Lauper’s latest album, 2010’s Grammynominated Memphis Blues, was a celebration of the blues. The album debuted in the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Top Blues Albums Chart and held the top spot for 14 weeks. Lauper has been touring in support of the blues album this past year and is now joined by Dr. John. Lauper’s career spans 25 years and her global record sales surpass 30 million. Her first album “She’s So Unusual,” garnered a Grammy award for Best New Artist and she became the first female artist in history to have five top-10 singles from a debut album. She has won accolades
as a singer, musician, actress and writer. She has been nominated for 14 Grammy Awards, two Emmy Awards, two American Music Awards, seven American Video Awards and 18 MTV awards. Universally celebrated as the musical embodiment of New Orleans, Dr. John received the Dr. John ultimate musical honor when he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year, leading a class with Neil Diamond, Alice Cooper, Darlene Love, Leon Russell and Tom Waits. His latest album, 2010’s Tribal, garnered worldwide critical praise with the Guardian calling the album, “a heartening return to form.” A global ambassador for the rich musical heritage of New Orleans, he has supported the area with fund-raising concerts and donations from his recordings. Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. performance went on sale Monday and are available by calling 843-3800 or visiting
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August 2, 2011 | 17
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Join the pronunciation chaos GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney I spent some time last week studying for an exam. I’m trying to add an endorsement to my teaching license, and I needed to take a test to do so. Although I knew there was little the testwriters could throw at me that I would not be prepared for, I spent a little time reviewing literary periods and styles, middle-school-appropriate texts, and various teaching theories. On my way to the test, though, I was struck by an irrational fear: What if the test asked me if deep-seated or deep-seeded was correct? I wasn’t sure. What if the possibility of my future employment in education rested on a question to which I didn’t know the answer? I considered the two options carefully. Deepseated made me think of horseback riding; a person with a deep seat sits solidly in the saddle and is unlikely to be easily moved. So that spelling made sense for the definition (firmly established). Deep-seeded, on the other hand, made me think of gardening; if you plant something in soil that is too shallow, it is more likely to wash away. That made sense. Then again, though, if you plant it too deeply, it may never reach the surface. I was still unsure. Luckily, I had taken my smartphone, and I was early. I was able to look up the answer to my question in the parking lot before entering the testing center. Deep-seated is correct.
Needless to say, there was no question on the test regarding deep-seated. But the whole experience made me think about how difficult it can be to correctly use words and phrases one can understand but have never seen in print. Pronunciation can cause fits in spelling as well as meaning. For years, I thought the term part and parcel was part and partial because I had only ever heard it used in conversation; I had never seen in written out. There are dozens of other examples out there, I’m sure, but I can’t think of any more. That’s where you come in: If you have pronunciation pet peeves or words or phrases that you have used incorrectly because of their pronunciation, send me an email. I’d like to compile a column of reader-suggested pronunciation foibles. If you’d like to include a story – especially a funny one – please do. I’ll print the column based on your suggestions in two or three weeks. In the meantime, now that my test is over, I’ll get back to using my smartphone for its real purpose: Angry Birds. Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at
Sharon Knapp
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Barry Ginder
Jay Brill
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Westfield/Car mel
106th and North Michigan Road
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146th Street at Cool Creek Commons
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Spray Tan 101
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Start with a clean slate: Your best friend for this process is exfoliation. Make sure to focus on areas where dry skin is common. Knees, elbows, feet, and ankles are prime areas that soak up extra product.
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A healthy glow always looks great. Streaky, orange tan… Not so much. In order to achieve this look without exposure to those harmful UV rays, take our advice for achieving your flawless faux summer tan.
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Use a friend: You may not be able to see your back, but everyone else can. Enlist the help of a friend who can easily apply the product where you can’t reach. Rather not recruit help? Opt for a spray applicator such as Quick Tan sold at Salon 01. The spray will easily reach areas that a lotion wouldn’t. Be patient: It’s best to allow the product to sit on the skin for at least 15 minutes before dressing. Showering or extensive sweating should be avoided for at least 48 hours after an application. From sprays to creams, we carry it all. Come into Salon 01 and ask one of our trained estheticians what sunless tanning product is best for you.
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Start with hair prepped with hairspray. Grabbing hair from the top of the head, close to the face, start your French braid. Secure the braid at the nape of the neck with a bobby pin. Work hair the same way on the other side. Secure at the nape of the neck with an additional bobby pin.
O f f e r go o d t h r o u gh Au gu s t 3 1 , 2 0 1 1
Grab left over hair and secure into a messy bun using 3-4 more bobby pins. Need help learning how to hide those unsightly pins behind your ‘do? Salon 01 stylists are available to show you this trick and many other do-it-yourself tips and tricks!
5 Foods for Fabulous Hair
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You’ve got the lather, rinse, and repeat down, but do you know what it takes nutritionally to have remarkable hair? These 5 foods will take your hair from fine to fabulous in no time.
sweet potato plant. Carotenoids are an excellent source of Vitamin A, which protects your scalp’s health. Include other orange produce like carrots and boost your scalp’s beauty.
Salmon: Salmon is known for its high amounts of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and high-quality protein. The healthy fats give hair an unbelievable shine while protein is responsible for hair strength. Keep the integrity of your hair with iron and Vitamin B-12, also found in this wonder fish.
Low-fat Dairy: Skim milk, yogurt, light cheese, the list goes on! Stock up on these foods that are high in calcium and quality protein. Whey and casein are two high quality ingredients that will increase hair strength.
Beans: Beans are beautiful. With zinc, iron, biotin, and protein these little power players pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. Biotin deficiency is often responsible for brittle hair. Keep your locks long and strong by getting plenty of this fiber-rich food.
Whole Grains: Lower cholesterol and prevent thinning hair simultaneously when you stock up on whole grains. Don’t be fooled by “whole wheat” which is not the same as whole grain.
Sweet Potatoes: That orange color is due to the carotenoid pigment in the
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DISPATCHES » Removing sweat stains from clothes – Drop two aspirin pills in water, let dissolve, and soak the stain in the solution. The stain should be gone after laundering. -Esquire » Heavier is better – A heavier razor that weighs about two and a half ounces or more, such as the classic Merkuror or the Edwin Jagger 89L ($35), is less likely to nick because you won’t be tempted to press into your skin to get a close shave. Go for a handle that’s at least three inches long -- it’ll be easier to grip. » Use sunscreen on hair – You can use sun-
screen to protect your hair in a pinch. Before swimming, comb your regular sunscreen through your strands. This forms a barrier that prevents chlorine (or salt water) from stripping your color and drying out your hair, said Los Angeles hairstylist Jessica Galvan.
Classic Barber Shop (Next to Panera Bread in Merchant’s Square)
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» Apply with a spoon - “Use the back of a cold spoon to smooth on eye cream. Placing the spoon in ice water or the fridge works well,” says Dior makeup artist Ricky Wilson, who’s worked with the likes of Sharon Stone and Elizabeth Banks. It’ll hydrate and de-puff, increase circulation and decrease dark circles while still working on those spider veins and crow’s feet. Remember to pat the cream— don’t rub! Rubbing will cause excess wrinkles.
2462 E 116th Street Carmel, IN
Dave Snider- Owner
Preppy and proud
DESIGN Vicky Earley While the master of preppy style, Ralph Lauren, has never lost sight of his signature look, the New Prep royalty, Lilly Pulizer, has turned the interior design world on its penny loafer heels. Pulitzer, typically thought of for the iconic colorful shift dress, is now armed with graphic prints, vivid florals, and clean, clear fabric colors for the home. She has secured her place in the interior design world with a Neo-Prep style that is, hopefully, here for an extended visit. Oh stop, I already know what you are thinking: you were there for the 1980s incarnation of preppy or maybe even the 1960s original version. The thought of a pink polo shirt and a crested cotton sweater tied around your neck makes you consider the possibility of a “Technicolor Yawn”. Relax. The alligator is dead. Peppy has been reinvented to make a bold, modern statement. With this Prep Redux, the goal is still classic, especially when it comes to practical furniture. Frilly and fussy need not apply for the new preppy décor. The canine institution for the prep set, the Yorkie, will always look his best on a white duck cloth sofa surrounded by pillows that pack a graphic and colorful punch. Grass green, fruit punch, hot pink, denim blue and goldenrod are perfect prep hues. Hounds tooth, Ikat, geometrics and monograms are essentials for the successful neo-prep décor. Even Muffy likes the classic damask so much that she has had the help move all of her muted madras to the house in the Hamptons. The rules have relaxed so feel free to use the patterns and colors sparingly color or load them up for a complete riot of visual stimulation. Just like the last go around, this Preppy is about simplicity and appearance should not outweigh comfort. Natural fibers still reign.
Style maven Annie Selke has perfected her own preppy corner of the design world with Pine Cone Hill Bedding. This prep essential provides the tactile comfort of cotton with the ease of washability. The Yorkie is happy about that. An established design staple on the college campus, Prep Revisited is making its way into home decorating adding a much needed pop of color and sense of humor. I, for one, am delighted to see the sullen gray trend of 2010 give way to this collaboration of color… even if it means revisiting the 80s. Other than an intense urge to scream, “Don’t do it” when Dianna walks down the aisle at Westminster Abbey, I have no problem with the 1980s. So, kick off your deck shoes, grab a gin and tonic and enjoy the blast of frivolity that the New Prep has to offer!
Prevail’s 10th Annual
Goes Black & Silver
Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact
Saturday, August 27, 2011 - 6PM Renaissance Indianapolis Hotel Carmel 11925 North Meridian Street
Make your reservations now! Cost to attend just $100 per person
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August 2, 2011 | 21
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DISPATCHES » What do dates mean? – Assuming food is properly preserved, here’s a quick primer on how to use dates. Sell-by dates – A week or two past may be fine, but it’s not exact. “Sell by” is telling shelf stockers when food needs to be moved to the store’s clearance area. Use-by or best-by dates – The proper flavor and quality should last until at least this date if the product is properly stored. Often these products are fine to eat past the listed date, but they might not taste great. Expiration dates – If the label explicitly mentions expiration, listen to it – with one exception: eggs. The USDA says you have three to five weeks from purchase to eat eggs. » Eat same food, lose weight – Eating the same foods, day after day, may make you so uninterested in your meals that you start eating less, a new study suggests. Women who ate macaroni and cheese every day for a week were taking in 100 fewer calories each day than normal by the week’s end, the study showed. The study suggests “that meal monotony may actually lead to reduced calorie consumption,” said Shelley McGuire, an as-
sociate professor of nutrition at Washington State University. The study is published in the August issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. – » Most toxic states – Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida are the states with the most toxic air pollution from coal and oil power plants, according to a new report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, which used Environmental Protection Agency data to rank the top 20 worst states for air pollution from power plants. Indiana ranked No. 6. » Avoiding patients? – In studies of medication orders at hospital pharmacies, the researchers found that 75 percent of pharmacists and nurses prefer not to confront difficult physicians to ask about potential medication interactions or errors in the prescription. If a doctor who may be making a prescribing mistake goes unchallenged, patients may wind up getting the wrong type or amount of drug — with potentially disastrous consequences.
Botox is more than beauty COMMENTARY By Barry Eppley Botox is commonly recognized as an injection treatment to either turn back or slow down the hands of time. By reducing the wrinkle lines of the forehead and around the eyes, a more relaxed and often a less scowling appearance is achieved. But the use of Botox continues to find new medical problems for which it is effective. Allergan, Botox’s manufacturer, is already a multibillion company experiencing record revenue and earnings growth. The newest FDA-approved indication is in the treatment of migraines. The one-year-old product works for migraines just like it does for wrinkles, by relaxing muscles. It’s injected around nerves in the head that are being squeezed by muscles and serve as the trigger for a migraine headache. These are commonly in the eyebrow, temple and at the base of the skull in the back of the head. For some patients the temporary relief is a nearmiracle, which will last about four months. Botox in migraines is also a test that proves doing surgery by removing this muscle around the nerve can have a more permanent effect. Botox has long been approved for halting severe underarm sweating known as hyperhidrosis. This disorder causes so much perspiration some sufferers are forced to carry several changes of clothing to make it through the day. The excessive sweating is caused by over stimulation of the sweat glands. Botox interferes with the
22 | August 2, 2011
nerves responsible for this drenching. It has a similar benefit to those who also suffer excessive sweating in the palm of their hands. Botox is effective for cervical dystonia, a condition that causes neck twitching. Botox injections weaken the involuntary muscle contractions responsible for the condition. Botox can produce similar results in in cerebral palsy patients; helping decrease stiffness and spasms in the patient’s limbs. Overactive bladders can benefit by these injections; caused by muscle spasms of the bladder muscles, urinary incontinence can make it difficult for some patients to undergo even short car trips. Some patients end up wearing adult diapers. Botox overcomes bladder incontinence by weakening or paralyzing those muscles that contract inappropriately and squeeze out the urine involuntarily. Botox can stop chronic pelvic pain, which can make it difficult to have sexual intercourse or undergo a pap smear test. This type of pelvic pain is caused by tight over-contracted pelvic muscles. Although Botox is often perceived as a drug of beauty, the many medical benefits of Botox makes its few precious drops life-changing for more than just a better look in the mirror. Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to info@
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» Simon hire – Simon Property Group recently announced the addition of Alexandra Gagnier as director of marketing and business development of Clay Terrace. She has worked for Simon Brand Ventures since October 2010. » Real estate update – Statewide, the number of closed sales is down, but the median sale price of homes and the number of pending sales are up year-over-year according to a monthly “Indiana Real Estate Markets Report” released last week by the Indiana Association of Realtors. When comparing June
» Turn off your car – Even though the ultimate way to save gas is to drive less, simply turning off your car rather than leaving it idling makes a substantial difference. Your car uses gas to turn on, but it uses more when it’s just sitting around. When you leave your car on for more than 20 seconds, you burn more fuel idling than you do turning it off and on again. A good rule of thumb is to turn off your car if you’re going to be sitting still for at least a minute. So, while you’re waiting for a train to pass, or when you’re making a quick run into the store, turn off the ignition. » Check the attic – Old sporting goods in your attic or garage could bring in big bucks. Not every old bicycle in your garage is going to be worth something, but vintage Schwinn bicycles, from the 1950s or before, are now peddled as collectibles for $1,000 and up. Also look for leather football helmets, wooden tennis racquets, duck decoys and even old folding kayaks, all of which now have second lives.
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» A stock with solid dividends – Despite 70 percent earnings growth over the past year, Coke (KO) shares trade at a discount to the S&P 500 -- an anomaly historically. Coke’s yield isn’t overwhelming; it pays out only 56 percent of its earnings as dividends. But that bodes well for future hikes. Moreover, Coke has announced more than $2 billion in stock buybacks this year. -Fortune
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2011 to June 2010: The number of closed sales decreased 11.2 percent to 6,081; the median sale price of homes increased 1.4 percent to $119,900; and the number of pending sales increased 16.4 percent to 5,495.
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An adventure of the unknown DOUGH By David Cain Is there a right way to cook a milkshake? How many eggs should you use when you grill a steak? It’s questions like these that make me smile as a parent. My daughters are learning to cook. And, as one of the primary chefs in our house, I’m taking a lead role in running the kitchen clinics. Our learning center is armed with essential tools for my kitchen mentorships, including stepladders, excessive towels, two of every utensil, a timer and a stack of recipes that only require mixing powdery things. With all the items neatly laid out, it’s time to get busy and turn this sanctuary into chaos. The questions that go along with these little experiments are intriguing. They are learning how to cook, and right now they don’t even know what they don’t know. The same thing can happen on the job. Give someone a new task and you’ll see questions out of left field. It’s easy to lose sight of what these questions might be telling us. While at work in the kitchen, I let the little developing minds at my side know there is nothing we can’t make and
there is no wrong way to do it. I haven’t fried a milkshake yet, but we’ve given it great consideration and discussed the process and potential outcomes. Creativity is the mother of invention and sometimes it takes someone without any context to ask the questions that lead to exploration. In the kitchen with the little ones or at work with some more experienced ones, welcoming new thoughts might be the best plan yet. Want new ideas? Get someone with no background on the subject to give it a whirl and listen to what they ask before explaining how the task is traditionally completed. The lesson for me in my little girl’s question, “How many eggs should you use when you grill a steak?” is the reminder to always consider alternatives and don’t be afraid to try new things. My answer to her question has always been the same, “How many eggs do you think we need, honey?”
Want new ideas? Get someone with no background on the subject to give it a whirl.
David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at
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Insuring a teen driver for less INSURANCE Q&A By Ryan Samuelson Question from Jennifer G. of Fishers: My son is getting his license next month. How do I add him to my policy and what can I do to make sure his addition doesn’t break the bank? Response from Ryan Samuelson: Adding a teen to your insurance policy is not the thing to do if you’re looking to keep your insurance costs down. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure you are getting the best price. First, make sure your teen keeps his grades up. A good majority of carriers offer discounts for teens that maintain a B average or higher. Next, make sure your teen completes a driver’s education class. Lastly, make sure you pay attention to our claim prevention ideas below and follow all of the current laws and regulations. Coverage recommendations Adding a new driver to your policy is as easy as giving your independent agent a phone call or sending an e-mail. We will need the new driver’s license number, name and the vehicle that they will be driving as well as the VIN (vehicle identification number) for any new autos. The type of vehicle your teen drives is a major factor in the cost of coverage. It’s a pretty simple concept. The car you want them to drive (a four-door sedan) is going to cost a lot less to insure when compared to the car they want to
drive (a coupe, convertible or sports car). Modifying your coverage limits is a subject you should run by your independent agent. What I would recommend depends greatly on your own circumstances and risk tolerance. I will say that the state statutory limits are inadequate and should only be used if financially necessary. Claim prevention The leading cause of death for U.S. teens is motor vehicle crashes. Teens are at risk because they are more likely to drive aggressively, to not wear seatbelts and to underestimate the dangers associated with hazardous driving situations. When we talk about claim prevention, we’re talking about minimizing the risk of those three things. We recommend addressing some or all of these issues: Seatbelts: Make sure every person in the vehicle is wearing a seatbelt. Cell Phones: Never use a cell phone while driving. Passengers: Limit the number of passengers in the vehicle. Current laws: Make sure you are familiar with our current Graduated Drivers License laws (current laws and regulations can be viewed Ryan Samuelson is with Shepherd Insurance & Finanacial Services. Have an insurance question you need answered? Send it to asktheadvisor@shepherdins. com.
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24 | August 2, 2011
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...Because you have better stuff to do on a Saturday than clean!
Erika’s Place 40 W. Jackson Street, Cicero, 46034 Opened: June 1 Price range: $10 and under for entrées Type of food: American, comfort, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner Attire: Casual Owners: Erika Flanders and Cheryl Pettijohn
Mark Miller Cleaning
Hours: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday; 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sundays Phone: 984-9303
warren Buffett’s best stocks Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B) – Buffett’s own company could be a value play right now. At current prices, the stock trades about 30 percent below intrinsic value -the true value Stock price over 12 months of all its businesses combined -- estimates Whitney Tilson of T2 Partners, a hedge fund that owns Berkshire shares, saying "It's just about the cheapest we've ever seen it." Buffett himself has been publicly dropping hints that the stock might be a good buy now. Wells Fargo (WFC) - Buffett typically gravitates toward companies with outstanding Stock price over 12 months man-
agement teams. Evidence of the management strength at Wells Fargo can be seen in its consistently above-average return on assets, a measure of how well a company produces profits. The bank also has lower loan delinquency and foreclosure rates than competitors, another sign of prudence. And the bank is currently working on reducing expenses by $1.5 billion a quarter. Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) - The retailer has posted higher earnings each year for Stock price over 12 months the past decade and is using a lot of those earnings to buy back stock. Over the past three years, Wal-Mart has reduced its share count by 2 percent to 5 percent a year. Additionally, Wal-Mart is expanding internationally, into high-growth markets in China, Brazil and Mexico. Buffett owns 39 million shares.
My Opinion: $149,900 Address: 16852 Palmetto Way (Cherry Tree Meadows, on Noblesville’s west side) Year Built: 2003 Style: Traditional American Rooms: 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, living room, great room, kitchen, breakfast room, loft. Strengths: Beautiful maintenance and staging in this 3-bedroom home. Unique features include 9-foot ceilings on first floor, large kitchen with granite countertops and tile floor, fireplace in family room, and master with double sinks, jetted tub, separate shower, and his and hers walk-in closets. Backyard deck overlooks quarter-acre lot.
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RESALE FOR GUYS AND GIRLS style | savings | community | connection 210 E. Main Street
Located in the Carmel Arts District 317.573.0012
THE FINE ART OF CASUAL DINING Located just steps from the Monon Trail, inside the Palladium, the Center’s stylish Basile Café is now serving up delicious soups, sandwiches, and salads, plus a
Open daily for
select beer and wine offering.
lunch, 11am-2pm,
Negatives: Home has no separate dining room. Listed with Kimberly Clark of RE/MAX Ability Plus Office: 915-0900
Monday-Saturday, and 90 minutes prior to all Palladium
Kurt Meyer is a Noblesville resident, freelance writer and realtor for F.C. Tucker. Contact him at 317.776.0200 or kurtmeyer@
basile-cafe-printad-FNL.indd 1
7/19/11 11:48 AM
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RES: JOB: basile-cafe-printad-FNL.indd
DATE: 07/19/2011
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MEDIA: Carmel Current
5.1'' x 5.4''
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August 2, 2011 | 25
7601 E SR 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming
12465 CHARING CROSS $200,000 BLC#21126099 Follow your dream to this 3BR/2+BA Traditional-style. Huge foyer, high ceilings, hardwood & tile flooring. Garden tub.
12431 BRANFORD ST $619,500 BLC#21129689 Enjoy lavish living in this gorgeous 5BR/4+BA Colonial. Security system. Huge foyer, great room, wet bar. Wine cellar.
5203 AVIAN WAY $399,900 BLC# 21104063 Discover the delights of this custom blt Carmel Gem! Features: 4/5BR,3+BA & 3 frplcs! Enjoy the lakefront, 3C Gar. Soaring GR & Fin. Bsmt!
ANGELA RAAB, 442-4295
ANGELA RAAB, 442-4295
ANGELA RAAB, 442-4295
13417 BOXELDER CT $739,900 BLC# 21124903 For those desiring the ultimate in luxurious living, do explore this newly built 5BR/5+BA home. 4 fireplaces. Office.
11112 DITCH RD $424,900 BLC# 21116381 Elegantly distinctive 4BR/4+BA Cape Cod sited on 1.70 acres. 2 fireplaces, 3-car garage, cool pool. Great room. Deck.
5727 OPUS DR $399,500 BLC# 21104990 Sample the scintillating style of this fascinating 3BR/3+BA Traditional-style. Security system, 4-car garage. Patio.
13283 COLLIERS CT $227,500 BLC# 21120835 Enhance your life with this cul-desac 3BR/2+BA residence on a corner lot. Gas fireplace, Huge foyer, high ceilings.
1606 OBARA CT $249,000 BLC# 21130935 Begin a brand new life in this cul-desac 5BR/2+BA Traditional- style ideally set on .75 acres. Sun room, wet bar.
5898 BROOKSTONE $169,900 BLC# 21132279 Immaculate, spacious 4 bed, 2.5 bath home. Neighborhood pool, tennis, park & walking trail.
HELEN METKEN, 281-7020
4685 LAMBETH WALK $239,900 BLC# 21115435 Make a fine move to this fenced 3BR/3BA Ranch. Intercom system. Great room, private master suite, garden tub. Deck.
14009 AVALON E DR $184,900 BLC# 21116406 Prepare to be impressed with this beautiful 3BR/2+BA Traditional-style. Security system. Two-story foyer, garden tub.
4104 RIDGEBROOK DR $685,000 BLC# 21124892 A luxurious lifestyle awaits you in this 5BR/5BA residence. 3 fireplaces. Twostory foyer, great room, bay windows.
16701 DURMAST OAK DR $444,000 BLC# 21124898 Make a fine move to this fenced 3BR/3BA Ranch. Intercom system. Great room, private master suite, garden tub. Deck.
Photo Coming Soon 488 CYCLAMEN CHASE $239,900 BLC# 21127658 Motivated Seller! Discover the ideal style that comes with this 4BR/2+BA. Inviting pool. Two-story foyer, great room.
3127 GRANDVIEW WAY $189,900 BLC# 21108520 Move up now to this cul-de-sac Traditional-style. Gas fireplace. Sun room, cathedral ceilings, Dual Vanities.
1791 LUCAS CI $139,900 BLC# 21108520 Bask in the ambiance of this cul-de-sac Traditional-style. 3BR/2BA. Great room, walk-in closets. Two-car garage.
105 LILAC CT $399,900 BLC# 21130403 Here is a marvelous 3BR/3BA multilevel sited on a cul-de-sac. Cozy fireplace. Great room, cathedral ceilings. Deck.
15424 GALLOW $135,000 BLC# 21127409 Retreat to this terrific, 3BR/2+BA residence. Walk-in closets, garden tub, Dual Vanities. Breakfast nook, pantry.
391 LAKEVIEW $114,900 BLC# 21123284 Look into the great possibilities awaiting you in this hospitable 3-bedroom Ranch. Hardwood & parquet flooring.
1529 MORTON ST $114,000 BLC# 21123269 Life is sweet in this delightful 3BR/2BA Bungalow. Vaulted ceilings, laundry room. Enjoy a friendly atmosphere!
It’s A Great Time To Be
A Tucker Agent!
640 CHRISTIAN AVE $84,900 BLC# 21123290 You will love this rewarding 2-bedroom Vintage Bungalow. Garage. Classic hospitality and more for the money.
26060 SCHULLEY RD $439,900 BLC# 21127202 Satisfy your love of spacious style with this inspired 4BR/4BA Contemporary situated on 3.45 acres. Security system.
13967 SETTLERS RIDGE TR $369,900 BLC# 21124519 Savor a triumphant end to your search with this exhilarating 4BR/2+BA twostory Security sysem, 3-car garage, Sauna.
42 WILSON DR $173,900 BLC# 21132725 Everything is harmonious in this 4BR/2BA tri-level. Huge foyer, hardwod & tile flooring, formal dining room. Patio
14355 GREENBELT $176,900 BLC#21129710 A real haven! You will want to see this 4BR/2+BA residence sited on a cul-de-sac. Securuty system, gas fireplace.
ROBERT COWAN, 459-7420
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Cheap deals can come at high costs
LANDSCAPING By Randy Sorrell Yes, I admit it. On a few hysterical occasions, I have hired a starving buddy to save a few bucks on something. My caffeinated memory bank reminds me I have tried that lesson three painful times. After each, I regretfully take a fresh oath not to collapse to my inherited drive of negotiating a better deal. Apparently that has a 10 year expiration date. Recently, my sparkling SUV needed brakes, rotors and gizmos, at least that’s what the screeching sound from our mechanic said. The price at our favorite auto repair shop on Rangeline Road seemed irrationally exuberant and an experienced acquaintance was eager for the cash. You guessed it. It didn’t turn out pretty and actually cost more than if we had taken it to the pros’ initially. Miller Auto Care rescued me, with only minor testosterone humiliation. Not coincidentally, we have received a historically high number of requests this year to repair projects an unemployed buddy has filibustered up. Each time, costing the homeowner far more than if they had originally trusted the project to a veteran. Sagging decks, leaning pergolas, ugly patios and falling walls are the usual culprits of our
economically inspired mistakes. Of course, there are some fantastic start-ups with honorable intentions who will do whatever is necessary to make the repair once they understand the problem. Hopefully, that’s who you found. Do your homework. If it seems “too good to be true, it probably is”… and “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”. Get the project in writing, with extreme details and proof of insurance (not having workers comp and liability insurance is an instant loser). Great winners have to start somewhere and it’s often out of their garage or working with Uncle Joe at the farm. Just ask Bill Gates, and me. Follow the drill. Hire a trusted pro who comes recommended from the community or Angie’s List, not your horoscope reading or a warm feeling deep inside. If you insist on hiring your hungry buddy, do so with caution. Detail an agreed upon process of the project, leverage the power of your checkbook with spelled out draws, visually monitor the progress and buyer beware. Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, or
2796 E. 146th St. Carmel, IN 46032
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August 2, 2011 | 27
CarmelFest Reaches New Heights
Thank you to Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, Noblesville and surrounding communities for your support of CarmelFest. This year’s celebration on July 3rd& 4th reached new heights with record attendance levels, a monumental entertainment line-up and a stupendous fireworks show (with 2,074 rockets launched)! Brought to you by
Sponsors Support Festival
Corporate and company partners play an essential role in bringing CarmelFest to the community. This year’s lead Presenting Sponsors supporting the festival at the elite Platinum Plus level included St.Vincent Health, Firestone and The City of Carmel. Sponsors stepping up for the top Platinum Level included the Current in Carmel (for multi-year support), B105.7 Radio, Franklin University of Ohio, Mediasauce & Radio Now 100.9. The Gold Level Sponsor Group was comprised of Allstate, the renowned Carmel Symphony Orchestra, Carmel TV, North Magazine, Penske Chevrolet & Sun King Brewery. Silver Sponsors included Marketing Services of Indiana, CNO Financial Group, Centex Pulte, SmarTravel, SePro & Bella
Pizzeria. Bronze Level Sponsors included, Carmel City Center, CSO Architects, Carmel City Magazine, Easley Winery, Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Centers, the Highflyer, MCL cafeteria, Meijer, the National Bank of Indianapolis & Sullivan’s Steakhouse. In addition to corporate sponsors, CarmelFest is supported by contributions from “Friends of CarmelFest”- comprised of local businesses and patriotic individuals. Special thanks to Carmel Ice Skadium, Rich’s Furniture, Carmel Dad’s Club, Carmel United Methodist Church, Kroger, London White Group, LLC, Turkey Hill Convenience Stores, PNC Bank, Verizon Wireless Music Center, Delta Faucet, Sign-A-Rama, Party Time Rental, and Carmel High School.
CarmelFest Photo Contest
Three winning Photos were selected to represent the 2011 festival: 1st Place awarded to Jason Rose for the colorful burst of fireworks in the night sky; 2nd Place presented to David Morse for capturing patriotic kids at the festival; and 3rd Place presented to John Montiero for a breathtaking shot of fireworks over the Palladium. *Rotary Club of Carmel Indiana Annual Raffle License #123676
by Cindy Roberts-Geriener
In addition to over 200 volunteers who helped during CarmelFest, a committed team of community members worked for months to coordinate the festival. As festival Chairman, Gary Frey, put it, “A tremendous amount of planning goes into making CarmelFest a success. We have been blessed to have such a dedicated group of volunteer leaders serving on the CarmelFest Committee.” With the phenomenal growth of CarmelFest, the committee has expanded to include five Division Directors overseeing various aspects of the festival: Jeff Worrell Event Co-chair & Fireworks Director, Sue Westermeier–Entertainment, Peggy Powell–Parade, Kevin Mendell–Development, Doug Thompson–Consumer Services, and Peter Primason–Support Services. Under the leadership of the Division Directors, CarmelFest Committee members worked tirelessly to spearhead the planning process. The Entertainment team, led by Brian Carriger, included Becky Pruitt, Whitney Carriger, Bryan Ferry - plus assistance from “Friend of CarmelFest”, Steve Greenberg. The KidZone was created by the talented Kevin Mendell & Peter Primason, with help from Gena Hout. Daris Blickman orchestrated “CarmelFest Has Talent” with the assistance of Bernie Szuhaj. Susanne O’Shea managed Ticket Sales. Joe Kempler & Gary Hubbard managed Development with the help of Jason Randlett & Jannil Salazar. Cindy Roberts-Greiner directed the Public Relations Campaign and supervised Advertising with support from Julie HerrickWilliams, Lynda Pitz and Karen Glowacki. Tom Britt, coordinated Alternative Media. Kay Thompson presented the Marketplace. Kim Gaskill supervised Food Vendors with the help of Jay Kim. Jim Burrell was responsible for Parking and Shuttles. Kay Brunson handled Festival Signs. Nick Kestner organized Pedal and Park. Sherry Russell directed Volunteers with the aid of Arnold Elston, and Mark Gabinet. Gary Sexton handled Facilities (with lots of work behind-the-scenes). Tricia Carrington acted as Treasurer. Department liaisons included Lt. Larry Collins - Carmel Police Department and Lt Keith Freer - Carmel Fire Department liaison. Don Carr organized the Freedom Run. And, Mary Jane Oakley continued her multi-year role as Executive Assistant.
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DISPATCHES » Healthy dog toy – A sturdy toy that also helps to control doggie breath, Tuff Peanut Butter Balls from PetSport feature solid construction, with rubber seams that can resist both slobber and persistent chewing. And if your dog is the type who never gets tired of playing fetch, the Tuff Peanut Butter Balls are also weightier than regular tennis balls, helping to extend their lifespan. And the nutty aroma should remain on your dog’s breath long after you’ve come home from the park.
Hips don’t lie: What your dog’s hip health can tell you PETS By Greg Magnusson Hip Dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint on one or both sides of a pet, leading to a femur that does not fit correctly into the pelvic socket, and/or poorly developed muscles in the pelvic area. Hip Dysplasia is not arthritis. Arthritis forms because of Hip Dysplasia. It’s very important to your dog’s health that you understand the difference. Hip Dysplasia is heritable, but environment plays a strong role in whether or not the Hip Dysplasia turns into arthritis. Meaning, if your puppy grows up too quickly, gets injured or you overwork the hips with too much exercise too soon the hips may not have time to develop properly or will be develop improperly from the repeated motion. If your dog has a poorly developed hip joint (ie: Hip Dysplasia), its body will compensate by adapting its use of the spine; usually caus-
ing spine, knee or muscle and joint problems to arise. Chronic mechanical misuse of the hip, spine and knees then leads to arthritis, which is simply inflammation within a joint. So what can we do to prevent Hip Dysplasia from turning into arthritis? Bone Surgery, the Triple Pelvic Osteotomy or TPO can be performed by a board-certified veterinary surgeon, if the dysplasia is diagnosed before 18 months of age. The surgery repositions the joint above the femur so the joint can move more naturally. X-rays can determine if Hip Dysplasia is present in a young dog. Large breed puppy food, which is lower in calories, can help your large breed dog grow more slowly, giving the joints adequate time to develop. Adequate low-impact exercise and physical therapy during growth. Exercise is good for the body, and good for the soul, but in moderation. Limit overworking your dog before one year of
Current in Carmel
age. Prevent excessive weight gain throughout life. While it is widely known that helping an overweight, arthritic dog lose weight is extremely important to relieve pain, it’s less proven that keeping a dog slim as it grows will prevent the development of arthritis in the first place. Supplements. Glucosamine, chondroitin and Omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish oil have all been proven to reduce joint inflammation and encourage joint lubrication. Since it is rational to expect dogs with Hip Dysplasia to develop arthritis, it is also rational to expect these supplements may slow down the development of that arthritis. Dr. Magnusson, a practicing veterinarian for the last decade, is now the owner of Leo’s Pet Care. Contact Dr. Magnusson at DrM@ or 317-721-7387 (721-PETS).
August 2, 2011 | 29
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Chewing on Chesterton SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters My wife’s parents live on a quiet lake in northern Michigan where our annual summer visit provides a wonderful setting – and the time – for thoughtful reading. This year’s reading included G.K. Chesterton’s 1908 classic Orthodoxy, mainly because in late June our little dog Kramer randomly pulled my copy off the bottom bookshelf at home and chewed the book’s binding. Assured this was a lake-reading sign from God, I set the book out to take. Two days before we headed north Kramer pulled it off my reading stack and destroyed the back half of the 150-page paperback. Scrambling to find a replacement copy, I was stunned that two near-by Christian book stores I called acted as though they’d never heard of the book. Sad. I can’t imagine a Christian bookstore not recognizing Chesterton’s masterpiece that for a century has never gone out of print. Orthodoxy is an incredibly helpful relatable book that’s ahead-of-its-time. An exposition of personal Christian faith in a world overwhelmingly trending toward atheism, socialism and selfcentered all-about-me “isms” that “… [fall] short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Chesterton presents a compelling and entertaining case for
Christianity. Anyway, I called a nearby big-box bookstore and they simply asked whether I wanted the hardcover or paperback version they had in stock. I buried the new book in my sealed travel bag (so Kramer couldn’t get to it) and read it twice at the lake. A comfortable chair on a shaded wooden deck overlooking a beautiful lake, to me, is an unparalleled environment for considering God’s grandeur and truth. Orthodoxy doesn’t disappoint. Chesterton describes Christianity as the ultimate adventure and purpose for the human experience. Christianity’s gift is the gift that keeps on giving because every day, every tomorrow, is filled with the enormous anticipation and boundless wonder of new intellectual and spiritual revelation. God is that big. Christianity doesn’t just reveal truth; it is the foundation of the multifaceted, seemingly conflicting but always complete truths of God’s universe. Orthodoxy is a book with teeth. Bob Walters (www.believerbob., email rlwcom@aol. com), who perceives in Chesterton’s writing a nice mix of later writers C.S. Lewis and Will Rogers, rereads the really helpful books because he too often forgets the best arguments.
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30 | August 2, 2011
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DISPATCHES » Men better utilize LinkedIn – According to a new study by the career networking site LinkedIn, there are more men than women using the site, and the women that are on there have fewer connections than their male counterparts. However, prior statistics show that women seem to be more active on Twitter than men. But in terms of professional networking, guys seem to be making smarter strides than gals.
» New phone unveiled – The first smartphone based on the new “Mango” edition of Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform was unveiled last week in Tokyo. The phone is the first of several handsets, due over the next few months, that Microsoft hopes will signal its return to the smartphone market as a serious player. Mango, officially Windows Phone 7.5, adds some 500 improvements to the Windows Phone 7 platform, according to the company.
(For 12 Months, Offer requires Agreement)
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Voicemail hacking prevention tips TECHNOLOGY By Gary Hubbard The cell phone hacking scandal in Britain has certainly raised awareness around the world for one of the least secure technologies that we use every day: voicemail. Making it easy to check our messages while on the go has created a huge opportunity for any malcontents that might want to invade your privacy. The first oversight by many is not creating a secure password when they first get setup on a cellular account. Most cell phone voice mail systems have a default password like 111111 and prompt the user to change it the first time they access the account, hackers check here first. Don’t use obvious numbers when creating your password like your birthday, street numbers or anything that can be easily looked up about you on sites like or from your social media profiles. AT&T users can get online password reset instructions here: . If you have an iPhone on the AT&T network, you can reset the Visual Voicemail or Standard Voicemail password right from the handset: . Verizon users can get password reset instructions for using a computer online or from the handset here: . T-Mobile customers can turn off password security, visit this site to turn set a password, .
($6/mo DVR service fee applies)
Sprint users can reset or change their passwords online: or from their handsets: . The more likely scenario for having your voicemail messages accessed by an unauthorized person is from them simply picking up your phone and going to the voicemail one button away. If you have a smartphone your carrier allows users to bypass voicemail passwords. Here’s the huge security hole that can be activated TODAY: activate a startup passcode on your device. Without this code anyone can pick up your phone and access everything on it; e-mail, voicemail, contacts, online accounts, the works. If you don’t have a device password activated, a thief can assume your persona in a matter of minutes. They could ask your bank to email you a password reset message and they’ll have everything they need in their hand to start banking using your account. Even if you do have a device password on your smartphone, if it’s ever lost or stolen, make sure you go online and change the passwords for your email, voicemail or any other accounts you can get to without having to enter a password. Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services – Have a technology question? Send it to
Digital Home Advantage plan requires 24-month agreement and credit qualification. If service is terminated before the end of agreement, a cancellation fee of $17.50/month remaining applies. Programming credits apply during the first 12 months. $10/mo HD add-on fee waived for life of current account; requires Agreement, AutoPay with Paperless Billing. HBO/Showtime offer requires AutoPay with Paperless Billing; credits apply during the first 3 months ($72 value); customer must downgrade or then-current price applies. Requires continuous enrollment in AutoPay and Paperless Billing. Free Standard Professional Installation only. Monthly fees may apply based on type and number of receivers. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local channels may not be available in all areas. Additional restrictions may apply. First-time DISH Network customers only. Offer ends 01/31/11. HBO® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. SHOWTIME and related marks are registered trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. All new customers are subject to a one-time Non-Refundable Processing Fee. 99.9% signal reliability applies to transmission of DISH Network signal to customers. Reception may vary for individual customers.
“I’ve been a Paradise Personal Training client for more than two years. I’ve learned a new way of living...without 40 extra pounds and with more energy and tone than I’ve had in a long time. The program is wonderful.” -David L., Carmel
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Embarrased into a weighty decision! HUMOR By Dick Wolfsie Mary Ellen casually mentioned to me the other night that I had a pathetic looking chest. While I suppose your better half is permitted to assess your upper half, I’d suggest not responding in kind. She thinks my body lacks definition, but I disagree. You can look it up in the dictionary under scrawny. Women are definitely more interested in men having muscles than a sense of humor. No female has ever said: “I wish Matthew McConaughey would put his shirt back on and tell more jokes.” I used to go to a gym to play racquetball, and I’d see men and women fine-tuning their physiques, yet I wasn’t inspired to fiddle with my own. Never really interested in the pure pursuit of brute strength, I would watch weightlifters during their routine. They’d pick up a heavy thing, then they’d put it down again. Such indecision. After this stinging critique of my body, I read in Prevention magazine that when you reach 45 years of age, you begin losing one percent of your bone density and muscle mass every year. Old photos of me from high school show there was very little mass to start with, although some did roll in across my midsection in the early 80s. Density? I asked Mary Ellen about that, but she said not to worry, that I’m as dense as I’ve ever been—and she’s not one to just toss
out compliments. I was embarrassed into starting a moderate body- building regimen. I don’t go to the gym to work out, however. I do everything at home, in the reclining position, while watching cable
Never really interested in the pure pursuit of brute strength, I would watch weightlifters during their routine. They’d pick up a heavy thing, then they’d put it down again. Such indecision. news in the evening. Why didn’t I think of this 15 years ago? I still wouldn’t like Sean Hannity, but at least I’d be buff enough to throw kingsize pillows at the TV from a prone position. Some of my other favorite moves are curls, extensions and squats. There are two techniques I don’t perform: abductions and snatches. I don’t need any more legal trouble after getting caught walking out of Dick’s Sporting Goods with a set
of free weights. Hey, that’s what the sign said. I’m making progress. Thursday I ‘’bedpressed’’ a hefty amount: 18,000 grams. It sounds impressive when counted the way the British do. I took one really heavy dumbbell and managed to hoist it over my head. When I put it down, the dog scooped it up in his mouth and buried it outside. Mary Ellen, who regularly works out with a trainer, says my new resolution to lift things is a good sign. She’s hoping it will carry over to lifting a finger around the house to help or picking up the check when her brother and sister-in-law come to visit. As for me, this has all helped lift my spirits. I can now hold a six-pack out in front of me, arms parallel to the ground, for an entire TV commercial. A few days ago, one of my macho neighbors helped me lug a huge barbell up to the second floor of our house. My hope was that after a few months working out with some of the lighter weights, I would one day be able to lift this new behemoth all by myself. Mary Ellen thought it looked ugly in our bedroom. So she took it down to the basement.
Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at
Check out a Nook at your Carmel Clay Public Library! Would you like to try an eReader without purchasing one?
The Carmel Clay Public Library now has 10 Nooks that can be checked out to Clay Township residents 18 years and older with Carmel Clay Public Library cards in good standing. To view the available titles, go to, then call the Reference Desk at 844-3362 to check it out. If it is already checked out, place a hold on it, and you will be contacted when it is available. • Nooks can be checked out for three weeks • Each Nook has 14-15 titles (thrillers, mysteries, women’s fiction, nonfiction) preloaded on it • Titles are different on each Nook
Nook Training Sessions Available Thursday, August 4 10:00 a.m.
Saturday, August 20 10:30 a.m.
Monday, August 29 7:00 p.m.
If you would like training on how to use a Nook before checking one out, you can register for one of these sessions by calling the library’s Reference Desk at 844-3362. Space is limited, so register early! 32 | August 2, 2011
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Views | Community | Cover Story | Diversions | Education | Panache | Anti-Aging | Dough | Inside & Out | Pets | In Spirit | Toys | Puzzles | Classifieds Across 1. *Start a paragraph 5. Meal on a skewer at Saffron Cafe 10. *Relax after work 14. S-shaped molding in a Shoopman home 15. Where to hear an aria 16. Actress Gilpin on WNDY’s “Frasier” 17. Arcadia, e.g. 18. Iraqi currency 19. IU School of Optometry concern 20. Ear-related at St. Vincent Hospital 22. The Cheese Shop variety 24. Ossip’s eye part 27. Catch in a Carmel Police sting 31. Indiana State Fair barn sound 32. Go downhill at Paoli Peaks 34. Noblesville BPOE member 35. Eiteljorg Museum tribe 36. Circus prop 38. Kroger soda containers 40. Once again 41. Meijer snack maker, Frito-___ 42. Hoosier State abbr. and hint to clues with an asterisk 43. Ball State fraternity letter 44. Uttered 46. Fishers HS choir member 47. Indy bar & grill: Cadillac ___ 50. Jameson ___ 51. Snoop 52. City Council no vote 54. Dead heat at Hoosier Park 55. Disheveled 57. Din of a Pacers crowd 59. Pastoral poem 61. Not fooled by 62. Down in the dumps after a Boilermakers loss 65. Allowed by Indiana law 67. Part of speech for Grammar Guru 71. Prepare to sing the anthem at the Indy 500 72. Dangerous bacteria 73. John Dean book: “House of ___: The Indiana Torture Slaying” 74. *”For sure!” 75. Taste or touch, e.g. 76. *Not let forget Down 1. *State govt. road overseer 2. IUPUI psych class topic 3. Word before Castle and Harmony in Indiana 4. Part of some joints 5. Alaskan bear at the Indianapolis Zoo 6. Grander than grand 7. Jerry’s partner at an Indy ice cream shop 8. Desert Wind show horse 9. Marathon Oil units 10. Unexpected victory, like Butler beating Pitt 11. Guerin Catholic HS volleyball court divider 12. Twisted, as David Letterman humor 13. *Like a Heartland Film Festival flick, often 21. Short-tempered 23. Current printer’s supply 24. WISH’s network affiliation 25. Indiana Downs feedbag morsel 26. Clowes Hall banister 28. Meet unexpectedly at Marsh (2 wds.) 29. Had a N.Y. strip at Dooley O’Tooles 30. First United Methodist Church seat 33. In an unfriendly way 34. ___ a high note (2 wds.) 37. Towne Meadow Elementary School boy 39. West Park picnic crasher 40. “I get it!” 43. Washington Park Cemetery chamber 44. “Dear” one 45. Start of an Anderson University cheer: “Gimme ___!” (2 wds.)
20 24
26 32
33 38
37 41
34 39
This is the final weekend! See us today!
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2002 AUDI A6 3.2 LIKEQUATTRO...........................$27,666 NEW!................................$29,588 11423A2 2008 2008 ACURA ES350 TL
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6 Bowling Terms
4 Male Relatives
NAVIGATION!..........................$30,995 L6401 2007 MERCEDES CLK 350
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
CERTIFIED!................................$29,995 2006 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER L6406
5 Cities in England
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
3 Local Grocery Stores
__________________ __________________ __________________ 2 Indiana Senators
__________________ __________________
1 Golf Club at 126th & Keystone
46. Diamond sweaters at Prairie View Golf Club 48. Cloak-and-dagger org. 49. James Taylor hit: “___ Town Too” 51. Piece of Colts gear 53. ___ Anne’s Pretzels 56. Used a stopwatch at a Westfield HS track meet 58. Friend of Fido at the Hamilton County animal shelter
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60. Tiny biting insects 61. Many works at the IMA 62. *9-to-5 routine 63. Pebble Brook golf ball position 64. Finish, with “up” 66. Pendleton Correction Facility inmate 68. Night before a holiday 69. Hinkle Fieldhouse backboard attachment 70. *Bird hunter’s shelter
P6404 BEST BUY!.................................$31,995 11400B 2010 LS460
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2006 RX330 4 Blocks East of Keystone on 96th St. LEXUS CERTIFIED!.....................$25,777 *4610L6306A East 96th St.* . 1-888-284-1515
Current in Carmel
August 2, 2011 | 33
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is now training School Bus Drivers for the 2011-2012 School Year Summer Paid Training Program to obtain Class B, CDL Starting at $88 day after successful completion of training Paid Bi-weekly Available to earn attendance bonus Apply on-line to, AA/EOE
FOR LEASE Building For Sale/Lease
moving sale MOVING SALE
SATURDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 8-3 6681 Riverside Way, Fishers 116th Street, west of Allisonville, River Ridge Furniture, Camping equipment, Golf Clubs, Decor, Books, Toys, Formals, Dishes, Treadmill, Garage Tools, Bedding and Linens, other household items and much more!
Pet & House Sitting Service Years Experience 129Years
317-802-6565 317-432-1627
“The Safe and Reliable Alternative to Boarding” Insured/Bonded Serving Carmel & Westfield References Available
College Students!
Earn money selling Zeko Shoes when you go back to school. Go to to learn more!
2008 PONTIAC VIBE in good condition 51,500 miles, 4 Door, automatic, Sunroof Power Pack $12,000
For Sale:
2008 Club Car golf cart w/ rear seat,lights & turn signals, electric, like new in Bridgewater: $3,800 317-445-8225
Current in Carmel
NOW HIRING Full Time Bartender Housekeeping Front Desk Part Time Servers Apply in Person! 11925 N. Meridian Street Carmel, IN 46032
NOW HIRING - Sales Manager:
This full-time sales position is established to plan and direct sales activities for group sales and educational programs for the organization. The development and execution of an effective strategic sales plan are compensated via a baseline salary and commission. Proven ability to plan and direct sales activities is required. Reply to
Commercial building in Noblesville for sale/lease. Approx. 5000 sq ft of warehouse plus 1500 sq ft of office. Lease for 2800/mo. Call 317-650-2301
Full-Time Infant and Toddler Openings; 844-7207 Woodgate Area, Carmel CPR certified; 1st Aid; 32 Years Licensed; Warm and Balanced Meals; Planned activities, TLC
7-line garage sale ad reaching 92,096 households in Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville and Westfield
Full-time and a part-time Dispensing Optician. Experience necessary. Energetic personality a must. Please fax or email resume to: 317-660-7438
Call 489.4444 ext. 202 August 2, 2011 | 35
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