August 30, 2011

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After three years in business, (from left) Paige Cahue, Tristan Garber and Gage Cahue’s shoe charm business is taking off

Young Carmel entrepreneurs have found their niche in the shoe accessory business / P9 Photo by Kevin Kane

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Political proclivities Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. V, No. 44 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444 Managing Editor – Kevin Kane / 489.4444 ext. 204 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Art Director – Zachary Ross / 489.4444 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson / 787.3291 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell


It is our position that we all should be concerned about becoming desensitized by the frequent news of sexual indiscretions by elected officials. The most recent scandal, in what seems like a never-ending list, involved Indiana State Rep. Phillip Hinkle (R-District 92). The response from the left was, “Big deal, it’s just another religious right, anti-gay hypocrite.” Others rolled their eyes in disgust and exclaimed, “What else is new?” It is dumbfounding that these elected officials keep making the same mistakes. Regardless of sexual orientation, personal proclivities, or other demons, when is it ever a good idea to solicit a teenager to join one in a downtown hotel room? Is it appropriate for newspapers to run these kinds of stories? Absolutely. While it is a private issue for his family, it becomes a public issue because he sought to be a public figure. Determination of crime is left to a trier of fact, but reporting a well-founded accusation is right. Was it better when we didn’t know about every indiscretion via the media? As the saying goes, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” Voters make choices based on promises and trust.

State Fair victim fund

It is our position that as Hoosiers, we should all do what we can to help support those that tragically lost friends or family more were injured in the state collapse at the Sugarland concert at the Indiana State Fair on Aug.13. We are fortunate to have organizations such as the Central Indiana Community Foundation, who stepped up to the plate and have created a fund to that will help the families of those who killed and injured by the state collapse. The CICF has set up three options for payment. One way is to pay is by check. If you decide to go this route, please make checks payable to Central Indiana Community Foundation and in the memo line, write “Indiana State Fair Remembrance Fund.” Send all checks to: CICF, ATTN: Indiana State Fair Remembrance Fund, 615 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. Those wishing to donate online can go to the CICF website ( and click on the State Fair Fund banner. Finally, there is the option to donate via text message. By texting “Fair” to 27722 and confirming the payment, you will make a $10 contribution to the fund.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.

Advertising Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749

Business Office Bookkeeper – Heather Cole / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


strange laws V E C TO R B U TT O NS . C O M V E C TO R B U TT O NS . C O M


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.

In Louisiana, “fake” wrestling matches are prohibited.

Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 10. Finance Section 1. Assessment and taxation (a) The General Assembly shall provide, by law, for a uniform and equal rate of property assessment and taxation and shall prescribe regulations to secure a just valuation for taxation of all property, both real and personal. The General Assembly may exempt from property taxation any property in any of the following

Current in Carmel

classes: (1) Property being used for municipal, educational, literary, scientific, religious or charitable

purposes; (2) Tangible personal property other than property being held for sale in the ordinary course of a trade or business, property being held, used or consumed in connection with the production of income, or property being held as an investment; (3) Intangible personal property. (b) The General Assembly may exempt any motor vehicles, mobile homes, airplanes, boats, trailers or similar property, provided that an excise tax in lieu of the property tax is substituted therefor.

August 30, 2011 | 3

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Contemporary Dental ConCepts

Humane Society’s needs far from ended

accountability for these actions. Nonetheless, I fear taking the reassuring pass that my own travails are somehow overwhelmed by the fact that there exist some widely accepted causality upon which to pin the culpability could only lead to more bad action on my part. Shouldn’t I, like we all, be held to account for my failings especially if I did little to prevent their flourishing? If a recovering alcoholic is likely to drink, shouldn’t she stay away from taverns and drunks? If a married man is prone to chase women, shouldn’t he avoid circumstance that would allow for that weakness? And if not, at what degree do we point to addiction and lust rather than urging the individual to stand and account for the role they might be taking in our own failings? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@

every fan shoulD have one

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••• As you might know, we’re huge fans of syndicated columnist Ann Coulter. We follow her on Twitter, as well. Today, we’d like to share a few of her tweets. Humor aside, they make you think: “Watch the status-anxious go wild!”… “Sadness overcomes the nation as it realizes the Department of Education is still standing after the earthquake.” … “Ripley’s entry: Amy Winehouse died with no illegal drugs in her system.” … “Obama picked up a few books in Martha’s Vineyard – all fiction. He must be doing research for his big September jobs plan.” … “Janet Napolitano says Homeland Security will stop deportation of illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria such as: ‘Whatever’.”

One wonders if a portion of the desire to deflect comes from those figures seeming disproportional propensity to transgress.

4 | August 30, 2011

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Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg

Hate the sinner?

COMMENTARY By Terry Anker Over these many years of my life, the message to hate the sin and not the sinner has been packed into my way of thinking. Religious, political, education and other leaders admonish us to turn our attention to the bad behavior and not to the person perpetrating it. It seems to make sense, but one wonders if a portion of the desire to deflect comes from those figures seeming disproportional propensity to transgress. Without doubt, we are all capable of bad and inappropriate behavior. And of course, alcohol abuse, marital infidelity, greed and any array of other misbehaviors are by themselves reprehensible as a state of being. Yet, isn’t blaming the action akin to excusing the actor? Also like a magnet to our moral compass, does this mindset skew our perspective to the point that we can lose our own ethical way? As much as I’d like to wish it not so, my own personal story is not without error. And, little would comfort me more than being excused

Don’t go tailgating without a bright white smile!

Century Drive

To all those who participated in the Fancy Feast on Sunday at Eddie’s Corner Café in Noblesville, please take a bow! In a benefit for the Humane Society for Hamilton County, patrons dropped $20 each to participate in one of three seatings to munch on, among other offerings, spaghetti and lasagna. Every cent that was collected was to go to the Humane Society, which, as we’ve pointed out countless times, is horrifically underfunded to care for a frightening number of abused, abandoned or otherwise homeless animals. Please join us in saluting the eatery and the celebrity wait staff, which included Hamilton County Sheriff Mark Bowen, Carmel councilwoman Luci Snyder, Fishers Town Manager Scott Fadness, Westfield councilman Steve Orusa and various members of the media, among others. The need doesn’t stop with Sunday’s feast. The Humane Society is trying to raise $24,000 by the end of the day tomorrow. Its board of directors, along with a small group of donors, has vowed to match, dollar for dollar, up to $12,000. Please, put down the paper for a moment and call the Humane Society at 773.4974 or e-mail them at Thanks to everyone for doing his or her part!

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Consistency is needed at Monon intersections COMMENTARY By Kevin Kane An editorial from our paper a few weeks ago on traffic flow near intersections of the Monon Trail has stirred up talk on this old topic once again. In the Our Views’ article titled “Stop stopping” in the Aug. 9 issue of Current, our editorial board wrote that drivers approaching the Monon Trail should keep going and not stop for pedestrians waiting to cross. One reader later replied through a letter to the editor arguing that not stopping goes against the grain of what we are taught in driver’s education. Since then we’ve received more letters, these rebutting the first letter and siding with the Current editorial. During the Aug. 15 City Council meeting, councilmen Kevin Rider and Rick Sharp stressed the need for a consistent practice when driving across the Monon. Specifically, the two agreed that all drivers should keep moving at these intersections. Rider, owner of Woody’s Library Restaurant on Main Street, said the constant stopping at the trail greatly impedes traffic flow. But he also added that the only time when he’s been struck by a car while cycling came at the Main StreetMonon intersection, when one car stopped at the trail while another did not. Sharp said he recently had his own Monon incident. A few weeks ago, he said, most people on the trail stopped at Main Street but one cyclist did not, as he apparently assumed the car would stop.

I agree with these two: consistency is desperately needed. I’ll admit that I’ve become conditioned to stop and allow people to cross just as many pedestrians – like the one in Sharp’s example – have been conditioned to assume that drivers will stop and now cross streets without looking. Because the law says motorists have the right of way, this is the practice we need to consistently follow. Obviously, if it appears that a rollerblader doesn’t plan on stopping, I’ll hit the brakes, but whenever possible, I’ll now drive through. Hopefully, if everyone approaches these intersections consistently, we’ll be able to take the guesswork out of Monon crossings. ••• The Hamilton County Leadership Academy last week announced the members of its new class, which will graduate in 2012. HCLA takes select applicants through a 10-month course during which they’re taught the ins and outs of Hamilton County and how they can become community leaders. I was lucky enough to be among the 20 to 30 applicants chosen to be in this next class. I’m anxious to meet my classmates – who are listed online at



Kevin Kane is the managing editor of Current in Carmel. You can reach him via e-mail at Kevin@

readers’ views Reaction to Libman report Thank you for the work that you and your staff have done in relation to the unpleasantness that has recently overcome the Palladium as a result of the actions of Steven Libman, the erstwhile executive director. It is refreshing to see the careful and principled position your newspaper has taken. While others in the media burbled along the surface looking for salacious headlines, you folks undertook to investigate the rumors that had been swirling to either prove or disprove them. Because you cared about the community and its institutions, rather than about ratings points, you took the results of your investigation to the proper person.

Then you were patient, waiting for your results to be checked for accuracy before breaking the story. I know that was hard for you to do in the face of the ever-escalating drama engendered by your Indianapolis media counterparts and some of my own colleagues on Council. The Current has done exactly what a community newspaper should do: report the news accurately and in depth with a sensitivity to all the individuals and organizations concerned. I appreciate your work. Thanks for caring about Carmel. Ron Carter Carmel City Council, At-Large


Bryant’s article was refreshing I, as a senior at Carmel High School, found the rounded and honest approach in the Aug. 16 commentary “Is a college degree necessary?” by Susan Bryant immensely refreshing. No one feels the pressures of college application deadlines more intently than the students, and after years of having the college ideal shoved down our throats, it’s easy to forget the rest of the world is still out there. I myself do have college aspirations, seeing as further education is necessary for where I want to go with my life, but I know several people intending to go

to college not for the degree but simply because it is expected of them. This is simply another way of pigeonholing kids to fulfill stereotypical roles in meaningless jobs, rather than providing any opportunity for kids to choose their own fate. In short, I thought this article’s approach was absolutely appropriate and it gave me a moment to step back and breathe - something I think many students are already in desperate need of doing. Scott Blankenbaker 46032

©2011 The National Bank of Indianapolis 1386 Decisions_5.1x11.indd 1

Current in Carmel

Member FDIC 6/7/11 9:30 AM

August 30, 2011 | 5

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» Kalish exhibit at IDC – Coats Wright Art and Design, an art gallery on the first floor of the Indiana Design Center, has officially announced an upcoming Michael Kalish exhibit to coincide with Carmel’s Artomobilia. Coats Wright Art and Design is pleased to have an exhibition of Michael’s work opening Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stop in and visit while attending the Carmel Artomobilia, 2011. Enjoy these “vehicles” as they begin their second life as works of art. » Clinic volunteers – The Trinity Free Clinic, 1045 W. 146th St. in Carmel, is calling for volunteers to help staff the free medical clinic, which serves the entire county. For more information about volunteering, contact Lori Armstrong at 8190772 ex. 6922, or » Diabetes support – Riverview Hospital will host a diabetes support group on the second Thursday of each month. The meetings take place at 7 p.m. in the lower level of the Professional Building, Entrance 13, Classrooms A and B. For more information on this free support group, contact the RMG Diabetes Center at 776-7233 or Lori Stiner, group leader, at 519-3895. » AlphaGraphics expands services – AlphaGraphics of Carmel has expanded its offerings for marketing services. In addition to its primary services – printing, design, mailing – AlphaGraphics now offers a “full-solution” approach which includes PURLs, QR codes and website design. Learn more at » Wolfsie to speak in Carmel – Dick Wolfsie will speak at PrimeLife Enrichment’s 2011 Sponsor Fair Sept. 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. At 11:30 a.m., the author, columnist and former TV personality will talk about why we all laugh and the value of humor in our lives. Open to members and non-members. Registration requested; call 815-7000.

COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson I happened to leave my cell phone at my inlaws the other morning, and by evening I’d had three different people pull me aside to “discuss” my need for an upgrade. The funny thing is I had purchased a new phone just three weeks prior, after losing my old one in a Colorado hotel lobby. I spent a whole dollar to replace my beloved, but admittedly boring, Samsung with a brand new flip. Sure, it has no photo or Internet capability, and every text message I receive costs $3, but who cares? Despite my husband’s recommendation, I simply do NOT want a smartphone. So let me defend my decision by addressing each of my loved ones’ “concerns.” First up, Doo’s uncle: who claims any intelligent woman like myself, and especially one married to an IT geek, should sport an iPhone or an R2D2 or a Blueberry. “Danielle, you can have your calendar, address book, Internet and email with you wherever you go. Why wouldn’t you want that?” All of those items are nicely organized at my desk at home and that’s where they’re gonna stay. I don’t make nearly enough money to be “working” 24/7, and if I couldn’t ever escape the logistical and professional sides of my life, I’d quite literally implode. My sister-in-law also expressed disappointment in my phone choice. She feels I need a full keyboard with an unlimited data plan so I

can text on a regular basis. “Danielle, you hate talking on the phone. Texting was invented for non-socialites like you!” (That anti-social bit was implied; she’d never call me a loser to my face. LOL). But I absolutely cannot tolerate people in a social or professional setting who are constantly checking and responding to their text messages. OMG! Just because they are communicating silently doesn’t mean they aren’t being rude. I refuse to get sucked in to that world, where everything revolves around acronyms and phonetically spelled words. TMI, u no? Finally, my children. Apparently I embarrass them with my “throwback communication device.” What-evs. I’m their mom; that’s my job. Dad gets to look cool and I get to make them uncomfortable around their friends. It’s win-win. In all seriousness though, I really like just having a plain ol’ cell phone. It’s cheap, makes calls in emergency situations, and I can lend it to my kids without fear of losing a $200 piece of technology. What’s so wrong with that? So stop judging me, Wilsons and Hoosiers and America! I love my basic flip! Peace out.

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Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@

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» ALS Walk – The ALS Association Indiana Chapter’s Walk to Defeat ALS will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 10 a.m. at White River State Park. For more info about participating in the walk contact Aubrey Rhodes,

6 | August 30, 2011


» Rotary meeting – Rotary Club of Carmel will meet Friday, noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th St. Program: Brad Schleppi of American Red Cross. Contact: Wendy Phillips 501-4955.

Cell phone blues

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Current in Carmel

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Music remembers the fallen COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell I remember and I bet you do too. I vividly recall exactly where I was and what I was doing when the first plane hit the North Tower. This year marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the talented people of Carmel United Methodist Church have decided to give us a gift. Their anniversary remembrance community worship service will be held at the Palladium on September 11 at 9:00 am. Senior Pastor Gregory McGarvey serves as Co-Chair along with Reverend Patti Payntor and says, “On this milestone anniversary, we think it is important to remember the past, but teach for the future. We appreciate our country and want to honor the fallen.” During 9/11, so many first responders were lost. To recognize that sacrifice, Carmel’s Police and Fire personnel are to be special guests of honor. A free will offering will be taken up with the proceeds to benefit two special charities. CFD is famous for their support and organization of a Christmas outreach program and the remaining funds will go to the Heroes Club which supports safety personnel. The 11 a.m. worship service does not require a ticket. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Chuck Shockley, Music Ministry Director is in charge of the music which will be a prominent part of the program. “It is a privilege to offer something to the community that

gives them a chance to reflect and pray about the memories that might come back about what happened,” said Shockley. To enhance the experience, he chose to present Rene Clausen’s “Memorial” commissioned by the American Choral Directors Association in 2003. The music is both poignant and uplifting and will feature an 80 member choir and a 40 piece orchestra. At the same time “Memorial” is performed in Carmel at the Palladium, it will also be enjoyed by an audience at Carnegie Hall. Carmel United Methodist Church is donating the considerable budget it takes to put on such an event, including just the cost of securing the Palladium. Almost a year ago, when planning for such a service began, people started asking how to help. “That makes this gift even more special when I look back at how many people have worked so hard to make this come together,” McGarvey said. “I will be completely satisfied if when the service ends, everyone will actually act out our final song and make a difference.” The Carmel United Methodist Church Remembrance Worship Service will close with the song, “Go Light Your World.” Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at

St.Vs seeks cancer-walk participants, volunteers The St. Vincent Foundation will hold a new event this year to benefit St.V patients and the Carmel community. A one-day, 15-mile walk is planned for Oct. 1 at the Coxhall Gardens in Carmel. The new event, dubbed Women of Hope, replaces The Weekend to End Breast Cancer and represents the more than 1.5 million women and men who will be diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. this year. All funds raised through the 15-mile walk and respective one and three-mile walks on the same day will directly benefit the development of cancer survivor programs and initiatives, including patient navigators who work with cancer patients from diagnosis through treatment. Event participants will have an opportunity to express their preference for one or more of several suggested projects for which the funds they raised will be used. The foundation is looking for community members to participate and volunteer for the day’s events. Participants in the 15-mile walk (Women (and Men) of Hope) are generally people whose lives have been touched by cancer—patients,

survivors, friends, family, the community. Each agrees to raise $1,000 by Oct. 1 for the cause. Women of Hope gain the support of friends and family by sending letters and emails, holding garage sales, having jewelry sales, etc. There will be entertainment and lots of pit stops with food and pampering along the way. The one and three-mile walks are open to the community. Walkers participate in a moving and inspiring opening ceremony and can stay to have fun in the Village of Hope, a free community fair featuring health screenings and a kid’s zone. Price of participating in the one-mile walk is $10, $30 for the three-mile walk. Both include t-shirts. Register at More than 300 volunteers are needed to help with the event, as well. To register as a volunteer, visit

Current in Carmel

August 30, 2011 | 7

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Jerry Semler and Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard

Gov. Mitch Daniels

Reince Priebus and Ersal Ozdemir

Kit Werbe and Paul Okeso

RNC fundraiser in Carmel

Emily Krieger

Heath VanNatter and Reince Priebus

A reception was held last week for Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus at the home of Ersal and Izabela Ozdemir in Carmel. The reception was attended by Gov. Mitch Daniels and Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, among other elected officials.

Doug Talley, left, and Jerry Torr Photos by Karl Ahlrichs

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Current in Carmel

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Young Carmel entrepreneurs have found their niche in the shoe accessory business By Brandie Bohney Necessity may be the mother of invention, but it takes a whole family to develop, market, and sell that invention. One Carmel family has done just that. Three years ago, Paige Cahue, now 14, lamented that shoe charms were available for Crocs, but not for other types of shoes. Over dinner, her stepfather, Theo Garber, encouraged Paige, her brother Gage Cahue, 16, and Theo’s son Tristan Garber, 14, to come up with a solution. “I thought it would just be him (Theo) going out and buying me some charms,” Paige said. “I figured somebody would have already made them, but they didn’t. So I thought, let’s make it!” But no one in the family knew that three years later they’d be spending the summer

marketing their invention: Rivetz Charms. Rivetz are small charms that attach to the eyelet of nearly any ball cap or shoe with laces. The company today has about 34 designs, but coming up with the initial few wasn’t an overnight venture. “It was right in front of us: Where the shoelaces go would be a great place for charms,” Theo said. “We prototyped with materials from Hobby Lobby…The prototype was the hardest part, getting it to work right. We had several different ones that failed, so we finally, just recently, were able to create one that works.” After the prototype was created, Theo identified potential manufacturers online and began discussions with them. “That was an eight-month process, dealing with them to get an actual physical product in hand,” he said. Once they had the first Rivetz, the kids put the charms in their shoes and

wore them to school, where the hard work initially paid off. “The kids (at school) went crazy over them and wanted to buy their own,” Theo said. But the business didn’t immediately take off from there. Still, the kids patented the design and continued marketing the products at school and local events. “We tried to hit some bigger events in Indiana and spread the word so everyone starts talking about it,” Gage said. Theo, who himself has experience as a business owner, said he continued to stress to the three that getting off the ground would not be easy but they should not give up. “I kept telling them ‘Persistence, persistence, persistence,’” he said. Eventually, their marketing efforts paid off. In-person and online sales increased and the kids’ business began to grow. The three also have checked off one of their many goals: to get licensing rights for specialty charms. Recently, the company reached a deal with Jim Davis, creator of Garfield, which allows the kids to sell charms incorporating images of the famous comic cat. “We wanted to keep it local, start with something here, and Jim gave us a great opportunity,” Theo said. “We thought that would be the first licensing deal. It was affordable and would allow us to test and see how well it does.” Currently, the family members work for the company on a part-time basis, as school and other obligations allow. The group meets every night in the company’s board room – at the kitchen table – where they

Rivetz Shoe Charms About 34 varieties are available online at Rivets Charms also are available in several stores around the state, including Once Upon a Child and Simply Sweet Shoppe in Carmel.

go over the next day’s to-do list. But the kids are somewhat undecided about their respective plans for their futures and involvement in the company. Paige, currently a freshman at Carmel High School, would like to become a veterinarian, but she notes, “[Rivetz] is something I want to keep in my life…but I don’t want it to be my [full-time] job.” Tristan, a creative force in the business and a sophomore, is still undecided. Gage, on the other hand, would love to make a career starting with Rivetz. As a sophomore, he takes marketing and business classes at CHS, and he’d like to position himself in a way that allows him to manage a large business – even this business when that time comes. “When it comes to the point where one of us needs to take over, it’s something I could be prepared for,” he said. Until the three have to make such long-term decisions, however, they will continue to promote their products and learn as much from this experience as possible. “I’ve had many people from my school ask me about them, so I think there are a wide variety of kids who like them,” Paige said. “Most people wear tennis shoes…It’s good to know that we’ve made something that’s useful.”

Giving back

Fundraising opportunities are available through the company’s website. They work with several local nonprofits such as schools and churches, donating 50 percent of the profits and, through specialty charms, also help raise money for autism and breast cancer awareness events.

Current in Carmel

August 30, 2011 | 9

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County could take over city’s 911 dispatching By Kevin Kane Hamilton County may take over the Carmel Clay Communications Center next year. Mayor Jim Brainard said last week it is likely this change, which has been considered multiple times in recent years, could go into effect Jan. 1, 2012. The communications center handles dispatching duties for Carmel’s police and fire departments as well as provides other services, including monitoring the city’s security cameras and writing software for 911 functions, among other jobs. Brainard said he will propose a deal to the county that would put Hamilton County in charge of dispatching Carmel’s 911 calls and save the city money. “There was a time a few years ago when people with the police and fire departments thought our dispatchers did a better job than the county’s,” Brainard said. “I don’t believe they feel that way today.” Brainard said the change, if made, would be done for efficiency and to comply with new state regulations requiring that counties have no more than two emergency call centers by 2014. Hamilton County has three - two in Noblesville, operated by the county and the city of Noblesville, respectively, and Carmel’s. If Carmel’s merges with the county, he said, it could save the city more than $1 million per year. “Fishers has been paying nothing for county 911 service, even though we all pay taxes into

Café opens in Sophia Square Café St. Tropez opened its doors last week. The café inside Sophia Square, a new luxury apartment community on Main Street near the Monon Trail, is owned by Bulent Yurtsever, whose menu features a variety of freshly made items such as a signature chicken panini, shepherd’s salad and zucchini pancakes. In addition to the food menu, Café St. Tropez

offers several brewed coffees including a Turkish blend, a variety of wines and champagnes and a few signature drinks. The café is open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Prices range from $5 to $16 a plate. For more information, call 581-9559. Café St. Tropez is located on the first floor of Sophia Square facing the Monon Trail and at the intersection of Second Avenue and Main Street.

Carmel artists selected for state exhibition Twenty-one Hamilton County artists, including several from Carmel, are among the 107 whose works were selected for the Hoosier Salon 87th Annual Exhibition. The annual juried competition promotes Hoosier artists and their art by identifying the best works by Indiana artists, showcasing them in the annual exhibition and making them available for sale. The Carmel artists chosen for year’s exhibition are: Robert Bratton for a watercolor piece, K14. Bratton won the jury prize of distinction in the watercolor category. Dorothy Chase for a watercolor painting, Woodland Stream; Karen Fehr for a watercolor collage piece, Dreamscapes III; Nancy Kruse for an oil painting, An Aloha State

10 | August 30, 2011

the county fund,” he said. “We have been spending roughly $3 million per year to have a separate system. If we contract with the county and they charge Fishers appropriately, we should save around $1.5 million annually.” Fishers hasn’t paid for this service, Brainard said, because it was originally exempt because of its smaller population years ago. As the town grew, however, this exemption was never removed. Brainard said any deal proposed by Carmel would hinge on the county charging Fishers, which would contribute to the city’s potential savings. Though the city could save money, current employees affected by the change would not necessarily be guaranteed jobs and would at least be forced to take a pay cut. If such a deal goes through, some of the 16 current employees would remain with the city to handle non-dispatch-related tasks. The county has agreed to interview the rest, Brainard said, but Hamilton County dispatchers make less than those in Carmel. Because Carmel’s center already is operating with six unfilled positions, Brainard said he’s optimistic that all current employees would keep their jobs. The change would put Hamilton County and Carmel employees together in the communications building at 31 First Avenue NW, though it is not yet known how the city would be compensated for the county’s use of the building. “There’s some redundancy now that we’d be able to cut,” Brainard said.

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of Mind; J.D. Naraine for two oil paintings, Navajo and Sunset; Carol R. Skinner for an oil painting, Canoes at Koteewi Park; James Sparks for a colored pencil piece, Cool Creek Crossing; Linda L. Spier for a woodcut print piece, Centenarians and April Willy of Carmel for an acrylic piece, Passive Resistance, and an oil painting, An Unclear Path. An Unclear Path won the prize for outstanding contemporary work. The Hoosier Salon 87th Annual Exhibition runs through Oct. 15 at the Indiana State Museum, 650 West Washington Street, Indianapolis. The show is open to the public during regular museum hours, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. For more information, visit

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DISPATCHES » Planetarium show – Join Carmel High School students at the CHS planetarium to investigate constellations and bright stars of summer during a planetarium show Sept. 9 at 7 and 8 p.m. Explore some of the stars and deep sky objects inside the constellation boundaries. The planetarium star projector will be used to simulate the night sky locally and then we will immerse you into an environment as if there was no light pollution. For more information, call 846-7721, extension 7446. » New CCHS site – Fresh changes at the Carmel Clay Historical Society and its Monon Depot Museum bring new looks to Carmel’s history. Exhibits, grounds, and the society’s website all have had additions. Local marketing company Silver Square developed the new site for the CCHS and donated much of the work required for the project. New features include rotating historical photographs from the society’s collections and changing “Did You Know” facts about local history. The site is at » Meeting of new group – COPE, a support group for women committed to overcoming the pains of endometriosis, will hold a meet-

ing on Sept. 1 at 6:30 pm in the Craft Room at the Westfield Public Library. For more information, please go to » Open mic night – Come and share a song, poem, comedy, etc. or just sit back and enjoy Sept. 2, 7 p.m., FIC Church- 310 N. Rangeline Road, Carmel. Contact s_cabahug@hotmail. com to share your talent. » Pumpkin festival – The 39th Annual Pumpkin Harvest Festival at Stonycreek Farm will run Sept. 24 to Oct. 31, 11366 State Road 38 East, Noblesville. Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., parking is $5 per car on Saturday and Sunday. There is no parking fee Monday through Friday. This year’s newest attraction is a 400 foot-long zipline. For more information call 776-9427 or go to » Coburn Fest – Help support the programs at Coburn Place, a safe haven for women and children fleeing from domestic violence, by attending this year’s Coburn Fest on Sept. 17. The party, held at the Robert Irsay Pavillion (1303 W. 116th Street in Carmel) will run from 7 to 11 p.m. and will feature the Henle and The Loops. Tickets are $50 per person. For tickets or more information, visit www.

Hard work doesn’t hurt

EDUCATION By Jeff Swensson When I was in college, the summer months meant working in a galvanizing plant in shipping and receiving. Amidst the blistering heat of summer in the Midwest, we’d lug galvanized items off of skids and into box cars while our foreman, a solid guy named Joe Placke, would remind us, “a little hard work never hurt anybody!” While this old-fashioned saying from a gritty summer job may seem a little out of place in an academic setting like our school system, I’m more than confident the efforts of the Carmel Clay Schools would make my old foreman, Joe, very proud. Without any doubt, there’s a lot of hard work going on each day in classrooms across our school district. The dedicated work of educators and the diligent work of students are selfevident as a visitor walks the hallways of any of our schools; there’s plenty of objective evidence to back up this impression. The most recent evidence students’ and teachers’ impressive efforts is found in the honors received by Carmel High School. Just a couple of weeks ago, Governor Daniels and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Bennett saluted CHS as one of only 21 high schools in Indiana with at least 25 percent of the graduating class of 2010 earning a passing grade on Advanced Placement tests. To be specific, 44 percent of 2010 Class earned this distinction. Carmel High School not only earned this rec-

Family Owned

ognition from our distinguished State leaders, but CHS also earned a place on the national “AP Honor Roll” for consistently having exceptionally strong student performances on Advanced Placement tests. As we look ahead to receiving results from the Class of 2011, we anticipate even better results. These tributes honor our terrific students at CHS and the hard work that made this possible, which began in elementary school. Teachers, counselors, instructional assistants, parents/ guardians and all of our school community set high standards for our young people from kindergarten on. High quality results such as our recent AP accolades emerge from our K-12 combination of a high quality curriculum, engaging instruction, and strong adult support/encouragement. Our school district’s AP results reflect years of hard work. I’m tremendously proud of the team effort that goes into earning State and National recognition. There’s no doubt in my mind the honors earned by CHS students demonstrate that dedication, perseverance, and intellect go hand-in-hand throughout the Carmel Clay Schools. I’m very we’d all likely hear what my old foreman, Joe, would tell us at the end of a day’s worth of hard work: “That’s a job well done!” Dr. Jeff Swensson is the superintendant of Carmel Clay Schools. E-mail him at jswensso@

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August 30, 2011 | 11

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Don’t mess with Texas Duck Tape! GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney Wow. When I submitted the reader-suggested misspellings column, I had no idea the can of worms I had opened. It’s a huge can, and some of the worms are really, really angry. My column two weeks ago included readers’ suggestions of words and phrases that are frequently misspelled because of confusing pronunciation. One of the examples I selected was that of duct tape. Or Duck tape. As a flurry of readers – many of them very kind, but a few on the verge of a duck-tape breakdown – noted, Duck is a brand name of the type of tape that is otherwise known as duct tape. Are you ready for a history lesson? It’s a history I didn’t know until savvy readers pointed it out to me, and it’s an interesting journey in tape. During World War II, there was a need for waterproof tape primarily for ammunition cases. Johnson and Johnson’s Permacel Division took on the task of creating such a tape; their invention is what we now know as duct or duck tape. Soldiers sometimes referred to it as duck tape because of the way water would bead up and roll off it, much like water beads up and rolls off ducks. The soldiers also found it was handy not just for ammunition cases, but for dozens of other applications. After the war, the tape began being used as a way to seal duct work, and the name changed

from duck tape to duct tape. The color also changed at that time from standard army green to the standard grey we have come to know and love. In the 1970s, Manco, Inc. began marketing the tape as Duck tape, using a duck logo on the shrink wrap it used to package the tape. Duct tape isn’t used as frequently now for ducts as it is for other things – thousands of other things. In fact, Duck brand tape sponsors a scholarship contest ever spring for high school seniors who make their prom attire out of their tape. I had a student participate in the competition way back when, and the photo you see is of the 2011 winners. Yes, even his tux (and their shoes!) was made out of Duck tape. So, readers, mea culpa. I apologize for promoting a duck/duct-tape fallacy. Use whichever term you prefer. I’ll just take this handy grey tape and close that can of worms back up for good. Information compiled from http://www. and Club/history-of-duck-tape.aspx.

Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at

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August 30, 2011 | 13

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DISPATCHES » September gardening tips – 1. Now is a good time to evaluate the success of this year’s garden. Make notes that will help you improve your garden next spring. 2. This is the best time to plant dormant evergreen trees and shrubs. 3. Correct any soil deficiencies you’ve noticed. Healthy soil is crucial to healthy plants. » Fixing BBQ blunders – Remove barbecue sauce stains from your clothes through this process: Rinse with cold water, then sponge the stain with white vinegar. Rinse, apply detergent to the stain, and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing again. Repeat. -Esquire » Civic gala – On Sept. 8, Civic Theatre will host a Gala Celebration at its new home, the Tarkington (3 Center Green, Carmel). The evening will feature a presentation of Civic’s first show of the 2011-12 season, The Drowsy Chaperone, which will mark Civic Theatre’s inaugural performance at its new home. Tickets are $150 per person or $1,000 for eight and can be purchased by calling 923-4597. Attendees are encouraged to wear business attire for the special evening.

14 | August 30, 2011

» Rent a breathalyzer – You can buy breath-alcohol testing key chains, and some bars have installed testers that allow customers to make sure they’re OK to drive. Now, you can rent one of the devices for a private event, such as a party at your house, at sites like, which rents FDAapproved devices. » Buy Caribbean vacations now – Trips to Jamaica, Bahamas and Bermuda on sale this time of year, with hurricane season around the corner. Just make sure you’re protected. If traveling any place close to the hurricane belt this summer, look into travel insurance, as it hedges against the possibility of your trip being ruined and losing all your money. It may increase the cost of your trip by an extra 10 or 15%, but “that’s still cheaper than traveling during peak season. » A great hot-weather wine – For a good light-bodied wine at a good price, try 2010 Cusumano Insolia ($12). Sicily’s local Insolia grape gives this white wine peach and citrus notes. It’s aged in stainless steel tanks to keep its flavors fresh.

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A top-shelf melt

COOKING By Clint Smith As far as “Fair Food” goes, this summer I had a minor set-back. You might be familiar with the venerated Dairy Bar up at the Indiana State Fairgrounds—a pasteurized plethora of milkshakes, frozen custards and hand-dipped ice cream. But, there’s another item for which fair-goers obediently fall in line: the Dairy Bar’s grilled cheese. In the past, your standard American-on-white sandwich (traditionally delicious as it may be) was featured on a menu alongside nuanced offerings such as Colby and Gouda on wheat bread. This season—my love for the latter strata of cheese-and-wheat went unrequited. I was crestfallen to read the Dairy Bar’s menu, sans

Gouda. So, as an antidote I’ve decided to share a topshelf melt with you. This brie-and-pear toasted cheese is a study in harmony. Between the buttery crunch of the toasted bread, the creamy, soft-ripened brie gives it a nutty pungency; to fill in the remaining flavor spaces is tartness from the pear, and sweet heat from the jalapeno jelly. Now, you have a homemade creation worthy of any ritzy menu. It’s not your ordinary toasted cheese, nor is it meant to be.

Clint Smith is an honors graduate of The Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago, Le Cordon Bleu, and is currently a culinary arts instructor at Central Nine Career Center in Greenwood. To read more about techniques and recipes, visit

Brie-and-pear toasted cheese Serves 1 Ingredients • 2 large slices of white bread • 4 ounces brie cheese, cut into thin rectangles • ½ Bartlett pear, sliced thin • As needed, jalapeno jelly • As needed, oil and unsalted butter Directions 1. Apply a thin coating of jalapeno jelly to each side of the bread (in addition to flavor, this will help the ingredients adhere). In a medium-sized, non-stick sauté pan, heat small amount of oil over medium-high heat; add roughly 1 teaspoon of butter and allow to melt (don’t burn). Add one slice of bread and evenly layer on cheese. Repeat with pear slices and top with remaining slice of bread. 2. Shift bread around pan to toast evenly before carefully using a spatula to flip the toasted cheese over. Repeat toasting process,

adding more oil or butter as needed. When both sides have crisped to a golden brown, remove from pan and allow to rest for several minutes before cutting in half and plating (serves one hungry individual or two unselfish people).

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Current in Carmel

August 30, 2011 | 15

Flanner and Buchanan Funeral Centers and Oaklawn Memorial Gardens Invites You to...

... Join us on Sunday September 11, 2011 8:30 A.M. to honor the lives of those lost on September 11, 2001 One thousand flags will be placed in the Oaklawn Memorial Gardens Field of Flags in their memory. Keynote Speaker: Major General R. Martin Umbarger Guest Speaker: Wounded Iraq Vet Josh Bleill



9700 Allisonville Road Indianapolis, IN 46250

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Thursday and Friday Symphony on the Prairie: Flash Cadillac Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers Details and ticket information available at symphony_on_the_prairie Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Carmel Community Playhouse: Prine – A Tribute Concert 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd., Carmel Cost: $25 for adults and $20 for students and seniors. Show times are 8 p.m. Thursday and Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Sunday Details: call 815-9387 Friday Jazz on the Square: The Tides Downtown Noblesville Square Concert (7 to 9 p.m.) is free to attend and lawn

LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Last Call Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call 770-9020.

chairs and picnics are welcomed. Details: Friday – Sunday, Sept. 9-11 Westfield Playhouse: “Don’t Hug Me: A Karaoke Musical” 1836 Indiana 32 West, Westfield Cost: $15 for adults and $13 for seniors Show times are 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. Sundays Details: or call 896-2707 Friday Fishers Movies in the Park: “Megamind” and “Inception” The lawn at Saxony, 13578 E. 131st St., Fishers The animated “Megamind” will begin at dusk with “Inception” to follow. The movie series is free and lawn chairs, blankets and picnics are welcomed. Details: Friday – Sour Mash Saturday – George Fourman Thrill Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Lemon Wheel Saturday – Aberdeen Project

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August 30, 2011 | 17

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A night to remember

Bring your gently used housewares to the Carmel United Methodist Church Mission House, 621 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday. We’ll take them to previously homeless people who are getting a second start at independent living. You’ll get a tax deduction and the warm glow that comes from helping others. For more information, e-mail or call 317.908.2666

Tony Bennett kicked off the 2011-2012 season at the Palladium Aug. 23. Bennett (left) was joined on stage by his daughter and fellow performer Antonia Bennett (top right). Introductions were made by interim Center for the Performing Arts CEO Frank Basile (top center) and Artistic Director Michael Feinstein (bottom right).

Please, no furniture.

Photos by Mark Lee

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18 RVH-096-Current-08.30-FNL.indd | August 30, 2011


Current in Carmel

8/23/11 5:16 PM


press ready


In a medium bowl, mix soy sauce, Italian-style salad dressing, barbeque sauce, vegetable oil, garlic, salt and ground black pepper. Place steak in the mixture. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator 12 hours, or overnight. Turn the steak once during marinating. 3 hours before grilling, place covered mixture on counter to allow meat and marinade to approach room temperature. Preheat an outdoor grill high heat and lightly oil grate. Sear steak on high, each side for 1 ½ minutes. Then turn half the grill off, and leave half on medium low, place steak on off side of grill and grill until an internal temperature of 125 to 130 degrees is reached turning just once. Allow to rest for 10 minutes prior to serving.

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Labor Day Marinated Flat Iron Steak The Flat Iron steak is the second tenderest steak on the steer. Grilled medium rare it’s a treat that will make your Labor Day cookout a huge hit. Ingredients • 1/4 cup soy sauce (reduced sodium) • 1/4 cup Italian-style salad dressing • 1/4 cup barbeque sauce • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced • Kosher salt to taste • ground black pepper to taste • 1 lb Flat Iron Steak

1403 West Main Street, Carmel 1275 SQUARE FOOT HOME 3 BEDROOMS 1+ CAR ATTACHED GARGE 2+ CAR DETACHED GARAGE 4503"(& 4)&%4 t "$3& -05 MANY UPDATES

Directions 1. In a medium bowl, mix soy sauce, Italianstyle salad dressing, barbeque sauce, vegetable oil, garlic, salt and ground black pepper. Place steak in the mixture. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator 12 hours, or overnight. Turn the steak once during marinating. 3 hours before grilling, place covered mixture on counter to allow meat and marinade to approach room temperature. 2. Preheat an outdoor grill high heat and

lightly oil grate. 3. Sear steak on high, each side for 1 ½ minutes. Then turn half the grill off, and leave half on medium low, place steak on off side of grill and grill until an internal temperature of 125 to 130 degrees is reached turning just once. Allow to rest for 10 minutes prior to serving.

Property has the potential for multi-family, DPNNFSDJBM PS BTTFNCMBHF VTFT "VDUJPO %BUF 5)634%": 4&15&.#&3 o 1 . Open Houses: Thursday, September 1 – 3 to 5 pm 5VFTEBZ 4FQUFNCFS o UP QN 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO WJTJU PVS XFCTJUF MBXTPOBOEDP DPN 0XOFS )BSSZ - 4JNNFSNBO 'BNJMZ 5SVTU "UUPSOFZ 5SVTUFF 4FUI -FXJT 8 .BJO 4USFFU %BOWJMMF

This week’s special: Joe’s Reserve Flat Iron Steaks $ave $2/lb 8/30 to 9/5

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August 30, 2011 | 19

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Vol. 1, No. 3

Eddie Mode says he’s working on changing from ‘scoundrel’ to ‘good guy’ By darla Kinney Scoles “I can’t talk right now,” declared Eddie Mode of Eddie’s Corner Café when contacted for an interview, “I’m up to my elbows in lasagna. How about tomorrow?” The next day, when asked – during the interview for a story on changing careers later in life – what he would have been up to his elbows in 40 years ago, the 84-year-old laughed, and then calculated the days back to his time in Cocoa Beach when he ran a local gathering spot frequented by NASA astronauts and Kennedy Space Center (then Cape Canaveral) workers. That same question could have been posed for several different decades in the Noblesville businessman’s career history, however, and quite the variety of answers would have come forth. Career change has been his life, not just his late life, but through it all Mode declares he is the same “good guy” and “scoundrel” he was years ago. Born in Indiana, Mode left home at age 14, joined the Navy shortly thereafter and spent time in several wartime arenas before landing in Florida. “I’ve always seemed to be in the right place at the right time,” shared Mode, who enjoyed the company of the likes of John Glenn, Alan Shepard, and Gus Grissom as regulars in his Cocoa Beach club during the Mercury to Gemini days. When cutbacks hit the workers and businesses alike, Mode headed to Georgia, where he worked for the Atlanta Braves – now bemoaning the fact that he gave out many baseballs signed by Hank Aaron, but never kept one for himself. It was there that Mode also entered the world of sports gambling as a bookmaker. He eventually was asked to “pack up and leave town” by the local authorities. No problem. Gambling was legal in Las Vegas, where Mode soon launched Fast Eddie’s Sports –where his daily betting tips earned him a reputation as one who could pick a winner almost every time. He also earned a nice income with his talents (and lecturing on sports handicapping at a Nevada college). But even then, he sent much of what

he made to his daughter Sandy Ehrgott, for her husband’s mission efforts in Nicaragua. For 25 years, Mode rubbed shoulders with the likes of Cher, Mike Tyson, Peter Falk and members of the Rat Pack before taking Sandy’s suggestion to move to Noblesville and be close to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Though he would soon open his café, the move was more of a life change than a career change for Mode, who said he has since worked to do good to make up for actions in his past. “And I’m getting this close,” he said, creating a narrow gap between his thumb and index finger. The greatest of his good efforts may be his work in Nicaragua. In the 10 years since his move, Mode has become close to 60 orphans there – one of whom he recently had the honor of “giving away” on her wedding day. His café documents many more escapades from his life. The spry and personable great-grandfather is happy to give patrons a tour of each room’s snapshots, whether missionary, military, political, celebrity, sports or space-related – and is often the recipient of hugs and good wishes from the locals who frequent his eatery and have come to know and love community-minded chef. Mode’s life changes and adventures are displayed in photos (many signed and some that bring tears to his eyes) on the walls of Eddie’s Café, where anyone over the age of 90 eats free – and often others who are down on their luck do as well. Once again, much of what the eatery brings in goes right back out to the local community and far-flung locales like Nicaragua and Africa. “Of all the places I have lived,” stated Mode, “this is the greatest place. The people here are the best. From the day we opened, people have stood in line to eat here…I’ve never worked so hard for so little pay, but I love it. “I don’t know why the good Lord let me live so long. Here I am, every day, cooking up the specials. And helping children in Nicaragua - that’s the best thing I ever did in my life. I do things now to make up for the dirty rotten things I did before.” People around town, like Cindy Hawkins of

Eddie Mode said of the orphanage he built in Nicaragua, ‘It’s the best thing I’ve done in my life.’ Photos by Kevin Kane

Mode with the mayor of Las Vegas, where he launched Fast Eddie’s Sports

Eddie’s Corner Café

101 North 10th Street, Noblesville, 46060 776-9935 the mayor’s office, have noticed Mode’s efforts to even his score. Hawkins recalls many examples of his generosity, including one occasion when he paid to fill the gas tank of a stranger who otherwise couldn’t make it home. “He’s just one of those good guys who reaches out and helps people,” she said. To others who are contemplating a change in life, Mode suggests; “Be true to yourself. Be honest. Don’t try to be something you’re not.

I really am a good guy in spite of some of the things I’ve done. I am the best friend an underdog can have. I’ve always been a rebel, willing to take a chance. At my age, I take a chance just getting out of bed! That’s how I’ve lived my whole life.” A life that now finds him up to his elbows in the rewards of taking a chance that once again paid off – in the right place at the right time.

iT’s GOLDen | CurrenT PuBLishinG sPeCiAL seCTiOn | iT’s GOLDen

Villas on Morse Lake offer different lifestyle, beautiful view By Robert Herrington The Villas on Morse Lake started out to be a development to attract starter families and younger folks in Noblesville by a group of owners outside of Indiana. However, since RPD Catalyst, LLC has purchased the condos the business plans has done a 180 degree turn. Mike Waddick of RPD said the last 10 to 12 units that have been sold have been purchased by people ages 50 and older. “I think the biggest change is baby boomers are looking to get out of their house and have carefree/maintenance-free living,” he said. The Villas on Morse Lake is the best of two worlds – luxury, carefree living and the exciting but relaxing lifestyle that comes with living lakeside. Waddick said the condos allow more free time to owners. Located on Morse Reservoir, the Villas offer five acres of manicured landscaping and lighted walkways, docks and a private community boat launch. Inside the building, condos offer waterfront or courtyard views, oversized windows, nine-foot tall ceilings, kitchen islands, custom finishes and spacious patio balconies. The building also offers residents heated indoor parking Arthritis home remedies – Experiment with hot and cold therapies to stop pain flare-ups. For heat, microwave a sock full of rice for 2 minutes (test before applying to your skin). Leave the pouch in place until it cools down. For cooling relief, grab a bag of frozen peas and drape around your joint to ease pain and swelling. If you wake up with stiff, swollen hands, consider wearing gloves to bed. Keep rodents away – You want to plant bulbs this fall, but rodents always manage to find them. Here’s how to keep the critters away: Try using soup-size cans with both ends removed. Punch several holes in the cans for drainage, then push each one down into the ground so that it forms a cylinder around a bulb. More seniors with mortgages – Ask Michael Becker, a mortgage banker in Maryland, the age of his oldest-ever mortgage client, and he’ll tell you: 97 years old. Most older homeowners own their homes free and clear, but some older homebuyers are more receptive to financing today than they might have been in the past, in part because they’re reluctant to part with cash reserves. But while its illegal for banks to discriminate against borrowers based on age, experts say

22 | August 30, 2011

with secure storage units, a clubhouse, fitness center and pool. “I think the location and amenities sell themselves – there is no place in Indy that has these amenities – along with our pricing,” Waddick said. Waddick said there are seven distinct floor plans available to perspective buyers within the 45 built condos. Condominium homes cost between $100,000 and $250,000. Those interested in learning more about purchasing a condo should call Aaron Starr at 439-1933. According to Waddick, future plans include the proposed construction of two more buildings as RDP is learning that older adults love these condos and the lifestyle they provide. The Villas on Morse Lake is located at 20971 Shoreline Court in Noblesville. For more information including a detailed floor plan and property details, visit

Not Your “GardeN” VarietY retiremeNt CommuNitY

seniors are at far greater risk of becoming unable to make payments. golden or workhorse years? – More Americans now expect to keep working into their 70s, according to the First Command Financial Behaviors Index, which reviews trends shaping financial behaviors and attitudes via monthly surveys of about 1,000 consumers with a household income of at least $50,000. Recent findings revealed 22 percent of middle-income people ages 25 to 70 don’t plan to retire until their 70s – up from 14 percent who claimed the same a year ago. When this group does retire, they plan to continue working part time, many for 16 to 25 hours per week, the survey revealed. Résumé redo – Lots of older job seekers are hamstrung by outmoded rules requiring résumés to fit on one page and crunch down their recent – and most relevant – experience until it says nothing. The fix: Expanding your résumé to two or three pages is perfectly acceptable for someone in his 40s or 50s. Devote half a page to your most recent job and bullet out action-oriented highlights, making sure to include quantifiable achievements.

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The magic pill COMMEntaRY By Marcia Wilson We’ve heard it from our doctors, from the media, maybe even from overzealous friends and relatives, but there’s got to be a better way. “Exercise” is right up there with “tofu” when it comes to making us shake our heads and tune out. For a multitude of reasons, the older we get the more we rationalize moving less, and the less we move the less energy, strength and balance we have to move without consequences. Weakness, lack of energy and limited mobility are not inevitable as we age, but it’s a short trip from choosing to sit all the time to having to sit all the time. This is not new news. Hippocrates told us back in the 3rd Century BC that without movement the body will deteriorate, so why do we continue to cover our ears singing “la-la-la I can’t hear you” when it comes to exercise? Here’s a thought: forget exercise. Forget the whole boring, sweaty, painful, exhausting, time-consuming, expensive, too-many-peoplein-lycra experience. Just move. Living things are meant to move, and slow, natural, deliberate movement is possible regardless of age, time, income or ability. While you’re sitting and reading this you can ease in (no need to jump) with both feet. Kick off your shoes, sit up straight, feet flat on the floor. Now slowly lift your heels and try to go all

the way up on your toes, then lower your heels slowly. Do that a few times, then alternate right and left, still moving very slowly. Now pump a little faster for eight counts. Lift one foot just off the floor and circle your ankle very slowly (pretend you have a piece of chalk between your toes and you are trying to draw a circle). Reverse the circle. Now do the same thing with the other foot. That little bit of movement builds strength and flexibility in the feet and ankles, and that helps with stability and balance. Side effects include improved circulation and building stronger bones. So just move. Move all your pieces and parts that you can, and since everything is connected you might just strengthen some of those pieces and parts that “ain’t what they used to be”. Start slowly and don’t push beyond your current limitations – your limitations will change because the more you move the more you can move. If only we could put it in a magic pill – but that it would probably be expensive and have a long list of side effects. Just cut to the chase and start moving. Marcia Wilson holds an M.A. in gerontology and teaches exercise courses for aging adults in Fishers. Wilson can be reached at

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Stubborn weight loss COMMEntaRY By dr. Richard Mason As the old adage goes “If they can put a man on the moon, then why can’t they,”… you fill in the blank. One of those blanks is the mystery of why people cannot lose weight consistently as we age. Unfortunately, our bodies resist weight loss for a number of different reasons; but the core reason is our decreased ability to burn calories past the age of about 35. It’s kind of sad when you think about it; no more midnight runs for pizza or fast food without any consequences like in our teens and 20s. The weight loss industry makes billions of dollars per year mainly on those people who lose 20 pounds then gain it all back plus some; then people sign back up and the cycle continues. The other part of the pie is made on get rich quick schemes with fad diets and supplements that promise to magically shed the weight off with no side effects. The fact is as Americans we keep getting heavier, year after year. So what can be done to change this? The only recommendations that have stayed consistent are diet and exercise. Bottom line has always been you need to burn more calories than you take in, but what about those people who are cutting calories and are at the gym four days per week, and the final 10 to 20 pounds of weight loss is not hap-

pening? These are the same people who still have more flab on their frame than they would like; i.e. they have lost weight but everything still jiggles when they run. I consult with patients that fall into these categories every day. Often if diet and exercise are properly being followed then the answer is a person’s biochemistry is not functioning correctly. One of main culprits is a stress hormone called cortisol; (assuming your thyroid is functioning normally). When cortisol is elevated or depressed your body will either store more fat or not burn fat respectively. So despite performing an hour of cardio per day and sweating like crazy your efforts will not be rewarded as long as these levels are off. Now for the good news, testing your cortisol levels can be done simply with saliva, and can be corrected in a vast number of patients; along with some minor lifestyle changes. Our office offers this testing, so if you are resonating with what is being discussed in this article, then help is just a phone call away. Dr. Richard Mason is the owner of Mason Family Chiropractic & Wellness in Fishers, and holds an M.S. in nutrition. Mason can be reached via email at rmason@

New Gated CommuNity Luxury Condos on Morse Lake

Exquisite lobby. Gleaming hardwood floors. Granite counter tops, stainless appliances in the Kitchen. Lake views , Boat Dock and Clubhouse. Indoor Parking.


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Disease of kings COMMEntaRY By dr. Jugnoo Husain An overweight 57-year-old gourmand has a job that frequently involves wining and dining clients. One night, after a hearty meal of steak and beer, he wakes up in agony with a red, swollen big toe. The toe is so painful, he cannot stand up or even tolerate a sheet over it. Such is a hypothetical, but typical, presentation of gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). Uric acid is a byproduct of purine breakdown, and is excreted by the kidneys in urine. Purines occur naturally in human tissue and are also found in many foods. Hyperuricemia results when the body produces too much uric acid, the kidneys excrete too little, or there is overconsumption of purine-rich food. The excess uric acid can crystallize and deposit around joints and soft tissues, causing excruciating pain and inflammation. Gout, first described by the Egyptians around 2600 B.C., has been colorfully known as “disease of kings,” as only wealthy people could afford to eat rich food regularly. (Famous gout sufferers include King Henry VIII, Leonardo da Vinci, and Benjamin Franklin.) While this assumption is oversimplified, lifestyle factors do influence a person’s risk of developing gout. In fact, gout prevalence is increasing as our society gets older and heavier. Some risk factors include

family history, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney disease, certain medications, excessive alcohol intake, and overconsumption of purine-rich foods such as organ meats, sardines, anchovies, red meat and gravies. Gout predominantly affects older men; women are usually spared until after menopause. The disease is characterized by sudden onset of intense pain in a single joint, usually the big toe; however, it can also involve the wrist, knee, or ankle. An acute attack usually lasts between seven to 10 days. Episodic flare-ups typically recur at the site of the initial attack, and may be followed by long asymptomatic periods. Without treatment, complications may arise, leading to kidney stones, cardiovascular disease, and/or joint deformities. The diagnosis is established by microscopically examining fluid from the affected area and finding needle-shaped uric acid crystals. Although not curable, gout can be controlled by taking medications to reduce inflammation and lower uric acid levels, limiting alcohol consumption, increasing fluid intake, and following a low-purine diet. Dr. Jugnoo Husain is a board certified anatomic and clinical pathologist. She currently resides in Hamilton County. Dr. Husain can be reached at

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HAND gets new home and executive director By Robert Herrington Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development, Inc. has recently made two major changes: naming Stephanie Burdick Burdick as executive director and moving into a new office on the ground floor of The Roper Lofts apartment building, 347 S. Eighth St. in Noblesville. Burdick, who had been serving as HAND’s program manager since August 2009 and succeeds Sage Hales, plans to continue the non-profit’s mission to create and promote affordable, quality housing and educate the community on housing needs in her new role. “I’m really excited about the opportunity and excited to continue the work we’ve been doing,” she said. “I want to expand the geographical area when we have projects in Hamilton County – to branch out to new communities.” Burdick is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and has worked in the community development field since 2007. In addition to serving as project manager for the Roper Lofts rehabilitation project, Burdick also oversaw the 2009-2010 initiative that enabled 15 moderate income families to purchase foreclosed homes in Hamilton County. “Stephanie has been integral to advancing HAND’s mission thus far and will continue to do so in her capacity as executive director,”

HAND Board President Gail Rothrock said. Burdick served as project manager on The Roper Lofts project, in which HAND rescued and rehabilitated two historic downtown Noblesville buildings to create eight affordable apartments and two commercial offices. “Our new office increases visibility. Its location in Noblesville helps us in getting our name out in the community,” Burdick said. HAND addresses the housing needs of low – and – moderate income individuals, families, and seniors through the development of rental properties and assisting residents in obtaining homeownership. Burdick said the need for housing assistance is “quite large” in Hamilton County with those looking to downsize, move here to live closer to their kids and grandchildren, and others who want to live closer to their jobs to avoid large transportation costs. “Those with fixed income or small pensions don’t have the ability to pay a large mortgage or rent,” she said. “One of the great things about Hamilton County is that it is a great county to live in. We want to help people live here no matter what their income is.” On the horizon for HAND is the development of a phase two at Spicewood Garden Apartments in Sheridan. HAND will host an open house from 4 to 7 p.m. tomorrow. For more information about HAND, visit


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August 30, 2011 | 25

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DISPATCHES » Vitamins fight premature labor? – Women who take multivitamins regularly around the time they get pregnant appear to have a lower risk of going into labor prematurely, according to a study of nearly 36,000 pregnant women asked about their diet, weight and vitamin use, among other things. The new study doesn’t prove that taking multivitamins is a good idea for women who plan to get pregnant or already are, researchers warn in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In fact, U.S. health officials advise expectant mothers against taking regular vitamins, which might harm the baby. But they do recommend supplementing the diet with folic acid, which cuts the chance of certain birth defects. -Reuters » Rethink your snack – If you’ve been nixing nuts because you’re convinced they’re too high in fat, it’s time to reconsider. Dieters who ate pistachios daily brought down both their BMIs and their triglycerides more than those who ate an identical number of calories but snacked on pretzels instead, according to one recent UCLA study. Add 1 ½ ounces of this ridiculously healthy super food to your diet daily to reap major health

benefits, including lowering your risk of heart disease and diabetes. » Obesity’s huge costs – Obesity costs some states as much as $15 billion a year, a new study says. The estimated costs range from $203 million in Wyoming to $15.2 billion in California. (Estimates are in 2009 dollars.) The researchers also calculated the percentage of each state’s medical costs that was due to obesity. They found obesity was responsible for at least 10 percent of medical costs in Alabama, Alaska, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. » Slow aging with lemon juice? – New study: Researchers found that adding lemon juice to meats before heating reduced production of harmful advanced glycation end products, oxidizing compounds that age the body. Frying or cooking meat with dry heat (including grilling, broiling, baking and searing) increases AEGs. Theory: Acid in lemon juice helps prevent AEG formation. When cooking meat, marinate it in lemon juice for up to an hour or add smaller amounts depending on the type of meat. -Bottom Line Health

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A body in need

COMMENTARY By Roger Spahr How often have you gone to the nutritional aisle at the local health food or grocery store and found yourself scratching your head in bewilderment? How many times have you been assaulted by the latest “juicer” machine that makes tasty treats from all sorts of vegetables and fruits? It is enough to make your head spin almost as fast as the juicer itself. What does your body really need? Good question. We shall start with the basics. If your digestive system is compromised with poor digestion, reflux, gas and bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea (loose stools), or if you have an inflammatory bowel problem then you have nutritional deficiencies. Sorry, but true. The nutrients from your foods never reach you adequately. In future columns we will address these issues to improve your status. Your body depends on B complexes to operate your energy systems, neurotransmitters, blood components, rebuild tissues, and stabilize nerve tissue and emotions. They also reduce allergic responses and reduce inflammation. They are depleted by stress and high carbohydrate diets. That means whether you eat pasta, or candy bars to the exclusion of other macronutrients, you place yourself at risk for problems in the areas mentioned above. Omegas 3 fats, such as fish, borage, or flax oils

contribute to the structure of your entire body and reduce inflammation, allergy, depression, and assist in maintaining a good cardiovascular system. They DO NOT reduce cholesterols, the first year you are taking fish oils you may see your total cholesterol increase. It is by reducing inflammation they reduce cardiovascular illness. Vitamin D continues to show up in study after study that inadequate levels contribute to immune problems, including prostate, breast and colon cancers. Additional findings include chronic infections, tendonitis, depression, poor weight management and increased inflammation. Specific minerals and vitamins may contribute to many functions in the body. If your diet is a standard american diet, you may be limiting your body’s ability to function normally. To sum it all up you should focus on the following: a multiple vitamin, 1500 mg of DHA/ EPA Omega 3, vitamin D of at least 2,000 IU if you live north of the Mason Dixon line, Bcomplex and at least 500 mg of vitamin C. Of course pills, tablets, liquids, juicers and the like are all ways to take these nutrients. Which is best? More of that to come in later installments. Roger Spahr, MD is a board certified physician and specialist in Integrative Medicine in Carmel. For more information or to make an appointment, contact the Ailanto Group at 7083939 or

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August 30, 2011 | 27

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‘Solutioneering’ for success LANDSCAPING By Randy Sorrell Frustrated, a client recently wondered how they could manufacture shade around their massive pool. The record heat wave and lack of rain was boiling their refreshing pool into a 101 degree bathtub. Neighbors and friends wer echoing the same feverish problem, I wasn’t surprised to field the “solutioneering” request. After creative research and sketching, several cool strategies emerged. Most brainstorming ideas only developed a few with merit. Many were dismissed because of the necessary scale of the solution. A lanai stretching over one end of the pool for shade required an unrealistic span, and Bill hardly wanted another at this end of the pool. A mega pergola was slightly more realistic. Leafy trees planted in massive pots on the southern edge could work, but would consume too much of the exposed aggregate patio and be messy. Planting 25 foot mature trees on the outside of the patio would minimize the classic layout of this historic back yard living space. Not happening! Oversized cantilevered umbrellas, a massive shade sail and a cantilevered shade sail all made the short list. Industry experts (guys smarter than me) helped guide the process and

3 - 11’x14’ cantilevered umbrellas seemed to offer the most affective shade producing and water cooling solution. A sleepless 4a.m. internet search resulted in several stately shapes, textures and mechanical necessities. We imagined positioning in a linear fashion would look colorfully resort like. Maybe you’ve seen large shade sail structures in commercial settings (google shade sails for examples). Essentially, they are massive triangular, square or rectangular swaths of shade producing fabric stretched dramatically overhead from post to post. A few vendors recently began quasi mass production and turned them into somewhat affordable shade solutions. Admittedly, it requires the right setting and home. Perhaps yours is one? As with many urgent frustrations, a little time solved the issue with moderating pool temperatures. We decided multiple umbrellas will be the solution next year…or a neighborhood “bring a bag of ice” party. Expect your invite July 2012. Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, or

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From overwhelmed to overjoyed REMODELING By David Decker Should I make a list? Or make a call? The overwhelming blizzard of details in even a relatively straightforward kitchen or bathroom improvement project can be daunting. If you don’t mind the pun, put a real freeze on getting started. Instead of suffering from paralysis by analysis, do both: make a list, and make a call. It can transform a custom home improvement project from just a dream to “just do it.” Making a list on paper gets your mind going. Write a list of needs, and also a list of wants. You’ll likely move some things back and forth, which will help you prioritize and keep track of all your ideas. Making a call to a home improvement professional puts your ideas in motion. That isn’t a sales pitch, it’s sound advice. Here’s why: You have ideas, but a project needs a process and that’s what the professional brings to the very first meeting. You need to know where to start or what to do next; that’s the reason you make a call. The professional will look at your lists, listen to your ideas, inspect the area you want to improve and help you start to formulate a plan for going forward. There are so many things to do, like determining design, function, styles, price, scheduling and more.The professional will begin stripping away the mystery, show you the process and get the project underway. This is also the time when you begin to dis-

cover your comfort zone with this company or that company. By making more than one call, you’ll receive varying perspectives from knowledgeable professionals. It’s fun to see the possibilities of your project begin to take shape in real terms, and sense that an overwhelming blizzard of details and decisions has become a manageable process. Overwhelmed and under-informed? Or underway and overjoyed? Make a list, and make a call. David Decker is president of Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms, based in Carmel (877-252-1420, Have a home improvement question? E-mail David at david.decker@, and he will answer in an upcoming column.

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30 | August 30, 2011

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(317) 575-9540 By Phone! PH (317) 575-9540 • 1000 3rd Ave. SW • Suite 120 • Carmel, Indiana 46032

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DISPATCHES » Home sales increase – The monthly Indiana Real Estate Markets Report released last week by the Indiana Association of Realtors for July 2011 signaled progress. Statewide, when comparing July 2011 to July 2010: 1. The number of closed sales increased 23.9 percent to 5,569. 2. The median sale price of homes increased 4.3 percent to $120,000. 3. The number of pending sales increased 11.3 percent to 5,183. » Choose CDs over treasuries? – Nervous investors generally flock to treasuries, and the current flight to safety has pushed treasury yields to all-time lows. But some experts, like Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at, recommend longer-term certificates of deposits. “The top-yielding CDs beat treasuries of the same maturity hands-

down,” McBride says. In fact, many five-year CDs offer higher yields than even 10-year treasuries. For example, a five-year CD from Ally Bank currently yields 2.2 percent while a five-year treasury bond offers a yield of less than 1 percent. » A $300 dinner from Discover – The Discover Open Road card offers bonus perks for food and travel aficionados, such as a 2 percent cash back reward for all purchases made at gas stations and restaurants. New cardholders also get treated to a $150 Restaurant. com gift certificate, a bonus that can actually stretch itself even further than you might think. offers discount gift certificates to eateries in dozens of cities, usually at half off face value. Plan your dining well, and your $150 bonus could double to $300.



victims succumb to smoke and toxic gases. Stay below the smoke by crawling. • Have an arranged meeting place outside the house. Make sure everyone knows it. • DON’T GO BACK INSIDE. Let the fire department handle it from here. Lastly, insurance. Your independent insurance agent is going to be there to help you rebuild your life after a terrible loss, like a fire. It is important to make sure your insurance limits are adequate and up-to-date. Insurance policies are concerned with what the cost of rebuilding your home (not to be confused with the market value). Be sure to review your policy with your agent annually. Your contents (furniture, clothes, etc) value is usually set at half of the rebuilding cost. Sometimes this limit can be inadequate and needs to be increased. Your independent insurance agent can provide a simple home inventory form to help figure out if you need to increase your limit. For more information on fire prevention, visit or call your independent insurance agent.


32 | August 30, 2011



d a l a S d o fo

Sea Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision

Andy Warren is with Shepherd Insurance & Finanacial Services. Have an insurance question you need answered? Send it to asktheadvisor@


n a i i wa


Planning protects families COMMENTARY By Andy Warren Question from Kelly S. from Carmel: I’m trying to come up with a plan for my family if we are involved in a home fire. I don’t know where to start. Got any advice? Response from Andy Warren: You’re a step ahead of a lot of people. Advanced planning is one of the most important factors in protecting your family from fire. Home fires injure over 13,000 people a year and kill nearly 3,000. The people most at risk are those over age 65 and children preschool age and younger. The first thing you need to worry about when it comes to protecting your family is smoke alarms. Every home should have at least one smoke alarm. Most codes now require a smoke alarm on every floor of the home. Test the batteries on your smoke alarms monthly and replace the alarm every ten years. Make sure new alarms are installed according to the manufacturer’s directions. Once smoke alarms are placed and working, an escape plan must be created. Make sure everyone in your family understands what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. Practice your escape plan in the dark so that you all know what to expect and how to navigate the home without electricity. Here are some things to keep in mind when coming up with your plan: • Know two ways out of each room. Have an escape ladder for O A F O B I any bedrooms above the ground H A R floor. Make sure children are faM U M miliar with opening the windows. A S P • Feel the door for heat before P A G opening it. If the door is not hot, S I P open it slowly and take your norI D I T S P mal escape route. If the door is hot, take your backup route. A L P P E O • Crawl if there is smoke. Most fire



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Two stocks approaching greatness 2796 E. 146th St. Carmel, IN 46032


Stock price over 12 months

Stock price over 12 months

Buffalo Wild Wings (BWLD) - On the surface, wings-and-beer chain Buffalo Wild Wings might not be an obvious choice, but the search for value will bolster its bottom line. B-Dubs might carry an earnings premium compared to a favorite like McDonald’s (MCD), but consider the growth prospects the two have and Buffalo Wild Wings looks like the better bet. The small-cap restaurant is growing faster than McDonald’s. Buffalo Wild Wings plans on opening 32 company-owned stores in the U.S. and Canada while franchisees plan on opening 37, giving the company 13 percent store growth for the year.

Santaurus (SNTS) – This drug developer still hasn’t recovered from the patent ruling loss related to its heartburn medicine, Zegereid, that it suffered last year or from the recall of Glumetza by marketing partner DepoMed. But don’t think it’s dead in the water. Santarus has been active launching an authorized generic of Zegereid, a tactic often used to blunt the impact of regular generics, and just inked a new deal with DepoMed wherein it will start booking U.S. revenues from DepoMed beginning Sept. 1 while getting hold of most U.S. commercial activities for the drug.



Address: 11041 Westoves Dr. (Chapel Woods subdivision) Year Built: 2007 Style: Traditional American Rooms: 4 bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Living Room, Family Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Breakfast Room, Loft, and Laundry Room. Strengths: Vintage architectural elements in this 4-bedroom home. Gourmet kitchen has granite counters and tile floors. Master has double sinks, garden tub and separate shower with tile. Other unique features include crown moldings, built-in bookshelves, fireplace, theater surround sound system, large backyard deck and 3-car garage.

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Negatives: Annual homeowners association mandatory fee of $400, although there is no neighborhood pool. Listed with Chad Utzig of Office: 223-5375; Direct: 679-0681 Kurt Meyer is a Noblesville resident, freelance writer and realtor for F.C. Tucker. Contact him at 317.776.0200 or kurtmeyer@

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August 30, 2011 | 33

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Trust me

DOUGH By David Cain Trust is one of the most important things in any relationship. Without it, you have some form of dysfunction. If you don’t have trust in a business relationship – with clients and coworkers – you won’t be as effective and productive as you could in a trustful situation. Trust makes relationships relevant. When you trust someone, you will share, you will argue, you will do all those important things that make the relationship matter. It takes trust to argue. If you don’t trust someone, generally you’ll find you agree more. If my relationships at work are void of trust, then I’m always right. Take trust out of the relationship and people are afraid to say you’re wrong. Trustful relationships allow disputes without fear and ultimately better outcomes. If you don’t ever argue or dispute ideas at work and you’re the boss, people around you might be afraid. They might be afraid you’ll fire them if they question your ideas-so they agree. Building trust takes consistency, setting expectations and being consistently accountable. It also requires sharing, whether it’s from common

experiences or shared stories; it takes a common understanding of each other. We trust people like us because we trust ourselves. When we realize they would look out for us, then we trust them- that’s the consistency. If a coworker talks about everyone in the office, then no matter the relationship, your subconscious feels like they would do that to you too. So the trust is downgraded. If we understand what makes for a trustful relationship between people, then the same can be said of the relationship between a company and its stakeholders – employees and clients. If a company is consistent in its activities, it builds trust. If a company shares stories and offers warm experiences instead of cold transactions, it builds trust. If a company has your back, you trust it. And, when you trust it, you aren’t afraid to challenge the company in a productive way to achieve better outcomes.

Building trust takes consistency, setting expectations and being consistently accountable.

David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at


Oct. 1, 2011 South Union st. 10 A.M.

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WHS Homecoming Weekend

34 | August 30, 2011

Current in Carmel

Saturday 10 am–6 pm • Sunday 10 am–5 pm

The corners of Range Line and Main Street in Carmel • Free Admission • Entertainment on 2 stages

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DISPATCHES Âť White blouse, three ways – It’s one of the most obvious essentials of any closet: the white blouse. While it’s always a good idea to have the classic white button up, this season’s fuller, bohemian inspired silhouettes can be an exciting option to consider. Paired with denim it makes a great weekend look. An unexpected green pencil skirt is office appropriate and also fun for drinks after work. Try pairing with straight leg chinos, which are flattering for so many people. Simple accessories and interesting colors make this top a great choice in the final summer days and transition to fall. -Shifts and Sheaths blog  Invest in supplements – There is no better way to strengthen weak strands of hair than a daily supplement. Biotin, for example, is great for hair and nails. Nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, who works with stars like Drew Barrymore and Olivia Wilde, agrees. A daily liquid dose of a B-complex vitamin “helps strengthen the hair and nails,â€? she says. Try Garden of Life Vitamin Code Liquid Multivitamin ($46.95) with vitamin B complex, which is easily absorbed by the stomach and works more efficiently than taking a B6 or a B12 vitamin alone, she says. Another favorite hair booster of in-the-know celebrities is a pill called Viviscal ($49.99 for 60 tablets), a natural blend of fish proteins, horsetail extract, and vitamin C that promises to deliver major growth and smoother, thicker strands.

Classic Barber Shop (Next to Panera Bread in Merchant’s Square)

The power of olfactory COMMENTARY Vicky Earley It only takes one profound experience to appreciate the power of our sense of smell. According to Rachel Herz, author of The Scent of Desire, our sense of smell is thousands of times more sensitive than any of our senses and recognition of smell is immediate. Other senses like touch and taste must travel via neurons and the spinal cord before reaching the brain. However, the olfactory response has an immediate and powerful link to the brain; specifically the limbic system and amygdala, the area where emotional memories are stored. In short, this is the only place where our central nervous system is directly exposed to the environment. Aromatherapy has utilized this direct link between human and environment to manipulate health, emotion and over all state of being. This is a wonderful approach to the complete interior design bundle. A scent that evokes calm and tranquility is the last note of the melody. What if the smells evoke unpleasant memories? What if the source is not essential oils but rather a chemical source? What if the source triggers migraines, sinusitis and breathing disorders? This is common, but American homes are told repeatedly our homes are not clean unless some type of “freshener� is plugged into an outlet. Information found at said air fresheners do not “purify� the surrounding air, nor do they add natural fragrances. Instead, they coat the nasal passages with an oil film such as methoxychlor by releasing a nerve-

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deadening agent to drown out whatever smells may be deemed offensive. This makes the option of smelling the cat litter seem attractive. Perfume and cologne are not exempt. The light, floral scent in a body spritzer is not from a flower at all. It is sourced from chemicals that can travel directly into the bloodstream when applied to skin. When the fumes are inhaled, they go straight to our brains. It makes the thought of wearing fragrance about as lovely as spritzing hazardous waste. • The key is essential oil in creating an ambient and safe fragrance in the home. • Burn 100 percent pure beeswax candles with cotton wicks • Use a drop or two of pure essential oils and distilled water, make a spritzer and mist the air. • Add drops of orange, lemon or lavender essential oils to cotton balls and put them around the house • Simmer spices like cinnamon and cloves, lemons, ginger or herbs such as rosemary or basil in water • Add a drop or two of pure essential oils to hot water • Use freshly cut fragrant flowers • Use potted plants as air freshening factories. They clear carbon dioxide from the air and can even remove some of the toxin residue from that can of Glade that you just threw out. and on Facebook


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Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol. com.

3:35, 9:45


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36 | August 30, 2011

Current in Carmel

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Men’s Fashion Fall 2011: Sleek Coats

• Hair • Skin • Nails • Massage


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Suit Up: 2011 Androgyny is the name of the game this season as men and women’s fashions collide. Tailored lines and man-inspired silhouettes have taken over the runways, from Chanel to Balenciaga. Why do we love this? The trend can work for almost anyone! Go all out and wear a loose pant and tailored jacket, or hold on to your feminine side and choose a fitted trouser and vest combination. Since bold colors are also in, complete your look with a jewel toned or bright accessory, and if you’re feeling extra courageous go for a solid, intense hue for the suit itself!

Fall is the time to start layering up! To stay in line with the latest trends in coats for men, take note of Valentino’s sleek lines and sculptured shapes. Go for a trench style or leather pea coat, both of which are always classics, but with the tailored look, are pleasingly fresh for 2011.

Back To School! $5 off a haircut for all elementary, middle, high school and college students O f f e r go o d t h r o u gh Au gu s t 3 1 , 2 0 1 1

Find Us on Facebook Fall 2011 Color Trends This fall standout with color! This season is all about texture, contrast, and balance between color. Below you will find a concise review of Pantone’s Fashion Color Report for Fall, 2011.

into autumn with a fun glow. Make your look intense by wearing it with bamboo, or more festive for the holidays as an accent for a coffee colored outfit.

Bamboo: Choose Bamboo as the perfect standout yellow. This shade has a subtle green undertone that you can balance with a warm honeysuckle or deep phlox for dramatic contrast.

Phlox: Phlox is the perfect way to bring more drama into your wardrobe for this new season. The deep purple has an exotic look, even when worn alone. Add an extra punch by pairing phlox with honeysuckle or bamboo.

Emberglow: Fall is the time for bonfires, pumpkin patches, and falling leaves. Emberglow is a classic autumn tone, as it mimics the warmth of a glowing fire. Add the spark by choosing this color as an accent in accessories or pair it with a coffee tone for a classic look.

Cedar: This versatile green is perfect with its brown undertones and crisp lime finish. Natural tones always look sophisticated and timeless when paired with grays or deep teal.

Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle is fall’s playful hue. This reddish pink brings the joy of spring

Deep Teal: Deep Teal is a strong, blue-toned green that pairs beautifully with cedar or honeysuckle.

Coffee Liqueur: Neutrals are the essentials in your wardrobe. Sophistication and class are achieved with Coffee Liqueur. This color brings elegance to fall and an alternative to traditional black. Orchid Hush: Gray is classic. A reliable, medium gray is a must-have because it is dependable and will remain functional for seasons to come. This color is even popular on your nails this season. OPI has just released their new collection, and you can find it at Salon 01. Need more ideas about what colors go best together, and what shades are best for your hair color and skin tone? Be sure to chat with your stylist the next time you are in Salon 01. Our staff has great fashion sense and can help steer you in the right direction!

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Held hostage by your IT guy?

DISPATCHES » Improve photo exposure – Your camera frequently doesn’t take advantage of the full dynamic range available. By trying to capture a good, “average” exposure, it often settles for a setting that leaves the light looking flat and dull. The Levels tool in your photo editor displays the histogram, and it also lets you adjust values. Both the right and left side taper off, with just one peak in the middle of the photo. Grab the slider under the right side of the histogram and drag it towards the middle. As you do that, you should see the photo get brighter. The further you drag the slider, the brighter your photo will get. This is definitely art, not science, so drag it until it looks right to you. Now repeat the process on the left side to deepen the shadows. » New BlackBerry too pricey? – RIM announced the Bold 9900’s pending release last week, and it’s one of five new smartphones RIM will debut before year’s end. On paper, the Bold 9900 looks like a strong smartphone contender. It runs the new BlackBerry 7 operating system, RIM’s latest software update to the mobile platform. It’s also a hybrid device, so those who don’t want to lose a QWERTY keyboard to a new touchscreen can have both. But then you see the price tag, and it starts to fall apart. The Bold costs a whopping $350 off the shelf, and that’s after a two-year service contract with T-Mobile. Even industry-leading Apple and Google aren’t charging that much for handsets. The priciest iPhone with 32 gigs of storage costs $300 with a Verizon contract, while most Android phones we’ve seen on contract will run you $200 to $250, max.

TECHNOLOGY By Gary Hubbard Does this scenario sound like you? “I’m not happy with my current IT person, but because he’s the only one that knows how everything works, I feel like I am being held hostage.” If it makes you feel any better, over the past 20 years, this scenario is one of the most common scenarios Data Doctors has been asked to help with by small-business owners. In the beginning, your computer network is pretty simple and you kind of understand where everything is and for the most part, how it’s connected. Over time, because you’re busy running your business, someone else in the office is appointed the go-to IT person, which can be anyone from the receptionist to the bookkeeper since a small business can’t justify a full time IT professional. This person does their best to deal with all the issues as they pop-up (generally with no formal IT training) so as your business grows, the hodge-podge of technology grows. Unfortunately, since this person doesn’t document changes or additions, the information remains locked up in their head. This undocumented chaos of technology that only this one person understands becomes a powerful tool for them to control their own destiny - and believe me, they all know it! If you aren’t careful, this scenario gets to the point where you can’t dismiss, replace or often control this person as you realize how little you know about your own business technology. This can just as easily happen with an outside IT firm that does not provide the owner of the business with the keys to the car, whether on purpose or just because they are disorganized. If this person or organization perceives that they are about to be

E. Davis Coots

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38 | August 30, 2011

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replaced, the likelihood of them cooperating in their own replacement isn’t really high, so don’t wait until it’s too late to regain control. One approach to getting them to document what they know is to go through the “what happens if you get hit by a bus” scenario, which is one that you should be prepared for regardless of the situation. Depending upon your relationship, you may have to be more covert in your approach, but here are some fundamental items that every business owner should have: Username and password for all administrator accounts, blueprint or flowchart of your network, a disaster recovery plan, centralized location for software licenses, administrative access to all your Web properties, remote access points, meaning do you know if and how your IT person accesses your network from a remote location so you can shut it off if necessary? This is by no means everything you should understand about your network, but if you don’t have these basic fundamentals down, the rest is pointless. Understanding the fundamentals of your business technology is just as important as understanding the fundamentals of your accounting system; abdicating complete control to someone else in either of these areas can be hazardous to your business’ health.

Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services – Have a technology question? Send it to

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Testing one, two, three … agreement. That’s no test; that’s the truth. God in his holy realm can indeed “do whatever He wants.” But “whatever He wants” is different in the eternity of God’s immaculate and literal goodness as opposed to our “on the clock” perspective in an imperfect and dynamic world. We can count on God being faithful to Who He is, and to be Who He says He is to us. Christ on the Cross is our proof of that, and the Bible backs it up. Too often, we want God to conform to who we say we are, and Who we want Him to be. The Bible explains God’s truth is precisely the opposite; God is God, and we’re not. It’s better and healthier to test God with our love than with our anger. Death is part of our fallen world, but not part of God’s perfect eternity. So don’t ask God, “What have You done for me lately?” Pass the true test of faith, and say, “Thank You, God, for what You have done for me eternally.” Bob Walters (www.believerbob., email rlwcom@aol. com) knows from experience that when horrible things happen, it’s even more horrible not to know and trust God. Next week, what the Bible says about testing.

to really enjoy your party do yourself a big favor and have us cater it. Contact our Private Dining Sales Managers for more information. Northside, Lori Seefeldt: 317.844.1155 or Downtown, Ramona Christen Adams: 317.633.1313 or

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Spirituality By Bob Walters Horrible things happen and we ask God, “Why?” The crazy, awful, accurate answer is: Because it’s a fallen world and everything that we might think is a test of God’s love for us is really a test of our faith in Him. I know. It’s a typical, maddening and at first glance a non-definitive Christian answer. It seems appallingly cold; a nearly criminal endorsement of accepting God no matter what. It’s the last thing we want to hear when we suffer. But honestly, it’s the first thing we must understand. The truth is there is nothing more intensely personal to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit than our individual faith and suffering. Christ’s suffering work on the cross – dying to defeat death and erase our sin – was 100 percent about the well-being of our eternal relationship with God the Father, in faith. In our own moment-by-moment existence, that doesn’t seem to do me any good. That doesn’t heal me or my loved one, relieve today’s suffering and fear, or establish and enforce temporal justice. God abides; we fret and condemn. And while it is perfectly OK to shout, argue and plead with God – He is listening, after all – God calls for and insists upon our faith, not our

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Current in Carmel

August 30, 2011 | 39

Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | It’s Golden | Anti-Aging | Inside & Out | Dough | Panache | Toys | In Spirit | Laughs | Puzzles

Calling it quits

HUMOR By Dick Wolfsie “My wife doesn’t understand me.” It’s a common complaint you hear, especially from men sitting in bars. Of course, that’s not where I picked it up. I must have overheard it at the barber shop. My problem is that my wife does understand me. Heidi, my proofreader is also on to me. The best example is my frequent assertion that after more than 500 humor columns, it’s time to quit. Whenever I fail to come up with a new idea for my next column, I climb the stairs from my basement office with a long face, slump into a kitchen chair, and measure out a huge sigh. “I’m out of ideas,” I tell Mary Ellen. “There is nothing left to write about.” At this point I wanted Mary Ellen to say something like: “Dick, you are creative. Don’t let a little writer’s block get you down. Something will come to you. It always does.” But no, instead, I got: “Maybe you’re right. Just tell all the newspapers you’re quitting.” That’s not the way my mother would have handled this. When I was a kid and felt overwhelmed by Spanish or geometry, Joan would be supportive and motivating. Then she’d cook my favorite meatloaf dinner. Why can’t my wife treat me more like a child? I can’t do what Mary Ellen’s proposing because I don’t really want to stop writing this column (and she knows that), but it would

make no sense to argue with her. So I decided to call Heidi, my proofreader. I knew she’d be more encouraging. “Heidi, it’s Dick. I can’t write another column. I’m hanging it up. There are no more original ideas.” “You’re right. There’s probably nothing funny left to say. It’s been pretty obvious the last few weeks.” “Wait a second. Aren’t you going to tell me that I’m incredibly prolific and I will eventually come up with a topic, just like I always have for 10 years? “Oh, yeah! Don’t forget to put that last check in the mail.” I even called my sister in New York… “Oh well, one less thing in my inbox each week. How’s the weather out there?” Finally, I called Bob, my best friend. He and his wife are big fans and read my stuff every week. Cathy answered the phone and I told her I had probably written my final column. After all these years, I felt I had covered every topic. “Oh, Dick, why don’t you give it some time and something will come to you,” she said. “You have a great imagination. I know you can do it.” “Wow, thank you, Cathy. That’s the kind of support I was looking for.”

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at

The paint project

HUMOR By Mike Redmond The house is being painted and it’s kind of fun, in that “you’re a prisoner in your own home while hordes of strangers take over the place” kind of way. No, really, they’re nice guys. Always friendly and they’re doing a great job especially when you consider the quantities of Mountain Dew these guys drink. If I had half that much caffeine coursing through my system I’d be splashing paint around like Jackson Pollock. Actually, I kind of like that idea: An abstract impressionist house. Unfortunately I live in one of those rooty-tooty-snooty neighborhoods where we have to adhere to the aesthetic standards of the time when the houses were built, which is another way of saying the aesthetic standards of the people who can afford to impose their tastes on the rest of us. But back to the painters. They’ve been here about a week now and I’m getting used to their presence. The blocked doors, for example. My poor dog was not in the least happy about that one. She has been especially thirsty lately and … well, you get the picture. I was about to open a window and tell her to make a jump for it when I got the signal that the back door could be opened again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog so relieved. She smiled. I swear she smiled.

40 | August 30, 2011

Like many workmen, they like to listen to the radio while they work, and because they’re working outside tend to keep the volume cranked up to Entertain The People In The Next Block. However, with this many guys on the job, you’re going to find varying musical tastes, which means that it is now possible for me to listen to rock and country at the same. It can make you a little airsick, but then, so can talk radio. It really is going well, this painting project, but it has not been without incident. The other day, for example, I came in from working out in my garage gym and went directly to the shower, seeing as how I was at that moment competing with the Port-a-John for the Most Fragrant award. Imagine my surprise when I stepped out of the shower and saw one of the guys getting ready to paint around the bathroom window. From the look on his face I don’t think he was expecting me, either. Oh well. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before. And it did have an upside. And as luck would have it, I turned the exact shade of red I wanted for the window trim. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.

Current in Carmel

Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | It’s Golden | Anti-Aging | Inside & Out | Dough | Panache | Toys | In Spirit | Laughs | Puzzles Across 1. Buffoons 5. Compete (for) 8. Colonel who started a drug company 13. Indianapolis Star life lines? 14. “Much ___ About Nothing” 15. IND night departure 16. 23rd U.S. President 18. Out for the night at the Renaissance Hotel 19. Today’s Bedroom ___ 20. Hoosier Park Casino buy-in 21. It’s called parotitis at IU Health 24. Fishers HS student’s spot 26. JHDJ Law charge 29. Death on the Nile cause, perhaps 30. IMS track features 32. Oompahs at The Rathskeller 34. Young aide in the Indiana General Assembly 36. Carmel Dads’ Club members 37. Barnes or Thornburg, e.g. 38. Cemetery of 8-, 16-, 63- and 71-Across (2 wds.) 41. Steal gas, in a way 44. Indy Tire Centers supply 45. Kwik Kleen washer cycle 49. Peyton Manning: “We’re talking about our ___ kicker who got liquored up...” 50. Incite, as havoc 52. Genetics letters 53. Bucky’s Grill & Pub kitchen meas. 54. Serve meals at Firehouse Pizza 55. Tongue-in-cheek humor 57. Randall Dermatology concern 59. Finish, with “up” 60. Indy vent cleaners: ___ Group 63. 28th U.S. Vice President (under Wilson) 68. Us Weekly rival 69. Dusting aid 70. Indianapolis Opera solo 71. “The Hoosier Poet” 72. Ewe or sow at the Indiana State Fair 73. Answering machine sound Down 1. Cry at the CarmelFest fireworks 2. Pacers former leag. 3. Dull’s Tree Farm buy, maybe 4. Razor sharpener at Merchants Square Barber Shop 5. McNamara Florists bud holder 6. Amore Wedding Chapel vow (2 wds.) 7. Ages and ages at the Indiana Geological Survey 8. “___ we forget” 9. Inactive 10. Bob & Tom news director, Kristi ___ 11. Soap ingredient for Indiana’s Amish 12. Slangy assent 15. Standing in the Indiana National Guard 17. Rose-Hulman, e.g. (Abbr.) 20. Beast of burden 21. AAA Hoosier Motor Club handout 22. Olympic Games chant 23. Tom Woods sticker fig. 24. Sketch in a Westfield HS art class 25. Trap 26. Take off from Creekside Farm Airport 27. Barely manage, with “out” 28. Fishers Farmers Market corn serving 31. “Once ___ a time...” 32. Chum 33. Birds in Indiana barns 35. Marengo Cave sound effect 37. Old Italian bread? 39. Go bad 40. Hightailed it on I-69 41. PetSmart obedience school










13 16

24 30








35 38

39 44


























19 22







58 63

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__________________ __________________

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command 42. Entry requirements for a Broad Ripple bar 43. Carmel printing store 46. Woodland Country Club instructor 47. Jameson ___ 48. City Council no vote 50. Fishers Youth Hockey league: Pee___ 51. Smooch 54. At no cost, like the Current 56. Dallas Clark’s post-op time

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57. R.V. Hallman Plumbing item 58. The O in SRO 59. Encourage 60. Indy Komen Race For the Cure mo. 61. Kona Jack’s garland 62. Daniels or Brainard, briefly 63. ___ Fields Cookies 64. Sound at David and Mary Salon 65. Clay Terrace map blurb: “You ___ here” 66. Golf ball position at Brookshire 67. Once around the Noblesville HS track

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Current in Carmel




August 30, 2011 | 41

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Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | It’s Golden | Anti-Aging | Inside & Out | Dough | Panache | Toys | In Spirit | Laughs | Puzzles


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Join a workforce dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities live meaningful lives! Noble of Indiana is now hiring for two parttime Job Coaches (20 hrs/wk) to provide job training and support to high school students with disabilities in an internship program at two local hospitals. Also hiring for part-time Direct Support Professionals to provide community-based services on the Northside. Requires HS diploma/GED; must provide own transportation, have a valid driver’s license and meet driving insurability and background check requirements. Please send resumes to Careers@nobleofindiana. org or by fax, 317-375-2719.

Responsible for the supervision of custodial staff and shift supervisors on three shift schedule in the cleaning of classrooms, restrooms and common areas for large facility. Work schedule is 40 hours per week, benefits eligible after 90 days. Hourly rate $17.57 to $24.10, depending on education and experience. Candidates with custodial supervision preferred; criminal history check required.

Customer Service/ Dispatch:

Current in Carmel

Services Carmel Clay School Corporation

is now training School Bus Drivers for the 2011-2012 School Year Summer Paid Training Program to obtain Class B, CDL Starting at $88 day after successful completion of training Paid Bi-weekly Available to earn attendance bonus Apply on-line to, AA/EOE

Evening/Weekend Customer Service Rep

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Part-time Customer ServiceEvenings and Weekends

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Kitchen Manager/Cook part time for Carmel church. This is a 20 hour per week position during the season (Sept. – May, and 10 hours June – August)) with main responsibilities preparing meals for congregation on Wednesday evenings (approx. 150) and other meals as needed, supervising all aspects of kitchen operations including kitchen staff, ordering food and supplies, as well as organizing and accounting for all kitchen equipment. Interested parties may call 317-844-7275.

Apply on-line to AA/EOE

Noblesville company looking for a full time customer service professional that can manage multiple duties at the same time in a small office atmosphere. Will be responsible for customer service, data entry, back up dispatching and other miscellaneous office duties. Must have great attitude, great customer service skills with excellent organizational skills. Full time position with full benefit package. $11-$12/hr. depending on experience. Email resume to michelle.hepburn@ or fax to 317-773-2645

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Stay at home Moms and Dads! Earn money selling Zeko Shoes. Go to www. to learn more! C&C Air Solutions Inc. is one of the top leading in its industry regarding air quality control in the world. Our services help residential homes that have problems such as breathing problems, allergies, mold, and dust issues. Due to opening a new branch in Carmel, we are looking for outside sales representatives. No experience needed, company training provided. The ideal candidate would have a professional appearance, with the desire to grow with an expanding company. Quick advancement offered for ambitious individuals. Starting pay is $625.00/week base salary. Commission structure gives opportunity to make $1500-$2000/week. Sign-on bonus of $2500. Call our Carmel In. branch to schedule an interview Mon-Fri 9am-5pm @ 317-564-4957

August 30, 2011 | 43

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