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Tuesday October 18, 2011
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Carmel resident’s innovative Web site brings together those affected by cancer / P9 David Wasilewski Photo and Illustration by Zach Ross
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Homework hotline Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. V, No. 52 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032
317.489.4444 Managing Editor – Kevin Kane kevin@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 ext. 204 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zach@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Associate Artist – Andrea Nickas andrea@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com
It is our position we, in a competitive and global world, should take advantage of the math and science tutoring service provided by Rose Hulman Institute of Technology as we confront homework challenges. By calling the hotline or submitting questions online, you will get a Rose Hulman student who has been recommended by a professor based on his or her technical and communication skills. There is no extra charge for the service. The program, which is in its 20th year, answered more than 45,000 calls and less than 3,000 online requests last year. The service is for students grades six through 12. Tutors are given state-recommended textbooks to help the student work through the program. Before calling, students should be prepared with the homework assignment, textbooks, pen, paper and a calculator if necessary. The student may need to give his or her name and school’s name. Although the tutor will not give the answer, we find this to be a valuable service to our community. To benefit from this tutoring service, you may call the hotline at 877275-7673 or send an e-mail request to www.AskRose.org. The service is open from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.
Emotional hazard
It is our position in the aftermath of the Indiana State Fair tragedy, the state must avoid reacting emotionally, but it should respond with wisdom within the bounds of the law. We know it can be difficult to eschew emotion, and we recognize one person’s wisdom is often another’s folly. Nevertheless, it seems to us so far the state has treated the victims of this tragedy as fairly and respectfully as it can. We particularly applaud Attorney General Greg Zoeller’s decision not to raise civil union issues in defense of a lawsuit filed by the same-sex partner of a woman who died at the Fair. It’s likely Zoeller’s decision has more to do with legal strategy than his views about civil unions, and we understand arguing over civil unions may be inevitable in this lawsuit. In spite of all that, we appreciate the state is defending this lawsuit in a way that respects the role of the legislature on the issue of civil unions, and at the same time, spares a woman who suffered great loss at the fair the indignity of challenges to her relationship with her partner, in a way that a married person would not experience. We call that wisdom.
The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.
Advertising Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@youarecurrent.com / 370.0749
Business Office Bookkeeper – Heather Cole heather@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@youarecurrent.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@youarecurrent.com / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
strange laws V E C TO R B U TT O NS . C O M V E C TO R B U TT O NS . C O M
Photo Illustration
Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.
In Louisiana, one may not “dare” another to go onto railroad tracks owned by another. -dumblaws.com
Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 14. Boundaries Section 2. Jurisdiction and sovereignty The State of Indiana shall possess jurisdiction and sovereignty co-extensive with the boundaries declared in the preceding section; and shall have concurrent jurisdiction, in civil and criminal cases, with the State of Kentucky on the Ohio river, and with the State of Illinois on the Wabash river so far as said rivers form
Current in Carmel
the common boundary between this State and said States respectively. ARTICLE 15. Miscellaneous Section 1. Selection of officers All officers, whose appointment is not otherwise provided for in this Constitution, shall be chosen in such manner as now is, or hereafter may be, prescribed by law. Section 2. Duration of office When the duration of any office is not provided for by this Constitution, it may be declared by law; and, if not so declared, such office shall be held during the pleasure of the authority making the appointment. But the General Assembly shall not create any office, the tenure of which shall be longer than four years.
October 18, 2011 | 3
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More Carmelites getting ‘cuts for kids’?
FROM THE BACKSHOP ‘Hyperfix’ for U.S. 31? Go for it! This U.S. 31 project is kind of like going to the dentist’s office, where you need to have several cavities filled. Would you rather have that one numbing shot and get it all done at once, or would you rather go through the procedure multiple times? Getting the U.S. 31 freeway initiative to this point has seemed like an exercise in pulling teeth. Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, clearly, would opt for the former. He believes most of the project that involves our city can be completed in one year, 2014, and leave us with a thoroughfare that more resembles our beautiful and efficient Keystone Parkway than an unaesthetic intrastate highway. That’s what he said in his State of the City Address last week, and we believe it’s the wisest course. We all have daily agendas, and many of those involve the use of our vehicles and U.S. 31. How willing are you to be inconvenienced across multiple years versus sucking deep and bearing with a year-long project that will inject efficiency into traffic flow and ease east-west travel at the same time? We’re very willing, so much so, in fact, that we encourage Brainard to stay on the INDOT “superstructure” to make sure this
Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg gets done in one, fell swoop. The Meridian Corridor is far too important to local commerce and the transportation that serves it to have to suffer through a prolonged construction project. INDOT can make it happen; look at its success with a hyperfix to I-70 downtown, a project it finished ahead of schedule. If INDOT has a shred of flexibility, it will relent and take in the wisdom of the mayor’s plan and then act on it. Tell INDOT to decide now, which would give us a couple years to prepare for it. You may reach them at www.in.gov/indot/. Of course, we still wish the state would turn over control of U.S. 31 to the city, but that still appears to be a pipe dream.
zine while I waited for the stylist to finish up COMMENTARY with the boy ahead of me – a crying two-year-old By Kevin Kane in a racecar seat. When he was done, the owner My wife Jess swears by her hairstylist and inwrongly assumed I was waiting to take the boy sists that I should, too. For months, she’s told me I need to go see her home. “I’m next in line,” I said. Because I declined the opportunity to play guy, but now she’s growing frustrated that I’ve Xbox during my cut, I watched part of “Tangled” seemingly done everything but take her advice. instead, which was fine, I guess, except the TV It wasn’t long ago that Jess was cutting my hair was mounted where one would normally see a using cheap scissors and electric clippers to save mirror. money. Her first few atMy wife didn’t seem thrilled that I went I had no idea what my tempts were successful only there, and I didn’t even tell her about the hair looked like until I in shortening the length of my hair, not in fading it toys in the waiting area or that every other got home, but it turned customer left with a balloon and sucker. out to be fine. Still, my as I had asked. That is, I at wife didn’t seem thrilled least don’t recall asking for that I went there, and I didn’t even tell her her to leave really long patches on the sides and a about the toys in the waiting area or that every bald spot on the back. But this was a long time ago. other customer left with a balloon and sucker. Eventually, her skills progressed to the point But apparently I’m not the only adult who where I could have a few Jess-cuts before going goes there for haircuts. The stylist told me a to a professional. It was like going to the dentist growing number of grown-ups are, like me, for a regular appointment, cleaning up the mischoosing Sharkey’s when it’s time for a trim. takes and messes that accumulated in the weeks Perhaps it’s solely for convenience, or maybe or months since the last visit. the opportunity to play Xbox during a haircut However, now that we’re both working fullis just too appealing to pass up. I know at least time, I can afford to have a real stylist cut my hair, but I’ve gone to about every pro in the area one of my neighbors agrees with that. except the one Jess wants me to see. My most recent cut, however, may have been the last straw. Kevin Kane is the managing editor My last one came from Sharkey’s Cuts for of Current in Carmel. You can Kids in Carmel. It’s within walking distance reach him via e-mail at Kevin@ from my home, so I decided to give it a try. youarecurrent.com. I flipped through the Disney Princess Maga-
Ghosts in the ceiling COMMENTARY By Terry Anker Since even the early tuning concerts of central Indiana’s own version of famed 15th Century Venetian architect Andrea Palladio’s Palladium, many have been struck by its formidable countenance and looming presence. But it was during a recent symphonic performance, I took a new look at the reflective nature of the suspended acoustic glass ceiling. As each and every stroke of the bow was drawn across an instrument below it was reflected in broken pieces across the panels soaring above us many stories. It reminds us music is the soul of the hall. Like the muse called to the artist, the reflections in the panes take on an ethereal, almost surreal, quality. Much has been written about cost and design, leadership and scandal, and venue and role. But now, is it really about the edifice or is it art? As we glance upwards towards the heavens, we find caught in our vision the spirits brought to serenade us even as modern-day performers instill life into the notes of Mozart, Sinatra and others.
Although the reflections float above translucent and fragmented, they sound a chorus into the hall as if the music had originated in the heavens rather than being reflected from below. It is likely impossible to know with any degree of clarity what specifically motivated city leaders to undertake this project. Some might argue it was colossal ego. Others, more favorably disposition, would suggest it was an economic development move. Yet others might simply state no one else could undertake such an ambitious project. Does it really matter? If we ever hope to draw value from this venue, don’t we have to invite the muse to come and inhabit our hall? And isn’t the only way to ensure its presence is by seeking the ghost in the ceiling . . . the music . . . and the song?
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It reminds us music is the soul of the hall. Like the muse called to the artist, the reflections in the panes take on an ethereal, almost surreal, quality.
4 | October 18, 2011
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmell.com.
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DISPATCHES » Rotary meeting – Rotary Club of Carmel will meet Friday, noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th St. Program: Robert Bailey, Executive Director of SCORE. Contact: Wendy Phillips, 501-4955. » Kiwanis meeting – Carmel Golden K Kiwanis will meet this Thursday, 10 a.m. at the American Legion Hall, 852 W. Main St. Speaker: Kelley Stokesbary, “The Autism Crisis - the High Cost of Autism.” Contact: Don Moehn, 873-1956. » Haunted Trails – Hamilton County Parks and Recreation invites the public to its Haunted Trails, next Tuesday, Oct. 26 and 27 from 7 to 10 p.m. The event includes a free campfire and a non-scary hayride. Admission is $5 per person and canned food items will be accepted for Amanda Strong Food for the Needy. For more information, visit www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov. » Parents Night Out - Clay Terrace invites parents out for Parents Night Out, a date night featuring dinner, dancing and drinks this Saturday, 6:30 to 9 p.m. The event is a great way for parents to take the night off and receive drinks from People’s Brew, dinner from Kincaid’s and enjoy music by Barometer Soup. Parents looking for a babysitter can arrange painting sessions with Color Me Mine for their children during the event for a minimal fee. For more information, visit www.simon.com. » Krieg DeVault sponsors gala – Frank Basile, interim president/CEO at The Center for the Performing Arts, last week announced a new partnership with Krieg DeVault. The new multi-year agreement includes support for the center’s annual Encore gala celebration in June 2012. Krieg DeVault’s sponsorship becomes the center’s second-highest corporate gift to date. » Keystone traffic changes – Motorists traveling on north Keystone Avenue at I-465 was scheduled to be routed to newly completed west side lanes last week to make room for construction on the east side of the roadway. Both northbound and southbound Keystone traffic will be impacted by the traffic switch. At the same time, INDOT will close the westbound I-465 ramp to southbound Keystone for 10 to 14 days. Meanwhile, the eastbound I-465 ramp to northbound Keystone was scheduled to reopen, providing drivers two northbound and two southbound ramp lanes accessing Keystone Avenue.
Teachers really rock
COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson I’ve about had it up to here (I am currently holding my right hand a foot above my head) with parents belittling, blaming and bullying teachers. Although Teacher Appreciation Week isn’t until May, I think it’s time to show a little love to those who are educating our children. Let me tell you a little something about the teachers I know. They all get up between 5 and 6 in the morning so that they can get their kids to daycare to be at work by 7. Most of them are on their feet teaching from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. They have 20 minutes for lunch, realistically 20 minutes to return phone calls and e-mails and follow up on the child who vomited in the trashcan during second period. In the evenings and on weekends, they grade papers, plan lessons and worry about poor-performing students and kids in troubled homes. They often awaken in the middle of the night and brainstorm creative ways to engage and challenge their students. They are some of the hardest working professionals around. But, where’s the respect? All I hear from mommy groups is, “Teachers aren’t performing and are the ones to blame for failing schools.” That is such BS! Most teachers are doing a hell of a job, despite budget cuts and overcrowding. Just because we are parents, doesn’t mean we have the right to criticize teachers. Few of us are licensed educators, and we simply cannot under-
stand everything required to ensure our children are receiving the best possible education. It’s great to be engaged in your child’s school, but at some point you have to let the teachers do their jobs. They know letting a child fail is the best way to help her succeed, and when parents interfere or try to strong-arm a teacher into changing a policy or grade or decision, they actually are doing their child a disservice. At some point, kids need to fight their own battles. But it seems some parents would rather blame teachers for their son’s low GPA or, more recently, focus all their time and energy on irrelevant issues like summer vacation start and end dates. Who cares? We should be working to get teachers more money. We should be badgering lawmakers to get rid of the unions. If we want to attract the top graduates to education, we have to start treating and paying them like professionals. Are all teachers wonderful? No. Is every school a Blue Ribbon winner? No. But have faith in teachers. Most got in to the profession for the kids (Lord knows it wasn’t for the money) and they are truly trying to do right by them. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
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City discussing accelerating U.S. 31 construction, burying power lines By Kevin Kane kevin@youarecurrent.com Two lofty targets are among Mayor Jim Brainard’s goals for the next few years. Brainard said the city is in talks with the Indiana Dept. of Transportation and Duke Energy regarding two major changes: moving up construction of U.S. 31 and burying nearly all of the city’s power lines. As part of its Major Moves initiative, INDOT will upgrade U.S. 31 to freeway standards from I-465 to Ind 38. Under INDOT’s current construction schedule, work in Carmel will continue in stages through 2017. Brainard said the city is working “closer than ever before” with INDOT and discussing possibilities of moving all Carmel construction to 2014. “We’re continuing to discuss how to accelerate the schedule to get U.S. 31 done in a compressed timeframe,” Brainard said. “We’ve heard loud and clear from the business community on U.S. 31 that they want to see U.S. 31 done as quickly as possible. They want a hyperfix.” Though Brainard confirmed that Carmel unsuccessfully attempted to obtain control of its portion of the project in the past, he said INDOT still will control the project, though he said the department is accepting input from the city. For example, INDOT has agreed to
construct roundabouts at 131st Street and 136th Street and Brainard said the two sides are still discussing possibilities for 116th Street and 106th Street, where the water table is too high for roundabouts. “It won’t be Keystone Parkway, but it will look more like Keystone than many of their other projects,” Brainard said. INDOT spokesman Will Wingfield confirmed INDOT continues to explore opportunities to accelerate the project. The city is engaged in separate talks with Duke Energy regarding the potential burial of nearly every power line in Carmel, something Brainard said very few cities in the have accomplished. Though such an endeavor would be costly and years down the road, Brainard said it could save money in the long term, mainly by reducing power outages. Brainard said he for years has been informally seeking public input on this topic and has found very few – if any – residents opposed to this. Still, he said afterward that he was pleasantly surprised when a mention of this goal garnered applause at his State of the City Address. “We have to figure out how to pay for it. We have to figure out legally how to do it, but we have to discuss it,” he said.
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October 18, 2011 | 7
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High school student sets high expectations COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell Lauren Gibson is no stranger to this column. Now a junior at Carmel High School, I have been “tracking” her, so to speak, since she was in middle school. She has been inspiring us year after year with her above average effort to make a difference in our world, specifically her crusade to help the environment. She has attained yet another entry to post on her resume of achievements. She found herself in Hollywood, CA recently picking up her Jane Goodall Global Leadership Award. She also found herself in good company as her co-recipients included The Walt Disney Co., United States House Representative George Miller and popular musician Dave Mathews. Lauren was picked to receive the prestigious award primarily due to her innovative idea to create a min-grant initiative for her teenage peers. The Carmel Green Teen Micro-Grant Program funds youth driven environmental projects in Carmel. She originally applied for the $10,000 seed money to Green Works Natural Cleaners Green Heroes Grant; and won! Instead of creating one big project to spend the money, Lauren impressed the judges with her idea to make the money go further by using it
to fund several smaller projects run by teens. Her original idea has now launched 16 specific projects in Carmel related to improving the environment. Each year, more teens apply to fund their own grant, as they are now doing for the 2012 funding season. The Jane Goodall Global Leadership Award honors Lauren as a leader and recognizes her shared vision with the famous chimpanzee behavioral researcher Jane Goodall. Together, they promote a shared vision to help preserve our natural world, protect animals or benefit our human community. Gibson is truly a standout in our community and one of those people I am sure will continue to amaze and impress us. She has already accomplished so much before even graduating from High School. There is more good news to come from Lauren in her very bright future and I am hoarding ink and paper for just such an occasion.
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Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@advantagemedical.com
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8 | October 18, 2011
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Carmel resident’s innovative Web Site brings together those affected by cancer By Kevin Kane kevin@youarecurrent.com Carmel resident David Wasilewski has had success in developing new companies, but his latest endeavor is about more than just business. His most notable entrepreneurial success to date began in 2000, when he cofounded the women’s apparel company Spanx with a friend in Atlanta. He spent seven years as the company’s COO and helped grow retail sales from zero to $150 million during that time. With booming sales and national TV appearances, Wasilewski acknowledged he could have spent the rest of his career with Spanx, but he said he thought he could be doing more than selling women’s undergarments. “I found myself wanting something more,” he said. “I just didn’t know what that was.” It wasn’t until his uncle was diagnosed with brain cancer that Wasilewski got his answer. In researching his uncle’s condition, Wasilewski encountered a problem: A wealth of information was available online, but Wasilewski unknowingly wasted hours reading articles he later found were irrelevant to his uncle’s
diagnosis. A research tool was needed, he thought, with which patients, caregivers and family members could narrow their online search results based on specific diagnoses. Such a site did not exist in 2008, so Wasilewski began the process of creating one. But he wanted to provide more than relevant search results. Wasilewski said there are a number of online communities connecting people fighting cancer but, again, finding individuals facing similar circumstances is often difficult, he said. His plan: To create a site connecting those affected by cancer with relevant peers, information and resources based on diagnoses and other personal information. “If Amazon and Netflix can make recommendations based on my interests, we should be able to connect people based on their diagnoses,” he said. People at the American Cancer Society’s national office liked - David Wasilewski Wasilewski’s ideas so much, the organization decided to partner with him and help create the site, giving his project a level of backing that very few – if any other – cancer support networks have. After three years of development, WhatNext.com launched a few weeks ago and already has more than 500 members from more 40 states and four countries. Carmel resident Mike Rudy is one of these users. Rudy lost his mother to brain cancer a few years before Wasilewski’s site launched, but he now visits WhatNext frequently to offer support and information to other users. “You’re able to ask people about what you’re going through right
“If Amazon and Netflix can make recommendations based on my interests, we should be able to connect people based on their diagnoses.”
Taking off As of Oct. 5 – just a few weeks after the launch of WhatNext. com – the site already had more than 500 registered members from 41 U.S. states as well as Canada, Germany and India.
Current in Carmel
free service Utilizing the resources and peer-provided information on WhatNext.com is free for all users. The for-profit company instead makes its money from companies in the health care industry.
at this very moment, and you have a whole book of people who are either going through it or have been through the same thing,” Rudy said. “There just wasn’t a platform like this, that I found, before WhatNext.” Regardless of how one uses the site, the site is free to all members and visitors, Wasilewski said. Providing personal information is optional, and everything submitted remains confidential. The for-profit company makes its money from health care companies – not WhatNext users, said Communications Director Karen Glowacki. “WhatNext makes money by providing health systems with a way for them to extend care beyond the office visit and truly provide patient-centered care that goes beyond treating the disease to also supporting patients, their caregivers and loved ones by helping them find the support and resources they will need throughout the continuum of care.” Wasilewski said these resources and the information WhatNext provides to its users will only continue to expand in the years to come. “That’s the plan,” he said. “We’re just going to keep building this thing.”
October 18, 2011 | 9
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Reader’s View Local Republican representatives should control spending Editor, Jeff Worrell and Current’s Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg were correct in chastising the mayor and City Council for voting an unsupportable health benefit for themselves on the grounds of Councilman Rick Sharp’s concept of “equity.” It’s not equitable when only 11 percent of other bodies receive such benefits. It begs the question as to whether our elected officials are for the people, or for themselves. Now the council is willing to circumvent a ruling that forbids the CRC from expending tax increment finance funds for the purpose of shoring up the shaky Palladium operational expenses. What is planned is for TIF money to be laundered through the 4CDC shell corporation, which in turn would grant those funds to The Center for the Performing Arts. This plan apparently has the blessing of the mayor, and most of the council members. Is our city government now willing to walk on eggshells in order to cover up the plight of the Palladium, which has had little donor money, no real endowment, and will have to face lowering ticket sales as is the case with most such centers around the country? In these harder economic times it should be the business of our Republican representatives to control spending and borrowing rather than to skirt the law with shaky reasoning. The purpose of TIF money is to be used for development - not to support an example of reckless planning and spending by our mayor and council. Marnin Spigelman 46032
(Left to right) Jim Martin, Mayor Jim Brainard, Doreen Squire Ficara and CFD historian John Moriarty Photo by Zach Ross
Plaque honors fire dept.’s history Current in Carmel More than 50 guests gathered in the rain last Thursday to celebrate the unveiling a plaque commemorating the 111-year history of the Carmel Fire Dept. The department’s history began in 1900 when the town of Carmel purchased four dozen buckets and formed a volunteer fire dept. It wasn’t until 1950 that the first Carmel fire station was constructed – by firefighters – at 210 1st Ave. SW., where last week’s ceremony was held.
The first Carmel fire station, built in 1950 Submitted Photo
Sharon Knapp
West Carmel/zionsville
Barry Ginder
Jay Brill
Rich Taylor
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146th Street at Cool Creek Commons
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Domestic violence is more prevalent than you may think COMMENTARY By Loretta Moore “He threatened me, strangled me with an extension cord, lunged at me with a kitchen knife‌â€? Is this dialog from a horror movie? No, this is real life for far too many victims of domestic violence. Why is relationship violence so frighteningly common in 2011? What can be done to help? The answer starts with three simple words: Make a plan. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. And, just as other national observations are meant to increase awareness, this month should prompt those in violent relationships to take stock of their situation and take action. One key tool is to draft a safety plan. Here is an example of a plan that can be adopted by nearly anyone in an abusive relationship. Have a bag packed, including: a change of clothes for yourself and children; address book; money; extra keys; emergency medicines (three to five-day supply); important paperwork (checking and savings account numbers); copy of lease; copy of no violent contact order/protective order; birth certificates; social security numbers for everyone; ADC/SSI/passports or medical insurance card, etc.; cell phone and charger.
Also remember to avoid sending e-mails, turn off phone GPS, and contact OnStar to prevent any trace of location. Advise school systems, courts, employers, daycare providers, and welfare not to give out personal information. Getting a P.O. Box also can help one prevent being traced. One in four women will be a victim at least once in their lifetime, so you probably know someone who is being abused or who is a survivor. Prevail is committed to offering services to victims of crime and abuse, free of charge, in a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental environment that is meant to empower, educate and strengthen our clients. If you are a victim of abuse in need of support, contact Prevail today. You’ll receive the hope, strength and the necessary services to help you put the pieces of your life back together. Call Prevail 24 hours a day on the crisis line, 776-3472, or visit www.prevailinc.com.
Loretta Moore is executive director of Prevail, Inc. She may be reached at Loretta@prevailinc.com or 773-6942.
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Jeremy Grogg, MD
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BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! “Gut-bustingly funny!” NEW YORK POST “The laughs come at breakneck speed! The jokes fly by so fast, you’ll wish you could hit rewind!” ASSOCIATED PRESS
PNC Bank rendering
Brainard: New developments ahead By Kevin Kane kevin@youarecurrent.com Mayor Jim Brainard joked at the annual State of the City Address last week that many probably thought he would be out of new things to say. But that wasn’t the case. During his 15th address, Brainard provided a look back at Carmel’s recent history of major developments and laid out plans for more projects that could be on the horizon. Carmel City Center “Now is the time to finish City Center,” Brainard said. The remaining work on the development includes the construction of what is expected to be a four-star hotel. The facility is tentatively named The Georgian but very few details are concrete. Condominiums and apartments also are planned for sometime in the future, as is a separate building to store the materials preserved by The Michael Feintsein Foundation, Brainard said. Arts & Design District Brainard said the city is in talks with PNC Bank to create a new development at the northeast corner of Main Street and Range Line Road, where a PNC branch sits today. Tentative plans include a multi-story structure containing a new PNC office on the ground floor and “either offices or living spaces above,” Brainard said. Midtown The city is creating plans to redevelop about a four-block stretch on 3rd Avenue SW to better connect City Center and the arts district. The area, called “Midtown,” will consist of a number of new projects including a park surrounding a
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Water Tower Park 750,000-gallon water tower – an upgraded version of the tower near the Monon Trail. “You can’t hide anything that big,” Brainard said. “So what we decided to do is make it a focal point.” Brainard added that current renderings of this park call for water to flow from the tower into four pools. “If you were on the Monon you actually would pass underneath that water flow,” he said. Road construction Carmel hasn’t seen the end of major road construction, according to Brainard. He said the city and City Council plan to begin work on Illinois Street in 2012, extending it south of 116th Street. Brainard also said he would like to, though not necessarily in 2012, extend 96th Street west the Meridian Street Corridor, which he said could relieve traffic congestion during rush hours. ONLY
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City Center hotel rendering
12 | October 18, 2011
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Film to benefit Carmel family, raise ALS awareness By Kevin Kane kevin@youarecurrent.com Dave Clifford often encouraged his players to “hold the line” during his many years coaching youth football in Carmel. The community hasn’t forgotten that message. “Coach Cliff” still shouts words of encouragement from the sidelines, but though his voice doesn’t have the same impact it did in the past, his message does. Clifford last September was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. It wasn’t long ago that he weighed 250 pounds and was still as physically active as he had been his entire life. He’s now 100 pounds lighter, has limited use of his hands and while he isn’t bound to a wheelchair, he said “that’s coming.” As a coach he stressed teamwork and togetherness, but the community is proving that his lessons extend beyond the sidelines. Coaches, parents and players past and present are stepping up to help their fellow Greyhound and his family in myriad ways. “I wasn’t even one of the Carmel greats,” Clifford said of his days on the gridiron at Carmel High School. “And yet that doesn’t matter.” For last month’s Indianapolis Walk to Defeat ALS, Clifford’s family and friends rallied to raise more than $15,000 – the highest amount in the state. Friends of his children now come by during the week to tend to the family’s landscaping,
season of a lifetime Thursday, 6:30 p.m. CHS auditorium Cost: $10; proceeds will benefit National ALS and the Clifford family
Clifford and at least one of Clifford’s former teammates treats him to a meal each week. But the most recent gesture of kindness perhaps means the most to Clifford and his family because of its broader potential impact. When Andrew Fritz, the coach of Clifford’s youngest son, heard a radio commercial for a documentary about a Georgia football coach with ALS, he started making some phone calls, Clifford’s wife Gigi said. After a few conversations, Fritz convinced the film’s director, Richard Cohen, to premiere the movie in Carmel – an accomplishment Clifford still finds hard to believe. “I spent my entire career in the movie industry,” he said. “You can’t just call a number and get the director on the phone.”
Regardless of how it happened, the film will be shown in Carmel – this Thursday at the CHS auditorium, 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased in advance at the Carmel Dads Club office. At least 40 percent of the proceeds will go to National ALS, with another 40 percent going to Clifford’s family. But Dave and Gigi are thankful more for the opportunity to spread ALS awareness. The two admit they were unaware of the severity of ALS at the time of Clifford’s diagnosis – until his doctor said the incurable disease kills 98 percent of those diagnosed. The couple said increasing awareness will potentially increase donations toward research and the likelihood of a cure being discovered. “Maybe it will be too late for me, but that’s not the point,” Clifford said. In his family’s time of need, Clifford said he’s learned a great deal about the people of Carmel, as he’s received support from the CHS football community and beyond. “This is a special place,” he said.
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Previously, we offered suggestions to help you get started if you are contemplating divorce. If you are separated or filing, you’re likely to receive friendly advice from family, friends or coworkers – those who have “been there, done that”. While the advice may be well-intentioned, divorce is an extremely personal experience. The dynamics of your marriage and family are unique and you should never assume your case will be the same as someone else’s. Instead, talk with a family counselor to help you deal with the emotions and stress, and talk with an attorney to receive sound legal advice. With more than 15 years as a divorce attorney, Lanae Harden, who chairs the Family Law Practice Group at HARDEN JACKSON, LLC, offers the following suggestions to help you through the process.
1. Always put your children’s interests first. This seems obvious, and most parents would bristle at the implication that they aren’t. But the emotional nature of divorce can make people act selfishly or impair their ability to make rational decisions. If you’re angry at your spouse you may see the divorce as a way to make him or her pay for hurting you, but ultimately, this attitude only causes more damage to your children. Prioritizing your children’s needs is also important strategically for your case. Your willingness to act in good faith can be favorable to you if your case goes to court. Every action you take should be measured by how it will be viewed by the judge. When it comes to custody, judges are evaluating which parent places the children’s interests above their own. Questionable actions or behavior could be used by your spouse’s attorney to negatively affect you. Attorneys are trained to spin circumstances to benefit their clients. Don’t leave anything up to interpretation. 2. Be reasonable about expectations. Your lifestyle will change. Ultimately, there will be two households and two sets of expenses. And the more adversarial your divorce, the more you and your spouse will spend of your income and assets in order to divide them. Set goals and keep the big picture in mind. While you’re likely to vent your frustrations during the divorce to your attorney, don’t use your attorney as a substitute for qualified experts. Ask your attorney for referrals to a licensed therapist, divorce coach or financial advisor to help you manage those changes in your life. Consulting experienced professionals in the appropriate fields will ultimately save you attorney’s fees, while enabling your attorney to focus on what she is most experienced in: managing your case and protecting your legal rights. Remember, these suggestions are not meant to be legal advice. You should consult an attorney to discuss the specifics of your situation. Look for Part 3 of this series on Surviving Divorce in two weeks. If you have questions, you may contact our firm at 317-569-0770 or www.hardenjacksonlaw.com.
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Shop Talk The barber goes deep – spiritually COMMENTARY By Jason Peek Let’s go deep at Shop Talk this week. I talk a lot in the barber shop about, well, everything. Or so it seems. Lately it seems we all feel a heavy burden and see a very fast-changing world. The decay of our country and a world moving faster than water over and through a broken dam from unemployment, a staggered world economy and other signs of a financial collapse, the increase in weather disasters that come like the birthing pains of a woman – it’s a bunch. I believe it talks about this in the book of Matthew. The immorality on this planet has gone way out of control; we now even kill our own children in the womb, and I don’t even need to talk about the increase in wars and rumors of additional wars. All that is going on can actually be looked at through Bible prophecy God gave us all free will, so you can execute my article however you wish. But you can learn a lot of answers by spending five to 10 minutes a day studying. In 2005, the man up above put it on my heart to study prophecy, and I have done so almost every morning to this day. A great knowledge-based
Web site I use is LambandLionMinistries.com. A book by David Regan, “God’s Plan for the Ages,” has a straightforward blueprint for prophecy. I’m not forcing religion, but when a book written by many authors more than 2,000 years ago, with more than 500 prophecies, that have been fulfilled, that can show me Scripture years before it comes true, well, I have to take a closer look. And, no, the end of the world will not be in 2012. Take time to study and make your own conclusions on what you believe and instead basing everything on what your parents or preacher taught you. When life is uncertain and questions need to be answered, this is how I do it. Jason Peek is the owner of the Main Street Barber Shop. Want to tell him what you think? Stop in for a haircut or e-mail him at hogjawz@sbcglobal.net.
Police investigate Carmel townhouse deaths Current in Carmel Police continue to investigate an apparent murder-suicide that occurred last Tuesday at the Traditions on the Monon townhouse community near 136th Street and Range Line Road Early that morning, Carmel police officers found the bodies of two adults – later identified as Aaron and Suzanne Saunders.
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14 | October 18, 2011
Evidence at the scene was consistent with that of a murder-suicide, according to the Carmel Police Dept, yet the department continues to evaluate the evidence and autopsy results. Suzanne Saunders’ three children, ages 16, 12 and 11, were present during the shootings but were unharmed, CPD stated. As of press time, Prevail was working with CPD to help care for the children. -Photo by Kevin Kane
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CCPL events » Morningstar Investment Research Center – Wednesday, 7 p.m.; training room, second floor. Join the Carmel Clay Public Library for an hour-long training session on the Morningstar Investment Research Center, a trusted source of investment information. Morningstar provides independent opinion and data on more than 30,000 stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. This online database is available at the library and can also be accessed from home with a valid library card. Registration is not required. For more information, call the reference desk at 8443362. » Give Yourself Credit – Thursday, 7 p.m.; program room. Rebecca Haynes-Bordas, extension educator with the Purdue University Extension Office of Marion County, will lead an informative discussion on how your credit score is determined, what a credit report contains, and how your score can affect the interest rate if you obtain a loan. She will also provide tips on how to fix a poor credit rating and how to protect your credit information. Registration is not required. For more information, call the reference desk at 844-3362.
Further from the principle GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney I got more e-mails about the recent column covering the difference between lay and lie than I have about a column in a long time. Apparently, many of you were struggling with that one. One reader had an additional question, too: “What is the difference between further and farther?” Good question. It got me thinking about a variety of confused word pairs. Let’s start with the question at hand, though. Although many people use them interchangeably, further and farther actually have distinct – very similar – meanings. Which word you use depends on whether you are referring to conceptual space or physical space. If you’re working with conceptual space – getting ahead, running behind – further is the comparative adjective for you: Each time Tim stops to help me, he gets further behind in his own work. For physical distance, though, farther is the word you want: Chicago is farther away than I thought. My trick for this is that farther starts with far, so it’s the one you use for tell when something is far away (or not-so-far away). You wouldn’t say, “Gosh, it sure is fur to Grandma’s house,” so you wouldn’t say, “Gosh, it sure is further to Grand-
ma’s house than I thought it would be.” Get it? Another reader suggestion from months ago is the difference between principal and principle. I learned this difference in sixth grade. I remember it quite clearly because our principal, who was a giant hulking man, said to our English class, “Just remember, the school administrator is spelled principal because I’m your pal.” It was comical and frightening, and I’ve never forgotten it. Specifically, though, principal can function as an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it means most important: The principal reason I called is to tell you off. As a noun, it means several things, but they all boil down to the person in charge. On the other hand, principle is a noun that refers to a fundamental tenet or a rule of conduct: One of the principles of their faith forbids alcohol consumption. So remember, you can stand farther from your principal or act in a way that is further from your principles. But not the other way around.
“What is the difference between further and farther?”
Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com.
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16 | October 18, 2011
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DISPATCHES » Best time to divide peonies – Dig your peonies in early fall. Rinse off the soil with a garden hose, then divide the rhizomes into sections, making sure each section has three eyes. Plant immediately to make sure they are established before the first freeze. -www.almanac.com » The problem with plastic corks – “A winemaker I know once did a test to see how plastic corks affect a wine’s flavor,” Adam Sohm of New York City restaurant Le Bernadin told www.foodandwine.com. “He filled empty wine bottles with water, put plastic corks in them and stored them in the cellar. After six months, certain bottles tasted like a Barbie doll—and those were the best ones.” -www.foodandwine.com » Greater Halloween participation – Halloween is expected to generate record sales this year as consumers look for an escape from gloomy financial news, according to results of a recent retail survey. More Americans have holiday plans that include dressing up, throwing parties and decorating their homes and front lawns, the survey shows. -www.chicagotribune.com
» Yelp affects restaurants – Reviews at the popular crowd-sourcing site Yelp.com are having a significant effect on the restaurant business, according to a study of more than 3,500 Seattle restaurants from 2003 through October 2009. The study found that a onestar increase in Yelp’s five-star rating scale was associated with a quarter-to-quarter revenue rise of up to 9 percent. The researcher also examined restaurants whose average ratings were within 0.1 star of each other, but which, for the purposes of a summary rating, got rounded up and down by a half-star. That comparison confirmed the power of the stars. -www.wsj.com » Feed the flare – Students in photo school are taught that lens flare is the result of bad compositional technique. However, especially in wedding and engagement portraiture, lens flare is used intentionally to add interest to what might otherwise be a boring background or to obscure a distracting one. Tips to create a flare: 1. Position the sun so it’s in the frame. 2. Use a cheap lens. 3. Use a smaller aperture to get a more star-like shape to the flare. -www.photo.tutsplus.com
Carmel native to screen film at Heartland festival By Lauren Brooks editorial@youarecurrent.com For Carmel native Jace Freeman, film always has been an easy way for him to express his creative energy and ideas. His passion for creating films began during his childhood, when he and a friend made a brief movie about Reggie Miller being stranded on an island and teaching the natives how to play basketball before he could leave. But as he grew older, Freeman began to take film more seriously, even studying telecommunications and entrepreneurship at Indiana University. After the devastating earthquake occurred in Haiti in January 2010, Freeman decided to travel there and put his skills to use. He made a documentary about the refugees in a camp outside of Port-au-Prince. The film is called “When the Ground Stopped Shaking,” and was shown at last year’s Heartland Film Festival. Since then, Freeman has returned to the devastated country, and shot another movie titled “The Country Club.”
Current in Carmel
This film continues the story of desolation in Haiti, but does so from the eyes of 12-year-old orphan boy named Jackson. “‘The Country Club’ really isn’t a sequel, per se, but it is the story about what happened after the dust of the earthquake settled, as the youth of Haiti start to evaluate their situation and think about their future,” Freeman said. “You can’t go to Haiti and not come back a different person. I learned Freeman that much of our destiny is shaped by the resources and opportunity that has been provided for us. It is important that we act in a responsible way to help others, and not do good deeds because it makes us feel good or makes a non-profit look good for its donors.” As with his previous work, Freeman’s latest film will be screened at the Heartland Film Festival this year. Screening begins Tuesday and goes through Saturday. Specific locations and times for each date can be found at heartland.slated.com/2011/films/ thecountryclub_jacefreeman_heartland2011.
October 18, 2011 | 17
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Keeping the Songbook alive COMMENTARY By Doris Anne Sadler I live and breathe the Great American Songbook. It’s playing in my car, at my desk and as a backdrop to my evening meal preparation. These songs are just as fresh today as ever. I never imagined, however, that Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett and Seth MacFarlane - creator of television’s “Family Guy” - would make my opinion more blatantly obvious to the masses. Last month’s release of Bennett and Lady Gaga’s duet of Rodgers and Hart’s “The Lady is a Tramp” is perfect timing. Add MacFarlane’s just-released album of standards and I’m in heaven. You see, my job includes introducing new generations to the Great American Songbook. I won’t lie; a little help from Lady Gaga goes a long way (even if I’m not a big fan of her fashion sense). For aspiring young vocalists, the Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook Initiative takes it a step further. As sponsor of the high school vocal academy and competition, the four-day comprehensive “boot-camp” is the only competition dedicated solely to the music from Broadway, Hollywood musicals and Tin Pan Alley. And it’s all based in Central Indi-
ana, here in Carmel. After two successful years, the program is now expanding to include states beyond the Midwest. Students from across the country will audition for the chance to attend two-day regional music academies. In 2012, the winners from these regional academies will travel to Indiana (June 12 through 16). They’ll learn breathing and microphone techniques, attend oneon-one coaching and master classes, all leading up to the final competition performance at the Palladium on June 16. If that weren’t enough, the first place vocalist wins the chance of lifetime: a trip to sing in New York City with five-time Grammy Award nominee Michael Feinstein. I can’t think of a better way to keep the Great American Songbook alive for generations to come.
For aspiring young vocalists, the Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook Initiative takes it a step further.
Doris Anne Sadler is the executive director of The Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook Initiative. For information on the vocal competition visit www. michaelfeinsteinfoundation.org. The Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook Archive & Gallery is located on the gallery-level of the Palladium concert hall in Carmel.
Remaining October shows at the Palladium SF Jazz Collective Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Hilary Hahn Friday at 8 p.m. Cyndi Lauper & Dr. John Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m. Munich Symphony Orchestra Oct. 28 at 8 p.m.
Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. For tickets or more information, visit www.TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org or call the Center’s box office at 843-3800 or toll-free at 877-909-2787.
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Psycho (1960) Director: Alfred Hitchcock Starring: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles About: A young woman steals $40,000 from her employer’s client, and subsequently encounters a young motel proprietor too long under the domination of his mother. Alien (1979) Director: Ridley Scott Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt About: A mining ship, investigating a suspected SOS, lands on a distant planet. The crew discovers some strange creatures and investigates. The Shining (1980) Director: Stanley Kubrick Starring: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd About: A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future.
Diabolique (1955) Director: H.G. Clouzot Starring: Simone Signoret, Véra Clouzot, Paul Meurisse About: The wife of a cruel headmaster and his mistress conspire to kill him, but after the murder is committed, his body disappears, and strange events begin to plague the two women. The Thing (1982) Director: John Carpenter Starring: Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, Keith David About: Scientists in the Antarctic are confronted by a shape-shifting alien that assumes the appearance of the people that it kills. Nosferatu (1922) Director: F.W. Murnau Starring: Max Schreck, Greta Schröder, Ruth Landshoff About: Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent Hutter’s wife. Silent classic based on the story “Dracula.” Faust (1926) Director: F.W. Murnau Starring: Gösta Ekman, Emil Jannings, Camilla Horn About: God and Satan war over earth; to settle things, they wager on the soul of Faust, a learned and prayerful alchemist.
Active retirement living has never looked so good!
The Exorcist (1973) Director: William Friedkin Starring: Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair About: When a teenager is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two priests to save her daughter. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) Director: Robert Wiene Starring: Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt, Friedrich Feher About: Dr. Caligari’s somnambulist, Cesare, and his deadly predictions. Rosemary’s Baby (1968) Director: Roman Polanski Starring: Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon About: A young couple move into a new apartment, only to be surrounded by peculiar neighbors and occurrences. When the wife becomes mysteriously pregnant, paranoia over the safety of her unborn child begins controlling her life. - Current Staff
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20 | October 18, 2011
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Niney-seven years on center stage COMMENTARY By Cheri Dick The year 1915 was memorable in lots of interesting and intriguing ways. Historians remember it as the year World War I spread throughout all of Europe. Baseball fans know Babe Ruth hit his first home run in 1915, with 713 to follow. And film buffs may recall it as the year the controversial movie, “The Birth of a Nation” was released. Locally, it was a memorable year, too. Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre staged its first production in 1915. As remarkable as it may seem, this is not a misprint. Although 2011-12 is our first season at the Tarkington, Civic Theatre has been serving the greater Indianapolis area for 97 years and is one of the oldest community theatres in continuous operation in the United States. If it’s true practice makes perfect (and we believe it is), we have had 97 years to get it right, and if “The Drowsy Chaperone” is an accurate barometer of the progress we’re making, I think we’re succeeding. Reviews by theatre critics and audiences alike for “The Drowsy Chaperone” were very gratifying. They recognized the quality of Civic’s inaugural show at The Center for the Performing Arts as “rivaling national tours and professional regional theaters,” one of the highest compli-
ments that could be paid to any theatre organization (Lou Harry, IBJ). At Civic, we expect artistic excellence and work to achieve it, but for others to recognize the uniquely high level of talent and expertise our professional staff brings to the stage is praise reflecting the decades of hard work and commitment invested in our theatre organization and in our community. Frankly, it’s what makes us different and better! But don’t take my word for it. Sample a Civic Theatre production for yourself. Anyone who loves a good story with lots of intrigue will enjoy our next production on the Tarkington stage, “Amadeus”(Oct. 28 –Nov 12). If it’s family entertainment you get excited about, don’t miss Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka,” this year’s holiday production on the Civic stage (Dec. 16-Jan. 7). For tickets, go to www.civictheatre.org or call 843-3800. You will see how engaging, entertaining and energetic a 97-year mainstay in the Indianapolis-area arts community can be!
Now – Oct. 23 Phoenix Theatre: Spring Awakening 749 N. Park Ave., Indianapolis In “Spring Awakening” adolescents discover the inner and outer tumult of their sensuality. Details: For tickets visit www.phoenixtheatre.org or call 635-7529 Now – Nov. 20 Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre: It’s a Wonderful Life 9301 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis “It’s a Wonderful Life” tells the story of the goodhearted but downtrodden George Bailey, who has spent his life making sacrifices for others. Celebrate the beginning of the holiday season with this heartwarming family show, and rejoice as George realizes the tremendous impact his life has had on the world around him. Details: For tickets visit www.beefandboards. com or call 317-872-9664.
Oct. 25 – 27 Hamilton County Parks and Recreation: Haunted Trails at Cool Creek Park 2000 E. 151st St., Westfield 7 to 10 p.m. Cost is $5 per person. Details: For more information, call 770-4400 or visit ww.myhamiltoncountyparks.com. Oct. 28 – Nov. 2 Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre: Amadeus 3 Center Green, Suite 200, Carmel Peter Shaffer’s award-winning “Amadeus” combines fiction and history to explore the dramatic rivalry between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri, the late 18th century court composer for the Emperor of Austria, who escorts the audience through his recollection of the events leading to Mozart’s death. Details: For tickets visit www.civictheatre.org or call 317-843-3800.
LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian St. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Endless Summer Band Saturday – Toy Factory Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more
Cheri Dick is the executive director of the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre. You can contact her via e-mail at cheri@civictheatre.org.
There’s SNOW place
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While the rest of the Indianapolis area will be stuck inside and constrained by the various ice and snow storms coming this winter, we’ll be living it up at The Stratford!
At The Stratford we don’t have to go outside to get to our grand dining room for a delicious, hot meal. We don’t have to drive anywhere to pick out a good read from our library. No one has to hit the sidewalk to travel to the wellness center for some exercise (ours is just down the hall in the clubhouse). We don’t even have to clean up after our parties because the amazing staff here does it for us. In short, while the rest of the area is digging out—we‘ll be living it up! This could be you this winter, so call 317-733-9560 now and ask our Lifestyle Advisors about the benefits of living at The Stratford. By the first snow of this year—you’ll be glad you did!
information, call 770-9020. Friday – This Bishops Saturday – Retro Active Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Living Proof Saturday – The Dane Clark Band
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The Stratford | Carmel’s Premier Continuing Care Retirement Community 2460 Glebe Street | Carmel, IN 46032 www.Stratford-Living
October 18, 2011 | 21
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Yat’s The Scoop: Authentic is the key word for describing the Yat’s experience. Cajun Creole cuisine is authentically prepared and seasoned for those who enjoy gumbo, jambalaya, etouffee and red beans and rice. Additional hot sauces and seasonings are available if you wish to spice up your dining pleasure. Each entrée is served with two slices of bread, and soft drink refills are free. The sounds of jazz and blues help to complete the experience and bring a Louisiana flavor to the restaurant. Yat’s is completely casual with an informal atmosphere and laid-back vibe that promises a whole new level for comfort to its customers. Type of Food: Creole Cajun Cuisine Price of Entrees: $5.75 for full portions; $6.75 for half and half.
Vampire’s Kiss
Ashlee Martin, manager, Houlihan’s Where do you like to eat? Wild Ginger on 116th Street in Fishers. What do you like to eat there? “Their sushi is awesome. Their Mistake Roll is to die for.” Why do you like Wild Ginger on 116th Street? “It’s a very small and very personable restaurant. It’s such a nice place to go to get away.” Wild Ginger on 116th Street is located at 8235 E. 116th St. in the Fishers Town Commons. They can be contacted at 842-9888.
Specialties: Gumbo, Etouffee, Jambalaya Smoking: Not permitted Reservations: Not allowed Dress: Casual Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. Phone: 585-1792 Address: 8352 E. 96th St., Fishers Website: www.yatscajuncreole.com
Fall Salad with Grilled Chicken Ingredients
• 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts • 2 tbsp cajun spice mix Maple-Mustard Vinaigrette • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar • 2 tbsp maple syrup • 2 tsp Dijon mustard • 2 tsp grainy old-fashioned mustard • 1 small shallot, finely minced • 1 clove garlic, pressed • Salt and pepper Salad • 4 cups mixed salad greens • 2 small apples, cored and sliced • 1/4 cup mixed fruit and nut trail mix • 1/4 cup crumbled goat cheese (optional)
1. Preheat grill for medium high heat. 2. Butterfly chicken breasts, coat with extra virgin olive oil, then season with Cajun seasoning 3. Grill turning three times until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 150 degrees, remove from grill and allow to rest 5 minutes, slice chicken on the bias into thin strips 4. Next, make the vinaigrette by whisking together all the ingredients in a small bowl. 5. To assemble the salads, combine the greens and sliced apple in a large bowl, and toss with a few tablespoons of vinaigrette until evenly coated. Divide the salad between two plates, then top each one with trail mix, crumbled goat cheese and sliced chicken. Serve right away and enjoy.
This weeks special: Amish Raised Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts $ave $0.50/lb
Ingredients: • 2 oz vodka • 1/2 oz dry gin • 1/2 oz dry vermouth • 1 tblsp tequila • 1 pinch salt • 2 oz tomato juice Preparation: 1. Shake with ice. Strain over ice in an old fashioned glass. -www.webtender.com
Joes Butcher Shop and Fish Market • 111 W. Main St., Carmel • 846-8877 Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 7p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. INDIANA RAISED • HORMONE AND ANTIBIOTIC FREE CHICKEN BEEF AND PORK • FRESH SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD
Colder weather food survey Don’t fret over what to serve at your tailgate party. My staff has been busy surveying people in the parking lots of American football. After speaking with hundreds of people, we have the rankings of what people want for the cold weather. Main course: • Chili 45% • Brats and other sausage 18% Ingredients: • 1 medium onion, chopped • 1 6lb. can Van Camps (or other) Pork and Beans • 1/4lb. bacon, diced • 1 green pepper, chopped • 1clove garlic, chopped • 1 cup brown sugar • 1 cup catsup To Prepare: Sauté bacon, onions, green pepper, and garlic in olive oil over low heat until vegetables
22 | October 18, 2011
• Chicken 11% • Soup 8% For the favorite colder weather side dish they picked”: • Baked beans 20% • Hot dips and chips 19% Here’s a great cold weather baked bean recipe that is easy to make and very hearty. are cooked. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour bacon mixture into large casserole dish. Add beans, brown sugar, catsup, and season with salt and pepper to individual taste. Bake at 350 for 90 minutes. These beans should stick to your spoon when you dish them out.
We are giving away TEN FREE EYE EXAMS...call to nominate your favorite breast cancer survivor to win a free eye exam as well as 30% off their eyewear purchase. "Orange is Dr. Wittmann's favorite color. It makes a point by being deliberate and bold while being full of light and hope. That's Tammy Wittmann to me, in a nutshell. Dr. Wittmann loves what she does, helping people. She is my eye doctor because she's an awesome one and she takes every step along the way to keep being the best and to earn the trust of her patients." -Jennie DeVoe, singer and songwriter
Joe Drozda is a Carmel resident and an author about sports and food. You may contact him at drozda@tailgatershandbook. com or visit www.tailgatershandbook.com.
Current in Carmel
Trade in your knees. INSTEAD OF YOUR DREAMS. If your mind and heart want to do things that your hips and knees can’t, we can help. Community’s Center for Joint Health has an entire staff of specialists who are ready to help get you back on the road, from pre-operative clinic to that first step in physical therapy. For everyone involved, you’ll find we replace knees and hips with welcome smiles. Because there’s still time to follow your dreams. Attend a free Joint Pain 101 class at Community Hospital North, where you can learn about joint health and hip and knee joint replacement options. Registration required, call 800-777-7775 for dates and times.
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10/10/11 3:29 PM
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DISPATCHES » Turn off peanut allergies? – Researchers from Northwestern University found a way to tweak the immune system so that it doesn’t go haywire when foods like peanuts and eggs are encountered – in mice, at least. The trick to turning that reaction down – or even off - is to convince the body’s immune system that these foods are safe, said NU professor Paul J. Bryce, whose study was published in the Journal of Immunology. Bryce and his colleagues discovered that they could block that reaction by taking a bit of peanut protein, wrapping a white blood cell around it and then injecting the altered cell into an allergic mouse’s body. Once the immune system spots the protein lodged in a white blood cell it recalibrates. -www.msn.com » Cancer survivor celebration – Riverview Hospital will host a celebration to the lives of those who have triumphed over breast cancer on Thursday, 6 to 8 p.m. at Mill Top Banquet and Conference Center in Noblesville. Beverly Kirkhart, author of “My Healing Companion,” will be the presenting speaker. To register, visit riverview.org or call 770-5835. Cost for the evening will be $5. » Vitamin E raises cancer risk? - Researchers studying Vitamin E supplements as a way to reduce men’s risk of prostate cancer found they actually had the opposite effect, increasing the risk slightly, according to a recent study. The findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, are based on long-term follow-up of participants in a large cancer-prevention trial. An increase in cancer was originally noted in the study’ s Vitamin E-only group, but the results weren’t statistically significant. The follow-up, however, found a 17 percent increase in prostate cancer compared with men who took a placebo. -www.wsj.com
Probiotics and health
COMMENTARY By Angela LaSalle What do pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt and miso all have in common? They are all fermented foods and good sources of probiotics. Probiotics is the bacteria living in your gastrointestinal tract, (which includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines). They are responsible for the healthy well being of the colon and for metabolism. The word probiotic comes from the Greek “ for life”. Intestinal bacteria species such as bifidobacteria, lactobacillus and non-toxic e-coli are the primary inhabitors of the colon. An estimated 100 trillion microorganisms representing more than 500 different species inhabit every normal, healthy bowel. They are responsible for many things we take for granted. Gas, bloating, loose and constipated stools, as well as malodorous flatus, beltching, reflux symptoms and even bad breath may be related to a colon not functioning properly. Because a large part of the body’s immune system is located in the digestive tract, maintaining a healthy balance of gut microflora is essential. The gastrointestinal tract serves as the first line of defense between the outside environment and the internal systems of the body. Outside toxins such as chemical toxins, bacteria, viruses or other compounds enter the intestine that they need to be neutralized. Bacteria provide release of their
own toxins interfering with outside invading infections. Additionally, they turn on your own immune antibody forming cells existing within your intestines called Peyer’s patches. Bacteria in the colon will digest certain types of fiber to create energy to repair the colon, assist in digestion of food, provide nutrition for the body, enhance immune function and provide a basis for proper blood clotting via Vitamin K. Without the right bacteria to break down fiber, the fiber you take for constipation will not generate the energy to evacuate the colon. At the present time benefits from maintaining a proper microflora include: reducing irritable bowel, diarrhea, constipation, poor digestion, eczema, allergies and Crohn’s disease while assisting with blood clotting, enhanced immunity and nutrition. The eating of fermented foods such as noted above is helpful as is the use of over the counter probiotics available. Make sure you look to add some of these into your diet on an ongoing basis. If you struggle with your gut, then seek out the help of a qualified health professional. Angela LaSalle, M.D. practices integrative medicine with the Indiana Health Group in Carmel and is board certified in family medicine. For more information, visit, www. angelalasallemd.com.
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» Dietician pet peeve – Just because energy bars say they’re loaded with vitamins doesn’t necessarily make them a healthy choice. Many are packed with enriched white flour, high fructose corn syrup, saturated fat and little fiber. If you must replace a meal with an energy bar, choose one between 200 and 300 calories; for a snack, shoot for 150 calories or fewer. Opt for a bar with whole grain as the first ingredient, such as brown rice, whole wheat, or whole oat flour. And the shorter the ingredient list, the better. -www.fitbie.msn.com
24 | October 18, 2011
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Cosmetic surgery by Groupon
COMMENTARY By Dr. Barry Eppley Shopping for discounts as an innately human characteristic. Most people like to negotiate sales to feel like one has gotten the best deal is sometimes as important as the item of interest. Although I think the Groupon concept may have been successful at any time in history, it has really taken off since our recent recession started. Groupon originated in retail items such as restaurants, spa services and clothes. Now it has more recently spread to medical procedures such as cosmetic surgery. Although cosmetic surgery today is commonplace, it begs the question why anyone would be willing to buy cosmetic surgery based on a doctor who only offers the lowest price. Choosing cosmetic surgery on price seems to be a poor health decision. Not every patient who buys such a discount may be a good candidate for surgery. Although Groupon does make a footnote services are dependent on being qualified, making an online purchase creates a level of provider obligation and it may be difficult to reverse. In this dis-
count coupon approach, eligibility is not done before one purchases the procedure. This is the exact opposite of what happens in common medical practice. What happens when you don’t like your cosmetic surgery result and it requires a revision? Who is financially responsible? I can assure you it isn’t Groupon even though they took a hefty profit on the transaction. Having cosmetic surgery because you could afford it due to the discount unintentionally exposes the enthusiastic shopper to a financial risk they are completely overlooking. Cosmetic surgery Groupon offers usually come from doctors of dubious backgrounds and training for the procedures they are touting. Cheap cosmetic surgery may sound attractive, but the consequences later may be anything but cheap.
well. Several of Wittmann’s regular patients have shared how breast cancer has affected them as they hope to remain cancer free. “A lot of people don’t realize that breast cancer can spread to the eye,” Wittman said. Wanting to do something special to help, Wittmann is offering a free eye exam to the first 10 breast cancer survivors who contact her office and ask for this gift. “I wish I could give every cancer survivor a free exam” said Wittmann, “but we will happily offer it to the first 10 people who call in and ask about this offer. We want to do what we can with the gifts we have and at the same time make sure our friends affected by cancer have clear vision with no signs of any cancer present in the eye.” These first 10 patients will also be offered 30 percent off any eyewear if needed. For more information, contact Wittmann 20/20 Family Eye Center at 843-2020 or http:// www.wittmann2020.com.
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Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to info@ eppleyplasticsurgery.com
Wittmann 20/20 to give 10 free exams Current in Carmel Wittmann 20/20 Family Eye Center is offering 10 free eye exams for breast cancer survivors in recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “With all of the amazing work being done these days supporting breast cancer, it is easy to become desensitized to the enormity of the disease and it’s ruthless impact on men and women,” said Dr. Tammy Wittman. “That is unless you have it, have had it, or love someone who has dealt with breast cancer.” Wittmann said she, her husband John, and her staff have all been affected by breast cancer, either personally or through family and close friends. Bridget Rizzo, the office manager at Wittmann 20/20, contracted breast cancer in her early 30s. After numerous surgeries and treatment, she is a survivor. Nicole Proctor, a close friend and colleague of John Wittmann, also in her 30s, kicked breast cancer just one year ago and is doing very
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October 18, 2011 | 25
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DISPATCHES » Timber is safe? – Harvard University has invested in timberland for many years, and Boston financial-services giant John Hancock owns 5.3 million acres around the world. There’s a reason for all this interest. The correlation between timber and other assets is low, which means timber is not very likely to lose value when, say, stocks are tumbling. Over the past two decades, the benchmark timber index has produced a tenfold return. -SmartMoney » Networking seminar - Are you are utilizing LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to enhance your networking campaign? Join other serious networkers to develop your “out of the box” strategies tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Monon Community Center in Carmel. Cost: $15 at the door. RSVP: e-mail your full name to dhinshaw@omnihrconsulting.com. » Big savings, small effort - Web sites like Retailmenot.com, Coupons.com, Dealspl.us and Couponcabin.com offer coupon codes for thousands of stores. Just plug in the code during your online checkout. Retailmenot.com recently featured a coupon code that reduced the price of a Dell XPS 15 laptop with an Intel Core i7 processor to $1,059 from $1,414. Big money for a small amount of effort. -www.forbes.com » Track expenses online – Simplee.com is a new expense tracker -- co-founded by a former Shopping.com executive – that keeps all your claims and billing information in one place and lets you see at a glance how much money is left in your flexible spending account. Plus, it has good (VeriSign Trusted) security. -www.money.cnn.com » Job outlook improving - Employers surveyed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) say they plan to hire 9.5 percent more graduates from the class of 2012 than they did from the class of 2011. Salary offers for recent college grads also continue to inch higher. Students landing jobs from this year’s class will be paid more, on average, than the class of 2010. The NACE Fall 2011 Salary Survey shows that this year’s class of graduates will make, on average, about 6 percent more than last year’s graduates, from just over $48,000 to just over $51,000. -www.money.usnews.com
26 | October 18, 2011
Swing sets, bikes and gentle compliments COMMENTARY By David Cain I’ll tell you a secret. It’s a good one. You ready? Everyone needs a little push. Here’s the kicker, give it to them and they’ll always be grateful. They’ll go out of their way to repay you. My daughter was riding a bike at the park. She’s about three feet tall and cycles around the park on a Barbie bike with wobbly and clicking training wheels. Jacquie travels at a high speed, an impressive speed. But there are points around this makeshift track where she stops, mainly to honk the horn. At those points, she can’t muster the power to make the bike go again, her momentum is gone. I see her from across the park making a face as her little legs try to make the bike go again, but they can’t. Then the call for help, “Daddy!” I jump from the bench and run to offer a little push. It’s minor but makes all the difference. It’s the difference between no movement and championship riding. On another part of the park I see Zoe. She’s sitting idle on a swing. I walk by and offer my assistance. All she needs is a push, she knows how to keep going once she’s started. “I just
need to get going,” she quips as she tells me she knows how to swing. It’s the morning and I’m on my way out the door. I’ve dressed in a combination that looked good in a poorly-lit closet. In the light of the downstairs, however, I’m not so sure. Out of the shadows I hear,“You look cute today daddy.” Cute wasn’t what I was after, but I walked out the door with a new sense of confidence and longer strides than ever. We all need a little push. We all need some help once in a while. At the park or at the office, a little help goes a long way. A little push doesn’t require much from you, but the payout is exponential. The payout is a ‘pay it forward’ kind of wonderful thing. This month, I’m focusing on the ‘swing set push’ which is my version of ‘pay it forward’ and I’ll see if I can’t create some monster momentum with a little help here and there, with a little swing set push.
David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce. com.
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Three stocks that will keep winning
Exxon stock price over 12 months
Exxon Mobile (XOM) –The massive deal Exxon recently inked with Russia’s Rosneft should tell you that Exxon is not content to sit on its existing reserves. The joint venture will hunt for oil in the Arctic Ocean, where estimates of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves range from 2.2 billion barrels to 7.2 billion barrels. On top of that, last year’s $41 billion acquisition of natural gas giant XTO Energy was driven by the assumption that crude oil will eventually fall out of favor. Natural gas has been increasingly favored because it is a cleaner-burning fossil fuel, and there is a lot of it in the United States, including massive shale gas deposits in the Northeast that are being tapped with new drilling methods.
MasterCard (MA) – As the cashless revolution sets in, this stock will continue to connect consumers’ bank accounts and merchants’ cash registers. The biggest growth is yet to come. Even in the United States, which is leading the cashless craze, 40 percent of all transactions are still executed with cash or checks. There are fewer transactions as folks tighten their belts, yet MasterCard shares are up 47 percent in 2011 and at an all-time high. The stock is up 400 percent in the past five years. Amazon.com (AMZN) – In June, Amazon was visited by 282 million people, or 20.4% of the world’s online population, according to comScore. Think about that: 1 in 5 folks with an Internet connection visit the site each month. On top of that, you have the Kindle, a source of tremendous profits and an intriguing area of potential in the years to come. If you believe all the reports, the company’s e-reader will provide an entry-level alternative to the Apple’s iPad. -www.msn.com
Family Owned Sleep like a baby on a Bowles Mattress
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Type: Two-story, traditional american Age: Built in 1998 Location: Near 146th St. and Carey Rd. Neighborhood: Foster Estates Square Footage: 9,453 square feet of finished living space Features: Family room with river rock fireplace and wood beam ceiling. Two-story great room with fireplace, sun room, main-level private office, large in-law quarters and gourmet kitchen, fully finished basement with huge rec room, family room with fireplace, fifth bedroom with full bathroom, exercise room and wet bar, master suite with sitting room (currently used as a second closet) and large bathroom with whirlpool tub. All bedrooms are
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spacious with full bathrooms. Hardwoods, granite, built-ins, vaulted ceilings throughout. Strengths: 9,000-plus square feet, in-law quarters and finished basement Challenges: Smaller backyard Keith Albrecht is a Realtor with RE/ MAX serving Hamilton County and Indianapolis. Contact the Albrecht Team by phone at 580-9955 or via e-mail at team@keithshomes.com.
Walls mattress
Lunch Monday - Friday Dinner Monday - Sunday
Walls Mattress has opened its third Indiana location in Westfield. The locally-owned store offers futons and mattresses in the Kroger shopping center at Carey Road and Ind. 32. Austin and Laura Walls opened their first store in Anderson six years ago and more recently opened a Noblesville location in June 2010. “Unlike large chain stores owned by out-of-state corporations, selling products made out-of-state we offer a product of equal or better quality to name brands. We carry mattresses made by Bowles Mattress Co. in Jeffersonville and Wolf Corp. in Fort Wayne,” Austin said. Walls Mattress is at 17419 Carey Rd., Suite A. They are open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. You can reach them at 317-804-5983.
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Dunkin Donuts celebrates grand reopening Current in Carmel The Dunkin Donuts at Carmel Drive and Range Line Road officially announced its reopening last Monday week with a ribboncutting ceremony. The Carmel High School Jazz Band played the event, which was held less than one year after an early morning fire destroyed the previous structure. Owner Kim Hart said previous success and strong community support made the decision to rebuild at the same location an easy one. Hart added that customers will notice a number of changes in the new building, which is bigger, uses more natural light and has a lounge area. Before the ribbon cutting, Colts quarterback Peyton Manning came to the new location to accept a $10,000 check Dunkin’ Donuts presented to the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent. Manning greeted customers greeted and talked to customers for about 40 minutes after the presentation.
Mayor Jim Brainard cuts the ribbon with owner Kim Hart.
Peyton Manning accepts a check for the Peyton Manning Childen’s Hosptial at St.Vincent.
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DISPATCHES » Go social with your complaints – Many companies like Bank of America now closely monitor social media in an attempt to safeguard their reputation. Think about putting your complaint on Twitter and Facebook, phrased as a plea for help rather than a diatribe. This perhaps can allow you to forego dealing with customer service and even produce a better end result. -www.forbes.com
» Criminals using 3D printers – 3D printers--desktop devices that can print out objects as easily as your home inkjet prints out documents--are getting less expensive and more common every day. These printers allow you to print any tangible object from your computer. So the bad guys are focusing on printing keys, pieces of guns, and other dangerous items. But some experts are saying it’s too soon to start regulating the uses of these printers, as we’re just at the tip of the iceberg of their capabilities. -www.pcworld.com
Keeping your computer healthy COMMENTARY By Ken Colburn My (antivirus) is about to expire so do I renew it or buy new antivirus software? - Mark This question is amongst the most common because antivirus programs require an annual renewal in order to continue to get updates. This forces the user to make a decision or in far too many cases, to put off the decision because they aren’t really sure if they should stick with the protection they have or switch. Not making a decision and letting your protection expire is the worst possible scenario as new types of malware that you will no longer be protected against are discovered every day. Unfortunately, the majority of the computers we see for service are badly infected with malware have expired antivirus that the owner was meaning to get renewed. In my opinion, there is no such thing as ‘the best’ antivirus program, even though most every antivirus program on the market has been rated ‘the best’ by one testing lab or another. The reality is, no matter what you choose to use as protection, none of them can protect you from everything because the bad guys have the upper hand. Those with malicious intent are constantly cooking up new threats that they can test against today’s most popular antivirus programs until they find a way to sidestep them, which is why what you do on the Internet is far more important than what you have for protection. As far as the various ratings that you can find on the Internet, I rarely put much stock in any of them because they are all flawed in one way or another. Some test by throwing a lot of old virus code that’s no longer in the wild at programs that are focused on today’s real threats, which results in lower ratings. Others clearly have a vested interest from an advertising standpoint to make certain products look good, especially those rating systems that offer to sell you the products that they rate the highest. Even if you could find ‘THE BEST’ program today, it wouldn’t be the best for long, because the threat landscape is constantly changing. To underscore this, in 20 years of installing antivirus for our customers, what we install
changes on a regular basis based on a number of criteria that go beyond the level of protection. We look at the trade-off between protection and what performance impact that it may have on the computer. Older computers that try to run today’s full-fledged protection suites will likely bog down noticeably because they lack the processing power needed to carry the load. Another big criterion for us is whether the program will bombard the user with advertising compelling them to install unnecessary additional software, which is one of the downsides to many of the free programs. There are actually three options for anyone that finds themselves in this position; renew the existing, buy a different program or move to a free program. The easiest option is to simply renew what you have to avoid uninstalling the existing software, installing the new program and getting familiar with how it works. The downside to this option is you may miss the opportunity to move to a more comprehensive or complete protection package, especially if your usage and behavior have changed over the past year, or your older computer may not powerful enough to handle the latest update. If you have a trusted tech resource, have them review your current protection package, discuss any issues you’ve had over the past year and take into consideration the age of your computer. You also need to consider any future users that may come into play, especially younger users that tend to click on anything that pops up on the screen (they require more pro-active security, not basic scan and detect protection). Many antivirus companies have transitioned from the old scan and detect process that most ratings are based on and developed newer, more sophisticated predictive detection processes to combat the constant cat and mouse game that is the status quo. The only wrong decision is to let it expire, so if you can’t get help making a decision, renew what you have!
Ken Colburn is the president of Data Doctors. E-mail him at kenc@datadoctors.com.
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Fate is a fickle fashion Spirituality By Bob Walters Fate, which rationally explains nothing, is often the secular world’s crutch for explaining everything. It’s a great way to blame God without actually believing in God. The ancient Greek, Roman and other cultural mythologies typically cast the Fates as three goddesses of 1) things that were, 2) things that are, and 3) things that are to be. Intricate stories and great epics were written around past, present and future favors, curses and justice visited on various characters by the Fates. Mankind has always wanted explanations and answers, and the less culpability any one person has for his or her specific actions, the more comfortable the theology. Fate today is the land of “stuff happens.” That’s not exactly a theology, but it is a highway to blissful unaccountability and tort-happy lawsuits. “Don’t blame me” is fate’s bumper sticker; “I’m going to blame something else” is its implicit message. “Don’t talk to me about God” is fate’s no-fly safety zone. Faith – specifically Christian faith – puts God in our midst with the incarnate humanity of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Bible, the church, and the immu-
30 | October 18, 2011
table faith in my heart are exhibits A, B and C for the enormity of the Godhead against the smallness of fate. A living God really complicates and messes up the blissful ignorance of fate-focused living, for faith in God requires much that fate does not. Faith in the Trinity takes commitment and total personal involvement. Fate requires none of that. It asks only resignation, diminishing life by destroying hope and limiting dreams. Whether life seems good or bad at any particular moment it’s stifling to think, with fate, “this is all there is.” It’s puzzling how the non-believing world can so comfortably and fashionably believe in fate which can only hurt them, yet refuses to believe in the grace of Jesus Christ, which can only help them. “Fate” is accepting the work of the lord of this world, and that lord, my friends, is Satan. Satan wants us to worry about explaining everything; knowing our Lord Jesus Christ gives us the peace not to.
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Bob Walters (www.believerbob. blogspot.com, email rlwcom@aol. com) sees belief in God as both rational and reasonable, albeit indefinable. Some conundrum, huh?
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Izzy's is ALL about Halloween, now thru Oct 31st! Come in & see our doggie Halloween Treat Boxes and Bags! Huge selection of: • Halloween Cookies for your pet • Halloween & Holiday pet cards (Hurry...while supplies last)
$ave Bucks at Izzy’s with our “Frequent Shopper and Izzy/s Customer Appreciation Rewards”
Help for hypothyroidism
DISPATCHES » Shelters combat ‘Black Dog Syndrome’ – Animal shelter workers in the United States call it the “Black Dog Syndrome:” Black dogs and cats are often the last to be adopted and the first to be euthanized. There are no statistics, but there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence and many possible explanations, ranging from superstitions to a simple logistical problem: Black animals are hard to photograph well, and are therefore hard to advertise. To combat the problem, shelters have come up with a variety of creative measures, from reducing adoption fees to improving the quality of the photos. Shelters are changing lighting, light-colored blankets and dressing the animals up to get better photos for websites, ads and fliers. -Associated Press
What you can do
If your dog suddenly begins exhibiting odd behavior changes (especially aggression), ask your vet to order a complete thyroid panel on your dog’s blood, as part of a thorough physical examination. Compare the results with the chart of normal values for a similar dog. (I do have a copy of the chart in the store) Ask your vet to prescribe thyroid medication for your dog if the test results are even marginally low. The medication is inexpensive, and positive results, if they are going to occur, will occur fairly quicklywithin weeks
What the thyroid does
Part of the endocrine system, the thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in the neck, just below the larynx, and partially wrapped around the trachea. It secretes two major hormones, thyroxin (T4), and to a lesser degree, triodothyronine (T3). These hormones play an important role in controlling metabolism, regulating cholesterol synthesis and degradation, and stimulating the development of red blood cells. Thyroid hormones are also essential for the normal growth and development of neurologic and skeletal systems, in additions to other roles. Dogs may suffer from low thyroid due to a number of causes. Owners should be
John Mikesell, owner of Izzy’s Place, A dog Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at john.mikesell@att. net.
ome We cyou! to
» Home flea remedies – If you don’t want to use a flea collar with insecticides, active ingredients such as eucalyptus, cedar, lemongrass, rosemary and marigold won’t exterminate, but will deter fleas. Also, feed your pet a combination of brewer’s yeast and garlic once a day during flea season. The mixture will make your pet taste bad to fleas when they bite, while also conditioning your pet’s skin. -www.almanac.com
1/2 price 11/18/11
For information or to make an appointment call:
(317) 202-1005
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» Wash dogs more often – Bathing your dog can be cumbersome, but it’s essential for his or her health. Veterinary dermatologists recommend bathing your dog once a week – not just when they are dirty – to get rid of spores, dust, dust mites and even MRSA, the highly resistant staph virus. Most of the time humans give MRSA to pets, and pets act as a reservoir and ping-pong it back and forth. A new study showed that bathing was more effective [for getting rid of it] than using antibiotic treatments. Plus, a clean coat makes for an even more huggable dog. -www.womensday.com
aware it is an inheritable trait.
COMMENTARY By John Mikesell Mood swings and unexplained aggression can be caused by low thyroid.
Kids eat for $1.99 from 5PM-8PM Magician on site from 6PM-8PM. “Steak Night” for $9.99 ½ price wings. Ten big screen TVs! Open 7 days a week • Free Wi-Fi • Non-smoking 4335 W. 106th St., Carmel, IN • 317-876-9203 • www.106stgrill.com
of Flavor h nt the Mo ut n Butter h Squas
Furnace or Heat Pump Tune Up
on the purchase of a furnace or heat pump 11/18/11
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DISPATCHES » Granite no longer a must? – Granite isn’t going anywhere. But many designers and homeowners are turning to glass, manufactured stone, metal and other materials to create counters that work for people who actually cook as well for those who see the kitchen as a decorative accessory. “What consumers now have seen is there is kind of this granite fatigue. Everyone has granite,” said Ed Rogers, director of business development at CaesarStone US, based in California. Granite had been “reserved for the ultra high end,” but now it’s available in big box home stores, Rogers said. “It was the home center and the production builder that moved this market.” -Miami Herald » High-tech mascara – Sure, waterproof mascara stays on, but it can also take a toll on your lashes. Chemicals in these formulas can make eyelashes dry and brittle. Instead, use a mascara with tube technology — microfibers that wrap around lash tips for a lengthened look. Try L’Oréal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara ($11, drugstores). It won’t come off in the heat and humidity, but will when rubbed gently with warm water. -www.goodhousekeeping.com » Best nail polish bargain – With polish on one end and a chipresistant topcoat on the other, the handy Paint & Peel Duos wand by Sula is a great bargain. The best part? It peels right off. No remover required. Find it for about $9 at ulta.com. -www.instyle.com » Suit rules for men – 1. The jacket always outranks pants, shirt, and tie; the busier the pattern, the plainer the rest of your outfit should be. 2. You can wear a wool blazer all year-round; a good linen blazer, especially in a dark shade, is ideal for warm-weather office wear. 3. Sometimes if you’re canny, the jacket of a bold patterned suit — say, in a strong windowpane — works as well with unmatched pants as it does in the suit. -www.esquire.com
Do you believe in the decorating fairy? COMMENTARY By Vicky Earley Our passion for the decorating magic of HGTV is showing no signs of disappearing. Although it has engendered a passion for the home, this condensed variety of decorating has planted seeds growing into expectations difficult to be met by mere mortals. We all know the 30 transformation is a madefor-TV event, but still want desperately to believe in the “decorating fairy”. Unless your designer is adorned in glitter and has a pixie countenance, expect the reality version of the decorating shows. In a one-hour show, we witness homely rooms mystically transformed into beautifullydecorated spaces on budgets fitting in a tiny piggy bank. If you contact a decorator and expect the same metamorphosis in your home, it is very likely you will be disappointed. Unlike HGTV shows, the average homeowner does not have an entire labor force at their disposal. In the real world your budget has to pay for everything from materials to your carpenter. Time warp is a major symptom of too much HGTV. A client who believes a space can be developed in an hour or a month is headed for the same frustration and disappointment as the one who expects to do it on a dime. Good design takes time.
Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision
A beautiful space that appears effortless on the flat screen is the product of hours of communication and research in real life. Once decisions have been made, furnishings and fabrics must be ordered, which can take up to 12 weeks for delivery. Keep in mind your decorator has the ability to visualize the completed project and veering from the prescribed design plan could lead to a less than desirable outcome. I advise clients to make a purchase outside of our plan only if they fall hopelessly in love with a piece. Making the changes necessary to accommodate the new arrival is worth the effort only if the piece is of great importance. If an unplanned purchase ends up on the scene just to fill a space, the vision is altered causing a negative domino effect in time and in the final product. HGTV is great for quick ideas and inspirations, but real life demands realistic expectations. When those are in place and you have connected with a professional who has earned your trust, step back and let your decorator work magic. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.
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317.575.0482 Carmel, Indiana 32 | October 18, 2011
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Perfecting Your Skills: Mastering the Bun • Hair • Skin • Nails • Massage
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A cute chignon is the perfect go-to style when you don’t know what to do with your hair. Because buns are so versatile, they look great for daytime and evening events. Wispy hair framing the face is a must for a casual daytime look, while adding an embellished hairpin transfers the style into the evening. We make it even easier with this step-by-step guide to your perfect bun.
Prep • Using a mousse, work the product into your roots to give it texture and hold. Style • Begin to gather the hair loosely into a ponytail using a clear elastic. Then, twist the hair clockwise gently. Secure • Tuck the twisted ponytail under the elastic. Using bobby pins, secure the hair in place. Finish • Finish the look with Aquage’s Finishing Spray found at Salon 01.
The Emerald Look Jewel tones look great with just about anyone’s skin coloring. And now you, without visiting Wicked’s Emerald City, can dazzle in fall’s must-have color. Emerald is fantastic for adding a touch of spark, and drawing plenty of attention, to your look. We’ve made shopping for your perfect emerald accessories easier with this quick list.
Enjoy! $5 off a haircut with our Men’s Specialist, Norma.
• Cork Grommet Shopper by Dooney & Bourke The bag highlights: Leather trim, flat bottom with protective feet, top zip closure, and lined interior. • Gunmetal Emerald Cocktail Ring by Kenneth Jay Lane The ring highlights: multi-color Swarovski crystals and large emerald on gunmetal. • Checkbook Clutch by Lodis Clutch highlights: zippered change pocket, bright contrasting interior, and many card slots. • Wool and Cashmere-blend Knitted Tank by Vanessa Bruno Tank highlights: scoop neck, racer back, easy slip-on.
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Fact or Fiction?: Crossing Your Legs Causes Spider Veins As a dietetic student I am always keeping up with the latest research and using my reasoning skills to stay informed. Recently, I overheard a group of women discussing whether or not crossing your legs causes spider veins and immediately I was intrigued. These topics are always coming up in conversation so let’s see if this tale is a truth or myth. Fact A spider vein is a broken capillary that lies just below the skin’s surface. By about 50 years old, roughly half of the female population has them. Their appearance is largely hereditary. Fiction Spider veins are caused by crossing your legs. You can avoid them–what you can do: To slow the development of unsightly veins, frequent exercise is important. A healthy diet and avoiding prolonged sitting or standing can also reduce your likelihood of developing vein visibility.
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Borrowing space from a closet to create larger shower REMODLEING By Larry Greene ORIGINAL HOME: This home located in the Meridian Hills area of Indianapolis was built in 1969. The current homeowners have lived there for 17 years. The home was originally built and designed by Avriel Shull, a famous architect well known for her stunning mid-century modern designs. The bathrooms had not been remodeled at all since the home was built. “We’ve lived in this home for 17 years and we decided it was time to remodel two of the three bathrooms for now”, said the homeowner. CREATING NEW SPACE FOR ENLARGED SHOWER: The existing master bath shower felt small and closed in due to the size and the bulkhead located above. The solution was to eliminate the existing adjacent linen closet and increase the footprint of the shower and elimi-
nate the tub and the drywall bulkhead. According to the homeowner, “The new tile work in the master bath is absolutely stunning. We used to have to climb into the tub/shower to take our showers. We took out our linen closet to help make room for the enlarged shower. We love the big walk-in shower.” MASTER BATHROOM DETAILS: The shower walls include new Arizona Beige ceramic tile extendBefore ing to the ceiling with Butera accent tile and a 14”x14” storage niche built into the wall. A new semi-frameless glass shower door and enclosure was installed with a brushed stainless finish and a D-pull handle. FAVORITE FEATURES: The homeowner commented, “We completely gutted the bathroom including the ‘then’ popular bulkheads over the shower. We absolutely love the Cambria countertops. We went with Burton Brown with
After standard edging in the hall bath. We went with Cardiff Cream in the master bath. The new cabinets we chose for both bathrooms are just gorgeous.”
7601 E SR 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream ANGELA RAAB home or update this home! 442-4295 Wildlife & pond is great for swimming.
5327 WOODFIELD DR N $449,900 BLC# 21134706 Inspect the elegant design HELEN METKEN of this exquisite 5BR/4BA 281-7020 Traditional-style nicely sited on 0.53 acres. 2 fireplaces.
12465 CHARING CROSS $195,000 BLC#21126099 Follow your dreams to this 3BR/2+BA Traditional-style. ANGELA RAAB Huge foyer, high ceilings, 442-4295 hardwoods & tile flooring. Garden tub.
13070 SPARTA DR $199, 900 BLC#21104000 3 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bath Luxury townhome located AUSTEN GREN on a nature preserve and 532-7061 cul-de-sac. Loaded with upgrades and lots of attention to detail. Rare find!
5203 AVIAN WAY $388, 900 BLC#21137371 Wow! Charming 2sty BRAD DONALDSON on the lake in Carmel’s 432-1775 superb Avian Glen. Custom blt, 5BRs , 3.5 ba, fin bsmt & 1st flr mstr. Lg wood deck, neighborhood pool.
34 | October 18, 2011
Current in Carmel
Larry Greene is the president of Case Design/Remodeling, a fullservice design/build firm serving Hamilton County. Contact him at lgreene@indy.rr.com.
12431 BRANFORD ST $600,000 BLC#21129689 Enjoy lavish living in this gorgeous 5BR/4+BA Colonial. ANGELA RAAB 442-4295 Security system. Huge foyer, great room, wet bar. Wine cellar.
10450 WINDEMERE BLVD $980,000 BLC#21131382 Masterfully designed for luxury & entertaining! KAY KAMMEYER Richly detailed 5BR/6BA home. 698-7109 4 Frplcs, decadent kitchen, hardwoods & stunning library. Mstr retreat w/spa. Walk-out bsmt, porch & deck.
13283 COLLIERS CT $224,500 BLC#21120835 Enjoy the beauty. Wooded backyard in this “hard to BRAD DONALDSON find” 3BR, 2.5BA, loft 2sty in 432-1775 Carmel’s Plum Creek nbhood. Unfin. Bsmt ready for your ideas!
10858 SEDGEMOOR CIRCLE $2,250,000 BLC# 21126385 Settle down in quiet elegance, ANGELA RAAB or entertain vibrantly, 442-4295 in this luxurious 6BR/7+BA lakefront Colonial. Security system.
3231 E. 106th ST CARMEL, IN $179,900 BLC#21128482 Beautiful move in KAREY BREDEMEYER ready home in established, 514-3158 well-loved Glenwood. 3BD/2.5 BA w/3,081 sq ft. Bonus RM off the garage perfect for hobbies. Great location.
4025 BURFORD DR $634,800 BLC#21142700 Distinctive 5BR 2sty on BRAD DONALDSON Carmel’s “Quiet” 432-1775 Westside! Fabulous fi. Bsmt w/wet bar, media ctr, pool rm& bath*main level mstr &den*Dream kit w/island bar.
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My brother’s exciting life COMMENTARY By Mike Redmond My brother P.D., known to the rest of the world as Patrick, is out in Lost Angeles (and yes, I meant to spell it that way) covering the manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, the Michael Jackson doctor. He’s a video journalist running a remote camera in the courtroom. Basically, he sits in another room watching video and making camera adjustments with a joystick. Welcome to the exciting world of Bigtime Courtroom Journalism. If you’ve seen any of the trial video – I keep meaning to watch it but somehow it always manages to slip my mind, probably because I’m doing something productive – and you see video of the defendant sitting at his defense table looking defensive, then you are watching my brother’s work. P.D. followed me into the newspaper business, which wasn’t exactly original, seeing as how I followed a path blazed by our father (also named Patrick, which shows yet again we Redmonds need to find something else to do). However, TV, the Wicked City Woman of American Journalism, had wiggled her hips and enticed my brother into the life he now enjoys. I have to admit it has taken him to some interesting places. He worked for several years
in Detroit, which I liked because the Tigers and Red Wings play there. In fact, there’s a picture of the Red Wings in Joe Louis Arena showing off a freshly-won example of their many Stanley Cups, and if you look closely you can see my brother off to the side with his TV camera. We’re talking brush with greatness here. He also spent several months in Baghdad. I wasn’t in any hurry to visit him, especially after he sent the picture of the AK-47 round that came down through the roof of his Government Issue domicile. That one came through e-mail attached to a note saying, “Don’t show this to Mom.” He did say after living in Detroit, Baghdad wasn’t that frightening. Now he’s out in LaLaLand keeping an electronic eye on the Murray trial during the week and exploring the city on weekends. One expedition lead him to a junk shop that had a copy of one of our favorite records from kidhood: Homer and Jethro’s “The Old Crusty Minstrels.” He called to tell me he would bring them home for me. So despite the influence of television, at least he still has respect for the classics. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.
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October 18, 2011 | 35
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GRRRRilled cheese
COMMENTARY By Dick Wolfsie “I don’t know who invented the grilled cheese sandwich, but I’m sure lately he’s been turning over in his grave. Turning over is an important aspect of a grilled cheese sandwich, so if he is turning over, he’s timing it exactly right.” I wrote that almost 12 years ago, in one of my first humor columns. At the time, a few restaurants had been offering some creative versions of the grilled cheese sandwich and I was worried about the future of this childhood favorite. Now, more than a decade later, my concerns have come to fruition. Time magazine reported this week restaurant chains specializing in this traditional favorite are now worming their way into malls and shopping centers across the country. Franchises like Gooeyz and Cheeseboy claim they are making grilled cheese sandwich, but I’m not buying it. I’m serious: I’m not buying it. It’s like a cranberry bagel. What Einstein came up with that idea? The ingredients for a grilled cheese sandwich are simple: american cheese, white bread, butter As soon as you try to make a better grilled cheese sandwich, it’s not a grilled cheese sandwich. Instead, it’s a cheese sandwich grilled with artichokes or red peppers. Maybe it’s on sourdough or artisan bread. Yuck. Just because the recipe is simple doesn’t mean the preparation is easy. The pan needs to be
36 | October 18, 2011
heated to just the right temperature, the butter needs to quietly nestle in the center of the pan, then trickle to the edges before it browns. The pan must then be covered as each side of the bread browns and the cheese melts perfectly. By the way, I used to feel the same way about lemonade. You can call it raspberry lemonade, but it’s not lemonade. That used to drive me crazy. But I got over it. I can only fight so many battles. I prepared a grilled cheese sandwich for my 24-year-old son the other day. It was a thing of beauty. I marveled at it in the pan as it browned and the cheese melted to perfection. “How’s that grilled cheese sandwich, Brett?” “Oh, pretty good Dad. Could you pass the ketchup?” “I could, if you want to be disinherited.” I eat grilled cheese sandwiches way too often. In fact, I went for a medical check-up the other day and I got some bad news. “Dick, I’ve looked at your test results and this grilled cheese obsession you have is creating a problem.” “Is it my cholesterol?” “No, your blood pressure.”
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
Current in Carmel
Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Anti-Aging | Dough | Toys | In Spirit | Pets | Panache | Inside & Out | Laughs | Puzzles | Classifieds Across 1. PNC Bank money dispenser 4. Pacers high-five, e.g. 8. Lassie, for one 14. Feathery wrap at Broad Ripple Vintage 15. Eddie Merlot’s steak sauce 16. Steers clear of 17. IDOC prisoner 18. Indy newspaper 19. Harass 20. Hoosier National Forest home 22. Bridal Boutique of Carmel item 23. Proper companion? 25. Warren Commission subject 28. Word to an IU Health doctor 31. Boredom 33. IMS service area 34. Lake Clearwater area: Harbour ___ 35. Morty’s Comedy Joint bit 36. Letter opener 38. Pier 1 chair material 40. Good luck charm...or what’s on the side of a helmet worn by 8- and 72-Across and 3- and 46-Down 42. Indiana Statehouse dome 45. Blow a horn for the CSO 46. Westfield Farmers Market veggie 49. Quickly, in Lilly memos 50. State Fair corn serving 51. Sagamore of the Wabash, e.g. 53. Fishers HS color 54. Entices 57. Broadcasts on WTHR 58. Guns an IndyCar 59. Ripped 61. “Tennis, ___?” 64. Plumbing problem 66. Attempt 69. Justification 70. Indianapolis Opera solo 71. Ossip Optometry interest 72. Superman has super ones 73. Declare untrue in a Hamilton County court 74. Dan Burton’s pos. Down 1. Channel 6 network 2. As well 3. Supplying the labor for 4. Mouth off to a University HS teacher 5. Hoosier Lottery game 6. Start of an Anderson University cheer: “Gimme ___!” (2 wds.) 7. The P in MPG 8. Indianapolis Zoo animal with a hump 9. Football-shaped 10. Lounge around 11. Pebble Brook golf ball position 12. Indiana driver’s lic. and others 13. Indy winter hrs. 21. Cousin of an ostrich 22. Oliver Winery tank 23. Cribbage piece 24. Genetics letters 26. David & Mary’s, et al 27. Eavesdropping device 28. Say “What?” 29. Mickey’s Irish Pub drink 30. The other woman 32. WXIN’s “American ___” 34. Indiana hockey team 37. Guerin Catholic HS pitcher’s stat 38. One of the five Ws for a Current reporter 39. Purdue fraternity letter 40. Noblesville HS dance of the past 41. Do a post office job 42. Tom Roush product 43. Finish, with “up” 44. Bachelor’s abode 46. T.C. Steele or Nancy Noel 47. Drop the ball at Victory Field 48. WFMS revenue source 50. Hammond pair?
20 23
25 32
33 37
46 51
2008 ES350
2009 IS250
40 43
2008 ES350
NAV..........................................$29,888 WOW!.......................................$44,888 66
2009 GX470
2008 LS460
AWD........................................$31,988 LIKE NEW!.................................$29,888
2008 GS350
25k Miles.................................$46,995 LIKE NEW!.................................$33,888 P6497
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2008 LEXUS LX570
23k Miles.................................$42,995 LIKE NEW!.................................$66,995 P6515
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2008 LS460 Using the letters in Culver's, create as many common words of 3+ letters as you can in 20 minutes. No proper nouns or foreign words.
46k Miles.................................$45,888 WOW!.......................................$25,995 11985B P6506
2008 LS460
2008 ES350
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
30+: Word wizard 20-29: Brainiac 10-19: Not too shabby <10: Try again next week
Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once.
Indiana Wordsmith Challenge
1) Non-Meat Eater (3) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2010 LEXUS ES350
2010 LS460 L
3) Java Lover's Paradise (3) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4) Carmel Hounds/Pacers Star (4) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5) Two-Piece Bathing Suit (2)
2010 RX350
19k Miles.................................$42,995
2010 LEXUS RX350
LIKE NEW!.................................$37,995
.............................................$10 ,888
2012 AUDI A3
26k MILES!............................$24,777
FRESH TRADE!.......................$23,888
2008 Chrysler 300 C
2008 BMW 335I
2008 VOLVO S80
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2010 LEXUS RX350
AWD........................................$67,995 WOW!.......................................$43,995 1218A
2008 MERCEDES C300
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2008 LEXUS IS250
38k Miles.................................$29,888 LIKE NEW!.................................$29,995 P6539
2) Jeff Gordon's Indiana Home (3)
___ ___ ___ ___
Loaded....................................$46,988 LIKE NEW!.................................$36,995 LDR549
CULVER'S __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
LIMITED.................................$19,988 52. Indiana ___ Memorial 54. Hamilton Southeastern HS choir voice 55. Makes level 56. Tuchmanbuild cleaning challenge the words 58. Hulman’s institute partner 60. Thumbs-up 61. Dadaism founder whose work is
on display at IMA HARVARD, 62. “The Matrix” role 63. Swerve off course 64. Towne Meadow Elementary School boy 65. James Whitcomb Riley’s “before” 67. Shapiro’s Deli bread 68. Slangy assent
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October 18, 2011 | 37
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October 18, 2011 | 39
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