October 26, 2010

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Tuesday October 26, 2010 FREE

Residential pioneers Still under construction, Carmel City Center has its first residents / p9

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Six hours completely devoted to you.

November 10th. A women’s wellness event. See back page for more information.

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“I have struggled with foot pain for many years, I have had treatment and surgery from several very experienced, sympathetic doctors over the years with some results. As time went on the foot pain increased to the point to cause lifestyle changes. I enjoyed outdoor hiking, long walks “I have had back pain ever since I with loved ones and occasionally a was eleven years old. I thought this day of shopping with friends. I had pain would never go away until Dr. accepted with sadness the reality that Srini got rid of it in just one treatment.” those days were gone. A family member had gone virginia Perkins (After receiving Dr. Srinivasan for back pain and had experienced permanent pain relief from persistent to wonderful results. I was encouraged to inquire about childhood back pain.) possible help with my foot pain. I had wonderful results in less than a week after my treatment. It has now been several months; I am still pain free. I am able to exercise, accomplished weight loss and outdoor activities once again. I encourage “I would say the future of pain care anyone dealing with pain of any kind to schedule is here. With terrible leg pain I had a consultation with Dr. Srinivasan and decide for hardly played any golf for the last yourself. The options available to you may give you two years. After getting just one some of your life back, too!” vicki Hinkle treatment from Dr. Srini, I cannot believe that I completed the entire holes with absolutely no pain.” Getting18Long-term Pain Relief Otis Oliver (After permanent relief “I had a severe pain from Shingles peripheral vascular pain. He Gettingfrom Permanent Pain Relief resulting in Post Herpetic Neuralgia. does not require surgery.) Pain would just not go away with Avoiding Addictive Pain Pills and Patches any medications. I am extremely pleased and delighted that my pain Avoiding or Postponing Surgery completely vanished with just one treatment from Dr. Srini. I recommend “20 years of shoulder pain gone Advanced Interventional Pain Center with just one treatment! Amazingly for pain treatments that really work!” unbelievable!” Mark Ault (After Gladys Ashcraft, denver, IN (After receiving minimally invasive getting permanent pain relief from Post Herpetic intervention, avoided surgical Neuralgia with just ONE treatment.) treatments.)

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“ I would say the future of pain care is here. With terrible leg pain I had hardly played any golf for the 301 E. Carmel Drive, Suite D-100, Carmel last 2 years. After getting just one treatment from Dr. 641.5183 • WWW.INTER-PAIN.COM Srini, I cannot believe that I completed the entire 18 INdIvIduAl REsulTs WIll vARy. Advanced Inverventional Pain Center is the nation’s only pain center to have consistently more than 90% pain treatment success rates four years in a row. Advanced Interventional holes Pain with no minimally pain invasive ”….. treatments Otis Oliver, after centerabsolutely promotes innovative for long-term pain relief without surgery or addictive medications. Advanced Interventional Pain Center aims to reduce healthcare spending by preventing ER visits, surgical treatments and hospitalizations because of chronic pain. 2 | October 26, 2010 Current in Carmel www.youarecurrent.com permanent pain relief from peripheral vascular pain. He does not require surgery.

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Fire up Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. IV, No. 43 Copyright 2009. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Content Editor – Margaret Sutherlin margaret@currentincarmel.com Assignment Editor – Kevin Kane kkane@currentincarmel.com / 496-0020 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson haley@currentincarmel.com / 787.3291 Senior Reporter – Brandie Bohney bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com /260.750.4266 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com


It is our position that, while limited government is attractive in many ways, it remains in our best interest for certain services to remain centralized. Fire protection may be such a service. In Obion County, Tennessee, Gene Cranick’s home burned while local volunteer firefighters stood by. Even with equipment on the scene, the decision was made because the group is funded privately, and Cranick had failed (he claims inadvertently) to pay a $75 premium owed for fire protection services. Ultimately, firefighters defended neighboring houses benefitting from having paid-up the for-fee service, but Cranick’s home was a complete loss. A robust debate as to what role government should play and how much individuals must pay for it to fulfill such a part is good. But allowing risk to the health and safety of citizens through unfettered fires seems extreme. Uninsured homes are routinely flooded, and, yet, resources are deployed to the benefit of those homeowners. We do not advocate for a free-ride and would argue that an appropriate charge for uninsured fire services might be instituted as a lien against the property.

Light of day

It is our position that there are lessons to be learned from the mining disaster in Chile. The rescued workers are fine examples of the human capacity for survival. These men have proven that despite overwhelming obstacles, humans have an amazing ability to adapt. In crisis, the Chilean President demonstrated true leadership. He pushed for action, refused to accept defeat and rallied his country and the world for assistance. Utilizing government and private sector assets, 12 nations, including our own NASA scientists and drilling experts, combined the best and brightest minds to bring the miners back to daylight and back to their loved ones. While trapped, ordinary men overcame fear of mortality, realized the strengths and gifts of their peers, organized, and proceeded with bravery and pragmatism. As each miner emerged from deep beneath the earth, fellow citizens cheered for Chile – a unification of a nation. How does the handling of this disaster stand in contrast to recent crises in the U.S.? Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill disasters seemed fraught with delay, bureaucracy, red tape and confusion over who was in charge. The ensuing blame-game created division and a spirit of partisanship. We could learn by the Chilean example.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.

Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

strange laws


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Delaware, it is illegal to lie down on a Fenwich Island beach at night. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)


Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 2. Suffrage and Election. Section 10. No person who may hereafter be a collector or holder of public moneys, shall be eligible to any office of trust or profit, until he shall have accounted for, and paid over, according to law, all sums for which he may be liable. Section 11. In all cases in which it is provided, that an office shall not be filled by the same person more than a certain number of years con-

Current in Carmel

tinuously, an appointment pro tempore shall not be reckoned a part of that term. Section 12. In all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, electors shall be free from arrest, in going to elections, during their attendance there, and in returning from the same. Section 13. All elections by the People shall be by ballot; and all elections by the General Assembly, or by either branch thereof, shall be viva voce. Section 14. (a) General elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

October 26, 2010 | 3

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Small worlds

From the backshop

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Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmell.com.

It isn’t really that shocking that we encounter like minded folks with such great regularity. In fact, shouldn’t we be more concerned if we don’t see someone we know?



with such great regularity. In fact, shouldn’t we be more concerned if we don’t see someone we know? I have long been amused by those who work so hard to be entirely different that they end up being completely different in exactly the same way as scores of others similarly situated. In my college days, there were those early adapters of the “Goth” aesthetic, wearing nothing but black and expressing a disposition of general and intentional displeasure with the world. It struck me that they were as tightly identified with their social group as the most self-conscious fraternity member coordinating his attire to the house alpha dog. Does peer identity matter? Probably. Isn’t it part of our nature? And doesn’t it feel good to be connected?





4 | October 26, 2010



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to, among other things, attract businesses to Carmel. What, exactly, is to be gained by these moves? Indiana’s leading city without a Web site? That would be a shame; we need steady business relocation to continue, and the city’s site is a prime tool in that exercise. The moves by the council seem risky, considering a whole city will be watching as the calendar page turns and Election Year dawns. Have the councilors acted in your best interests? In this case, we don’t believe so. Moreover, they looked at two budgets from Brainard, and no one raised the issue of surpluses. If the city ends the year with a surplus, taxpayers should be given a refund. w



Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg

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COMMENTARY By Terry Anker It never seems to fail whenever and wherever my travel takes me far from home, I encounter an acquaintance, often someone from our very own hometown. How can it be that we never see each other locally, yet here we are meeting in an airport in Paris! Over the years, I have accumulated an impressive collection of meetings in far flung places. There were friends from high school that we saw in Amsterdam and a chance meeting with a transactional attorney in Saigon. What a small world, we’d exclaim. How can it be possible that we’d meet each other so far from home? But I’m not sure that it is so terribly surprising. Didn’t we learn long ago that birds of a feather flock together? We behave in ways that are startlingly consistent with our peer group. We stay in the same hotels. We eat at the same restaurants. And, we shop in the same stores. In a way that defies our intuition, it isn’t really that shocking that we encounter like minded folks er


The information business is something we believe we can discuss with a reasonable level of authority. Therefore, we are compelled to tell you that the Carmel City Council uncharacteristically drove the city’s information bus right off the cliff last week. Was it a political move, a chance to fix Mayor Jim Brainard’s little red wagon for one reason or another? We may never know. What we do know is this: The councilors (not including Ron Carter, who was absent) voted to zap the city’s Web site, its public-access television station, its quarterly newsletter and two communications positions from the 2011 budget. This is the same group that demands transparency and clarity of information. And now, effectively, it has planned for the city to end communication with the people it was elected to represent and keep informed. If the council truly was serious about addressing the budget, how could benefits have not been included in the conversation? Cutting into the benefits package could save a bunch. Has right-sizing every department outside the communications arena been studied? The communications network that has evolved during Brainard’s tenure has helped er


What is the city council thinking?

c u -tr a c k

Current in Carmel


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DISPATCHES » Mall-o-Ween at Clay Terrace – Little ghouls and goblins will be able to enjoy Halloween fun in a safe, climatecontrolled environment at Clay Terrace’s annual “Mall-o-Ween” event on Saturday. The entire event will last from 4 to 8 p.m., with carnival games, face painting, skit performances and other family-friendly activities lasting until 6 p.m. Safe trickor-treating will take place at the shopping center for the remaining two hours. For more information, call 818-0725. » Hearts of Hope HOH-Down – Hearts of Hope, Inc., a philanthropic group comprised of women in Hamilton County, will hold its annual fundraiser, the Hearts of Hope HOH-Down, Friday at the Robert Irsay Pavillion, 1303 W 116th St. (116th & Ditch Rd.). Over the last few years, the organization has raised more than $60,000 for causes such as Chaucie’s Place and the IU Dance Marathon. This year’s event will benefit Trinity Health. For more information about the event or to become a sponsor, visit www.hearts-of-hope.net. » Craft Days - Get started on holiday projects in the company of others during Craft Days, Oct. 28 and 29 at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 126th St. and Gray Road in Carmel. This informal gathering welcomes crafters to bring their supplies for their current projects, from needlework or knitting to scrapbooking or stamping, for uninterrupted work time. Choose to attend 7 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday and/or 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. Childcare is available Friday with advance reservation. To register for this free event, call 8464912 by tomorrow. » Day Furs to liquidate inventory - Day Furs, a respected Carmel retailer selling fine quality furs and outerwear since 1980, is closing its Michigan location, and will sell a selection of inventory at auction Thursday at Wickliff Auctioneers’ gallery in Carmel. Day Furs will designate a portion of the proceeds to 100 Voices of Hope, supporting breast cancer research. Approximately 150 garments will be offered at the auction beginning at 6 p.m. Learn more at www.wickliffauctioneers.com.

Ode to Halloween

COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson Oh, Halloween, how I love thee. A night of enchantment and bountiful can-dy. A time to prepare for that perfect costume, A pointy hat, black cape, and a witch’s broom? Or maybe a ghost with a simple white sheet, Make sure to hem it or you’ll trip up your feet! How ‘bout an angel, so lovely and pure? Little devils would be more accurate for my kids, for sure. No matter the act or role that they choose, Remember that parents too need treats and/or booze. A spiced wine or cold beer, it’s really no matter, All Hallows Eve means a night to get fatter!

Like a beady-eyed raven amongst some fake plastic mums. Last year was the fog machine, though it actually kind of sucked. It overheated and shut down; I think we got … screwed. Fifty dollars for that plus another ten for the “juice”? I’d been better off with dry ice and a spotlighted noose.

Anyhoo, we adore this most fantastic of eves. Whether in the heat we sweat or cold temps we freeze. As long as there’s no rain to ruin the night We’ll traipse through the hood with utter delight. For on this night of all nights, with magic in the air, We celebrate family and tradition and my fake afro hair. And recall fond memories of past get-togethers, Of haunted houses gone bad and “It’s the Great Pumpkin” sweaters.

At Chez Wilson, you see, chili and cornbread do reign, As I sport a fall apron and a dazzling new mane. ‘Cause every Halloween I wear a cool wig, Usually a strawberry-blonde afro that goes over big. Neighbors don’t know me, which I think is fun, And when the tots go away crying, well, Kids 0, Me 1. We also decorate to the hilt, mainly just outside, With a graveyard and strobe lights, and goblins who’ve died. My favorite is our scene with the rusty lawnmower, Underneath which lies a body who moved much slower Than the machine which fatally pinned him beneath And left him in pieces – his arms, legs, and teeth.

Most importantly we relish our children’s wide eyes, Filled with wonder and excitement and hopes still alive of landing the mother lode of sugar and sweets And setting up shop later to trade jellied feet. Chocolate trumps all in the Halloween “stores” Until I call them back out for fireside s’mores. Then it’s off to bed where sleep comes late, As they replay the events of such a wonderful date. Happy Halloween to you all, and let me leave no doubt, It’s my most favorite day of the year! Peace out.

There’s spooky music too, and fog on the ground, And motion activated ghouls atop a cemetery mound. DocterFlyer_2.ai 1 10/18/10 8:43 PM We add a little more décor each October that comes,


Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel. com.

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» Weekly rotary meeting – The Carmel Rotary Club will meet Friday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th Street. For more information about Rotary Club or its weekly meetings, visit www.carmelrotary.com.


Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 5

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Palladium opener promises to be ‘event of the century’ By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Carmel As January’s grand opening of the Palladium nears, preparations for one of the largest celebrations Carmel has ever seen are also well under way. The opening night gala is both a fundraiser for the Center for the Performing Arts, and a celebration honoring the new state of the art building. A large cocktail party, concert, dinner and dancing, and after party will come together to make one large event, and full evening of celebration for the arts. “It’s an event of the century,” said event cochair Rosemary Waters. “There will be celebrities and it’ll be a spectacular evening, with the Palladium as our star.” Co-chairs Rosemary Waters and Jeryl Mitsch have a team of 30 committee members and the vision of event planner David Jackson with Premiere Events to bring the night to fruition after nearly a year of planning. An army of volunteers will be on hand to help manage the actual event and make such a transformation of an indoor and outdoor spaces in January happen. An initial event was hosted in August to introduce the design and some food options of the gala. David Jackson has been very careful creating a warm and inviting feeling within the Palladium and outdoor structure being built for

the event. Swag bags for the night are already valued at $500 and local catering company Kahn’s will be in charge of food and drink for the evening. In addition to the dinner and performance, an after party, tentatively named Afterglow, will feature a variety of music styles throughout the Palladium. Individual rooms throughout the building will be designed to reflect jazz lounges, nightclubs and cabarets with individual performers in each space. “You can come from anywhere and know this venue is about music and listening to music,” said Jeryl Mitsch. “We want to ‘super’ use the Palladium that night, using space to create clubs and cabarets and dancing on the stage so no matter who you are, you can find a place to embrace that has the style of music you like.” The opening night performance will feature Michael Feinstein, Neal Sedaka and others, in addition to several surprise guests. Tickets will be available to the public to be a part of the first show in the new venue. And though the event promises to be one that is focused on celebration, the fundraising aspect is not to be forgotten, said Waters. “This is the culmination of our Community Week where the public can come see the facility and fundraising for the Center for the Performing Arts.”


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MTU supports orphans in Ukraine By Brandon Bowman Current in Carmel Two years ago, Carmel based Mission to Ukraine, or MTU, arrived at the Romaniv Orphanage in Ukraine. At the orphanage, 90 children with disabilities had been left to live in poor conditions. There was no kind of education and the hygiene and care of the children was suffering. MTU stepped in and has since helped change the atmosphere of the orphanage to really support the disabled children “A lot of these kids didn’t even know when their birthday was,” Ken Ney of MTU said. After setting up medical centers and education problems for the children, the orphanage was completely turned around. Because of yearly mission trips to the Ukrainian city of Zhitomir the MTU group has been able to better the lives of children with disabilities living in the Ukraine. MTU is a Carmel based non-for profit that works with Ukrainian citizens to better lives of children with disabilities and single mothers. In the case of the orphanage, MTU helped turn around the atmosphere of the orphanage. “The

director of the orphanage gave us the impression that the orphanage was a lost cause. Once we had these children with disabilities in social integration programs, art therapy, and able to see medical and physical therapists, the director of the orphanage came around to the idea that you can help these children out,” Ney said. Mission trips to Zhitomir are taken in the summer to help run a summer camp for Ukrainian children with disabilities. “During the trips you see a lot of kids start off with a little trepidation, but once the culture shock wears off there’s a real transformation that happens for these kids during the camp. The mother’s of the children are the ones we get the most thanks from,” New said. This is because a social stigma that Ney says perpetuates Ukrainian society in regards to the socially accepting children with disabilities. “Any family, no matter where their from, has to struggle a little when raising a child with a disability. But these mothers have to raise their child without a specialized school that can accommodate the child. Sometimes they don’t even have the means to prove them with a wheel chair,” Ney Said.

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October 26, 2010 | 7

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Palladium lineup features classical and country stars Current in Carmel The lineup for the Palladium’s opening season was announced last week under much anticipation and speculation as to who would be performing. The announcement made on Sunday Oct. 17, included 20 concerts from the different musical series: Classics, Great American Songbook, Jazz Roots, Country, and Dance. The diversity in music style and even performers within the series is one highlight that focuses on the variety of music that the Palladium’s acoustics can manage. “Our first season offers something for everyone, and we’ve made an effort to be sure our programming is varied and fresh,” said Steven Libman, CEO and President of the Center for the Performing Arts. “In fact, nearly all of our concerts feature artists whom you have not had the opportunity to see and hear in this community in a long time, if ever. As you’ll discover, the Palladium truly is a world-class concert hall.” Each concert series features several performances. The Classics Series features: Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and the Miró Quartet with Lynn Harrell, Vienna Boys Choir,

8 | October 26, 2010

Camerata Ireland, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Kronos Quartet, and Cleveland Orchestra with Emanuel Ax. The Songbook Series includes performances by Marvin Hamlisch, Debby Boone, Michael Feinstein, and Glen Campbell with Jimmy Webb. At the Jazz Series expect a variety of music. The concerts are Jazz Meets Gospel with Take 6 and Yolanda Adams, the Three Generations of Divas including Dianne Reeves, Jane Monheit and Nikki Yanofsky, as well as the Celebrating Miles concert with Wallace Roney featuring Ron Carter and Marcus Miller featuring Christian Scott, and performances by saxophonists David Sanborn and Candy Dulfer. The Dance Series provides Latin and funk beats by Tango Buenos Aires and Savion Glover. The Country Series also features important country starts including Vince Gill, the Wright Brothers Band, the Charlie Daniels Band, and Clint Black. Tickets to the concerts are on sale now, with series tickets starting at around $100. Visit www.centerfortheperformingarts.com for details.

Current in Carmel


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Still under construction, Carmel City Center has its first residents By Kevin Kane Current in Carmel Construction won’t be completed for yet another few months on what’s being billed as “Carmel’s most prestigious address,” but already there are some people calling it home. Carmel City Center is a $300 million, mixeduse downtown development encompassing the group of buildings at the intersection of Range Line Road and City Center Drive as well as The Center for the Performing Arts. Construction is under way for the arts center as well as the various retail and office facilities. However, the residential units at City Center are largely completed and the public has begun moving into some of Carmel’s newest and most unique residences. Only about six of the 300 residential units are occupied, including the two-bedroom, twobath apartment in which Seth Beard lives. He became City Center’s first-ever resident in midAugust when he relocated from Indianapolis to his current space. The development first caught his eye, though, the last time he lived in Carmel, when his new home was merely beams in the ground. “I’m getting to see this actually come to fruition,” Beard said. “I think it’s really rare to see something like this so I wanted to be a part of it.” Beard’s wrap-around balcony gives him a view of both city hall and the 1,600-seat Palladium concert hall, but between his balcony and these Carmel landmarks is large-scale construction. Beard said crews work just outside his living space from about 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. But he doesn’t mind. Aside from the fact that most of the work occurs while he’s gone, Beard said he enjoys this opportunity to be part of the process. “I’ve seen the Tarkington theater go from a frame to what it is now,” he said. “That’s the nice part. You get to experience the growth of the entire complex and be a part of it.” Anita Fisher just moved to City Center last month from Columbus, Ohio and reiterated many of Beard’s remarks. For Fisher, the future proximity of shops, restaurants and other people was what lured her to City Center. Though an Indiana native, Fisher wasn’t familiar with City Center before moving to Carmel for her job. When she mentions to people in public that she lives there, though, Fisher said they are always wanting to learn more. “People seem to be very curious about it, so it looks like I picked a good place,” she said.


What is Carmel City Center? – A mixed-use development that will serve as the city’s new downtown, Carmel City Center includes 300 penthouses, condominiums and apartments, 170,000 square feet of office space and 230,000 square feet for specialty boutiques, retail, dining and nightlife. The development also includes The Center for the Performing Arts and a hotel. Phone by Shane Rodimel

it’s all about the view Property Manager James Workman said each residential unit has its own unique view. Many overlook The Center for the Performing Arts, city hall or retail and office buildings within Carmel City Center. Additionally, Workman said each facade on the outside of the buildings indicates a different floor plan on the inside.

Photo by CW Photography

Seth Beard moved into Carmel City Center in mid-August as its first resident.

space for purchase Sixth and seventh-floor suites are available for purchase. Half of the top-floor suites, which all include an outdoor terrace, have been sold for $1,015,750, $690,950 and $614,825, respectively. The three remaining units range from $376,775 to $636,925, with the latter featuring 1,915 square feet of living space, a 552-square-foot terrace and a 551-square-foot private rooftop garden. Sixth-floor suites range from $352,825 for 1,283 square feet to $1,021,600 for 3,400 square feet. All of the units on the sixth floor are available.

Current in Carmel

space for rent Carmel City Center has rental units in three different buildings ranging in price from $849 for a 738-square-foot space to $3,256 monthly for a 2,960-square-foot loft. A full list can be found at www.carmelcitycenter.com.

October 26, 2010 | 9

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Council cuts city’s communications funding By Kevin Kane Current in Carmel Cuts made by the City Council to the 2011 budget could impact how residents get their information. Last week Mayor Jim Brainard signed the budget which he and the council cut from the $77,545,200 originally proposed to $74,491,198. Among the council’s cuts were funding for the city’s cable Channel 16, the city newsletter, Web site updates and two community relations positions. Director of Community Relations Nancy Heck said after the council meeting that she cannot maintain the city’s current communications efforts and community events next year on her own. She added that the city will be launching a new Web site in the coming weeks, but there is now no money in the budget for updating it. Next year, the new site will feature all of the information posted before the end of 2010, but no new items will be added throughout 2011. “So what’s the point?” Heck asked. Channel 16 also will be without new content in 2011. City Council meetings will still be aired live, but the channel was left with $25,000

for other programming. Winston Long, vice president of Omni Centre for Public Media, said $100,000 – the amount budgeted for Channel 16 last year – is the “bare minimum” with which the channel can fully operate. “New programming is obviously going to be significantly reduced,” Long said. “There is no question; if we don’t have more funding, it won’t be available.” Multiple residents addressed the council before last week’s meeting petitioning that these cuts not be made. One petitioner was Erik Möllberg of the Alliance for Community Media. Möllberg told Current in Carmel that local media is how communities preserve their history and culture and channels like 16 are routinely among the most popular cable channels, though most people would not think so. “They (the City Council) may not realize the value and the function that this has until it’s gone,” Möllberg said. Immediately after the meeting, City Council President Rick Sharp said the council was simply doing what it had to in order to balance the budget. Communications funding is important to have when it can be afforded, though right now it’s an additional expense that can’t be, he said.

“Clearly, there will be a drastic cut in communications, economic development and civic events. I can’t do the work of three people on my own.”

- Nancy Heck, director of community relations

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10 | October 26, 2010

Current in Carmel


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Council attack on Carter is hypocritical COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell If you are looking for something positive in today’s column, please stop reading now. The poison of politics seeps into my writing this week as I feel compelled to point out the hypocrisy of the latest injustice foisted upon one of our city’s greatest volunteers. In the coming days, Ron Carter will fall victim to the bully mentality nurtured by City Council President Rick Sharp as he pushes new legislation designed to muzzle an outspoken supporter of Carmel. Because he can, Mr. Sharp has decided to lead the City Council down a path already proven by the business community to be ill-conceived and foolish. But the man with the gavel has the power, and Rick Sharp guarantees, Ron Carter will be removed as President of the CRC just because he is also a City Councilor. Please keep in mind that three of the sponsors of the law seeking to remove Carter are themselves “guilty” of the exact same offense. Luci Snyder served in the dual role of both City Councilor and CRC Commissioner from September 2000 until May of 2003. As far as I know, she served with distinction and without any aspersions to her character. Rick Sharp, the longest serving dual function member and most outspoken proponent of the new law himself, found no problem as Councilor and Com-

missioner from May 2003 through March of 2009. Even John Accetturo, who only served both roles for a short period of time, appeared to have no problem accepting the position and taking the Oath of Office to serve. Yet now, and only now, the threesome claims the practice should be outlawed. In my opinion, not a single City Councilor can look any of you in the eye and say Ron Carter has not given more to this community than any of them. The Chamber of Commerce voted him Most Valuable Volunteer, citing his dedication to the Monon Trail, creating Carmel Farmer’s Market, his extensive work on behalf of growing greenspace in Carmel and the thousands of hours he freely gives to running the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. Ron Carter treats his position on the CRC like a full time job. He receives not one penny of compensation for CRC work, there is no personal gain and it is simply a matter of a very dedicated man fulfilling a labor of love. If Mr. Sharp is so anxious to pass a law, how about making it illegal to, “do as I say and not as I do.” Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@advantagemedical.com

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Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 11

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DISPATCHES » Ghosts & Goblins 5K/2K – A spooky tradition will haunt the streets of Carmel as costumed characters participate in the second annual Ghosts & Goblins 5K/2K and Wellness Fair to be held Saturday starting and ending at Carmel High School’s cafeteria. The Carmel Clay Education Foundation (CCEF) organized this ghostly athletic event to raise funds mission of to promote academic achievement through education grants and scholarships. Since 1966, CCEF has awarded over $1.5 million in scholarships to Carmel High School students and annually provides much-needed teacher grants for classroom enrichment. » CVC information meeting – The Carmel Volleyball Club will hold two information meetings for parents Nov. 1 and 8, 6 p.m. at Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, on the corner of Range Line Road and 106th Street. The CVC is entering its 21st season and is for those girls who enjoy playing volleyball and want to improve their skill ability. Learn more at www.eteamz.com/carmelvolleyballclub. » ‘Holiday Spectacular’ – It’s that time of year again when over 500 talented choral students from Carmel High School present to the Carmel community their holiday extravaganza, the “Holiday Spectacular.” This annual event will be held at the Dale E. Graham Auditorium at Carmel High School over five days—Dec. 1, 2, and 3 at 7:30 p.m. and December 4 and 5 at 2 p.m. Tickets for the performances are on sale at the CHS Book Store beginning Nov. 3 during regular school hours.

Warning signs of an abusive relationship COMMENTARY By Becky Kapsalis October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and is a time for families to pay attention to warning signs of domestic abuse in teen dating relationships. The consequences are more significant than we might think, and start early on. The abuse is more common than we think, with one of three teens reporting physical, sexual and threats of physical abuse in a relationship. One in four teens has been victimized through technology, whether by excessive or explicit text messages, phone calls or threats to share embarrassing pictures or videos. One in two of all teens, that’s half, in relationships reported being threatened, controlled or pressured to do things they didn’t want. Regardless of age, gender, race, culture, or socio-economic status, violence and abuse can occur in any type of relationship including teen-age dating relationships. As parents and friends it is important to look for warning signs and pay attention. Unhealthy relationships often are characterized by extreme jealousy, possessive behavior, a need for financial control, and isolation from family and friends. Start Strong Indianapolis (www.startstrongindy.com) lists the following warning signs that your child may be in an abusive physical, emotional, dating, bullying relationship:

• You notice changes in the way your child acts or dresses. • Your child has given up activities or hobbies that were once important to them. • You notice your child’s girl/boy friend, parent, or sibling has very controlling behavior. • Your child is constantly communicating with their girl/boy friend through texting, phone calls or internet use. • You hear verbal abuse such as name calling or put downs directed at your child. • You notice unexplained bruises which could be a sign of physical abuse. In Hamilton County, Prevail Inc. sponsors and assists domestic abuse and physical and sexual violence. October is “Say No to Domestic Violence” month and visit www.prevailinc.com to learn more about domestic violence and what you can do to stop it. Our children are worth more than a statistic, so ending domestic violence and teen abuse should be a priority. Hugs!

You can contact Becky Kapsalis at becky@indyparenthelp.com or 317508-1667 for Parenting Classes.

» Protect yourself from identity theft – Join J. Michelle Sybesma, spokesperson for the Indiana Attorney General’s Identity Theft Unit, at the Carmel Clay Public Library tonight at 6:30 as she provides tips and information for individuals who wish to better understand how to protect personal information against identity theft. Registration not required. For more information, call the Reference desk at 844-3362. » Absent parents could go to jail – Michigan prosecutor Kym Worthy is pushing for a law that calls for jail time for parents who skip parent-teacher conferences, a plan some call inspired and others consider the nanny state run amok. Worthy pitched her plan last week to the Detroit City Council and is shopping it to the Wayne County Commission and state Legislature. Drawing a link between parental involvement and youth crime, Worthy wants a sponsor to guide the idea to law. -The Detroit News

12 | October 26, 2010

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Creative cover-ups just don't work GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney I have spoken out against the unnecessary and incorrect apostrophe added to words that are neither contractions nor possessive many times in this column. Today, I‘m taking that topic just a little bit further, and in a slightly different direction. Correcting errors with superfluous apostrophes is important, but the corrections can’t be made in a half-bottomed attempt-to-be-cute cover-up. Case in point: take a look at the picture my sister-in-law took for me while we were shopping at an outlet mall. Do you see that butterfly fluttering suspiciously between the L and S in GIRLS? Is it just me, or does that left wing look strangely like an apostrophe? Now take into consideration that the shirt has several watercolor-like hearts as part of the graphic, but the only thing other than the letters that is outlined is the butterfly. And it’s the only butterfly on the shirt. Sketchy? I think so. Here’s the thing: If you make a mistake, fix it, particularly if the mistake is going into something important or widely distributed. A wonky solution intended to look cute isn’t fooling anyone, especially me. The biggest problem is that the solution was lazy and transparent. It may have saved a little time and/or cash to make the apostrophe butter177-3206 Fall CIC10-14:Layout fly instead ofNeighbor removing the apostrophe entirely,

The infamous apostrophe shirt. but what does that say about this t-shirt-producing store? “We’re lazy and we think our customers are too stupid to notice.” Probably not the message they want to convey. Then again, maybe that’s why it was at the outlet. So if you find that something you or your company has produced has a grammatical error, fix it for real. Don’t just cover it up. People will notice if you take the shortcut, and it will make it look bad.



Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com. 2:51 PM Page 1


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Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 13

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DISPATCHES » Great wine for autumn – Wolffer Estates is one of Long Island's most visited vineyards. Elle magazine asked the folks there to recommend one wine they think is best suited for pairing with autumnal dishes. They suggested the 2005 Christian's Cuvée merlot. Full of ripe blueberries, blackberries, prune, fig, and cassis, the merlot has cedar and vanilla notes, with elegant hints of licorice and mocha—and it fills you up with warmth. Buy it for $100 at www.wolffer.com. -www.elle.com » Get a quick start at year-old Lambert’s – Lambert’s Lowery Organ Center, 573 Westfield Road, Noblesville, offers Quick Start music classes that teach you how to play the organ using color-coded music and large print. The business celebrated its first anniversary Oct. 14 with full house of 180 people at their location, where organist Seth Rye gave two performances. For more information, call 773-2022. » October gardening tips – 1. Rake up the fallen leaves and use them as mulch for flowers and shrubs. Hardwood leaves such as oak and chestnut contain more plant food than those from softwood trees. 2. To balance all the harvesting, do a little indoor planting, which will liven up the house later. Calla lilies and begonias can be planted now, and paperwhite narcissi can be started. -www.almanac.com » Practice carving online – Better Homes and Gardens’ Web site lets you play around with different pumpkin carving combinations or even freehand your own design - with an undo button. You’ll need a free membership to the site, but after completing the 30-second sign-up process, you can experiment until you find a carving you like. It even lets you print off a stencil of your final design for use on a real jack o’ lantern. Go to bhg.com/holidays/halloween/pumpkin-carving/carve-a-pumpkin to try it. » ‘Iron Man 3’ two years away – Disney, Paramount Pictures, and Marvel Studios announced last week that “Iron Man 3” will be released on May 3, 2013. Under a new deal, Disney will be responsible for the marketing and distribution of the film, and will also oversee “The Avengers.” (The studio paid Disney $115 million for the transfer of rights.) Paramount will be releasing Marvel’s “Thor” on May 6, 2011 and “Captain America” on July 22, 2011. -Entertainment Weekly

14 | October 26, 2010

Singing Hoagy Carmichael By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Carmel Songwriter Hoagy Carmichael’s life and music comes alive in the new and original production “Stardust Memories” by the Actor’s Theatre of Indiana. The production is a simple one, where the music is the focus of the story and props are sparse, and the Actor’s Theatre staging, is the first time “Stardust Memories” has ever been performed. The production was locally written and organized by Terry Woods and Cynthia Collins and this particular performance is just the first imaginings of what participants hope will grow into a much fuller and developed production. “The music is so wonderful and I hope we can bring his music back to life,” said Cynthia Collins, writer and director of “Stardust Memories”, and Actor’s Theatre of Indiana co-founder. “I really want to introduce his music, because a lot people probably didn’t know he wrote so many of the songs they know, and to really and bring an awareness that he’s from Indiana and so brilliant and unique in his own right.” Following a tradition of the Actor’s Theatre of Indiana to present pieces that really do reflect musicians and individual performer’s lives, “Stardust Memories” is certainly a reflection on Carmichael’s successes and troubles, as seen through his music. Told through Hoagy and his close friend and fellow musician Bix Beider-

stardust memories Presented by the Actor’s Theatre of Indiana November 4, 5 at 8 p.m. Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center Tickets $25 online and at the door www.actorstheatreofindiana.org (317) 669-7983

Submitted photo

Terry Woods plays Hoagy Carmichael in Stardust Memories.

becke, the two men travel back through Carmichael’s life to see the origin of his music and his artistic and personal relationships. “I feel so lucky being able to sing these songs,” said Judy Fitzgerald, Artistic Director and actress who plays several roles in the performance, including Hoagy’s wife. “I’ve enjoyed performing so much and it has been so collaborative throughout the process. Having Terry, one of the leading men in his field, has been like bringing the family back together. Everyone is ready for the performance.” Born and raised in Indiana, Carmichael con-

tributed some of the classic American standards of his day. He studied at Indiana University and remained very involved in the state that so often influenced his music. As one of the token great American songbook musicians from Indiana, the timing of the Carmichael performance is quite in relation to the Actor’s Theatre Cole Porter production. “Terry Wilson and I said, let’s do Hoagy, because no one does,” said Collins. “Don’t get me wrong, everyone loves Cole Porter, but Hoagy is so underrated. He was a true Hoosier. He lived here and Indiana was always a part of him, and he never forgot it.” After the initial presentation, the Actor’s Theatre of Indiana hopes to continue to refine the production and expand “Stardust Memories” into a full stage show, though this concert promises to be just as entertaining as any production they’ve done.


Pick of the week

once upon a time in india What: Beautiful tales of India masterfully interpreted in Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s inimitable style When: Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. Where: Pike Performing Arts Center, 6701 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis Cost: $25 for adults; $20 for students and seniors Info: gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org Details: For many years GHDT has been thrilling audiences with its exciting style of modern dance blended with the music, dance and culture of India. The company performs at numerous Indian events and has been embraced by this community. GHDT will open its 2010-2011 season with ONCE UPON A TIME IN INDIA. Colorful costumes, powerful music and dynamic choreography create a feast for the eyes and ears.

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From horrifying to horrible, here’s Hollywood’s tricks and treats entertainment center with some appropriate videos. Whether you like your scary movies schmaltzy or genuinely terrifying, here’s a horrifying list of the best and worst available.



“The Nightmare Before Christmas” – This animated wonder somehow manages to be both child-friendly and seriously ghoulish. “The Shining” – For my money, still one of the scariest movies ever. Those two bug-eyed girls standing in the hallway ... brrrrrr! “The Exorcist” – Nearly four decades later, it remains hard to watch. Still amazed it didn’t get Jack Nicholson an X rating. “Dawn of the Dead” – I’m talking about the 2004 remake, which is as good as zombie movies get. “Halloween” – The original slasher flick still holds plenty of scares, due in no small part to John Carpenter’s haunting musical score. “The Blair Witch Project” – So authentically creepy, this vérité gem spawned a decade of (inferior) imitators. “Poltergeist” – Forget about “Exorcist” receiving an R, how did this hackles-raising frightfest get a PG rating? “Evil Dead 2” – Despite its many comedic moments, this was Sam Raimi at his pre-”SpiderMan” scariest. “Alien” – Unlike its action-pumped successors, this was a moody horror film set in space. “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” – A nostalgic, kid-friendly choice ... though I must say I find Linus’ obsession with pastoral demons unsettling.

“Troll 2” – A film so bad, it inspired a documentary called “Best Worst Movie” (which is actually good). “Halloween III: Season of the Witch” – Masked killer Michael My"Troll II" the worst. ers is given the boot for a loony plot about Halloween masks implanted with killer computer chips. “Earnest Scared Stupid” – Oh, Earnest, we hardly knew ye ... and what we did know was too much. “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer” – And we still know how much this sequel sucked.” “Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2” – Everyone involved with the original was pink-slipped, so it’s no surprise this new brew was box office poison. “Hocus Pocus” – Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker play witches – bonus: no makeup required! – in this cursed comedy. “Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood” – A fifth-rate horror franchise meets Ebonics and hip-hop ... da horror. “Chopping Mall” – Teens are chased through a mall by a laser-wielding robot. We root for the robot. “The Gingerdead Man” – Gary Busey plays a killer in a cookie suit. ‘Nuff said. “Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things” – I secretly love this ‘70s zombie flick for its trashy charm.


Rosie's Place Owner-chef Debbie Borgerais opened Rosie’s Place three weeks ago on the Courthouse Square, and it has become an immediate hit for downtown breakfast and lunch diners. Rosie’s Place is a breakfastlunch-pastry cafe serving made-from-scratch dishes. Debbie’s family is well-known in St. Louis, where her father, Ron Aman, established a trio of family-run owned cafeterias. Named for Debbie’s grandmother, Rosie’s Place has an old, home-style feel with most of the dishes, including Grandma’s biscuits, sausage gravy

and corned beef hash, made with family recipes going back three generations. They roast and slice all of their meats and make their own bread, soups and pies. While the breakfast menu includes everything from eggs, homemade oatmeal and omelets to muffins, scones and biscotti, the lunch offerings includes a dozen distinct “sammiches” for $6-$8, eight salads and daily homemade soups. For dessert, try the St. Louis Style Gooey Butter Cake and a cup of Rosie’s special blend of coffee. 68 N. 9th St., Noblesville 317.770.3322 | www.rosiesplace.net. Hours: 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

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Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 15

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Orange soup, black martinis and brie with spider eyes! RECIPES By Molly Herner Let this spooky Halloween party menu take you back to your childhood. This is an easy and delicious pairing consisting of appetizers and drink – all orange and black.

Molly Herner, is the baker/pastry chef at Matteo’s Ristorante Italiano. You may email her at odette05@ aol.com.

Yellow bell pepper soup with black corn chips and sour cream Ingredients • 1 yellow onion • 4 cloves garlic • Olive oil • Salt/pepper • 6 yellow bell peppers • 3 carrots • 1 quart heavy cream • 3 cans chicken stock • 1/2 cup flour • Red pepper flakes • Splash white wine • 1 can crushed tomatoes Directions 1. Chop all vegetables into small pieces. 2. Saute vegetables and crushed tomatoes in a large soup pot with olive oil, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to taste over med-high heat. 3. When vegetables are tender, add a splash of white wine and simmer for 5 minutes. 4. Add flour and combine thoroughly. Pour in cream and chicken stock and mix until smooth.

16 | October 26, 2010

5. Add about 6 cups (or more) of hot water and then blend the soup in a food processor, regular blender or using an immersion hand blender until very smooth. The soup should be bright orange. 6. Garnish with crumbled black corn tortilla chips and sour cream before serving.

Spider baked brie with blackberry compote

Ingredients • 1 round brie cheese • 1 package of frozen puff pastry • 1 pint blackberries or mulberries • 1/2 jar blackberry jam Directions 1. Thaw the puff pastry over night in the refrigerator. 2. Place the one sheet of thawed pastry on a greased baking sheet and put the brie round in the center. Fold the pastry over to cover the cheese and trim off excess pastry. 3. With remaining pastry roll out eight long spider legs and place four on each side of the brie round. 4. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown. 5. For the compote, put jam and berries in a small pan and melt together over medium heat until berries have cooked down. Add some water to thin out, if needed. 6. Serve the brie with the compote poured over the top, alongside tart apples and stoned wheat crackers. 7. Use two green olive slices with pimento for the spiders’ eyes.

Current in Carmel

Midnight martini Ingredients • 1 ounce of Mandarin vodka • 3 ounces of Jagermiester liqueur • Splash of triple sec • Squeeze of orange Directions Shake well and garnish with an orange twist.

Jack-o-lantern martini

Ingredients • 3 ounces Mandarin vodka • 1ounce orange juice • Splash cranberry juice • Splash of triple sec • Squeeze of orange Directions Shake well and garnish with an orange slice.


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THEATRE Stardust Memories

Actors Theatre of Indiana will present “Stardust Memories: The Life and Music of Hoagy Carmichael” Nov. 4 and 5 at 8 p.m. The concerts will take place at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Centre in the Frank and Katrina Basille Theater at 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis. Tickets are $25 each. For more information or reservations, call 669-7983 or visit www. actorstheatreofindiana.org.

White Christmas

The Christmas holidays arrive early at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 N. Michigan Road, with Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas,” continuing through Nov. 21. Based on the favorite Paramount Pictures film, the musical tells the story of two entertaining Army buddies who pay tribute to their former general by putting on a show in his picturesque, but struggling, Vermont inn. Tickets range from $35 to $58. Price includes a buffet, with a fruit and salad bar, unlimited coffee, tea and lemonade. For reservations and show times, call the box office at 317.872.9664 or visit www.beefandboards.com.

LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub

The following performances and events will take place this week at Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Endless Summer Band Saturday – Whiskey Biscuits

Mo’s Irish Pub

The following musical acts will be playing live at Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call (317) 770-9020. Oct. 29 – Good Karma Oct. 30 – Forte

ART Critters

The Hamilton County Artists’ Association’s “Critters,” showcasing domestic and wild animals by more than 40 local artists, will be up through Oct. 29 at the Hamilton County Art Center & Birdie Gallery, 195 S. 5th St., Noblesville. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. For more information call 317. 776.2278 or visit. www.hcaa-in.org.


HALLOWEEN FUN Spooktacular

Primrose School of Noblesville, 15707 N. Point Blvd., will have its Spooktacular from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 29. Guests are invited to come dressed in costume and visit each of the school’s classrooms treats and crafts from many different vendors in the Noblesville area. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact The Primrose School of Noblesville at 317.773.4900.

Headless Horseman

The 27th annual Headless Horseman event concludes Oct. 28-30 at Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers. The event features a spooky hayride, campfire storytelling, puppet shows, glow in the dark activities, scary-o-ke and the Disney movie “Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Hugabug make-up lessons and Animalia. Gates open 6-9 p.m. Tickets: Thursday and Sunday tickets are $8 presale (at participating Marsh and O’Malia stores) and $10 at the gate. Friday and Saturday tickets are $12 presale and $14 at the gate. Info: www.connerprairie.org, 317.776.6006

Barn of Terror

There has been an accident at the “biomedical research facility” and innocent people are turning into zombies at this year’s Barn of Terror, 19807 Hague Road , Noblesville. In addition to the haunted barn there’ll be a hayride (included in the admission charge). The Heroes of Noblesville will there on Kids Night, and Amazing Amuzementz will be doing face-painting and airbrush-tattooing on additional nights. Hours: 7-9 p.m. Oct. 27, 6-8 p.m. Kids Night Oct. 28, 7-11 p.m. Oct. 29, 7 p.m.-midnight Oct. 30 and 8-10 p.m. Oct. 31. Admission: $2.

Haunted Trails

Hike through the woods of Cool Creek Park, 2000 E. 151st St., Westfield, on a trail of terror or take advantage of the “scarefree” activities, which include a non-scary hayride, campfire with storytelling, and Halloween crafts. Scotty Davis from Radio Now 100.9 will be there Oct. 25. The event is from 7-10 p.m. Oct. 26-28. Admission to the trail is $5, and proceeds will benefit the Hamilton County Parks Department, Noblesville and Westfield High School , Hamilton County Sertoma Club, Amanda Strong Food for the Needy, and Carmel Kiwanas. For more information, contact the Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Department at 317.770.4400 or visit www.coolcreekhauntedtrails.com

Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 17

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DISPATCHES » Fashion and Art Show – PrimeLife Enrichment will hold its 2010 Fashion and Art Show tomorrow at the PrimeLife Center, 1078 Third Avenue SW, Carmel. The doors will open at 11 a.m. and the event will feature wearable art clothing hand painted by the Indiana Decorative Artists Association as well as original jewelry designed by Katherine Kemp. Tickets are $25 for members, $30 for non-members and must be purchased on or before Oct.21. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information, call 815-7000. » Fall to pieces – Rag & Bone sent down a layered mix of thick knits, flannel plaid, marbled pants, and hikinginspired boots. To get the feel of this look, try neutral earthy tones, rich cable knits, and all-weather boots. Learn more at www.shopbop.com. -www.elle.com

18 | October 26, 2010

High Point for next design season INTERIORS By Vicky Earley The High Point furniture show is the Grand Poohba of interior design shows. It’s several long, high-energy days and sore feet were the result of strolling through multiple buildings and showrooms, searching for the standout products that hit client needs and desires. Here is a sampling of what we can look forward to throughout the remainder of 2010 and into 2011 by way of trends: • Linen was everywhere. We saw it in upholstery, shades, bedding and even linen wrapped case goods. • Turquoise, the Pantone color of the year was strong in home furnishings and accessories: chairs, lamps, chests, rugs, pillows and an actual turquoise stone-draped chandelier. • Purple. Following in the footsteps of fashion, violets and purple popped up in upholstered pieces and pillow accents. • Heavy metal rocked on. Interesting silver and gold leaf metal shapes and more tex-

ture seen again. Dainty metal floral designs adorned pendant lights. Textiles shone with a metallic cast. • Reclaimed wood. This is a trend that feeds the appetite for “green” but casts a gloomy aura over a room. We saw showroom after showroom that featured so much of this look inspired by overcast February in Indiana. There were so many boutique type showrooms that featured the same look over and over. I predict that this look will wear out its welcome as trends do and become the shag carpet of 2010. • Colorful accessories. Accents were beautifully bright and bold. As always, Company C, an area rug company that is focused on brilliant color, introduced collections that paired orange with teal. The Lily Pulitzer showroom was a vibrant field of pink, lime green and yellow. The Barkley Butera showroom was alive with cobalt blue, pomegranate red and linen white. Colors that seemed unrelated were used carefully to create a room ripe with interest. The

Vanguard and Bernhardt upholstery showrooms both offered a reprieve from the dreary grays of trend decorating with red leather, teal paired with green, and other unexpected combinations. • Nail heads. Featured on chairs, beds, and mirrors, from antique reproduction styles to more modern pieces. We even found jewel studded nail heads in upholstery pieces! • Glam is back in rich, decadent bedding and upholstery. Sleek lines still nod to the urban look but there is a definite return to the opulent. • Price points. I was pleased to find that a number of vendors have become sensitive to the economic climate and are making alterations in their lines accordingly without sacrificing quality. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.

There were so many boutique type showrooms that featured the same look over and over. I predict that this look will wear out its welcome as trends do and become the shag carpet of 2010.

Current in Carmel


• Hair • Skin • Nails • Massage

curly hair 101

2. Do not use volumizing shampoos. This type of shamFrustrated with your curly hair? Follow these sure-fire steps to get the fabulous curly look you have been craving. poo can dry out your curls, creating additional frizz. Be sure to stay away from these curly hair no-no’s too! 3. Don’t use a terrycloth towel. This fabric pulls too much moisturefrom your curls. It is better to use a cotDo’s: 1 Use a moisturizing or curl enhancing conditon t-shirt - like material instead, such as a Curls Like tioner, such as Brocato’s Curl Karma Conditioner. Us towel, which you can find at Salon 01.

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er ent

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“I have wanted to do hair since I was a little girl, there was never a doubt that I would do anything else!” Stephanie has grown her passion for being a stylist, becoming well-rounded in many techniques and skills. For the past year, Stephanie has been an active participant in Salon 01’s educational program, taking classes in cutting and coloring, and has also been certified in the Keratin Complex Treatment, Brazilian Blowout and Hairdreams hair extensions. Stephanie is one of Salon 01’s rising stars, and is now taking new guests in our New Talent Salon. Aside from her passion for hair, Stephanie enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She also loves music and enjoys attending concerts on a regular basis. Call Salon 01 today and book your appointment with Stephanie, or any one of our talented stylists, or visit us at www.salon01.com where you can find all of our stylist profiles.

stephanie houston


2. Comb conditioner through your hair in the shower with a wide tooth comb to evenly distribute the product and to 4. Never touch your hair while it dries, this will break up your natural curl pattern, creating an out of control pull out all the tangles. look. 3. Rinse out the conditioner with your head flipped over. This helps pull the curl away from your scalp to create volume on top. 4. Put your styling products in your hair with your head flipped over. See your Salon 01 stylist for specific curly hair product recommendations. 5. Let your hair air-dry for a soft natural look, or diffuse it on a medium to cool setting to reduce frizzing and to create more volume.

5. Don’t use any products that have not been recommended by a professional stylist. Many products can leave a build-up on our hair, weighing down your curls and making them hard to manage. “To polish off your curly style, touch up any pieces that are flat or out of place with a small curling iron,” says Salon 01 Designer Katie Rector. “This adds polish to your style. Embrace your lovely curls!”

Don’ts: 1. Never brush your curls! This will create a frizzy, poofy look.

true hue anti-fade shampoo Tr u e H u e An t i - F a d e S h a m poo: 10 f l oz. $ 1 3 . 0 0 : I n d u l g e i n a d a i l y m oist u rizin g, z e ro s u l f a t e s h a m p o o . An t i - f ad e sh am p oo re v i t a l i z e s c o l o r wi t h re n ew ed rad ian ce an d we l c o m e s a s i l k y s m o o t h f in ish .

Relax! Bring in this ad for $5 off your first nail service! Offer only good with Andrea* *Expires November 30,2010

w w w. s a l o n 0 1 . c o m

Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 19

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United States Senate

Secretary of State

Dan Coats, Republican Personal: Married with three children and seven grandchildren. Background: Served on the district staff of thenCongressman Dan Quayle and later served in the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate; stepped down from the Senate honoring a term-limits pledge in 1999 and joined former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole as Special Counsel with the law firm of Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand. Web: www.coatsforindiana.com Brad Ellsworth, Democrat Personal: Resides in Evansville, with his wife and daughter. Background: He has represented the 8th Congressional District since 2007, and currently serves on the House Agriculture, Armed Services, and Small Business Committees. Web: www.ellsworthforindiana2010.com Rebecca Sink-Burris, Libertarian Personal: Rebecca discovered libertarian ideas her senior year of high school when an older sister handed her Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Background: Rebecca has been married to her husband Mark for 35 years. Mark owns Burris Engineering Inc., which manufactures precision metal parts for turbine engines. Web: www.electrebecca.com

Vop Osili, Democrat Personal: Vop Osili is a devoted husband, father, architect, businessman and civic leader. He resides in Indianapolis with his wife, Una, a professor of economics at IUPUI, and their two children. Background: Osili is a founding partner of a green Indianapolis-based architectural design company that grew from a two-person operation into an a thriving 30-person business across Indiana and overseas. Web: www.votevop.com Mike Wherry, Libertarian Personal: Wherry currently lives in Greenfield. He spends time doing volunteer legal work at The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic in Indianapolis. Background: he spent five years as an officer in the U.S. Navy overseeing operations on the fast attack submarine U.S.S. Indianapolis stationed at Pearl Harbor. Web: www.mikewherry.blogspot.com Charlie White, Republican Personal: Charlie White is a lifelong Hoosier and resident of Fishers. Background: White spent more than nine years serving on the Fishers Town Council and has served as a leader to oversee the town’s unprecedented growth both economically and in population. Web: www.charlieforindiana.com

US Representative District 5 Dan Burton, Republican Personal: Burton and his family reside in Indianapolis Background: Longtime incumbent; served in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army Reserves from 1957 to 1962. Before his election to Congress, Mr. Burton held office in the Indiana State Senate (1969-70 and 1981-82), as well as in the Indiana House of Representatives (196768 and 1977-80). Web: www.burton.house.gov Tim Crawford, Democrat Personal: Has lived in Indiana since age 4 and a graduate of Carmel High School Background: Is currently a senior estimator for Southern Retail Construction, which he says gives him a vast understanding of budgets and how to operate within them Web: www.timforushouse.com Richard (Chard) Reid, Libertarian Personal: Chard was born in Evansville and has lived in Indiana ever since. Chard and his wife, Kristina, currently live in Indianapolis with their daughter Karis. Background: In 2008, Chard earned a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Indianapolis. In 2009, he was awarded the "Key to Lawrence Township" for his outstanding service to the students of Belzer Middle School through the ministry Young Life. Web: www.chardreid.com Jesse Trueblood, Independent Personal: Trueblood has been married for 26 years. He has one son and has taught in the public school system for 24 years. Background: A teacher with Carmel Clay Schools, this is Trueblood's first time as a candidate for office. Web: www.truebloodforcongress.com

20 | October 26, 2010

Auditor of state Tim Berry, Republican Personal: Berry was elected Indiana’s 54th State Auditor in November of 2006. Berry serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the State of Indiana. Background: During his tenure as State Treasurer, Berry returned 12 percent of his budget appropriation back to the state general fund, and since taking office as State Auditor, he has cut office expenditures 3.8 percent from prior levels. Web: www.berryforindiana.com Sam Locke, Democrat Personal: Locke was born and raised in Connersville, Indiana, the son of Jeff Locke and Janice Steele Locke. He graduated from Connersville Senior High School. Background: Locke is the current Treasurer of the Floyd County Democratic Central Committee and Chairman of the 9th Congressional District Young Democrats. Web: www.lockeforauditor.com Eric Knipe, Libertarian Personal: Knipe, 30, is a resident of central Indiana. Background: He currently works as a real estate broker and has experience running a small business. Web: www.ericknipe.wordpress.com

treasurer of state Pete Buttigieg, Democrat Personal: Buttigieg was valedictorian of his high school class and went on to earn a degree from Harvard before studying economics at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Background: He co-founded the Democratic Renaissance Project, an organization of young people dedicated to bringing new ideas into public debates, and serves as a Fellow at the Truman National Security Project. Web: in.peteforindiana.com Richard Mourdock, Republican Personal: Richard is a licensed pilot with more than 2,000 hours of flight time, has been active in Christian Missions in Bolivia on many occasions and is a marathon runner. He and his wife, Marilyn, live in Darmstadt, Indiana. Background: Richard Mourdock was elected as the 53rd State Treasurer in November 2006 and took office on February 10, 2007. He brings to the office a 30-year record as a business leader in the Hoosier energy, construction and environmental industries Website: www.richarmourdock.com

Current in Carmel

state sentate district 21 James Buck, Republican Personal: Married with five daughters Background: Elected to the State Senate in 2008; served in the State House of Representatives from 1994-2008 Web: www. senatorjimbuck.com Chuck Sosbe, Democrat Personal: Former firefighter in Kokomo Background: Has 13 years of experience in the Indiana General Assembly and a veteran of the United States Air Force Web: www.sosbeforsenate

state sentate district 29 Mike Delph, Republican Personal: Married with five daughters and member of Central Christian Church Background: First elected to the State Senate in 2005; served in the United States Army Reserve Web: www.in.gov/s29 Robin Shackleford, Democrat Personal: A resident of Indianapolis and president of the Indiana University Neal Marshall Indianapolis Alumni Chapter. Background: Robin's extensive background in government service has included positions with the Indiana Department of Commerce, Indiana House of Representatives and Clerk of the Supreme Court. Web: www.shacklefordforsenate.com

state Rep. district 29 Kathy Richardson, Republican Personal: Resident of Noblesville and member of First Christian Church of Noblesville Background: Currently serves District 29 in the Indiana House of Representatives; first elected to the House in 1992 Web: www.in.gov/h29 Joe Weingarten, Democrat Personal: Lives in Fortville; married with children and grandchildren Background: Served as an aerospace and mechanical engineer for the U.S. Air Force for 30 years Web: www.indianaforjoe.com

State Rep. District 32 P. Eric Turner, Republican Personal: Resident of Marion and member of the Gas City Area Chamber of Commerce Background: First served in the Indiana House of Representatives from 1982 to 1986; has served District 32 from 1994 to present Web: www.in.gov/h32/

State Rep. District 35 L. Jack Lutz, Republican Personal: Resident of Anderson; married with three children and ten grandchildren Background: First elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 1991; currently represents District 35 Web: www.jacklutz.com Pat Smith, Democrat Personal: Smith is a lifelong resident of east central Indiana. She and her husband of 38 years, Jerry, reside in Yorktown and have one son, Eric, who is a retired Marine officer. Background: Pat is an independent small business owner and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Indiana Builders Association. Web: www.democratsofmadisoncounty.com


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State Rep. District 36

State Senate District 88

county assessor

Terri Jo Austin, Democrat Personal: Married with two children. Background: Serves House District 36 in Madison and Hamilton counties Web: www.terrijaustin.com Kim Builta, Republican Personal: Married with three children and two grandchildren Background: Part-owner of Rowland Title Company. Web: www.kimbuilta.com Greg Noland, Libertarian Personal: Greg and his wife, Ann, have been married 33 years and have four children. Background: Noland is the Chairman of the Advisory Council for the youth group, the Order of DeMolay. He has also served as a Deacon at the First Presbyterian Church in Anderson. Web: www.gregnoland.com

Brian Bosma, Republican Personal: Married with two children and is a member of Grace Community Church. Background: Serves District 88 in the Indiana House of Representatives; partner with the law firm Kroger, Gardis and Regas focusing his practice in local government and environmental law Web: www.in.gov/legislative/house_republicans/homepages/r88/ John Kunzer, Democrat Personal: Dr. Kunzer is a native of South Bend and works as Chief Medical Officer for Indiana University Medical Group - Primary Care where he oversees eleven health care offices. Background: Kunzer serves on the board of the Fathers and Families Center. Web: www.kunzerforhouse.com

Robin Ward, Republican Personal: A 1975 graduate of Noblesville high school, Robin is a lifelong resident of Hamilton County. Background: Robin was elected Noblesville Township Assessor in 1998 and re-elected in 2002 and 2006. Robin holds both her level I and level II Indiana Assessor-Appraiser Certifications and is in the process of completing the requirements for her level III. Website: www.robinlward.com

State Rep. District 38 Heath VanNatter, Republican Personal: Lifelong resident of Howard County; married with three children Background: Owns and operates VanNatter Construction, a homebuilding and remodeling company Web: www.vannatterforstaterep.com

State Rep. District 39 Jerry Torr, Republican Personal: Lives in Carmel with his wife, Stephanie. Background: Serves District 39 in Indiana House of Representatives; member of all chambers of commerce in Hamilton County; works as the client executive for Hylant Group Web: www.in.gov/legislative/house_republicans/homepages/r39/

State Rep. District 86 Edward DeLaney, Democrat Personal: Married for 41 years with three children Background: Served in the U.S. Navy as a lieutenant; Indiana Senate Democrat’s Majority Counsel from 1976 to 1977; Indiana Chairman of the 1992 Clinton-Gore Campaign Web: www.eddelaney.org Kurt Webber, Republican Personal: Married to Dr. Delise Webber; they have a son and daughter Background: Earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from Indiana University School of Business Graduated cum lade from University of Illinois College of Law and owns his own firm, Kurt A. Webber P.C. Web: www.kurtwebber.com

State Rep. District 87 Cindy Noe, Republican Personal: Married for 38 years with two children and 13 grandchildren Background: Has served District 87 in the Indiana House since 2002; former CEO and majority owner of Hamilton County-based company IHM Facility Services, Inc. Web: www.in.gov/legislative/house_republicans/homepages/r87/ Joe Hauptmann, Libertarian Personal: Hauptmann is a resident and educator in Zionsville. For the past 20 years, Joe has been a physics teacher at Zionsville Community High School. Background: Hauptmann has twice served as State Chair, once on the national committee, and three times on the national platform committee for the Libertarian party. Web: www.electjoeh.com


Judge – Superior Court 2 Daniel Pfleging, Republican Background: Current serves as the Superior Court 2 judge and is running unopposed.

county prosecutor D. Lee Buckingham, III, Republican Personal: Has lived in Hamilton County with his son Daulton for more than 16 years; active member of his church in Fishers. Background: Deputy Prosecutor in Hamilton County since 1995. In that time, he said he prosecuted thousands of cases, from misdemeanors and traffic infractions to complicated and serious felony cases. I have worked exclusively in felony court for the last 13 years. Web: www.buckinghamforprosecutor.com

clerk of the circuit court Peggy Beaver, Rebublican Background: Currently serves as the Circuit Court clerk and is running unopposed.

County Recorder Mary Clark, Republican

county sheriff Mark Bowen, Republican Personal: Mark and his wife Jackie were married in 1992 and reside in Fishers Background: Has served Hamilton County for the past 18 years as a member of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office and was appointed Chief Deputy in 2003. He oversees the day-to- day operations of the agency’s 325 employees and manages its $18 million dollar budget. Web: www.bowenforsheriff.com

county coroner Thurl Cecil, Jr., Republican Background: Currently serves as county coroner and is running unopposed.

County Commissioner DST. 1 Christine Altman, Republican Background: Currently serves as District 1 commissioner and is running unopposed.

Current in Carmel

County Council district 1 Meredith Carter, Republican Personal: Resident of Indianapolis Background: Currently represents District 1 of the Hamilton County Council

County Council district 2 Christopher Brown, Democrat Personal: Married for 16 years with two children Background: Graduate of Indiana University School of Law; serves as Chair of Indiana Bar Association’s Intellectual Property Section; partner with Indiana’s largest patent and trademark law firm Web: www.brownforcountycouncil.com Judy Levine, Republican Personal: Resident of Fishers Background: Currently represents District 2 of the Hamilton County Council Web: None Mike Kole, Libertarian Personal: Resident of Fishers. Background: Kole was the Libertarian Party of Indiana's 2006 candidate for Secretary of State, and secured continued automatic ballot access for LPIN through 2010. Web: www.kolehardfacts.blogspot.com

County Council district 3 Steve Schwartz, Republican Personal: Resides in Noblesville Background: Currently represents District 3 of the Hamilton County Council Web: None Joseph Tucker, Libertarian Personal: Tucker is unmarried and a resident of Noblesville. Background: Works as a consultant in the field of Web commerce.

County Council district 4 Paul Ayers, Republican Personal: Carmel resident; married for 40 years Background: Graduated from Purdue University and served active duty with the United States Marine Corps; current president of Mark’s Companies Web: www.ayersforcouncil.com

clay Township Trustee Douglas Callahan, Republican

CLAY township board Paul Bolin, Republican Mary Eckard, Republican

Matthew Snyder, Republican

October 26, 2010 | 21

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Polling places for Carmel residents 0201: Briar Creek Forest Dale Elementary School, 10721 Lakeshore Dr. W., Carmel (Gymnasium) 0202: Brookshire 01 Brookshire Golf Club, 12120 Brookshire Parkway, Carmel (Banquet Room) 0203: Carmel Meadows Carmel Elementary School, 101 4th Ave. S.E., Carmel (Cafeteria) 0204: Clay Center 1 University High School-Fairbanks Hall, 2825 W. 116th St., Carmel (Rooms 101 & 111) 0205: Clay Southwest 1 College Park Church, 2606 W, 96th St., Indianapolis (Fellowship Hall, Room A8A, B, C) 0206: College Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, 1605 E, 106th St., Indianapolis (Main Lobby) 0207: Cool Creek North Smokey Row Family Swim Club, 4255 E. 136th St., Carmel (Recreation Room)

0208: Daniel Warren Carmel United Methodist Church, 621 S, Range Line Rd., Carmel (West Hallway) 0209: Eden Brook 01 First Baptist Church, 1010 E. 126th St., Carmel (Gym & Foyer) 0210: Greensprings Woodbrook Elementary School, 4311 E, 116th St. Carmel (Gymnasium) 0211: Guilford 1 Carmel Friends Church, 651 W. Main St., Carmel (Foyer) 0212: Holaday 01 Hope CMA Church, 2500 E. 98th St., Indianapolis (Gym) 0213: Hunters Trace Terrace of Carmel Health & Living, 118 Medical Dr., Carmel (Terrace Common Area) 0214: Keystone Forest Dale Elementary School, 10721 Lakeshore Dr. W., Carmel (Gymnasium) 0215: Lady Hamilton John W. Hensel Government Building, 10701 N. College Ave., Suite B,

Public QUESTIONS Indiana Court of Appeals – Second District “Shall Judge Cale Bradford be retained in office?” ❒ Yes. ❒ No. Indiana Court of Appeals – Fourth District “Shall Judge Melissa S. May be retained in office?” ❒ Yes. ❒ No.. Indiana Court of Appeals – Fifth District “Shall Judge Elaine B. Brown be retained in office?” ❒ Yes. ❒ No. Indiana Court of Appeals – Fifth District “Shall Judge Margret G. Robb be retained in office?” ❒ Yes. ❒ No. Constitutional Amendment – Public Question #1 “Shall property taxes be limited for all classes of property by amending the Constitution of the State of Indiana to do the following: (1) Limit a taxpayer’s annual property tax bill to the following percentages of gross assessed value: (A) 1% for an owner-occupied primary residence (homestead); (B) 2% for residential property, other than an owner-occupied primary residence, including apartments; (C) 2% for agricultural land; (D) 3% for other real property; and (E) 3% for personal property. The above percentages exclude any property taxes imposed after being approved by the voters in a referendum. (2) Specify that the General Assembly may grant a property tax exemption in the form of a deduction or credit and exempt a mobile home used as a primary residence to the same extent as real property?” ❒ Yes. ❒ No.

22 | October 26, 2010

Indianapolis (Community Room, Trustee’s & Assessor’s) 0216: Mohawk Hills Mohawk Hills Clubhouse, 945 Mohawk Hills Dr., Carmel (Club Room) 0217: Mt. Carmel 01 Central Christian Church, 1242 W, 136th St., Carmel (Fellowship Hall) 0218: Orchard Park Orchard Park Elementary School, 10404 Orchard Park Dr. S., Indianapolis (LGI Room) 0219: Pleasant Grove 1 John W. Hensel Government Building, 10701 N. College Ave., Suite B, Indianapolis (Community Room, Trustee’s & Assessor’s) 0220: Rangeline Steven A. Couts Fire Headquarters, 2 Civic Square, Carmel (Training Room) 0221: Richland Old Town Meeting Hall/Carmel Repertory Theatre, 15 1st Ave. N.E., Carmel (Office, Open Space) 0222: Northridge John W. Hensel Government Building, 10701 N. College Ave., Suite B, Indianapolis (Community Room, Trustee’s & Assessor’s) 0223: White Chapel Woodbrook Elementary School, 4311 E. 116th St., Carmel (Gymnasium) 0224: Brookfield Crossing Northview Christian Life Church, 5535 E. 131st St., Carmel (Main Lobby) 0225: Woodland Carmel Clay Fire Station, #43 3242 E. 106th St., Carmel (East Bay) 0226: Cool Creek South First Baptist Church, 1010 E. 126th St., Carmel (Gym & Foyer) 0227: Lakewood Forest Dale Elementary School, 10721 Lakeshore Dr. W., Carmel (Gymnasium) 0228: Spring Mill 01 Robert Irsay Pavilion, 1303 W. 116th St., Carmel (Main Room) 0229: Johnson Acres Carmel High School Stadium, 520 E. Main St., Carmel (Stadium Hospitality Room/Alumni Room 5 & 6) 0230: Eden Brook 02 First Baptist Church, 1010 E. 126th St., Carmel (Gym & Foyer) 0231: Guilford 2 Prime Life Enrichment Center, 1078 Third Ave. S.W., Carmel 0232: Stonehedge Carmel Assembly of God Church, 1009 W. Main St., Carmel (Main Sanctuary) 0233: Clay Northwest 1 David W. Klingensmith Administration Building, 3400 W. 131st St., Westfield (Break Room)

Current in Carmel

0234: Brookshire North St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 4780 E 126th St., Carmel (Classroom G/H) 0235: Avian Cherry Tree Elementary School, 13989 Hazel Dell Parkway, Carmel (Community Room 2 Room #34) 0236: Clay Northeast Northview Christian Life Church, 5535 E. 131st St., Carmel (Main Lobby) 0237: Arbors Summer Trace Retirement Community, 12999 N. Pennsylvania St., Carmel (Private Dining Room) 0238: Blue Creek Forest Dale Elementary School, 10721 Lakeshore Dr. W., Carmel (Gym) 0239: Brentwood Smokey Row Family Swim Club, 4255 E. 136th St., Carmel (Recreation Room) 0240 Holaday 02 Hope CMA Church 2500 E 98th Street Indianapolis Gym 0241: Hunters Creek Central Christian Church, 1242 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fellowship Hall) 0242: Kingswood 01 Woodbrook Elementary School, 4311 E. 116th St., Carmel (Gymnasium) 0243: Lexington Carmel Middle School, 300 S. Guilford Rd., Carmel (Auditorium Lobby) 0244: Mt Carmel 02 Central Christian Church, 1242 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fellowship Hall) 0245: Spring Mill 02 Robert Irsay Pavilion, 1303 W. 116th St., Carmel (Main Room) 0246: Thistlewood Central Christian Church, 1242 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fellowship Hall) 0247: Waterford First Baptist Church, 1010 E. 126th St., Carmel (Gym & Foyer) 0248: Woodfield Carmel Fire Station No. 44, 5032 E. 131st St., Carmel (Bays) 0249: Woodgate Carmel High School Stadium, 520 E. Main St., Carmel (Stadium Hospitality Room/Alumni Room 5 & 6) 0250: Brookshire 02 Brookshire Golf Club, 12120 Brookshire Parkway, Carmel (Banquet Room) 0251: Kingswood 02 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 10655 Haverstick Rd., Carmel (Social Hall, Main Building) 0252: Springmill Ponds Carmel Clay Fire Station No. 46, 540 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fire Truck Bay) 0253: Copperwood Christ Community Church, 4770

E. 131st St., Carmel (Lobby & NW Classroom) 0254: Meridian (NV) 0255: Hazel Dell Northview Christian Life Church, 5535 E. 131st St., Carmel (Main Lobby) 0256: Clay Southwest 2 College Park Church, 2606 W. 96th St., Indianapolis (Fellowship Hall, Room A8A, B, C) 0257: Clay Center 2 Ritz Charles, 12156 N. Meridian St., Carmel (Banquet Room) 0258: Bay Hill St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 10655 Haverstick Rd., Carmel (Social Hall, Main Building) 0259: Cherry Tree Carmel Fire Station No. 44, 5032 E. 131st St., Carmel (Bays) 0260: Stonewick St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 10655 Haverstick Rd., Carmel (Social Hall, Main Building( 0261: Crooked Stick Robert Irsay Pavillion, 1303 W. 116th St., Carmel (Main Room) 0262: Cheswick Carmel Clay Fire Station No. 46, 540 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fire Truck Bay) 0263: Saddle Creek Carmel Water Department, 3450 W. 131st St., Westfield (Break Room) 0264: Spring Farms Carmel Clay Fire Station No. 46, 540 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fire Truck Bay) 0265: Prairie View Northview Christian Life Church, 5535 E. 131st St., Carmel (Main Lobby) 0266: Clay Center 3 University High School-Fairbanks Hall, 2825 W. 116th St., Carmel (Rooms 101 & 111) 0267: Pleasant Grove 2 John W. Hensel Government Building, 10701 N. College Ave., Suite B, Indianapolis (Community Room, Trustee’s & Assessor’s) 0268: Clay Southwest 3 College Park Church, 2606 W. 96th St., Indianapolis (Fellowship Hall, Room A8A, B,C) 0269: Coxhall Coxhall Gardens Maintenance Building, 11795 Towne Rd., Carmel (Maintenance Bays) 0270: Kingsborough Carmel Clay Fire Station No. 46, 540 W. 136th St., Carmel (Fire Truck Bays) 0271 The Retreat King of Glory Lutheran Church, 2201 E. 106th St., Carmel (Parlor by Sanctuary) 0272: Clay Northwest 2 David W Klingensmith Administration Building, 3400 W. 131st St., Westfield


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DISPATCHES » St. V one and two in rankings – The St.Vincent Heart Center of Indiana and St.Vincent Indianapolis Hospital are ranked the top two hospitals in Indiana, and among the top 10 percent nationally for cardiology and coronary interventions for two consecutive years, according to a study issued by HealthGrades, the leading independent healthcare ratings organization that analyzes patient outcomes at the nation’s 5,000 hospitals. This marks the sixth consecutive year the St.Vincent Heart Center of Indiana has been ranked the best in the state. » Women’s Health Symposium – Methodist Hospital Task Core will hold a Women’s Health Symposium tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Montage at Allison Pointe, 8580 Allison Pointe Boulevard, Indianapolis. The event will include a presentation by “America’s Nutrition Leader,” author and TV personality Zonya Foco on “The Power of One Good Habit.” Foco’s cookbook also will be available for purchase and signing. Tickets are $40. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting ahs6265@yahoo. com.

Using turmeric for more than cooking NUTRITION By Laura Marenco The herb Turmeric has been used for 4,000 years to treat a variety of ailments. Turmeric has widely been used as a food coloring, gives Indian curry its distinctive flavor and yellow color, and in India’s traditional Ayurvedic and in Chinese medicine has been used as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive problems, skin diseases, and wounds. Modern studies show turmeric may have promise for reducing inflammation and treating digestive problems among other uses. The health benefits of turmeric lie in the active ingredient called curcumin. This powerful compound gives turmeric its therapeutic benefits, its yellow color, and its pungent flavor. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. In addition, curcumin reduces inflammation by lowering levels of two inflammatory enzymes, called COX-2 and LOX, in the body and stops platelets from clumping together to form blood clots. It also eases the inflammation caused by the body’ allergic reaction to histamines, as well as trauma, injury and the stiffness of over- or under-inactivity. There also has been a great deal of research on turmeric’s cancer prevention potential, but

results are still very early and not conclusive. Curcumin’s effects may be due to its ability to stop the blood vessels that supply cancerous tumors from growing, and its preventive effects may come from its strength as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage. Turmeric may also be good for clearing the skin such as acne. The anti-bacterial properties help to restore the skins natural balance while eliminating the harmful bacteria. It also helps to improve circulation and the amount of nutrients the skin receives. Tumeric extract has low bio availability as a powder. Supplements with an enteric coating allows the turmeric extract to be remain intact where absorbed more readily downstream in the digestive system. Many more therapeutic herbal and skincare products contain the Turmeric herb due to its benefits for inflammation and for clearing the skin. But always check with your doctor on taking any new supplement, particularly if on other medications. Laura Marenco is a certified personal trainer and nutritional advisor for PointBlank Nutrition. You may e-mail her at laura@pointblanknutrition. com.

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October 26, 2010 | 23

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Botox for migraine relief BODY BEAUTY By Barry Eppley The drug, Botox, has become a household name in less than decade. Who would have conceived that the use of an injectable drug for the treatment originally indented to help with muscle spasms would be such a phenomenon? Botox was just recently approved by the FDA for use in certain types of chronic migraines. For people who struggle with migraines, this could be viewed as a near-miracle cure, offering almost instant relief that is both prolonged and presents no significant side effects. For migraine sufferers that have tried and failed to get relief with every other available treatment, and who have a very specific trigger located at the base of the neck, temple, or along the brow bones above the eye, Botox injections could be immensely helpful. The theory is that the muscles pinching down around nerves, which come out of the bone in these areas of the skull causes the migraine pain, and thus weakening or paralyzing these muscles relieves pressure on the nerves. Botox can be injected directly into the muscles around these nerves to produce this muscle weakening. With the pressure on the nerve relieved, the trigger for the migraine is either eliminated or significantly reduced. Plastic surgeons have long known of the potential beneficial effects of Botox for migraine sufferers. The number one location for Botox injections is for wrinkles between the eyebrows

24 | October 26, 2010

known as the glabellar furrows. This brow area, ironically, is exactly where the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves emerge from the brow bones. They are well known triggers for migraines that come out of the eye area. Every plastic surgeon has seen from time to time patients that comment on how their headaches have been reduced after their foreheads have been injected with Botox. Such observations have led plastic surgeons to try with good success the use of Botox injections at the back of the neck (occipital area) where the muscles attach to the bottom edge of the skull. This is where the greater occipital nerves come out through. Occipital-based migraines are actually more common than those of the brow or eye area. While plastic surgery has played a contributing role in discovering this new injectable treatment option for chronic migraines, it is also leading the way to a potentially longer-lasting treatment that for some migraine sufferers may be a ‘cure’. If Botox provides a dramatic migraine reduction through these trigger point injections, then surgically removing the muscle from these nerves should, in theory, produce a more permanent effect. Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to info@ eppleyplasticsurgery.com

Current in Carmel


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Clarian performs first surgery of its kind in state Current in Carmel Last week Clarian Bariatrics performed Indiana’s First da Vinci Surgery for weight loss. Dr. John Ditslear performed the surgery at Carmel’s Clarian North Medical Center. The surgery, a roux-en y gastric bypass The da Vinci Surgery technology allows doctors to perform complex procedures with surgery, was performed on just a few tiny openings. This results in a less invasive operation and faster recovery time. two patients who are both recovering well post-operation. One of the largest benefits of the da Vinci Gastric bypass is a treatment for obesity that procedure is for those patients who may not permanently resizes the stomach and reroutes the qualify for laparoscopic surgery due to severe digestive tract, which limits food intake and calorie morbid obesity, or extensive revision procedures. absorption. The da Vinci Surgical System provides In the past, those patients had to resort to open a minimally invasive surgical option for a variety of surgery. but with the da Vinci technology, they procedures through its robotic technology. Ditslear may qualify for this less invasive surgery. has been performing laparoscopic surgery for 12 The da Vinci Surgical System provides suryears and gastric bypass for 10 years. geons with benefits as well, including more pre“Virtually all weight loss surgeries performed cision and improved control of the instruments, at Clarian Bariatrics are laparoscopic surgerbetter visualization, and fewer complications. ies, which are less invasive than open surgery,” Although it is often referred to as a “robot,” Ditslear said in a release. “Additionally, da Vinci the da Vinci cannot act on its own, and is consurgery offers similar benefits to the patient, trolled entirely by the surgeon. Doctors may such as less recovery time, less pain, and less risk perform complex procedures with just a few of infection. It also enhances the patient’s safety tiny openings. This allows patients to get back by lowering the risk of complications.” to their normal routines, and back to life, faster.




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REDUCED 1218/1222 Turner Dr $ 149,900 MLS# 2948762

13004 TrADD ST $575,900 MLS# 21003785

One-year-old 4BR/2+BA home. Vinyl/ brick townhome w/private master suite, huge foyer. Walk-in closets, 2nd-floor laundry. Two-car garage, mature trees. AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

Charming 4BR/3+BA brick with formal dining room, master suite and hardwood flooring. 2 fireplaces. Wet bar, high ceilings, Dual Vanities. Breakfast nook. AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

1433 gWynMere $464,900 MLS# 21040588

1338 WooDPonD n rounDAbouT $349,900 MLS# 21051487

Immaculate 4BR/3+BA home in Claridge Farm. Brand new gourmet kitchen w/ granite, SS appliances, hdwd floors, fin bsmt. 3-car garage, backs up to preserve. SPenCer kLine, 753-7282

7601 e Sr 334 $2,400,000 MLS# 21004780

540 CAhiLL LAne $126,900 MLS#21040670

11641 SeA STAr WAy $360,000 MLS# 21045120

3148 e FALL Creek PW n Dr $109,900 MLS# 21034624

40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming

Settle serenly in this very pleasing 3Br/2BA Trad, Intercom system. Foyer, great room, vaulted ceilings.

Sample the scintillating style of this cul-de-sac 4BR/3+BA home. Two sty foyer, fine master suite. Dual Vanities.

Retreat to this tempting, 4BR/2+BA home. Cozy fireplace. Huge foyer, great room, sunroom. High ceilings. Fencing.

AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

8062 CLAriDge roAD $399,900 MLS# 21023706

10109 hoLADAy Dr W $129,900 MLS# 21043562

12451 SPringbrooke $285,500 MLS# 21052073

4BR 3.5BA custom home in Woodgate. Gourmet Kit w/ SS appls, granite contrs tile flr & bksplsh. Fnsh LL w/wet bar. Huge 2 Lvl deck.

Impeccably maintained 5BR/2.5Ba Hm w/lots of upgds, grnt isle, full fnsh bsmt, Woodbrook Elem. Waterstone amenities. Must See!

Amazing 5BR in popular Meridian Woods. Main flr mstr. Updtd kit incld gourmet applncs & solid surface counters. Priv yd w/lg custom deck w/built-in seating.

Meet all your expectations in this fenced 3 bedroom Ranch. Cozy fireplace. Sunroom, hardwood flooring. Mature trees.

SPenCer kiLne, 753-7282

SPenCer kiLne, 753-7282

AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

AngeLA rAAb, 442-4295

Current in Carmel

12130 ThiCkeT hiLL CirCLe $675,000 MLS# 21052292

Exceptional 5BR/4.5BA brick home on a wooded cul-desac lot in Bayhill. Fantastic woodwork throughout entire home. Hardwood floors and lots of built-ins. AuSTen gren, 532-7061

October 26, 2010 | 25

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Local dentist to buy kids’ excess candy Current in Carmel One area dentist is redefining the phrase “put your money where your mouth is.” This Halloween, trickor –treaters can bring their excess candy to Carmel Family Dentistry in Carmel and receive $1 per pound of candy. Dr. Jessica Worthington is leading this antidecay movement by giving dollars and toothbrushes (and other goodies) in exchange for cavity-provoking candy. All of the candy collected will be donated to USO and shipped to our troops overseas. Worthington’s efforts are as much about maintaining healthy teeth as they are giving back to the country’s troops. “Ditch the candy, that’s what we are saying. Visiting your dentist twice a year and brushing daily are great preventative measures, but doing away with excess sweets altogether would really give your teeth a healthy boost,” Worthing said. “Kids can still have all of the fun of trick-or-treating, and now their piggy banks will benefit as well. Plus, spreading some cheer to


our troops.” Candy will be collected at Carmel Family Dentistry, 370 Medical Drive Suite E, on Nov. 1 from 3 to 7 p.m. The candy must be unopened. If you have questions or would like more information, call 575-0200.

We do whatever it takes to get you home. – BILL FREUDENTHAL, MD

At St.Vincent Carmel Hospital, we know that a visit to the ER is no fun for anyone. So seeing you quickly and getting you home as fast as possible is our idea of hospitality. Which is why we’re one of the first hospitals in the nation to earn the prestigious designation of Emergency Center of Excellence. So the next time you find yourself in our ER, you won’t have to worry about overstaying your welcome.

26 | October 26, 2010

Current in Carmel


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DISPATCHES » Job fair – The Noblesville Economic Development Department and Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear will host a Hamilton County Job Fair Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville. The event will feature dozens of employers looking to fill a variety of positions and there will also be three 45-minute sessions providing tips on interviewing, résumés and strategies for finding employment. For more information, call 776-6345. » Financial workshop – Are you concerned how recent tax legislation will affect your bottom line as a business owner? Are you familiar with the sunset provisions surrounding estate taxes, personal income taxes, and long term capital gains? Join Joel Harris of Amicus Financial at the Monon Community Center for free educational workshop held Nov. 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. To RSVP, email joel@goamicus.com » Learn what top CEOs know – Howard Cox of Somerset CPAs will present the next installment of the company’s CEO Series of seminars. This upcoming pre-

Dealing with life's backhoes, bulldozers DOUGH By David Cain I followed a backhoe to work today. It was the longest five-mile stretch I can remember. The yellow flashing light on the top of the cab was a like a carrot, dragging a slow mule along its predictable path. The large tires of backhoe made it bounce wildly with a sense of recklessness that seemed out of place on Main Street. As I slowly trekked behind, following the smell of diesel and reacting only to the brake lights of the car in front of me, I was surprised to notice that I was actually going the speed limit. Two things are surprising about that. First, I didn’t know a backhoe could go 35 miles an hour. I guess that explained the bouncing. Second, I didn’t realize the speed limit was this slow. I felt like I was just puttering along. Surely I’ve gone this slowly before? It just seemed slower today because, well, there was a backhoe in front of me. I hoped that the backhoe wasn’t a sign of the day. After all, sometimes at work and home I feel like I’m following a backhoe. I feel like my day is dictated by the brake lights in front of me. I feel like if I could just pass that backhoe, everything would somehow be better. It’s a

bulldozer mentality. Forging ahead, clearing my own path, finding the fresh air that greets only those that dare to take it. The backhoe phenomenon, as I’ve coined it, is not uncommon. A lot of folks can relate to the backhoe effect. It’s when you feel like you are going really slowly but you aren’t. It’s the anxiety that keeps you up at night, the feeling you get when you feel held back. Not reaching your potential, working all the time but never getting anything done, is all a part of the backhoe phenomenon. Like a car wreck out of nowhere, it hit me. I can’t pass the backhoe, but perhaps I could just take another route. Perhaps there was a faster, or least a less anxious, path. Perhaps there was a route where I could drive my own race without the judgment of the backhoe. Perhaps. One thing is for sure; the backhoe wasn’t an ominous sign. It was simply a reminder that there are alternatives.

• its ce wsu EOC tion a R a E na A • II • Lcy • rimi rets D A e V an isc ec EA s David Cain works at MediaSauce, r a • S D t • l gn D e d • TitPre ce • ade s • ARigh ete LA digital media and online marketing n p e e es r • a M company in Carmel. David g nce • R s • T argCivil -com • G awel• F ges • s A h comes your questions or comments A t n a W a t i L • C e ace o c D r at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com. FMion • eve • A wsuOC tion • N tra n • Wanc • R • ts ss • S er La EE na ts on io er DA s ac mmi SA endVII • cy • rimi ecre • C miss Sev • A suit C r • t A r G L o on n c on s C e • F A • itlegna Dis de SADE Com SA nde LawEEO ati C L n L t T • s e • i • h • ra e t M • • ts F G t I EA Rig mpes • F ges • Pr ace • T ges igh te • A • e VIancy crimcre A D o E e s R s r l e e L R l i a c A i t n c t t a • S D ts • p s • Civ on-trac • Wran DA sui Ch ivilcom • FM • Ti reg e • D de • A igh ete A e • w C s R n e a N L C P c s g s A artion ts • ConssioSev r • • La EO n • Non act age ce • • Ra • Tr rgeivil omp• FMes h o c e a i I E • r i s C na re A • nd VI • h • C n ts ag t • W an A it • m t OCrimi Sec DE Com LSA Ge tle ncy minarets Conion ver • ADwsu C Cion • No rac • W nce E i A • i O a • E isc de a E at s nt on ra A s •F A • r ec A T n ss Se r D Tra ges ightete ML es • regDisc e S DE mmi A • nde II • Ly • Eimin cret• Co issi eve• ADui • har il R mp s • F ag • P e • rad s • A Co FLS • Ge e V nc cr Se EA mm • S er ws C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA nd • La EE • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • Pre e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge VII cy • im R m r e g te A e • e • C ac • • on iss ev DA suput e ML itl nanDisc Se matters C ivil -co cts Wag ce • R its hargl Ri p • Comm • S r • A LawE g O i n C m T u n your in order a F e A C SA de II • • E n • No ntr n • era AD aws C C Civ -co s • s • Pre ce • rad es • FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co ssioSev r • • L EO n • on act age ce • Ra • T rg ivil • Titl nan in re A • mmi A • nde VII • E atios • Nntr • W an A • its Cha • C n • reg crim Sec DE Co LS Ge tle ncy min et Co ion ver AD su C on No r P Dis de • A s • F A • Ti na ri ecr A • ss Se r • aw EO ati s • nt • Tra ges ightete ML es • regDisc e S DE mmi A • nde II • Ly • Eimin cret• Co iss • har il R mp s • F ag • P e • rad s • A Co FLS • Ge e V nc cr Se EA mm C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • Pre e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge ac • • ge ig te A e on iss ev DA su C il R om s • ge • • Comm • S r • A LawEOC Civ n-c act Wa nce A • Ruits har il R mpe FML Titleg C SA de II • • E n • No ntr n • era AD aws C C Civ -co s • s • Pr FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co ssioSev r • • L EO n • on act age ce • Ra elegal Iservices attorneys wide of e A •provide • Titl nan inOurr • array • Etoabusinesses mi aA tios • Nntr • Wran DA • ts • nd e VI law yand E om including e employment litigation. n c • reg crim SecandDindividuals S i A ui r l n et Co on ve G L C P Dis de • A ts • F A • • Titgna crim ecr A • issi Se er • aws Cha s E m&mKorin, a g h te ML sfor more S e gKazmierczak • TrCall Kris about il is DKatz A •PC.nd • L C re information • har il Ri mpes • F age • P e • Drades • A Co FLS • Ge VII EEO • Civ C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA tle y • ion • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM • Ti anc at • on iss ev DA su C il R om s • es gn min • Comm • S r • A LawEOC Civ n-c act ag Pre cri C SA de II • • E n • No ntr • We • Dis FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co sion nc ce • • Titl nan in re A • mis era Ra E our • our community • reg opportunitiEs Envisioning m cliEnts ev and rim ec Dfor P Disc de S • A s CoA • S ADA • Tra ges ht LS r • ig • F • har deavenue n indianapoliS, in 46204-2964 The emelie Building n 334 norTh e GSenaTe enn k aTzkorin.com l Ret464-1100 C ivi[317] C mp A • co ML •F Current in Carmel October 26, 2010 | 27

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MONEY MATTERS Will you purchase tickets for events at the Palladium? “I would like to, but none of the people they have playing there really jump out to me.” Kevin Ringenberg Carmel

“My wife is going to, but I don’t know if I personally will.” Harry Kluempers Carmel

“I like jazz, but not country. So, I think there is a possibility that I could buy some.” Elaine Whitman Carmel

28 | October 26, 2010



nature's karma MY OPINION



Age: Built in 2000 Location: North of 106 Street and Haverstick Road Neighborhood: Carolina Commons Sq Footage: 4,598 (1,052 finished basement) Rooms: Home has awesome gourmet kitchen with all stainless steel appliance, built-in refrigerator, 6 burner gas cook top, granite counter tops and center island. A double sided fireplace shared between the kitchen and the living room. Main floor master has a gorgeous master bath with double sinks, double shower, separate tub, and walk in closet. Upper level has 4 bedrooms for the kids and guest with 2 full baths. Finished basement with a huge family room, windows and a full bath. This home was constructed in brick and has a desirable three car side load garage. Sitting .42 acres with a privacy fence around the back yard is a great family home. Strengths: Newer construction, desirable family neighborhood, location kitchen, main floor master, finish basement, attractive price point for the neighborhood. Challenges: The number of competing homes in Carmel in this price range.

Keith Albrecht is a Realtor with RE/MAX serving Hamilton County and Indianapolis. Contact the Albrecht Team by phone at 580-9955 or via e-mail at team@keithshomes.com.

Current in Carmel

Nature’s Karma, located in Clay Terrace, opened at the beginning of October. The store is meant to give back to the environment, and is full of organics and recycled merchandise, and fair trade items. Nature’s Karma works with the Carmel Green Initiative, striving to make Carmel a more environmentally friendly and aware city. With items made out of typing keyboards, inner tubes, magazines, phonebooks, pop tabs and more, this innovative store has items and gifts that are unusual and original. This store features an organic line of skin care, made by the owner herself, Melissa Evans. Evans, along with fiancé and partner, Christopher Evanson, work with local artists as contributors to this new store. Artists contribute fragrances, hats, soap bars and more. Nature’s Karma offers home décor, bags, jewelry, clothes, and crafty artwork. Although they have only been open for one month, Evans says the soy candles are definitely their best seller, though there is something for everyone in the store. 14511 Clay Terrace Blvd., Suite 130 Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 843-9999 Hours: Tuesday- Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday from noon to 6 p.m.


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DISPATCHES » Which hotspots are fastest? – PC World tested phonebased (Droid X) and free-standing (MiFi) mobile hotspots on the AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon networks to see which ones pump out the best speeds and have the most consistent connection and found that the Cradlepoint PHS-300 freestanding unit ($300), which works with AT&T devices, had the fastest MacBook and iPad connection speeds. The device requires a service plan of $35 to $60 per month. -www.pcworld.com » Kinder, gentler e-mails – An attitude adjustment for e-mails, the ToneCheck plug-in for Microsoft Outlook scans outgoing e-mail messages and flags wording that could be interpreted as harsh, angry or offensive. The software flags words like “hell” or “damn,” giving you the option to change the words or send the e-mail anyway. Start too many sentences with “you,” for example, and it flags the e-mail, too. One drawback: The program cannot detect sarcasm. The software is in free beta testing. -Inc. » Broadcasters block Google TV - Three of the biggest U.S. television broadcasters - Walt Disney Co, CBS and NBC Universal - have blocked their shows from Google's new Web TV service, throwing a wrench into the company's plans to expand from computers to the living room. News Corp's Fox is considering doing the same. Google TV became available this month in the U.S. and allows consumers to access Web content on their TVs.


Answers to burned DVD troubles TECHNOLOGY By Gary Hubbard Are you having problems with DVDs that burn not working on other players? The first thing to understand is that burning DVDs for use by others is nothing like burning CDs for others. It’s very common to create DVDs on a computer that can’t be read by traditional playback only DVDs because the process used to burn disks on your computer and the commercial DVD creation process are quite different. Computer-based DVD burners change the reflective surface of writeable DVDs, which can create large variances in the finished product. Commercial DVDs are ‘pressed’ for much tighter tolerances instead of ‘burned’ which is why they generally playback on just about any player. Although there are implied standards for recording DVDs, they can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer for both the burning and playback sides, which is why a DVD that you create will be readable by some players and not by others. In addition, there are a myriad of recording formats. The first thing you want to make sure of is that the blank DVDs are a format that’s supported by your DVD burner. Not all DVD burners can write to all of the above formats and the same holds true when you try to play the disks back, especially on an older DVD player. You can try experimenting with any

of the formats that your burner supports to see which one seems to be most compatible with your audience. The brand of disks you use should not make a difference as long as you stick to a name brand disk and the recording format which matches your burner’s capability. As far as the burning speed, the general rule of thumb is that the slower you burn, the more likely it can be read by a larger number of playback systems. For example, even though you’re burner is capable of burning at 48X, you may want to notch it way down. Another possible cause of the errors can come from using the computer for another task while it is burning a DVD. The best way to burn a DVD, especially on older computers, is to reboot the computer to replenish all the resources and then go directly into the burning software and do nothing else until it is finished. Hopefully these tips, and a possible good cleaning of your burner with canned air, should help solve your problems.

Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors.com. Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors.com

It’s very common to create DVDs on a computer that can’t be read by traditional playback only DVDs because the process used to burn disks on your computer and the commercial DVD creation process are quite different.

Current in Carmel

October 26, 2010 | 29

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And baby makes three? RELATIONSHIPS By Rachael Noble It seems in our society the natural progression of things is to graduate from college, begin a career, settle down with our sweetheart and start having children. But just as I feel we shouldn’t buy into the myth that everyone should purchase a home regardless of income and means (waiting until finances are properly sorted out is obviously the wiser choice), we should also not buy into the myth that everyone should jump into having kids. Taking into consideration lifestyle, income, career and future goals is essential before making the life changing decision of having a little one. Consider the following: • Is your relationship with your spouse as solid as it can possibly be? Of course there are always going to be problems to work out but if your relationship is unhealthy, having children is only going to bring problems to the surface (and then some). • Are you ready to spend the next 18 years putting many of your plans on hold, cutting down on travels, spending years of evenings and weekends at home, instead of out partying (getting a babysitter isn’t always as easy as you might think)? Selfishness goes out the door the minute that baby pops her little head into this world.

30 | October 26, 2010

• Is your career a high priority in your life? How much of a priority do you still intend it to be after your baby comes? Remember, as hard as you may try to continue your lifestyle, that baby is going to dominate your world, especially in the first 5 years. It’s not bad to be career minded. And some people are able to juggle both successfully. But there are many who feel guilt over not spending enough time with their child while their career hits into high gear. And it’s also not a bad thing to not want to have children period. Some people want to live their lives traveling and building success. It’s better to not have a baby than to leave it up to other people to raise it so that you can continue your pre-child lifestyle. Having a baby is one of the biggest and most impactful decisions of our lives. Don’t just look at the perfect neighbors the Smiths and think it’s easy as pie. Be prepared that this little bundle that causes years of sleepless nights is now your biggest responsibility, and of course, your biggest blessing! Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at nobleadvice@yahoo.com.

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Hearing music between the notes SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters “Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10 There was a 30-year period of my life from my mid-teens to my mid-40s that I didn’t go to church and was utterly without conviction about God. God was quiet and I wasn’t listening anyway. College and career and home and family filled life’s gaps. The idea of going to church or being a Christian seemed a grim, limiting, monochromatic, spirit-shrinking, intellect killing enterprise. My experience since coming to Christ has been the opposite of that. Any Christian who strides humbly but confidently in his or her walk with the Lord can relate to the joy, wonder, color, freedom and thought of Christian life. I’ve been reading “A Place for Truth”, by Jeremy Begbie a thought inspiring new book which recounts various discussions on “truth” at leading U.S. college campuses sponsored by the Christian Veritas Forum. Begbie’s dissertation on music revealed to me new and surprising dimension and depth of the faith experience: “Christians must learn to hear between the notes.” Begbie is a theology professor at Duke Divinity School, an Anglican priest and also a classically trained musician. In his 2007 presentation at the University of California-Berkley, he talked about musical tonalities and meter; about tension and

resolution. There is a “beat” in music, Begbie noted, the same way there is a “beat” in our lives, and a meter in mankind’s relationship with God. Exhibit A is the Bible. God’s interaction, silence and surprises are easily compared to the movements of a classical symphony where properly placed pause or a tension-filled passage leaves us gasping for resolution. Spiritual silence is not uncommon in our lives. There are, quoting Begbie, “in-between times… when it seems God is on vacation…when grace doesn’t seem very amazing anymore.” That’s when it’s time to listen between the notes. Recount the Old Testament’s trials and truths; then consider God’s silence before the appearance of Christ, signaling the salvation of mankind. Jesus Christ, Begbie teases, “is the Big Downbeat” providing humanity with the expectation, hope, and discipline for the symphony yet to come. God’s silence should be for us a time of prayer and trust in God’s resolution, not despair. Once I only paid attention to the simple melodies and dissonant noise of life, with no clue how to appreciate the divine music between the notes. Now I know that God is talking then, too, and it is joyful to listen.

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Bob Walters (www.believerbob. blogspot.com, email rlwcom@aol. com) has great appreciation for great music, but no musical talent.

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Create a cozy fireside area for fall OUTDOOR LIVING By Randy Sorrell One of our favorite outdoor living spaces to design and build for engaged families is the fire feature and seat wall. Their popularity soars this time of year with crisp evenings and football in the air. Combine the beautiful trees with a glass of red wine, a loaded grill surrounded with family and life just doesn’t get any better. Be Bold Our creative industry has grown somewhat lethargic with hardscape design and plant palate selection. Many outdoor livings spaces seem to have a similar theme and color tendencies. Hey, I’m guilty too, which is why I’m a fan of different. If everyone else is doing it, it’s time to improve and move on. Fortunately all it takes is modest left brain stimulation to cause your seat have some sort of cap stone which presents wall and fire pit space to be spectacular, unique another opportunity to jazz it up. A formal and marry with the rest of the outdoor living cut limestone cap adds a sense of formality and space you’ve likely paid dearly to establish. contrast to the rest of the affect. Many homes Mixing textures, colors and products can be have a cut limestone element in the architecture risky, but also very rewarding. A nice looking from a corble, window sill or ornamental accent tumbled sandstone wall, which happens to look at a roof peak. like many of the neighbors, can easily and cost Why Not &2%15%.4 -/6)%'/%23 affectively be customized with a contrasting ribBoulder fire pits are playful. They can be easy 3IGN UP AT WWW GQTI COM FOR THE with the right equipment and offer a bon of color blended seamlessly in the body of to install the wall. Simultaneously, that ribbon can &REQUENT -OVIEGOER #LUB be welcomed natural element to any outdoor liv%ARN POINTS SEE MOVIES FOR A BARGAIN PRICE repeated as a striking patio border paver or land- ing space. I love combining this rustic feel with scaped bed retaining structure. a more formal seat wall. The cap of the seat Often, seat walls and fire feature elements wall can then echo the boulders with a natural

32 | October 26, 2010

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flagstone of the same material. Genius! Feeling adventuresome? Try a formal fire feature with huge boulders “growing� out of the lawn behaving as seats. The possibilities are endless and that’s what makes jazzing up an outdoor living space stimulating. What sort of endless fun would you like to experience in your back yard?

Current in Carmel

Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, randy@choosesurroundings.com or www.choosesurroundings.com.



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Shower with style

INTERIOR REMODELING By David Decker Glass bathroom shower doors generally last a long, long time. And if your shower door has lasted a long, long time, my guess is that it still mostly works fine and mostly looks, no offense, old. Typically a large, focal point of any bathroom, a shower area with an updated exterior appearance provides an immediate and dramatic improvement to the bathroom’s overall look and feel. The very best looking, luxurious shower doors are the frameless variety. Made of heavy, rigid glass sometimes up to a half-inch thick, frameless doors have little or no metal framing and are best suited for large bathrooms with dramatic shower presentations. Clear frameless enclosures are most popular in master bathrooms, although shading, design and etching provide endless options for a unique stylistic statement. Frameless doors are not as watertight as other styles, but they look awesome. Semi-frameless doors typically have no frame on the swinging or sliding door itself, but have a minimal metal frame around the door casing. They’re great in normal size bathrooms, provide a nice blend of function and style, and are easily customized. Fully framed doors – metal all the way around the door and the casing units – are very


common in older, original construction, and usually not something we use. One other note: the more metal, the harder it is to keep a shower door clean. Also, better shower doors have the ShowerGuard coating which prevents the pitting and ridges that lead to the cloudy, never-quite-clean look on older doors. Replacing shower doors is something you’ll most likely want a professional to do. Even we know that the best work is done by experts, and for these unique home improvements we often partner with Mirror Concepts of Carmel (they provide bathroom mirrors and shower enclosures for the annual Indianapolis Monthly Dream Home). How much longer do you want your glass shower door to last? David Decker is president of Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms, based in Carmel (877-252-1420, www. affordablekandb.com). Have a home improvement question? E-mail David at david.decker@affordablekandb. com, and he will answer in an upcoming column.

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October 26, 2010 | 33

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Lap of luxury

HUMOR By Dick Wolfsie If what I just read is true, I may have a disease called erythema ab igne. I had never heard of it before now. Nor, apparently, has the spell-checker on my computer. If I have the illness, the same squiggly red lines that appeared underneath those words will appear all over my legs, as well. Also a few blotches and a little mottling. I can hardly wait to take my pants off to check. The disorder is a result of having your laptop computer rest on your lap for hours upon hours. The effect is a discoloration of your skin that is disgusting to look at and potentially dangerous. Wait, I might be confusing this with going to a tanning salon. Erythema ab igne (EAI) was first identified by two Swiss doctors who learned that people in pricey ski chalets found it was cheaper to warm up their laps than to turn up the thermostat. The two MDs in Switzerland were just thrilled to discover a new illness because the Swiss are so health conscious that even a computer virus is covered by socialized medicine. What is interesting about this malady is that scientists also did research with youngsters who played video games up to 12 hours a day and discovered that these kids had also overheated their legs, but never noticed that most

34 | October 26, 2010

of them had fried their brains, as well. Like most diseases, EAI is commonly referred to by a name that is easy for the lay person to remember. Doctors are calling it Toasted Leg Syndrome but I’m hoping they’ll reconsider that decision. When I think of toasted, it conjures wonderful images and memories like Post Toasties and toasted marshmallows. But nowadays, everything is toasted. If they snuck in Toasted Leg Syndrome on Panera’s menu between the turkey and artichoke Panini and the sesame bagel with seared ahi tuna, I don’t think anyone would notice, and you’d probably get chips with it. My brother in New York spends a great deal of time online. He once dozed off while emailing with the computer resting on his legs and woke up a few hours later to a searing pain. He jumped up from his recliner and starting hopping around the room. His $700.00 computer crashed onto the floor. Even for Manhattan, that’s a lot of money for a lap-top dance.

Monday, November 15 3-5pm: Open House A Meet & Greet with Dr. Melillo and appearance by Radio Disney Brain Balance Center, 9510 N. Meridian Street, Suite D, Indianapolis 7-9pm: Parent Lecture Renaissance Marriott, 11925 N. Meridian Street, Carmel Tuesday, November 16 10am: Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Brain Balance Center in Indianapolis 1-3pm: Parent Lecture Meridian Hills Country Club, 7099 Spring Mill Rd, Indianapolis

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

Current in Carmel

6-8 pm: Professional Lecture at Meridian Hills Country Club

All events are free and open to the public. To reserve a seat or for more information, call 317-843-9200 or e-mail Julie Peterson at jpeterson@brainbalancecenters.com.


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No-big-deal birthdays Stay HOME. BE MOVED.

HUMOR By Mike Redmond Another birthday has passed without incident: no drama, no foolishness, no police or fire department presence. Actually, I’ve been keeping sort of a low birthday profile since my 40 birthday when NRBQ, one of my top three bands, sang happy birthday to me while I was reviewing a show for work. It’s kind of hard to top that so I haven’t even tried. Middle age birthdays are really in the No Big Deal category of life events anyway. After a certain amount of a card, a cake, a book it’s really just another day. The way I see it, your first 12 or 13 birthdays are all big deals: “Oh my goodness, look who’s turning 4! 5! 6!”, and so on. You get a couple of so what years until you turn 16 and 21. From then on, the only birthdays which matter are the decade birthdays. Then once you hit 80 or so, the whole thing starts over again: “My, my, look who’s turning 84! 85! 86!” I’m not much for birthday presents. I know some people place a lot of emphasis on loot but I got over that a long time ago. It was my ninth birthday, in fact. My present that year was the Dick Tracy set, complete with a toy Tommy gun and snub-nose revolver with shoulder holster. It


was just the thing to have around in case Mumbles or Flattop showed up on Gilmore Road. I couldn’t wait to show my fellow neighborhood crime fighters. My attention was diverted by the birthday pie-cutting ceremony and the niceties observed, I turned to don my holster and pick up my Tommy gun, only to find them gone. Then I glanced out the front window to see my brother P.D. demonstrating the smooth action of the machine gun while all the kids in the neighborhood passed around my pistol and holster for inspection. P.D. had clearly overstepped his authority, so of course I threw a fit. Mom took swift action. What happened? I got in trouble for being a brat on my birthday and had to spend time in solitary confinement while P.D., as usual, got away. That kind of took the zing out of the whole presents thing for me. Besides, if it’s presents I want, I’m content to wait for Christmas. Just don’t forget my pie. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.

A cork pops! Kids laugh, the grill is overloaded again and neighbors drop in for no apparent reason at all.... “Yeah, I’m glad we had SURROUNDINGS build us the outdoor space we always imagined.” Call us today. Our initial consultation is complimentary.

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October 26, 2010 | 35

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Caring for your pet's teeth


PETS By Dr. Greg Magnusson You may have heard your veterinarian recommend a professional under-anesthesia “dental” cleaning of your pet’s teeth, often with an attached estimate for dental services that is more than you likely spend on your own teeth in a year. What’s up with that? First of all, if you were to stop brushing your own teeth, how long do you think it would be before your oral health became a medical concern? Or, put another way, if you didn’t brush, how many times per year would you likely have to visit the dentist to keep your mouth as healthy as it is now? Studies are ongoing, but there is strong evidence that bacteria from your own mouth can travel through your blood and cause heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, fetal development problems, diabetes, and lung disease. Similarly, bad doggy breath caused by oral bacteria can lead to disease elsewhere within their little bodies, and along with that, a shortened, less healthy lifespan. Besides all that, diseased kitty and doggy teeth are unhealthy, unsightly, stinky, and painful. By the age of just two, 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats have some form of periodontal disease. Clearly, brushing teeth keeps oral bacteria levels at a minimum, and that’s one of the reasons we should all be brushing our cat’s and dog’s teeth regularly. Consider planning and budgeting for a regularly scheduled dental appointment for your pets with your veterinarian at least once a year to keep the mouth and body healthy. But why do we need to put them under anesthesia?

» Pessimistic dogs have greater separation anxiety – Dogs with a "food-bowlhalf-empty" attitude are more likely to bark, yowl and chew when left alone than dogs with a sunnier outlook, according to a new study. Researchers in the United Kingdom found that dogs who expected to find food in their bowls were much more relaxed when their owners were away than those who expected the worst - an empty food bowl. The research may help animal shelters match dogs to appropriate homes. -www.msnbc.com » Feeding young kittens – When it comes to feeding young kittens, the bottle-and-nipple method is infinitely better and safer than the eye-dropper method. If you must resort to a dropper, though, allow the kitten to suck the milk out; do not squeeze. If you squirt milk into the kitten’s mouth, it could get into your kitty's lungs, resulting in pneumonia. You should be able to wean you kittens off of the bottle starting at around three weeks by placing a milk replacement in a shallow saucer.

Well, first of all, a thorough cleaning includes scraping under the gum line with a handheld or ultrasonic scaler, a process no dog or cat will sit still for. Reason number two, though, is equally important: anesthesia allows us to do a thorough oral examination for tooth fracture, infection or tumors. The oral cavity is the fourth most common place for cancer. Honestly, as I tell my clients, I suspect if you just brushed the outer surfaces of these eight teeth every other day, you would be doing your pet a world of good. Here’s a tip: the largest teeth in your dog’s and your cat’s mouth also happen to be the ones most likely to become damaged by disease. These are the upper canine teeth, labeled by a “C”, and the upper fourth premolar teeth, labeled PM4. Dr. Magnusson, a practicing veterinarian for the last decade, is now the owner of Leo’s Pet Care, a new veterinary hospital located at 106th and College. Contact Dr. Magnusson at DrM@LeosPetCare.com or 317-721-7387 (721-PETS).

PETS OF THE WEEK Charli is a nine-year-old female fawn Mastiff/Boxer mix. Charli is a very sweet girl who doesn’t know a stranger. She is house trained and she has a wonderful disposition and temperament. Charli was surrendered by her family due to financial hardship reasons so she desperately wants to get back into a loving home environment soon. She is outgoing and adores people of all ages, however she would probably prefer a home with older children just because she isn’t as rowdy as she used to be. Clover is a one-and-a-half-year-old black and white male DSH. Clover is a friendly boy with lovely gold eyes. He is neutered and litter box trained and he gets along well with other cats. Clover arrived at the shelter last January as a stray and he has been patiently waiting for his forever home. He has nearly spent more than half of his life in the shelter, please don’t let him spend another day without a loving family to call his own. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to www.hamiltonhumane.com














36 | October 26, 2010













































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A.M. REAL ESTATE-Overbrook Farms Custom built, two-story home with 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths and finished, walk-out basement in Carmel! Gourmet kitchen, hearth room, great 
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Crossword 1










21 24




Hoosier Hodgepodge 9










50 55 58 66





52 56 59






Across 1. Commotions 5. Ryan’s “cousin” who turns letters? 10. Greyhounds, Shamrocks or Millers 14. In ___ (together) 15. Classic theater 16. Eye amorously 17. Ancient Peruvian 18. Indianapolis Zoo ape 19. I-80 payment 20. Sense 21. Quick swim at the Monon Center 22. James Whitcomb Riley’s “___ To The Outhouse” 24. UIndy instructor, briefly 26. Butler sorority letter 30. Ran into 33. Belligerent grouch 36. Indiana State Fair corn serving 37. IND rental car company 39. Unknowing 41. Rattled breath 42. Work unit 43. Ruler unit 44. Visible 47. Le Petit Bistro farewell 48. Jameson ___ 49. Indy-area early childhood development school name


Build the word



38 | October 26, 2010




57 65





Indiana Wordsmith Challenge



42 45












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52. Drop the ball at Victory Field 53. Hell: ___ region 55. Marsh laundry detergent 57. Put to work 58. The third degree at IU? 59. New India Restaurant bread 63. Cat sound at PetSuites 66. Challenged 68. Scrabble piece 69. A long way off, like Evansville 70. Offer one’s two cents 71. Boilermakers’ halftime lead, e.g. 72. Former Colts coach, ___ Dungy 73. Vivica’s “cousin” who was named one of the “100 Sexiest Women in the World”? 74. Peruse the Current Down 1. “Like, no way!” (2 wds.) 2. Unit of force 3. Fairy tale starter 4. Resell Verizon Wireless Music Center tickets 5. Kind of doll not found at Toys “R” Us 6. Aimless 7. Tide type 8. Oui’s opposite 9. Zambian neighbor 10. Eiteljorg Museum pole

11. IUPUI psych class topic 12. See 55-Across 13. Mitch’s “cousin” who was a Pacers star in the ABA? 23. Pedestal part 25. Ball State fraternity letter 27. Skullcap 28. Performer’s Edge performer 29. Reggie’s “cousin” who married Marilyn Monroe?

30. Benjamin’s “cousin” who caught passes for the Colts? 31. Mrs. John Mellencamp 32. Scout’s quest 34. Employed 35. Sunshine Cafe omelet ingredient 38. Kitten’s cry at PetSmart 40. Free from, with “of” 42. Antiquity, once

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45. Years and years 46. Tedium 47. Do math at Hazel Dell Elementary School 50. Goddess of wisdom 51. Like a thoroughbred raced at Hoosier Park 54. “Faster!” 56. Keyboard key 58. Snob 60. Indiana Statehouse worker

61. Morse Reservoir organism 62. Requirement 63. Oscar’s “cousin” who founded the Christian Broadcasting Network? 64. ET carrier 65. Tried to become Mayor of Carmel 67. King Kong, e.g.

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October 26, 2010 | 39

Bring the girls.


Bring your friends. Your mom. Your sister. Or just bring yourself. It’s six hours completely devoted to you and your health. A chance to talk with our expert physicians and highly skilled specialists, one-on-one, about any of our comprehensive women’s services. From breast health to maternity care. Infertility to sleep disorders. Even menopause, osteoporosis or weight loss. Come prepared to learn. Leave ready to live well.

November 10, 2010 2 – 8 p.m. Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel – Keystone at the Crossing $25.00 per person (Includes all presentations, dinner, tote bag for giveaways, door prizes, chair massage and much more.) To register, visit http://headtotoe.eventbrite.com

40 | October 26, 2010

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Current in Carmel


10/19/10 2:26 PM

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