Tuesday November 2, 2010 FREE
Bob Book of Carmel in his home.
Local leader and veteran Bob Book’s extraordinary life in Carmel / p9 Photo by j.frey photography
Six hours completely devoted to you.
November 10th. A women’s wellness event. See back page for more information.
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10/18/10 4:38 PM
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Corrupting influence Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. IV, No. 43 Copyright 2009. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032
317.489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Content Editor – Margaret Sutherlin margaret@currentincarmel.com Assignment Editor – Kevin Kane kkane@currentincarmel.com / 496-0020 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson haley@currentincarmel.com / 787.3291 Senior Reporter – Brandie Bohney bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com /260.750.4266 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com
It is our position that nearly every candidate running for office this election season complains about their opponent receiving special interest money to finance campaigns. And, we find it curious that gifts to elected officials are routinely classified as bribes while gifts to candidates are tolerated by the public as the standard operating procedure? Is it possible to believe that labor unions, big businesses and other special interests graciously part with huge sums of money without expecting and perhaps getting, favors in turn from targets of their largess? Would it be more honest to classify some of these campaign contributions as legal bribes? Many have wrestled with the line drawing problem of what to consider fair and what not. Would a better strategy allow for an absolute restriction on contribution? With the Internet, public debates and news conferences there are any number of cost effective methods for a candidate to advance a message. Or would the removal of all restrictions go further to prevent the successful bias of one particularly well-funded subgroup or individual? It is time for serious debate. If all candidates are affected, does that imply that the issue is sufficiently universal to require a universal solution?
Come on in
It is our position that it is possible to have “smarter government”. While many of our fellow Midwestern states have seen an economic implosion, Indiana has endured. While our unemployment rate is about average for the nation, Hoosiers should take heart because a corporate site selection and relocation trade publication recognized Indiana’s business climate as best in the Midwest and sixth best in the U.S. Indiana scored high in rail and highway accessibility, labor climate, fast track permitting, business friendliness, and lowest business costs categories. Indiana’s low cost, pro-business environment has attracted national attention. In May, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Chamber Foundation found Indiana to be fourth best in the nation for its business tax and regulatory climate and a leader in private- sector job growth. The good folks at our State Capital have avoided the siren song of “tax & spend” and have practiced fiscal restraint. Like the “Field of Dreams”, build it and they will come, provide an environment friendly to business and business will follow. What does commerce bring? Jobs! More and more corporations are relocating to Indiana from elsewhere. To remain globally competitive, we need “smarter government” in Washington. It’s just that simple.
The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.
Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359
Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
strange laws
Photo Illustration
Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Delaware, it is illegal to whisper in church. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)
Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 2. Suffrage and Election. Section 14. (b) The General Assembly may provide by law for the election of all judges of courts of general and appellate jurisdiction, by an election to be held for such officers only, at which time no other officer shall be voted for. (c) The General Assembly shall provide for the registration of all persons entitled to vote. (History: As Amended March 14, 1881; Amended November 3, 1998).
Current in Carmel
ARTICLE 3. Distribution of Powers. Section 1. The powers of the Government are divided into three separate departments; the Legislative, the Executive including the Administrative, and the Judicial: and no person, charged with official duties under one of these departments, shall exercise any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided. ARTICLE 4. Legislative. Section 1. The Legislative authority of the State shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The style of every law shall be: "Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana"; and no law shall be enacted, except by bill.
November 2, 2010 | 3
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Tanqueray and Toblerone
From the backshop
COMMENTARY By Terry Anker Over these many years I’ve been blessed to accumulate a broadly disparate collection of experiences. Some of them I most assuredly would not do again. Yet others became lifelong habits. Regardless, all have helped form my world view. At a recent benefit dinner in support of our own Civic Theater, the attention of our table was turned to a memory of one such undertaking. Like the little boy in the famed 1970s advertisement asking, “Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?” (the answer, by the way, is “athree”), a dare while traveling with some friends posed the question ofhow long would it take to get to the bottom of a hotel minibar. Incidentally, the web is a wonderful thing – in writing this column I’ve watched the vintage commercial three times laughing out loud each time. While the challenge all seemed fun enough, if a little sophomoric, the feat was undertaken in earnest. But we learned more along the way than ! W O N y bu to
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for cuts well beyond the Bush levels; corporate taxes are headed for elimination; Social Security is planned for a phase-out, replaced with private investment accounts; the departments of education and energy are headed for shuttering; and all aspects of our massive government, especially entitlement programs, go under the knife. It’s a sweet dream, eh? We caution our Republican friends that they may want to temper their excitement over expected victories; we’ve been down this road before. At least with Democrats, we know what to expect: Big spending, big taxes and big mistakes. The Republicans need to be way smarter. The last chance they had, in 1994, was blown. Will history repeat?
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Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg
The Palladium Gala, a pricey, red-carpet affair which officially raises the curtain on the overly stunning venue on Jan. 29 with a “dusk to dawn” event, (the likes of which this region never has seen), has a couple surprises in store for attendees, we’re told. Our well-placed spies have relayed to us that Sir Elton John and Tony Bennett are in line to make surprise cameo appearances on the stage of the dazzling concert hall to help commemorate its official opening. This is an incredible coup – HUGE - if our spies are correct. (The Palladium declined comment.) It’s also proof positive that Michael Feinstein, at the very least, is worth every single cent he is being paid. Feinstein’s connections never should be underestimated, and we’re thrilled he has such influence. (And they said it couldn’t happen.) ••• We hope to wake up tomorrow to news that incumbents everywhere were kicked to the curb in an historic taking-out-the-garbage vote. Our wishes: A new class of leadership steps up to protect our individual freedoms and the free-market system that is the envy of the world. ObamaCare would be on the way to having its plug pulled; taxes are headed er
Our spies: Elton, Tony to play Palladium Gala
c u -tr a c k
the fact that minibar food is REALLY expensive! As one progresses through life, some of us tend to consume our favorites first. Others hoard our choices. Whatever the plan, we often end up with little on our plates more than Tanqueray and Toblerone. And then, those unattractive options often will dictate our actions. Would we pair the Juniper Berry flavored alcohol with the legendary honey-infused Swiss chocolate? Of course, we would not. Yet while some in our group despaired, others forged on. Was the combination tasty? Had we discovered a new fusion sensation? Not so much. Yet ultimately, we prevailed and the tiny refrigerator filled with even tinier food was vacant. We bonded. We laughed at ourselves. And, we helped keep the hotelier in business! Isn’t that enough? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmell.com.
As one progresses through life, some of us tend to consume our favorites first. Others hoard our choices. Whatever the plan, we often end up with little on our plates more than Tanqueray and Toblerone.
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4 | November 2, 2010
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readers’ views This is what the council was thinking Editor, What a shame that instead of investigating the facts you pronounce judgment based on what sounds like talking points issued by the administration. You questioned the City Council’s commitment to transparency. The council appropriated $25,000 for television programming in our 2011 budget. This is more than enough to broadcast all meetings of the Carmel city government and that is the transparency we are concerned with maintaining. We have thousands of hours of production video on hand that may be used to promote the city. Regarding money for the Web site, if we need to
City Council has the facts
spend $60,000 per year to update our site with content, I made a bad career choice. What was the council thinking, you ask; we were thinking these are tough times and sacrifices need to be made. We avoided cutting any essential public service sector money and honored the city’s contractual obligations with our public safety employees. Also, some research would have yielded that we did cut benefits in health care subsidies and automatic wage increases. Now I know you guys were only reacting to what you were told and now you know how Council feels quite often. Rick Sharp, Carmel City Council
Worrell left out key facts Editor, It’s disingenuous for Jeff Worrell to accuse Rick Sharp of being hypocritical while trying to mislead readers by not including the facts that he is on the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, that the Council wants to remove him because of alleged conflicts of interest, and that John Accetturo publicly stated when he resigned that he could not abide the way the CRC functions. It may have taken Rick Sharp a while longer to
come to the same conclusion, but he did publicly explain why he resigned and why he has proposed changes to avoid conflicts in oversight. By the way, there are no commission minutes posted on the Web site since Aug. 31. At that time they discussed whether to award a contract or a partial contract for work for which they had received bids but which might not be what they needed. Fine way to run a business. Richard O. Albright, 46033
Editor, What were they thinking? You know, that’s not a bad question. But in order to answer that with a semblance of accuracy, why didn’t you ask any of the 6 Councilors who voted for budget reductions instead of starting with the Mayor’s response to our actions? The unanimously voted reductions must tell you something this was not political, which is the standard response when things don’t go your way. This was the job that a fiscal body is elected to perform. A Mayor creates and submits a budget. Once sent to the Council, the Mayor may not make any changes or reductions. By State statute it is now our job to make cuts. We may not add anything, we may only reduce. So it’s not “politics”, it’s not “micro managing”, it’s our state, mandated job. So what were we thinking? We were thinking that the Mayor’s budget for 2011 was larger than last year when is should have been
smaller. We were thinking that our income for 2011 is down - COIT by 19 percent with reductions in assessed valuations for both residential and commercial property. We were thinking that increasing spending our using our Rainy Day Fund and pension funds to sustain that spending is not prudent. We were thinking that since taxes are paid in arrears, next year’s income reflects this year’s economy and it would be wise to reduce spending and hold onto our savings because we will facing the same choices next year. Finally, we were thinking that when reductions are made, they should not be made in essential services like public safety but in the extras that creep into spending during the good times. Isn’t that what you want us to be thinking? Our representative government is a system of checks and balances and by unanimous vote, this Council has done its job. Luci Snyder, Carmel City Council
Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to info@currentincarmel. com. The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Carmel, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification. We reserve the right to edit all submissions.
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November 2, 2010 | 5
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My stinky children
» Construction update – 126th Street is now open to through traffic from Towne Road to Tuscany Boulevard; 126th Street is closed west of Tuscany Boulevard in order to construct a roundabout at the intersection of 126th Street and Shelborne Road. The intersection is expected to re-open to traffic at the end of November. Detour signs are in place directing traffic to utilize Main Street. » Weekly rotary meeting – The Carmel Rotary Club will meet Friday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th Street. For more information about Rotary Club or its weekly meetings, visit www.carmelrotary.com.
6 | November 2, 2010
that this was one of the first delightful side effects. She recommended frequent bathing and deodorant. Right. She doesn’t have children. First off, the aforementioned odiferous ‘tweens don’t think they smell. Even though I almost pass out from their fumes whenever they enter the van after soccer practice (“For God’s sake, Son, don’t close the window! Someone has to drive!”), they firmly believe it’s all in my head. Secondly, none of their friends appear to notice either. So until the object of a first crush refuses to go to CVS or DQ with my child due to his or her “bouquet,” we’re stuck with nagging and often begging them to shower. Of course, we also have to remind them to use soap, not just water, and to then apply copious amounts of Teen Spirit or Axe Citrus once they get out. If all goes well, we can expect to breathe clearly for about a day or two, or until the next sporting event in eighty-degree-plus weather.
Interestingly, my other nine-year old (twin brother to Miss Reeksalot) has no odor whatsoever. He can play in the heat and humidity for hours and not see the inside of a shower stall for weeks, and still smells okay. Sure his hair begins to stick up from the build-up of dirt and oil, but he doesn’t yet produce the bacteria that causes body odor. I suppose it’s only a matter of time though. And then, heaven help us. Do they make B.O. detectors, like they do for carbon monoxide? I don’t want to die in the middle of the night from the poisonous gasses emanating from my kids’ bedrooms just down the hall! Enough talk. Something foul this way comes, and I think I know who. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
So until the object of a first crush refuses to go to CVS or DQ with my child due to his or her “bouquet,” we’re stuck with nagging and often begging them to shower. CE
Do you want your house for sale or do you want it SOLD?
» Celebrate Veterans Day – Carmel’s annual Veterans Day Ceremony next Wednesday, Nov. 10, at the Monon Community Center’s east building banquet room. The public is encouraged to attend as Mayor Jim Brainard and members of local veterans organizations present this community event in honor of our veterans. Participants include Mayor Jim Brainard, Brigadier General Stewart Goodwin as keynote speaker, Carmel VFW/American Legion Honor Guard, the Carmel Elementary School Choir and the Actors Theatre of Indiana’s own “Andrews Sisters.” The city-wide “Defending Freedom” poster and essay contest winners will also be recognized, and students will read their winning essays at the ceremony. For more information visit www.carmel. in.gov.
» Carmel to get greener? – The city of Carmel and Republic Services have joined forces with RecycleBank to reward Carmel residents for curbside recycling. RecycleBank works to motivate people to take greener actions by rewarding them with points redeemable online for rewards from local and national retailers, restaurants, pharmacies, grocers and more.Over the course of a year, an average family can earn hundreds of points and redeem rewards for up to $200 in value. To learn more, visit www.recyclebank.com.
» Fall back – Saturday night before you go to bed, change your clocks to get back that hour you lost last spring. And prepare for darkness as you head home from school, work and late-afternoon outings.
COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson Can we talk B.O.? Not the railroad or the First Dog, but body odor, people. And not mine, because I actually shower on a regular basis and wear deodorant. My children, on the other hand, not so much. Yes, children, as in nine and eleven. What in puberty hell is going on? How can kids stink so badly? I’m not joking. My oldest son and oldest daughter both have horrific B.O., and have for a couple of years now. I used to blame it on milk because they both drink gallons of the stuff a week, and somewhere in the hood I’d heard that it’s full of stench-causing human growth hormones. So I switched to organic dairy, but after three weeks, with no change in aroma and quite a bit more cash out of my pocket, I went back to the steroid milk. Then I talked to our pediatrician. She said that they were both closing in on puberty and
» Vote today – Polls for the general election remain open until 6 p.m.
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Mayor appoints Green as Fogarty’s successor Current in Carmel Carmel Police Chief Michael Fogarty will retire at the conclusion of this year, and his successor will come from within the Carmel Police Department. Assistant Police Chief Tim Green will take over for Fogarty in 2011. The appointment was made by Mayor Jim Brainard and announced last week. Green has been with the CPD for 29 years, serving in his current position since 1995. On January 3, though, he will take over as Carmel’s next chief after Fogarty – Carmel’s chief for the past 15 years – retires. “I know Chief Fogarty will be missed by his department and colleagues at the city and throughout the law enforcement community,” Brainard said in a statement. “He has been instrumental in making the Carmel Police Department one of the most professional and well respected forces in the country. I have faith that Assistant Chief Green will be able to continue the tradition of excellence that was established under Chief Fogarty.” Fogarty has served Carmel since 1996, when Brainard appointed him to head the Carmel Police Department. Before coming to Carmel,
Fogarty was serving as Deputy Chief at the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, where he had worked since 1968. Green has been a CPD officer for nearly 30 years. Prior to his appointment to assistant chief, Green served as a division commander for the Special Investigations Division and was the director of the Hamilton County Drug Task Force for two years. Green also spent years working in investigations and as a field training officer. Green has resided in Carmel since 1982. He is married to Brigit, and they have 2 children, Jessica 21, and Evan 19.
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10/26/10 4:20 PM
November 2, 2010 | 7
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School still seeks redistricting input By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Carmel Carmel Clay Schools are still looking for parent and community suggestions in the redistricting process before the maps are finalized later in the year. Though they are only about a month into the actual mapping process, the third draft of the new boundaries was presented last Tuesday and will be taken back to the schools by parent representatives for discussion. The schools are estimating about 1,000 students will have to change schools in order to meet the projected growth of the district over the next several years. “We’re trying to make sure we do two things
here,” said Tricia Reynolds, community relations coordinator for CCS. “One, we want to provide the best educational environment for students, one where the schools are at maximum limit, and two, we want this redistricting to last as long as possible. We’re going to continue to improve the plan until we reach a point where it just can be further refined.” The schools hope to meet their self-imposed December deadline to allow for plenty of time to implement the changes. CCS asks parents to continue to stay involved and contact with parent liaisons on the Parent Action Committees to relay suggestions or information about the process. Visit www.ccs.k12.in.us/ for more information.
Chaucie’s Place offers new programming, receives award By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Carmel Carmel based non-profit Chaucie’s Place is making an effort to get information out to parents and kids about sexual and physical abuse of children. Chaucie’s Place will be holding the next Stewards of Children program in Carmel to teach adults how to recognize the signs of abuse and how to responsibly handle a situation. The program is open to all adults, and is especially useful for those often interacting with children, including staff, volunteers and parents. To register
for the Nov. 9 class and learn more visit http:// chauciesplace.org. Additionally, Chaucie’s Place was recently given a $50,000 donation by John and Bert Anderson. Long time supporters of Chaucie’s Place, the Anderson’s chose the not for profit as one of three to close out their family foundation. “Because Chaucie’s Place is a smaller non-profit organization, this donation means the world to us,” said executive director Toby Stark. The private donation will ensure future programming and support for child victims of abuse.
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Stereotypical cliques present at even the largest schools COMMENTARY By Lauren Burdick Walking into Carmel High School most mornings is an electrifying affair. Although it may be early, nearly everyone is wide awake, jabbering about last weekend’s party or the upcoming economics test. While for the most part, all of the energy is a great way to start the school day, CHS has its fair share of unfortunate happenings as well. And, cliché as it may sound, my school, for better or worse, is a school divided, with students doing little to promote school unity. Almost all convocations and sporting events end with the school song. This, in turn, is done to increase school spirit and encourage everyone to come together as Carmel Greyhounds. False. While all 4,000-something students may function as one student body for the teachers and administrators, nearly everyone is closed off. Cliques run rampant at my school, and while I am far from an exception to this rule, as I have my group of great friends as well, it would behoove everyone at Carmel to extend a hand and a friendly face to all. Don’t believe me? One stroll down Senior Hallway during a passing period will change that. See those girls wearing way too much makeup, dressed in questionable attire and
8 | November 2, 2010
bleach blond hair? You can bet that they’re all friends. Have I ever spoken with any of them? Of course not, as friendliness is a word that is unused in the vocabulary of a CHS student. Even that quiet, nice group of guys and girls spend every Friday night together, rather than broadening their horizons and meeting new people. My school is a place full of opportunity just based on its sheer size. The student population gives reason enough for those attending CHS to open up their perspective and meet someone new. While we are veritably a land of cliques, some of which have the audacity to give themselves names (which I do not, under any circumstances, condone), the students at Carmel have the means to change that. With second semester coming up, now is the time to extend a smile and polite conversation with someone unfamiliar. Then maybe, when we sing our school song at the close of convos and football games, we can truly unite as Greyhounds. Lauren Burdick is a senior at Carmel High School and the Entertainment Editor for the CHS HiLite. She can be contacted at info@currentincarmel.com
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Bob Book and his wife Jeanne with Congressman Dan Burton
Local leader and veteran Bob Book’s extraordinary life in Carmel Photo by j.frey photography
By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Carmel Bob Book isn’t shy about sharing his stories, but you have to ask if you want to hear them. And though he’ll try to dissuade you he did anything extraordinary in his military service, his integral role establishing one of the first modern hospitals to service Carmel, or his several decades worth of public service, Book’s life is a full one, and one that has impacted the Carmel community uniquely. Sitting at the head of his kitchen table, his wife Jeanne coming in and out of the room followed by an old, white-bearded beagle named Lucky, Book seems rather comfortable to share a cup of coffee and talk about things. A baseball hat with the Marine Corps emblem embroidered on the front is probably the most he’ll make about his 35 years in the military. A Retired Marine colonel, Book joined in 1948 in time for the very end of World War II, and the Korean War and Vietnam War. “Now look,” he said. “I did nothing heroic. It was a good opportunity; I served my time for my country and that’s that.” For Carmel he’s been a key player in veteran’s affairs, from his involvement with Military Officers Association, the Indiana Military Veterans Coalition, and the Hamilton County Veteran’s Association, and helping with the veteran’s memorial.
The memorial at Freedom Circle at Veteran’s Plaza was dedicated in 2006, and Book’s involvement with the committee through the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars helped to organize an entirely privately funded memorial, for public use. Book helped with the committee and organized much dialogue between Mayor Jim Brainard and the committee members. “The committee was made of veterans and nonveterans, and really people of all walks of life,” said Book. “It was a great effort and I was happy to have been involved.” While much could be made about his military career and service to Hamilton County, his role in establishing St.Vincent Hospital was a significant achievement, one he says was just because he saw a need, and had an overwhelming sense to return much for a hospital that had helped his family. “I find the community that is St.Vincent is to be special because of the care that they provide to the sick and infirmed and those less fortunate, on the basis of Christian approach which is important to me. I’m glad I had the opportunity to be of service to the hospital and the daughters of charity,” said Book. “I’m not Catholic, but I ascribe to the beliefs of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. But they are very special to me and have done great things for me and my family and this community.”
As a child, Book’s brother, William, was born with cerebral palsy and saw early on the support the hospital provided his family. Book further saw the Daughters of Charity step in to help his family when on Halloween night of 1968 he and his family went to the Coliseum at the State Fair, when a propane explosion killed 74 people and injured 400. “When the Coliseum exploded, I was there with my family. I was tossed up in the air and bounced off a light” said Book. “My daughter, Nancy, was very badly injured, one of the youngest to be so severely hurt and live. While she was sick and in the hospital for several months, a Daughter of Charity lived with her, and I credited her with saving my daughter’s life.” After seeing the shortage of beds available to the injured in such emergency, and recognizing the nearest hospital in Carmel was miles away in Indianapolis, Book set out to propose a new hospital for the area that could grow and suit the needs of the city. “Bob saw the potential and growth of Carmel,” said Leo Dierckman, current chairman of the board at St.Vincent. “He has the vision to see what the community could be, and that for Carmel to develop, it needed a hospital. Everything Bob does is selfless and motivated to benefit someone else. It’s rare to find that in people, where there isn’t an angle. He really just wants to serve the community.” Since the opening in 1985, Book has been involved in many ways, and served as the chairman of the board for the hospital and now serves as a member, still active in his position there, and always will be, he said. “You can’t forget Bob’s a former military man,” said Mike Chittenden, president of St.Vincent Carmel. “He has been a great leader, advisor and has always been interested in our issues. He advocates for us in the community.” Bob Book has stories to tell, from his family, and involvement with St.Vincent, the explosion at the Coliseum, his career at Elanco and Eli Lily, his military service, and role in local
Current in Carmel
Book (far right) and the founding group at the St.Vincent Carmel hospital ground breaking.
Submitted photos
government. He seems happy to share them, but more interested in going out and creating a new story. To learn more about Bob Book in public service and his roles with Elanco and Eli Lily, read the extended online edition of the story at www.currentincarmel.com.
November 2, 2010 | 9
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Girl Scout is bringing home the gold COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell The highest and most prestigious award Girl Scouts can earn is going to one of our own. Kristen Pileri is bringing home the Gold! The Gold Award that is, for her ambitious project to provide band music to inner city kids. A member of the award winning Carmel High School Marching Greyhounds, Kristen decided to merge her enthusiasm for music with her commitment to help others. The Girl Scout Gold Award Program is achieved by less than 6 percent of the eligible Girls Scouts in the United States. To earn the Gold, Kristin had to invest a minimum of 80 hours of her time identifying a community issue, investigating it thoroughly, getting help and building a team. Then, she had to inspire others to take action and implement her strategy. Inspiration was the easy part. Getting up every morning during the summer months and making her way to the Day Nursery of the Ruth A. Lilly Center, musical instruments in hand and joined by her co-inspired band members, Daniel Smith, Paul German, Connor Powell, Hannah Ardery, Cameron Prill, Austin Smith, Nicole Ridge, Theresa Spall, Aaron Suggs, Nick Vasuta, Kathryn Dawson and Kenzie Gerber, required serious commitment. Once there, teaching, listening, playing and sharing the
sound of music outweighed any sleeplessness. Kristen serves as the drum major for the Marching Greyhounds and in her position, is used to leading and directing. She also values Kristen Pileri the lessons she learns from being a part of a decorated organization. “We have great people who support us, and one of the lessons they teach; the more you get, the more you have to give,” Kristen said. She is well aware she has a lot to give and therefore, the next step was obvious. “I want to give back.” Her project centered on the basic question, to play a song for children will entertain them for the moment. But, will appreciation for music enable them to nourish themselves, maybe even change themselves, for a lifetime? Kristen and her friends will most likely never know the lifelong impact of the tuba, piccolo, trombone and snare drum fun the preschool kids had this summer. But the Gold Award is proof that Kristen Pileri is a fine Drum Major both on and off the field. Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@advantagemedical.com
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When it comes to your health, the right choices are crucial for putting life’s goals within reach.
CCPL holds annual fundraiser
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The Carmel Clay Public Library held its signature fundraising event, the sixth annual Guilded Leaf Book & Author Luncheon, at the Ritz Charles last Thursday. The event raises money for CCPL’s children’s literacy programs and featured numerous guest speakers including acclaimed picture book creator David Wiesner (right). Also pictured: Lori Morthland, Peggy Powell, Joy Stafford, Jill Zaniker, Jamia Jasper Jacobsen, Neida Sibley, Mary Jane Keys, Kathleen Stafford. Photos by Brandon Bowman
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DISPATCHES » CVC information meeting – The Carmel Volleyball Club will hold two information meetings for parents Nov. 8, 6 p.m. at Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, on the corner of Range Line Road and 106th Street. The CVC is entering its 21st season and is for those girls who enjoy playing volleyball and want to improve their skill ability. Learn more at www.eteamz.com/carmelvolleyballclub. » ‘Holiday Spectacular’ – It’s that time of year again when over 500 talented choral students from Carmel High School present to the Carmel community their holiday extravaganza, the “Holiday Spectacular.” This annual event will be held at the Dale E. Graham Auditorium at Carmel High School over five days—Dec. 1, 2, and 3 at 7:30 p.m. and December 4 and 5 at 2 p.m. Tickets for the performances are on sale at the CHS Book Store beginning tomorrow during regular school hours. » Learn about filmmaking – Chris Allen is a writer, director, and producer who’s been involved in filmmaking for nearly 20 years, and he recently screened his film “A Time for the Heart” at the San Diego Comic-Con. Allen will come to the Hamilton North Public Library to discuss his career and to show his highly lauded fan film Star Trek Vs. Batman. Registration is not necessary, but recommended. Call 984-5623 to register. » Experienced teachers avoid bad schools? – A new state survey shows “experienced” Texas teachers are choosing to avoid tougher, lower-performing schools. Those teachers want to work in more affluent areas, forcing some school districts to pull from various programs like Teach for America to get highly educated young teachers in the classroom. -www.educationnews.org
No excuses
COMMENTARY By Becky Kapsalis We send a wrong message to our kids when we make excuses or blame others for our kids’ bad behavior. I’m told of a mother whose 12-year-old child (fictitious name, Plato) was being bullied on the playground at recess. The teachers did the right thing by causing the bully (fictitious name, Hector) to stay in after school detention. Good first start since Hector’s mother was inconvenienced by having to pick up Hector from school rather than have him ride the bus home. It isn’t known whether or not Hector faced additional consequences at home for having bullied another child. What is known is that Plato’s mother (not getting an expected call of apology from Hector’s mom), called the mom to reach an agreement that this type of behavior must stop. Something she would hope a mother would do for her if the shoe were on the other foot. Fully expecting Hector’s mom to discuss possible solutions for what her son had done to Plato, you can imagine how stunned Plato’s mom was to hear the voice on the other end ac-
cusing her of her son Plato’s deserving of being bullied since, according to Hector’s mom, Plato was being a bully to her son on other occasions. This is a classic case of defensive parenting. When parents become defensive by blaming or accusing others for their kids’ bad behavior, that same bad behavior is traced back to the parent. It is a reflection of a parent who was bullied as a child, most likely by his/her own parents. I recently read staggering statistics that most children who are bullies or cheaters during their school years, grow into bullying/cheating adults as Parents, CEO’s, Teachers, Politicians, etc. Imagine Hector, as an adult, in a position of influence over your child, all because his mom/ dad didn’t face up to-nor have the courage-to teach him in his early years that making excuses or blaming others become a characteristic flaw forever. Hugs!
You can contact Becky Kapsalis at becky@indyparenthelp.com or 317508-1667 for Parenting Classes.
Consignment for your home. your style. your life. women’s & junior’s clothing & accessories 317.573.4400 13686 N. Meridian
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» Class size matters? – According to Leonie Haimson, executive director of the nonprofit organization Class Size Matters, writes that studies from Tennessee, Wisconsin, and states throughout the country have demonstrated that students who are assigned to smaller classes in grades K-3rd do better in every way that can be measured: they score higher on tests, receive better grades, and exhibit improved attendance. She added that studies also indicate that they earn more in adulthood. -www.educationnews.org
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Really tricky plurals GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney Have you seen that car commercial where the salesman opens the trunk of the car and there’s a whole happy little world in it? The one where the guy wanting to purchase the car opens with a line something like, “Those are big MPGs.” It drives me nuts. The problem is MPGs. MPG stands for miles per gallon, as you probably already know. The problem is that the words MPG stands for are already plural, and writing, or worse, as in this case, saying MPGs is not only superfluous plurality, but also just plain wrong. And the abbreviation is pluralized incorrectly all over the internet. It doesn’t sound plural when you say MPG, and it doesn’t look plural when you write MPG. But guess what? It doesn’t matter how it sounds or looks. The abbreviation is plural, and that doesn’t change because some ad-writer somewhere thought it sounded funny. This happens with other unusual-sounding plurals, too. I’ve discussed in previous columns that the plural of hyphenated nouns such as sister-in-law or bride-to-be have to be pluralized with care (sisters-in-law and brides-to-be). The trick with MPG, however, is that you have to think carefully about what the abbreviation stands for. Even if you remember that M stands for miles (plural), you almost
certainly wouldn’t say “miles per gallons.” But that’s what MPGs actually says. Even trickier still are abbreviations for which few people know the original words. Take, for example, JPEG. Most people know that photos sent electronically can be sent in JPEG format, and many people refer to such electronic images as JPEGs. Do you know what JPEG stands for, though? Joint Photographic Experts Group. So are the images really JPEGs? Not exactly. They are JPEG images or images in JPEG format. Still, JPEG is often the name used for such images. So what do you do? There’s no clear-cut solution for the JPEG problem and many others like it. But here’s what you can do: think about the words an abbreviation replaces before you pluralize or otherwise adjust it. If you don’t know what the abbreviation means, look it up. Then do the best you can to be as correct as possible. That should make your grammatical world a little more like the utopia in that trunk. And you don’t even have to buy the car to get it. Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@gmail. com.
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Reach for the Stars West Clay Elementary recently completed a read-a-thon called Reach for the Stars sponsored by Usborne Books & More. There were 84 students who read at least 1,000 minutes, though all children were encouraged to read 300 minutes over the two week period. Pictured are the 1,000 minute readers. Kindergarten: Clay Schrader, Kevin Shen 1st Grade: Sydney Kinsinger, Matthew Lein 2nd Grade: Ameya Belamkar, Caroline Dhana, Zoe Schrader Edwards, Carly Hilbert, Eli Kurlander, Jacob Kurlander, Carlos Morales, Patrick Pergande, Austin Rubin, Dakota Thayer, Brian Yuan 3rd Grade: Caitlin Clark, Heidi Durresi, Jack Geise, James Gladden, Dylan Hainline, Gabriella Hays, Audrey Kaehr, Abby Kaufman, Marcus Kay, Nick Leamon, Wontaek Lee, Kayla Nelsen, Elle Nichol, Ryoma Okano, Madelyn Rogers, Sophia Rogers, Chelsea Tinsley, Kendal Tinsley 4th Grade: Zoe Alberts, Samuel Boynton, Bryce Castle, Sanjiv Damodaran, Alexandra Dennison, Kaleigh Falimirski, Joey Henderson, Delaney Isakson, Richard Jenkins, Matthew Jessup, William Keleher, Chris Lee, Srivardhan Majji*, Isaac Marion, Trevor Marshall, Stephanie Moga, Himaghna Nagandla, Nikhil Palde, Cami Roper, Lindsey Roper, Nolan Shirley, Luke Thatcher, Halle Von Ah, Dayne Waldal, Cameron Warner, Gabby Warner, Izzy Weber, AJ White, Rilee Wilson, Sofia Wombacher, Maja Charlotta Wrammerfors, Christina Yang 5th Grade: Jalen Faulcon, Anthony Green, Malak Hattab, Kate Hettiger, Payton Isakson, Payton Kaufman, Sarah Lein, Karter Lenardos, Zach Munson, Anna Nelsen, Katie Pelton, Libby Powers, Colin Taylor, Josie Vierhile, Chloe Wiser, Kevin Yoo, Allen Zhao. Pictured separately: Clay Schrader.
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Some kids need different setting EDUCATION By Edy Stoughton For many schoolchildren, the fall of a new school year is a time to become familiar with classroom routines, form relationships with teachers and peers, and learn new skills and concepts. However, this is also the time of year when many children and their parents realize that things aren’t working well at school, and they need to start looking for alternatives. Many of these families come to see me. I am the Head of Midwest Academy, a small, independent school located in Carmel for students in grades 4-12 who struggle to succeed in school for a number of reasons such as Asperger’s syndrome, school anxiety, or learning differences. I meet with a number of parents at this time of year who are worried, confused, and discouraged as they see their children falling farther behind academically or struggling socially. They see such warning signs as sleeplessness, frequent complaints of illness, refusal to talk about their classes or classmates, meltdowns when the child comes home from school, increased stress and tension, and negative self-comments such as “I’m stupid,” or “I’m bad.” Many children have learning needs that are difficult to accommodate in the structure of typical schools. They may need smaller classes and more personalized attention where they can feel comfortable asking questions and seek the
16 | November 2, 2010
help they need to be successful. Some students have school anxiety and they feel lost, overwhelmed, and disconnected in a large school. They may need a smaller school where they can make important connections and develop selfconfidence. There are also students who learn differently and need an environment that can help them develop their strengths and discover their passions. We have a number of students with Asperger’s Syndrome who benefit from small classes and adult mentoring. These students have a particularly difficult time finding their place in busy, big schools and they are at great risk for bullying and social exclusion. Students with Asperger’s syndrome needs to be able to develop leadership potential and learn necessary social skills in a safe place where teachers are trained in helping them work through their issues and develop their academic abilities. The decision of whether or not to seek a different place for a child to learn is a difficult one for parents, yet all children deserve to be able to go to a school where they are happy and are able to learn and grow to their full potential. Edy Stoughton, PhD is the head of school at Midwest Academy, a small, independent school in Carmel serving students from all over central Indiana. Contact her at estoughton@ mymidwestacademy.org.
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DISPATCHES » Heartland enjoys record attendance - Screening attendance for the 19th annual Heartland Film Festival grew by 10.4 percent from last year, resulting in 36 sold out screenings and a total screening attendance of 21,586 – a new record. This year’s Audience Choice Award winners were: Best Dramatic Feature: Festival Award winner: “Ways to Live Forever,” directed and written by Gustavo Ron. Audience Choice Award for Best Documentary Feature: Official Selection “For Once in My Life,” directed by Jim Bigham and Mark Moormann. Audience Choice Award for Best Short Film: Festival Award winner “The Butterfly Circus,” produced, directed and written by Joshua Weigel. » Airline miles are good for more than flights - To assuage mounting traveler frustration over the difficulty of booking frequent-flier tickets, airlines are offering members a cornucopia of goods that have little to do with flights. Starting next month American Airlines plans to let its frequent fliers use miles to book car rentals and hotel stays online. Earlier this year, Delta expanded its online Marketplace to include everything from a 3/4-pound tin of Godiva chocolates (8,500 miles) to laptops (285,000 miles). And next month, Delta will allow all members of its loyalty program to exchange miles for gift cards for stores like Gap and Lands’ End. -www.msnbc.com » Arts kick-off in Fishers - The Fishers Arts Council has spent the last year merging with the Fishers Cultural Alliance and revitalizing its organization. The organization has also rebranded and created new membership benefits. The Fishers Arts Council's membership campaign kick-off, Transformation Celebration at Gallery 116 on Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., will give a taste of what's to come. The event will showcase the artwork of current and past artists of the month and the renowned Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy will provide music. » Art display and donation drive – The Indiana Humanities Council invites Hoosiers to view an exhibit on quilt art and donate blankets and towels to the needy this Friday, 5 to 7 p.m. 1500 N Delaware Street, Indianapolis. The exhibit, which will be on display through Nov. 30, is titled “Exploring the Surface: An Exhibit by Indiana Members of Studio Art Quilt Associates.” Paired with the exhibit opening is a blanket and towel collection drive for Coburn Place Safe Haven. Visit www.indianahumanities. org for more information.
Eye on Art enhances vision of design district By Barbara E. Cohen Current in Carmel Jerry Points, owner of the new Eye On Art Gallery, has a fresh vision of what a gallery can be, and he’s excited about joining the growing number of artists creating studio-cum-gallery spaces in the Carmel Arts & Design District. “After six years at the Stutz Points Building, which is essentially just a studio space except for a few special events, I wanted the higher exposure that a street-level gallery in Carmel offers,” Points said. “I look forward to showcasing contemporary Indiana artists and artists from other regions along with my own work.” The public is invited to explore the 1,600-square-foot gallery and studio during the Nov. 6 Carmel Arts and Design District Gallery Walk. Points will be on hand to talk about his
eye on art gallery 111 West Main Street, Suite 150, Carmel 317-752-1722 November 6 CA&DD Gallery Walk hours: 5 to 10 p.m. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and by appointment
Photos courtesy of the Eye On Art Gallery
Interior view, Eye On Art Gallery
canvases and the work of 14 artists who have joined him in the new venture. Although the opening event is its Grand Opening, Eye On Art has been open for business on a modest scale since September. Already, Points notes, Carmel residents have offered a warm reception to the changing shows there. “We’ve had plenty of foot traffic since we opened the doors,” Points said. “When artists think of Carmel, it’s a no-brainer to relocate to Main Street due to the high level of interest in art here.” Points plans to provide a monthly rotation of paintings and drawings, three-dimensional works of art, and glass by local artists well-
known through the Hoosier Salon, such as illustrator Rob Day and sculptor Paul Siebenthal, and artists with a national reputation, such as the superrealist painter Todd Ford, from Texas; Sangita Phadke, a photorealist from New Jersey; and Harry Gold, a bronze sculptor from New York. A one-year grant from the Carmel Arts & Design District underscores the friendly business environment for the fledgling gallery, where Points wishes people, even those with kids, will feel comfortable to visit often. Barbara E. Cohen covers the arts in Central Indiana. Please send story ideas to barbara@i-writersstudio.com.
Pick of the week
“Pegrinación” (Pilgrimage) What: Cuban artist Carlos Estévez brings his conceptual schematics outlining his epistemological voyage of life to the walls of the Evan Lurie Gallery. When: Thursday; presentation by Estévez at 4 p.m. with an artist reception to follow. Where: Evan Lurie Gallery, 30 West Main Street, Carmel Info: www.evanluriegallery.com Details: With an artist reception and over a dozen new pieces scheduled to be exhibited,Estévez will open his solo show with a body of work that for him defnes the state of a passage towards understanding life and aptly named“Pegrinación” (Pilgrimage). Estévez will describe each show of his career as chapters from his personal book of life.
J.D. Walls & Associates Innovative Approach. J.D. Walls & Associates proudly announces the Innovative Family LawApproach. proudly addition announces of attorney the Family Law Estate Planning J.D. Walls Associates Innovative Approach. addition of attorney Mathew S.& Lewis as a Estate Planning proudly announces Mathew S. Lewis asthe a new associate. See Mr. Bankruptcy Family Law addition attorney new See Mr. Lewisassociate. forofestate planning, Bankruptcy Real Estate Planning Mathew Lewis as a • Estate Planning Estate Lewis forS.estate planning, asset protection, probate Family Law • Bankruptcy Real Estate Education new associate. See Mr. asset protection, probate administration and Real Estate • Education •Bankruptcy Business Education Lewis for estate planning, administration and guardianships. Business Real Estate asset protection, probate guardianships. Business Education administration and guardianships. Business
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proudly announces the addition attorney Fax: (317)of663-3384 Mathew S. Lewis as a Fax: (317) 663-3384 new associate. See Mr. Lewis for estate planning, Fax: (317) 663-3384 asset protection, probate administration and guardianships.
November 2, 2010 | 17
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slow cooker pepper streak
Ingredients: • 2 pounds beef sirloin, cut into 2 inch strips garlic powder to taste • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil • 1 cube beef bouillon • 1/4 cup hot water • 1 tablespoon cornstarch • 1/2 cup chopped onion • 2 large green bell peppers, roughly chopped • 1 (14.5 ounce) can stewed tomatoes, with liquid • 3 tablespoons soy sauce • 1 teaspoon white sugar • 1 teaspoon salt
18 | November 2, 2010
Directions: 1. Sprinkle strips of sirloin with garlic powder to taste. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the vegetable oil and brown the seasoned beef strips. Transfer to a slow cooker. 2. Mix bouillon cube with hot water until dissolved, then mix in cornstarch until dissolved. Pour into the slow cooker with meat. Stir in onion, green peppers, stewed tomatoes, soy sauce, sugar, and salt. 3. Cover, and cook on High for 3 to 4 hours, or on Low for 6 to 8 hours. -www.allrecipes.com
Current in Carmel
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Jennifer Jacobi
Z's Oyster Bar and Steakhouse
Sales director, The Pampered Chef Where do you like to eat? “Ginger’s Café.” What do you like to eat there? “They have great omelets and biscuits and gravy.” What do you like about Ginger’s Café? “It has a nice, home-like environment, and they provide games on the tables to keep you and the kids entertained while waiting on the food – which, actually, comes very quickly.” 1804 Conner St. (317) 773-0303 Hours: 7 a.m-2 p.m., Monday-Sunday
This month, Z’s Oyster Bar and Steakhouse will be celebrating their third anniversary at their Indianapolis location. Featuring as a seafood and steakhouse, Z’s is rated locally as a four star restaurant. Z’s offers seafood flown in daily from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Hawaii, and coasts of Asia. Their steaks are only served Prime, and their lunch menu offers ‘the best burger in town’, made from Prime beef. Z’s motto is “Simply prepared and elegantly served.” They strive to elevate the life quality of their guests by providing the best food possible. The restaurant sees customers of late twenties to seventies in age. Private dining rooms are provided for business functions, wedding receptions, rehearsals and dinners. With award winning wine, Z’s has been voted one of the most romantic restaurants in Indianapolis. Complete with a lounge and patio for outdoor dining, Z’s creates a dining experience beyond expectations. 6220 Castleway W. Drive Indianapolis, IN 46250 Reservations and Information: (317) 644-8000 http://www.zsoyster.com/ DinnerDance Poster_Layout 1 10/12/10 4:00 PM Page 1
Westfield Washington EDUC
Dinner Dance & Silent Auction You’re invited to celebrate and support Education in our Community! Saturday, November 13, 2010 Social Hour 6-7pm Dinner, Dance & Silent Auction 7-11pm The Bridgewater Club 3535 E. 161st Street • Carmel Tickets $60 each, reservations required Evening includes dinner, dancing, auction, and door prizes. Live music provided by Matt Roush Suggested attire is semi-formal
Sponsors C hurch C hurch H ittle & A ntrim
All proceeds help provide college scholarships for Westfield High School seniors and teaching grants for classroom enrichment for students in all grade levels at Westfield Washington Schools.
For more information, call the Education Foundation office 867-8085.
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November 2, 2010 | 19
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Flower Confidential: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful By Amy Stewart If you have ever wondered where the flowers you buy at the grocery store come from and how they got from there to you, this overview of the multibillion dollar industry of cut flowers will provide those answers and much more. Amy Stewart surveys the industry by looking at its various components. In the chapter named Breeding, Stewart looks at Leslie Woodriff, the developer of the Star Gazer lily, as an example of old-fashioned breeders and contrasts him with corporate breeders such as John Mason, who is trying to create a blue rose by gene splicing. In the section Growing, the author visits Ano Nuevo Flower Growers in California which is owned by a thirdgeneration violet grower; Sun Valley, also in California, and the largest producer of cut flowers in the U.S.; Terra Nigra in Holland, which exports its breeding technology around the world; and flower farms near Quito, Ecuador. In Selling, she follows flowers grown in Ecuador to the Miami airport where they are inspected, and discusses standards, organic and otherwise. Finally, Stewart visits local florists and discusses the development of online florists. This overview presents a wealth of information in an enjoyable and entertaining manner. Some statistics are surprising, some details are distressing, but in general Stewart’s engaging narrative of her research and travels makes for a fascinating look at the flower business. Reviewed by Christine Owens CCPL Reference Services Manager
Irish Stew Cup $3.55 Bowl $5.65
Lg. Bowl $7.95
Made fresh from Doug's personal recipe “Best in Town”
Support your locally owned businesses
Visit the Carmel Clay Public Library’s Web site at www.carmel.lib.in.us for more book reviews.
Woodys Library Restaurant 40 E. Main Street (131st Street) Carmel, IN 46032
for menus and details, visit
www.woodyscarmel.com or call 573-4444 20 | November 2, 2010
Free Wifi Current in Carmel
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THEATRE White Christmas
The Christmas holidays arrive early at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 N. Michigan Road, with Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas,” continuing through Nov. 21. Based on the favorite Paramount Pictures film, the musical tells the story of two entertaining Army buddies who pay tribute to their former general by putting on a show in his picturesque, but struggling, Vermont inn. Tickets range from $35 to $58. Price includes a buffet, with a fruit and salad bar, unlimited coffee, tea and lemonade. For reservations and show times, call the box office at 317.872.9664 or visit www.beefandboards.com.
The Little Mermaid
The Pyramid Players presentation of the stage adaptation of the classic Hans Christian Andersen tale, “The Little Mermaid,” continues through Nov. 6 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre. The production is 1 hour long without intermission. Performances are for all ages, but offered particularly for children in preschool through sixth grade. Children will have the opportunity to meet the after each show for pictures and autographs. Tickets are $12.50 and include a snack. Performances are at 10 a.m. on Fridays and at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays. For reservations, contact the box office at 317.872.9664 or visit the theater’s web site, www.beefandboards.com.
ART Community Creates
The Hamilton County Artists’ Association’s “Community Creates,” showcasing professional and non-professional art in all mediums, Nov. 5-26 at the Hamilton County Art Center & Birdie Gallery, 195 S. 5th St., Noblesville. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Open house is 6- 9 p.m. Nov. 5. For more information call 317. 776.2278 or visit. www. hcaa-in.org.
Hamilton County Artist Exhibit
The Hamilton County Artists Association has its annual art exhibit, Nov. 1-13, at the Noblesville Library. Hours are 9 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 1:30-5 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call 317.877.0290.
THEATRE Stardust Memories
Actors Theatre of Indiana will present “Stardust Memories: The Life and Music of Hoagy Carmichael” Nov. 4 and 5 at 8 p.m. The concerts will take place at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Centre in the Frank and Katrina Basille Theater at 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis. Tickets are $25 each. For more information or reservations, call 669-7983 or visit www. actorstheatreofindiana.org.
The Belle of Amherst
Carrie Schlatter of Irvington will bring to life the words of Dickinson when she appears as the famed American poet in Civic Theatre’s production of “The Belle of Amherst” Nov. 4-14 at Marian University (3200 Cold Spring Road). Tickets can be purchased by calling 923-4597 or visiting www.CivicTheatre. org. Additionally, Schlatter will participate in “Cake and Conversation at the Theatre” following the Nov. 7 performance. At no extra cost, attendees can enjoy an insightful discussion of Dickinson’s life and work with Schlatter, Director Robert J. Sorbera, Dickinson scholar Dr. Hilene Flanzbaum of Butler University and artist Rita Spalding.
LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub
The following performances and events will take place this week at Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – The Bishops Saturday – The Late Show
Mo’s Irish Pub
The following musical acts will be playing live at Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call (317) 770-9020. Nov. 5 – Through Being Cool Nov. 6 – Sour Mash Nov. 12 – Bishops Nov. 13 – Something Rather Naughty Nov. 19 – Loo Abby Nov. 20 – Blonde Sonja Nov. 26 – Forte Nov. 27 – Greta Speaks
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Outdoor fabrics come inside
DISPATCHES » Eyebrow rule of thumb for men – Put the pad of your thumb between your brows. Whatever it covers has to go. Use tweezers with a slanted tip, which get a better grip on the hair and are less likely to pinch your skin. Pluck after a shower. Your skin will be softer then, which makes errant hairs easier to remove. -www.esquire.com » Great blow dryer, great hair – The right blow dryer can give you healthy, silky, bouncy hair at home. The key: Limit exposure to damaging heat by finding the right power level and features for your hair type and style, says Kevin Mancuso, creative director for Nexxus. If your hair takes an hour to dry smooth, the 1,875watt Infiniti Pro can breeze you through in a fraction of the time. What sets it apart from other high-wattage dryers? It emits more negatively charged ions, which shrink water molecules for fast drying while sealing the cuticle for frizz-free shine. Buy the Infiniti Pro from www. conair.com for $39. -www.prevention.com » Scent for the season – Concocted by perfumers Louise Turner and Nathalie CettoGracia, “Love, Chloé” is a powdery floral like Chloé’s titular scent only with an updated composition. A bouquet of orange blossom, iris, lilac, hyacinth, and wisteria, the scent is grounded in earthy almond and vanilla and topped with notes of musk, talc, and rice powder. Available now at www.saksfifthavenue.com for $110, the eau de parfum will have wider distribution beginning in February 2011. -www.elle.com
INTERIORS By Vicky Earley The stars were back and if I were looking for any sign of a rebound in the home furnishing industry, it would be the return of the design celebrities! We found the producer and host of HGTV’s “Homes Across America” and author of “Found Objects”, Joe Ruggiero, tucked away in a showroom that was featuring his latest upholstery line. Joe was also kind enough to share some of his design philosophy. First of all, Joe Ruggiero maintains that a home is to be lived in. Showrooms are for showcasing furniture, not for living with family and friends. Fabrics on his collections have to withstand the mess of life with kids, dogs and cats. Fabrics have to stand up to stains with courage and fight abrasion with strength! Sunbrella brand outdoor fabrics have moved indoors and are now featured on all of his interior furnishings. Vicky Earley with Joe Ruggiero Sunbrella has evolved into a sophisthe outdoor fabric, Sunbrella. ticated textile. The touch can be as soft as any One of the most exciting features of Suninterior fabric and the visual is virtually identibrella brand fabrics is the cleaning process. The cally to the interior textile cousin. We were able manufacturer recommends simply brushing off to see and touch a sofa that was upholstered in dirt before it becomes embedded in the fabrics, lush velvet, chairs that were patterned in a sowiping up spills as soon as they occur and spot phisticated medallion fabric, all upholstered in
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Chapman Ins Fin Svs Inc Teresa Chapman, Agent Carmel, IN 46032 Bus: 317-844-1270 www.teresachapman.net State Farm, Bloomington, IL
Classic Barber Shop (Next to Panera Bread in Merchant’s
You Will Laugh
• Carmel’s Performing Arts Barber Shop • Legendary Classic Haircuts • Highly Experienced Super Barbers • Fans of all ages Welcomed
Dave Snider- Owner
www.barberclassic. 22 | November 2, 2010
Saturday Casual Worship . . . . . . . . . 5:01 p.m.
Classic Worship. . 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Praise Worship . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) . 9:30 a.m.
2462 E 116th Street
Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.
Discount. Discount. Discount. Discount.
• Oldies Rock and Roll Musical Theme
cleaning with water and a mild detergent soon after stains occur. This is the foundation of Joe Ruggiero’s philosophy of actually living and using furniture without fear! This was explained with a carrot and radish theory. When one slices a carrot, the color is on the inside as well as the outside. This represents the solution dyed acrylic of the outdoor textile. The radish represents the typical indoor fabric, when the radish is sliced it becomes apparent that the color is on the outside only. Joe Ruggiero was delightful in the passion that he demonstrated when sharing his philosophy on living in a home. We left filled with inspiration on creating beauty in the home without sacrificing durability! Our private inspiration session with Joe Ruggerio was one of our High Point furniture show highlights! Thank goodness the stars are back and the beautiful home is back in style!
Nursery Available Community Preschool
2201 E. 106th at Keystone • Carmel (317) 846-1555 • www.kogcarmel.org Current in Carmel
• • • •
Hair Skin Nails Massage
bohemian style i
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Ce ty
“When I was in high school, I started doing my friends hair for the school dances, like prom and homecoming,” said Carla. After high school, her dream of becoming a hair stylist began to come true. Carla attended A Cut Above Beauty College, pursuing her passion for dramatic color and texture. Shortly after graduating, Carla came to Salon01 where she has continued her training with the Jameson Shaw french hair cutting techniques and also becoming a Hairdreams hair extension specialist. Carla has become a great asset to the Salon01 team and continues to develop her cutting and coloring techniques. Salon01 has a high standard for quality hair, personality, and professionalism, and Carla exceeds them all! Carla believes in understanding the client’s needs and will help them create a look that is perfect for their personality and lifestyle. Carla enjoys the excitement creating a new look can bring to one of her guests, and this excitement keeps her passion alive. “If you are trying to grow your hair out, come in and let me add some texture and really shatter out the style,” said Carla. Schedule your appointment with Carla today! Call Salon01 at 317-580-0101 or book your appointment online at www.salon01.com where you can find all of our Stylist’s profiles.
The “Bohemian wave” is perfectly cool for this season! This style gives you volume, a great fresh look, and can be achieved whether your hair is naturally curly or straight. Kate Hudson can be seen sporting this look on the red carpet or even out grocery shopping.
rm Ca
r r D
carla reyonlds
By Alex Paredes
When going for this look, it is best to use the Aquage Sea Salt Texturizing Spray; it helps to bring out your natural curl while adding volume and texture. To use, just spray on towel dried hair and use a diffuser to dry your hair. If you have straight hair, section your hair in three main parts and curl small portions of your hair with a 1 inch curling iron. For more information about the Aquage product line for other fresh style ideas, call Salon 01 at 580-0101 or visit www.salon01.com.
leave it smooth
L e a v e I t S m o o t h : 6 f l . Oz . $16.50: L eave I t S m o o t h i s a b o t a n i c a l r i c h leave- in conditioner a n d s o f t e n i n g b a l m . Us e d as dir ected, it s t r a i g h t e n s a n d c o n t r o l s c u r ly and f r izzy hair f o r m a x i m u m m a n a g e a b i l i t y and shine. I ts u n i q u e f o r m u l a i s a f u s i o n o f a deep tr eatment and finishing product
Relax! Bring in this ad for $5 off your first nail service! Offer only good with Andrea* *Expires November 30,2010
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DISPATCHES » Clarian North to change names - Effective early 2011, Clarian North Medical Center will be named Indiana University Health North Hospital. The name change is part of a larger effort to establish a new identity that better aligns with Clarian Health’s, soon to be IU Health’s, vision to provide one standard of care. The names of all hospitals within the Clarian system will align with the Indiana University Health name, yet maintain their local identity. The name will better identify Clarian’s unique brand of nationally recognized health care and reinforce its partnership with Indiana University. » A protein could indicate cancer – A protein in urine could be a strong indicator of prostate cancer risk, according to British scientists who say their findings could one day be developed into a quick and simple test for the disease. Scientists from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) said the protein, called microseminoprotein-beta or MSMB, is found at reduced levels in men diagnosed with the disease and are also lower in men with more aggressive forms of the cancer. -www.msnbc.com
24 | November 2, 2010
Increase lean muscle and reduce body fat for older adults NUTRITION By Laura Marenco Loss of muscle mass and an increase in body fat are common consequences of growing older. Exercise is a proven way to prevent the loss of muscle mass, but can supplementing in addition to exercise have benefits for older adults? One study conducted by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, set out to determine specifically if two supplements that are popular with bodybuilders also benefit older adults that are trying to maintain and increase muscle mass. The study looked at the benefit of supplementing with the naturally occurring compound creatine monohydrate and the fatty acid conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for increased muscle strength and a reduction in fat mass compared with unsupplemented exercisers. Participants of the study were men and women 65 to 85 years, and were either given a daily supplement of 5 grams of creatine in combination with 6 grams of CLA, or a placebo. All participants took part in the same exercise program over a 6 month period that included resistance exercises. Participants were evaluated before and after the treatment period for strength and muscular endurance, functional tasks, body composition, blood values, urinary markers of compliance, oxidative stress, and bone resorption.
At the end of the 6 months, functional capacity, as measured by tests involving walking, balance, sitting, standing, and stair climbing, showed improvement in both groups. Additionally, oxidative stress was reduced. Strength, measured by a variety of tests, also improved in all participants, however, among subjects that received creatine and CLA there were greater gains in muscle endurance, as well a significant increase in fat free mass and body fat loss compared with the placebo group. Specifically the group that supplemented with creatine and CLA lost an average of additional 3 pounds of fat and they gained an additional three pounds of muscle. Additionally, none of the participants had adverse effects to the training regimen or with the supplementation. The study showed that with training and supplementation, we can be successful in fight the aging process. Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications, dietary supplements should be taken only under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider.
Current in Carmel
Laura Marenco is a certified personal trainer and nutritional advisor for PointBlank Nutrition. You may e-mail her at laura@pointblanknutrition. com.
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New hip replacement method comes to Clarian By Brandon Bowman Current in Carmel Dr. John Hur, M.D. of Methodist Sports Medicine/The Orthopedic Specialists is one of a small number of surgeons offering patients an alternative approach to hip replacement procedures. Using a special technique called the “direct anterior approach” this particular method for hip surgery is less invasive, much quicker in the surgery room and helps speed up recovery time. Because of a specially designed operating table and technique, doctors have easier access to perform the surgery. “This is a great procedure no matter how you do it. There’s more operative precision and immediate feedback with the x-ray. Patients also like hearing we don’t need to cut through a lot of muscle,” Hur said. He added that no matter how a hip replacement is done, success comes down to the experience a surgeon has with the operation. Hip replacements accessed through the back and sides of the hip are done on a standard operating table. Surgeons are not able to use an x-ray when operating that way. With this new procedure, an x-ray is on hand for surgeons to gain real time feedback on the placement of the hip to the femur. Independent arms are equipped on a specialized operating table. These arms allow the
Manor Care at Summer Trace in Carmel will host its third annual
Summer Trace Holiday Bazaar & Silent Auction
surgeons to easily move the entire leg and stabilize it to gain better access to the joint. Hur has been selective when recommending this approach to hip surgery. But since becoming trained, he has completed 25 hip replacements using the new model at Clarian. The specialized operating table costs more than regular operating table. Dr. Hur said younger surgeons are trained to perform this procedure, but having the financial means to acquire the table for operation might be hard for other hospitals to do. Luckily, this isn’t that case at Clarian North. “Clarian North has always been state of the art when it comes to their approach toward medicine,” Dr. Hur said. Dr. Hur has seen a small number of his patients going home after two weeks of recovery time, but he feels that measuring recovery time is subjective when it comes to this operation. Every patient has his or her own individual situation post-op, and it’s hard for Dr. Hur to say without a doubt that the Direct Anterior Approach drastically cuts recovery time. “It gives me peace of mind during the operation, because you expect a perfect placement because of the x-ray. It’s always better for the patient if you can cut back the risk of them having a dislocation as a result of the operation after it’s done,” Dr. Hur said.
to benefit the Julian Center
Now Accepting Applications for Vendors $10.00 fee for each vendor table. (deadline for vendor applications is Monday, Nov 15th)
Please contact Amy Brammer at (317)848-2448 HCR Manor Care at Summer Trace 12999 N. Pennsylvania Carmel, IN 46032 (Located directly behind the Meijer in Carmel)
Current Publishing, which is launching Current in Fishers on Jan. 25, 2011, is seeking responsibly aggressive sales executives who are adept at probing future advertising partners to pinpoint their objectives and then crafting a proposal that will lead to partner pleasure. We compensate generously. For immediate consideration, please e-mail (info@currentinfishers.com) a resume and a cover letter, in which you share with us your approach to sales, not later than Nov. 23. This is an immediate and excellent ground-floor opportunity for anyone with familiarity of the business community of Fishers and/or beyond. We are an equal opportunity employer. No phone calls, please.
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DISPATCHES » Two ETFs banking on consumer revival 1. PowerShares Dynamic Food & Beverage Portfolio (PBJ) - PBJ provides a perfect opportunity to bank on the success of popular fast-food giants such as McDonalds, Chipotle Grill, and Yum! Brands. 2. SPDR S&P Retail ETF (XRT) - Black Friday may still be weeks away, but investors can take advantage of the holiday shopping season today by gaining exposure to the retail industry. Holdings include American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch, Wal-Mart, Tiffany and CarMax. -www.moneycentral.msn.com » Job fair – The Noblesville Economic Development Department and Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear will host a Hamilton County Job Fair Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville. The event will feature dozens of employers looking to fill a variety of positions and there will also be three 45-minute sessions providing tips on interviewing, résumés and strategies for finding employment. For more information, call 776-6345.
Downloading caterpillars DOUGH By David Cain It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun was shining, it was unseasonably warm, and there were smiles all around. As I helped my oldest daughter onto her burlap sack at the top of the hill, she caught a glimpse of a caterpillar. One of the big furry guys had picked the top of this hill at the commercialized pumpkin patch for his home. Suddenly, the caterpillar was the most important thing on earth. The hill and impending slide to the bottom faded into the background. She grabbed up her new black and brown friend and hit the slide, cupping the little fellow all the way to the bottom. The rest of the day was all about the caterpillar. He was officially a part of the family, for what I estimated to be the next four to six hours. Even so, I still feared for his inevitable fate and kept a watchful eye for his healthy exit. It was about two weeks ago when I remembered seeing a commercial, strategically sandwiched between college football games, which touted butterflies for sale. That was his window. The little guy could safely re-enter caterpillar society if he were replaced. I suggested to both small girls that we buy butterflies and set this one loose. It was the easiest sale of my life, like
selling butter to bread. In a matter of seconds we were on the website buying butterflies. Of course, they come delivered as larva that become caterpillars and then grow to butterflies. We placed the order for the butterflies and I closed the laptop lid with great satisfaction. At four years old, the oldest shouts, “Where are the caterpillars?” I replied, “They’re on their way.” She responded to me with the impatience that only a four-year-old can offer, “Download them now daddy!” We live in a world of instant gratification. It’s called interconnected, but really it seems we underestimate the number of us that would prefer some disconnection. I don’t mind waiting on the caterpillars. However, it would appear that as younger and younger audiences take more prominence in the market, that expectation is shifting. Download the caterpillars; it’s my new analogy for the speed of which people expect things. Right now please! David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com.
Gorgeous bedding Ever made a BIG always stock decoratinginmistake?
We specialize in planning beautiful rooms so that mistakes like this don’t happen!
Home Store 571.8087 Home Store 317.571.8087 240 West Main (just west of the Monon) 240 West Main Boutique 587.7411 10 South Rangeline (corner of Rangeline Boutique 317.587.7411 and Main)
10 South Rangeline Rd Carmel, IN
» Financial workshop – Are you concerned how recent tax legislation will affect your bottom line as a business owner? Are you familiar with the sunset provisions surrounding estate taxes, personal income taxes, and long term capital gains? Join Joel Harris of Amicus Financial at the Monon Community Center for free educational workshop held Nov. 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. To RSVP, email joel@goamicus.com » Cheese Shop relocates – The Cheese Shop has moved to 8487 Union Chapel Road in Indianapolis, near Fleming’s Steakhouse on 86th Street. To celebrate the relocation, the Cheese Shop is offering 20 percent off of everything through Sunday. For more information, call 846-6885. » Free seminar – Express Employment Professionals of Fishers will hold a free human resources seminar today from 8:30 a.m. to noon at its Indianapolis Training Center, 2820 North Meridian Street. Attendees will learn to combat loss of trust and confidence in senior management, inadequate coaching and feedback, undervalued feelings by employees and stress from work-life balance. To attend, call 596-9670.
26 | November 2, 2010
From incredible outdoor living spaces to interior remodeling projects... It’s more than home improvement, it’s life improvement! Call today for a complimentary consultation.
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MONEY MATTERS How do you spend your money when you go downtown? “When we’re downtown, we usually spend money on food and sporting events. We also buy a lot of alcohol at the bars.” Lisa Schneidr and Linda Wells Carmel
“I don’t go downtown often. I’m there maybe twice a month, and it’s to eat at a restaurant.” Scott Wood Carmel
murphy's table MY OPINION
Type: Traditional, BankOwned Age: Built in 1980 Location: Near 126th Street and Gray Road Neighborhood: Brookshire Village is a reasonably priced community close to shopping and dining. Square footage: 3,399 Rooms: This three-bedroom home has two main-floor master suites, an open kitchen and great room combination, large upstairs loft, formal living and dining rooms and a two-car garage. Strengths: This home is a good value for someone willing to do some cosmetic repairs. The interior and exterior have been recently renovated but need some fine-tuning. The neighborhood is a friendly community in a desirable location. Challenges: This home is being sold as-is and will require effort or money to elevate it to its full potential. There are no appliances.
John Pacilio and his team specialize in Hamilton County real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@JohnPacilio.com.
“I’m usually down there for conventions. The last one I went to was in September.” Sara Nist Carmel
Murphy’s Table doesn’t feel like a restaurant when you first walk inside, and that’s exactly what the owners Janet Donato and Connie Bergesen want. The homey atmosphere compliments the food that is often the same recipes the owners serve to their own families. “We just wanted to bring something other than a franchise to Westfield. I love reading, so we also have this reading room that people can occupy for as long as they please,” Bergesen said. Murphy’s Table isn’t looking to “turn and burn” the tables. Patrons are encouraged to loiter for as long as they want. With a menu full of Ruben’s, breakfast Panini sandwiches, soups and stews, Murphy’s Table aims to make a meal about the experience of hearty, good cooking and friends.
CORRECTION - The Oct. 26 installment of this weekly feature was written by Realtor contributor Bill Mitchell, but, as a result of an inadvertent production error, was attributed to another writer. For more information on the Carolina Commons home about which Mitchell wrote, please contact him at 696.4181 or bill@talktomitchell.com.
202 E Main St. | Westfield, IN, 46074 Website: www.murphystable.com Hours: 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Closed Wednesday
Register today at www.raystrash.com for your chance to be a part of the Trash for Cash promotion at an Indianapolis Colts game in the new Lucas Oil Stadium. The lucky winner will receive four front row tickets, a Peyton Manning jersey, and a chance to win $750 in cash! Commercial Waste and Recycling Hauling – Residential Waste and Recycling Hauling – Industrial Waste and Recycling Hauling – Construction – Roll-off Services – Demolition – Land Clearing – Document Destruction – Concrete Crushing – Mulch Buyers of: Scrap Metal, Office Paper, Plastics, and Cardboard
Clayton, IN 46118 | Phone: 317.539.2024 | Fax: 317.539.7022 | www.raystrash.com www.youarecurrent.com
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Honoring our Veterans: Special Worship Services
datsun 240Z COMMENTARY By Shawn Miller I am not a big fan of Japanese cars. One of my favorite lines is that the Japanese have only built two collectible cars in their entire history-the Toyota 2000 GT (of which only 100 or so were built and they trade above $500,000) and the Datsun/Nissan 240Z. Actually, I have identified a few more to talk about in later columns, but it still isn’t a more than a handful. The Japanese build appliances, by and large. So let’s talk about the obvious other car, the 240 Z, produced from 1969-1978. An iconic car, the 240Z put Datsun on the map. Here we have a great looking, fast, decent handling car, that broke new ground. The 1970 240Z was introduced to the American market by Yutaka Katayama in late 1969 as a 1970 model. The early 1970 model 240Z had a chrome “240Z” badge on the B-pillar quarter panel. Two vents were included in the rear hatch below the glass molding. These are very rare since in mid-1971 the B-pillar side badges were restyled with the letter Z vent, and the vents were eliminated from the hatch. Design changes for the U.S. model occurred throughout production and basically involved bigger motors and an ill fated addition
Join your neighbors at Carmel United Methodist Church to celebrate the service of veterans. There will be special music, a video tribute and an opportunity to praise and thank God for these faithful servants.
Veterans Tribute Services Sunday, November 7 9:30 and 11:00 am
of a rear seat and 2+2 layout, on a longer wheelbase. Initially the car received the L24 Overhead Cam 2.4 liter engine which produced 151 HP mated to a 4-speed manual gearbox. One of the most appealing Japanese cars ever produced, it nevertheless disappeared almost entirely from American roads within two decades. Unfortunately, like most Japanese cars of the time, it had insurmountable rust issues. Prices are now at around $7,500- $15,000 for a good non-rusty example and will slowly rise over time. It’s a heck of a car for the money, and they’re pretty rare because of the low survivor rate. Shawn Miller is a lifelong car collector and president of SignificantCars.com, a successful collector car brokerage with a showroom at 2225 E 54th St, just west of Keystone.
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Protecting USB drive at school
DISPATCHES » PlayStation phone could be out this year – A Sony PlayStation phone – long talked about, but late to the mobile party – may be coming after all. Engadget shared photos of a prototype PlayStation phone it said may be out this year, although 2011 is "looking much more realistic." Engadget says the PlayStation phone will use Android and Sony's "Marketplace, which will allow you to purchase and download games designed for the new platform.” The device sports 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and a 4.1-inch screen. -www.msnbc.com » Spam drops by 20 percent – Russia-based SpamIt.com, believed to be the largest span sponsor on the Internet, mysteriously closed up shop recently. Since then, it has been reported that e-mail spam for Viagra and prescription drugs has dropped by 20 percent. Russian President Dmitri Medvedev could be partly responsible, as he’s aiming to make Russia’s Internet industry respectable. One-fifth of Internet spam is still only a drop in the bucket, however, considering that 200 million spam e-mails circulate the Internet daily and account for 90 percent of all e-mail. -www.msnbc.com
TECHNOLOGY By Gary Hubbard When the internet started connecting us all to a common network, the virus writers abandoned the slower boot sector viruses (viruses that would attach themselves to the startup portion of a disk, so that any machine that tried to read the infected disk would become infected also) in favor of code that could easily be transmitted via the Internet and potentially infect anyone on the network that had less than adequate protection in place. Now that USB, also known as flash, drives are in wide use, virus writers have spent time figuring out ways to combine the old ‘infection by physical connection’ method. To protect your computer whenever plugging in at corporate or large educational networks, follow these rules. If the transfer is from your home computer to the school’s computers is to flip the ‘write protect’ switch on the drive before plugging it into any computer at school. This turns your USB drive into a read-only device. When you return home, simply flip the switch back to allow writing to the drive from your computer. If you need to copy files from the school’s computers onto your USB drive, you will exponentially increase the chances of contracting some form of malware. Most of today’s USB infections rely upon a feature in Windows called AutoRun.
1218/1222 Turner Dr $ 149,900 BLC# 2948762
One-year-old 4BR/2+BA home. Vinyl/ brick townhome w/private master suite, huge foyer. Walk-in closets, 2nd-floor laundry. Two-car garage, mature trees. AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
1433 gWynmere $464,900 BLC# 21040588
Immaculate 4BR/3+BA home in Claridge Farm. Brand new gourmet kitchen w/ granite, SS appliances, hdwd floors, fin bsmt. 3-car garage, backs up to preserve. SpenCer KLine, 753-7282
13897 nAnSemonD $169,900 BLC# 21034444
3 BR, 2 BA, Brand new carpet & paint, hardwood floors, fenced backyard, 3 season sunroom, 3 skylights, newer roof & remodeled bathrooms..
7601 e Sr 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780
40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming
540 CAHiLL LAne $126,900 BLC#21040670
Settle serenly in this very pleasing 3Br/2BA Trad, Intercom system. Foyer, great room, vaulted ceilings.
By placing an Autorun.inf file on your USB drive, the virus knows that as soon as you plug it into your home computer, Windows will automatically start running the code that they wrote, which is the virus. If you will often have to plug into school computers and your home computer with a USB drive, I would recommend that you disable the AutoRun feature on your home computer. This will allow you to manually scan for viruses whenever you plug your USB drive into your computer so you can catch malware before it has a chance to run. Microsoft has complete instructions as well as a couple of quick fix downloads to disable and enable the AutoRun feature here: http://bit.ly/cqrCHA If you need to turn AutoRun on and off on a regular basis, a free utility called USB is located here: http://bit.ly/9wmlk9 It is important to note that you must keep Windows and your security software up-to-date as you are now in a high-risk environment that could expose you to malware on a daily basis.
11641 SeA STAr WAy $360,000 BLC# 21045120
Sample the scintillating style of this cul-de-sac 4BR/3+BA home. Two sty foyer, fine master suite. Dual Vanities.
Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors.com. Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors.com
1346 HoLDen CT $237,900 BLC# 21045953
Cul-De-Sac location. Flexible living room/den w/ French doors, deck overlooking bkyd, vaulted ceiling in GR, frplc, garden tub.
13701 SmoKey riDge Dr $449,000 BLC#21050749
13744 SmoKey riDge Dr $575,000 BLC# 21052893
Cul De Sac location, main flr master w/ adjoining den, open floor plan, 4BRs upstairs w/Jack n Jill bath, professionally landscaped. Motivated!
5BR 4.5BA, main flr master w/ walkin closet. Granite cntrtps w/butcher block island. Large deck, 3 frplcs. Unique floor plan.
KriSTen HoWArD, 833-4279
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
KriSTen HoWArD, 833-4279
KriSTen HoWArD, 833-4279
KriSTen HoWArD, 833-4279
1338 WooDponD n rounDABouT $349,900 BLC# 21051487
12451 SpringBrooKe $285,550 BLC# 21052073
8062 CLAriDge roAD $399,900 BLC# 21023706
10109 HoLADAy Dr W $129,900 BLC# 21043562
10 LAKeVieW CT $224,900 BLC# 21043119
1426 STonemiLL CirCLe S $334,900 BLC# 21049208
511 n. rAngeLine rD $434,900 BLC# 21049358
SpenCer KiLne, 753-7282
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
4BR 3.5BA custom home in Woodgate. Gourmet Kit w/ SS appls, granite contrs tile flr & bksplsh. Fnsh LL w/wet bar. Huge 2 Lvl deck. SpenCer KiLne, 753-7282
Impeccably maintained 5BR/2.5Ba Hm w/lots of upgds, grnt isle, full fnsh bsmt, Woodbrook Elem. Waterstone amenities. Must See!
Amazing 5BR in popular Meridian Woods. Main flr mstr. Updtd kit incld gourmet applncs & solid surface counters. Priv yd w/lg custom deck w/built-in seating.
Meet all your expectations in this fenced 3 bedroom Ranch. Cozy fireplace. Sunroom, hardwood flooring. Mature trees.
4BR home on almost an acre. Walk to Woodlands pool/clubhouse. Hdwd flrs on main level. Huge patio. Newer mechanicals, roof, driveway. Main level office. LiSA meinerS,508-6832
Half acre lot in Springmill Crossing. Updtd kitchen w/granite countertops & hardwood flrs. Finbsmt w/ full BA. Main level office. New patio. Great! LiSA meinerS,508-6832
Great 6 plex in Art District of Carmel. Apt bldg w/guest parking plus 1 carport for each tenant. THe puTerBAugH group, 281-3534
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13752 AmBLeWinD $387,900 BLC# 21039656
Live creatively in this exquisite 4BR/3+BA Traditional style, 3 car garage, cozy fireplace. 2 Sty foyer. Deck. THe puTerBAugH group, 281-3534
12440 gLenDurgAn Dr $419,900 BLC# 21037318
Live zestfully in this exhilarating 5BR/3+BA Traditional style. Security system. 3 car garage, cozy fireplace. Office. THe puTerBAugH group, 281-3534
641 rAngeLine $549,900 BLC# 21000482
Investigate the style and elegance of this fashionable 4BR/2+BA Vintage Colonial. Security system. 4C Garage. THe puTerBAugH group, 281-3534
13424 SeDgeWiCK $434,000 BLC#21050404 Impressive 4BR/3+BA home. Everything in this tempter spells upscale comforts
THe puTerBAugH group, 281-3534
Current in Carmel
5162 yorKBenD CT $130,000 BLC# 21037070
All the expensive upgrades for pennies on the dollar in this spacious, open, 3bed, 2.5 bath home with huge loft. Wow! SuSAn VAnDenHeuVeL, 508-1276
230 rAngeLine roAD $359,900 BLC# 21052868
Best Location in Carmel! This updated Cottage style home/office would be perfect for a home business, office space or even a restaurant with high ceilings, great arches and hardwood floors. 12 parking spots. Property zoned
ninA KLemm, 582-9130
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November 2, 2010 | 29
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Tough times can strengthen relationships RELATIONSHIPS By Rachael Noble Obviously, we are living in tough times. How has your relationship with your significant other fared through this economic crisis? Has it drawn you closer or do you find that every talk about finances ends in an argument? I’d like to encourage all of us to take advantage of this time to really reconnect with the things that are most important in life: people, relationships and community. It seems I’m watching marriages fall apart left and right, although other problems are a factor, but so are new fincnial challenges. And many single people aren’t even considering dating simply for the fact that they believe no one will want to date someone so down on their luck and unable to afford extravagant nights out on the town. I’m actually grateful for what this time brings to all of us. I believe we can use these hardships to teach us to cherish our true friendships and perhaps let go of those that we now realize were based more on material things. This is the time when we are shown who are true friends are and if our significant other is really in it for the long haul – for good and bad, for better or worse. I remember growing up in a home where money was scarce but my best memories are not of the
30 | November 2, 2010
toys I got at Christmas or the fancy trips we never got to go on, but were when we played board games, laid on the roof of the house to watch fireworks coming from the closest town, went camping and my dad fell in the lake and such. Isn’t it better to downsize our lives, cut spending and live the simple life than to lose touch with the ones we love most? If children see a marriage crumble due to a financial downturn, what example is this setting for our kids? That money is more important than people? That a large home, swimming pool and nice cars are worth the fights that are destroying our family? In a community that is so focused on success (not a bad thing, of course), let us remember that spending time with family, building a strong relationship with our spouse and enjoying the things in life that are free is what happiness is all about. Everything can be taken away, but our loved ones are all that matter, so let’s cherish these difficult times and use them to grow stronger together.
Monday, November 15 3-5pm: Open House A Meet & Greet with Dr. Melillo and appearance by Radio Disney Brain Balance Center, 9510 N. Meridian Street, Suite D, Indianapolis 7-9pm: Parent Lecture Renaissance Marriott, 11925 N. Meridian Street, Carmel Tuesday, November 16 10am: Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Brain Balance Center in Indianapolis 1-3pm: Parent Lecture Meridian Hills Country Club, 7099 Spring Mill Rd, Indianapolis
Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at nobleadvice@yahoo.com.
Current in Carmel
6-8 pm: Professional Lecture at Meridian Hills Country Club
All events are free and open to the public. To reserve a seat or for more information, call 317-843-9200 or e-mail Julie Peterson at jpeterson@brainbalancecenters.com.
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Judge not, lest ye … what? SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” (Matthew 7:1-3) Is there a more widely celebrated scripture verse in society today or one whose true meaning is more misunderstood? My friend Brent Riggs’ blog SeriousFaith.com provides illuminating reading for any biblically literate believer. He says it’s illogical “not” to judge. “People say, ‘the Bible says don’t judge.’ What the Bible says and means is ‘don’t judge … in a manner that will bring judgment on you.’ Everyone leaves out the second part,” Brent writes. “It means don’t judge in a way that 1) is hypocritical and 2) uses human standards instead of God’s divine standard that is above pettiness, selfishness and the agenda of man.” Don’t judge? Nonsense. We have to judge. We have to discern. We have to develop smarts and discretion and wisdom. We have to judge constantly between good and evil, helpful and harmful, loving and unloving, right choice and wrong choice. Psychology and sociology have unfortunately replaced theology and philosophy as the primary behavioral guiding lights in the Academy. The post-modern academic world of science and research universities constantly seeks to diminish, decentralize and compartmentalize truth. It abhors judgment based on the absolute moral
authority of God. In its judgment, firmly and ironically, there are no God standards. Perhaps, like me, you find it disturbing that these soft-science academics (along with journalists and pundits) pass for arbiters of ultimate worldly judgment guiding our cultural conversation on who can judge whom about what. Why do we intellectually allow that? God’s standards are high, so why do we dumb down expectations of ourselves and each other, reacting to corrections and rebukes by misapplying a Biblical proof-text? Don’t judge: bologna. We may as well say it in the vernacular: Get out of my face! In other words, it’s not don’t judge, but don’t judge me. My favorite definition of sin is “anything that falls short of God’s standards.” And God’s standards according to the Bible include declaring one’s faith in Jesus Christ, loving God, loving and serving others, and engaging one’s heart, soul and mind in pursuit of God’s truth, to gaze at the face of Christ. Channeling Johnny Cochran, “Human standards are in dispute, while God’s standards are absolute.” Bob Walters (www.believerbob. blogspot.com, email rlwcom@aol. com) felt that a discussion on right judgment and God’s standards was appropriate on Election Day.
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Kitchen remodel for improved function for a family REMODELING By Larry Greene INITIAL SITUATION: This home in the Smokey Knoll subdivision on the east side of Carmel was built in the mid 1980s, and included outdated laminate countertops and oak cabinets. The homeowner wanted to redesign the kitchen to create better functionality for their family and update the existing appliances and finishes. While the husband loved to cook, the existing island was really too small for two cooks and for needed prep room. They also wanted to figure out how to create new seating for friends and family to dine in the kitchen. DESIGN PHASE: The design focused on improving the work flow and functionality of the kitchen. The existing island was too close to the perimeter cabinets and the refrigerator. The small island with cook top lacked side counter space for meal preparation and didn’t include any seating which was a big thing the family was hoping to add. PROJECT SCHEDULE: The design phase included several meetings with the client and the creation of 3D models before deciding on the final layout. The selection of materials also involved several meetings with the project de-
Before signer. The actual construction spread out over four weeks. FINAL PRODUCT: The new layout eliminated the island but added a new peninsula that included seating for four. This new peninsula was conveniently located near the French patio doors that lead out to the pool deck. This gave them a place for friends and guests to come in from the pool and socialize while snacks or meals are being prepared. The other improvement was relocating the refrigerator and range to improve the ease of meal preparations. The existing pantry closet was removed making way for a new matching pantry cabinet. The outdated trim piece over the sink was replaced with
After a new gentle-arched valance piece. The new tile backsplash includes Durango 3”x6” pillowed limestone subway tile in a staggered pattern that covers the entire wall all the way to the ceiling above the sink. Finally, the existing oak floors were sanded and refinished in a lighter stain color to better contrast with the new rich cherry
stained cabinets. Larry Greene is owner of Case Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at lgreene@ caseremodeling.com or call 8462600. Visit www.caseremodeling. com for more information.
Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision
32 | November 2, 2010
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November 2, 2010 | 33
e • s e n is er Titl reg e • D de S • ADight te • A d e s • a n L P R p c Ge ges ce • • Ra • Tr rgeivil com • FMes • a A Wa an A its Ch • C on- ts ag e • ce W |c ML n • |vIn n | Laughs er • ADw N ac •| Pets suOC& iOut Ra Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Panache | Anti-Aging | Dough | Toys | Relationships | Inside Puzzles F • sio Se rSpirit t ots • ntrion eran A • a E s a L e t E n e Co s ev AD its • nd I • s ac mi A is I y • mi r tr Com FLS • Ge e V anc scri SecEA • mm A • S er • wsu OC ion n o l t a E i d o e • D n t • C hts ete MLA • Ti reg e • D rad • A ts C FLSGenII • Ly • Eiminaets A • s g • V nc cr cr A E Ri mp • F es • P ac • T e gh e ADivil -co cts Wag ce • R its hargil Ri pet MLA itlegna Dis Se DE ts • • n h e m F T e u n a • e •A A • s v a “I’ll say 50,000 miles.” HUMOR ge n • C• No ntrion ver • AD awsOC C• Ci n-cots • es • • Pr ace rad es l RigmpetMLA r g L T o c g a i e o o s “That’s not even close.” By Dick Wolfsie ti ets • C mis • S der II • • EE tion • N tra Wa nceA • Rts • har Civ -co s • F ges Chna n t V y na ts on n • ra D ui A m a n “Well, don’t go by my odometer. It C n• My wife is smarter than I am. She has, for most i A C cr6,000 c i ewas e O im A s No ac • W nce C e DE o S Ge le o off on my trip to work.” of our marriage, been professionally more successEEiscr de S • A ts C • FL A • • Titgnancrim ecr A • Cissi Sever • Law EO atiots • ntrion era A • L s E m h te S d I• e eshasigbetter • E in re Co ss ev AD i D Tthan is ra rI g (My wife dresses better do, ful. She is far better looking and is a better parent. R mpe • FMage • Pre • D ade • ADCom LSA Gene VI ncy crimSec A • mmi • S er • wsu • a l E F • r manners, understands movies speaks Ger-s s a I wanted to tell you this up front because I’m ChCand ivi n -coact n • WanceRac • T rge htste • LA Titlegn • Disade • AD s Co LSAend • La • EE s F man. Okay, now back to the g • needling.) going to tease her a bit, and I don’t want you r • o M • a r t o i r e r t e i N nt ss ve DA sui Ch l R mp • F es • P ac • T ges igh te • A • Ge VII ncy crim ogetmthis i ane A w put “Okay, one more chance.•If you g i a s s think I’m a total jerk. As you’ll see, I’m still not o e s R r e e L R matters C C a v t S c • om • r • La E M Titlegn • Di e S • O • Ci on- ac • W anc A • suit Cha vil omp your in Forder swer within a million miles, I’llCbuy you an extaking any chances. A • • r i • d r e D e E r c t w I d VI y • ion • N n ion ve • A a OC • C n- ts es • P ac ra es l LS pensive candlelight dinner. HowFfar is e it n around This all started a few weeks ago when I was e nc at ets • Co iss Se er II • L EE ion No rac Wag ce • R s • T arg ivi G l • • a in r t C n • d V h t • • m t i t the earth at the equator?” A an A driving Mary Ellen’s car and noticed that in six T • regncrim Sec DE Com LSA Gentle ncy mina ets Conion ver AD sui C Con • No r “Now, that has to be a million miles.” months she had gone exactly the number of miles P Dis de • A s • F A • Ti na ri ecr A • ss Se r • aw EO ati s • nt • Tra ges ightete ML es • regDisc e S DE mmi A • nde II • Ly • Eimin cret• Co iss “No, but you did just describe Christopher allotted to her on the lease. Pleased we had made • har il R mp s • F ag • P e • rad s • A Co FLS • Ge e V nc cr Se EA mm Columbus’ recurring nightmare. It’s actually the right consumer choice, I used the circumC Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA 25,000 miles.” stance to initiate some lively marital patter. • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • re e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge “One more chance to redeem yourself. How• Con miss ev ADAwsu C C vil R om ts • age e • P Rac s • rge Rig ete LA le “Mary Ellen, guess how many miles you’ve • om • S r • La EO Ci n-c ac W nc A • uit ha il mp FM Tit eg fast does light travel? driven since you got the car?” I asked. C SA de II • • E n • No ntr n • era AD aws C C Civ -co s • s • Pr “Hmmm. Well, you say California is 3,000 “I don’t know. If I had to guess, 800 miles.” FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co ssioSev r • • L EO n • on act age ce • Ra elegal Iservices attorneys wide of e A •provide • Titl nan inOurr • array • Etoabusinesses mi aA tios • Nntr • Wran DA • ts • miles away and my job is 10 miles from the “Eight hundred miles? You’ve had the car for nd e VI law yand E om including g rim ecandDindividuals e employment litigation. o on e n c • S i A ui r e l et G n six months. You’ve driven 20 miles round-trip to house and the moon is 240,000 miles from PrDisc de S • A ts C • FL A • • Titgna crim ecr A • Cissi Sever • aws Cha E m&mKorin, a g h te ML esfor more S DKatz L s d earth and the equator is 25,000 miles around. work every day, five days a week for six months. es igKazmierczak • TrCall Kris il A •PC. re information e •F g Di de •about en II • EOC Civ A P r o S p R • • a G L • a a C Keeping that in mind, I’d say light travels V m How can you say 800 miles?” ChCivil -co cts • W nce ace • Tr geshts e • FLA • tle y • Eion • 186,000 miles per second. “Well, you forgot to count shopping. That’s • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM • Ti anc at R m A u C s v n • in “I’m absolutely dumbfounded! That is cors n • why I guessed so high.” Commis• Se • ADawsOC ivil -co cts age reg crim • C rect. To be exact, it’s 186,282 miles per second.” n (My wife has an MBA. She’s been an administraL a o P r C SA de II • • EE n • No ntr • We • Dis “Oooh, it got faster.” tor at Butler University. Her IQ is 20 points higher FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co sion nc ce • • Titl nan in re A • mis era Ra than mine. Okay, back to making fun of her…) E our • our community • reg opportunitiEs Envisioning m cliEnts ev and rim ec Dfor I began to realize that Mary Ellen has P Disc de S • A s CoA • S ADA no sense of distance, speed or time. A few Dick Wolfsie is an author, • Tra ges ht LS r • e ig • F • har columnist, and speaker. Contact examples: The emelie Building n 334 SenaTe n indianapoliS, in 46204-2964 RnorTh nndkavenue e e l [317] 464-1100 aTzkorin.com C i t him at wolfsie@aol.com. v pe • G “Mary Ellen, how Answers far is it from New York to i C m A to BUILD THE WORDS: BEN AFFLECK, DEREK DALY, SCORPIO, California?” co ML BETHLEHEM, BANANA SPLIT •F
Very spatial relationships
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a l e a n i nc l s a tw t e n d e e e es r e a e c uao t r v r a i cc i d ie tt o a it ss n s
34 | November 2, 2010
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Doughnuts are king of fall food
HUMOR By Mike Redmond Maybe it’s the time of year. Maybe it’s because they’re forbidden. Maybe I simply don’t have anything better to do with my time. But lately I have been obsessed with doughnuts. (Also known as Donuts, Do-Nuts, Sinkers, Hockey Pucks and Bagels for Gentiles.) I think this is mostly a seasonal obsession. After all, it is autumn, and is there any treat more autumnal than cider and doughnuts? You can make a meal of them if you add a side of candy corn (dinner should always include a vegetable.) Anyway, doughnuts have been much on my mind lately. I might also attribute this to my heritage, which includes some Mennonite roots on my mother’s side. In LaGrange County, where I’m from, it’s the oddball who doesn’t have a few Anabaptists perched in the family tree. Despite the common belief that the doughnut was invented by Maine sea captain Hansen Gregory invented the doughnut by poking a fried cake onto one of the handles on his ship’s wheel, the TV expert Alton Brown once said that doughnuts are more likely the invention of the Pennsylvania Dutch (see above under: Anabaptists) who came to this country seeking religious freedom, with nothing more than the beards on their chins, the bonnets on their heads and boxes of dessert recipes. Either way, the doughnut has since evolved into a dizzying number of variants, though the two main groups are yeast or cake. Indianapolis, by all accounts, seems to be a yeast doughnut city. I base this on years of experience watching people inhale them at various workplaces. I like them too, even if they
are basically Wonder Bread with a glaze. I once knew a man in Columbus, Indiana whose favorite sandwich was bologna between two yeast doughnuts. I like a plain cake doughnut, slightly sweet without being cloying, with just a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg, perfect for dunking into a cup of black coffee. Yes. I admit it. I dunk. Or I would, were I allowed to eat doughnuts. They are on the “no” list along with just about everything else I like. As for the yes list, let’s just say that chicken and spinach lose their appeal next to a box of plain cake doughnuts from Long’s Bakery. Long’s Bakery seems like a good place to go though. I’m only human, and autumn comes but once a year. Save me some cider and thank my ancestors. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.
OPEN TO ALL AGES Presented by the Central Indiana Division of the National Model Railroad Association and the Carmel Clay Public Library. Saturday, November 6 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Catherine Keen Photography
Program Room and Storytime Room of the Carmel Clay Public Library The Library is located at 55 Fourth Avenue SE, across Main Street from Carmel High School.
Seniors :: Families :: Couples :: Events
Are you interested in trains? Want to learn more about model railroading? Then come to this fun program in honor of National Model Railroad Month! See operating model trains, circus trains, and talk model railroading with others who enjoy this hobby. Admission is free and registration is not required.
Call 844-3363 for more information.
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DISPATCHES » iPhone app helps pet owners - The PetSaver App is the premiere reference and educational tool for all pet lovers and Pet Care Professionals. It includes easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for CPR, first aid skills and daily care information for dogs and cats. There is a separate section for dogs and a separate section for cats with specific information for each type of animal. With a push of a button and a swipe of your finger you can have access to your pet’s vital health information. This includes ICE (In Case of Emergency), a first aid kit checklist, emergency pet help locator, and administering medications just to name a few. -www.alltop.com » Keep cats from running around at night - Setting up specific play times during the day and/or right before bedtime and keeping to a schedule can help your cat learn when acceptable play times are. Additionally, there are several products designed to calm cats that are available at most pet stores. Feliway is a line of products that come in both a spray and plug-in diffuser, and are designed to use pheromones to keep a cat calm. Calm Down is an oral supplement that uses natural herbs to help relieve stress and calm cats. -www.pawnation.com
Practice maintains perfect CANINE By John Mikesell When your dog’s behavior slips, it’s time to schedule regular practice. Never get complacent about training. I can walk Karma, my dog, most of the time without a leash. She minds very well, and almost always stops chasing of squirrels and other animals. There are times, however, that she seems to have a mind of her own, and pays no attention to what I have to say. I probably expected too much from her too soon. Practice, practice, practice is the only way to be sure your dog will follow your commands. Every time there is a failure to listen to my command I do remedial training. I work with a leash and a clicker. Karma is a 7-year-old rescue, so I do not know what kind of training she had before she came to me. She does seem to be somewhat afraid of raised hands, so I would guess she might have been mistreated at some time. It has taken me a few months to gain her confidence, and understand that I will not hurt or hit her. Karma really likes to chase squirrels. The ears and tail go up as soon as she sees one. Then it is off to the races. It has taken me a few months to trust her to stop when I call her. However one can not afford to become complacent about their dog’s training. It only takes one mistake to turn into a disaster. I have noticed that most of the time in dog
parks that dogs seem to be able to get along with others quite well, that is when they are off leash. Put a leash on them and their attitude changes. In any case, be aware off your dog at all times, and practice makes perfect, or at least almost. What you can do • Maintain your dog’s training throughout his lifetime. • Keep your dog socialized! The more your dog gets out into the public, in carefully controlled outings, the better. • Carry treats (or your dogs’ favorite toy) with you when in public with your dog. • Pay close attention to your dog at all times! Protect him from getting frightened or too closely exposed to. John Mikesell, owner of Izzy’s Place, A dog Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at john.mikesell@att.net.
"Put a leash on them and their attitude changes. In any case, be aware off your dog at all times, and practice makes perfect, or at least almost." HAMILTON 16 IMAX N o b l e s v i l l e / C a r m e l / We s t f i e l d
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PETS OF THE WEEK Kiwi is a four-year-old female tri color Hound/Coonhound mix. Keileigh is an energetic and fun-loving girl who is looking for an active home with older children she can run and play with everyday. She is spayed and she is very social and it wouldn’t be a bad idea for her new family to take her to obedience classes so she can learn more basic commands other than sit. She is a good girl who will make a great addition to the right family. Lance is a seven-year-old male orange and white tabby DSH. Lance was found by a concerned citizen and brought to the shelter in June. He was dehydrated, emaciated, dirty and oily and had a healing wound on his tail. He received the medical care he needed and a foster home to recover in and now this handsome guy is ready to find the loving home he deserves. He is friendly, gentle and sweet-natured and loves attention and he is ready to be a lap cat. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to www.hamiltonhumane.com
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36 | November 2, 2010
Sign up at www.gqti.com for the Frequent Moviegoer Club
Earn points & see movies for a bargain price.
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Crossword 1
46 49
19 23
Hoosier Hodgepodge
55 60
57 61
Build the word
58 63
Across 1. Sing with closed lips 4. Peddle at the Hamilton County Auto Auction 8. Money in Fifth Third Bank, say 13. Olympics chant 14. Tell it to a Hamilton County judge 15. Imagine 16. With 61-Across, Hoosier who was the 23rd U.S. President 18. Hoosier who was Grant’s VP 19. Part of TGIF 20. Not just “a” 22. Chalkies pool table surface 23. Channel 6 call letters 26. Indianapolis Bridge Club seat 28. Life of Riley 29. Make, as money 31. Day parts 36. Adam’s madam 37. Dick Van Arsdale, e.g. 38. Extend your subscription to Indianapolis Monthly 39. Was on the mound for the Indianapolis Indians 41. Like Clarian’s operating room 43. Come after 44. “Encore!” 45. Spy org. 46. ISO section 47. Depend on
48. Get together at Clay Terrace 49. Dutch treat at the Cheese & Gourmet Gallery 51. Up in the air 52. SS Peter & Paul Cathedral recess 56. Victory Field strike caller 57. Monon Center waterpark goer’s goal, maybe 59. Hoosier who was Bush’s VP 61. See 16-Across 66. Unwind film 67. Indianapolis Star news bit 68. Name on Purdue’s football stadium 69. Comment to an IRT audience 70. Gets the picture 71. Intersected Down 1. Center of activity 2. Not waste 3. Circle City Chess Club piece 4. Petty quarrel 5. Stately trees along North Meridian Street 6. Kona Jack’s garland 7. Hunan Chinese Restaurant lamp 8. “Much ___ About Nothing” 9. Subject of psychoanalysis 10. PNC Bank offering: ___ deposit box
11. UIndy term paper footnote abbr. 12. Westfield HS student’s book 15. Decorates a cake at Roselyn Bakeries 17. Jazz Kitchen music style 21. ___ Solo of “Star Wars” 23. Crier 24. Shades State Park gorge
25. African fly 27. Number of ABA championships won by the Pacers 29. Indiana State Fair barn female 30. Lucas Oil Stadium sign: First ___ 32. “___ the ramparts...” 33. United Nations kid’s grp. 34. Type of Noblesville HS pitcher
Current in Carmel
35. Perspiring at Cardinal Fitness 37. The Guess Who song: “___ Eyes” 40. Something to chew on at Fair Oaks Farm 41. El ___ De Tala Mexican Restaurant 42. Attempt 44. Indianapolis’ NBA foe 47. 29-Down’s mate 48. Annual May event: ___ Marathon 50. Face-off 52. Shade of blue 53. Morty’s Comedy Joint groaners
54. Wrap at Amber Indian Restaurant 55. Ogled 57. Big plant at Habig Garden Shop 58. Kind of race 60. “The Bob & Tom Show” news director, Kristi ___ 62. Had a burrito at Queso Blanco 63. ___ Jones Expressway 64. James Whitcomb Riley’s words of praise 65. Carmel Racquet Club court divider
Puzzle Solutions Page 34
November 2, 2010 | 37
38 | November 2, 2010
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November 2, 2010 | 39
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40 | November 2, 2010
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10/19/10 2:26 PM